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Mitchell’s Lucha Underground Results & Report! (10/10/18)



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Lucha Underground Season 4, “Spiders and Skeletons”

On the road to Ultima Lucha 4, Lucha Underground’s fiercest rivals team up to take on their future opponents. Can Fenix and Mil Muertes coexist for a night?


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  • Sacrifice to the Gods: Matanza Cueto VS Taya Mundo; Matanza wins by disqualification, no sacrifice is made.
  • Tornado Tag: Fenix & Mil Muertes VS El Dragon Azteca Jr. & The Mack; Fenix & Muertes win.
  • Famous B w/ The Beautiful Brenda VS Ricky Mundo w/ Rosa the doll; Ricky wins.
  • Reklusa w/ Marty “The Moth” Martinez VS Pentagon Dark; Pentagon wins.


Taya Mundo returns to the Temple!

And she immediately calls out Antonio Cueto as a “piece of sh*t”, because she’s still pissed over what Matanza Cueto did to the Wedding of the Century. Matanza not only ruined the ceremony, but he battered and beat down the wedding party, the groom and the bride, and worst of all, body slammed Taya through the cake. Of course, there’s also the matter of Johnny Mundo being injured and then both Joey Wrestling and Jack Evans being sacrificed in the weeks after. Antonio walks out to see “The Bride is back.” She’s all better, huh? Healed up? She’s La Wera Loca, and she’s here to fight! She vents about The Monster God’s path of destruction, but tonight, she’ll be the one sacrificing him! Taya demands a match with Matanza, right now!

Fans want to see Taya take on the Monster, and Antonio admits Taya is a woman who knows what she wants. He likes that. But he also knows what he wants, and what he wants… is a SACRIFICE TO THE GODS!! It seems everyone is getting what they want, because here comes Matanza!

Sacrifice to the Gods: Matanza Cueto VS Taya Mundo!

The bell rings but Taya is ready as she rushes Matanza and tackles him to a corner! She hammers away in the corner but Matanza pushes her away. Matanza runs but misses in the corner, and Taya unloads with roundhouse kicks and more foraerms. She stomps a mudhole into the monster and the Believers are strongly behind her. She backs off to the far corner, to run back in with berserker knees! Taya is fired up, but Matanza isn’t fazed! He stands right up, she turns around and gets run over! Matanza stalks Taya then puts her in a corner, to throw her out by her braids! Antoni is amused but Taya boots Matanza back. She boots him again as the Believers rally. She hops up and leaps, but Matanza blocks the DDT with pure power. He lifts her up but she slips around to a sleeper hold!

Taya stays on Matanza like a backpack as she squeezes the air out of him. He shakes her off as she throws forearms, but Matanza is still not fazed. Taya slaps away and even kicks low real quick, then wants a stunner. Matanza denies with a shove but she comes back with a SUPERKICK! Taya gets the stunner! Matanza is down and the Believers fire up for Taya. She drags Matanza into position then climbs up top, for the moonsault! Cover, TWO!! The Monster God is tougher than that, and he runs her over with a boot! Matanza drags Taya up and whips her, into the powerslam lift, but wait! Johnny Mundo is here, and he SUPERKICKS Matanza!

Winner: Matanza Cueto, by disqualification

It’s the first time someone has interfered with a Sacrifice to the Gods match, but Mr. Slam Town wasn’t about to let his new bride be taken away from him. Mundo throws hands on Matanza, then hits the Shining Wizard. He goes back to throwing hands, and hits Moonlight Drive! But that’s not all, Fin Del Mundo on top! Johnny regroups with Taya as Matanza gets up quick. There is no sacrifice tonight, but will Matanza’s blood lust be satisfied soon enough? Or will he instead be taken to Slam Town?


Breaking news for Ultima Lucha Cuatro!

Johnny Mundo denied Matanza Cueto his sacrifice tonight, but is now on the chopping block himself! Can the Guru of Greatness defeat The Monster God in their own Sacrifice to the Gods match? Or will all of Slam Town be the next sacrificial lamb?


Tornado Tag: Fenix & Mil Muertes VS El Dragon Azteca Jr. & The Mack!

This epic saga of life, death and love in the Temple continues to unfold. The Femme Fatale, Catrina, used the love of the Man of 1000 Deaths as means to an end, because she truly loved the Man of 1000 Lives. Catrina got Muertes to lay Fenix to rest so that she could use the Firebird’s life force to restore hers. However, Melissa Santos could not let go of her love for the immortal luchador, and that caused her to ignore the Eagle Heir’s feelings for her. Aerostar could not give up his friend, either, and so the Man of Time and Space violated the laws of nature as he used Catrina’s dark powers to bring Fenix back. But now Fenix is something truly evil, and teams with his rival for the first time ever! Can Azteca and The Mack hope to survive before facing these supernatural forces at UL4?

Of course, in Tornado Tag matches, there are no tags, so all four men start with the bell. That is probably for the best, Fenix and Muertes already have tension between them so tagging would be complicated. But either way, they go right at their respective Ultima Lucha opponents and we have a pair of brawls! Fenix gets an edge on Azteca and Muertes headbutts Mack. Azteca still manages to throw Fenix out while Muertes throws Mack. Muertes and Azteca meet, and the younger Eagle throws hands. He runs but into a Choke Slam! Muertes drags Azteca up and headbutts him. Muertes whips but Azteca dodges to come back with a rolling facebuster! Then the leg drop! Cover, but Fenix breaks it with a mule kick!

Fenix drags Azteca up and whips him, but Azteca reverses. Fenix goes up, up and over, to then wrench and chop Azteca. He goes on the tight rope and jumps around to arm-drag Azteca out! The Believers fire up but The Mack comes in and intercepts Fenix. Things speed up and Mack headscissors Fenix! Mack runs in corner to corner but is put on the apron. Mack smacks Fenix away then climbs up top  to hit a flying arm-drag! He handsprings up and speeds things up, to hit a leg lariat on Fenix! But Muertes returns and confronts Mack. Muertes throws a haymaker but Mack responds, and we have another brawl! Mack gets the edge, runs but runs into a powerslam! Muertes runs to clothesline Mack out. Azteca runs in to huricanrana, but Muertes blocks it with power. Fenix returns and adds a SHORYUKEN and knees to the powerbomb!

Muertes and Fenix stare down, they still don’t get along. But they work together on Mack with kicks and haymakers. Fenix whips Mack to jump kick, then feeds Mack to Muertes’s TKO neckbreaker! The Believers like this double dark duo, but they still don’t really like each other. Muertes drags Azteca up into the electric chair, and Fenix climbs a corner. Fenix aims and leaps, but Azteca victory rolls just as Mack comes in, Fenix gets a stunner! Cover on Muertes, TWO, but Mack gives Muertes a stunner! Azteca runs and gets the alley-oop to missile dropkick both Fenix & Muertes, Mack gives them a DOUBLE STUNNER! Believers fire up for Azteca & Mack, but things keep moving.

Azteca slingshots but Muertes grabs his foot. Azteca mule kicks Muertes, then jumps the sweep to kick him again. Mack builds speed, but Fenix rolls in for cutter on him! Azteca springboards but Fenix gets under, only for Azteca to come back, tilt-o-whirl and fly for the DDTJ! Fenix rolls out, Azteca builds speed and FLIES onto Muertes! Believers are thunders but Fenix springboard swantons onto Azteca and Muertes! Mack stands up, builds speed, and he FLIES onto them all! Believers lose their minds but Muertes puts Azteca in the ring. Fenix climbs up fast, but his swanton misses. Azteca runs out but into a swing. Azteca lands out of it but Fenix heel kicks him! Fenix grabs the groggy Azteca but Azteca kicks back! Azteca runs and hits a BIG huricanrana! Cover, but Muertes punches it apart.

Meurtes drags Azteca up for a powerbomb, then flips him for a lariat! Cover, but Mack manages to slide in and kick it apart. Mack flips the dirty bird and boots Muertes. He runs but into a heavy right! Muertes scoops Mack for a snap saido suplex, covers, TWO! Muertes drags Mack up and he runs, but into a Samoan Drop! Mack kips up and moonsaults! Cover, but Fenix punts it apart! Fenix goes after Mack in the corner to whip him corner to corner. Fenix runs but Mack dodges, that tiger feint heel kick takes out a camera man! Mack punches Fenix and then climbs up top. Fenix follows and fights back. Fenix denies the sweep to springboard up for a SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO!! Mack keeps his team alive and Fenix is furious.

Fenix drags Mack up on the apron but Mack rocks him with a right. Mack goes to buckle bump but Fenix blocks to then enziguri Mack. Fenix jump, jumps and double stomps Mack to the apron! Azteca slowly returns, but so does Muertes. Muertes runs but Azteca dodges, sending Muertes into the post. Azteca enziguris Muertes back, then springboards into a shoulder tackle! Muertes drags Azteca up while Fenix climbs. Fenix missile dropkicks Mack away, then Muertes SPEARS Mack. Fenix tackles Azteca to a corner, then puts him on the top rope. He chops Azteca and folds him up for the Muscle Buster. Muertes has Mack up, too, and together, this deadly undead duo drop their opponents w/ the Spinning Muscle Buster and Flat Liner!! Double cover, Fenix & Muertes win!

Winners: Fenix & Mil Muertes, by pinfall

They still don’t like each other, but the Believers know “That was Awesome!” Will both Fenix and Muertes keep their Ultima Lucha undefeated streaks against Azteca and The Mack? Or will Azteca win their 2 outta 3 falls while Mack kills death in their Death Match?


Famous B returns and is 100%!

Six weeks ago, he presided over the most beautiful wedding of all time. But both he and the Beautiful Brenda were brutalized by that Monster, Matanza. Famous B was helpless, and saw his life flash before his eyes. And in that moment, he knew he would never be that vulnerable again. He rehabbed his leg better than anyone ever and is back in fighting condition. Best of all, Famous B signed an “exclusive contract” with himself! He’s coming out of retirement to fight! But Ricky Mundo comes out to tell B to shut up. Fans boo Ricky but Ricky thinks he’s going to beat some sense into B. The Believers are on B’s side, and we have a match!

Famous B w/ The Beautiful Brenda VS Ricky Mundo w/ Rosa the doll!

Ricky takes a moment to set Rosa down in the corner, then sucker punches Famous B! He drags B up and bumps him off buckles. Fans boo and jeer as Ricky throws hands on B in the corner. Ricky chokes B with his tie then tosses him around by it! Brenda is panicking as Ricky keeps knocking B around. Ricky chokes B, and then wrenches the neck while hooking the face. But B powers up and gets to his feet. He elbows Ricky back and hits an enziguri! B stands up but Ricky runs him right over with a clothesline. Ricky drags B up for a very stiff neckbreaker. Cover, Ricky wins!

Winner: Ricky Mundo, by pinfall

The Believers boo the freaky Ricky, but Ricky takes the mic again. “I heard those cowards, Johnny Mundo and Taya, already left the building. That’s too bad, because I really wanted to say this to their face.” IT WAS RICKY, JOHNNY! It was Ricky all along! He released Matanza at the wedding, because for years he was treated like a nobody. But now Ricky is the somebody who ruined their perfect day. As long as Taya is in the picture, Johnny will never respect Ricky. Ricky officially challenges Taya. If anyone’s wondering what will happen at Ultima Lucha, just watch this. Ricky turns his attention to B and Brenda. He grabs Brenda and puts her in a crossface across Famous B! Fans boo and jeer but that won’t stop Ricky. Ricky finally lets Brenda go and goes back to Rosa. Will Ricky regret ever coming back to the Temple?


Reklusa w/ Marty “The Moth” Martinez VS Pentagon Dark!

Before the “Creepy Bastard” defends his Lucha Underground championship against the Breaker of Bones, his new and equally crazy girlfriend looks to soften the challenger up. Will the Black Widow be able to poison the man with no fear? Or will Pentagon make sure Marty loses his girlfriend before he loses his title?

But as Pentagon makes his entrance, Reklusa leaps on him from the corner! And she throws furious hands even as the bell rings. She puts him in the ring and stomps away. She throws more hands as the fans rally for Pentagon. Reklusa pushes Pentagon out to then bring him around the corner. She rakes her fingers into his eyes, then gives him a swift knee to the head. Reklusa picks Pentagon up to bowl him into chairs. He sits up and she runs in for a cannonball! But he catches that, into an apron powerbomb! Pentagon has control as fans chant “Cero Miedo!” Pentagon kicks Reklusa in the leg then puts her in the ring. He drags her up and puts her against the ropes. He hushes the crowd, so they can hear his CHOP!

Reklusa crawls to a corner, and Pentagon runs in. He intercepts her boot with a kick, then whips her corner to corner. She reverses but runs into his SUPERKICK! Pentagon tosses Reklusa out of the ring, then follows. He brings her up and around to bowl her through chairs now! Strike! Pentagon drags Reklusa back up and over, then kicks her leg again! She crawls but he stalks behind to kick her again. Reklusa rolls and writhes but Pentagon keeps on her with a framed poster! How’s that for an autograph? Pentagon brings Reklusa up again and SUPERKICKS her down. He then hurries up the bleachers to cheer with the fans. Pentagon puts Reklusa back in the ring, then takes aim from a corner to kick her leg again!

Pentagon has Reklusa in the corner and whips her corner to corner. He runs into her boot and she hops up. He catches her on the shoulders but she spins for the huricanrana. Pentagon rolls out and she dropkicks him further down. Reklusa climbs up top and leaps for a FLYING huricanrana! Believers respect Reklusa’s ability as she runs into the ring to run out and DIVE for a tornado DDT! Reklusa takes off the wristbands and puts Pentagon back in. Cover, TWO! Reklusa keeps her cool, but maybe because she’s too crazy to be frustrated. Pentagon runs and slingblades her down! He then aims, and hits another SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Reklusa’s tougher than that, but Pentagon keeps his cool.

Believers rally up as Pentagon drags Reklusa back up. He whips her to a corner but she drop toeholds him into buckles. She runs and tilt-o-whirls around and around for a DDT! Both of them are down but the Believers love it. Reklusa covers, TWO! She kicks Pentagon again and again, then mocks the Cero Miedo with double dirty birds. She runs, but into a half nelson and pumphandle, driver! Cover, TWO!? Reklusa survives again?! Believers lose their minds but Pentagon keeps his focus. He puts her in the package, lifts but she slips out to shove him. She boots him, then hurries to a corner. Reklusa aims but Pentagon swing kicks her off the top! Pentagon goes to the apron to join her, brings her up and wants the package! He hits the package piledriver on the apron!

Believers lose their minds again as Pentagon puts Reklusa in. Cover, TWO!? The previous time was crazy, but this is just insane! Pentagon is shocked and argues with the ref, but Reklusa kicks dangerously low. She hits a Canadian Destroyer! Cover, TWO!! Now Reklusa can’t believe it. She again mocks Cero Miedo, but fans know “This is Awesome!” Pentagon hits a backstabber, then gives a proper Cero Miedo, before hitting a running Package Driver! Cover, Pentagon wins!

Winner: Pentagon Dark, by pinfall

The Black Widow crossed with Brown Recluse has been defeated, but that’s not enough for Pentagon. He turns her over, puts her in the Dark Armbar, and… He shows mercy? Pentagon brings something out from underneath the ring. It’s a bag! Not just any bag, that’s Vampiro’s bag of thumbtacks! Pentagon pours them all out, and then brings Reklusa up. But Marty runs in with a bat wrapped in barbed wire! And he SMACKS Pentagon in it! Reklusa is saved, but Marty then jabs the bat right in Pentagon’s face!! The Believers duel as Marty continues to beat Pentagon down. Marty’s own hand bleeds but that only makes him more determined. He grinds the wires into Pentagon’s mask and face to tear both fabric and flesh!

But Reklusa has an idea and goes looking. She brings out a big can of gasoline?! She brings it over and Marty presents a lighter! Reklusa pours the gasoline all over Pentagon, and then Marty jabs the bat into Pentagon’s face again. The fans call them “You Sick F*cks!” but that only encourages them. Marty ignites the lighter, but blows it out. He could’ve easily burned the Breaker of Bones tonight, but wants to save the best for last at Ultima Lucha Cuatro. In a match with no fear and no rules, will Pentagon be able to reclaim his gold? Or will Marty make sure the end of the season is also the end of Cero Miedo?



My Thoughts:

A pretty wild episode of Lucha Underground. Great to see Taya and Johnny Mundo back in the Temple, and it was done pretty well. Taya looked great against Matanaz, but obviously she was going to lose if Johnny didn’t attack. Johnny VS Matanza is going to be a great match with that Sacrifice stipulation. I’m assuming Mundo wins to be the first person to end that streak, but it’s going to take a superhuman effort to do it. Then Ricky “Mundo” Mantel wants to have a match with Taya. There’s a chance Ricky wins that, but not without Rosa somehow showing she’s more than just a creepy looking doll. In fact, Ricky really could go from jobber to top Heel with just this match. Technically Marty would be top Heel because he’s also champion, but some fans like Marty. It didn’t sound like anyone likes Ricky.

The tornado tag team match was great, it had all the story and great spots expected from those four. And it makes sense for Fenix & Muertes to win, they’ve both been really strong through their entire Lucha Underground careers. It also ups the underdog factors for Azteca and The Mack. Azteca has to defeat Fenix twice when beating him once is hard enough, and The Mack is in a match with no rules against Muertes, one of the biggest and strongest men in the Temple. There’s a way both Azteca and Mack could win, but I feel like only one will. Pentagon VS Reklusa was great, and it really establishes her strongly in the ranks. Vampiro and Pentagon went to extremes in their Cero Miedo match back in Season 1, I’m thinking that will look tame compared to this year.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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