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Mitchell’s Lucha Underground Results & Report! (11/7/18)



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Lucha Underground Season 4, “Ultima Lucha Cuatro – Part 2”

It’s the finale of Ultima Lucha Cuatro! Will Johnny Mundo survive Matanza Cueto? Who will be the Lucha Underground Champion after a deadly Cero Miedo Match?


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  • Best 2 out of 3 Falls: El Dragon Azteca Jr. VS Fenix; Fenix wins.
  • Death Match: The Mack VS Mil Muertes; Mack wins.
  • Sacrifice to the Gods Match: Matanza Cueto VS Johnny Mundo; Mundo wins and is not sacrificed.
  • Lucha Underground Championship Cero Miedo Match: Marty “The Moth” Martinez VS Pentagon Dark; Pentagon wins and becomes the new Lucha Underground Champion.
  • Lucha Underground Championship, Gift of the Gods Cash-In Match: Pentagon Dark VS Jake Strong; Strong wins and becomes the new Lucha Underground Champion.


The Worldwide Underground prepare for tonight.

Namely, Johnny Mundo air guitars with his new Gauntlet of the Gods. “This thing is gonna look so sweet mounted on the wall of my dojo.” If he ever takes it off. And Taya reminds him it’s their dojo now. Right, of course. But it’ll look even better with the blood of Matanza on it. Mundo wants to give it another test run, and the power courses through his body. Taya will be there just in case, right? She wouldn’t miss it for the mundo. Clever. But if Mundo fails, never to be seen again, just know he loves you, Taya. “I love you, too.” Rosa…? “You’re so pretty.” Thanks? But she doesn’t have a string… Rosa knows Taya is the Perfect Woman. And the perfect host! Rosa is going to possess Taya?!


Best 2 out of 3 Falls: El Dragon Azteca Jr. VS Fenix!

The Heir of the Eagle Tribe is a friend to Melissa Santos, but Melissa’s heart belongs to Fenix. However, Fenix’s soul is left tainted with darkness after Aerostar used Catrina’s stone to resurrect him. Can Azteca help bring back Fenix’s humanity? Or will the darkness only grow stronger?

Lucha Underground returns as the bell rings. Fenix glares at Melissa, but then rushes Azteca. Azteca dodges and kicks but Fenix dodges to CHOPS! Azteca chops back and it’s a chop fight! Fenix back hands but Azteca kicks, kicks and enziguris! Then he slides under, for another enziguri! Azteca runs, but Fenix somersaults for a cutter! Fans fire up as Fenix brings Azteca into a waistlock. Azteca blocks and fights out, Fenix shoves him. Azteca mule kicks Fenix, then hops up, but Fenix kicks out his legs! Fenix has Azteca hung up on the second rope, and shovels him onto his shoulders. Electric chair spin, but Azteca tries a huricanrana. Fenix blocks that and brings Azteca back up, but Azteca makes it a Code Red! Cover, TWO!

Azteca dropkicks Fenix down, Fenix bails out. Fans rally, Azteca springboards and FLIES! He wipes Fenix out but Believers fire up. Azteca puts Fenix back in the ring, then climbs up top. Fans duel as Azteca leaps! Fenix rolls out of the way so Azteca rolls through his 450. Fenix boots Azteca to a corner, then runs corner to corner, into a boot! Azteca hops up but gets a SHORYUKEN! Fenix brings Azteca out, spinning muscle buster! Cover, Fenix gets the first fall!

Azteca: 0 – Fenix: 1

The Black Bird takes the lead, but his eyes lock back on Melissa. Fenix goes to a corner, the second fall begins when we return from break!

Lucha Underground returns, and Fenix is bringing in chairs! Azteca is vulnerable as Fenix wedges a chair in a corner. Fenix goes back out, to bring out a table! Azteca stirs as fans rally up. Fenix sets the table up on the outside, then he fetches Azteca. Fenix brings Azteca up in a waistlock, for a German Suplex! No cover as Fenix drags Azteca by his mask over to the corner with the chair. Fenix runs in, but Azteca dodges. Azteca runs in for a clothesline, then rolls and comes back for a forearm. He rolls Fenix, slides and calf kicks FEnix down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for Azteca as he and Fenix grind foreheads. Fenix shoves but Azteca moves to hit the DDTJ! Cover, Azteca gets the second fall!

Azteca: 1 – Fenix: 1

Things are all tied up super fast, and now we can go into the final fall! But Antonio Cueto decides to come out at this point. “Papa Cueto” says that this match has already been quite a show. But now we need to take it to the next level! “After all, this is Ultima Lucha.” Therefore, this final fall shall be… Falls Count Anywhere! The stakes are raised, as is that chair by Fenix! He SMACKS Azteca in the head! The Believers are thunderous for this final round, but we go to break!

Lucha Underground returns again, and Fenix clubs Azteca down. He pushes Azteca out, and he “borrows’ chairs from Believers. Fenix makes a pile of wood then puts Azteca back in the ring. He brings Azteca to that side of the ring where the table is, and goes for a suplex. Azteca holds on for dear life, then kicks Feniz off the apron! Fenix’s face bounces off the table! Fans fire up as Azteca goes out to fetch Fenix. Azteca brings out steel chairs, and THROWS one at Fenix’s face! They go around the corner and Azteca throws Fenix into the announce desk! Azteca has the Believers on his side as he brings out yet another table. The only one not really enjoying this fight is Melissa, as it is friend and lover fighting it out.

Fenix hits Azteca, they brawl, Fenix gets a German Suplex! Bridging cover, TWO! Azteca survives, so Fenix brings out a third table. And then a fourth! Fenix arranges these tables in the ring and Believers like that. Fenix runs in but Azteca dodges to send him into the post. Azteca kicks Fenix from the post, then springboard missile dropkicks! Believers rally up as Azteca takes care of the tables in the ring. He fetches Fenix on the outside but Fenix hits him. They have another chop fight back and forth, fast and furious! Azteca gets another DDTJ, to the floor!! But Azteca can’t make a cover, so he goes for that original table.

Azteca goes up to the bleachers, but Fenix follows. Fenix goes after Azteca at the rails as fans beg “Please Don’t Die!” The two brawl while trying to throw the other over. Both men stand, Azteca SUPER STEINERS! Fenix clips the table and fans lose their minds! Cover, TWO!! Fenix lives, so Azteca puts him in the ring. Azteca hits Fenix away but slingshots into a SHORYUKEN! Fenix goes out to fetch Azteca, and they go to the second table. Fenix reels Azteca out for forearms, then puts him on the wood. Fans duel as Fenix climbs up. Melissa can barely watch as Fenix SUPER SWANTONS! The table doesn’t break, but maybe one of the two luchadores did… Believers know “This is Awesome!” as Fenix drags Azteca around the corner.

Fenix CHOPS Azteca then puts him on the apron. He tucks Azteca for a muscle buster but Azteca gets out to boot back. Azteca then climbs, but Fenix follows. Fenix stops Azteca up top, then joins him, and Melissa begs someone else do something to stop them. Azteca fights Fenix off, turns things around, then throws hands. He hits a SUPER Victory Roll Bomb, through a table!! Cover, TWO!? Fenix survives and Melissa is physically ill. Believers are losing their minds again as Azteca throws in more chairs. Azteca is armed with steel, and Believers rally up. He aims at Fenix, but Melissa tells him no! They’re friends, aren’t they? She says this isn’t Fenix’s fault, he’s not himself. But then Fenix SMACKS Azteca! And he scares Melissa off!

Fenix aims at Azteca, and SPEARS him through the third table!! Believers lose their minds again as Melissa begs for this to stop. Fenix sits Azteca on the top rope for a CHOP! Then, another Black Bird muscle buster! Cover, Fenix wins!

Winner: Fenix, by pinfall, wins 2-1

Melissa may have just cost Azteca the win, and Fenix his soul. Will the Dark Flame rise and take over the Temple?


Antonio Cueto is ringside again.

“Love makes you do strange things, huh?” Melissa refuses to be out here after what just happened between Fenix and Azteca, but luckily Antonio has been in “intense negotiations” as of late. And as of just earlier tonight, Antonio has made a blockbuster deal with an incredible talent! This person is lucha royalty! Antonio introduces the guest ring announcer for the rest of Ultima Lucha, Shaul Guerrero! A major get from the family of lucha libre! Shaul picks up the mic, and is honored to be here. But it’s time to get the action going again! She makes the introductions for this following–

Wait, Famous B comes out? He’s introducing himself as the one true guest ring announcer of The Temple. Fans disagree, and tell B to “Git!” But Famous B ignores them to head into the ring. He brushes Shaul aside, staking his claim as the only guest ring announcer. And he tells her to git! Well, before that, take his card, maybe give him a call. He has no idea who she is nor who her family is, so maybe if she wants to be famous– “Excuse~ me!” Just like mama! Shaul doesn’t know who Famous B is, but she’s gonna straighten him out.

The Guerrero family IS lucha libre! From Gory to Mondo to Hector to Chavo to Chavo Jr, to Mama Vickie and yes, Papa Eddie! Guerreros are lucha libre, but also warriors that “would kick your ass before you even know what hit you, Famous Bitch!” Sick burn, and she throws his card back at him. Famous B is angry as the fans echo Shaul. He figures if she’s too stupid to leave, then he’ll make her! The jacket comes off, but Believers chant “Kick his ass!” But wait, here comes Uncle Chavo! He scares Famous B, Shaul pokes B’s eyes then kicks him for a snap suplex. That’s one amiga! Then a second amiga! Then yes, the THIRD! And to do the honors for the entire Guerrero family, Chavo climbs, and hits the frog splash! They throw Famous B out, and now he can “Git! Git!”


Death Match: The Mack VS Mil Muertes!

Death comes for us all, but the Man of 1000 Deaths embraces the darkness. The urban underdog lost his cousin, Big Ryck, to Muertes’ wrath, but can he outrun the reaper and succeed on Lucha Underground’s biggest night?

Muertes brings a coffin with him, telling Mack now what to expect by the end of this. The bell rings, and Muertes rushes Mack. Mack dodges and throws big haymakers! Muertes pushes Mack back and puts him in the corner to throw heavy hands. Muertes whips corner to corner but runs into a boot. He blocks Mack’s next boot and reels Mack in for a lariat! Muertes drags Mack up as fans duel. He headbutts Mack and whips again, but Mack comes back with a flying enziguri! Muertes staggers but Mack runs in to clothesline him out. Muertes lands on his feet by his coffin, but Mack builds speed to FLY! Mack bowls Muertes over! Believers fire up as Mack says a prayer of thanks. Mack gets Muertes up and rocks him with more haymakers. Muertes hits back, and then bounces Mack’s face off the casket lid.

Muertes moves the casket aside and brings Mack up onto the apron. They brawl with haymakers and forearms while fans duel. Muertes kicks low and gives Mack a DDT to the apron! Believers are stunned silent a moment, but then rally back up. Muertes drags out a second casket?! Well, actually it makes a lot of sense given who Muertes is. Mack hits Muertes and they brawl again by the second coffin. Muertes bounces Mack off the lid again, then drags Mack up on top, for a facebuster! Mack’s head dents the casket! Muertes puts Mack in the ring and stands him up in a corner. Muertes fires off those close-range clothesline! He gets nine, and backs up as fans build the tension. Muertes runs in, but Mack drop toeholds him into buckles!

Mack goes side to side for the forearm smash, then the other way for the boot! Mack gives Muertes a back2back backbreaker! Muertes is down and Mack goes to the far side, to run back in for a cannonball! Fans fire up as Mack has a wild look in his eyes. He drags Muertes to a cover, TWO! Fans duel again as Mack decides to open up Muertes’ first coffin. Behold! An arsenal of brutal weapons! Mack goes for the tools, the kendo stick, the chain, and more, putting them in the ring. But then Muertes DIVES and tackles Mack into the coffin! Fans lose their minds all over again as Muertes stands up. Muertes drags the coffin up, and narrowly avoids the lid biting his fingers off, to go back for the rest of the items: a hatchet, a brick, and a meat hook!

Muertes puts Mack in the ring and brings in the lumberjack ax! This is becoming a horror movie as Muertes drags the ax around. Mack stands, but blocks the ax swing just in time! Mack kicks and gets the ax, but Muertes ducks the swing to give Mack an uppercut! Then the SPEAR! The Devil’s Trident knocks Mack down, but Muertes looks to use even worse on Mack. Muertes picks up the ice pick, and stands Mack up to JAB him in the head! Fans cringe as Muertes makes Mack bleed with more jabs of the steel spike. The referee gets squeamish but Muertes forces him to stay. Muertes brings Mack up and whips. Mack reverses and hits a windmill kick! Both men are down, and Mack has a crimson mask of blood. Mack grabs the chain, and shouts “Kunta Kinte 3000!” before giving Muertes a steel chain punch!

Muertes goes down but rolls to a corner. Mack goes out of the ring to bring in a trash can. Mack returns into the ring and fans rally up. He has the can and places it in front of Muertes. Mack hurries to the other corner, and fans chant it out, Mack leaps for the Coast2Coast! Direct hit on the “Mackinator”! Cover, TWO!! Muertes survives, but Mack still has more to give. He brings Muertes up, but Muertes gets him in a choke grip! And the choke slam! The fans duel as both men crawl to corners. Mack drags himself up, but Muertes runs in. Mack dodges and sends Muertes to the post! Muertes tumbles out and Mack pursues. Mack tears at the black mask of death to add insult to injury! Mack grabs himself a kendo stick, and SMACKS Muertes in the head!

Both men stagger and Mack throws Muertes back in. Muertes stands, and realizes he is dripping blood himself now. Mack runs and hits a jumping DDT! Cover, TWO! Muertes survives but Believers know “This is Awesome!” Mack keeps going because there’s still blood to spill. He swings on Muertes but Muertes spins him around for a BIG lariat! Cover, TWO!! It was so close, but Mack survives. Muertes gets up as fans chant “Lucha! Lucha!” Muertes runs at Mack for a crucifix takedown, but Mack makes it a Samoan Drop, albeit sloppy. Mack kips up and fans fire up! He hits a moonsault! Cover, TWO! Mack is shocked, but his blood helps him focus. He runs, but into the powerslam! Cover, TWO!! Another close call but this match isn’t over yet.

Muertes grows furious but Mack grows confident. Mack throws forearms, but ends up in a Flat Liner!! Muertes crawls to a cover, TWO!? Mack lives?! The look of shock is clear through Muertes’ masks of crimson blood and black leather. Muertes goes after Mack and wants another, but Mack elbows out of the Flat Liner. And elbows, and elbows, and elbows! But then he turns around into the choke grip! Muertes lifts, Mack hits the stunner! Muertes staggers, so Mack hits him with another! But Muertes still hasn’t fallen, so Mack gets that brick. This brick is for Ryck! Then the double dirty birds as Mack tells Muertes to “Go to Hell, you mutha f*cka!” STUNNER!! Cover, Mack WINS!!

Winner: The Mack, by pinfall

Death has been conquered!! Muertes is no longer undefeated at Ultima Lucha, and Mack decides to put the last nail in the coffin. He drags Muertes over to the coffin, and as Believers chant “Put Him In!”, Mack rolls Muertes into his own prop. And to cap it all off, Mack gets some beers, to pour out one for the homeys. And finally, he closes the lid. Does this incredible win mean big things for The Mack next season? Or will death rise again?


Sacrifice to the Gods Match: Matanza Cueto VS Johnny Mundo!

The first sacrifice was the last remaining shred of humanity within the vessel of Antonio Cueto’s last living son. From there, the Monster God of the Temple would dispatch of the dead weight in the locker room. However, he would be unleashed by a psychotic Ricky Mantel Mundo to ruin the Worldwide Underground’s wedding night. The Guru of Greatness was not able to seek revenge himself for a time, thus leaving his friends, Joey Wrestling and Jack Evans, to be preyed upon by the Cuetos. Taya was almost sacrificed if not for the heroic return of Johnny himself! However, knowing Mundo is mortal, the Super Amigos, Drago and Aerostar, felt this was the time to grant someone the power of the Gauntlet of the Gods! Can Mundo use his power-up to take Matanza to #SlamTown? Or will he sadly be the latest and greatest Sacrifice to the Gods?

Antonio hurries out to ringside, having recognized that gauntlet. He shouts that the gauntlet is not Mundo’s to have! It doesn’t matter where he got that gauntlet, but he won’t have it for much longer, as he’ll just end up in a puddle of his own blood on the Aztec seal in the ring! And Matanza now makes his entrance, in new ceremonial, and frightening, garb. Believers already lose their minds seeing this terrifying transformation, but the true terror will begin after the break.

Lucha Underground returns and the bell rings. Mundo and Matanza each sport new gear, and Mundo eggs Matanza on. Matanza runs in, and Mundo gets him with a choke grip! Mundo powers Matanza to his knees! Then throws him backwards! Fans fire up, and Mundo grins with the new found power. Mundo runs in but Matanza avoids the Superman Punch. Mundo still feels great, and swings another punch at Matanza. Matanza avoids it, and goes after the gauntlet itself! Matanza and Mundo struggle, and the gauntlet flies off! It ends up at the stairs, and now Mundo is without his equalizer. Mundo still throws hands, but they do nothing. Matanza hits back but Mundo gives a kick and forearm. Mundo whips but Matanza reverses, but Mundo slides under. Mundo scrambles but Matanza drags him back in. Matanza throws Mundo but Mundo lands on his feet!

Mundo keeps moving, but runs into a pop-up SPINEBUSTER! Matanza looms over Mundo as fans rally up. Matanza drags Mundo up for a torture rack. Running rack Samoan Drop! Then a deadlift German Suplex! Matanza looms over Mundo, and drags him back up, for the fisherman back suplex! Bridge cover, TWO!! Mundo narrowly escapes, but Matanza is still on him. Matanza brings Mundo up to whip, and scoops for Wrath of the Gods, but Mundo counters with a crucifix! Roll through, but Mundo roundhouses and SUPERKICKS! Mundo kicks more, then hits Moonlight Drive! Antonio watches as Mundo drags Matanza to a drop zone. Mundo drags himself up, split leg for the Fin del Mundo! Cover, TWO!! Matanza survives, not even the end of the world can kill a god.

Believers rally up, and Mundo hurries out of the ring. He still wants the gauntlet, but Matanza gets him at the apron! And lifts him right up to the top rope, for a SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX!! Believers lose their minds again as Matanza sits up. The Monster is, for the first time, feeling fatigue. But oh no, Matanza wants the Gauntlet of the Gods?! But knowing Mundo is still near, Matanza leaves the gauntlet alone to go after his prey. Mundo goes under the ring, and Matanza goes looking for the sly Sultan of Sexy. Mundo pops out on the other end, but ducks back in before Matanza can get him. Matanza goes looking under the ring, but Mundo has made it to the stairs! And he gets the gauntlet back! Mundo hurries to put it back on, but Matanza runs him over! Now the gauntlet is on the bleachers.

Matanza moves up the bleachers and fans move aside. Matanza has the Gauntlet, but tosses it up WAY into the rafters?! Mundo hurries to climb up, but Matanza yanks him off the ladder. Mundo fights him off, then hurries up the stairs! Matanza pursues and drags Mundo down. Mundo ducks the punch to SUPERKICK! But Matanza isn’t bothered. Mundo leads Matanza on a chase, and finds a back way up to the top level. Matanza cuts him off at the stairs, but Mundo keeps going up. Mundo flips Matanza off to egg him on. There’s a large gap between where Mundo is above the band, and where Matanza tossed the gauntlet. But Mundo trusts his parkour training, and hops from roof to fuse box to ledge! But Matanza yanks him off, to throw him into the wall!

Believers rally up, they still have faith in Mundo. But Matanza lifts Mundo, and goes to bomb him over rails! Mundo fights off, and gets up to the ledge! Matanza hurries up with a ladder but fans know “This is Awesome!” Mundo crawls to where the gauntlet is, but still has no time to put it on. Matanza grabs him around the throat! And choke slams Mundo through the floor! Mundo goes through wood and is now in the Modelo freezer! Believers lose their minds all over again, and Matanza seems to have won. Antonio directs Matanza back to the ring, and that is where the Monster heads, chair in hand. But wait! The doors open, and Mundo stands! He has the gauntlet on! Mundo has the POWER! And he punches the chair out of Matanza’s hands!

The two head back down the stairs and to the ring. Mundo and his power seems to scare Matanza now! Mundo throws a punch, Matanza dodges, and Mundo hits post! But it doesn’t hurt at all. Mundo swings but Matanza dodges again, Matanza’s running scared! Matanza cowers by the stairs, Mundo uses the apron as a springboard for a Superman Punch into the ground! But Matanza narrowly gets away, and into the ring. Mundo follows Matanza into the ring, and Believers are thunderous. Mundo leaps, but into Matanza’s arms! WRATH OF THE GODS!! Cover, TWO!?! Mundo survives the Wrath of the Gods?! Even Mundo is surprised at how powerful he’s becoming. He gives Matanza a BIG gut punch, then a BIG haymaker. Matanza is staggered, SUPERMAN PUNCH takes him down! And then, as Mundo stares at Antonio, he climbs up top and flips Antonio off.

Antonio is furious as Mundo aims at Matanza. FLYING SUPERMAN PUNCH!! Matanza is down, Mundo turns him over for a cover, Mundo wins!!

Winner: Johnny Mundo, by pinfall

The modern day mix of Adonis and Hercules, Mundo conquers the Monster God! The Gauntlet has given him the power and the glory, but will it give Mundo the world?


Johnny Mundo walks backstage.

The Guru of Greatness feels great with the Gauntlet of the Gods on his arm, but then Aerostar appears and surprises him. Mundo asks if he’s seen Taya, but Aerostar is more concerned with the debt having been paid. Yeah, but Mundo would like to hold onto the gauntlet for a little while longer. Aerostar says that the power Mundo feels is not enhancing him, but destroying him. Mundo thinks Aerostar is just saying that to get the gauntlet back. Aerostar says Mundo only won thanks to the gauntlet. But if he wears it any longer, he’ll be nothing but a shell, as another god inhabits his body.

Mundo feels that power surging, but admits that no one gets to have his perfect body but himself. Aerostar asks for the gauntlet back, and Mundo takes it off. He gives it back to Aerostar, and Aerostar says Mundo’s a good man. Mundo says he’s not. But for now, he’ll go “celebrate” with Taya. Mundo managed to fight off such addictive power, but will there be a nasty surprise waiting for him in the locker room?


Lucha Underground Championship Cero Miedo Match: Marty “The Moth” Martinez VS Pentagon Dark!

The beginning of Marty’s reign has been controversial to say the least. First, the “Creepy Bastard” paid his way into a Gift of the Gods Championship match, and took advantage of a beaten down El Dragon Azteca Jr. Then he paid Antonio Cueto to make it an instant cash-in! And with the help of his Black Widow girlfriend, he took the title from Pentagon after Pentagon had been through a Triple Threat against Mil Muertes and King Cuerno. However, Marty’s the only man crazy enough to think he can beat the Bone Collector at his own game. Will Marty prove there’s a method to his madness? Or will Pentagon again prove that he is the only one truly with #CeroMiedo?

Weapons are already set up, and Believers are thunderous for Pentagon the moment he makes his entrance. And in the complete opposite, the fans rain down boos as Marty makes his way down the stairs. This fight without any rules but to win will begin, after the break.

Lucha Underground returns with the bell, and with Pentagon tossing a chair into Marty’s face! Pentagon goes out to fetch Marty, and bowls him into chairs! Fans are still cheering as Pentagon brings Marty over and around to kick him in the leg. Marty scurries away but Pentagon kicks him again. Pentagon throws Marty into a post, and the champion is busted open! Pentagon tosses items into the ring, such as a trash can full of other items. Fans chant “SI! SI!” as Marty grimaces through his own blood. Pentagon SMACKS Marty with a trash can! The brawl in front of the announce desk, and Pentagon CHOPS and CHOPS Marty. But Marty grins and laughs?! Pentagon kicks Marty in the leg, then bowls him through more chairs!

Pentagon keeps on Marty with stomps and haymakers. He whips Marty at the propped up table, but Marty stops himself. Pentagon runs in but Marty goes to hip toss, only for Pentagon to stop himself. Pentagon hits back, then SUPERKICKS Marty! Marty staggers, but ducks to then hip toss Pentagon through the propped up table! Believers lose their minds once again as Marty enjoys his own crimson mask. Marty stomps Pentagon, then rains down rights. Marty picks up a kendo stick and SMACKS Pentagon! And SMACKS! Pentagon gets into the ring, but Marty has his #AztecPride lunch box. He hasn’t brought this with him in a long time. Marty goes after Pentagon’s mask with bloody fingers! He tears away, but Pentagon resists, so Marty clubs him down.

Marty picks up the lunch box, his blood dripping all over. Marty opens it up, and turns out there’s some leftover beef jerky in there. He snacks on that while digging out what he’s really after: the fork! The same fork he used on Fenix, back when Fenix had a soul and when they were fighting over Melissa Santos. Believers chant “Fork you! Fork you!” as Marty brings the four-pronged weapon over. Just as he did to Fenix, Marty digs into Pentagon’s forehead with the metal silverware! Believers boo, jeer, and some even cringe. Marty tosses the fork aside, and drags Pentagon out of the ring. Marty drops a fist from the apron, then goes back under the ring for plenty of steel chairs. Fans rally for Pentagon, but Marty starts burying Pentagon under chairs. Marty did this to his own sister, Mariposa, not too long ago.

Marty throws chair after chair onto Pentagon, and then SMACKS the entire pile with other chairs. Pentagon manages to get out of the chair pile, and uses one to SMACK Marty in the head! Then Pentagon leaps for a Destroyer to the floor!! Believers lose their minds for about the eighth time tonight while Pentagon puts Marty in the ring. Cover, TWO! The blood continues to flow as this match continues on. Pentagon goes to the trash can, dented and broken as it is, and puts it aside. Marty kicks Pentagon low! There are no rules so that low blow is legal. Marty then hoists Pentagon onto the top rope. He clubs away, then grabs that trash can to put on Pentagon.

Pentagon is in a Tree of Woe with that can around him, and now Marty grabs the barbed wire bat. Marty goes over and swings for the fences on Pentagon! Once, twice, three times, so many times until the trash can splits open! Fans rally up again as Marty digs around under the ring for a can of gasoline! Marty teased doing this before Ultima Lucha, and now he looks to make good on the threat. Marty picks up the bat to hit Pentagon again, then starts pouring on the gas. Pentagon is gasping for air, and Marty pulls out the lighter! Believers love brutality but they don’t want this. Marty holds the lighter up, but Pentagon kicks it away! Marty SUPERKICKS Pentagon then clubs and stomps away as he shouts “Die, Pentagon!”

Believers shout as loud as they can as Marty grabs the bat again. Marty looks to hit another homer, but Pentagon dodges! The bat hits the ropes and comes back to hit Marty! Marty staggers, but grits his teeth and runs at Pentagon. Pentagon hip tosses Marty out and through a table!! Marty is down on the outside while Pentagon is down on the inside. Believers again lose their minds, but then rally behind “Cero Miedo!” with Pentagon. Pentagon gets Marty up and around for a BIG kick. They keep going, and Pentagon aims for the glass! Marty reverses, but Pentagon stops him. Pentagon SUPERKICKS Marty, and throws him through the glass!! Not even Matt Striker can keep from shouting “HOLY SH*T!” The Believers make it an even ten for losing their minds.

Pentagon drags Marty up and around and back into the ring. Marty now bleeds from face and arms, but Pentagon isn’t done with him. Pentagon puts chairs in, and starts setting them up. Fans sing “Ole~! Ole ole ole~! Cero~, Miedo~!” Pentagon brings Marty up onto the half dozen chairs, tucks him in, PACKAGE PILEDRIVER through chairs!! Cover, Pentagon WINS!!

Winner: Pentagon Dark, by pinfall; NEW Lucha Underground Champion

The match is done, the belt returns to its former master, but the carnage is far from over. Pentagon drags Marty into place, but here comes Reclusa! The Black Widow won’t let her man lose an arm along with the gold. But Vampiro has had enough, and gets in the ring. He protects his former protege as he runs off Reclusa and Marty. Vampiro holds the belt and fans again sing “Ole~! Ole ole ole~! Cero~, Miedo~!” Pentagon stands as our first-ever two-time Lucha Underground Champion and the Believers couldn’t be happier for him. Vampiro holds the belt out to Pentagon with respect, and Pentagon takes it. The Bone Collector has come full circle, but the former mentor isn’t happy about it, as he kicks Pentagon in the balls!

But Pentagon doesn’t go down so easy, he kicks Vampiro in the balls, too! The two men from the original Cero Miedo match brawl in the aftermath of this one! They kick and punch each other, but then Vampiro whips Pentagon. pentagon reverses and hits a corner clothesline! Pentagon fires off, but who is this in the skull mask? They SMACK Pentagon with a chair! He takes off that mask to reveal a very similar mask to Pentagon’s own. Vampiro gets a mic, and introduces everyone to his master?! Vampiro throws Pentagon out for The Master, as he climbs up high. Pentagon staggers, as The Master hits a crazy Shooting Star off the camera deck! Believers are confused as Vampiro puts Pentagon back in, for a Crimson Arrow! Just who is this new luchador?

But wait, The Savage, Jake Strong appears! He is the newest Gift of the Gods Champion, and we know now that the title is instant cash-in… Strong tells Pentagon that he can cash in whenever he wants. “Do you hear me?! Whenever I want!” That voice change wasn’t just a trick of the mic… And yes, he’s cashing in!!

Lucha Underground Championship, Gift of the Gods Cash-In Match: Pentagon Dark VS Jake Strong!

The Savage shows no mercy as he picks the bones of the bloodied and battered Bone Collector. And speaking of bones, Strong puts the Ankle Lock on immediately! Fans don’t want this, but they can’t do a thing as Strong snaps Pentagon’s ankle! Pentagon doesn’t tap, but he does pass out. The boos rain down as the match is over!

Winner: Jake Strong, by submission; NEW Lucha Underground Champion

Believers call “Bullsh*t!” but Strong has taken advantage of the new and corrupt system in The Temple. The Savage Era begins as the season ends, where will everything go from here?!


In an undisclosed location…

Aerostar, King Cuerno, and El Dragon Azteca Jr. meet, the Gauntlet of the Gods still in the hands of the Man of Time and Space. Cuerno says the gauntlet is too dangerous, so it must be sent back into hiding. Azteca says Matanza has already grown too strong, but after what Mundo did, they can use the gauntlet to strike The Monster down for good. Aerostar breaks the tie by telling Azteca, “Make it quick.” Azteca says, “She plans to.” And just below them, Matanza Cueto paces. But she walks in, armed with the gauntlets. Now she knows the truth: El Dragon Azteca Primero didn’t kill her parents, but Matanza did! It’s BLACK LOTUS! She’s armed with the Gauntlet, and will finally have her revenge!

Matanza runs in, but into a flurry of strikes! Fiver finger death palm! The Monster’s heart is crushed, and Matanza Cueto is dead. Azteca Jr. says that her parents can finally rest in peace. And so can his master. Lotus returns the gauntlet, but then Strong finds Azteca! Strong attacks quick, and says the gauntlet isn’t Azteca’s to have. Strong breaks Azteca’s ankle, and takes the gauntlet! The Gauntlet belongs “to US!” The Savage now has the gauntlet AND the title! Will he soon have everything in his possession?



Johnny Mundo finally meets up with Taya. Did she see? Babe? She okay? Why wasn’t she in his corner? Okay, he gets it, she wanted him to prove he could do it himself. And he did! Revenge is theirs, but how about that honeymoon? Huh, Mrs. Mundo? “Sorry, Johnny. I’m not your wife.” ROSA HAS CONTROL!! And she uses Taya’s body to beat up Mundo with one hand! “I am a god.” What is the fate of the Guru of Greatness?!


And elsewhere…

Everything is coming together. “Just as prophesied.” Agent Winter, Antonio Cueto, Vampiro’s Master, they all sit in the limousine together, fully aware that more Aztec gods have taken human form while the Lucha Underground Championship is back under their control. Now on to destroying the Seven Aztec Tribes! Savage joins this dark council meeting, and everyone takes note of the blood on his shirt and on the gauntlet. Sorry to say, it’s Matanza’s blood. But Matanza was a worthy host, “and The Order will never forget his sacrifice.” But now, they need a new host. So says Lord WADE BARRETT!! “Does anyone else have any bad news?” No? Then time to take over the world!


Flashback to one year ago!

When Antonio took Matanza’s key from Dario, Aerostar popped in later, to give HIM the Amulet of Life!! “Come with me.” Dario was alive again, and sprang up in the coffin. “What the f–”




My Thoughts:

This was an INSANE finale! And hopefully not a series finale, either. That 2 outta 3 Falls could’ve been better, as that second fall was really quick. However, Fenix winning makes some sense, as they might not be done exploring his darker turn. The Death Match was pretty great, and Mack winning makes sense because he’s been building great momentum as this underdog fan favorite for years. Holy crap Taya is now Rosa in human form, and though Mundo uses the Gauntlet of the Gods to defeat Matanza in epic fashion, it looks like she might’ve killed him. Maybe he should’ve have given the gauntlet up after all, and then there’d be an epic battle of demigods backstage. But oh well, Mundo is busy in Impact so maybe he won’t be around for Season 5.

That Cero Miedo match was the most insane part of this, and man that was a lot of blood. I thought Reclusa would show up sooner, but I guess it didn’t matter when the real screw job was Vampiro and “The Master” beat up Pentagon to leave him for dead and so that Jake Strong could cash in. I had a feeling Strong was going to cash in regardless of the other twists, but this makes him seem even more of a vulture. Of course, now that we know he’s been working with everyone else in this “Order”, it makes sense. I was really shocked to see Black Lotus return to wreck Matanza and kill his character off, but Jeff Cobb being in both NJPW and ROH now must have something to do with it.

Then the twists kept coming at the end as The Order gets the title, the gauntlet and we finally see their leader’s face! PLUS Dario is back from the dead. That’ll get awkward if father and son meet again, since they’re the same actor, though… I have no idea where the story goes from here but it’s fitting to be an epic battle from here on out.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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