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Mitchell’s WWE King & Queen of the Ring Results & Report! (5/25/24)




Bow down to the… Bow down to the King & Queen!

The thrones are open as WWE crowns a new King & Queen of The Ring! Lyra or Nia, Orton or Gunther, who will reign and head for SummerSlam?


  • Countdown Show – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill VS Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell; Bianca & Jade win and retain the titles.
  • WWE Women’s World Championship: Becky Lynch VS Liv Morgan; Liv wins and becomes the new WWE Women’s World Champion.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat: Sami Zayn VS VS Bronson Reed VS Chad Gable w/ Otis; Sami wins and retains the title.
  • 2024 Queen of the Ring Finals: Lyra Valkyria VS Nia Jax; Nia wins and will challenge for a title at SummerSlam.
  • 2024 King of the Ring Finals: GUNTHER VS Randy Orton; Gunther wins and will challenge for a title at SummerSlam.
  • Undisputed WWE Championship: Cody Rhodes VS Logan Paul; Cody wins and retains the title.


It’s the King & Queen of the Ring Countdown Show!

Join Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Wade Barrett & Big E in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action for this historic night!


Corey Graves interviews Cody Rhodes.

Corey sits with The American Nightmare and talks about his role has changed since becoming champion. It’s only been a couple months, but Corey wants Cody to best describe the feeling of “finishing the story.” Cody would say whatever that feeling is, that’s the feeling he wants to chase for the rest of his life. It was a sensation that he can’t describe. It made him happy, it made him smile, it made him cry, it was everything. That moment met if not exceeded expectations. Corey says Cody got what he was chasing, he is now WWE Champion and the face of this company. What does that responsibility feel like?

If that is true and Cody is the face of this wonderful company, he feels more appreciative of the team around him more than he ever was. He told Logan Paul and stands by this, this is a team effort. What is the time requirement of being THE WWE Champion in this day and age? Fans might hear this often, think this is hyperbole about how much your life changes winning the Royal Rumble and winning the WWE Championship. Media, teleconferences, “stuff.” It feels pretty balanced and he’s able to do it all.

Then are there any superstars, past or present, that have been world champion who Cody has gone to for advice? He’s stayed connected to Randy Orton, remembering back to 2008 when John Cena was on top. Cody is doing his best to do what they did right, but do it his way. He wants to do it bigger. Then what is the opinion on the state of the industry? What’s great about the last three years is new fans. From little kids or returning adults. There’s this almost pat on the back for the ones in Cody’s generation, because they were beaten over the head with how “wonderful” The Attitude Era was. And it was, it really was.

But sometimes, Cody’s bitter about it because this era is here, they’re the ones doing it now. Biggest arena attendance, and that’s on Cody’s name, not on The Rock or Austin, and that’s something Cody can be proud of. Then if Cody had to give his younger self advice, what would he tell that Cody? When you’re in the position of that Cody, “Undesirable,” low on the role sheet, then bet on yourself. Stardust shouldn’t be in any main event anywhere, so Cody had to figure out how to make Cody better. If you’re the same as you were, that’s not good, you’re not growing. He made the call to “get better.” More of this interview later on in the show.


Backstage interview with Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair.

Byron Saxton is with the StrongEST Storm, and he says it is a big night to say the least. First televised tag title defense for them, how do they feel? Jade is beyond excited, this is her first PLE in Saudi, who gets that this soon? And with The EST, they will take these belts like they always do. Byron asks about Bianca’s knee, and she says it is not 100%. She lost out last night because of Candice. Candice started this, but Bianca beat her before so she will do it again. She and Jade will remain champions. Byron wishes them luck and Jade says who needs luck? Will nothing stop this dynamic duo when they stand side by side?


Backstage interview with Lyra Valkyria.

Kayla Braxton is with The Morrigan and says tonight is the night. She is about to embark on the biggest challenge of her WWE career, and only after being called up for a month now. She could be the NEW Queen of the Ring, how surreal is it to realize she’s made it here so fast? So surreal! She was just in NXT wanting to regain the title, but now she’s here in Jeddah! She can’t imagine a more surreal start as a rookie on Raw. And now, the finals of QOTR! She will be facing Nia Jax, who had choice words for her. Has Lyra marinated on those claims?

Lyra can’t wait to prove Nia wrong. Nia says she’s gonna “buzz” through her, but surely everyone else thought the same. Dakota Kai, Zoey Stark, Iyo Sky, all former champions, but Lyra is the one here. She is the one that will be Queen and going to SummerSlam. Lyra is gonna launch herself into the WWE Women’s World Championship scene! Lyra is ready to fly, but can she get through the Irresistible Force?


Backstage interview with Triple H.

Byron is with The Game and says there is a lot of excitement already tonight, with the finals of King & Queen of the Ring tournaments. How important are these matches? They’re massive. And the excitement is an understatement, the whole week, the moment WWE landed, being in Riyadh and the WWE Experience, HHH can’t imagine how as a kid it’d feel to go to such an immersive world. But last night, in Jeddah for SmackDown, it was off the charts. They’ve had a great time, but this whole night is the main event. It is the reason we are here.

And these aren’t just fancy titles you win and get to say you’re king or queen. This is about cementing legacies. The competition for these crowns is massive. When you look at tonight, Nia Jax since her return has torn through everyone. From going toe-to-toe with Rhea Ripley to tearing through Becky Lynch, Naomi, Bianca, Jade, all to get here. Can Nia finish that job? Can she establish herself as Queen? She has to go through Lyra Valkyria. In many ways, a lot of accolades on her own, but should Lyra be here already? It’s been “a cup of coffee.” But also, Lyra beat Iyo Sky to be here. And when you beat a former Women’s Champion to be here, anything is possible.

And of course, Randy Orton returning form near career ending injury. Can The Viper solidify his legacy? Can he put the stamp on his return? Can he finish this and take another step forward as one of the greats? In his way is Gunther, who has been like no one before him in WWE. Longest reigning Intercontinental Champion, went through just about everyone to get here. Orton VS Gunther is impossible to call, but HHH will be doing what we’re doing: sitting on the edge of his seat and watching with baited breath. A king is crowned, a queen is crowned, and they’ll each face top champions at SummerSlam. This is gonna be awesome.

Byron thanks HHH for sharing his thoughts on a night that will be talked about for years. The Game set things out pretty well, so who will be crowned and move on to “The Land” to fight for gold?


Michael Cole & Corey Graves tag out of the panel.

In their place, Kayla Braxton and Kevin Owens are here to help Wade & Big E for the second hour! The Prizefighter is back, and he saved Randy Orton from The Bloodline. Kevin says yes, you’re welcome, he loves praise. And he’s glad to have made it here at all. He made sure Orton would have some support, check the shirt. It’s good, right?


Corey’s interview with Cody, part two.

Saudi Arabia, it will be Cody VS Logan Paul. Cody’s had limited access to Logan in Logan’s short time in WWE, but to Cody, who is Logan Paul? Cody looked up the definition of “maverick.” An unorthodox or independent minded person. Cody doesn’t dislike that, and it describes Logan. The ventures Logan has gone on, he has just been so successful. And as a pro-wrestler, he is more fundamentally sound than he has any right to be. Then there’s a healthy professional respect there, but what about personal? Well, fortune favors the bold, but everything Cody just said about Logan has informed Logan’s decisions. Logan is too bold in taking credit for WWE’s success.

Knowing Logan actually believes that, the best thing that can happen to him is slip on a banana peel, fall on his face, and we see what he does next. Then what are Cody’s thoughts to Logan taking his US Championship out of the deal? Titles mean everything. Cody knows a lying wrestler when they say they don’t care about a title or a list. Cody would’ve loved to get the Grand Slam, maybe he’ll finish that story later. Then how does Cody plan on neutralizing Logan’s lethal right hand? This might not be the best person to quote, but JBL talking about HBK’s Sweet Chin Music, “Just duck.” That’s JBL for ya.

That is Cody’s current strategy, in that he doesn’t need to get to the point where he’s off balance. No matter how quick, how athletic, how in-your-blood, it’ll end quickly at that right hand. Then as we approach that match, how does it go down? As much positive things and wonderful platitudes Cody could throw out at Logan, to be completely honest, he doesn’t stand a chance. Logan finds out that he’s great and all, but not on the level he thinks. That’s actually a great thing for Logan to find out. Corey wishes Cody luck, they shake hands, but will Cody still be Undisputed Champion after facing the ImPAULsive One?


Backstage interview with Liv Morgan.

Byron is with the #1 contender to the Women’s World Championship and notes her Liv Morgan revenge Tour. This tour could reach an epic conclusion if she wins the title off Becky Lynch. Where is her confidence level right now? Liv thanks him for asking that, because she has never felt better in her whole life! She’s been waiting for this day the last 8 months of her life, ever since Rhea Ripley injured her. And she completes the LMRT by taking what Rhea loves most, in the  Women’s World Championship. Becky is charged up, too, how is Liv going to change that?

Liv says Becky keeps reminding everyone that Liv has yet to beat her, but that changes tonight because Becky’s never face this Liv. There’s nothing she can throw at Liv because- Wait, what’s Dominik Mysterio doing here? Dom says Liv knows what he’s doing here. He flew all the way to Saudi Arabia to make sure Liv doesn’t get her hands on Mami’s gold. Dom leaves, and Liv definitely didn’t expect that. Will Liv be able to focus on The Man when she has Mami’s Latino Heat lurking?


Countdown Show – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill VS Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell!

The StrongEST Storm said it themselves, they’re gonna get even with The Poison Pixie for the damage done and leave here still holding the gold. But while Candice & Indi may have last their way and gone to the dark side, will they come away the winners?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is the greatEST!

The teams sort out and Jade starts against #IndiWrestling. They tie up., Indi waistlocks but Jade throws her off! The fans cheer but Candice says that’s okay. Indi gets up, goes for a leg, but Jade lifts her up! Indi slips out, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but then runs into a scoop! And a FALL AWAY SLAM! The fans fire up as Jade kips up! Jade runs Indi over, then tags Bianca in. The fans cheer as Jade keeps Indi from Candice, to scoop and SLAM! Bianca runs up, gets the lift from Jade, DOMINATOR SPLASH COMBO! Wakanda Forever, Black Girl Magic! The fans fire up, Candice tags in, and she goes after Bianca’s bad leg.

Bianca is aware of that, dodges Candice, but then Candice tilt-o-whirls! Bianca blocks the rest of that, to tilt-o-whirl GUTBUSTER! Bianca gets her bad leg moving, the fans rally for her, and she RAMS into Candice! And again, and again, and again! Bianca lets off, whips Candice back in, but Candice BOOTS back! Candice goes up, but Bianca ROCKS her! Bianca trophy lifts Candice, hobbles a bit, but Candice slips free! Tag to Indi, Bianca THROWS Candice then ROCKS Indi! Bianca drags Indi up but Candice CHOP BLOCKS Bianca! The fans boo but Indi stomps Bianca. Indi keeps between Bianca and Jade with a gut wrench.

The fans rally, Bianca fights up, but Indi puts her in a corner for stomps. Indi puts the good leg around ropes and pulls! Bianca falls, Indi stomps both legs, and then mocks Bianca swinging her hair using her own braid. But then Bianca throws body shots! Indi kicks the bad leg, Bianca falls, and Indi gets Bianca up. Indi snapmares Bianca into the ropes! Bianca writhes, Candice tags in and CLUBS Bianca down! The fans boo but Candice taunts Jade. Candice gets the bad leg to SMASH the knee! The fans rally, Candice CLUBS Bianca more, then grabs the bad leg again. Candice drags Bianca back, stomps that leg, but the fans rally harder.

Candice stands Bianca up, ROCKS her, then tags Indi. But Bianca DUMPS Candice! Indi YANKS the braid! Indi keeps Bianca down, tags Candice back in, and Candice STOMPS Bianca’s leg! Cover, TWO! Bianca is toughing it out but Candice drags her to DDT the bad leg! Jade reaches out but Candice turns Bianca for a HALF CRAB! Bianca endures, the fans rally, but Candice sits deep! Bianca fights, Candice drags her back, but Bianca BOOTS her away! Indi tags in, Bianca scrambles but Indi CLUBS her down! Indi ELBOWS Jade, too! Indi mocks Bianca, brings Bianca up, but Bianca blocks the whip! Bianca whips, Indi KICKS back!

Indi runs up but into a BOOT! But Candice grabs Bianca from behind while Indi distracts the ref! Bianca TOSSES Candice in, dodges Indi, hot tag to Jade! Jade BOOTS Indi, SPINEBUSTERS Candice, and then fires up! The fans fire up with Jade, and she STINGER SPLASHES Candice! STINGER SPLASH for Indi! Back to Candice! Jade TOSSES Candice across the way! Then DOUBLE SPLASH for them both! Jade reels Indi in, flexes, and POWERBOMBS! Cover, Candice breaks it! Jade scowls at the Poison Pixie, TOSSES her out, but Indi SHOTGUNS Jade in the back! Indi has Jade in ropes, tags Candice, then BOOTS Jade!

Indi drapes Jade out, Candice LIONSAULTS Jade down! Cover, TWO!! Jade survives and Candice is furious! Candice tags Indi, then climbs. Indi drags Jade back up, but Jade fights back! Jade POSTS Indi, but Candice MISSILE DORPKICKS! Jades taggers away, Bianca tags in! Bianca ROCKS Candice, then CHOP BLOCKS her! Payback time! Pop-up, wheelbarrow, DDT to GERMAN SUPLEX!! Cover, Bianca & Jade win!

Winners: Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Candice couldn’t weather the storm, and with a combo like that, will Bianca & Jade be unstoppable as tag team champions?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron is with The Maverick and wants to revisit SmackDown and everything Cody Rhodes has said. Logan is a fraud, suffers from Impostor Syndrome, so in response to that and the general controversy, what is Logan’s approach? There’s no controversy, there’s no syndrome. Logan went from YouTube to boxing Mayweather. And for the third time, he’s in Saudi Arabia, wrestling for a title. He left with the US Championship last time, he’ll leave with two belts this time. It is a cycle of  people doubting him and him proving people wrong time and time again. he will show us why he belongs here, in the ring, and on top. Will Logan make good on all that in tonight’s main event?


A Champion’s Journey.

“The moment an idea becomes an obsession signifies the beginning of a champion’s journey. An opportunity to take the throne, defend what’s already yours, and delivery a massive spectacle in front of the world. Tonight, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it’s no longer about how far you’ve come, but how high you will ascend. Remember this: Every journey starts with a spark of an idea. And what we make of our obsessions becomes our destiny. This… is WWE King & Queen of the Ring!”


WWE Women’s World Championship: Becky Lynch VS Liv Morgan!

Mami Rhea went down with injury, a battle royal was held, and it was these two that were there at the end. Obviously we know The Man won, but the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour isn’t over until she’s taken over! Will Morgan live the dream after fighting for so long? Or is she still not ready for The Big Time?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is really on top!

The bell rings and the fans rally up for Becky. Liv wags her finger, and she circles with Becky. They tie up, go around, end up on ropes, but then come off ropes. Liv shoves Becky, Becky shoves back! They start shoving, the ref has them back up and reset. They circle, tie up, Liv waistlocks but Becky switches and SLAMS! Becky holds onto Liv, but Liv fights up. The fans rally for Becky as they switch around again. Liv goes to ropes, Becky lets off slowly, but Liv ELBOWS her! The ref reprimands but Liv ROCKS Becky with a forearm. Liv fires more shots, talks trash, then CHPOS! Liv whips, Becky reverses and BOOTS Liv down!

The fans fire up while Liv sits up and sputters. Becky runs, Liv drops then follows, but Becky still runs her over! Liv bails out, Becky talks trash and eggs Liv on. Liv cools off but Becky goes out after her! Becky ROCKS Liv, SMACKS her off the apron, then brings her around to SMACK off more apron! The fans cheer as Becky SMACKS Liv off the barriers! Becky goes for more apron but Liv blocks! Liv ROCSK Becky, SMACKS her, the ring count is 8 as Liv puts Becky in. Becky gets Liv int he ropes for an UPPERCUT, SOBAT and then goes up the corner! But Liv YANKS Becky down! Becky flounders away and Liv hurries in. Cover, TWO!

Becky goes to a corner but Liv storms after her. Liv smirks as she stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Liv lets off at 4, and then she storms up to stomp some more! The ref counts, Liv lets off and runs back in, btu Becky dodges! JUPM KICK! JUMP0 NO, Liv blocks the second one to LARIAT back! Liv puts Becky through ropes, bends her back and even has body scissors! The ref counts the rope clutch, Liv lets off at 4. Liv then SHOTGUNS Becky in the back! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, but Liv stomps and kicks Becky around. Liv drags Becky back up, puts her on ropes, and CHOKES her! The ref counts, Becky SLAPS Liv!

Liv SLAPS Becky, whips her, but Becky BOOTS back! Liv staggers, storms back up, but into an ELBOW Becky goes up and up, but Liv YANKS her down again! Cover, TWO! Liv keeps on Becky with a top wristlock! The fans rally as Becky endures, fights up, and fights back. Liv KNEES Becky down! Liv has an almost Shankly Gates Stretch but Becky endures. Liv pulls on the arm but Becky finds an opening to slip out from under Liv. Becky arm-drags free, then dodges Liv to fire a forearm! Liv hits back! Liv whips, Becky reveres but Liv goes up, wheelbarrows, and she sends Becky into buckles! O’Conner Roll, TWO, and Liv hits buckles!

Becky snarls, runs up, DOUBLE LARIATS take both women down! The fans fire up, and they sing Becky’s song as Becky slowly rises. Becky and Liv fire forearms back and forth! Liv ROCKS Becky, Becky ROCKS Liv, repeat! Liv gets the edge but Becky LARIATS! And LARIATS again! And CALF KICKS! Liv goes to a corner, Becky fires up and runs in, FOREARM SMASH! Then BECKSPLODER! Liv bails out, the fans fire up, and Becky builds speed! Becky WRECKS Liv with a dropkick! Becky now aims from the apron, and she FLYING FOREARMS! Becky drags Liv up, puts her in the ring, then climbs a corner!

The fans fire up as Becky reaches the top. But Liv trips her up! Liv ROCKS Becky, climbs up, the fans duel as the fists fly! Becky shoves Liv down, adjusts, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Liv is still in this and the fans duel again! Becky snarls, grabs an arm, DIS- NO, Liv rolls Becky up! TWO, Becky wants Liv’s arm again! Liv ROCKS Becky, runs up, springboard and CODE BREAKER! Becky falls, Liv covers, TWO! Becky survives and Liv is growing frustrated. The fans continue to rally as Becky flounders to a corner. Liv grins, then snarls, then runs in, but only gets buckles! Becky KICKS and CLOBBERS Liv! Cover, TWO!

The fans continue to rally as Becky drags Liv into the drop zone. Becky climbs, but Liv moves! Becky rolls through the leap, but Liv MISSILE DROPKICKS back! Cover, TWO! Liv is beside herself as Becky stays in this. Liv sees Becky go to ropes, runs up, OB- NO, Becky turns that into a FINAL CUT! Cover, TWO! Becky is now a bit frustrated, but the fans fire up again. “This is Awesome!” as Becky snarls. This place is shaking as Becky clinches, MAN- NO, Liv victory rolls! TWO and Becky has it, TWO! Beck runs up, Liv dodges to GAMANGIRI! Cover, TWO!! Liv is starting to lose her cool as Becky refuses to lose!

The fans rally up again, Liv kicks Becky around. Becky SMACKS her! Liv hits back, they go haymaker for haymaker! Liv gets the edge, runs with Becky, but no springboard here! Becky kicks, BUTTERFLYU SUPLEX into an ARMBAR!! Liv flails, stacks Becky, TWO! Liv has the RINGS OF SATURN!! Liv pulls on Becky, Becky turns her to a cover, TWO! Liv still stays clamped on, RINGS OF SATURN!! Liv’s arsenal is deeper than before, she goes for a ghost pin, but Becky slips free! DISARM-HER!!! Liv endures, reaches out, but Becky’s between her and ropes! Liv moves around, and wait, DIRTY DOM is ringside now?!

The fans boo as Becky stares Dom down! Dom doesn’t want Liv to win, but Liv just got a ROPEBREAK for this! The fans boo Dom and Becky tells him to go away. Liv gets up, and she swings, but into the MAN- CODE BREAKER!! Cover, TWO!!! Becky survives and Liv snarls. Liv stares Dom down, then drags Becky to a drop zone. Liv goes up a corner, but Becky goes after her! Becky gets Liv for a SUPERPLEX! Both women are down and Liv flounders all the way to the other corner! The ref checks Liv, Dom gets a chair! And he slides it into the ring for Becky!? He wants The Man do protect Mami? Dom then distracts the ref!

But Liv runs up, DDT onto the chair!!! Dom freaks out, he just messed up the wrong woman! ObLIVion!!! Cover, LIV WINS!!!!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s World Champion)

Liv says she told you so! She comes out on top all because Dirty Dom couldn’t keep his dirty mustache out of this! Liv took out Mami, she just took the title from The Man, did the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour just accomplish its mission?


WWE Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat: Sami Zayn VS VS Bronson Reed VS Chad Gable w/ The Alpha Academy!

As the Great Liberator put it himself, this is a battle of mind, body and soul. The Mind is Master Gable, the manipulator and technical genius of The Alpha Academy. The Body is “Big” Bronson Reed, the Colossal Aussie whose Tsunami wipes out all in its path. And The Soul is Sami himself, who puts his all into every fight he’s in. Sami bets on Soul every time, because he bets on himself. But when he only has a 33 and one-third chance of winning, will the numbers spell disaster for him tonight? Or can he overcome these odds and stay golden?

Oh, Maxxine Dupri IS here. But then Gable says no, she should stay in the back so she doesn’t mess this up like she does everything else. Maxxine does as told, will Gable only need his number one guy to come out on top?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who makes it reign in the desert!

The bell rings, the fans are thunderous for Sami, but then Gable takes a swing! Sami counter punches, throws more hands, but then Bronson throws Sami! Gable CHOPS Bronson, Bronson HEADBUTTS him! Bronson SPLASHES Sami in a corner, Gable CHOPS Bronson! Gable CHOPS again, but Bronson CHOPS back! Bronson then scoops and lifts Gable, but Gable slips free! Gable bails out, Bronson pursues, but then Sami PLANCHAS onto Bronson! Gable CLOBBERS Sami from behind! The fans still sing for Sami, “OLE~! OLE OLE OLE~!” but Gable puts Sami in the ring. Sami blocks a buckle bump to give a buckle bump!

Sami climbs up and he wants fans to count along! Sami punches away until we reach TEN! Gable staggers, Sami AX HANDLES him down! Bronson is back to LARIAT Sami! The fans boo as Bronson flexes. Bronson drags Sami up, whips him to a corner, then runs up, but into an ELBOW! Gable comes back, Bronson spins him, then he catches Sami! URENAGE DDT COMBO! Bronson stalks Sami, drags him up, and HEADBUTTS! Gable bails out while he can and Bronson runs in at Sami,. Sami drop toeholds Bronson into buckles! Sami ELBOWS Gable away, and the fans fire up as he goes out after Gable!

Gable trips Sami and has him in the apron skirt! Gable CLUBS away on Sami, then goes to a corner! Gable climbs, leaps at Bronson, MISSILE DROPKICK! Bronson tumbles, Gable soaks up the heat, and he gets Sami out of the skirt. Gable ROCKS Sami with a right, but the fans still sing for Sami. Gable stands Sami up, talks trash, and he ROCKS Sami again! Gable whips, Sami holds ropes, and he DUMPS Gable right out! But Bronson runs in! Sami TOSSES Bronson out! The fans fire up as Sami builds speed, and he FLIES! Direct hit and down go both Bronson and Gable! As if this place wasn’t already rocking!

Sami hurries to get Bronson up but that’s a big ask. Sami gets Bronson in, hurries up a corner, and the fans fire up again. But Bronson ROCKS Sami first! Bronson climbs up after Sami, fireman’s carries, but Sami kicks and flails, to then SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Bronson survives but the fans are thunderous again! Sami stalks Bronson, reels him in, but Bronson’s too big for Blue Thunder! Sami CLUBS away on Bronson’s back, tries again, but Bronson is still too big! Bronson CLUBS Sami now, puts him up top, but Gable CHOP BLOCKS Bronson! Gable climbs up after Sami, but Bronson joins in! TOWER OF DOOM!!

Bronson snarls, hobbles over, and he drags Sami to a drop zone. Bronson climbs and Otis is watching. Bronson KAIJU SAULTS but FLOPS as Sami moves! Gable MOONSAULTS on Bronson! Cover, Sami breaks it! The fans are thunderous as all three men are down! Sami hurries to get Bronson up again but that’s still too much to lift! Bronson reels Sami in, but Sami wrenches out to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Knuckle lock, up and up and TORNADO DDT! Cover, Gable breaks it, with an ANKLE LOCK!! Sami endures, reaches out, but a Triple Threat means no disqualifications, no ropebreaks!

Sami flails, fights around, but Gable leans on that hold with all his might! Sami still flounders forward, but Gable drags him back! GRAPEVINE! But Bronson runs up! Gable grabs Bronson for the ANKLE LOCK!! Bronson endures, Sami gets Gable for the ANKLE LOCK!! The fans fire up as it is a chain! Gable lets Bronson go to flail around, but Bronson runs up! Sami uses that to BLUE THUNDER BOMB!!! Cover, TWO!! Bronson survives but it’s just as shocking that Sami hit the Blue Thunder! All three men are down again, Gable goes to a corner. Sami goes after him with forearms but Gable gives those back!

The fans cheer Sami, boo Gable, but then Bronson SPLASHES them both! Bronson puts Gable up top, fireman’s carries Sami, and then he adds Gable to the stack! DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP!! The fans cheer the show of strength but Bronson then eyes his targets on the outside. “This is Awesome!” as Bronson builds speed! Bronson DIVES?! And he takes out both Sami and Gable!! The fans lose their minds, Bronson puts Sami in the ring, and Bronson climbs the corner. The wave is rising, TSUNAMI FLOPS as Sami moves in time! Sami runs corner to corner, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX from Gable!

Gable holds on, he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! The fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Sami throws elbows, switches, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES! Sami holds on, to GERMAN SUPLEX again! But Bronson joins in! Gable elbows Sami, switches, but that means having Bronson? DOUBLE GERMAN?!?! The fans are thunderous for that show of strength! The three men stir, Gable shoves Bronson out and says it’s time! Otis CLOBBERS Bronson! Gable says that’s what he’s talking about! This is the Otis that Gable wants to see! Gable TOSSES Sami out, time for Otis to get him, too! The fans say “NO! NO! NO!” and Otis is conflicted.

Gable says do it! Do it for Gable! But Otis hesitates and Gable asks what’s wrong with him. Gable gets Sami up in a waistlock, and he wants Otis to hit Sami! Otis paces in frustration, but he can’t bring himself to do it! The fans cheer! Gable is mad, and asks what is wrong with him! Gable tells Otis to listen to his coach. Gable SLAPS Otis! The fans boo, Otis snarls, but Gable asks what Otis is gonna do. Is Otis suddenly Sami’s friend? Gable SLAPS Otis again! Gable sets Sami up again, Otis snarls and runs up, but Sami ducks! LARIAT hits Gable after all!! Otis is stunned, and Sami has Bronson in a corner! HELLUVA KICK!!! Cover, Sami wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Otis was a deciding factor in this match, but in Sami’s favor! Will Gable ever forgive Otis for this? Will Sami continue to be the heart and soul of this Intercontinental Championship?


Backstage interview with Bianca & Jade.

Byron is again with the tag team champions and congratulates them on defending those titles. But is there a secret to how they’ve gelled? What secret? Candice & Indi stepped up and got stepped on. Bianca got even with Candice, she gave her a taste of her own medicine, these two had something to prove and they proved it. If you want it, come get this work. #AndStill!


2024 Queen of the Ring Finals: Lyra Valkyria VS Nia Jax!

As we heard from The Morrigan, it is truly surreal that she is here, in this moment, so soon after being drafted from NXT to Raw. But she put in the work, so she most certainly deserves it. The Irresistible Force has also been putting in the work, “buzzing” through opponent after opponent, though maybe with a little controversy at times. But when it comes to this crown, there can only be one. Will Lyra plant her flag and prove she belongs? Or will Nia cement her legacy beyond a shadow of a doubt?

The introductions are made, the throne awaits, and we see who wears the Queen’s Crown!

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. They slowly circle, then Nia runs up. Lyra dodges and keeps her distance. Nia tries again, Lyra dodges again, then Lyra headlocks. Nia powers out, Lyra comes back and gets around, but the crucifix takedown doesn’t work. Lyra shifts to sunset flip but still Nia stays up. Nia drags Lyra up, TOSSES her, but Lyra handsprings through! The fans cheer, Lyra dusts herself off, and then she drop toeholds. Nia still stays up, and she fireman’s carries! Lyra slips around to a SLEEPER! Nia RAMS Lyra into buckles, gets free, runs back in, but Lyra TOSSES her out!

Lyra aims, builds speed, and WRECKS Nia with a dropkick! The fans fire up, but then Nia RAMS Lyra into the apron! Nia puts Lyra in, Lyra staggers around, and Nia storms up. Lyra DORPKICKS Nia to a corner! Lyra fires off forearms, Nia shoves her away. Lyra comes back, TORNADO- NO, Nia throws Lyra away again! Nia scoops, but it’s back to the SLEEPER! Nia SLINGS Lyra off, snarls and runs up, and she SPLASHES Lyra in a corner! Nia CLUBS Lyra, shoves her down, then stalks her. Nia kicks Lyra around, soaks up heat, then runs to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Lyra survives and the fans rally up again.

Nia kicks and stomps Lyra, then drags her up. Nia whips Lyra to a corner hard, then soaks up more heat. Nia digs her boot into Lyra at the corner! The ref counts, Nia lets off, and Lyra crawls. Fans chant “YOU SUCK!” at Nia. Lyra RAMS into Nia again and again, but Nia CLUBS Lyra down. Nia drags Lyra up, scoops, and she RAMS Lyra into buckles! Nia puts Lyra in the Tree of Woe, then HEADBUTTS Lyra right out of it! The fans boo but Nia drags Lyra up again. Nia puts Lyra in ropes, and pulls her back against them! Nia lets go and Lyra clutches her back. The fans rally but Nia brings Lyra around for a COBRA CLUTCH!

Nia thrashes Lyra, Lyra endures, and the fans rally again. Nia grinds Lyra into the mat, but the fans continue to rally. Lyra fights up, throws elbows, but Nia SWINGS Lyra around to THROW her away! The fans boo but Nia stalks Lyra. Lyra BOOTS from below! Nia comes back, but into a JAWBREAKER! Lyra SOBATS, KICKS, RAMS and KICKS again! ENZIGIRI! Nia drops to a knee! Lyra runs, but into a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Lyra survives and Nia scowls. Nia drags Lyra to a drop zone, goes up the corner, A-NIA- NO, Lyra slips out of the ring! So Nia just goes to the outside of the corner! APRON A-NIA- NOPE! Lyra moves again!

Lyra then runs up to WRECK Nia with a dropkick! Lyra keeps moving, and she- GETS CAUGHT! Nia drags Lyra out to wheelbarrow, but Lyra BULLDOGS to the floor! The fans fire up as Lyra turns things around! The count starts, both women rise up at 3 of 10. Lyra shoves Nia in at 4, hurries up a corner, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Nia bounces off a corner, Lyra runs up to TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Nia is still in this and Lyra is frustrated. The fans rally, Lyra goes up, but Nia gets under. Lyra hobbles on a bad leg, Nia SAMOAN DROPS again! Nia hurries to put Lyra right in the drop zone! Nia goes up again, but Lyra KICKS the legs out!

Nia is stuck in the Tree of Woe! Lyra runs corner to corner to WOE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Nia is still in this but Lyra hurries back up! Nia stands, for the CHANGE OF FORTUNES!! Cover off the flying leg drop, TWO!! Nia survives and Lyra is shocked! Lyra tries to fireman’s carry, but this is Sami with Bronson all over again! Nia CLUBS Lyra, shoves her away, and SPLASHES in the corner! Lyra grins, fireman’s carries, and climbs up the corner! But Lyra fights to slip, around, she SUNSET FLIPS, but Nia holds onto the ropes! A-NIA-LATOR!! Cover, Nia wins!!

Winner: Nia Jax, by pinfall (2024 Queen of the Ring Winner)

Lyra tried, but not all birds can fly over a mountain. Triple H presents Nia the crown personally, and they hug it out.  Kayla interviews Nia and congratulates her but Nia says save it, she doesn’t need it. She knows the fans aren’t happy for her, but she is very happy for herself. And she’ll be a lot happier and we’re gonna be a lot angrier, because Nia will become WWE Women’s Champion at SummerSlam. Will The Role Model be able to withstand The Irresistible Force when they meet in The Land?


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

Becky is tearing into Dom as Byron walks up, and Byron asks her on any comments. Becky doesn’t know what happened out there, why Dom was there, what’s going on with him, Rhea or Liv. This revenge tour, that revenge tour, but Becky has a rematch clause! She’s gonna talk with Pearce, and she’s gonna demand a rematch this Monday on Raw! Will The Man make sure the new champ’s time in the spotlight is short lived?


2024 King of the Ring Finals: GUNTHER VS Randy Orton!

Der Ring General set the bar for being Intercontinental Champion, and then he powered his way through Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, and Jey Uso. The Viper meanwhile has set the bar for being a living legend in this company and in this business, and yet the one thing he has yet to win is that crown. Will Orton show even Gunther is vulnerable to the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment? Or will Gunther go from Ring General to King General?

The introductions are made, another throne awaits, and we see who bows down to the king!

The bell rings and the fans are all fired up. Orton and Gunther stare down, then slowly circle. The fans are strongly behind “R K O! R K O!” and even make the song “ORTON~! ORTON ORTON ORTON~!” Gunther is unbothered as he and Orton tie up. They go around in a deadlock, each man rather equal in height and size. Orton puts Gunther on ropes, but Gunther puts Orton in a corner. The ref counts, Gunther pushes Orton as he lets off, and the fans applaud. The fans cheer on Orton even more now, but Gunther is still unbothered. They circle, tie up, and are in another deadlock. Gunther powers Orton back but Orton puts Gunther in a corner!

The fans rally, the ref counts, and the two men still clinch. The ref has to get in there, and finally Orton lets off. The fans cheer as both men reset, neither back down. Gunther starts talking a bit of trash but the fans boo. Orton goes for Gunther, Gunther gets the arm. Gunther wrenches, wristlocks, then clamps onto the shoulder. Orton drops to his knees but he endures the grind. Orton fights up, makes sure his bad leg is good, and then he wrenches Gunther’s arm! And wrenches again, and again! Orton WRINGS Gunther out! Gunther gets up, puts Orton on ropes, and the ref counts. Orton lets go and Gunther backs off while fans cheer.

Orton and Gunther stare down as they reset, and the fans fire up again. The two circle, feel things out, tie up again, and Orton headlocks. Gunther fights with a forearm in Orton’s face, but Orton just cranks the hold harder. Gunther powers up, powers out, but Orton runs him over! The fans fire up, Orton hits a headlock takeover! Orton grins as he has the ring technician down. The fans rally, Gunther fights with forearms in Orton’s face again, and fights up to his feet. The fans rally harder, but Gunther powers up, only for Orton to hold on tight! Orton thrashes the hold, but Gunther endures. Gunther fights up again, powers up, and he puts Orton in a corner.

The ref counts, Orton lets go slowly, and Gunther CHOPS! Orton grimaces but he shakes it off. Gunther winds up again, to CHOP! Orton snarls through the pain, Gunther eggs him on, and Orton comes back. Gunther CHOPS again! Orton seethes, and he blocks a chop! The fans fire up as Orton fires haymakers in return! Orton has Gunther in a corner, UPPERCUTS him, then UPPERCUTS again! Gunther UPPERCUTS back! Orton staggers and goes to ropes, but he kicks back! Orton UPPERCUTS Gunther down! Orton has Gunther in a corner, ROCKS him, then climbs up on him. Orton rains down fists and the fans count along to TEN!

But Gunther grabs Orton first, throws him back, and the bad leg jams! Orton slips out of the clinch but Gunther avoids the RKO! That was as close as you could get! Gunther STOMPS Orton’s back! And stomps him again! Orton goes to ropes, Gunther CLUBS him right between the shoulders! Orton seethes through the pain, but Gunther waistlocks. Gunther stands Orton up, shoves him, and CLUBS him in the lower back! Orton flounders away but Gunther stalks him. Orton ends up on ropes again, the fans rally, but Gunther drags Orton up again. Another shove, but Orton ROCKS Gunther first!

Orton fires off haymakers, but Gunther turns things around to stomp and CHOP! Orton falls, sputters, and the fans boo. Gunther stalks Orton, “This is Awesome!” as Gunther stomps Orton against ropes. The ref counts, Gunther goes up to soak up the heat. Gunther already claims the crown, then he stalks Orton along ropes. Orton stands in a corner, and Gunther CLUB Shim! And CLUBS him again! And again! Orton crawls, Gunther stalks him, and Gunther clamps on an inverted top wristlock! Orton endures, the fans rally, and Orton stands. Gunther wrangles Orton back down, has the motorcycle stretch, then a chinbar and cording hold!

Orton endures the armlock, fights up, and he fights free, but Gunther kicks low! Gunther scoops to a  BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally for Orton but Gunther stalks him. The fans boo Gunther as Orton rises up. Gunther scoops again, for a SLAM! Orton writhes and the fans boo but Gunther paces. Gunther talks some more smack, goes back to Orton, and Orton slowly rises. Gunther drags Orton up, reels him in, and suplexes, but Orton fights it! Orton tries to suplex but Gunther fights it! They both battle for control, and it’s Orton who suplexes Gunther up and over! The fans fire up and Orton starts getting a sinister smile on his face.

Orton watches Gunther rise, storms up, but Gunther gets around to CLUB Orton’s back! And CHOP Orton’s chest! Gunther runs, but into Orton’s LARIAT! Orton then rallies with more LARIATS! Gunther takes another, swing, but he avoids the powerslam! Gunther runs up to LARIAT in return! Cover, TWO! Orton is still in this and Gunther grows frustrated. The fans rally up while Gunther looms over Orton. Gunther stands Orton up, reels him in, but Orton fights the lift! Orton RAMS Gunther into a corner! Gunther comes running back but into the SNAP POWERSLAM! Gunther goes to the apron but the fans fire up!

Orton storms his way over to get Gunther in the ropes! The fans fire up for the DRAPING DDT! Orton rises, and while he hears the thousands of fans, he hears those voices in his head! Gunther rises, Orton runs up, but no RKO! Gunther scoops to SLAM! Gunther hurries to a corner and climbs up! GUNTHER SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Orton survives and the fans are thunderous! Gunther hurries back to the corner, he wants another one! GUNTHER- NO, he has to roll as Orton moves! RKO!!! But Orton can’t make the cover!! Orton has to crawl, and Gunther rolls away to the apron! The fans boo and Orton can’t believe it.

Orton goes out after Gunther on the floor. Orton also eyes the commentary desks… The fans want ot see it, and Orton gets Gunther up, DESK BACK SUPLEX! “One More Time! One More Time!” Orton says okay, and he DESK BACK SUPLEXES again! That’s twice for the American commentary, what about the Saudi Arabia commentary? Orton refreshes the ring count, he doesn’t wanna win that way. But then Gunther RAMS Orton into the apron! Gunther CHOPS Orton, “This is Awesome!” as Gunther gets Orton in. But Orton powers up to back drop free! The fans fire up and Orton leans on the apron.

Orton hears the ring count, he gets Gunther up for a THIRD DESK BACK SUPLEX, all for the American commentary! Orton drags Gunther in at 7 of 10, drags himself up onto the apron at 8, and the fans rally for him. Orton steps in, Gunther SHOTGUNS Orton’s bad leg in the ropes! Orton is stuck, Gunther kicks him down and kicks him around! Gunther gets Orton’s bad leg, drops a knee on the knee, then clamps on! Orton fights the turnover but Gunther still has the HALF CRAB! Orton endures, powers up and powers out! But Gunther stomps the bad leg again! Gunther turns Orton back over, HALF CRAB!

The fans rally as hard as they can as Orton endures again! Orton fights his way over, fights to turn back over, and he BOOTS Gunther away! Gunther comes back for the leg, and it’s back into the HALF CRAB! Orton endures, the fans rally, but Gunther digs his knee into Orton’s lower back! Orton fights forward, ROPEBREAK! But Gunther drags him away! Orton kicks and kicks and kicks free, RKO!!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Gunther survives, because of the bad leg! Ghost pin, GUNTHER WINS!!!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (2024 King of the Ring Winner)

The fans can’t believe it, but Der Ring General snatches this one away outta nowhere! The crown continues to elude Orton, will he ever finish his WWE checklist? As for Gunther, HHH returns to give him the crown, and the King General is born! Byron is here to interview and congratulate Gunther. Gunther was confident he’d win, he achieved this goal, how does it feel to be King of the Ring? Gunther takes a moment, and there are fans who chant, “You Deserve It!” Gunther thanks them for that, but what he does or doesn’t deserve is none of their business. The fans boo, but Gunther says it doesn’t even matter that he defeated Orton here in the finals!

What happened today was the Apex Predator becoming the prey of Der Ring General. Der Ring General is now King of the Ring! And at SummerSlam, the King becomes the World Heavyweight Champion! Gunther has put Damian Priest on notice, and also in effect all of Raw. Will Gunther keep the mat sacred from here to The Land?


Crown Jewel returns!

Riyadh will once again host the landmark spectacle of the Fall! Saturday, November 2nd, who will return to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as champion?


Backstage interview with HHH.

Kayla is now with The Game and says he has some breaking news. Yes, he does. It has been an incredible night so far, congratulations to Liv Morgan, to Nia Jax, and to Gunther. But for big announcements, earlier tonight, the medical staff just cleared Drew McIntyre! And true to his word, Damian Priest agreed to defend his World Heavyweight Championship against the Scottish Warrior. The match is now official! Priest VS McIntyre for the title, June 15th in Glasgow, Scotland! It will be a Clash at the Castle to be sure, but will McIntyre bring about Priest’s judgment day? Or will even all of Scotland rise for El Campeon?


Undisputed WWE Championship: Cody Rhodes VS Logan Paul!

The American Nightmare was able to #FinishTheStory at WrestleMania 40, and he had a phenomenal first defense at Backlash. But now, he goes up against the Maverick United States Champion who is known for pulling fast ones over on his opponents. After all, Logan won his US title by cheating Rey Mysterio, and even found a way to not defend it here tonight. But will Cody show Logan that this business isn’t about ability but dedication? Or will we all have to call him #TwoBeltLogan?

As special guest ring announce, Saudi Arabia’s own Ibrahim Al Hajjaj is here! Ibrahim makes the introductions, Cody’s belt is raised, and it’s time to see who is truly Undisputed!

The bell rings and the fans sing “CODY~! CODY CODY CODY~!” The fans then fire up as Cody and Logan slowly circle. They hear the fans rally harder for Cody, and Cody revels in it a moment. Then he and Logan tie up, are in a deadlock, but Logan uses his height for leverage. Logan has Cody in a corner but Cody turns that around. Logan talks trash but Cody lets off cleanly. The two reset, Logan avoids Cody going for a leg, but Cody gets around to waistlock. Logan switches, Cody switches, repeat and repeat. They end up on ropes, the ref counts, and the two let off cleanly. The fans rally for Cody as he and Logan reset.

Cody and Logan circle, feel things out, and tie up again. Cody wrenches, wristlocks, then UPPERCUTS the arm! Logan wrenches to wristlock, but Cody cartwheels fere! Logan sweeps, covers, ONE! Logan avoids a sweep to sweep again, ONE, and Cody wants that leg! Logan scrambles to the ROPEBREAK and Cody lets off. The fans boo Logan but Logan gets up to reset with Cody again. They stare down, circle, tie up, and Cody headlocks. Logan powers up and wrenches free, goes for the top wristlock but Cody fights it off. Cody slips around and he wrenches to then headlock. Logan powers up and out, drops down then hurdles, but Cody kicks and RHODES-

NO, Logan blocks! Logan SLAMS the hand off the mat! Logan talks trash, Cody gets up in a huff and shoves. Logan shoves back, so Cody fires a forearm! Logan UPPERCUTS, Cody haymakers, repeat! Cody ROCKS Logan, reels Logan in and suplexes, SLINGSHOT GOURD BUSTER! The fans fire up with Cody, then he pushes Logan to a cradle, TWO! Logan gets free but the fans are on Cody’s side. Cody get Logan up, headlocks again, but Logan endures. Logan throws body shots, powers up and out, but Cody ducks ‘n’ dodges, only for Logan to duck the crossbody! Cody tumbles out, Logan PLANCHAS! Down goes Cody again!

The fans boo but Logan stalks Cody, and RAMS him into steel steps! Logan asks if Michael Cole saw that. The fans chant “You Suck!” but Logan says no brass knuckles needed. Logan puts Cody in at 6 of 10, but the fans tell him off. Cody goes to a corner, Logan runs up to throw body shots! Logan keeps Cody cornered and fires more of those boxing blows! Logan then brings Cody in, lifts, ALLEY-OOP BOMB! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and Cody sits up. Logan brings Cody up, gut wrenches for a GUT WRENCH PLEX! Cover, TWO! Cody stays in this but Logan stays on him with a ground ‘n’ pound! The fans boo but Logan lets off to step on Cody.

STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Logan drags Cody to a drop zone, climbs up the corner, but Cody ROCKS Logan first! Cody climbs, CLUBS away on Logan, but Logan throws hands back! Logan knocks Cody down, but Cody returns to go up and up and SUPER ARM-DRAG! A rough landing for both men but the fans fire up all the same! Both men rise, and Cody JABS! But Logan throws a body shot! Logan wrenches, clamps on, IRON OCTOPUS! Cody endures and powers out as the fans rally up! Cody CLUBS Logan’s legs, but Logan sunset flips! Cody stays up to PUNCH Logan down! Cody grits his teeth and the fans rally up harder.

Cody goes to ropes, Logan runs up but Cody DUMPS him out! Then BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Logan falls to the floor and the fans fire up for Cody! Cody pounds the mat as he fires himself up, and the fans clap along. Cody builds speed, but Logan moves aside! No dive for Cody, so he goes out to fire hands! Cody sends Logan into barriers! And then back into barriers! The fans fire up again and Cody drags Logan up. Logan throws hands, his posse is there to cheer him on! They help him hydrate with Prime, but then Cody kicks low! Cody takes that bottle and SMACKS Logan with it! Logan’s buddies shove Cody, so Cody drags one over the barriers!

The ref stops Cody but then Jeff gives Logan a THIRD pair of knuckles! Cody runs in, BRASS KNUCKLE BODY SHOT!! The fans boo but we all knew Logan was a POS before this, what else would he do? Logan tells Cole to do his job, Cole says Logan should stick to his word! Logan’s a loser! Logan gets pissed that Cole said that, but Corey stands in Logan’s way! Corey talks Logan down, and then Cody DIVES! Down goes Logan and the fans are thunderous! Cody dribbles Logan off the desk, puts him in the ring, and then runs to CLOBBER Logan! The fans fire up, Cody baits Logan to a corner! Up, over and SNAP POWERSLAM!

Cody winces from the pain in his side, but the fans rally as hard as they can! Cody rises, grits his teeth, and he brings Logan up. Springboard, but Logan ducks the Disaster Kick! Logans wings, Cody ducks, to JAB! JAB! JAB! Flip, flop, fly and BIONIC ELBOW! Cover, TWO! The fans continue to rally for Cody, and he drags Logan by a leg. Cody steps through, FIGURE FOUR! Logan endures, flails, reaches out, his shoulders are down! ONE as Logan sits up, and he grabs at Cody’s hair. Cody puts pressure on the leglock. Logan backstrokes towards ropes, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Cody lets the hold go at 4.

Logan goes to the apron, Cody storms up, but Logan RAMS into him! Logan slingshots, but Cody gets under the Buckshot, to CODY CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!! Logan survives and Cody can’t believe it! Cody huffs and puffs and the fans fire up with him again! Cody fires hands on Logan, has him in a corner for more, then brings Logan out to reel him in! Cody gets the Inverted Gory Especial, for the- NO, Logan slips free and steals CROSS RHODES!! Cover, TWO!! Cody survives his own move and Logan is beside himself! Logan snarls, he drags Cody to a drop zone, and he climbs up top. FROG SPLASH, but he has to bail out as Cody moves!

Cody comes back, gets around, ANARCHY SUPLEX! Cody hits that curtain call, and now it’s time to end this! Cody looms over Logan, roars, and then he dragon sleepers! CROSS- NO, Logan slips around to RAM Cody into a corner! And RAMS him in again! And again! The ref counts, Logan brings Cody around, to TOSS out of the ring. Logan goes out to the apron as Cody slowly stands. Logan brings Cody up to SMACK off the Arabic desk. Logan puts Cody back in, just to drag him back out. SMACK off the American desk! Logan dares Cole to say something now as he clears the desk. Logan “apologizes” as he messes things up.

Logan goes to Cody, brings him around, and puts him on the desk. Logan refreshes the count, then gets on the desk. Logan reels Cody in, says it is the Logan Paul Levesque Era! Logan underhooks the arms! But Cody fights free! Cody fires forearm after forearm, then goes from barrier and back again, CODY CUTTER on the desk!! The fans lose their minds while both men are down! The count is climbing, Cody hurries in at 7 of 10! Logan is still down at 8! Cody hears 9 and asks the ref to stop!? Cody again doesn’t want it like that, he wants to finish this in the ring! The fans cheer his sportsmanship, and Cody clears the Arabic desk!

The fans fire up as Cody refreshes the count again. Cody brings Logan over, “This is Awesome!” but then Logan RAMS Cody into steel steps! ONE LUCKY PUNCH!! Logan talks a bunch of trash but he has to get Cody in the ring for this to matter! Logan puts Cody on the desk first, then grabs himself some fresh Prime! Logan goes into the ring, goes up the corner, and he’s ready to go viral again! Logan is up top, soaks up the heat, takes a sip, and gives a HHH spit before the VLOG SPLASH!! The fans lose their minds again as Logan flounders his way back up. The count returns, Logan drags Cody up and into the ring at 5 of 10!

Logan goes up a corner, aims again, FROG SPLASH!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Logan is shocked and the fans are thunderous as Cody still lives! Logan gets angry now, and he demands Cody get up. Logan drags Cody into position, “I HATE YOU!” Logan fires body shot after body shot! Then he whips Cody into the corner, goes corner to corner, but into a BOOT! Cody sputters, snarls, and he goes back for Logan. Cody whips Logan, Logan reverses, and he sends Cody into the ref! Logan runs in, Cody moves, the SPLASH hits the ref!! Logan turns around, into Cody’s kick! Inverted Gory Especial, DIN’S FIRE!! Cover off the vertebreaker, but no ref to count!!

Cody realizes what happened, checks on the ref, apologizes, and says they gotta finish this. Cody goes back to Logan, for a LOW BLOW!! Cody falls, Logan reaches down, and brings out a FOURTH pair of brass knuckles! How’d he smuggle all of these in!? Logan pumps up, but WAIT! Ibrahim anchors Logan’s legs! Logan kicks Ibrahim away and asks who the hell even is that guy! Cody blocks the hand! CROSS RHODES!!! But that’s not all! ANOTHER CROSS RHODES!! And then A THIRD CROSS RHODES!!! Cover, Cody wins!!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Champion)

Logan tried all his tricks and then some, and Cody makes him pay for it! Will Logan have to learn to do this the right way? As for The American Nightmare, his story as champion continues on. Gunther will be facing the World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam, so who is next for THE WWE Champion?

My Thoughts:

An awesome show for this year’s King & Queen of the Ring. Really good interview promos throughout the “countdown” show, and a really good women’s tag title match to top it off. That finishing string of moves was also used at Backlash but it wasn’t a finisher then, so I’m glad they used it as a finisher now. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark won the right to be challengers next, maybe we get them against Jade & Bianca for Clash at the Castle. Speaking of, glad to learn Priest VS McIntyre is official for Clash at the Castle, what else would they do? There’s a very good chance McIntyre wins, as Priest has been adamant about Judgment Day not cheating for him, and Priest could end up arguing with Finn or McDonagh and that costs Priest the title.

Great Women’s World Championship match, and great tie-in of the story, Dom costing Becky when he meant to cost Liv. Becky wants her rematch, she’ll probably get it, but there’s a good chance Liv uses another dirty tactic to keep the title, only for Rhea to return and challenge Liv. There’s something brewing with Liv and Judgment Day, as she’s been spotted Easter Egg style with Finn Balor. There’s all the memes of Liv VS Rhea for “custody” of Dom, guess we’ll see. The Triple Threat for the Intercontinental Championship was also great stuff, and while Sami was of course winning, we got a great moment of Otis accidentally clobbering Gable. That will definitely be a major point on Raw, and Sami can move on to any number of contenders now.

Awesome Queen AND King of the Ring matches tonight, and it makes sense the brands split the two. Lyra is great but she wasn’t gonna be the challenger to a world title so soon, and what a creative finish with Nia crushing Lyra’s powerbomb attempt. As I figured just last night with SmackDown, Bayley will have to take on some powerhouses with Piper Niven in Glasgow and Queen Nia in Cleveland, really bringing out that classic Underdog Face side of her. At the same time, we have to remember Money in the Bank is in July, who knows who will be Miss Money in the Bank by SummerSlam, they could take advantage of Nia almost having Bayley and snipe the title.

Gunther VS Orton was so good, and they played up Orton’s bad leg and bad back to perfection. It was one of the few times where Orton hits an RKO and can’t make the cover. Plus, Gunther winning not with a finisher but a fast pin was a great move to protect Orton in the loss but to still make sure it was Gunther getting the crown and getting in on the world title scene. Priest VS McIntyre in Glasgow, a new Mr. MITB to worry about after July, and Gunther VS World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam. It’d be rather fitting if Priest got cashed in on, and we also have to worry about Bash in Berlin on August 31st. Gunther’s gotta be doing something for that, and could possibly be champion going into that.

And of course, awesome main event from Cody and Logan. Gotta admit, it was clever for Logan to have other people sneaking him knuckles, and it was good Heel Heat for him to resort to this. But of course Cody won by making it through all the cheap tricks and he has a win on the US Champion. As I was theorizing last night, it feels like Cody VS Styles 2 should happen for Clash at the Castle, and then because Cody got a win over a champion and Cleveland is Logan’s hometown, Cody VS Logan 2 for the US Championship should happen. Now, whether Cody becomes Grand Slam Champion at SummerSlam, who knows. MITB will also be in play, someone could use that to snipe the Undisputed title off Cody while Cody gets the US title, a wild switcheroo if they go for it.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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