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Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (8/14/24)

The champions must prove themselves!



Are The Elite really the elite of All Elite?

While All In is only ELEVEN DAYS away, the card could change drastically! Will The Young Bucks still be AEW World Tag Team Champions after tonight?


  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone w/ Kamille VS Hikaru Shida; Mone wins and retains the title.
  • Hangman Page VS Jay Lethal; Hangman wins.
  • All In Casino Gauntlet Qualifier Triple Threat: Roderick Strong VS Kyle O’Reilly VS Orange Cassidy; Cassidy wins and is guaranteed the number one spot.
  • AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks VS The Acclaimed; The Bucks win, by disqualification, and retain the titles.
  • Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana VS Wheeler Yuta; Swerve wins.


AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone w/ Kamille VS Hikaru Shida!

The CEO might be facing Britt Baker, DMD at All In, but only if she makes it through arguably THE BEST AEW Women’s World Champion ever! Will Mone still have both belts going into Wembley? Or will the Shining Samurai make history again by having checked off both AEW women’s titles?

The introductions are made, the teal belt is raised, and we see who’s bringing it across the pond!

The bell rings and the fans fire up already as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and they go around and around. Mone pulls hair and pushes Shida around, then soaks up the cheers and jeers. The two circle again, tie up, and they go around in another deadlock. They go along the ropes, then into a corner. The ref counts, Shida shows punch but Mone uses ropes as a defense. Shida backs off while fans boo, but Mone comes back slowly. The two tie up again, but Mone shoots around to throw Shida down by  her hair! Mone does her CEO dance, then runs, but Shida stays low, then shoots around to redirect Mone and RUN her over!

The fans fire up while Mone scrambles to a corner. Shida runs in, Mone dodges then O’Conner Rolls! TWO, and Mone goes up the corner! Mone jumps to FLYING ARM-DRAG into a lateral press then CROSSFACE! Shida rolls it, Cover, TWO! Mone ghost pins, TWO! Dropkicks cancel out and the fans fire up! The two reset, the fans rally up again, and they feel out a knuckle lock. But Mone kicks low! Mone fires forearms, backs Shida down, then whips corner to corner. Shida comes back to RANA! Mone gets spiked for a moment, but staggers up, and Shida runs in to KNEE her in the corner! Shida climbs to rain down fists!

The fans duel but still count along, and Shida goes all the way to TEN, then adds on! Shida lets off, snapmares Mone, then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Mone toughs it out but Shida gets moving! Mone deflects the knee, but Shida stops the roll-up to sit on a cover! ONE and Mone sunset flips! TWO and Shida sits up! TWO and Mone slips under to get the arms! Shida fights the backslide to backslide, TWO! Mone narrowly avoids the Katana! The fans are torn as Mone needs a breather. Kamille checks on Mone, and Shida runs up, but into a shoulder! Mone aims for a corner, but Shida blocks the bump to give the bump!

Shida then climbs the ropes and she brings Mone up! But Kamille anchors Mone! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Mone slips under, roll up with feet on ropes! The ref sees that one, so no count for Mone! Mone runs up on Shida, but Shida ducks ‘n’ scoops, BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up while Mone bails out to the apron. Shida intercepts her, CLUBS her, and fires up! The fans fire up with Shida, and she runs, only for Kamille to stand in her way! The fans boo the Brickhouse, but then Mone METEORAS Shida to the floor! Mone says she’s just too smart. Mone drags Shida into the ring, covers, TWO!

The fans continue to duel, but Mone snapmares Shida and runs. METEORA again! Cover, TWO! Mone is losing her cool but she KICKS Shida in the back! Mone drags Shida up to KNEE her in the back again and again! Then Mone clamps on a chinlock, digging her knee into Shida’s back. Shida pulls at Mone’s hair but Mone ELBOWS Shida in the head! The fans rally, Shida fights around, and Shida has the ROPEBREAK! Mone lets off, but then drags Shida up to bump her off buckles! Mone CLUBS away on Shida, then runs corner to corner, only to get a BOOT! Mone tries again, but Shida puts her on the apron!

Mone KNEES Shida down, then goes up and in to DOUBLE KNEE! Cover, TWO! Shida stays in this and Mone is beside herself! Mone drags Shida up but Shida ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up, Shida runs in, but Mone dodges to fire forearms! The ref counts, Mone lets off at 4, but then Shida blocks the whip! Mone fires more forearms, whips again but Shida reverses. Mone reverses back but Shida goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up again as Shida winds up. Shida ROCKS Mone with forearm after forearm! Mone swings, but Shida blocks to ROCK her again! Shida whips, and she TAMASHII KNEES Mone down! Cover, TWO!!

Mone survives but Shida brings her right back up! FALCON- NO, Mone slips free to BACKSTABBER! No crossface to follow up, but Mone aims from a corner. Mone runs back in, METE- NO, Shida sends Mone into buckles! KNEE to the back! Shida puts Mone up top, ROCKS her, then climbs up after her! The fans fire up but Mone fights the suplex. Mone shoves Shida to then METEORA again! Cover, TWO!! Shida is still in this and Mone is stunned! The fans continue to duel, and Mone rises up. Mone brings Shida up and in, suplexes, Una Amiga! Then Dos Amigas! The fans are torn but Shida stops Three Amigas!

Shida suplexes for the FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Mone survives but Shida roars! Shida aims again, but Kamille saves Mone again! The fans boo, this insurance policy is too active! So Shida WRECKS Kamille with a dropkick! Shida puts Mone in, grabs her kendo stick, and she SMACKS Kamille! The fans fire up as Shida aims again! But Mone grabs the stick! The ref says no1 mone argues with him, but Kamille BOOTS Shida behind his back!! The fans boo, Mone drags Shida in, Gory Especial for MONEY MAKER!! Cover, Mone wins!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by pinfall (still AEW TBS Champion)

The investment that is Kamille pays off big time! This is still the Two Belt Boss, but wait! The Doctor will see you now! Mone & Kamille are on guard, expecting Britt to come from the ramp. But wait, there’s a fan wearing a sting mask and holding up a “DMD > CEO” sign! That was Britt last time so Kamille goes after them! Kamille throws this person down, stomps them, but wait! Britt comes in from the other side of the crowd! Britt has pulled one over on Mone, and she pulls on the glove! Mone freaks out, takes a swing, but gets a BOOT for it! Then Britt wrangles Mone into the RINGS OF SATURN! Kamille drags Mone out from under Britt!

The fans boo but Mone & Kamille are on the run! But the belts were left behind! Britt picks up the TBS Championship, will she soon make it her title after All In?


Backstage interview with Team Triple J.

Renee Paquette is with Sonjay Dutt, Jeff & Karen Jarrett, and Jay Lethal as we’re just moments away from Lethal VS Hangman Page. Ever since Hangman’s return, it seems like Triple J has been a thorn in his side. Jeff asks, “A thorn?! A thorn in his side!? What the hell are you talkin’ about, Renee?!” Lethal calms the Last Outlaw and says that Hangman doesn’t like them and they don’t like him! But the real issue is, whatever beef Hangman has with Swerve, it’s a problem for- OH NO, Hangman attacks Lethal now! He even grabs Renee’s mic to SMACK Jeff with it again and again! Lethal storms back up, he and Hangman brawl and end up by the stage!

The fans fire up as the Black Hat Cowboy throws more hands on Lethal, and brings him along the ramp. This is some “COWBOY S*IT” to be sure, and Hangman puts Lethal in the ring! The fans of Norfolk, Virginia cheer their own, but will Virginia now be for fighters as well as lovers?

Hangman Page VS Jay Lethal!

The bell rings and Hangman runs up, but Lethal DUMPS him out! Lethal then DIVES onto Hangman and sends him into railing! Lethal keeps moving, and he DIVES again! Another hit into railing, but Lethal’s not done! Lethal DIVES again, the hattrick is complete! But wait, Lethal keeps on going, DIVE number four! And then DIVE number five! The fans are thunderous already as Lethal rises up, one for every finger! Lethal puts Hangman in, then drags him onto the apron. Lethal climbs up, but Hangman Alabama Lifts! APRON DEADEYE!! Lethal flops to the floor, the fans fire up, and Hangman hauls Lethal up, to RAM him into railing!

Hangman drags Lethal up to DUMP into the timekeeper’s area! The fans fire up more while Lethal flounders around on the table. The ring count starts again, and Hangman storms his way over to Lethal, but Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Hangman drags Lethal up, brings him around and puts him in the ring. Hangman rains down fists, and lets off after about half a dozen. Lethal is dazed but still in this as he goes to ropes. Hangman CHOKES him on those ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Hangman puts Lethal in a corner to CHOP! Lethal is stinging, but Hangman CHOPS him again! Hangman whips corner to corner, runs in and LARIATS! Then he short arm LARIATS Lethal down! Hangman stands on the corner to soak up the cheers, maybe some jeers, and then he goes back to Lethal. Lethal fires body shots! Lethal stands to JAWBREAKER!

Lethal stands back up to ENZI- NO, Hangman ducks the kick! And he pump handles to deadlift Lethal for a FALL AWAY SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Lethal stays in this and Hangman seethes. Hangman paces while Lethal sit sup. Hangman clamps onto Lethal with a chinlock and he grinds Lethal down. Lethal fights up, fires body shots, then CHOPS! Lethal runs, but Hangman BOOTS him down! Hangman again soaks up the cheers and jeers, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Hangman SLAPS Lethal on the back of the head, then pushes him around. Lethal stands, Hangman pushes him again, so Lethal CHOPS!

Lethal fires a forearm, Hangman DECKS him for it! The ref checks Lethal, he’s somehow still in this, so Hangman brings Lethal up. The fans duel, Hangman whips, but Lethal reverses. Hangman ducks to get around for a SLEEPER! Lethal flails, reaches out, then sits down to victory roll! TWO, and Hangman runs up! He gets Lethal in a clinch, and BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! Lethal survives but Hangman just gets angrier. Hangman drags Lethal back up, and he RAMS Lethal into a corner! Then he CHOPS Lethal, ROCKS Lethal, and hoists him up top. But Lethal CLUBS Hangman again and again!

Lethal UPPERCUTS, runs up, but Hangman fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Lethal survives again and Hangman is seething. Hangman tastes blood in his mouth from a busted lip, and now he’s really mad. The fans rally as hard as they can, Lethal goes to a corner, and Hangman runs in! But Lethal dodges to roll Hangman up! TWO!! Lethal O’Conner Rolls, TWO!! Hangman escapes again, but Lethal backslides him! TWO!! Lethal hurries to step over, LA MAGISTROL! TWO!!! Hangman barely escapes this time, but he swings into the LETHAL COMBINATION! The fans fire up as Lethal covers, TWO!!

Hangman hangs in there but the former ROH World Champion is pushing him! Lethal steps through but Hangman BOOTS him away! Then Hangman wrangles Lethal into a CROSSFACE! Lethal rolls that, TWO! Hangman Alabama Lifts gain! Lethal sunset flips it, steps through it, but Hangman CLAWS Lethal’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Hangman still finds as cradle! The shoulders aren’t done, Hangman has to find where to tip it! He has it, the ref counts, TWO!! Now Lethal survives by mere moments! DISCUS LARIAT!! Lethal is down, and Hangman goes to the apron! Hangman’s got a wild look in his eyes! Lethal slowly rises, even more dazed than before.

Hangman still slingshots, to BUCKSHOT!! Cover, Hangman wins!!

Winner: Hangman Page, by pinfall

Jay may be lethal but Hangman is the dangerous one around here! Doc Sampson checks on Lethal, did the Cowboy just put him out to pasture? Who else will suffer Hangman’s wrath on his warpath back to Swerve’s House?


AEW shares footage from MJF’s visit to Rev-Pro.

The (self-proclaimed) American Hero visited the top British promotion, and old stomping grounds of one Will Ospreay, in order to take on one Michael Oku. MJF defended his AEW “American” Championship, and won an epic battle with “The Master Of The Half-Crab,” only to disrespect Oku with a belt shot after! MJF even hit a Tiger Driver 91 on Oku, just as promised! But as MJF was about to cross yet another line and hurt Oku’s fiancé, Amira, Ospreay appeared and ran MJF off! The Aerial Assassin wants his revenge as well as his International Championship back, will he have them both in Wembley?


AEW hears from both MJF and Will Ospreay.

The Wolf of Wrestling says, “We’re getting one of the biggest matches you can possibly get, we’re getting MJF VS Will Ospreay Part 2.” Ospreay says, “August the 25th, Wembley Stadium, it’s time for me to lead AEW into a new generation.” Some kid from Essex has grown up, going from Rainham Social Club Halls with 50 people, to NJPW Wrestle Kingdom in the Tokyo Dome, to now Wembley Stadium last year, All In London 2023. But this is Ospreay’s legacy. When it comes to being best in the world, only one man truly fits that. And ever since he’s come to AEW, Ospreay sees that the game has changed.

Everyone is leveling up because Ospreay is here, and yet MJF says the best in the world is NOT Ospreay, it is Maxwell Jacob Friedman. An unknown in New York who scratched and clawed to become a generational talent who has, by hook or by crook, beaten some of the best around. He doesn’t need NJPW to make him who he is, because MJF made MJF. No more friends, no more mercy, but clearly still the same old MJF. Their first match was a 59:58 epic that MJF plays off as an “easy dub,” and he insulted the International Championship by throwing it away to create the American Championship.

MJF says this title is now the most important title in the history of professional sports. Ospreay says it isn’t even about the belt, it’s about insulting the work put in by everyone before him. MJF says he is now, always has and always will be the face of AEW. Ospreay is great, but he still isn’t MJF, because Ospreay lacks what it takes to be a real champion, a real king of this sport, and what that is, is killer instinct. MJF will pull the trigger, hit Ospreay with the Tiger Driver 91, and he will hold onto the title. Ospreay admits he did take his eye off the ball once. And he has this internal struggle of just doing the move and taking a win.

MJF says fact is, he won, he’s champion, and he’ll beat Ospreay again. Ospreay says last year, MJF made everyone giggle with his main event. Ospreay’s not coming to make anyone laugh. MJF isn’t just dealing with Ospreay, he’s dealing with an entire stadium of Englishmen wanting to see Ospreay rip MJF’s head off, and they’ll sing while it happens. MJF says in life, there are winners and there are losers, so he will do whatever it takes to win, and Ospreay doesn’t have that in him. But will MJF find out just how wrong he is? Maybe it’ll happen next week, because MJF and Ospreay will have one last face-to-face when AEW arrives in Cardiff!


PAC speaks.

He tells the cameraman to get in close here. “Tell me, who’s the #1 contender to the International- Sorry, the ‘American’ Championship, huh? No, no, no, it’s not Will Ospreay. It’s ME! But you see, Willy Boy, he goes behind my back, he swans into Tony Khan’s office, and he sanctions himself an International title match for Wembley Stadium…? Oi…! I am sick of this corrupt! Constantly overlooked, manipulated, and treated like a bum. That was my ticket to my Wembley Moment. But it’s okay, I’ve sanctioned myself some revenge.

“I will face whoever leaves Wembley International Champion, two weeks later, September 7th, Chicago, Illinois, in the very same arena where I beat Kenny Omega five years ago. So whether it’s MJF, or whether it’s Will Ospreay, at AEW All Out, I am taking back what’s mine, and reminding the entire world what The Bastard is capable of. Now get out. GET!” Pac pushes the camera away, will he make sure no one is safe after going All In?


Darby Allin speaks.

“Year’s ago, on the independents, I’m killing myself for nothing. Absolutely nothing. We’re talking 25, 50 dollars a night. And I think, ‘What’s the endgame for a guy like Darby Allin?’ Then I hear AEW’s starting. I didn’t even know what AEW is, but apparently it’s a place where you can actually be yourself. I knew I had to stop at nothing ’til I got there. I’m homeless, living in my car, and then I get this news update that AEW has signed ‘Jungle Boy’ Jack Perry. And I think to myself, ‘Who the F is ‘Jungle Boy’ Jack Perry?’

“And then it hits me, that AEW is a place where The Elite are just gonna hire their friends. Yeah, it’s cool, Jungle Boy did a couple of indies in California. He didn’t really have to sacrifice much to get to AEW. It’s good. After all these years, Jack Perry, you can finally be yourself. Because what was Jungle Boy? Ain’t nobody believed in that Tarzan BS. It’s good. You’re actually yourself now. Which is a child who takes everything for granted! I don’t think you understand how important a place like AEW is. Because if you did, you would treat it with respect.

“Every week, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, I got out there and I kill myself, because I don’t take any of this for granted. Y’know, last year, with all that dumb s*it that you pulled, I really wished you’d gotten fired. Because I don’t think anybody would miss you. I wouldn’t miss you. The fans wouldn’t miss you. What have you added to AEW? At Wembley, we’re gonna put this to an end.” The Relentless One has spoken, will he make sure The Scapegoat knows true sacrifice?


Darby Allin is here!

Norfolk cheers as The Relentless One steps out on stage, but then someone CLOBBERS him from outta nowhere! They have a beanie and mask on, and surprise! It’s Jack Perry! Jack soaks up all the heat from Norfolk before he rains down fists on Darby! Jack lets his hair down, then drags Darby up to shove him back through the tunnel! The beating continues backstage, and he throws Darby into road cases! Jack climbs up, but Darby trips him up! Darby CHOKES Jack, Jack CLAWS Darby’s face! Jack CHUCKS a trash can into Darby’s head! Then he CHUCKS Darby into a garage door! The door was open just enough to basically clothesline Darby down!

Jack then pushes the door down onto Darby!! Darby is being crushed, something about this seems familiar. Jack tells the “self-righteous little bastard” that he only sacrifices for himself and pretends to be a hero! Jack SPITS on Darby, leaves him behind, and brings a road case around! Security rushes in but Jack shoves them down! But then more guards get in the way of the case! Jack is denied running Darby over, but he vows to end Darby once and for all at Wembley! Jack says he’ll even beat Darby at his own game! The TNT Championship match is now a COFFIN MATCH!! The Scapegoat is raising the stakes, but who comes away paying the price?


AEW presents: Mariah May.

The Glamour admires herself in the mirror under black ‘n’ white filter, but then she tells us, “We’re not doing that s*it.” In full color, she asks us, “Is it better to be remembered? Or to be forgotten? To be put in the ground, or to go up in flames? To be me, or to be you (Toni Storm). Last year at Wembley Stadium, you failed. I copied your successes, but never your mistakes. This year, it’s All About Mariah, and not about you. Your greatest mistake was being alive at the same time as me. You wanted to be a star? Well now, it’s time to burn. You will obsess over me until the day you die, and I… will forget you completely.

“I’ll forget your screams, your tears, even the taste of your blood. I have better things to do. One day, I’ll look out the window and wonder, ‘Whatever happened to Toni Storm?’ Don’t worry, darling. We’re both going to die. I just get to write your eulogy.” Mariah is ready to end #ToniTime, will it be May Day every day?


Backstage interview with Mina Shirakawa.

Renee is with Mariah’s first mentor, and says we haven’t seen her in AEW since Forbidden Door, where Mina, Mariah & Toni all left arm in arm. And now, those two are in a blood feud, has Mina had any contact with either of them? Mina says no, she hasn’t heard from Mariah or spoken with Toni. Mina is just shocked and heartbroken. She saw they were in love, and still loves them both. Did she expect this kind of transformation from either of them? No, Mina hasn’t seen Mariah ever be this vicious, and she has never seen Toni so obsessed with revenge. She cannot believe these are the same people!

Then who does Mina feel walks away the winner at Wembley? Mina doesn’t know, but she just hopes no one gets seriously hurt. Will that sadly be the only way this ends between Mariah and Toni?


All In Casino Gauntlet Qualifier Triple Threat: Roderick Strong VS Kyle O’Reilly VS Orange Cassidy!

Normally in a gauntlet, you would want to be the last man entered to have the best chance of winning. But given Casino Gauntlets can end at any time, starting things off is what gives you the best odds. The Savior of the Backbreaker complained about being denied even participating in the last one, will he turn that all around with a win tonight? Or will someone from The Conglomeration be making the most of this golden opportunity?

The bell rings and the three circle. They feel things out, but then Roddy CHOPS Kyle! Roddy swings on Cassidy, Cassidy gets around, but Roddy still CHOPS him! Kyle KICKS Roddy, Cassidy dodges Kyle to SHOTGUN Roddy! Kyle aims again but Cassidy avoids another kick! Cassidy dodges Roddy, Roddy blocks kicks from Kyle, and then Kyle has his eyes on Cassidy, so Cassidy holds back on the Orange Punch. The fans cheer this opening exchange, and then Roddy CHOPS Cassidy! Roddy CHOPS Kyle, TOSSES him, then goes for Cassidy in a corner! CHOP, and then buckle bump! Roddy whips and Cassidy hits buckles hard!

Roddy stands Cassidy up to CHOP again! Roddy whips, Cassidy reverses, and fans rally for “FRESHLY SQUEEZED!” but Roddy goes up and over. Roddy keeps moving, Cassidy hurdles and Kyle kitchen sink KNEES Roddy down! Cassidy adds a basement DROPKICK! Roddy staggers up, Kyle LARIATS him up and out! Cassidy fires up, builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit and Roddy hits railing! The fans fire up, but then Cassidy watches Kyle! No flying knee, so Kyle just invites Cassidy back into the ring. The fans cheer as Cassidy steps up to the apron, only to roll under the ropes. Kyle smirks, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Kyle and Cassidy circle, tie up, and Kyle headlocks. Cassidy pops out the back to headlock in return, but Kyle does the same. Roddy returns, he runs up, but Kyle & Cassidy back drop him! Kyle then hits a takeover, but Cassidy headscissors. Kyle kips free, Cassidy hits a takeover but Kyle headscissors. Cassidy kips free, the two back off, and Cassidy shakes out his arm as they reset. They knuckle lock, Kyle shoots in and around to waistlock, but Kyle wrenches free to wristlock. Kyle waistlocks, but Cassidy sits down and rolls free. Cassidy spins and spins to wrench and wrench and wrench the arm!

Cassidy kips up while holding the wristlock, and he twists the arm! Kyle rolls back, spins and drop toeholds, then floats to a facelock. Kyle then suplexes, but Cassidy fights! Cassidy tries to suplex but Kyle fights! They go back and forth, trying to take control, but Roddy returns! Roddy CLUBS them both, but they both kick him! They DOUBLE SUPLEX Roddy away, and then reset. Cassidy and Kyle circle, tie up, and Cassidy headlocks. Cassidy wrenches, hammerlocks, then headlocks to then spin Kyle and hit an arm-drag! Cassidy grinds the arm, Kyle fights up, but Cassidy wrenches and waistlocks, then spins to backslide! TWO!

Cassidy reels Kyle into a cradle, TWO! Kyle staggers up, Cassidy says hands up! And in pockets! The fans cheer but Kyle SOBATS Cassidy! Dynamite returns to single picture as Kyle jumps on for a GUILLOTINE! But Roddy returns and pulls Kyle away from Cassidy, for a BACKBREAKER! Cassidy runs up, tilt-o-whirls, but into a GUTBUSTER! And then Roddy lifts Cassidy to URENAGE him onto Kyle! The fans are torn while Roddy is all fired up! Cover on Cassidy, TWO! Cover on Kyle, TWO! Roddy drags Cassidy up for a BACKBREAKER! Kyle stands, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Roddy hauls Cassidy up, for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!

Roddy is frustrated but he drags Cassidy up. Roddy reels Cassidy in, suplexes, but gets STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Cassidy holds on so Kyle can AX ‘N’ SMASH Roddy! Roddy flounders away, Cassidy O’Conner Rolls Kyle! TWO, Kyle body scissors for a GEDO CLUTCH! TWO and Cassidy tries another O’Conner, TWO! Kyle has the REAR NAKED CHOKE! Roddy returns and he has them both! DOUBLE  STRONGHOLD! The fans are thunderous seeing this one! But both Kyle and Cassidy endure, and Roddy has to let them both go. The fans rally up, and Cassidy goes to a corner. Roddy runs in but into a BOOT!

Cassidy goes up, Roddy CHOPS him! Cassidy leans back, but Roddy sits him up. Roddy climbs, but Kyle joins in! Roddy punches at Kyle, but Cassidy ROCKS Roddy! Roddy falls back, but Kyle trips Cassidy up! Orange lands on his grapes, Kyle fires off strikes on Roddy! Roddy blocks a kick to fire off elbows! Roddy underhooks, TIGER- GUILLOTINE! Kyle has Roddy, but Cassidy rises up! LAZY ELBOW DROP! All three men are down and the fans are thunderous for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” Cassidy goes to one corner, Roddy goes to the other, and Kyle is in the middle, but then here comes The Kingdom, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett!

The fans boo as the ROH World Tag Team Champions walk down to ringside to support their guy, Roddy. Bennett even puts a chair in the ring! But here comes the rest of The Conglomeration, Mark Briscoe & Tomohiro Ishii! Chicken & Bulldog drag Bennett & Taven down to fire hands! The fans fire up as Mark even slips into the ring! Ishii lines up the shot as Mark uses the chair to FLY!! Down goes The Kingdom and the fans are thunderous again! The Conglomeration chases off The Kingdom, beating them up as they go! Cassidy stands, Roddy goes for the chair. Cassidy runs up, into a half nelson! Cassidy slips free, dodges, but Roddy keeps moving!

Roddy comes back, but Cassidy takes a seat! Roddy dumps himself up and out of the ring! The fans are thunderous again as Cassidy runs, to DIVE! Down goes Roddy at the ramp! But then Roddy’s right up to RAM Cassidy into apron! Kyle runs out there, but into an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Kyle falls to the floor while Dynamite goes back to picture in picture!

Roddy drags Cassidy up, he URENAGES Cassidy onto the floor! Cassidy writhes, Roddy drags him up and into the ring, and then hurries in after him. Roddy storms around while the ref checks Cassidy. Cassidy is somehow still in this, so Roddy stands him up. Cassidy trips Roddy to DOUBLE STOMP! Cassidy bails out, because he wants to go looking for plunder! But Roddy WRECKS him with a dropkick first! Roddy wags his finger, no goodies for Cassidy. Roddy puts Cassidy in the ring, storms up and CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Roddy runs side to side to ROCK Cassidy with elbow after elbow!

Roddy then hauls Cassidy up, atomic SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Cassidy survives and Roddy is growing frustrated. Roddy goes outside now, and he looks for plunder. Roddy doesn’t find what he wants on that end so he goes around the way. Still nothing good, so he goes to the third side. Nope. Then it has to be the last side, the ramp side. Still nothing? Roddy says forget it then, and he steps back inside, right as Dynamite returns to single picture. Roddy grabs the legs, but Cassidy kicks and kicks and kicks! Roddy ties those legs up, TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! But Kyle runs in to BOOT Roddy! Roddy is mad, but Kyle KICKS him!

Roddy CHOPS Kyle, Kyle KICKS again! They CHOP and KICK, then Roddy CHOPS Cassidy just because! CHOP, KICK, repeat! Cassidy stands up, Kyle KICKS him! Roddy and Kyle start firing forearms! They ROCK each other, and now Cassidy is mad! Cassidy “kicks” away on them both! Then he actually kicks and stomps away! The fans fire up for Freshly Squeezed Fury, and he dodges lariats to DOUBLE RANA! The fans are thunderous as Cassidy gest moving, tilt-o-whirl TOSS, DDT for Kyle! Roddy kicks Cassidy, reels him in, but gets BEACH BREAK!! Cover, TWO!! Roddy survives and the fans can’t believe it!

Cassidy grits his teeth while he and Kyle slowly rise. “This is Awesome!” as off comes the elbow pad! Cassidy loads up, takes aim, and he- KNEE from Kyle! Kyle then ROCKS Roddy! Cassidy SUPERKICKS Kyle! Kyle yoyos, Cassidy dodges, LARIAT hits Roddy! ORANGE- NO, Kyle catches Cassidy to an ARMBAR!! Roddy stomps Kyle, Kyle grabs that leg, ANKLE LOCK!! Kyle lets Cassidy go to focus on Roddy with a GRAPEVINE! Roddy endures, sits up, into a PENALTY KICK from Cassidy! Kyle lets Roddy go so he can PENALTY KICK, too! Roddy sputters, Kyle says he and Cassidy need to end Roddy first!

Cassidy aims, runs up, but Roddy gets away, Cassidy runs into Kyle! Roddy runs, he and Kyle hit TOTAL ANNIHILATION! Kyle and Roddy both cover Cassidy, and the ref says no, there can only be one winner. Roddy and Kyle fire forearms on each other! Kyle gets the edge, he ROCKS Roddy to a corner, then runs in, into a BOOT! ENZIGIRI! And then Roddy loads up, but Cassidy moves Kyle out of the way! STRONG KNEE hits Cassidy! Roddy dodges Kyle to SICK KICK!! Roddy hurries to bring Kyle back up, but Kyle suplexes first! And into an ARMBAR!! Roddy clasps hands, but Kyle gets a leg, too! Cassidy rolls Kyle, and WINS!!!

Winner: Orange Cassidy, by pinfall (Guaranteed #1 entry in the All In Casino Gauntlet)

Kyle is pissed in himself for getting caught, but this is a lot like how a Casino Gauntlet can go! As chaotic as this Triple Threat was, how much crazier will it get when four, five or however many more men are battling for a shot at the world title?


Backstage interview with Claudio Castagnoli and Kazuchika Okada.

Renee Paquette is moderating the face-to-face of Swiss Superman and Rainmaker. They have agreed to no physicality here, as Claudio will challenge Okada for the Continental Championship next week for Dynamite: Cardiff. Renee wants to start with Claudio and “the beginning,” The Continental Classic. This championship was born, and what would having it mean to Claudio? Claudio says it would mean a lot to him. Claudio felt that the Continental Championship was meant to be his title, so when he wasn’t successful in the C2, it bothered him quite a lot. But life is not about how many times you get knocked down, but about how many times you stand back up.

And if you keep on fighting, you get a chance like this. Claudio knows this is going to be amazing, this is a first-time-ever match, and it is in Europe, so this time, Claudio plans on making it count. Renee goes to Okada and Okada applauds. “Nice speech. You’re very passionate. See? Uh uh uh uh uh~!” Okada laughs, and says twelve guys fought for this title. But there is only one champion, and it’s him, not Claudio. Okada is the greatest tournament wrestler of all time. He is a FOUR-TIME G1 Climax winner. Claudio will respect Okada when Okada beats him in Cardiff! And Okada vows to be champion even after this year’s coming Continental Classic.

“So… Good luck. B*tch.” The Rainmaker stares Claudio down while leaving, and Claudio says he really hopes he doesn’t get this version of Okada. This “uh uh” joker, this EVP lackey who just wants to make his friends laugh. No, Claudio wants THE Rainmaker, not this bootleg! He wants the man who DID win those four G1 tournaments! He wants the Tokyo Dome main eventer Rainmaker. Because Claudio is going to bring the best version of himself, the same way he does every single time he is in that ring! Claudio will be seven times better by this point next week, so Okada better be ready. Because in Cardiff, Okada will have 99 problems, and this “b*tch” is number one!


Backstage interview with The Patriarchy.

Renee is now with Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, Mother Shayna, and Killswitch-Luchasaurus, the AEW World Trios Champions. Renee brings up Captain Charisma being the special guest referee last Saturday on Collision, the #1 contenders match of Bang Bang Gang VS The House of Black, clearly taking matters into his own hands to protect these titles. But now, there is a big question mark as to how these titles will be defended at All In. Christian says yes, that is the million dollar question, isn’t it? Surely another trio will step up in the interim. But as far as last Saturday, Christian called that match right down the middle, just as he said he would.

“The Bang Bang Gang and The House of Black didn’t answer the bell, they couldn’t make the ten count, and that’s on them. And like I just said, I always keep my promises, I always do what I say I’m gonna do. I said we’d be the Trios Champions and we are. I said I was gonna win every single accolade there is to win in AEW, and I will. I am using this as a vehicle back to the World Heavyweight Championship. In fact, I am going to hold every single title at the same time!

“Now this Friday on Rampage, my son, Nick, has a match against that creepy weirdo, fatherless loser, Kip Sabian, and he’s gonna make an example out of him. Now unfortunately for you, Norfolk, I won’t be there in attendance because I don’t wanna associate myself with such bottom feeders.” Renee asks if that’s the reason why, or is Christian concerned about protecting himself from- Christian tells Renee that she’s had a condescending tone this entire time and he doesn’t appreciate it, he’ll take it from here. Step off his set. Renee leaves, and Christian tells her to stick to being a mom. She’s gonna be a worse mom than she is an interviewer.

Christian says that this is The Patriarchy! They are the Faces of TBS now and forever! Captain Charisma is as confident as ever, but will a trio step forward to tear down The Patriarchy?


Tony Schiavone is in the ring.

Schiavone starts by telling Christian Cage that on behalf of Virginia, they don’t want Christian here! The fans cheer that, and Schiavone moves on by bringing up last week, the return of one of the greats in AEW. Tonight, we get to talk to that man. It’s HOOOOK~! The Hook Signal appears, and out comes The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil, that burned eye still bandaged up. Hook joins Schiavone in the ring, and Schiavone says we have seen the lows Chris Jericho will stoop to. From Shibata to Samoa Joe to Hook, how is his eye right now? Hook says he can’t see out of it. Hook then wants everyone to look at the bandages.

Does Jericho see what he did? He took that eye, sure. But does Jericho see the problem? Hook can see just fine with the other! Hook can still see Jericho, and he’s sick of this ish! Hook wants his title back! He wants to fight Jericho for HIS FTW Championship, and he wants it right here, right now, in Norfolk, Virginia! The fans want to see that! And here comes The Learning Tree! The “For The World” Champion of 116 days leads the way for Bryan Keith & “Big Bill” Morrissey, and Jericho of course waves and says, “Hi, guys~! Hi, Hook! And y’know one, Hook? You really are one stupid SOB.

“Even after I blinded you with a fireball, you still want to challenge The Learning Tree, to a fight, here in Norfolk, tonight? You wanna fight?!” The fans do! Jericho storms his way down the ramp, takes off his banana yellow jacket, and asks again, “You wanna fight!? You ain’t getting one.” The fans boo but Jericho says, “It’s not worth my time to fight you in Norfolk here tonight, Hook. But what is worth my time is Wembley Stadium. So I’ll give you a shot at the For The World Championship, at All In, but there’s a couple caveats first that you have to agree to.

“And the first one is this: When you have your shot at Wembley, it’s your final chance at the For The World Championship. And when I beat you, and I’m going to beat you, you’re done. You walk away from the FTW title, you walk away from The Learning Tree, and you walk out of the Jericho Vortex forever. Second caveat is next week, in Cardiff, you get to face, one on one, The Redwood, Big Bill!” And Bill tells Hook, “I’m gonna beat you down and I’m gonna shove you… Straight up Taz’s ass.” Hook chuckles, but Bryan Keith adds, “STRAIGHT UP HIS ASS!” So if Hook agrees to all that, see you at Wembley! Thanks~!

The fans boo Jericho as he waves, but Hook says yeah, he accepts. He’s looking forward to it. He’s looking forward to dumping “Big B*tch on his big ass head, and I’m looking forward to tearing you, Chris, limb from limb! Chris, after Wembley Stadium, you will never, ever be the same… again~!” Hook serves Jericho his own line, but will he be able to cut down The Redwood before going All In with The Learning Tree?


AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks VS The Acclaimed!

There are title shots up and down the All In card, but this one couldn’t wait any longer! Matthew & Nicholas Jackson know FTR wants to revisit All In 2023, but Max Caster & Anthony Bowens want to remix the track to put their own spin on it. Will the “overall, fine gentlemen, very fine gentlemen” be the ones facing Dax & Cash? Or will The Best Wrestler Alive & The Five Tool Player be the ones taking the #TopGuysOut?

The introductions are made, but then Caster & Bowens attack from behind! No rapping, no scissoring, no playing around, Acclaimed is giving a beatdown! Caster is after Matt while Bowens CLUBS away on Nick! They all keep fighting on stage, The Bucks turn things around, and they reel The Acclaimed in! But then The Acclaimed STEREO BACK DROP The Bucks onto the ramp! Nick slumps off one side, Matt hurries to follow. Caster holds up the belts, and then Bowens CROSSBODIES The Bucks down! The fans fire up and The Acclaimed drag The Bucks down the ramp. The beating continues, and The Acclaimed put The Bucks in the ring.

But then The Bucks get moving! The Bucks STEREO WRECKING BALL DROPKICK! The fans boo but then The Bucks STEREO PLANCHA! Matt mockingly asks, “What was that?” while the fans boo, but now Nick holds up the belts. Matt puts Bowens in the ring, the bell sounds, and Matt storms up on Bowens. Bowens kicks low but Matt throws hands! Matt whips, Bowens KICKS back! Bowens keeps moving, LEAPFROG FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO! And here comes Billy Gunn to cheer on his boys! The fans fire up with Daddy Ass and Bowens drags Matt up. Tag to Caster, The Acclaimed double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW!

Nick storms in, but he gets a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Then Caster TOSSES Nick. Caster goes to Matt, the fans fire up more, and Caster CLUBS Matt. Matt kicks low then whips, but Caster reverses. Nick sneaks a tag, Matt slides under Caster and whips him again. Nick jumps in, The Bucks double kick! Nick runs, Matt gives him the boost, and Nick DROPKICKS Caster down! The fans boo but The Bucks soak it up. Nick stomps Caster to a corner, then scrapes Caster’s face against ropes! The ref counts, Nick stomps Caster in the corner, then ROCKS him with a right. But Caster fires back in return! The fans rally, but Nick JAWBREAKERS!

Nick drags Caster up, tags Matt, and Matt climbs. Matt DOUBLE STOMPS Caster’s arm! Matt kicks Caster around, taunts him, then pie faces him. Caster pie faces back, then ROCKS Matt with a forearm! Caster keeps after Matt as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Matt blocks a shot to ROCK Caster back! Matt kicks Caster around, snapmares, then tags Nick. Nick slingshot SENTONS! Caster sputters and Nick taunts Bowens. The ref has to keep Bowens back, and then Nick “tags” Matt in. Matt stomps Caster, digs his boots into Caster at the corner, the ref sees that and counts, and Matt lets off at 4. Billy warns Matt but Matt taunts Billy. Matt goes back for Caster, but Caster fires hands! Matt RAMS Caster into the corner! And then RAMS him again and again! Matt ROCKS Caster, then tags Nick. Nick drags Caster up, whips him back to the corner hard, and Caster falls to the mat.

Nick taunts Bowens then stomps Caster. Nick tags Matt, and Matt climbs up. Nick holds Caster in place for Matt to AX HANDLE! Matt kicks Caster around, brings him up, but Caster fires hands! Caster whips, Matt reverses, but Bowens tags in! Caster sunset flips, Matt stays up, so Bowens runs up, NECKBREAKER BACKBREAKER COMBO! Bowens then brings Matt to the corner to fire forearms! Caster tags in, The Acclaimed bring Matt around, and they double whip him back to the Acclaimed corner. Dynamite returns to single picture as Bowens runs up to forearm SMASH! Caster runs up to ELBOW! Bowens runs back in to SMASH!

Bowens feeds Matt to Caster for a scoop SLAM! Caster holds Matt up, Bowens goes up, and the fans fire up while Nick protests! Bowens calls for it but Matt UP KICKS Caster away! No timbers being scissored here! But there’s Billy! Matt wants Billy to calm down, but then Caster is there, too! Matt finds himself surrounded in enemy territory, but he jukes Caster! Nick PENALTY KICKS Caster, and Matt JAWBREAKERS Bowens! Billy chases Nick around the outside! Nick throws a chair but Billy catches it! The ref only sees Nick begging for mercy now! And the ref EJECTS Billy!? The fans boo as The Bucks pull one over on the ref!

Billy tells The Bucks they’re gonna pay, but things are back to 2v2. Matt smirks as he rains down fists in the corner! The fans boo more but Matt smirks at five. Then he CLAWS Caster’s face! Matt bumps Caster off buckles, tags in Nick, and The Bucks double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW! The Bucks flex in their classic pose, then Nick stomps Caster. Nick CLAWS Caster’s back, then CLAWS him again! Nick climbs up in a corner, and he rains down fists! Nick goes all the way to TEN, then lets off. Nick TOSSES Caster out, then snatches a “DUNG BUCKS” sign to RIP it apart! The fans boo but Nick shrugs. But Caster RAMS Nick into the apron!

Caster SMACKS Nick using the paper! Caster whips, Nick reverses and puts Caster in! Caster crawls for his corner but Nick hurries to CLAW Caster’s back! Tag to Matt, and Matt sends Nick in. Caster puts Nick on the apron, but Matt runs in! Caster dodges, the ENZIGIRI hits Matt! Guess that’s more a gamangiri now. But the fans are thunderous as Caster then dodges Nick! And dodges again, to hot tag Bowens! Bowens rallies on The Bucks, and he fires Rock, Paper Scissors SUPER- NO, Matt blocks that kick, and Nick SUPERKICKS Bowens! Matt cravats, Nick gives him the boost, SLICED BREAD! And SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!

Bowens stays in this and the fans rally up. Matt fires hands on Bowens in the corner, then rains down more fists as Bowens sits down. Matt stands on Bowens, lets off as the ref counts, and Bowens stands. Nick HOTSHOTS Bowens, Matt brings him around and suplexes! Cover, TWO! Matt clamps on a chinlock, and Dynamite goes back to picture in picture.

Bowens endures, fights around, and fights up to fire body shots! Matt RAMS Bowens into buckles! Nick holds Bowens but Bowens elbows him back! Matt runs up, into a BOOT! Bowens hurries for his corner, but Matt scoops him! BACKBREAKER! Tag to Nick, and he hits a LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Bowens stays in this but Nick stays on him with a rain of fists! Nick lets off for only a moment to rain down even more shots! Nick then scrapes his soles off Bowens! Nick taunts Caster, then brings Bowens up to go for the corner. Bowens blocks the buckle bump to fire body shots! Bowens fires forearms, elbows, but Nick WHEEL KICKS!

Both men are down and Caster rallies the fans. Nick tags Matt, and Matt drags Bowens up to put him in the ropes. Tag back to Nick while Matt has Bowens dangling! Nick goes up for the DRAPING SWANTON BOMB! Cover, Caster breaks it! The ref reprimands but Caster did what he had to do to keep The Acclaimed going! Bowens reaches out for his corner, but Nick facelocks to keep him down. Bowens fights up, throws body shots, then fires forearms! Bowens runs, into a SUPERKICK! Dynamite returns to single picture and Nick tags Matt. The Bucks stay between Bowens and Caster while they pump up the custom Reeboks!

The fans boo but The Bucks take aim, to DOUBLE SUPERKICK Caster! Bowens is isolated now, but he dodges the superkicks! He DOUBLE LARIATS on the return! The fans fire up with Bowens, but he still doesn’t have Caster! Bowens crawls over as he calls to Caster, and Caster drags himself up! Nick anchors Bowens but Bowens fires hands! They both stand, Bowens ROCKS Nick! Nick CLUBS Bowens! Nick back suplexes, but Bowens lands out! Bowens dodges Nick to hot tag Caster! The fans are thunderous as Caster rallies on Nick! Caster whips, Nick reverses but Caster hits a SLINGBLADE! Caster air guitars as a shoutout to Scissor Ace!

Matt runs up to headlock but Caster powers up and out. Caster drops, hurdles, and then trophy lifts Matt! Caster LAWN DARTS Matt at buckles! Then Caster LARIATS Nick up and out! Caster LARIATS Matt, and then PLANCHAS Nick! The fans fire up again and Caster puts Nick in! Caster climbs, and he CROSSBODIES Nick down! Cover, Matt breaks it! Bowens is there to ROCK Matt! Bowens CHOPS Matt in one corner, Caster has Nick in the other. The Acclaimed coordinate, whip, but The Bucks dosido. The Acclaimed dodge and then dosido, but The Bucks dodge! Only for The Acclaimed to block the kicks!

The Acclaimed spin The Bucks, but then DOUBLE DOUBLE LARIATS take everyone down! The fans are thunderous again, “This is Awesome!” Bowens and Matt bail out, a standing count is on Caster and Nick. Nick stands in a corner, Caster runs in but Nick dodges the splash! Nick GAMANGIRIS, then BULLDOGS! Caster sputters, Nick goes up the corner! SWANTON onto knees! Caster saves himself but it was a touch double-edged. Even so, Caster and Nick crawl, but Matt drags Bowens off the apron! POWERBOMB to the ramp!! Nick rolls Caster, with tights! TWO!! Caster escapes and Nick is beside himself!

Matt hurries back over, Nick tags him in. The Bucks drag Caster up, and they set up! But Caster slips free of the scoop and shoves Matt into Nick! Caster then waistlocks, but Matt backs him up into the ref! The ref gets sandwiched in the corner! The fans boo but Matt LOW BLOWS Caster! Matt doesn’t even care about the ref, he goes for the belts! Matt brings one into the ring and takes aim at Caster! But wait! FTR is here!! Dax snatches that belt from Matt, Cash checks on the ref, but Dax stands down. Matt eggs Dax on, and even SPITS at him!! Dax gest pissed, he TACKLES Matt!! The ref sees that, he calls DISQUALIFICATION!!

Winners: The Young Bucks, by disqualification (still AEW World Tag Team Champions)

The fans boo and The Acclaimed is furious! FTR just cost them! The ref tries to stop another fight from breaking out, but here comes Billy, as well as security! The fans are just as upset as Caster & Bowens, but The Bucks just slip away with big smiles on their faces. The bottom line for them is that they have the gold. But will the Bucks use their executive powers to give themselves the night off at All In?

Renee is backstage with Christopher Daniels, who is himself very disappointed. Renee says she had a question but now has to ask him about this. What does this mean for the tag title situation going into All In? The Fallen Angel says if The Bucks had legitimately defeated The Acclaimed, then he’d have no choice but to call FTR the new #1 contenders. However, that wasn’t definitive in any way. This issue between all these teams hasn’t ended. So while this result complicates the situation, Daniels has a very simple solution: Saturday Night Collision, FTR VS Acclaimed, the winners face The Bucks for the belts at All In. May the best team win!


Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana VS Wheeler Yuta!

The Realest AEW World Champion is preparing for Title VS Career, and what really could be the “Final Countdown” of Bryan Danielson, and he’s going to use Bryan’s “protege” to do just that. The Decoder has been training with The American Dragon like there’s no tomorrow, but will he be made an example to The GOAT? Or will Yuta use everything Bryan has taught him to tear down Swerve’s House?

Bryan himself is ringside so he can watch all of this in person. But at the same time, Swerve stares Bryan down, making sure he knows this same fight is coming for him. The bell rings and Yuta runs up, but into a BOOT! Yuta falls back, Swerve drags him up and runs to BOOT him again! Swerve then TOSSES Yuta out while the fans are thunderous for “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve dribbles Yuta off the railing, then drags him up to whip him into the steel steps! The steps move from the impact! Swerve then drags Yuta up, right in front of Bryan, and Swerve says none of that training is gonna help Yuta!

Swerve says Bryan is nothing anymore, and he’s gonna retire Bryan! Bryan still coaches Yuta, but Swerve puts Yuta in the ring. Swerve glares at Bryan before stepping back inside, and Yuta CHOPS! Yuta fires forearms and CHOPS, then he whips. Swerve blocks, and CHOPS back! Swerve whips Yuta to a corner, but Yuta goes up, only for Swerve to catch him in an Electric Chair. But Yuta spins through to arm-drag, and CHOP! Forearm! CHOP! Yuta keeps going, kicks, but swerve blocks to slip around and BACKBREAKER! Gator roll and suplex, for the BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up while Swerve snarls and looms over Yuta.

Swerve brings Yuta up, fireman’s carries, and then RAMS him into a corner! Swerve snapmares Yuta, goes up the corner, and FALLING UPPERCUTS! And he hits the Griddy! The fans cheer, and Swerve stares Bryan down. Bryan still coaches Yuta, and Swerve is amused. The fans rally up with Bryan, and Swerve goes back to Yuta. Yuta fires hands from below, but Swerve BOOTS him down! Swerve drags Yuta up, chicken wings him, to turn him around and put Yuta in a Muscle Buster Stretcher! Yuta endures this unique hold, and Swerve dumps him down into a ghost pin, TWO! Swerve ELBOWS Yuta down, then ties up the legs.

Swerve traps the legs, CLUBS Yuta, turns him over and has an Indian Deathlock! Swerve sits on the legs to put on the pressure, but Yuta endures. Yuta keeps his shoulders up, too, and Bryan rallies the fans again. Swerve rains down shots on Yuta but Yuta hits back from below. Swerve goes for knuckle locks but Yuta BITES one of Swerve’s hands! Swerve lets Yuta out of the leglock while the ref reprimands Yuta, but Yuta stands to bend Swerve’s fingers! Yuta has both hands, he trips Swerve, and he gives those DRAGON STOMPS! The fans are torn as Yuta uses a signature Bryan Danielson move, but Swerve kicks up from below!

Swerve hooks Yuta into a sunset flip, TWO! Swerve drags Yuta up, but Yuta RANAS the bomb, sending Swerve into  buckles! Swerve tumbles out, Yuta DIVES onto him! Direct hit into the railing! The fans fire up and Bryan coaches Yuta more. Yuta puts Swerve in, climbs up a corner, and he CROSSBODIES, into a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! And then it’s an omoplata, for a LEBELL LOCK!! Swerve taunts Bryan with another of his signatures! Bryan coaches Yuta, but Nana has Norfolk behind “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Yuta endures, and he rolls through! Yuta grabs an ANKLE LOCK! Now Swerve endures!

Swerve flails, powers up to his feet, and he reels Yuta in for an ELBOW! The fans rally, Swerve and Yuta stand up, and Swerve fires forearms! Swerve ROCKS Yuta, but Yuta rewinds! Swerve ducks the lariat to half nelson, but Yuta arm-drags free! And Yuta has Swerve for the HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! The fans fire up as Yuta then shifts around, tucks the arms and SEATBELT, TWO!! Swerve escapes Yuta’s signature, but Yuta runs up. Swerve boots him back, somersaults, but Yuta avoids the Complete Shot! Yuta hooks an arm, chicken wings, but Swerve fights! So Yuta waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Swerve stays in this but Yuta holds onto the arms! Chicken wings are back but Swerve fights up. Swerve powers free to ELBOW Yuta again! Yuta snarls and SLAPS Swerve! Swerve just laughs! Yuta fires more shots, Swerve still laughs! Yuta CHOPS, mule kicks, but Swerve RISING HEADBUTTS! Swerve shakes that off as he goes to a corner, and the ref checks Yuta. Bryan coaches Yuta, but that was a bad shot under the chin. Yuta sits up, into a HOUSE CALL!! Yuta sputters, and Swerve dares him to get back up! Bryan looks concerned, the fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Yuta finds the power to sit up, but into another HOUSE CALL!!

Swerve drags Yuta up, because he has more to give! A THIRD HOUSE CALL!!! But that’s not all! Swerve copies the DRAGON STOMPS!! And Swerve even adds some ground ‘n’ pound! The ref checks, he CALLS it! Swerve wins!

Winner: Swerve Strickland, by referee stoppage

The ref tries to stop Swerve but he just keeps hammering Yuta! So Bryan jumps into the ring! The fans fire up but Swerve bails out. The Realest grins as he’s gotten under Bryan’s skin and in his head. But he has the music stop so he can tell Bryan, “I said last week that I was gonna show you and the rest of the world why I am the most dangerous man in AEW. That was just an example of what I’m gonna do to you in front of 50 THOUSAND people at Wembley Stadium in two weeks.

“Bryan, you’re gonna bring your family, right? Cuz right where you sat front row, and watched me mutilate Wheeler Yuta… is the same thing I’m gonna do in front of your daughter when she watches you have your last match! Then you can fulfill that promise that you made to her, that you were gonna retire. I’m gonna force you to retire, because that’s what I’m gonna do when I cripple you!” Swerve is willing to cross every line there is, all to stay on top. Bryan does his best to shrug that off and check on Yuta, but then Swerve slides back in to HOUSE CALL!! A cheap shot from the champion, and he even mocks the Yes chant!

The fans are torn, but will this be how it goes in just 11 days? Is Bryan going to go All In, only to lose it all?

My Thoughts:

Another great Dynamite, though the title matches were of course going to keep status quo. Mone VS Shida was a great opening to the show, and it was good use of Kamille to screw Shida over and keep Shida strong even though she loses to Mone. And clever move with Kamille assuming a String mask wearing woman is Britt, and then real Britt shows up from the other end. Now, we still have the go-home episode next week but I think this is the TBS Championship go-home segment. As such, Mone retains at All In, probably also because Kamille helps.

Then with the tag titles, it was a little surprising they did this match at all. It was a great match, but then FTR shows up, screws it all up, and we see it was all just really good filler to get us to what I’ve been saying, FTR VS Acclaimed, winners go to All In. Except now, Acclaimed used their shot from the Eliminator, so perhaps no, there won’t be Acclaimed VS winners at All Out. This feels a bit of a mess, but I suppose there’s still a scenario where maybe Acclaimed screw FTR over at All In, and then All Out becomes a Triple Threat. If anything, that’s a good move because this will be the sixth All Out, aka the fifth anniversary of the original from when AEW became a thing. Gotta go big for that, even if All In is their “biggest show of the year.”

Hangman going after Lethal during the interview promo was good stuff, that was a really good match, but I’m hoping Lethal was just selling and wasn’t legitimately concussed. Between the Deadeye on the apron and that one lariat before the Buckshot, there’s a chance it happened, and AEW cannot lose more people to injuries at this point. But either way, Hangman is being booked as a dangerous man, so as to parallel how Swerve keeps talking about himself being the most dangerous man.

Great promo video from MJF and Ospreay, and we’re of course getting one last face-to-face next week, we’ll have to wait and see how that affects the math. Pac’s promo was great, and greatly appreciated because uh, where was this weeks ago? Pac should’ve been pissed the moment Ospreay said he was getting his rematch for All In, and Pac should’ve put the All Out match on the docket just as quickly. Pac could’ve even been a player in the build, just hanging around, egging both sides on, reveling in how he’s getting the winner while they’re still fairly banged up.

Great video promo from Darby, though having it and Jack Perry attacking Darby as back to back segments felt a bit redundant. A part of me thinks they would’ve played Darby’s video on Saturday, except they had to replay Jack Perry’s video to make up for that stupid Taco Bell botch. But even then, both segments were still good, with Jack beating down Darby and adding something to their TNT Championship match. Their Coffin Match is going to be great stuff, nice reference to last year’s Coffin Match but also how Jack seems to like doing No Disqualification matches per his FTW Championship match last year.

We got a great promo from Mariah and a good promo from Mina, but hard to say how this factors into the go-home math. Claudio and Okada had a good promo segment, but as seems to be a thing, it went a touch longer than it had to. Claudio’s rebuttal to Okada’s joking around and insulting him was all still good material, but something about it felt like Claudio could’ve just said that to Okada, or maybe even saved it for Rampage. Either way, Claudio VS Okada is going to be awesome stuff, with Dynamite in Cardiff certainly going to be in front of a hot crowd that’ll eat it up. Good promo from Christian Cage, but I feel like one or both Bang Bang Gang and House of Black are going to go after Nick Wayne on Rampage since he’ll be all alone without Christian, thus motivating the trios title match.

Awesome Triple Threat of Cassidy, Kyle and Roddy. Obviously Taven & Bennett had to go out there but it was also good for Mark Briscoe and Ishii to stop them. That feels like a tag match they could give us on Collision this Saturday, or even in Cardiff for the go-home show. Cassidy getting that win like he did was also great stuff, and  given Cassidy’s thing while International Champion was his durability, him starting the gauntlet is fitting. These Casino Gauntlets are always fun, but as I pictured last week, it’d be wild if Hangman won and then decided to MITB cash-in on Swerve and Bryan in the main event.

Swerve VS Yuta was a great main event, and I’m still a little worried Yuta got legit rocked like I was with Lethal, but given Bryan knows how to play that stuff up, maybe they were doing that with Yuta. Swerve of course wins, but him going above and beyond was a clever way to do it. Bryan Danielson being Bryan Danielson and this being (potentially) his last match, Swerve basically goes Heel tonight to really pile on. There’s still next week for the go-home math, there’s a chance Bryan turns things around on Swerve, meaning that Swerve will retain at All In. Then All Out could be Swerve VS Hangman, and Dynamite: Grand Slam could be Swerve VS Darby so that Swerve gets in all the classics in.

My Score: 8.9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (9/14/24)




Time to see who are really the Top Guys around here!

The Grizzled Young Veterans went after FTR from the moment they arrived in AEW, and now both teams are on a Collision course to settle the score!


  • AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry VS Christopher Daniels; Perry wins and retains the title.
  • Six Man Tag: Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly & Holo.grm VS The Beast Mortos & The Premier Athletes; Mark, Kyle & Hologram win.
  • Wheeler Yuta VS Anthony Henry w/ BEEF; Yuta wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Komander & Private Party VS Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe & Ren Jones; Komander & Private Party win.
  • Yuka Sakazaki VS Serena Deeb; Yuka wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS The Cage of Agony; The Bang Bang Gang wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade; Aminata wins.
  • FTR VS Grizzled Young Veterans; FTR wins.


Jack Perry arrives.

The Scapegoat bus pulls into the parking lot, the TNT Champion gets out, dumps what’s left of his coffee, and smiles as he walks into the arena. He is ready to defend his title, but will he still fall to the Fallen Angel?

AEW TNT Championship: Jack Perry VS Christopher Daniels!

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who “sacrifices” the other to become The Face of TNT!

The bell rings and the fans rally up, but Jack stays back in a corner. Jack hears the fans cheering on Daniels, and the two tie up. They go around, and Jack puts Daniels in a corner. The ref counts, Jack lets off, but Daniels avoids the cheap shot! Daniels CHOPS and ROCKS Jack, then whips corner to corner. Daniels runs up to fire a forearm smash! Then he clinches, but Jack fires elbows! Jack CHOPS, shakes out his hand, and CHOPS again! Jack slaps Daniels around, whips him, but Daniels ducks ‘n’ shoves, only for the COMEBACKER LARIAT! Jack rains down forearms but the fans boo. Jack gets on the apron to soak up heat!

Jack goes back to Daniels, snap suplexes, then covers, TWO! Daniels is tougher than that, but Jack watches him go to a corner. Jack runs up and LARIATS, then he hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Daniels stays in this, but Jack CHOKES him at the ropes! The fans boo, Jack lets off at 4, and pretends he didn’t see Daniels there. Then Jack KICKS the ropes to jam Daniels up! Jack has a cocky cover, TWO! Jack is annoyed, but Daniels CHOPS him! Jack smirks, Daniels CHOPS again, so Jack CLAWS Daniels’ eyes! The ref counts, Jack lets off, but then Daniels ROCKS Jack! And ROCKS him again! Daniels whips Jack to a corner, but Jack BOOTS him down!

Jack goes up, takes aim, and he leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Daniels is still in this, but he has a bloody cut on his forehead. The fans rally for the Fallen Angel, but Jack kicks him around. Jack pie faces Daniels, runs, but into a COMPLETE SHOT! Jack staggers up, Daniels JABS! And JABS! And JABS! Daniels whips, Jack reverses but Daniels KICKS and S T O! The fans fire up and Daniels runs up to forearm smash in the corner! Clinch and EXPLODER! Jack writhes, Daniels brings him back up to a fireman’s carry! Jack slips free, CLUBS Daniels, then runs, but into the fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Daniels is frustrated, but he calls his shot! The fans fire up, Daniels kicks low, ANGEL- NO, Jack fights out to backdrop! Daniels sunset flips but Jack sits on it, TWO! Daniels has the sunset now, TWO! Daniels ducks a lariat, but Jack bucks the O’Conner and hard! Jack flips everyone off with his parody of the Yes Movement, then he SACRIFICING KNEES Daniels down! Cover, Jack wins!

Winner: Jack Perry, by pinfall (still AEW TNT Champion)

Jack vows that NO ONE is taking this from him! “The people who don’t like me are the people who can’t handle the truth.” Jack goes right back to the parking lot and his bus, to drive off into the sunset. Will The Scapegoat Express never stop its world tour?


Backstage interview with Wheeler Yuta.

Lexy Nair catches The Decoder as he enters the building now, and she knows this goes without being said, but… We all witnessed the horrific events of All Out and what happened to Bryan Danielson. How is Bryan? Yuta says Bryan… Out of respect for him and his family, Yuta won’t share too much. But Bryan is doing the best he can, given the circumstances. Yuta realizes he forgot his boots, spaces out a bit, but starts again. He hasn’t really talked with any of the other guys… And what about Yuta’s match tonight? Yuta says Anthony Henry is one incredibly talented, incredibly tough competitor.

But one thing Bryan told Yuta, the reason Bryan loves professional wrestling is because in the ring, he feels he’s meant to be there and everything else can be put on pause. So Yuta will try and channel that tonight. Yuta heads on to the locker room, will he be able to clear his mind once he’s in the ring?


Six Man Tag: Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly & Holo.grm VS The Beast Mortos & The Premier Athletes!

The Conglomeration has had a great week so far, but it could be even bigger given who they’re teaming with tonight! Will the futuristic luchador continue to raise the bar in AEW? Or will he, The Chicken and the Violent Artist all be brought down to earth by Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese and the menacing minotaur?

Oh wait, Mark Sterling of course has to talk. He knows we know who they are, but he’s sure we’re all wondering why they’re teaming with The Beast Mortos. That is because The Conglomeration and Hologram have been thorns in their side for the past two months! They used some of Daivari’s substantial funds to enlist two horns they can stick into The Conglomeration’s side! But to make sure everyone is on the same page, they’re going to do a team building exercise that even the idiots here in Ohio can understand! When Sterling says, “Athletes!” you say, “Rule!” Nothing else, got it? Hands in… “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!”

The teams sort out, and Kyle steps up against Nese. They circle, the fans fire up, and the two tie up. Kyle waistlocks, Nese drop toeholds, and he floats to a facelock. Kyle wrenches out, facelocks, then wrenches to a wristlock. Nese endures, pulls at the tights, but Kyle wrenches again. Nese rolls, wrenches, wristlocks, and YANKS Kyle around. Kyle spins to drop toehold back, and now Kyle facelocks. Kyle wrenches an arm, tags Mark, and they mug Nese. The fans rally as Mark wrenches and YANKS the arm again and again. Nese powers up and puts Mark in the corner, tag to Daivari. The Premier Athletes mug Mark while fans boo.

The ref reprimands, Nese & Daivari let off, and Daivari drags Mark up. Daivari CHOPS Mark, whisp him, but Mark slides under and REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUTS! Then he CHOPS! And ROCKS! And CHOPS again! Mark whips corner to corner, Daivari reverses, but Mark goes up and out to ROCK Daivari! RKF UPPERCUT! Then a BOOT! Mark fires up the fans, then he brings Daivari around. Mark whips, Daivari reverses, but Kyle tags in! Mark wrenches, kicks, and feeds the BOOT! Mark BLASTS Nese, fist-bumps Kyle, and Kyle drags Daivari up. Kyle wrenches to YANK the arm, then YANKS again.

Kyle wrenches but Nese runs up! Kyle BOOTS Nese, but Daivari CLUBS Kyle! Tag to Mortos but Kyle fires forearms! Mortos SMACKS Kyle back! The fans fire up, Mortos runs, but into a KNEE! Kyle fires a strike fest, then hurries to tag Hologram! The fans fire up, Mortos CLOBBERS Kyle! And CLBOBERS Mark! Hologram springboards, into a HEADBUTT! The fans are torn as Mortos stands tall. Mortos whips Hologram, but Hologram goes up and upside-down! Mortos runs in, blocks a boot, but not the ENZIGIRI! Hologram goes up and up and FLYING- NO, Mortos catches Hologram, but Hologram just rebounds off ropes to arm-drag free!

The fans are thunderous as Mortos tumbles! Nese tags in, Hologram whips Mortos, but Mortos reverses! Hologram stops himself, then feints to SUPERKICK! Nese runs up, Hologram dodges, Nese comes back into a COLLISION COURSE! Cover, TWO! Tag to Kyle and Kyle kicks! Nese blocks to ROCK Kyle! Nese runs, into a KNEE! Kyle snapmares, runs, but Nese distracts the ref and Daivari trips Kyle! Kyle avoids the sucker punch, then hurdles over Mortos! Kyle LARIATS Daivari, but Josh Woods stares him down! Nese PLANCHAS Kyle, the ref is busy with an angry Mark and Hologram, The Premier Athletes all mug Kyle!

Collision goes picture in picture as The Premier Athletes soak up the heat. Nese drags Kyle up and into the ring, then stalks him. Nese KICKS Kyle, then soaks up more heat. Nese fires body shots against the ropes, then lets off as the ref counts. Mortos tags in and he ROCKS Kyle! Kyle goes to a corner, Mortos whips corner to corner, but Kyle dodges! Mortos hits buckles, but he still BOOTS back! And SLING-DOGS! And SNAP POWERSLAMS! Cover, Mark breaks it! The ref reprimands and Mortos seethes, but he goes back for Kyle. Mortos drags Kyle up, brings him over, tag to Daivari, and they mug Kyle. Daivari turns Kyle to NECKBREAKER! Daivari covers, TWO!

Daivari drags Kyle up, whips him to the corner hard, then he tags Nese. Nese wants the fans to hush about Kyle, then he brings Kyle up. But Kyle clamps on a GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! Nese endures, fights up, and NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Nese drags Kyle back, tag to Daivari. Daivari runs to ELBOW DROP! Daivari clamps onto Kyle as a chinlock. Daivari grinds Kyle down, Kyle endures, and the fans rally up. Kyle fights up, reaches out, and Collision returns to single picture. Daivari ROCKS Kyle, whips him to the corner, and LARIATS! Tag to Nese, and Daivari sends Nese in, only for Kyle to BOOT him!

Kyle ROCKS Mortos, ELBOWS Daivari, then runs up, but both Nese & Daivari catch him! They throw him back, but Kyle dodges, hot tag to Mark! Mark fires off Redneck Kung-Fu on the Premier Athletes! He DECKS Nese, but Daivari kicks low! Daivari whips but Mark BOOTS Mortos! Mark gets around Daivari, Daivari switches, but Mark BOOTS Nese away! PELE for Daivari! The fans fire up as Mark kicks Nese, suplexes, and FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Nese is tougher than that but Mark calls his shot! Mark underhooks, JAY- NO, N ese fights out and Mortos HEADBUTTS! But Mark stays up! Mortos runs in, Mark DUMPS him out!

Tag to Hologram and Mark PLANCHAS Mortos! Hologram goes up but Nese SHORYUKENS! Nese THROWS Hologram down, runs up, but Hologram slips up and around, into a DESTROYER!! Cover, Daivari breaks it! Daivari TOSSES Hologram, but Kyle fires off a strike fest on Daivari! The KNEE sends Daivari out, and then Kyle goes out! FLYING KNEE! Down goes Daivari, but then Nese ROUNDHOUSES and LEG SWEEPS Kyle! Nese runs to FOSBURY FLOP! Down goes Kyle, but Hologram DIVES! Direct hit and the fans are thunderous! Hologram fires up, too, but Mortos TOPE TORNILLOS!! But then Mark has a chair!

The fans are thunderous again as Mark sets the chair up, builds speed, but Sterling snatches the chair away! The fans boo, Mark LOW BLWOS Sterling! And it’s all fine cuz Sterling’s not a competitor in the match! Sterling falls to his knees, so Mark uses him as the launching pad, to FLY out onto everyone else! The fans are thunderous again and Kyle puts Nese in! Hologram aims, springboards and FLYING TORNADO DDTS!! Nese flounders around, into the roll and crucifix! Hologlomeration wins!

Winners: Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly & Hologram, by pinfall

That was a battle to be sure, but- MORTOS SPEARS HOLOGRAM! The fans boo as Mortos beats up on all of them! Mark CLOBBERS Mortos with the ROH World Championship belt! Then Kyle & Mark DOUBLE LARIAT Mortos outta there! Kyle says he wants a 1v1 with Mortos! When and where will #CombatKyle look to slay the beast?


AEW shares footage from CMLL 91st Anniversario!

If you’re wondering where Orange Cassidy is, he was just down in Mexico to join in on CMLL’s big anniversary show. Freshly Squeezed was part of Team Internacional alongside Rocky Romero & Satoshi Kojima, losing out in a Best 2 Out of 3 Falls Six Man Tag against Team Mexico’s Atlantis Jr, Volador Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero. However, Cassidy’s night was not done. In the main event, Chris Jericho lost to Mistico and then became a sore loser, beating up Mistico with the help of “Big Bill” Morrissey! Cassidy made the save, he and Mistico ran off The Learning Tree, and stood tall as amigos.

Backstage interview with Orange Cassidy.

Renee Paquette says Freshly Squeezed made his CMLL debut in front of a sold out Arena Mexico. How did it- OH NO! Bill BOOTS Cassidy, sending his sunglasses flying! Bill then THROWS Cassidy into the garage door! Bryan Keith puts the backpack over Cassidy’s head, and here comes Jericho. Jericho has the framed picture of The Best Friends, and says, “Here’s to friendship, Orange.” He SMASHES the picture on Cassidy’s head!! “You can have your knapsack back. See you Wednesday.” Renee steps back in to say they need help back here! She tells Jericho to leave, Jericho says, “Thanks, Renee.” Did Jericho just get his real payback for the jacket and Bentley?


Stokely Hathaway is in his private study.

And what he’s studying is game film of various top tag teams in some of their best matches here in AEW. But what could Stokely be formulating for the future?


Backstage interview with Mariah May.

Lexy Nair is with The Glamour, and says she has been AEW Women’s World Champion for a few weeks now, but has yet to hold her championship celebration. Yes, she has, and she isn’t doing it now in Dayton, Ohio. It’s just the version of Cincinnati. Then in any case, Mariah invited Mina Shirakawa to return, and Mariah says her best times were with Mina. Stardom and Japan, here in AEW, but then somewhere along the way, bad things just happened. Mariah needs Mina. She can’t celebrate her win without Mina. Mariah wants Mina. Oh, sorry, can Mariah help you? We pan over to see Yuka Sakazaki!

Yuka says hi, and Mariah says how cute. Yuka says she wants to fight for the belt. Oh, that’s nice. But Yuka can get in line, and then Mariah will rip her head off! Yuka says okay. Bye-bye~! Yuka leaves, and Mariah is seething already. Will the Wrestling Magical Girl prove she is worthy when she returns to the ring tonight?


Wheeler Yuta VS Anthony Henry w/ BEEF!

We saw how disheveled The Decoder is, even one week after the incident at All Out. But he’ll try his best to do what Bryan would do and use wrestling to clear his head. Will he succeed in shaking off this funk? Or will the Saint of Augusta take advantage of Yuta’s unsettled mindset?

The bell rings and Yuta circles with Henry. They tie up, Henry arm-drags Yuta, and Yuta backs off to the corner. Yuta resets with Henry, they tie up, and Henry arm-drags again! Henry keeps the arm, but Yuta kips up. Yuta slips through, wrenches and wristlocks back, but Henry rolls, slips through, and spins Yuta to a snapmare. Henry KCIKS Yuta in the back, then eggs Yuta on. Henry KICKS Yuta again, but Yuta gets up to headlock. Henry powers up and out, drops down, but Yuta sunset flips! Henry stays up, to then DOUBLE STOMP! The fans boo but Yuta goes to a corner. Henry runs up, but Yuta goes up and over.

Yuta scoops Henry, SLAMS him, and then snarls as he SENTONS, only to miss! Henry ROCKS Yuta, but Yuta rewind- NO, Yuta’s focus is so bad, he falls to the floor! Henry WRECKS Yuta with a dropkick! Henry brings Yuta up to then snap suplex into barriers! Yuta is all folded up, and the fans boo Henry while Collision goes picture in picture.

The ref checks Yuta, but Yuta manages to turn over. Yuta sits up but Henry brings him into the ring. Henry eggs Yuta on more, stomps his hands, then KICKS him in the chest! Yuta falls back, crawls to a corner, but Henry drags him up again. Henry snapmares, and he clamps on with a straitjacket stretch! Yuta endures, even as Henry digs his knee into his back. The fans rally, Yuta fights up, and Yuta powers up to turn things around! Henry turns them back around and has the straitjacket back on! Yuta endures again, fights, but Henry thrashes him around! Yuta grits his teeth, rises up, and he JAWBREAKERS free as Collision goes to break!

Collision returns as Henry whips Yuta corner to corner. Yuta reverses, then runs up, but Henry pops Yuta up into an AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO! Yuta stays in this, even if his focus is divided. Henry stomps Yuta’s foot, stands on the ankle, and he eggs Yuta on. The fans rally, Henry drags Yuta up and dares him to show us something! Yuta fires body shots, then elbows low! Henry ROCKS Yuta, and Yuta rewinds! It is still rough, but he manages the GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up and Henry flounders. Yuta drags himself up, turns around, takes a swing, but Henry dodges! Henry feints then kicks the legs out, and KNEES Yuta down! Cover, TWO!

Yuta bails out, the ref checks him, but Yuta crawls to a corner. Henry storms out after Yuta, runs in, and CALF KICKS Yuta against railing! Henry then throws Yuta back in, goes up a corner, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, TWO!! Yuta survives that coup de grace, and the fans fire up again! Henry storms around, Beef cheering him on, and he drags Yuta up. Henry mocks Yuta being all sad over Bryan not being here. Henry SLAPS Yuta, but the words are what pissed him off! Yuta snarls, and he DECKS Henry!! The fans fire up as Yuta fires off on Henry! The ref has to back Yuta off, but Yuta goes back for more!

Yuta gets the arms, and gives Henry some DRAGON STOMPS! The ref again backs Yuta off, but Yuta is roaring! Henry bails, Yuta runs, and Yuta DIVES! Direct hit into railing! Yuta then whips Henry hard into railing! And then whips him into more railing! Yuta fires hands, Beef is panicked, but Yuta puts Henry in the ring. Then Yuta BOOTS Beef for the hell of it! Yuta goes up the corner, aims at Henry, MISSILE DROPKICK! Down goes Henry and Yuta kips up! The fans fire up with Yuta, and he HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS away on Henry! All the best of what Bryan’s taught Yuta, and Henry is a ragdoll! Yuta shifts to CATTLE MUTILATION!

The ref checks, Henry is OUT! Yuta wins!!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta, by submission

Yuta is so furious, he almost goes after the ref now! But Yuta returns from the fugue state, and he takes his leave. But will Yuta focus this anger on those who deserve it? Or is he going to find himself stuck between both sides of the Blackpool Combat Club?


Backstage interview with Serena Deeb and Queen Aminata.

Lexy Nair notes The Professor has a match tonight against Yuka Sakazaki, and The One True African Woman also has a match tonight against Robyn Renegade. Serena asked for this time with Aminata, the floor is hers. Serena thanks Aminata for her time, it is very kind of her to hear Serena out. Now, Serena wants to continue their discussion from last time. Serena watched Aminata take on Mariah, and it was a great match, Aminata has a lot of potential. But Serena did say that Aminata isn’t ready. However, the offer still stands and Serena is very forgiving. So if Aminata wants to talk more, she knows where to find her.

Aminata tells Serena sorry, but she doesn’t freakin’ have time for this! She has her match to get ready for. Serena tells Queen Aminata to let the Professor show her how it’s done. Serena then turns to camera to address Yuka. The last time Yuka even had thoughts to step into the ring with Serena, her leg broke. Imagine what it’ll be like now that she’s actually taking Serena on tonight. See you later. Serena says that to Aminata as much as she does Yuka. Will there be no mercy in Deeb’s Dojo for the returning Wrestling Magical Girl? Will Deeb’s Dojo be adding a student after tonight? Or will nothing go quite how Serena expects?


Anna Jay speaks.

“I just got back from Japan, wrestling, learning, honing my skills and becoming the best that I can be. It was not easy. I was tired, I was sore, I was beat up. But let me tell you what I learned while I was there. I want more. So much more. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want a shot at the AEW Women’s World Championship. Mariah May is due for a very big receipt. And I’ve also never stepped into the ring with Mercedes Mone. So lemme make it easy for all of you. If you wanna see what an evolved Anna Jay has become, just try me.” The Queenslayer is back, will she become The Star of the Show once and for all?


Six Man Tag: Komander & Private Party w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe & Ren Jones!

This trio tried to have their first match together last Wednesday Night Dynamite, but they and their opponents got blindsided and brutalized by the new, more maniacal Blackpool Combat Club. Will they have better luck tonight? Or will being in Moxley’s backyard only put them at risk again?

The trios sort out, Brother Zay starts against Ren, and the two tie up. Ren headlocks, Zay powers up and out, and then he drops down. Zay hurdles, but Ren shoves him. Zay Quebradas, Ren gets under, but Zay RANAS! And then LARIATS! Zay rains down fists but Crewe CLUBS him! Crewe whips, Zay reverses and Quen DUMPS Crewe out! Quen then BOOTS Crewe, and Komander springboards to CROSSBODY Crewe down! Cruz runs up, he gets a BOOT! Quen tags in, CATAPULT GAMANGIRI COMBO! Komander goes up and he CIELITO LINDO! Zay runs up on Ren but Ren BOOTS him! Ren goes up, but Komander JUMP KNEES!

Ren wobbles, Komander coordinates with Private Party. Quen runs up, gets the boost from Komander, serving up GIN & JUICE!! Laid back! Cover, Private Party & Komander win!

Winners: Komander & Private Party, by pinfall

Should we start calling them #FiestaPrivada? A good first win now that they got their “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” But will they soon get their “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” at the BCC’s AEW World Trios Championships?


Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness talk about Bryan Danielson.

Given the change to Grand Slam, where Darby Allin now defends his #1 contender status against Jon Moxley, Nigel is of course calling out The American Dragon for that same night. How can Nigel be sure Bryan will even be able to compete? Nigel can’t be sure, but neither can Tony Khan. But when Moxley convinced Darby to put the title shot on the line, he did it out of pure speculation. That is why Nigel told TK that they can’t know Bryan won’t be able to compete. So Nigel figured, if Bryan can show up, and Darby no longer available to face him, Nigel would like to. Nigel will be there, so the question is, will Bryan?

Nigel now talks to Bryan: If Bryan doesn’t show up, it isn’t because of his condition. It is because he fears Nigel McGuinness. Nigel’s said it before, so he’ll just show us what he means. Footage courtesy of ROH, Nigel and Bryan battled for THE ROH World Championship. Nigel narrates that he and Bryan were bitter rivals on equal standing, clashing for the gold in matches that had the wrestling world abuzz. But there has been no one before or since that has beaten Bryan Danielson so convincingly, so brutally, and so thoroughly!

No matter how much success Bryan has had in his career after ROH, even winning the AEW World Championship, Bryan is STILL haunted by the memories of facing Nigel. Even more now 16 YEARS later, Nigel being in the best shape of his life, better than Bryan ever was, and Bryan is a physical wreck! Nigel says no worries, Bryan. Win, lose or draw, Bryan will still be world champion. But let’s not make any bones about it: If Bryan shows up, Nigel will look to end Bryan’s career! Ball’s in Bryan’s court. How will The American Dragon respond with 11 days left before Grand Slam?


Yuka Sakazaki VS Serena Deeb!

The Magical Girl called out The Glamour, but The Professor has called out The Magical Girl! Will Yuka pass Serena’s test and head for the AEW Women’s World Championship? Or will Serena earn herself that opportunity instead?

The bell rings but wait! Mariah makes her way out here! It seems Yuka got under her skin, but Mariah’s presence sure has Nigel in good spirits. The fans rally for Yuka as she and Deeb circle. They tie up, and Deeb wrenches an arm. Deeb wristlocks, Mariah says Deeb has taught her much so she wishes her luck. As for Yuka, break a leg. Deeb wrenches while Nigel laughs far too much at the joke. Yuka rolls, kips up, and wrenches to wristlock. Deeb rolls, rolls, and slips around to wrench and wristlock. Deeb wrangles Yuka, ties up the legs, and she has Yuka in Paradise! Deeb sits on Yuka, the fans are torn, but Mariah is amused.

Deeb flexes and Mariah jokes that this is child abuse. Yuka is a child as far as Mariah can tell. Schiavone says Yuka’s a ten year veteran, but Mariah says more like a 10-year-old. Deeb DROPKICKS Yuka out of Paradise! Yuka goes to ropes, Deeb eggs her on, but Yuka frowns. Yuka runs up to KNEE low! Yuka snapmares and rolls with Deeb to KICK her down! Then Yuka body scissors, and she ROLLING ROLLING ROLLING CLUTCH! Cover, TWO!! Deeb escapes, Mariah is annoyed by that already, and Deeb goes to a corner. Yuka runs up, blocks a boot, but Deeb reels Yuka in to KICK her! Yuka staggers, Deeb eggs her on again.

Yuka runs up, but Deeb catches her! Deeb turns Yuka, to HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER! Yuka flops to the apron, Mariah mocks her pain, and Deeb mocks the booing fans while Collision goes picture in picture.

Deeb stalks Yuka, drags her up, and then reels her in. But Yuka wrenches out, whips, only for Deeb to sunset flip, and HALF CRAB! Yuka endures as Deeb pulls on that recovered leg! Yuka fights, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Deeb lets go in frustration, and she storms around. Deeb stalks Yuka, drags her up, and TWIST ‘N’ SHOUTS! Cover, TWO!! Yuka survives but Deeb keeps her focus. Deeb stomps Yuka, then drags her around to step on her face! Yuka writhes, the ref reprimands, but Deeb just smirks. Deeb drags Yuka by a leg, and drops an elbow on the knee! And another elbow! And then a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Cover, TWO!!

Yuka is toughing it out and that just upsets Deeb more. Deeb grabs the leg again, but Yuka fights the Half Crab by grabbing Deeb’s leg! Yuka then kicks, and kicks, and kicks Deeb away! Deeb runs back up, blocks a kick, but Yuka ENZIGIRIS! Yuka hobbles to a corner, sits down to rest the bad leg, but she watches Deeb crawl. Deeb rises up, runs in at Yuka, but blocks another boot! Collision returns to single picture as Yuka goes up, reels Deeb in, HANGING HEADSCISSORS! The fans fire up, the ref counts, and Mariah says that’s against the rules! Yuka lets go at 4, fire sup, and the fans fire up more! Yuka climbs and takes aim!

Yuka MISSILE DROPKICKS Deeb! The fans fire up again and Yuka scoops Deeb into a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Deeb survives but clutches her neck. Yuka storms back over, drags Deeb up, and wrenches to hammerlock, lift, and SPIN~! But Deeb slips free to waistlock! Yuka switches, Deeb switches, but Yuka elbows free! But Deeb shoves Yuka to get a SNAP GERMAN! Then Deeb wrenches, hammerlocks, PEPSI TWIST! Cover, TWO?!?! Yuka barely gets that arm up and Deeb can’t believe it! Deeb huffs ‘n’ puffs but the fans rally for Yuka. Deeb reels Yuka in, tucks the arms, but Yuka fights the lift!

Yuka backdrops free and the fans fire up! Yuka SLIDING D! Cover, TWO!! Deeb survives and Yuka is a bit stunned now. Yuka refocuses, aims from a corner, and then runs up to ROCK Deeb! Yuka boxing elbows, then ROLLING- NO, Deeb ducks to wrench! Deeb drags Yuka down, around, reels her in, POWERBOMB! STRETCH MUFFLER!! Yuka endures, fights, and Mariah mockingly says Yuka might have to tap. The fans rally up, Yuka roars and crawls forward! ROPEBREAK! Deeb thrashes the leg, but she lets go at the ref’s count. Deeb drags Yuka back up, UPPERCUTS, but then Yuka ROCKS Deeb!

Deeb UPPERCUTS! Yuka ROCKS Deeb! UPPERCUT! Yuka wobbles, but she comes back to ROCK Deeb! Yuka fires shot after shot, then runs up, but Deeb ducks! DOUBLE LARIATS collide! And again! Deeb gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Even Mariah thought that one hurt. But Yuka ROCKS Deeb! Deeb LARIATS Yuka! Deeb drags Yuka up, tucks her in, but Yuka powers out! Scoop and MAGICAL GIRL DRIVER! Yuka drags Deeb into the drop zone, goes to the apron, and the fans fire up! Yuka climbs up the ropes, for the MAGICAL GIRL SPLASH!! Cover, Yuka wins!

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki, by pinfall

It was a hard fought match, but Yuka found the will to win! Mariah is not happy about it, but will she be even angrier when Yuka proves she’s a contender? WAIT, Mariah CLOBBERS Yuka on the stage!! The fans boo and Yuka sits up in a daze, having no idea what just hit her! Mariah reels Yuka in, but Yuka fights the lift! Yuka powers out to SUPERKICK! Mariah goes down in a heap! Yuka then picks up the title belt! The fans cheer, but will this be the scene that plays out in the very near future?


The Outrunners speak.

In another retro video, Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd are getting their pump on in the gym! They say what they want, when they want! How old do they have to be to have a gym membership? 18 years old. Well lucky for this guy, he’s lookin’ at the Youngest Men Alive! Now scram! They tell the tag division that they’re coming for your pride, your manhood, and your gold! Because if you haven’t seen The Outrunners, you ain’t seen nothing yet! These human throwbacks are ready for action, but what will it take for them to take down the best in AEW?


Top Flight Airlines talks backstage.

Leila Grey is so full, they just had a great dinner. But then Action Andretti speaks up. Why’re they going on about the food they just ate? Are they not pissed off like he’s pissed off? Look what they did just this week. Darius & Dante lost out on a chance to become AEW World Tag Team Champions. Lio Rush lost out on the TNT Championship. Action just lost on Rampage! He’s still hot! Lio asks why he’s still on it then. Chill out, it’s just a loss. No, man, it’s not “just” a loss! Look at them! They have so much potential together! They have something that very few have! This is Leila Grey, Top Flight, Lio Rush and Action Andretti, and all they’re talking about is food?!

Action snatches Dante’s burger and CHUCKS it at the production truck! Lio says calm down, Action! But Action looks at the truck and says look! Why aren’t they treated more like The House of Black? Does Top Flight not have wins over The House of Black? Why aren’t they going up against more teams like them and getting more wins? Lio says Action is just talking out his ass, and Leila says yeah, Action needs to calm down. The team needs to get it together, or they’re going nowhere. Action says yeah, they do. Action leaves, but where to? The others follow him, will The Sight to See make the others see his point of view?


Six Man Tag: The Bang Bang Gang VS The Cage of Agony!

Juice Robinson & The Gunns were minding their business, but Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona had to drudge up the past. Cage said they only lost the ROH World Six Man Tag titles, because they were up against six opponents! But it’s not like anyone has gold anymore, so who settles this score to then head back for the belts?

The trios sort out and Juice starts against Liona. The bell rings, the fans rally for “JUICE! JUICE!” Juice and Liona tie up, Liona powers Juice to a corner, then gets in Juice’s face. The ref counts, Liona lets off, but Juice SLAPS him! Liona storms up, blocks the arm-drag, then whips. Juice leaps, but into Liona’s arms! Liona SLAMS Juice, but Juice avoids the headbutt! Juice wrenches Liona, tags Colten, then hands off Liona. Colten wrenches, but Liona KNEES low! Liona tags Kaun and he stomps Colten. Then he CHOPS Colten! The fans fire up, Kaun whips corner to corner, but Colten goes up and over to arm-drag!

Colten has the arm, he tags Austin, and The Gunns whip Kaun to body shot, knee lift, and LARIAT! Austin runs, “Guns Up!” AX HANDLE! Cover, ONE!! Kaun is tougher than that, but Austin drags Kaun up. Austin whips then dodges Kaun to trip him up, and THROWBACK! The fans fire up and Austin aims from a corner. Liona takes a swing, Austin dodges! Austin ROCKS Liona, then dodges Kaun! Austin keeps moving, but Kaun LARIATS him down! The fans boo but Kaun goes out after Austin. Kaun whips Austin into railing, then apron, then back again! Kaun pinballs Austin all over, then leaves him behind so Liona can CLOBBER Austin!

The fans boo but Liona hurries to put Austin in. Cage goes up the ropes, “Who betta than Cage!?” DEADLIFT SUPERPLEX! Cage flexes, the fans boo, but Collision goes picture in picture.

Cage talks smack, then he drags Austin up. Cage bumps Austin off buckles, RAMS into him, then CHOPS him! Austin flops over, Cage drags him back up, and then Cage brings him over to the corner. Tag to Liona and they mug Austin. Liona brings Austin up to DECK him! Liona has a wild grin, then he stands on Austin’s face! The ref reprimands, Liona steps away, and Austin sputters and coughs from having a bare foot on his face! Liona drags Austin up, but Austin fires body shots! Liona KNEES low and Austin falls right out of the ring! Liona paces, Colten coaches his brother, but Liona snarls at Juice.

Austin crawls, drags himself up, but he flops right back over! The ring count is climbing, Colten coaches Austin more, and Austin stands again! Austin leaps in at 9! But Liona DIVING HEADBUTTS! Tag to Kaun, and the Gates of Agony CHOP and stomp away while Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and now both Austin and Kaun are down! They crawl for their corners, hot tag to Liona! Liona whips Austin away, but Austin BLASTS Cage! But Liona BLASTS Juice & Colten! Austin runs up, Liona catches him and keeps him from Colten! Liona shoves Austin to the Agony corner, then runs up, but Austin dodges! Hot tag to Colten! Colten fires hands on Liona, then dodges to DROPKICK! Cage returns, he gets a LARIAT! Kaun returns, he gets a LARIAT! Colten full nelson SLAMS Cage! Colten SPLASHES Liona, SPLASHES Kaun, then runs, jukes and NECKBREAKER! Liona runs up, Colten dodges, and LEAPING HAYMAKER! Cover, TWO!!

The fans rally, Colten goes up the corner, but Kaun CHOPS first! Kaun brings Colten down, but Colten snap suplexes first! Cage runs up, but Colten BOOTS the lariat to then snap suplex! Liona runs up, into a kick and- NO, Liona is too big for a suplex! Liona tires, Colten fights it! But then Cage and Kaun storm up, only for the ref to stop them! Liona suplexes, but Colten cradle counter! The ref is missing the cover!! The fans count, Bang Bang Gang would’ve won! Colten lets Liona go, gets Cage and Kaun to leave, then he dodges Liona, only for Liona to POUNCE him! Liona tags Cage, then Liona BLAST Juice! Cage tags Kaun and they get Colten up.

The Cage Of Agony hit the ROCK-A-BYE BOMB!! Cover, AUSTIN BREAKS IT! The fans fire up but then Liona TOSSES Austin! Kaun drags Colten up, he and Liona DOUBLE stalling suplex! Cage runs, but Austin DUMPS him out! Colten DOUBLE DDTS The Gates! But Liona just sits up with a grin!? Liona runs, but COlten ducks the body check! Colten hurries, hot tag to Juice! The fans fire up as Juice goes up and CROSSBODIES Cage! Cage staggers up, Juice goes wild, and he JABS, JABS, JABS! The fans fire up for “JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!” LEFT HAND O’ GOD! And then facelock, but Cage wrenches out!

Juice swings, Cage dodges, and Cage DISCUS LARIATS!! Colten returns, Cage fireman’s carries, F5! Austin is back, but Cage dodges to POP-UP BOMB! The Machine is all fired up, and The Gates return! They get Austin up for Kaun, but Juice RAMS Liona into Kaun! Austin slips free of Cage, LEFT HAND O’ GOD into the 3:10 TO YUMA!! And then THE JUICE IS LOOSE!! Cover, Bang Bang Gang wins!!

Winners: The Bang Bang Gang, by pinfall

The fans fire up as the Collision Cowboys stand tall! Will this big win lead Rock Hard Robinson, Fully Cocked Colten, and… Austin… back to the trios championships?


Backstage interview with Serena Deeb.

Lexy knows tonight didn’t go as Serena had planned, what happened out there? But before The Professor can explain, Queen Aminata walks in. “So, is that how it’s done?” Aminata heads out now, will she be the one to lead by example? Or will Dayton’s own Renegade revolt against The Queen?

Queen Aminata VS Robyn Renegade!

The bell rings and Aminata circles with Robyn. They tie up, Aminata waistlocks, but Robyn drops. So Aminata drops to body scissor and roll into a cover. TWO, but Aminata CLUBS Robyn into a facelock. The fans duel, Robyn turns the facelock around, and she gator rolls with Aminata. Aminata wrenches out to SAYANAGI! Cover, TWO! Aminata keeps Robyn down with a chinbar, covers again, TWO! CROSSFACE! Robyn endures, fights up, but Aminata shifts to a facelock. Aminata whips, Robyn reverses to ROCK Aminata! Aminata DECKS Robyn! Robyn goes to a corner, Aminata runs up to BOOT! Aminata then snapmares Robyn, ruins up again, FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Robyn toughs it out and staggers to the ropes. Aminata runs up, but Robyn HOTSHOTS her! Robyn comes back to throw Aminata by her hair! Robyn stomps Aminata around, then CHOPS! And CLUBS! And CLUBS her again! The ref backs Robyn off, but Robyn LARIATS against ropes! Robyn snapmares Aminata and SHOTGUNS her down! The fans fire up as Robyn drags Aminata up. Robyn facelocks to DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Aminata survives that hard fall, and the ref checks her. Robyn waits, Aminata is okay, so Robyn hauls her back up. Robyn suplexes, but Aminata fights it, to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Just like Deeb!

Robyn goes to a corner, Aminata runs up, but Robyn ROCKS her! Aminata DECKS Robyn again! HEADBUT!! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The #BrainDrain gets it done, and Aminata shakes it off. But then Deeb CHOP BLOCKS Aminata! Deeb is a sore loser, but she’s going after Aminata for disrespecting her! HALF CRAB, and it is DEEP! The fans boo but Deeb is looking to teach Aminata a lesson: Do NOT mess with Deeb! Deeb finally lets Aminata go, will Deeb get ahead in the division by any means necessary?


The House of Black speaks.

Buddy Matthews chuckles and says, “Boys. It seems like everyone wants a piece of the House of Black.” Malakai Black says, “The seven of you (Lance Archer, The Righteous and all of Top Flight Airlines) want to challenge the three of us. I’d say that your odds are about, oh, I’d say 50-50.” Brody King sees it as 80-20. But Buddy says come one, come all! The House of Black slips into the shadows, will they just tear down anyone and everyone that knocks on their door?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

Given all the tense interactions and physical confrontations, we’re getting a heated tag team match! Yuka Sakazaki & Queen Aminata VS Mariah May & Serene Deeb! Will the Magical Girl and One True African Woman each prove their worth? Or will the champion and The Professor teach their opponents about knowing their place?


FTR VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler look at Zack Gibson & James Drake and see a British bootleg version of themselves, and that only pisses off Gibson & Drake. Liverpool’s Number One & Mr. Mayhem are not going to settle for being in the shadows of another team, will they ssssoooon be recognized as the real Top Guys of AEW? Or will we all see that FTR > GYV?

The teams sort out and Gibson starts against Dax. Dayton rallies for FTR as Dax and Gibson circle. They tie up, go around, and Gibson puts Dax on ropes. Gibson takes a swing but Dax ducks to headlock. Gibson powers Dax to the GYV corner, Drake tags in, but Dax gets away. Cash backs Dax up, and the teams have a standoff. The ref counts, Cash and Gibson back off. Drake and Dax tie up, Dax headlocks but Drake powers out. Drake drops, but Dax runs him over! Knuckle lock cover, TWO as Drake gets an arm up. Dax puts that arm down, TWO as the other arm comes up! Dax powers that arm down, Drake kips up!

Drake and Dax have a Test of Strength, then Drake HEADBUTTS! Dax HEADBUTTS in return! Each man kicks a knuckle lock, then Drake ROCKS Dax! Dax comes back to CHOP Drake! And CHOP! And CHOP! Dax tags Cash, whips Drake, then Cash slingshot SHOULDER TACKLES! Cover, ONE!! Drake is tough but Cash headlocks. Drake powers up and out, but Cash runs him over! Things keep moving, Cash slides under to arm-drag Drake! And then CHOPS! Tag to Dax, FTR hand off the wrench, but Drake pulls an ear! Drake puts Dax in the GYV corner, Gibson tags in, and GYV mugs Dax.

Gibson brings Dax out to ROCK him, then UPPERCUTS him! Dax falls, Gibson talks trash on the ‘rat,” then he UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Dax CHOPS! Gibson UPPERCUTS! Repeat! Dax fires forearms now, but Gibson headlocks. Drake tags in as Dax powers out, and Gibson drops down. Drake follows to dropkick the legs out! Gibson basement dropkicks! Gibson then sets up for MAYHEM IN MOTION! Down goes Cash and fans boo, but GYV talk trash on Dayton. Drake drags Dax up, but Dax bumps him off buckles first! Dax ROCKS Gibson, RAMS Drake, then slingshots, but Drake holds ropes!

Gibson helps Drake stay up but Cash CLOBBERS Gibson off the apron! Dax sunset flips Drake, TWO! Drake staggers up, runs up, but Dax gets around to put Drake up top! Dax CHOPS Drake on the back! Dax then climbs up, brings Drake to the very top, and the fans fire up for the SUPER DUPER BACK SUPLEX! The fans are thunderous while both men are down, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Dax and Drake crawl and the fans rally up. Drake bails out, Dax pursues, and he stalks Drake around the corner. Drake swings, Dax ROCKS him first! Dax ROCKS Gibson, too! But then Drake sends Dax into steel steps! Cash hurries over to stop GYV from doing more, and the ref reprimands everyone. Drake slides into the ring, the ref checks Dax, and Dax says he’s okay. The ring count starts, but Gibson tags in. Gibson drags Dax up to throw him into railing! The ref reprimands, but Gibson brings Dax around to put on the apron. Gibson then SMACKS Dax off the apron edge! Gibson storms in, stays between FTR, and taunts Cash.

Gibson drags Dax around, drops on him for a headlock, then knuckle locks an arm. Dax fights up but Gibson powers him to an open corner. Gibson wraps the arm around ropes and pulls! The ref reprimands but Gibson YANKS as he lets off. Gibson snapmares and covers, TWO! Gibson is annoyed but he drags Dax up to clamp on a cobra clutch! Dax endures, the fans rally, and Dax fights up. Gibson knees low, then has a double wristlock! Dax fights, reaches out, but Gibson keeps him from Cash. Dax scoops, but Gibson fights! Dax backdrops free! Collision returns to single picture as the fans fire up! Drake hurries to anchor Dax!

Gibson gets in now, GYV double whip! Gibson traps Dax in the corner so Drake can BACK ELBOW! Gibson LARIATS, feeds, Drake WHEEL KICKS! Drake stays between FTR, he taunts Dax, but the fans rally up again. Dax crawls, Drake ROCKS him, then ROCKS him again! Dax rises, Drake ROCKS him again! Dax goes to the corner, but he hits back on both GYV! The fans fire up but Drake picks Dax up! Gibson storms in, Drake shoves Dax away. Gibson runs up, Dax TOSSES him! Dax and Drake DOUBLE LARIAT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Dax crawls, reaches out, but Gibson hurries in! The ref misses the hot tag!!

The fans boo as the ref tells Cash to go back! GYV mugs Dax in the corner! Gibson traps Dax again, Drake back elbows! LARIAT! But Dax ducks the kick! Hot tag to Cash! Cash DOUBLE FLYING LARIATS! Cash DECKS Drake, DECKS Gibson, then fires off jabs on Drake! Cash DECKS Drake, UPPERCUTS Gibson and fires away! Drake CLUBS Cash, whips him, but Cash reverses to DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Cash wrenches to UPPERCUT! Gibson runs up, Cash dodges, comes back, SNAP POWERSLAM! Cash headlocks Drake, Drake pwoers out, jumps, SNAP- NO, cradle counter! TWO!! Cash drags Drake into a Gedo Clutch! TWO!!

Drake trips Cash, jackknife bridge, TWO!! Cash manages to bridge up and spin thnigs around, but Drake reaches out! Tag to Gibson, Cash suplexes Drake, but Gibson makes the save. Gibson clinches Cash, ENZIGIRI from Drake! The fans boo but Gibson calls for the end! Drake tells Cash to get ready. But Dax drags Drake out! Gibson runs up, Cash slips around to hook the arms! Gibson fights the backslide, so Cash goes up the corner to go up and over! Cradle, TWO!! Gibson escapes, scoops, but Cash slips free! O’Conner Roll, TWO! Cash sees Drake and DECKS him first! But Gibson rolls Cash, TWO!

Gibson returns, wrenches, but then Cash wrenches to short arm LARIAT! The fans fire up and Cash tags Dax. FTR drags Gibson up, Dax reels him in. Cash goes up, but Drake runs up! Drake CLOBBERS Cash, Gibson wrenches out and spins Drake, KEYLOCK DRIVER! Then Gibson KNEES Dax into the POST! Drake calls to Gibson, Gibson tags him in. Gibson Electric Chair Lifts Dax, Drake climbs, but Cash makes the save! Cash shoves Gibson to POST him, Drake jumps over but Dax catches him! SHARPSHOOTER!! Dax sits deep on the hold, Drake taps! FTR wins!!

Winners: FTR, by submission

But Gibson CLOBBERS Dax! He doesn’t care if the match is over! Cash goes after Gibson, Drake goes after Cash! Cash DECKS Drake, but Gibson THROAT CHOPS Cash! GYV set Cash up, GRIT YOUR TEETH!! Then they grab Dax, but wait! THE OUTRUNNERS are here!? The fans fire up as Turbo & Truth throw hands with GYV! The Outrunners DECK GYV, DECK them again, then Turbo LARIATS Gibson out! Truth dodges Drake, Outrunners DOUBLE LARIAT Drake up and out! The Grizzled Young Veterans were so obsessed with the Top Guys, they forgot about these up-and-comers!

The Outrunners then look at FTR. The fans cheer on the Outrunners, and they offer handshakes to Cash & Dax! Cash & Dax look around, but they leave The Outrunners hanging! The fans boo, but then FTR says, “You sonova gun!” They SHAKE HANDS! The fans are thunderous as they all flex, too! It’s a flex party! Throwbacks love throwbacks, but will these four make sure GYV don’t make it to the top of the mountain?

My Thoughts:

A great Collision here, with lots of great story build. I even like this literal “Show up, win, leave” attitude Jack Perry is using. He and Daniels have a solid opening match, some real rough bumps taken but both guys were okay, and of course Jack won. But one of these times, someone has to either hijack the bus or surprise Jack from inside the bus. I mean, he just leaves it right there in the parking lot. Really good stuff with Yuta, too, though he kind of awkwardly played being distracted and disheveled. But in the match, he got it right as Henry insulted him and Bryan and then just went berserk. And good promo from Nigel to further call out Bryan, so you know Bryan’s gonna show up.

Great Six Man Tag from Conglomeration with Hologram against Mortos & Premier Athletes. I figured the Faces would win to keep Hologram going strong, but Mortos seems to just be going after anyone and everyone he wants. Ricochet from Dynamite, Hologram here, we’re going to get some great matches out of all of them as Ricochet builds up towards facing Ospreay for the International Championship. And we also got a very good showing from the new trio of Komander & Private Party, the alley-oop into the Gin & Juice is genius, and I feel like we’re definitely getting a Six Man Tag match, Fiesta Privada VS Moxley, Claudio & Pac. Non-title, but could be used as a plot point to compel a title match, and then Yuta has to decide whose side he is on.

Great Six Man Tag from Bang Bang Gang with Cage of Agony, and great win for Bang Bang Gang, they’ll be staying afloat as we wait on this World Trios Championship story to sort out. Very good promo segment from Top Flight Airlines, and while both sides of the argument are valid, I am leaning towards Action’s side. The whole faction could be doing so much more, they just need the opportunities. Though, calling out The House of Black might be a mistake. Good promo from The House of Black in response, calling out Top Flight and The Righteous, that sounds like a very good Trios Triple Threat in the making right there.

Very good stuff in the build of a new Women’s World Championship story here. Aminata and Deeb of course have their own issues brewing, but good revisit of Yuka and Deeb, which was the intended feud months ago before Yuka got hurt. Granted, there were parts of the match between Yuka and Deeb that were a bit rough, maybe it was a lot for Yuka’s return. But great win for Yuka, and then great stuff with her and Mariah, and that tag match made for Dynamite is going to be a lot of fun.

Very intriguing vignette from Stokely Hathaway. While he is still managing Statlander, he might be looking to expand into a full faction, which would be what the tag match videos are about. Good video showing Cassidy and Jericho in action at CMLL’s anniversary show, but Tony Schiavone misspoke, all the AEW guys lost that night. But then good follow-up of continuity both there in CMLL and here tonight with Jericho’s team beating Cassidy down. This adds some last minute heat to the Dynamite match, but I am very sure this all means Cassidy finds a way to win.

And awesome tag match main event from FTR VS GYV, and great win for FTR. I should’ve figured GYV would be sore losers about it, but I did not think The Outrunners would make the save. They are rapidly growing in popularity, even if it’s more for their hilarious gimmick. But between making amends with Infantry on ROH and coming out to help FTR, Outrunners look to be in a lot of 8 Man Tags in the near future. If things go right, they might even be tag team champions before the year is over. But probably ROH tag titles more than AEW tag titles.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (9/13/24)

Konosuke Takeshita is on a Rampage!



The Don Callis Family is building momentum!

Though he failed to take the AEW Continental Championship at All Out, Konosuke Takeshita is still chasing The Rainmaker! Will The Alpha be ready for Action on a Friday night?


  • Six Man Tag: The Conglomeration VS The Dark Order; The Conglomeration wins.
  • Kamille VS Robyn Renegade; Kamille wins.
  • Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom VS BEEF w/ Anthony Henry; Roddy wins.
  • The Outcasts VS Allysin Kay & Marti Belle; The Outcasts win.
  • Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS Action Andretti w/ Lio Rush & Leila Grey; Konosuke wins.


Six Man Tag: The Conglomeration VS The Dark Order!

Chris Jericho kept whining about the $7000 for his jacket stained by orange juice, so Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly paid him, in coins! But moving on from making a mess of a nice Bentley, Freshly Squeezed, The Sussex County Chicken & Violent Artist are looking to climb the Trios Division ranks! Will they head for those titles in the near future? Or will Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver show #DarkOrderIsGood enough to go for gold?

The trios sort out, Reynolds starts against Mark, and the fans rally up for “DEM BOYS! DEM BOYS!” Mark and Reynolds step up, and Reynolds SLAPS Mark! Then kicks him low! Reynolds pie faces, whips, but Mark reverses to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP again! Mark ROCKS Reynolds, tags Cassidy, and fans cheer as they DOUBLE SUPLEX! Cassidy flexes, the fans cheer, and Cassidy covers, ONE! Cassidy drags Reynolds up, suplexes, but Reynolds fights and wrenches free. Reynolds ROCKS Cassidy, Cassidy goes to ropes, so Reynolds YANKS the ropes to bring Cassidy back, and he BOOTS Cassidy down!

Tag to Silver, but the whole Dark Order jumps in, and Uno BLASTS The Conglomeration! Reynolds & Silver double whip Cassidy, cradle him, and SLAM him down! Uno STOMPS Cassidy’s hands, and then a TRIPLE DROPKICK knocks him down! Uno BLASTS Kyle & Mark again, then he and Reynolds pick Cassidy up. Silver builds speed, to jump up and flex! The fans are torn for this Kai ‘n’ Tai tribute, but Uno gives Cassidy a wet willy! That’s a wet finger in the ear for younger folks who might not know that trick. Silver drags Cassidy up, scoops him, and SLAMS him! “I’m freakin’ jacked, baby!” The fans are torn but Silver drags Cassidy up.

Silver scoops, Cassidy slips free, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Cassidy tags Kyle and the fans fire up! Kyle KICKS, KCIKS and KICKS Silver! Silver blocks one to CHOP! Silver puts Kyle in the corner, Reynolds holds him, and Silver runs up, Kyle slips free, the CHOP hits Reynolds! Uno grabs Kyle, Silver tries again, but Kyle slips free so the CHOP hits Uno! Silver blocks another kick but Kyle blocks a chop! Kyle feints to then SPIN KICK! Kyle whips Silver to the corner, runs up and forearm SMASH! Tag to Cassidy and he goes up, FLYING LARIAT! But the Dark Order grabs Cassidy! Silver wants them to hold on tight this time!

Silver runs up, but Cassidy dodges and Silver CHOPS Reynolds again! Silver is frustrated, Uno has Cassidy, but Cassidy slips away so the CHOP hits Uno! The Dark Order storms into the ring, to argue with each other! Cassidy tags Mark, Mark goes up, and Silver shoves Reynolds & Uno in frustration. Dark Order turn around, into a DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Silver runs up, but into a REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUT! Silver sputters, Mark dodges him to CHOP and fire palm strikes! Kyle & Cassidy intercept Uno & Reynolds, send them out, and then Kyle sends Cassidy in to forearm SMASH Silver!

Kyle runs up, he forearm SMASHES! Mark runs in to LARIAT! Feed to the kitchen sink knee and basement dropkick! Mark goes up, but Reynold SHOVES him down! The fans boo but Kyle gets Reynolds’ leg! DRAGON SCREW! Silver runs up to BOOT Kyle in the back! GERMAN SUPLEX! Cassidy runs in, ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, but Silver stops the DDT! Silver suplexes, but gets a STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Uno returns, Cassidy runs, tilt-o-whirl, POP-UP DDT for Silver! ORANGE- NO, Uno dodges! STOP! SLAP!! Then SOMETHING EVIL! Mark returns, he wrenches Uno and kicks! But Uno ducks the uppercut!

Mark and Uno grapple, Mark kicks and kicks then swings, but into a waistlock! Mark breaks free to PELE! Reynolds runs up, wrench and spin, ROLLING ELBOW! Mark rebounds, to LARIAT!! The fans are thunderous while all six men are down! A standing count begins, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Mark and Silver stir, both men rise up, and Silver fires a forearm! Silver puts Mark in a corner, grinds his forearm in, then CHOPS him! Silver bumps Mark off buckles, tags Reynolds, and Dark Order mugs Mark in the corner. The ref counts while Reynolds digs his boots in, but he lets off to tag Uno. Uno CHOPS Mark, brings him in, and tags Silver. They mug Mark now, and then Silver snapmares to KICK Mark down. Silver paces but Mark rises up! Mark fires forearms and CHOPS! Silver hits back, Mark fires more shots, but Silver gets the edge. Silver winds up, runs, but Mark ducks ‘n’ dodges! DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down!

Rampage returns to single picture as the fans fire up! The Dark Order and Conglomeration coach their guys, hot tags to Reynolds and Kyle! Kyle rallies on The Dark Order with strikes! He fires knees on Reynolds, then fires another strike fest! LEG SEWEP, and the fans fire up! Tag to Cassidy, and they KICK and “kick.” KICK! Kick. KICK! Kick! KICK! KICK! They keep on Reynolds, then wind up, DOUBLE PENALTY KICK! The fans fire up more, and Cassidy takes aim. But Silver drags Orange out! Reynolds ELBOSS Kyle, Uno BLASTS Mark! Reynolds DIVES onto Mark, Uno waistlocks Kyle. Kyle elbows free, runs up, but into a GAMANGIRI from Silver!

Silver CANNONBALLS Mark, then UPPERCUTS Kyle! Uno BOOTS and DDTS Kyle! Cassidy returns, Uno whips him into a corner! Silver GAMANGIRIS, then he and Reynold start up the Wombo Combo! ROLLING ELBOW, ENZIGIRI, STUNNER, GERMAN SUPLEX!! Jackknife bridge, KYLE BREAKS IT! The fans fire up but Reynolds TOSSES Kyle. The Dark Order coordinate, and they drag Cassidy up. They lift him, Silver runs, but Cassidy avoid the pendulum! Then he DOUBLE RANAS Reynolds & Uno! Kyle FLYING KNEES Uno! Hot tag to Mark and then Cassidy DIVES onto Reynolds! Mark WRECKS Silver with a dropkick!

The fans fire up as Cassidy tosses Mark the chair! Perfect catch, and the fans fire up! Mark sets the chair up, builds speed, and the Chicken FLIES onto The Dark Order! The fans fire up again as Conglomeration puts Reynolds in. AX & SMASH! ORANGE PUNCH!! Mark has Reynolds in the underhooks, JAY DRILLER!! Cover, Conglomeration wins!

Winners: The Conglomeration, by pinfall

A big win for #DemBoys, and now Cassidy is rolling towards Dynamite and his newest grudge match with Chris Jericho. Will Cassidy leave Jericho holding the bag? Or will Jericho finally beat Orange to a pulp?


Backstage interview with Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara and The Undisputed Kingdom.

Lexy Nair says Matt Taven & Mike Bennett asked for this time in order to talk with the ROH World Tag Team Champions in The Natural & The Spanish God. The floor is theirs. Bennett says hi, it’s so nice to see them somewhere not in Texas. Sammy says yeah, that’s true. Because the last time they all saw each other, it was All In, Wembley Stadium, and Team Texas beat The Kingdom’s ass. Oh, is that so? Because Taven remembers there being interference. Bennett remembers Kevin Von Erich constantly sticking his nose into their matches. Heck, ALL of Texas has been interfering in their matches! He’s surprised the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders didn’t show up!

Dustin says that would be kinda nice, actually. Taven says he’s just stick of seeing the two of them with those titles. Sammy is looking like Jim Carrey in The Mask. What was his name again? Bennett says it was Stanley Ipkiss. Yeah, Ipkiss! And then Dustin! Taven finally understands why Dustin paints his face. Taven would be ashamed, too, if he was acting like this. Dustin & Sammy have no honor! Actually, they should do this the one way they all know how! A Fight Without Honor! Because having no honor is the only tradition the Rhodes Family has- Dustin SLAPS Taven for that! Sammy holds Dustin back while Bennett helps Taven stand.

Sammy reminds them that this is DUSTIN RHODES, a living legend! Put respect on his name, because he’s earned it, unlike The Kingdom. Dustin tells Taven to never mention his family again, “you tick turd SOB!” For 36 LONG HARD YEARS, Dustin has done nothing but be honorable! He has been ripping, tearing, clawing his way through this sport, falling down 1000 times and failing his ass off, but then getting right back up and on the horse. Does Taven understand!? If Taven wants his shot at these titles, it’ll be in his home town of Springfield, Massachusetts next Saturday! And it won’t just be any match, it’ll be a BUNKHOUSE BRAWL!

Dustin is the King of the Bunkhouse! And if The Kingdom has any balls, then they’ll show up, and Dustin will rip their freakin’ eyeballs out!! The Kingdom gets their title match, but will getting the titles back cost them something in return?


Kamille VS Robyn Renegade!

Mercedes Mone’s Brickhouse has been a big help, but it is time for her to get hers. Will she start building a solid standing of her own? Or will she fail to stop this Renegade?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Kamille RAMS Robyn right to a corner, then fires off CHOPS and forearms! The ref counts, Kamille shifts to stomping a mudhole, but she stops at 4. The fans boo but Kamille brings Robyn up to whip. Robyn KICKS back, but that just annoys Kamille. She BOOTS Robyn down! Robyn flounders, Kamille drags her up, and Kamille scoops. Robyn fights free, Kamille hits buckles, then Robyn fires forearms! Robyn whips, Kamille reverses, but Robyn ducks and leaps, into Kamille’s arms! And then a BEARHUG! Robyn endures, Kamille CLUBS her and suplexes! The fans are torn as Kamille storms after Robyn.

Robyn flops out of the ring, but Kamille pursues. Kamille CLUBS Robyn, brings her up, and BEARHUGS again! The ref has a ring count going, but Kamille carries Robyn around, CLUBS her, then POSTS her! Robyn falls in a heap, but Kamille drags Robyn up. Kamille pushes Robyn in, storms after her, and runs up to SPLASH in the corner! Kamille hoists Robyn up top, climbs, but Robyn fires body shots! Robyn fires forearms, then HEADBUTTS! Kamille staggers back, Robyn CROSSBODIES! cover, ONE!! Kamille runs up but into an ELBOW! Robyn jumps on for a SLEEPER! Kamille RAMS Robyn into buckles! Kamille is free, then she scoops!

Kamille runs with Robyn, OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE! But she’s not done there! The fans are torn as Kamille drags Robyn back up. Kamille reels Robyn in, hoists her up, DOMINATE-HER!! Cover, Kamille wins!

Winner: Kamille, by pinfall

The Brickhouse just dropped “The Truth” on Robyn, and The Truth hurts! But will everyone in the Women’s Division have to face The Truth that Kamille is the new alpha around here?


Christopher Daniels speaks.

“It’s no secret that I’ve had my problems with The Elite this past year. And ever since I became Interim EVP, I’ve done my best to offset The Elite abusing their power here in AEW. But I haven’t forgotten that I’m still a professional wrestler at heart. And now, Jack Perry has this Open Challenge for the TNT Championship. And I would never ask anybody in this locker room to fight a battle that I wasn’t prepared to fight myself. So let me put it to you plainly, Jack Perry. How about tomorrow night, you VS me for the TNT Championship? And lemme give you a little advice: You better pack a lunch, cuz I’m coming to kick your ass.”

The Fallen Angel is rising to the challenge! Will he turn The Scapegoat into the sacrifice he so badly wants to be? Or will Jack Perry still be the Face of TNT?


Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom VS BEEF w/ Anthony Henry!

The Savior of the Backbreaker has called Hook out over the FTW Championship, and Hook responded just the other night on Dynamite. That battle is coming, and Roddy is even talking trash on the way to the ring that he’ll be making an example of his opponent tonight. Will Roddy use Anthony Henry’s second-cousin-in-law to send a message to the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil?

Beef offers a handshake, Roddy refuses, and Beef remembers this is Rampage, not ROH. The bell rings and Beef circles with Roddy. They tie up, Roddy wrenches and wristlocks. Roddy slaps Beef around, lets off, and he soaks up heat in the corner. Henry coaches Beef, Beef and Roddy reset and circle. They tie up, Roddy waistlocks then headlocks. Beef powers up and out, then he runs Roddy over! The fans fire up for Beef, but Roddy kicks the leg! Roddy CHOPS and ROCKS Beef, then ROCKS him again. Beef ROCKS Roddy in return! And again, and again, and again! The fans fire up, and Beef whips, only for Roddy to reverse!

Beef cartwheels past Roddy to DROPKICK! The fans fire up with Beef, and he hopes Henry saw that. Roddy KNEES Beef low! Roddy fires forearms while Rampage goes picture in picture.

Roddy reels Beef in, but then Beef suplexes first! Roddy slips free, CLUBS Beef, then runs, into a HIP ATTACK! Beef says kiss this while Roddy tumbles out of the ring! The Kingdom check son Roddy, but Beef steps to the apron. Henry tells The Kingdom to back off, but Roddy gets up to ENZIGIRI Beef! And then APRON BACK SUPLEX! That’s a lot of Beef hitting the edge, and The Kingdom is all fired up! Henry tells them to back off, and he checks his second cousin by marriage. Roddy pushes Beef in, stomps him around, then CLUBS him. Beef staggers, Roddy CHOPS him! Beef staggers along the ropes, but Roddy CHOPS him again!

Roddy ROCKS Beef in a corner, Beef gets his guard up but Roddy pie faces him. Beef pushes Roddy, then fires haymakers! Beef kicks low, but Roddy drop toeholds to drop an elbow! Beef writhes, sits up, and Roddy CHOPS him! Roddy clamps onto a chinlock and he squeezes tight! Beef endures, fights up, and he JAWBREAKERS free! Roddy staggers back, returns, but Beef NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Roddy ROCKS Beef and Beef falls hard into a corner! The Kingdom cheers, Beef shakes out the stars, and Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Roddy drags himself up with ropes on one end, Beef on the other. The fans rally up, Roddy storms up, but Beef ROCKS him first! And JABS! JABS! JABS! Beef keeps throwing hands, then winds up, to HAYMAKER! The fans fire up with Beef and he brings Roddy around. Underhook for the BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Roddy goes to a corner, Beef pumps up and runs in, LARIAT in the corner! Beef whips corner to corner, then LARIATS! Beef keeps moving, BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Roddy stays in this but the fans stay fired up for “BEEF! BEEF! BEEF!” Beef waits, CHOPS, and JABS!

Roddy goes to a corner, Beef CHOPS again! And ROCKS him again! Beef whips corner to corner, Roddy reverses, but Beef goes up and out! Beef hurries, blows through the lariat, but not the GAMANGIRI! Beef is stuck up top, Roddy goes up after him! Roddy brings Beef to the very tup, SUPER DUPER PLEX! Cover, TWO!! Beef survives and Lexington loves it! The Kingdom, however, does not. Roddy drags Beef up, reels him in, and fireman’s carries. Beef slips free, waistlocks, but Roddy bucks the O’Conner. Beef returns to SPLASH against ropes! The fans fire up, Henry even rallies, but then The Kingdom mugs Henry!

The fans boo as The Kingdom send Henry into railing! Beef still runs to CROSSBODY at the ropes! The #SloppySteak has been served, but Beef realizes what’s happening to his cousin! Beef runs up to CLOBBER The Kingdom! The fans fire up and Beef hurries back into the ring. Roddy STRONG KNEES him! Cover, Roddy wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by pinfall

The Kingdom used Beef’s family against him, and that is how Roddy comes away with the win. But if Roddy needed help eating up Beef, will he need all the help he can get when he and Hook battle it out?


The Righteous speak.

Ol’ Dutch says, “There’s always light after dark. You have to go through a dark place to find it, but it’s there waiting for you.” The image returns and Vincent says, “There’s a light in the AEW Tag Division. But for Vincent & Dutch, we’re that dimly lit candle that’s in the corner of the dark house. This might sound crazy to you, this might sound crazy to all of you, but the truth is, we’re all here because we’re not all there. You dig what I’m saying, man?” The Righteous sit down, and Dutch names The House of Black. Are the Righteous looking to light up The House? Or will Malakai, Brody & Buddy make sure even these two #FadeToBlack?


The Outcasts VS Allysin Kay & Marti Belle!

With Mariah May going on about her still-to-come glamorous championship celebration, and Mercedes Mone still holding onto two belts between two companies, it is anyone’s guess as to who gets their shots next. Will Saraya & Harley make sure they’re not on the outside looking in? Or will there be a Hex put on the AEW Women’s Division now that AK47 and The Voodoo Queen are here?

The teams sort out and Saraya starts against Marti. They tie up, and Marti fires off forearms! Marti puts Saraya in a corner, but Saraya bumps Marti off buckles from top to bottom! Saraya digs her boot in, stomps a mudhole, and lets off with a shout! The fans fire up, Saraya brings Marti up and ROCKS her. Saraya then backs off, distracts the ref, and that lets Harley thrash Marti around! Harley throws Marti down, Saraya sucker punches Allysin, and the ref has to hold Allysin back! Saraya gets to stomp away on Marti in that distraction, and then she bumps Marti off buckles. Tag to Harley, and she RAMS into Marti! And RAMS in again!

Harley digs her boot into Marti, then bumps Marti off buckles. Harley digs her boot in again, the ref counts, and Harley lets off. Harley runs up, Marti puts her on the apron, but Harley ROUNDHOUSES! Harley CLUBS Marti in the ropes, AX KICKS her, and then steps back in. Harley CHOKES Marti on ropes, the ref counts, but Harley lets off., Now Sararya gets cheap shots in! The fans are torn but Marti flops back. Harley tags Saraya, she tells fans to shut up, and she ROCKS Marti. Saraya whips Marti hard into railing, then she soaks up heat. The ref counts, Saraya drags Marti up and into the ring. Saraya drags Marti up and tags Harley back in.

Harley & Saraya mug Marti, and Harley digs her boot in. Harley lets off to run, roll, and come back. But Marti BOOTS Harley, ROCKS Saraya, but Harley drop toeholds! Harley grabs legs, but Marti BOOTS her away! Hot tag to AK! Allysin rallies on The Outcasts, FLAPJACK for Saraya! Allysin reels Harley in, but Saraya saves her from the Canadian Rack. Saraya then sucker punches Marti! Harley serves SOLE FOOD to Allysin, then she shrieks! Harley runs, Saraya tags, Harley SHINING WIZARDS! Harley covers but Saraya says sorry, she didn’t warn her. Saraya drags Allysin up, for the KNIGHT CAP! Cover, Outcasts win!

Winners: The Outcasts, by pinfall

Saraya smiles sweety but she’s a bit of a snake sniping her own teammate’s win. But one way or another, will these two be heading for championships? WAIT! A former champion is here in the form of Jamie Hayter! Hayter storms down to the ring, The Outcasts dare her, but then Saraya bails! Harley is all alone, and Hayter DECKS her! Saraya runs away into the night! Harley staggers back to her feet, again learning Hayter Hits Hard. Will Saraya make sure she never even gets within arm’s length of Hayter? Or is there no running from what’s coming?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

In The Conglomeration’s continued efforts of collaboration, they are teaming with the hit sensation, Hologram! They’re taking on an equally interesting combination of Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari and The Beast Mortos! Will Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly and the futuristic high-flyer be able to bring down The Premier Athletes and the menacing minotaur? Then, Wheeler Yuta returns one whole week after the incident at All Out. Will he be able to focus after witnessing the brutal betrayal of Blackpool Combat Club on Bryan Danielson? Or will Anthony Henry take advantage of a distraught Decoder?

Additionally, we’ll see the returning Yuka Sakazaki put herself to the test against Serena Deeb! Will The Wrestling Magical Girl show she’s at 100%? Plus, Queen Aminata and Robyn Renegade face off, both looking to rebound a bit in the rankings after recent defeats. And speaking of rebounds, Komander & Private Party were the victims of Jon Moxley and his new BCC, will they finally get their first Trios match together?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!

With The Don Callis Family targeting The Elite’s gold, it was only natural to make a huge Six Man Tag match! Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takeshita are going to face Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks, which side gains a major edge going into all the different title matches? Speaking The Don Callis Family…


Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS Action Andretti w/ Lio Rush & Leila Grey!

All Out’s Continental Championship was a Fatal 4 Way, so the odds weren’t in The Alpha’s favor, but he still doesn’t like that he lost. Plus, Kazuchika Okada had to go and taunt Konosuke on Dynamite, so now he’s in a worse mood. Will Konosuke take all his anger out on Action Andretti? Or will this be a Sight to See on a Friday night?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two circle slowly, then tie up. Konosuke’s height gives him the advantage and he puts Action on ropes. The ref counts, Konosuke lets off but with a pie face. Action steps up to pie faces back! Konosuke swings, Action gets under and around to waistlock. Konosuke switches, Action drops but Konosuke stops the wheelbarrow to waistlock. Action counters the lift with an arm-drag! Action then wrenches, CHOPS, and knuckle locks. Action goes up and up an FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Konosuke comes back, dodges, but Action handsprings through the back drop! Action tilt-o-whirls to RANA, and DROPKICK!

Konosuke bails out, Action kips up, and he goes to the apron. Konosuke blocks a kick to YANK Action down! Konosuke drags Action up, and whips him hard into steel steps! Action writhes, Konosuke talks smack, and Konosuke drags Action up. Fans chant “One More Time! One More Time!” in reference to the steps. Konosuke ROCKS Action with forearm after forearm, then he whips Action back into the steps! The fans cheer that their request was fulfilled, and Konosuke drags Action back up. Konosuke brings Action up the steps, and shoves him into the ring at 5 of 10. Konosuke puts Action in a corner to ROCK him with a forearm.

Ref Aubrey Edwards reprimands, but Konosuke CHOPS Action! Konosuke hoists Action up top, climbs up after him, and the fans fire up. But Action fires body shots first! Konosuke CLAWS Action’s eyes, then goes up to the very top! The fans fire up for the SUPER DUPER PLEX! Cover, TWO!! Action just gets that arm up and Konosuke is annoyed, but Rampage goes picture in picture.

Konosuke looms over Action, but Action fires body shots! Konosuke BOOTS Action down! Konosuke drags Action up, puts him on ropes, and CHOKES him, then fishhooks him! Aubrey reprimands, Konosuke argues with her, but that just lets Callis get some shots in! He even CHOKES Action! Lio & Leila protests but Callis gets away with it. Konosuke drags Action up, snapmares, and then clamps on a chinlock. Konosuke grinds Action down, but Action endures and fights up. The fans rally as Action fires body shots! Action CHOPS, whips, but Konosuke reverses to ELBOW Action down! Konosuke paces while Leila & Lio are worried.

Konosuke drags Action up, bumps him off buckles, then goes up. Konosuke rains down fists! Konosuke stops at nine, shakes his head at the fans, and BITES Action’s forehead! Konosuke hops down, whips corner to corner, but Action goes up and around to sunset flip! TWO! Action goes up and up to CROSSBODY into Konosuke’s arms! BACKBREAKER! Konosuke brings Action around to whip and BOOT! Action checks his teeth, Konosuke pushes him to a cover, TWO! Konosuke is annoyed, but he stalks Action. Konosuke uses  his own wrist tape to CHOKE Action! The ref reprimands, counts, so Konosuke changes to a chinlock.

Action endures, even as Konosuke grinds him down. Konosuke shifts to have a motorcycle stretch but Action fights up. Action works to turn the hold, but Konosuke keeps it on tight. Action still fights, but Konosuke wrangles Action with a cording hold. Action keeps his shoulders up, fights around, and Rampage returns to single picture. Action fires body shots, but Konosuke CLAWS his face again! The ref reprimands, but Action blocks the Power Drive Knee! Action rises up, but Konosuke goes for the eyes again! Konosuke shoves Action, but Action BOOTS back! Action fires haymakers, bobs ‘n’ weaves, then ROCKS Konosuke!

Action whips, Konosuke reverses, but Action handsprings to back elbow! The fans fire up and Action watches Konosuke bail out. Action runs up to ENZIGIRI! Konosuke drops off the apron, and Action builds speed to handspring, somersault and SENTON! Action then whips, but Konosuke reverses. Action slides in, returns, and FLIES! Direct hit and Action lands on his feet! The fans fire up, Action gets Konosuke back in the ring. Action springboards, 450 but he has to roll through! Action mule kicks, CHOPS, but Konosuke ducks the kick to GERMAN SUPLEX! Konosuke runs, TAKESHITA LINE!! Cover, TWO!!

Leila & Lio coach Action up but Callis does the same with Konosuke. Konosuke vows to end this, and he drags Action up. Konosuke reels Action in, lifts, but Action fires hands! Action leans back, but Konosuke pops him back up! LAST- RANA!! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke escapes, but Action SHOOTING- NO! Konosuke moves, rolls Action, but Action rolls through! Konosuke avoids the kick, avoids the moonsault, and avoids another shooting star! The fans fire up while both men are down! Konosuke wags his finger as he rises up, and the fans rally. Action goes to a corner, runs up, and he SHOTGUNS! But Konosuke doesn’t budge!

Konosuke swings, Action dodges, handsprings, but into a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO?!? Konosuke is stunned, but Action survives! This is the same Action that beat Chris Jericho in his first AEW match, and he goes to a corner. Konosuke runs up, but Action dodges! Action comes back, into an ELBOW! Action falls, Konosuke goes up, but Action kips up to PELE! Action runs, jumps, and is right up top to SUPER STEINER! The fans fire up and Action springboards, into the ALPHA ELBOW!! Konosuke runs, POWER DRIVE KNEE!! Cover, but Konosuke lets Action up!? Konosuke wants to make this one hurt! Konosuke suplexes, for RAGING FIRE!! Cover, Konosuke wins!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall

A message sent to everyone, but especially Okada! Will The Don Callis Family, working in chorus with Will Ospreay, be able to bring down The Elite? Or will The Rainmaker put out Konosuke’s Raging Fire before they ever go 1v1?

My Thoughts:

A very good Rampage here, maybe even great, because there was even good stuff in what should’ve been throwaway matches. I love that they gave Beef a great showing against Roderick Strong, and Beef really can do some stuff. His charisma is automatic, he’s shown character on ROH, and Henry even got fired up for Beef, a story beat that only matters to those who watch ROH, but it was still cool to see. But of course The Kingdom get involved in a roundabout way so that Roddy can win. You can bet that’ll happen when it’s Hook VS Roddy for the FTW Championship under FTW Rules, a remix of Hook VS Jericho.

Also, great promo from The Kingdom with Dustin & Sammy to set up not just an ROH World Tag Team Championship match, but a Bunkhouse Brawl! So great to have that stipulation back, the last one was during Empty Arena Era. Can’t wait to see how wild they get next Saturday. Very good promo from The Righteous, did not think they’d call out The House of Black, but if they also bring Lance Archer into this, that’s a great Six Man Tag. And great promo from Christopher Daniels to make the TNT Championship match with Jack Perry. Logically, The Bucks can now call Daniels a hypocrite for taking this Open Challenge for himself. But anyway, Jack will definitely retain, and he’ll add a big name to his list of wins.

Great Six Man Tag for The Conglomeration VS Dark Order, in which The Conglomeration of course won. That gives Cassidy momentum into his match with Jericho on Dynamite, and I suppose that’ll be some good stuff. But it feels like Jericho wins that to avenge his jacket and his Bentley, and pushes this to like Grand Slam or the Dynamite Anniversary Show. It could even be a Six Man Tag, and Bill turns on Jericho over the whole “you’re being used” line from Dynamite. Good match for Kamille that she of course would win, and that’s a great name for her finisher, because it is a phrase you can use in promos and things like my write-up.

Very good tag match from The Outcasts VS The Hex, but of course Saraya & Harley win. Speaking of Jericho’s “you’re being used” line, Saraya is of course using Harley, she let Harley take another shot from Hayter. Hayter VS Saraya is itself a Grand Slam or Anniversary Show level match, that’ll be a lot of fun. And of course, great stuff in the main event. Action got to look great, it’s been a minute since he looked this good in a singles match, but of course Konosuke won. Them making a Six Man Tag of Elite VS Don Callis Family for Dynamite is some interesting stuff. I was theorizing on Wednesday that they might already start planting seeds of Callis kicking Fletcher out of the group, and if Fletcher were to take the loss to The Elite, those seeds could be planted early.

My Score: 8.7/10

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