WWE Week In Review: August 19-25, 2018
The week after WWE SummerSlam is in the books, and the path to Hell In A Cell is starting to clear.

WWE SummerSlam is in the books and what a week it’s been! We’ve seen title changes, returns, reunions, and breakups. So how did WWE do this week? Let’s check it out!
WWE Universal Championship: If Roman Reigns has learned anything from his years toiling to get back to the title picture it’s this: Always have backup, especially if the Money in the Bank briefcase is in play, and he put that lesson to good use on Monday. Reigns kicked off the night vowing to have matches for the title with anyone who wanted a shot, but the first person Reigns wanted to face was Finn Balor, who had never received his rematch after being forced to vacate the title after his shoulder injury in 2016. Balor accepted on a handshake.
Corbin tried to stop the match from being made, citing that Balor no-showed SummerSlam and sent the Demon instead, which drew much scorn and laughter from everyone. Balor and Reigns had an amazing match, taking each other to the limit, but as Reigns was preparing to finish Balor off, Strowman came out to prepare for his cash in.
Here’s where things get…interesting, Strowman tried to cash in, but Reigns had some back up: Ambrose and Rollins came out, in their Shield gear, and took out the Monster Among Men. What this means for everyone on RAW is going to be very interesting next week because the Hounds have been unleashed and they hold two of the three men’s titles on RAW.
Later in the week, a still seething Strowman called Reigns out on Twitter, challenging him to face him in the middle of the ring on Monday, if he was really a man. Reigns pointed out that Strowman tried to cash in on him after he’d wrestled a 30 minute match and implied that Strowman could only beat him by catching him by surprise and referred to the Monster Among Men as a ‘Meat Shack’, which is slang for a woman’s privates.
As for Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman was in the building, demanding a rematch for his client, specifically at Hell in a Cell. Kurt Angle refused due to finally having a fighting champion and said that Hell would freeze over before Brock gets his rematch.
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth didn’t have a match on Monday, but he saw plenty of action seconding Dean Ambrose in his first match since December and backing up Roman Reigns against Braun Strowman. Seth protected Dean from attack by Drew McIntyre, suffering a two on one attack by McIntyre and Ziggler, but managed to take out McIntyre, giving Dean the opening to put Ziggler away. Later on in the evening, he and Ambrose donned their old Shield gear to help Roman Reigns fend off an attempted cash-in by Braun Strowman.
RAW Women’s Champion: The Women of RAW were in attendance at the crowning of new Women’s Champion, Ronda Rousey. Stephanie was there and in a move reminiscent of her father with Stone Cold Steve Austin twenty years ago, unwisely provoked the new champion by criticizing first the other women of the division, who were apparently invited by Rousey to celebrate and trying to pretend that things were cool between her and Rousey, who smelled a trap right from the start. Stephanie would pay for her unwise decision by being put in the same armbar that took out Alexa Bliss the night before. They were broken up by the rest of the division, including the Bella Twins.
RAW Tag Team Championship: Bo Dallas was in action against Scott Dawson. The Revival were, understandably, NOT happy after getting robbed, in their minds, of the Tag Team titles. Dawson handily defeated Dallas.
Curtis Axel, in a bid to avenge his friend, challenged Dash Wilder to match immediately afterwards. Unfortunately, vengeance will have to wait for the B-Team as Wilder handily beat Axel. A furious Bo Dallas cut a promo, reminding them that the B-Team were still the champions. This feud isn’t over by a long shot, though both teams might want to look over their shoulders for Authors of Pain and the Shield.
Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler: For the first time since December 18, 2017, Dean Ambrose saw in ring action. He was going against the Showoff, who was not happy about losing his coveted Intercontinental Championship to Seth Rollins at SummerSlam. Ambrose was accompanied by Seth Rollins while Ziggler was backed up by McIntyre.
While Ambrose showed a little ring rust, he also showed a new, hard-nosed attitude, and several new moves that highlight the fact that he’s put on some serious muscle during his time off, including a counter into Dirty Deeds that was so clean you could eat off of it. Ziggler didn’t make things easy, but Ambrose would shut the Showoff up with his patented Dirty Deeds for the three count. Welcome back, Dean!
Bobby Lashley vs Constable Corbin: Corbin’s rotten SummerSlam adventure continued as he got his butt kicked by Bobby Lashley. Thankfully for Corbin’s pride, the match wasn’t the embarrassing squash he’d suffered at the hands of the Demon, but Lashley made sure that the Constable of RAW ended his SummerSlam weekend 0-2.
Triple H vs Undertaker: The build for the Super Showdown in Australia started tonight, recapping the storied feud between Triple H and Undertaker. Triple H said that he’d actually refused due to their final match at WrestleMania XXVIII. However, he’d changed his mind and he and Taker will face each other in Australia.
Boss-Hug Connection and Ember Moon vs Riott Squad: Sasha, Bayley and Ember Moon faced the Riott Squad in a six woman tag match. Despite Boss-Hug/Shenom’s best efforts, the Riott Squad’s unity was too much to overcome. Ruby Riott would seal her team’s victory with a Riott Kick to Sasha Banks.
Elias vs Curt Hawkins: Trying to regroup from his guitar malfunction from the night before, Elias tried to serenade Brooklyn, only to be interrupted by Curt Hawkins, for some ungodly reason. Hawkins, who has a pretty interesting defeated record, wants to fight. Elias brutally buries Hawkins, who seems to walk away but turns around and fights. Elias handily defeated Hawkins, but this might not be over.
Titus Worldwide vs Authors of Pain: Titus Worldwide took on the Authors of Pain again and we got a hint of some romance brewing between Dana Brooke and Apollo Crews, to Titus’ dismay. Titus Worldwide would fall to AOP, but not without a fight.
Angle vs Corbin: Angle seemed to have tired of Corbin’s big head and put him in a match against Bobby Lashley. Corbin was not happy about what happened and vowed to complain to Stephanie McMahon, who was in the building. Unfortunately, her encounter with Ronda Rousey put Stephanie in a foul mood and she suspended Angle, making Corbin the acting GM of RAW.
WWE Smackdown
WWE Championship: AJ Styles had an interview with Renee Young and addressed the controversial end of his match with Samoa Joe. Styles expressed no remorse for his action because Samoa Joe crossed a line that a real man wouldn’t cross. He then vowed that the next time Joe mentions his name, he’s going to rip his heart out. He was then attacked by Samoa Joe, who locked in the Coquina Clutch. On Friday, it was announced that Styles and Samoa Joe would have another match at Hell in a Cell, but no word on if this will be a Hell in a Cell match.
WWE United States Championship: Nakamura cut a promo saying that now that he’s vanquished Jeff Hardy, it is the United States of Nakamerica, whatever that means.
SmackDown Women’s Championship: It would be safe to say that the long-time friendship between Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair is, at best, fractured. After Becky was pinned by her best friend in Sunday’s Triple Threat match and lost the Women’s Championship match she’d worked so hard to earn, the Lass Kicker finally snapped and turned on her best friend, leaving Charlotte in a heap behind the announce desk.
Becky was all business when she took to the ring to explain her actions. She expressed no remorse, saying that Charlotte deserved the beating she got. She also called out the WWE Universe for their lack of support, and that Charlotte has held her back for the last time. Charlotte came out and there was no talking, just fighting and this wasn’t a catfight, this was a full on brawl. Even the entire Women’s Division couldn’t keep them apart, though it didn’t look like they tried all that hard.
As for former Women’s Champion, Carmella, she invoked her rematch clause and will face Charlotte next week. For some reason Truth still thinks pinning Carmella will get him a US Title shot, despite Paige telling him otherwise.
Throughout the week, the narrative of Becky’s turn has evolved interviews and on social media. She conducted an interview with Gorilla Position, where she stated that while she appreciated that the fans supported her, their support hadn’t gotten her very far, and blaming WWE for overlooking her because she wasn’t blonde and giving her opportunities to lesser talents. She also attacked Charlotte for stealing her moment when Charlotte had been handed seven title reigns without having to earn them.
This was further clarified in a few tweets where Becky called out Charlotte for referring to the SmackDown as ‘This’ and stating that she’d been fighting for ‘this’ when Charlotte was playing volleyball and getting a tan. Another tweet pointed out that Charlotte had turned on Becky in the past, but the difference was that while Charlotte attacked Becky from behind, Becky had looked Charlotte in the eye.
SmackDown Tag Team Championship: The Bludgeon Brothers faced the New Day in a No DQ match. Big E could not be cleared to wrestle due to his ribs, so it was Kofi and Xavier taking on the Bludgeon Brothers. As expected from a No DQ match, this one was brutal. RUMOR is that Erick Rowan was dealing with a bicep injury, but you could hardly tell during the match. Woods and Kingston were at a definite size and strength disadvantage, especially without Big E, but they hung in there, finally ending the Bludgeon Brothers’ reign of terror and becoming 3x tag champs.
However, the new champs can’t rest on their laurels. On Sunday, General Manager Paige announced that there will be a triple threat #1 Contender’s match to decide who New Day will face at Hell in a Cell: The Bar vs Good Brothers vs TBA.
Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy: Randy Orton might be a dangerous man, but a pissed off Jeff Hardy is even more dangerous. The Charismatic Enigma confronted Randy Orton on Tuesday after weeks of insults and torment and it got bowling shoe ugly. Hardy got himself DQ’d by a blatant low blow and then beat Orton from pillar to post, before vanquishing Orton with a Swanton Bomb through a table.
Comment: Given the accusations against Orton, it seems like this was done to wrap up the Hardy storyline and take Orton off of TV until WWE’s investigation was over.
Miz and Daniel Bryan: Flush from his victory over Daniel Bryan, Miz and Maryse were back, cutting a promo where Miz bragged about his victory and mocked Bryan, announcing that he was retiring from ever facing Daniel Bryan again.
Well, much like Michael Jordan’s first retirement, this didn’t last long, Bryan came out and was ready to fight. Bryan mocked Miz and called him a ‘lie’ and that he would expose Miz for what he was: A wannabe Hollywood star cosplaying as a wrestler. Maryse interrupted, telling Bryan to go home and retire again and call himself ‘Daniel Bella’.
The Mizanins learned the hard way to never piss off the Bellas as Brie made her return to competition, CLOCKING Miz and driving him and Maryse out of the ring. It was then that Daniel Bryan made the announcement he’d come out to make: After talking with Paige, it was decided that not only would he and Miz face each other again at Hell in a Cell, it was going to be a Mixed Tag Match, the Bryans vs the Mizanins.
Miz and Maryse pleaded their case to Paige, though criticizing her successful tenureship as GM was probably not the best way to do it. She informed them that the match would stay in and that it would be ‘AWESOME’.
Naomi vs Peyton Royce: After being off of TV for several weeks, Naomi faced IIconics’ Peyton Royce. IIconics came out and insulted the Queen of Glow, who certainly had her hands full with Billie Kaye at ringside. Unfortunately, Naomi couldn’t overcome the numbers game when a distraction by Billie Kaye gave Peyton the opening to slam Naomi into the ringpost and get the pin.
Rusev/Lana vs Almas/Vega: In a rematch from SummerSlam, Rusev and Lana faced Almas and Vega in a mixed tag team match and the less said about it, the better. Rusev was saved from a sneak attack from Almas by Aiden English and got the submission victory.
WWE 205 Live
WWE Cruiserweight Championship: To call Drew Gulak a sore loser would be unfair…to sore losers. The Philly Fury was LIVID at losing to Cedric at SummerSlam, declaring Alexander a fraud champion who got lucky and demanded a rematch. GM Maverick denied Gulak’s demand on the grounds that there were a lot of other competitors on 205 who should be given that opportunity. Opportunities were earned on 205, Gulak earned his and lost the match, which meant it was time for someone else to have a chance.
Much like a spoiled child who didn’t get his way, Gulak refused to accept that he wouldn’t get the rematch he thought he was owed. He, Kendrick, and Gallagher attacked Akira Tozawa, declaring that there wouldn’t be any peace on 205 unless he got his rematch and mocking Cedric Alexander, calling him ‘afraid.’
Alexander came out to confront Gulak and pointed out that Gulak was hiding behind Things 1 and 2 (Kendrick and Gallagher) and that if Drew gets them to leave, Alexander will gladly come down and shut Gulak up, which just makes Gulak angrier, probably because he knows that he can’t beat Alexander without help. He mocked Alexander as a ‘choir boy’ and said the Age of Alexander sucked.
While all this was going on, Maverick and the refs were trying to stop the oncoming fight, but Alexander had had enough of Gulak’s insults and charged the ring, but Gulak took off, which Alexander pointed out to Maverick. Time will tell what the fallout of this will be, but it seems that Gulak isn’t going to stop until he gets another shot at Alexander.
Noam Dar vs TJP: After losing almost a year of his career and splitting two matches, Noam Dar finally got one over on TJP in an incredible match that seemed to go everywhere and took both men to the limit, but Dar would prevail, pinning TJP with a Rolla Nova and getting the tiebreaker.
Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado with Kalisto) vs Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese: The Lucha House Party faced the Party Crashers an amazing match that has to be seen to be believed, though there were a few botches. Lucha House Party would pick up the win, but it’s doubtful that the Party Crashers are going to accept their defeat.
Akira Tozawa vs Colin Delaney: Akira Tozawa’s bid to bounce back from his second loss to Lio Rush never happened because of the appearance of Drew Gulak and his cronies.
NXT Championship: We had a highlight reel of the Ciampa/Gargano war at TakeOver, but nothing from either competitor.
NXT North American Championship/Tag Team Championship: We got a highlight reel of the battle betweet Mustache Mountain and Strong/O’Reilly of the Undisputed Era, as well as the war between Adam Cole and Ricochet.
In a post match interview, Ricochet talked about how proud he is that after all his hard work, he’s finally the North American Champion. Before he can go further, he’s confronted by Strong and O’Reilly, who don’t appreciate what he’s saying about Adam Cole. Ricochet is saved from a possible two on one beatdown by United Kingdom Champion, Pete Dunne, who was just coming into the building.
Ricochet thanked Dunne, who replied that he wasn’t there to help him, he just doesn’t like Undisputed Era. He also seemed to have an eye on Ricochet’s gold, prompting William Regal to book a Champions vs Champions match: Ricochet and Dunne vs Undisputed Era.
NXT Women’s Championship: It would be safe to say that Shayna Baszler is NOT happy about coming up short to Kairi Sane at TakeOver. The Queen of Spades made it clear that, as far as she’s concerned, Sane didn’t win because she was better, Baszler lost because Sane got lucky.
Bianca Belair vs Deonna Purrazzo: The ‘Est’ of NXT, Bianca Belair, made her triumphant return on Wednesday and faced off against the Virtuosa, Deonna Purrazzo, who will be competing in the Mae Young Classic this year. This was a really great match up with both ladies showing each other up, including Purrazzo doing a headstand to get out of a leg scissors. Belair would get the win, but it wasn’t without a heck of a fight.
EC3 and Velveteen Dream: We were shown a highlight reel of their TakeOver Match. Cathy Kelly interviewed Dream shortly after his match and he said that we would have to tune in on Wednesday at 8pm to find out what was next for him.
EC3, and his busted eye, had an interview with Mike Rome. 3 said that his issues with Dream were a clash of personalities because they both want the same things and that at TakeOver, Dream was the better man. However, since 3 has made a lot of outrageous claims since his return to NXT, his mindset is victory at all cost. His issues with Dream aren’t over until he wins.
Mike Rome asks him about the video of the aftermath of the attack on Black and what he saw. 3 said that it was dark in the parking lot and all he saw was chaos. 3 accuses Lars Sullivan since Sullivan had motive and was there right after the attack. Not that he’s ACCUSING Sullivan or anything.
UK Championship Match: Pete Dunne vs Zack Gibson: The Bruiserweight Champion faced Liverpool’s Number One in a brutal and grueling match that was a great advertisement for NXT UK, which WILL be on the WWE Network. The British style of wrestling is much more hard-hitting than what we see in America, but that contrast makes for very interesting matches. Dunne picked up the win after hitting The Bitter End.
Alistair Black Mystery: The mystery of who took out former NXT Champion Alesteir Black continued to unfold this week. They finally got the security footage cleaned up and there are some surprises, namely that Nikki Cross seems to have witnessed the whole thing from a rooftop.
Overall Comments: Whew! What a week! From an unbelievable TakeOver and SummerSlam on Sunday, to the reunion of the Shield, Brie Bella’s return to competition, the fracturing of Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch’s friendship. SmackDown has new Tag Team Champs, Finn Balor FINALLY got his rematch, Dean Ambrose impressed in his first televised match in eight months, Ronda Rousey’s feud with Stephanie McMahon continues, and that was all a couple of days after SummerSlam.
Hell In a Cell Predictions: As usual with WWE, we’re going right into the build for the next PPV and since this is going to be a joint PPV, who gets a Hell in a Cell match is going to be chosen pretty carefully.
I think the Cell matches we’re going to get are:
- Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman for the Universal Championship
- AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe for the WWE Championship
- Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch for the SmackDown Women’s Championship
I would also say that either Ambrose/Rollins vs Ziggler/McIntyre or Rousey vs whomever COULD take place in a Cell match, but these three really have the best stories to justify going into the Cell.
Final Thoughts: The week after a huge PPV tends to dictate what direction WWE will be heading into for the next few months. Fall tends to be a slower time in wrestling, so WWE did a really great job of building storylines that will likely keep us interested for the next few months until we get to Survivor Series.
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Greg DeMarco’s 2025 WWE Royal Rumble Results, Review & Reaction
We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!

We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!
It’s the first Royal Rumble in an NFL stadium (thanks to the WWE calendar change), and both Rumble matches feature a star-studded line-up that makes it much harder than you’d think to pick a winner. I was lucky enough to attend one Royal Rumble live, 2019, and it’s always the best way to set the stage for WrestleMania.
If @whoislaniee‘s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner is any indication, we are in for one hell of a night with one hell of a crowd!
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
Always great to see Stephanie McMahon kicking off a show–the more Stephanie, the better. Apparently we’ve managed to pack 70,000 fans into Lucas Oil Stadium, and if you didn’t know, Pat McAfee loves him some Indianapolis.
With each match you’ll see my picks, in my traditional “Who Should Win?/Will Will Win?” format. I made them in this week’s solo edition of The Greg DeMarco Show, which you can listen to here:
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Women’s WWE Royal Rumble Match
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Bianca Belair
- Who Will Win: Bianca Belair
Last year’s winner was Bayley, entering at #3, and she went on to defeat Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.
- Iyo Sky enters #1, and I do love the elevated platform–it’s not really a stage, but it does enhance the overall feel of the show. Old school fans will remember the entrance from Montreal watching Prime Time Wrestling.
- I feel like Liv Morgan always enters these matches early. I also didn’t realize she’s been in all 8 Women’s Royal Rumble matches.
- I do love the “ticker” across the bottom of the screen with stats and info during the entrances. Very ESPN, very “Wrestling As A Sport” to me.
- Gotta say I was hoping for the black canvas (I’m biased), but I’ll always take grey over light blue.
Roxanne Perez has “Iron Woman” written all over her entering at #3. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- We even get “Active” and “Eliminated” in the ticket? I am REALLY digging this.
- Lyra Valkyria enters to very little reaction–she’s a fantastic talent but has not connected on the main roster.
- Lyra with the early wardrobe malfunction and we are already slightly derailed, kudos to everyone for getting it together.
- Interesting to have the secondary champions enter back-to-back, and Indianapolis doesn’t seem to care much about her, either. Maybe I was wrong about this crowd, and maybe my criticism of Lyra was premature.
- Chelsea thinking she’s dumped everyone and pointing to the sign is a great piece of business.
- B-Fab enters at #6, and I would assume she has the lowest chance of winning of anyone in the field.
- Man, B-Fab is still very NOT good.
- Ivy Nile enters #7, the 5th straight entrant who has zero chance of winning this thing.
- Also, we are still without an elimination, but probably 10 “hanging on the rope” spots already.
- Ivy Nile is already more over in Indy than the Intercontinental and United States Champions.
- Zoey Stark, complete with Barry Windham’s “Stalker” facepaint, enters eighth to continue our run of women with zero chance of winning.
- Lash Legend enters at #9, and I have a feeling she’s about to win this crowd over.
- “Get her on the Fever” – Pat McAfee.
- Chelsea Green gives us our first elimination, of B-Fab.
- Bianca Belair enters at #10, really hurting my chances of being right.
And here’s my pick to win the Women’s #RoyalRumble, Bianca Belair. At #10? Doesn’t look good for me!
(Seth Rollins won his from #10, I believe.)
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- The crowd definitely picked up with Bianca being in the match.
- Shayna Baszler enters #11, reminding me she works for WWE. Which is sad, I really thought she’d have a hell of a run in WWE.
- Bayley is #12, and we still have quite the group in this match. Personally I don’t see Bayley being a back-to-back winner.
- Sonya Deville is in at #13 to complete the PFC trio in this match. I’m sure that’ll work out well for them!
- Iyo Sky is so good, she saved Sonya’s knee spot and I am sure no one noticed.
- Maxxine Dupri in at #14, another non-winner, but to her credit she only keeps getting better.
- With 12 women thill in this match, I have a feeling we’re getting Nia Jax or Charlotte Flair soon to give us a bunch of eliminations.
- Ivy Nile out, followed by Maxxine Dupri, and the countdown is on!
- Naomi brings the halfway point with her, entering at #15.
Naomi is a former women’s champion and had an amazing WrestleMania moment back in Orlando–why does Michael Cole keep saying 2024 was her breakout year? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- All of PFC is gone, and nothing of value is lost (from this match–they are valuable as people).
- Jaida Parker, entering at #16, comes in to a better reaction than half of the field. Miss Parker has a hell of a WWE career ahead of her.
- Chelsea Green is so damn good at what she does.
- And here comes Piper Niven at #17.
- Will Piper somehow eliminate Piper?
- Yes – the answer to that question is yes.
- Naalya enters at #18, her eighth Royal Rumble. She’s a little over 20 minutes away from 3 cumulative hours in Rumble matches.
If anyone “deserves” a Royal Rumble win, it’s Natalya. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- FANTASTIC reaction for Jordynne Grace–that has to raise some eyebrows among leadership.
- Michin in at #20, as we are up to 10 eliminations.
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- Wade Barrett, Michael Cole, and Pat McAfee crapping all over the wrestling newz sites is amazing.
- And you can tell Alexa Bliss is THRILLED to be back.
- Zelina Vega in at #22 to not win the Royal Rumble.
- HUGE SPOT for Zelina Vega and Jordynne Grace.
- If you happen to rewatch this match, watch Bayley very closely. It’s a look inside the business–she’s basically an agent in the ring.
- Candice LeRae enters at #23, and I am reminded that she’s the WWE Women’s Speed Champion. I also wonder if they’ve started piping in crowd noise for these entrances.
- Of note, we haven’t closed a Royal Rumble PLE with the Women’s Royal Rumble Match since the first one in 2018.
- Of the 10 women eliminated so far, 6 of them entered #4-5-6-7-8-9.
Great reaction for Stephanie Vaquer–Indianapolis seems to be an NXT crowd. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- LET STEPHANIE VAQUER HER WIN YOU COWARDS. (Personal opinion, she’s the best women’s wrestler in the world.)
- #25 already–we are trying to make up some time.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it’s Trish Stratus.
Honestly, did we need Trish Stratus? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Kinda wanted Jordynne Grace to toss Trish Stratus right there.
- Piper Niven just kncoked the SH*T outta Trish!
- Raquel Rodriguez in at #26, and we have 4 more entrants left.
- Nia, Charlotte, and…..Becky? Nikki? (Bella, that is.)
- The crowd is NOT HAPPY about Alexa Bliss’ elimination.
- #1-3 all still in the match.
- Charlotte Flair and her new face at in at #27.
Listen, I’m going to hell, but Charlotte Flair’s entrance reminds me of when JR returned from his stroke. Lay off the plastic surgery. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Love Wade Barrett pointing out that Charlotte got pyro. I hope Roman gets his, too.
- Took Charlotte forever to get her robe off, apparently.
- Like I’m supposed to believe Jordynne Grace can’t suplex Charlotte Flair?
- Charlotte definitely brought some fire to this match.
- Giulia getting almost no reaction is surprising given the reaction of some other NXT talents.
- Iyo and Liv approaching an hour in the match, along with Roxanne Perez.
Giulia eliminated Jordynne Grace, which makes me think Jordynne might be spending some time in NXT. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Nia Jax enters at #29, leaving a surprise for #30? Becky Lynch?
- Good for Nikki Bella! And she gave someone in the crowd one hall of a souvenir.
- And now it’s time for the “World vs Nia” spot.
- Forget Superkick It’s an APRON PARTY.
- Roxanne Perez just snuck back in without being eliminated.
- Given who is left, it does seem like this is Charlotte’s match to win.
This company obviously believes in Roxanne Perez. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
Winner of the 2025 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Charlotte Flair
I don’t love the decision to have Charlotte Flair win the Women’s Royal Rumble Match after being gone for over a year, but she IS Charlotte Flair. This should shock nobody. I know Charlotte Flair is a dream match opponent for Tiffany Stratton in the eyes of many, and if she were to put Tiffany Stratton over at WrestleMania, then I will eat my words and say it was worth it.
Hell of a performance for Roxanne Perez, I haven’t seen the tally yet but I do wonder if she broke the record for longest time in one Rumble.
I could go for a Slim Jim meat stick right about now.
Why was Mickie James in the crowd, and not IN THE MATCH??? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
2 Out of 3 Falls Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. #DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano, champions)
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
- Who Will Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
(I won’t be live tweeting or doing a bulleted list for these two matches, likely just the two Rumbles.)
Had to laugh seeing the drone in front of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin during their entrance.
DIY wins 2 falls to 1, making my prediction accurate. That is small change, though. I liked the match for what it was, but it’s a reminder of Charlotte Flair vs. Ronda Rousey from WrestleMania 38–great match, wrong setting. This was an arena match, not a football stadium match. Yes, that DOES matter. Setting is a huge part of pro wrestling.
NXT Black and Gold will always hold a place in my heart, but part of what made that what it was was the crowd. This wasn’t the crowd for this match. Plus it got around 15 minutes, which is about right for a 1-fall match featuring these four. On TV, counting commercial breaks, these guys get 25-30 minutes.
The Street Profits got involved, eventually attacking everyone. I fully expect a WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match at WrestleMania, with DIY, MCMG, the Street Profits, and possibly Pretty Deadly and Angel/Humberto. This was really just the beginning–it was just misplaced on this card.
Winners AND STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: DIY
Michael Cole did also inform us that Roxanne Perez is the new record-holder for longest Royal Rumble performance. Score one for the good guy (me, from my tweet above).
Ladder Match for the WWE Championship
Kevin Owens vs. Cody Rhodes (champion)
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Kevin Owens
- Who Will Win: Cody Rhodes
Love that Kevin Owens took down the Winged Eagle Championship during SmackDown last night, and entered with it. Granted, Cody Rhodes has his, too. But KO has a certain edge to him when carrying that title.
That little ladder is HILARIOUS. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
This match was brutal, and whatever they are paying Kevin Owens isn’t enough. Cody Rhodes was beating on KO as a heel would, but he’s a babyface? I know everyone wants “Homelander” Cody, but really he might be more like “Patrick Bateman” Cody. Either way, as great as Cody is (and he is great), there is one missing element. At this point, it’s obvious to me that Cody is the worst babyface in the company. Look at him: THE MAN IS A HEEL.
While I’m glad Cody is fully out of The Bloodline’s shadow, he just needs to beat John Cena at WrestleMania, turn heel, and truly hit his stride. And I want true heel Cody. Chicken sh*t, goons, the whole thing.
Winner, AND STILL WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes is gonna buy Kevin Owens a lot of cigars, booze, or meat. Whatever that man wants. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
You gotta think Sami Zayn not stopping Cody Rhodes from winning will be a major sticking point for Kevin Owens. Seems like we’ll get Sami vs Kevin at WM41.
Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Jey Uso
- Who Will Win: John Cena
Last year’s winner was Cody Rhodes, entering at #15, and he went on to defeat Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.
- Rey Mysterio (Jr) enters at #2, and it’s obvious that gone are the days where randoms would enter at #1 and #2.
- I believe I said on my podcast (if not, I meant to) that Penta would need to enter #1 or #2 so he can have his pyro.
I am so happy for Penta in the WWE. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I really hope we get a Lucha Underground reference on commentary.
- LET PENTA WIN YOU COWARDS! (I know, it didn’t work for Stephanie Vaquer.)
- I do appreciate how they didn’t fight on the apron, instead just got right back into the ring.
- Chad Gable in at #3, and all we need is for Dominik Mysterio to be #4.
- That spot looked NASTY, I hope Chad Gable’s knee is okay.
- Carmelo Hayes in at #4, and I am reminded that we likely get Trick in this match.
Trick Williams’ #RoyalRumble entrance is gonna be ICONIC.
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I know they have a temporary alliance at the moment, but Chad Gable vs. Carmelo Hayes would be an absolute BANGER.
- That spot was far too similar to what we saw in the Women’s Rumble.
- Otis in and had some fun.
- The crowd reaction to Bron Breakker tells me the WWE might make even MORE money in the future.
- What if Breakker won this match? He won’t, but What If?
- If not for WWE, I wouldn’t know who IShowSpeed was.
- Honestly, nothing wrong with what they did with IShowSpeed there.
- Sheamus enters at #9, and I assume we will see some Beats Of The Bowery.
Gotta play the hits, pal. (Sheamus.) #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- This is the most normal Sheamus’ hair has ever looked.
- Crazy that this is only Jimmy Uso’s 3rd Royal Rumble.
- Big Jim definitely got a bulk discount on his new gear. I wonder how many color combos he got???
- Andrade in at #11, and Wade Barrett points out what I’ve been thinking–why run to the ring?
- Jacob Fatu enters at #12 and gets his pyro. The rocket ship has been strapped, pal.
- Ludwig Kaiser enters at #13 and no one not named (Greg DeMarco Show co-host) Patrick O’Dowd cares.
- Kaiser immediately dumped by Penta, and he’ll probably lose to him on Monday’s Raw, too.
Here comes the most underappreciated wrestler in WWE history, @mikethemiz. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- We lost Michael for a minute there.
The fact that Joe Hendry’s fact on the ticket is “Say His Name And He Appears” is amazing.
Great pop for him, too.
And Michael Cole references Nic Nemeth! #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I’d actually forgotten that we’d likely get a Joe Hendry appearance, so they got a little pop out of me.
- I acknowledge you, my Tribal Chief.
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Roman Reigns vs. CM Punk would be one hell of a match at WrestleMania, just sayin’.
- Showdowns like Roman Reigns and Bron Breakker is what the Royal Rumble is all about.
- That might have been the greatest spear ever.
- After Joe Gendry and Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre gets very little reaction entering at #17.
- Drew McIntyre with the very silky smooth hair tonight.
- Finn Balor in at #18 and we have our second drone sighting of the night.
- Something is wrong with Pat McAfee’s headset. Hell of a showing by Penta, by the way.
- Jey Uso in at #20 to a HUGE pop.
- Poison Rana by Jey???
- Let’s hope AJ Styles can stick around for a bit this time. (Not necessarily in the Rumble, but in general.)
All these megastars, and Jacob Fatu might be the most over guy in the match right now. #ROYALRUMBLE
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I’d be okay if Braun shaved his head again.
- Jacob Fatu can literally do ANYTHING and it makes sense.
JOHN CENA’S SOCKS!#RoyalRumble— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- CM Punk, John Cena, and Roman Reigns all in the ring all at the same time? YES PLEASE.
- Now add in Seth Rollins? This is the greatest Royal Rumble of all time.
- The current field: Seth Rollins, CM Punk, John Cena, AJ Styles, Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre, and Roman Reigns. That is ABSURD.
- The only man who can follow all that talent is indeed Dominik Mysterio. This is about to be amazing.
- Imagine if Dom wins. I mean, just imagine it.
- With the addition of Sami Zayn, the storylines in this Rumble right now are insane.
- Damian Priest, who is probably challenging Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania, enters at #28.
- Two more to go. Any surprises?
- LA Knight, who I forgot was in this match, enters next.
- I kinda expect him to move to Raw in this transfer window.
- Ah yes, Logan Paul. I also forgot he was on this.
- We’ve had a Nic Nemeth and now a Ricochet reference tonight. I love when you’re WWE, and you are comfortable talking about (almost) ANYBODY.
If I’m WWE, I have Logan Paul wait until the final two before jumping back into the ring. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- He didn’t, by the way. Opportunity missed.
- Final 6: Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, John Cena, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Logan Paul… STAR. STUDDED.
- Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins – the WrestleMania Main Event we never got.
- Brilliant spot to have Logan Paul eliminate CM Punk.
- Final 3: John Cena, Jey Uso, and Logan Paul. Two of my picks are left.
- The action on the outside between Rollins, Roman, and Punk drives home how important the Rumble is to the competitors.
- And then there were 2: my Who Should Win vs. my Who Will Win.
- Please God let Jey Uso win this thing.
- (And that’s not a slight against John Cena.)
IT’S JUST YOU, UCE! #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
Winner of the 2025 Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match: Jey Uso
Just like the sign said: EAT. SLEEP. YEET. MANIA. I am so damn happy for Jey Uso. You can tell John Cena was as well, along with Michael Cole. And probably everyone in the entire company. Jey Uso is the success story.
As for the match? Well obviously this is a knee jerk reaction, but eff it–this is the best Royal Rumble Match they have ever put on. The early action was fun and exciting. But from the time Joe Hendry’s music hit to the moment Jey Uso pushed John Cena off of the apron, this match was insane. I think Roman Reigns coming in at 16 was a huge part of that. Once Roman is in the match, you are watching to see a) what he does, and b) if he’ll get eliminated. CM Punk eliminating Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns was beautiful, and then Logan Paul tossing CM Punk was even better. If that leads to Rollins vs. Reigns and Logan vs. Punk at WrestleMania, you can take my money.
My money is a Peacock membership, which is automatically charged. But still. Take it.
If John Cena wins it’s still probably the best Royal Rumble Match of all time. But Jey Uso winning makes that an undisputable fact.
Overall Thoughts on the 2025 WWE Royal Rumble
- The Women’s Royal Rumble was decent to good. Loved Roxanne getting the Iron Woman treatment, but in the end it’s another chapter of LOL Charlotte Wins.
- I need to rewatch DIY vs MCMG because I was on the phone when my son called. Maybe I will enjoy it more on a second viewing.
- The ladder match was brutal but the end result was expected. Cody is still missing something, and I think that something will continue to be missing until he turns heel. He’s just overshadowed by too many of the other babyfaces.
- The Men’s Royal Rumble Match was the best Royal Rumble match they have ever put on. Great action in the early half, and from 15 (Joe Hendry) on, it was amazing. The storyline movement with CM Punk, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins was (here’s that word) cinema, and having the most over wrestler in the company not named Roman Reigns win, and doing so by eliminating the odds-on favorite, was perfect. I’m biased because Jey Uso was my pick, but it was the perfect ending to what was probably as close to perfect as a Rumble match has been since 1992.
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