NJPW PPV Coverage
NJPW King of Pro Wrestling 10/14/2019
Matt Davis steps back into the spotlight with his review and recap of New Japan’s King Of Pro Wrestling!

Matt Davis steps back into the spotlight with his review and recap of New Japan’s King Of Pro Wrestling!
Welcome to the event everyone has been waiting for since the G1 Climax ended! Annually this show is held in October, and features marquee rivalries coming to ahead as we set the stage for WrestleKingdom. Due to inclimate weather surrounding Typhoon Hagibis, several announced talent were not able to travel to Japan for this show. Due to time constraints of my own I will jumping into the action after the first couple matches with full details and summarizing the openers.
1) El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs SHO & YOH
Originally advertised as a six man tag featuring Zack Sabre Jr, this was turned into a regular tag team match and a preview for next weeks Super Jr Tag League Tournament. El Desperado made his return to NJPW after suffering a broken jaw in May. Suzuki-gun looked like they never missed a beat and picked up the opening win after a Pinche Loco at 10:55
Winners: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru
Rating: **
Thoughts: Average junior tag match between two experienced teams. There was no doubt Desperado wasn’t winning his return. Let’s see what happens next week in the Super Jr Tag. I think these guys have to be favorites after their dominant run with the Tag Titles last year.
2) Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma vs Togi Makabe & Toru Yano
“20th Anniversary Hiroshi Tanahashi NJPW Debut Match”
This was a cool match which was the fourth in a series of anniversary matches for The Ace, honoring his longevity and loyalty to the company he helped rejuvinate over a decade ago. Makabe and Toru Yano have been with him along the way in the company, and Honma is a long time tag parter of Togi Makabe, so seeing the four veterans go at it with low stakes was fun. Tanahashi picked up the win after a High Fly Flow on Yano in under 10 minutes.
Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma
Rating: *1/2
Thoughts: Nothing wrong with it, nothing special about it either. I’m not a huge fan of Tanahashi at this stage of his career. Other people love him, it’s fine. He hit his spots, was a basic tag with NJPW veterans.
3) Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi vs DOUKI & Taichi
Early heel action by DOUKI and Taichi, because everyone hates Taichi. The feud with Naito and Taichi goes way back, when both were juniors. Taichi upset Naito in the G1 this year. With Takagi moving to the heavyweight division, there was a lot of story here and a proving ground for Taichi and Takagi as they tried to earn a reputation as guys that can “go”. Noshigami got a near fall at the end, but Taichi broke it up. Taichi attacked Shingo with his microphone for the rare disqualification finish in under 9 minutes.
Winners: Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi
Grade: *
Thoughts: So far this card has been extremely dull, and outside some excitement that we had near the end of this, there wasn’t much to it. I wished we got some more story. Disqualifications are extremely rare in New Japan, and it really sucks the finish away. No reason Naito couldn’t have gotte a pin on DOUKI and told the same story. As we head towards WK, I have to wonder if they’re building to Naito vs Taichi.
4) KISHIN Liger vs Minoru Suzuki
This is the match we’ve all been waiting for, and where I will begin reviewing the show. For those who need some background on why the title of this match says “KISHIN” and not “Jyushin”: In October 1996, The Great Muta had ripped off Liger’s mask during a match, but Liger stood up and revealed an all white painted face with red streaks, and white body paint, which was a much more aggressive version of Jushin Liger. He named this character KUSHIN Liger. He used the character again in 2006 in a feud with Bad Boy Hido, and again in 2012 against Taichi. In 2019, Minoru Suzuki assaulted Liger during his 30th anniversary, tearing at his mask, telling Liger he did not want to face Jushin, he wanted KISHIN. On September 22nd, the demonic alternative version of Thunder Liger finally returned, attacking Suzuki with a railroad spike, trainers, young lions, and even Hiroshi Tanahashi. Suzuki got his wish, and the match was made for tonight. Jyushin Thunder Liger will be retiring at WrestleKingdom in 2020, this being one of his final single matches.
Kevin Kelly tells us that this match could be considered a blood feud, dating back 17 years. Kelly tells us that Suzuki beat Liger in an MMA match in 2002, which was Liger’s only MMA match in his career. We are told that tonight Jyushin will be wrestling as Battle Liger tonight, which is a different character than either other character we’ve seen leading up to this match, only seeing it in 2012, and only two other times prior to tonight (against Tiger Mask and in 2002 and Hashimoto in 1994). We are told Liger might kill Minoru Suzuki tonight.
They circle around each other, trying to look for any advantage. Liger spits at Suzuki, and lays down on the mat, taunting Suzuki to wrestle him. Suzuki gets on the mat trying to twist him like a preztler and they square away to cheers. Liger into a drop toe hold but Suzuki blocks into a wristlock early! Suzuki is trying to break Liger’s arm, finally Liger gets to the ropes ad Minoru Suzuki is pissed. He lays flat on his mat now, but feigns out and tries to sweep Liger. Liger mounts now, as Suzuki cradles into a leglock but LIier reverses into a TRIANGLE! Suzulo frantic and backs up and gets a break. Liger refuses to break, as the referees warns him several times before breaking. Dropkick rolls Suzuki under the bottom rope. They begin to brawl outside. OW! Liger launches Suzuki chest first at full speed into the barricade. Liger smashes a chair on the cold steel as the referee stops LIger from using it, and Suzuki boots the chair into Liger now. Suzuki crashes Liger into the barricade now, cracking a chair across his back several times and then in the shoulder!
Suzuki wraps Liger’s arm and shoulder around the barricade and tries to break his arm again. Referee breaks it up, and Suzuki berates and chokes the referee. Suzuki begins tearing at the Battle Liger mask to boos. They stand face to face as Suzuki tries to rip it off again as they exchange slaps and chest strikes. On the apron, Suzuki tries to unmask Liger again, and drapes Liger’s arm across the top rope with a cross armbreaker screaming “IM GOING TO BREAK HIS ARM!” swinging back and forth on the ropes to boos. Liger rolling around in a lot of pain. Suzuki is really targeting the arm here.We are reminded that 7 years ago Suzuki wrestled one of the finest wrestling matches ever at King of Pro Wrestling against Hiroshi Tanahashi, but tonight it will be far from that. Huge headbutt drops Liger, before a hard right hand drops him again. Suzuki tells Liger to get up and stops the referee from counting him down. Liger up and open palm strikes, Suzuki with a boot and Liger collapses against the ropes. In the corner, huge boot by Suzuki, LIger blocks the PK! Running forearm chop across the nose and Suzuko shrugs it off and charges out of the corner! FIGHTING SPIRIT!!
Suzuki with elbows and is caught with a hard clothesline by Liger across the jaw to cheers! Capo Kick! Liger tries the Brainbuster into the rear naked choke! Suzuki doesn’t want it to end as he drops a limp Liger, Liger playing possum into a deep octopus double arm bar! Suzuki screaming in pain as Liger twists the shoulder and arm. He’s screaming “ASK HIM!” Suzuki somersaults out of of the hold into the ropes for a break. Liger with a hard kick on the shoulder he just twisted. Twisting armbreaker! Suzuki blocks, but Liger does it again! Suzuki in tremendous amounts of pain. Liger with a third one- NO BLOCKED INTO THE CHOKE! Liger escapes with a snapmare, and Suzuki holds onto the choke on the mat! Liger is fading… Referee lifts the limp arm twice and Liger gets to his feet. Suzuki teases a Gotch, and Liger blocks as the crowd starting to cheer. Liger back body drop! Lou Thesz Press into a pin for two and Suzuki gets out! VERTICAL DROP BRAINSBUSTERRRRRR!!!!! SUZUKI KICKS OUT!!!! ONE OF THE MOST PROTECTED MOVES IN JAPAN!!!! Suzuki kicked out! Liger signals for the end, and Suzuki with a hard dropkick!! Open palm strikes to a prone Liger who can’t protect himself as he stumbles, but roars back with his own fighting spirit! Crowd erupts! Suzuki slaps his own face! This is insane! Liger with his own chest strikes and slaps! Suzuki stares into Liger’s soul and smiles! Suzuki reponds with lightning fast strikes! Liger drops and stands again to cheers, but stumbles before he can connect with a strike. Liger with a slap! Suzuki says more! Forearm! Slap! Slap! Suzuki wants more! HARD STRIKE BY LIGER! Suzuki elbows Liger flat. Referee checking on Liger. Liger up with strikes and they yell in each others face. As hard as anyone can strike, Liger breaks sweat off Suzuki’s chest with an open palm strike, and Suzuki with a quick elbow strike into the Stalling Gotch Style Piledriver. Suzuki gets three for the win in 18 minutes.
Winner: Minoru Suzuki
Grade: ***
Thoughts: I honestly went from super excited about this match to disappointed before the bell rang, as I thought this would be Kishin Liger against Suzuki. Battle Liger still was a good character to use, as they absolutely kicked the crap out of each other here. Big, big difference between what we saw here and Liger’s usual stuff. The crowd loved it, it was reminiscent of older New Japan stuff, and both of them knew that. I can’t believe Suzuki kicked out of the Brainbuster. It’s one of the most protected moves in Japanese wrestling. This match was different for so many reasons, but it wasn’t a epic, so I gave it three stars out of five. Great story, electric atmosphere, great strong style, but it ended a little quicker than I was expecting, and as I mentioned, slightly disappointed that it was Battle Liger and not Kishin.
After the match Minoru Suzuki gets a chair and gets in the ring as the young lions tend on Liger, Suzuki tries to destroy Liger once and for all as he raises the chair above his head, and throws it away. He kneels in front of a prone Liger, and bows down to Liger as the fans erupt with cheers! A moment that this crowd will remember forever. The ultimate form of respect. Suzuki marches away quickly as Liger gets helped to his feet. Liger takes a microphone and says “Suzuki, thank you” and throws the mic down as his music hits for one of the last times. The crowd is chanting “LIGER LIGER” as he walks away.
5) El Phantasmo vs IWGP Jr Champion Will Ospreay
El Phantasmo won the Super J Cup in August, eliminating Ospreay in the semi-finals. Phantasmo has been haunting and attacking Ospreay at every corner. After Ospreay and Robbie Eagles couldn’t beat Phantasmo and Ishimori for thr Jr Tag Titles, Ospreay said Phantasmo will never beat him for the Jr Heavyweight Title. We are told ELP was able to make it to the show as he was training in the NJPW Dojo when the typhoon hit as the Doho was flooded and the moved memorabilia upstairs all night protecting the history of New Japan. Kevin Kelly told us Bullet Club will not be at ringside during this match as Phantasmo wanted to prove he could beat Ospreay by himself and clean. Ospreay won the Best of the Super Juniors in June, and won the IWGP Jr Championship at Dominion, but if Phantasmo can win here, he would be the reigning RevPro Cruiserweight Champion, one half of the IWGP Jr Tag Champions, the Super J Cup and British J Cup winner. He could sweep all the junior accolades with a win here.
Ospreay refuses a handshake as they lock up. Against the ropes, ELP breaks and taps Ospreay on the chest. Armdrag into a headlock into a press, snapmare, both men flip around to cheers, monkeyflip, missed clothesline, hurricanrana by ELP, Ospreay misses a roundhouse kick to cheers and ELP backs up. Ospreay says he was inches away from winning. Ospreay again refuses a handshake. ELP wants a test of strength and Ospreay accepts as they clash together. ELP forces down Ospreay at first but he fights back and drives ELP down into a bridge. They exchange rolls and flips into a double pin. Both escape into mirror bridges, eyes locked. ELP with a slap in the bridge. Both men up and The Aerial Assassin with his own slap! ELP with a knife edged chop! Ospreay with his own and ELP drops! They exchange forearms and ELP stumbles. Ospreay is fighting for his life, as they come to blows. Ospreay accuses ELP of hitting him in the eye as he drops down. ELP says it was an accident and offers his hand and respectfully lifts Ospreay to his feet to cheers before driving Ospreay throat first in the corner to boos! ELP blocks a forearm, and walks the ropes launching Ospreay outside. Handspring into the ropes, backflip into the superhero pose mocking Ospreay!
Ospreay with a quick Pip Pip Cheerio! HANDSPRING BACK FLIP MOONSAULT OVER THE TOP ROPE! Ospreay drags ELP around ringside to cheers. Ospreay tosses ELP into the crowd!! WOW! He tossed him over ten feet into the commentary teams. Phantasmo with a chair shot out of no where! He says “Whoops” (hahahahah). They’re brawling in the crowd now. Commentary is limited. Phantasmo climbs into a stairwell, as Ospreay meets him on the other side. They’re standing ten feet above concrete. Both of them teetering, Ospreay flips but fights back. OSPREAY TEASES THE STORMBREAKER BUT ELP BLOCKS! Ospreay slips and falls down to the walk way below. SUICIDE CROSSBODY DIVE TO THE FLOOR BY EL PHANTASMO!!!!!! ELP drags Ospreay back to ringside and is in complete control.
Cover in the ring, and Ospreay barely kicks out. ELP sends Ospreay chest into the opposite corner and rakes his back. Ospreay put in the tree of woe. Dropkick to the face! Phantasmo fakes another one and drops a boot in the groin. As Phantasmo poses, Ospreay lifts himself up ad nails a german suplex while in the tree of woe! HARD KNIFE EDGE CHOP in the corner by Ospreay! Ospreay blocks a springboard strike with a dropkick to the chest! Twisting handspring kick to the face! Ospreay poses on the corner, misses a moonsault, misses a standing moonsault, nails a standing shooting star, and a second rope moonsault for two! Ospreay tries a Stormbreaker but ELP blocks. Ospreay signals for the Hidden Blade but ELP blocks. They dodge attacks and ELP with an enzuguiri in the corner! Phantasmo with a Frankensteiner and OSPREAY LANDS ON HIS FEET! ELP escapes the dragonsuplex, ducks the hook kick, step up enzo by ELP! Ospreay blocks a move into a cutter, ELP blocks the OsCutter into a reverse airplane spin! Both me down!
On the apron, El Phantasmo in control, Ospreay blocks the CRII as both men fight on the apron. Ospreay blocks the CRII again, and knocks ELP silly with a roundhouse kick! OS CUTTER TO THE OUTSIDE!!! Both men down as the count begins. Ospreay in at 11, ELP in at 19.98! COAST TO COAST BY OSPREAY! SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Phantasmo kicked out at two and a half! Robinson Special connects! OS CUTTERRRRR!!!! Hooks the leg and Taiji Ishimori pulls the referee out to a lot of boos! Ishimori grabs the IWGP Jr Championship, but Robbie Eagles makes the save and destroys Ishimori with a cannonball through the ropes and drags Ishimori to the back!
ELP grabs the IWGP Jr Championship now, ELP swings, Ospreay ducks, HOOK KICK! ELP is done! HIDDE BLADE MISSES! LOW BLOW BY ELP! Shot with the title to the face! He throws the title outside. ELP to the top, diving splash! Ospreay out at two! Cheeky Nando kick by ELP mocking Ospreay using his own move. Both men up top now. ELP with a spinning reverse fireman carry! Ospreay kicks out again! ELP tries the CRII. Ospreay blocks, BUT ELP NAILS THE STYLES CLASH!!!! OSPREAY KICKS OUT!! V TRIGGER BY ELP! Ospreay reverses the One Winged Angel into a cradle! Kickout! SUPERKICK BY ELP! SPANISH FLY BY Ospreay and both men down!
They’re exchanging blows in the middle of the ring as both men exhausted. They’re empting all they have. ROUNDHOUSE! Forearm! HOOK KICK! ELP is dazed! ROUNDHOUSE! ELP drops to his knees! CANADIAN DESTROYER DDT SPIKES ELP! Ospreay covers and Phantasmo kicks out! Ospreay to the top rope to cheers. Phantasmo kicks the referee into the ropes and Ospreay crumbles. Ospreay blocks the Super CRII on the top rope. Headbutt by ELP! OSPREAY BLOCKS THE SUPER FRANKENSTEINER WITH A POWERBOMB!!!!! Ospreay pulls the elbow pad down…. HIDDEN BLADE! ELP HEAD FELL OFF HIS SHOULDERS! STORMBREAKER! WIN! 28 minutes
Winner AND STILL IWGP Jr Champion: Will Ospreay
Grade: ****1/4
Thoughts: You ever watch a match and know you’re watching a breakout match for someone? Think Kenny Omega against KUSHIDA at Dominion 2015, you knew Omega was going to be special soon. This match was that moment for El Phantasmo. Several iconic moments, the suicide crossbody into the walkway was absolutely insane. You don’t see that too much in Japan, and haven’t in a major professional wrestling promotion in a while. They brought out tributes to multiple famous junior heavyweights through wrestling history. The Hidden Blade at the end was brutal. I really don’t like matches that get dirty, but the very minor interference and cheating didn’t affect this match in the least bit, so it’s okay. What a great match between two guys who work so well together. Ospreay’s offense is just so crisp and devestating. His striking ability is unlike anyone else in wrestling. Not KENTA, not Shibata, not Ibushi, no one can compare to how fast he can strike. The Roundhouse near the end was one of the stiffest shots I’ve ever seen, clean on the ear. Really fun stuff.
6) “CHAOS” Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, & YOSHI-HASHI vs “Bullet Club” Jay White, KENTA, Yujiro Takahashi
This is going to be another quick review, as six man tag matches are often dull affairs, with some stories, but not much consequence. Not sure why this match wasn’t fourth on the card. If anything, a true definition of a crowd break match. Jay White defeated Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP Championship at Destruction in Kobe on September 22nd, so Bullet Club has some gold around their waists here (coming up short of another in the previous match).
KENTA dominated most of the match, after beating Ishii for the NEVER Open Championship at Royal Quest, KENTA looks to prove a statement to CHAOS and future NEVER Openweight challengers, but it was Hirooki Goto who laid claim to an opportunity as he pinned Yujiro Takahashi with the GTR as KENTA and Jay White looked on in 12 minutes.
Winners: Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, & YOSHI-HASHI
Grade: **
Thoughts: Average six man tag between two groups of upper mid card guys. You get the usual Bullet Club/Jay White dirty stuff, and KENTA being a prick, but the fans went home happy with this one as Yujiro Takahashi ate the pin. Killed the flow of the show having this here, even if it involves some of the bigger names in the company.
7) Lance Archer vs Juice Robinson
This match was supposed to be Jon Moxley against Juice Robinson but Moxley could not travel to Japan due to the typhoon. This match was made instead. Lance Archer stepped into this opportunity due to a strong showing in G1 and the Fighting Spirit Tour. Juice Robinson is a former 2 time IWGP US Champion. Lance Archer is a former 3 time IWGP Tag Team Champion, former 4 time NWA Tag Team Champion (2 with Davey Boy Smith and 2 with Kid Kash), former 2 time GHC Tag Team Champion in NOAH, but he’s never held singles gold in a major promotion. Jon Moxley has now missed AEW’s All Out and NJPW’s King of Pro Wrestling in six weeks time for various reasons.
Archer starts trying a chokeslam, Juice a low blow and with an inside cradle for two! Juice with a spear to the outside! Juice immediately grabs a chair and drives it into Archer’s ribs and back! Juice throws Archer full speed into the barricade!! He posts him! Archer down! Juice tries a cannonball but Archer with a big boot on the outside! Juice blocks a chokeslam, but Archer gets it a second time through a table in the crowd! Archer with a steel chair across the back and holds the US Championship up to cheers. Archer tears off the turnbuckle pads in all the corners as this match is about to get dangerous.
Archer gets a chair and threatens the referee as Juice is still crawling around outside. Archer takes chairs and sticks them between the turnbuckles. He assaults Juice one more time for good measure. Archer gets another table and slides it in the ring as Archer is creating his own Murder House now. EVERYBODY DIES as he assaults the Young Lions at ringside. He puts the tables in the corners that don’t have chairs. Archer throws Juice face first into one of the chairs. Juice Robinson dislocated one of his fingers as he looks to be in a bit of pain, showing the finger to the camera. Archer sends Juice into the second chair, and tries a pin but Juice kicks out. Juice’s nose is now busted open as well. Archer grabs Juice’s arm and walks the top rope half way around the entire ring. Juice finally trips him up to cheers. Juice with a headbutt. Robinson tries a superplex and drops Archer back first!! Juice tries a pin and Archer kicks out! Juice with the Dizzy Jabs! Juice tries Left Hand of God, Archer blocks, RIGHT JAB! LEFT HAND OF GOD CONNECTS! Cannonball through the table! Juice with a pin and Archer kicks out.
Juice plays the crowd, Archer reverses Pulp Friction, POUNCE THROUGH THE TABLE IN THE CORNER! Both men down and dazed. Archer rolls outside and goes under the ring looking for more destruction. Juice is outside throwing chairs in the ring on the other side. Archer is getting more chairs. Both in the ring with chairs, Archer misses a swing, Juice misses, Archer with a right hand through the chair into Juice’s face! Juice is flat out! Chokeslam reversed. EBD CLAW! NO JUICE REVERSES INTO THE JUICEBOX! Hooks the leg and Archer kicks out! Juice is stacking chairs in the middle of the ring. Juice sets Archer and tries Pulp Friction, reversed into a Chokeslam onto the pile of chairs!! Archer piles them back together and grabs Juice as he teases the Blackout off the top through the chairs… MURDER HOUSE OPEN FOR BUSINESS!! Archer pins and JUICE KICKS OUT!!!!! Archer slamming Juice’s head into the chairs. EBD CLAW! Three count in the middle of the ring and we have a new IWGP US CHAMPION in 15 minutes!! Lance Archer has done it! WOW! What a upset!
Grade: **1/2
Thoughts: For a impromptu brawl, this was fun. There was a lot of destruction, several tables went kaboom, several chairs were destroyed, and Juice’s finger and face also had better days. Juice wrestled with a dislocated finger most of a match against an opponent he wasn’t planning on facing. Gritty performance for Juice here. Archer gets a great moment as he has arrived in Japan as a singles star.
8) Kota Ibushi vs EVIL
Kota Ibushi defeated Jay White in the finals of the G1 on August 12th, guaranteeing an opportunity to face the IWGP Champion at WrestleKingdom. He must defend that opportunity here against who many regard as the spiritual successor to big brawlers like Masahiro Chono and Hiroyoshi Tenzan in New Japan; “The King of Darkness” EVIL.
EVIL attacks at the bell trying to gain an immediate upper hand to head to the Toyko Dome. EVIL with a strong side headlock early on, wearing down Kota. Kota tries to fight out but EVIL locks it in tighter and harder. Ibushi finally escapes, EVIL with a strong shoulder tackle, Ibushi kips up, and EVIL with another side headlock, dragging this one to the mat. Ibushi up, strikes and kicks EVIL hard. He follows up with multiple mid kicks. EVIL blocks another and drives Ibushi upside down over the top rope with a clothesline! Ibushi back first into the ringside barricade crashing in hard! EVIL with a receipt!
EVIL in control in the ring, swinging neckbreaker and Kota kicks out at one easily. EVIL with knee in the back, angling pressure betwee the shoulder blades but Ibushi powers out but EVIL with a double wrist lock and Ibushi can’t escape. Ibushi tries to leverage. He finally outpowers, and EVIL reverses again, dropping Ibushi to the mat, driving the knee in deep. Ibushi with a desperation mid kick! Martial art kick combo, powerslam, into the moonsault and EVIL kicks out! They exchange tie ups, Ibushi misses a springboard kick, and EVIL ties Ibushi in the corner and drives Ibushi into the mat with a stomp to the heart. EVIL tries a bronco buster, and Ibushi counters into his own double stomp! On the apron, EVIL counters a deadlift german ito a cutter across the top rope! EVIL down outside, Ibushi down inside. EVIL wraps a chair around Ibushi’s head and hits a homerun! Its gone! EVIL crushes Ibushi i the corner and is in complete control. Superplex by EVIL, and Ibushi kicks out at two and a half!
EVIL dodges a dropkick at the 10 minute mark, and EVIL stalks the G1 winner, tries a misdirection lariat, but Ibushi with a headscissors! Both men on the top rope, EVIL with a devestating headbutt, but Ibushi with a springboard hurricanrana off the top! Two count! EVIL blocks the Kamigoye. German suplex by EVIL but Ibushi lands on his feet! Both men try hard forearms and are blocked! LARIATTTTTTTTTTTTT BY EVIL! HOOKS THE LEG! KICK OUT!! EVIL connects with Darkness Falls, Ibushi kicks out! Ibushi reverses Everything Is Evil into a roll up, two! KOTA IBUSHI WITH A BASTARD DRIVER!!!! Ibushi can’t make the cover. LAST RIDE! EVIL kicks out at 2.9! SO CLOSE! Shinsuke Nakamura tribute, LARIAT KILLS IBUSHI DEAD ON HIS FEET TURNING HIM INSIDE OUT!! Both men down! PUMPING BOMBER CONNECTS! EVIL hooks the leg, Ibushi kicks out! IBushi blocks Everything Is Evil, wristlock, waistlock briding german! EVIL rolls through, Kamigoye blocked! Half and half suplex by EVIL! Another half and half suplex! EVIL can’t get the pin… The rug was pulled out from Ibushi as he thought he had it won. LARIAT BY KOTA IBUSHI!!! EVIL flips inside out! Kamigoye reversed into Everything Is Evil but Kota blocks, tries a standing Kamigoye, EVIL WITH A HEADBUTT! Kota with a headbutt! High kick! Jumping Knee, KAMIGOYE! EVIL KICKED OUT!!!!!! EVIL KICKED OUT!!! KAMIGOYE AGAIN! That’s it at 24 minutes.
Winner: Kota Ibushi
Grade: ***3/4
Thoughts: This match started so unbelievably slow, it was grueling, but the second half was worth the wait. The winner was basically undeniable, I don’t think we will ever see a G1 winner dropping the contract at King of Pro Wrestling, but if they can give us matches like this, that’s perfectly fine. EVIL dominated this match, one of his best matches of all time. His thunderous powerful offense has begun to find its spot here in New Japan and the crowd just loves him. Ibushi played the come from behind guy well, hitting several quality spots. The last three minutes is just so crisp and exciting.
9) SANADA vs IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada
This is the seventh singles meeting between these two, with Okada holding a 5-1 all time record against SANADA, but that one loss is what led to this title match, with SANADA all but eliminating Okada from the G1 (after a 6-0 start) with his upset victory over The Rainmaker. The IWGP Championship has not changed hands at KIng of Pro Wrestling since 2014, when Hiroshi Tanahashi beat AJ Styles.
Okada tries to start off hot with a shotgun dropkick but SANADA side steps, both men with bombs right away. SANADA dodges the Dropkick multiple times. SANADA to the top with the Muta Moonsault but misses, Rainmaker misses, Skull End escaped, and both men miss dropkicks as they square away.
Okada tries a waistlock but SANADA controls and gets up. SANADA with a slow pace, trying to gain any advatage. Okada reverses into a wristlock and SANADA reverses into a backlock, headlock by SANADA, both men against the ropes. Okada teases a strike and taps SANADA’s chest. Hard shoulderblock by Okada knocking SANADA off his feet. Slow neckbreaker by Okada, pins, and SANADA kicks out. Okada with a chinlock and SANADA gets to the ropes, dropkick to the ear knocks the challenger outside, and Okada follows. They exchange blows outside the ring. SANADA back first ito the barricade ad boots SANADA into the crowd! Draping DDT and SANADA reverses, twisting suplex off the barricade face first into the floor! SANADA with a fireman carry dropping Okada rib first on the barricade. Okada rolls in at 17. SANADA pins and gets two. Hard crushing back elbow in the corner by SANADA, snapmare into a pin press and gets two. Headlock by SANADA trying to weaken and drain the life from the champion. Okada blocks a splash with a boot, both men exchange maneuvers, SANADA misses the standing moonsault and Okada with an uppercut and both men down…
Okada kips up first, running forearm, forearm, ducks clotheslines, and drops SANADA with a hooking clothesline of his own! Thumping collison in the corner, SPIKING DDT by Okada, into the cover and SANADA kicks out at two. SANADA Flair flops to the apron, but Okada dropkicks him off the apron to the floor into the barricade. SANADA again into the barricade and again with a boot into the crowd. Okada HIGH SPEED DIVING CROSSBODY OVER THE BARRICADE SENDING SANADA INTO THE CROWD!!! Referee starts to count SANADA out… Okada stops the referee from counting SANADA out at 17 as SANADA stumbles into the ring and collapses at Okada’s feet. A hard right forearm drops SANADA. SANADA to his feet trying to fight back but OKada is just too much dropping SANADA again, followed by a powerslam. Okada to the top rope, SANADA up and leapfrogs Okada into a Dropkick! Springboard suicide splash to the floor byh SANADA as the crowd chanting and cheering for the challenger. SANADA plays up the crowd walking around the ring..
SANADA rolls Okada under the bottom rope and gets Okada in the Paradise Lock to cheers! SANADA plays up the crowd who loves is, SANADA sets and dropkicks the quad, freeing Okada, into the pin for two. Both men exchange counters, SANADA misses the moonsault prelude to Skull End, Shotgun Dropkick sends SANADA into the corner! Okada climbs to the top rope.. MISSILE SHOTGUN DROPKICK FROM THE TOP! Powerslam and Okada back to the top rope. Diving elbowsmash! RAINMAKKKKKKEERRRRRRR POSE!!!!!!!! SANADA ducks the Rainmaker into Skull End, Okada escapes, back into Skull End, cradle for two by Okada, SANADA tries a TKO, Okada escapes, Skull End! Okada reverses into a tombstone attempt but SANADA reverses and drops the champion with a spiking tombstone! TKO! Lateral press pin and two and a half! SANADA locks in the Bodyscissor Skull End in the middle of the ring. Okada trying to flail but SANADA trying to drain the life from Okada. Okada slowly fading… Okada slips out but SANADA locks it back in!! Okada is worse for wear, Okada going limp. Okada slips out again, trying to get to the ropes, but SANADA LOCKS IT IN A FULL BODYSCISSORS! NOT TODAY! SANADA YANKS BACK! This match should be over! Okadas’ eyes are fading. Referee checking on Okada. One hand up and down. Two hands up… Okada fights out into a roll up! Two! SANADA continues the ground mount, maintaining arm control. Okada blocks Skull End. OKada trying for leverage, SANADA trying for SKull End, flips and RAINMAKER!!!!!!! Okada took a few extra moments before trying a pin and SANADA kicked out!
Both men on their knees giving each other their all as we approach the 30 minute mark.. SANADA with hard forearms. Okada with an elbow. SANADA with a strike, Both men up. Okada with a hard forearm to the chin. Forearm by SANADA! Back and forth! Faster and harder! Uppercut by Okada! SANADA with an uppercut of his own. Okada with an uppercut. SANADA stumbles Okada with a uppercut! Okada with another! SANADA responds! Okada drops to the mat! Okada ducks a rolling elbow, SANADA ducks Rainmaker, Okada reverses Skull End into his own! Dropkick to back of the head! DROPKICK OFF THE ROPES! SANADA ducks Rainmaker, cutter out of the corner into the SKULL END! Okada fading! His arm dropping limp. SANADA spins the champion and drops in the hooks! Okada looks out! His eyes are grey! SANADA rolls Okada away from the ropes! Referee checking on Okada….. is he out? Okada eyes are closed. Referee asking Okada if he’s still with us. Referee checks the hand… Okada waving a fourth of a inch in a circle. SANADA tries a cover and OKADA KICKS OUT! MUTO MOONSAULT!!!!!! TRIES ANOTHER AND OKADA GETS THE KNEES UP! Both me down! SANADA could have gone to WrestleKingdom right there but he wanted to send a message and paid the price! Okada is out, stumbling around, barely able to grab the ropes, dazed. SANADA first to his feet as the crowd erupts. Okada with a defensive desperation boot, Moonsault into Skull End! Okada reverses into his own Skull End, TOMBSTONE! RAINMAKER BLOCKED WITH A BOOT! Rainmaker ducked! O’connor roll and the crowd is going crazy! TWO! ONLY TWO! RAINMAKER DUCKED! Tombstone reversed into Skull END! SANNADA SPINS THE CHAMPION AROUND, Okada armdrags out! Dropkick at the 35 minute mark! Rainmaker ducked, Okada ducks SANADA’s Rainmaker, popup dropkick! ROLLING ELBOW BY SANADA! OKada blocks the twisting cutter into the tombstone but SANADA tries to choke him, Michinoku Driver by OKada RAINMAKERRRRRRRRRRR GETS THREE! And still IWGP CHAMPION AT 37 MINUTES KAZUCHIKA OKADA!
Winner AND STILL IWGP Champion: Kazuchika Okada
Grade: ****1/2
Thoughts: They were testing the waters here, this was a fantastic match that told an awesome story. For all intents ad purposes if we were grading points, SANADA would be our new champion after this, after countering everything Okada had at every step of the way, completely draining him not once but twice with Skull End. But it wasn’t enough, and the Rainmaker finally connected for the successful defense as we look forward to Kazuchika Okada vs Kota Ibushi. Honestly, I’m not looking forward to that and I don’t think Ibushi will win. I would really love to see these two at it. I loved their New Japan Cup match, I loved their G1 match, and I loved this match. SANADA is often criticized for sandbagging matches, but Okada brings the best out of him. I think we saw the dawning of SANADA here and I think he will win G1 in 2020. Okada is still our champ, SANADA won our hearts and minds.
Overall Show Grade: 6/10
Overall Show Thoughts: King of Pro Wrestling is often regarded as a premier event, citing Minoru Suzuki/Tanahashi in 2012, and Tanahashi/Okada in 2013 as examples of some of the best matches in the modern era, in wrestling period both taking place at this event. Tonight had some amazing matches, but it also had it’s fair share of clunkers. All the tags were less than special, really not moving the meter much.
Top 5 Stars:
2) Minoru Suzuki/Jyushin Liger
3) El Phantasmo
4) Will Ospreay
5) Kazuchika Okada
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Rebel or Roughneck, who wins the New Japan Cup?
The 2025 New Japan Cup comes to a close, and only one can raise the trophy! Will David Finlay or Shota Umino head for Hirooki Goto’s IWGP World Heavyweight Championship?
- Kickoff – Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano VS YOSHI-HASHI & Katsuya Murashima; Ishii & Yano win.
- NJPW World Television Championship Open Challenge: El Phantasmo VS TJP; ELP wins and retains the title.
- Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Satoshi Kojima; Tanahashi wins.
- Six Man Tag: Just4Guys VS Bullet Club War Dogs; War Dogs win.
- Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire; LIJ wins.
- Six Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; War Dogs win.
- Yota Tsuji & Shingo Takagi VS EVIL & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Tsuji & Takagi win.
- Six Man Tag: Hontai VS TMDK; Hontai wins.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Finals: David Finlay VS Shota Umino; Finlay wins and will challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.
NJPW World Television Championship Open Challenge: El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS ???
The Headbanga is back, and he gets the mic to say, “Nagaoka! Lemme hear you guys! Are you ready for NJPW?” The fans cheer that! Jado translates for the fans, and they cheer even more. Then let’s begin tonight’s ELP Open Challenge! ELP says Jado took the words right out of his mouth! Papa Jado is right! Who is gonna step up to the E L P? And right away, here comes GREAT-O-KHAN and TJP?! They both beat ELP during the New Japan Cup series, but which one is taking up the Open Challenge? Khan takes lead going into the ring, to hold the ropes open! TJP steps in, waving the United Empire banner! Will the Public Enemy become the star of the show?
The fans rally and duel between “E L P!” and “T J P!” and Khan decides to join commentary. The bell rings and we’re on the clock! ELP and TJP circle, the fans rally up more, and the duel is strong. ELP offers a handshake, TJP takes it, and the fans cheer the sportsmanship. The two tie up, TJP waistlocks, but ELP standing switches. TJP wrenches and wristlocks, keeps ELP from ropes, but ELP rolls, handsprings and arm-drags to have the armlock! ELP rolls, turns TJP over, hooks both arms, and has a ghost pin! TWO and TJP has the cover, ONE! TJP keeps ELP down with a wristlock and the fans cheer this technical exchange.
ELP fights up, TJP holds on with a hammerlock but ELP reaches back to wrench and wristlock. TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels, then drops down to catch ELP into the TWISTING HEADSCISSORS! The fans cheer while EJP kicks around. ELP catches TJP with headscissors, but TJP moves around. TJP headstands, but ELP JAMS him up! ELP keeps on the squeeze and wags his fingers. TJP moves around again, headstands, but ELP CHOPS him on the back! EJP pushes TJP back down then does push-ups to put on the pressure. ELP even shows off doing clap push-ups. TJP moves around, turns ELP over, and rolls back to BOW ‘N’ ARROW!
ELP pops free to cover, ONE, and TJP ducks a superkick! The fans cheer as the two back off. TJP and ELP circle while the dueling returns. They tie up, TJP wrenches and hammerlocks but ELP switches that onto TJP. TJP reaches back for a flying-mare! ELP runs back, dodges TJP, but TJP handsprings over ELP. Things keep moving, TJP RANAS and ELP slides out! The fans fire up and TJP builds speed. But ELP returns and he RANAS TJP out! Then ELP PLANCHAS! Direct hit and the fans fire up again! ELP and Khan get into it for a second but the ref has them both back off. ELP drags TJP up to put TJP in the ring.
ELP tells Khan he’s watching him. ELP then goes up the ropes, but TJP trips him up! ELP blocks a kick, but TJP avoids the shoulder to DROPKICK! TJP then drags ELP onto the ropes, he stares Jado down, DRAPING DDT! TJP stares down the Master Heater after using his signature, and the fans rally up for “T! J P! T! J P!” TJP drags ELP up, snapmares and then steps on ELP’s face! The ref reprimands but TJP has ELP’s legs. TJP ties him up and turns him over into a DEATHLOCK! TJP SNAPS the lock, then SNAPS it again! ELP endures, so TJP stands up and leans back! MUTA LOCK! ELP endures, reaches out, and ELP crawls forward to the ROPEBREAK!
TJP lets go and the fans applaud. TJP stalks ELP, drags him up, but ELP fires body shots. TJP cravats and grinds the neck wrench. TJP UPPERCUTS, then goes corner to corner. The fans rally as TJP runs back in and ELBOWS ELP down! The fans rally more as TJP gives ELP the face scrubbing! TJP runs side to side, for the WASH! The fans cheer and want it “MOI KAI! MOI KAI! <ONE MORE TIME!>” TJP obliges and scrubs ELP more. TJP runs, but ELP slips outside! TJP goes through the ropes, and ELP goes up! ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit into TJP and the fans fire up all the same! ELP drags TJP up to put back in the ring.
ELP goes up the ropes, and he SWANTON BOMBS! Then he somersaults to LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! TJP stays in this and ELP stays cool while the fans rally up. ELP stands TJP up for the straitjacket and torture rack, but TJP slips free to have the IRON OCTOPUS! The fans rally as ELP endures and pries at the hold. TJP holds on tight, but ELP steps around. ELP powers through to fireman’s carry, but TJP slips free again to shove ELP. TJP SUPERKICKS! TJP runs, but ELP SUDDEN DEATH! Both men are down and the fans fire up! ELP crawls his way over, drags TJP up into the straitjacket torture rack, and swings out for BRAIN SALAD! Cover, TWO!
The fans fire up as TJP stays in this. ELP drags TJP to center, then goes to the apron. ELP goes up the ropes for a “E! L! P!” THUNDERKISS- FLOP as TJP moves! TJP runs in, ONE BY ONE!! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives the knee but TJP drags him into the drop zone! The fans rally for “T! J P!” as he climbs up top. MAMBA- NO, TJP has to bail out as ELP moves. ELP runs in at the corner, TJP goes up and over! TJP reels ELP in for a TORNADO DDT! TJP hurries to the apron and takes aim. ELP stands, TJP springboards, DEEP IMPACT!! Cover, TWO?!? ELP survives, but TJP holds onto a leg! TJP steps over, ELP reaches out, and we hit 10 minutes!
TJP has the arm, and then the PINOY STRETCH!! The fans fire up as ELP endures and reaches out again! ROPEBREAK by fingertips! TJP lets go, the ref checks ELP, and the fans rally up. ELP is still in this so TJP drags him up. ELP shoves TJP away, but TJP fires forearms! TJP goes to fireman’s carry but ELP fights that. ELP ROCKS TJP, but then he falls over! ELP rises up but TJP fires as strike fest! The fans duel as TJP WHEEL KICKS ELP! TJP then hurries to get ELP up in a fireman’s carry! DETO- NO, ELP sunset flips and high stacks! TWO, TJP trips ELP and jackknife bridges! TWO and ELP sunset! TWO and TJP has the sunset, TWO!! ELP hurries to ghost pin! ELP WINS!!!
Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (still NJPW World Television Champion)
Captain TJ pushed The Headbanga there, but ELP offers a handshake to show respect. TJP accepts it, but now Khan steps off commentary. The Dominator attacks! The fans boo as Khan knocks ELP and Jado over, then scoops ELP! T T D!! Khan shows no mercy, and TJP hands the belt to him. Khan grabs the mic to tell TJP, “Well done. That was a nice effort, working over ELP’s neck.” And then Khan tells ELP, “Do you need a stretcher? You fought hard, but if you’re still healthy enough, perhaps you will accept another challenge. Then you can bow down to me!” Khan stands ELP up to T T D again!! And with that, TJP & Khan take their leave.
ELP is in rough shape, but the challengers keep lining up. Is the NJPW World TV Championship about to belong to The United Empire one way or another?
Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Satoshi Kojima!
The Final Road Connection continues with one last showdown between legends! Will the King of Bread trump The Ace? Or will Tanahashi still be the Once in a Century Talent?
Tanahashi shows off the abs and the Nagaoka crowd gets to cheer one more time. The bell rings and the fans rally for Tanahashi as he and Kojima circle. They tie up, break, and then tie up again. Kojima waistlocks, Tanahashi switches, but Kojima wrenches out to wristlock. Tanahashi wrenches back to wristlock, then headlock for the takeover. Kojima headscissors, Tanahashi kips free, and the fans cheer this opening exchange. The two reset and circle again. They feel things out, tie up, and Kojima headlocks. Tanahashi fires body shots, then powers up and out. Kojima runs Tanahashi over! And he makes the pecs dance!
The fans fire up, and Tanahashi goes to a corner, Kojima runs in, Tanahashi ELBOWS him away, and then Tanahashi goes up! CROSSBODY! The fans fire up again, and Tanahashi plays some air guitar. Tanahashi kicks Kojima, bumps him off buckles, then kicks the leg. Tanahashi puts the leg in the ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Tanahashi lets go, but then he DROPKICKS the leg! And DROPKICKS it! And DROPKICKS it again! The ref reprimands, Tanahashi apologizes, but Tanahashi runs corner to corner. Kojima dodges to CHOP! CHOP! MACHINE GUN CHOP! The fans fire up as Kojima gives Tanahashi an extra helping!
Kojima whips corner to corner, runs in, and forearm smashes! The fans join in for “ICHAZOU, KONYAROU!” Kojima goes up, copies the Ace pose, and then ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi is tougher than that, but the fans rally with Kojima now. Kojima stands Tanahashi up for forearms and a ROLLING ELBOW! And a kick to a DDT! The fans fire up again while Tanahashi writhes. Kojima brings Tanahashi back up, but Tanahashi fires the snapmare. Tanahashi fires body shots, then shoves Kojima. Tanahashi dropkicks the leg, then blocks a kick! DRAGON SCREW! The fans cheer and Tanahashi powers up.
Tanahashi runs, Kojima dodges the Slingblade to kick and COZY CUTTER! The fans fire up while Tanahashi is down. Kojima throws off the elbow pads already! Kojima runs, but into a SLINGBLADE! But Kojima’s right up! Tanahashi catches him, but Kojima fights the Twist ‘n’ Shout! Kojima suplexes, for a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi survives and the fans fire up again! Kojima drags Tanahashi up, but Tanahashi fires a forearm! Kojima fires back, the two go back and forth, and the fans rally up! Tanahashi roars as the forearms keep going! Kojima grits his teeth as the shots get harder and harder, and Tanahashi wobbles!
Kojima fires a flurry, but Tanahashi SHOTEIS! Kojima COZY LARIATS! The fans fire up while both men fall! The ref checks, both men are still in this, so the fans rally back up. Kojima rises, powers up, and he runs, but Tanahashi LARIATS first! Tanahashi roars and the fans are with him! Tanahashi goes up top, HIGH FLY ATTACK! Direct hit, and Tanahashi goes up top! He has the hot hand as he HIGH FLY FLOWS!! Cover, Tanahashi wins!
Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall
These two went fast ‘n’ furious down the Final Road Connection, but The Ace still ends up on top! Both men show each other great respect with their deep bowing, and the fans cheer again. What will be the next stop on Tanahashi’s retirement tour?
After Six Man Tag: Just4Guys VS Bullet Club War Dogs…
Chase Owens wins it for the team with a Package Piledriver on Taka Michinoku, but that wasn’t enough for the War Dogs. They stomp Taka out 3v1, but Yuya Uemura gets back in the ring! Yuya DECKS Chase, goes after Sanada, but Sanada takes a swing! Yuya catches him to a cording hold, but Sanada fights the second! Sanada clinches, but Yuya swings out of Deadfall! Yuya shoves Sanada, runs up, but into a POP-UP LOW BLOW! The Cold-Blooded Sanada gets the better of the Heat Storm, Chase kicks Taichi to scoop and SLAM! Fale runs up to ELBOW DROP! The fans boo but The War Dogs soak up the heat.
Chase drags Yuya back up, brings him over for Sanada, and Sanada has his guitar! The fans boo as Sanada takes aim, but then HONTAI rushes in! Tomohiro Ishii, Yoshi-Hashi, El Desperado, and even Hiroshi Tanahashi make the save! The War Dogs back off with The Ace and team here. Will Sanada play his smash hit some other time? As for Hontai, they make sure J4G is alright. Tanahashi helps Yuya to his feet, the fans cheer them on, and Tanahashi offers a handshake! Yuya is surprised, but he shakes Tanahashi’s hand! Could this be the next stop on Tanahashi’s Final Road Connection? Tanahashi also offers a handshake to Taichi, and Taichi takes it!
The fans cheer as Tanahashi also offers a handshake to Taka. Taka nods and takes it, and Tanahashi helps him stand. Hashi shakes hands with Taichi, Desperado hugs it out with his old friends, but Ishii still has some scores to settle with Yuya and Taichi. Even so, the Stone Pitbull offers a handshake, and the Holy Emperor takes it! The fans cheer that Hontai and Just4Guys are respectful allies, will they stand together against the bullies in Bullet Club?
After Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire…
Hiromu Takahashi wins it for LIJ with Maximum The Holding on Jakob Austin Young, but Tetsuya Naito grabs a mic. “Buenas noches, Nagaoka~! Sorry I don’t speak a lot of English, but it would seem Jeff Cobb & Callum Newman want their shot at the IWGP Tag Team Championships. What should we do, leader?” Naito is asking Hiromu for what to do, so Hiromu asks for the mic. Fans cheer “LEADER! LEADER!” Hiromu has the mic to say, “Everyone, good evening. It has been awhile, but this is LIJ’s leader, Hiromu Takahashi.” And what? Cobb & Callum want their shot? Hmm… What should they do~…?
Hiromu says naturally, TENDEDERO! Or that is to say, the next challengers are Cobb & Callum, so they’re gonna have some fun! The match is on the books, so when and where will LIJ and the Empire put the gold on the line?
After Six Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture…
It’s a team effort as Taiji Ishimori hits Sho with Cipher Utaki, and then “Drilla” Dan Moloney deadlifts Sho into DRILLA KILLA! War Dogs win, but they pick up those NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships. Drilla gets the mic to say, “OI! You think you can kick us out of the Bullet Club? HAAA HAAA HAAA! That’s the funniest s*it I ever heard! You can’t kick us out of the Bullet Club, because War Dogs ARE the Bullet Club!” Fans cheer that! “So, Ryogoku Sumo Hall, Sakura Genesis, War Dogs have one rule: Bring bodies, and bring gold! So we’re gonna beat the life out of you, and then bring your gold back to the dog pound!”
The fans bark it up with the War Dogs, and the challenge has been made! Will Sho, Ren Narita & Yujiro Takahashi be ready to fight with everything on the line?
2025 New Japan Cup Finals: David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Shota Umino!
The Rebel made it through TMDK’s Front Man while The Roughneck slayed LIJ’s Rampaging Dragon. That is to say, both men defeated former IWGP World Heavyweight Champions to be right here, right now. Who will raise the Cup and head for their own world title opportunity?
The bell rings and the fans rally and duel already. Finlay and Shota stare down as they approach, and then nod. They circle, feel things out, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Finlay digs in his heels to push Shota back. Finlay has Shota on the ropes, Red Shoes counts the break, but then Shota puts Finlay on ropes. Red Shoes continues to tell them to back off, and Shota gives Finlay a clean break. Finlay takes a swing! Shota dodges, but then Finlay dodges. Finlay headlocks, Shota powers up and out, but Finlay runs him over! The fans cheer, Finlay swaggers around, but Shota stands back up. Shota and Finlay reset and circle again.
The fans rally as the two feel things out. Finlay kicks low, then headlocks. Shota powers up and out to then headlock back. Finlay powers up but Shota holds on tight! The fans rally, Finlay fights up and powers out, but Shota runs him over! Things keep moving, Shota runs Finlay over again! Shota keeps moving, Finlay drops down, but Shota dropkicks Finlay’s legs out! The fans fire up while Finlay shakes out the leg. Shota stomps Finlay’s leg, stalks him, and then kicks Finlay around. Shota grabs the leg but Finlay pulls on Shota’s ear! Shota CLUBS Finlay’s leg, turns him over, but Finlay has the ROPEBREAK!
Shota steps over but Red Shoes reprimands. Shota lets off as he’s just making a point. The fans applaud as the two reset again. Shota runs up, but Finlay FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS Shota, then clinches to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Finlay is a bit annoyed but the fans rally up. Finlay pushes Shota down to rain down fists! Red Shoes counts, Finlay lets off, and Finlay claims those weren’t closed fists. Finlay drags Shota up, whips him to a corner hard, and Shota falls to the mat! Finlay has a cocky cover with one finger, but Shota has the ROPEBREAK! Finlay drags Shota up, to whip him hard into the other corner!
Shota falls in a heap again and the fans fire up. Finlay flexes, Gedo applauds and the fans rally up. Finlay claims Shota’s already giving up, then he storms over. Finlay drags Shota up to clinch, but Shota fights with elbows! Shota ROCKS Finlay, then ROCKS him again! Finlay throat chops! Red Shoes reprimands but Finlay stomps Shota in the corner. Shota kicks from below, Finlay eggs him on, then stomps a mudhole into Shota! Finlay digs his boot in, Red Shoes counts, but Shota grabs the foot! Finlay tries to kick free but Shota holds on! Shota shifts up the leg to hit a KNEE BREAKER! And then a SHIN BREAKER!
Finlay hobbles away and Shota goes back to the corner. Shota runs up, but Finlay alley-oops him into buckles! Finlay scoops Shota to BACKBREAKER! Shota writhes, Finlay covers, TWO! The fans applaud as Shota stays in this. Finlay stays on Shota with a chinlock! Shota endures, the fans rally up, but Finlay squeezes tight. Finlay CLAWS Shota’s eyes, but stops as Red Shoes reprimands. Shota fights up to fire body shots, then he CHOPS! The fans “WOO~” and Shota CHOPS again! Finlay eggs Shota on, so Shota CHOPS again! “WOO~!” Finlay CLAWS Shota’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands, Finlay SPITS as he lets off.
Finlay whips, Shota reverses, and Shota dropkicks the legs! Then a turn and NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up while Shota scowls. Finlay sits up, Shota rises, and Shota stalks Finlay to a corner. Shota drags Finlay up and around to UPPERCUT! Finlay staggers back, but Shota UPPERCUTS again! And UPPERCUTS again! Shota whips corner to corner, then runs in, and UPPERCUTS again! Shota then FISHERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Shota doesn’t let that bother him. Shota drags Finlay up, waistlocks, but Finlay fights the hold. Shota slips around, drop toeholds, and rolls Finlay around to KNEEBAR!
Finlay endures, pries at the hold, but Shota just shifts to an ANKLE LOCK! Finlay flails and reaches out, but Shota drags him into the STF! The fans fire up again as Finlay endures all over again! Finlay still fights, still reaches out, and he claws his way forward. Shota lets go just to drag him back, and back into the STF! The fans rally even harder while Gedo coaches Finlay up. Finlay endures, grits his teeth and fights his way over, but Shota pulls back on the hold! Gedo shouts for Finlay to keep moving, and Finlay reaches out. Shota drags him back again, and SMASHES the knee of the mat! Then back into the STF!
The fans rally even harder as Finlay continues to endure! Shota pulls on the crossface while Gedo shouts for Finlay to keep moving! Finlay fights, pries at the crossface, and he claws at the mat! Shota puts his all into pulling back, but Finlay gives one last gasp to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Shota lets go, and Finlay sputters and coughs while clutching his leg. Shota drags Finlay up, reels him in, but Finlay wrenches out. Shota ducks the lariat and has a half nelson! Finlay arm-drags and covers, TWO, and Shota has a ghost pin! TWO, and Shota runs into the clinch! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! But that was double-edged given the damage to Finlay’s leg!
Shota crawls away and the fans rally up. Finlay waits on Shota to stand, then he runs in! Finlay LARIATS Shota and himself up and out of the ring! Both men hit the floor, and Finlay again clutches the bad leg. The fans rally, Finlay sits up first, and he hobbles away. Shota rises, Finlay runs in, and Finlay RAMS Shota into railing! The fans fire up while Shota slumps down. Finlay then clears off the timekeeper’s table! Finlay drags Shota over, Red Shoes reprimands, but Shota grabs the railing. Shota fires elbows into Finlay, then fires forearms! Finlay wobbles and Shota ROCKS him! But now Shota looks to the table…
Shota hauls Finlay up, but Finlay fights free! Finlay RAMS Shota into the apron! Then Finlay fireman’s carries so he can POST Shota! Shota falls, but Finlay hauls him up! URENAGE through the table!! The fans go nuts and Red Shoes reprimands, but Shota is already down in the wreckage! Finlay hobbles away while Red Shoes checks on Shota. Finlay goes to the ring, and a ring count starts. Shota is still down at 5 of 20, stirs at 7, but Finlay stops Red Shoes at 10. Finlay goes out to fetch Shota, promising to bring Shota inside. Finlay drags Shota up, but reels him in and POST BOMBS him! The fans are torn but Finlay is sure proud of himself.
Finlay leaves Shota behind and the ring count starts again. Shota is down at 5 of 20, stirs at 7, and slowly rises up at 10. But then he flops over at 12! Shota flounders at 15, the fans rally harder, and Shota springs up at 19! The fans cheer as Shota makes it back in, and he glares up at Finlay. Finlay storms over, eggs Shota on, and Shota rises. Finlay drags Shota up to UPPERCUT! But Shota smiles?! Finlay UPPERCUTS again! Shota still smiles, so Finlay UPPERCUTS again! Shota staggers to a corner, and Finlay UPPERCUTS! Then BROKEN ARROW! The fans fire up and Finlay flexes, then he covers, TWO!
Shota is still in this, but Finlay drags him back up. Finlay reels Shota in, hauls him up, Canadian Rack for- NO, Shota slips free to hook the arms! Finlay fights the backslide, and he flips the hooks to backslide Shota! Shota rolls through, Finlay reels him in, POWER- DDT COUNTER! Both men are down again and the fans rally up! Shota rises up and roars! The fans fire up with Shota and he hurries to get Finlay up. Shota whips Finlay into a corner, then BLINDSIDE SHINING WIZARDS! Shota goes corner to corner and back again while Gedo freaks out, BLINDSIDE KNEE! Shota drags Finlay up and puts him right up top!
The fans rally as Shota climbs up after Finlay. Shota goes to the very top, and he brings Finlay up to join him! SUPER DUPER PLEX! Both men writhe and the fans fire up! Shota crawls to the cover, TWO! Finlay stays in this, but Shota aims from a corner. Shota powers up and runs, but Finlay ducks the lariat! Only to run into a DROPKICK! Shota hurries to half nelson, but Finlay fights with elbows! Shota waistlocks, Finlay still fights, and he bucks the O’Conner. Shota ELBOWS, ENZIGIRIS, but Finlay rebounds! DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither man falls and the fans fire up! DOUBLE LARIATS collide again, and Finlay slumps down!
The fans fire up as Shota stands Finlay back up. Finlay LARIATS! He keeps Shota standing and LARIATS again! And LARIATS again! Finlay runs, but Shota slips around to HALF ‘N’ HALF! And then HALF ‘N’ HALF again! And then HALF ‘N’ HALF BRIDGE! TWO!! Finlay survives that hattrick but the fans are thunderous as Shota rises! Gedo panics, Shota runs, but Finlay SPEARS!! Both men are down as Finlay can’t make the cover! The fans rally as hard as they can, Gedo coaches Finlay, and Finlay stands back up. Finlay staggers, but he storms his way over to Shota. Finlay hauls Shota up to BUCKLE BOMB!
Shota comes back to SHOTGUN! And then he POP-UP POWERBOMBS Finlay, flips him over, and just POWERBOMBS him again! Cover, TWO!! The fans are thunderous as Finlay survives, but then they rally as Shota brings Finlay up. Shota winds up to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally harder again as Shota hooks a leg! SECOND- NO, Finlay slips out the back and reels Shota in! CANADIAN HAMMER! But Finlay falls back! The fans fire up and rally again as Finlay rises back up. Finlay slashes his throat, vowing to end this! Finlay suplexes, INTO- STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Shota turns that around with something he learned from Ospreay!
Shota drags Finlay back up, the fans rally again, but Finlay is a ragdoll. Even so, Shota drags Finlay up and hooks a leg. Finlay fights the lift, we pass 25 minutes, and Shota fires body shots! Shota powers up, but Finlay fights to suplex, OVER- NO! Shota stops Overkill, but Finlay fires a flurry of forearms! Shota winds up to ROCK Finlay, then ROCK him with the left! ROLLING- NO, Finlay ROCKS Shota back! Finlay ROLLING- HEADBUTT from Shota! Both men stagger back, run back in, SPEAR INTO A KNEE!! Shota intercepts that shot and then fires up! Shota runs to LARIAT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Finlay survives and the fans are electric!
Shota roars and Gedo freaks out! Shota suplexes, SECOND- NO, Finlay flips through, INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, TWO!?!? Now Shota shocks everyone, and the fans continue to go nuts over this! Finlay huffs ‘n’ puffs and goes back to Shota. Finlay drags Shota up, reels him in, and POWER- RANA! Shota has Finlay in the cover, TWO! Finlay rolls through to lift and POWERBOMB!! Then a high stack, deadlift, and POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Shota survives again and Finlay is beside himself! Finlay staggers around, drags Shota back up, and points at Goto on commentary. OVER- CRADLE COUNTER! TWO!!
Shota has Finlay for the SECOND- NO, Finlay fights that, gator rolls with Shota, OVERKILL!!! Cover, FINLAY WINS!!
Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (2025 New Japan Cup Winner)
After falling short again and again in this tournament, Finlay finally has his moment! Shota could not punctuate the Second Chapter, but will he still bring about a Paradigm Shift?
As for Finlay, NJPW Vice President Matsumoto brings him the New Japan Cup itself, and Finlay rudely snatches it away. Finlay holds it up to show it off, then he carefully sets it down. Finlay looms over Shota as Shota struggles to sit up. Shota grabs at Finlay, but Finlay stands Shota up! Finlay tells Shota that Finlay won tonight. If Shota wants to be a winner like Finlay, then follow his example. Shota takes his leave, but will he really resort to being like Finlay just to get ahead?
Finlay then grabs the mic, and he says, “And just like that, I am your New Japan Cup Champion!” The fans cheer that, and Finlay says to get to business, he calls out Goto. “Mr. Champion, if you would, please get your old ass in this ring right mother effin’ now.” And so, Goto puts the headset aside and leaves commentary, world title on his shoulder. The fans cheer for Goto as he joins Finlay in the ring. Finlay tells Goto, “I keep hearing all this BS about some Goto Revolution. But quite frankly, you cannot have a revolution with a Rebel. So the revolution, baby boy, is not yours. The revolution is all mine!”
Finlay shoves the mic into Goto while the fans cheer. Goto says his Goto Revolution cannot be stopped. This is HIS time! And in Ryogoku, Goto will prove it. Goto shows off the belt, Finlay holds up the cup, and Sakura Genesis is where Rebel clashes with Revolution! Goto takes his leave, but Finlay invites the War Dogs out. Taiji, Drilla & Gabe return to ringside, everyone barks it up, and Gabe already has the champagne! Finlay says hold on, they’ll get to that. But Finlay says he beat Goto in front of his own children. Finlay made Goto’s daughter cry, and did it with a smile on his face. Goto’s Cinderella story is coming to an end.
“I am the Savage King, I am coming for my crown, so your fairytale is over. I am taking your title because Hate Always Finds as Way. Tell ’em, Gedo!” Gedo says in Japanese that Finlay is coming after Goto and the title in Ryogoku! And there is nothing he can do about it! “The Rebel is taking the eff over everything! I need The Rebel! NJPW needs The Rebel! And the world… needs The Rebel!” The fans cheer, the War Dogs stand together, and the champagne sprays as the streamers fly! Will there be an even bigger celebration once Finlay takes the world title? Or will the Fierce Warrior tame this War Dog?
My Thoughts:
A great finale for the 2025 New Japan Cup, with a lot of stuff set up for Sakura Genesis at the same time. ELP VS TJP was a great NJPW World TV Championship match, and while ELP won, it was a great segue into Khan calling his shot. Who knows if Khan wins that title, but Khan would have quite the resume adding that title to being IWGP Tag Team Champion and the final KOPW Champion. Very good match from Tanahashi VS Kojima, and of course Tanahashi won. Tanahashi leading the save for Just4Guys against Sanada was good stuff. Tanahashi could have some great final matches with a lot of these guys, from Yuya to Taichi to Sanada, I hope we get to see them.
Naturally, the feud of War Dogs and House of Torture escalates to be over some championships, and with their win tonight, Gabe, Drilla & Taiji are going for those NEVER Openweight Six Man titles. That will very good, but hard to say if the War Dogs win those belts when the House can cheat super hard to retain the belts. Naito & Hiromu of course give Cobb & Callum a shot at the tag titles, and that will be a lot of fun, but I can’t be sure the odds of Cobb & Callum winning. And while Tsuji & Takagi win the match, Evil stands tall as we head into the Global Heavyweight title match. I think this also indicates Tsuji retains, but Evil will probably pull out all the tricks.
Goto led Hontai in the win over TMDK so that Goto can have momentum going into the title match. Shota VS Finlay was a great main event, and I suppose Finlay is the right choice. Shota is still exploring this new attitude, perhaps he’ll start to change up his gear like I was hoping he would tonight. Plus, Finlay brought it up himself, he beat Goto in front of Goto’s kids, this is really more for Goto to get his payback on Finlay than Finlay to get the title. At least, I’m thinking Goto wins. It really depends on what plans there might be for Finlay as the Bullet Club Civil War heats up. I said last time that it’d be wild if Evil was a transitional champion for Finlay to get the Global title back, but it’d be even wilder if Finlay was world champion so that he could become a double champion.
My Score: 8.9/10
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One step away from the Cup!
David Finlay awaits in the New Japan Cup finals, and will either face Shota Umino or Shingo Takagi! Can the Roughneck slay the Rampaging Dragon?
- Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuya Murashima VS Satoshi Kojima & Yuji Nagata; Kojima & Nagata win.
- 10 Man Tag: The United Empire VS El Phantasmo, Jado, Toru Yano, Boltin Oleg & Daiki Nagai; The United Empire wins.
- Six Man Tag: Hontai VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
- Six Man Tag: Just4Guys VS Bullet Club War Dogs; War Dogs win.
- Six Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; Double Count-Out Draw.
- Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS House of Torture; House of Torture wins.
- 2025 New Japan Cup Semifinal: Shota Umino VS Shingo Takagi; Shota wins and advances to the finals.
Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS House of Torture!
Yota Tsuji was cheated out of the New Japan Cup by the King of Darkness, but that’s no surprise. However, that means Evil has a golden ticket to the IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship. Will Dick Togo & Yujiro Takahashi help Darkness Fall? Or can Testuya Naito & Bushi help Yota keep everything tranquilo?
Even now, Naito takes his time with his elaborate entrance attire. Eventually, the pants are put aside, and Naito is wearing the new Tendedero merch shirt. LIJ fist bumps, but The House attacks! The fans boo but the bell rings so this is on record. Evil has Yota on the outside and he CLAWS Yota’s eyes! Yujiro CHOKES Naito, Dick bumps Bushi off buckles, and then Yujiro TOSSES Naito! Dick CHOKES Bushi now, then he and Yujiro double whip. Dick runs corner to corner but Bushi dodges! Bushi BOOTS Yujiro, then headlocks Dick! BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBO! The fans fire up and Bushi hurries to tag Naito.
Naito stomps Yujiro, Bushi joins in, and Evil protests. Evil runs in, but into an atomic drop! Evil staggers away to a corner, Naito & Bushi whip Yujiro into him! Evil falls, Naito kicks Yujiro, and holds him in place, for the NECKBREAKER! Naito poses and the fans cheer. Naito then covers, TWO! Tokyo Pimp is tougher than that, but Naito drags Yujiro up to cravat. Yujiro endures the neck wrench, Naito CLUBS him then whips. Yujiro reverses and Dick gets a cheap shot in! Yujiro runs, but Bushi gets as cheap shot in! Naito runs but Evil trips him up! Dick BLASTS Bushi, Yujiro BLASTS Yota, and Evil drags Naito out.
Evil RAMS Naito into the timekeeper! Abe-san again suffers at the hands of Evil! The fans boo and the ref reprimands but Evil drags Naito up. Evil pushes Naito into the ring, then he and Dick loosen the blue buckle pad. Yujiro covers Naito, TWO! Yujiro drags Naito up while the fans rally, but Yujiro snapmares to drop a leg! And he drops another leg! And another leg! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer, but Yujiro taunts LIJ. Yujiro drags Naito up, bumps him off Evil’s boot, and then he tags Evil in. Evil CLAWS Naito’s eyes then stomps away on the legs! The ref reprimands, Evil drags Naito out, and then Evil stomps the leg more!
Evil drops an ELBOW on the knee! Evil pulls on the leg in a toehold, then traps the leg in a leg scissors! Yota runs in and stomps Evil, but Dick TOSSES Yota back out! Evil pulls on the leg, almost has an ankle lock, but Naito has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Evil lets go, and he tags in Dick. They split the wishbone on Naito! The fans rally for Naito but Dick throws down fists. Cover, TWO! Naito is tougher than that and the fans continue to rally. Dick is annoyed, but Naito fires body shots on him! Dick CLAWS Naito’s eyes! The ref reprimands but Dick whips. Naito reverses and ELBOWS Dick, to then arm-drag him!
Naito dropkicks Dick’s legs out! The fans rally, Dick and Naito crawl, hot tag to Yota! The fans fire up as Yota CLOBBERS Dick, then BLASTS the House! But Dick CLAWS Yota’s eyes! Yota runs, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Yota runs corner to corner, to SPLASH! Yota scoops and SLAMS to then run and BODY PRESS! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up with Yota as he paces around. Yota drags Dick up, suplexes, but Dick fights that! Dick wrenches, hammerlocks, headlocks, then punches Yota! Tag to Evil and they mug Yota! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Dick & Evil stand Yota up.
Dick & Evil double whip to DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE Yota down! Cover, TWO! Yota is tougher than that and the fans rally up, but Evil tells them to shut up. Evil drags Yota to his feet, talks more trash on the fans, but the fans give that back. Evil “puts one out” on Yota, then fireman’s carries! Yota slips free to ROCK Evil! The fans fire up with Yota, he runs, but Evil goes the other way! But Yota catches the pounce into a clinch! BACKBREAKER, FLATLINER, and STOMP! The Gene Combination hits and the fans fire up! Evil sputters, Yota rolls and tags in Bushi. Bushi runs up to dropkick Evil’s legs out! Then Bushi BLASTS Dick!
Yujiro kicks Bushi, whips him to ropes, but Bushi reverses to dropkick the legs out! Evil is back but Bushi DECKS him! Bushi then builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Evil is sent into railing! The fans fire up, Bushi puts Evil back in, and Bushi aims from a corner. Bushi runs corner to corner to ELBOW Evil, then he puts a leg in the ropes to DROPKICK it! Bushi brings Evil out and has the leg, but Evil pulls on the mask! Bushi breaks free, kicks, but Evil blocks, hands it to the ref, and mule kicks Bushi down! Dick & Yujiro BLAST Naito & Yota off the apron! They then double whip Bushi to a corner! Dick ELBOWS Bushi! Yujiro BOOTS! Evil LARIATS!
Dick goes up, Evil & Yujiro hold Bushi open, and the ref reprimands! No one to distract him this time! But then Evil just grabs the ref and turns him around! The ref can’t get free, Bushi suffers the DICK CHOP! Cover, TWO!! Bushi survives and the fans fire up! Evil is stunned but he brushes that off. Evil paces around Bushi, slashes his throat, and vows to end this! Evil drags Bushi up, spins him, EVERY- NO, Naito gets in to kick Evil down! Yujiro is in, Evil distracts the ref, and Yujiro blocks a kick to LOW BLOW Naito!! The fans boo, but Yota runs up! Yujiro blocks his kick, and trips him up, to FALLING HEADBUTT LOW BLOW!!
The fans boo but Evil still holds onto the ref. Bushi stands, Evil shoves the ref at him! Bushi pushes the ref aside, and he blocks the low blow! But Dick LOW BLOWS from the other side! Evil & Dick get Bushi up, for MAGIC KILLER!! Cover, the House of Torture wins!!
Winners: House of Torture, by pinfall
But they’re not done, as they beat up on Yota now! They snatch the IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship from him, and Evil holds it up. The fans boo, but Evil takes aim at Yota! But Yota LOW BLOWS Dick! And he dodges Evil’s attack to then pop-up LOW BLOW! Yujiro has his pimp cane! Yota blocks that, takes the cane, and LOW BLOWS Yujiro with it! The fans fire up behind Yota as he takes his belt back. Yota holds it up to show that not everything is Evil! Will the Gene Blast stop the House of Torture from having more gold?
2025 New Japan Cup Semifinal: Shota Umino VS Shingo Takagi!
The Paradigm Shift has certainly taken a turn after The Roughneck gave up his fiery red locks. Shota has changed up his style in the ring to match his new look, but will this Second Chapter lead to the Cup? Or will this young hero fail to slay the Rampaging Dragon?
The bell rings and the fans rally up. They’re strongly behind “TA-KA-GI! TA-KA-GI!” but Shota doesn’t let that bother him. Shota and Takagi slowly step forward, feel things out, then clinch. Takagi waistlocks but Shota turns around to facelock. Takagi wrenches out and has a wristlock, but Shota rolls, wrenches back, and then hammerlocks. Takagi reaches back to headlock and he hits the takeover, but Shota headscissors. Takagi kips free and the fans cheer the standoff. The two reset and feel things out again. They knuckle lock, then go shoulder to shoulder in a Test of Strength! Shota has the leverage but Takagi powers up.
Takagi breaks a grip, wrenches, headlocks, and he grinds the hold. The fans rally up while Shota endures. Shota pries at the headlock but Takagi keeps it on tight. Shota powers up and out the back, then headlocks in return. Takagi endures the grind now, and he powers up and out! They RAM shoulders, Shota keeps going to RAM Takagi! Takagi rebounds to RAM Shota, but Shota stands his ground! Shota fires a forearm, Takagi fires a DOUBLE CHOP! Takagi whips, but Shota reverses to scoop, HOTSHOT, and then he RUNS Takagi over! The fans fire up while Takagi bails out. Shota waits on Takagi, and the fans rally up again.
Takagi takes his time stepping back inside, and he resets with Shota. They knuckle lock, but then Shota shoots in and trips Takagi up. Shota stomps that leg, then he SMASHES the knee off the mat! Shota stalks Takagi to a corner, then puts the leg around ropes. The fans rally, Red Shoes reprimands, but Shota pulls on the leg. Shota then brings Takagi out to trip him, and Shota stomps away on the leg. Shota drops an ELBOW on the knee, and pulls on the toehold! Takagi endures, works his way back, and has the ROPEBREAK! Shota lets go, but then he drops a knee on the knee! Red Shoes reprimands but Shota stomps Takagi’s leg again.
Shota drags Takagi up, facelocks and turns him, but Takagi elbows free! Takagi runs in at the corner but Shota BOOTS him! Shota runs, but Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON feint and DDT! Shota staggers around while the fans fire up, and Takagi LARIATS Shota up and out! Shota staggers into railing then slumps down. The fans rally behind Takagi while he shakes out the bad leg. Takagi goes out to fetch Shota, and he drags Shota back up. Takagi RAMS Shota into the apron, then RAMS him in again! Takagi whips Shota hard into railing and Shota slumps down! Red Shoes wants Takagi to get this back in the ring, so Takagi rolls in.
The fans applaud and the ring count begins. Shota is still down at 5 of 20, sits up at 8, and he rises up at 10. Shota stands at 13 and hobbles his way over. Shota rolls in at 15, but Takagi stands on him! Red Shoes reprimands but Takagi marches in place before he steps off. Takagi KICKS Shota in the back, then drags him up to whip. Takagi KNEES Shota at the ropes, then runs to CLOBBER Shota! The fans fire up and Takagi flexes. Takagi drags Shota up, reels him in and suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Shota is tougher than that, but Takagi looks to the camera. Then he wags his finger, it’s not time yet.
Takagi clamps onto Shota with a chinlock and squeezes tight. Shota endures, so Takagi sits him up and shifts around to also trap an arm. Shota endures being twisted and turned, and he kicks his way forward to the ROPEBREAK! The fans applaud, and Takagi lets go, only to BELL CLAP! Red Shoes reprimands but Takagi brings Shota around to SENTON! The fans cheer more and Takagi stands back up. Takagi looms over Shota, kicks him around, but Shota just gets mad. Shota glares at Takagi so Takagi eggs him on. Shota stands to fire a forearm! Takagi shakes his head, so Shota fires another forearm! And another!
Takagi wobbles a bit and Shota fires a flurry! But then Takagi blocks one to wrench and knuckle lock! Takagi goes up the ropes!? The fans fire up, but Shota breaks free! Takagi gives thumbs down, and the fans boo, but Takagi HIP ATTACKS Shota down! Takagi rallies the fans behind him, then reels Shota in. But Shota BACKDROPS free! Takagi gets up fast, but Shota dropkicks the legs! Shota turns Takagi for a NECKBREAKER! Shota snarls, goes to a corner, and the fans rally again. Takagi stands, Shota runs corner to corner and UPPERCUTS! Then FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect, but Shota stays clam.
Shota drags Takagi up and reels him in, but Takagi fights the lift! Shota CLUBS Takagi, whips him to a corner, then runs up, but he blocks a boot! KNEE JAMMER, and then a SHIN BREAKER! Shota turns Takagi over for the STF! The fans rally as Takagi endures and Shota pulls on the hold! Takagi reaches out, crawls his way over, and fights his way to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Shota lets go in frustration. Shota stands Takagi back up to reel him back in, but again Takagi fights the lift! Shota KNEES Takagi again and again, then tries again. Takagi still fights that lift! Takagi CLUBS at the legs, but Shota CLUBS away on Takagi’s back!
Shota UPPERCUTS into a spin! Takagi suplexes, Shota fights it, so Takagi hits a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Both men are down and the fans rally back up. Shota crawls away to a corner while Takagi slaps his leg into working. Takagi watches Shota stand, then he runs in. Takagi blocks a boot, CLUBS the leg, and he LARIATS Shota down! The fans fire up and Takagi gets them even more fired up. Takagi stands Shota up, but Shota fires forearms! Takagi SHOVES Shota down, but Shota is right up to fire more forearms! Takagi THROWS Shota down, but Shota’s right up to fire forearms! Takagi YUKON LARIATS outta nowhere!
The fans fire up while both men are down! Takagi rises and grabs at Shota but Shota shakes him off. Takagi still tries to stand Shota up but Shota kicks him now! So Takagi short arm LARIATS Shota down! And he short arm LARIATS again! Then a scoop for a SLAM, and Takagi goes up! YUKON ELBOW DROP! Takagi hauls Shota up, and hits a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Into an STF! Takagi gives Shota a taste of his own medicine! Shota endures, the fans rally, and then Takagi shifts to Just Facelock! Shota still endures, then fights around and reaches out. Takagi shifts to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Shota still endures!
Shota reaches out but Takagi pulls on that arm! The fans rally, Takagi puts as much as he can into the Fujiwara, but Shota fights and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans applaud while Takagi lets off, and he throws some elbows down for good measure. Takagi then brings Shota up, puts him on the top rope, and he fires ridge hand chops! Takagi climbs up, goes to the very top, and hits a SUPER DUPER PLEX! The fans fire up and Shota writhes! Takagi covers, TWO!! Shota survives and the fans fire up again. Takagi finally says, “TOKI GA KITA!” The fans fire up as the time has finally come! They then join in with “OI! OI! OI!”
Takagi stalks Shota, brings him up, and pump handles, only for Shota to fight the lift! Shota slips free, half nelsons, but Takagi elbows free! Shota UPPERCUTS, then UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Shota winds up and runs, but Takagi follows to LARIAT at the ropes! Takagi keeps moving, Shota gets around to SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! But Takagi’s right up to SNAP GERMAN! Shota’s right up, ducks a lariat, and he SNAP GERMANS! Shota roars, runs up, but into a PUMPING BOMBER!! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Takagi and Shota go to opposite ends, and the fans rally up.
Takagi goes to a corner, drags himself up, and Shota is in the other corner. The fans rally harder, and they both run in! DOUBLE LARIATS collide, but neither man falls! So they DOUBLE LARIAT again! Both stay up, Takagi SWATS a lariat to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Then he whips Shota, but Shota reverses to TORNADO DDT! Takagi’s right up!? But Shota LARIATS him back down!! Shota also falls and the fans rally back up! Takagi and Shota stir, and Shota crawls his way over to Takagi. The “SHOTA! SHOTA!” fans are showing up now, and he reels Takagi in, for a POWERBOMB!! High stack cover, TWO!!
The fans fire up again and Shota fires himself up. Takagi slowly rises up, Shota runs, but Takagi swats the lariat! ELBOW! JAB! YUKON- SHOTGUN! But Takagi’s up to PUMPING BOMBER again!! Both men are down again as we hit 20 minutes! Takagi pounds the mat, the fans rally up, and Takagi crawls over to Shota. The dueling is starting to sound even, and Takagi brings Shota up. Shota fires boxing elbows, then a ROLLING- NO, Takagi catches him! Pump handle, MADE IN JAPAN! Cover, TWO!! Takagi shouts out Milano Collection AT with how he tucks Shota’s arms! TAKAGI DRIVER 98!! Cover, TWO!!
Shota survives but Takagi keeps moving, SLIDING FOREARM! The fans fire up as Takagi gets going again, and he PUMPING BOMBERS!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Shota survives and shocks everyone! Takagi thinks on what he must do now, and he brings Shota back up. The fans rally, Takagi pump handles and torture racks! But Shota kicks and flails to get free! Shota LARIATS, but Takagi stays up while Shota drops to his knees! Takagi shakes his head, brings Shota up again, but Shota ENZIGIRIS! Takagi goes to a corner, Shota fires forearms and an elbow, then a ROLLING ELBOW! Takagi stays up to ELBOW! JAB! And whip!
Shota reverses, and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up, Shota brings Takagi to his feet for the fisherman and SECOND- NO, Takagi fights that to scoop Shota! LANDSLIDE DRIVER!! The fans rally up again and Takagi watches Shota rise. Takagi runs, Shota dodges, but then Takagi dodges! DOUBLE LARIATS!! Shota falls on the cover, ONE?!?! Shota gest going again, SHOTA BOMBER!! Cover, TWO!!! Takagi will not be beat at his own game and the fans fire up! Shota goes to a corner as the fans are dueling, and Shota BUSAIKU KNEES! Then he hooks the leg, SECOND CHAPTER!!! Cover, SHOTA WINS!!
Winner: Shota Umino, by pinfall (advances to the finals)
The Rampaging Dragon has been slain! Perhaps if this was the Shota from before New Beginning, the story would be different, but the Second Chapter writes Takagi out of the tournament. Will Takagi battle his way to the top from a different path?
As for Shota, he decides not to say anything, and exits the ring. But wait! David Finlay & Gedo make their way out here! Gedo grabs the mic to ask, “Oi, kid, where’d you go? Get back out yere, you punk! Get back here, kid!” Shota responds to that taunting and makes his way back out. Gedo tells Shota, “I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but do you realize who you’re facing in the finals? The Savage King, David Finlay! He’s crazy strong, kid! Tougher than you can imagine! Whatever it took for you tog et here, in an instant, it’ll be destroyed! Get over here, ya punk! Get over here! I wanna know how much you want this!”
“You want to come in here, say your piece? Just try!” Gedo drops the mic for Shota, and then Shota stares Finlay down. Shota picks the mic up, and he tells Finlay, “I promise I will beat you.” Finlay likes the sound of that. These two stare down, and we are just days away from them battling for it all! Who will be the 2025 New Japan Cup Champion, and the man aimed squarely at the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship?
My Thoughts:
Another great night for New Japan Cup, but with as much filler as yesterday’s event. The War Dogs sure have their hands in many things, as does the House of Torture with how Evil is building to a title match with Yota Tsuji. The War Dogs and House of Torture going to Double Count-Out Draw again was a good move, it keeps both sides equal as we wait for them to do whatever huge faction warfare match they’re planning. As for Yota VS Evil, hard to say at this point as House of Torture won the match but then Yota stood tall after that scrap. It’d be really weird if Evil gets that title off Yota just to be a transitional champion to Finlay so that Finlay can get “his” title back.
Shota VS Shingo was a great match, but the crowd really took a second to get into it. There still seems to be a number of fans who are uncertain on Shota so they didn’t feel like cheering right away, but Shota got them on his side as things heated up. Shota winning makes sense, he’s got this new attitude and so that’s part of the push. I hope he changes his aesthetic enough once we get to the finals on March 20th. Take those all white paints, airbrush something on them that helps represent what “Second Chapter” Shota is about, or even just go with a solid color like red or blue to indicate the change visually. As for who wins, that is anyone’s guess, as Finlay will have to circle back to the Bullet Club Civil War at some point.
My Score: 8.8/10
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