AEW Coverage
Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (2/12/2020)
Gold and grudges in Austin!

There’s gold in Austin!
Dynamite is dripping with gold and animosity! Will Nyla Rose finally take the AEW Women’s World Championship from Riho?
- AEW World Tag Team Championship: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega VS SoCal Uncensored; Hangman & Omega win and retain the AEW World Tag Team Championships.
- Dustin Rhodes VS Sammy Guevara; Dustin wins.
- AEW Women’s World Championship: Riho VS Nyla Rose; Nyla wins and becomes the new AEW Women’s World Champion.
- MJF VS Jungle Boy; MJF wins.
- Jon Moxley VS Santana w/ Ortiz; Moxley wins.
AEW World Tag Team Championship: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega VS SoCal Uncensored!
Dynamite opens with a huge championship rematch! Can the Cowboy pull it together to keep the gold with him and the Best Bout Machine? Or will these once again become the S C U tag team titles?
The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and this rematch from the Cruise of Jericho begins!
Austin cheers for “Cowboy Sh*t!” as the teams sort out. Omega starts against Frankie Kazarian, but wait. The Dark Order interrupts with a message! “Best of luck with your match tonight.” The Dark Order is legion, for they are many. Some of their members may be closer than you think. The Exalted One is coming! “When the time is right, we will strike.” Christopher Daniels says he’ll go make sure Evil Uno and Stu Grayson don’t pull anything, and the bell rings.
Omega and Kaz shake hands and circle. They tie up, Kaz headlocks, but Omega pries against the hold. Omega powers out, Kaz runs him over with a shoulder! Things speed up, Omega arm-drags Kaz and again. Omega has the arm lock but Kaz gets up to put him on the ropes. The ref counts and Kaz lets up, to then kick low! Kaz whips, Scorpio Sky gets a cheap shot in! Fans boo but Omega lets Scorpio have that one. Kaz waistlocks but Omega elbows out to BOOT Scorpio! Omega hears fans fire up so he takes aim and slingshots, only for Kaz to yank him down! Kaz waistlocks, Omega standing switches but Kaz switches back. O’Conner roll, TWO!
Omega runs but is put on the rope! Another cheap shot and then a GERMAN SUPLEX! Kaz hits Hangman then covers Omega, TWO! SCU is gritty as Scorpio tags in. SCU double whips ad kicks Omega! Complete Shot from Scorpio! Kaz DECKS Hangman as Scorpio covers, TWO! Scorpio drags Omega up, Gory Especial, but Hangman clotheslines Kaz out! Hangman ROCKS Scorpio, then pop-up GERMAN between Omega and Hangman! Omega full nelsons Scorpio as Hangman goes out. Kaz yanks Hangman down and CLOBBERS him! Scorpio runs but into a huricanrana! Omega knees Kaz out and fans fire up. The Terminator drums begin and Omega rises, to build speed, only for Scorpio to trip him. Scorpio FLIES onto Hangman, but Omega FLIES onto SCU!
Austin is thunderous for “Kenny! Kenny!” as Omega drags Scorpio up and into the ring. Omega climbs up as Scorpio stands, missile dropkick to the back! Omega drags Scorpio up, AOI SHOUDO! Cover, TWO! Omega tags Hangman and they bring Scorpio up together. Kaz flies in, Omega and Hangman get clear. They double kick, then both run, boot and… KOTARO KRUSHER! Hangman goes after Scorpio with a whip, but catches Scorpio’s crossbody! Fall Away Slam! Hangman kips up and Austin fires up. Fans are fired up as Hangman tags Omega back in. Omega brings Scorpio up and fans fire up. “You Can’t Escape!” Rolling senton, Hangman adds the shooting star! Omega moonsaults, onto knees! Hangman is up top but Kaz shoves him down!
Omega staggers and Scorpio gives him a flapjack! Tag to Kaz and Kaz rams Omega into the SCU corner. Kaz rams Omega with his shoulder, but Omega fights back! Fans rally but Kaz knees low and throws Omega out. Scorpio SPEARS Omega into the barriers! Then rams him into the apron! Scorpio puts Omega in and Kaz drags him up. Kaz scoops and slams Omega, then springboard leg drops! Cover, TWO! Omega survives and gets to the apron, but Kaz tags Scorpio. Scorpio stands on Omega until the ref counts 4. Fans boo but Scorpio drags Omega around for a kick to the ribs! Omega throws hands in return, and a CHOP! Omega runs but Scorpio kitchen sink knees! Tag to Kaz and Kaz runs in to crossbody! Cover, TWO!
Kaz keeps on Omega with body scissors and a bearhug to squeeze Omega like a boa. Fans rally up as Omega endures. Omega fights his way up to his feet, and he carries Kaz as a backpack towards the corner. But where is Hangman? Omega drops backwards to senton on Kaz! Kaz tags Scorpio and Scorpio is right on Omega with kicks and punches! Kaz runs in to corner splash! SCU double whip Omega corner to corner, but Omega boots Kaz and elbows Scorpio! Omega goes up and over and hurries, hot tag to Hangman! Fans are thunderous as Hangman deals out haymakers and CHOPS! Hangman whips Scorpio but Scorpio reverses. Scorpio runs in, Hangman dodges and BOOTS Kaz!
Hangman runs back at Scorpio but Scorpio boots back! Scorpio hops up and leaps, into a BOOT! Fans are at a fever pitch as Hangman starts a clothesline train between Kaz and Scorpio! Scorpio dodges but leaps into Hangman’s fireman’s carry! Hangman boots Kaz and dumps Scorpio, for the standing moonsault! Cover, TWO!! Scorpio survives and keeps SCU in this match! Hangman calls Omega in and Omega obliges. They drag Scorpio up and double whip, but Scorpio holds ropes. Scorpio sends Omega out then sends Hangman. Hangman boots back and slingshots, but Kaz LARIATS Hangman! Cover, TWO!!
Scorpio tags Kaz and gives him the boost for the tornado DDT on Hangman! Cover, TWO! Hangman survives but Kaz keeps on him with a whip. Hangman reverses, Kaz rolls off Hangman’s back to BACKSTABBER! Scorpio slingshot cutter! Kaz slingshot cutters Omega! DOUBLE DRAGON SLEEPERS! The ref tells the illegal men to get out and starts counting. Omega powers Kaz into Scorpio to save Hangman! All four men are down but Austin is fired up! The teams regroup and Hangman throws hands with Kaz. “This is Awesome!” as Kaz forearms back. Kaz runs, but Omega tags and Hangman rocks Kaz back! Hangman whips Kaz at Omega’s V-TRIGGER! Scorpio runs in, to get a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Kaz staggers up, Hangman takes aim, slingshot and…
No! Scorpio anchors Omega’s foot! Kaz dodges Buck Shot to turn Hangman around. Hangman powers out of Unprettier to Pop-up BOMB Kaz! Omega kicks Scorpio away, Hangman rolls Kaz into a V-TRIGGER! Hangman DIVES onto Scorpio! Omega and Hangman reset, BUCK SHOT TRIGGER!! Cover, Omega and Hangman win!!
Winners: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega, by pinfall (still AEW World Tag Team Champions)
Kaz just misses getting that ropebreak! But close only works in horseshoes and hand grenades! Will SCU get closer after next week’s Tag Team Battle Royal? Or will Hangman and Omega have fresh challengers for AEW Revolution?
But wait, the Dark Order heads to the ring! Christopher Daniels is nowhere to be seen as Evil Uno leads Stu Grayson and the Beaver Boys down. But wait, here come Best Friends! Trent and Chuck Taylor have had their run-ins with the Dark Order, so they won’t let this go down. Wait, now MJF’s mercenaries in The Butcher, the Blade & The Bunny are here. And so are The Hybrid2! The AEW Tag Team Division is converging on one ring! But to reinforce SCU and Best Friends, it is the Young Bucks! They SUPERKICK the Beaver Boys, and a brawl is on!! It is chaos, much like what that battle royal will surely be.
Best Friends clear out TH2 while the Dark Order retreats. They and the Bucks focus on the mercs, but the Butcher double clotheslines Chuck and Trent! He dumps them out but the Bucks give out double dropkicks! And then the alley-oop dropkick for the Butcher! Allie the Bunny is upset but so is Evil Uno! Matt and Nick Jackson climb to DOUBLE LEAP onto the cluster! Will the Bucks be the #1 contenders after the chaos next week?
AEW is picture in picture as tensions still mount between all the teams. But just as Uno and Grayson want out, Orange Cassidy blocks their path! The Sloth forces them to face DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Trent makes sure The Sloth didn’t overdo it, and they join the Bucks in the ring. The Bucks stand with Cassidy, and we have a Sweet Shin PARTAAAY~! The Bucks even give Cassidy a headband! Thumbs up, and a QUINTUPLE HUG~! So either the Bucks are honorary Best Friends of the Best Friends are honorary members of The Elite. Either way, will one of these two tandems be in line for the title opportunity at Revolution?
AEW shares Jim Ross’s interview with Santana before the show.
Good ol’ JR heard Santana’s words from last week, as did everyone, and it was obvious the passion behind them. Santana got everyone’s attention because that was the first time we’d ever heard him talk like that. Santana vowed to teach Jon Moxley what it is like to live in darkness. Could he expound on that at all?
Santana says he will tell us “a little story.” A little over 10 years ago, Santana was in the “deepest, darkest point” in his life. He was broke, jobless, directionless, living in some BS basement apartment in the Bronx. Santana felt he was buried alive. So just one night, he called his father 3:30 in the morning. Santana explained exactly how he felt to his father. And his father, who was blind at just 14 years old, had a very unique experience with living in darkness. Then his father was “stolen” from Santana. That is Santana’s life.
JR points out that the Inner Circle’s actions towards Moxley makes Moxley’s actions back retaliatory. Isn’t Chris Jericho the one Santana should be upset with? Santana says Moxley had the chance to join “the real reason this company is so successful.” Moxley built his own coffin, and Santana vows to put Moxley in the dark. Will Santana be the last nail in that coffin of the Maniac’s own making?
AEW receives another message from Darby Allin.
The Undead Daredevil is still gasping for air, so he takes a page out of Sammy Guevara’s playbook. Darby uses cardboard as cue cards to speak. “Smashing my throat with the skateboard… You made a mistake. Sooner or later, I’ll find ya. But in the meantime… Sammy, you busy at Revolution? Hit me up…” He also has a doodle of Sammy saying, “Kissing Jericho’s ass gave me herpes!” The message is clear, Darby wants to destroy the Spanish God! Will he get his chance in Chicago?
Dustin Rhodes VS Sammy Guevara w/ Jake Hager!
Speaking of Sammy, he has a rematch with the Natural! Just like then, the Big Hurt is by Sammy’s side, but will Dustin be ready for them both this time?
Austin is fired up for their hometown here at the bell, but Sammy bails out. Sammy huddles up with Hager. Hager distracts Dustin, Sammy runs in, but Dustin BOOTS Sammy down anyhow! Sammy swings on Dustin but gets tossed! Dustin hits a BIG Penalty Kick! Cover, TWO! Sammy bails out again and says he doesn’t want to do this anymore. He and Dustin go to retreat, but Dustin leaps and clobbers Sammy at the ramp! Dustin dares Hager to fight, and then gives Austin Hook ’em Horns! Sammy leaps into an UPPERCUT! Dustin throws Sammy into railing and then into the ring as as AEW goes picture in picture.
Dustin gets on the apron but Hager anchors his foot! Sammy enziguris back! Dustin stumbles down and Sammy DIVES! The cannonball tope hits Dustin at the ramp! Sammy soaks up the praises of, well, mostly just Hager. Sammy brings Dustin up and rams him into railing! The Inner Circle high-fives as Sammy refreshes the count. Sammy insist the ref stop counting, but this just gives Hager a chance to throw Dustin into the crowd! Sammy goes out to fetch Dustin, and uses a fan’s Fat Head sign to SMACK Dustin! The ref reprimands Sammy as he puts Dustin in and covers. TWO, but Sammy drags Dustin up for a fireman’s carry. Sammy does squats, then Samoan Drops! Cover, TWO!
Dustin suddenly has Sammy in a ghost pin! TWO, and Sammy LARIATS Dustin down! Cover, TWO! AEW returns to single picture as fans rally up for Dustin. Sammy aims from the apron to springboards, into a COMPLETE SHOT! Both men are down but Austin rallies up. Dustin gets up first and counter punches Sammy! Dustin whips and clobbers Sammy with clothesline after clothesline! He whips again but Sammy reverses, only for Dustin to drop down and uppercut! Fans fire up as Dustin runs in, but Sammy BOOTS back! Sammy runs out, into the spinning powerslam! Cover, TWO! Hager shouts for Sammy to get up but Dustin climbs up. Fans let him know “You Still Got It!”
Hager distracts Dustin again by standing on the steel steps. Sammy attacks from behind, drags Dustin out, FEAST YOUR EYES! Cover, TWO!! Dustin survives and Hager is furious! This is the most emotion we’ve seen from the Big Hurt! Sammy drags Dustin to a drop zone and climbs up top, but Dustin stands to trip him up! Dustin climbs to join Sammy and SUPER BACK DROPS him! Sammy flounders up and leaps to the top! Sammy grabs at Dustin but Dustin fights back, SUPER GOURD BUSTER! Dustin leaps, SUPER DESTROYER! Austin is thunderous as Dustin drags Sammy up, suplex, FINAL RECKONING! Cover, Dustin wins!
Winner: Dustin Rhodes, by pinfall
The Natural exacts revenge on Sammy, and stares Hager down. Dustin grabs a mic as Hager and Sammy head up the ramp. “Hey, turn around!” No, not you, Sammy. Dustin is talking to “Jericho’s b*tch!” Fans echo that sentiment as Hager glares at Dustin. Dustin wants to know if Hager is ever going to step into the ring, or if he’s just going to collect a paycheck. Hager is failing in MMA, and is failing in AEW before ever getting started. Hager broke Dustin’s arm so Dustin is gonna kick Hager’s ass at Revolution! Fans want to see it, so the ball is in Hager’s court. Sammy wants Hager to leave this for later, and Hager heads out. Will Hager show just how badly he’s “failing” at being a fighter?
Tony Schiavone once again interviews Britt Baker.
Fans boo as The Doctor returns. Britt gives Tony a hug and then Tony asks how she justifies what she did to Yuka Sakazaki. Is that really the “stupid” question he’s about to ask her? This interview is already going as poorly as the others… But Britt stuck to her ethical and legal obligation as a dentist: improving the overall dental health of the public. Tooth 19, aka the mandibular second molar, in Yuka’s mouth needed to go because of decay. Fans boo, not wanting to hear Britt’s technical talk and excuses. Britt says she did Yuka a favor! Especially since she did it for free. Who even is Yuka to wander out onto “our” Dynamite stage? She might not even have health insurance! Unlike “Mr. Starbucks” Schiavone. Seriously, give a hand to Tony for trying so hard.
Fans definitely are on Tony’s side, but they’re not on Britt’s. Tony asks about the coming AEW Women’s World Championship match tonight. Britt’s faced both Riho and Nyla, who does she think wins? Well, it will be a fantastic match, we will be in awe of the Native Beast and of the Wrestling Idol. But the true winner is Britt, because they’re both second compared to her. Fans boo but Britt says there’s a lot of confusion in their “chubby Whataburger faces.” She will make it easier to understand: “I am a role model.” Britt has three degrees, two Plan A’s, and the first woman to sign with AEW. “This is my division.” And what she did to newcomer Yuka is a statement. Then she insults the Longhorns with her hand gesture! Will Britt continue to do everyone “favors” from here on out?
AEW Women’s World Championship: Riho VS Nyla Rose!
The Native Beast has been on a rampage ever since being denied the title when AEW Dynamite debuted. But will she be undeniable in this newest rematch for the gold?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Beast VS Idol begins again!
Riho rushes Nyla right away with knees and forearms! Nyla shoves her away but Riho comes back for more! Riho tries a waistlock but Nyla powers her into buckles! And then rams her with her hip attack! Nyla whips RIho corner to corner, roars and runs in, but Riho drops to roll her up! TWO and a close call! Things speed up, Nyla runs Riho over with her full body! Nyla covers, but Riho uses the Matrix escape! Riho runs but the dropkick is swatted away, and Nyla stomps Riho down. Fans boo as Nyla drags Riho up and suplexes. Riho escapes again to throw more forearms! Riho rocks Nyla at the ropes but Nyla blocks the whip to rock Riho back!
Nyal whips Riho, but Riho tilt-o-whirl headscissors! And then dropkicks Nyla out! Austin is fired up for Riho as she climbs up top. Riho LEAPS, but Nyla catches her! Nyla calls Riho a “BAKA (IDIOT)” before Nyla gives her a gutbuster! Nyla throws Riho into the apron then into the ring. Fans boo as Nyla gets a bad idea. Nyla brings out a TABLE! Shanna knows what Nyla can do with this, and fans do, too! The ref reprimands Nyla but she doesn’t care. Nyla stands the table up, but Riho runs atop it to dropkick Nyla into barriers! That only works because Riho’s so small… Riho clubs Nyla while AEW goes picture in picture.
Riho puts Nyla in the ring and then climbs up top again. Nyla stands, Riho leaps, the crossbody hits! Cover, TWO! Riho keeps her cool and brings Nyla around. Riho tries to scoop Nyla?! That doesn’t work at all, and Nyla clubs Riho on the back. Nyla scoops Riho and slams her with ease, to then drop a leg! Cover, TWO!! Riho survives but Nyla keeps her cool. Nyla drags Riho up and bumps her off buckles. She makes sure the corner cam sees it, too! Riho flounders in the corner but Nyla stomps a mudhole! And then grinds her boot in! The ref backs Nyla off and Nyla soaks up the heat. AEW goes to break as Riho is sputtering for air.
AEW returns as Nyla knees Riho hard. Nyla whips but Riho cartwheels and dropkicks! Nyla doesn’t fall and she clamps onto Riho’s throat. Riho fights back but Nyla lifts her. Riho gets around, Crucifix DRIVER! Both women are down and a standing count begins. The count climbs to 4 as both women stir. Riho reaches ropes at 6 and uses them to drag herself up. Nyla and Riho stand at 7, but Riho drop toeholds Nyla onto the ropes! Riho dials it up, 619 blocked! Nyla drags Riho in, lifts, but Riho sunset flips! Nyla sits down but misses! Riho basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Riho drags Nyla up but Nyla fireman’s carries for a Samoan Drop! Cover, TWO!! Riho still lives and Nyla is shocked!
Nyla drags Riho back up, suplexes, and then hangs Riho out to dry on the ropes. Nyla goes to a corner and climbs up. Fans anticipate what’s coming, and Nyla LEAPS to GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP! Fans have to cheer for that just on athletic merits. Nyla covers arrogantly, TWO!! Riho survives and Austin is thunderous for the little idol that could. Nyla whips Riho to a corner for a corner splash! Nyla fireman’s carries, then climbs the corner! Fans are worried but Riho slips off to throw palm strikes! Nyla slaps and BITES Riho’s face! Nyla brings Riho up, SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!?! Riho survives!? No one can believe it but Austin loves it!
Nyla drags Riho up but Riho pushes back to fire off forearms! Riho won’t let up, even as Nyla swats her. Nyla Electric Chair lifts, and wants to parody Omega! But Riho fights out, full nelsons, and speaking of Omega, SNAP DRAGONS!! Riho reels Nyla in for another! Riho runs corner to corner, but misses! She hits buckles instead, and Nyla drags her up for a BEAST BO- NO! Riho escapes, Nyla wants her leg, but Riho gets free to dropkick again! Riho hauls Nyla up, NORTHERN LIGHTS?! Bridging cover, TWO!! Riho is going superhuman but this isn’t over yet! “This is Awesome!” though, as Riho is up top again. DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, ONE!?
Nyla flounders about but falls into another drop zone. Riho is up top once again, DOUBLE STOMPS AGAIN! But Riho won’t stop there, she’s up again… DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!? So close and yet so far, in more ways than one. Riho runs, corner to corner, SPEAR from Nyla! Nyla drags Riho up again, BEAST BOMB!!! Cover, Nyla wins!!
Winner: Nyla Rose, by pinfall (NEW AEW Women’s World Champion)
An epic showdown between two of the best, but in the end, it was the Native Beast that bested her opponent! We finally have our second-ever Women’s World Champion, how long will she reign?
AEW is picture in picture as Nyla goes backstage. And after getting a congratulatory hug from Tony Khan, Nyla encounters Omega. Omega has to admit, Nyla won against his friend, Riho. Nyla doesn’t want to shake his hand, and then starts talking trash. Nyla says Omega finally notices her, right? “All your base are belong to us, Kenny.” But where is everyone else? Only a handful of women are here to celebrate? Jericho got a party with “bubbleh” and grapes! What about Nyla? Omega says it’s over, but Nyla says it is NOT over. This is just the beginning.
But is that how it is? All this disrespect since day one, but now she’s the champ! There’s not even applause! The women just stand around like idiots. Nyla pushes past Big Swole Aerial Monroe, and Omega sarcastically notes, “Great champ, guys.” Leva Bates is apparently the only one trying to be positive about the new women’s champion. Who from the locker room is brave enough to step to Nyla first?
Backstage interview with The Inner Circle.
“Mr.” Chris Jericho has big news for next week’s Dynamite. He has really big news. Jon Moxley used the car keys of the stolen Ford GT to stab Santana in the eye, he proved he is “human garbage.” It makes Jericho sick that he will have to stand in the ring with Moxley at AEW Revolution. But Jericho will, as an honorable man. But Jericho scoured the globe for “a bounty hunter” to tear Moxley apart first. So if Moxley somehow survives Santana tonight, he will face a man who has toured the world “ending careers.” It’s JEFF COBB! Santana is the darkness, and Cobb will give Moxley a Tour of the Islands. And either way, it’ll prove to Moxley he will never be ready for Jericho. See you in hell!
Yes, that’s right! Jeff Cobb is now All Elite! Will the Hawaiian Juggernaut leave nothing left for Le Champion to face in Chicago?
Brandi Rhodes joins commentary.
After seeing what her husband, Cody, went through last week with the ten leather lashes, it is hard to fathom that next week is the Steel Cage match with Wardlow. But Cody will be ready. As for MJF, he is up next.
MJF VS Jungle Boy w/ Jurassic Express!
Maxwell Jacob Friedman is actually excusing his muscle to stay in the back. He also waves to Brandi as he passes by commentary. Will MJF’s massive ego take a hit after underestimating Jungle Boy Jack Perry?
AEW returns from break, and to be fair to MJF, JB actually dismisses Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt. This will truly be 1v1 as the bell rings. MJF makes his pecs dance just to show off, but fans are all behind JB! JB and MJF tie up, and MJF waistlocks. JB standing switches but MJF switches, too. More switching and JB gets MJF down to float and facelock. MJF rolls to wrench but JB handsprings to wrench back. MJF handsprings and wrenches to a headlock. JB powers out but MJF runs him over with a shoulder. MJF soaks up the heat but JB kips right up! So MJF throws him by his hair!
Things speed up but MJF Fargo struts over JB just to show off. JB runs in, leaps over, MJF hurdles but JB handsprings and headlock takeovers! MJF headscissors but JB pops out to jackknife cover! TWO as MJF bridges and spins JB. Backslide but JB slips out to cradle! TWO and MJF cradles, TWO. DOUBLE handsprings! Fans actually have to cheer MJF on that one. MJF shoves JB but JB shoves MJF down! MJF bails out of the ring to cool off and fans troll him. JB waits on MJF and MJF slowly returns. MJF offers a handshake but we all know better than that. JB spits on his hand before shaking MJF’s. Then JB CHOPS MJF, goes up, up and away to arm-drag MJF! Then JB dropkicks MJF down!
MJF flounders to a corner and fans are all fired up for Jungle Boy! JB goes to MJF but MJF throat chops! The ref reprimands but MJF bumps JB off buckles. MJF fires off hands and stomps until the ref counts. MJF lets up at 4 to go out and pull JB out by his hair! He throws JB into railing! Fans boo, jeer and even flip MJF off but he just tunes it all out as he lounges on the apron. Arn Anderson is watching this backstage, studying on behalf of Cody. MJF mocks fans before he fetches JB for a scoop slam to the floor. MJF leaves JB behind as he goes into the ring, and AEW goes picture in picture.
The ring count begins as MJF lounges on the ropes. JB drags himself in at about 7 but MJF is on him with stomps. MJF drags JB up on the apron to bend back against the ropes in a backbreaker rack! The ref counts, MJF lets up at 4, then goes back for more! The ref backs MJF off and JB flops to the mat. MJF drags JB up and knees him down! MJF drops knees to JB’s back then puts on a half camel clutch. JB endures being bent back down, and fights his way up. JB throws body shots from all sides then rocks MJF with a right! He runs, but into MJF’s tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Cover, TWO! MJF grows frustrated as he stalks JB to a corner.
MJF mocks fans for liking JB and stomps JB down. He stands JB up to whip corner to corner, then back drops him on the rebound! MJF swaggers over to JB in the other corner, to whip again, for another back drop! MJF cheers himself on but fans boo. AEW returns to single picture as MJF puts JB back in a corner. MJF wrenches and whips yet again, but JB reverses, to give MJF a back drop! Fans fire up again as JB rests in the corner. MJF runs at JB but JB boots him away. JB elbows, forearms and uppercuts MJF! MJF blocks the whip and throws JB to ropes, but JB LARIATS! MJF bails out, JB builds speed, JB DIVES! Direct hit but JB keeps going, another DIVE! JB wants the third, and he FLIES! The tope conjilo hits and Austin is thunderous!
JB puts MJF in the ring, drags him up, but his back won’t let him lift MJF. MJF clubs JB then back suplexes. JB lands on his feet and hops up, POISON-RANA! Cover, TWO!! MJF survives and JB grows frustrated. Fans rally up for JB as he drags MJF up. JB fires himself up to try again, but can’t get MJF up all the way. MJF drags himself to a corner as JB clutches his back. JB runs in but is put up. JB headstands but MJF SUPERKICKS and Alabama Slams! MJF copies another Cody move with the underhooks and inverted Gory Especial! JB endures and pops out, then rolls MJF up! TWO!! JB ducks and boots MJF then rolls up top! MJF staggers up to trip JB!
“Hey, Brandi! You can have a real man!” MJF is vile as he climbs up to join JB. JB resists the superplex and fights MJF back! JB flips over, RUNNING POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! JB was so close and yet so far! Wait, Wardlow reappears from the crowd! JB slaps and clubs MJF at the ropes but the ref backs him off. Wardlow sneaks MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring! MJF waits for JB to come close, DIAMOND RING PUNCH! Fans boo as MJF drags JB back up. MJF dragon sleepers, for DOUBLE CROSS! Cover, MJF wins!
Winner: MJF, by pinfall
The Salt of the Earth wins with his parody of Cody’s move. But this isn’t the end, as Wardlow drags JB up into a fireman’s carry, for an F5!! But here come the Jurassic Express! Luchasaurus backs Wardlow down while Marko checks on JB. Wardlow and MJF leave, because Wardlow has his Steel Cage match with Cody next week. Will the American Nightmare get back at MJF’s muscle for everything the two have done?
AEW again hears from PAC.
“Word on the street, Kenny, is that you’re done.” That Omega is a “shadow of who you once were, on a slippery slope to mediocrity.” The truth is, Pac knows Omega hasn’t been the same since that loss in Chicago. And Pac understands why Omega’s confidence is shot and his negligence has grown. All of Omega’s problems are all because of Pac. The Bastard is the best, and that haunts Omega. Omega is scared. “As ya f***in’ should be!” But there’s no more running, no more hiding. Two more weeks, and we have the Ironman match to prove who is the best! Isn’t Omega lucky?
BREAKING NEWS for next week’s Dynamite!
While there will be a #1 Contenders Battle Royal, the AEW World Tag Team Championships are on the line again! Hangman and Omega will take on the Lucha Brothers, Pentagon Jr and Rey Fenix! Will the gold change hands so close to Revolution?
Jon Moxley VS Santana w/ Ortiz!
It has been eye for an eye between The Maniac and the Inner Circle, and that might be as true as it’s ever been here tonight! Le Champion leads Sammy and Hager to their VIP box while Proud ‘n’ Powerful are together at ringside. Will Moxley survive Santana to then take on Jeff Cobb? Or will everyone witness the end of the Paradigm Shift?
Since Moxley’s usual path is blocked by the Inner Circle’s VIP box, Moxley comes out from the complete other side of the audience and on the ground level! Santana doesn’t even let Moxley get to the ring, he attacks at the railing! Moxley drags Santana over to join him and the brawl is happening in front of the fans! The two throw hands as the ref and Ortiz hurry after. Moxley rams Santana into more railing, and then throws big forearms. Santana throws forearms back but this match isn’t even official yet! Santana kicks Moxley to barriers, then runs in, but Moxley back drops him to ringside! Moxley drags Santana up to throw into railings on the other side!
Ortiz gets in Moxley’s face but Moxley doesn’t sweat him. Moxley CHOPS Santana and things finally enter the ring. The bell sounds and Moxley clotheslines Santana in a corner! Moxley CHOPS Santana all around but Santana hits back. Moxley fires off forearms and knees but runs into Santana’s elbow. Santana whips but Moxley reverses to send Santana out with a clothesline! Ortiz checks on Santana but Moxley climbs up, to LEAP! The huge elbow takes out Santana! Moxley drags Santana up to throw haymakers and follow around the way. Santana sends Moxley into steel steps! Santana wants to take Moxley’s good eye using the corner of the steps! Moxley holds him off, but it comes dangerously close! Moxley fights back and then puts Santana in the ring.
Santana hits Moxley away, builds speed and wrecks him with a dropkick! Ortiz laughs at Moxley and the Inner Circle applauds as AEW goes picture in picture again.
Santana stands Moxley up to CHOP, and then follows him around the way. Santana clubs Moxley to railing, and then CHOPS him against the railing. He puts Moxley back in the ring, covers, ONE! So Santana goes after the good eye with his thumb! The ref reprimands but Santana puts Moxley on ropes to choke! Santana clubs away but lets up at the ref’s count. He clubs Moxley around, then puts him in a corner. Santana rams his shoulder in but Moxley does his best to fight back. Santana climbs up to drive elbow after elbow into Moxley’s head! Moxley pushes Santana away, but Santana catches the kick to enziguri Moxley back! Cover, TWO!
Both men take a moment to check their eye patches before Santana clamps onto Moxley with a chinlock. Moxley endures, even as Santana rakes his good eye! The ref reprimands, the two men stand up, and Moxley pries free to throw forearms from all sides! AEW is single picture as Moxley whips but Santana reverses, only for Moxley to rally with lariats! Moxley whips again but Santana kicks him away! Santana swings but into one underhook. The bad eyes make it hard to find the other arm, but Moxley gets the backslide. TWO, but Moxley has the one arm for a FUJIWARA! Santana endures as Moxley pulls back. Santana fights up, rolls and boots Moxley away!
Moxley ducks Santana’s punch to GERMAN SUPLEX Santana away! Ortiz coaches Santana while the rest of the Inner Circle is worried. Moxley runs corner to corner but Santana boots him away! BUCKLE SHOT! Santana gets up as Ortiz talks trash to Moxley. Santana runs corner to corner now, but Moxley is right up! Moxley swings, Santana waistlocks and O’Conner rolls, but Moxley slips out. Santana rolls back more to CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Santana keeps his cool as he drags Moxley up, SPIKE PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Moxley survives that dangerous move, but Santana keeps his cool. Santana climbs up top and leaps, but he splashes onto knees!
Both men are down and a standing count begins. The count reaches 5 before Moxley stands with the ropes. But Ortiz lurks with the mad ball! The ref spots him and warns him not to! Santana runs in, Moxley sends him into Ortiz! Moxley rolls Santana up, TWO! Santana SUPERKICKS! Santana runs, into a LARIAT! Both men are down again and Austin fires up! Moxley crawls around, gets to his feet, and fires himself up! Moxley heads to the top rope but Ortiz lurks again! Ortiz SPITS a bunch of beer!? Moxley is blinded as Ortiz shimmies and dances. Santana runs corner to corner, CANNONBALL! Santana puts Moxley in the drop zone and heads up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!?! Moxley survives the screw job and Ortiz is furious!
Fans rally for Moxley while the Inner Circle is frustrated. Moxley and Santana flounder about, but Santana slaps Moxley around. Moxley swings on Santana but misses wildly. Santana grabs Moxley and mocks him, but Moxley thumbs Santana’s BAD eye through the patch!! Moxley still wobbles, Santana flails, they bump into each other! PARADIGM SHIFT!! Cover, Moxley wins!
Winner: Jon Moxley, by pinfall
But Ortiz is right on him! Mad ball and claws get at Moxley’s face! And here come the rest of the Inner Circle! Hager and Sammy stomp and punch Moxley while Ortiz pushes the ref out of the ring! Le Champion takes his time swaggering into the ring, a bottle of the bubbly in his hands. Ortiz uses the mad ball more, then Jericho uses the AEW World Championship belt to LASH Moxley! Hager has Moxley up in the arm triangle, then KNEES Moxley low! The Inner Circle puts Moxley in the drop zone for Sammy to climb up and 630 SENTON! Hager drags Moxley back up as Jericho takes off his fancy jacket. JUDAS EFFECT! Jericho “covers” Moxley and Ortiz “counts,” Jericho “wins.”
Wait, who is Jericho calling for now? JEFF COBB IS HERE TONIGHT!? The bounty hunter debuts on AEW a week early, and he reels Moxley in for a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS! The Inner Circle only gets stronger thanks to the addition of the Hawaiian Juggernaut! Will there be anything of Moxley left by the time we get to Revolution?
My Thoughts:
An amazing episode for AEW Dynamite tonight! I really liked that they again opened with an amazing tag team match for the titles. It was great to see Hangman & Omega retain, and it is an interesting move for SCU to be a bit more Heel in the match-up. It is also of note that the SCU disappeared during all that brawling with The Dark Order and the other AEW tag teams. Evil Uno’s message about their newest members being closer than you’d think, could it be that the SCU are already part of the faction? Is Daniels going to be the Exalted One if it isn’t Matt Hardy? Also, with another AEW World Tag Team title match next week, will Hangman & Omega retain to face The Dark Order in some capacity?
The Women’s World Championship was incredible! This could’ve been on the PPV as is! And Nyla winning actually felt right. I wish TNT had let us hear her promo backstage so we could get context of what might be building between her and Kenny Omega. Omega VS PAC is coming, and PAC had a great promo tonight, but maybe after Revolution, AEW makes history by having Omega VS Nyla as a co-ed feud? Britt had a very strong promo tonight, and I honestly laughed at her line about Whataburger. She might still move up to challenge for the title, even if Nyla is Heel just like Britt.
MJF VS Jungle Boy was a great match, and I agree with commentary in saying these two young stars are going to be among the biggest names in wrestling in just a few years. Of course MJF cheats to win, though, but that was some classic Heel work. Wardlow is being a henchman for now but I would love to see him and Luchasaurus have a series of matches.
Dustin getting a win back on Sammy was great, and we’ll finally get Dustin VS Hager at Revolution. Darby calling out Sammy was a great promo, and I would hope we get that match for Revolution. The Inner Circle is definitely becoming a force to be reckoned with. I am so glad to see Jeff Cobb got off the sinking ship that is ROH to join AEW! Mox VS Santana was a great match tonight, Mox VS Cobb is going to be just as good, if not better. And Moxley running this gauntlet to get at Jericho, this is some great stuff.
My Score: 9.3/10
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St. Paul is All Elite!
Forces of nature converge as Toni Storm & Thunder Rosa reunite against The Megasus & The Superbad Girl in a powerful tag team match!
- Kenny Omega VS Blake Christian w/ Lee Johnson; Omega wins.
- Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis VS Brody King; Kyle wins.
- “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs VS Mark Davis w/ Don Callis; Hobbs wins.
- Top Flight w/ AR Fox VS Alex Findley & Devo Knight; Top Flight wins.
- Mark Briscoe VS Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis; Konosuke wins.
- Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm VS Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford; Bayne & Ford win.
Kenny Omega VS Blake Christian w/ Lee Johnson!
The AEW International Champion knows he has a Triple Threat waiting for him at Dynasty, so he needs to get himself ready. Will tonight be a tune-up for the Best Bout Machine? Or will he not like the taste of the Vanilla Babyface?
The bell rings and the fans fire up for “KENNY! KENNY!” Omega and Blake circle, feel things out, and tie up. Omega waistlocks, Blake pries at the grip, and Blake wrenches out to wristlock. Omega wrenches back, wristlocks again, but Blake rolls, cartwheels, and slips through to wrench. Blake spins Omega to snapmare, but Omega turns chinlock into armlock. Omega wrenches, then hits a headlock takeover. Blake headscissors, Omega kips free, and Omega hits another takeover. Omega fights off the headscissors, but Blake fights up to his feet. Blake powers up and out, but Omega runs him over! Blake kips up, then pie faces Omega! And flips him off!
St. Paul boos as Blake is anything but a babyface here. Omega shrugs that off and CHOPS Blake! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Blake sputters, Omega wrenches and reel shim in, for a BIG back suplex! The fans fire up, Omega runs corner to corner, but Blake dodges! Omega hits buckles hard, then Blake fires shots to the lower back! The fans boo but Blake fires more body blows. Omega fires forearms and haymakers, but Blake knees low! Blake whips, hurdles, then dodges to DROPKICK! Blake kips up, and pulls out a finger gun! Blake licks it, BANG, but Omega ROCKS him first! Omega then brings Blake to a corner, but Blake blocks the buckle bump!
Blake CLAWS Omega’s eyes, then steps out to the apron with him, APRON SPEAR! Omega goes to the floor, Blake builds speed, INVERTED DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp, and Blake high-fives Big Shotty. Blake puts Omega in, then springboards, but Omega gets under! Blake handsprings through, but into a V-TRIGGER! Lee gets on the apron, but Omega DECKS him! The fans fire up, Omega vows to end this! SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Blake sputters, but Omega hits another SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Blake is dazed but Omega isn’t done! Omega reels Blake in, hooks a leg, AOI SHODOU! The fans fire up and Omega takes out his finger gun!
Omega says BANG, runs in, and V-TRIGGER! Blake sputters, Omega Electric Chair Lifts! Fold for the ONE WINGED ANGEL!! Cover, Omega wins!
Winner: Kenny Omega, by pinfall
The Vanilla Babyface melted from the heat Omega is bringing! Omega picks up his belt but also a mic to say, “What’s going on?” The fans cheer, and Omega says it is unfortunate that he doesn’t get to wrestle every single week like he’d like. But when he gets the chance to come out to St. Paul, and when he promises them that he’ll make it quick, AEW’s fearless leader, Tony Khan, had no choice but to sign the match. But it will be a far different story when it comes to Dynasty! Omega not only has Ricochet, who the fans boo, but he also has the newcomer, though not so new to Omega, in “Speedball” Mike Bailey! The fans cheer that name!
And speaking of, here comes Speedball! The fans fire up as Bailey walks out, mic in hand, and he goes right to the ring. The fans cheer as these two are face to face, and Bailey says, “Kenny Omega…” Omega says, “Speedball.” Bailey congratulates Omega, and Omega says, “Thanks?” Bailey says he wanted to come out here and say that Omega is an inspiration to him. Bailey respects Omega. No, more than that, he admires Omega. As a wrestler, but also as a person, and as a champoin. But Kenny… Come Dynasty, even though Bailey respects Omega, he will not hold anything back.
Bailey won’t pull his punches, and he won’t hesitate for even one second to kick Omega’s head clean off and take that International Championship! Fans are torn on that, but Omega says, “So, by the sounds of it-” Oh no, Ricochet interrupts from the tron. “Do I have you attention? Okay, good, good, good. As much as I would love to be there in person, to smack both of you in your faces for even thinking that you’re going to leave Dynasty with my title… Fortunately for everybody involved in this situation, today is my wedding.” Ricochet models his white suit, and says he is dressed for the best day of his life.
“That is, until April 6th, when I continue to show everybody why Ricochet is Outta This World, and I beat you, Cornball, and I beat you, former Best Bout Machine, and I become the NEW International Champion! Oh, it sounds good, it sounds so good. I can see it now. So go ahead, continue to argue amongst yourselves about the inevitable. That being that after April 6th, Ricochet leaves Dynasty with both the girl and the gold. AHA~!” The One & Only adjusts his collar, but Omega tells him not so fast! Oh, well, he’s gone. But first of all, congratulations are in order. But that’ll be the only thing Omega will congratulate Ricochet on.
Because at Dynasty, make no mistake about it, it’s much like Ricochet said, it isn’t about making friends! Omega has a cat, he doesn’t need any more friends. The fans cheer that! Omega continues to say that as good of a guy as Bailey may be, and as big of a piece of garbage as Ricochet is, they aren’t Omega’s comrades. There is only one thing Omega has time for, there is only one thing Omega has room for, and it’s got to do with the thing on his shoulder, and that is his legacy. So consider yourselves just another stepping stone to solidifying Omega’s legacy. Oh and by the way, welcome to AEW, Bailey.
Unfortunately, while Omega wishes he could talk more, he must bid each and every one of you adieu! So until Dynasty, goodbye, MWAH! And goodnight, BANG! The Cleaner puts both his challengers on notice, but will the numbers spell disaster for him at Dynasty?
The Learning Tree speaks.
Chris Jericho says, “Last Sunday on Collision, I had Gravity’s mask taken from me. Or should I say, taken from us. But that’s okay, because I think it’s time for all the masks to be removed. It’s time to discuss some ugly truths that need to be addressed. Like the fact that you two (Big Bill & Bryan Keith) have been under the branches of The Learning Tree for far too long without using the wisdom that I’ve bestowed upon you. I need to ask you why I have to keep telling you time and time again to prove yourselves, I’m sick of asking! You need to think if it’s worthy for you to still be with Chris Jericho.
“If you think that, then it’s time for you to make some drastic changes, and go prove yourselves to me! Once again, for the last time, PROVE IT!” Bill & Keith quietly walk off, and Jericho turns his attention back to the camera. Bandido got his brother’s mask back, congrats. But it isn’t Gravity’s mask that Jericho wants, it’s Bandido’s! Jericho wants Bandido to feel the disgrace and humiliation that his brother did when Jericho tore that mask off in front of their family! And why would Bandido put up the mask? Jericho knows Bandido wants to be ROH World Champion again, so how about this? Title VS Mask for Dynasty!
Bandido, is it worth risking the humiliation? Is it risking the disgrace? Is it worth making your mother cry again when you lose the mask? Is it worth it? Jericho thinks so. See you at Dynasty. The Nueve is ready to risk it all, but will he be the one to lose it all in just 11 days?
MJF is here!
St. Paul is torn as the Scumbag walks out, mic already in hand. MJF goes to the ring, shows off MVP’s business card, then has them cut his music. MJF says, “Much like Michael Jackson’s legacy is far more important than that talentless hack named Prince…” MJF grins as the fans boo… “My words are far more important than everybody watching on their cheap TV sets in their trailer parks at home, and it’s damn sure more important than each and every one of yours.” The fans boo more, but MJF says, “Let’s play a game, okeh, Minnesota? We’re gonna shut the hell up. You think we can pull that off?” The fans boo, so no.
MJF says that’s what he thought. MJF tells MVP that he’s been looking at the card for two weeks straight. And he would like for them to have a little chit-chat so MJF can give an answer. MJF invites MVP out, and the fans cheer as the head of The Hurt Syndicate makes his way out here! Montel Vontavious Porter likes the fans singing along, “We Hurt~ People!” and chanting “M V P! M V P!” MJF says the thing we can agree on is that MVP is a legend in the sport of professional wrestling. And is that a new cane? That’s gorgeous! The fans cheer that, and MJF tells MVP that after everything with Adam Cole, MJF promised he would never do “friends” in this again.
And MJF has known “Montel” a very long time, and if there is one thing MJF has learned about him, it’s that when MVP clocks in, he doesn’t do friends, either. MVP does business. MJF has been looking at the card for a long time, and he has made a decision. The decision is… MJF would like to be in the business of hurting people. MJF offers a handshake, MVP checks if he means it, and wait! The rest of the Hurt Syndicate is here! The fans fire up as Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin bring their AEW World Tag Team Championships to the ring. Lashley looks MJF right in the eyes while the fans again sing the song, “We Hurt~ People!”
And then Lashley offers a handshake! MJF asks if Lashley means that, and he says up top! But then Lashley explains that he wants the card. What? The card, Max. Hand it over. MJF says okay, here. MJF gives the card back to Lashley, and then Lashley looks to MVP and Shelton. Lashley hands MVP his belt to hold, and then he RIPS UP THE CARD! MJF says okay, does Lashley wanna go? They can do this now! MVP says no, no, they’re cool. MJF asks MVP what’s going on. He thought they were cool. MVP says yeah, they’re cool, they’re cool. He has Lashley stand down, and MJF says okay, they can talk later.
MJF steps out, the fans boo, and even MVP seems a bit unsure why Lashley pulled MJF’s card. MVP says business never sleeps, and that they know they can trust him. But wait! Bryan Keith & Big Bill walk out here? The Bad Apple tells everyone to hold on. “So I guess it is true. Hurt people do in fact hurt people. But don’t worry, we ain’t out here to join your little group therapy session. We got real business to attend to!” Bill takes the mic, but MVP tells him to get his “lil’ b*tch” back on the leash so the men can talk. Bill keeps Keith calm, and he says he sees the Hurt Syndicate standing in the ring with the tag titles, but he doesn’t see a challenger. MVP says, “Me neither!”
Bill wants to tell MVP something. MVP wants to run his mouth? MVP wants to come out here with his cane and his business cards, but Bill can’t tell if he’s American Psycho or Iceberg Slim. Is he a pimp or a businessman? MVP says he’s a bit o’ both, and he’ll make his boys turn The Learning Tree into their b*tches if Bill keeps running his mouth. Bill says all he sees is a chump, and the MVP of being Lashley’s b*tch. No, we established who the b*tch was, but if Bill wants to go on about this… Bill says they should talk over the tag team titles. Bill was once a tag team champion, and he was never pinned nor never submitted for those titles!
Bill’s partner got pinned by Sting, and then Sting ran off and retired before ever granting Bill a rematch. Shelton says they don’t care! Bill says how about this. He and Keith need to prove themselves to Jericho, so Bill will take his rematch, so that The Learning Tree will take those titles! MVP laughs, and says Bill’s a comedian. But since Bill and his “girlfriend” want a shot, they should actually win a match! Then they can talk about an opportunity for the titles. MVP goes to leave, Lashley stares down Bill, and then the Hurt Syndicate heads out. Who will The Redwood have to take down to prove he and the Bad Apple are ready for this fight?
Backstage interview with Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm.
Renee Paquette is with La Mera Mera & the Timeless AEW Women’s World Champion, and brings up tonight’s main event. #ThunderStorm reunites for the first time in three YEARS, and they take on Penelope Ford and Toni’s future challenger, Megan Bayne. Yes, Toni remembers it well. They were so young, so unafraid. Nothing’s really changed. Rosa says no, everything has changed. Toni’s certainly changed! She has a butler now! And let’s not forget, the last time they worked together, Toni knocked Rosa out and tried to erase the face paint off Rosa’s face. Oh, we all make mistakes in the heat of passion.
Well, then make no mistake. Because Rosa wants what she never lost. Toni tells Rosa, “Enough of this gay banter. Megan Bayne, Penelope Ford, you two slop tarts are about to get double teamed like you’ve never dreamed!” Rosa plays along and says yes! Tonight, the games are over! Tonight, they fight! Tonight, you meet the team of… THUNDER TITS! W-What? No, it’s Thunder Storm. Not anymore! Strap yourselves in, girls, it’s gonna be a bumpy night. Well, whatever the team name, will Thunder & Storm strike down The Megasus & Superbad Girl?
Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis VS Brody King!
The Protostar may have lost to Will Ospreay at Revolution, but he’s ready to redeem himself and rise back up the ranks. Will the Aussie Arrow shoot down this Hound of Hell? Or will Kyle come to understand why Brody is the King of Death?
Callis doesn’t join commentary, they don’t have the equipment ready, so he just throws Schiavone’s own notes at him. The fans tell Callis off, then they cheer on Brody. Kyle claims he needs a second with his tearaway pants, but then he BOOTS Brody instead! The ref rings the bell, Kyle fires off stomps, but he stops at 4. Kyle soaks up the heat, then OFF COME THE PANTS! Kyle flexes, but Brody stalks up behind him! The fans bark, Callis tells Kyle to turn around. Kyle soaks up more heat, but then he turns around into a CHOP! Brody drags Kyle up, CHOPS him again, and Kyle goes to a corner. Brody fires forearms again and again to sit Kyle down!
Brody digs his boot in, the ref counts, and Brody stops. Kyle flops out of the ring and St. Paul cheers Brody on. Brody paces while he waits on Kyle, and Callis gives Kyle a shoulder rub. Kyle rises, the fans tell Callis off, and Kyle hobbles around the way. Kyle slides in, but Brody drags Kyle up! Brody CHOPS Kyle, brings him around to scoop and SLAM! Then Brody runs to SENTON! Kyle sputters and the fans bark again. Brody drags Kyle back up, eggs him on, so Kyle CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Brody CHOPS and Kyle falls back! Kyle goes to the ropes, Brody stands him up to CHOP again! Brody runs, but Kyle follows! CALF KICK!
Brody sputters against the ropes and Callis cheers. Kyle stomps away at the ropes, but stops as the ref counts. The fans boo but Kyle drags Brody up. Kyle whips, but Brody blocks! Brody then swings, but Kyle dodges. Brody blocks the boot, and he LARIATS Kyle up and out! Kyle flops to the floor and the fans are thunderous! Brody has everyone barking as Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Callis is worried for Kyle as Brody storms out and drags him up. Brody whips Kyle hard into barriers, then high-fives the fans. Brody brings Kyle around to whip hard into railing! Kyle is upside-down, Brody high-fives more fans, and then Brody stands on Kyle! Brody flexes, the fans cheer, but the ref reprimands. Brody steps off, then he drags Kyle up. Callis keeps his distance mostly out of fear, and Brody whips Kyle into more railing! Brody holds Kyle up for photo ops, then he CHOPS! Kyle flops up and over into the front row! The ref has Brody give them space while he checks on Kyle. Kyle is okay to continue, but Brody just CHOPS him again!
Kyle ends up in the second row now, and Brody tells him night-night. Kyle manages to sit up, so Brody drags him back to the railing. Brody suplexes Kyle to the floor! Kyle sputters, but Brody puts him back in the ring. Brody climbs to the apron, but Kyle runs in and CALF KICKS him down! Brody stumbles backwards into the desk! Brody hobbles, Callis creeps up, but then Brody barks and scares Callis off. Kyle runs out to CLUB Brody on the back! Kyle puts Brody back in the ring and Dynamite returns to single picture. The fans again tell Callis off, but Kyle taunts Brody. Brody leans against the ropes, Kyle brings him up, but Brody CHOPS!
Kyle sputters, but he KNEES low! Kyle fires knee after knee into Brody, then soaks up the heat. Kyle stands Brody up, but Brody CHOPS again! And again! And again! Kyle BOOTS in return! Kyle whips, but Brody blocks again! So Kyle ROCKS Brody with a forearm! Kyle whips, Brody reverses, but Kyle ducks ‘n’ dodges! Only to run into a BIG BOSS MAN SLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down, and a standing count starts already. Brody rises at 4 of 10, the fans bark, and Kyle sputters back up. Brody LARIATS Kyle back down! And LARIATS him again! And then CHOPS! Kyle rebounds, into a BACKDROP!
The fans fire up as Kyle flounders out of the ring. Brody slashes his throat, builds speed, and DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Kyle! The fans lose their minds, that was literally the biggest tope possible! Brody stands Kyle up, whips him back into barriers, and Kyle takes a seat in the corner. Brody makes sure to position Kyle just right, and CHOPS him again! Brody barks, the fans join in, and Brody gets space. Brody runs in from the ramp, but Kyle jumps at him! Brody caches Kyle with one hand! Brody scoops, but Kyle slips free to POST Brody! And then he RAMS Brody into the barriers! Kyle goes to the apron, takes aim, and he PENALTY KICKS!
Brody staggers and drops to a knee. Kyle goes into the ring and he DIVES! Direct hit and Brody hits barriers hard! The fans fire up while both men are down on the ground! Callis coaches Kyle, St. Paul rallies for Brody, but Brody is dazed while Kyle rolls into the ring. The ring count is already 5 of 10, then 7! Callis wants the count to be faster, but Brody is up at 8! Brody rolls in, but Kyle is up top! Kyle aims and MACHO ELBOWS! Cover, TWO!! Brody survives and the fans fire up! Kyle begs that the count was wrong, but no, that was fair. Kyle drags Brody up, reels him in, but Brody fights the suplex! Brody then hits a CORNER EXPLODER!
Kyle sputters and flounders, and Brody stalks him to the apron. Brody drags Kyle up and reels him in, but Kyle fights the lift! Kyle is free to SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! But Brody still fireman’s carries! APRON DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Both men fall to the floor, the fans lose their minds, and Dynamite goes picture in picture again.
Kyle checks his arms to make sure they’re working, and Brody also stirs. Callis and the ref argue, but there was nothing illegal about what Brody did. The ring count starts, Callis seems to still complain about stuff, and both men are slowly rising at 5 of 10. Brody stands at 7, rolls in, and Kyle stands at 8! Kyle lunges in at 9! The ref checks with Kyle to make sure he’s still in this, and Kyle nods as he slowly sits up. Kyle shakes out the stars going around his head, and Brody hobbles over to him. Brody stands Kyle up, ROCKS him, and Kyle staggers back to the ropes. Brody eggs Kyle on, and Kyle rises back up.
Kyle winds up to ROCK Brody! Brody ROCKS Kyle, and Kyle drops to a knee! Kyle rises to fire another forearm, but there’s far less behind it. Brody ROCKS Kyle again, Dynamite again returns to single picture, and Brody fires more shots! Kyle fires back, the shots pick up speed, and Kyle fires a flurry! But Brody ROCKS him with just one! Kyle swings, Brody SWATS it, but then Kyle BOOTS and SUPERKICKS! Brody ROLLING ELBOWS! Kyle falls, Brody shakes out the stars, and he drags Kyle up to LARIAT! Brody shouts, “He’s Dead!” Brody reels Kyle in, hoists him up, but Kyle slips free to SUPERKICK a leg out!
Kyle BLINDSIDE SUPERKICKS, then he dragon sleepers! Inverted suplex into the gut wrench! TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO?!? Brody survives and shocks Kyle! Callis is furious, the ref defends the count, and St. Paul is all fired up! Kyle seethes now, and he aims from the corner. Kyle runs in, but Brody LARIATS again! The fans fire up while Kyle stumbles around on spaghetti legs! Kyle falls over, goes to a corner, but Brody runs up to SPLASH! Kyle sits down, the fans bark with Brody, but Callis gest on the apron! The ref storms up to Callis while Brody runs in at Kyle, but Mark Davis gets Kyle out of harm’s way!
Brody hits buckles, and Kyle smiles! Aussie Open watches each other’s back, and Kyle hurries to get Brody up! The fans boo but Kyle puts Brody on the top rope! Kyle UPPERCUTS Brody, then climbs up after him. But Brody fights the suplex with body shots! Brody SLAPS Kyle, fireman’s carries him, and now Davis distracts the ref! Kyle CLAWS Brody’s eyes, then slips down to GAMANGIRI! The fans boo as Kyle gets Brody back up, TOP ROPE BRAINBUSTER!!! Cover, Kyle wins!!
Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall
Dunkzilla gave The Protostar the assist, that’s a win for the Callis Family! But then Kyle goes back for more as he stomps and hammers away on Brody! Davis helps out while Callis directs them, but here comes The Powerhouse! Will Hobbs brings the straps down as he enters from the crowd side! The fans fire up as Hobbs rushes the ring! He fires forearms on Davis, and on Kyle! Hobbs DECKS Davis, he DECKS Kyle, and then Brody LARIATS Kyle up and outta the ring! The fans fire up, and Hobbs wants his fight with Davis NOW! Will the Book of Hobbs punctuate this chapter with a win? Or will the Callis Family quickly go 2-0 on the night?
“Powerhouse” Will Hobbs VS Mark Davis w/ Don Callis!
Dynamite returns as referees, security, and even Christopher Daniels are keeping Hobbs and Davis apart. It seems that AEW officials still need to work out the change in the schedule, they were hoping to do this match a little later. Meanwhile, Callis is finally on commentary to complain that Hobbs was going to assault him, a non-wrestler. Hobbs and Davis storm into the ring, despite the wishes of the refs and Fallen Angel. But fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” Daniels tries to talk Davis and Hobbs down, but Davis and Hobbs just throw security out of the way! Daniels says fine, let’s do it now!
The bell rings, and the fans fire up as DOUBLE LARIATS collide! And again! And again! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Davis kicks low, suplexes high and hard, but Hobbs is right up! Hobbs kicks and suplexes Davis high and hard! Davis goes to ropes, the fans rally as Hobbs seethes, and Hobbs ROCKS Davis! And ROCKS him again! Davis KNEES low, then runs, but Hobbs CLOBBERS Davis at the ropes! Davis goes to a corner, Hobbs storms up, but Davis uses the straps to YANK Hobbs into buckles! The ref reprimands, Davis CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Davis scrubs his forearm in Hobbs’ face, then sits him down.
The fans boo but Davis runs side to side, and he SLIDING FOREARMS! Hobbs sputters, Davis drags him up, and Davis reels Hobbs in. But Hobbs BACKDROPS free! The fans fire up and Hobbs snarls again. Hobbs runs corner to corner, but Davis ELBOWS him! Davis runs up, but into the SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up and the straps come down! Hobbs runs up to LARIAT! Hobbs then keeps Davis in the corner for “MEAT!” LARIAT after “MEAT!” LARIAT! Hobbs whips corner to corner, but then reels Davis in, but Davis kinda muffles the spinebuster. Hobbs is annoyed and drags Davis up, but Davis ENZIGIRIS!
Davis runs, but Hobbs gets him for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, Hobbs wins!
Winner: “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, by pinfall
Hobbs just handled town bidness, but Callis says of course Hobbs won, he got the jump on everyone coming in from the crowd! Callis’ excuses aside, Hobbs dunked Dunkzilla, and the Callis Family is 1-1 with one more to go! Will Hobbs finally move on from his past? Or will Callis not rest until the Powerhouse is demolished?
Backstage interview with The Patriarchy.
Lexy Nair is with Kip Sabian, Nick Wayne & “Mother Shayna,” but Christian Cage is conspicuous by his absence. Lexy specifically wants to ask Nick this: We’ve seen a big shift in Nick’s attitude both back and forth. He confronted Christian Cage on his excuses about Revolution, but then costs Adam Copeland the title last Wednesday. What is going on with The Patriarchy? Nick says things are starting to make sense to him as to why Christian did what he did at Revolution. But he will wait to speak his thoughts for when he and Christian are face-to-face.
As for last Wednesday, that just goes to show what happens when they’re all on the same page. “And how to properly… I repeat, properly execute a plan.” Nick heads out, Mother Shayna smiles and follows, and Kip… Well, he’s quiet but he still follows the Waynes out. Is The Patriarchy’s Prodigy proving he can be the man of the house?
Backstage interview with Hangman Page.
Renee is with The Cowboy, and notes that last week, he officially entered his name for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. The winner of that tournament will challenge for the AEW World Championship at All In: Texas. Now, AEW is in St. Paul tonight, site of- Oh, wait, Swerve Strickland storms in! He knows he only just recovered from the busted eardrum, but did he just hear right that Hangman wants in on Swerve’s world title? Hangman says, “B*tch, did I stutter?” Swerve tells Hangman to not dare even try it! Swerve will end him and he knows what Swerve is capable of! Prince Nana has Swerve stand down, Swerve has his own business to handle.
Swerve and Nana leave, and Hangman snarls. Will Hangman not only win the Owen Hart Cup this year, but finally take back the AEW World Championship? And will it be Swerve who meets him in Texas?
Exclusive sit-down interview with Rated FTR.
It was earlier today that Tony Schiavone sat down with Adam Copeland, Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood, and notes that the friendship between these three has been a lot deeper than what we’ve seen on camera. They’re basically next door neighbors, Cope has been responsible for some of FTR’s biggest breaks in their careers. Dax already frowns and shakes his head. Dax apologizes but he wants to interrupt here. He feels that he must address the elephant in the room. Last week, he allowed his emotions to get the better of him. He owes both Adam and Cash an apology for what happened.
Dax just felt that FTR took a break from their goals, their focus, the AEW World Tag Team Championships, for four months, all to help Cope realize his goal of being AEW World Champion. After two tries, it did not happen, which just frustrated Dax. Cope has Dax stop there. The way Dax positioned that, it sounds like Cope is the one who pulled them away from the tag titles. Cope came back to help FTR against the Death Riders after they put bags over FTR’s heads and beat them down. That’s how this all started. It was not Cope’s intention to pull FTR away from anything.
Dax knows, he’s just saying, that’s why he has to apologize. Dax let his emotions get to him, and so he wanted to explain the preface. He just felt that FTR took their eyes off the prize, they were directionless for four months, and it had nothing to do- Cash speaks up now. Cash knows they’ve all let their emotions get the better of them. Cash cannot watch Dax and Cope fight like this while he’s caught in the middle of it. Everyone knows Dax and Cash are best friends, they’ve teamed together for the better part of 11 years. But maybe people don’t know as much about the friendship of Cope and Cash, everything Cope has done for Cash.
Without either of these men, Cash has nothing. When Cash was struggling, nowhere to live, sleeping in his car, Cope gave him a place to live and to be without worry so he could pursue all of this. Cope gave Cash chance after chance, Dax was there for those opportunities, so without either one, Cash doesn’t have this, he isn’t here right now. So he just wants himself and his two best friends to all be on the same page. Dax says t hat’s why he had to apologize. Dax took it too far last week, but he does think that now that they’ve helped Cope realize his goals and done their part, it is time for FTR to get back on theirs.
Dax tells The Hurt Syndicate that the AEW World Tag Team Championships- Cash stops Dax again, and says Cash feels there is still something here. Rated FTR has a lot of life left, and Cash would love if they went after the Trios Championships one more time, to see if they can stop The Death Riders. Cope agrees there. If there’s juice in the tank, then let’s do it. Cope tells The Death Riders, April 6th, Death Riders VS Rated FTR for the Trios Championships. Dax does like the sound of that. #TopGuysOut! Cope adds #RatedFTROut. Cash likes that.
So while Cope could not dethrone Jon Moxley, can he and FTR still free the AEW World Trios Championships? Or will there be no end to the reign of terror?
Swerve Strickland heads to the ring!
St. Paul fires up for “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve grabs the mic and says, “Everybody knows exactly why I’m here. I’m here to call out Jon Moxley! Not the Death Riders, the AEW World Champion, Jon Moxley. You better get your ass down here right now and look me eye to eye, man to man, if you’ve got the balls to do so!” The fans fire up, the Death Riders’ theme hits, and The Maniac makes his way through the crowd. Swerve keeps his eyes on Moxley as he draws closer. Nana steps out as Moxley steps in, and Swerve tells Moxley, “I’ve been allowing things to go on like this for far too long.”
People have been asking since October as to why Swerve hasn’t been going after his AEW World Championship. Swerve says he likes to give people just enough rope to hang themselves, and that’s Moxley. Swerve tells him, “Look at you. What happened to you? Jon Moxley used to be revered here in AEW! You and the AEW World Championship used to be synonymous with each other. Now look at you. You hide behind Claudio, you hide behind Wheeler Yuta, you hide behind Pac. Hell, you even hide behind Marina Shafir.” The fans start up another chant for “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!”
Swerve says Moxley still has the nerve to say no one else wants to be world champion. But Moxley isn’t even worthy of it himself! And to be honest, Swerve thinks the reason Moxley hides the title in the briefcase is because he can’t even look at it. He can’t even face himself with that on his shoulder any more. Swerve says every time Moxley has a title defense, he narrowly escapes. And last week, he showed the world that. Oh, by the way, how’s Moxley’s back feeling? Moxley smirks, and Swerve says everything about Moxley that he used to be, is standing right here looking at him. The fans cheer Swerve on while Moxley nods.
But CLAUDIO IS BEHIND NANA! The fans freak out, and Moxley smirks. Swerve looks over and sees Claudio! Nana still doesn’t notice, but he starts to sense something’s wrong. Moxley says it’s fine, we’re all chill. And that all sounded great, if you believe it. But this isn’t about Moxley, this is about Swerve. April 6th is really Swerve VS Swerve. It isn’t about Moxley, stop worrying about Moxley. Moxley wants Swerve to ask himself, “Who are you, really? What are you really?” Moxley knows. He listens and watches, hears everything and sees everything, so he knows everything. He knows exactly who and what Swerve is, and he knows what Swerve could be.
And damn, has Moxley had high hopes for Swerve. But he has been disappointed before. On April 6th, Moxley gives Swerve a chance to step in and become everything that he can be. He just has to ask himself one question: “How far am I willing to go?” Not tonight, not just April 6th, but every night. When it is cold and dark and you’re in pain and you’re tired. When the world is baring down on your shoulders and you have no friends left. When everyone else is gone and you have the weight of the entire world on your shoulders. Will you endure? Will you put one foot in front of another? Or will you look for a way out? Will you take others with you?
There are a lot of questions Swerve has to ask himself. Swerve is not what he thinks he is, because he has not suffered enough yet! But he will. “My sport has been taken over by billionaires, Hollywood talent agencies and kids who see the world through an Instagram filter and don’t know their head from their ass! It’s guys like you that give me hope for the future. It’s guys like you that make me think everything I’ve put my mind and my body and my soul through was for a reason.” Fans do seem to like that. Moxley says he won’t give it to Swerve, though. He doesn’t care what kind of “punk ass organization they’re running around here.”
Moxley does not give handouts, so how far is Swerve willing to go? Moxley will go the whole way right now! But that shouldn’t be a problem for Swerve, Swerve is the Most Dangerous Man in AEW, right? Moxley and Swerve circle, but that lets Marina Shafir sneak in! BUT WILLOW APPEARS! Marina has a crowbar, Willow has a pipe, so it is a standoff on the apron! Swerve asks Moxley what’s wrong. Is he finally facing off with someone smarter than him? So let’s get this straight: Moxley wants to talk “unscripted violence” BS? Swerve IS violence! Moxley’s bled pints, Swerve’s bled buckets. Moxley’s been in Texas Death Matches, Swerve’s WON them.
Swerve IS the Most Dangerous Man in AEW! “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” “And in Philadelphia in 11 days, I take back that AEW World Championship, and I continue to lead the Dynasty Era! And while I’m doing that, you can have fun continuing to play Jon Moxley on TV.” Mic drop! The fans fire up again as Swerve and Moxley stare down. It is quite the standoff here, so Moxley has the Death Riders stand down. The clock is ticking, are Moxley’s days as champion numbered? Wait, Marina YANKS Willow down! Marina fires off on Willow, but Willow RAMS Marina into the barriers! Claudio gets Marina out of there, Nana tries to help, but Willow shoves Nana aside!
Willow goes after Marina, even as Claudio carries Marina away! The fans fire up but The Death Riders drag Marina back but fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” Marina is a Problem, but will the Babe with the Power be a problem solver?
The Opps commandeer a camera!
Been a minute since this has happened, but Katsuyori Shibata films while he follows Samoa Joe & Hook. Joe asks Hook a question: last week, Hook sunk in that Redrum for a little bit of time. Is there anything behind that? Nah, just having fun. Fun? Hook smirks and says c’mon. It was Max Caster, a super annoying guy, it’s fun to choke him out. Joe says aight. Anyway, look who it is! Caster is trying to convince AR Fox & Top Flight to all go solo like he did. Shibata slips around so we can see Joe & Hook walk up behind Caster. Caster talks trash on Anthony Bowens, how Bowens is doing nothing after The Acclaimed broke up.
Wow, really, Caster? What? The fans are literally chanting his name! “Let’s Go, Max! You’re the Best Wrestler Alive!” They don’t believe that for a second. Caster then spots Shibata and asks what’s up. Joe snatches Caster into the COQUINA CLUTCH!! Joe puts Platinum Max right to sleep, and then dusts himself off. And then he tells Hook he gets it now. They shake hands, and Joe says what’s up, hometown boys! The Opps shake hands with Top Flight, and say have a good night. Hook says, “To the death.” Shibata’s text-to-speech says, “I see what you did there.” When Caster wakes up, will he realize he really needs to watch what he says?
Backstage interview with Jay White.
Renee is with the Switchblade and says he took a particular interest in Will Ospreay and Hangman Page entering the Men’s Owen Hart Cup. White has history with both men, so where does he stand on this? White says those are some big names. He thinks we should add his name to that, so what better time than now? Jay White officially declares for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament! Last year didn’t work out too well, White losing to Hangman for the first time ever, mostly thanks to Hangman’s “buddy,” Christian Cage. And then White ended up injured, out for four months.
But this year, White will win the cup, go on to All In: Texas, and once again have a shot at the AEW World Championship! And if Hangman or #BillyGoat are lucky enough to cross paths with The Switchblade, so be it. But before we get there, there are plenty of other players backstage that would love to differ with him. How about one of the ORIGINAL Collision Cowboys return to Collision this Saturday. If there’s someone who thinks they’re more deserving of a spot than White, show up and state your case to The Switchblade. White aims his finger gun, who will accept this Open Challenge?
Top Flight w/ AR Fox VS Alex Findley & Devo Knight!
Darius & Dante Martin get a hero’s welcome as the hometown boys for Minnesota! But Lio Rush & Action Andretti are ringside, hoping this homecoming is a horrible one. Will Top Flight win one for Minneapolis? Or will they not like the taste of the Royal Flavuh?
The teams sort out, Darius starts against Devo, and the fans fire up with the bell. Darius and Devo circle, Devo waistlocks but Darius switches to SLAM! Darius then hooks Devo, turns him over to a cover, ONE! Darius spins away from Devo’s sweep, then headlocks. Devo powers up and out, Darius CLOBBERS him, and then brings him up to wrench and CHOP! Devo sputters, but Darius whips him to the corner. We see Big Bill & Bryan Keith are watching this backstage, perhaps scouting a team they can beat to then go after the Hurt Business. Darius runs in at Devo but Devo pops Darius up. Dante tags in, Darius CHOPS Devo, and Dante A-LIST LARIATS!
Darius tags back in, snap suplexes Devo down, then kips up to tag Dante. Dante slingshot SENTONS! The fans fire up but here comes Alex! Dante catches Alex and spins him, Top Flight gives him the LARIAT STO COMBO! Dante TOSSES Alex, then drags Devo up. Devo JAWBREAKERS back, then runs up. Dante ducks the lariat to waistlock, but Devo elbows him away. Dante goes to the ropes, Devo runs up, btu Dante ELBOWS him! Tag to Darius, then Dante goes up and over! Dante eggs Devo on, then blocks his shot for a JAWBREAKER of his own! Darius runs up to DECK Devo, then he BLASTS Alex!
Darius fires haymaker after haymaker on Devo, then whips. Devo reverses, but Darius gets under to atomic drop! Not the cleanest, but Darius hurries to BULLDOG HOTSHOT, and GAMANGIRI! The fans fire up for Darius as he steps in, COMPLETE SHOT! Alex hurries in and he breaks the cover! Dante whips Alex, Alex reverses, but then Dante slips outside! Alex hits buckles, Dante goes up and around to GAMANGIRI! Then springboard and CROSSBODY! The fans are fired up again, and Darius CHOPS Devo. Darius whips but Devo reverses. Devo runs up but Darius BOOTS him down! Tag to Dante and Darius SUPERKICKS Devo!
Dante SHOTGUNS Devo into the GERMAN SUPLEX from Darius! Devo flounders, Darius brings him up again. Dante climbs, Darius hits a SHELL SHOCK, then Dante hits the MAMBA SPLASH! Cover, Top Flight wins!
Winners: Top Flight, by pinfall
A great win for the hometown heroes, and BREAKING NEWS from Tony Khan! Top Flight will face Bill & Keith for Collision in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Will The Redwood & Bad Apple sour things for Top Flight to then have their shot at the Hurt Syndicate? As for The Cru, they bark at Top Flight, still wanting their own fight. Will Darius & Dante give Lio & Action more than they bargained for in the near future?
Will Ospreay speaks.
“Ever since I came into AEW, the game has dramatically changed. It is time for me to move AEW into a new generation. Tony Khan is looking for the best in the world, and there’s only one person that fits that criteria, and it’s me. When you hear, ‘This is where the best wrestles,’ nah, bruv. This is where Billy wrestles. This is about restoring the feeling, and bruv, I AM the feeling!” The Aerial Assassin will return to Dynamite next week in Peoria, Illinois, but how will he sharpen that edge before the Owen Hart Tournament begins?
Mark Briscoe VS Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis!
The Sussex County Chicken fought alongside Will Hobbs against The Don Callis Family last week, but it was the Alpha that ate. Will the NEVER Openweight Champion make sure the Callis Family ends tonight up 2-1? Or will Briscoe #ManUp and have some redemption?
The bell rings and the fans rally for Briscoe. Callis claims he wasn’t going to come out again, but he was listening to Schiavone’s commentary and felt he was struggling so he’s here to help. The fans just tell Callis off again while Briscoe and Konosuke circle. The two feel things out, tie up, and Briscoe headlocks. Konosuke powers up and out, then RAMS shoulders! Briscoe stays up, Konosuke staggers back, but he runs Mark over on the rebound! The fans boo but Konosuke keeps moving. Mark stays low, Konosuke rolls over the dropdown, but then Briscoe runs, dodges, and ducks the boot! Briscoe hits the crane stance, then ducks Konosuke’s haymaker!
REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUT! The fans fire up as Callis talks trash on Briscoe being bald and having missing teeth. Schiavone points out the only difference between Briscoe and Callis are the teeth. Briscoe runs but Konosuke BACKDROPS him, only for Briscoe to land on his feet! Konosuke waistlocks, Briscoe breaks free and PELES! The fans fire up as Briscoe runs up on Konosuke, but Konosuke BOOTS him away! Konosuke goes up, but Briscoe RKF UPPERCUTS! And then he fireman’s carries for a ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! Briscoe hurries up top and the fans cheer, but Konosuke ROCKS Briscoe first!
Konosuke goes up, the fans fire up, and Konosuke hits a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Briscoe is tougher than that, and the fans rally up, but Konosuke stalks Briscoe to ropes. Konosuke CHOKES Briscoe, but he stops as the ref counts 4. The fans rally for Briscoe but Konosuke stands him up for a forearm! Konosuke then goes corner to corner, and he ROCKS Briscoe again! Konosuke keeps going, but Briscoe follows to ROCK Konosuke! Briscoe runs, and he LARIATS Konosuke up and out! Konosuke staggers and falls, and Briscoe builds speed! But Konosuke is back to BOOT Briscoe down! The fans are torn but Callis applauds.
Konosuke stalks Briscoe to a corner, stomps him again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. Konosuke stands Briscoe up and puts him on the apron. Konosuke goes out, kicks low, and hits an APRON DDT! Briscoe flops to the floor, the fans boo, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Konosuke tells fans to shut up, then he drags Briscoe back into the ring. Konosuke pushes Briscoe to a cover, TWO! Briscoe stays in this but Konosuke stays on him with a chinlock. Briscoe endures, fights up, and fires body shots! Briscoe runs, but into a LARIAT! Konosuke covers again, TWO! Briscoe is tougher than that and goes to a corner. Konosuke storms up and brings Briscoe around. Konosuke reels Briscoe in, but Briscoe BACKDROPS free! Briscoe fires up and he reels Konosuke in, only for Konosuke to trip him! CATAPULT! Briscoe hits buckles, and then the ALPHA ELBOW hits him! Konosuke stands over Briscoe while soaking up cheers and jeers.
Konosuke paces while Briscoe crawls to ropes. Konosuke storms up to ROCK Briscoe, but Briscoe CHOPS back! Konosuke fires a haymaker, Briscoe fires an UPPERCUT! Konosuke CHOPS, but Briscoe fires up! Briscoe CHPOS, Konosuke fires a flurry of forearms! Konosuke DECKS Briscoe and has him back in a corner. Konosuke digs his boots in, then runs corner to corner to KNEE Briscoe in the head! Konosuke goes again, for another KNEE! The ref reprimands but Konosuke drags Briscoe up. Konosuke hoists Briscoe up top, then gets in Briscoe’s face. Konosuke climbs up, brings Briscoe up, but Briscoe fights the suplex!
Dynamite returns to single picture as Briscoe BITES Konosuke’s forehead! Callis is furious but Briscoe spits out whatever he may’ve bitten off! Briscoe shoves Konosuke down, then he MISSILE DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Konosuke and Briscoe rise up, and Briscoe ducks a lariat! Briscoe CHOPS, ROCKS, and repeat! Briscoe keeps up the shots, then whips, only for Konosuke to reverse. Briscoe FLYING FOREARMS! The fans fire up and Briscoe powers up to LARIAT in the corner! Briscoe fires Redneck Palm Strikes, then an UPPERCUT! Konosuke sputters, Briscoe whips, but Konosuke reverses.
Briscoe goes up and out then ROCKS Konosuke! Then he UPPERCUTS again! Briscoe DUMPS Konosuke out, then he builds speed, to WRECK Konosuke with a dropkick! Konosuke hits the barriers, but he hurries back. Briscoe avoids the sweep to then CANNONBALL! The fans fire up, Briscoe goes back into the ring and builds speed. Briscoe DIVES to CANNONBALL TOPE! The fans fire up and high-five Briscoe! Briscoe then hops onto the barriers, the fans cheer more, and Briscoe says BANG BANG! FOLEY ELBOW onto Konosuke! The fans fire up even more as Briscoe puts Konosuke back in the ring.
Briscoe goes up the corner while the fans cheer on “DEM BOYS! DEM BOYS!” Konosuke flounders, Mark reaches the top, and FROGGY-BOW FLOPS as Konosuke moves! GERMAN SUPLEX! Briscoe rises up!? And he LARIATS Konosuke down! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives, Callis storms off commentary, and he pounds the apron. The ref warns Callis, but Briscoe hauls Konosuke up. Konosuke fights the underhooks, wrenches out, and he ROCKS Briscoe! Briscoe ROCKS Konosuke! The forearms go back and forth, then Briscoe fires a flurry! Briscoe runs, but into a BOOT! Konosuke runs, but into a clinch! EXPLODER!
The fans fire up as Briscoe has Konosuke again. Konosuke fights with elbows, and he EXPLODERS in return! But Briscoe is up to EXPLODER! Konosuke is up to EXPLODER! Both men stagger to their feet, POWER-DRIVE KNEE OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover, TWO?!? Briscoe survives, Callis asks what the hell, but Konosuke winds up this time. Briscoe rises, but he ducks the lariat! Briscoe kicks, underhooks, and JAY DRILLER!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Konosuke’s long legs save him by a literal foot! The fans boo but Callis is relieved. Briscoe fires up and vows to end this! Briscoe puts Konosuke up top, “This is Awesome!”
Briscoe CHOPS Konosuke on the back! Briscoe then torture racks Konosuke, but Konosuke fights free! ALPHA ELBOW! And then the elbow pad is off, ROLLING ELBOW! RAGING FIRE!! Cover, KONOSUKE WINS!
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall
The Callis Family ends the night 2-1 as Konosuke powers through! Will the NEVER Openweight Champion continue to establish himself as the Alpha of not just AEW, but of the world?
The Death Riders speak.
Wheeler Yuta says, “Rated FTR wants to challenge us to a World Trios Championship match at Dynasty. Dax & Cash, I already hate your guts. But Cope, you’re the most sinister of all. You tried to rip me away from my family. You tried to manipulate me! My family is much stronger than yours.” Claudio tells Rated FTR, “You guys are pathetic. The going gets tough, you bicker and start throwing hissy fits. Is this Kindergarten?” Pac says, “Gentlemen, it’s your arrogance, it’s your cockiness, that we really find hard to stomach. You see, after everything that you’ve done to us in previous weeks, it is you who has the audacity to challenge us?
“Nah. That’s not how things work around here. At AEW Dynasty, it is we that challenge you! We challenge you to survive the Death Riders.” The Decoder, the Swiss Cyborg & the Bastard have given their answer, will no one stop the Death Riders from building their Dynasty?
Backstage interview with The Hurt Syndicate.
Alicia Atout caches up with MVP, Lashley & Shelton and wants to ask them about MJF. Is he in or is he out? Lashley asks for just a moment, please. Alicia steps aside, and Lashley says MVP told them to take a vacation, and then they see MVP hugging it out with MJF?! What’s that about? MVP wants them to understand. After that performance at Revolution, they earned that time off. MVP doesn’t get time off, he had to come to work, because business never stops, money never sleeps. Now, they’ve been talking about adding a fourth member for some time, and MVP made MJF an offer. What’s the problem?
So MVP likes MJF? Yeah. Okay, but this is MJF. The kid’s got a reputation. Shelton & Lashley don’t like it. MJF is grimy, slimy, and not to be trusted. Everyone says that about him. MVP says yeah, MJF has some reprehensible qualities. And that’s why MVP likes him! Those qualities could be good for their business. Now, they’re the Hurt Syndicate. If they really don’t want MJF in, MVP respects the dynamic, they can revisit this. But right now, let’s focus on the Big Bill situation. Are they all on the same page there? Call it. Let’s hurt people. The Syndicate heads out, but will they accept the Scumbag into the fold? Or will they find someone more suited to their business plans?
BREAKING NEWS for Collision!
With the trios title set for Dynasty, The Death Riders and Rated FTR send one man each for a showdown! Wheeler Yuta takes on Dax Harwood, will The Decoder be chopped down by Dax The Ax? Plus, while The CEO is looking for new challengers, she will step back into the ring for some action. Who will try and stop the Money Train in Milwaukee? Then, Jamie Hayter makes her own in-ring return and takes on Queen Aminata! Will Hayter still hit hard? Or will Aminata redeem herself from losing to Julia Hart?
And then, Jay White’s open challenge has already been answered as Kevin Knight makes his Collision debut! The Jet is ready to fly high in AEW, but will he learn to Breathe with the Switchblade?
BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!
As AEW rolls into Peoria, Swerve will be rolling into the ring alongside Willow Nightingale as they take on Jon Moxley & Marina Shafir in a Mixed Tag Match! Will the Most Dangerous Man and the Babe with the Power overwhelm the Death Riders? Or will Marina continue to be a Problem?
Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm VS Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford!
La Mera Mera reunites with her old teammate taking on some common enemies. Namely, it’s the towering female titan that wants the world title. Will The Megasus be rolling towards Dynasty, the Superbad Girl along for the ride? Or will they be struck down by the #ThunderStorm?
The fans cheer on “THUNDER TITS! THUNDER TITS!” while the teams sort out. Megan starts against Rosa, and Rosa embraces the new team name. The two circle, approach, and then Rosa dodges to headlock. Megan powers up and out, and she RAMS shoulders with Rosa! Neither falls, but Rosa bobs ‘n’ weaves to CHOP! Rosa whips, Megan reverses, but Rosa dodges! Megan hits buckles, Rosa headlocks, but Megan powers up and out again. Rosa dodges a lariat to fire CHOPS and forearms on repeat! Rosa whips but Megan reverses again, to then scoop and SLAM Rosa down! Rosa scrambles away, tag to Toni!
The fans fire up as Toni eggs Megan on, but Megan stands down to take in Penelope. The fans rally for Toni as she and Ford tie up. Ford headlocks, Toni powers up and out, but Ford runs her over! Things keep moving, Ford rolls over the dropdown to kick low. Ford then goes up and around to arm-drag! Toni gets up, Ford runs up, but Toni blocks that Shining Wizard! Storm slips around to SNAP GERMAN! Ford flops into the corner, tag to Rosa! ThunderStorm works together for a BACKBREAKER LEG DROP COMBO! Then they whip Ford to a corner, and Rosa sends Toni in for a SPLASH!
Toni sets up, and Rosa shouts, “Thunder Tits away!” POETRY IN MOTION! Rosa drags Ford to a cover, TWO! Ford toughs it out but Rosa drags Ford up. Rosa whips, Ford reverses, but Rosa ELBOWS Ford back! The fans continue to cheer on “THUNDER TITS!” while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Ford comes back, Rosa BOOTS her, then Rosa dodges Megan’s cheap shot! Rosa DECKS Megan, but Ford BOOTS Rosa! Cover, TWO! Ford is frustrated but she drags Rosa up to bump off buckles. Ford stomps a mudhole in, then tags Megan. Ford keeps Rosa trapped, Megan RAMS into Rosa, then RAMS her again! Megan picks Rosa up, RAMS her into an open corner, then CHOPS! Rosa drops to her knees but Megan stands her up to KNEE low! Megan whips corner to corner, then runs up to SPLASH! Megan then underhooks for a BUTTERFLY PLEX! Rosa flounders, Megan tags Ford, and Ford stomps Rosa around.
Ford keeps Rosas from Toni, and puts her in a motorcycle stretch. Ford KNEES Rosa in the back, KNEES her again, then goes back to pulling the arms. Rosa endures, Toni rallies the fans, and Rosa fights up. Ford CLUBS Rosa down, then brings her back to the corner. Ford tags Megan, they mug Rosa, then Megan short arm LARIATS! Megan stands Rosa back up, short arm LARIATS again, then stands Rosa up again. Rosa fires body shots, but Megan still LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Rosa stays in this but Megan stays on her. Tag back to Ford, and they double whip Rosa to ropes. Ford hits a BODY BLOW, and then Megan suplexes for a SLAM!
Ford STANDING MOONSAULTS then covers, TWO! Rosa is tougher than that, but Ford puts her back in the corner. Tag back to Megan, the mugging continues, but Rosa fires body shots. Megan KNEES low, then hits a BIG back suplex! Dynamite returns to single picture as Megan clamps onto Rosa with a chinlock. The fans rally, Rosa fights up, and Rosa fires more body shots. Rosa is free, then runs, only for Megan to LARIAT her down! Tag back to Ford and they put Rosas in the corner. Ford sucker punches Toni, the fans boo, but Megan whips Ford in so she can handspring ELBOW Rosa!
Ford holds Rosa in place, Megan runs up and SPLASHES! Ford goes side to side to BOOT! Rosa sputters, Ford licks her on the side of the face. Ford snapmares to a cover, TWO! Rosa survives, Toni rallies the fans again, but Ford facelocks. Rosa fights out and fires forearms! Ford fires back, the fans fire up, and the shots are fast ‘n’ furious! Both women run, and they DOUBLE LARIAT! Both women fall and the fans rally! Rosa and Ford crawl, hot tags to Megan and Toni! The fans really fire up as Toni dodges and LARIATS Megan! But Megan stays up! Toni LARIATS, Megan still stays up! Toni dodges Megan’s lariat to then JAWBREAKER!
Toni HEADBUTTS, then she LARIATS Megan up and out! But Megan lands on her feet to drag Toni out! Megan ROCKS Toni, then runs up, but is sent into steel steps! Toni hurries to the apron, and she TORNADO DDTS to the floor! Toni leaves Megan behind to go into the ring, but Ford runs up! Toni swings on her but Ford goes Matrix! Then CUTTER! Rosa slips in and she KICKS, ROUDNHOUSES, and fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! the fns fire up, but Megan is back! Rosa CHOPS, ROCKS and repeat! Rosa whips, Megan reverses and ROCKS Rosa! Megan fireman’s carries, FATE’S DESCENT!!
But Toni is back in to fire forearms and CHOPS of her own! Toni whips, Megan reverses to ROCK Toni! Megan fireman’s carries now! But Toni slips free, waistlocks, only for Megan to fight the suplex! Megan ELBOWS free, Toni staggers to a corner, and Megan runs in! Toni trips Megan up, then runs corner to corner! SWEET HIP MUSIC! The fans are thunderous, but Megan rises up!? Megan just ate that shot for breakfast, and Toni cannot believe it! Ford waistlocks, Megan runs in, but Toni dodges! The BOOT hits Ford! Toni rolls Megan up, TWO!! Megan escapes but Toni is on her with hammering fists!
Toni CLUBS away, then runs, but Megan fireman’s carries! FATE’S DESCENT!! Cover, Megan & Ford win!!
Winners: Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford, by pinfall
What a shocker! The Megasus just pinned the AEW Women’s World Champion! Ford celebrates with Megan, will the AEW Women’s World Championship soon belong to them?
My Thoughts:
A great episode of Dynamite, really jampacked, but also maybe a little too packed? I believe the vast majority of the women’s tag match main event was in the overrun. I know this is all live TV and TNT/TBS lets them have the overrun, but clearly something went way too long if the main event is right before the two hour mark. That aside, still a great main event that also had a great promo from ThunderStorm/Thunder Tits. I knew it’d been a long time since Thunder & Storm were on the same side, but I didn’t realize it’d already been three YEARS. Either way, Megan winning here makes sense, Toni is logically the underdog champion. This is very much Toni’s Rocky VS Drago in Rocky 4, and I’m sure Toni will persevere and win just like Rocky Balboa.
Very good opening match from Omega VS Blake, but of course Omega was winning. I’m unsure why Lee Johnson is suddenly Blake Christian’s pal. Did something happen to the #LEEJ team-up with EJ Nduka? But good promos from Omega, Bailey and Ricochet to hype up their Triple Threat, and we’ve still got the go-homes to go, who knows who wins at Dynasty. Good promo from Jericho to call out Bandido while also talking down to Bill & Keith. I suppose I should’ve foreseen Jericho wanting Title VS Mask as the blowoff, that’s not a bad choice. But then all the more reason Bandido wins the title and sends Jericho off into a spiral where he gets mad at Bill & Keith more.
That said, Bill & Keith confronting The Hurt Syndicate is a bold move. MVP logically gives him the same deal he gave The Outrunners and The Murder Machines, and while Top Flight is good, I would think The Cru costs Dante & Darius their match this Saturday. Good win for Top Flight here in their home state, though it was of course against jobbers. Their segment with Fox, Caster and The Opps was really good stuff, too. I wonder if Caster calls out Joe as if he even stands a chance, all because of his arrogance as the self-proclaimed Best Wrestler Alive. Still waiting on Bowens to return and challenge Caster.
Back to the Hurt Syndicate, I’m intrigued with how they didn’t outright accept nor reject MJF. MVP wants to give MJF a chance, maybe something happens closer to Dynasty, and I’m not even really sure which works out better. Jay White had a good promo to declare for the Owen Hart Cup, and he’ll have a great match against Kevin Knight this Saturday. Swerve confronting Hangman before then confronting Moxley was good stuff. I’m sure I’ve said something like this before, but while Moxley always gets his promos out, he needs to get it out in more concise ways. The fans in St. Paul certainly weren’t in the mood for Moxley to monologue again. But they perfectly had that chess game going, with Claudio checking Nana while Willow checked Marina. That Mixed Tag will be a lot of fun.
Very good promo from Nick Wayne, but here’s hoping TK writes Patriarchy’s story right. Nick Wayne is making it sound like he’s siding with Christian, but since Nick wants to wait to share his thoughts, he must surely be waiting to turn on Christian. It needs to happen, we can’t have Nick going Stockholm Syndrome like Yuta did with Death Riders. Very good promo from Death Riders to call out Rated FTR, and Rated FTR had a very good promo of their own. Dax was rather passive aggressive about not becoming tag champs again while helping Cope fight the Death Riders, so I feel like the trios title causes FTR to turn on Cope.
The Don Callis Family sure did a lot tonight, and gave us three great matches. It makes sense the Callis Family went 2-1. Kyle beating Brody was fine, Kyle needed to rebound. But he didn’t give us an answer on what’s next for him like he promised on Collision. And where was Okada to harp on Brody King losing to him? Maybe that happens on Collision this week. Hobbs being the one loss the DCF took also makes sense, as Hobbs might still be feuding with them to get through all their ranks and build momentum towards a title. Konosuke VS Briscoe was awesome, and a great win for Konosuke given he’s still NEVER Openweight Champion. I wonder if Hobbs and Konosuke also get in on the Owen Hart Cup…
My Score: 8.9/10
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Who wins this three-on-three?
March Madness is in full effect, and Collision is ready to Slam Dunk Sunday! But will the Death Riders’ reign of terror continue? Or can AR Fox & Top Flight finally dethrone them?
- AEW World Trios Championships: The Death Riders VS AR Fox & Top Flight; The Death Riders win and retain the titles.
- Bandido VS Johnny TV; Bandido wins.
- Harley Cameron VS Aminah Belmont; Harley wins.
- Los Titanes del Aire VS La Faccion Ingobernable; Los Titanes win.
AEW World Trios Championships: The Death Riders VS AR Fox & Top Flight!
Jon Moxley survived another title defense thanks to Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta & Pac, but now they must defend their own titles. Not only that, but it is against the three men that won that $300,000 Rampage Holiday Bash battle royal back in 2022. Will the Death Riders continue their reign of terror? Or will these high-fliers really cash in here tonight?
The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and it is time to slam, if you wanna jam!
The trios sort out, and The Decoder starts against Darius Martin. The fans rally up as the bell rings. Yuta and Darius circle, tie up, and Yuta wrenches to a hammerlock. Darius reaches back to headlock, then he chinbars into a cravat. Yuta spins through to trip Darius and has a toehold. Darius endures while fans rally. Darius turns over, reels Yuta in and headlocks back. Yuta brings Darius to his knees, then waistlocks. Darius switches and SLAMS Yuta, then floats to turn Yuta over for a cover. ONE, and Darius avoids a leg sweep to headlock. Yuta powers up and out, Darius goes up and over, then Darius arm-drags Yuta!
Yuta gets up, Darius DROPKICKS him, and Omaha cheers. The fans cheer, Darius CHOPS, then he tags in Dante. Darius whips, Yuta reverses, but Darius rolls off Yuta’s back. Darius SOBATS, Dante sweeps, and Darius DOUBLE STOMPS! Dante covers, ONE, but Dante wrenches to wristlock. Yuta pulls hair to put Dante in the corner, and Claudio tags in. The Swiss Cyborg stomps Dante, the fans boo, but Claudio waistlocks. Dante switches and hops on for a SLEEPER! Claudio powers up and out, but Dante sunset flips! Claudio flails to stay up, and he drags Dante right up to his feet! Dante dodges, and he fires forearms!
Dante fires more shots but Claudio shoves him away. Dante dodges, ROCKS Claudio, but Claudio returns to CLOBBER Dante! The fans are torn but Pac applauds. Claudio fires body shots, then UPPERCUTS. Claudio pie faces Dante, whips corner to corner hard, then runs up, but into a BOOT! Claudio just comes back, blocks a boot, but not the ENZIGIRI! Dante goes up and up and RANA! Not the cleanest but Claudio still tumbles out. Claudio hurries back in, tag to Pac. Pac RAMS Dante, then slingshots up and over. Pac keeps moving, but Dante CLOBBERS him! Tag to Fox and he LARIATS Pac! And goes Matrix to then PELE!
The fans fire up for Fox and he has Pac. Fox whips, Pac reverses, but Fox stops himself. Yuta runs up but Fox TOSSES him! Pac runs up, Fox puts him on the apron and sweeps the legs. Pac is on the apron, Fox builds speed, just to slingshot STOMP Pac on the apron! Then he CANNONBALLS Yuta! But Claudio runs up to BOOT Fox down! The fans boo, Top Flight protests, but Claudio deadlifts Fox into the ring! Pac storms in and stomps Fox around. Pac drags Fox up, bumps him off buckles hard, then tags Claudio. They mug Fox, Claudio ROCKS Fox, and then drags Fox up. Fox tries to power forward but Claudio keeps him back!
Claudio powers Fox back, he tags Yuta in, and they mug Fox more. Yuta stands Fox up to reel him in, and he snap suplexes! Cover, ONE!! Fox stays in this but Yuta stays on him. Fox JAWBREAKERS free, goes Matrix again, hot tag to Darius! Darius CLOBBERS Yuta, BLASTS Pac, then BOOTS Yuta! Darius keeps moving, HOTSHOT BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBO! Then Darius GAMANGIRIS Yuta, steps in and COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Claudio breaks it! Dante CANNONBALLS Claudio! Pac TOSSES Dante out, the ref reprimands him, but that lets Yuta CLAW Darius’ eyes! The fans boo but Yuta hits a PAIN THRILLER! Cover, TWO!
Yuta is annoyed but he keeps Darius down with a wristlock, and mockingly claps hands, while Collision goes picture in picture.
Yuta drags Darius up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Pac. Pac stomps Darius down, kicks him around, then kicks Darius in the side! Pac stays between Darius and his team, taunts him, but Darius fires body shots. Darius UPPERCUTS, but Pac KICKS him down! Pac taunts the fans, then brings him up. Pac tags Yuta back in, Yuta CHOPS Darius, then Yuta snapmares Darius for a KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Yuta clamps onto Darius with a chinlock to keep him down. Darius fights up, fires body shots, and he ROCKS Yuta! Slam Dunk Sunday returns to single picture as Darius runs, but into a DROPKICK!
Yuta tags Pac, then holds Darius down for Pac to drop a leg, brother! Pac looms over Darius, then drags Darius up to DECK him! Pac stomps Darius, CHOKES him on the ropes, but steps off as the ref counts. Claudio gets a cheap shot in! Fox protests but nothing can be done as Pac stands Darius up. Tag to Claudio and the mugging continues. The fans rally for “A R FOX! A R FOX!” Darius fires body shots and a CHOP! Claudio brushes that off, but Darius CHOPS again! And again! Claudio still eggs Darius on, Darius CHOPS! Claudio UPPERCUTS into a hook! Darius tries but Claudio fights the backslide! Claudio spins around, shoves Darius, POP-UP DROPKICK!
Darius and Claudio are both down and the fans fire up! Darius crawls, as does Claudio, but then Claudio grabs a leg. Claudio drags Darius bac, but Darius BOOTS free! Hot tags to Yuta and Dante! Dante rallies on Yuta with forearm after forearm! Dante whips, Yuta reverse, Dante goes out, up, around, and then GAMANGIRISR! Dante springboards to avoid Pac and CROSSBODY Yuta in one move! Dante FLIPS up and over Yuta, then sends Pac into him! Dante SHOTGUNS Pac in the back to send him out, and the fans fire up! Dante builds speed to go up, up, then tags Fox before he CANNONBALLS!
The fans fire up, but here comes Claudio! Dante dodges, Fox PENALTY KICKS! Then Fox goes up the corner to MOONSAULT! Down goes Claudio and the fans fire up again! Fox puts Yuta in, then climbs the corner, for a SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Yuta survives but Fox hurries to go back up a corner! But Claudio anchors Fox, but Top Flight YANKS Claudio down! Fox adjusts, but Yuta trips him up now! The fans boo, the ref reprimands Yuta, but then Pac DOUBLE LOW BLOWS Top Flight!! Claudio DOUBLE LARIATS Top Flight, and the Death Riders regroup. The ref reprimands, but the Death Riders don’t listen as they surround Fox.
Omaha is thunderous for Fox as he fights back, 3v1! But Claudio! blocks a kick, and the mugging is on! The ref reprimands, Claudio stands Fox up, and he sends Yuta in, ELBOW! Claudio UPPERCUTS! Pac ELBOWS! Yuta ELBOWS! Repeat! The fans boo as the cycle of violence continues! Then Pac hits a TOMBSTONE!! ROCKET LAUNCHER! Cover, Death Riders win!
Winners: The Death Riders, by pinfall (still AEW World Trios Champions)
Chaos reigns as The Death Riders screwed over their old rivals. Fox & Top Flight regroup and the fans cheer, but THE CRU attacks! Action Andretti & Lio Rush grin as they CLOBBER Darius! They talk trash, and then Dante gets up, only for Action to LARIAT him down! But where’d Fox go? Wait, now Lio & Action undo their chain necklaces, so they can CHOKE Top Flight with them!! The fans boo, more refs rush out here, but The Cru has already choked out Darius & Dante! Will this be the end of this animosity? Or have Lio & Action only put themselves back on Top Flight’s radar?
Dynamite returns to Boston, but it won’t be Big Business. It’ll be a Spring Breakthru! Get your tickets now so you don’t miss out!
Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.
Lexy Nair brings up the intense match Adam Cole and Daniel Garcia had, going to Hell and back, all for the TNT Championship. It unfortunately ended in a time limit draw, and some would say a tie is worse than a loss. Cole says he certainly feels that way. He feels sick to his stomach, physically beat up, and the worst part is, he had Garcia beat. “Daniel Garcia, I had you beat for that TNT Championship. The time limit is what saved you. And lemme tell you, the next time we do face each other, there will be no outside interference, there will be no time limit. It will be Adam Cole VS Daniel Garcia, for the TNT Championship, and trust me when I tell you, you’re looking at the next champ!”
Kyle O’Reilly says wow. And speaking of rematches, it has been about a week since their match with FTR. And what’s really bugging him isn’t the loss, it’s the lack of respect. Kyle & Roddy showed a lot of respect. They held out their hands, and what’d FTR do? FTR left Kyle wondering if they really are everything they say they are: The best tag team on Earth that’s ever existed in the time-space continuum! Kyle thinks they’re just insecure. Roddy shouts, “KYYYLE~! No. No, we are not gonna do that. That loss matters. We didn’t go through what we went through to get back together, to lose to the supposed best tag team on the planet.”
Roddy wants FTR to hear this. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The third time’s not gonna happen, fellas.” Cole says, “And that is Undisputed.” When and where will we see these epic trilogies happen?
Backstage interview with Kazuchika Okada.
Slam Dunk Sunday returns as Lexy is now with The Rainmaker. We’re not even a quarter into 2025 and Okada has gotten some very significant wins defending the AEW Continental Championship. Okada says yes, at Grand Slam: Australia, he beat Buddy Matthews. At Revolution, he beat Brody King. He put those dogs down. What does that mean? Okada says he means, he put those b*tches to sleep! Is The Rainmaker saying the Hounds of Hell are no more? Or will they come barking back and take a bite out of his belt?
Bandido VS Johnny TV!
The Most Wanted wants his revenge on Chris Jericho, but he was first challenged by the Guru of Greatness for this “big ratings” showdown. Will Bandido mute Johnny and head for The Nueve? Or will he find he’s not #TVReady?
Johnny disrespects Bandido during his entrance by throwing his big studded jacket at him! The fans boo, Johnny grins, but Bandido fires off forearms! The bell rings, Johnny pushes Bandido back, then wrangles him. Johnny rolls Bandido, ONE, but Johnny floats to rain down fists and stomps! Johnny gets his sunglasses off, the fans boo, but Johnny says he is TV Ready. Johnny taunts “cabron” Bandido, then KICKS him in the back. Johnny eggs Bandido on, “How’s my foot taste?” Johnny drags Bandido up for a NECKBREAKER! The fans boo as Johnny shows off the abs. Johnny KICKS Bandido, drags him back up, then fires body shots.
Johnny whips, Bandido ducks ‘n’ dodges, then he CLOBBERS Johnny! The fans fire up as Bandido keeps moving, another big forearm! And another big forearm! Bandido fires up, the fans are with him, and he runs in at the corner. Bandido jumps up to MONKEY FLIP! Johnny flops hard on his face! Johnny gets up in a huff, but runs into a military press! With ONE HAND! Bandido then THROWS Johnny down! Omaha rallies more while Johnny bails out, and Collision goes to single picture.
Bandido build speed, but Johnny slides in and LARIATS! Johnny mocks the clapping, then covers, TWO! Bandido is tougher than that, but Johnny drags him right up. Johnny reels Bandido in, MOONLIGHT DRIVE! Cover, TWO! Bandido is still tougher than that, but Johnny clamps on a dragon sleeper. Bandido endures, even as Johnny hooks a leg and twists him. Bandido fights around, reaches out, but Johnny drags him back! Johnny keeps on the stretch plum style hold, but Bandido still endures. Bandido fights up, fires knees, but Johnny CLUBS Bandido! Johnny INVERTED SUPLEXES, but Bandido lands on the apron!
Bandido blocks a shot, slingshots, but Johnny SHOVES him down! Bandido hits the floor and Johnny goes out after him. Johnny storms up on Bandido, stands him up, and whips him into steel steps! Bandido falls in a heap, Johnny stalks him and taunts him, but Collision goes to break.
Slam Dunk Sunday returns, Johnny runs in at the corner but Bandido BOOTS him away! Bandido then UPPERCUTS, goes up, but Johnny throws him down! Bandido rolls to his feet, runs back in, but Johnny dodges. Johnny runs back in, but Bandido SHOTGUNS him down! The fans fire up, Bandido covers, TWO! Johnny survives that shot but Bandido stays focused. The fans rally, Bandido paces, and Bandido drags Johnny up. Bandido gut wrenches to a Canadian Rack, that then becomes a torture rack! X KNEE! Johnny staggers to the ropes, Bandido says BANG! Bandido runs in, BLACKJACK 21 PLEX!! Bridging cover, Bandido wins!
Winner: Bandido, by pinfall
The Most Wanted was most certainly #TVReady! But he’s not done, as he grabs a mic to call out Jericho! “Come here, and bring my little brother, Gravity’s mask, RIGHT NOOOW!” Bandido waits, and here comes The Learning Tree! The ROH World Champion has “Big Bill” & Bryan Keith behind him, and he is holding onto Gravity’s mask. The fans boo, but Jericho smiles as he holds the mask up. The Learning Tree goes to the ring, and Jericho also has a mic. Jericho steps and says, “You know, Bandido. I wish I could tell you it doesn’t have to be this way, but I think we both know that it does.
“Because even after a generational career, one of the greatest in pro-wrestling history, I still have to remind you, everybody here watching tonight, everybody at home, who’s been fortunate enough to witness the brilliance of the Jericho Era… That you can only take me for granted for so long! That you can only take from me so much until I start taking back.” Jericho can be quite generous, and he can also be very dangerous. Bandido can just ask his family. The fans boo, but Jericho says Bandido’s terrified sister, his disgraced brother, and his weeping mother…! And Jericho is sorry he made Bandido’s mother cry, he really is.
But he had to teach Bandido a lesson! That’s what happens when you try and take the ROH World Championship from Chris Jericho! You understand him? Do you?! The fans boo, but Jericho says if Bandido wants the mask back, he can’t have it. Because Jericho wants Bandido to remember the humiliation that he felt when Jericho took this mask right off his brother. And the only thing worse than taking a luchador’s mask… is putting that mask on! Jericho goes to put Gravity’s mask on! The fans boo as Jericho wears it as his own! His big head doesn’t even fit in it! The fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Jericho tells them to shut up!
Jericho, muffled as his voice is now, tells Bandido that Bandido should just stand there and cry like his mother! Bandido DECKS Jericho instead! But now Bill runs up! Bandido dodges, BOOTS Keith, then dodges again! Bandido goes up, up, but into Bill’s big hand! SKYSCRAPER- NO, Bandido slips free, then dodges Keith! Bandido SNATCHES the mask off Jericho, and gets away clean! The fans fire up as Bandido gets his moral victory! But will he and Jericho go one more round for THE victory?
Megan Bayne speaks.
“I’ve watched others fight for what they believe is theirs: Titles, fame, glory. But none of them possess true power. They worship at the feet of champions, but even those champions don’t understand what it is to be chosen by the heavens. I have arrived here as the embodiment of fate. And when they bow before me, when they worship at my feet, they’ll finally know that the All Elite Goddess has arrived. I am The Megasus, and this is my kingdom now.”
Toni Storm speaks.
“Who died and made you God? Who came down from the mountains and bestowed your power upon my people? Megan Bayne, have you heard the mythology of the one they call Timeless? Hercules doesn’t have my thighs, I have an Oedipal Complex with myself, I can summon the Kraken from my ass, and Pegasus ain’t got s*it on me! I saw my reflection, and my reflection saw me, and we made love until the sun came up. And at Dynasty, I will cut off the head of the mighty Megasus, and I will hold it aloft for the whole world to see, and I will say… ‘By GAWD I’m good.'” Luther applauds in the background, will Toni Storm slay this female titan?
Harley Cameron VS Aminah Belmont!
Though she was rather coy about her- er, Harley-gram’s budding romance with The Beast Mortos, the wild Aussie is getting back in action. Will the Phoenix Princess #FEELTHEWRATH on Slam Dunk Sunday?
The bell rings and the fans rally for Harley. Harley and Aminah tie up, Harley headlocks, but Aminah powers up and out. Aminah drops down, Harley rolls over then bypasses Aminah to LARIAT! The fans cheer, Harley runs and KNEES Aminah low. Then a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! The fans fire up again and Harley stands Aminah up. Aminah throat chops, then straitjackets for the NECKBREAKER! Harley flounders to a corner, Aminah mocks the fans, then she runs in, but into an ELBOW! Harley runs up, ducks the lariat and ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up for Harley, she ducks Aminah’s roundhouse to pump handle!
Harley lifts for the PUMP HANDLE SAIDO! The fans fire up with Harley, “FEEL THE WRATH!” And then she dragon sleepers, for HER FINISHING MOVE! Cover, Harley wins!
Winner: Harley Cameron, by pinfall
Aminah certainly did #FEELTHEWRATH, and Harley goes right to commentary for our main event! Will Harley have a good time watching Komander & Hologram officially debut as a team? Or will Dralistico y Mortos make everything tranquilo?
Backstage interview with Don Callis.
Lexy is with cruddy Callis and brings up all that is going on within the Family. We have not seen Kyle Fletcher since the brutal cage match at Revolution, and- Callis stops Lexy there. He says we all know what she’s up to here. She is passive aggressively getting Callis all worked up about the cage match, but here’s the thing. When you have Kyle Fletcher, just 26 years old, and already the future of pro-wrestling, “you have the luxury of putting nights like Revolution in the rearview mirror. What I’ve got planned for Kyle Fletcher, what we’ve got planned, is gonna dwarf anything that your little brain could possibly fathom!”
But one thing she said is right: Everyone wants to see Kyle! So tonight is a little treat. Ladies and gentlemen… The Protostar, the future of wrestling, and the New God of Pro-Wrestling, Kyle BAH GAWD Fletcher! Yes, Kyle indeed steps into frame, and he says there has been a lot of talk and rumors that he was in some hospital bed, licking his wounds, but he is here to set the story straight. Yes, the cage match, the entire rivalry with Ospreay, has changed Kyle. But one thing that has not changed is the fact that he is destined to be the greatest of all time!
So he will be at Dynamite this Wednesday, and he’ll make it very apparent what is next for The Family, and for The Protostar, Kyle Fletcher. Say his full name, baby! Callis and Kyle hug it out, are maybe feeling a little too good, but just what is next for the DCF in AEW?
BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!
Tony Khan has decided what’s next for Kyle: Brody King! Will the King of Death prove the Hounds of Hell are not done yet? Or will The Protostar use him as a stepping stone to the top? Then, it is some big meaty men slapping meat as “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs takes on Mark Davis. Will Hobbs finally get past the Don Callis Family with this? Plus, after Megan Bayne and Toni Storm each said their piece tonight, we’re getting a tag team match! Megan again teams with Penelope Ford against the reunited #ThunderStorm! Can La Mera Mera get her own revenge while helping Timeless Toni tune up for Dynasty?
And Kenny Omega not only returns, he is back in action against Blake Christian! Will the Best Bout Machine use the Vanilla Babyface as an appetizer for that big International Championship Triple Threat at Dynasty? And last but not least, after Dax Harwood left Cope hanging last week, Tony Schiavone will interview #RatedFTR to get to the bottom of this divide. All this when AEW arrives in St. Paul, Minnesota!
Los Titanes del Aire VS La Faccion Ingobernable!
This one has been a long time coming. Hologram was put on the shelf because of Dralistico, Mortos y Rush, but he was able to reboot, rebuild and refresh in time to help Komander fight back. Can the Titans of the Air fly high over LFI? Or will Dralistico y Mortos stampede over them like rampaging bulls?
The teams sort out, the ref has to keep them back, and then Dralistico starts against Hologram. Harley claims to have no idea who “Harley-gram” really is, but whoever she is, she has a fantastic chest. Wait, Mortos CLOBBERS Komander! The fans boo, but Hologram dodges, and Mortos CLOBBERS Darlistico! Hologram fires hands, Mortos headlocks, but Hologram goes up the ropes! Hologram then flips free, SOBATS, and whips. Hologram ducks under then hurdles over Mortos. Mortos leaps over, runs back up, ARABIAN PRESS and a roll! The fans fire up, Hologram dodges Mortos to then tilt-o-whirl and DEJA VU-
NO, Mortos stops the ride to chicken wing Hologram! But Hologram victory rolls through, TWO! Mortos has it, TWO! Both men stand, Hologram rolls Mortos but Mortos powers through to a cover, ONE! They both stand, Mortos HEADBUTTS Hologram down! The fans fire up, then Mortos runs to sunset flip! Hologram rolls through, Komander tags in, and Komander springboards to SPLASH! Komander bounces off the cover, comes back and tilt-o-whirl RANAAS! Mortos flounders away, Dralistico tags in. Mortos BOOTS Komander, Dralistico springboards but Komander dodges. Komander shoves, then he pops Dralistico up, but Dralistico DROPKICKS!
Dralistico runs back in, ducks ‘n ‘dodges to SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans fire up and Harley says this is “Luchamazing!” Dralistico fires up, runs up, but Komander blocks! Komander kicks Dralistico again and again, then goes up the corner! DOUBLE BOUNCE ARABIAN PRESS ARM-DRAG! The fans fire up as Komander then KICKS, SOBATS, and winds up. Komander runs to jump, spin, and wheelbarrow for the arm-drag! Komander fires up, the fans fire up, but Harley says she has to go now? Harley needs to call her friend. Harley says she forgot, but she’s gotta go, she’ll be back. Harley hops off commentary, who is she going to call?
Komander puts Dralistico on the apron but Dralistico mule kicks Hologram! Dralistico dodges Komander’s tiger feint kick, and Komander ends up on the apron. Mortos runs up, but Komander GAMANGIRIS! Dralistico is there to FLYING RANA Komander to the floor! Mortos TOPE TORNILLOS! Down goes Hologram and the fans fire up! Fans lose their minds, Harley scampers off, and Collision goes picture in picture.
Mortos drags Hologram up, SMACKS him back down, and Dralistico sends Komander into railing! Then Dralistico drags Komander up, RAILING BACKBREAKER! Dralistico shoves Komander back into the ring, then sits him up to go after the mask! The ref reprimands, Dralistico stops, and Dralistico argues with the ref. Dralistico then drags Komander up, brings him around, and whips him to ropes. Dralistico ELBOWS Komander down, tags in Mortos, and Mortos fires up. Mortos NECK TWISTS Komander! Cover, TWO! Komander stays in this, but Mortos clamps onto him again. Mortos YANKS Komander up with his mask to then SLAM him down!
Mortos stands Komander back up to SMACK him down! Komander goes to ropes, Mortos storms up, and Mortos wrenches Komander to tag in Dralistico. Komander tires to fight back but LFI still mugs him. Dralistico CHOPS Komander, then says uno mas! But then Dralistico DECKS Komander! Komander rises up, and Darlistico KICKS the leg out! Dralistico dusts himself off, puts up the ingobernable fist, then looms over Komander. Abrahantes coaches Komander, but Dralistico has him in a modified Half Crab! Komander endures, Dralistico lets go, and the fans rally up. Dralistico stands Komander up, whips him to the corner, then runs up to SPLASH!
Dralistico sits Komander down, goes side to side, and SUPERKICKS! Dralistico taunts Hologram, then soaks up the heat. But wait! “Harley-gram” is here! And suspiciously wearing gear just like Harley’s. Dralistico TOSSES Hologram in just for fun, then stands him up to CHOP! Dralistico runs at Komander in the other corner, but Komander breaks free! Slam Dunk Sunday returns to single picture as Dralistico hits buckles! Hologram runs in and LARIATS! Komander SUPERKICKS! Komander feeds Dralistico to Hologram’s SPANISH FLY! Hologram then helps Komander go up, up, and PHOENIX SPLASH! Cover, Mortos breaks it!
The fans rally, Dralistico and Komander crawl. “This is Awesome!” as we get hot tags to Mortos and Hologram! Hologram dodges Mortos, SOBATS, and KICKS! And HEEL KICKS! Mortos wobbles, Hologram goes up the ropes to QUEBRADA, but into Mortos’ Alabama Lift! Hologram powers through to DESTROYER!! Mortos staggers around, flops out of the ring, and Hologram builds speed! Hologram DIVES, direct hit on Mortos and they go all the way to the ramp! The fans are thunderous and Hologram hurries to get Mortos in the ring. Fans hope these teams “FIGHT FOREVER!” but Komander goes up, CIELITO LINDO!
Hologram is back in, he hooks Mortos up and rolls, GHOST PIN! Dralistico barrels in and breaks it! The fans rally, Harley-gram joins in with Abrahantes, and we get hot tags to Komander and Dralistico! Komander goes up, Dralistico ROCKS him first! Dralistico climbs up after Komander, fires shots, but Komander fires back! They go back and forth, even with CHOPS! Dralistico fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then brings Komander up! SUPER- NO, Komander slips free and ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up again as Komander roars! Komander runs and goes up, up, and SUPER POISON-RANAS!! The fans are thunderous again, but Mortos scoops Komander!
Mortos hits the BEAST BREAKER!! Then he runs to FLYING ELBOW! Hologram runs in and goes up, then up to POISON-RANA! But Dralistico FLYING CRUCIFIX DRIVERS!! Komander is back to fire hands with Dralistico, and we get DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES!! Both men fall, but Komander falls onto Dralistico! Cover, TWO!! Dralistico survives and Omaha is electric! Abrahantes & Harley-gram get that energy building, and Komander has Dralistico. The fans cheer on “A E DUB!” as the forearms fly! Dralistico CHOPS, but Komander CHOPS! The CHOPS go back and forth, but Dralistico SOBATS!
Dralistico CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS, then he runs, but Komander follows! Dralistico dodges, springboards, and FLYING DESTROYERS!!! Komander staggers then falls, Dralistico hurries to cover, HOLOGRAM BREAKS IT! The fans are thunderous again as Dralistico runs to SCREW HIGH KICK! Dralistico whips, Hologram reverses, but Dralistico slides out! And he grabs Abrahantes as a hostage! Hologram still DIVES! Direct hit on Dralistico, and a scary landing for Hologram! Mortos storms over to TOSS Abrahantes away! But then he locks eyes with Harley-gram. Harley-gram pets Mortos’ mane, but Dralistico tells Mortos to focus!
Komander runs the tightrope! SALUTE MOONSAULT!! Direct hit on LFI and Omaha is thunderous again! Komander puts Dralistico in, Hologram is back up! Torture rack for the PORTAL BOMB!! And then CIELITO LINDO!! Cover, TITANES WIN!!
Winners: Los Titanes del Aire, by pinfall
A powerful first match as a true duo, and LFI is in retreat! Will Komander & Hologram start to take over AEW? Will “Harley-gram” be along for the ride?
My Thoughts:
A great second part to Slam Dunk Weekend, and again I like just one hour Collision. As they did last night, the title match opened, and it was great stuff. But of course Death Riders retained, a random special episode was not where they’d lose the titles. Plus, The Cru went after Top Flight to restart their rivalry. Very good promo from Okada to talk down to the Hounds, and very good promo from Kyle & Callis to talk themselves up. Kyle VS Brody will be great stuff, but I feel like Okada and Brody can circle back around to a rematch for Dynasty. It’s mostly that Brody won’t take kindly to Okada calling him and Buddy “b*tches” again.
Great match from Bandido VS Johnny, and a very good promo segment with The Learning Tree. Bandido getting the mask back was good stuff, and I bet we’ll get one more ROH World Championship match between Bandido and Jericho. I would hope this time Bandido wins and we can start moving towards a Learning Tree fallout with Bill turning on Jericho. Supercard of Honor isn’t until May, maybe we can build up other names from within the ROH roster to start challenging for the top title. And very good promo from The Undisputed Kingdom to hype up both the eventual Garcia VS Cole 3 and FTR VS Kyle & Roddy 3 matches. Those might even be at Dynasty.
And of course we got story tie-ins of Harley with LFI. Harley got a good win over Aminah, and she of course played a part in Los Titanes winning over LFI. Rush needs to return to have a talk with Mortos, and of course this “Beauty & The Beast Mortos” story is going to keep on going until Harley-gram is exposed as Harley.
My Score: 8.8/10
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