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Mitchell’s Lucha Underground Results & Report! (10/17/18)



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Lucha Underground Season 4, “Savagery”

With the Gift of the Gods Championship needing reformation, a Battle Royal will be held! Who will come out with a chance at THE Lucha Underground title?


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  • Gift of the Gods Battle Royal: Jake Strong wins and eliminates no one from next week’s Gift of the Gods Championship Match.
  • The Mack VS Killshot; The Mack wins, by disqualification.
  • Jake Strong VS Johnny Mundo; Strong wins.


Antonio Cueto tends to the Ancient Aztec Medallions.

The seven gold medals must be in pristine condition for tonight. But first, “The Savage” Jake Strong walks in, in a suit. Antonio offers him a seat, and Strong takes it. Antonio asks if Strong would like anything, Strong simply asks why he was asked into Antonio’s office. Well, since arriving in the Temple, Strong has been more dominant than even Antonio could’ve imagined. At Ultima Lucha, there’s no reason Strong can’t be in the main event. Antonio has no doubt that neither Marty the Moth nor Pentagon Dark could defeat him. Strong speaks up, and says he will become Lucha Underground not because Antonio handed it to him on a silver platter, but because he did it himself. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

Antonio understands. Strong doesn’t want anyone doubting his supremacy. Strong slams his fist on the desk, and says no man will. Of course not. Which is why Antonio will give Strong one of the seven Aztec Medallions. “They were forged 5000 years ago, and together, they create the Gift of the Gods.” Strong knows the story behind that title. Right, of course. Then in the ring, Strong will have the opportunity to prove his supremacy and be that much closer to the Gift of the Gods. Strong takes the medallion, and brings up “the sacrifices you’ve fed to your son.” Antonio better save some for him. Oh, and this isn’t Antonio’s Temple anymore. It’s Strong’s! But see you out there. There is more to The Savage than meets the eye. Will anyone be able to stop him from completely taking over Lucha Underground?


Antonio Cueto is ringside!

He presents the Gift of the Gods belt, and reminds us all that “Ultima Lucha Cuatro is right around the corner! Which means, we must decide a new Gift of the Gods Champion!” The Believers are excited to hear that, so Antonio lets us know that the medallions are already award to truly deserving luchadores.

First, Aerostar! The Man of Time and Space has been a major staple of Lucha Underground, so he’s a natural choice. Second, making a return to the Temple, Darewolf PJ Black! The Worldwide Underground’s adrenaline junkie survived an attack by Matanza Cueto, this GotG battle should be nothing to him. Third, it’s Hernandez! The Super-Mex is back with more swagger than before, but will he finally get Lucha Underground gold? Fourth, Big Bad Steve! The Infamous Inc. mechanic returns, all healed up and ready for this human demolition derby. Fifth, King Cuerno! The Hunter was Gift of the Gods Champion before, and looks to repeat now that it has an instant cash-in ability. Sixth, Jake Strong! The Savage is undefeated one on one, but will he be able to stay strong against six others?

And last but certainly not least, a certain star who was Missing in Action, the One Man Lucha Army, DANTE FOX!! Yes, the former Lucha Underground Trios Champion who has been absent since last season finally returns, and aims right for the top! The Believers are thunderous as Fox joins the field of seven. Antonio feels that the number 7 is unlucky, so next week, only SIX get to be in the Gift of the Gods Championship match. So yes, just like earlier this season, these seven will battle in a Battle Royal! The winner eliminates one of the losers, and that match is RIGHT NOW!

Gift of the Gods Battle Royal!

The bell rings, and we begin! The seven do their best to split up as Big Bad Steve wants payback on The Savage, and Super-Mex goes after Dante Fox. PJ Black goes after King Cuerno while Aerostar stays just out of reach. Aero goes after Strong but BBS hits Aero for it. It seems the Mechanic doesn’t want to share his revenge. Strong goes after Fox and Hernandez at the same time while PJ fights off Cuerno. BBS whips Aero but Aero dodges to tilt-o-tilt-o-tilt-o-whirl headscissor him down! Fans fire up with Aero as he runs, then rolls, but ends up in BBS’s Canadian rack, only to spin and arm-drag out of it! Aero baits BBS and dumps him out. BBS stays on the apron and rocks Aero back. He brags to long and gets a 619! Aerostar ELIMINATES Big Bad Steve!

Hernandez kicks Aerostar upon his return, then whips him. Aero reverses but Hernandez goes up and out to shoulder back in. Hernandez says “Suck It!” but then PJ Black and King Cuerno double boot him down! Black and Cuerno ELIMINATE Hernandez! Cuerno and Black go at it again, speeding up and trading hip toss counters. Black sends Cuerno out but Cuerno stays on the apron. PJ throws forearm after forearm but Cuerno holds on. Cuerno uses Black to get back in, but Strong clotheslines them both over to the apron! Black and Cuerno hold on, but Strong goes after each of them. Black blocks and Cuerno counter attacks with the swing kick! Fox runs at Strong but Strong tosses him up, Fox double missile dropkicks Black and Cuerno! Fox ELIMINATES Cuerno and Black!

Jake Strong, Aerostar and Dante Fox are the last three in. Strong throws Aero but Aero skins the cat. Strong throws Fox but Fox does the same. Aerostar kicks Strong away, then springboards, but Strong shoves him right down! Strong ELIMINATES Aerostar! But Fox has Strong! Fox gets Strong up but Strong holds on. Strong comes back in and tries to dump Fox out. Fox holds on and Believers duel. Fox gets out and goes behind, but gets an elbow. Strong throws Fox but Fox flips and lands on his feet on the apron. Strong rushes in but into a swing kick! Fox springboards and hits a missile dropkick! He has Strong on the ropes, builds speed, but runs into a boot. Strong runs, builds speed and clobbers Fox with a clothesline! Strong picks Fox up and throws him out!

Winner: Jake Strong

The Savage survives the Battle Royal, and Believers are divided. Antonio congratulates Strong on winning, and asks who he wishes to eliminate from next week’s title match. Strong says “Nobody!” He doesn’t care what Antonio thinks, Strong wants all seven men in the match, so that he can destroy every single one! Antonio accepts the choice, and we will have a “Seven to Survive” ELIMINATION Match for the Gift of the Gods Championship! Is that all? Strong will take anyone on and still snap them in half. Then Antonio has just the man. The Savage will take on… Johnny Mundo! The Guru of Greatness has a big match for the main event, will he be able to stop Strong’s streak? Or will he be down a leg before facing Matanza in their Sacrifice to the Gods match?


The Mack VS Killshot!

Before the hero from the streets and the Weapon of Lucha Destruction have their own separate grudge matches, they must settle things between each other. The Mack and Killshot were friends ever since entering the Temple, but things sure have changed. Will Mack gain momentum before facing death? Or will Killshot score points before putting his mask on the line?

Son of Havoc watches from high above, just as invested in this match’s outcome as any of the Believers. The bell rings and Killshot argues with The Mack. Killshot slaps Mack, Mack SLAPS Killshot! Havoc likes that. Killshot swings on Mack but things speed up. Mack spins and arm-drags Killshot but Killshot handsprings through. Killshot comes back but Mack dodges. Killshot handstand walks but Mack dropkicks him out of it! Mack fireman’s carry to Samoan Drop, to kip up and standing moonsault! Cover, TWO! Killshot gets to a corner but Mack runs around the world for a big forearm smash! Then side to side for a bicycle boot! Mack keeps moving, but runs into a knee trigger from Killshot!

Believers rally up as Killshot drags Mack up by his nose. Killshot gives sharp body shots but Mack goes for a stunner. Killshot denies that with a shove. Mack ends up on the apron, and Killshot sweeps the legs. Killshot mule kicks Mack into a Tree of Woe on the apron! Killshot hurries to the apron, for his Kill Stomps! Havoc isn’t liking that. Killshot puts Mack back in as Believers rally up. Mack sits up while Killshot soaks in the heat. Killshot stalks Mack, reels him in, but Mack denies the Half ‘n’ Half with an arm-drag. Mack boots Killshot but Killshot mule kicks, front kicks, but Mack ducks the roundhouse. Mack throws Killshot with a German Suplex! Havoc likes that! Mack gets up while Killshot is in a corner. Mack runs into the knee! Killshot hops up, but leaps into the stunner!

But wait! Mil Muertes runs in, and SPEARS Mack!!

Winner: The Mack, by disqualification

The Man of 1000 Deaths won’t let his opponent roll into Ultima Lucha so easily. But Son of Havoc hurries down to ringside to save Mack with springboard stomps! Killshot goes after Havoc and now the fight is on. Killshot feeds Havoc to Muertes’ urenage! But Mack rises, to go for a stunner. Muertes denies that into his Flat Liner! Death is coming, will it strike down a fan favorite? Will Havoc or Killshot hold onto their identity that is their mask?


Matt Striker interviews XO Lishus & Ivelisse in the ring.

Two thirds of the newest and most eclectic trio in Lucha Underground give Matt this exclusive interview. But what’s up? They were invited to face both the sneaky Reptile Tribe and the cowardly Rabbit Tribe, in a Three Way Trios Title Elimination Match at Ultima Lucha Cuatro. Believers like the sound of that. But then, do they accept the challenge? Joey Ryan is unfortunately out of action. This calls for a new partner, and they have found the tough young badass who has quite the future. Welcome… Sammy Guevara! Another Infamous Inc. alumni, Sammy returns from injury at the hands of The Savage.

Sammy stands with Ivelisse and XO, but then Famous B appears! He points out the exclusive contract Sammy is under. It’s nice Sammy wants to be part of that trio, but he signed a 7 year contract with no breaks to Famous B. Didn’t he check the fine print? Infamous Incorporate owns Sammy! So sorry Ivelisse and XO Lishus, but you’ll be receiving a Cease & Desist! If Sammy wants to go to UL4, team with Doctor Wagner and Texano, and Famous B will pull them from that Tijuana house show. The Believers want Sammy to fight the contract, but Famous B says “Git!” Sammy decides to DIVE instead! He wipes out Famous B, and puts that contract in the trash! Then he dumps the trash on Famous B, and SUPERKICKS the can! Sammy is a free agent now, can he help Ivelisse & XO take those trios titles?


Jake Strong VS Johnny Mundo!

The Savage is ready to take on anyone at any time, but the leader of the Worldwide Underground is aiming for the Monster, Matanza. Can Mundo keep his focus and get through Strong before looking to sacrifice the demigod to the gods? Or will Strong’s streak continue as he goes after the Gift of the Gods?

Lucha Underground returns as the bell rings. Mundo and Strong circle, and Mundo goes for a leg. Strong stops him  with a takedown and waistlock. Strong rolls Mundo around and slams him down. He rolls Mundo around more but fans rally up. Mundo arm-drags out of a slam then arm-drags Strong again. He whips Strong but Strong reverses. Mundo stops himself but runs into a belly2belly! Strong circles Mundo as fans chant. He knees low then throws Mundo but Mundo comes back with the Flying Chuck! Cover, TWO! Mundo gets out and fires the fans up. He aims at Strong but Strong blocks the swing kick. Strong brings Mundo to the other side and bounces him off the post! Mundo goes down and Strong embraces both cheers and jeers.

Strong fetches Mundo from the floor to give him a LOUD chop! Mundo crawls but Strong pursues. Strong puts Mundo in a ring then takes his time returning. He stomps a mudhole into Mundo but backs off at 4. Strong drags Mundo back up as fans duel. Strong runs side to side for a big corner clothesline, then goes the other way for another. He keeps moving, and clobbers Mundo from behind! Strong grins as he looms over Mundo. He runs in, Vader Bomb meets boots! Mundo gets up and brings Strong over, for a tornado DDT! Both men are down but Believers fire up. A 10 count begins but Mundo is up quick. Mundo throws heavy hands and kicks and even forearms. He whips but Strong reverses, Mundo comes back with a calf kick. Then Shining Wizard! Standing shooting star, cover, TWO!

Fans rally behind Mundo as he aims at Strong. Mundo brings Strong up for Moonlight Drive but Strong powers out. Strong runs but misses, Mundo slides under and around to swing kick! Mundo springboards but Strong trips him up! Mundo tumbles from top rope to post to steps to floor! Strong goes out but from the other side. He comes around to knee and whip Mundo. Mundo leaps up and over the railing, then rocks Strong as Strong gives chase. The haymakers don’t slow Strong down, he keeps coming, and now they fight among the Believers. Mundo kicks, Strong grabs the leg for the ankle lock! Mundo “borrows” a drink from a fan to splash it in Strong’s face! Strong lets go, and Mundo gets moving. Strong just grimaces as he fires himself up.

Mundo gets moving, and leaps from railing to railing! Strong hurries to catch up to Mundo, but Mundo is ready. Mundo throws a punch but Strong blocks and counter punches. Strong drags Mundo to the railing, and shovels him over with a back drop! But Mundo lands on his feet, to powerbomb Strong to the floor!! The Believers lose their minds while Mundo sits up with a grin. Mundo mocks the “Strong!” hammer fist, then looms over The Savage. He drags Strong up and in, then climbs up top. Strong stirs but he’s in the drop zone. Mundo flips for the elbow! Cover, TWO! Strong survives the somersault elbow, and fans declare “This is Lucha!”

Mundo stands and stalks Strong, stomping and clubbing him in the corner. Strong keeps getting up, so Mundo fires up the fans and runs in. Strong puts him on the apron but Mundo hits back. Mundo climbs up but Strong hits back. Strong climbs up but Mundo resists. Mundo fights back with body shots, but Strong throws forearms. They brawl up top, Mundo rakes the eyes and forearms Strong away. Strong runs back, hops up, and throws Mundo with a SUPER overhead suplex! Then, Strong Vader Bomb! Cover, TWO!! Believers are thunderous while both men are down. A 10 count begins again, but Strong is up at 5. He drags Mundo up with the gut wrench, but Mundo holds on to ropes. Mundo turns it around into a Russian leg sweep! Mundo puts Strong in the drop zone, and jumps, but Strong rolls him up! TWO, ANKLE LOCK!

Strong has Mundo’s leg and Mundo is stuck int he middle of the ring. Mundo turns and shoves Strong all the way out. Strong comes back in, SUPERKICK! Moonlight Drive!! Cover, TWO!? Strong is superhuman, but both men are down again. Another 10 count begins, and Believers count along. Neither man stands until 9.5! Strong throws a haymaker, MUndo gives it back. Strong hits again, Mundo hits again. They go back and forth with Believers divided. Mundo kicks then gets an edge. He winds up, but Strong blocks the kick into another Ankle Lock! Mundo scrambles and reaches but Strong keeps pulling him away. Mundo rolls, but Strong holds on! Believers duel, but Mundo takes off an elbow pad and tosses it. The referee gets that out of the ring, so he doesn’t see Mundo low blow mule kick Strong!!

Not even Strong is strong enough to take that. Mundo is still “Johnny Rudo” deep down, and has Strong in another drop zone. Mundo climbs, even with a bad ankle, for Fin Del Mundo! He covers, TWO!? And ANKLE LOCK!! Strong has Mundo again, and Mundo scrambles. Mundo can’t, he taps! Strong wins!!

Winner: Jake Strong, by submission

The singles undefeated streak continues! Strong defeats a former Lucha Underground Champion and rolls right into that Seven to Survive match. But he’s not done with Mundo. The Savage grabs the ankle and Believers duel, but here comes Matanza?! The Monster stares at Strong, who grins. Strong gives Mundo over to the demigod, and Matanza clobbers Mundo! Matanza chokes and clubs and headbutts Mundo over and over! But here comes Taya! Taya saves her husband as she jumps on Matanza, but Matanza throws her down. Wera Loca is in danger as Matanza brinsg her up, for Wrath of the Gods! Mundo bleeds, but the real pain is seeing his wife beaten down. Matanza keeps going after Mundo to open that wound up more! Fans boo and jeer as the blood paints the mat.

Antonio Cueto walks out. Matanza stops slaughtering Mundo at the orders of his father. Mundo is in horrible shape and Ultima Lucha 4 is only weeks away. Will Mundo be able to survive the season finale? Or will he just be another Sacrifice to the Gods?



My Thoughts:

A pretty solid episode here. I’m starting to get the feeling “The Savage” Jake Strong is partially influenced by DC Comics Vandal Savage. His talk with Antonio Cueto and that voice change at one point, I’m thinking Strong isn’t just your average mortal wrestler. In Lucha Underground, where there is a time traveler, a human phoenix, a human dragon, an evil demigod and several undead, Strong being an eternally youthful warrior turned wrestler wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. Strong dominates that Battle Royal, but it was a good move for him to want all seven men to participate. Making it elimination was also a good move, that Gift of the Gods match could take an entire episode itself now.

Mack VS Killshot was pretty good, right up to Muertes attacking Mack. Havoc joining in was good, and the Heels stand tall. I’m betting next week, the go-home to the Ultima Lucha 4 multi-week event, we get Killshot & Muertes VS Mack & Havoc in a similar way to Muertes teaming with Fenix last time. Or at the very least, Muertes VS Havoc as a trade from Mack VS Killshot. Good to hear we are getting that triple threat trios match, and I really enjoyed the meta used in Sammy Guevara teaming with Ivelisse and XO. That line about a “seven year no break contract”, that was definitely Lucha Underground writers poking fun at El Rey’s own contracts for most talent, such as the apparent 7-year contract Pentagon and Fenix are under. Sammy will make a great addition to Ivelisse’s team, and I’m still confident they win the titles.

Strong doing double duty was pretty good, it adds to his character’s abilities. Mundo VS Strong was a great main event, it felt like a title match in itself. I really thought Mundo was going to win, but it makes sense for Strong to keep his singles streak until he goes for THE Lucha Underground Championship. Strong is looking to be a top character now, so it works that only another top character like Pentagon ends his streak. As for Mundo, Matanza really did a number on him and Taya. This really puts Mundo in the underdog position, as he should against a demigod, in a match where it’s kayfabe life or death. But at the same time, I’m pretty sure this means Mundo finds a way to win, and finally becomes a hero to the Believers.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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