CMLL Review & Results (2/25/2019)
Our Lucha expert Joe Dinan, is back at it with another week of CMLL analysis!
Our Lucha expert Joe Dinan, is back at it with another week of CMLL analysis!
Arena Puebla Show
Tigre Rojo, Rey Samuray, and King Jaguar vs Tyson La Bestia and Los Gemolos Pantera 1 & 2
One of the Pantera’s gets in there with Rey Samuray and they roll around and grapple and hit each other. Jaguar comes in with the other Pantera and they grapple as well. Rojo comes in next with Bestia. Rojo uses his quickness and hit a hurricanrana. He goes for a dive but the Pantera’s incept him. The Pantera’s hit a slam on Samuray and pins him. Tyson then hits a splash on Jaguar for the fall. First Fall: Tyson la Bestia pins King Jaguar with a splash.
Rojo gets teamed on to start the round. They continue to team on the other team members, Samuray and Jaguar. Jaguar makes a come back with an awkward splash. Samuray hits a springboard 450 on Tyson for the fall. Second Fall: Rey Samuray hit a springboard 450 on Tyson la Bestia for a pin.
Pantera and Samuray exchange strikes to start. Samuray hits a hurricanrana and then poses. Jaguar works over the other Pantera. Tyson and Rojo go back and forth and Tyson hits a suplex. Jaguar gets Pantera in a submission but the other Pantera stops it. Samuray kicks Pantera to the outside and then hits an asai moonsault. Rojo gets tied in the ropes by Bestia and Pantera and then they hit a triple drop kick on him for the win. Third Fall: Tyson pins Tigre Rojo with a triple drop kick.Â
Winners: Tyson La Bestia and Los Gemolos Pantera 1 & 2
Marcela, Princesa Sugehit, and Mystique vs Dalys, La Comandante, and La Seductora
Seductora and Marcela start the match and start to fast grapple with each other. Marcela hits a back breaker and then a drop kick. Mystique and Comandante come in and Comandante tries to work her over but Mystique uses her quickness to her advantage. Sugehit and Dalys enter next and Dalys works her over. Sugehit hits a tornado DDT off the top and then got Dalys in an arm lock but Comandante and Seductora break it up. Mystique and Marcela come and take them out and they team on Dalys. Sugehit gets Dalys in some head shake submission for the fall. First Fall: Marcela submits Dalys with a head shake submission.
Seductora works over Marcela to start. She gets the heat on her by pushing her foot into Marcela’s groin area. Marcela is able to counter her and hits a basement drop kick. Sugehit is back in with Dalys now. Comandante comes in and helps take out Sugehit. Comandante hits a stink face on Mystique. Comandante gets Mystique in a rock the boat submission and Seductora gets Sugehit in an arm wrench. Second Fall: La Seductora submits Sugehit with an arm wrench.
They continue to work over Marcela to begin this round. Mystique misses a drop kick and she gets worked on as well. They move their attack to Sugehit afterwards. Mystique hits a drop kick off the top rope to make a come back. Sugehit hits Dalys with an attack in the corner. They all hit splashes on Comandante and she rolls out of the ring. Mystique and Sugehit get pulled to the outside and Dalys pulls down Marcela by her hair. Marcela dodges her corner attack and hits a double knee strike off the top for a two count. They then roll around for pinning combinations until Dalys gets the successful one. Third Fall: Dalys pins Marcela with a pinning combination.
Winners: Dalys, La Comandante, and La Seductora
Titan, Triton, and Stigma vs Hechicero, Felino, and Tiger
Hechicero and Stigma fight for position and exchange offense back and forth. Triton and Felino come in next and they move quickly exchanging a lot of moves and spots. Felino and Titan are up next and they’re keeping the same pace. Zakarias the midget comes in to taunt Titan but he gets kicked. Tiger makes his way in and Titan hurricanrana’s him to the outside. Hechicero hits a swinging back breaker on Stigma for the fall. First Fall: Hechicero hits Stigma with a spinning back breaker.Â
Tiger beats on Triton on the ramp way. Felino works on Titan in the ring. Stigma and Titan continue to get worked on. Titan kicks Felino to the outside after a load of teaming up. Titan hits a dive through the middle rope. Stigma hits a leg drop on Hechicero for the pin, then Triton hits a frog splash on Tiger for the fall. Second Fall: Triton pins Tiger with a frog splash.
Hechicero tries to pull the mask off Triton. Triton hits a hurricanrana on him to counter and then feigns a dive. Stigma works on Tiger and then hits a back breaker and Titan then hits a hurricanrana on Tiger. Titan hits a big head scissors on Hechicero then Felino shoulder blocks him. Stigma and Triton then hit dives over the top rope on Hechicero and Tiger. Titan in the ring gets a neck bridge pinning combination on Felino for the win. Third Fall: Titan pins Felino with a neck bridge pinning combination.
Winners: Titan, Triton, and Stigma
Atlantis, Dragon Lee, and Vangellys vs Villano IV, Ultimo Guerrero, and Hijo Del Villano III
Atlantis makes his entrance and the Villanos attack him during it. Ultimo whips Vangellys with a belt. Hijo Villano beats on Dragon Lee. There’s a bunch of brawling going on. They do the Los Guerrero’s triple team spot with Hijo Villano hitting it. Villano IV submits Atlantis with a single leg crab. First Fall: Villano IV submits Atlantis with a single leg crab.
The round started fast with brawling but Atlantis and Dragon Lee pull the Villanos to the outside and Vangellys hits a fisherman’s suplex on Ultimo Guerrero for the fall. Second Fall: Vangellys pins Ultimo Guerrero with a fisherman’s suplex.
Vangellys works on Guerrero to start this round. Guerrero counters and makes a come back then Atlantis and Villano IV come in. Atlantis kicks Hijo Villano into Villano IV and he falls out of the ring. Lee and Hijo Villano trade strikes. Lee kicks Hijo Villano in the corner and then takes on Villano IV. He drop kicks Villano to the outside then hits the Rush Ingobernables pose. Vangellys hits a spear on Ultimo Guerrero. Atlantis dodges an attack and gets Villano IV in a stretch but Hijo kicks him. Dragon Lee takes him out but Ultimo comes from behind and hits a gourd buster off the top rope for a pin. Ultimo the rolls up Vangellys and holds the ropes for the win. Third Fall: Ultimo Guerrero rolls up Vangellys and holds the ropes.
Vangellys challenges Ultimo Guerrero one on one afterwards. Hopefully for the heavyweight belt we forget Ultimo has.
Winners: Villano IV, Ultimo Guerrero, and Hijo Del Villano III
Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja, and Kraneo vs El Terrible, Euforia, and Bestia del Ring
Niebla Roja runs up the ramp to attack Terrible during the entrances. Obviously this is dumb and Bestia joins in to beat on him. They beat on everyone for a little and then Bestia hits a running senton attack on Oro for the fall. First Fall: Bestia del Ring pins Angel de Oro with a senton splash.
Euforia works over Kraneo’s mask to start the round. They all brawl into the crowd afterwards. Ingobernables continue to work over the technicos. Terrible gets knocked to the outside and Roja hits a dive through the middle rope. Kraneo then hits hip attacks on Bestia and Euforia. Angel then pins Bestia and Kraneo pins Euforia. Second Fall: Kraneo pins Euforia with a hip attack.
There’s posturing to begin this round. Everyone gets taken out except for Roja and Terrible. Terrible leaves the ring and then does jumping jacks. Kraneo and Euforia go back and forth. Spots get done including Oro hitting a golden moonsault until Roja and Terrible get in again. Terrible just punts him in the groin for the loss. Third Fall: Niebla Roja wins via DQ.
Winners: Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja, and KraneoÂ
Arena Mexico Tuesday
Robin and Sonic vs Inquisidor and Principe Odin Jr
Sonic starts with Odin and they fight for position. Robin is in next with Inquisidor and they trade moves. Sonic comes in next to work with him. Odin comes in and they hit a double team flapjack. Odin submits Sonic with a surfboard stretch. Inquisidor hits a hurricanrana off the top, then an elbow drop on Robin for the pin. First Fall: Inquisidor pins Robin with a hurricanrana off the top and an elbow drop.
Sonic gets teamed on to start this round. Robin tries his hand next, but he gets worked on. The midget ringside, Mije hit a splash on him. Robin hits a hurricanrana on Inquisidor and Sonic hits an arm drag on Odin to change momentum. Sonic hits a swanton bomb on Inquisidor and Robin does the same on Odin. Second Fall: Robin pins Odin with a swanton bomb.
Robin hits a hurricanrana on Inquisidor to begin the round after some posturing. Sonic and Odin botch an arm drag, but Sonic responds by hitting a hurricanrana. Inquisidor hits a hurricanrana on Robin for a two count. Robin launches Sonic into Odin for a hurricanrana. Sonic catches Odin in a torture rack submission and Robin hits a tiger driver on Inquisidor for the win. Third Fall: Robin pins Inquisidor with a tiger driver
Winners: Robin and Sonic
Star Jr, Principe Daniel, and Oro Jr vs Nitro, Raziel, and Cancerbero
Oro starts with Raziel grappling and fight for position. Cancerbero comes in with Daniel and works him over. Nitro comes in with Star Jr and they go back and forth. Cancerbero ends up getting Daniel in a stretch submission. Raziel flapjacks Star Jr and then gets him in an STF for the fall. First Fall: Raziel submits Star Jr with an STF.
Daniel starts the round off hot taking out everyone. Star Jr hits a springboard frog splash on Cancerbero. Oro gets thrown on to the ramp and drop kicked in the butt. Nitro then gets Daniel and hits a piledriver for the pin. Star Jr tries to fight back hitting a super kick on Nitro, then Raziel launches him in the air and Cancerbero hits Star with a power bomb. Raziel gets Star in a surfboard position and Cancerbero hits a neck breaker for the win. Second Fall: Cancerbero hits Star Jr with a neck breaker for the win.
Winners: Nitro, Raziel, and Cancerbero
(Match Relampago) La Jarochita vs Dalys
Dalys works over Jarochita a bit and throws her to the ground by her hair. They start to trade submissions on the ground. Dalys gets Jarochita to the outside and then hits a plancha. She brings her back in the ring, then places her on the ropes and hits a drop kick. Jarochita hits a hurricanrana to the outside, and then hits a dive through the middle rope. When they get back in Dalys drapes her on the turnbuckle and hits a knee strike. Jarochita moves when Dalys charges then hits her own knee attack. Jarochita lands a fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count. Dalys gets a unique pinning combination which Jarochita kicks out of. Jarochita goes to the top rope and misses a moonsault. Dalys then hits a sit out gut wrench power bomb. Dalys pins Jaorchita with a gut wrench power bomb.
Winner: Dalys
Blue Panther Jr, Guerrero Maya, and Black Panther vs Polvora, Universo 2000 Jr, and Okumura
Polvora and Black Panther work to start but Polvora gets the heat on him and doesn’t allow him to tag. Okumura comes in and does the same. Universo comes in and does the same. The ref must be stupid. Blue Panther finally gets in and back breakers everyone. Guerrero Maya hits a springboard elbow on Polvora for the fall. First Fall: Guerrero Maya pins Polvora with a springboard elbow.
Guerrero Maya starts out hot in this round. Universo comes in next with Panther Jr and Panther takes him out. Polvora back drops him to the ramp. Black Panther hits a sloppy hurricanrana on Polvora then feigns a dive. Panther Jr hits a dive off the ramp onto Polvora. In the ring Maya gets caught with a cutter by Okumura for the pin. Second Fall: Okumura pins Guerrero Maya with a cutter.
Guerrero Maya gets teamed up on to start this round. He avoids a strike and knocks everyone out. Panther Jr gets pulled outside by Okumura and Polvora, then Black Panther and Guerrero Maya hit dives through the middle rope. Then Universo hits a dive through the middle rope on Blue Panther Jr. Maya and Black Panther hit a double team bulldog on Universo, then Blue Panther hit an elbow drop. Maya and Black Panther get pinning combinations on the other two for a two count. Afterwards Maya hits a middle rope dive on Okumura. Polvora drop kicks Black Panther in the air for the pin. Universo hits Blue Panther with a pop up power bomb for the win. Third Fall: Universo 2000 pins Blue Panther Jr with a pop up power bomb.
Winners: Polvora, Universo 2000 Jr, and Okumura
Soberano, Flyer, and El Audaz vs Rey Bucanero, Templario, and Kawato San
Kawato and Audaz begin the match trading submissions and holds on the ground. Flyer comes in next with Bucanero and they engage in a tie up. They take it to the ground and start grappling. Soberano comes in and arm drags Bucanero to the outside and Templario hits him with a drop kick. Soberano then hurricanrana’s Templario to the outside then runs up the ropes and hits a dive. Kawato then hits a dive over the top rope onto him. Audaz hits a head scissors off the top rope on Bucanero and then pins him. First Fall: El Audaz pins Bucanero with a head scissors off the top rope.
Flyer and Kawato start out this round and Bucanero comes in to take out Soberano and Audaz. Flyer gets hot however and takes out everyone to the outside. Audaz dodges Templario and gets him to the outside and flips off the apron and hits a hurricanrana on him. Soberano goes for a hurricanrana on Bucanero but Rey just drops him. Kawato and Templario hold Soberano and Rey kicks him out of the ring. They start to team up on Audaz. Bucanero hits a michinoku driver on Flyer, then Kawato double foot stomps him from the top for the pin. Soberano tries to get a pinning combo but Bucanero just sat on him for the pin. Templario hits a gut wrench power bomb on Audaz off the top rope for the fall. Second Fall: Templario pins Audaz with a top rope power bomb.
Kawato works over Audaz to start the last round. That lasts for a little bit until Audaz kicks Templario off the apron. Soberano hits a hurricanrana on Bucanero, then he hits a flip dive over the top rope on to him. Flyer hits a dive over the top rope on Kawato. Back in the ring, Flyer power bombs Kawato. Soberano hits a Canadian destroyer on Templario, then Kawato hits a Zig zag on Soberano. Audaz works with Bucanero, then Soberano comes off the top and Templario catches him, but Soberano works it into a sunset flip power bomb. Flyer catches Kawato on the top rope and then hits a Spanish Fly on Kawato for the win. Third Fall: Flyer pins Kawato with a Spanish Fly.
Winners: Soberano, Flyer, and El Audaz Â
Mistico, Atlantis, and El Valiente vs Mephisto, Luciferno, and Ephesto
Atlantis and Ephesto start with some posturing. Atlantis gets a school boy but it’s kicked out of and they start grappling. Luciferno and Mephisto come in to beat on Atlantis but Mistico and Valiente come in to protect him. Valiente then gets in with Luciferno and start to grapple. Valiente arm drags Luciferno to the outside, then Mephisto comes in with Mistico, but he gets jumped and beat on, on the outside. Ephesto gets slammed by his own teammates onto Atlantis for the pin. Mephisto hits a face buster on Valiente for the fall. First Fall: Mephisto pins Valiente with a face buster.
They work over Mistico to start the round. Ephesto almost pulled Mistico’s mask off but stopped at the last minute. Atlantis then gets held and teamed on. Mistico gets launched and hits a hurricanrana into a pin on Luciferno. Valiente gets a victory roll on Ephesto for the fall. Second Fall: Valiente pins Ephesto with a victory roll.
Mistico hit a splash off the stage on Mephisto in between the rounds. They fight some more on the ramp. Mistico tries to mess with Mephisto’s mask. Ephesto works over Valiente in the ring after all that fiasco. Valiente catches him with a hurricanrana and then hits a pose. Luciferno then hits a big clothesline on Mistico. Mistico counters with a hurricanrana. He knocks Mephisto to the outside and then he hits a hurricanrana on him too. Atlantis comes in and hip tosses everyone to the outside. Valiente and Mistico then hit dives on Luciferno and Ephesto, then Atlantis hits a hurricanrana into a pin on Mephisto for the win. Third Fall: Atlantis pins Mephisto with a hurricanrana.
Winners: Mistico, Atlantis, and El ValienteÂ
Arena Mexico Friday
Magnus and Arkalis vs Hijo Del Signo and Metalico
Arkalis and Metalico start the match out with some grappling. Signo and Magnus are in next to continue the grappling on the ground. Magnus hits an arm drag to the outside on Signo. Metalico starts to work on Arkalis. They beat on Magnus then Metalico hit a power bomb on Arkalis then a neck crank. Signo gets Magnus in a leg lock. First Fall: Signo submits Magnus with a leg lock.
The round gets started with Arkalis getting beat on. Magnus makes a come back hitting strikes on both. Arkalis runs off Magnus’s back to hit a hurricanrana on SIgno. Arkalis then hits a blue thunderbomb on Metalico for the pin. Magnus hits knees to the corner on Signo for the pin. Second Fall: Magnus pins Signo with knees to the corner.
Magnus works on Signo to start the round. Arkalis continues the trend on Metalico. Arkalis gets Signo to the outside then poses. He gets attacked from behind by Metalico. Metalico gets Arkalis in a submission but Magnus breaks it up. Magnus gets a submission on Signo but Metalico breaks it up. Metalico hits a fireman’s carry slam on Arkalis then gets a leg lock submission. Signo then gets Magnus with a Canadian destroyer for the win. Third Fall: Signo pins Magnus with a Canadian destroyer.
Winners: Hijo Del Signo and Metalico.
Drone, Fuego, and Pegasso vs Virus, El Sagrado, and Misterioso
Fuego and Misterioso get in to start and do some grappling. Drone and Virus come in next and continue to grapple. They exchange submission holds on the ground. The match breaks down into chaos and Drone hits a hurricanrana off the apron onto Sagrado. Fuego launches Pegasso into a double drop kick. Fuego and Pegasso then dive over the top rope onto Virus and Misterioso. Drone goes for a moonsault on Sagrado but he gets the feet up for the fall. First Fall: Sagrado gets the feet up on a moonsault for the fall on Drone.
Pegasso gets taken out by Sagrado to start, then Fuego tries his hand. Fuego gets punched out by Virus then they team up on Drone. Drone slips past them and hits a sliding dive on Sagrado. In the ring Fuego hits a lionsault on Misterioso and then Pegasso gets a victory roll on Virus for the fall. Second Fall: Pegasso pins Virus with a victory roll.
Drone out maneuvers Virus to start this round and then hits knees to the face and does some push ups to pose. Pegasso moves around Misterioso and hits an arm drag then poses. Fuego fools Sagrado to go to the outside and he hits an asai moonsault. In the ring Misterioso hits a neck breaker on Pegasso and Virus hits a vertabreaker on Drone for the win. Third Fall: Virus pins Drone with a vertabreaker.
Winners: Virus, El Sagrado, and Misterioso
Kraneo, Volcano, and Stuka Jr vs Shocker, Hechicero, and El Felino
Volcano starts with Felino and uses his size to his advantage. Felino tries to slam him but Volcano slams him. Hechicero gets in with Stuka next but it quickly leads to Stuka being teamed on. Stuka avoids an attack and hits a hurricanrana on Felino. He drop kicks Felino to the outside and hits a dive through the middle rope. Kraneo and Volcano then sandwich Shocker and Hechicero. Volcano hits a splash from the middle rope on Hechicero and Kraneo hits a hip attack in the corner on Shocker for the fall. First Fall: Kraneo pins Shocker with a corner hip attack.
Stuka starts out super hot against Hechicero getting him to the outside. Shocker comes in next with Kraneo and they trade strikes. Kraneo should blocks him and then Hechicero and Felino try to team on him but he does a splash on both of them. Kraneo reverses an attack on Hechicero and allows Mije his accompanying midget to hit a splash on him. Hechicero shakes it off and hits a kick on Volcano then poses. Volcano regroups and hits a hip toss but gets triple teamed afterwards. Volcano fights back and hits a handspring splash on Hechicero. Stuka goes to the top to hit a splash but when he comes down Hechicero reverses it into a submission hold for the fall. Second Fall: Hechicero counters Stuka’s splash into a submission.
Stuka gets teamed on to start this round and Kraneo tried to make the save but he ended up getting teamed on. After much teaming, Stuka and Kraneo try to make a come back but Hechicero hits a drop kick on Kraneo and Felino rolls him up for the pin. Shocker spears Stuka and Hechicero and Felino slam Volcano on Stuka and Felino makes the pin. Third Fall: Felino pins Stuka after slamming Volcano on him
Winners: Shocker, Hechicero, and El Felino
Titan vs Cavernario
They start out getting a feel for each other by kicking each other then they posture a bit. Titan lands a single leg take down but quickly gets reversed into a hold by Cavernario. They go back and forth countering each other until Cavernario hits a super kick, then a crucifix power bombs onto the turnbuckle followed by the slingshot splash. First Fall: Cavernario pins Titan with a slingshot splash.Â
Cavernario throws Titan back in the ring and Zakarias, the midget with him, does a 619 on Titan. Midget interference must not count. Cavernario continues to work on him through the round. He takes it to the outside and crotches Titan on the barricade. Finally after being beat on all round Titan runs to the corner and hits a clothesline on Cavernario that sends Titan to the outside. Titan hits a springboard splash, then rolls up Cavernario for the fall. Second Fall: Titan pins Cavernario with a roll up.
Titan gets Cavernario to the outside and rolls and does a flip dive but lands on his feet as Cavernario moved, and then hits a hurricanrana on the floor. Titan goes to the top after bringing Cavernario in the ring and goes for a splash but Cavernario drop kicks him. Cavernario gets Titan to the outside then runs along the apron and hits a dive through the small window of the turnbuckle to the outside. Cavernario places Titan on the ropes and does a code breaker. Titan ducks a clothesline and hits a jumping kick for a two count. Titan strikes Cavernario but he counters into his arm in snap suplex for a close two. Cavernario gets him in a surfboard stretch but Titan counters into his own surfboard stretch. Titan lands on the apron then hurricanrana’s Cavernario to the outside but holds on and then hits a huge asai moonsault. Back in the ring Cavernario goes to the top and he pulls Titan down, but Titan leaps up and kicks him, then goes for a hurricanrana but Cavernario stops it into a powerbomb but mid move Titan reverses it into a hurricanrana for a two count. Titan goes to the top but Cavernario trips him and hits a back stabber for a two. Cavernario does a slingshot splash but Titan gets his feet up for a two count. They get up and trade strikes. Titan hits a drop kick to the outside and goes for an asai moonsault but Cavernario trips him. He slams him against the barricade then goes for his splash off the top rope to the outside where he doesn’t brace his fall at all. Cavernario gets Titan in the sit back camel clutch but Titan rolls out of it and then gets a leg pressured neck crank on Cavernario for the win. Third Fall: Titan submits Cavernario with a neck crank.
Winner: Titan
Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja, and Diamante Azul vs Gilbert El Bourica, El Terrible, and Bestia del Ring
They brawl during Terrible and Bestia’s entrance and Terrible and Bestia get the better of it. They continue to beat up Roja against the referees order and he DQs them and declares Roja the winner of the round. First Round: Niebla Roja wins by DQ.
Diamante Azul counters a team up attack and kicks Gilbert to the outside. Roja and Oro kick Bestia and Terrible to the outside and then they hit dives through the middle rope. Azul and Gilbert trade strikes in the ring. Oro hits multiple arm drags on Bestia. He does a victory roll and Bestia kicks out. Oro then hits a lionsault and Bestia kicks out. Bestia hits a cradle tombstone on Oro and pins him. Bestia slams Roja and Bestia misses a senton and Roja rolls him up for the pin. Azul and Gilbert go back and forth. Azul drop kicks him to the outside, then hits a dive through the middle rope. Terrible goes to the top and when the ref isn’t looking Oro hits him in the groin. Roja hits a Spanish fly I guess, off the top for the win. Second Fall: Niebla Roja pins El Terrible with a Spanish Fly.Â
Winners: Niebla Roja, Angel de Oro, and Diamante Azul
Caristico, Volador Jr, and Mistico vs Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero
Caristico and Forastero start the match out with some grappling. Caristico arm drags him to the outside then hits a head scissors on Cuatrero to the outside. Volador and Caristico then hit dives through the middle rope on Forastero and Cuatrero and in the ring Mistico gets Sanson in a Fujiwara arm bar. First Fall: Mistico submits Sanson with a Fujiwara arm bar.
Cuatrero and Caristico posture to the crowd for a bit but Caristico hurricanrana’s him to the outside. Forastero kicks Caristico to the outside and Mistico comes in to work with him but Sanson comes in. This leads Volador to come in. Forastero and Sanson get sent to the outside, and Caristico hits an asai moonsault at the same time Mistico and Volador hit dives through the middle rope. Back in the ring Volador accidentally drop kicks his teammate and then gets dumped to the outside. Forastero hits a dive through the middle rope on Volador and Cuatrero hits a plauncha on Caristico. In the ring Sanson catches Mistico in a tornado power bomb for the fall. Second Fall: Sanson pins Mistico with a tornado power bomb.
Volador gets teamed on to start the final round. Mistico comes in and he gets teamed on too. Forastero and Cuatrero press slam him. Volador is back in and gets held in the ropes and Forastero and Sanson hit ax handle smashes on him. They do a triple submission where Forastero stands on him back and Caristico hits a hurricanrana on him. Volador hits a handspring elbow on them. Mistico then hits a hurricanrana on Sanson. Volador jumps to the outside and hits a hurricanrana on Forastero. Caristico runs up and hits a dive to the outside on Cuatrero, then Mistico hits a dive on Sanson. Crowd went electric, started stamping their feet. No atmosphere like Arena Mexico. Back in the ring, a tower of doom spot is done and then Volador hits a splash on Cuatrero after all for a two count. Volador kicks Sanson in the ropes and Mistico hits a hurricanrana. Cuatrero then hits a Canadian destroyer on Mistico. Volador then hits one on Cuatrero. Forastero hits a sunset flip on Volador then Caristico hits a Canadian destroyer on Forastero. Christ. Volador goes for a hurricanrana on Sanson but he reverses it into a power bomb back breaker but Mistico breaks up the pin. Sanson runs at Mistico but he dodges and falls to the outside and Mistico hits a hurricanrana to the floor on him. Volador then hits a reverserana on Cuatrero for the pin, Caristico then gets Forastero in a Fujiwara arm bar for the win. Third Fall: Caristico submits Forastero with a Fujiwara arm bar.
Winners: Caristico, Volador, and Mistico
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Mitchell’s Saturday Night’s Main Event Results & Report! (1/25/25)
Everything’s bigger in Texas!
Live from San Antonio, it’s Saturday Night!
With just a week left before The Royal Rumble, WWE has Shawn Michaels moderating the contract signing between Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens! But can they keep it civil? Or will HBK have to lay down the law between them?
- WWE Women’s World Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Nia Jax; Rhea wins and retains the title.
- WWE Intercontinental Championship: Bron Breakker VS Sheamus; Bron wins and retains the title.
- Braun Strowman VS Jacob Fatu; Braun wins, by disqualification.
- WWE World Heavyweight Championship: GUNTHER VS Jey Uso; Gunther wins and retains the title.
Ted DiBiase is here!
The Million Dollar Man is back, and he even has his Million Dollar Championship! Will he look to raise the stakes in San Antonio?
WWE Women’s World Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Nia Jax!
These two just did battle last night in Austin, and while Mami’s team felt the smackdown, she and the Irresistible Force are feeling raw here in San Antonio! Will Rhea be golden on this side of the Royal Rumble? Or will Nia look to grab up all the gold?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is really on top!
Nia HEADBUTTS Rhea before the bell! The ref reprimands ant eh fans boo, but Nia runs up! Rhea dodges, DROPKICKS, and Nia staggers back. Rhea runs up and fires forearms in the corner, but Nia shoves her away. Rhea ducks ‘n’ dodges Nia to then tilt-o-whirl DDT! The fans fire up as Rhea shows off some agility! Nia tumbles out of the ring, Rhea goes to the apron, and Rhea CANNONBALLS! Down goes Nia and the fans fire up more! Rhea puts Nia back in the ring, then hurries to short arm LARIAT! Nia stays up so Rhea short arm LARIATS, and goes again! But Nia pop-up HEADBUTTS Rhea down!
The fans boo but Nia runs and SPLASHES Rhea in a corner! Nia hoists Rhea up top, but Rhea BOOTS her away! Nia ROCKS Rhea in return, then she climbs. The fans rally for Mami but Nia fireman’s carries! Rhea fights, but Nia still SUPER SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO! Rhea survives, if only just so, and SNME goes to break.
SNME returns and Nia thrashes Rhea around in a chinlock. Rhea fights up, JAWBREAKERS free, and then runs, but Nia slips around. Nia back suplexes, Rhea lands out, and Rhea kicks low. Rhea KNEES Nia, winds up, LARIAT! Nia stays up, so Rhea dodges to CHOP! Rhea knuckle locks, then she springboards, but Nia stops the rana! Nia pops Rhea up, but Rhea SUNSET BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Nia survives and Rhea can’t believe it! Rhea pulling that off is unbelievable, too! Rhea pump handles Nia, but powers up to a SAMOAN DROP! Nia drags Rhea to a drop zone, goes up the corner, but the fans boo.
Nia adjusts and SUPER LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Rhea survives but Nia is amused. Nia stands over Rhea while the fans rally up. Nia climbs up again, but Rhea CLUBS Nia! Rhea gets under Nia, and she POWERBOMBS Nia down! And then Rhea ties up the legs, for the PRISM TRAP! Nia powers up, pushes Rhea away, and the fans boo. Nia and Rhea rise up, and Rhea runs in! Nia catches her for an URENAGE! Nia snarls and storms up on Rhea to KICK her to the drop zone. Nia goes up the corner, but Rhea SHOVES her into the post! Nia goes to the apron, Rhea DECKS her! Rhea then goes up the corner?!
Rhea aims, the fans fire up, and Rhea SUPER CROSSBODIES! Down goes Nia and Rhea fires up! San Antonio is with Rhea as she reels Nia in. Pump handle, but Nia SPLASHES her! Cover, ONE!! Nia is furious, and she SMACKS Rhea off the mat, Nia puts Rhea in the drop zone, A-NIA-LATOR!! But Nia isn’t done, she goes back up. But Rhea grabs Nia’s foot! Nia shakes free, climbs again, but Rhea gets under Nia! Electric Chair Lift, and SLAM!! Both women are down and the fans fire up again! Both women stir, and Rhea drags herself to the corner. Rhea stands, but so does Nia. Nia runs up, but Rhea dodges! Nia hits the buckles, Rhea ROUNDHOUSES!
Rhea pump handles, and she powers up, RIPTIDE!! Cover, RHEA WINS!
Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s World Champion)
That was a brutal battle, but Rhea’s brutality saw her through! Nia still plans on winning the Royal Rumble, will she still go for Tiffany Stratton? Or will she change course and want one more round with Rhea Bloody Ripley?
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Bron Breakker VS Sheamus!
The title matches don’t stop, because we go one more round between these two badasses! Will the dogs be barking with the Big Bad Booty Nephew? Or will The Celtic Warrior finally complete his WWE Bingo?
SNME returns and Jesse Ventura joins commentary for this make-or-break moment for Sheamus. Bron makes his entrance and the fans bark already. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and one way or another, we’re getting a banger!
The bell rings, the two circle, and the two tie up. Sheamus powers Bron back but then they go along the ropes. Sheamus has a headlock as they end up in a corner, and the ref counts. Bron scuffs Sheamus and laughs, but Sheamus tells Bron to get serious. They circle, tie up, and then Bron kicks! Sheamus blocks the kick, and he LARIATS Bron! Sheamus fires hands on Bron in a corner, then he brings Bron around to whip. Bron reverses, but Sheamus blocks the hip toss! Sheamus LARIATS Bron again and the fans fire up! Bron goes to a corner, Sheamus is right on him to whip. Bron reverses, but Sheamus comes back, into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX!
The fans bark while Sheamus sputters. Bron storms up on Sheamus, headlocks, but Sheamus powers up and out. Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds speed to CLOBBER Sheamus! Sheamus tumbles out of the ring but Bron goes out the side. Bron builds speed around the outside! But Sheamus scoops! Sheamus then LAWN DARTS Bron into the timekeeper’s area! The fans fire up with Sheamus, and then Sheamus fetches Bron to bring him back to the ring. Sheamus then climbs a corner, takes aim, and FLYING LARIATS! Cover, ONE!! Bron is tougher than that, but Sheamus stays on him. Sheamus throws Bron tot he apron, then stands him up!
The fans fire up but Bron fights free! Bron throws a haymaker, but Sheamus DECKS Bron for it! Sheamus goes out, uses the steps to leap, INTO A SPEAR!! Both men fall in a heap and the fans go nuts! Bron grins while SNME goes to break.
SNME returns again and Bron fires off in the corner. Sheamus fires back and they go back and forth. Bron KNEES low, then he digs Sheamus into the corner. Bron ROCKS Sheamus, then fireman’s carries. GUT BUSTER DROP! Bron doesn’t let off, he hoists Sheamus up again, GUT BUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Sheamus survives but Bron has a bull’s eye on those ribs. Bron throws hands but Sheamus eggs Bron on! Bron SLAPS Sheamus, Sheamus eggs Bron on more, and they start throwing shots! The fans fire up but Bron body shots! Bron runs, into a KNEE CAPPER! Cover, TWO! Bron stays in this and Sheamus grows frustrated.
Bron goes to the apron, Sheamus storms up, and the fans fire up as Sheamus gives us BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus goes all the way to TEN, then past it! He gets SIXTEEN in before the ref counts 4! Sheamus hauls Bron up and up, to then crucifix lift! CELTIC CROSS!! Sheamus busting out a classic and he crawls to the cover, TWO!! Bron survives again and the fans fire up! Sheamus drags Bron up, fireman’s carries, but Bron fights free! Bron shoves Sheamus into the buckles, then gorilla presses for the SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives and Bron is growing frustrated. Ventura loves it, they’re going to the wire!
Bron storms up but Sheamus BOOTS Bron from the corner! Sheamus skins the cat! But Bron springs right up! SUPER STEINER! The fans fire up and Bron takes aim! Straps are down, Bron runs in, into a BROGUE!!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Bron survives by a literal foot and Sheamus can’t believe it! Sheamus was so close but he’s still so far! “This is Awesome!” as Sheamus powers up in the corner. Bron rises, but the ribs hold Sheamus back! Bron RAMS Sheamus, Sheamus rebounds to KNEE CAPPER! Sheamus tries again, but Bron ducks the Brogue! SPEAR!! Cover, BRON WINS!
Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)
The Fella falls short, only because Bron’s foot found the ropes! Will Sheamus ever get his hands on this title? Will anyone ever take this title off of Bron?
Shawn Michaels is here!
San Antonio fires up for their Heartbreak Kid, the WWE Hall of Famer, and the man who put ladder matches on the map! HBK will moderate the contract signing for the WWE Championship ladder match, after the break!
SNME returns and HBK has the mic. “I am sweating through my suit, because for the last three minutes, I’ve been dancing around because I am so happy to be back home in San Antonio!” The fans cheer that! HBK says he “has been given one job here tonight, and that is to walk out of this ring with the signatures of Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes.” Nick Aldis couldn’t get it done, so he sent in the closer! Rest assured, it is happening tonight. So as they say, without further ado, he will introduce the challenger for the Undisputed WWE Championship, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Kevin Owens! The fans boo but The Prizefighter still goes to the ring.
Kevin wears a new shirt, “Cody Sucks Eggs,” and he has the Winged Eagle on his shoulder. HBK now welcomes out THE Undisputed WWE Champion, The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes! The fans cheer Cody’s entrance, “WHOA~ OH~!” and Cody even climbs up a ladder to show he’s not afraid of heights. Cody gets his second round of pyro, then he goes to the ring to join HBK and KO. The fans cheer as Cody and Kevin stare down, but HBK tells them, “Gentlemen, if you would be seated please.” They don’t, so he says fine, he digs it.
HBK says for months, these two have battered and beaten each other. And as much as everyone has enjoyed watching it, HBK has an assignment. That is to walk out of this ring, with their signatures on the contract. So one way or another, it needs to happen. So again, he asks they please sign. Cody takes the pen first, and he signs his part as champion. Kevin then takes the pen, looks a the contract, but then picks up the mic. “Y’know, last night you (Cody) said something that really pissed me off. You said that 10 times outta 10, Kevin Owens takes the easy way out. Is that right? That’s a lie. That’s what you are, you’re a liar.”
Kevin could’ve taken the easy way out at Bash In Berlin because of Cody’s knee, because Kevin cared about their friendship more than Cody ever did! And you know who takes the easy way out? It’s CODY! Who between them left WWE when things got tough? Kevin stayed, Cody quit! Cody shouts, “ENOUGH! ENOUGH, Kevin!” Cody didn’t come here to talk about the past, or so Kevin can justify his actions. Cody didn’t get all dressed up, HBK didn’t return to San Antonio, to hear Kevin talk! Cody is done worrying about Kevin Owens. Cody instead must focus on who he is defending his title against at WrestleMania.
So if Kevin would just please, SIGN, THE, CONTRACT! The fans cheer, but Kevin tells Cody, “Trust me, you’re not done worrying about Kevin Owens. Because once I sign this, you know what that means? That makes it official. That Saturday night at the Royal Rumble, I will shut everyone up who dares to say I’m not the real champion. I am the true, rightful WWE Champion! And once I win the title, everything you got when you came back, your face on every poster, on all the buses, all the fanfare, all the grand entrances, all the attention, the pyro, everything, it’s coming to ME! Because that’s what I’ve deserved for the last TEN YEARS, and I’m taking it from YOU!”
HBK waits a moment, then says, “Jesus, Kevin. You just sound jealous.” Kevin glares at HBK and asks what he just said. HBK says that Kevin sounds jealous. JEALOUS!? Kevin says that’s rich! HBK is just like Cody! When things got tough for HBK, he quit, too! You wanna know who is jealous? HBK is jealous that Kevin brought more pride to the Winged Eagle than HBK ever did! And once Kevin wins, he will give everyone a champion they can be proud of, that they can look to, and won’t lose his smile~! The only one losing at the Rumble is Cody! Kevin finally signs his part, then he SHOVES it into HBK!
The fans boo but Kevin stares Cody down again. HBK says, “Gentlemen, there’s only one thing left to do, and that is to take these championships. May I please get a referee in here? And ascend them above the ring.” A referee does step in, and Kevin gives the Winged Eagle title a last kiss before handing it over. That belt is strapped onto the hanger, then the same is done with Cody’s corporate logo belt. The hanger is then lifted into the air, and HBK says next Saturday, Lucas Oil Stadium, one man ascends the ladder, and one man walks out THE Undisputed WWE Champion. He wishes them luck, then offers a handshake.
Kevin leaves HBK hanging, so Cody takes the hand. And Kevin sucker punches Cody! HBK warns KO, but then KO kicks HBK! But Cody SUPERKICKS Kevin! HBK is furious, so he tunes up the band! The fans are thunderous for some SWEET CHIN MUSIC!! Kevin tumbles out of the ring while San Antonio cheers! Will Cody make sure “The Canadian Dream” is living a nightmare after the Royal Rumble? Or will Kevin find a way to ruin Cody’s Road to WrestleMania?
Braun Strowman VS Jacob Fatu!
There may not be a championship on the line, but you can consider this a title match in that the winner here could very well be the ALPHA monster! Will the Monster of All Monsters still be Braun Strowman? Or will the Samoan Werewolf tear down #OneBigSOB?
SNME returns and once again, Tama & Jacob walk ‘n’ talk. The Good Bad Guy says everyone’s on that YEHYEHYEH! Jacob tells Braun that he may be a tough SOB, but keep it 100, he never been in the ring with nobody like Jacob! He’s America’s Most Wanted! You know what time it is? Get in where you fit in! Cuz tonight, Jacob beats Braun’s ass post to post, live from NBC on coast to coast! Ya know what I mean?! Jacob makes his entrance, Tama letting him go alone. The bell rings and the fans rally up. Jacob and Braun stare down, tie up, and Jacob pushes Braun back, until Braun SHOVES Jacob down! Both men run up, and Braun RUNS Jacob over!
Braun storms up on Jacob at the ropes, the ref gets in between them, and Jacob sucker punches Braun! Jacob runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Braun ELBOWS him down! Braun snarls, runs up again, and he LARIATS Jacob up and out! Jacob is right back on his feet, and he HOTSHOTS Braun away! Braun comes back, Jacob DUMPS him out, then KICKS Braun! Jacob then DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Braun! The fans fire up while SNME goes to break.
SNME returns again and Jacob HEADBUTTS Braun again and again! The fans rally for Braun but Jacob runs, only for Braun to scoop! SIDEWALK SLAM! Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Braun and Jacob rise again, and Braun CHOPS! Braun fires a forearm, and another! Braun ROCKS Jacob, runs, and BOOTS Jacob down! Jacob goes to a corner while the fans fire up. Braun storms up to fire body shots, then stands Jacob up. Braun TOSSES Jacob across the way! Jacob tumbles out, sputters and coughs, and Braun goes outside! The Strowman Express is on the tracks, and he CLOBBERS Jacob into barriers!
The fans fire up again and Braun says let’s go again! Braun does another lap, to POUNCE Jacob over the announce desk! The fans fire up again and Braun takes off his shirt! Braun does another lap, and Jacob’s up in time, to SAMOAN DROP Braun onto the desk!! Jacob shoves Braun down, throws the desk hood onto him, then drags him up to send into steel steps! The ref reprimands, Jacob shoves Braun into the ring, and Jacob hauls Braun up. HEADBUTT! Braun sits in a corner, Jacob goes corner to corner! HIP ATTACK! And then HIP ATTACK again! Braun sputters now, and Jacob HIP ATTACKS again! AND AGAIN!!
Jacob shows no mercy, he hits a FIFTH HIP ATTACK!! The Samoan Werewolf goes again, A SIXTH HIP ATTACK!! Braun is barely even conscious, the ref stops Jacob, but Jacob TOSSES the ref!! Jacob runs to hit NUMBER SEVEN!! NUMBER EIGHT!! The fans boo but now the bell rings! The ref calls this one off for what Jacob did!
Winner: Braun Strowman, by disqualification
Jacob storms out around ringside, and he grabs a chair! He throws that into the ring, but then Aldis and security rush out here! Jacob CHUCKS that chair into the first guard! And then he LARIATS the next! Jacob ignores the refs and Aldis, more security arrives, and they get Jacob to back off. Braun sputters as blood pours from his nose and maybe even his mouth. Jacob’s bloodthirsty and he drags Braun from the corner! Producers get out here to try and stop this, but Jacob doesn’t care! He goes up, up, BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! The werewolf is too wild, but Tama Tonga gets him to stand down.
There are fans who want that “One More Time!” and Jacob hears them! BEST MOONSAULT EVER AGAIN!! The medics hurry out here, and now Jacob and Tama stand down. OR NOT! Jacob gets right back in the ring, and he goes right back up the corner! BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! With no Solo Sikoa to hold onto the leash, will no one be able to stop the Samoan Werewolf?
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: GUNTHER VS Jey Uso!
Der Ring General does not think “Main Event Jey Uso” is worthy of that nickname, and yet here they both are in tonight’s main event. These two already had it out during Gunther’s historic Intercontinental Championship reign, will history repeat itself? Or will Jey finally and for truly stand tall as THE World Heavyweight Champion?
SNME returns and Gunther makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who wins Saturday Night’s Main Event!
The bell rings, Jey puts his sunglasses aside, and Gunther BOOTS Jey down! Gunther talks smack while he stands Jey up, but Jey UPPERCUTS! And ROCKS Gunther with a right! Gunther CHOPS Jey, Jey ROCKS Gunther with more hands! Gunther CHOPS again! Jey is stinging as he falls against the ropes, but Gunther stands him up. Jey dodges the chop to fire body shots! Jey climbs up and he rains down fists! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” But Gunther stops Jey at 7, puts him on the corner, and CHOPS him to the floor! The fans boo while SNME goes to break.
SNME returns again and Jey fires hands! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” But Gunther clamps on a SLEEPER! Jey arm-drags free, but Gunther blocks a kick! Gunther LARIATS Jey down! Cover, TWO! Jey stays in this but Gunther stays on him with a NECK TWIST! Jey writhes while Gunther paces. The fans boo but Gunther stands Jey up. Gunther scoops and SLAMS Jey, then stalks him. Gunther stands Jey up to CHOP him! Jey is again stinging but he stays up. Gunther BOOTS Jey! Jey fires forearms! Gunther CHOPS! Jey fires more forearms! Gunther CHOPS again! Jey rebounds, but into an UPPERCUT! Jey UPPERCUTS back!
Jey fires hands, whips Gunther, but Gunther reverses! Jey hits buckles hard and falls to the mat! Gunther drops a KNEE on him! Gunther then STOMPS Jey’s arm! The fans boo but Gunther looms over Jey. Gunther clamps onto Jey with a chinlock and he grinds his forearm into Jey’s face! The fans rally for Jey and he fights up. Jey manages to fireman’s carry Gunther! The fans fire up but Gunther fights free! Gunther CHOPS! Jey ROCKS! Gunther UPPERCUTS! Jey UPPERCUTS! Gunther swings, Jey dodges, and Jey fireman’s carries! SAMOAN DROP! Both men are down and the fans fire up again!
Jey and Gunther crawl, and Gunther makes it to a corner. Jey goes to the opposite end, and the fans rally behind Jey with “UCE! OH~!” Jey runs, into the SHOTGUN DROPKCIK! Gunther hurries to haul Jey right up, GENERAL BOMBO! High stack, TWO! Jey survives and Gunther is surprised! Gunther catches his breath, calms down, and thinks on what else he should try. The fans rally for Jey even harder while Gunther stalks him to ropes. Jey goes to the apron, but Gunther goes out after him. Gunther stomps Jey, then stands on his neck! The ref reprimands but Gunther steps off. Jey sputters, but Gunther BOOTS him again, right as SNME goes to break!
SNME returns once again, and Jey trades shots with Gunther! The fans rally behind Jey as he gets the edge, “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey pops, locks and- Gunther BOOTS him! Jey kicks, Gunther blocks, but the DRAGON WHIP comes around! Only for Gunther to GERMAN SUPLEX! Gunther runs, into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Gunther survives and the fans can’t believe it! Jey catches his breath while Gunther goes to a corner. Gunther comes back, but Jey avoids the shotgun dropkick! Jey gets moving, and he HIP ATTACKS Gunther in the corner! Cover, TWO! Gunther is tougher than that, but the fans still rally.
Jey goes to the corner and the fans fire up! Jey climbs, but Gunther rises! Gunther CHOPS Jey, then CHOPS again! Gunther climbs up after Jey, brings him to the very top, but Jey resists the suplex! Jey fires body shots, then slips under Gunther! Jey brings Gunther out for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and the fans still can’t believe it! Both Jey and Gunther are down, “This is Awesome!” as they slowly rise. Jey and Gunther rise up, but Gunther kicks low! Gunther reels Jey in, but Jey RANAS! Jey then runs to SPEAR!! Cover, TWO?!? Gunther survives and Jey is frustrated, but Jey hurries to aim again!
Gunther rises, Jey runs up, SUPERKICK! Gunther staggers back up so Jey runs in, SPEAR!! Jey hurries to the corner! Jey climbs, the fans are thunderous, USO SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!? Gunther survives yet again and Jey is beside himself! The fans rally with more “YEET! YEET! YEET!” and Jey aims from a corner. Jey runs up, but Gunther turns spear into POWERBOMB! And then he flips Jey over to POWERBOMB again!! DEEP stack, GUNTHER WINS!
Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (still WWE World Heavyweight Champion)
Gunther didn’t just win, he just survived this battle with Main Event Jey! Der Ring General seems to at least respect Jey a bit more now, but what is it going to take for Jey to truly be the main event player?
My Thoughts:
A great Saturday Night’s Main Event, and while they really made us wonder for a couple moments, they of course held the status quo. As I said going into tonight, it would be a bit odd if the moment Sheamus finally won the Intercontinental Championship was here on NBC TV. A moment like that should be saved for WrestleMania, but I’m not sure that’ll even happen now. Granted, we have three months to build, but what would the point be after all this? Rhea VS Nia was an awesome match, especially with Rhea busting out some stuff she’d never really done before. Rhea of course won because she just got this belt back, and Nia will be in the Women’s Rumble to beef it up while trying to get after Tiffany.
The contract signing segment being in the middle was a touch surprising, but I do appreciate that they understood a title match should be the main event. Good stuff from Cody, Kevin and HBK, especially Kevin’s shirt to reference Terry Funk’s classic “Dusty Sucks Eggs” shirt. Of course a fight started, and good stuff with HBK getting a Sweet Chin Music in, but this isn’t the go-home segment so don’t expect Kevin to win the ladder match just yet. Raw and SmackDown have their go-home episodes first, we’ll surely get a segment where Kevin gets even with Cody to put things back in Cody’s favor.
Great promo from Tama & Jacob as they head to gorilla, and then a great match from Jacob VS Braun. I was saying just last night that I expected a No Contest or Draw, but they instead went a much more vicious route. Jacob loses because he threw the ref aside, but he stands tall because he brutalized Braun like very few ever have. Jacob can definitely use this to do big things in the Rumble, and from there he can go for the US Championship, as I was also saying last night. Gunther VS Jey was awesome stuff, and they really got me thinking Jey was going to pull this off, but like with Sheamus, Jey’s crowning achievement is perhaps too big for just SNME. It would be pretty wild if Jey won the Men’s Rumble so that he could get one more chance at this title and win it in Vegas.
My Score: 8.9/10
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AEW returns to Daily’s Place!
AEW is back in Jacksonville, and it’s going to be BIG! Like, Katsuyori Shibata challenging for the International Championship BIG! Will The Wrestler be better than The Alpha?
- Samoa Joe VS Nick Wayne w/ The Patriarchy; Joe wins.
- Kazuchika Okada VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes; Okada wins.
- Six Man Tag: Daniel Garcia & 2Point0 VS The Undisputed Kingdom; The Undisputed Kingdom wins.
- The Gates of Agony VS Brody King & Buddy Matthews; win.
- AEW TBS Championship Fatal 4 Way #1 Contender’s Match: Deonna Purrazzo VS Queen Aminata VS Yuka Sakazaki VS Serena Deeb; wins and will challenge Mercedes Mone for the title.
- AEW International Championship: Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis VS Katsuyori Shibata; wins and
The Patriarchy speaks.
Christian Cage says, “Tonight, my son, Nick Wayne, takes on Samoa Joe. And I’m so confident that he’s going to walk out with a victory, I’m going to allow him to speak.” Nick tells Joe that tonight, in Joe’s long awaited return, Nick will embarrass him. Nick will dismantle him! And he’ll do it all with a smile on his face. “Then The Patriarchy will resume our quest-” Christian cuts Nick off, “To become the next AEW World Champion.” The Prodigy has his father’s blessing, but will he just get an ass kicking from the Samoan Submission Machine?
Toni Storm speaks.
“Mariah May, we finally meet face to face! You are a veteran and a champion, so I will give you my utmost respect. Also, it’s Toni Time!”
Mariah May speaks.
Or rather, she holds up her AEW Women’s World Championship, then laughs and says, “Okay.” The Glamour is not sweating “the rookie,” but will she regret underestimating her?
Samoa Joe speaks.
“Tonight, I welcome the world to join me as I correct an injustice. For you see, tonight, the son will suffer the sins of the father. And Nick Wayne, you will suffer them in total.” Saturday night’s alright for a fight, but will Nick even survive this Collision with Samoa Joe?
Samoa Joe VS Nick Wayne w/ The Patriarchy!
The Patriarchy of course accompanies Nick out here, but then Nick, Christian & Kip Sabian corner Joe in the ring. But wait! Here come Hook & Shibata! They back Joe up and that makes The Patriarchy back down. The ref gets this to be just Joe and Nick, and the bell rings. Joe and Nick circle, tie up, and Nick can’t even push Joe back an inch! Nick headlocks, but Joe isn’t bothered at all. Joe powers up and out, Nick RAMS him, but Joe pretends he didn’t even feel it. Nick talks a bit of smack, then runs, and he RAMS Joe again! Nick shoves Joe, talks some more smack, then claps to get the fans going.
Nick goes to run, but he really just mule kicks Joe low! The fans boo but Nick runs after all, only for Joe to trip him! And SENTON! The fans cheer and Joe winds up to JAB! JAB! JAB! Joe fires off on Nick in the corner, the fans cheer, and Joe fires off a flurry! Joe ROCKS Nick and the fans fire up again. Joe brings Nick up to CHOP, and Nick’s chewing gum goes flying! Joe hoists Nick up, tucks him in, but Nick CLAWS Joe’s eyes! Nick slips free and ENZIGIRIS! Joe goes to a corner, Nick runs in, but Joe boots! Nick blocks, and he DRAGON SCREWS! Joe clutches his knee and Nick stomps away on him!
Nick kicks Joe, drags him to a corner, then SLAMS Joe’s leg into the post! The fans boo but The Patriarchy is proud. Nick steps in to argue with the ref, Christian wants Joe’s leg! Hook & Shibata get Christian to back off! Nick brings Joe up but Joe CHOPS! And CHOPS! Nick dropkicks the leg! Joe bails out, Nick goes up and up to ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Down goes Joe but the fans boo. Nick and Christian hug, and then Nick brings Joe up. Nick puts Joe in the ring, then pushes him down for a cover, ONE!! The fans cheer and Joe snarls but Nick kicks him around. Nick then stomps the bad leg, and he calls for the leg lock.
The fans boo but Nick grins as he steps through. But Joe BOOTS him away! Joe runs up, Nick dodges, and Nick comes back! Joe says sit down, URENAGE! The fans fire up again and Joe brings Nick to the top rope. Nick CLAWS Joe’s eyes again! The ref reprimands, Joe staggers back, and Nick slips around to run up, CODE RED! Cover, TWO! The Patriarchy is upset but Nick calls his shot. Nick goes up, up, and WAYNE- NO, Joe dodges! And LARIATS! Joe hauls Nick right up, puts him right up top, and tucks him right in! Christian & Kip get on the apron, Hook & Shibata YANK them down! They brawl, Joe hits the MUSCLE BUSTER! Cover, Joe wins!
Winner: Samoa Joe, by pinfall
The numbers were even, and that’s why The Patriarchy couldn’t win! But the revenge on behalf of Taz surely isn’t over, when and where will Joe, Hook & Shibata tear down The Patriarchy?
Kazuchika Okada VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes!
The AEW Continental Champion battles the ROH World Television Champion for the first time ever! Will Okada make it rain in Jacksonville? Or can the Commander of the Skies keep the skies clear for takeoff?
The bell rings and the fans fire up. Okada and Komander slowly circle, and Okada offers a handshake. Komander is wary, but he accepts, only to say “OLE~!” Okada is stoic despite being duped like a bull with the matador’s cape. Okada still offers, but then Komander again says, “OLE~!” The fans cheer and Okada is trying not to get mad. But then he takes a swing! Komander dodges to fire kick after kick! SOBAT! Komander runs, slides under, UP KICKS, then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up and Komander whips Okada to ropes. Okada reverses to CLAW Komander’s eyes! The fans boo but Okada reels Komander in.
Okada suplexes but Komander slips free, and he drags Okada down as he becomes a backpack! Komander has a SLEEPER, but Okada fights up to his feet, only for Komander to have the ELEVATED COBRA TWIST! Okada endures, storms his way forward, and he manages the ROPEBREAK! Komander lets go, Okada bails out, but Komander DIVES! Direct hit into the railing! Komander puts Okada in, CLUBS away on him, then runs, but Okada BOOTS him down! The fans are torn but Okada drags Komander up. Okada ROCKS Komander, then has him in the corner to ROCK him again!
The fans rally, Okada whips, but Komander slips out to the apron. Komander RAMS Okada, then goes up, up and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! The fans fire up as Okada bails out! Komander runs, rolls, jumps and… slow motion flips over the ropes! But Okada stops the rana! Okada kicks low and he DDTS Komander to the floor! Okada feels much better now while Komander writhes, and Collision goes picture in picture.
Okada takes his time bringing Komander up, and RAMS him into the railing! Okada then puts Komander in the ring, stalks him to center, and stands him up. Okada bumps Komander off buckles, then takes his time standing Komander back up. Okada ELBOWS Komander in the corner, ELBOWS him again, and whips corner to corner. Okada runs up to ELBOW Komander down! Komander sputters on the mat while Okada paces around. Okada looms over Komander, taunts him, and Komander rises up. Komander fires a forearm, but Okada eggs him on! Komander fires more forearms, but Okada knees low and DDTS! Cover, TWO!
Okada is annoyed, but he keeps Komander down with a MONEY CLIP! Komander endures the squeeze, fights up to his feet, and Homecoming returns to single picture. Komander fires body shots but Okada CLUBS him down! Okada whips Komander to a corner, runs in, but Komander ELBOWS him away! Okada comes back but Komander BOOTS him! Komander goes up, FLYING- NO, Okada stops the rana, brings Komander up, but Komander FACEBUSTERS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Okada rises, but Komander KICKS a leg! Komander blocks a shot, KICKS again, then ducks the haymaker!
Komander comes back to dropkick the leg! Okada hobbles, Komander runs and wheelbarrows, BULLDOG! Cover, TOW! Okada stays in this but Abrahantes coaches Komander. The fans rally as Komander goes to the apron. Komander springboards, but Okada catches him to the Alabama Lift! REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Okada grins and he brings Komander back up. Okada scoops and SLAMS Komander, then goes to the corner. Okada climbs and the standard formula leads to the MACHO ELBOW! The fans fire up while Okada winds up, Rainmaker MIDDLE FINGER! Okada direct it at Komander then brings him up.
Okada ripcords Komander, but Komander ducks the lariat! Komander goes up, up, and FLYING RANA! Okada staggers around, Komander is back up to SUPERKICK! Okada goes to ropes, Komander runs in, but Okada puts him on the apron. Komander GAMANGIRIS, then springboards, SFLYING DESTROYER!! Okada is down, the fans fire up, and Komander climbs again! Komander tightrope walks, but Okada bails out! So Komander just ARIHARA MOONSAULTS! The fans are thunderous as Komander puts Okada in! Springboard and- NO, Okada gets around, ripcords, RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!
Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall
Komander gave Okada quite the fight, but this is why Okada is one of the best in the world. Okada again offers the handshake, and Komander sits up to take it. Okada helps Komander stand, just to DECK him! The fans boo but Okada HAMMERS away on Komander! Okada grins as he leaves Komander behind, will anyone win his respect? Will anyone win against him period?
“Powerhouse” Will Hobbs is waiting in the parking lot.
Hobbs asks where Big Bill is at! The Learning Tree spurred on The Redwood to call Hobbs out, so Hobbs is waiting on him now! Whoa, someone threw a brick!? That’s Bill alright! Bill and Hobbs brawl, then Hobbs fires off! Hobbs ROCKS Bill again and again, then he grabs something from the outdoor catering area. Hobbs SMACKS Bill with a metal cooking sheet! Hobbs tells Bill to get up, then he SMACKS Bill again! Bill staggers around, Hobbs just SMACKS him with another sheet! Hobbs fires more haymakers on Bill, then brings Bill around to SMACK him with a trash can lid! And SMACK him again!
Hobbs takes the can, but Bill BOOTS it into Hobbs! Hobbs staggers to the fence, but Hobbs RIPS the fence door off its hinges!! Hobbs CHUCKS it at Bill! Bill staggers, security rushes out here, but Hobbs throws them aside! Hobbs gets loose but Bill backs off. Bill says he has Hobbs, it’s just a matter of time. Hobbs says the night is just getting started, but will we see these two titans clash again before Homecoming is over?
Backstage interview with Big Boom AJ & Big Justice.
Lexy Nair is with the Costco Guys as they return to AEW, but are here visiting Daily’s Place for the first time. Lexy says the energy is infectious, so how does it feel to be part of AEW Homecoming? AJ says it is so cool, but then Roderick Strong shouts, “BIIIIIG! Boom AJ!” The Undisputed Kingdom walks in and Big Justice is certainly starstruck. Kyle O’Reilly lets the Costco Guys know there’s a certain someone who wants to have a little talk with them. Adam Cole steps forward, and he says he knows what they do. And AJ says they know what Cole does. Then wanna do it together? Yeah!
Cole, Big Justice & Big AJ all join in for a “BOOM~!” Now, the Kingdom’s gotta run, have fun watching the show. Cole fist bumps the Costco Guys, and AJ says Lexy can join in on this. Those guys get five big BOOMS~! B-B-B-B-BOOM! But bigger than that, will Cole, Kyle & Roddy make Homecoming undisputed? Or will the reunion of 2Point0 be one to remember?
Six Man Tag: Daniel Garcia & 2Point0 VS The Undisputed Kingdom!
The trios sort out and the TNT Champion starts against Cole. They tie up, Cole wrenches to a wristlock, but Garcia rolls, wrenches, and wristlocks back. Cole spins, slips through and wrenches to hammerlock. Garcia reaches back, manages a snapmare, and then a headlock. Cole fights up but Garcia hits a headlock takeover. Cole headscissors, Garcia kips free, and now Cole hits the headlock takeover while Garcia hits the headscissors. Cole kips free, then he dodges a lariat! Garcia avoids a boot, and both men show haymaker! The fans cheer the standoff, and then Garcia and Cole back away. Cole tags Roddy, Garcia tags Daddy Magic.
The fans cheer as Matt Menard is back in action! He ties up with Roddy, Roddy goes for a leg, and they go around and around. Roddy headlocks, wrenches, but Jacksonville is strongly behind Daddy Magic. Menard wrenches, hammerlocks, headlocks, but Roddy powers up and out. Menard runs Roddy over and the fans cheer. Cover, ONE, but Menard wrenches Roddy. Menard brings Roddy over, tag to Cool Hand Ange! “Papa” Angelo Parker wrenches Roddy now, hits a snap suplex, then checks his hair. KNEE DROP! Parker facelocks but Roddy powers Parker to the corner. Tag to Kyle and he KNEES Parker!
Kyle & Roddy CHOP and KICK on repeat! Menard runs up but he gets a CHOP and a KICK! Then Kyle & Roddy double suplex Parker onto Menard! Cover, TWO! Kyle headlocks Parker to keep him from his corner. Parker stomps a foot, headlocks in return, but Kyle powers up and out. Garcia sneaks the tag, Parker hits a BLOCKBUSTER! Garcia runs up to whip, but Kyle BOOTS Parker! Kyle then DUMPS Garcia out! Kyle aims from a corner, and he FLYING KNEES Menard! But Garcia CLOBBERS Kyle! The fans fire up, but Garcia spots Shane Taylor Promotions hanging out in the crowd. Carlie Bravo talks smack, but Lee Moriarty stares his rival down.
Shane Taylor says this isn’t anything Garcia wants. Garcia says sure, whatever he says. Garcia & 2Point0 regroups while Collision goes picture in picture.
Garcia whips Kyle into railing, 2Point0 talk smack on STP, but then Kyle fires forearms on Garcia! Garcia knees low, puts Kyle in, then he stays between Kyle and The Undisputed corner. Garcia ROCKS Kyle, whips him to ropes, then ELBOWS Kyle down! Garcia tags in Menard and they mug Kyle. Menard fires up the fans, then fires hands on Kyle. Kyle fires back, Menard whips Kyle, then Menard CLOBBERS him! Menard taunts Roddy before going back to Kyle. Menard grinds Kyle down with a facelock, and he tags to Parker. Parker stomps Kyle, then stands him up for a scoop and SLAM! Tag to Garcia, and Garcia drags Kyle up while Collision goes to break.
Homecoming returns and Menard rains down fists on Kyle in the corner! The fans count along and he goes all the way to TEN! Tag to Garcia, and he rains down fists! The fans count along, and Garcia goes to nine, fires up, and hits TEN! We can only assume Parker hit ten during the break, so Kyle just took anywhere from 20 to 30 shots! Tag back to Menard, he brings Kyle out to whip to a corner, then Menard tags Parker. Parker whips Menard so Menard can whip Parker, forearm SMASH! Feed tot he drop toehold, then BOOYAH ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Kyle survives but Parker tags Menard back in.
2Point0 double whip, but Kyle slips around to send Menard into Parker! Kyle reaches out for his corner but 2Point0 yank him back! Kyle dodges to send Parker into Menard now! But again they keep Kyle from his corner! TRIPLE LARIATS take them all down! Hot tags to Garcia and Cole! Garcia and Cole fire forearm after forearm, then Cole gets the edge. Cole winds up, but Garcia blocks the boot! Garcia CHOPS Cole, runs, but into a BOOT! Cole runs, but Garcia reels him in, SAIDO! Garcia roars, runs, but into the 52 Fake Out! Cole runs but Garcia LARIATS! The fans fire up as Garcia hurries to bring Cole up, but Cole suplexes, GHOSTBUSTER!
Both Cole and Garcia are down, they crawl, hot tags to Roddy and Parker! Roddy CALF KICKS Parker, then fires off CHOP after CHOP! Roddy sees Menard running up, and gives him a half nelson BACKBREAKER! Parker runs up, but Roddy catches him, GUTBUSTER DROP! Garcia runs up, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Roddy runs, to STRONG KNEE Parker against ropes! Roddy runs side to side to FOREARM, then he RUNNING FACEBUSTERS! Cover, Menard breaks it! Menard fires off on Roddy, whips him to ropes, but Roddy grabs ropes! Roddy BOOTS, ENZIGIRIS, and he tags Kyle!
Kyle gives Menard the AX KICK, then he and Roddy DOUBLE SMASH! Kyle brings Parker around, but Parker fights off Kyle and Roddy! Kyle KICKS Parker down! Garcia is back up, but Cole SUPERKICKS him back down! Roddy shouts to Kyle, and Cole joins in saying, “Sweep the leg!” Roddy runs, he and Kyle give Parker TOTAL ANNIHILATION! Cover, Undisputed Kingdom wins!
Winners: The Undisputed Kingdom, by pinfall
2Point0 was looking good even for being away for so long, but STP isn’t impressed with Cole and crew. Cole, Kyle & Roddy still show Garcia & 2Point0 respect with handshakes and the fans cheer. But will we see Garcia put up his TNT Championship against each and every man who wants it?
Max Caster speaks.
“Last week, my ‘tag team partner’ turned his back on me. My mentor turned his back on me, too. In front of the whole world. And… Something like that could ruin any person’s life. But the response has been really overwhelming, and it made me realize I’m not just any person. And I’m not just the Best Wrestler Alive; I’m a survivor, too. So, I’m happy to announce right now my open challenge series. Who can survive The Best Wrestler Alive? I wanna see how many people here in AEW are just like me. I wanna see where the survivors are. Because all you guys are good, this is where the best wrestle, but you can’t be better than the Best Wrestler Alive.”
Platinum Max always has a way of sticking his foot in his mouth, but is his ego just gonna get his teeth kicked down his throat?
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