News From Cook’s Corner 6.29.20: Whatever You’ve Heard, It’s Worse
Cook brings us the highlights from the “slow news week”.

Hi, hello & welcome to News From Cook’s Corner! This column has had two previous runs, one lasting from until 2005 until 2007 and the second from 2009 until 2012. There was a phenomenon that would pop up from time to time during each of those time periods that we haven’t seen here in months.
It was called the “slow news week”.
Sometimes things just wouldn’t happen. Or stuff would happen that would be a re-run of something that happened before and I wouldn’t have much interest in writing about it. I would sit in front of my computer for hours at a time (I had nothing better to do, and if it wasn’t for streaming services I’d be saying “some things never change”.) wondering what in the blue hell I was going to write about this week. Writer’s block can be a mother.
That isn’t the problem anymore. Now, it’s trying to decide what I’m going to feature in this column and what’ll have to wait for another time. There’s also the fact that between the time I finish writing and the time the column gets posted here on The Chairshot, another fifteen major events end up happening. Things happen faster than ever now, and if you miss a day to try & do something else, you miss everything.
Much of it is worth missing, to be honest. But it’s my duty to be here yapping about it, which I’ll continue to do as long as the Chairshot brass wants me around. I assume they do. The point I’m getting at here is that now instead of wondering “What should I write about?” because there’s nothing going on, I wonder “What should I write about?” because everything is going on. And these aren’t the old days where five thousand words was a short news column. Or where I only had one column to write a week, for that matter.
So. Let’s start with something I wrote about in last Monday’s column that exploded days later.
Told ya there was a pandemic.
OK, I know that I wasn’t sounding alarm bells to anybody last week that didn’t already know the deal. I’ve always had a very intelligent audience during my time as a wrestling writer. People that read me regularly know what’s going on. I’m preaching to the choir when I tell people that THERE’S STILL A PANDEMIC GOING ON AND PEOPLE ARE DYING MAYBE YOU SHOULD WEAR A MASK OR STAY INSIDE OR AT LEAST NOT BREATHE ON ME. I know you all get it.
WWE does not get it. We’ve known this since the McMahon family bribed the Governor of Florida to hold events there. WWE cares about holding events for their networks and satisfying those contracts. The health of their independent contractors…well, that’s somewhere on the list of priorities, but it’s pretty low.
You wanna tell me it’s not? Ask Renee Young. She got one of those covid tests from WWE, was good, went home, felt ill and needed another one. Once she tested positive & let her husband & everybody else know, WWE couldn’t get farther away from it. Maybe they’ve contacted her by now, but it was at least three days when the news was broke. At least three days too many. Who do these people think they are? I read news bites about how WWE is mad at Renee for making her test public. Who in the hell are they to get mad about that? My blood pressure rises with my rage at these people.
Kayla Braxton let us know she’s got the virus twice. Adam Pearce has it now. WWE shut everybody down after that. Now we just have to guess based off of who isn’t currently on TV. AJ Styles vs. Drew Gulak didn’t happen on SmackDown? Well Drew must have the virus because AJ doesn’t think it exists. Daniel Bryan wasn’t on SmackDown? Well hopefully he flew the coop before getting it and doesn’t have it, since he has a baby on the way.
These are scary times. WWE isn’t making them any less scary by re-testing the Raw roster because they didn’t like the results the first time. Like…what? We’re just going to keep going until we get results we like is some right-wing nonsense. Listen, I don’t know how many people tested positive once WWE finally bothered to test people. I do know that WWE had its head in the sand for a long time, passed some money to the corrupt Florida Governor to keep that going, and now are trying to hide test results. Is there anyway somebody can spin this as good? Probably, but I’m not somebody capable of it.
Apparently “fans” were allowed to wear masks on Friday. Goody! After however many tapings they weren’t allowed to. Awesome.
WWE’s blame in this is undeniable. They followed their President, and they’re reaping what they sowed. It’s been a shambolic series of events. They deserve every ounce of blame they get. However, I do feel the need to pass blame on to other quarters, since there’s plenty to go around. For example, AEW felt pretty good about hosting parties with their talent posing with Mike Tyson, and they even let a WWE-contracted talent attend, even though WWE testing is much less stringent than AEW’s. AEW at least has a COVID testing site at their football stadium, so it’s easy to get their wrestlers & fans tested. I can’t deny that I feel a little worried when they have lumberjack matches and have everybody in the ring at the same time. Also, I feel like Britt Baker should be in a Popemobile until further notice.
However, it should also be noted that many wrestlers seem unconcerned. Perhaps it’s based off what Big Daddy Vince tells them. But we’ve all seen wrestlers violate social distancing guidelines. We saw Billie Kay’s big Vegas birthday, along with other social events. That’s the tricky thing when trying to pin everything on the company. You can lead the horse to water but you can’t make them drink. Wrestlers are bound to break the rules, its their nature.
Then there’s the fans. I’ve been doing ROH reviews for the past several weeks for 411mania. A common trend in their comments: when will ROH do shows again? As a lapsed ROH fan I’ve enjoyed the best ofs because it’s stuff I haven’t seen before. But the diehard ROH fans are asking for more. Understandable, especially since ROH avoided doing a Best of Dalton Castle show during Pride Month. Seems like an easy show to do, but somehow they missed it. Honestly, that’s the one reason Sinclair should be asking me to get on board, I would have seen that as an idea when apparently nobody else there did. Delirious & Marty had their minds on other things, obviously. They need somebody on staff concerned with entertaining the people.
Now I see & hear people wondering why this isn’t a bigger story. Certainly, we’ve reached the point where this whole WWE pandemic is bigger than wrestling media, right? Heck, throw in AEW if you want, and maybe some tabloid reporter can blow up the IWA Mid-South show and equate it with how the whole business works. That’s what they did all the time back in the late 1990s. 20/20 equated backyard wrestling with pro wrestling to make the business look bad. Why aren’t we seeing this sort of thing right now?
For one thing, most of the mainstream media doesn’t care. Let’s be honest, most of your TV news & newspaper folks have spent most of their lives looking down on pro wrestling. They don’t care if Vince is doing some other stupid thing, it’s just one of many stupid things that’s not their problem. It’s not even worth tearing down to them. A bunch of people get sick or die? Eh, they’re just wrestlers. Fortunately for these folks, wrestling is low enough on the totem pole and has such a poor reputation that they can get away with this malfeasance.
As for the mainstream media folks that are outspoken wrestling fans? Well, they’re not going to bring Vince down either. Either they’re fanboys for the product and wouldn’t dare say anything to cross the man that’s given them so much entertainment over the years, or they’re going to keep their heads in the sand because they don’t wanna hear about it. They’ve gotten enough crap from their peers over the years, right? Better just to ignore it and hope nobody notices. I hold these people in lower regard than their colleagues that just don’t care, because all they really care about is being entertained, and they won’t do anything to put that selfish need of theirs in jeopardy.
I’d like to be surprised, but it’s going to take even more than what’s transpired so far for the media to give a hoot. Or for the people in the media that care to use their platform & say something.
Impact Wrestling had an eventful week.
Tessa Blanchard’s contract was terminated and she was stripped of the Impact World Championship. Reasons that leaked out included her refusal to send in a pre-taped interview, or to travel across the border from Mexico to work for the company. While Tessa’s been the subject of multiple complaints from fellow workers & wrestling companies, there is one gaping hole in this whole narrative from Impact Wrestling: Tessa’s contract was set to expire on June 30. Impact was advertising her for a match on July 18 when they had to know that Blanchard had no intention of re-signing with their company. Whoops.
Perhaps they thought that she would go along with the flow & show up & drop the title anyway…but am I going to blame her for not wanting to travel from Mexico to Nashville and risk the possibility of being stuck in the country afterwards, far away from her fiance? Nope. She could have done an interview, sure. Impact could have also booked a match with her prior to her contract expiring. Plans go awry sometimes.
Personally, I like my idea of having everybody act like Moose’s TNA World Championship was the main title all along. It’s more likely they’ll just put the title up for grabs at Slammiversary in the King of the Mountain match.
As for Tessa, I was unsure where she would go at first, but after a day or two to think about it I know somebody will sign her. I know we hear all of these things about attitude problems, and there’s been some allegations of racism & bullying towards her, but she’s got talent and she’s young. She’s got plenty of time to figure it all out. I’m not surprised Uncle Dave is telling us that WWE has already reached out. Heck, if those allegations are true, that just might help her win WWE management over.
Michael Elgin also got released from the company and everybody thought it might have been due to some allegations that resurfaced last week. Nah, it had more to do with him & Sami Callihan getting into a fight backstage over a match they were planning. Joey Ryan’s dismissal, however, does seem to be due to the mounting allegations against him. As far as I know, he didn’t get in a backstage fight with Sami or his pals. I can see Elgin working in Japan for the rest of his career, and maybe Ryan’s best strategy would be to hope that nobody over there knows about his problems either.
Once you burn your Impact Wrestling bridge, there aren’t many places to go.
Speaking Out Fallout So Far
As I wrote about on Thursday, allegations against Mike Quackenbush & some of his trainers/wrestlers led to CHIKARA being shut down. Quackenbush promised to address the allegations, and boy did he ever. Quack posted a thirteen minute video on YouTube where he spoke out about each allegation, taking responsibility for some and denying others. He definitely put a lot of thought & work into it, you gotta give him credit for that.
If we’re ranking sincerity of apologies, I would rank Quack below Sammy Guevara, who I think has done the best job of expressing his remorse so far. He’d be ahead of Marty Scrull, who ripped off Kobe Bryant’s statement after Colorado for his apology. And everybody in the world would be ahead of Joey Ryan. Some compared Quack’s statement to the in-character diatribe that Kevin Spacey posted after his allegations, but I have to disagree because at least Quack admitted to some wrong-doing. We’ll see where it goes. I can’t see Quackenbush fronting an indy fed again. Can I see him training wrestlers again? Maybe.
Speaking of Marty, Ring of Honor announced on Thursday that they have launched an investigation into the allegations concerning their contracted talent. Some on social media have pointed out that ROH has launched a number of investigations in recent years that never led to anything. I mean…well…we’ll see what happens.
Matt Riddle continues to be featured on WWE television, and is being built up for a feud with King Corb-wait a minute, we’re supposed to believe feuding with Corbin is a good thing? Well, that’s news to me. While we’re on the topic, there’s no chance in hell that this news floating around with Corbin being mad at this Riddle feud is true. Somebody is getting worked, and frankly I’m here for that. While still hoping that the Riddle allegations aren’t true because if they are it’s completely ridiculous to push him the way they are.
David Starr hasn’t been heard from since, except possibly on Tinder? I doubt we that talk about pro wrestling will hear from him again. That boy got cancelled good enough that I doubt I’ll ever mention him again in this column. The guy didn’t even accomplish enough to be good joke material.
WWE has been acting on some of the NXT UK allegations, releasing El Ligero & Travis Banks. There’s been a lot of speculation on whether or not NXT UK will continue as a brand, and personally I’ve been wondering that since the pandemic started. I haven’t seen much evidence of NXT UK helping WWE grow their brand in the United Kingdom since it started. If anything, it’s hurt the brand. Why wouldn’t WWE just take Pete Dunne, WALTER and the rest of Imperium & call it a day? I feel like WWE always drew better in Europe on a limited basis anyway. Germany loved Bret Hart because they only saw him once every few years. Maybe Triple H sees it as a passion project and will keep it going beyond reason, but all logic tells me that we’ve already seen the last NXT UK live event. So WWE will probably book one pretty soon because that’s how they roll, amirite?
Jim Cornette did a podcast where he denied any and all allegations because that’s how he rolls. Corny’s smart enough to know he has that Donald Trump fanbase that loves him no matter what he does, and he makes enough money off of them that he doesn’t have to work for anybody else. So we’ll never know the truth there. I did see where somebody else confirmed the allegations after being silent, and I also saw a promo with that person, Synn & Jim Cornette where some of Synn’s lines felt like shoot comments. I take Jim’s commentary with 10,000 grains of salt, which is a shame because back in the day he seemed like the greatest wrestling historian I had ever heard.
David Lagana resigned from his position with the NWA, which has led to their programming on YouTube being suspended until further notice. The main thing I will miss from their YouTube content is Eddie Kingston promos. His last two at the start of Carnyland episodes on the status of the NWA, then about the #BlackLivesMatter protests made him seem like the conscience of the promotion. Very powerful stuff, as you would expect from the War King.
We’ll see whether or not Billy Corgan finds somebody to fill Lagana’s shoes. I think he will, there are a lot of diehard fans out there. Maybe not with the same television knowledge that Lagana has, but definitely a similar love for pro wrestling. And not the same baggage.
Dream Over?
Overused subtitle, I know. But every time Velveteen Dream appears in the news these days, it’s for nothing good. In addition to his name popping up with more sexual misconduct allegations involving minors last week, Dream was involved in a car accident on Friday. Fightful reported that he was released from the hospital after receiving treatment. I don’t know all of what’s going on with this guy, but as an outside observer it looks like a case of somebody self-destructing at a fairly rapid pace. If WWE isn’t going to release him, and I’m not telling them whether they should or not, somebody there needs to be doing something to help him out. Otherwise, this story is heading towards a really bad ending.
Or his friends should be trying to step in. I know some people are beyond help, and maybe this is one of those cases.
Who is the GOAT?
In wrestling? Easy answer; when I was 15 (broke & evicted) this man let me live with him in Nashville 🙏🏾
Downtown Bruno.
Most don’t know who Bruno is but a few do.
My brother @steveaustinBSR comes in a very close 2nd 🤣
Cheers to life’s wild and unpredictable journey 🍻#goat https://t.co/quc12kXqys— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) June 27, 2020
Downtown Bruno/Harvey Whippleman as the GOAT is something I can get behind. Maybe we can discuss that at a later date if things calm down, Until then, keep your stick on the ice,
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Greg DeMarco’s 2025 WWE Royal Rumble Results, Review & Reaction
We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!

We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!
It’s the first Royal Rumble in an NFL stadium (thanks to the WWE calendar change), and both Rumble matches feature a star-studded line-up that makes it much harder than you’d think to pick a winner. I was lucky enough to attend one Royal Rumble live, 2019, and it’s always the best way to set the stage for WrestleMania.
If @whoislaniee‘s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner is any indication, we are in for one hell of a night with one hell of a crowd!
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
Always great to see Stephanie McMahon kicking off a show–the more Stephanie, the better. Apparently we’ve managed to pack 70,000 fans into Lucas Oil Stadium, and if you didn’t know, Pat McAfee loves him some Indianapolis.
With each match you’ll see my picks, in my traditional “Who Should Win?/Will Will Win?” format. I made them in this week’s solo edition of The Greg DeMarco Show, which you can listen to here:
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Women’s WWE Royal Rumble Match
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Bianca Belair
- Who Will Win: Bianca Belair
Last year’s winner was Bayley, entering at #3, and she went on to defeat Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.
- Iyo Sky enters #1, and I do love the elevated platform–it’s not really a stage, but it does enhance the overall feel of the show. Old school fans will remember the entrance from Montreal watching Prime Time Wrestling.
- I feel like Liv Morgan always enters these matches early. I also didn’t realize she’s been in all 8 Women’s Royal Rumble matches.
- I do love the “ticker” across the bottom of the screen with stats and info during the entrances. Very ESPN, very “Wrestling As A Sport” to me.
- Gotta say I was hoping for the black canvas (I’m biased), but I’ll always take grey over light blue.
Roxanne Perez has “Iron Woman” written all over her entering at #3. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- We even get “Active” and “Eliminated” in the ticket? I am REALLY digging this.
- Lyra Valkyria enters to very little reaction–she’s a fantastic talent but has not connected on the main roster.
- Lyra with the early wardrobe malfunction and we are already slightly derailed, kudos to everyone for getting it together.
- Interesting to have the secondary champions enter back-to-back, and Indianapolis doesn’t seem to care much about her, either. Maybe I was wrong about this crowd, and maybe my criticism of Lyra was premature.
- Chelsea thinking she’s dumped everyone and pointing to the sign is a great piece of business.
- B-Fab enters at #6, and I would assume she has the lowest chance of winning of anyone in the field.
- Man, B-Fab is still very NOT good.
- Ivy Nile enters #7, the 5th straight entrant who has zero chance of winning this thing.
- Also, we are still without an elimination, but probably 10 “hanging on the rope” spots already.
- Ivy Nile is already more over in Indy than the Intercontinental and United States Champions.
- Zoey Stark, complete with Barry Windham’s “Stalker” facepaint, enters eighth to continue our run of women with zero chance of winning.
- Lash Legend enters at #9, and I have a feeling she’s about to win this crowd over.
- “Get her on the Fever” – Pat McAfee.
- Chelsea Green gives us our first elimination, of B-Fab.
- Bianca Belair enters at #10, really hurting my chances of being right.
And here’s my pick to win the Women’s #RoyalRumble, Bianca Belair. At #10? Doesn’t look good for me!
(Seth Rollins won his from #10, I believe.)
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- The crowd definitely picked up with Bianca being in the match.
- Shayna Baszler enters #11, reminding me she works for WWE. Which is sad, I really thought she’d have a hell of a run in WWE.
- Bayley is #12, and we still have quite the group in this match. Personally I don’t see Bayley being a back-to-back winner.
- Sonya Deville is in at #13 to complete the PFC trio in this match. I’m sure that’ll work out well for them!
- Iyo Sky is so good, she saved Sonya’s knee spot and I am sure no one noticed.
- Maxxine Dupri in at #14, another non-winner, but to her credit she only keeps getting better.
- With 12 women thill in this match, I have a feeling we’re getting Nia Jax or Charlotte Flair soon to give us a bunch of eliminations.
- Ivy Nile out, followed by Maxxine Dupri, and the countdown is on!
- Naomi brings the halfway point with her, entering at #15.
Naomi is a former women’s champion and had an amazing WrestleMania moment back in Orlando–why does Michael Cole keep saying 2024 was her breakout year? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- All of PFC is gone, and nothing of value is lost (from this match–they are valuable as people).
- Jaida Parker, entering at #16, comes in to a better reaction than half of the field. Miss Parker has a hell of a WWE career ahead of her.
- Chelsea Green is so damn good at what she does.
- And here comes Piper Niven at #17.
- Will Piper somehow eliminate Piper?
- Yes – the answer to that question is yes.
- Naalya enters at #18, her eighth Royal Rumble. She’s a little over 20 minutes away from 3 cumulative hours in Rumble matches.
If anyone “deserves” a Royal Rumble win, it’s Natalya. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- FANTASTIC reaction for Jordynne Grace–that has to raise some eyebrows among leadership.
- Michin in at #20, as we are up to 10 eliminations.
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- Wade Barrett, Michael Cole, and Pat McAfee crapping all over the wrestling newz sites is amazing.
- And you can tell Alexa Bliss is THRILLED to be back.
- Zelina Vega in at #22 to not win the Royal Rumble.
- HUGE SPOT for Zelina Vega and Jordynne Grace.
- If you happen to rewatch this match, watch Bayley very closely. It’s a look inside the business–she’s basically an agent in the ring.
- Candice LeRae enters at #23, and I am reminded that she’s the WWE Women’s Speed Champion. I also wonder if they’ve started piping in crowd noise for these entrances.
- Of note, we haven’t closed a Royal Rumble PLE with the Women’s Royal Rumble Match since the first one in 2018.
- Of the 10 women eliminated so far, 6 of them entered #4-5-6-7-8-9.
Great reaction for Stephanie Vaquer–Indianapolis seems to be an NXT crowd. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- LET STEPHANIE VAQUER HER WIN YOU COWARDS. (Personal opinion, she’s the best women’s wrestler in the world.)
- #25 already–we are trying to make up some time.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it’s Trish Stratus.
Honestly, did we need Trish Stratus? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Kinda wanted Jordynne Grace to toss Trish Stratus right there.
- Piper Niven just kncoked the SH*T outta Trish!
- Raquel Rodriguez in at #26, and we have 4 more entrants left.
- Nia, Charlotte, and…..Becky? Nikki? (Bella, that is.)
- The crowd is NOT HAPPY about Alexa Bliss’ elimination.
- #1-3 all still in the match.
- Charlotte Flair and her new face at in at #27.
Listen, I’m going to hell, but Charlotte Flair’s entrance reminds me of when JR returned from his stroke. Lay off the plastic surgery. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Love Wade Barrett pointing out that Charlotte got pyro. I hope Roman gets his, too.
- Took Charlotte forever to get her robe off, apparently.
- Like I’m supposed to believe Jordynne Grace can’t suplex Charlotte Flair?
- Charlotte definitely brought some fire to this match.
- Giulia getting almost no reaction is surprising given the reaction of some other NXT talents.
- Iyo and Liv approaching an hour in the match, along with Roxanne Perez.
Giulia eliminated Jordynne Grace, which makes me think Jordynne might be spending some time in NXT. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Nia Jax enters at #29, leaving a surprise for #30? Becky Lynch?
- Good for Nikki Bella! And she gave someone in the crowd one hall of a souvenir.
- And now it’s time for the “World vs Nia” spot.
- Forget Superkick It’s an APRON PARTY.
- Roxanne Perez just snuck back in without being eliminated.
- Given who is left, it does seem like this is Charlotte’s match to win.
This company obviously believes in Roxanne Perez. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
Winner of the 2025 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Charlotte Flair
I don’t love the decision to have Charlotte Flair win the Women’s Royal Rumble Match after being gone for over a year, but she IS Charlotte Flair. This should shock nobody. I know Charlotte Flair is a dream match opponent for Tiffany Stratton in the eyes of many, and if she were to put Tiffany Stratton over at WrestleMania, then I will eat my words and say it was worth it.
Hell of a performance for Roxanne Perez, I haven’t seen the tally yet but I do wonder if she broke the record for longest time in one Rumble.
I could go for a Slim Jim meat stick right about now.
Why was Mickie James in the crowd, and not IN THE MATCH??? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
2 Out of 3 Falls Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. #DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano, champions)
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
- Who Will Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
(I won’t be live tweeting or doing a bulleted list for these two matches, likely just the two Rumbles.)
Had to laugh seeing the drone in front of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin during their entrance.
DIY wins 2 falls to 1, making my prediction accurate. That is small change, though. I liked the match for what it was, but it’s a reminder of Charlotte Flair vs. Ronda Rousey from WrestleMania 38–great match, wrong setting. This was an arena match, not a football stadium match. Yes, that DOES matter. Setting is a huge part of pro wrestling.
NXT Black and Gold will always hold a place in my heart, but part of what made that what it was was the crowd. This wasn’t the crowd for this match. Plus it got around 15 minutes, which is about right for a 1-fall match featuring these four. On TV, counting commercial breaks, these guys get 25-30 minutes.
The Street Profits got involved, eventually attacking everyone. I fully expect a WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match at WrestleMania, with DIY, MCMG, the Street Profits, and possibly Pretty Deadly and Angel/Humberto. This was really just the beginning–it was just misplaced on this card.
Winners AND STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: DIY
Michael Cole did also inform us that Roxanne Perez is the new record-holder for longest Royal Rumble performance. Score one for the good guy (me, from my tweet above).
Ladder Match for the WWE Championship
Kevin Owens vs. Cody Rhodes (champion)
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Kevin Owens
- Who Will Win: Cody Rhodes
Love that Kevin Owens took down the Winged Eagle Championship during SmackDown last night, and entered with it. Granted, Cody Rhodes has his, too. But KO has a certain edge to him when carrying that title.
That little ladder is HILARIOUS. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
This match was brutal, and whatever they are paying Kevin Owens isn’t enough. Cody Rhodes was beating on KO as a heel would, but he’s a babyface? I know everyone wants “Homelander” Cody, but really he might be more like “Patrick Bateman” Cody. Either way, as great as Cody is (and he is great), there is one missing element. At this point, it’s obvious to me that Cody is the worst babyface in the company. Look at him: THE MAN IS A HEEL.
While I’m glad Cody is fully out of The Bloodline’s shadow, he just needs to beat John Cena at WrestleMania, turn heel, and truly hit his stride. And I want true heel Cody. Chicken sh*t, goons, the whole thing.
Winner, AND STILL WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes is gonna buy Kevin Owens a lot of cigars, booze, or meat. Whatever that man wants. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
You gotta think Sami Zayn not stopping Cody Rhodes from winning will be a major sticking point for Kevin Owens. Seems like we’ll get Sami vs Kevin at WM41.
Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Jey Uso
- Who Will Win: John Cena
Last year’s winner was Cody Rhodes, entering at #15, and he went on to defeat Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.
- Rey Mysterio (Jr) enters at #2, and it’s obvious that gone are the days where randoms would enter at #1 and #2.
- I believe I said on my podcast (if not, I meant to) that Penta would need to enter #1 or #2 so he can have his pyro.
I am so happy for Penta in the WWE. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I really hope we get a Lucha Underground reference on commentary.
- LET PENTA WIN YOU COWARDS! (I know, it didn’t work for Stephanie Vaquer.)
- I do appreciate how they didn’t fight on the apron, instead just got right back into the ring.
- Chad Gable in at #3, and all we need is for Dominik Mysterio to be #4.
- That spot looked NASTY, I hope Chad Gable’s knee is okay.
- Carmelo Hayes in at #4, and I am reminded that we likely get Trick in this match.
Trick Williams’ #RoyalRumble entrance is gonna be ICONIC.
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I know they have a temporary alliance at the moment, but Chad Gable vs. Carmelo Hayes would be an absolute BANGER.
- That spot was far too similar to what we saw in the Women’s Rumble.
- Otis in and had some fun.
- The crowd reaction to Bron Breakker tells me the WWE might make even MORE money in the future.
- What if Breakker won this match? He won’t, but What If?
- If not for WWE, I wouldn’t know who IShowSpeed was.
- Honestly, nothing wrong with what they did with IShowSpeed there.
- Sheamus enters at #9, and I assume we will see some Beats Of The Bowery.
Gotta play the hits, pal. (Sheamus.) #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- This is the most normal Sheamus’ hair has ever looked.
- Crazy that this is only Jimmy Uso’s 3rd Royal Rumble.
- Big Jim definitely got a bulk discount on his new gear. I wonder how many color combos he got???
- Andrade in at #11, and Wade Barrett points out what I’ve been thinking–why run to the ring?
- Jacob Fatu enters at #12 and gets his pyro. The rocket ship has been strapped, pal.
- Ludwig Kaiser enters at #13 and no one not named (Greg DeMarco Show co-host) Patrick O’Dowd cares.
- Kaiser immediately dumped by Penta, and he’ll probably lose to him on Monday’s Raw, too.
Here comes the most underappreciated wrestler in WWE history, @mikethemiz. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- We lost Michael for a minute there.
The fact that Joe Hendry’s fact on the ticket is “Say His Name And He Appears” is amazing.
Great pop for him, too.
And Michael Cole references Nic Nemeth! #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I’d actually forgotten that we’d likely get a Joe Hendry appearance, so they got a little pop out of me.
- I acknowledge you, my Tribal Chief.
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Roman Reigns vs. CM Punk would be one hell of a match at WrestleMania, just sayin’.
- Showdowns like Roman Reigns and Bron Breakker is what the Royal Rumble is all about.
- That might have been the greatest spear ever.
- After Joe Gendry and Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre gets very little reaction entering at #17.
- Drew McIntyre with the very silky smooth hair tonight.
- Finn Balor in at #18 and we have our second drone sighting of the night.
- Something is wrong with Pat McAfee’s headset. Hell of a showing by Penta, by the way.
- Jey Uso in at #20 to a HUGE pop.
- Poison Rana by Jey???
- Let’s hope AJ Styles can stick around for a bit this time. (Not necessarily in the Rumble, but in general.)
All these megastars, and Jacob Fatu might be the most over guy in the match right now. #ROYALRUMBLE
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I’d be okay if Braun shaved his head again.
- Jacob Fatu can literally do ANYTHING and it makes sense.
JOHN CENA’S SOCKS!#RoyalRumble— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- CM Punk, John Cena, and Roman Reigns all in the ring all at the same time? YES PLEASE.
- Now add in Seth Rollins? This is the greatest Royal Rumble of all time.
- The current field: Seth Rollins, CM Punk, John Cena, AJ Styles, Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre, and Roman Reigns. That is ABSURD.
- The only man who can follow all that talent is indeed Dominik Mysterio. This is about to be amazing.
- Imagine if Dom wins. I mean, just imagine it.
- With the addition of Sami Zayn, the storylines in this Rumble right now are insane.
- Damian Priest, who is probably challenging Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania, enters at #28.
- Two more to go. Any surprises?
- LA Knight, who I forgot was in this match, enters next.
- I kinda expect him to move to Raw in this transfer window.
- Ah yes, Logan Paul. I also forgot he was on this.
- We’ve had a Nic Nemeth and now a Ricochet reference tonight. I love when you’re WWE, and you are comfortable talking about (almost) ANYBODY.
If I’m WWE, I have Logan Paul wait until the final two before jumping back into the ring. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- He didn’t, by the way. Opportunity missed.
- Final 6: Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, John Cena, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Logan Paul… STAR. STUDDED.
- Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins – the WrestleMania Main Event we never got.
- Brilliant spot to have Logan Paul eliminate CM Punk.
- Final 3: John Cena, Jey Uso, and Logan Paul. Two of my picks are left.
- The action on the outside between Rollins, Roman, and Punk drives home how important the Rumble is to the competitors.
- And then there were 2: my Who Should Win vs. my Who Will Win.
- Please God let Jey Uso win this thing.
- (And that’s not a slight against John Cena.)
IT’S JUST YOU, UCE! #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg 🤡 (@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
Winner of the 2025 Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match: Jey Uso
Just like the sign said: EAT. SLEEP. YEET. MANIA. I am so damn happy for Jey Uso. You can tell John Cena was as well, along with Michael Cole. And probably everyone in the entire company. Jey Uso is the success story.
As for the match? Well obviously this is a knee jerk reaction, but eff it–this is the best Royal Rumble Match they have ever put on. The early action was fun and exciting. But from the time Joe Hendry’s music hit to the moment Jey Uso pushed John Cena off of the apron, this match was insane. I think Roman Reigns coming in at 16 was a huge part of that. Once Roman is in the match, you are watching to see a) what he does, and b) if he’ll get eliminated. CM Punk eliminating Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns was beautiful, and then Logan Paul tossing CM Punk was even better. If that leads to Rollins vs. Reigns and Logan vs. Punk at WrestleMania, you can take my money.
My money is a Peacock membership, which is automatically charged. But still. Take it.
If John Cena wins it’s still probably the best Royal Rumble Match of all time. But Jey Uso winning makes that an undisputable fact.
Overall Thoughts on the 2025 WWE Royal Rumble
- The Women’s Royal Rumble was decent to good. Loved Roxanne getting the Iron Woman treatment, but in the end it’s another chapter of LOL Charlotte Wins.
- I need to rewatch DIY vs MCMG because I was on the phone when my son called. Maybe I will enjoy it more on a second viewing.
- The ladder match was brutal but the end result was expected. Cody is still missing something, and I think that something will continue to be missing until he turns heel. He’s just overshadowed by too many of the other babyfaces.
- The Men’s Royal Rumble Match was the best Royal Rumble match they have ever put on. Great action in the early half, and from 15 (Joe Hendry) on, it was amazing. The storyline movement with CM Punk, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins was (here’s that word) cinema, and having the most over wrestler in the company not named Roman Reigns win, and doing so by eliminating the odds-on favorite, was perfect. I’m biased because Jey Uso was my pick, but it was the perfect ending to what was probably as close to perfect as a Rumble match has been since 1992.
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