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Andrew’s ALL IN Ratings & Review



So this has been the hot topic of the wrestling world for the last few months. Everyone knows what ALL IN is, and if you don’t, where the hell have you been?

Like seriously, were you banned from the internet? Do you live in Alaska? I really have to know.

Regardless, we’ve got the Zero Hour on WGN America, followed by the main show on a plethora of streaming services. So I guess we should get to it.


Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky vs The Briscoe Brothers

This is the worst town Scorpio and Kaz have ever been in. There, I referenced the gimmick, now on to the match.

Coming out looking like Rocky Balboa and Austin Creed, SCU were easily the babyfaces in this one. The Briscoes started off early trying to cut Kaz off from Scorpio, but Scorpio got in fairly quickly. However, Briscoes kept control over Scorpio for a few minutes before the Kaz hot tag really ramped up the tempo of the match.

Inside Out Frankensteiner from Kaz, Tope con Hilo from Sky and that was just the start. SCU then hit a double Cutters and transition into dual Dragon Sleepers before the Briscoes eventually break the holds. At some point Mark hits a Block Buster from the apron to the floor and The Briscoes look about ready to take the win. Jay Driller/Froggy Elbow combination gets broken up by Scorpio just in time.

Before SCU can mount any offense, they dump Scorpio out and go for the Doomsday Device on Frankie. Somehow, Frankie catches Mark into a Snap Power Slam off Jay’s shoulders and Scorpio slides in and connects a big Bicycle Knee to prevent any pin break up. So SCU beat the reigning ROH Tag Team Champions.

A few awkward spots, but an overall solid and fun curtain jerker.

Winner: Kaz via Avalanche Snap Power Slam

Rating: *** 1/2


Over the Budget Battle Royal

Intergender Battle Royal for a shot at the ROH Heavyweight Championship. Not a lot else to extrapolate from. At the very least, this should be fun.

Bully Ray immediately goes after Chico to put him through a table. Chico tries to fight through cause he never jobs, but Bully’s power gets it done. Billy Gunn and Tommy Dreamer do dive fake outs and just do Double Axe Handles from the apron. Everyone catches Moose, but he only goes to the apron, before a dropkick from Marco Stunt  eliminates him.

Brandon Cutler gets eliminated by Ethan Page, Marco Stunt gets eliminated by Bully Ray. Rocky saves the Best Friends since they’re all CHAOS buddies, then the Best Friends hug gets a big pop…before Punishment Martinez ruins the fun. Forever Lariats from Rocky Romero before Brian Cage cuts him off with a Discus Clothesline and wipes out Rocky.

Cheeseburger tries and Cage says no, then Punishment and Cage square off. Cage counters the Chokeslam, pushes him into Hurricane Helms, and Hurricane goes on a Chokeslam spree of his own. Ethan Page and Hurricane both fight on the apron after being tossed over the top, so Page eliminates Helms before Colt Cabana hits a hip attack sending Page off. Dreamer with the Dusty Rhodes Bionic Elbow on Punishment before Bully Ray eliminates him.

Apparently Marco wasn’t eliminated and tries to go after Bully before Billy Gunn helps him out. Jimmy Jacobs does a 5 Knuckle Shuffle on Austin Gunn, but Billy makes a save again and eliminates the Zombie Princess. Austin Gunn then eliminates Punishment, before Bully takes out Austin. Billy hits a FameAsser for vengeance and then stares down Brian Cage.

Cage Gorilla Presses Billy Gunn out, Marco Stunt hits a Satellite Codebreaker before Bully Ray tells him to get out. Jordynne Grace and Cage square off, and Grace eliminates Cage. Bully tries to take out Grace, puts her on the top turnbuckle, Cabana helps her out and they WASSUP Bully Ray. Bully then reverses the whip and eliminates Jordynne, so it’s Cabana versus Bully.

Bully eliminates Cabana, thinks he won, but Chico slides in, hits a Superkick and reveals himself to be Flip Gordon. Flip wins the Battle Royal to face Jay Lethal.

It was entertaining, a lot of nice nostalgia moments, most people got their stuff in, but as we know, Battle Royals lack too many elements of a real wrestling match, so I only give out 3 if it was good and 2 or 1 if it was awful. This one was mostly good.

Winner: Chico El Flip Gordon 

Rating: ***


MJF vs Matt Cross

Oh great, I forgot Dollar Store EC3 was on this card. The most cookie cutter uninteresting character in wrestling…hooraay. Go Matt Cross.

Cross pulls off a gorgeous Sasuke Special early in the match, but MJF does have the advantage through most of this match. A rope assisted Piledriver and typical old school style heel tactics, so nothing flashy or special. Honestly, the match was very basic/typical from both men.

MJF gets frustrated, goes for a middle rope Moonsault, misses and tweaks his knee. Cross hits the Rebound Cutter, following up quickly with the Shooting Star Press, for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Matt Cross via Shooting Star Press

Rating: ** 3/4


Christopher Daniels vs Stephen Amell

‘The New Ref’n Show’ Jerry Lynn is refereeing this match. Curious if Amell stays undefeated through this, or Daniels puts an end to the streak.

The story coming into this helped drive the offense. Christopher Daniels even does a little reference back to his old Curry Man gimmick. And when push comes to shove, this match was better than I expected but still not surprising. Amell hits a Falcon Arrow and Coast to Coast but totally wipes out when he tries to put Daniels through the table.

Jerry Lynn goes out of his way to decide not to do a Double Countout, and grab both men and throw them back in the ring. This frustrates Daniels, so Jerry and Daniels square off a little as Amell tries to go for the School Boy to win fast, but Daniels kicks out. Angel’s Wings into a Best Moonsault Ever, gives Daniels the deserved win.

The match was sloppy, Amell was nearly emotionless and it made much of the match hard to swallow. Given the fact that Amell is an actor and not a fully trained wrestler, it’s not surprising the match was painful at times. He did what he could, Daniels tried to save moments, and it was good enough for the fans in attendance.

Winner: Christopher Daniels via Best Moonsault Ever

Rating: * 3/4


Chelsea Green vs Britt Baker vs Tessa Blanchard vs Madison Rayne

Britt Baker comes out to Adam Cole’s old ROH music. Tessa comes out with Tully and Magnum T.A. there to embrace her.

Ugh…I’m kinda sad honestly. This match was really good up until Britt Baker did a trifecta of Sling Blades, poorly. Then we get a sloppy top turnbuckle Bulldog thing from Madison Rayne, most of what Chelsea Green did looked bad…I just…come on. Numerous false finishes with sloppy moments, a lack of selling and just an illogical pile of bodies but somehow people can’t make a pin break up.

The most egregious no sell moment is Madison hits Tessa with a Cutter or something, and Tessa has to pop up, effectively no selling to eat a Missile Dropkick. Who thought that was a good idea? Like damn. Plus I swear if everyone hugs or shakes hands after every match with 27,000 false finishes and 800 moves, I’m gonna have a stroke.

This match had a lot of potential too, and just fell apart. Really disappointed. But Tessa won, so that’s nice.

Winner: Tessa via Hammerlock DDT

Rating: **


NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship Match: Cody Rhodes vs Nick Aldis (c)

Both men had their own teams accompany them to the ring, and we all know the story with Cody’s lineage and Nick Aldis reviving a dead brand. Let’s see how the match plays out, Dealer versus Nightmare.

Well this is what wrestling was and why we all watch. It’s not for flips and false finishes, it’s for a story being told like this. The best way I can describe this match is, it was a love letter from Cody to Dusty. If you don’t enjoy the old 70s/80s style of wrestling, you’ll feel that I’m way off base. But given the 70th anniversary of the NWA, the involvement of a Rhodes and how much we know Dusty meant to Cody, this was a deeply layered match.

We had the old school blade job moment, where we got to pop for Diamond Dallas Page hitting a Diamond Cutter on Shawn Daivari. We even saw a sweet moment between Brandi begging Cody that he didn’t have to continue and then throwing herself on top of him to absorb the Elbow Drop.

Let’s not undersell how good Aldis looked in this match also, especially when he accidentally hit Brandi, to prove he’s not a bad guy. Then he kicks out of the Crossroads, and the match hits that point where you’re not sure who will win. Aldis goes for a Sunset Flip, but Cody sits down and sinks in the Double Leg Cradle, and gets the pinfall victory to become the first ever second generation NWA Heavyweight Champion!

Can’t be upset with the match or the story. Could it have been crisper or could there have been a quicker pace, sure, but a faster pace would’ve hurt the story of the match. Just a tremendous story driven match, watch it, it’s hard to really convey the poignancy of this match.

Winner: Cody via Double Leg Cradle

Rating: **** 1/2


Chicago Street Fight: Hangman Page vs Joey Janela

Well…this match was every stereotypical indie match ever. Spots for the sake of spots, including a Donkey Kong barrel roll spot. Numerous tables, a terrible running down the ramp lariat and just…why.

The highlights of this match were basically everything Penelope Ford did because not only is she easy on the eyes, she seems pretty solid in the ring too. The nods to Being the Elite were amusing for people that follow them. Page’s cowboy boots that speak to him and the telephone he used to murder Joey Ryan all play a part into the finishing spot.

Finish being a Rite of Passage from the ladder through the table after hitting Janela with the phone a few times. I’m anticipating the ending getting sent to Jim Cornette because then people dressed as giant penises show up and Joey Ryan shows up alive. So ya…Dick Flip and an army of fallacies, I’m gonna look forward to Cornette’s reaction.

Winner: Hangman via Rite of Passage through Table

Rating: * 1/2


ROH World Championship Match: Jay Lethal (c) vs Flip Gordon

So Flip came out with Brandi and Lethal came out as Black Machismo with Lanny Poffo. So as we all know, if someone slaps Lethal’s left shoulder it switches him between personalities. So it should be interesting how that plays into the match.

It starts off a little goofy with Lethal thinking Brandi is Miss Elizabeth, so he keeps trying to keep her on one spot. Brandi eventually gets annoyed and slaps Jay’s shoulder, forcing him back to the Jay Lethal persona.

The match is actually okay but kinda uneventful for a while. Flip does his Kip Up dodges, Lethal gets one Lethal Injection countered and kicks out of Flip’s Falcon Arrow. It’s not until Lanny calls for the Macho Man Elbow and hits Jay’s shoulder to turn him back to Machismo. Three big Elbow drops only get a 2 count, as Flip does his best Hulk Hogan impression, hulking up, pointing, Big Boot and Leg Drop, only for 2.

Flip then pulls off most of his signature moves, Star Spangled Stunner, 450 Splash, quite flurry, but Lethal still kicks out. Jay then catches him and hits the Lethal Injection for the pinfall victory.

It definitely got a little too gimmicky at points, but it wasn’t a bad match at all.

Winner: Lethal via Lethal Injection

Rating: *** 1/2


Penta El Zero M vs Kenny Omega

This was the first “work rate” match of the night. It came off a little clunky early with Pentagon slowing down a bit before an exchange and just an overall odd pace.

Pentagon played some mind games more often than actually going for confident finishes. Pentagon Driver, Fear Factor, they were both hit, but the cocky covers may have cost him. Biggest spots being the Springboard Cross Body from Omega to the outside and Pentagon hitting a Fear Factor on the apron.

Oddly though, Penta countered the One Winged Angel a few times, even breaking Kenny’s arm. But Omega alters how he delivers the One Winged Angel to use his other arm to pick up the victory. It’s a good match, but overall a little underwhelming.

Thankfully though, the lights go out, when they come back on, Kenny forgets to sell the broken arm and gets attacked by Pentagon. Or…is it? Codebreaker?! It’s Jericho! Face paint and stealing luchadors outfits, Chris has come full circle.

Winner: Omega via One Winged Angel

Rating: **** 1/4


Kazuchika Okada vs Marty Scurll

This was just a story of no one giving Scurll a shot since he’s a Junior Heavyweight and Okada is…well…Okada. So will Okada send Marty to 205 Live, or will Scurll step it up?

Well now we get the best worked match of the night, and yes I’ll say that before the last match since 6 Man Matches usually always have a ceiling. Scurll had something to prove and he really did continue to bring it to Okada.

The Rainmaker was cocky early, under estimating Scurll, but he had a ton of close calls and good moves. The whole crowd popped for a Kawada style Powerbomb from Scurll which gave the first real false finish. We get a ref bump to set up a spot I haven’t seen in a while, with Marty getting the umbrella and then opening it up to stop Okada mid Rainmaker. Usage of the foreign object follows, but only a 2 count.

Scurll goes for the Chicken Wing a couple times, and looks to be close to getting Okada to tap out, before Okada does the Okada thing and fights through. An amusing reference to the 2-0-5 joke from BTE gives Marty a small glimmer of hope, but the adrenaline rush wears off, Rolling Rainmaker into proper Rainmaker and Okada wins.

Marty did prove he can hang with a heavyweight, and even though people tend to get on Scurll’s case about being a bad worker – this was a great match.

Winner: Okada via Rainmaker

Rating: **** 1/2


Fenix, Bandido & Rey Mysterio vs The Young Bucks & Kota Ibushi

My first take away is that Fenix brought his newly acquired AAA Mega Championship to the ring. Go figure, a champion, not in a championship match, bringing the belt to the ring! *glares at Kenny Omega*

Aside from that, this was a weird match, and I don’t just mean Mysterio dressed as Wolverine. After each person got in the ring once, we hear a very audible “Time to go home”, which puts this frantic sense of urgency on the match. After a few big dives from the luchador team, Mysterio can be seen going to each of them to prolly tell them to cut stuff and speed to the finish.

The moves were fun, and nothing seemed terribly off…but one moment really annoyed me. We see Fenix hit a Rolling DDT, Bandido land a high impact move, Fenix then kicks Matt Jackson, Mysterio hits the 619, Fenix and Bandido both do dives to take out the rest of the Golden Elite, which leaves Mysterio and Matt alone. Mysterio lands a Frog Splash from the top, most likely an homage to Eddie Guerrero since everyone was picking from the past, and Matt kicks out at 2. HOW DO YOU KICK OUT OF 2 THERE IN A TIME CRUNCH?! Yes I can see it’s cause the Bucks were supposed to win, but why go through all that, all of those signature moves/finishers, just to discredit them and kick out.

This then leads to what I can only expect to be a miscommunication. Golden Elite hit a modified More Bang for Your Buck and look to get the win over Bandido, but Fenix breaks up the pin. Quickly the Bucks hit a Meltzer Driver, and this time, Fenix realizes it’s the finish.

I say there was probably a miscommunication cause as soon as the match ends, music hits and Ian Riccoboni doesn’t even get through the entire sign off before the stream cuts. So it was fun, just extremely evident it was rushed, not counting the 3 or 4 times we can hear “go home”.

Winner: Bucks via Meltzer Driver

Rating: *** 1/2



Well talk about a mixed bag right? We had some kinda awful things, a few good things and two great moments with Jericho and Cody. I’m fully aware All In was a huge success, and a milestone for wrestling, but it’s not without glaring flaws.

Let’s not excuse this as a first show for Cody and the Bucks, when ROH’s finger prints were all over it, Callis is an executive with Impact and Billy Corgan has done TV before. The rushed second half of the show (literally, as soon as a match ended, the next one had music starting), on top of a few hiccups and sound issues, should’ve been ironed out. The announce team was not very good honestly. Callis’ bran of brash sarcasm didn’t really work with Riccoboni and Excalibur, especially when Excalibur doesn’t know what a Block Buster is and was just stepping all over the commentary in the most painful way. Anyone that complains about Michael Cole, couldn’t have enjoyed this without just being heavily anti-WWE. Those are just a couple of the things that came to mind immediately.

All of that being said, the show was still entertaining on a whole. Not perfect, not Elite and not even better than SummerSlam, but not bad. If I were to rate it, I’d probably say 6.5/10. The thing I found most commendable was that the Bucks trimmed their own match instead of the boys. Not sure if that’s why they were the main event, but the fact that what could’ve been a 25 minute match was probably more like 15, is good on them.

This show did give us a moment that most of us will never forget, and transcend wrestling and sports in general. Hard to understate how great it is to see Cody hold the same belt his father did.


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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (12/26/24)

What a deal!



The festivities don’t end with Christmas!

In the true spirit of giving, ROH keeps things going with the fallout from Final Battle! But wait, Athena is calling a Minion EXPULSION Meeting?!


  • AR Fox VS Blake Christian; Blake wins.
  • Lee Johnson w/ EJ Nduka VS Serpentico; Johnson wins.
  • Katsuyori Shibata & Tommy Billington VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; Shibata & Billington win.
  • Toni Storm VS Rebecca Scott; Toni wins.
  • ROH Rewind – ROH Night of Grudges II, Soccer Riot Match: Colt Cabana VS Nigel McGuinness; Cabana wins.
  • QT Marshall & Aaron Solo VS Rocky Romero & Homicide; Rocky & Homicide win.
  • MXM Collection VS Dustin Waller & Kylon King; MXM wins.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Johnny TV w/ MXM Collection; Komander wins and retains the title.


AR Fox VS Blake Christian!

Two men who were in Survival of the Fittest at Final Battle but did not survive now battle each other in hopes of reaching the ROH World TV Championship. Will ROH soon be the Whole Fox’n Show? Or will All Heat try and win us over as the “Vanilla Baby Face” he claims to be?

Blake holds out his hand for the Code of Honor and Fox reaches out, only for Blake to pie face him! The fans boo, of course “Vanilla Baby” is a facade! The bell rings, Blake ducks a lariat to waistlock but Fox switches. Blake hurries to ropes, the ref calls the break, and Fox lets off slowly. Blake mule kicks! Blake mocks Fox’s strut then brings him up, but Fox fires off fast hands and CHOPS! Fox whips and CALF KICKS! The fans fire up and Fox brings Blake around. Fox whips, Blake reverses but Fox goes up, only for Blake to catch his legs. Fox kicks Blake away then jumps off the corner for a STUNNER! The fans fire up while Blake tumbles out!

Fox goes to the apron and the fans rally. Fox goes up and up to MOONSAULT off the corner! Down goes Blake and the fans rally behind Fox. Fox brings Blake up and puts him in. Blake goes to a corner, Fox runs in, but Blake dodges! BOOT! Blake cheers but the fans boo. Blake pushes Fox to the corner, then climbs up. MISSILE DROPKICK! Blake grins while fans tell him off. Blake conducts the Hammerstein choir while Fox bails out. The ring count starts but Blake builds speed, only for Fox to catch him! But Blake shoves Fox away! Fox stands while Blake builds speed again, TOPE FOSBURY! The fans are torn while Fox goes down!

Blake soaks up the cheers and jeers, brings Fox up, and Blake fireman’s carries Fox to then hit SNAKE EYES off the apron! The fans are still torn and the ring count is climbing again, but Blake fireman’s carries again. SNAKE EYES off railing! Fox sputters and flounders but Blake mocks the strut again. Blake goes back out to fetch Fox, and he fireman’s carries again. The fans boo but Blake hits SNAKE EYES off the steel steps! Fox flops back, the ref reprimands, but Blake drags Fox up again. Blake puts Fox in the ring, hears the fans telling him off again, then goes in the ring to stomp Fox around!

The fans boo but Fox fires body shots! Blake KNEES Fox down! Blake stands Fox up to fireman’s carry but Fox fights free! Fox throws forearms again and again, but Blake knees low! Blake whips, Fox reverses and follows, but Blake basement tiger feints! Blake mule kicks but Fox blocks! Fox spins Blake, dodges the lariat by going Matrix, and then kips up to ENZIGIRI! The fans fire up while Blake staggers to a corner. The fans rally behind Fox as he runs corner to corner, A-LIST LARIAT! Blake sits down, Fox skins the cat, SWINGING DROPKICK! Blake bails out but Fox goes to the apron! Fox runs but Blake trips him!

The fans rally while Fox writhes on the apron. Blake brings him around to sit down in a chair. Blake throws hands, then he CHOKES Fox! The fans boo but Blake says time to take a lap. Blake struts his way into a run, but Fox slides into the ring! Fox meets Blake on the other side with a DIVE! Direct hit into railing and the fans fire up! Fox roars and he drags Blake back up. Fox puts Blake in the ring, goes up a corner, and SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, TWO! Blake survives and Fox almost falls on the ref! Fox checks on the ref then apologizes before going back for Blake. The fans rally, but Blake fights the firemans’ carry!

Fox powers through to lift Blake, but Blake sunset flips! Fox breaks the grip, steps over and brings Blake up, but Blake blocks the cutter to then CLAW Fox’s face! The fans boo, Blake shoves Fox to a corner, and Blake “apologizes.” But Fox ELBOWS Blake! Fox runs, but into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Fox escapes in time and the fans rally up! Blake rolls outside and he grabs that chair from earlier. The fans boo as Blake brings this chair over. Blake slides it in but the ref snatches that right up! The ref warns Blake, and Fox FLIES! Down goes Blake and the fans fire up! Fox hurries to put Blake back in and go back up! 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!

Blake survives and Fox is frustrated, but the fans are cheering on “R O H! R O H!” Fox cools off, and he sees the chair… Fox walks over and the fans are torn. Some want him to use it, some want him NOT to use it. The ref warns Fox, it will be a disqualification. Fox hands the chair over and the ref puts it outside, but Blake LOW BLOWS Fox behind the ref’s back!! The fans boo, but Blake grins as he goes to the corner. Blake then runs to STEP-UP DOUBLE STOMP Cover, Blake wins!

Winner: Blake Christian, by pinfall

That was anything but vanilla and anything but baby face! That was ALL HEAT! Blake soaks it all in, even getting in the face of the front row fans, but will there be gold waiting for him in the New Year?


Shane Taylor speaks.

“‘Someone like you isn’t meant to be champion. Your job is to sing, dance, and entertain. There’s nothing that you can do to change this game. People like you need to know your place.’ I heard it all before. Shane Taylor Promotions, we know our place in the game. It’s just not where you want. We’re coming for everything. And there’s nothing, nothing, you can do about it. Rumble, bad man, rumble.” Will 2025 be the Year of STP?


Toni Storm VS Rebecca Scott!

It’s hard to say if “The Portrait of a Rockstar” is just a new role for Timeless Toni, or if this is a genuinely concerning psychological break. The bright spot is that Toni has been winning on AEW shows, and is now making her ROH debut! Is it going to be #ToniTime here in the Hammerstein? Or will the actual newbie get the win?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. The fans rally for Toni as she and Rebecca circle. They tie up, Rebecca slips around and jumps on for a SLEEPER! Toni spins around with Rebecca as a backpack, and she throws Rebecca down! Toni goes for a facelock, but Rebecca trips her! Toni uses body scissors, Rebecca goes to stack! ONE and Toni wants the arm! Rebecca works to stack, but then slips around to lateral press. Toni fights up so Rebecca facelocks, but Toni finds an angle to topple Rebecca over. Toni covers, ONE! Toni facelocks now, but Rebecca fights up. Rebecca wrenches and headlocks.

Toni endures the grind, powers up and out, and they RAM shoulders! Toni says try again, so Rebecca pumps up. Rebecca runs, Toni follows and runs Rebecca over! Things speed up, Toni redirects to SHOTGUN! The fans fire up and Toni storms back over to Rebecca. Toni snap suplexes Rebecca and Rebecca goes to a corner. The fans cheer for the HIP ATTACK, but Toni only gets buckles! Rebecca runs up to SHINING WIZARD! Rebecca then digs her heel into Toni! The ref counts, Rebecca lets off, and then she fires off kicks and forearms on Toni! The ref reprimands, Rebecca stops, and the fans boo.

Rebecca kicks, Toni leans back, but then Rebecca mule kicks! Toni staggers back to a corner, Rebecca runs up, forearm SMASH! Rebecca whips corner to corner, Toni reverses, but Rebecca goes up and up! CROSSBODY, but Toni catches Rebecca! SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Toni then hauls Rebecca up and waistlocks to SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Rebecca flounders back into a corner and the fans fire up! Toni runs in, HIP ATTACK! And then STORM ZERO! Cover, Toni wins!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall

Toni’s debut is a success here in ROH, and she even keeps the Code of Honor. But will it be Toni Time here in ROH all the time? Or will it take some time for Toni to reach the top?


QT Marshall & Aaron Solo VS Rocky Romero & ???

He tried to bring the DOOM, but ended up on the wrong side of an ROH homecoming against Jay Lethal. But can the once and former God’s Gift to Pro-Wrestling make a true comeback? Or will Azucar and the mystery partner bring more DOOM to QT & Solo?

But who is the mystery partner? QT says it’s no one, Rocky has no more friends! But wait! It’s HOMICIDE! The fans go wild over having another homecoming as the Notorious 187 is here in the Hammerstein! QT is a bit worried, are he and Solo about to get bit by a couple of Rottweilers?

The Code of Honor is skipped as QT wants the mic instead. “As somebody from the northeast, being from New Jersey, I think you all should be ashamed of yourselves in the fact that you are celebrating and chanting words like ‘Homicide,’ and ‘187.’” The fans chant, “1 8 7!” right now! QT says they don’t even deserve the rest of what he has to say. The fans are okay with that, actually. QT storms into the ring, and now he offers the Code of Honor. But now he doesn’t like Homicide’s literal left handed handshake. But Homicide is left handed… Homicide gives a middle finger instead! Homicide and QT starts and the fans rally up with the bell.

QT talks trash on fans as he and Homicide circle. They tie up, QT puts Homicide in a corner, but the ref counts. QT lets off slowly, but he complains Homicide was pulling hair. Homicide and QT reset, tie up, and QT wrenches to a wristlock. Homicide slips through and wrenches to wristlock. QT rolls, wrenches, and hammerlocks. Homicide drop toeholds and floats to a facelock! QT wrenches out to hammerlock on the mat. Homicide fights up, the fans rally, and he figures out a counter to then inside arm-drag! QT drags Homicide down but then Homicide keeps rolling! They roll and roll, then QT has the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Homicide wrenches while standing up, and he lets go so he and QT can reset. The fans applaud the exchange, and QT calls for a knuckle lock. Homicide obliges, but then QT kicks low! QT wrenches to a wristlock but Homicide powers him to ropes. The ref counts, Homicide lets go, to then BITE QT’s ear! The fans fire up and Homicide grins while the ref reprimands. Homicide tags Rocky and they double whip. They DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE QT, then Rocky brings QT up. Rocky whips, QT grabs ropes, and QT tags to Solo! Solo circles with Rocky, they tie up, and Solo wrenches to wristlock.

Rocky rolls, wrenches, and wrangles Solo to drop knees on the arm! Rocky CHOPS Solo to a corner, CHOPS him in the corner, then ROCKS him! Rocky whips Solo then runs up to CLOBBER him! Solo scrambles away, Rocky gives some Latino Heat but QT tags in. QT and Rocky knuckle lock, but then QT kicks low and ROCKS Rocky! And ROCKS him again! The ref reprimands about closed fists but QT whips Rocky, only for Rocky to RANA! The fans fire up while QT bails out, but Solo CLOBBERS Rocky! Solo grins, fires forearms, then whips. Rocky grabs ropes, then he DUMPS Solo out! The fans rally and Rocky builds speed, but QT trips him up!

The fans boo but Solo gets in, DREAMCAST KICK! Solo “tags” in with a loud clap, then he stomps away on Rocky. The fans boo but Solo puts Rocky in the corner for shots. The ref backs Solo down, but QT CHOKES Rocky! Solo ROCKS Rocky, tags QT in, and QT mocks Latino Heat before he ROCKS Rocky. The fans boo but QT UPPERCUTS Rocky in a corner. QT soaks up heat, brings Rocky up, and QT whips corner to corner. QT winds up, runs up, but Rocky BOOTS him away! QT staggers around, Rocky runs up, SHIRANUI! Both men are down and the fans fire up! QT and Rocky crawl to their corners, hot tags to Solo and Homicide!

Homicide dodges Solo to BLAST QT, but Solo kicks low! Solo laughs at the fans, but Homicide snap suplexes! Uno Amigo! Another snap suplex, Dos Amigos! And then THREE AMIGOS! The fans fire up for “EDDIE! EDDIE!” while Homicide covers, TWO! Homicide drags Solo up, clinches, but Solo fires elbows! The fans boo as Solo runs, but Homicide hits a counter BELLY2BELLY! Cover, but QT breaks it! The fans boo more but QT scoops Homicide, and Solo adds on! NECK BREAKER BACK SUPLEX COMBO! Cover, Rocky breaks it! QT TOSSES Rocky, then he storms up on Homicide. But Homicide HELL STABS!

Solo BOOTS Homicide, goes up, and leaps, but into a kick! Homicide tucks Solo in and lifts, but QT saves Solo! The fans boo but QT kicks low! QT flips Homicide off, runs, but into a kick from Rocky! Rocky TOSSES QT up and out, then builds speed! Rocky DIVES onto QT and takes him out! QT goes up and over the railing! CUTTER for Solo from Homicide! The elbow pads come off, and a LARIAT takes Solo down! Cover, Rocky & Homicide win!

Winners: Rocky Romero & Homicide, by pinfall

A big return for the 187, the Rottweilers reunion is a happy one! Will Homicide hang around a little longer as ROH enters the New Year?


ROH shares footage from after Final Battle.

MXM Collection regrouped backstage, Mason Madden carrying Mansoor in his arms while shouting, “Gosh dang it, son of a biscuit, Danhausen! DANHAUSEN~!! You ugly, masked bastard!” Mason drops Mansoor before telling Danhausen that he comes into MXM’s company, puts teeth in Mason’s mouth… Look at his teeth! He doesn’t need any more teeth, his teeth are perfect! Perfect forever! And Danhausen had to RUIN Mansoor’s PPV match! He was gonna win, and Danhausen RUINED it! If there are two things Mansoor hates, it is singles matches and “nepo babies” like Atlantis Jr!

Atlantis has not done anything on his own! His father, the CMLL Legend that is Atlantis Sr! His mother, famous singer/songwriter Atlantis Morrisette! MXM have built everything with their own damn hands! And with these hands, they’re coming for Danhausen & Atlantis Jr! It will be like the rain on your wedding day! MXM declares war on all the masked wrestlers! Mason is gonna rip that mask of Danhausen’s face! Mansoor corrects Mason that it’s face paint, but Mason explains Danhausen did the Sting double mask thing, he was wearing a mask that looked like his face and then he had the face paint on underneath.

Point is, MXM is mad, mad, MAD! But will they make sure that the Very Nice, Very Evil Danhausen is very sorry he ever messed with them?


Chris Jericho speaks.

The “King of New York” is once again live in New York with his New York Minute. “And here on 34th Street, in the heart of Historia, I’m still feeling the Christmas spirit. Can you feel it?” Big Bill feels it! Jericho says that is why he has one more Christmas miracle to grant, one more gift to give, and that is to Anthony Bowens. Bowens challenged Jericho on Collision, Jericho was not ready then, but he’ll be ready this Friday night on Rampage. Jericho VS Bowens, and Jericho hopes things get better for Anthony, as he doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends anymore. Isn’t that right, Scissor King?

Let’s hope Bowens didn’t bite off more than he can chew here in “The Grand Apple.” So that’s it, another New York Minute! See you Friday, Anthony! Merry Christmas, everybody, and to all a good night! Jericho waves bye, but will Bowens make sure to cut down The Learning Tree for New Year’s Smash?


ROH shares footage from the Final Battle Media Scrum.

Athena sat down with Tony Khan and Ian Riccaboni to address the media, and she said she could tell. Everyone is wondering what The Forever Champion is going to do. Athena feels it is time, after thinking long and hard, that MIT must handle an expulsion. It is time to expel a member of the MIT team because they just aren’t working out for Athena anymore. The concern was clear on both Ian’s and Tony’s faces, and Athena says while she has ton of Minions that’d love to take you know who’s place, so Athena hopes this is the only expulsion MIT ever needs. Someone will have to leave MIT, so Boxing Day Brawl is the perfect place to address this.

Lexy Nair is in the ring.

Back to the present, Lexy introduces herself, and welcomes us to the first ever Minion Expulsion Meeting, the M-EX-M, not to be confused with MXM who we just saw. So welcome out the loser from Final Battle, Billie Starkz. The fans cheer as Billie makes her way out, and she’s clearly not happy. One part is from her loss at Final Battle, where she was quite literally cheated, but also partly because of this expulsion. Lexy now welcomes out the Fallen Goddess, their Minion Overlord, THE longest-reigning ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena! The fans are torn as Athena makes her way out, saying thank you to all her Minions.

Athena steps into the ring with Billie and Lexy, and Lexy hands over the mic. The fans boo more but Athena says, “Hello, Minions! Last week at Final Battle, we saw another historic victory from your Forever ROH Champion. But guys, guys, guys, we’re not here to talk about me. As Minion Bestie Lexy Nair said, we are here… apologetically, to expel a Minion.” Billie rolls her eyes, already knowing where this is going. Athena tells Billie Starkz, aka Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths, “we have had nothing but problems from you~. Consistently time and time again, you ignore my guidance. And you still suck.

The fans boo but Athena says don’t boo Billie! Billie is doing the best she can with what she’s got! Do not boo a young Minion. Athena apologizes to Billie for the fans, and says they are all truly terrible. But Billie, you don’t listen, you complain, you bitch ‘n’ moan, and all Athena tries to do is help! Athena goes home, thinks to herself, “How do I teach this kid?” What is this, 1988’s biographical drama, Stand and Deliver? Fans tell Athena to shut up already, but Athena says ignore them, this is unprofessional. Lexy, you are Minion Bestie! Valedictorian, first-ever graduate of MIT, and consistently, time and again, has surprised Athena!

But Athena has already made her decision. And now, Athena will reveal to all of her loving, adoring Minions out there, who boo, who Athena will be expelling from MIT. Billie shakes her head, just waiting for the words. Athena turns around, and she tells Billie… It’s just the two of them from now on! WHAT?! Lexy is furiously asking why but Athena says no no no, do NOT raise your voice! After that mediocre entrance she gave Athena at Final Battle, and where even was her DC Comics Penguin costume to go with Athena’s Two Face?! Not to mention, the mic fumble that almost cost her the title!

Lexy Nair, you are officially stripped of all rankings and EXPELLED from MIT, permanently! The fans boo and Lexy is beside herself! Lexy keeps the tears back while she exits the ring, and Athena says yeah, sing it! “Nana na na! Nana na na! Hey hey hey! Goodbye~!” Lexy is even more upset, but Athena says try not to embarrass yourself on the way out. Billie has no idea what is going on but Athena says she understands now. She sees why they had this block. Lexy’s expulsion is a stepping stone for Billie. It is very crucial for Billie’s development, because girl, Athena cares about you and your future!

The fans chant, “F HER UP, BILLIE, F HER UP!” But Athena says it is just her and Minion 4EVER! Athena hugs Billie, pats her on the back, and the madness only grows worse. What is it going to take for Billie to get away from the Fallen Goddess?


ROH shares footage from after Final Battle.

Komander returned backstage the NEW ROH World TV Champion, and he was able to celebrate with everyone. Tony Khan was there to welcome him, and Komander, tears flowing, thanked Tony for this opportunity. They hugged it out and the roster applauded. First title here in ROH, then that huge win over Claudio Castagnoli on Christmas night, is the Commander of the Skies just going to keep on soaring? We find out as his first title defense is Boxing Day’s main event!

ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Johnny TV w/ MXM Collection!

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is truly #TVReady!

The Code of Honor of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally up. Wait, MXM have moved up into the upper deck so they can hold up their sign, “If Johnny LOSES… We’ll Be Really SAD 🙁 ” Okay… Johnny and Komander tie up, but Johnny shoves Komander down. Komander goes to a corner while Johnny does TikTok dances and other poses. Johnny and Komander reset, circle, and then Komander fakes the tie up to “admire” Johnny’s muscles. Johnny soaks that up and flexes. The fans boo but Johnny just keeps flexing. MXM sure like it. But then Komander kicks low! Johnny swings, Komander ducks and headlocks.

Johnny powers up and out, Komander slides and runs, but Johnny hurdles! Komander leaps over but Johnny kips up! The two have a standoff and the fans cheer. Komander runs up, rolls off Johnny’s back then keeps moving. Springboard CROSSBODY! Komander bounces off the cover, runs back in, and goes up, spins and wheelbarrows to arm-drag! Johnny goes to a corner, Komander runs up to forearm SMASH! Komander knuckle locks then CLUBS Johnny’s arm. Komander goes up, up, but Johnny kicks out the legs! Johnny then fireman’s carries Komander, and MXM says to drop Komander on that stack o’ dimes!

Johnny hits a SAMOAN DROP POP, then STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Komander stays in this, the fans rally and duel, and Johnny clamps on with a chinlock. Johnny throws down elbows, the fans rally harder, but Johnny stomps Komander. Johnny runs for a SHINING WIZARD! Somersault and basement KICK! Cover, TWO! Komander is still in this, but Johnny drags him around. Johnny clinches, shifts, and has an arm with the dragon sleeper! The fans rally and duel as Komander endures, and Komander fights up! Johnny brings Komander to ropes to INVERTED SUPLEX, but Komander lands on the apron!

Johnny GAMANGIRIS Komander to the floor, then he builds up speed. Johnny has to stop himself as Komander dodges, and rebounds back to then roll and SENTON! Johnny asks, “How about them apples?” The fans chant “You Still Suck!” Johnny puts Komander in the ring, then aims to slingshot ELBOW FLOP as Komander moves! The fans fire up and MXM is concerned. Johnny writhes, clutches that elbow, and Komander rises! Johnny also stands, and he runs up, but into a BOOT! Johnny runs back in, but into a BOOT! Johnny tries again, but Komander SUPERKICKS! The fans fire up while Johnny wobbles!

Komander climbs a corner, tightrope walks, and he ARABIAN PRESS- NO, Johnny stops the arm-drag and puts Komander on the apron! But Komander comes back to GAMANGIRI! Then Komander springboards to FLYING DRAGON RANA! Cover, TWO!! Johnny survives and the fans fire up! MXM is still trying to figure out how that worked, but Komander tells them to watch this. Komander CHOPS Johnny, CHOPS again, then CHOPS! But Johnny pokes Komander in the eyes! The fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Johnny gets under Komander to Alabama Lift! Komander grabs ropes but Johnny pulls him free!

Komander still kicks, flails, and adjusts for a DESTROYER! Cover, TWO!! Johnny survives and MXM is relieved. Komander has the fans behind him again, and he rises up. Komander swings, but into a clinch! BACKBREAKER, then STRAITJACKET MOONLIGHT DRIVE!! And then another MOONLIGHT DRIVE! Cover, TWO!! Komander survives as Johnny busts out some unique stuff, and MXM decide to “go down the elevator.” Johnny drags Komander in and gets him up, but Komander slips free! SUPERKICK! SUPERKICK! Then wrench and wrench and POISON-RANA!! And a solid one at that!

Komander rises up while Johnny is crawling around. The fans rally as Komander stalks Johnny, then pushes him over. SENTON! Johnny’s in the drop zone now, and Komander climbs! The fans fire up, but MXM have magically appeared at ringside! They drag Johnny to safety, so Komander adjusts on the fly! ARIHARA MOONSAULT onto MXM!! The fans are thunderous for Komander as he hurries up on Johnny !Johnny pops him up to the apron, blocks a kick, then trips Komander up! Now Komander’s in the drop zone! Johnny goes up, and STARSHIP PAIN FLOPS! Komander hurries back up, for CIELITO LINDO!! Cover, KOMANDER WINS!

Winner: Komander, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)

They say you aren’t really a champion until you’ve defended the title, so go ahead, call Komander a real champion! Johnathan Television could NOT become Television Champion, but will MXM add Komander to that list of masked wrestlers they hate? Will none of that matter as Komander continues to be the star in the sky?

My Thoughts:

A very good ROH with the “Boxing Day Brawl” just put on there because for one, Boxing Day is a holiday that follows Christmas in plenty of countries (it isn’t really a big deal for Americans), and also because this was of course recorded while AEW & ROH were still hanging out in Hammerstein the whole weekend so they had to make it something related to the holidays. I kinda wish they’d done a themed Street Fight or something for the hell of it, but reliving the Soccer Rules Brawl was a good substitute.

Good matches and therefore good wins for all these matches. I enjoyed Blake Christian of course still being a Heel while using a sarcastic, satirical “I’m a good guy!” act. Great to see Rocky bring Homicide back into ROH, real fun match with QT & Solo, and a real good win. Not sure the chances Homicide sticks around that long, this was probably just because they were in New York. And of course they had to replay Jericho’s most recent New York Minute, because he’s still ROH World Champion and all that. I much more appreciated that they replayed Shane Taylor’s promo from Final Battle because it was fixed, no bad audio-visual sync.

Toni Storm also gets a solid win, and being on ROH totally fits being an AEW newbie/midcarder, which is the whole point of this return to Rockstar Toni. While I am still very disappointed in Athena VS Billie not giving the title to Billie last week, this stuff with Toni could eventually lead to Toni VS Athena. And given those two met before, Athena could also be used to break the delusion, not just Toni facing Deonna Purrazzo or Mariah May. Speaking of Athena, the “Minion Expulsion Meeting” stuff definitely had me feeling that swerve coming. Athena is the Goddess of Gaslighting and Contradictions, so of course she got rid of Lexy. Plus, Lexy Nair and Big Bill Morrissey had their wedding recently (which is why Bill was absent for an episode), those two need to go on a proper honeymoon.

Now, while I’m all for continuity and long term booking, those things need to be good and logical. I don’t want them to do another whole YEAR of Athena & Billie, it should’ve ended last week. Billie needs to just snap and beat Athena up before the next ROH PPV, maybe even screw her over in the Tokyo Dome at WrestleDynasty, so they can just settle this once and for all. Very good promo from MXM to call out Danhausen & Atlantis Jr, and all other masked wrestlers. Great match from Komander VS Johnny TV, with MXM constantly doing gags on the outside. Great win for Komander, too, this is all great stuff for him after putting in a lot of work for both AEW & ROH without complaints. I could see a Six Man Tag of Komander, Atlantis & Danhausen VS #MXMTV down the line, too.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (12/25/24)

Christmas is All Elite!



It’s a Continental Classic Christmas!

It’s AEW Dynamite on 34th Street, and the greatest Christmas gift is a ticket to the Continental Classic semifinals at Worlds End this Saturday in Orlando! But who reaches the goal while the others get coal?


  • AEW Continental Classic, Gold League: Will Ospreay VS Brody King; Ospreay wins.
  • AEW Continental Classic, Gold League: Darby Allin VS Ricochet; Ricochet wins.
  • AEW Continental Classic, Gold League: Claudio Castagnoli VS Komander; Komander wins.
  • AEW Continental Classic, Blue League: Shelton Benjamin VS Kazuchika Okada; Okada wins.
  • Toni Storm VS Taya Valkyrie w/ Deonna Purrazzo; Toni wins.
  • AEW Continental Classic, Blue League: Kyle Fletcher VS Daniel Garcia; Kyle wins.


Taz is back on commentary!

That’s right, the living legend is back from that awful attack by The Patriarchy, and what better place than the Hammerstein Ballroom? But will Taz have something to say about Christian Cage’s cowardly actions?


Here are the current Continental Classic Gold League standings!

Claudio Castagnoli: 3-1, 9 points
Ricochet: 3-1, 9 points
Will Ospreay: 2-2, 6 points
Darby Allin: 2-2, 6 points
Brody King: 2-2, 6 points
Komander: 0-4, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the current Continental Classic Blue League standings!

Mark Briscoe: 3-2, 9 points
Kyle Fletcher: 3-1, 9 points
Kazuchika Okada: 2-1-1, 7 points
Daniel Garcia: 2-1-1, 7 points
Shelton Benjamin: 2-2, 6 points
The Beast Mortos: 0-5, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


AEW Continental Classic, Gold League: Will Ospreay VS Brody King!

The Aerial Assassin wraps his run on Christmas against the King of Death, and both men are in a must-win situation! Will Ospreay be headed to Orlando for Worlds End? Or will the House Always Win?

The bell rings, we’re on the clock, and Hammerstein barks it up for Brody. Brody and Ospreay circle as the fans cheer “Both These Guys! Both These Guys!” Ospreay kicks to test the waters but Brody shrugs it off. Ospreay kicks again, Brody is annoyed, and the fans sing for “Ospreay~ Ospreay Ospreay Ospreay~!” Ospreay gives more kicks but Brody powers him to a corner. The ref counts, Brody lets off, but Ospreay avoids a chop to CHOP! Ospreay whips but Brody blocks! Brody whips, runs up, but into a BOOT! Ospreay runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then RAN- NO! Brody stays up, brings Ospreay up, but Ospreay fires hands!

Brody puts Ospreay back in a corner, then TOSSES him across the way! The fans fire up while Ospreay gets right back up. Ospreay fires forearms, then runs, but Brody CLOBBERS him! Brody barks, the fans join in, and Brody runs in at the corner. Ospreay dodges, and goes to scoop!? Brody is up but he’s too big, Ospreay falls over! Cover, TWO! Brody scoops Ospreay to SLAM him, then he runs to SENTON, onto knees! Ospreay saves himself, and he calls his shot! OSC- NO, Brody CLUBS Ospreay, then has him in a Crucifix! But Ospreay pops up to RANA! The fans fire up while Brody tumbles out!

Ospreay aims, PLANCHAS, but Brody dodges! Brody runs up, Ospreay dodges and then baits Brody. Brody runs up, and Ospreay dropkicks the legs out! Brody hits steel steps with his face! Brody staggers up, Ospreay runs in, but Brody picks him up! SPINEBUSTER on the steps! And perhaps that’s quite literal, as it looked like the edge or even corner of the step got Ospreay in the back. The fans bark it up while Ospreay writhes and Brody checks his teeth. Brody drags Ospreay up to SHOVE into barriers, and then he CHOPS Ospreay down! Brody stands Ospreay back up, and whips him hard into more railing!

The fans fire up as Brody CHOPS Ospreay down! Brody gives thumbs up and a fist bump to the fan in the wheelchair and the fans cheer. Brody puts Ospreay in the ring, storms up on him, and clamps on with a neck wrench. Ospreay endures, the fans rally and duel, but Brody leans on the hold. Ospreay fights with elbows, but Brody CLUBS him again. Brody hauls Ospreay up but Ospreay fires forearms! Brody ROCKS Ospreay right back! Ospreay wobbles but he shakes his head as he stays standing! The fans fire up as Ospreay fires back, but then Brody ROCKS him again! Ospreay SOBATS, then runs, but into a BIG backdrop!

The fans fire up while Ospreay writhes, and Brody still checks his teeth. The fans rally up but Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Brody storms around, drags Ospreay up, and TOSSES him out of the ring. Brody goes out after Ospreay and brings him up, fora  CHOP! Ospreay almost teeters over the railing, but then Broody whips him into more railing! Brody gets space, barks it up, then runs back in. Ospreay moves, Brody stops short, and Brody BOOTS Ospreay! Ospreay staggers to the far side, and Brody smirks as he storms over. Ospreay comes back to fire a forearm! Brody ROCKS Ospreay! Brody refreshes the ring count, but Ospreay fires a forearm! Brody ROCKS Ospreay again! And then CHOPS him! Ospreay scrambles away into the ring.

Brody storms in to SENTON! Direct hit this time and Brody covers, TWO! Brody is annoyed but Ospreay’s a former IWGP World Champion, he’s tougher than that. Brody waits on Ospreay, scuffs him and kicks him, then CHOPS him! Ospreay grits his teeth and rises up, then he fires a forearm! Brody CHOPS Ospreay again! Ospreay wobbles and leans back, but he comes back with a forearm! Brody CHOPS again! Ospreay falls over, but Brody stands him up for a BEARHUG! Dynamite on 34th Street returns to single picture as Ospreay fires forearms. Ospreay is free, but Brody then clamps on a GUILLOTINE FACELOCK!

Ospreay endures, fights to get his own facelock, but Brody fights the suplex! Brody FISHERMAN BUSTERS in return! The fans fire up while both men are down. Brody rises, then storms up on Ospreay. Brody reels Ospreay in, but Ospreay uses that to slide under! Ospreay then dodges a lariat to handspring and NEURALIZER KICK! Brody staggers then tumbles out of the ring! Brody returns to the apron but Ospreay BOOTS him back down! Ospreay goes up a corner and climbs, to then SKY TWISTER! Direct hit and the fans fire up for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” giving this as the opener! Ospreay hurries to put Brody in, then aims again.

Ospreay springboards, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Brody survives but he again checks his jaw. The fans rally up and Ospreay brings Brody around. Ospreay reels Brody in, but Brody backdrops free! Ospreay is right up and all fired up! Ospreay BOOTS Brody, but Brody just glares at Ospreay! The fans bark and Brody winds up to CHOP! Ospreay grits his teeth to stay up, and he CHOPS in return! Brody shrugs that off!? Ospreay CHOPS, Brody barks! CHOP! Bark! CHOP! Bark! Brody corners Ospreay and dares him to bring it! Ospreay fires shot after shot, then eggs Brody on. Brody DECKS Ospreay with one shot!

Brody puts Ospreay on the top rope, and puts some stank on this CHOP! Ospreay tumbles to the apron and then to the floor! The fans bark even louder while Brody goes out after Ospreay. Brody hauls Ospreay up, ROCKS him, and makes him take a seat. Brody walks to the far side and comes back, CROSSBODY against railing! Both men are down but Brody snarls as he rises up already. Brody puts Ospreay in, Ospreay goes to a corner, so Brody just runs in to CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Ospreay survives and Brody grows frustrated. The fans rally up while Brody reels Ospreay in, but Ospreay is a ragdoll.

Brody pushes Ospreay around, stomps him, then steps on him. Ospreay grits his teeth as he pushes up! The fans rally up, but Brody BOOTS Ospreay in the face! Ospreay just gets mad! Brody BOOTS Ospreay again! Ospreay rises and he fires a forearm! Brody fires back! Ospreay staggers but he comes back with another forearm! Brody fires back! Ospreay CHOPS, Brody CHOPS, repeat! Ospreay leans against Brody, but Brody keeps him from falling! Ospreay fires up with that and he CHOPS! Brody CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” with every CHOP! Ospreay roars and CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Brody CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS!!

Ospreay sputters as he drops to a knee, and Brody says one more time! RIPCORD- HEADBUTT from Ospreay! Kawada Kicks! BOOT! SUPERKICK! But Brody ROLLING ELBOWS! Ospreay wobbles, but he HOOK KICKS right back! HOOK KICK again! Ospreay springboards, but Brody DECKS him outta the sky!! The fans are thunderous as Brody LAR- NO, Ospreay slips through and he lifts Brody up! To then pop into position! STYLES CLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Brody survives and the fans are thunderous! Ospreay throws off the elbow pad and he loads up! Fans hope these two “FIGHT FOREVER!” but there’s still a time limit!

Ospreay runs up, but Brody LARIATS!! Brody hauls Ospreay up to scoop, GONZO BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?! Ospreay survives but Brody just LARIATS again!! Cover, TWO!!! Ospreay survives and Brody is beside himself! The fans rally as hard as they can and Brody hauls Ospreay back up. Scoop and- NO, Ospreay slips free, ducks ‘n dodges, FLYING HIDDEN BLADE!! Cover, ONE?!?! WHAT?!? But Ospreay just reloads and runs in, HIDDEN BLADE!! Cover, TWO!?!?! HOW?!? The fans are electric and Ospreay stands Brody up! Ospreay underhooks him, STORM BREAKER!! Cover, OSPREAY WINS!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (gains 3 points, Brody earns 0)

A powerful and triumphant victory for Ospreay, but don’t call this a Christmas Miracle just yet! Ospreay still needs Claudio Castagnoli and Darby Allin to lose or this will be all for naught! Can Ricochet and Komander come through for Ospreay so that he can have a spot in the semifinals? Or will there be no golden ticket to Orlando for the Aerial Assassin?


The Hurt Syndicate arrives backstage.

And waiting for them are Christopher Daniels and AEW security. Renee Paquette is also here to note that tonight, there are huge C2 stakes as Shelton Benjamin faces Kazuchika Okada. As for MVP and Bobby Lashley, she has been asked to inform them that they have been banned from the building tonight. Montel Vontavious Porter repeats, “Banned from the building?” The Standard of Excellence says he’s about to get a nice little warm-up in before his match. Daniels asks they not do that, and MVP has his associates “step off the gas just a little bit.” MVP says out of respect for Renee, they’ll honor the request.

MVP fist bumps Shelton, as does Lashley, but he’s still staring down Daniels. MVP wishes Renee a Merry Christmas, he and the All Mighty leave. The Fallen Angel then lets Shelton enter, will Shelton be one of Blue League’s semifinalists? Or will Okada look to make it rain at Worlds End?


AEW Continental Classic, Gold League: Darby Allin VS Ricochet!

Back to it, we know that The Relentless One feels he needs to win this tournament as a way to oppose The Death Riders, but The Only & Only only cares about The One & Only. Will Ricochet make sure the C2 continues to be #OuttaThisWorld? Or will Darby take out two high-flyers with one Coffin Drop?

The bell rings and the fans chant “YOU SUCK!” at Ricochet for how he cheated Ospreay just last Saturday. Ricochet tells the fans off because a win is a win. Darby storms up on Ricochet, Ricochet backs away to a corner, and now fans taunt Ricochet with, “Why You Bald?” Ricochet and Darby circle, tie up, and they’re in a deadlock. Ricochet finds a point of leverage but Darby turns things around to put Ricochet in a corner. Ricochet complains Darby is pulling hair, and the ref says what hair? Ricochet’s bald! The fans sing, “OH~ We Want Samantha~!” Darby and Ricochet reset, tie up again, and Darby waistlocks.

Darby wrenches, headlocks, but Ricochet powers up, only for Darby to hold on tight. Ricochet fights up, Darby hits a takeover, and the fans rally up. Ricochet fights up to his feet, pushes Darby back to power up and out, but Darby runs him over! Ricochet kips up, but Darby hits a headlock and takeover! The fans cheer but Ricochet rolls to a cover, ONE! Darby holds on, Ricochet fights to roll him again, ONE! They stand now, and Ricochet puts Darby in a corner. Ricochet then throws Darby away, runs back up, but Darby gets him in another headlock takeover! Ricochet kicks and flails in frustration while he endures the grind.

The fans rally as Darby leans on Ricochet, but Ricochet fights up. Ricochet rolls to another cover, ONE! Darby keeps that headlock on tight, but Ricochet powers his way to a corner. The ref counts the break, Darby lets go slowly, but Ricochet JABS! The fans boo that cheap shot and the ref reprimands, but Ricochet just soaks up the heat. Hammerstein reminds Ricochet that he’s “BALD! BALD! BALD!” while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Ricochet storms back up on Darby, brings him around, and hits a BACKBREAKER! Darby writhes and Ricochet soaks up more heat. Ricochet flips off the fans while Darby goes to a corner. Ricochet runs up and he CHOPS Darby down! Ricochet then scoops Darby for another BACKBREAKER! Darby writhes but Ricochet stands on him, then springboard stomps him! Ricochet stomps Darby more, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Darby crawls along ropes, Ricochet storms up, and Ricochet blocks a boot! Ricochet YANKS Darby from the ropes to SLAM him down! Then Ricochet CLAWS at Darby’s face!

The ref reprimands, Ricochet lets off, and Ricochet soaks up more heat. Ricochet kicks Darby around, taunts him, then BOOTS him down! Ricochet is in control while Dynamite goes to break.

Dynamite on 34th Street returns as Ricochet has Darby in a corner. Ricochet whips Darby corner to corner hard and the fans boo. Ricochet soaks it up while Darby flops out of the ring. Ricochet then goes out to the apron, and he has another of those toilet paper “streamers” from Saturday! Ricochet does the threatening step to one fan, then CHUCKS the TP to the upper deck. A fan catches it with ease, and Darby trips Ricochet up! The fans fire up and Darby hobbles over to Ricochet. Darby tosses the TP to the THIRD deck, but Ricochet BOOTS Darby into railing! The fans rally as hard as they can as Ricochet then RAMS Darby into more railing!

Ricochet stalks Darby, stands him up, and whips him again, but Darby reverses! Now Ricochet crashes into railing! The fans fire up as Darby runs up, COFFIN SPLASH but only into railing! Ricochet comes back to SUPERKICK Darby down! Ricochet hurries to put Darby in the ring, then takes aim. Springboard and FLYING LARIAT! Ricochet keeps moving, LIONSAULT! Ricochet tells the fans to “SUCK IT!” then covers, TWO! Darby stays in this and Ricochet says okay, fine. Ricochet paces around Darby, drags him to a drop zone, then goes to the corner. The fans rally for Darby while Ricochet climbs up.

Ricochet aims, and 450- NO, Ricochet bails out to land on his feet! TIGER WALL KICK, but then Darby shoots around! Waistlock, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Springboard and SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Darby hurries to ghost pin, TWO! Darby steps over, LA MAGISTROL! TWO!! Ricochet narrowly escapes, but Darby SHOTGUNS him to the outside! The fans fire up and Darby fires up with them! Darby builds speed to DIVE but into a KNEE! Ricochet shoots Darby outta the sky, then he brings out a table?! Ricochet isn’t thinking about the win right now, and he hauls Darby up. Ricochet RAMS Darby into the apron, then RAMS him in again!

The fans boo as Ricochet pushes Darby onto the table and throws down hands. The ref says don’t do this, they have to end this in the ring. Darby CLAWS at Ricochet but Ricochet rains down fists! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Ricochet lets off. The fans again chant “BALD! BALD! BALD!” Ricochet goes into the ring, climbs up the corner, and he aims at Darby! Ricochet 630 ONTO DARBY AND THE TABLE!!! The fans lose their minds and the ref is furious, but the ref is letting it play for the integrity of the C2! Ricochet talks trash, even as he drags himself to steel steps, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Darby is still down by the wreckage while Ricochet stands up. Ricochet talks more trash on fans, then leaves Darby behind. Doc Sampson checks on Darby, as does the ref, and Ricochet says to just call it. Darby stirs and is conscious, but is he able to continue? The ref has Ricochet calm down and stay back while Doc keeps talking with Darby. Darby clutches his lower back while the ring count climbs. Darby slowly sits up, but then Ricochet goes out to fetch him! And THROW him into railing! Darby slumps down but Ricochet drags him back up, just to throw him back into railing! Ricochet leaves Darby behind and Doc checks him again.

Darby grits his teeth and crawls, but he doesn’t get very far very fast. The ring count is climbing, Ricochet paces, but Darby is up at 7! Ricochet goes out right as Darby slides in! Ricochet then drags Darby out to RAM him into the apron! And RAM him again! Ricochet leaves Darby behind once more, and Doc again checks Darby while Dynamite on 34th Street returns to single picture. Darby drags himself up with the apron skirt, and he slides in at 4 of 10! The fans rally but Ricochet stomps away on Darby! The ref reprimands as Ricochet tears at the tape! Ricochet stops for just a moment, then tears at the tape again!

Ricochet stomps away on Darby’s back, no mercy for Darby’s bad back. Ricochet backs off to go to the apron, then springboards over the ref to DOUBLE STOMP Darby!! The fans boo but Ricochet is merciless! He fires shots on Darby’s back in the corner, stops as the ref pulls him back, and the ref checks on Darby. Darby says he’s not giving up! The fans rally for Darby but Ricochet says this is what he gets then. CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Ricochet stops as the ref counts 4, and Ricochet puts Darby up top. UPPERCUT! The fans boo but Ricochet CHOPS again! Darby wobbles up top and Ricochet climbs up to join Darby.

Ricochet ROCKS Darby, but Darby growls! Ricochet fires another shot, but Darby fires back! Darby fires again and again, Ricochet drops back! But then Ricochet GAMANGIRIS! And SLAPS! Ricochet climbs up, but Darby fires body shots! Darby CLAWS Ricochet’s back and the fans cheer! The ref still reprimands but Darby sumps Ricochet off buckles again and again! Darby then climbs on for a SUPER CODE RED!! And then he hops on, another CODE RED!! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives but the fans fire up for Darby. Darby hurries to drag Ricochet into a drop zone, and then he goes back up top!

The fans boo as Ricochet rolls far, far away. Darby hops down, hobbles his way over, and he has Ricochet on the apron. But Ricochet HOTSHOTS Darby! And HOTSHOTS again! And HOTSHOTS again! Darby flops back and Ricochet aims again. Springboard 450 FLOPS as Darby moves! Darby hurries to clamp on with a FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Ricochet endures, even as Darby bends fingers! TWO MINUTE WARNING!? Ricochet reaches out, but Darby drag shim back! Darby bends those fingers while holding onto that Fujiwara, but Ricochet moves around with his legs! Ricochet fights his way over, reaches out, but Darby gets BOTH arms!

The fans fire up for this INVERTED RINGS OF SATURN! Ricochet still has his feet and he kicks his way over! ROPEBREAK!! Ricochet survives by a literal foot, and the ref counts as Darby holds on. Darby lets off at 4, and we’re at the literal last minute! The fans rally as hard as they can for Darby as he drags Ricochet into a corner. Darby CHOPS, runs, JUMP KNEE from Ricochet! Ricochet hurries to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through and deadlift, but Darby slips through! Dragon sleeper, SCORPION DEATH DROP!! But Darby can’t make a cover! The countdown! Darby climbs, COFFION DROP!! Cover, TIME’S UP!!!

Time Limit Draw; both men earn 1 point

The fans are disappointed, and the toilet paper returns! Darby only getting one point means he only has 7 points, while Ricochet as 10! Ricochet is guaranteed a spot in the semifinals, so now it is only a matter of first or second seed. Will Komander bring Claudio down so Ricochet can be on top? Or will The One & Only be joined by the Swiss Superman at Worlds End?

Wait, speaking of, Komander makes his way out here! The NEW ROH World Television Champion locks eyes with Darby, and Darby tells him and Alex Abrahantes to get this done! Can the Commander of the Skies pull off the greatest upset in C2 history?


Jay White speaks.

“Well, we are well and truly on the road to Worlds End, and I have been stomped out and choked out by the Death Riders, led by their obviously appointed ‘One True King,’ the AEW World Champion, Jon Moxley. A man that to some seems unbeatable, but Jonny knows the truth. That the biggest threat to him and his reign is a one-on-one match with me. That is why we find ourselves in this 4 way for the championship. Jon Moxley, no matter how you crowd the room, I will find my way to you! And I will find my way to the AEW World Championship.” The Switchblade is ready to cut down The Maniac, but will AEW soon Breathe with The Switchblade?


AEW Continental Classic, Gold League: Claudio Castagnoli VS Komander!

Dynamite on 34th Street returns, and Claudio has made his entrance. The bell rings and the clock starts on this moment of truth. The fans rally for Komander as he and Claudio stare down. They feel things out, but then Claudio kicks low and CLUBS away on Komander! Claudio CHOPS Komander, CHOPS again, and Komander flops against ropes. Claudio CHOPS again and Komander almost flops out of the ring. Claudio whips, Komander ducks the boot, then he UP KICKS! Claudio stays up and he BOOTS Komander down! Claudio drags Komander up, TOSSES him to a corner, then runs up, but Komander dropkicks legs, sending Claudio into buckles!

Komander hurries to the outside and he climbs a corner! The fans fire up as Komander tightrope walks to ARABIAN PRESS- NO, Claudio stops the DDT to hit a RUNNING SUPLEX! The fans boo despite the impressive nature of that move. Claudio runs to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, ONE!! Claudio hauls Komander up to scoop and SLAM, then he clamps on a neck wrench. Komander endures and fans rally up. Komander CLUBS at Claudio’s leg, but Claudio whips him to ropes. Claudio then tilt-o-whirl scoops Komander for a BACKBREAKER! Claudio then holds on and lifts Komander back up, to then pop him up into a fireman’s carry!

Fans boo while Claudio goes to a corner and climbs up! Claudio gorilla presses Komander, to SUPER GUT BUSTER!! Komander flounders, Claudio covers, TWO!! Komander survives and the fans fire up! Claudio looms over Komander while he seethes, and then he stalks Komander to a corner. Claudio UPPERCUTS again and again, sits Komander down, then stomps him. The ref counts, Claudio lets off, and Claudio brings Komander up. Komander fires KICKS and forearms and CHOPS! But then Claudio UPPERCUTS him down! Then DOUBLE STOMPS! The fans boo, Claudio covers, TWO! Claudio is annoyed but he stalks Komander.

Claudio sits Komander up to clamp on a chinlock, but the fans rally as Komander fights up. Komander fires body shots, Claudio whips, but Komander ducks ‘n’ dodges ‘n’ RAN- NO! Claudio blocks the rana, and he swings Komander back up! But Komander slips around, POISON- NO! Claudio stops that rana, but Komander gets back up! They go to ropes, Komander RANAS Claudio up and out, but Claudio holds onto Komander! Claudio then ELECTRIC CHAIR SLAMS Komander on the apron! Komander staggers and sputters but Claudio pushes him back in. Claudio hears the fans chant “BALD! BALD!” at him while he steps inside.

Claudio stands Komander up but Komander fires body shots! Komander KICKS away on a leg, then runs side to side! Komander goes up, up, and FLYING RANAS! Claudio is sent into the POST! The fans fire up as Komander then RAMS Claudio into steel steps! Komander has Hammerstein behind him like they were for Final Battle, but then Claudio THROWS him into railing! Komander sputters, Claudio runs up, but then Komander dodges! Claudio crashes into the railing and Komander hurries into the ring. Komander runs corner to corner and back again, to then go up, up and AWAY! Saluting swanton takes Claudio down!

The fans fire up with Komander, this is starting to feel like Final Battle! Komander puts Claudio in, then runs and runs, but into a POP-UP, NO! Komander lands in a way to have the ELEVATED COBRA TWIST! The same move he used on Brody King last Rampage! But Claudio RAMS him into buckles! Claudio then runs up, but into a BOOT! Komander runs, rolls, and FACEBUSTERS! The fans fire up while Claudio is down, and Komander goes to a corner! Komander climbs, but Claudio hurries to trip him up! Komander flops to the mat and Claudio catches his breath. Claudio then hauls Komander up, to CROTCH him on the ropes!

The fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Claudio BOOTS Komander to the floor! Claudio drags Komander up, but the ref reprimands him again. Claudio argues with the ref, but Komander looks under the ring? He finds Darby’s pink jacket! Is this the thing Darby really whispered to Abrahantes earlier!? Komander looks in the pockets, and surprise! BRASS KNUCKLES! Just like what Claudio used to win against Darby! Claudio storms back over, and BRASS KNUCKLE PUNCH!!! Komander hides the evidence then goes up a corner! The fans are thunderous for CIELIETO LINDO!! Cover, KOMANDER WINS!!!

Winner: Komander, by pinfall (gains 3 points, Claudio earns 0)

No one is allowed ringside, but they said nothing about someone leaving something behind at ringside! And with that, Komander pulls off the spoiler! And now Gold League is sending Ricochet and Will Ospreay! Will they end up meeting at the end of the Continental Classic to fight for it all?

Wait, speaking of a fight, The Death Riders attack Komander and even run off Abrahantes! The ringside ban is lifted with the bell, but the fans boo as Yuta & Pac stomp away on Komander. Marina fetches a chair and brings it into the ring! But here comes Jay White! We knew he was here tonight, so the Switchblade wants him a piece of Moxley’s minions! Oh, well, add Orange Cassidy to that as he runs in from the crowd! Freshly Squeezed DUMPS Claudio up and out, then DUMPS Yuta! Pac takes a swing, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges to DIVE onto Yuta! White slides in, and he gets The Bastard with an URENAGE!

The fans fire up as Yuta returns for White to UPPERCUT! Cassidy adds a BEACH BREAK! White and Orange nod, they seem to agree that for the greater good, they gotta work together against The Death Riders. But wait, as Cassidy checks on Komander, someone else slides in! That’s Moxley with the championship briefcase! Moxley CLOBBERS White from behind!! The fans boo but then Cassidy gets in! BRIEFCASE SHOT from Moxley! The fans boo while Moxley storms around.

Moxley grabs a mic to say, “As long as my heart is still beating, this is the closet you two will ever come to the AEW World Championship, and you are delusional if you think either one of you even deserves to lay eyes on it!” The fans boo more, but here comes Hangman Page! The Blackhat Cowboy glares right at The Maniac as he storms down to the ring. Moxley keeps his eyes locked on Hangman, but Cassidy and White are each getting up! Moxley sees he is surrounded by his challengers! The fans fire up again, and Moxley takes a swing! Hangman dodges, Cassidy hits an ORANGE PUNCH on Moxley!

Hangman loads up on the apron, BUCK SHOT!! Moxley staggers back up, into a BLADERUNNER!! The fans fire up as Moxley is sent rolling! And then White grabs the briefcase, only for Hangman to stand on it. The challengers are united against Moxley, but still have a lot of beef with each other. Cassidy has them all back up, and Cassidy puts on his sunglasses. Will these three keep level heads long enough to take off Moxley’s head? Or will this title be far too tempting for any alliance to stand?


BREAKING NEWS: AEW is bringing MAXIMUM CARNAGE to Cincinnati!

That’s right! AEW Dynamite & Collision in Cincy will be the brand new special, AEW: Maximum Carnage! Ticket presale begins this Friday, but the question is: When AEW returns to Cincinnati, will hometown “hero” Jon Moxley still be AEW World Champion?


AEW Homecoming 2025 is set!

AEW returns home to Jacksonville, and it will be a Collision on Saturday, January 25th! Everyone has one month to prepare, who will have the sweeter Homecoming when we get there?


AEW Continental Classic, Blue League: Shelton Benjamin VS Kazuchika Okada!

The Standard of Excellence was already put in a fighting mood by Christopher Daniels laying down the law, and he might just need that when he’s taking on arguably THE best tournament wrestler today. Will Shelton be able to rebound from losing to Daniel Garcia? Or will the Rainmaker secure a spot in the semifinals and truly defend the Continental Championship?

The bell rings and we’re on the clock. Fans chant, “We Hurt~ People!” to go with the Hurt Syndicate’s song, but Shelton offers a handshake. Okada is hesitant, but he takes it. There is respect here and the fans cheer that. Okada and Shelton circle, feel things out, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Okada slips around to waistlock. The fans are on Okada’s side but Shelton wrenches out to a wristlock. Okada reaches for ropes but Shelton keeps him away. The fans start to duel, Okada rolls and wrenches and wristlocks in return. Shelton drops to arm-drag Okada away! The fans cheer the standoff, and the two reset.

Okada and Shelton feel things out, tie up again, and they’re in another deadlock. Shelton finds a point of leverage to push Okada to the ropes. Okada turns things around while the ref calls for the break. Okada lets off slowly, but then fakes the chop, to pat Shelton on the shoulders. The fans cheer that and Shelton stays cool. The fans duel, “We Hurt~ People!” “O-KA-DA!” Okada dares Shelton to take a shot, and Shelton runs up, but Okada gets around to waistlock. Ripcord, but Shelton ducks the lariat! Shelton then clinches, but Okada fights free of the exploder! Okada dodges a shot, and he arm-drags!

Shelton gets up to arm-drag back! Okada and Shelton have another standoff and the fans cheer. Shelton and Okada reset, circle again, and the fans rally up. Okada and Shelton feel things out, but Okada backs off to bail out. The fans boo but Okada just grins. Okada walks around the outside while he catches his breath and thinks on what’s next. Okada goes to the apron but he wants Shelton to back up. Shelton rushes out instead! But Okada kicks low and DDTS to the floor! The fans are torn but the ring count starts. Okada brings Shelton up and into the ring at 4 of 10, and the fans rally up as Okada steps back in.

Okada stands Shelton up to scoop and SLAM, then the standard formula leads him to the corner. Okada climbs, but Shelton springs up! And climbs up like a cat! Then he SUPER ARM-DRAGS Okada down! The fans fire up and Shelton covers, TWO! Okada stays in this but he rolls away while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Okada goes to the apron then the floor, but Shelton storms out after him. Shelton drags Okada up to SHOVE into the apron, then the railing, then the apron! Then he sends Okada into the steel steps! Okada goes down in a heap while Shelton leaves him behind. The ring count begins again but Okada stirs at 3. Shelton slides out to fetch Okada and ROCK him with a forearm! The count restarts but Shelton brings Okada around to the ramp side. Shelton ROCKS Okada again, then follows him around the way. Shelton RAMS Okada into the railing, then puts him in the ring. Shelton paces around Okada, and he mocks the Rainmaker Pose!

The fans seem torn on that, but it’s not like Okada does the pose anymore. Shelton rains down fists on Okada, then clamps on a chinlock. Okada endures while Shelton squeezes tight and leans on the hold. Okada fights up to his feet, but Shelton wrangles him back down! The fans rally as Okada fights up again, and Dynamite on 34th Street returns to single picture. Shelton CLUBS Okada, then ROCKS him with a right! Okada fires forearm sin return! Shelton fires some forearms of his own, then taunts Okada. Okada shakes his head and he fires forearms! Shelton ROCKS Okada again and again, then whips, but Okada ducks ‘n’ dodges!

Okada comes in with the BIG ELBOW! The fans fire up while both men are down! Shelton goes to a corner, Okada to the other, and then Okada runs up! BACK ELBOW! Kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Shelton stays in this, but Okada drags Shelton up. Shelton kicks, Okada blocks, but the DRAGON WHIP comes around! Shelton hurries back after Okada to scoop, but Okada fights free! Okawa waistlocks, Shelton rolls to pick an ankle! ANKLE LOCK! The fans fire up as Shelton uses what Kurt Angle has passed down to him! Okada endures, the fans duel, and Okada fights his way forward! Okada turns over and BOOTS Shelton away!

Shelton comes back but Okada catches him into a MONEY CLIP! Shelton endures and flails around, but Okada has him caught! Shelton is fading already and he drops to a knee. Okada cranks on the hold but Shelton claws at Okada. Shelton RAMS Okada into the corner, but Okada holds on! Shelton RAMS him in again and is free! But then Okada pops Shelton up into an Alabama Lift! REVERSE NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up while and Okada nods. Shelton sits up in a daze but Okada drags him to his feet. Okada scoops and SLAMS Shelton, and now he goes up the corner. The standard formula is back again, MACHO ELBOW!

Okada stands and the fans fire up! Okada winds it up, and Rainmaker MIDDLE FINGER! Okada brings Shelton up, but Shelton fights the ripcord, so Okada GERMAN SUPLEXES! Okada holds onto Shelton and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Okada roars as he drags Shelton up again! The fans fire up and Okada ripcords! RAIN- NO, Shelton ducks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Shelton roars and the fans fire up! Shelton waits on Okada, waistlocks again, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Okada goes flying out of these release Germans and the fans want it “ONE MORE TIME! ONE MORE TIME!” Shelton will oblige, GERMAN SUPLEX!

The fans fire up as New York City becomes Suplex City! Shelton runs corner to corner, STEP-UP KNEE! And then a clinch, but Okada cradle counters! TWO!! Okada BOOTS Shelton, but Shelton stays up and Okada falls! Shelton shakes his head and he fires forearms! Shelton runs, but Okada DROPKICKS! Okada brings Shelton back up, ripcords, but Shelton hits PAYDIRT! Cover, TWO!! Okada survives but Shelton stays focused, and the fans rally up even harder. Okada rises but Shelton has him! But Okada sips around, ripcord, RAINMAKER!! Cover, OKADA WINS!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (gains 3 points, Benjamin earns 0)

Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, The Continental Champion stands at 10 points, and he is guaranteed a spot in the semifinals! The main event pits Kyle Fletcher against Daniel Garcia, will it be The Protostar that joins The Rainmaker? Or will both Continental and TNT Champions be heading for Orlando?

As for Shelton, he started the match showing respect, and he ends this showing respect. He offers a handshake, Okada considers it, and then Okada raises his fist… to then shake hands! Shelton at least earned that much from Okada, but Okada does sneak a middle finger as he scratches his face. Will the Standard of Excellence still be eyeing something shiny and gold in the New Year?


Backstage interview with Swerve Strickland.

Renee Paquette is now with The Realest, who is also accompanied by Prince Nana. Renee says Swerve is coming off an incredible 2024, in which he at one point captured the AEW World Championship. As this year comes to a close, what does 2025 have in store for Swerve? Swerve asks Renee if she hears the fans. The fans are indeed audibly chanting, “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Renee nods, she hears that. Swerve says hearing the people, this is the type of connection you gain when you have the 2024 that he had. Championship winner, history maker, franchise definer. Nana says, “That’s right!”

But Swerve says not to get him wrong. He has lost a lot this year, too, but it doesn’t compare to the amount that he has gained. And in 2025, Swerve plans to rebound and- Wait, Ricochet walks in laughing, much to Swerve’s annoyance. Ricochet asks if Swerve saw what Ricochet did. No, no, he knows Swerve saw how Ricochet beat Darby’s ass out there. And just like Ricochet said he would, “ya boi” is going on to Worlds End, and he will do what Swerve could not. Ricochet will WIN the Continental Classic, Stefan. NOW Swerve is pissed. Swerve steps up and Ricochet asks if he’s good.

Swerve clenches his fist, but he chuckles and says Ricochet has this all wrong. Swerve is not rooting against Ricochet. If they all succeed in AEW, then AEW succeeds. And trust Swerve when he says he wants AEW to succeed. “But don’t blow it. Because if you do… I’m going to embarrass you. And I’m going to make it big. HAHA~!” Swerve throws that laugh back at Ricochet then heads out, and Ricochet says that’s why he doesn’t have a house anymore. But will Ricochet have anything at all after he goes through Worlds End?


Chris Jericho speaks.

The “King of New York” is once again live in New York with his New York Minute. “And here on 34th Street, in the heart of Historia, I’m still feeling the Christmas spirit. Can you feel it?” Big Bill feels it! Jericho says that is why he has one more Christmas miracle to grant, one more gift to give, and that is to Anthony Bowens. Bowens challenged Jericho on Collision, Jericho was not ready then, but he’ll be ready this Friday night on Rampage. Jericho VS Bowens, and Jericho hopes things get better for Anthony, as he doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends anymore. Isn’t that right, Scissor King?

Let’s hope Bowens didn’t bite off more than he can chew here in “The Grand Apple.” So that’s it, another New York Minute! See you Friday, Anthony! Merry Christmas, everybody, and to all a good night! Jericho waves bye, but will Bowens make sure to cut down The Learning Tree for New Year’s Smash?


Toni Storm VS Taya Valkyrie w/ Deonna Purrazzo!

The Portrait of a Rockstar: A new psychotic break in the already fractured mind of the former AEW Women’s World Champion? Or just a new timeless ruse? It doesn’t really matter to The Vendetta, so long as they can take down said former Women’s World Champion. Will Taya prove there’s only room on the roster for one crazy blonde? Or will it be #ToniTime for Christmas?

The bell rings, and Toni wants a handshake? Taya takes it, just to reel Toni in for a knee down low! The fans boo but Taya stomps Toni, kicks her to ropes, then stands her up. Taya CHOPS Toni, CHOPS again, then whips. Toni reverses but Taya reverses back to mule kick, knee lift, and LARIAT! Taya soaks up heat while Toni stands. Fans chant “She’s a Rookie!” so they’re either playing along or enabling the delusion. Taya blocks a kick, trips Toni, and then floats around a la Johnny TV to rain down fists! The fans boo but Taya soaks up heat. Toni goes to a corner, Taya runs up and Taya ELBOWS Toni!

Taya LARIATS, then she sits Toni down. Taya scowls then smirks, before she HIP ATTACKS! Then she rubs it in with a STINK FACE! The ref reprimands, Taya grins as she lets off, then comes back with a METEORA! Taya drags Toni to a cover, ONE!! Toni shows that toughness, but Taya whips her to another corner. Toni comes back to CLOBBER Taya! And LARIAT! Toni runs in at a corner, but Taya dodges! Toni ELBOWS Taya back, but Taya distracts the ref so Deonna can grab Toni’s foot! Toni kicks free, but Taya runs up to slide and trip Toni! Taya YANKS Toni back into the post, then SLAMS the legs into the steel!

The fans boo but The Vendetta soaks it all up while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Taya goes back for Toni, drags her out of the ring, and ROCKS her with a right. Toni staggers away, Taya pursues, and the ring count is climbing. Taya whips Toni hard into steel steps! Toni writhes and Taya soaks up more heat. Taya gets Tomi up to then snap suplex to the floor! Toni crawls away but Taya stalks her. Taya KICKS Toni in the side, then puts her in the ring. Taya stands on Toni in a corner, soaks up more heat, then steps off as the ref counts. Taya CLUBS Toni, but Toni fires body shots in return! Taya CLUBS Toni down, then drags her by a foot. Taya stomps away on the leg, then drops an elbow on the knee!

Taya has the toehold, throws down more elbows, but Toni endures. Taya fires more elbows into the leg but Toni fires forearms into Taya’s back! Taya cranks the leg, turns Toni over and ties those legs up. Taya pulls on the legs, throws down elbows, and has an INVERTED BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Toni endures, Taya is pulling hair so the ref counts, and Taya stops. She reminds the ref she has ’til 5. Dynamite on 34th Street returns to single picture as Toni turns bow ‘n’ arrow into ghost pin! TWO, and Toni stands to ROCK Taya! Taya ROCKS Toni, then fires a flurry! The fans fire up as Toni fires more shots in the corner!

Deonna protests, the ref counts, and Toni stops. Toni runs up but Taya slips out to the apron! Taya slides in, sunset flip, TWO! Toni is up, Taya ducks a kick to trip Toni up! But Toni kicks Taya away! Toni blocks Taya’s boot now, but Taya breaks free to KNEE back! Taya runs, redirects, and LARIATS Toni down! Taya roars but the fans boo, and Taya goes back for legs. Taya ties the legs up but Toni crawls to the ROPEBREAK! Taya argues with the ref, and Deonna gets a cheap shot in! Taya then lets off, runs up, but Toni sends her into ropes! Then THESZ PRESS! Toni rains down fists and the fans fire up!

Toni lets off and Taya goes to a corner. Toni runs in to HIP ATTACK! Toni drags Taya right up and in, STORM- NO, Taya fights the lift to wrench and SLAP! Toni is upset, but then she SLAPS back! Deonna says KILL HER! Taya runs up to SPEAR! Taya then talks trash on Toni, saying the real Toni is pathetic! Taya drags Toni up, reels her in, but Toni cradle counters! TONI WINS!!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall

In Toni’s mind, this is a huge upset for an “AEW Rookie” over a woman who has 600 matches in her career! Will The Vendetta ever live this down? Will Toni ever realize the truth about herself?


Backstage interview with Hangman Page.

Renee is with the Cowboy and says we’re literally days away from Worlds End, but we have no idea what’s going on. Are Moxley’s challengers working together? What is happening? Hangman says he will tell us exactly what is going on. At Worlds End, Moxley walks into Orlando for the last time as AEW World Champion. But then in steps Daniels, and he says he has to tell Hangman something. Daniels says Hangman was right last time. Daniels doesn’t know what he’d do if he’d gone through what Hangman’s gone through. The last thing Hangman needs is someone talking at him, telling him what to do.

But when Worlds End comes, if Hangman needs anything- Hangman stops “CD” there and asks why he would need help “from an ineffectual office stooge” like him. Daniels does his best to laugh that off, saying that is fair. But see, these other guys have groups: Bullet Club Gold, Conglomeration, and Death Riders. Daniels knows Hangman thinks he stands alone, having absolutely no friends, but Daniels can relate. SCU is not here anymore, Matt Sydal’s gone (surgery on an old injury), so Daniels is alone in the locker room. But Daniels has known Hangman for 15 YEARS, and they’ve been AEW before AEW was even a thing.

All Daniels is saying is that he knows Hangman better than he thinks. And at Worlds End, if Hangman needs a friend, Daniels will be there. Daniels leaves to let Hangman think on that. Hangman says the interview’s over, it’s Christmas. But will the Cowboy call upon the Fallen Angel in his time of need?


AEW Continental Classic, Blue League: Kyle Fletcher VS Daniel Garcia!

The last round robin match is here, and it’s for that final spot in the semifinals! The Protostar could advance with even just a draw, so he might just play defense the entire time. Will that work out for the Don Callis Family’s pride and joy? Or will Red Death be headed for even more gold?

The bell rings and we are once again on the clock. The two tie up and Kyle puts Garcia right in a corner. The ref counts, Kyle lets off with a roll back. Garcia shrugs that off and the fans duel as the two reset. They tie up, Kyle’s height again helps him push Garcia back, but Garcia turns things around in the corner. The ref counts, Kyle protests, but Garcia lets off with a roll of his own. And then Garcia puts the dukes up, to DANCE! Kyle bails out to says he isn’t playing that. The fans boo but Garcia waits for Kyle’s return. Kyle takes his time, then runs up. They tie up, Garcia headlocks, but Kyle blocks the takeover!

Kyle brings Garcia up to shove away and then CLOBBER him! The fans boo but Kyle soaks up that heat. Kyle stomps Garcia and Garcia goes to ropes. Kyle drags Garcia up, the fans tell Kyle off, but then Garcia slips out of the scoop! Garcia waistlocks, Kyle bucks the O’Conner Roll, but then Garcia ducks the lariat! Garcia goes for drop toehold but Kyle stays up! Garcia avoids a stomp, goes for a leg, but Kyle steps over that to BOOT him! Kyle mockingly asks if Garcia wants to do his dance. This isn’t dancing, this is wrestling! Garcia ROCKS Kyle and then fires more shots in the corner! The fans cheer, the ref counts, and Garcia lets off.

Garcia comes back and climbs up, and he rains down fists! The fans count along, but Kyle DUMPS Garcia out at 7! Garcia slips buckle on the way to the apron and floor! The fans boo and the ref checks Garcia, but Garcia manages to sit up. The fans insult Don Callis and he isn’t even here. Kyle storms up but Garcia CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Right in front of the sign that says Kyle “only likes Home Alone 3.” Garcia rains down fists on Kyle against railing, but Kyle picks him up at 7! APRON POWERBOMB!! Kyle soaks up the heat while Garcia’s down in a heap, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Kyle soaks up even more heat while paces around, and then he mockingly “checks his watch.” Time is going to be on Kyle’s side the whole 20 minutes, but he still puts Garcia in now. Kyle stands Garcia up to then put through ropes, and Kyle brings Garcia out along them! Garcia fights but Kyle doesn’t even feel it while he imitates the Legend Killer. DRAPING DDT! Cover, TWO! Kyle shrugs that off while he soaks up more heat, but Garcia goes to a corner. Kyle storms over to Garcia, stomps and scuffs him, but stops as the ref counts. Kyle then drags Garcia up, whips him to ropes, and ELBOWS him down!

Kyle pushes Garcia over for a cocky cover, ONE! Garcia is tougher than that but Kyle lets him go to ropes. Kyle soaks up more heat, then brings Garcia around to ROCK him with a right. Dynamite on 34th Street returns to single picture while Garcia flops to the ropes. Kyle stands on Garcia, the ref counts, and Kyle steps away. Garcia reaches out to the crowd and the fans rally up. Kyle brings Garcia up and ROCKS him again! Garcia again flops against ropes, but the fans rally for “D G! D G!” Kyle stands Garcia up to ROCK him, but Garcia stays on his feet! The fans fire up but Kyle hits him again! Garcia roars and he fires back!

The fans fire up as Garcia throws hands, whips, but Kyle reverses. Garcia ducks ‘n’ dodges to LARIAT! Kyle stays up! Garcia dodges Kyle’s lariat to run and LARIAT again! Kyle staggers, Garcia runs, but into a BOOT! Kyle runs, but into a LARIAT! Garcia takes Kyle down and the fans fire up! Garcia reels Kyle in, TWIST- NO, Kyle slips through to reel Garcia in! Kyle suplexes, but Garcia fights free! Garcia goes to a corner, Kyle runs up, but Garcia dodges! Kyle tumbles up, over and to the floor! The fans fire up while Kyle flounders. Garcia goes out the side, runs in, and he DROPKICKS Kyle against railing!

The fans fire up for Garcia and he puts Kyles in the ring. The fans rally again, and Garcia steps in, only for Kyle to snatch him! But Garcia slips free of the ropes to put Kyle in! Now Garcia does his best Viper imitation with a DRAPING TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives Garcia’s fusion of Viper and Ace, but Garcia drags him back up. Kyle fights the suplex, CLUBS away, but Garcia reels him back in! Kyle standing switches, and SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! Garcia goes to a corner, Kyle runs in, GAMANGIRI! Then suplex and- NO, Garcia counters to a GUILLOTINE FACELOCK, with the body scissors!

The fans fire up as Kyle goes to ropes, and he TOSSES Garcia out! Garcia holds onto ropes, then he catches Kyle! GUILLOTINE FACELOCK in the ropes! The ref reprimands but fans fire up! Kyle steps out onto the apron, and he powers through to suplex! APRON BRAINBUSTER!! The ref checks Garcia but Kyle shoves him in! And he isn’t done, either! LAST RIDE!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Garcia survives two horrible impacts and Kyle is beside himself! The fans rally for Garcia as hard as they can, and Garcia rises to his feet! Kyle runs in, Garcia trips him! Garcia has the legs, steps through, but Kyle kicks him at the ref!

The ref takes cover in a corner, Kyle runs up to LOW BLOW Garcia!!! The fans boo but now Kyle hits a SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? HOW?!?! Garcia shocks everyone but he must have literal stones down there! Kyle seethes, slaps Garcia’s hands away from him, but he drags Garcia back up by those hands. Kyle puts Garcia in a corner, then puts him up top, and UPPERCUTS! Garcia wobbles, but Kyle UPPERCUTS again! Kyle says that was for the fans! Kyle climbs up, taunts the fans more, and he has Garcia on the very top! But Garcia slips around to get a SLEEPER! Kyle tries to hold onto ropes, but they both fall to the mat!

The fans rally while the ref checks. Kyle and Garcia both stir so they’re still in this, but what about the clock? The fans rally up again and Garcia sits up slowly. Garcia nods, he feels the energy building behind him. Kyle and Garcia go forehead to forehead, they talk some smack, and they rise up to fire hands! The fans cheer Garcia and boo Kyle! “YAY! BOO! YAY! BOO!” Garcia windmills haymakers, then runs, but into a BOOT! But Garcia clamps onto Kyle’s neck! Kyle breaks free but Garcia CHOPS him! And CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Garcia winds up, but Kyle SUPERKICKS! Then SUPERKICKS again!

Garcia wobbles, Kyle runs, but into a body scissor capture! Roll and step through! DRAGON TAMER!!! Kyle endures while Garcia sits deep on those legs! Kyle flails, powers up, reaches out, but Garcia drags him back! Kyle is flat on the mat at center, and he grits his teeth as he thinks about it. Garcia then leans way back on the hold!! Kyle flails, grits his teeth, claws at his own forehead, but he CLAWS at Garcia’s face! Kyle DRIBBLES Garcia’s head off the mat and is free! The fans boo but that’s the flaw of bridging back that far. Kyle goes to a corner, takes aim at Garcia, and Garcia sits up. Kyle POWER DRIVE KNEES!

Kyle borrows a move from Don Callis Family member, Konosuke Takeshita, but now he hauls Garcia up. But Garcia fights the driver to trip Kyle! Jackknife bridge! TWO!!! Kyle escapes, LARIATS Garcia, but Garcia goes to a corner! Kyle runs in, BOOT!! Kyle says goodnight, Garcia! ANOTHER BOOT!! And then Kyle puts Garcia back up top! TOP ROPE BRAINBUSTER!!!! Garcia flops to the apron and Kyle almost goes with him! Kyle manages to drag Garcia back in and covers, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall (gains 3 points, Garcia earns 0)

An insane ending to one wild Christmas night, and the Aussie Arrow shoots down Garcia. Kyle dominates Blue League and stands at 12 points, meaning he is the one seed and Okada is the two seed! But look at how the semifinals take form: Gold League #1 VS Blue League #2, and Blue League #1 VS Gold League #2. That means we will see Ricochet VS Kazuchika Okada, and Kyle Fletcher VS Will Ospreay! As such, here comes the Aerial Assassin! Worlds End is about to give us a rematch from Full Gear, can Kyle crush Ospreay once and for all? Or will Ospreay redeem himself in the biggest way possible?


Jon Moxley speaks.

The Maniac was on his way out but he says he almost forgot. “It’s three for the price of one at Worlds End, that’s a hell of a deal. Everything’s just working out in my favor, just like it’s supposed to, just like it has to. Even if it isn’t always pretty, even if it isn’t always comfortable, I’ve accepted that. On Saturday night, I separate the weak from the chaff in triplicate. And then we continue our work. There’s a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it in. We continue our crusade against ego! Against delusion! Hangman Page, Jay White, Orange Cassidy, they lack will, they lack spirit, they lack heart!

“Up and down AEW, at every level, around every corner, NOBODY WANTS IT! They say they do, they think they do, but they don’t really, really want. Extraordinary things, extraordinary feats, require extraordinary sacrifice. And if you are not willing to sacrifice, if it’s too hard for you, if you can’t take that much time to look up from your phone while tanks are rolling in… well, then I will sacrifice you. These guys, they think the AEW World Championship you can win, a goal you can achieve, it’s something you can be awarded, it’s something you can hold in your hands. No. It is something you are. It’s who you are, it’s in here!

“It’s not for me to parade trophies around, showing off my gold, get in a limo with my belt, take Instagram pictures with my belt, sit by the pool with my big, shiny, fancy belt. Everybody, look at me! Look at my big shiny trophy! I can wear what I want, I can do what I want, I can say what I want, cuz I know exactly who I am. When I speak, they listen. When I’m on the move, they get the hell outta the way. I am the king. I was born to be king, and born for all the things that come with it. And I am the only king there has ever been.” The Maniac “King” heads out, but will he still meet his end at Worlds End?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite, even for being recorded and a go-home towards Worlds End. Toni Storm VS Taya Valkyrie was really good stuff, and great win from Toni using a quick pin, the signature win of the “underdog/newer wrestler” beating a “veteran.” I feel like we’ll get Toni VS Deonna next to help extend this story of Toni’s scrambled brain. Good “New York Minute” from Jericho, and I guess I should’ve expected one more of those while Jericho’s still going on about being the “King of New York.” Bowens VS Jericho will be really good, and as I said last week, it’ll be used mostly to further split The Acclaimed. We probably get a Six Man Tag, Learning Tree VS Acclaimed & Billy Gunn, and that can even be the moment the split happens.

Awesome stuff from the final Continental Classic matches tonight, and while I expected the “Final Four” we were given, they did great work in putting drama on it all. Excellent opener from Ospreay VS Brody with the big win for Ospreay, and good stuff going right into Darby VS Ricochet. Awesome match there, great win for Ricochet to join Ospreay as the Gold League entries, and a good promo from Ricochet with Swerve. Ricochet adds to his Heel persona with that uncalled for final jab about the housefire. This is of course going to be a top feud in 2025, even without the Continental Championship involved, can’t wait to see it.

Good segue from Darby VS Ricochet to Komander VS Claudio, and what a clever move having Darby leave his jacket and the brass knuckles waiting for Komander. It was perfect to leave the “spoiler” win for this last round, but of course Death Riders would go after Komander over it. Great save by Moxley’s challengers, but clearly with them standing tall, Moxley will find that way to retain. Very good promos from everyone, even Moxley’s “post credits scene” we got here. Moxley words it as if there’s still some “outside force” compelling Moxley, but hard to say if that’s still where they’ll go with this. And I still think Worlds End is a great opening for Christian Cage to cash-in his Casino Royale contract.

Great Blue League stuff, such as Daniels standing firm as the last EVP standing, and Shelton VS Okada was awesome stuff, a real dream match, or at least a match we would not have thought possible even a year ago. Great win for Okada to make sure he moves on, because you gotta let the Continental Champion have a chance at actually defending his title. And then just an instant classic from Garcia and Fletcher, two young stars who are already incredibly talented and at the top of their Face and Heel heat levels. Great bit of cheating from Kyle and quite the surprising false finish with it.

But that did give Kyle reason to turn up the violence as he likes to do, making for a powerful finish. Good stare down between Kyle and Ospreay, the C2 semifinals are going to set a high bar for Worlds End, as will whatever combination we get in the title match. I’m going to bet on Ospreay VS Okada because again, Okada should go down swinging if he’s gonna lose his title. That’s a big “if” but Ospreay’s bested Okada before, why not here?

My Score: 9.1/10

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