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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Soul Results & Report! (6/16/24)

Sapporo’s covered in gold!



Will the Rogue Luchador have his revenge on the Murder Machine?

After winning Best of the Super Juniors, El Desperado got Sho to accept an IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship STEEL CAGE MATCH, so will Sho have no choice but to do this without the House of Torture?


  • Kickoff – Masatora Yasuda VS Daiki Nagai; Time Limit Draw.
  • 10 Man Tag: Tomoaki Honma, Tomohiro Ishii, Satoshi Kojima, Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • DOUKI & Taichi VS Ren Narita & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Douki & Taichi win.
  • Bishamon VS EVIL & Dick Togo; Bishamon wins.
  • Tetsuya Naito & Titan VS Taka Michinoku & Yuya Uemura; Naito & Titan win.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg; Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg win and become the new NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita; Connors & Drilla win and retain the titles.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS HENARE; Henare wins and becomes the new NEVER Openweight Champion.
  • IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship: David Finlay VS SANADA; Finlay wins and retains the title.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage Match: SHO VS El Desperado; Desperado wins and becomes the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion.


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg!

It’s a Dominion rematch as Yota Tsuji, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi once again face The Ace, The Joker & The Rook! It was already rather incredible that LIJ won in the first place, will they prove it wasn’t just luck at Osaka-Jo Hall? Or will Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg prove you can’t keep bad boys down?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and let’s see who really runs the schoolyard!

The teams sort out and while Yota and Oleg stare down, Yano insists he start. Hiromu obliges, and they both squat at the middle of the ring. They talk some smack, then the bell rings. And Hiromu copies Yano by going right to a corner to untie a buckle pad! Yano SMACKS Hiromu on the back of the head, then finishes the job himself! Hiromu SMACKS Yano on the head! Hiromu whips, Yano reveres, but Hiromu holds the ropes and copies Yano’s taunt! Yano runs up but Hiromu drop toeholds him onto ropes! Then he KICKS the rope, runs, but into an atomic drop! Yano tags Oleg and Tanahashi jump in, too.

Oleg & Tanahashi double whip to DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE Hiromu! Oleg then scoops Hiromu to SLAM him! Tanahashi drops an elbow, Oleg SPLASHES down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and Yano tags back in. Yano whips but Hiromu reverses, only for Yano to avoid the bare buckles. Hiromu runs in, but only gets bare buckles! Yano runs, but into a kick! Bushi gets in to dropkick legs out, then Yota runs in to basement dropkick! Bushi & Yota then knock Tanahashi & Oleg off the apron! Bushi & Yota then go out after them, stomp them down, and Hiromu stomps Yano. Hiromu drags Yano up, bumps him off the red corner, and tags Bushi in.

Bushi stomps Yano, digs his knee in, and the ref counts. Bushi lets go of the ropes, but that’s not the problem! The ref reprimands and Bushi steps away. Bushi drags Yano up, wrenches and wristlocks to then YANK the arm and CLUB it. Tag to Yota, he BOOTS the arm! Yano clutches the elbow, but Yota wrenches the arm to YANK it. Tag to Hiromu and he climbs up, and the fans rally for the AX HANDLE! Yota drops to his knees and Hiromu mocks his pain while bringing him back up. Hiromu whips Yano tot he corner, clotheslines, snapmares and runs to basement dropkick! Hiromu calls to Yota, and he has Yota scoop him, for the assisted SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Hiromu has the ref watch Tanahashi & Oleg, then calls Bushi in! LIJ double whip Yano but Yano holds ropes! Yano sends Hiromu into Bushi, then throws them both down by their heads! The fans fire up, Yano and Hiromu crawl, and hot tag to Tanahashi! Yota tags in but Tanahashi dropkicks the legs out! Tanahashi fires hands, whips, but Yota reverses, only for Tanahashi to FLYING FOREARM! The fans fire up as Tanahashi fires fast hands, then Tanahashi scoops to SLAM Yota into the drop zone! Tanahashi goes up, SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi stays cool and the fans rally up. Yota rises, Tanahashi runs, but Yota TOSSES Tanahashi out!

The fans fire up as Tanahashi skins the cat! But then Yota ROCKS him with a right! Tanahashi falls back into a corner, Yota runs in, and he STINGER SPLASHES! Yota keeps going, he runs Tanahashi over, then SPLASHES down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up and Yota drags Tanahashi up. Yota reels Tanahashi in, suplexes, but Tanahashi fights it, to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT The fans rally up while both men are down. Tanahashi and Yota crawl, hot tag to Oleg! Oleg runs Yota over, gets him back up and fires forearms and CHOPS on repeat! Oleg whips, but Yota RAN- NO! Oleg stops the rana to get Yota up, for Shake, Rattle and THROW!

Oleg even kips up! The fans fire up, Oleg BLASTS Bushi & Hiromu off the corner, then he stalks Yota. Oleg waistlocks to deadlift Yota, for a GERMAN- NO, Yota fights free! Yota clinches, BACKBREAKER to FLATLINER to DOUBLE STOMP! Both men are down and the fans rally back up. Yota crawls over, hot tag to Bushi! Bushi goes up the corner, Oleg rises, and Bushi MISSILE DROPKICKS! And Bushirooni! Bushi runs corner to corner to ELBOW Oleg, then he brings Oleg in to FISHERMAN SCREW! Hiromu BLASTS Tanahashi & Yano! LIJ gets Oleg up, whips him to the corner, then Hiromu runs in to clothesline!

Bushi adds a back elbow, feeds to the SUPERKICK, then BACKSTABBERS! Cover, Tanahashi breaks it! Hiromu tosses Tanahashi out, Bushi and Oleg rise. Bushi runs up, CODE- NO, Oleg tosses Bushi away! Yano throws Bushi down! Hiromu SUPERKICKS Yano! Tanahashi blocks a superkick, but Yota gets in! Tanahashi blocks that superkick, too!? Tanahashi DOUBLE DRAGON SCREWS! The fans fire up but Bushi kicks low. Bushi runs, but into a SLINGBLADE! The fans fire up and Tanahashi drags Bushi up. Feed to Oleg for the KAMIKA- NO, Bushi slips free, and ENZIGIRIS! Oleg wobbles, Bushi goes to the corner!

Bushi runs up again, CODE- NO!! Oleg still blocks, and he fireman’s carries! Oleg coordinates with Tanahashi as he climbs, but Yota gets in Tanahashi’s way! Bushi rolls Oleg up! Tanahashi shoves Yota down onto the cover!! Tanahashi then aims to TRIPLE HIGH FLY ATTACK LIJ!! The fans are all fired up and Oleg drags Bushi back up! Fireman’s carry, and KAMIKAZE!! Cover, Oleg and team win!!

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg, by pinfall

The Rook comes through for the team, and they get the belts back! Has Oleg proved he’s far from just a Young Lion now? Or will we need quite the tiebreaker between these trios to put this to rest?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita w/ Zack Sabre Jr!

The Bullet Club War Dogs claimed their losses to the TMDK Junior Heavyweights were flukes, but they still have to put up the gold. Will 100 Proof & 44 Caliber shoot down the Sniper of the Sky & Ichiban Young Punk? Or will we see that The Mighty Don’t Kneel?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who’s really number one with a bullet!

The teams sort out and Fujita starts against Connors. The bell rings, the two stare down and the fans rally up. The two circle, feel things out, then Connors swings on Eagles! Eagles ROCKS Connors first! Fujita ROCKS Connors, then he DECKS Drilla! Eagles jumps in, TMDK double whip to hip toss, then PENALTY KICK! Drilla storms in but into DOUBLE BLOWS! Then TMDK rolls Drilla back to DOUBLE KNEE SMASH! Eagles rallies the fans, Fujita builds speed, but Connors gets in, JEEP FLIPPER! Drilla drags Eagles out, too, and sends him into railing! Connors stomps Fujita while Drilla tosses Eagles over railing!

Drilla steps over and has fans move aside. Connors keeps on Fujita on the other end of the arena while Drilla BOWLS Eagles into chairs! STRIKE! Connors fires hands on Fujita, and he tells a segment of fans to move! Then he BOWLS Fujita into the chairs! Another STRIKE! The fans cheer while Connors throws up the Too Sweet. Drilla drags Eagles around, scoops him, and then SLAMS him onto some seats! The ring count starts, but Connors is bringing Fujita back. Connors POSTS Fujita at 5 of 20, then takes his time to scuff Fujita before he steps in at 12. Connors taunts ZSJ at ringside, but Fujita rolls in at 17! The fans cheer but Connors mockingly applauds.

Connors kneels on Fujita’s neck, the ref reprimands and counts, and Connors steps away. Connors drags Fujita up, Drilla dusts off his boot, and Connors bumps Fujita off the boot! Tag to Drilla, and he CHOPS! And then he digs his boots in! The ref counts, Drilla steps off at 4. Connors CHOKES Fujita against ropes while the ref is busy with Drilla. The fans boo but Connors lets off before the ref catches him. Drilla looms over Fujita as he sputters, and the fans rally up. Fujita rises to throw body shots and forearms! Drilla CHOPS Fujita down! Drilla drags Fujita around, steps through, and ties up the legs into a DEATHLOCK!

Drilla tags Connors in, and Connors stomps away on Fujita! Then he JUMP ELBOW DROPS! Drilla lets Fujita go so Connors can cover, TWO! Connors smirks as he grabs the leg, and he mockingly calls “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” Drilla bark, bark, barks! Connors steps through to steal the RON MILLER SPECIAL! Eagles storms in but Drilla intercepts to TOSS him back out! Connors thrashes Fujita around but Fujita endures! Fujita crawls forward, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and the ref reprimands. Connors lets off with a smug grin, then drags Fujita up. But Fujita fires a forearm, and a CHOP!

Connors eggs Fujita on so Fujita CHOPS! Connors UPPERCUTS! Connors whips, but Fujita GAMANGIRIS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Connors crawls and tags in Drilla. Drilla grabs Fujita’s leg but Fujita BOOTS him away! Fujita scrambles, hot tag to Eagles! Eagles goes up and over Drilla, BOOTS Connors, then RANAS Drilla! The fans fire up with Eagles and he KICKS Drilla! And KICKS! And KICKS! Eagles runs, Connors sneaks in to CLOBBER him! Connors & Drilla double whip, Eagles reverses to send Connors away! Then he sends Drilla into Connors! Eagles kicks a leg out, then runs to BLINDSIDE LARIAT BASEMENT DROPKICK COMBO!

The fans fire up with Eagles and he goes corner to corner at Drilla! DOUBLE KNEES! Drilla sits down, Eagles runs in to METEORA! Eagles drags Drilla to a cover, TWO! Eagles keeps cool and goes to the apron. Eaglee climbs, the fans rally up, and Eagles 450- NO, Drilla moves! Eagles rolls through, btu Drilla blocks his kick! Drilla pops Eagles up into the Canadian Rack! But Eagles sunset flips through! ONE, but Eagles has the RON MILLER SPECIAL!! Drilla flails, Fujita keeps Connors out! Connors powers out, gets in, and he CLUBS Eagles! Eagles holds on, but Connors stomps away until he lets Drilla go!

The ref reprimands but Connors shoves him away! Connors stomps Eagles, and Drilla hobbles up. Connors stands Eagles up, but Eagles fires CHOPS and ELBOWS! SOBAT for Drilla, then a cravat! Eagles uses Connors to kick off, but Drilla denies him Sliced Bread! Drilla ELBOWS Eagles away, but Fujita tags in! Fujita slingshots but Connors catches him! Connors hands Fujita off to Drilla! But Fujita flails to go to the apron and HOTSHOT! Fujita and Eagles both springboard, DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICKS! The War Dogs are down and they bail out while the fans fire up! Fujita aims to springboard, DOUBLE CANNONBALL!

Direct hit and the Dogs go down! The fans fire up, Fujita puts Drilla in, and Eagles stands Drilla up. TMDK double wrench the arms, for MAXXY BOMB!! High stack, TWO!! Drilla survives but the fans fire up with TMDK! Fujita hoists Drilla up, Eagles ROUNDHOUSES and Fujita GERMAN SUPLEXES! Then SUPERKICK PENALTY KICK COMBO!! Cover, Connors breaks it! The fans rally, Eagles whips but Connors reverses to TOSS Eagles out! Connors runs at Fujita but Fujita TOSSES him out! Fujita goes after Drilla with a CHOP! But Drilla wrenches to ripcord, but Fujita dodges! Sunset flip, but Drilla DOUBLE STOMPS and SENTONS!

The fans rally up and both men crawl. Drilla reaches out, hot tag to Connors! Connors takes aim, runs in, but Fujtia pops him up! Connors fights the German Suplex but Fujita holds the waistlock! Connors throws elbow after elbow but Fujita’s grip is tight! Connors throws even more elbows, and Fujita finally lets go. Fujita runs up, but into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Drilla roars as he storms in, and the Dogs take aim from the corners! But Eagles anchors Drilla! Fujita O’Conner Rolls Connors, then trips him into the QUEEN ANGELITO STRETCH! Drilla gets loose but Eagles MISSILE DROPKICKS him down! And puts him in the RON MILLER SPECIAL!!

Fujita sees Eagles has Drilla, and Fujita pulls Connors into the NELL VOSS SPECIAL!! Connors endures, flails, and Drilla reaches out, but Eagles drags him away! Connors grabs at the ref, Drilla grabs at Fujita! Drilla CLAWS Fujita’s face, and he lets Connors go! Eagles lets Drilla go, and the four are all down. The fans rally as Eagles regroups with Fujita. The Dogs regroup on the outside, and Eagles DIVES onto them! But is caught! DRILLA KILLA to the floor!! Drilla & Connors are laughing that they just shot down the Sniper! Connors & Drilla then slide into the ring, flanking Fujita. They bring Fujita up, but he still fires forearms and elbows!

The fans rally as Fujita fights and fights, switches with Drilla, but Drilla elbows free! Connors runs in, Drilla hurdles, SPEAR! Fujita staggers back up, into the SPEAR GORE COMBO!! Cover, TWO?!? Fujita survives and shocks The Dogs! The fans fire up as Connors goes up a corner and Drilla drags Fujita up. Drilla suplexes, but Fujita slips free! GERMAN SUPLEX! Connors still leaps but Fujita gets under! Fujita O’Conner Rolls, but Connors fights Chaos Theory! Fujita HEEL KICKS! Fujita whips Connors, pops Connors up, and GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Connors survives, but Fujita still holds on!

Fujita drags Connors up and the fans are thunderous! Fujita suplexes, ABANDON- SUPERKICK from Drilla! Connors suplexes Fujita into the DRILLA KILLA!!! Drilla then feeds Fujita to the NO CHASER!! But they’re still not done!?! Connors climbs, Drilla suplexes, FULL CLIP!!! Cover, War Dogs win!

Winners: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Moloney, by pinfall (still IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but they can’t withstand artillery of this magnitude! Bullet Club keeps these titles right where they are, and Connors himself asks, “Who’s next?”


NJPW announces the G1 Climax 34 Block line-ups!

In A Block, it will be: Tetsuya Naito; Shota Umino; Shingo Takagi; SANADA; Great-O-Khan; Zack Sabre Jr; Gabe Kidd; EVIL; and Pro-Wrestling Noah’s Jake Lee!
In B Block, it will be: Hirooki Goto; El Phantasmo; Yota Tsuji; Jeff Cobb; HENARE; David Finlay; Ren Narita; Yuya Uemura; and AEW & DDT Pro’s Konosuke Takeshita!

And this year, there will be a special G1 Climax preliminary round! 12 men, six for each block, must battle to earn the coveted tenth seed spots! In A Block’s prelim: Tomohiro Ishii; Yoshi-Hashi; Callum Newman; KENTA; Chase Owens; and Yujiro Takahashi! In B Block’s prelim: Hiroshi Tanahashi; Toru Yano; Boltin Oleg; Satoshi Kojima; Taichi; and TJP! Whoever comes out of those matches will join this already star-studded field! Who will help burn up this already red hot summer?


NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS HENARE!

It’s another Dominion rematch, as we ended up with a Double TKO Draw in Osaka-Jo Hall! Will Takagi stay standing this time? Or will the Face of Fury finally slay The Rampaging Dragon?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who pushes past their limits to be victorious!

The two are forehead to forehead, then they go forearm for forearm! The bell rings, and Takagi ROCKS Henare! Henare fires back, but Takagi shoves him. They both run, they RAM shoulders, then Henare kicks to snapmare. Henare KICKS Takagi in the back, but Takagi gets up to DOUBLE CHOP! Takagi eggs Henare on, so Henare HEADBUTTS! Henare eggs Takagi on so Takagi HEADBUTTS! Henare nods, and HEADBUTTS again! Takagi staggers, but he comes back to HEADBUTT! Henare HEADBUTTS, Takagi HEADBUTTS, they HEADBUTT again and again and again! Henare gets the edge, then JUMP HEADBUTTS!

Henare runs, RAMS Takagi but Takagi comes back to RAM Henare! ELBOW! JAB! But Henare KICKS! Takagi runs Henare over! Then Takagi KICKS Henare in the back! Henare goes to a corner, the fans rally for Takagi, and he runs up, and blocks a boot! Takagi clotheslines through, then fires the fans up more. Takagi JABS and CHOPS on repeat! Then he JABS, JABS, JABS, but Henare leans into the punches! Takagi fires more shots, then ROCKS Henare! Takagi whips corner to corner, runs up and clotheslines! Then SAIDOS! Henare flounders and the fans rally up. Takagi stands Henare up to suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO!

Henare bails out but Takagi keeps cool. Takagi goes out after Henare, brings him around, and whips him hard into railing! Henare staggers away, Takagi follows, and he JABS Henare again. Takagi brings Henare up to SMACK him off the apron, but that just angers Henare! Henare SMACKS Takagi off the apron! Takagi RIDGE HAND CHOPS, then fireman’s carries! SNAKE EYES off the apron! Henare falls back and the ref wants this back in the ring. Takagi takes a moment to shake out his hand, then he walks over to Henare. Takagi drops a knee right on Henare’s face! Takagi then puts Henare in the ring, and the fans cheer.

Takagi kicks Henare around, taunts him, scuffs him, and Henare snarls. Henare fires body shots and a forearm! Takagi ELBOWS! And YUKON LARIATS! The fans cheer and Takagi says he’s still gonna be champ. Takagi brings Henare up, puts him on ropes, and then KNEES him low! And KNEES him again! And again! The ref reprimands, Takagi lets off, and he whips Henare to ropes. Takagi KNEES low, runs, but into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Takagi goes to a corner, Henare runs in to clothesline! Takagi shouts at Henare, so Henare shouts back! Henare fires off fast hands from all sides!

The ref reprimands, Henare HEADBUTTS Takagi before he fireman’s carries. WASTELAND SLAM, then a SENTON! The fans rally up as Takagi sputters and goes back to the corner. Henare storms over, stomps Takagi, then HEADBUTTS him! Henare whips but Takagi blocks by holding ropes! The ref calls the ropebreak as Henare still tries to whip. Takagi still holds on, so Henare ELBOWS him in the head! The ref reprimands, but Henare whips corner to corner. Takagi reverses, runs up, but into an ELBOW! Henare goes up, FLYING CHUCK! But Takagi just runs! Into a BERSERKER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and Henare fires back up!

The fans rally, Henare stands and he aims from a corner. Takagi rises as Henare stomps the mat. Henare runs in, RAMP- NO! Takagi stuffs the spear to fire off knees! Henare shoves back but Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! And YUKON feints to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Henare flounders to a corner and the fans rally up. Takagi runs, but into a RAMP- DDT!! Takagi turns things around again and Henare is in a daze! Takagi kicks Henare, drags him up, and puts him on the top rope! The fans rally as Takagi climbs up, and he fires RIDGE HAND CHOPS! Takagi then goes to the very top, brings Henare up with him, SUPER DUPER PLEX!!

The fans are thunderous while Henare writhes from that hard landing! Takagi sits up and shouts, “OI! OI! OI!” The fans join in and Takagi nods. Takagi stands, the fans fire up more, and Takagi says “My time is coming! TOKI GA KITA!” The fans fire up, Takagi runs, PUMPING BOMBER! But Henare withstands the impact and stays standing! Takagi runs again, PUMPING BOMBER! Henare drops to his knees! Takagi gives scuffing kicks, slaps Henare around, then fires a few forearms. Henare growls, headbutts the mat, but Takagi ROCKS him! Takagi fires forearm after forearm, but Henare eggs him on!

Takagi fires more forearms, but Henare leans into those shots! Henare swings, Takagi bobs ‘n’ weaves and UPPERCUTS! Takagi runs, but into a RAMPAGE!! Both men are down again and the fans rally up! Henare slowly rises, sits Takagi up, and PENALTY KICKS! But Takagi’s right up to RUN Henare over! The fans rally while both men are down, and Takagi sits up first. Takagi crawls over to Henare and they give each other junkyard dog headbutts. They start throwing palm strikes, then forearms! Takagi CHOPS and Henare staggers! Henare snarls, comes back, and KICKS! Takagi staggers, Henare eggs him on, and the fans rally up!

Takagi winds up to CHOP! Henare drops to a knee and Takagi shakes out his hand. Henare rises, and Takagi braces for the KICK! Takagi CHOPS! Henare KICKS! CHOP! KICK! Repeat! The fans fire up and so does Henare! Henare KICKS, and KICKS, and ROLLING KICKS! Takagi wobbles, Henare runs, but Takagi blocks the kick! Henare fires off strikes, but Takagi still pump handles! MADE IN JAPAN!! But Takagi can’t make the cover! The ref checks both men, this could end up like Dominion! Takagi slowly rises, the fans rally up again, and Takagi sits Henare up. Takagi clamps on to rain down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!

Takagi runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Henare rolls through to SLIDING KNEE!! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Henare sits up first, and he snarls as he slashes his throat. Henare vows to end this but he’s a bit wobbly as he walks over. Henare drags Takagi up but Takagi HEADBUTTS! Henare HEADBUTTS! They DOUBLE HEADBUTT! And DOUBLE HEADBUTT! Both men wobble, but Takagi JABS! Henare HEADBUTTS! Takagi PUMPING BOMBERS! Henare JUMP HEADBUTTS! Takagi SLIDING FOREARMS!! Both men are down again and the fans are all fired up!

The ref checks, and both men are somehow still in this, but the standing count is here! Takagi hears it and he stirs. Takagi goes to ropes, and he drags himself up at 5 of 10! Takagi is up but what of Henare? He’s still down at 8, pushes up at 9, and stands at 9.9!! The fans fire up and Takagi runs in! DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Both men lean on the other, and Takagi fires boxing elbows! Takagi throws in about nine, but then Henare bobs ‘n’ weaves the tenth to BODY BLOW! And HEEL KICK! PUMPING BOMBER!! Cover, ONE?!?! The fans are thunderous as Henare snarls, but Takagi gets moving! PUMPING BOMBER!!! Cover, TWO!!!

The fans are thunderous again as Henare survives being flipped upside-down! Takagi roars, he drags Henare up, and he pump handles to the torture rack! Henare slips out, spins Takagi around, STREETS OF RAGE!! But he has to crawl to the cover! TWO!!! Takagi survives and Henare is stunned! Henare growls, fires himself up, and he drags Takagi back up. But Takagi fights the cross-arm hold! Takagi HEADBUTTS, HEADBUTTS, and HEADBUTTS! Henare HEADBUTTS!! Cover, ONE!?!?! But Henare runs to RUGBY KICK!! Cover, TWO!!!! Takagi still survives but Henare is furious! Henare reels Takagi in for STREETS OF- NO, Takagi fights the lift!

Takagi and Henare fight for suplex control! Takagi throws body shots, avoids the headbutt and UPPERCUTS! Then HEADBUTTS back! Then YUKON- NO, Henare blocks that, then blocks the other lariat! KAMI-HEADBUTT!!! Cover, HENARE WINS!!!

Winner: Henare, by pinfall (NEW NEVER Openweight Champion)

Henare unleashes the headbutt to surpass God, and he slays the Rampaging Dragon! Finally, the Face of Fury wears gold in NJPW! Will this be a sign of even bigger things to come? Or will Takagi have his revenge in the G1 Climax?


IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship: David Finlay w/ Gedo VS SANADA w/ Just5Guys!

When The Rebel heard the Cold Skull was back on the mend, he demanded this be the return match. Finlay still owes Sanada payback for the 2023 New Japan Cup finals loss, and that moment has finally come. Will Finlay ruin Sanada’s return right from the start? Or will he regret it when Sanada takes this title from him?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the War Dogs stay golden!

The bell rings and the fans rally behind “SA-NA-DA! SA-NA-DA!” Finlay gets on the corner to shout “WAR~ DOGS~!” and some fans do cheer, but the fans are still more on Sanada’s side. The two circle, feel things out, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Finlay pulls hair to put Sanada on ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, Finlay pie faces Sanada as he lets off, then SPITS on Sanada! Sanada just brushes that off and the two reset. They tie up, are in another deadlock, but Sanada uses height for leverage. Sanada puts Finlay on the ropes, Red Shoes calls the break, and Sanada lets off with pats on the shoulder.

The fans applaud but Finlay is annoyed. Finlay runs up, Sanada kicks low then headlocks. Finlay powers up and out but Sanada runs him over. Things speed up, Finlay hurdles but then Sanada hurdles, hurdles and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up but Gedo is upset as Finlay bails out. Sanada aims, PLANCHA, but he lands on the apron as Finlay slides in. Finlay DECKS Sanada off the apron, goes out to CLUB Sanada, then SMACKS him off the apron! Finlay rains down fists, soaks up the heat, and says it’s too easy. Finlay fist bumps with Gedo then goes back to stand on Sanada’s face. Red Shoes reprimands but Finlay drags Sanada up and into the ring.

Finlay slides in to cover but Red Shoes says no, because of the shenanigans on the outside. Finlay is upset with Red Shoes, but then he drags Sanada up. Finlay hammerlocks an arm and leans on the hold. Sanada endures, even as Finlay grabs the other arm in a cording hold. Finlay digs knuckles into Sanada’s ribs, then a forearm in Sanada’s face! Red Shoes counts, Finlay lets off and gets mad at Red Shoes, but rules are rules. Finlay drags Sanada up, snap suplexes, then covers, TWO! The fans applaud but Finlay argues with Red Shoes more. Finlay drags Sanada up, but Sanada throws body shots! Finlay sputters, but then Sanada ROCKS him with a forearm!

Finlay knees low, whips, but Sanada reverses to ELBOW Finlay down! STANDING MOONSAULT FLOPS as Finlay moves! Finlay covers, TWO! Finlay keeps cool as he drags Sanada up. Finlay whips corner to corner hard and Sanada falls! Sanada writhes but Finlay barks it up. Finlay aims from a corner, runs in, and UPPERCUTS! Then he suplexes for a TOSS! Cover, TWO! Sanada is still in this and Gedo protests while Finlay argues the count. Sanada goes to the apron, Finlay storms over and drags him up. Finlay brings Sanada through the ropes to UPPERCUT! And UPPERCUT again! And UPPERCUT again!

Finlay UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS, then UPPERCUTS some more! Finlay dares the fans to cheer Sanada now. The fans do cheer, and Sanada back drops Finlay outta the ring! Sanada catches his breath while Finlay is on the floor. Finlay drags himself up with the apron skirt, but Sanada PLANCHAS him right back down! The fans cheer and Sanada rises. Sanada stalks Finlay, brings him around, and puts him in the ring. The fans applaud, but then Finlay bails out the side. Sanada just PLANCHAS again! Down goes Finlay and the fans fire up! Sanada then brings Finlay up, ROCKS him, then slides into the ring.

Sanada builds speed and he fakes Finlay out! Sanada flips back in, then PLANCHAS again! A hattrick for Sanada and the fans fire up! Sanada encourages them to get louder, then he goes back for Finlay. Sanada puts Finlay in the ring, stalks him, then brings him up to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! The fans rally while Sanada brings Finlay back up. Sanada fireman’s carries, Finlay slips free to waistlock, but Sanada switches. Finlay denies the O’Conner to roll Sanada up, TWO! Sanada runs in, but into a SPIN-OUT BOMB! Finlay grins as he leans against ropes, then he watches Sanada rise. Finlay runs in, and he clotheslines Sanada up and out!

Finlay goes out after Sanada, talks some trash, “This your boy?” Finlay flexes, drags Sanada up, and RAMS him into the railing! And RAMS him in again! Finlay’s trying to squish English commentary as he RAMS Sanada in again! Finlay lets Sanada falls over, then asks Gedo, “You wanna see a dead body?” Finlay fireman’s carries Sanada, to run up, but Sanada slips free! Finlay kicks low, reels Sanada in, but Sanada fights the piledriver! Sanada back drops Finlay onto the floor! The fans cheer while Sanada hobbles away. But then Finlay runs up! Sanada moves and Finlay crashes into railing! Sanada then brings Finlay out through the gate!

The Young Lions hurry to brace railing, but Sanada reels Finlay in for a PILEDRIVER on the floor!! And there’s far less padding out by the crowd then by ringside! Red Shoes wants this back in the ring, but Sanada has to catch his breath first. Sanada drags Finlay up, cravats for a neck wrench, and he brings Finlay back to ringside like that. Sanada puts Finlay in the ring and the fans applaud. Sanada then stalks Finlay, stands him up, and CLUBS him on the neck! Finlay staggers up, and he fires a forearm back! Sanada eggs Finlay on, so Finlay fires another forearm! And then SPITS at Sanada! And flips him off!

Sanada fires off furious fists on Finlay! The fans fire up but they’re on the ropes now! Red Shoes reprimands, but Sanada shoves him down! Sanada’s losing his cool, and Finlay YANKS Sanada into ropes! Both men are down and the fans rally up for Sanada. Finlay drags Sanada up, reels him in, Canadian Rack, but Sanada slips free, to get the dragon sleeper! Finlay arm-drags free, runs up, but into a BOOT! Sanada goes up to QUEBRADA, and he has the dragon sleeper! Sanada drops back but Finlay rolls through to inverted suplex! And LAWN DART off the corner! Then a Canadian Rack, DOMINATOR! Cover, TWO!

The fans fire up as Sanada survives! Gedo is upset and we pass 15 minutes. The fans rally for “SA-NA-DA!” as he and Finlay slowly rise. Finlay uses ropes to help stretch out one of his arms, then he goes back for Sanada. Finlay clamps on to sit Sanada up, for a crossface forearm! And then another! And another! Finlay drags Sanada up again, runs, and BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Sanada is still in this and Finlay is frustrated. The fans rally up for Sanada again, but Finlay drags Sanada up and reels him in. Sanada is dead weight so Finlay has Red Shoes check. Sanada refuses to give in and the fans rally up more.

Finlay talks more trash on the fans, then drags Sanada back up and in. POWER- RANA! Cover, TWO!! Finlay escapes, runs up, but Sanada spins him around, MAGIC- NO, Finlay slips free to suplex! But Sanada slips free to O’Conner Roll, but Finlay turns that around! O’Conner- NO, Sanada keeps Finlay up, then brings him into SKULL END!! Finlay flails and endures but he’s stuck in the body scissors! Sanada puts on the squeeze and Finlay is starting to fade! Red Shoes checks, Finlay flips everyone off! But he’s fading all the same! Sanada almost loses grip, and Finlay grabs at Red Shoes! Finlay endures as Sanada thrashes him around!

Red Shoes checks again, but Sanada lets Finlay go to go up top! ROUNDING BODY PRESS onto knees! Finlay saves himself at the last moment and both men are down! The fans rally for Sanada as he and Finlay stir. We hit 20 minutes and Sanada grabs at Finlay. They both rise up and Finlay fires a haymaker. Sanada fires it back! Finlay fires another haymaker, so Sanada gives it back! Red Shoes reprimands about closed fists, so Finlay fires a forearm! Sanada fires one right back! Finlay staggers away to ropes, but then Sanada eggs him on. Finlay fires a flurry, but Sanada UPPERCUTS! Finlay wobbles, staggers, but comes back.

Finlay UPPERCUTS, but Sanada shakes his head. The fans rally up as Sanada goes back to UPPERCUT Finlay! Finlay wobbles, Sanada eggs him on, and Finlay UPPERCUTS! Sanada grits his teeth, Finlay eggs him on, and Sanada UPPERCUTS! Finlay leans on Sanada, but he still fires a flurry of forearms, then an UPPERCUT! Finlay runs, but Sanada dodges! Sanada tilt-o-whirls, and has the dragon sleeper! But Finlay slips through to suplex! But Sanada turns that around, MAGIC SCREW! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Sanada hurries up a corner, to ROUNDING BODY PRESS! Direct hit and Sanada covers, TWO!!

The fans fire up more as Sanada drags Finlay back up. Sanada clinches, but Gedo storms up to the apron! Sanada drops Finlay so he can KICK the ropes! The fans cheer as Gedo gets jammed up down low! But then Finlay cradles Sanada! TWO!! Sanada escapes, runs up, BLINDSIDE WIZARD! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Sanada kips up and the fans cheer! Sanada shouts at Finlay to get up, then runs in, but Finlay ducks the Shining Wizard! Finlay wrenches, suplexes, INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, TWO!! Finlay almost had this one but he won’t stop there! Finlay suplexes again, OVER- BLOCKED!!

Sanada waistlocks, O’Conner Rolls and BRIDGES! TWO!!! Finlay escapes, but SHINING WIZARD hits!! The fans are thunderous and Sanada drags Finlay back up! Clinch and- NO, Finlay slips out to bring Sanada up! But Sanada slips free to ENZIGIRI! The fans fire up as we hit 25 minutes! Time is running out, but Sanada aims from the corner! SHINING- NO, Finlay smothers the wizard to high stack and deadlift into a POWERBOMB! Then the flip over and suplex! OVERKILL!!! Cover, Finlay wins!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (still IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion)

The Cold Skull got hot, but maybe too little too late. Finlay holds onto the belt he created, for now. Will he prove that NJPW and the world needs The Rebel?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Steel Cage Match: SHO VS El Desperado!

The Murder Machine missed out on the Best of the Super Juniors finals, and it was the Rogue Luchador who finally added that trophy to his list of accomplishments. And as Sho tried to rain on the parade, Desperado goaded Sho into not just putting up the title, but putting up the steel fence around the ring! Truly a historic first for this title, will Desperado continue to make history by winning again? Or will Sho somehow, someway win without The House of Torture’s help?

But of course, the NJPW ref corps knows Sho has tricks of his own, so they make sure to pat him down before he enters the cage. AHA! Scissors! Sho says those aren’t his! But the check continues, and wait! Evil is storming his way onto commentary! The King of Darkness is going to find a way to be here for Sho one way or another. But wait, the search finds handcuffs, as well as a metal plate in the kick pad! Sho is upset that all his tricks have been found out, but Desperado’s having a great time watching his humiliation. Sho is already trying to find things under the ring but the refs were thorough even before the cage was set up.

Sho, Desperado and Red Shoes are locked inside, and all of Sho’s things have been secured, because a Young Lion is taking them to the back! It’s sinking in for Sho that there’s nothing he can do to cheat this one. Sho finally steps into the ring, the introductions are made and the belt is raised. And now, with the odds finally even, we see who is truly the Best of the Super Juniors!

The bell rings and the fans rally for “DE-SU-PE! DE-SU-PE!” The two feel things out, clinch, go around, and Sho waistlocks. Despe spins through to facelock, but Sho wrenches out. Despe rolls, wrenches back, and wristlocks. Sho pushes Despe to then wrench, wrench and wristlock. Despe drop toeholds, floats to a facelock, then he ties up the legs. Despe pulls Sho with a chinbar, but then shifts to have a cording hold. Sho endures, reaches out to the ropes, and Despe lets go. The fans cheer, and Despe talks some smack as Sho goes to a corner. The two reset, feel things out, knuckle lock, and Despe rolls to top wristlock.

Despe shifts to a cording hold, but Sho rolls back to stand up. Despe wrenches to wristlock, then he arm-drags Sho down into the cording hold. Sho endures, even as Despe adds a chinbar. Sho fights up, Despe hammerlocks the arm and goes for the crossface. Sho fights that, so Despe headlocks. Despe hits the takeover, Sho headscissors and squeezes tight. Despe bridges back, headstands, then pushes down on Sho’s legs. Despe floats onto the headlock but Sho slips out the back. Sho has the arm, and he drags Despe in, SNAKEBITE! Despe fights up to get the KNEEBAR! Sho flails, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans applaud as Despe lets off.

Sho crawls to the corner and Despe waits on him. The fans rally, the two circle, and they feel things out again. Sho bends Despe’s fingers, then hammerlocks. Despe elbows Sho, switches the hammerlock onto him then spins him around to whip. Despe arm-drags Sho then runs him over! The fans fire up but Sho bails out of the ring. But he can’t go far with the cage all around! Despe storms up but Sho kicks him! Sho whips Despe into the cage! Despe staggers, Sho grins and whips the other way, only for Despe to reverse! Sho hits cage, staggers forward, and Despe back drops him on the floor! Sho writhes and the fans cheer!

Despe stalks Sho as he scurries, but then Sho slips around. Sho reaches out and Evil slips him the “Torture Tool” wrench through the bars! But Red Shoes is right on Sho to take that away! Despe whips Sho at the cage! Sho stops himself, then HIP TOSSES Despe into steel! Evil acts like he did nothing wrong but Yano is also on commentary and telling him off. Sho drags Despe up to whip him into the cage! Despe slumps down, but Sho stands him up, to whip him in again! Despe staggers and falls, and part of the cage swings open! Seems there was a second door! Sho keeps Despe from getting out, and sends him back into steel!

Sho grins as he stalks Despe, and he RIPS at Despe’s mask! Red Shoes reprimands, Sho lets off and stalks Despe around the way. Sho drags Despe up to GRIND his face against the cage! Evil applauds as Sho goes along the whole side! Sho throws Despe down, and a good part of Despe’s mask has been ripped away! Sho talks trash on Despe, then brings him up to ROCK him with a right! Sho DIGS Despe’s face into the cage again, then SCRAPES him along! Evil applauds but he’s the only one. Sho makes Despe suffer, then shoves him back down. Sho soaks up the heat before bringing Despe back into the ring.

Sho CHOKES Despe against ropes! Red Shoes reprimands, then counts, but Sho steps away at 4. Sho drags Despe back up, CLAWS at Despe’s exposed face, then lets off as Red Shoes counts. Sho not so subtly unties the blue buckle pad, and uses the strap to CHOKE Despe! Red Shoes counts, Sho lets go, and Evil says that’s genius! The fans rally for “DE-SU-PE!” but Sho talks more trash. Despe sits up, and Sho scuffs him. Sho taunts Despe, scuffs him again, but Despe grabs Sho’s foot. Despe CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Sho DECKS him with a right hand! Sho storms up to digs his boot into Despe’s face! Red Shoes reprimands and Sho steps off.

Sho eggs Despe on, so Despe stands to CHOP and CHOP! Sho fires another haymaker, but Despe HEADBUTTS! Despe runs, but into a kitchen sink knee! Despe falls, but Sho brings him up to whip to ropes, for another kitchen sink knee! Cover, TWO! Despe stays in this, and goes to a corner, but Sho runs in to RAM him! Sho then hoists Despe up to stick him across the top rope. Sho runs in, TOP SHELF KNEE! Cover, TWO! Sho pulls on an arm and a leg! Despe endures, the fans rally, but Sho pulls harder! Despe still reaches out with his free arm, fights over with his free leg, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer but Sho holds until Red Shoes counts 4.

Despe crawls to the apron but Sho grins as he runs up, to LARIAT Despe down! Despe falls on the apron then flops down to the floor. Sho wants a ring count, but this is a cage match, there’s no such thing. Sho says fine, and he goes out to fetch Despe. Sho whips Despe into the cage! Despe leans against the steel, and Sho grins as he brings Despe around to throw into more cage! Sho then SMACKS Despe off the steel, and runs him along the way, only for Despe to turn it around and send Sho into steel! The fans fire up and Despe RAMS Sho into steel! Then Despe throws Sho into the cage wall! Despe goes into the ring, builds speed, and DIVES! Both men hit the steel!!

The fans are thunderous and Despe roars as he rises up! Sho sputters while he’s slumped against the cage, but Despe drags him up. Despe whips Sho into the cage again! Sho falls, clutching an arm, but Despe gets him up and runs him hard into more steel! The fans fire up as Despe snarls and drags Sho up again. Despe still throws Sho into the cage! Despe then puts Sho in the ring, drags him up, and hits a BIG back suplex! Despe drags Sho right back up, for a BIG regular suplex! Despe then climbs up the corner, for a FROG SPLASH! But Despe’s own ribs make it hard to keep the cover. Despe drags Sho up, reels him in, GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!

Sho survives but Despe just shakes his head. Despe staggers around, he drags Sho up, and he reels Sho in to tuck the arms. But Sho wrenches out to KNEE low and throw Despe down by his hair! Sho sputters, he goes back to the blue corner, and he finishes untying the pad. The Bullet Club Special is still possible in this cage, and as Despe runs in, TADA! Bare buckles! Sho whips Despe back into those bare buckles! Sho runs to SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!! Despe survives and Sho is stunned! The fans rally for Despe but Sho calls his shot. Sho drags Despe up, but Despe fights the gut wrench! Despe CLUBS Sho’s legs, but Sho still tries to lift!

Sho KNEES Despe low, then whips him back to the bare buckles! Sho grins, but Despe comes back! Despe swings, but Sho gets around to POP UP and ARMBAR! Despe fights around, but ends up in SNAKEBITE!! Despe flails, reaches out, but he’s fading! Sho pulls harder on the hold, and Despe falls over! But then Despe gets a second wind! The fans rally as hard as they can, and Despe drags Sho over, but Sho just pulls harder on the hold! Despe tips over, but into the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes tells Sho to let go but he refuses! So Red Shoes pulls Sho’s hair to make him stop! Respect his authority, Sho!

Sho lets go and Red Shoes checks on Despe. Red Shoes keeps Sho back, and Despe raises a hand. Despe wags a finger, he isn’t done yet. Sho kicks Despe mockingly, toying with him. Sho stands on Despe’s head, then gives him another mocking kick. Despe slowly sits up and the fans rally up again. Despe looks up at Sho defiantly, and Sho gives him a kick. Despe stays up so Sho fires a forearm! Despe snarls as he stands, so Sho fires another forearm! Despe forearms back but Sho LARIATS! Sho is mad now! Sho gets Despe up to gut wrench, Canadian Rack, FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Despe survives and the fans fire up!

Sho is freaking out, slapping himself around. Sho pulls at his own hair in frustration, but he drags Despe back up. Sho reels Despe in, tucks the arms, but Despe slips out to wrench and OLYMPIC SLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down! Despe and Sho stir, and Sho crawls his way to ropes. Despe snarls as he rises at center, but Sho storms back over. Despe fires body shots, then a forearm! Sho fires off boxing elbows fast and furious! Sho ROCKS Despe, runs, but Despe DECKS him! Despe roars and the fans fire up with him! Despe underhooks, FACEBUSTER! And then the roll through, for PINCHE- NO, Sho fights it!

Sho shoves Despe into Red Shoes! Sho runs up, to SHOTGUN Red Shoes into the bare buckles! Despe slumps out of the ring, Sho storms over and “accidentally” drops an elbow on Red Shoes! Evil claims Sho is innocent, but here comes The House of Torture! The fans boo, so much for Sho doing this on his own! Sho drags Despe up as the fans tell all the others to go home, or at least go away. But Sho puts Despe against the cage, and Narita SMACKS Despe with a chair! But here comes Oleg! But Kanemaru CLOBBERS Oleg! Evil even hits Yano on commentary! Tanahashi and even Satoshi Kojima run out here, but The House goes after them, too!

The fans boo but The House starts throwing chairs into the ring for Sho to use! Evil pretends he sees nothing wrong with this. Sho grins stands Despe back up, talks trash on everyone, then brings Despe into the ring. Sho soaks up the heat, then talks more trash. But Despe has a chair! Despe HEADSHOTS Sho!! Sho flops into the ring and the fans are thunderous! Despe turns things around on The House as he puts Sho’s head on one chair, and grabs another! Evil can only freak out as Despe hits a HOMERUN!! Evil tries to climb into the cage?! Despe CHUCKS a chair at him and he falls right off! The others try, but Despe chucks more chairs!

The fans fire up as now Yano, Oleg and Tanahashi fight back, too! They all stomp the House, Kojima CLUBS Kanemaru, and Despe CHUCKS chairs as Narita tries to climb! Despe goes back to Sho while Tanahashi and team drag The House outta here! The fans cheer as justice is again served! Despe calls to Red Shoes and he slowly returns. Despe gets Sho up but Sho LOW BLOWS! The ref missed that by sheer luck! Sho pretends he got hit, too, and so now everyone’s down again! Sho can’t help but laugh, though, and he tells Red shoes to get up. Sho hobbles over to Despe, drags him up, and reels him in to pump handle!

But Despe Alabama Lifts! And then he tucks Sho in, BASTARD DRIVER!! The fans are thunderous as Despe gets Sho up, underhooks, and JAY DRILLER!! And then the PINCHE LOCO!! Cover, DESPE WINS!!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion)

The Murder Machine couldn’t win it on his own, and that is why he lost it all tonight! Will it ever sink in that crime doesn’t pay?

As for Desperado, he now has trophy and championship belt to hold! Despe makes sure “the trash” is taken out of the ring first, then he gets the mic. The fans cheer “DESPE! DESPE!” as he gets the spotlight on him. Despe takes a moment, and then says, “Ah… that hurt. Thank you.” The fans cheer, and Despe continues by saying that there are all different types of wrestlers, and that’s what makes pro-wrestling so interesting. But even knowing that, it’s exhausting having to go this far. Why the heck are they opening the cage up? It took a lot to put it together in the first place, not that Despe really knows about that.

Despe won’t say this was fun, it’s not really his style, and his whole body hurts. He probably won’t do this kinda thing ever again. But he does want to get to his next challenger. The fans are shocked he’s doing this so soon! And then Despe calls out DOUKI! Despe tells Douki to come on out here, they don’t need to make a mess with the cage coming down just yet. The fans cheer for “DOUKI! DOUKI!” Despe waits, but he starts to wonder if Douki left already. Despe figured he’d give the guy he fought in the BOSJ semifinals, a guy who’s like a brother to him, a shot. But then, while he was home, he was kind alike, “Nah, maybe I’ll go with another guy.”

But wait! Here comes Douki! The fans cheer as Japones Del Mal heads into the ring. And Despe already knows what Douki must be thinking. Why’s he giving the shot to a guy he already beat? Is it because it’ll be an easy defense? Despe says the BOSJ was the BOSJ, and this cage match was this cage match. Whether the energy is flowing or not, a true IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship match is different. Despe is sure Douki has what it takes. Despe knows Douki got cheated by Sho, so this will be different, too. So what does Douki say? Is he up for the challenge? The fans like the sound of that!

Despe keeps explaining that people might be thinking this is because of their past friendship, and maybe it is. After all, even though Despe is older, Douki helped him out a lot while they were in Mexico. This is Despe returning the favor. A chance like this doesn’t come along all the time, but don’t think of this as a handout. Despe just wants Douki to see for himself that he can do this. But if he doesn’t think he can, then Douki can walk away. The fans tell Douki to go for it! Douki steps inside! The fans fire up as Douki is face to face with Despe! Despe says he doesn’t know when or where this’ll happen, but when it does, it’ll be Despe VS Douki.

The fans cheer, Douki nods, and the fans even cheer Douki on. Despe lets Douki have the mic, and he says there was no way he was saying no with Despe asking him like that! Douki then says Despe better do everything he can to keep that belt. Despe tells Douki not to be so cocky. The Rogue Luchador grins as his old amigo heads back out. And then he grumbles that Douki shouldn’t have given him the mic back, now he has to wrap this up! And then he says, “That’s just how it is!” Despe drops the mic and the streamers fly! We have our next title match on the books, when and where will these former Suzuki-Gun soldiers do battle as rivals?

My Thoughts:

A great New Japan Soul, full of so much meaningful stuff for being the start to a short tour. A little surprised Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg won the NEVER titles back already, but I do appreciate NJPW isn’t afraid to hot potato their titles around. And I really do think there should be a tiebreaker coming, maybe with a heightened stipulation like Elimination or Best 2 Outta 3 Falls. Great Junior Heavyweight Tag title match, and TMDK came so close, but I should’ve figured The War Dogs would win out. And very good field for the G1 this year. I’m a little surprised so many people are in the qualifiers, but that should make it really wild stuff. I’d love if TJP got in for B Block.

Takagi VS Henare was an awesome rematch, and Henare winning was quite the surprise. Takagi’s not just in the G1, but he’s gonna be in AEW’s Owen Hart Cup, so I thought he’d bring that along. But maybe since Takagi isn’t likely to win the Owen Hart Cup, NJPW doesn’t want anyone getting a win over one of their midcard champions. Great return match for Sanada, but I suppose Finlay was going to retain either way. Finlay already felt the shame of losing this title once this year, he wasn’t gonna do it again.

And great stuff in the main event. I just knew The House of Torture would show up despite the cage, but then great of Tanahashi and friends to stop them. Desperado winning was the right choice and certainly great for him. Desperado naming Douki as his next challenger is really cool stuff, and Douki is definitely going to have a great showing. I still think Despe retains, but Douki is slowly rising up the ranks. If all things go well, Douki can definitely find himself as champion within the next year.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (6/25/24)

Turn up the heat!



NXT is in Tag Team Turmoil!

While the NXT Tag Division fights for their shot at the titles, Nathan Frazer is going after Tony D’Angelo and the Heritage Cup! Will Frazer reign over two divisions at once? Or will he just FOGEDABOUTIT?


  • NXT Tag Team Turmoil: Chase U wins and will challenge for the NXT Tag Team Championships at NXT Heatwave.
  • Wes Lee VS Joe Coffey; Wes wins.
  • NXT Heritage Cup Championship: Tony D’Angelo w/ The D’Angelo Family VS Nathan Frazer w/ Axiom; Tony wins and retains the Cup.
  • Roxanne Perez VS Karmen Petrovic; Roxie wins.
  • Tavion Heights VS Damon Kemp w/ No Quarter Catch Crew; Tavion wins and joins the NQCC.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Sol Ruca VS Arianna Grace; Sol wins and will challenge Kelani Jordan for the title.
  • Trick Williams VS Shawn Spears; Spears wins.


WWE mourns the loss of Sika Anoa’i.


Ava Raine talks with referees and security.

She wants everyone to remember that we’ve seen a lot of new talent showing up, literally anyone could show up tonight. Raw, SmackDown, TNA, former superstars, all that. And that means new issues, from the parking lot to the stands to the locker room. Everyone needs to stay focused, they cannot have anything go wrong. The referees and security understand, but will someone still find a way to throw NXT for a loop?


NXT Tag Team Turmoil!

Nathan Frazer may have his eyes on another prize, but all the teams in this match want after those NXT Tag Team Championships! Five teams in all will compete, but who will be the ones heading for Heatwave?

First up, we have Malik Blade & Edris Enofe! And they have the New Catch Republic to start with! Will Malik & Edris finally prove they’re far from rookies? Or will Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne be bringing British Strong Style to Toronto?

Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS New Catch Republic!

The teams sort out, Edris starts against Bate and they tie up. Bate headlocks for the takeover but Edris headscissors. Bate kips free, roles reverses, Bate headscissors but Edris kips free. The fans cheer, the two shake hands, then they knuckle lock> Bate rolls back to get Edris with a headscissor, but goes up the corner first! Bate waves, then RANAS Edris away! Edris gets up, Bate brings him over, tag to Dunne. Dunne goes up, he DOUBLE STOMPS the arm! The fans fire up while Dunne wrenches an arm and double wristlocks. Edris endures, powers out, then jukes Dunne! Malik tag sin, UPPERCUT leads to a BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBO!

Bate gets in but DOUBLE DROPKICKS send him back out! Malik whips, Dunne reverses, and Bate is back. Malik dodges NCR to DOUBLE BLOCKBUSTER! The fans fire up and malik tags back to Edris. Malik goes up and Edris picks Dunne up, BLOCKBUSTER HART ATTACK COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives but Edris drags Dunne up. Dunne CHOPS and Edris goes to the corner. Dunne runs in but into a KNEE! Dunne comes back with an ENZIGIRI! Malik runs in, Dunne catches him and Bate runs up, REBOUNDER GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO! Malik bails out, Bate DIVES into him! Dunne gets Edris up, Edris slips free! SIDEWINDER!! Cover, TWO!!!

The fans fire up and Edris does not stop, he goes right up! MACHO ELBOW INTO A FOREARM! Bate tags in, And NCR hit a DOUBLE TYLER DRIVER!! Cover, NCR ELIMINATES Malik & Edris! But now it’s on to Legado Del Fantasma! Will Angel

New Catch Republic VS Legado Del Fantasma!

Angel & Humberto don’t wait, they brawl with Dunne & Bate! But that gets them caught into a KNEEBAR and an IRON OCTOPUS! The fans fire up as Legado endures, and Angel fights free of Dunne. Bate shifts to sunset flip on Humberto, TWO! Humberto gets up, Bate headlocks, but Humberto powers out, Angel tags in, Bate dodges but then Angel opens the ropes! Bate falls out hard, the fans are torn, but Angel stalks Bate. Angel KICKS Bate in the side, hauls him up, and SMACKS him off the apron. Angel puts Bate on the apron, CLUBS away on his chest, then shoves him inside. Angel BOOTS Bate in the back of the head!

The fans rally and duel but Angel talks some trash. Angel drags Bate up but Bate fires body shots. Bate kicks, Angel blocks and slips around, Gory Especial! Tag to Humberto, SLINGSHOT CUTTER GORY BOMB COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Bate survives but Humberto rains down forearms. Humberto drags Bate up, shoves him to the corner, then clotheslines! Angel tags in, he runs and gets a boost, but has to block a boot! Dunne avoids a cheap shot, Bate KNEES Angel, then LEAPS up to RANA Humberto! The fans fire up but Angel DROPKICKS Dunne! Angel dodges Bate to ROCK him, and underhooks him! TIGER BACKBRAEKER! Cover, Dunne STOMPS it apart!

The fans fire up as Humberto springboards to FLYING CHUCK! Dunne tumbles out, Angel hoists Bate up top. Angel CHOPS, the fans fire up, and Angel tags Humberto. The cousins go up to mug Bate, but Apollo Crews shows up! The fans fire up, the ref stops Apollo, and that lets Dunne DECK Garza! Bate says Bop, BANG for Humberto! Humberto wobbles, Bate FLYING LARIATS him down! Bate reels Humberto in, TYLER DRIVER SOLO! Cover, NCR ELIMINATES Legado! Apollo is happy he got even with Legado, but now Bate & Dunne must face The Good Brothers! And they’re not slowing down, either!

New Catch Republic VS The Good Brothers!

Karl Anderson UPPERCUTS Bate, Gallows fires off on Dunne! The fans boo but the Good Brothers hit a BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER on Dunne! Then the BOOT O’ DOOM for Bate! The Good Brothers throw up the Too Sweet, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Gallows & Anderson soak up the heat, but Dunne fires CHOPS and forearms on Big LG! Gallows just BOOTS Dunne back down! Gallows then runs to drop a BIG elbow! Dunne flounders, Gallows hauls him up, and scoops him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Dunne writhes but Gallows soaks up the heat. Cover, TWO! Gallows drags Dunne up to put him in the corner, but Dunne fights back with boots and forearms! Dunne DECKS Anderson, but Gallows LARIATS Dunne! Cover, TWO! And Dunne is pulling on Gallows’ ear! The ref reprimands, but Gallows DECKS Dunne! Gallows rains down fists, then drags Dunne back up.

Tag to Anderson and the Good Brothers mug Dunne. Anderson stays between Dunne and Bate, CLAWS at his face, but Dunne fires hands! Dunne reaches out for Bate but Anderson keeps him back! Dunne fires hands, reaches for Bate, repeat, but Anderson still holds on! Anderson whips Dunne hard into the corner and Dunne falls to the mat! Anderson drags Dunne up, snapmares him, then clamps on with a chinlock. Dunne endures, the fans rally up, and Dunne fights to his feet. Anderson pulls Dunne’s hair! Anderson throws Dunne down, and the ref reprimands. Anderson aims at Dunne in the corner, runs up, but into a BOOT!

Dunne goes up, and he reels Anderson in, for a TORNADO DDT! Both men are down, the fans fire up, and Dunne rises! Hot tag to Bate! The Big Strong Boi rallies on the Machine Gun, then CLOBBERS Gallows! Bate whips, Anderson reverses but Bate ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! The fans fire up as NXT returns to single picture, and Bate fireman’s carries Anderson! AIRPLANE SPIN! The fans fire up and count along, Bate goes past TEN, past FIFTEEN, and then SLAMS Anderson down at TWENTY! Gallows storms up, Bop up! BANG! Tag to Dunne, but Gallows grabs them both! Double Bop, DOUBLE BANG!

NCR then double torture rack! Anderson makes the save, TOSSES Bate, and Gallows BOOTS Dunne! Anderson tags Gallows in and they get Dunne up! MAGIC- NO, Bate springboards in to UPPERCUT Anderson! Dunne cradles Gallows, NCR ELIMINATES The Good Brothers!! But now we have Chase U! And also, OTM? Well, Nima & Price are talking smack on Gallows & Anderson, we know there’s beef from how Jaida Parker and Michin have been going after each other. As for Mr. Chase & Duke Hudson, they have Thea Hail, Ridge Holland & Riley Osborne by their side, will they give NCR a #TeachableMoment?

New Catch Republic VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/ Chase U!

Chase & Duke are good sports so they let NCR catch their breath. The fans rally up as Chase starts against The Bruiserweight and the forearms start flying! Chase ROCKS Dunne, eggs him on, so Dunne hits back! Chase fires a flurry, whips, but Dunne reverses. Chase reverses to wrench and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! The fans fire up, Chase stomps it out! “C! H! A! S! E! U!” What’s that spell? CHASE U~! The fans fire up but Dunne gets those fingers! Dunne bends Chase’s fingers, Chase whips but Dunne reverses! Dunne puts Chase on ropes, but then Duke storms over. The ref has Duke stay back as Dunne gives Chase BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!

The fans count along to TEN, Dunne lets Chase slump down, and Dunne tells Ridge he remembers those Brawling Brute days. Tag to Bate. they STOMP the hands then DOUBLE BUZZSAW! Then the double torture rack, but Chase slips free! Hot tag to the MVP! Duke URENAGES Dunne, then URENAGES Bate onto Dunne! The fans fire up as Duke whips Bate to a corner. Duke runs up, blocks a boot, but not the KNEE! Bate goes up but Duke rolls?! STRATUSPHERE! The fans are thunderous as Duke JABS! JABS! JABS! Flip, Flop, Fly, “U~!” BIONIC ELBOW! The fans stay hot as Duke gets Bate up! But Bate slips free to fireman’s carry!

Bate spins but Duke slips free to scoop! SWINGING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Bate survives and the fans fire up! Duke is a little frustrated but he gets Bate back up. Duke suplexes, Bate knees free! Duke tries again, but Bate suplexes instead?! He really IS a Big Strong Boi! The fans are thunderous while both men are down, hot tags to Chase and Dunne! Dunne sidesteps to SNAP GERMAN! Dunne goes out, up, but Chase GAMANGIRIS! Chase climbs, brings Dunne up, but Dunne twists the arm! Tag to Bate, SUPER SUNET FLIP BOMB! Bate gets Chase up, for a SAIDO! Cover, Duke breaks it!

The fans fire up as Duke TOSSES Dunne out! Dunne gets Duke’s arm, though! And then the fingers! Dunne SNAPS Duke’s fingers! Bate underhooks, Chase back drops free! Bate lands out, then DUMPS Chase out! Dunne ASAI MOONSAULTS Duke! Bate PLANCHAS but Ridge takes the hit!! The fans fire up as Chase puts Bate in! Chase goes up, to CROSSBODY! Cover, CHASE U WINS!! !

Winners: Andre Chase & Duke Hudson, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Championships)

Yorkshire Grit comes in clutch for Chase U, and now they’re all going to Toronto! But will they return to the states holding onto those tag titles? Or will Axiom & Frazer be laser focused when the time comes?


The Women’s Division watches back footage from last week.

Specifically, Roxanne Perez getting Lola Vice with a backhand. Karmen Petrovic says Roxie’s rather two-faced. See that smile? But then Roxie storms in and asks what was that? She sees what they’re watching, and asks Karmen, didn’t she despise Lola? And what? Now she’s her best friend or something? Karmen says she doesn’t like Lola, but she gives credit where credit is due. Didn’t Roxie see what Lola did to Shayna in NXT Underground? Karmen says Lola is on top of her game. Roxie says so is she! Karmen and anyone in here, are just incapable of reaching it. Is Roxie trying to convince them of that? Or is she trying to convince herself?

Because to Karmen, Roxie has the same unsure look on her face as she did in the match. Roxie tells Karmen to go back to watching the stars of this division, and maybe some day, she’ll actually be one. Karmen says she’ll prove where she belongs. Karmen heads out and Roxie scowls, will the real-life Beatrix Kiddo make it her mission to take down The Prodigy?


Nathan Frazer talks with Dante Chen backstage.

The Singapore Warrior is surprised, Frazer already has the Heritage Cup match to worry about, so he doesn’t want to be a distraction. But if Frazer needs someone in his corner, Dante will be there for him. Frazer appreciates that. He would like to say he has his bases covered, but uh, he hasn’t really talked with Axiom in a few days, not sure where his head is at. Frazer can’t go alone, that’s 4v1. But then in steps Axiom! And Axiom says he’s been thinking. He is concerned about Frazer’s aspirations for more getting in the way of what they already have, Axiom is Frazer’s tag team partner, so he will be in Frazer’s corner.

Sweet! Dante says he was ready to step in, but hey, that’s Axiom’s spot. Good luck out there. Dante heads out, and Axiom says after tonight, Frazer will still be one-half of the NXT Tag Team Champions. But also a TWO-TIME Heritage Cup Champion! Frazer knew his amigo would come around! The two head out, but will the Undeniable Hard-Hitting Truths be able to bring home another prize?


Ethan Page is here!

The fans boo as All Ego makes his way out to the ring, still all smiles as he gets a mic. “Ladies and gentlemen, Heatwave, oh, Heatwave, is a week from Sunday, and it is absolutely heating up. I mean, we just saw who’s gonna be challenging for the NXT Tag Team titles. And this company’s already announced the main event. They announced who will be facing Trick Williams for the NXT title, and it is gonna be the winner of the battle royal, Je’Von Evans.” The fans chant “We Want Trick! We Want Trick!” Ethan says yeah, yeah. But Je’Von, the winner of the battle royal. The only problem is, Je’Von won a battle royal that Ethan Page was NEVER eliminated from!

And what did Ethan do after that? Oh, that’s right. In the same night JE’Von become #1 contender, Ethan pinned his ass in this ring! So if you ask All Ego, he thinks that battle royal should be scrapped. Je’Von needs to be out, and All Ego needs to be in! So to keep it professional, Ethan wants to publicly and professional invite Ava Raine out here to change the Heatwave main event. Unless she’s busy hearing Trick beg for Ethan to never get another title shot. But here comes Ava! She says she figures All Ego isn’t just a catchphrase or something. He really lives it! Ethan thinks he deserves the world and can do no wrong. Yikes.

Ethan says when you’re someone like him, someone who always bets on hisemlf and always wins, then yes, “All Ego” is very warranted. But Ava is here, time to change the main event. The one thing about Ava is that she doesn’t like it when people try to back her itno a corner. But unfrotuatenly, in all fairness, Ethan has a point> Ethan pinned Je’Von and- Wait! Here comes Shawn Spears! The Chair Man apologizes for this, but he can’t be ahving Ava making any rash decisions. Spears has no problem with Ethan. They’ve traveled the same roads, they come from the same place, so it is rather refreshing to see someone following in Spears’ footsteps.

Ethan is taking Spears’ lead, boasting about beating Je’Von, but uh, Spears pinned Je’Von first. Ethan asks how Spears is getting this twisted. Yeah, Ethan was busy with Oro Mensah, but maybe he missed the ending. No, wait, Spears got his ass tossed out by Evans and was eliminated! Yes, but that’s something Ethan could never do, even on his best day. Speaking of things Ethan can’t do, tonight, Spears promises to pin Trick Williams. And after that, Spears makes Ava’s decision even easier because- WAIT! Here comes the champ himself! “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” echoes out, and Trick tells Spears to sit his goofy ass down.

Trick says he’ll beat Spears up later, so he’s not sure why Spears is doing all this talking. Trick then tells Ava that if we’re talking Heatwave, Trick says it don’t matter. It could be that bum, Ethan Page. It could be the Young OG, or even both of them! But here’s what Trick knows: Toronto will be chanting one thing! WHOOP DAT- Spears DECKS Trick! Spears and Ethan work together to stomp away, but here comes Je’Von! The Young OG CLOBBERS Spears, but then Ethan goes after him! Je’Von & Trick fight back against Spears & Chase! Ava stays clear as Trick & Je’Von send Ethan & Spears out of the ring!

Security rushes out, Ava helps Trick get the belt back, and things are getting combustible in here! Will Trick show The Chair Man that the truth really does hurt, and the truth is that Spears is not ready to Whoop Dat Trick?


Ridge Holland is fired up.

He’s happy for Chase U, but then New Catch Republic find him. They ask him what was that out there, and Dunne says they owe him a receipt. Ridge says hey, it’s luck of the draw, they just got a bad one. No hard feelings, yeah? Dunne says no, Ridge was supposed to strike out on his own, and yet here he is, standing with Chase U. Thea calls to Ridge, Ridge heads out, and then Bate says they were so close. Hank ‘n’ Tank then walk over and agree, NCR was crushing it out there. Well, thanks, guys. Tank knows they’re bummed, and he’s never been the best with timing, but uh, how about next week, they test that New Catch Republic energy against the Hank ‘n’ Tank vibe?

And again, not the best with timing, and Hank ‘n’ Tank missed out on Tag Team Turmoil, but they need that tag team experience to get going like NCR. Bate says challenge accepted. NCR heads out, Hank ‘n’ Tank are fired up, but will the Blue Collar Brawlers be able to hold their own against some serious tekkers?


Robert Stone and Stevie Tyler are backstage.

The 4D Superstar puts a hand on Suit Man Stone’s shoulder and asks him, what does he want? Ava has enough going on as GM. Stone takes her hand off his shoulder and asks her what she is up to. Stone has been helping Ava making these high level decisions. Dante Chen is a somebody, Sol Ruca and Arianna Grace are having a contender’s match. Let’s be real, it was only a matter of time until Ava saw him as an asset. Oh, he’s an ass alright. But Stevie says she’s also been helping with decision making, and has been doing a much better job of it. Stevie volunteered to challenge Jordynne Grace, spilled the tea on Roxie’s speech, and has the inside scoop on everything going on around here.

Oh, so she’s a NARC? A what? A snitch. But clearly, this isn’t going to work. Stevie couldn’t agree more. Well, Stone’s not going anywhere. Neither is Stevie. Stevie says she’s gonna win. Oh please. She couldn’t beat him on her best day. Try her. Things are heating up even in the office, who will be THE assistant to the General Manager when all is said and done?


Wes Lee VS Joe Coffey w/ Gallus!

The Cardiac Kid knows he has one last shot for “his” North American Championship, but he also has to handle some business with Gallus. Will Wes make it through The Iron King to then head for The Ruler? Or will Coffey prove even the #WesSide is in Gallus’ Kingdom?

NXT returns and Gallus makes their entrance. The bell rings, Wes is distracted by Markus, but he still METEORAS Joe first! The fans fire up with Wes, he builds speed, but Wolfgang gets in the way! So Wes takes a swing! Joe CLOBBERS Wes from behind, then runs to GLASGOW SENDOFF! Wes gets flipped inside-out, but Joe whips him to a corner! And then whips him back in! Wes staggers, Joe scoops him, BACKBREAKER! Wes writhes, Joe runs to go up and up and VADER ELBOW! Coffey almost spilled but he still hit the target! Cover, TWO! Joe storms around but Wes UP KICKS! Then he runs up, but into a knee!

Joe fires hands, whips Wes to ropes, then ROCKS him! Joe whips again, but Wes tilt-o-whirls to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up. The ref double checks both men, Coffey is somehow okay after being spiked. Wes ROCKS him, Joe throws him away! Wes SUPERKICKS, trips Joe, then rains down fists! Joe gets free, but Wes bobs ‘n’ weaves to then ROCK Joe, and DOUBLE STOMP him! The fans fire up with Wes, he dodges Joe to BOOT Mark off the apron! But then Joe POP-UP POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Wes survives but Joe aims again. Joe RAMS Wes, whips him, runs in, but only gets buckles! Wes rolls Joe up< TWO!

Joe hits a HEADBUTT, then another GLASGOW SENDOFF! Joe hauls Wes up top, climbs up after him, but Wes fights the superplex! The fans rally as Wes throws body shots. Wes UPPERCUTS Joe, then leaps. Joe gets under Wes, ALL THE BEST- NO, Wes ducks to handspring, CARDIAC KICK! Cover, Wes wins!

Winner: Wes Lee, by pinfall

Wes doesn’t need Coffey to get him going, he has boundless energy all his own! But then Oba Femi calls from the perch! “Congratulations. I see you’ve cleared your final hurdle, and now you’ve managed to secure a match one-on-one, for the first and final time, Wes Lee VS Oba Femi for the North American Championship! So Wes… I’ll see you at Heatwave!” The Ruler is ready to reign on Wes’ parade, but will this last shot be all Wes needs to get back on top?


Backstage interview with The D’Angelo Family.

Sarah Schreiber brings up that The Don is going to defend the Heritage Cup up next against Nathan Frazer. Any last thoughts? Tony says his only concern is what they’ll be doing for the after party tonight. But in all seriousness, Frazer is dangerously fast, Tony will have to slow him down. Frazer is one of the NXT Tag Team Champions, he has more experience in the Heritage Cup than Tony, but Stacks & Luca have some tips that’ll give Tony the edge: Just punch Frazer in the mouth and see how he responds. But one thing Tony knows for sure is that The Cup stays in The Family. The D’Angelos head out, but will Frazer be ready for whatever is thrown at him?


Ridge Holland talks with Duke Hudson backstage.

They’re both pumped that Chase U are #1 contenders to the tag titles, but then a staff member brings over stills from last week’s match. Duke goes to open the envelope, but Ridge says they gotta get over this. A win is a win. Thea then runs in, the whole team celebrates, and Ridge hides the envelope. This is what happens when they are on the same page! And at NXT Heatwave, not only does Chase U go international, but they become TWO-TIME Tag Team Champions! Riley says he was just international, but he’ll go again! Thea says it’s a field trip! Get your passports! And then party time!

Ridge and Duke lock eyes, Ridge points to the shirt. Will Duke let the past be the past and focus on a bright future? Or will the Chase U MVP choose integrity over victory?


NXT Heritage Cup Championship: Tony D’Angelo w/ The D’Angelo Family VS Nathan Frazer w/ Axiom!

We just heard from The Don that his plan of attack is to attack, but he also acknowledged the incredible speed that Frazer has behind him. If Frazer’s style is to #NeverSlowDown, then will Tony have any hopes of keeping up? Or will there be quite the roadblock to make him slam on the brakes?

The introductions are made, the cup is raised, and we see who will have to FOGEDABOUTIT!

The bell rings on round one, and the two tie up. Frazer headlocks, Tony powers out, but Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges. Tony gets around to waistlock but Frazer headlocks for the takeover. Tony fights up, powers out, but Frazer goes up and over and handsprings. Frazer gets around to waistlock, Tony throws him off! Frazer headlocks again, but Tony denies the takeover to back suplex. Frazer lands out, shoves Tony, then headlocks again. Tony powers out, drops down, but things keep moving as Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges! Roll up and high stack, FRAZER SCORES!

Tony: 0; Frazer: 1

In just FORTY SECONDS, Frazer takes that critical first fall! Tony is frustrated but Frazer has a big grin. The two refresh in their corners, and now we start round two. The two tie up, Tony TACKLES Frazer and rolls to get him up, for a back drop! Tony then clinches to BELLY2BELLY! Tony reels Frazer in to fire body shots! Tony pushes Frazer down, eggs him on, then runs up, but into an ELBOW! Frazer goes up, leaps, but into a BODY SHOT! Tony snarls, eggs Frazer on, then drags him up. Tony ROCKS Frazer, Frazer sits back, and Tony brings him back up. Tony whips, Frazer goes up and over then keeps moving!

Frazer redirects, redirects, but Tony still catches him for a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, Tony scores right back!

Tony: 1; Frazer: 1

Just over a minute and The Don has tied this up! This is one of the more fast ‘n’ furious Heritage Cup matches in a long time, could it end in record time, too?

Axiom helps Frazer refresh, and round three begins. Tony RAMS into Frazer, RAMS in again and again, then ROCKS Frazer! Tony stalks Frazer, the fans rally and duel. Tony ROCKS Frazer again, stalks him to ropes, then brings him up. Tony whips, Frazer sunset flips! Tony stays up but Frazer avoids the fist! Frazer fires hands in return, then whips. Tony reverses, Frazer slides to a stop then puts Tony on the outside! Frazer runs to SHOTGUN Tony down! Frazer builds speed to DIVE! But Tony catches him! “Are you stupid!?” Tony THRWOS Frazer into steel steps, and he shouts that he’s The Don for a reason, while NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and we’re not in round four! Frazer dodges Tony to LARIAT him out! Frazer tries again, and he DIVES! Direct hit this time but Frazer keeps going! Frazer DIVES and takes Tony down again! Frazer slides back in, but Tony follows! Frazer dodges to SLINGBLADE! The fans fire up and Frazer SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO! Tony stays in this and The Family is relieved. The fans duel as Frazer goes to the apron. Frazer aims, springboards, but fakes Tony out! Tony runs up, but into a GAMANGIRI! Now springboard CROSSBODY, but Tony catches Frazer! Frazer slips free to roll Tony up, TWO! SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

We’re under 45 seconds and Tony is frastrated! Tony hauls Frazer up, talks smack, whips him, but Frazer QUEBRADAS! Tony catches Frazer again, to RAM him into a corner! Tony has Frazer in a Tree of Woe and says the Cup belongs to him! Tony run sin, Frazer sits up, Tony POSTS himself! We’re under 10 seconds! MISSILE DROPKICK! Both men are down and the round ends!

Tony: 1; Frazer: 1

This brings us to round five, and both men are feeling the wear and tear. They run back in, Tony blocks a superkick then ROCKS Frazer! Tony storms up, fires a clothesline, then brings Frazer around to whip him back in. Another clothesline, then Tony brings Frazer out. Tony whips Frazer in again, runs corner to corner, but Frazer SUPERKICKS him down! Cover, TWO!! Tony survives but Frazer hurries up! Frazer aims, CROSSBODY into a SPINEBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Tony has hit that three times but only got one to count! Tony tries a fisherman but Frazer cradles! TWO!! Tony escapes, gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX, but Frazer lands out!

Frazer runs up to GAMANGIRI! Tony flops out of the ring! Frazer sees that, hurries out after him, and storms over. Tony pushes Frazer away, Frazer comes back, SHOTGUN into steel steps! Tony clutches his arm, the ring count climbs, and Frazer slides in. Frazer wants the count, because it’ll still count as a fall! We’re under a minute, but Tony stands at 9! Tony slides in, into the COAST2COAST!! Cover, TWO!!! Tony survives and the fans are thunderous! Frazer is frustrated but there’s no time to waste! “This is Awesome!” as Frazer CLUBS Tony around at 30 seconds. Frazer goes up but Tony has the ref check him.

Frazer reaches the top, but Tony goes after him first! Tony climbs up, Frazer throws elbows, and Tony falls! TEN seconds, Frazer catches his breath before the PHOENIX SPLASH!! Cover, TIME’S UP! Tony is saved by the bell!!

Tony: 1; Frazer: 1

Frazer can’t believe it, but Tony has survived until round six! Axiom encourages Frazer that he’s so close! Frazer and Tony get up, run in, but Tony back drops! Frazer sunset flips it, TWO!! Tony runs up, into a cradle! TWO!! Tony escapes again, Frazer wrenches him to suplex, ANARCHY!! Frazer hurries to a corner while The Family panics! Frazer climbs, aims, PHOENIX- NO, Tony avoids the splash! Frazer BOOTS back, skins the cat to the top rope, but Tony jumps up after him! Frazer fires hands, but then brings Tony up, only for Tony to SUPER BELLY2BELLY!! Frazer staggers, into the SPINEBUSTER!!! Cover, TONY WINS!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo, by pinfall (still NXT Heritage Cup Champion)

That was a slug fest! And yet, like the Florida Panthers with the Stanley Cup, Tony pulls it off 2-1 in the final round! Will no one be able to take this trophy away from Tony D?


Je’Von Evans talks with Trick Williams backstage.

Trick thanks The Young OG for having his back out there. Je’Von knows Trick can handle Spears, but Je’Von can’t let Trick go out there alone. They both know that Spears and Ethan are gunning for Trick, especially after earlier tonight, so Je’Von will have Trick’s back, be in his corner. So if Ethan & Spears wanna throw hands, Je’Von’ll be ready to throw hands. Trick appreciates that, but hey, Je’Von has his match with Trick to worry about. Je’Von earned that opportunity, he should focus on himself. Trick has seen people go crazy over this NXT Championship. Plus, Trick gets cautious about people claiming they’ve got his back, he’d rather just lock in on his own.

But Trick says hey, they’ll both be ready and meet up at Heatwave. Je’Von says he feels that. Trick will do his thing, and Whoop Dat Trick. They secret handshake and Trick heads out. But will Je’Von have a point about All Ego trying to get involved in the main event?


Roxanne Perez VS Karmen Petrovic!

The Prodigy put the roster on notice, but the Black Belt did the same. Will the NXT Women’s Champion make Karmen come to regret that? Or will she end up owing Karmen a golden ticket to Toronto?

NXT returns and Karmen makes her entrance. But then wait! Lola Vice is here! The fans cheer as she swaggers her way over to commentary, but Roxie is annoyed. The bell rings and the two in the ring tie up. Roxie wrenches to a wristlock, then hammerlocks. Karmen moves around but Roxie wrangles her to the mat. Roxie pulls hair, then bridges over on the hammerlock! Karmen endures, Roxie moves around, and Karmen stands. Karmen wrenches out, and Roxie ducks the roundhouse! Karmen storms up but Roxie YANKS her into ropes! Roxie ROCKS Karmen, then stomps away in the corner!

Roxie digs her boot in, lets off as the ref counts, and then Karmen STRAIGHT KICKS Roxie down! Karmen goes up, but Roxie grabs a leg! Roxie YANKS Karmen down off the corner, then CLUBS away on her! The fans fire up, Roxie drags Karmen up, and Roxie SMACKS Karmen off buckles. Roxie then snarls, runs in, and UPPERCUTS! Roxie wrenches, hooks Karmen up, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Roxie scuffs Karmen, then CHOKES her! The ref counts, Roxie steps off, then STOMPS Karmen down! Cover, TWO! Roxie CLUBS Karmen down, steps on her, then pulls hair!

The ref reprimands again, but Roxie lets off at 4. Lola tells Roxie off in Spanish, but Roxie drags Karmen up. Roxie clamps on, BACKSTABBER into a stretch! Karmen endures, pries at the chinlock, and the fans rally up. Karmen rolls back, covers, TWO! Roxie stands, storms up on Karmen and shrieks that she’ll never be anyone! Roxie whips, Karmen goes up to SOBAT! Karmen then DISCUS LARIATS! Shoutout to Natty, and Karmen aims again! Karmen runs up to rally with big forearm after big forearm! LEG SWEEP, LION’S BARRAGE onto knees! Roxie counters the falling kick, then runs up to SOBAT! Roxie hops on, POP ROX! Cover, Roxie wins!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall

Roxie smiles, then tells Karmen that’s what she gets! Roxie holds up the title, but Lola steps up into the ring. The fans are on Lola’s side, but Roxie swings on her! Lola blocks the backhand, to BACKHAND!! Lola connects with that 305, and she holds up the title belt! She is even taking it with her! Is the Mayor of Vice City going to do this for real when she and Roxie finally go 1v1?


Noam Dar Facetimes with The Meta Four.

The Scottish Supernova says he is so thankful for them sending him gifts in the hospital, and for Main Man Mensah always visiting. It means so much. But hey, Ethan Page did a number on his leg. Dar’s tendon was ripped right off the bone, he is gonna be out of action for a long time. Dar knows they can keep Meta Four strong. Jakara says damn right. Lash says Oro’s been trying to get back at Ethan, and Oro says it is more than just payback. He wants to avenge Noam. Dar says that is why he IS the main man. Oro says this group makes him smiles. He loves them all. When he was a kid in Nigeria, he never ever would’ve thought he’d be here.

And now… How to put this? When he was a kid, his dad almost died in a car accident. He had to run through a wall of fire just to survive, and that left 60% of his body permanently scarred. He had to move to Switzerland for therapy, and Oro and his brother moved there. Mom was back home in Nigeria taking care of everything else, so Oro was in foster care. It was hard, it was tough, y’know? Being so far away from home in a place where you look and sound different from all the other kids, Oro didn’t feel like he fit in. Honestly speaking, he’s never felt like he’s fit in anywhere. Until he met Meta Four.

Lash & Jakara have him hug it out and he says okay c’mon. But this is why Oro cannot and will not rest until he gets revenge on Ethan Page for what he did to Dar! Dar says that was beautiful, Oro. Thank you for sharing. Meta Four is beautiful, here is to our brother, Mensah! Click click click! A powerful moment for Meta Four, will they make All Ego pay for how he’s made them all feel?


Things are going down backstage!

OTM dared The OC to fight them, and so they get their fight! But Gallows & Anderson stand over them both, holding onto chairs! Miss Parker storms up but Michin intercepts! The security guards rush in to stop this brawl, but clearly there’s no stopping this feud! What will it take for these warring factions to settle the score?


A ref reports back to Ava.

He checked on OTM, they look pretty banged up. She says she’ll handle it. Just please go make sure they’re okay in medical. The ref says will do, then heads out. Now in step Carlee Bright & Kendal Grey. Ava thanks them for meeting with her. After last week, she gets how they feel. So next week, Carlee gets her match with Wendy Choo. They thank Ava and head out, but in storms Lola. She throws the belt down on Ava’s desk. “When your champion wakes up, you can get this back to her. And tell her that I want the title match, at Heatwave.” Lola heads back out after turning up the heat, but will Roxanne make sure to burn her up in Toronto?


Tavion Heights VS Damon Kemp w/ No Quarter Catch Crew!

The 2021 Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion impressed Charlie Dempsey, even in a losing effort against Eddy Thorpe. Dempsey then arranged this match to see if Tavion has what it takes to be NQCC. Will Tavion win and take this group to new heights? Or will the Golden Gopher drag him down to the ground and show no quarter?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Kemp waistlocks, Tavion trips him and runs, but then blocks hip toss to hit a hip toss! Kemp gets up, Tavion arm-drags him! Tavion runs, dodges, but Kemp catches him to a SLEEPER! Tavion drops to his knees already, but he fights up to scoop! The fans fire up for the SHOULDER BUSTER! Kemp writhes, goes to a corner then bails out. NQCC checks on his shoulder, Kemp says he needs it popped. Dempsey YANKS the arm to do just that! Kemp gets back in, but then bails back out. Tavion storms out after him, but Kemp CLOBBERS him! Kemp might’ve suckered Tavion in on th atone.

Kemp puts Tavion in, gets the legs and spins him for an ELBOW DROP! Then another! Kemp dribbles Tavion’s face off the mat! The ref counts, Kemp lets off, and fans boo. Tavion kicks at Kemp, Kemp stomps him back. Kemp whips Tavion to a corner hard, then gets him on the rebound! GERMAN SUPLEX! Tavion flounders, Kemp fires hands then whips corner to corner! And now OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TWO! Kemp keeps on Tavion with another whip, but Tavion goes up and over! Tavion clinches, but Kemp fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Kemp is free, asks Dempsey if this is what he really wants.

Dempsey says keep going, so Kemp brings Tavion up. OLYMPIC- NO, Tavion slips out, shoves, and he OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES! Tavion kips up, fires up, and he BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES again! Cover, Tavion wins!

Winner: Tavion Heights, by pinfall (earns his spot on the NQCC)

The fans cheer for Tavion, and Dempsey gets in to raise Tavion’s hand in victory! The crew is now four strong, but Kemp is still unsure why it had to be like this. Will it all be alright when all four men are grabbing up gold?


Backstage interview with Kelani Jordan.

Kelly Kincaid is with the NXT Women’s North American Champion and says while it seemed Sol Ruca was a clear cut contender, it seems Arianna Grace talked her way into a match. Kelani says last week was a definite confident booster for her when she beat Michin. And yeah, she thought it was gonna be Sol up next, too. Kelani just wants to be a drama free champion who defends her title against those who are deserving, and then just move on. Sol is Kelani’s friend, is super chill, and has a great vibe. But Arianna is like the complete opposite. But props to her for getting this match. We’ll just wait and see who wins.

But then in storms Miss Parker. She won’t let this go down like that! Keep the camera on her! Jaida tells Michin she has the audacity to blindside her after Michin’s boys jump Nima & Price. How about this? Next week, they go face to face, in a STREET FIGHT! Jaida storms off as things have now escalated, will next week be just the thing to put this to rest?


Malik & Edris regroup with Brinley Reece.

She says they were so great out there in the Tag Turmoil! It’s alright, that was all fair game. She’s proud of them! Malik says yeah, just gotta stay positive. Edris says it’d be nice if this positivity would result in wins. Izzi Dame steps in and says he’s exactly right. Being happy go lucky does absolutely NOTHING. Brin, the boys might be too scared to say this, but Izzi isn’t. They don’t want her around! All she does is feed them delusional vibes when in reality, they will never amount to anything, and neither will she. Is Tatum Paxley peeking in through the glass door…? She disappears when everyone looks over.

Brin asks if Izzi has a problem with her. Izzi says she doesn’t, and then leaves. Brin asks the guys if Izzi’s right, and Malik says not at all! Edris is silent, though. Is there at least some truth to it?


Axiom & Frazer regroup backstage.

Axiom says Frazer was so close! He really had Tony on the ropes. Frazer appreciates that, he just thought he had it. Hey, head held up high. And now, they can focus on Chase U at Heatwave. Chase U looked great, they’ll be ready. Time to watch tape! Yeah, but about that… Frazer has this WWE Speed match tomorrow, so… What? Since when? Frazer promises, full focus after that! Now to go get his back checked out. Frazer leaves, Axiom accepts it, but is there a real focus problem after all?


NXT Women’s North American Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Sol Ruca VS Arianna Grace!

Speaking of the Sol Surfer and The Pageant Queen, they’re about to fight it just as Kelani said. Who wins that golden ticket to Toronto to challenge the Gym Princess for her crown?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Sol pushes Arianna, Arianna pushes back, and then Arianna headlocks for the takeover. Sol headscissors, Arianna kips but can’t get free. Sol puts on the squeeze, and pushes up to then flip Arianna over! Arianna flails and finds the ROPEBREAK! Sol lets go, Arianna runs up, but Sol headlocks. Sol grinds, hits a takeover, but Arianna goes for the headscissor. Sol shrugs it off once, twice, and three times. Arianna fights up to her feet, powers up and out but Sol runs her over! Sol waves, runs, hops up and over the dropdown, then ducks ‘n’ dodges. Sol flips through the hip toss to then FACEBUSTER!

Arianna staggers to a corner, Sol runs up, but Arianna puts her on the apron! Sol stumbles, but she slingshots back in to CODE BREAKER! Arianna staggers, Sol trips her up! Sol then stands on Arianna to hang ten! The fans fire up and Sol hops away. Arianna huffs ‘n’ puffs, but Sol mocks the pageant wave. Arianna runs up, Sol wrenches and wristlocks, then goes to a corner. Arianna whips Sol away, but Sol goes up and out. Sol RAMS into Arianna, slingshots up, but Arianna SHOVES her down! Sol hits the apron, Arianna goes out to put her back in. Arianna whips Sol into buckles, then stomps away!

The ref counts, Arianna whips corner to corner again, then runs up to ELBOW! Arianna reels Sol in to suplex! The fans rally for Sol but Arianna storms up on her. But then Sol gets her for a cradle! TWO, and Arianna kicks the legs out! Arianna brings Sol around, whips again, but Sol reverses! Sol runs in, Arianna BOOTS her away! Arianna goes up, waves, and AX HANDLES Sol down! Arianna runs to KNEE LIFT! Cover, TWO! Arianna clamps onto Sol with a seated cobra twist! The fans rally, Sol fights up, but Arianna throws her down! Arianna runs, but Sol dodges to then run Arianna over! Sol rallies with big shoulders, then a springboard CROSSBODY!

Sol keeps moving, wrenches and fireman’s carries, but Arianna slips free! O’Conner Roll, TWO! Arianna hits buckles, but she ELBOWS Sol back! Arianna goes up, but Sol dodges the ax handle! Sol goes up and up, has to steady herself, so she mule kicks instead. Sol then goes up to SOL SNATCHER!! Cover, Sol wins!

Winner: Sol Ruca, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s North American Championship)

The waters were a big choppy there, but Sol still snatches this one away! Kelani comes out to applaud her friend, then raises her hand in victory. But will The Standout show that not even Sol can do it like Lani? Or will her reign be washed away by Sol’s wave of momentum?


Roxie storms into Ava’s office.

She snatches back her title, and accuses Ava being behind what Lola did like some conspiracy! Lola can’t just take things! Why did Ava let it happen? Ava says Roxie tried to attack Lola, Lola laid her out and then brought the belt here. All her. Well, so nice to see you Ava. Yeah, actually, Roxie, you can get your revenge on Lola when you defend the title at Heatwave. Roxie says this must be so much fun for Ava. Ava says yeah, actually, it is. Roxie storms out, but will The Prodigy have a meltdown when facing Latina Heat?


Kelani and Sol talk backstage.

Kelani says she’s excited to be facing Sol for the title at Heatwave, and Sol says same. See you in Toronto, champ. They both head out, and lurking behind them are Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx. Jacy mocks their little friendly conversation. Isn’t that so sweet? Makes Jazmyn wanna throw up. And now Fallon Henley walks in, and she agrees with them! It’s even more sickening that these three are the ones overlooked. But not Kelani, not Sol, nope. Just the ones that’ve been here for years. Oh, case in point, there’s Karmen walking by. Hasn’t been here long enough to do anything yet is given her chance against the champ.

Maybe these three should do something about this. Yes, maybe they should. Is this new toxic alliance going to start doing what they want when they want to whoever they want?


Trick Williams VS Shawn Spears!

It’s an understatement that the NXT Champion always has a target on his back. Case in point: Trick may be facing Je’Von Evans at Heatwave, but The Chair Man wants his shot, as does All Ego. Ethan Page has appeared on commentary, will Trick end up seeing what The Young OG meant? Or can he whoop both these guys all on his own?

The bell rings and Trick fires hands already! Trick whips, Spears stops himself and bails out! The fans boo but Trick storms over. Spears trips Trick but Trick BOOTS Spears away. Trick goes out to CLUB Spears, then he stalks Spears around the way. Trick CHOPS Spears and the fans fire up! Trick puts Spears back in, runs up, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Spears hits a THESZ PRESS! Spears rains down fists, stomps Trick, then stalks him to a corner. Spears CHOPS, Trick staggers away, and Spears CHOPS again! Trick turns things around to CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Trick whips corner to corner, Spears reverses but Trick comes back to LARIAT!

The fans chant “YOU GOT TRICK SLAPPED!” Trick gets Spears up with both hands, carries him around, then THROWS him to a corner! Trick whips, Spears reverses, but Trick goes up and over! Both men PUMP KICK and fall down, and even Ethan is fired up seeing that! But then ORO JUMPS ETHAN! All Ego should’ve known Main Man Mensah would be after him! The fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” but security rushes in, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Ethan and Oro still get at each other, even as security gets them away from ringside. Spears stands up in a corner, and he avoids the splash from Trick! Spears stomps away on Trick, digs his knee, but the ref counts. Spears lets off, but then goes right back in for more! The ref has to back Spears off this time, and Trick sputters along the ropes. Spears storms up to bring Trick around, and CHOPS! Trick sputters again, and Spears brings him around again. Trick ducks the chop to ROCK Spears! And CHOP! And whip, only for Spears to reverses. Trick CROSSBODIES but Spears ducks under! Trick crashes ‘n’ burns then flops out of the ring.

Spears storms out after Trick, brings him up and around, to then RAM into steel steps! Spears lets the ring count climb this time while Trick writhes on the floor. The count passes 5 of 10, then 7. Trick stands at 8 and slides in at 9! Spears is right on Trick with a fireman’s carry! But Trick slips around to a sunset flip! Spears stays up, but Trick avoids the fist drop to finish the sunset! TWO, and Trick hurries to bring Spears up. Spears wrenches out and wrangles Trick to a CROSSFACE! Trick flails, NXT returns to single picture, and the fans rally up! Trick claws his way over, reaches out, fights forward, and has the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Spears holds until 4, and Trick sputters as he rises up. Spears brings Trick around to ROCK him with a haymaker! Trick shakes his head! Spears throws another hand but Trick is powering up! The fans fire up, Spears CHOPS, but Trick lets the hair down! Spears bumps Trick off buckles, but Trick just points and shouts, “YOU~!” Spears throws hands but Trick counter punches! Trick fires hands again and again, then UPPERCUTS! Trick whips, LEG LARIATS, then LEG LARIATS again! Trick FLAPJACKS Spears, the fans fire up, and Trick cartwheels to deadlift! Spears fires elbows to get free!

Spears swings, but into Trick’s clinch! Spears arm-drags free then SUPERKICKS! Trick drops to his knees, Spears brings a kneepad down! CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Trick survives and Spears grows frustrated. Spears stalks Trick, drags him up, and ELBOWS him in the head! Spears ELBOWS Trick in the head again, then paces. Spears tells Trick it’s his time, but Trick POP-UP UPPERCUTS! Spears still JUMP KNEES! Trick EDDY GORDO KICKS! Trick turns Spears, but Spears turns around to BACKSTABBER! Spears swings, into a BOOKEND!! Trick kips up and the fans are thunderous for their champion!

But wait, Brooks Jensen jumps into the ring! The security guards hurry to stop him, but then Spears runs up! Trick TOSSES Spears, even the ref has to stop Jensen now! Jensen throws Vic’s candy! Trick PLANCHAS Spears!! Jensen SMACKS Trick with the desk hood!! Was that on purpose or an accident!? Doesn’t matter, Spears gets Trick with the CORNER DEATH VALLEY!! Cover, SPEARS WINS!!

Winner: Shawn Spears, by pinfall

OH NO! The Chair Man has just pinned the NXT Champion!! Whatever Jensen was up to, he ends up helping Spears get a big win over the top dog on the roster! Add Ethan’s argument of how he pinned the #1 contender, are things going to get much more complicated come Heatwave?

Stone, Stevie & Ava are all watching this.

Suit Man Stone asks Ava what the hell they’re gonna do about this! Stevie reiterates that Shawn Spears just pinned THE NXT Champion! Je’Von won the #1 contender battle royal, but then Ethan beat him. Ava knows all the details, so they both ask her what she’s gonna do. Ava says here’s what they’ll do. All men have compelling cases so… FATAL 4 WAY! Stone and Stevie both love that! But will Trick have something to say about his odds drastically dropping from 50 to 25%?

My Thoughts:

An awesome night for NXT, though still rather talkative as always. The Tag Team Turmoil was an awesome opener, every round felt great and fairly unpredictable, except for Malik & Edris losing to New Catch Republic. I did like the bit with Malik, Edris, Brin, Izzi and for whatever reason, Tatum. Perhaps Izzi takes advantage of the tension in the trio and we end up with a Mixed Tag match of Izzi & Edris VS Brin & Malik. New Catch Republic doing a lot of the work clearing out teams only to lose to Chase U was a bit of a surprise, but there was great continuity with how Ridge and Dunne were both former Brawling Brutes and Ridge helped Chase escape the Plancha. Chase U VS Frazer & Axiom will be some great stuff, especially with this dysfunction within both teams.

Apollo Crews being why Legado lost is good continuity, they can reference that on SmackDown this week, further building to a Six Man Tag of Santos, Angel & Humberto VS Apollo, Andrade & Corbin just to showcase all six guys in a great match. The Good Brothers had a good bit with OTM, too, although I’m a bit surprised OTM got taken out so easily. Jaida VS Michin in a Street Fight is going to be awesome, though. Wes VS Joe Coffey was really good but also really quick, almost like it was just put there to fill time and move things along. Wes VS Oba in Wes’s last chance was happening either way, but I suppose Wes needed momentum going into that, as it feels very likely he loses and is forced to move on.

Awesome Heritage Cup match tonight, though I liked the fast and furious start better than them pushing it to all six rounds. And also, taking a commercial break that wasn’t picture in picture? Feels wrong. But solid win for Tony D against Frazer, even though I still think a guy like Tony should win one of these by KO. And I like that Frazer is apparently finding all these other titles to go after since he’s being part of WWE Speed tomorrow on Twitter/X. Honestly I don’t know why Axiom isn’t more into the idea of a Two Man Power Trip. I suppose Axiom’s more modest and content while Frazer is ambitious per his “Never Slow Down” philosophy.

Good promo bit from Roxie and Karmen to set up a match for tonight, but of course Roxie wins. Lola getting the better of Roxie was pretty good, too, but it already feels like the go-home math is going to favor Roxie and she retains at Heatwave. Maybe. Lola is getting over with the recurring audience but I’m not sure she’s quite at top champion level just yet. Sol VS Arianna was a good match but the ropes must’ve been loose or slippery because Sol had a hard time with them. Sol still won, of course, and she’ll have a great match with Kelani. Fallon continuing to stick with Jacy and Jazmyn, not sure where that is going other than they might try to “ruin” the Women’s North American Championship match for their own selfish purposes.

And on par with Raw and SmackDown having throughline stories, NXT did a great job getting us to the Fatal 4 Way I knew they were giving us after seeing how last week closed. Good promo segment that turned into a brawl, and they also did a great job integrating a lot of other stories. For one, while it is a shame that Noam Dar seems out of action with another leg injury, the previous being back in NXT UK, Oro Mensah opening up like that was powerful stuff and a great way to help Meta Four turn Face. Plus, Oro going after Ethan was good stuff, too.

And then this ongoing story of Brooks Jensen breaking back into NXT Arena after he “quit” finally has a payoff as he accidentally(?) helps Spears beat Trick. This very well could be what Spears talked about when he wanted to help a “lost soul” find their way. I also like there’s this new story of Stevie and Stone competing to be THE Assistant General Manager, aka the new Sid Scala. Maybe they’ll end up picking proxies for a Survivor Series style showdown, Team Stevie VS Team Stone, the winner gets to be Ava’s assistant. Logically, it’d have to be Stone winning. So many Robert Stone Brand stories fell apart and it was never really his fault, he needs this.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (6/24/24)

Who is in control?



Who moves on to Money in the Bank?

After last Monday Night Raw’s wild ending, everyone just wants to move forward. But will the Wyatt Sick6 cast their shadow on the MITB qualifiers?


  • Bron Breakker VS Ludwig Kaiser; Kaiser wins, by disqualification.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Lyra Valkyria VS Kairi Sane VS Shayna Baszler; Lyra wins and advances to MITB Toronto.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Chad Gable VS Braun Strowman VS Bronson Reed; Gable wins and advances to MITB Toronto.
  • Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance; Alba & Isla win.
  • Karrion Kross VS Kofi Kingston; Kross wins.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championships: The Awesome Truth VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh; Finn & JD win and become the new WWE World Tag Team Champions.


The Miz is on commentary!

Pat McAfee is taking tonight off for some obvious reasons, between last Monday night and how that bled over into the Pat McAfee Show.


Drew McIntyre is here?!

We know from Friday Night SmackDown that The Scottish Terminator did NOT quit, he just hunted CM Punk down in Chicago to beat him down! And now he’s here in Indiana, with fans chanting “C M PUNK!” at him. McIntyre says people were talking about how he quit last Monday, but they’re not talking about that anymore, are they? They’re talking about Friday! It was so good, McIntyre wants to see it again. Footage replays as McIntyre hauls a bloodied and half conscious Punk from backstage to the stage, just to drop him down in front of the Chicago fans. The fans here boo that but McIntyre smiles.

McIntyre says he prayed for this, and “The Big Man” made it happen, because he is the big man! And everyone chanting Punk’s name for months now? He’s done with you! When you chant his name, it is just in memory of him now. You’ve watched what Punk has done to McIntyre. He screwed McIntyre over in Scotland, in front of McIntyre’s friends, family, countrymen, and his WIFE! McIntyre promised his wife the world title and Punk stopped that, and the fans still chant that damn name! Those who chant for Punk are dead to him! McIntyre will talk right to Punk because he’s sitting at home now.

“I hope you’re uncomfortable and in pain, and being fed through a straw, because I did that to you. I put you there! And I didn’t just take your dignity, though, did I? I also took this.” McIntyre shows the friendship bracelet Punk was wearing! It’s worth about 50 cents, because a fan made it, but it means so much to Punk because it has the names of his wife, AJ Lee, and his stupid looking dog, Larry! The fans boo but McIntyre says Punk wears this when he leaves home so he can take them with him so that he isn’t alone. The fans chant for “LARRY! LARRY!” McIntyre says Punk IS alone, because of McIntyre.

Punk is in pain, is miserable, and that is the theme going forward, because McIntyre will enter the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and Punk will watch McIntyre all alone, and McIntyre will win while Punk is in pain because of him. McIntyre knows what it feels like to be alone. He’s felt it every time the fans chanted Punk’s name, as the roster accepted Punk and as management accepted Punk, even after McIntyre told the world what kind of person Punk really is! But McIntyre’s not alone now, is he? He puts on the bracelet, and says he has Punk’s dog and Punk’s wife, Punk’s family, in McIntyre’s corner.

McIntyre will win MITB, cash in that night, and Punk will be miserable and in pain as McIntyre has PUNK’S family by his side, and once again becomes World Heavyweight Champion, in spite of Punk! The fans boo but McIntyre has made his mission clear. Will he give everyone else broken dreams on his way back to the top of the mountain?


A car pulls up in the back.

And out of it exits Chad Gable! He doesn’t want cameras on him right now. He even has security help him get his things and walk through the halls. Gable is clearly not over the horrors of last Monday Night Raw, but will he be able to focus on the colossal challenge ahead of him tonight?


Backstage interview with Chad Gable.

At least, Cathy Kelley hopes for some words from the former Olympian ahead of his Triple Threat match. Security is doubled both inside and out to protect him. There have been murmurs of shock that Gable is even here tonight. Other than the wound on his forehead from last week, there is no word on the extent of his injuries from the Wyatt SICK6 attack. Gable was not the only victim of that rampage, will any of them be alright going into the night?


Bron Breakker VS Ludwig Kaiser!

The Big Bad Booty Nephew nearly broke the Impeccable German in half last week, all because of how Kaiser ruined the fun he was having with The Fella. Will Bron finish the job and leave Kaiser in pieces? Or will being #MeanerThanEvil not be enough against the European excellence?

Raw returns and Kaiser is at gorilla. Jackie Redmond is there to interview him. She says with all due respect, he is still visibly upset from last week, which was technically all because he interfered with the match of Bron and Sheamus. Kaiser says let’s forget about Sheamus, alright? Bron Breakker is strong, explosive and fast. Kaiser felt all that when Bron viciously attacked him. But Kaiser will prove he is destined for greatness! He will prove that Bron Breakker is no Ludwig Kaiser. The music plays and Kaiser makes his entrance, will he find that statement works better the other way around?

The bell rings and the fans bark for Bron. The two tie up, Bron powers Kaiser to a corner, but the ref counts. Bron lets off slowly, grins, but Kaiser pie faces him! The fans boo but Bron CHOKES Kaiser! The ref counts, Bron lets off, but Kaiser BOOTS him! And SLAPS him! And CLUBS him! Kaiser UPPERCUTS, CLUBS Bron again, then fires forearms. Bron fires back and the fans rally. Bron gets the edge, but Kaiser headlocks. Bron powers out, Kaiser reverses but Bron runs and runs and CLOBBERS Kaiser! The fans fire up and bark, and even Miz likes that! Bron snarls and goes back to drag Kaiser up.

Kaiser fights the facelock, puts Bron on ropes, and they end up in the ropes. The ref counts, Kaiser lets off, but he HOTSHOTS Bron! Bron sputters, Kaiser KICKS him down! Kaiser rains down fists, the fans boo, but Kaiser lets off to snarl and soak up the heat. Kaiser goes back but Bron RAMS him into a corner! The fans fire up as Bron RAMS into Kaiser again and again! Bron lets off to scowl at the ref, and Kaiser wants mercy. Bron just RAMS into him again and again! The ref counts, Bron grabs at Kaiser but Kaiser CLAWS the eyes! The fans boo but the ref misses it, and Kaiser KICKS the legs out! Kaiser CLUBS away on Bron now!

Kaiser drags Bron up to KICK him back down! Kaiser gets Bron up to POST him, and Bron is stuck in the ropes! Kaiser runs side to side to DROPKICK Bron to the floor! Miz says Kaiser is becoming a standout as he moves from the tag division to singles, and Kaiser goes out to scuff Bron. The fans chant “YOU SUCK!” but Kaiser sees the steel steps. Kaiser brings Bron over, but Bron RAMS Kaiser into the apron! Kaiser grimaces while Bron goes up the apron. The fans bark, Bron aims, and Bron FLYING LARIATS Kaiser over the desk! Bron does Kaiser like he did Sheamus, the fans are losing their minds, and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Kaiser has Bron down now, and under the ropes. Kaiser fires off hands, lets off as the ref counts, and he talks trash as Bron flounders. The fans boo more, but Kaiser KICKS Bron! Kaiser eggs Bron on, pie faces him, then SLAPS him! Bron scowls and the fans rally up. Bron rises, Kaiser looks worried, so Kaiser fires CHOP after CHOP! Bron fires haymaker after haymaker! Bron whips, Kaiser reveres, but Bron runs through the lariat to FLYING BACK ELBOW! The fans fire up for the freakish athleticism and Bron hauls Kaiser, for a deadlift BELLY2BELLY! Bron then GERMAN SUPLEXES!

Kaiser flounders, Bron runs in to clothesline at the corner! The fans are behind Bron as he puts Kaiser up top. Bron climbs, but Kaiser HEADBUTTS, then throws hands! Bron staggers away, but he comes right back up, to SUPER STEINER! The fans go nuts and even Miz can’t believe what he just saw! The straps come down, Bron gets Kaiser by the neck, then trophy lifts! But Kaiser slips free! Kaiser UPPERCUTS, but Bron DUMPS Kaiser up and out! The fans fire up as Kaiser crawls, and Bron goes out the side. Bron grins and he comes in around the way, but Kaiser sends him into steel steps! Kaiser grins as he avoids that car crash!

Kaiser gets back int he ring, but then slips out the side. Now Kaiser runs in around the way, but SHEAMUS KNEES HIM DOWN!!

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser, by disqualification

The Celtic Warrior gets payback on Kaiser and the fans are loving it! Sheamus now clears the desk and the fans are loving this even more! Sheamus hauls Kaiser up, lifts, but Kaiser fights it! Bron SPEARS Sheamus down!! The fans bark with Bron as he wipes out two men with one move! Will nothing and no one stop Bron from breaking through to that next level?


The Judgment Day hangs out int he clubhouse.

Carlito is over, so they’re playing WWE 2K while having some chicken nuggets. They’re having Rhea Ripley beat up on all sorts of superstars. Damian Priest walks in, and he asks who hooked them up with the goods? Carlito says it wasn’t him. Dominik puts the nugs down to say that while Priest might not like this, these are all gifts from Liv Morgan. Dude, seriously? Carlito says Liv helped him win his match so she can’t be all bad. Pause the game… Carlito says yeah, they do need to figure this out. When are the distractions gonna end? Someone texts Dom, and he checks. Now what? Whoa…

Dom shows the guys, and JD’s jaw practically hits the floor! Carlito says that’s cool. Priest glares at Carlito and Carlito says no, n-not cool. Dom says Liv is crazy and Priest agrees, but it is crazier how Liv even has Dom’s number! Priest isn’t telling Dom what to do, but if it were him, he’d find a way to end this with Liv tonight. Just saying. And guys, are you having fun? You know who else is having fun? Braun Strowman, because he’s having his way with them every week. Priest doesn’t wanna be a broken record, but that should’ve been handled by now. But hey, enjoy the games. Finn says yeah, Priest is right. They gotta handle Braun, tonight.

Carlito & JD agree, but they go back to WWE 2K. Will the Judgment Day finally put their foots down and establish dominance?


Bron returns backstage.

And he bangs on the door of Adam Pearce. Pearce says good God almighty, calm down! What’s the issue? Bron’s issue is that he’s sick and tired of everyone getting involved in his matches! He would’ve beaten Kaiser if not for Sheamus, and he would’ve beaten Sheamus last week if not for Kaiser! Bron wants a match with Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship. He is sick of this, do something! Pearce says alright, just calm down before you have a heart attack. But then speaking of Sami, here he is! And the champ stares Bron down. If Bron wants the title match, well, no one is here to get in the way. Any time, any place, just name it.

Then how about Bron VS Sami at Money in the Bank? Sami tells Pearce, “You tell Bron Breakker he’s got his match.” Pearce says then at MITB, Sami VS Bron for the IC title is OFFICIAL. Bron says he’ll destroy Sami. Bron leaves, will he tear Sami apart in Toronto?


Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Lyra Valkyria VS Kairi Sane VS Shayna Baszler!

The Morrigan has been a thorn in the side of Damage CTRL, only because they’ve been trying to hold her down ever since they got here. But will Lyra be able to fly high and head for Toronto? Will the Pirate Princess help Iyo Sky double their chances in the ladder match? Or will the Queen of Spades stop everyone from overlooking her and finally head back to the top?

Raw returns and Kairi makes her entrance, followed by Shayna. The bell rings, the three feel things out, and then Kari takes a swing! Lyra gets around, Kairi BOOTS Shayna, then Kairi switches to headlock. Lyra powers out, hip tosses Kairi down to a cover, ONE!! Lyra whips Kairi to a corner hard, but then Shayna LARIATS Lyra! Shayna keeps going and clotheslines Kairi in the corner, then gut wrench SLAMS her! Cover, TWO! Kairi bails out so Shayna goes right after Lyra. Shayna whips Lyra to a corner, but Lyra goes up and over, sweeps the legs, and reels her in for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, Kairi AX KICKS it apart!

Kairi wrenches to a wristlock, whips, but Lyra reverses. Kairi goes up and gets both Lyra and Shayna for a RANA ARM-DRAG COMBO! The fans fire up as Kairi goes up, and she aims to SUPER CROSSBODY both Lyra & Shayna down! The fans fire up with Kairi while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Shayna suplexes Kairi, only for Kairi to APRON DDT!! Both women are down and the fans fire up, but then Lyra runs in to WRECK Kairi with a dropkick! Lyra puts Kairi in the ring, climbs up, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Lyra isn’t done there, she hauls Kairi up to fisherman BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Kairi survives and then Shayna BUZZSAWS Lyra! Shayna CLUBS Lyra, drags her up, and whips her to ropes. Lyra slides under, but Shayna stops the heel kick to LEG CAPTURE SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Kairi runs up to BLOCKBUSTER Shayna! Kairi drags Shayna to a drop zone and the fans fire up!

Kairi goes up, INSANE ELBOW onto knees!! Shayna drags Kairi up in a KIRAFUDA, but Lyra rolls Shayna up! TWO!! Shayna escapes, Lyra SOBATS, KICKS and RAMS into her! And then ENZIGIRIS! Shayna falls, Kairi rises, but Lyra runs. Kairi ducks the enzigiri, goes for a leg, but Lyra steps over, gut wrenches, and SITOUT POWERBOMBS! Cover, Shayna KNEES Lyra in the face!! Cover, TWO!! All three women are down and the fans fire up! “This is Awesome!” as the three stir. Kairi goes to a corner, Shayna runs in but only gets buckles. URAKEN! Kairi hurries up while Shayna falls, but Shayna rises again!

Shayna GAMANGIRIS Kairi, but Lyra waistlocks Shayna! Shayna ELBOWS free, but Lyra ducks the kick! Lyra fireman’s carries, Shayna slips out! KIRAFUDA!! Lyra flails, falls back, but Kairi aims! Lyra rolls back, TWO! INSANE ELBOW!! But Lyra fireman’s carries, NIGHTWING DRIVER!!! Cover, Lyra wins!!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

It was a fast and furious finish, and when the dust cleared, it was Lyra standing tall! But will she be able to fly over the field and get up that ladder to bring down the briefcase?


McIntyre argues with Pearce backstage.

Everything that Punk did to him, costing him at WrestleMania, costing him at Clash at the Castle, McIntyre should automatically be in the MITB ladder match! Pearce says no, everyone has to earn their way into that match, especially the guy that “quit” last week. Oh, whatever, it’s not like McIntyre meant it. Well, Pearce is gonna mean what he says, and no, McIntyre doesn’t deserve it. All McIntyre’s done is disrupt things on Raw and SmackDown. Oh, well, did McIntyre deserve CM Punk snatching a referee shirt, running out there and screwing McIntyre over? Does Seth Rollins deserve the shot at Priest after just coming back when McIntyre beat him at Mania?

McIntyre will tell Pearce this: He believes Pearce will do the right thing. Because if he doesn’t, he’ll see the true meaning of the word “disruption.” McIntyre leaves, but then Liv Morgan walks in. She’s wearing a shirt that reads “Daddy’s Girl,” and she smiles as she makes her way to gorilla. The WWE Women’s World Champion makes her entrance, and we’ll find out what she’s up to, after the break.


Raw returns and…

Liv has the mic to say, “Oh, Dominik~! Since I couldn’t seem to catch you backstage, I thought I’d come all the way out here to get your attention. I hope you really, really, really liked the gifts I gave you,. But I hope you liked that text I sent you even more.” She knows he’s playing hard to get, but once he’s honest with herself that she is what he really wants, she promises there’s so much more in store for him. Rhea’s never gotten Dom any gifts, has she? She’s never cared about him the way Liv does. Will “Daddy Dom” please come out here? He can thank her for the gifts, and she promises to give him another right in front of all these people.

But instead, Zelina Vega makes her way out here! La Muneca says she has a gift for everyone: it’s shutting Liv the hell up. Zelina doesn’t get why Liv’s obsessed with Rhea’s “sloppy seconds.” But that’s not even why she’s here. Zelina is here to talk about something that Liv has clearly forgotten about. While Liv is running around chasing that Dirty D, Zelina is here chasing the WWE Women’s World Championship. The fans like that! Liv says oh goodness, she has not forgotten about the title. This is the most important thing in her life! She took out Rhea for this title. She put Becky into early retirement for this! There is NOTHING that means more to her than this.

But it seems to Zelina that Liv is just about having fun. And that that fun is all she’s worried about. What’s wrong with having fun? Zelina will tell her what’s wrong. Liv schemed for her opportunities, Zelina starves for hers. So her Why will always top Liv’s libido. And what sounds “fun” to Zelina is Liv putting that title on the line. How does that sound? Zelina VS Liv for the WWE Women’s World Championship, here tonight! The fans fire up for that idea! Liv says she’d love to, but she’s busy. How about next week? Zelina is NOT waiting for next week! Try her. But wait, here domes Com! The fans boo but Liv is all smiles.

Dom has a mic, but Liv asks if he liked those gifts. She knows he does. Dom says he did get the gifts, but no he did not like them. Oh, but she knows he loved that text, right? She even gets the ropes for him. Dom tentatively steps inside, and Zelina asks what is going on here. The fans chant “SLOPPY SECONDS!” and Zelina gags before she laughs. Zelina says if Liv is too afraid to fight, she didn’t need to bring her man out here. Dom says he’s not Liv’s man. The fans boo but Dom keeps trying to talk. If Zelina’s gonna fight Liv for the Women’s World Championship… The fans keep booing, but Dom says he wants to help.

Okay, wait, this is rich. He wants to what? He wants to help! Dom knows Zelina and Rhea have had their issues, and Zelina says that’s an understatement. Dom tells the fans to let him talk! Liv agrees, Daddy needs to speak. Dom says he’d rather seen anyone but Liv with the title! Zelina says no, if she wanted to hear anything out of Dom, she would’ve tossed a coin in his begging bowl. Second, she doesn’t need Dom’s help, nor does she want it. So- LIV ATTACKS ZELINA! Liv and Zelina scrap on the mat, the fans fire up, and then Rey gets in! Rey pushes Dom aside to drag Liv away, then he goes to Zelina’s side. But then Dom SHOVES Rey!

The fans boo as Dom again disrespects his dad, and Liv takes that as Dom fighting to protect her! Dom gets outta there, but Liv hurries after. Just what is going on with this WWE telenovela?


Cathy Kelley still waits by Chad Gable’s room.

She confirms that WWE medical has checked on Gable, and Adam Pearce has also talked with Gable. Pearce now exits and Cathy asks for an update. Gable is shaken up, as would anyone, but he IS medically cleared and focused on tonight’s Triple Threat. Then has Gable provided any further details on that brutal attack and his mental state? Pearce says that isn’t his story to tell, and Gable might not be in a position to tell it just yet. Will Gable be alright when facing two giants so soon after facing a living nightmare?


Liv continues to follow after Dom.

Dom tells her to leave him alone but she just wants to talk. Liv thanks Dom for being her hero out there. He saved her from his deadbeat dad! Now she knows he wants this as much as she does. No, that was just because he can’t stand his dad! Liv still thanks him, and hugs him. Dom squirms away, but then R-Truth walks in. Was that Tom or Nick Mysterio? Well, whichever one it was, he’s a reluctant hero. Those are the best kind, right? Liv says they sure are. Truth always has a soft spot for Tom/Nick. Wouldn’t it be nice to do something for a guy like that? Liv says Truth has no idea. Truth loves it when love is in the air.

Truth tells Tom/Nick is playing hard to get. They sure are. But Liv has an idea how she can do something nice for Dom and his friends. She can talk with Pearce about a match of Dom VS Rey for next week, and for tonight, it can be JD & Finn in a match for the World Tag Team Championships. Can Truth help with that? Yeah, Truth used to be cool with Finn, but he never liked JD. JD’s never been in Judgment Day, and he’s got a freakishly large head. Liv says JD sure does. But Liv knows the guys would love a tag match with the best team in the world. Truth says he’s one half of THE WWE World Tag Team Chamipons!

OMG really? Can he help? Of course! He’s the best! Well, yes, he is. Okay, just make sure to go talk to Pearce. Liv thanks Truth, heads out, and Truth says he’s always ready to help Carmella. Miz is NOT happy on commentary, and now he has to intercept Truth! Michael Cole is now alone on commentary, will Judgment Day get everything they could ever want?


Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Chad Gable VS Braun Strowman VS Bronson Reed!

It’s the moment of truth for the former leader of The Alpha Academy. Will what happened last week leave him in any shape to face the Monster of All Monsters and the Colossal Aussie? Or will he pull off the truly biggest upset victory in WWE history?

Raw returns and Bronson makes his entrance, followed by Gable’s. Gable has a mic to say, “Do you believe in miracles?” The fans are torn, but Gable says the rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated. Yes, eh was left bloodied and bludgeoned, left for dead by a bunch of monsters. There’s just one problem: Chad Gable cannot be killed! He LIVES! And in an act of true bravery, he is out here tonight to face these two monsters. And like last week, he will persevere, go on to MITB, win the briefcase, and he will become The Master in the Bank. Gable steps into the ring, but the tron is getting all glitchy…

The bell rings, Gable looks between the two mountainous men, and he CHOPS Bronson! Bronson doesn’t flinch! Gable CHOPS Braun, but Braun doesn’t flinch! Bronson CHOPS Gable, then Braun CHOPS Gable down! Gable bails out so now the big men are left alone. The fans fire up for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” The two tie up, go around, and Bronson headlocks. Braun powers up and out, Bronson ducks ‘n’ dodges and RAMS Braun! Braun gets stuck int he ropes a moment, but comes back to CLOBBER Bronson! Braun keeps moving, but Bronson DUMPS him out! Gable gets in, and he waistlocks Bronson! Bronson elbows free!

Bronson lifts Gab le, and THROWS him at Braun, but Braun catches Gable! Gable fights, but Bronson DIVES?! Down goes everyone and the fans fire up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Gable has Braun in a HANGING ARMBAR! Braun gets free, but Bronson SPLASHES him! Gable gets in, ducks ‘n’ dodges Bronson to DROPKICK! Bronson SENTONS but Gable dodges! Gable has the giants in the corners, and he runs to forearm SMASH Bronson! And forearm SMASH for Braun! Gable goes back to Bronson but Bronson busts through the lariat to SPLASH Braun! SPLASH to Gable, then a whip into Braun’s BOOT! Bronson runs up but Braun BOOTS him, too! Braun then runs to run Bronson over! Another BOOT for Gable! Braun gets Gable up and TOSSES him into Bronson!

Both Bronson and Gable fall and the fans fire up! Braun sees both men go outside, so it’s time to get on the tracks! The Strowman Express runs to CLOBBER Gable! And CLOBBER Bronson! Braun storms back into the ring as the fans fire up, and he runs, only for Bronson to move! Braun POSTS himself! Gable GERMAN SUPLEXES Bronson!! Bridging cover, TWO!! Bronson survives but Gable stomps him to a drop zone. Gable goes up and up, but Braun trips him up! Braun drags Bronson out to POST him, then scoops him, for a MONSTER SLAM on the floor! The fans fire up as Braun huffs and puffs and rips off his shirt!

Braun drags Bronson back up, but then JUDGMENT DAY attacks! JD, Dom, Finn & Carlito all attack, but Braun fights them all off! Braun stalks JD, grabs him and Dom, then goes to the ramp, only for Finn to CHOP BLOCK Braun! Judgment Day mugs the Monster of All Monsters, the fans boo, but this leaves Gable and Bronson alone! Gable adjusts, has his target, and MOONSAULTS! Cover, GABLE WINS!!

Winner: Chad Gable, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

Judgment Day handles their Braun problem, and Gable actually comes through on his promise! Will Gable continue to do as he said and win the MITB contract?

Wait! The lights start turning off! The fireflies are coming out and Gable is in a panic! There’s fog filling the ring, and the piano starts playing! And then a spotlight shines on Gable, as SISTER ABIGAIL rises!! She creeps up behind him, and Gable falls into a corner! Gable scurries out of the ring but he can’t look away from fear. But then Abby crawls her way over to something else. There’s a box on the floor, and she picks it up. She sets it down on the commentary desk. What’s in the box, Cole? What’s in the box?! Abby continues on, walking through the crowd. And then she goes into the shadows, and disappears.


Raw returns and…

Michael Cole holds up the package. The fans are chanting “OPEN IT! OPEN IT!” The box is meant for Pat McAfee but he’s not here tonight. Cole unwraps the package, opens it up, and pulls out a VHS tape. It has the words “PLAY ME” on it, but hopefully the production truck has something.


Gable is backsatge.

He knocks on a door, and is thankful Otis is there. Gable asks if the others are there. He needs to talk with them. Otis calls to them, and out walk Tozawa & Maxxine. Gable says after last week, h is life flashed before his eyes, and when it did, all he could see was them, his family. It takes a big man to admit when he was wrong. These last two months have been rough for all of them, and he knows he stepped over the line. He owns that. So from the bottom of his heart, he is sorry. But that’s what families do, right? They fight, but they stick together. Otis says yeah, but anyone who hurts Tozawa & Maxxine isn’t family.

Otis is sorry for what happened to Gable, but he said what he said. They’re done. Otis leads the others away and Maxxine tells Gable that he put them through a lot. Gable really hurt Otis. Otis looked up to Gable. But for what it is worth, they are glad he’s okay. What happened to him must’ve been terrifying. But Otis just needs time, okay? Maxxine will talk with him. Maxxine heads back inside, and Gable turns around to see The Creeds & Ivy Nile. They ask if he’s alright, and Gable says no! He’s not alright! He needs help… Will Gable have to move on if Otis is unable to forgive him?


Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance!

The wicked witches are back in action after winning the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships at Clash at the Castle, and it’s going to be against the high-flying, good vibing party girls of KC Squared! Will Kayden & Katana be able to break the spell already cast by the new champs? Or will there be no After Party here tonight?

The teams sort out, Alba and Kayden start up and they tie up. Alba throws Kayden down then soaks up the cheers and jeers. But then Kayden YANKS Alba into ropes! Isla runs in, Kayden throws her out! Kayden runs and WRECKS both Alba & Isla with a dropkick! The fans fire up, Katana comes around, and she gets a boost to CROSSBODY Alba & Isla down! KC Squared is all fired up and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns as Kayden has Alba in a TRAILER HITCH! Alba endures, crawls over, and has the ROPEBREAK! Kayden lets go in frustration but she runs back up, only for Alba to YANK her into ropes! Kayden flounders, Alba brings her up and Isla tags in. The lasses double suplex, only for Kayden to counter with a DOUBLE DDT! The fans rally up, Kayden SUPERKICKS Isla down! Kayden grabs Isla by the legs and puts her in the drop zone. Katana tags in, and she goes up for the KEG STAND! Cover, Alba breaks it! The fans fire up as Alba RAMS into Kayden! Kayden TOSSES Alba, gets Isla up, and Katana climbs.

But then Alba trips Kayden up! Isla avoids Katana, but Katana rolls Isla! TWO, and Isla ROUNDHOUSES Katana down! Tag to Alba, she gets Katana up in the Gory Especial, double double, TOIL AND TROUBLE!! Cover, Alba & Isla win!

Winners: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn, by pinfall

But wait! Now DMG CTRL runs in to CLOBBER Alba & Isla! The fans boo but they beat the tag champs down 3v2! Then Dakota BOOTS Katana for good measure! Iyo goes up top, takes aim, and OVER THE MOONSAULT for both Isla & Alba! The Evil Genius said DMG CTRL needs to make a change, will this increased intensity help them take over Raw?


Priest returns to the clubhouse.

But Liv’s already there? She says hi then bye, and Priest hopes this was Dom ending things. Priest steps inside, but only Finn is here? Finn thought Priest was heading home already. No, he had to come back and grab the world title so that he can go out and address Seth Rollins. Don’t tell Priest that it didn’t look sketchy just now! Don’t accuse Finn of things. Liv was here telling them all that Dom’s got a match with Rey, and that Finn & JD have a tag title match TONIGHT! Oh, she did that? Yeah! It ain’t ideal, but a title match is a title match. Finn will take what he can get. Liv seems a little too good to be true, Finn admits that.

Priest says that’s exactly right. Priest will go handle his business, and he wishes Finn good luck in the tag title match. Finn nods, Priest leaves, but then Finn rolls his eyes. Is Priest getting worked up over nothing? Or is there something going on here between The Prince and “Daddy’s Girl?”


The Miz finds Truth.

Miz asks if Truth talked to Pearce. Oh, he did, and it’s official. Why isn’t Miz in gear? They gotta get to gorilla. Miz asks if Truth has been paying attention. Miz was on commentary tonight! Oh, oops. Truth says he did it for love. Liv and Dom is a classic romcom. Like Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and Shrek! Miz doesn’t care about that right now! This is about them! Truth says he loves Miz, but only as a friend. Truth heads out, Miz is beside himself. What is Miz to do with Truth? What are they going to do against The Prince & Irish Ace?


Damian Priest heads to the ring.

El Campeon has already had a busy night just trying to keep his team on track, but now he will focus on his own business. Priest has the mic and says we all saw the Seth Rollins video package earlier. It was humbling and inspiring. Real talk, Priest sees what Rollins meant when he said he sees a version of himself in Priest. He gets it. They’re both someone who can be in a group, stand out as a leader, and elevate everyone around them. They’re both someone who can come out here as champion, representing Raw, while always rising to the occasion. And tell you waht. Priest knows what he sees in Seth.

Priest sees a man… he does not want to become. To break it down, Priest doesn’t wanna be here and see his successor. See someone who is bigger, stronger, and better than him. No, don’t get him wrong. Rollins is great, but Priest is the champion of the world! And so long as he IS world champion, sorry, but Rollins will never see the mountaintop again. But wait! Here comes Rollins himself! The fans fire up as The Visionary struts his way out as Cruella’s male counterpart and goes to the ring. Indianapolis sings for Rollins as he gets the mic, and he tells them, “We are partying in Indy today!”

The fans cheer and Rollins says this is why: Royal Rumble 2025 is coming their way! But that’s in February. Tonight is Monday, and so it’s still his show, it is MONDAY NIGHT ROLLINS! The fans sing more, and Priest is amused. Rollins revels in it, then says Priest goes “All Rise for El Campeon,” well all sing for Seth Freakin’ Rollins. But Priest wants to come out here, run his mouth about Rollins, is that it? No, no, Rollins wants to get this right. Priest says that as long as he is World Heavyweight Champion, Rollins will never get the belt back? That’s about right. Ooh… Well that is bold, Priest, very bold.

The problem is, man… Rollins doesn’t believe that. Rollins doesn’t believe in this confidence, this is false bravado. Does Priest even believe the crap coming out of his mouth? Does Indy believe the crap coming out of Priest’s mouth? “NO! NO! NO!” Rollins says they don’t buy it and here’s why. They don’t buy Priest as the man, as the mountain, because his actions and his words don’t line up. Priest says all the right things, says he doesn’t want anyone’s help when it comes to this title. However, in both of his title defenses so far, it was very obvious that Priest needed the help. If not for Judgment Day or CM Punk, Priest wouldn’t be here as World Heavyweight Champion!

Priest says yeah, he gets that opinion, and Rollins is right. Priest didn’t ask for help, but people got involved. The fans boo, then chant “YOU SUCK!” Priest frowns, but says he is the world champ! And he can’t change what happened. But what he can do, look at Rollins while holding the world title, while Rollins is there representing the past and holding on to a whole lot of nothing. Rollins says, “For now.” Rollins isn’t here to run Priest down. No, Rollins has a lot of respect. But Rollins doesn’t appreciate being one-upped. Priest one-ups Rollins by challenging him to this title match> Respect, that was a bold move.

But now Rollins is here to one-up right back. A challenge for challenge. Rollins says they should sweeten the pot at MITB. Y’know, nothing official, no Pearce or anything. More like a side bet, or a gentlemen’s agreement. A cherry on top. What does Priest say that if somehow he retains the title, he gets his wish. As long as Priest is champion, Rollins never challenges for it again. But when Rollins wins, takes back the title Priest has been keeping warm these past two months, we find out if Priest really can stand on his own two feet. WHEN Rollins wins at MITB, Priest… must LEAVE Judgment Day! The fans like that idea!

Priest is a bit speechless here. Rollins says we can find out if Priest really can walk a mile on Rollins’ shoes. What does El Campeon say to that? Priest chuckles, and he has to admit, that’s good. As Priest sees it, he’s the champion. So to him, Judgment Day needs him more than he needs them. But as far as this “agreement” goes, Priest accepts. Now Rollins is shocked. They shake on it, but wait! Here comes Der Ring General! Indy fires up as Gunther goes to the ring to join Visionary and Punisher. Gunther looks between the two, the fans chant “This is Awesome!” and then Gunther gets a mic.

Gunther has everyone hold on, and he says he fully understands there’s a lot on the line here. The world title, and the gentlemen’s agreement. MITB, Seth Rollins, the workhorse who established the prestige of this title, against Damian Priest, the man who is carrying Monday Night Raw on his back right now. Gunther wishes good luck to both men. He cannot wait to see this match. The fans cheer that! Gunther then adds, “May the better man win. But don’t make a mistake. At SummerSlam, the better man out of you two, will be the lesser man when he steps in the ring with me.” Gunther drops the mic and heads out. Will the King of the Ring prove he’s the greatest of them all in Cleveland?

And as for Rollins and Priest, will The Visionary make good on the last shot he might have for a long time? Or will he force the Judgment Day to do things without their Punisher?


The VHS tape is ready.

The production team has a VCR to play it, and so here we are. A buzzard, the piano playing, the Wyatt Sick6, and of course, Uncle Howdy. “Are you… Happy? How have you been since the loss? Do you feel as though you have been… forgotten? Do you remember who you are?” BO DALLAS!? And he says, “I’m nobody.” Howdy says, “There you are. How did it feel when your brother died?” Bo says one of the most important things in his life… was taken from him. And it feels like nothing was ever gonna matter again. Howdy says, “Don’t you think you’re exploiting your brother’s legacy?” Bo says all he ever wanted his whole life… was to be like his brother.

Bo looked up to his brother, wanted to be like his brother. And he worked his entire career, his life, so he could have the chance to work next to his brother. They were going to… They were going to rule together. They finally made it! They had it all! And then it was taken away. There is no one on this Earth that feels more hurt by his loss than Bo! No one feels what Bo feels! So what is he supposed to do? Let his life become a mausoleum? To let everyone forget about what his brother stood for, what he fought for, what he believed in?! They wanted to forget about Bo. “They wanted to forget about all of us!”

Bo says they need to remember. The Wyatts made them all remember! Howdy says, “Yes, we did!” The two sides of one mind sit in the dark room, and then the video ends. What will the Wyatt Sick6 do to “make us remember” next?


Karrion Kross VS Kofi Kingston!

Mr. Apocalypse put out the challenge, and then got what he hoped for in #KofiMania running wild! There’s an agreement to leave everyone else in the back so that this is a fair fight, but will it really be fair? Or will the New Day find a way to triumph over The Final Testament?

The bell rings and Kofi DROPKICKS Kross right out of the ring! Kofi then FLIES and he takes Kross down! The fans fire up with Kofi and he gets Kross up and into the ring. Kofi goes up the corner, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” but Kross avoids the ax handle. Kofi comes back but into a BACKBREAKER! Kross then shifts to get Kofi back up, fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Kofi tumbles out of the ring but Kross has a confident sneer, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, the fans rally, and Kofi JAWBREAKERS free of Kross! Kofi goes to the apron, springboadds in, and AX HANDLES! Kofi keeps rallying with CHOPS and a DORPKICK! Kofi runs, but into Kross’ arms! Kross RAMS Kofi into the corner, runs back in, but Kofi goes out to PENDULUM KICK! Kofi goes back up, to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO, and Kross swings! Kofi dodges, and he LEAPING LARIATS! The fans fire up and Kofi gives us the “NEW~ DAY~!” BOOM DROP! Kross sputters and the fans fire up. Kofi claps, and the fans clap along. Kofi aims from the corner, but then Paul Ellering is on the tron!

Ellering shouts at Kofi, “Is it worth it? Is it really worth it!?” The Authors of Pain are beating up on Woods! Kofi hurries to the ropes but Kross reels him in! Kofi runs, dodges, but into the scoop and FINAL PRAYER!! Cover, Kross wins!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by pinfall

Kross holds up seven fingers, because Kofi is “lucky” number seven in Kross’ list of former WWE Champions he has defeated. But it would seem The New Day fell into their trap, will nothing stop The Final Testament from ruling over Raw?


WWE World Tag Team Championships: The Awesome Truth VS Finn Balor & JD McDonagh!

Miz really should’ve had Truth join him on commentary earlier tonight, because now they’re having to defend their titles on short notice! Again! Will the Hollywood A-Lister and the former 54-time WWE 24/7 Champion ever be done with The Judgment Day? Or will the luck of the Irish bring these belts back to the clubhouse?

Raw returns and The Awesome Truth makes their entrance. That takes care of the introductions, then the belts are raised, and we see if all is truly fair in love and war.

Truth starts against JD and the fans rally up. Truth and JD circle, but then Finn pushes Truth! JD CLUBS Truth, stomps away in the corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Finn tags in, he drags Truth up to ROCK him. Finn headlocks, Truth powers up and out, then Truth drops and blocks a kick. Truth kicks low, runs, and SCISSOR KICKS! Finn flounders to a corner, Truth does the splits! Truth goes corner to corner to STINGER SPLASH! Truth then brings Finn over to tag Miz. The Awesome Truth double whips, DOUBLE ELBOWS, then they do their secret handshake before the DOUBLE ELBOW DROP!

JD runs in but he gest a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! Finn runs in, but into a DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Then Miz & Truth DOUBLE LARIAT JD up and out! Indy is all fired up, but then here comes Liv! Whose side is she on? We’ll just wait and see, after the break.

Raw returns again and Finn stomps away on Truth at the ropes! The ref counts, Finn tags JD, and JD slingshots to ARABIAN PRESS! Cover, TWO! Liv is still at the ramp, but JD CHOKES Truth on the ropes. The ref counts, JD lets off to argue, and Finn gets a cheap shot in! JD stomps Truth, tags Finn, and they mug Truth. Truth writhes, Finn drags him up and whips. Truth KICKS Finn back, but then Finn rebounds, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up and Miz reaches out. Truth and Finn crawl, hot tags to JD and Miz! JD trips up, Miz KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! The fans are thunderous as Miz stomps away in the corner!

The ref counts, Miz lets off at 4, and he runs corner to corner to A-LIST LARAIT! Miz pushes Miz down, dodges Finn and Finn kicks post! Miz YANKS Finn down, hurries back up, but JD runs up. Miz RAMS into JD, but Dom & Carlito show up now! Liv says hi, but Dom & Carlito go after Miz! Miz kicks Carlito, TOSSES him over the desk, then hurries up., Miz BOOTS JD, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! JD survives and the fans fire up! JD goes to a corner, Miz runs in, but into a BOOT! JD goes up, but Miz trips him up, and Miz DRAPING CODE BREAKERS! Miz hauls JD up, but Finn returns! Miz kicks Finn, too! DOUBLE DDTS! Cover on JD, TWO!!

Dom & Carlito are frustrated but The Judgment Day is still in this. Miz has the fans fired up, and he rises up. But Dom’s on the apron! Miz swings on Dom, JD rolls Miz up! TWO, and JD swings. Miz dodges to WRECK Dom with a dropkick! JD swings again, but into the SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!! Cover, Carlito helps with the ROPEBREAK! The fans boo as Caribbean Cool gets away with one! But then  Miz grabs at Carlito’s hair! Carlito gets free, Miz goes for JD, but JD HEADBUTTS Miz down! And here comes BRAUN! Braun storms down to the ringside, he chases Dom & Carlito away, just like last week!

The fans fire up as Miz and JD slowly stir. Finn is back and he reaches out. Liv seems unsure what to do without Dom here. JD crawls, as does Miz. Hot tags to Finn and Truth! Truth dodges Finn, and fires those FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! Truth hits the SPIN OUT BOMB! And we know what that means “YOU CAN’T-” NO, Finn KICKS Truth in the face! Miz gets up, Finn DECKS him off the apron! But Truth drop toeholds Finn, into the STF!! Finn endures, flails, reaches out, but JD CLOBBERS Truth! Miz springboards in, into a DROPKICK! Truth gets JD up, SPIN OUT BOMB! But Finn rolls Truth! TWO!!

Truth hurries to his feet, gets under Finn, and SPIN OUT BOMB! Finn & JD are side by side, and the fans fire up! DOUBLE “YOU CAN’T SEE ME~!” Truth runs, for a TEN KNUCKLE SHUFFLE!! JD flops out, Finn flounders around, and LIV gets on the apron!? Truth is distracted, Liv says love is in the air! Do this for her! Liv hugs Truth, JD distracts the ref, and then Liv HOTSHOTS Truth!! Finn SHOTGUNS Truth down!! Finn goes up top! COUP DE GRACE!!! Cover, JUDGMENT DAY WINS!!

Winner: Finn Balor & JD McDonagh, by pinfall (NEW WWE World Tag Team Champions)

Liv IS a bad girl! She just screwed Truth so that Dom’s friends could succeed! Judgment Day has more gold again, and Liv stands with them! Finn & JD allow it, but what will Priest have to say about this? What will Mami Rhea have to say about it?

My Thoughts:

An awesome episode of Raw here tonight! Great “surprise” of McIntyre showing up to really add some heat to this  already red hot feud with Punk. Of course he just expects to be in the MITB match, and he’ll be getting his chance to qualify, but it’s hard to say if he’ll actually become Mr. MITB. Punk could easily show up in Boston next week to mess McIntyre over, or he’ll show up in Toronto to yank McIntyre off the ladder. Either way, something is going to get us to McIntyre VS Punk for SummerSlam, and no title involved, just the grudge. That’s because Gunther is promised the title match for SummerSlam, and we got a great promo from Rollins, Priest and Gunther to feed that.

As always, a lot of great stuff out of Judgment Day, and Priest accepting the stipulation of that gentlemen’s agreement is some great stuff. Rollins might win, might get cashed on at some point, who knows, but Priest being forced to leave Judgment Day would be wild. I don’t see that coming because of everything else we got tonight, but it’s good stuff to put on the pressure. Liv keeps on flirting with Dom, and I think she’s right that he really did like getting WWE 2K on PS5 AND a huge platter of chicken nuggets, but then she doubles down and helps JD & Finn win the tag titles. That closing image tells me that Liv, Finn & JD VS Rhea, Dom & Priest in Judgment Day Civil War. It doesn’t even matter who is Heel and who is Face, it’s the cards they’re showing.

Awesome match from Bron VS Kaiser, but apparently Kaiser got legit injured during it. They should’ve been more careful with that flying clothesline onto the desk, maybe not bust that out all the time… But Sheamus going after Bron was great, and maybe after Bron VS Sami, Sheamus gets his shot to see if he can finally become Intercontinental Champion and complete the ultimate WWE checklist. And good stuff from Kroff and Kofi, but I nailed the prediction last week. Kofi was out in the ring so that Woods could be mugged by The AOP, this is the same stuff they did to Lashley & The Profits. But hey, if it adds to the New Day’s dysfunction, it’s still good stuff.

Awesome Triple Threat from Lyra VS Kairi VS Shayna. Lyra winning made sense, she and Iyo Sky can have it out during the ladder match. And DMG CTRL going after the tag teams later on was a good move, too. DMG CTRL will of course want the tag titles back, so it’ll likely be Kairi & Dakota VS Alba & Isla at some point. While that was a very good Triple Threat for the men, it should’ve been clear Braun was going to be attacked by Judgment Day. Chad Gable’s story tonight was also great, seeing as how it is also connected to this larger Wyatt Sick6 story. They could’ve gone with a bigger piece of bandage on Gable’s “wound” so it’d be more apparent, but that’s a small thing compared to him being one of the Wyatts’ targets.

Apparently Pat McAfee is another, as the Wyatt Sick6 “hacked” his show some time last week, which explains why he didn’t wanna show up tonight. Very clever to make the message a VHS tape, and that promo from Taylor Rotunda as both Uncle Howdy and Bo Dallas, that was powerful stuff. They even addressed the concern that some fans think this is exploitation by showing this story is a tribute to Bray and not just some gimmick. The therapy session style of Bo basically talking to himself even shows this is a way of working through mourning and grief, but also perhaps something more, something darker. That’s where it felt like Bray’s story was going with Howdy and Fiend and everything else, so this is Bo picking up the torch as only he can.

My Score: 9/10

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