Andrew’s AAA Triplemania 29 Results & Match Ratings: 8.14.2021
Triplemania 29 has some excitement thanks to Kenny Omega, Andrade and Deonna Purrazzo. What else goes on? Do we get a classic Lucha de Apuestas match?
Now thanks to Andrade and Kenny Omega, Triplemania was on people’s radar again for the first time in a while. I mean the last time I covered it was Triplemania 27 (combination of pandemic and a terrible card gave me no interest in 28). So let’s see what the show looks like!
Around the same time Andrade made his challenge known for the Mega Championship, Deonna Purrazzo stepped up to Faby Apache to increase the global impact of the matches. So a big storyline beyond the obvious, is if Deonna Purrazzo can continue her dominance south of the border.
The tag title match should be a highlight as well since we’re all aware of the Lucha Bros, Vikingo has made waves here or there and Laredo Kid has been on most people’s radar. Taurus with the mystery partner is always threatening, but we’ll see who he gets. There was a Tweet of Brian Cage on his way to Mexico…so we’ll see where he slots.
Lucha de Apuestas is a Lucha tradition, so it always makes sense for that to be the main event. Psycho and Escoprion have a thin storyline at best. My understanding is it ties back to Psycho’s father Brazo de Plata and some interesting stories that Rey Escorpion hasn’t really been able to adequately pay off the last few years. They’ve had a few matches in the past, they’ve been trying to raise the stakes with worked shoot video attacks, but we’ll see. It might not have the historical weight that like Dr. Wagner vs Psycho Clown or Dr. Wagner vs Blue Demon Jr; but is should still be a damn good match.
- Marvel Lucha Libre: Team Leyender Americana vs Team Terror Purpra: Technicos win – ***
- Copa Bardahl: Mr. Iguana – *
- Champion vs Champion: Knockouts Championship/Reina de Reinas Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Faby Apache (c): Deonna wins via Venus de Milo – *** ¼ – TITLE CHANGE!!
- AAA World Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros (c) vs Taurus & Brian Cage vs Jinetes del Aire (Hijo del Vikingo & Laredo Kid): Lucha Bros retain via Fear Factor Zero – ****
- Team AAA (Pagano, Chessman & Murder Clown) vs La Empresa (Puma King, DMT Azul & Sam Adonis): La Empresa wins via Sucking Less or…Better? – ¼*
- AAA Mega Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs Andrade el Idolo: Omega retains via One Winged Angel – *** ¾
- Lucha de Apuestas: Mask vs Hair: Psycho Clown vs Rey Escorpion: Psycho Clown wins via Escalera Sunset Roll- **** ½
Marvel Lucha Libre: Team Leyender Americana vs Team Terror Purpra
Yes even with anyone’s limited understanding of Spanish, Marvel Lucha Libre is very simply, Marvel inspired Luchadors. So it’s team Captain America vs Team Thanos.
This was…this was definitely something that wouldn’t fly in the states, and I don’t just mean for possible trademark issues. This was just a lot of fun high spots, different moments where “oh no the bad guys were winning” but then the good guys made a comeback.
Hell this made me think of the parade fight in Jingle All the Way with Turbo Man and the little color coded cronies. It was amusing, then right before Thanos (possibly Brian Cage) won, the Hulk crashed through a wall and kept Thanos at bay while Spiderman and Cap hit a combination move to pin Venom.
Afterwards, Loki was on the screen basically saying it’s only just begun, typical bad guy stuff. This was…I suppose slightly better than the usual Keys to the Future match we got in previous years.
Copa Bardahl
Mysteziz Jr shows up first carrying his lucha masked little one, followed by Carta Brava Jr, who I’m pretty sure is married to Super Porky’s daughter Goya Kong, so he might be a dark horse to win. Mysteziz (Caristico/Sin Cara) I thought was still in CMLL, so I wasn’t expecting him at all. Aramis comes out next while Mysteziz and Brava aren’t doing anything of high difficulty. Tito Santana comes out! No not the former WWE wrestler, the Poder del Norte member, so Brava has some help. Drago is next out, I don’t think anyone got eliminated yet…but this has been quick so far. Nino Hambuguesa is next and it’s not in a tag match with Big Mami for a change! Macho Cota Jr is next, Jesus, all of Poder del Norte is out there. Super Fly and La Parka Negra…just come out. Mr Iguana is next…I think the random run ins were disposed of. But as usual with the Battle Royal, this is a crazy mess…oh there goes Drago.
Aramis eliminated himself to jump onto La Parka Negra? Pipenella Escarlata is out next while I still try to figure out why Aramis pulled a Mil Mascaras and why Poder del Norte looks like crap when they have all 3 of their members in there. Nino eliminates all the Norte members except Carta, but Carta eliminates Nino. Villano III Jr, oh yeah I forgot he existed. Octagon Jr is randomly at the announce table, while Escarlata keeps trying to for kisses. Mamba comes out next. Argenis is next and I have no clue who that is. Villano gets eliminated, Escarlata eliminates Mamba while they get eliminated at the same time.
Argenis takes Mysteziz on a trip outside of the ring off the top corner via a Spanish Fly into a pile of people. Brava and Iguana are the last two, Brava looks to have it all locked up until Iguana breaks the submission with…his rubber iguana or something? Then he goes up into an Electric Chair position, Tornado Bulldog and…Mr. Iguana wins. Dude…what?
It’s an awful mess, but it’s like a car crash…or Jersey Shore. I just…can’t…look away.
Neuva Generacion Dinamita walk out to notable surprise from commentary and the crowd even pops a bit more than they have all night so far. A big steal from CMLL, as they beat the hell out Iguana, hit a triple tandem finisher and then wipe out security, referees, Mysteziz (I think) then Octagon Jr flips into the ring only to get punched in the face and destroyed. So they definitely made the impact of an outsider group leaving a mark on AAA mainstays.
After NGD say their piece, Poder del Norte come out to square off which is a little silly since they just got wrecked with a teamwork advantage. But La Empresaalso hit the ring ahead of their match to beat down Poder del Norte which adds heat to La Empressa’s later match and seems like a pretty decent force to be reckoned with. God…Poder del Norte suck.
Champion vs Champion: Knockouts Championship/Reina de Reinas Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Faby Apache (c)
Faby comes out with Lady Shani, and Deonna has Lady Maravilla, but then we see the crappy crooked referee Tirante is the referee. So we know this will be heavily slanted towards Deonna.
The early going is decent chain wrestling, which seems pretty even until Faby catches Deonna with a Snap DDT. Then we get an assortment of Maravilla, Tirante and Deonna causing shortcut moments for the Rudos. It’s not really taking away from the wrestling, it’s just speeding up the desperation since Faby is 1 v 3 for a lot of this.
Faby does find great hope spots early, even countering Deonna’s float over Fujiwara, into a Reverse Figure Four. A quick tie up, turns into a spinning DDT for Faby, then an Enzuigiri, and a slow count from Tirante. Deonna gets a small flurry and that turns into a quick count near fall. Lots of great chain wrestling from the women, where they duck lariats and go into locomotion suplexes.
Deonna attempts Queen’s Gambit, Faby counters and hits a Butterfly Piledriver. Then Faby goes to the top rope, but the referee is helping Deonna up, so Faby hits a Tijeras on Tirante. Then Maravilla attacks, but Faby Superkicks her, Tirante attacks with a Lariat, but Faby ducks, hits a Sattelite Arm Drag…yes on the referee, and Faby looks strong but the numbers catch up to her. Deonna hits Queen’s Gambit, Maravilla attacks Shani so she can’t make a save then Deonna applies the Venus de Milo and Faby apparently submits. Or at least that’s what Tirante said.
So Deonna is now double champion! Como se dice, Virtuosa en Espanol?
AAA World Tag Team Titles: Lucha Bros (c) vs Taurus & Brian Cage vs Jinetes del Aire (Hijo del Vikingo & Laredo Kid)
Well stab me with a rusty knife and call is macaroni, because this match started crazy and never stopped. Fenix, Laredo and Taurus technically started the match, too bad it broke down 6 seconds in. And from then we just get a ton of spots and a ton of “POR POQUITO”.
Cage looked like a monster, catching Laredo with Penta on his back, doing the combination Fallaway/Samoan Drop. Then a later spot had him catch Vikingo mid flip and Jackhammer him. Vikingo and Laredo did a great job at making the most of the Air Riders name. So much high impact, inverted Springboards, 450s, 054s, Shooting Star Pressed, 720 from Vikingo and it was all only for a near fall.
Lucha Bros pulled off their signatures, Penta Driver, Double Superkick, Penta’s strut, Animo, attempted the Spiked Fear Factor, but Laredo kid hit the Tijeras on Fenix and Vikingo almost won with another 720. Taurus and Cage stop that, Taurus hits an Avalanche Scoop Slam, but Penta runs up Taurus’ back, Mexican Destroyers Cage, then they focus on the Air Riders, Fear Factor Zero and the Lucha Bros retain!
Now I walked away to get a drink, and come back and see Konnan approaching Kenny Omega with a business proposition. Okay…not sure if this will just further the ongoing angle with him and Vampiro, or if we’re going elsewhere.
Team AAA (Pagano, Chessman & Murder Clown) vs La Empresa (Puma King, DMT Azul & Sam Adonis)
Okay this match…is a trashcan. Sam Adonis starts talking crap to Marisela Pena on the outside, then we get the 3v3 donnybrook. And just a lot of sloppy crash spots, botched moves, double clutched dives, but it’s what you get with Chessman and Pagano.
Garbage, ladders and tables in the ring, stupidity, oh look Chessman and Pagano attack each other because it’s not like they didn’t have a match at the last Triplemania. Talk about the worst way to try and cloak a turn. I don’t even care how La Empresa won, this match sucked.
AAA Mega Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs Andrade el Idolo
We knew Konnan was gonna come out with Kenny because of his idea. But Andrade has a manager too! RIC FLAIR!
Now he changed his suspenders, but the referee is still Tirantes, so we know to expect a slant for the Rudos. This started off really solid, Andrade and Omega traded shots, traded ego and were pretty even, but Omega managed to get a small advantage when Idolo went for the Moonsault and Omega just shoved him off to the outside. He followed the push up with dropping Idolo on the guardrail and then into the chairs in the front row.
It took Idolo a while to start fighting back, but it wasn’t a cake walk. Idolo counters You Can’t Escape, pulls off a Triangle Tornillo, the Running Knees and even counters the Avalanche Dragon Suplex by Backflipping through it.
Tirante’s involvement took a lot away from this match. The quick counts, the favoritism just seemed excessive, probably because that’s been Omega’s entire gimmick for the last few months; so it’s just old. In the Deonna match it felt more like it just sped up the clock instead of inhibiting the action.
Konnan got involved, throws in the title, Flair gets in, grabs the title away; Flair and Andrade bounce Omega back and forth with chops, Double Figure Four spot, but Tirante comes to from the bump, kicks out Flair and stays conveniently distracted for Omega to grab the title again. This is just another stupid finish to most of Omega’s title defenses, regardless of the belt.
I hope this is just a way to draw it out for Andrade to have a match on an AEW show for the Mega.
Lucha de Apuestas: Mask vs Hair: Psycho Clown vs Rey Escorpion
So for those who don’t know, Brazo de Plata and Super Porky were the same wrestler. Thus, before this they did a nice memorial to him, with a video package and a few framed pictures. Rey Escorpion heels this up hard from the beginning, talks crap, then interrupts Psycho by cracking him with his own father’s picture.
This whole match felt like a personal fight, it was rough, it was dirty, but it felt like a bar fight. Escorpion beat the hell out of psycho with chairs, baking sheets and tables. Psycho almost started a comeback after nearly getting his mask ripped off his face, but Escorpion cuts off the Dive with light tubes crashing over his head. Psycho was bleeding and just getting decimated for such a long time.
Psycho finally caught Escorpion with a Sole Butt and a few moves to try and get something going. Psycho finally hits his Dive, and then has a small run of offense. He hits a Face Wash with a baking sheet on Escoprion’s face, a Tope con Tornillo, and then Escorpion manages to get a bottle. Escorpion swings, misses, Psycho grabs the bottle and cracks Escorpion. Then he slices him up with the broken bottle and the bar fight continues.
This was just a great dirty fight, lots of well-placed weapons to get across the personal feel and desperation, not just to have them littered in the ring. They both even hit great wrestling moves amidst the fighting. One really great spot being Escoprion is perched on the top, Psycho climbs up either looking for a Spanish Fly or Frankensteiner, Escorpion fights him off so now Clown is facing in toward the ring on the middle ropes, and Escorpion jumps from the corner into the Tijeras.
Eventually Escorpions faction jumps in to beat on Clown, but Clown fights back. His sister, Goya Kong was on the outside for him, and she comes into the ring with a hammer (questionable since they’re playing face, so I was suspect immediately). Psycho seems all for the usage, but Goya turns on her own brother! Escorpion rolls up Psycho, and only gets a two! Escorpion throws Psycho into the ropes, Psycho flips up and over into a Sunset Flip pinfall.
Overall Score: 6/10
At the end Escorpion seemed to bury the hatchet, Psycho seemed to put Escorpion over pretty hard. Maybe Escorpion and Psycho will join forces? My Spanish is pretty good, but not when it’s spoken quickly with a few different accents. So I’m curious was really came from that beyond seemingly putting the nail in the coffin.
This show though, God was it over booked with some garbage matches thrown in as well. I will say that the tag match was really great, Nueva Generecion Dinamita is a huge get and that main event was gorgeous. Poder del Norte do need just disband, they were damn embarrassing and I haven’t followed AAA in a couple years.
Having to remember that Lucha Libre is portrayed differently, this was a fun show all things considered. There were still 2 matches that were hot garbage and gave me big Triplemania 25 vibes (which ain’t good). So it wasn’t a bad show, but it was definitely awkward at times and could have been a ton better.
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
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Andrew’s LIVE TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 1.23.25
NXTNA kicks off the post-Genesis TV with a Live show! Fraxiom defend the NXT Tag Titles on TNA television against The Rascalz!
So we’re gonna be getting Live action for iMPACT for the first time in 8 years! NXTNA should bring some interesting layers with this episode. Fraxion is facing The Rascalz. We could see some stuff with 23 pay off, we could maybe get a Cora Jade appearance and who knows what else we’ve got. Genesis could’ve been the beginning of something big, but at least we make sure Hendry Mania can run wild as the TNA World Champ!
We're kicking off the night with NEW TNA World Champion @joehendry!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) January 24, 2025
- Rosemary, Heather & Ash by Elegance vs Masha Slamovich & Spitfire: Ash wins via Victory Roll – ** 1/2
- JDC & Moose w/Alisha Edwards vs The Hardyz: Jeff wins via Swanton Bomb – ***
- NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (c) vs The Rascalz: Fraxiom retain via Spanish Phoenix – *** 1/4
- TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona: Hendry retains via Standing Ovation – *** 1/4
Oh look, Joe Hendry comes out to kick off the Live episode. Hendry says he’ll be a fighting champion and face anyone at anytime, so Santino’s music hits and we may get a surprise very soon. Oh nevermind, it’s Matt Cardona. If this was supposed to be a big reveal I don’t think it came over well.
Rosemary, Heather & Ash by Elegance vs Masha Slamovich & Spitfire
Jody and Ash start, Ash gets in a cocky slap but then a few strikes and a T-Bone suplex lead to tagging in Dani and a few assisted Slam moves and we see a near fall. Ash retreats to her corner, tags in Heather, Heather is afraid of Dani so she blind tags Rosemary. Spitfire do some tandem stuff on Rosemary and the Demon Assassin finally slips a move from Jody, shoves Jody into her corner, Heather tries to blind tag but Rosemary grabs Heather, Ash calls a timeout to explain to Rosemary that they’re a team and tags herself in. A few shortcuts that the ref conveniently can’t see and Ash tags in Rosemary cleanly. Rosemary throws Jody around, Exploder Suplex for two, and Ash tags in, hits a Snap Suplex, tries to go after Dani and Masha but Masha pops her and Jody hits a Codebreaker to tag in Masha.
Masha comes out hot and beats the hell out of Heather and Rosemary. Masha tried Requiem on Heather, but Rosemary hits the Scorpion Deathdrop, Dani Shotgun kicks Rosemary, Satellite DDT from Ash takes out Dani, Jody takes out Ash, Heather hits a John Woo Dropkick to send Jody crashing to the outside. After the signature spam, Dani gets back on the apron, Masha tags her in and Dani is taking Ash to Suplex City. Cora Jade’s music hits in the middle of the match and she hands a folder to Masha with her picture in it, like Masha used to do. Ash takes advantage of the Cora distraction and Victory Rolls Dani for the flash win. Cora makes her intentions known and the match was fine.
Northern Useless Armoury comes out to look pathetic and Josh talks. Sinner and Saint are about as impressive as a wet fart running down your legs in the middle of summer. They are pathetic and that makes this whole heel turn look worthless. Jabroni squad says Josh can’t leave and attack him. EY hits the ring to make a save, and cut an obvious promo to make a tag match. The crowd is mostly comatose, Sinner and Saint look stupid, have done nothing, and have terrible names.
JDC & Moose w/Alisha Edwards vs The Hardyz
System attacks immediately, the bell just rings, but the Hardyz reverse the Irish Whip spot, stack em in the corner and Poetry in Motion while still wearing the belt so he does the Splash version. Matt does the Delete Corner Face Smashes to JDC and turns it into the pull out of the corner Powerbomb. Extreme Elbow from Matt, Matt goes for the Twist, but JDC shoves off, Lish paws at the ankle and Moose attacks him while the ref is trying to figure out who to look at. Moose tags himself in, beats on Matt and then a few quick tags keep Matt isolated in the corner. JDC with a nice Strong Whip and Splash, tags back in Moose and Moose goes for the Camel Clutch to try and keep the pressure on but Matt starts to fight back. Moose doesn’t lose too much momentum, takes out Jeff, rocks Matt with an Uppercut into Senton and JDC tries Down and Dirty but misses! Simultaneous tags and classic Jeff Hardy offense gets a near fall that JDC has to break up.
Jeff dispatches with JDC, Moose misses Lights Out, Twist of Fate, goes for the Swanton but JDC cuts him off, Matt Twist of Fates JDC, Moose tries to pull Jeff off but gets Headbutt down and Swanton Bomb on Moose for the win! Jeff gonna go for the X Division Title now?
Twenty Three stuff happens on the tron before a commercial break, coming back Sami hits the ring calling out 23. Steph De Lander comes out to show she’s 23 because she won the Digital Media Title in the Divorce. But Sami can meet her new boyfriend, Mance Warner!
NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (c) vs The Rascalz
Axiom with a bit of World of Sport counters to the Arm Wringer, kicks Trey in the teeth, tags in Frazer and he rips across the ropes and kick Trey again, but Trey does turn things around. ACS Rush from The Rascalz. Quick tandem offense from Fraxiom with interwoven Forearm Shivers and a near fall. Axiom locks in a Sleeper and tries to ground Trey. Trey tries to fight back up but eats a Back Elbow. Tandem offense again, Double Superkicks from Fraxiom forces Wentz to break things up a little. Trey has been isolated for a while and Axiom is just keeping a solid Armbar but Trey fights up, manages to get away and hits a Rebound Switch Suplex.
Simultaneous tag and Wentz and Frazer go back and forth. Wentz has the early advantage, Knee Lift into the Rolling Snapmare Shining Wizard then the Running Corkscrew Moonsault. Axiom breaks up the Wentz offense, Fraxiom double teams Trey and takes him out with an Avalanche Total Elimination. More tandem spots from Fraxiom which end with a Brainbuster and Superkick combo but only two! Trey manages to get Frazer out of the ring, Wentz with the Back Handspring Knee Lift but everyone is down and a little gassed. Axiom tries a German, Wentz shrugs him off, Axiom Kips Up into a Superkick, Wentz goes for the UFO Cutter but eats the Superkick. Rascalz tandem Superkicking people out of the Sky, STREET SWEEPER for two! Cheeky Nandos, but Wes Lee hits the ring to distract the ref, Tyson and Tyriek attack, Spanish Fly into Phoenix Splash finish and Fraxion retain!
Solid match that hopefully leads to more stuff. Santana comes down to cut a typical man of the people babyface promo. But the biggest pop of the night (not counting the Hardyz) is when Mustafa Ali’s music hits! Ali is back! He says he signed with TNA.
Tessa comes out to cut a promo, Tully is in the crowd and cuts a decent anti-San Antonio promo. Not as good as Charles Barkley, until she mentions fat women. She’s getting a visceral negative reaction, and it’s pretty great. She basked in the heat and decent promo.
TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona
Slow start, shove from Joe so Matt powders and then they go into Arm Wringer World of Sport stuff, but still mostly posturing. At least the crowd is engaged. Cardona feints the Test of Strength, kicks Hendry and shoves him into the corner with Chops, but Joe no sells and lights up Cardona until Cardona sells to a different corner to hit a sneaky Forearm. Rope Run, Leapfrog spot which ends with Hendry hitting a Knee Lift into the Stalling Suplex. Cardona side steps Hendry after the Suplex and then hits a Wrecking Ball Dropkick before using his ripped t-shirt to choke Hendry and just gets yelled at a little. Cardona Crossbody from the steps, but Hendry catches him, throws him on his shoulders and Attitude Adjustment on the apron. Joe goes for another but Matt claws the eyes and whips Hendry into the steps.
Commercial happens and as soon as we’re back, Hendry hits a Sunset Flip into Locomotion Cradle spots before Cardona hits the Diving Polish Hammer to stall Hendry. Cardona locks in a Guillotine, but Hendry powers up and Vertical Suplexes out of it! A few right hands, Lariat, Sack of Shit into the Kip Up and the turn to the camera! Standing Ovation is being called, Cardona fights it off and hits the Flashback for a near fall. Reboot connects from Cardona, he tries another and gets caught, goes for a Powerbomb but Cardona Throat Chop, Missile Dropkick, Snap DDT for a near fall! Radio Silence attempts from Cardona, Hendry ducks it, Running Boot kills the referee, and Hendry hits a Pop Up Powerbomb for what would’ve been the win, but no ref. Cardona hits the Low Blow and then wanders over to the title, very slowly, looks to use it but OH MAH GAHD MAGGLE ITS JBLS! Clothesline from Hell hits Cardona and Hendry stares down JBL. Cardona recovers enough to hit Hendry with the title as Hendry was distracted by JBL existing.
Cardona tries the title again, Standing Ovation, 1-2-3.
Overall Score: 6.5/10
The effort to make this show special was apparent. Wes Lee, Tyriek and Tyson interfering, Cora Jade costing the faces a match, Mance Warner, JBL on a Live TNA, Mustafa Ali returning and Hendry bookending the show is good stuff. Lapsed viewers or WWE fans got to see a lot of people they recognize, sure Steph De Lander’s whole explanation was moronic, Cardona was a fart in church and JDC not eating the pinfall seems silly unless it truly does lead to a Jeff Hardy X Division challenge. But the effort was all there.
There were no real production hiccups or audio problems, the crowd was receptive to the important things, Tessa got booed out of the building but steered into it and embraced the hate. Now she just needs to walk out with a Real American Beer or have Hulk and Tully escort her out for Slammiversary or BFG, and it will truly just steer so hard into the skid people might pop for the acknowledgement.
But it was a fun show, yes the Josh stuff is stupid. The Knockouts aren’t in a great spot (but the NXT help will bolster that), and JBL is still confusing…but the show was entertaining.
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
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SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
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Classic POD is WAR
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Honor Club hits a new landmark!
ROH on Honor Club hits Episode 100! And to make this big deal a bigger deal, QT Marshall challenges Komander for the ROH World TV Championship! Will QT bring the DOOM~?
- Katsuyori Shibata VS Shane Taylor w/ Shane Taylor Promotions; wins.
- Taya Valkyrie VS Lady Frost; wins.
- The Beast Mortos VS ???
- The Gates of Agony VS ???
- Leila Grey VS ???
- The Outrunners VS ???
- ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS QT Marshall; wins and
[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
Powered by RedCircle
Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!