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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Soul Results & Report! (6/22/24)

Qualify for the Climax!



The Road to the G1 has begun!

NJPW is heating up the G1 Climax already by bringing us a Qualifier Series! Whose New Japan Soul will burn bright through the Summer?


  • Masatora Yasuda VS Daiki Nagai; Time Limit Draw.
  • Great-O-Khan & Francesco Akira VS Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato; Khan & Akira win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Tomohiro Ishii, Satoshi Kojima & Tomoaki Honma; The United Empire wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Just5Guys VS Hirooki Goto, El Desperado, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano & Boltin Oleg; Goto, Desperado, Tanahashi, Yano & Oleg win.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: Callum Newman VS Yujiro Takahashi; Callum wins and advances to New Japan Soul in Korakuen Hall.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: YOSHI-HASHI VS Chase Owens; Hashi wins and advances to New Japan Soul in Korakuen Hall.
  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture; LIJ wins.


G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: Callum Newman VS Yujiro Takahashi!

The United Empire has been on a roll tonight, but while those were tag matches, The Prince of Pace has to do this on his own! Can Callum conquer the Tokyo Pimp? Or will he have to watch out for the usual tricks?

The bell rings and the two run in! Yujiro BOOTS Callum down, stomps him around, and Callum goes to ropes. Yujiro ROCKS Callum with a forearm, then stalks him to a corner. Yujiro stomps Callum again, CLUBS him, then brings him out to knee low. Yujiro CLUBS Callum again, whips corner to corner, but Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges and keeps moving, to then BOOT Yujiro! The fans fire up while Yujiro bails out. Callum eggs Yujiro on, but the ref wants him to stay in. Yujiro slides in, Callum dodges and DROPKICKS! Yujiro bails out again and the fans fire up. Yujiro hurries back up to the apron, but Callum DROPKICKS him down!

Callum takes aim as Yujiro stands up, for the PLANCHA, but Yujiro moves aside! Callum lands on his feet but that strains the legs. Yujiro reels Callum in, REVERSE DDT to the floor! The ref wants this back inside, and fans rally up for Callum, but Yujiro stalks him. Yujiro drags Callum up to RAM him into railing! Yujiro brings Callum back up, to RAM him into the apron! The ref reprimands but Yujiro brings Callum around, to whip into railing! Callum goes down in a heap and Yujiro leaves him behind. The ring count starts but Callum sits up at 4 of 20. The fans cheer Callum on as he rises at 10 of 20 and hobbles over.

Callum rolls in at 13, the fans cheer, but Yujiro stomps Callum right down. Yujiro digs his boots in, the ref counts, so Yujiro lets off at 4. Yujiro whips Callum into a corner, stomps him, ROCKS him with a forearm, then ELBOWS him. Yujiro throws more elbows, then runs up to BOOT! Callum slumps down but Yujiro pushes him to a cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Yujiro argues the count. The ref says it was fair, so Yujiro drags Callum to center. Yujiro drops a leg, drops it again, then drops it again! Cover, TWO! Callum stays in this and the fans rally up. Yujiro is annoyed, but he eggs Callum on. Yujiro brings Callum up, and Callum fires a forearm!

Yujiro eggs Callum on more as Callum throws more shots. Yujiro then knees low! Yujiro snapmares Callum and then basement BOOTS! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer as Callum toughs it out. Yujiro brings Callum up, puts him against ropes, then fires forearms. The ref reprimands, but Yujiro gets space. Callum BOOTS first! Callum runs up but into a kick! Yujiro runs but Callum follows, trips him, and DOUBLE STOMPS him! The fans fire up while both men are down! Yujiro goes to one corner, Callum goes to the other. Callum fires up, the fans are with him, and he runs Around the World to DROPKICK!

Callum snapmares Yujiro, runs up and PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! The fans still applaud as Callum has control. Callum clutches his beat up back, uses the ropes to stretch it out, and then he clamps onto Yujiro with chicken wings. Yujiro hurries to the ropes, so Callum ROCKS him with a right! Callum sits Yujiro in the ropes, then runs to DROPKICK Yujiro in the back! Yujiro falls, Callum brings him up and chicken wings. Yujiro fights the lift, stomps Callum’s foot, then ROCKS him with an elbow! Callum comes back to ROCK Yujiro with a forearm! Callum runs, but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Callum sputters, Yujiro runs up and BOOTS him!

Yujiro brings Callum around, reels him in, FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Callum survives and the fans cheer! Yujiro is frustrated but he stalks Callum. Yujiro drags Callum up, reels him in, INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Callum is tougher then the Intercollegiate Slam and Yujiro grows further frustrated! Yujiro stumbles after Callum, brings him up, and fireman’s carries. Callum fights free, but Yujiro blocks the lariat! Yujiro ducks the backhand but not the ROUNDHOUSE! Both men are down again as Callum catches his breath. The fans rally up and Callum fires himself back up. The fans join in and Callum takes aim.

Callum goes to run but Yujiro reels him in! Yujiro waistlocks, Callum switches, but Yujiro BITES Callum’s hand! The fans boo and the ref reprimands but Yujiro stops at 4. Yujiro runs, but Callum blocks the boot, ROCKS Yujiro, then runs. Yujiro uses the ref as a shield! He gets the cane! But Callum blocks the cane attack, kicks Yujiro low, but now the ref sees Callum with the cane! Callum defends his innocence, the ref takes the cane, and Yujiro LOW BLOWS!! The fans boo but Yujiro reels Callum in, for PIMP JUICE! Cover, TWO!! Yujiro is stunned that Callum survives! Yujiro pleads with the ref, but no, it was not a three.

Yujiro drags Callum up, reels him in, for BIG- NO, Callum wrenches out! Yujiro ROCKS Callum, runs, but Callum shoots around to chicken wing and TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Yujiro escapes but the fans fire up! Callum aims from a corner, runs Around the World, and DROPKICKS! Yujiro staggers, Callum goes up, and he roars as he springboard DOUBLE STOMPS! Then OSCUTTER!! Cover, Callum wins!

Winner: Callum Newman, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

It was a grueling first fight, but Callum was able to outpace Yujiro, and he now moves ahead! Callum faces Kenta in Korakuen Hall, will Callum continue to build momentum? Or will he #GoToSleep before the Climax?


G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier First Round: YOSHI-HASHI VS Chase Owens!

The Head Hunter and the Crown Jewel have battled many times, both in the G1 and more recently, over the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Sadly, neither man has that gold, but they’re looking at something bigger. Will Yoshi-Hashi #GetBackUp and head for the next round? Or will he be the victim of a Jewel Heist?

The bell rings and the two circle as the fans rally up. The two tie up, are in a deadlock, but Chase swings Hashi around to put him on ropes. The ref counts, Chase lets off, but then he blows snot on Hashi! Chase eggs Hashi on so Hashi fires forearms! Hashi CLUBS Chase, Chase knees low and Chase TOSSES Hashi out. Hashi runs up to the apron but Chase DECKS him! Chase builds speed but Hashi dodges the dropkick! Hashi kicks low, whips, and Chase hits railing! Chase staggers away while fans applaud. Hashi goes after Chase, brings him around, and whips him into more railing! Chase staggers again while fans applaud.

The ref wants this back in the ring but Hashi lines up a shot. Chase stands, Hashi runs up, but Chase BOOTS him! Chase RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS Hashi into railing! The ref goes out to check Hashi while Chase leaves him behind. Chase opens the gate so he can snatch a fan’s Yoshi-Hashi towel! Chase sneaks that over so he can CHOKE Hashi with it! The ref sees that, reprimands, but Chase whips Hashi hard into railing! Down goes Abe-san, too! Since when was Chase copying the House of Torture? Chase storms over, brings Hashi up, and puts him in the ring. Hashi sits up, Chase runs, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!

The fans cheer as Hashi stays in this. Chase is annoyed and he mocks the fans as they rally up. Chase CLUBS Hashi on the neck, stomps Hashi’s hand, then brings him up to wrench and wristlock. Chase bends the fingers, then SNAPS them! The ref reprimands Chase being a Villain, but Chase stomps away in the corner. Chase then bends the fingers, and he makes Hashi flip Goto off on commentary. Chase CHOPS Hashi, CLUBS him, then RAMS into him! Chase digs in his shoulder, then lifts Hashi to RAM him in again! Hashi hobbles, Chase whips him corner to corner hard, and Hashi bounces off buckles! Chase soaks up the heat while Hashi writhes.

Chase drags Hashi up but Hashi fires body shots. Hashi CHOPS and the fans cheer! But Chase BOOTS Hashi down! Chase clutches his stinging chest, drags Hashi up, but Hashi suplexes first! The fans fire up while both men are down, and Chase goes to a corner. Hashi goes to the other, runs in corner to corner, and CHOPS! Hashi ROCKS and CHOPS and repeat on Chase! The fans fire up, the ref reprimands, but Hashi lets off with one more CHOP! Chase sits down, but he SPITS at Hashi! So Hashi CHOPS him again! Hashi whips corner to corner, Chase reverses, but Hashi comes back to run Chase over!

The fans cheer and Hashi cleans himself off. Hashi then runs up to CHOP, run again, and BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Chase stays in this but the fans rally up for Hashi. Hashi storms over to Chase, brings him up, but Chase throws body shots. Hashi eggs him on, Chase throws more shots, then a CHOP of his own! Hashi DECKS Chase and the fans fire up! Hashi goes back to a corner to catch his breath. Chase slowly goes to the other corner, Hashi runs in again, but Chase blocks the lariat to BUCKLE SHOT, STO, and SENTON! The fans fire up while both men are down! Chase runs corner to corner now to forearm smash!

Chase reels Hashi in, short arm LARIAT! Then a half nelson to GUTBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Hashi stays in this and the fans fire up again! Chase is annoyed but he drags Hashi back up. Chase reels him in, but Hashi back drops free! But Chase is right back up! BLINDSIDE C-TRIGGER! Chase then wrenches, hammerlocks and JEWEL HEISTS! Cover, TWO!! Chase is furious with the ref but the ref defends his count! Chase scowls, drags Hashi up, and reels him in. Chase tucks the arms, PACKAGE- NO, Hashi flips free to CODE BREAKER! Roll up and bridge, TWO! Chase escapes but Hashi dropkicks the legs out!

The fans fire up again while both men are down! Hashi and Chase go back to corners, and both men run in! DOUBLE LARIATS collide, but neither falls! DOUBLE LARIATS collide again, and Chase staggers back! Hashi runs corner to corner, but Chase sends him into buckles! Chase rolls Hashi up, and puts his feet on ropes! TWO!! Hashi escapes but Chase gets moving, to C- NO!! Hashi blocks the trigger! Chase fires hands but Hashi CLUBS the leg! Hashi puts the leg in ropes, to SUPERKICK! Full nelson, DRAGON SUPLEX! Chase roars and rise sup, he swats a lariat and BACK ELBOWS! Hashi roars and swings, but into a HALF ‘N’ HALF!

But Hashi is right back up! C-TRIGGER!! Hashi falls back but Chase has to sit down! The fans fire up and rally for Hashi as he stirs. Chase aims as Hashi goes to ropes, and he runs in to C-TRIGGER! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and the fans fire up again! Chase drags Hashi back up, POINT-BLANK C-TRIGGER!! Hashi flops over but Chase wants to go for the execution! Chase reels Hashi in, tucks the arms, and PACKAGE- NO! Hashi kicks and flails to fight! But Chase powers through! PACKAGE- NO, Hashi fights free with a back drop! Chase sunset flips it! But Hashi sits on it! Cover, TWO!! Even Chase has to check if he got free in time!

Chase runs, but Hashi dodges the trigger! ELBOW! CHOP! SUPERKICK! Chase roars, but into a SUPERKICK! Hashi reels Chase in for a DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives and the fans fire up! Hashi rallies the fans, runs, and LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Chase is still in this but the fans fire up more! Hashi gets Chase up, full nelsons, then pump handles, KARMA!! Cover, Hashi wins!

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The Crown Jewel cracked under the pressure and now Hashi heads for Korakuen Hall! But Hashi’s friend and teammate in Chaos, Tomohiro Ishii, will be waiting! If Hashi made it through this, can he make it through the Stone Pitbull?


8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture!

Tetsuya Naito is preparing for the Forbidden Door and his battle with Jon Moxley, but it seems some old enemies are knocking at his door. Will Titan, Bushi & Yota Tsuji help Naito stay tranquilo? Or will Evil, Ren Narita, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Sho make sure Darkness Falls in Fukushima?

Before the match, Sho gets on the mic to sarcastically with Naito a happy birthday. As such, he says it’s cute Naito thinks he’s going to have a happy birthday at all. Sho talks trash on LIJ, too, but the fans boo. And then The House just attacks! The bell rings, the brawl is on, and while Evil, Narita & Kanemaru drag Naito, Bushi & Yota out, Sho digs his boot into Titan’s neck! Red Shoes reprimands, Sho lets off, and he drags Titan up to CLUB him down. Sho talks trash as he digs his boot into Titan’s head. Titan gets up to fire off a strike fest! SOBAT and Titan runs, but Kanemaru gets a cheap shot in!

Red Shoes reprimands, Titan swings on Kanemaru but Kanemaru avoids it. Kanemaru throws Titan down by his mask, only for Titan to kip up! PELE! Kanemaru falls, Titan gets around Sho to knuckle lock, CHOP, and he goes up and up! Titan tightrope walks but Kanemaru gets in, so Titan MISSILE DROPKICKS the Heel Master! Then DROPKICK for the Murder Machine! The fans fire up as Titan snapmares, gets a leg, and drops a leg on the knee! And then Titan drags Sho over to tag in Naito! The fans cheer as the birthday boy drags Sho up and wrenches his arm to a wristlock. Sho begs for mercy as Naito cranks the hold!

Sho reaches out, Naito keeps him from ropes, and they go around and around. Naito even teases Evil by just barely keeping Sho back from a tag! Naito grins as he brings Sho away and Bushi tags in. Bushi climbs up, Evil protests, but Bushi still gets away with the AX HANDLE! The fans cheer, and Bushi BLASTS Evil off the apron! Bushi CHOPS Sho, whips corner to corner, then runs in, but Sho dodges. Sho runs in but into the PENDULUM KICK! Bushi aims but Dick Togo anchors Bushi’s feet while Sho gets in Red Shoes’ face! Narita BOOTS Bushi down, and then the rest of the House attacks the rest of LIJ!

Narita whips Bushi into railing, Evil CHOKES Naito, Sho whips Yota! Sho and Bushi get back in the ring, even as Evil CHOKES Naito, Kanemaru CHOKES Titan, and Narita brings Yota into the crowd! The fans have to be careful, and Red Shoes reprimands, but this lets Sho CHOKE Bushi in the ring! Sho tags Kanemaru and he scrapes his foot off Bushi’s face. Kanemaru snapmares Bushi, ELBOWS him in the head, then stomps him around. The fans rally for Bushi but Kanemaru sends him into Evil’s boot! Kanemaru tags Evil, Red Shoes sees Evil has a shirt ready to use, so Evil gives that up so he can kick Bushi out of the ring.

Red Shoes is busy putting the shirt aside, so he misses Sho and Narita mugging Bushi! Narita grabs a chair, Sho stands Bushi up, and Narita JAMS Bushi! Yota protests, Narita puts Bushi in for Evil, and Evil drags Bushi up for a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! But then someone rings the bell? Dick Togo makes the announcement and Evil even grabs Bushi’s mask cover to celebrate. Red Shoes says no, this doesn’t count in any way, shape or form. Evil says fine, and he tags Narita. Narita drags Bushi up, Bushi CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Narita CLAWS Bushi’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands while Narita scrapes Bushi’s face off ropes!

Red Shoes counts, Narita lets off and runs, but Bushi blocks the boot to ENZIGIRI! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Bushi crawls, but Narita stomps him down! Narita BLASTS Yota, stands Bushi up, but Bushi blocks a kick to CLUB the leg! Bushi then dropkicks the legs out, crawls for his corner, and the fans rally up! Hot tag to Yota! The fans fire up as Yota runs Narita over! Kanemaru & Sho get in to kick low then double whip, but Yota kicks Sho while he arm-drags Kanemaru! The fans fire up as Yota scoops Sho for a BACKBREAKER! Kanemaru storms up but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER!

Narita returns, kicks low and whips, but Yota reverses to scoop and BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up for the hattrick while Narita writhes! Yota gets the fans even more fired up and he smiles. Yota drags Narita up, fireman’s carries, but Narita fights free. Narita CHOKES Yota, Red Shoes reprimands, but Yota breaks free! Yota swings, Narita ducks then gets the SLEEPER! Yota endures, and he RAMS Narita into the corner! Yota sputters, but Evil sneakily unties the buckle pad! Yota runs back in and surprise! Yota runs into bare buckles! The fans boo but Narita tags Evil in. Evil & Narita split the wishbone on Narita, then Evil DECKS Naito!

Narita & Evil whip Yota to an open corner. Evil runs in but Yota BOOTS him! Narita runs in, he blocks Yota’s boot, but Yota reels Narita in to STOMP down! Evil mule kicks, runs, but into a COMPLETE SHOT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Yota crawls over, hot tag to Naito! Naito fires hands on Evil, kicks and CLUBS him, then whips. Evil reverses but Naito holds ropes. Naito BOOTS Evil, runs up and gets around, then whips to arm-drag! Evil stands, Naito RAMS into him, but Evil fights the atomic drop. Naito RAMS Evil into the corner, whips him corner to corner, then ELBOWS him! Naito snapmares and basement dropkicks!

The fans fire up as Naito poses, then he covers, TWO! Evil is still in this but Naito stays on him. Evil kicks, Naito blocks and he CLUBS the leg! Naito kicks and kicks, but Evil blocks! Kanemaru gets in to dropkick the legs out! Kanemaru & Sho hold off LIJ while Evil steps through, for the SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Naito endures, pushes up, crawls forward, but Evil sits deep on the hold! Dick pokes Naito in the eyes! But even so, Naito fights forward to the ROPEBREAK! Evil holds until Red Shoes counts 4, then Kanemaru tags in. The House sends Naito to an open corner. Sho runs in to forearm smash, then Narita adds his own!

Kanemaru runs in to elbow! Evil runs in to clothesline! Snapmare, and then Narita gets in Red Shoes’ face! Dick goes up the corner while Evil & Kanemaru hold Naito open! DICK CHOP! Kanemaru covers, TWO!! Naito survives and the fans fire up! But Kanemaru & Evil SMASH the knees! Kanemaru steps through to FIGURE FOUR! Naito endures, the fans rally, but Kanemaru thrashes around! Bushi gets in to stomp Kanemaru, but Sho kicks Bushi! Sho throws Bushi out, but Naito is still free of the leglock. Dick distracts Red Shoes, letting Kanemaru get his whiskey! The fans boo as Kanemaru aims, but Naito ducks the bottle!

Titan SHOTGUNS Kanemaru, then he BOOTS Dick! Sho kicks Titan, whips, but Titan reverses. Titan goes Matrix to then CALF KICK Sho! Evil & Narita attack, double whip, but Titan uses that to FLY out onto Sho! The fans fire up, Bushi & Yota get in! CODE BREAKER for Evil, STUNNER for Narita! Then Naito baits Kanemaru into an atomic drop! Bushi ENZIGIRIS! Yota SUPERKICKS! Bushi gives Naito a boost, TORNADO DDT! The fans fire up as Naito gets Kanemaru up, wrenches, and tilt-o-whirls, DESTINO!! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

The House of Torture tried but failed, and the night is tranquilo after all! Yota grabs the blue buckle pad and threatens Narita with it! Souled Out runs away to help the rest of The House get outta here, will they ever learn their lesson?

As for LIJ, they regroup in the ring, and naturally, Naito gets the mic. “Buenas noches, Fukushimaaa~!” The fans cheer, and Naito continues. NJPW visits the Fukushima Prefecture often, but it has been three YEARS and eight MONTHS since they were last in THE Fukushima City. Therefore, Naito thanks everyone for coming out tonight. Gracias, amigos. Naito then notes that yes, today happens to be his birthday. The fans cheer that! And Naito says he isn’t sure where she is, but his mom made the trip all the way from Tokyo just to be here tonight. The fans are surprised, but then cheer for Mama Naito.

Naito says again, he isn’t sure where she is in the crowd, but he says gracias to her. The fans applaud that, and then Naito says that in these last three years and eight months, surely there are a lot of new fans here. So, did those new people enjoy NJPW and LIJ? The fans cheer! Then, after these three years and eight months, the next time will be… Hmm. Two years? Three? Four? Just next month? Well, Naito isn’t sure. But until then, remember: Tranquilo! Assen na yo! The fans cheer, and Naito asks, “So, shall we?” The fans cheer, and Naito says if he remembers right, it has been since October of 2016, so SEVEN years and eight months, since the last time! Is everyone ready?

The only way to close out tonight’s New Japan Soul in Fukushima is of course… “Bushi, Hiromu,Takagi, Titan, Yota, y Naito! Nosotros! LOS! INGOBERRRRRNABLEEEEEES~! DE! JA! PON!” Big mic drop and LIJ is rolling forward, but they will have to do this all over again tomorrow night. Will Naito keep up the pace as he heads for Jon Moxley and the Forbidden Door?

My Thoughts:

A very good return for the New Japan Soul series here, with plenty of tune-up matches for tomorrow’s New Japan Soul and those G1 Climax qualifiers. Really good G1 Climax qualifiers tonight, though the fans were just cold for Yujiro against Callum. Good win for Callum, and he’ll have a good showing against Kenta but I don’t expect Callum to make it to the A Block prelim finals in a couple weeks. Hashi VS Chase was very good, great win for Hashi, and while they avoided Bullet Club VS Bullet Club, they’re totally giving us Chaos VS Chaos as Hashi takes on Ishii. I’m leaning towards Ishii making it through and facing Kenta in the prelim finals.

And then a really good, really fun 8 Man Tag for the main event. Naito is definitely building momentum towards his match with Moxley in just over a week, which I would hope he wins, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a clear challenger for Naito afterwards. At the same time, the G1 is next, he’s gonna be in that as champion, the round robin nature makes for at least one person getting that golden ticket win off him in like a middle round. Also happy birthday to Naito, and it was so nice to know his mom made the trip out there to spend time with him.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 6.27.2024

Road to Slammiversary Qualifiers continue! Nic Nemeth vs Rich Swann & Steve Maclin vs Sami Callihan!



We’re continuing the Road to Slammiversary qualifiers and generally building the storylines. Jordynne will probably confront ASH by Elegance after the interaction last week, we could get more information on exactly how JDC plays into The System and The ABC wanted to prove they were ready for a tag title shot, so we get to see what or who their litmus test is.

I expect a lot of building blocks, so maybe still nothing of heavy must-see stature, but here’s to hoping its decent!


  • Masha Slamovich w/Alisha Edwards vs Xia Brookside: Masha wins via Russian Death Device – ** 1/2
  • The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs The Deaners (Jake Something & Cody Deaner) vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz): ABC win via 1-2-Sweet – ** 1/4
  • Road to Slammiversary Qualifier: Steve Maclin vs Sami Callihan: Maclin wins via Rope Hung KIA – ***
  • Kushida vs Alan Angels: Kushida wins via Hoverboard Lock – * 1/2
  • Road to Slammiversary Qualifier: Nic Nemeth vs Rich Swann: Nic Nemeth wins via Danger Zone – *** 1/4



Things open up with Thicc Mama Pump Jordynne Grace coming out to the ring for an interview with Gia Miller. Jordynne says she talked to Santino about a match with ASH, and its for TONIGHT! Concierge and ASH come out to explain that they read the contract and made an amendment, the match will happen at Slammiversary. ASH and Concierge send security to go escort her out because ‘she’s violent’, and Jordynne beats the hell out of them. 

Masha Slamovich w/Alisha Edwards vs Xia Brookside

World of Sport chain wrestling opening, with Xia getting out of an Arm Wringer, Headlock Takeover from Xia, but Masha stands up, posts Xia in the corner, but when Masha tries to charge in to continue, Xia raises a foot, works Masha into an opposite corner, a corner Rocket Launcher with Xia’s little dance flair, before Masha powders and Xia goes for the Dive but Alisha grabs her foot. This turns the tide of momentum and now Xia is getting worked over, choked against the ropes and Alisha gets involved again leading to a Snap Suplex from Masha for a near fall. Short Arm Lariats, Garvin Stomps, and Xia keeps fighting back up. Masha misses two Sambo Kicks, Xia hits a Flurry of Shoteis, rope run into a Headscissors Takedown which causes Masha to retreat to the corner and eat Broken Wings into a Neckbreaker.

Xia connects with a Knee Lift, Alisha tries to get involved again, but Xia clocks her, but Masha takes advantage of the opening, Roundhouse Kick connects into the Russian Death Device! Masha wins!

So AJ Francis buys a classic belt, the International Heavyweight Championship, former MAC World Heavyweight Championship. He declares himself the new champion of a belt that’s been deactivated since 1975. If this is just some attempt at psychological warfare against PCO to bring out the man over the monster, it has my attention. 

Mustafa Ali comes out to address the tape, he basically says it was an AI generated Deepfake. A small chant for we want Speedball starts, Ali shuts it down and kicks out the people chanting against him. Nice reference to Trump kicking out certain media outlets who are against him. A ‘fan’ throws a drink in Ali’s face, Ali attacks the plant, goes crazy and Speedball makes the save for the fan. Bailey and Ali get separated, Ali starts attacking Speedball, and I guess we have our Slammiversary match set up right here. Ali makes a declaration that he’s sick of people saying he’s scared of Speedball and just over it, so Ali challenges Speedball just to silence the doubters.

The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs The Deaners (Jake Something & Cody Deaner) vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

Jake is relegated to tag team stupidity with a fucking moron now? Why can’t they ever push this damn man? Why must you weigh him down with a piece of garbage like Deaner? If you’re gonna start and stop with Jake all the damn time, just fire him, its infuriating to try and watch.

Rascalz get split apart and shared between the two ‘babyface’ teams. Deaner starts with Trey in the ring, and Cody is still asking dumb things to the audience. Deaner doesn’t have “Go Away” heat, he has “Get hit by bus, watch the bus kick it into reverse to run him over again, and then shoot him in the head” heat. I can’t bring myself to care about this match until Cody is out of the ring. He’s a dweeb, he ain’t winning shit, so he’s a larger waste of space than Yoshi Hashi. Oh after Deaner bores me for a few minutes, Ace finally tags himself in and Cody out, so he wipes out the Rascalz, hits the Wheelbarrow Side Slam, Click Click Boom, and Bey and Wentz get in so we get some quick tandem shenanigans. Rascalz do get the best of things, Assisted Shotgun Dropkicks into the corner, Superkick, Backbend, Tandem Double Stomp, as Bey breaks the pin. Jake tags himself in by Chopping Trey across the chest, and just runs over all four of the smaller competitors and lands a Sitout Powerbomb on Ace! Rascalz with the Double Superkick Save, Kick Flurry, Wentz dives on to Jake but Jake shrugs it off, Trey tries the 619 Fakeout into the Headscissors, but Jake rolls through twice to Powerbomb Trey into Wentz, Ace tries his handstand dodge and Jake just grabs him  and Dumps him Release Brainbuster style on The Rascalz. Jake gets neutralized with help of the ropes, 1-2-Sweet from ABC pin Deaner, to literally no one’s surprise.

Deaner is a complete waste of space.

Road to Slammiversary Qualifier: Steve Maclin vs Sami Callihan

Maclin opens immediately with the Busaiku Knee! Tries the Jar-Headbutt, but misses and Sami rushes the Cactus Driver! 1-2-Kick out! So the fast flurry turns into both men trading shots and things just being more of a brawl. Maclin gets the early advantage with a Lariat, Sami powders, Maclin tries the SCUD and Sami sidesteps and connects with a Forearm to the temple. Sami feeds Maclin back in, gets through the ropes and EATS A BUSAIKU KNEE! Jar-Headbutt connects for a near fall!

They go outside and Maclin starts bouncing Sami’s face off the post, Maclin runs along the apron and hits a Mick Foley style Elbow Drop! Both are exhausted, take until the 8 count to get back in the ring and then start throwing hands. Strike exchanges, Maclin hits a Backbreaker for a near fall but Callihan grabs the rope and refuses to go with the Suplex. Callihan shifts his weight and rolls over Maclin, Maclin charges and Sami catches him into a T-Bone Suplex and both sell for a standing count. Sami drags Maclin to the corner, brings him to the top and is looking for an Avalanche Cactus Driver, but Maclin blocks it, big Forearm stops it and then his starts clubbing Sami across the face and chest. But Sami grabs Maclin, Avalanche Death Valley Driver, Cactus Driver ’97; MACLIN KICKS OUT! Sami tries another Cactus Driver from the apron to the floor, but Maclin fights him off, they trade shots and headbutts, but Sami Lariats Maclin back into the ring. Sami slowly heads back in, eats a Sideswipe Busaiku Knee! Rope Hung KIA (Green Killer if you will), and Maclin wins!

Kushida vs Alan Angels

Angels tries to attack Kushida before the bell because he’s garbage, but Kushida avoids Angel’s attempts at trying to wrestle. Kushida Soccer Kick’s the arm, Angels goes to the ropes and ends up using the rope to Stun Gun Kushida and starts working over Kushida, Corner Splash into a Neckbreaker for a quick near fall, but Kushida is looking like a dork giving Angels offense. Angels has Kushida in a Headlock and the stereotypical fight back up with the crowd claps spot, and Kushida hits a few kicks, goes for his Springboard Back Elbow but Angels Dropkicks him out of the ring. Angels cockily heads out to collect Kushida, but Kushida grabs an Armbreaker and then DDT’s the Arm on the outside. A little rope run, Angels tries a Springboard move but Kushida connects with the Tanaka Punch and then Hoverboard Lock to win.

Match was entirely too close to competitive. But Gresham attacks Kushida after, tries to give Kushida the Inky Hawk Tuah, but the referees and security stop it.

Road to Slammiversary Qualifier: Nic Nemeth vs Rich Swann

Rich comes out with AJ Francis and DJ Whoo Kid. AJ Francis going full Ryouji Sai is very amusing to me, but like I said earlier, if this is an angle to provoke the human side of PCO, I could dig on this International Heavyweight title. 

Early on there’s not a ton of important contact, Rich powders to embrace AJ and just be a generally chiding asshat, he even calls up DJ Whoo Kid to give him a drink like a corner man. AJ gets involved, the referee is distracted with Whoo Kid and Rich, AJ cracks Nic with a can of Gin & Juice, Rich rolls him up, but he kicks out. Rich tries to distract the referee again, but this time he catches AJ mid wind up, and ejects AJ Francis. Even with the ejection, Rich keeps a few kicks and back elbows flying, so Nemeth hasn’t quite been able to find an angle into the match. His momentary spurts get instantly stopped by Rich. Spinning Backfist by Rich into a Snapping Round Kick to the face. Nic retreats to a corner and manages to keep Rich at bay with some Push Kicks. Nic hits a Flying Bodypress, into a Splash in the corner, then a Neckbreaker and hits multitude of Elbows for a near fall. Rich retreats this time and keeps Nic at kicking distance, Flying Seated Clothesline from Rich gives him a near fall, but now the momentum has left Nemeth.

Rich tries to Spear Nic in the corner, misses and bounces out, FAME ASS-ER! Rear Naked Choke from Nic, but Rich fights to his feet, grabs the ropes, Danger Zone attempt, but Rich keeps hold of the ropes and then hits a big kick to the dome for a 2 count. Rich goes for the Middle Rope Frog Splash, but Nic gets his knees up and turns it into a Cradle, only 2. Rich snaps off a kick Spinning Heel Kick into a Lethal Injection for 2! Fighting Spirit spot as the fists fly. Headbutts, Traded Superkicks, Jumping DDT into Danger Zone from Nic!

Overall Score: 6/10

The expected people won the qualifying matches, AJ Francis resurrected a defunct belt from PCO’s past, Cody Deaner is more useless than Biden in a debate, Mustafa Ali became unhinged and Xia Brookside is…still goddamn adorable. WHY DID SHE HAVE TO HAVE A DECENT MATCH! I have openly cringed and hated at her wrestling since 2017, but somehow in this last month she has turned a corner OR I hit my head entirely too hard. Xia is really bringing out my inner Tsundere, because I don’t want to like her, I liked when I thought she was trash, so I t-t-totally don’t like you, Xia BAKAside! *huffs off to a vending machine for coffee*

Onto more important things, Steve Maclin and Nic Nemeth were the right choices today to win. All of house Hardy being in action in Philly is fun information, Reby and Matt vs Eddie and Alisha, Jeff will be in action as well, so that should finish selling out the 2300 Arena if it wasn’t already. But some of the bad stuff was honestly, the whole premise for the ASH and Jordynne open was stupid and convoluted, especially with a heel demanding security remove the champion from the ring because of “past aggression” but nothing that happened today…that’s just dumb. Also Jonathan Gresham’s character is dead in the water. They murdered the octopus in a month. This character seems desperate and pathetic after only like a month of existing. Good job ruining a potentially interesting gimmick.

Complaints aside, the episode was fine. It didn’t really do anything to WOW people, but in was inoffensive and added a little more clarity to Slammiversary.

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/27/24)

Champion VS Champion for the top title!



Will Kyle Fletcher truly become the best in ROH?

Mark Briscoe defends his ROH World Championship against the ROH World TV Champion, Kyle Fletcher! Will we see the rise of the Two Belt Protostar? Or will the Sussex County Chicken stay golden?


  • Lee Johnson VS Alex Reynolds w/ Evil Uno; Lee wins.
  • Marina Shafir VS Erica Leigh; Marina wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Lance Archer & The Righteous VS Duke Davis, Victor Benjamin & Ganon Jones Jr; Archer & The Righteous win.
  • Taya Valkyrie VS Trish Adora; Taya wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Billie Starkz VS Angelica Risk; Billie wins and denies Risk a title match.
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Kyle Fletcher; Mark wins and retains the title.


Backstage interview with Athena & Billie Starkz.

Lexy Nair is with the ROH Women’s World Champion and ROH Women’s World TV Champion, as well as some MIT (Minion In Training) security, and Lexy says, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are calling an Emergency MEM, a Minion Empowerment Meeting.” Athena does not feel safe at work anymore. Queen Aminata & Red Velvet have tried to take everything from them. They even took three to four more months away from Athena. What? Yeah, now the ligament is torn all the way through! Now she’s out for eight to twelve! Athena got these Minions, they are nowhere near ready to graduate but they are their private security from here on out.

Billie says she is so sorry Athena has had to put up with this. The disrespect done by Aminata & Velvet is unimaginable! Athena has done so much for the ROH Women’s Division! They only have jobs here because of Athena. Billie says it is ridiculous. She tells the security to step up and protect Athena. Lexy says those… hussies need to learn who really runs ROH! M I T 4 EVER! Baddest ones swing first! Athena says they should get Lexy a championship or something. Idea! Minions, let’s roll out. Billie helps Athena along, what kind of title are they gonna gift Lexy? Will Athena and Billie lose their belts long before then?


Lee Johnson VS Alex Reynolds w/ Evil Uno!

Big Shotty had one last shot at the ROH World TV Championship last time, and though Kyle Fletcher resorted to dirty tactics, Lee still lost. Will Lee still stay afloat in the rankings, waiting for his chance at another title? Or will Number 3 make himself into a number one contender in his own right?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. The fans rally, the two tie up, and Reynolds wrenches. Lee rolls, kips up, and wrenches back. Reynolds rolls, slips through to waistlock then spin Lee to a snapmare. Reynolds chinlocks but Lee slips right out to hammerlock. Reynolds endures, fights up, but Lee shifts to a headlock. Lee hits the takeover, Reynolds headscissors, but Lee kips up! Lee waits on Reynolds, and the fans applaud the sportsmanship, as does Evil Uno. Reynolds says okay, alright, and the two reset. They tie up and Reynolds headlocks. Lee powers Reynolds down to his knees, then pops out the back.

Lee headlocks, Reynolds powers up and out, but Lee reverses the whip. Lee drops, hurdles, but Reynolds stops himself. Reynolds comes back, Lee sweeps the legs, cover, ONE! Lee slides, runs up, but Reynolds ducks the Penalty Kick to roll Lee up! TWO, and Lee runs up again. They both try an arm-drag, those cancel out, but Lee slips around to a backslide! TWO, the arms are still hooked and both men stand! Reynolds swings out but Lee arm-drags! And arm-drags again! And DROPKICKS! Cover, ONE!! Reynolds stays in this but he’s also a bit frustrated. Reynolds shoves Lee, Lee shoves back, and the fans rally up.

Reynolds apologizes for getting heated, offers a handshake, and Lee takes it. The two reset while the fans cheer. They tie up, and Reynolds waistlocks. Lee switches, Reynolds switches, repeat. Reynolds ELBOWS free, runs, but Lee follows to LARAIT Reynolds up and out! The fans fire up and Lee builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Reynolds! The fans fire up again and Lee even high-fives the front row. Lee drags Reynolds up as fans chant for “R O H! R O H!” Lee aims from the apron but Uno storms over. The ref stops Uno there, Lee steps in, but Reynolds KNEES him to the floor! Reynolds goes out and throws Lee into steel steps!

Lee clutches a shoulder while he’s down on the floor. Reynolds drags Lee up, puts him in and covers, TWO! Reynolds drags Lee up and throws him out of the ring! Uno helps Lee up, only to send him into the steel steps! The fans are torn but Reynolds goes out to fetch Lee. Reynolds puts Lee in the ring, covers, TWO! Lee toughs it out but Reynolds keeps on him. Reynolds cravats for a neck wrench, then he throws knees. Reynolds hits a CRAVAT PLEX! Lee writhes but Reynolds goes to a corner. Reynolds climbs up to the top, MOONSAULT FLOPS as Lee moves just in time! Uno panics while Lee drags himself up.

Reynolds also pulls himself up with ropes, runs back in, but Lee ALLEY-OOPS him tot he buckles! Reynolds staggers, Lee runs to LARIAT! And LARIAT again! Lee whips, Reynolds reverses but Lee slides to a stop! Lee gets around to NECKBREAKER! Lee kips up and fires up, and the fans are with him! Lee PENALTY KICKS, then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Reynolds is tough but Lee punches the fire back into himself. Lee stalks Reynolds, drags him up and dragon sleepers, but Reynolds throws knees from below! Reynolds snapmares free, Lee comes back, but into a POP-UP KNEE!

Reynolds reels Lee in, underhooks the arms, TIGER- RANA COUNTER! Cover, TWO!! Reynolds escapes in time, and BOOTS! ROLLING- SUPERKICK from Lee! Lee runs, into the ROLLING ELBOW! Reynolds shoves Lee at ropes, then BLINDSIDE ROLLING ELBOWS! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives but Reynolds drags him right up! Underhooks and TIGER DRIVER! Flip over, and STUFF PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Lee survives and shocks Reynolds! Uno argues the count but it was fair. Reynolds, blood in his mouth, snarls and rises up. The fans rally for Lee but Reynolds drags him back up to fisherman and- CRADLE COUNTER! TWO!!

Reynolds tips things to his cover, TWO!! Lee slips around, full nelson and spin into the dragon sleeper! Reynolds fights with fists, spins the dragon sleeper around again, and he inverted suplexes! But Lee slips through to have the dragon sleeper back! BIG SHOT LAWN DART! The fans fire up and Lee drags Reynolds from the corner. Uno gets on the apron, so Lee SUPERKICKS him down! Dragon sleeper, BIG SHOT DROP! Cover, Lee wins!

Winner: Lee Johnson, by pinfall

Now that was a rebound victory! Lee is back on the right track, will enough truly be enough? Will Lee finally get himself some gold?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.

Arkady Aura is with Matt Taven & Mike Bennett, and wants to ask- Taven stops here there to apologize. She’s not just “Not Lexy,” what’s her name? Arkady. No, seriously, what’s her name? Arkady. Is she playing around right now? Is she messing with him? What IS her name? It really is Arkady. That cannot be a real name, no way her parents did that to her. Why is everyone around here wasting Taven’s time? 2Point0, The Infantry, ALL these teams of ROH, all wasting his time! The Kingdom is THE greatest tag team in ROH history, and they’re just trying to prove that night after night, and yet he’s got people like Arkady wasting his time!

Bennett adds that the real problem is, they need more competition. Maybe Bennett needs to beg for more competition. Maybe he needs to pray for it. He’s never been very religious, he’s got a contentious relationship with God, but hey, he’ll give it a try. Bennett kneels, he isn’t sure who he’s praying to. Oh, he’ll pray to “The Booker Man,” Tony Khan. Also Taven points out that Bennett on his knees is still taller than Arkady. But Bennett says, “Dear Tony, I am begging you, please, from the bottom of my cold, black heart, I am begging you please, give us some competition. Give us a team that is as talented as us, that is as strong as us, that is as athletic as us.

“And maybe, a team that’s as good looking as us? I dunno, but please, give us some competition. Amen.” Bennett stands and says with all that said, he’ll talk to the ROH Tag Division, to the AEW Tag Division, to the tag teams EVERYWHERE around the world! Listen up! Bennett wants competition, because when you step in the ring with Taven & Bennett, you get the very best team in the world! The Kingdom has traveled every single country, every single US state! They show up every single time, and all they want is a challenge. So if you’re out there, come talk to The Kingdom. That’s quite the open challenge, but who will answer it?


Tony Khan has heard Bennett’s “prayer” and has made it official for next week! In an ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground match, The Kingdom will take on Komander & Metalik! Will the Commander of the Skies & The King of the Ropes be able to get one over on the self-professed best tag team today?


Taya Valkyrie VS Trish Adora!

While Athena’s reign is on hold with that leg injury, the chase is always ongoing! La Wera Loca collides with The AfroPunk, but who proves they’re truly TV Ready?

Trish gets the fans to “OORAH!” with her, but Taya tells her to shut up already. The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Taya fires off forearms! Taya knuckle locks, CHOPS, then CHOPS again! Taya CHOPS a third time, then wrenches to YANK the arm. And YANKS it again! Taya wristlocks, but Trish powers through to wrench back. And CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Trish WRINGS the arm out, then storms up to CHOP at the ropes! And CHOP again! Trish snapmares, KICKS Taya in the back, and she grabs the arms. The fans cheer as Trish has the motorcycle stretch, then steps over. Then Trish does the splits! The fans fire up as Taya is folded up under Trish!

Taya endures as Trish bounces on her! Trish grins as she stands up, hooks Taya’s arms, and the fans clap along as Trish slaps. Trish salutes, then rolls for a sunset flip, TWO! Taya escapes, goes to ropes, but dodges Trish! Taya bails out and needs a breather. Taya says she’s so smart, but then Trish WRECKS her with a dropkick! The fans rally, Trish SMACKS Taya off the apron, but Taya blocks the lariat! Taya ROCKS Trish, mule kicks, and SMACKS her off the apron in return! Taya brings Trish around to SMACK her off steel steps! And SMACKS her off the steps again! The ring count climbs while Taya soaks up the heat.

Taya puts Trish in the ring, slaps her around, then CLUBS her! Trish snarls and ROCKS Taya! Taya ROCKS Trish! Trish ROCKS Taya! Taya kicks low, whips Trish to a corner, then ELBOWS her! And ROUNDHOUSES her! And ROUNDHOUSES again, and again! Taya sits Trish down, goes corner to corner, and METEORA! Taya grins as she drags Trish out to a cover, TWO! Trish stays in this and the fans rally up again. Taya hooks the arms, KNEES Trish in the back, then KICKS her! Trish grits her teeth but Taya goes back to the arms. Taya has her own motorcycle stretch on Trish now, but the fans rally as Trish endures.

Trish stomps around, the fans clap along, and Trish stands up to arm-drag free! Taya returns to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Taya is frustrated with Trish and storms back up. Taya stands Trish up, SLAPS her, then reels her in. Trish fights the underhook lift, even as Taya keeps trying. Trish wrenches out, ducks a lariat, and fires big forearms! Trish winds up to ROCK Taya! The fans fire up, Taya swings but Trish dodges to CROSSBODY! Taya goes to a corner, Trish runs up and SPLASHES! Trish brings Taya out to then snap suplex! Bridging cover, TWO! Taya escapes but Trish fires herself back up.

The fans rally again and Trish fireman’s carries. Taya fires elbows to fight free, and slip around into a SLEEPER! Taya has the body scissors to be a backpack, but Trish fights the grip! Trish RAMS Taya into buckles, but Taya holds on! Trish moves around, but Taya drops down to arm-drag into an armlock! Trish fights but Taya shifts to stand on Trish for some stomps! Then SHANIA PAIN! Taya says that’s not all! She hooks up the legs, gets the arms again, SHANIA PAIN ENCORE!! Cover, Taya wins!

Winner: Taya Valkyrie, by pinfall

The self-proclaimed “Main Character” of the ROH Women’s Division gets a vicious victory! Will Taya make sure that one way or another, the title scenes are TV Ready?


Backstage interview with Leyla Hirsch.

Arkady Aura is now with The LEGIT One, and congratulates her on last week’s win over Diamante. Leyla thanks Arkady, and says she has faced Diamante four times. Every time, Diamante has pushed Leyla to her limits. But at the same time, Leyla gotten that win. Then to what happened after that match, Diamante brutally attacked Leyla, how is Leyla feeling? Leyla wasn’t surprised. But if she was Diamante, she’d be just as pissed, because Diamante just can’t beat Leyla. But then Diamante walks in to say that no one remembers Diamante losing to her four times. But what we do remember is Diamante leaving Leyla laying. Diamante walked away, Leyla didn’t.

Or wait, even worse, Leyla had the refs help her walk away. And see, every one of those loses were in wrestling matches. Diamante wants a fight! Leyla says Diamante’s talking her language. So how’s this? Next time, it will be NO HOLDS BARRED, suka! Then Diamante accepts, perra! The two rivals are turning up the heat, who will win when there’s nothing holding them back?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship Proving Ground: Billie Starkz VS Angelica Risk!

Clearly, things are heating up in the ROH Women’s Division, and Minion 400,237.75 is looking to protect the honor of her Fallen Goddess along with her title reign! Will Billie keep the win streak going to 12-0? Or is she taking on a big risk with this match?

Billie is clearly bummed, and Risk mockingly asks what’s wrong. Billie says she can’t see the competition, she’s too small! Risk says she’s never heard that before. The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, but Billie pie faces Risk! Risk pie faces back and with some stank! Risk fires haymakers, Billie shoves her back then CHOKES her! The ref reprimands but Billie has Risk on the ropes. Risk breaks free, runs, and tilt-o-whirls, but Billie stops that to shove Risk away. Billie then follows to BOOT Risk down! Risk goes to a corner, Billie ROCKS her with a forearm. Billie whips corner to corner, runs up, and ROCKS Risk!

Billie sits Risk down, scuffs her over and over, but the ref counts. Billie digs her boot in, but the ref backs her off and reprimands. Billie “apologizes,” then jukes the ref to BOOT Risk again! Billie keeps after Risk but the ref backs her off. The fans rally up as Billie swaggers a bit, then runs corner to corner to BOOT WASH! Risk sputters, Billie tells the fans to stop yelling at the ref, that’s her job. Billie then stands Risk up to SMACK her! Risk SLAPS back! Billie ROCKS Risk, stomps her down, then gets in the ref’s face as he reprimands. Billie snarls, follows Risk and whips her to a corner, but Risk goes up, only for Billie to catch her!

Billie fireman’s carries Risk around, then TOSSES her to the apron! Risk flops to the floor, Billie “kicks dirt” at her, then goes out the side. Billie storms up on Risk, gets her up but Risk ROCKS her! And kicks her! And ROCKS her again! Billie KNEES Risk low, then RAMS her into the barriers! The fans fire up and Billie frolics away. Billie grins, runs back in, and SHOTGUNS Risk into the barriers! The fans fire up again and Billie says that was for Boss Athena! Get well soon! Billie stalks Risk, puts her in the ring, then climbs up a corner. Risk rolls away to the far side, and Billie is annoyed. Billie hops down, throws a fit, then stalks Risk.

Billie SLAPS Risk around, talks trash, and the fans rally up. Billie says she’s smart, she’s got this. Billie puts Risk on ropes, and mocks Red Velvet stirrin’ it up. Billie runs, but Risk moves! Billie jumps into the ropes and gets caught up! Risk slaps Billie around and shouts, “Screw you, ya little punk!” Now Risk runs and comes back, to 619! Billie wobbles, Risk steps in, TORNADO- NO, Billie stops the DDT to HEEL KICK! #OffWithHerHead! And then Billie clamps onto Risk, hammerlock and CHINBAR! Risk TAPS, Billie wins!

Winner: Billie Starkz, by submission (denies Angelica Risk a title opportunity)

That twisted hold gets Billie another one, and she promises to hold it down while Athena recovers. But will the Minion be able to keep this going with Red Velvet chasing after her?


ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Kyle Fletcher!

The top two men in ROH battle to prove who is truly the best! Will the Sussex County Chicken still be bringing his gold to the TNT Championship Ladder Match this Sunday? Or will he be shot down by The Aussie Arrow?

The introductions are made, the top title is raised, and we see who truly embodies the spirit of ROH!

The Code of Honor is not upheld, but that’s par for the course with Kyle. The bell rings, the two circle, and the fans rally behind Mark. Mark and Kyle tie up, Mark wrenches and wristlocks, but Kyle wrenches back. Kyle whips, Mark slides under and then crane stance. Kyle doesn’t take that seriously, but he still blocks the kick. Kyle spins Mark around, back suplexes, but Mark lands out! Mark ducks, whips, arm-drags for an armlock, but Kyle headscissors! Mark kips free, the two stand off, and the fans fire up! Allentown chants “MAN UP! MAN UP!” and that annoys Kyle. Mark and Kyle reset and circle again.

The two tie up, Mark headlocks and he grinds Kyle down. Kyle powers up but can’t power out as Mark holds tight! Mark grinds the headlock but Kyle powers up again. Kyle puts Mark on ropes, the ref counts, and Mark lets go. But then Kyle headlocks back! Mark powers out, Kyle sunset flips, but Mark rolls through to jump right on for a headlock! The fans cheer as Mark grinds the hold, pushes things to a cover, TWO! Kyle fights up, throws body shots, then powers out. Mark RAMS Kyle, Kyle rebounds, but Mark CHOPS! Mark says Kyle’s a big man, huh? Mark runs, but Kyle runs him over! The fans boo but Kyle brushes himself off.

Mark goes to a corner, Kyle storms over and stomps him down! Kyle stomps more, the ref counts, and Kyle lets off. Mark stands to CHOP! And CHOP! Kyle ROCKS Mark back! Kyle brings Mark around to CHOP! Mark goes to a corner, Kyle whips corner to corner, then he runs in, but Mark dodges! Mark runs in, blocks a boot, but not the SUPERKICK! Kyle goes up, but Mark REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up as Kyle falls to the floor! Mark builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans are thunderous! Mark high-fives everyone, and borrows a fan’s hat for a photo op!

Mark gives the hat back, then CHOPS Kyle again! Kyle sputters as he staggers away, but Mark turns him around, REDNECK UPPERCUT! The fans fire up again, CRANE DROPKICK! Mark puts Kyle in the ring, fires up with the fans, but Kyle comes back to CALF KICK! Kyle goes out to get Mark for an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Kyle then takes aim to PENALTY KICK! Mark falls, Kyle shouts this is why he’s a champ! The fans boo but Kyle says he’s gonna soon be double champ! Kyle then drags Mark up and whips him hard into barriers! Mark even tumbles up and over! The fans boo Kyle but he soaks up the heat.

Mark drags himself up, Kyle hears the ring count, and he taunts the fans. Kyle suplexes Mark up and lands hard on the floor! The fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” Kyle soaks up that heat, but Mark CHOPS him! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Kyle whips Mark into more barriers! Mark ends up in the laps of the fans! Kyle lounges while Mark flounders his way back up and over to ringside. Kyle puts Mark in the ring at 15 of 20, covers, TWO! Mark stays in this but Kyle stays calm. Mark goes to a corner, Kyle stalks him. Kyle brings Mark up to whip, then he ELBOWS Mark down! Kyle soaks up more heat as he paces around the ring.

Mark rises, Kyle aims and fires a haymaker! Mark has a wild look in his eyes, and the fans rally, “Let’s Go, Briscoe!” Kyle throws more hands but Mark just powers up! Mark blocks to ROCK Kyle! Kyle fires a forearm, Mark hits back, and they go back and forth! The fans are on Mark’s side but Kyle gets the edge! But a REDNECK UPPERCUT hits! Mark fires more shots, then whips, but Kyle reverses, only for Mark to CLOBBER him! The fans are thunderous as Mark goes to a corner. Mark powers up, runs in and SPLASHES! Mark then reels Kyle in, for a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Kyle survives and Mark is surprised.

Mark grits his teeth, the fans rally up, and Mark stands Kyle up. Mark CHOPS Kyle and he goes to a corner. Mark puts Kyle up top, climbs up after him, but Kyle shoves Mark away! Kyle leaps, but into a kick! Mark then scoops but Kyle slips free to waistlock. Mark breaks free of that to PELE! Kyle staggers, rebounds, and Mark ROLLING ELBOWS! The fans fire up as Mark says time to go up! Mark climbs a corner, but Kyle rises! GAMANGIRI! Mark is stuck on the corner, Kyle climbs up after him! Kyle suplexes, but Mark slips free! Mark then SHOVES Kyle onto the crossbar! Kyle is stuck and Mark climbs up!

Mark brings Kyle around, goes to the very top, and gives Kyle a SUPER DUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! A standing count begins and the fans rally again. Mark crawls after Kyle but Kyle manages to roll away to the ropes! The fans boo as Kyle flops to the floor, saving himself there, but not for long! Mark says “I got his ass!” But then Kyle gets to the apron and SUPERKICKS! Kyle reels Mark in, grins, APRON- NO, Mark fights the driver to UPPERCUT! Mark runs up to SHOTGUN BOOT Kyle down! Kyle falls on the apron then to the floor, and Mark says BANG BANG! FOLEY ELBOW!

Mark puts Kyle in, goes up top, and the fans are thunderous for the FROGGY BOW, onto knees!! Ghost pin, TWO!! Mark survives, slips free as Kyle reels him in, and then tilt-o-whirls, but into the gut wrench! SPINNING TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!!! Mark survives and shocks Kyle! Allentown is electric while Kyle and Mark are down. The fans rally up as Mark and Kyle rise. Mark stands first but Kyle takes aim. Kyle runs in to CALF KICK! And then he reels Mark in, but Mark trips him up! Jackknife bridge, TWO!! Kyle escapes, SUPERKICKS, then runs, into a fireman’s carry! ROLLING DEATH VALLEY!

Mark hurries right up top, and he aims again! FROGGY BOW!! Cover, TWO?!?! Kyle survives and shocks everyone, especially Mark! Kyle’s eyes are distant but clearly his fighting spirit is burning! Mark drags Kyle up, underhooks the arms, but Kyle fights the lift! Kyle wrenches out, dodges a lariat, and ROCKS Mark with a forearm! Kyle runs, Mark ROCKS Kyle now! Mark runs, Kyle follows to CALF KICK! Kyle runs, but he lures Mark in to SUPERKICK! And then SUPERKICK again! Kyle roars, runs, but into a KING KONG LARIAT!! Mark drags Kyle right up, underhooks, and JAY DRILLER!!! Cover, MARK WINS!

Winner: Mark Briscoe, by pinfall (still ROH World Champion)

The Protostar shined bright tonight, but not enough to burn up the Chicken! Mark reaches up to Heaven to show love and honor to his brother, Jay. Will all of ROH have to #ManUp if they wanna keep up with the champion?

My Thoughts:

A really good ROH clocking in at just an hour and 7 minutes. Good continued story of “Is Athena really hurt?” Athena claims she now needs eight months to a year, but based on last week, I’m still certain Athena is just using this to avoid fighting Aminata for the title. She will surely be found out within the next couple of weeks, and then have no choice but to face Aminata at Death Before Dishonor. Billie had a very good match with Angelica Risk, but I figured Billie would win. Her next challenger is of course Red Velvet, probably also at Death Before Dishonor, and honestly, both Athena and Billie could lose their belts and move up to AEW to go after those titles because they’re both great talents.

Really good opener from Lee winning over Reynolds. Lee did miss out on the ROH TV title for now, and will have to wait until Kyle loses it to go for it again. Wheeler Yuta is back, so the Pure Championship is also back, but Tony Khan doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to have a story for that title. Really good promo from The Kingdom to call out teams from around the world, though Bennett was a bit blasphemous with his fake prayer. The Kingdom VS Metalik & Komander will be a really good match, and I kinda hope that since it’s just a Proving Grounds match, Metalik & Komander can get a win by time limit, forcing a title match for Death Before Dishonor.

Good squash wins for Marina and the trio of Archer & The Righteous. Marina is building herself up so that no matter what happens with the women’s titles at DBD, she is a logical choice to be next up. Good promo from Leyla and Diamante to set up a No Holds Barred match, that also can help set someone up for a title match on the other side. Taya VS Trish was very good, and really good win for Taya. Taya is herself in the running for a title match on the other side of DBD, the obvious choice being the Women’s TV Championship since she was in the tournament and is all about “being TV Ready.”

And great main event from Mark and Kyle, though Mark was of course winning. Kyle is great but he’s not double champion great, yet. Plus, Kyle is going to defend the ROH World TV title tomorrow on a CMLL show against Atlantis Jr. Atlantis Jr. is also really good, but I don’t think the ROH World TV title changes hands on a non-ROH show. Kyle will surely return from Arena Mexico victorious to take on any number of possible choices at DBD. Maybe Mark even returns the favor by challenging for the TV title, as Mark surely loses out on the AEW TNT title at Forbidden Door.

My Score: 8.7/10

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