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Mitchell’s Hyrule Puro-Resu News Report! (5/16/24)

Fallout from ThunderStruck!



As Spring gives way to Summer…

The storm has passed, see who still reigns in HPW! We hear from the winners and losers of ThunderStruck 3, and of Blood & Thunder!


After the Death Mountain Championship.

Torbevito returns backstage.

Arrow Club is there, and Mack Quackson asks, “Torbs, what the heck? Where’s the title?” Torbevito asks back, weren’t they watching? He lost. He lost!? Yeah, he lost! The Arrow Club sighs, and Fin Balure pats Torbevito on the shoulder, saying it’s fine. They’ll circle back to the Death Mountain title another time. Bad Croc Scaly’s about to go out there with Ruto, they’ll handle Cia & Ganon. The Club cheers the Swamp Boss and Zora Princess as they head to gorilla position.


After the Mixed Tag Match.

Ruto & Scaly return backstage.

Rick Quackson asks, “What in the name of the Golden Goddesses is going on out there?! You lost, too?” Scaly frowns as he puts an icepack on his face, right where the Kick of Calamity got him. Rick apologizes for pointing out the obvious, but this is still really upsetting. Mack says Ganon is one thing, he’s the one and only HPW Triple Crown Champion, from Triforce to Trios to Termina titles. But Ruto’s gonna have Cia handled, right? Ruto says of course she will! Don’t even think that Cia was anywhere close to beating Ruto out there. Cia may’ve been champion before, but she’ll never be a Goddess again.

The Arrow Club clap, nod, and give a “Yeah!” in agreement. But for now, they get to sit back, relax, and watch the rest of the card go down. Will the Zora Princess make sure the Dark Sorceress stays on the outside looking in?


After the World Triforce Championship match.

Link returns backstage.

Zelda is here, the first time we’ve seen her since HyruleMania, and she asks what happened out there. Why did Kage show up and do that? Link shakes his head and shrugs. Zelda wonders if Kage was being genuine. Link looks at her with confusion but she says Link has to remember, Kage was taken from his family and raised by an awful, horrible man. Kage doesn’t know how to help others outside of violence. Link frowns at her, and Zelda says she understands, Link didn’t need the help, so Kage was still in the wrong. But the point is that he meant well. Link sighs and shakes his head, not buying that at all.

Link gets himself an icepack as he starts to leave but Zelda brings up if Link’s talked about Kage with his sister, Aryll. Link stops, looks back at her, but says nothing. Zelda suggests that he should, Kage’s her brother, too. Zelda then walks past Link to leave, and Link sighs. Will the broken home start to heal? Or are the wounds too deep?

Yunobo returns backstage.

He’s of course upset over Kage’s interference with the match, but then he sees Arrow Club is waiting for him. Naturally, he asks what they’re doing here. Fin says they saw what happened out there. “A real shame, isn’t it? The ‘Hero’ of Hyrule resorting to such tricks.” The Ducks agree, they thought Link was better than that. Yunobo says Link said it was all Kage’s idea. Well of course he did! That’s what brothers do! You wouldn’t believe how many times Mack & Rick tried to pin the blame on the other. Like that time when Mack broke their mom’s favorite clay pot. Yeah, or when Rick broke dad’s favorite long bow.

Rick says hold on, that was also Mack. That big gust of wind blew it right out of his grip. What? That’s not when it happened. It was when Rick pulled really hard on the string and- Fin stops the bickering and says they made their point. For all anyone really knows, Link and Kage worked out their issues, then conspired to screw over his opponent tonight. It was just unfortunate that it was Yunobo. Y’know, all right place, wrong time. But hey, Nicholas Foolyere is a pretty fair guy, he might give Yunobo another chance. The Ducks agree again, Yunobo should go talk to Fooly. Yunobo is a little conflicted, but that much is true. He’ll go find Fooly.

Yunobo heads out, Arrow Club wishes Yunobo luck. Fin says to The Ducks, “Y’know, fellas, we may have these shiny new belts, and the rest of the team may be struggling a bit, but that right there… That was a good deed for the day, huh?” The Ducks agree yet again. Mack says Yunobo’s a good egg. Rick says, “He is, isn’t he?” Fin & The Ducks all smile, but what’s really behind them trying to help Yunobo out?

My Thoughts:

I know, that was a lot of Arrow Club for one article, but they were also pretty prevalent on the ThudnerStruck card so it makes sense. And there’s something to the idea that Arrow Club would want to recruit more members and they see an opening with how things went with Yunobo, Kage and Link. Yunobo’s in the top title scene right now, Arrow Club can get the top title if he wins it for them.

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Hockey Talk- Collapse & Expansion [062424]

Hockey Talk discusses Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Plus PC Tunney joins the show to discuss March Madness possibly expanding.



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On a special Monday edition of Hockey Talk, the guys discuss Game 7 of the Stanely Cup Finals, coming up later tonight. A series that seemed over and done with just a week ago has seen one of the most unlikely comebacks in NHL history. The Edmonton Oilers, once down 3-0 in the series, have come roaring back to force a Game 7 in Sunrise, FL later on today. How did we get here, what must each team do to hoist the Cup….and who do the guys think will come out on top? In the back half of the show, PC Tunney arrives on Hockey Talk to discuss the story that broke this week concerning the likely expansion of the field for March Madness. What is driving this and where do Tunney and Patrick see things ending up? Tune in and find out!

Today’s hosts: Dave Ungar (@AttitudeAgg) and Patrick O’Dowd (@WrestlngRealist) with a special guest appearance from PC Tunney (@PCTunney).

  • Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final has improbably arrived
  • Can Florida avoid a historic collapse?
  • Can Edmonton end Canada’s long, national, nightmare?
  • Is March Madness expanding?

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Mitchell’s Hyrule Puro-Resu News Report! (6/21/24)

The clock is ticking.



Time keeps on slipping (slipping slipping), into the future…!

It’s almost time again for Termina Velocity! HPW is busting out the stop watch for some real special matches to determine the future of wrestling!


That’s right, HPW is heading back across the border to the wild, wild west of wrestling! Synchronize your watches, because July 4th will see some serious fireworks!


HPW has a special twist to the Beat the Clock Challenge!

Another six competitors will battle against each other and the clock, but no one knows who they’re facing! The six worthy candidates will be notified and shuffled to make for three incredible match-ups! And in the end, whoever wins the fastest will be THE #1 Contender to the Undisputed HPW Triforce World Championship, having their title match with Link at Treasure Island in August! Who will be lucky enough to be chosen? And who will be even luckier in the match card draw?


Arrow Club takes aim at TSDQ!

As Fin Balure, The Young Ducks and the rest of the Club tried to help Yunobo take the title from Link, Groose led the charge in stopping them. The Studly Don’t Quit, but if you ask Arrow Club, they’ve picked a fight with the wrong ones! So HPW management has decided that if Arrow Club wants payback and TSDQ wants a title match, they can do both at the same time! The Zora Rock ‘n’ Rolla will take on The Skyfall Stud 1v1, but with a golden opportunity on the line! Will TSDQ get their shot at the HPW World Trios Championships? Or will they be crossed right off the list?


The Gerudo Ace has his hands full with this one.

The Dark Forces made sure Kevin Gibdo wasn’t screwed over by The UnderWorld Order, but it was the Masked Monster that came for payback backstage! He just went right after Ganon, it was a pull-apart, and yet Ganon is willing to give Majora a match? Yes, but it is under special circumstances. Ganon is all about honoring Termina wrestling, having faced TCW legends before. But now he wants to bring out something special from Termina wrestling history: The Carnival of Time!

In this special timed match, it will be six rounds, three minutes each, and the first to two falls wins! A disqualification or a knockout ends things immediately. If neither competitor reaches two points by the end of regulation, the points leader wins by default, but a tie goes to the incumbent champion, Ganon. Honoring the past, fighting for the future, will Ganon reign forever? Or will his time run out? We find out on July 4th, at the Great Bay Coast in Western Termina!

My Thoughts:

Realized doing one event in the middle of a month when the next one is meant to be for the start of a month is tricky so I needed to hustle on this. But since the Beat the Clock Challenge matches are purposefully short, I should be alright to get five matches done in just two weeks. See you late night on July 3rd for a Fourth of July publish!

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