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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (7/28/24)

B Block, Round 4!



Who will be the one to NOT #GetBackUp?

B Block is back in action for the G1 Climax, and Yota Tsuji is back in the main event! But will he stay tranquilo against Fierce Warrior, Hirooki Goto?


  • SANADA & Taka Michinoku VS Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi; Yano & Tanahashi win.
  • Great-O-Khan & Callum Newman VS EVIL & Dick Togo; Khan & Callum win.
  • Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita; ZSJ & Fujita win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Bullet Club War Dogs; LIJ wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo VS Boltin Oleg; Oleg wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yuya Uemura VS Jeff Cobb; Cobb wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: HENARE VS Konosuke Takeshita; Konosuke wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: David Finlay VS Ren Narita; Finlay wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Hirooki Goto VS Yota Tsuji; Goto wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 4-0, 8 points
Evil: 4-0, 8 points
Sanada: 2-2, 4 points
Gabe Kidd: 2-2, 4 points
Callum Newman: 2-2, 4 points
Shingo Takagi: 2-2, 4 points
Shota Umino: 2-2, 4 points
Tetsuya Naito: 1-3, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-3, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-4, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 3-0, 6 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 2-1, 4 points
Henare: 2-1, 4 points
Ren Narita: 2-1, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 1-2, 2 points
David Finlay: 1-2, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-2, 2 points
Hirooki Goto: 1-2, 2 points
El Phantasmo: 1-2, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-2, 2 points


G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS Boltin Oleg!

The Headbanga and The Kazakh Juggernaut are in that 1-2 traffic jam at the bottom of the block, and it’s time to make a move! Will ELP be able to gain some ground? Or will he end up bulldozed by Boltin?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. ELP and Oleg tie up, and Oleg shoves ELP down! Jado coaches ELP up and ELP stands. ELP and Oleg go again, ELP slips around to waistlock but he can’t lift Oleg! Oleg switches and SLAMS ELP down, then floats to a headlock. Oleg shifts to a cravat to snapmare, then he chinlocks. ELP slips out to double wristlock! Oleg fights up, clasps hands, so ELP headlocks. Oleg fires body shots, powers up and out, and he RAMS ELP! ELP stays up and Jado coaches him. The fans rally, ELP runs and RAMS Oleg, but Oleg barely budges! ELP says that hurt him more than anything.

ELP dares Oleg to run, so Oleg runs. ELP hurdles, drops down, and DROPKICKS! Oleg staggers, comes back and CLOBBERS ELP! The fans fire up while ELP tumbles! Oleg drags ELP up and puts him in a corner to CHOP! ELP sputters, Oleg stands him back up, and Oleg RAMS into ELP again and again and again! Oleg lets off, ELP sits down, and Oleg drags ELP up. Oleg whips ELP corner to corner hard and ELP falls over! Oleg storms over, covers, TWO! ELP is still in this and the fans rally up. ELP sits up, he CHOPS Oleg, but Oleg eggs him on. ELP CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Oleg CHOPS! ELP falls but Oleg stands him up.

Oleg fires forearms, has ELP in a corner, and whips corner to corner hard again! ELP falls back, Oleg clamps on an ARMBAR! ELP has the ROPEBREAK, and Oleg lets off cleanly. The fans rally but ELP tells Jado that Oleg’s just too big and strong. Jado coaches ELP but Oleg suplexes! Oleg holds ELP up and marches around! The fans cheer as Oleg holds ELP up for TEN, then FIFTEEN, but ELP slips free! ELP CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS again! Oleg grits his teeth, but ELP PURPLE NURPLES! The ref reprimands but ELP has Oleg in the corner. ELP whips, Oleg reverses, but ELP stops himself to go up and over!

Oleg runs up, ELP dodges again to springboard and CROSSBODY! Then LIONSAULT! Cover, ONE as Oleg rolls right through! Shake, Rattle, and THROW! The fans fire up, ELP flops to ropes, and Oleg storms over. Oleg drags ELP up, fireman’s carries, and KAMI- NO, ELP slips free! Oleg runs up, ELP DUMPS him out! The fans fire up, ELP builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Oleg goes over railing! The fans fire up and this is just five minutes in! ELP rises up, the fans rally, and ELP does the math in his head. ELP goes up the corner, and he aims at Oleg! Jado says ELP shouldn’t, that’s way to risky!

ELP thinks it through, and agrees with Jado. ELP hops down, but Oleg storms up! ELP leaps over Oleg, then SUPERKICKS! Down goes Oleg and the fans fire up! ELP fires up and the fans rally with him! ELP drags Oleg up, puts him in the ring, and then aims from the apron. ELP goes up the ropes to SWANTON BOMB! Then another LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Oleg survives but ELP says time to go around. ELP drags Oleg up, straitjackets, and torture… NO, Oleg is too big, and he fires elbows. ELP ROCKS Oleg, but Oleg ROCKS ELP! The fans rally while ELP shakes that off. ELP comes back to ROCK Oleg!

Oleg staggers, but he comes back to ROCK ELP! ELP throws off the elbow pads and the fans cheer. ELP eggs Oleg on, so Oleg fires a forearm! The forearms go back and forth, faster and faster, and the fans rally up. ELP body shots, body shots and ROCKS Oleg! Then BOOTS him! Oleg staggers, ELP runs to BOOT again! Oleg roars! ELP ENZIGIRIS! Oleg falls and the fans fire up! ELP drags Oleg up, straitjackets, and torture racks! BURNING HAMMER! ELP goes up a corner, and he THUNDERKISS 86!! Cover, TWO?!?! Oleg survives and the fans fire up again! ELP is beside himself, but then vows to end it!

ELP drags Oleg up, reels him in, but Oleg is really big to lift. ELP CLUBS Oleg, calls his shot, but Oleg fireman’s carries! ELP fights with elbows, grabs the ropes, so Oleg F5s ELP to the floor!! ELP writhes from that rough landing, the ref and Jado both check him. ELP clutches a leg, but he seems otherwise okay. The ring count starts, ELP drags himself up and stands at 10 of 20. But then he flops over at 12! ELP tries to get up but that leg is bothering him! ELP pushes himself up at 17, but flops again!! He springs in at 19.9!! But then Oleg SPLASHES him down! And we’re just at 10 minutes! Oleg runs to SPLASH DOWN again! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up as ELP survives! Oleg roars, and he drags ELP up for a fireman’s carry! KAMI- NO, ELP slips free again! Oleg runs up, into a BOOT! ELP goes up to FLYING- NO! Oleg stops the DDT! Oleg suplexes, but ELP drags him into a cradle! TWO!!! Oleg escapes, the fans fire up again, mule kick! ELP rolls Oleg, high stacks, ROPEBREAK!! ELP miscalculates, but he just hurries to bring Oleg up! Oleg fights the backslide with his bulk! Oleg turns that around, backslide! TWO!!! ELP narrowly escapes, and wants to run up, but the bad leg gives out! Oleg SHOTGUNS back! And then kips up! The fans fire up as Oleg roars!

Oleg fireman’s carries, for the KAMIKAZE ROLL!! Cover, Oleg wins!

Winner: Boltin Oleg, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ELP earns 0)

A powerful battle from both men, but as such, the powerhouse wins out! Will Oleg make it all the way to the playoffs? Does ELP still have a chance in his own run?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yuya Uemura VS Jeff Cobb!

The Heat Storm is riding high as the only undefeated man at the top of this block. However, the Imperial Unit is storming up on him tonight. Will Yuya take a Tour of the Islands and start to sink? Or can he find a way to topple another top contender?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. The two slowly circle, tie up, and Cobb puts Yuya on the ropes. The ref counts, Cobb lets off slowly, and he says hang loose. The fans cheer the clean break, and the two reset. They tie up, Yuya manages to push Cobb back a couple steps, but Cobb shoves him away! The fans cheer, Cobb says Yuya ain’t winning that way. Yuya fires himself back up, and the two tie up. Yuya waistlocks, Cobb switches, but Yuya fights the lift, only for Cobb to still SLAM him down! Cobb facelocks, but Yuya wrenches out to have a double wristlock. Cobb rolls, trips Yuya, and has the leg.

Yuya spins, gets Cobb’s leg, and trips him up. Cobb gets to the ropes, and the fans cheer as Yuya lets off. Yuya and Cobb reset and circle again. They feel out a knuckle lock, but then Cobb kicks low! Cobb whips, Yuya reverses then drops down. Yuya hurdles, but Cobb stops the arm-drag! Cobb brings Yuya up, Yuya dodges the haymaker to DROPKCIK! Cobb stays up, to DROPKICK! Yuya tumbles away and the fans fire up! Cobb stands on Yuya’s chest at the ropes, but the ref counts. Cobb pretends to not notice, and then “apologizes.” Cobb drags Yuya up, and BODY SHOTS! Yuya falls back into a corner, and Cobb defends that was an open fist.

Cobb stands Yuya up to RAM into him, and RAM him again! And again! Cobb drags Yuya up, then scoops, to KNEE him in the side! And again! And again! Then Cobb TOSSES Yuya aside! The fans fire up again while Yuya writhes. Cobb eggs Yuya on, drags him back from ropes, and stomps him down. Cobb stands on Yuya, and he uses him to surf! The fans cheer, Cobb says hang loose, then “apologizes” again as he steps away. Cobb taunts Yuya, Yuya pushes himself up, and Yuya fires a body shot! And a CHOP! Cobb eggs Yuya on, Yuya CHOPS again! Cobb HEADBUTTS, then puts on a BEARHUG! Yuya endures the squeeze, so Cobb squeezes harder!

Yuya fires elbows while the fans rally, but Cobb CLUBS Yuya in return! Cobb ROCKS Yuya, whips him to ropes, but Yuya FLYING FOREARMS! Cobb staggers and the fans fire up! Cobb runs up on Yuya but Yuya DUMPS him out! Yuya then runs to BLAST Cobb off the apron! Cobb staggers around, Yuya aims and PLANCHAS, but Cobb catches him! Cobb hoists Yuya up but Yuya slips free, and Yuya POSTS Cobb! The fans cheer, Yuya puts Cobb in, and he goes to a corner. Yuya climbs, leaps, but Cobb gets under! Yuya rolls through, Cobb runs up, but Yuya BOOTS him! Yuya CROSSBODIES, but Cobb rolls through! POWERSLAM! GACHIMUCHI- FLOP!

Yuya runs to FLASH ELBOW! Cover, TWO! ARMBAR!! The fans fire up as Yuya pulls but Cobb clasps hands! Cobb goes to stack Yuya, and then he deadlifts Yuya for a POWERBOMB! Yuya writhes, Cobb hobbles over, GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Yuya survives and the fans fire up! Cobb storms over to Yuya, drags him up, but Yuya CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Yuya CHOPS more, and then whips! Cobb reverses, Yuya goes up and over! Then arm-drags! Then DROPKICKS! Cobb tumbles out of the ring and fans fire up! Yuya builds speed to PLANCHA! Down goes Cobb and the fans fire up more!

Yuya roars as he rises and the fans are with him! Yuya drags Cobb up, puts him in, and the fans cheer again. Yuya climbs up a corner, aims, and CROSSBODIES! Down goes Cobb and Yuya covers, TWO! Cobb is still in this but the fans rally again. Yuya rises, he brings Cobb up and we hit 10 minutes. Yuya cording holds one arm, gets the other, but Cobb HEADBUTTS free! Cobb swings, but Yuya catches him! Yuya tries a full nelson! Cobb powers it open, but Yuya powers up to close it! Cobb breaks free, but Yuya DROPKICKS him in the back! Then SNAP GERMAN! Cobb comes back, swings, but into the DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up and rally as Yuya climbs again! Cobb is still down, so Yuya FROG SPLASHES! A half court shot and Yuya covers, TWO!! Cobb survives again but Yuya just goes back up! FROG FLOP as Cobb moves! URENAGE! FALLING HAMMER! Cover, TWO!! Yuya survives Cobb going Hulk Smash, but Cobb drags him right up! Fireman’s carry, F5- NO! Yuya lands out and CHOPS! Cobb JABS! Yuya rebounds to FOREARM! Cobb roars, but Yuya HEADBUTTS!? Cobb LARIATS in return! Cobb drags Yuya up, ripcord and TOUR OF THE- CRADLE COUNTER! TWO!! Cobb escapes, swings, but into a wrench!

Yuya tries a backslide but Cobb fights it! So Yuya swings around, crucifix takedown! Ghost pin, TWO!!! Cobb escapes by the smallest of windows! He fireman’s carries Yuya for the F5 THOUSAND!! Cobb hauls Yuya back up, ripcord and TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cover, Cobb wins!

Winner: Jeff Cobb, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yuya earns 0)

The leader of the block is no longer spotless! Will the Heat Storm fire back up and keep a playoff berth? Or will the Imperial Unit storm his way up the ranks?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: HENARE VS Konosuke Takeshita!

The Face of Fury and the Don Callis Family’s Alpha are both just outside that top spot. They had a weird sort of one-upmanship going in their tag match the other day, where they were partners but both trying to get the win. Well, who gets the win now that they’re facing each other head on?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. Henare and Konosuke then slowly step forward, and then tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Henare powers Konosuke back a step. Konosuke powers Henare back a step, and then another step! Henare powers Konosuke back, they both dig in their heels, but then Konosuke headlocks for a takeover. Henare headscissors, Konosuke kips free, and the two growl as they tie up again. The fans cheer as the deadlock returns. Henare headlocks, hits a takeover, but Konosuke headscissors. Henare kips free, and it’s back to the deadlock! The fans cheer, and Konosuke powers Henare back.

Henare digs in his heels and he powers Konosuke all the way to ropes! The ref counts, Henare lets off, and the fans cheer as both men shake out the arms. Konosuke kicks low, headlocks, but Henare powers out. They RAM shoulders, but neither falls. Henare runs to RAM shoulders! Neither falls, so they both run! They RAM shoulders, then Henare KICKS and KICKS! Henare runs to RUN Konosuke over! The fans fire up while Konosuke snarls. Henare KICKS Konosuke in the back, but Konosuke stands up. Konosuke fires a body shot, snapmares Henare, then winds up to DECK him with a forearm! But Henare gets up in a rage!

The forearms fly, but then Konosuke claws eyes! Konosuke whips, Henare reverses, but Konosuke ducks ‘n’ dodges to TAKESHITA LINE! The fans fire up while Henare bails out. Konosuke shakes out his arm while Henare seethes. Konosuke goes out after Henare, CLUBS him, then whips him hard into railing! Henare slumps down but Konosuke drags him back up. Konosuke POSTS Henare, and the fans rally. The ref wants this in the ring and Konosuke says hold on. Konosuke grabs Henare’s arms, to YANK him into the post! Henare falls over, and Konosuke drags him up. The ring count starts but Konosuke puts Henare on the apron.

The count is 5 of 20 but then Konosuke APRON DDTS Henare down! The fans fire up while Henare flops into the ring. Konosuke pushes him from the ropes and covers, TWO! Henare is hanging tough but Konosuke keeps cool. Konosuke drags Henare up, bumps him off buckles, and then climbs up to rain down fists! The ref counts, Konosuke stops, to BITE Henare on the head! Was Konosuke going for the scar there? The ref counts and reprimands, Konosuke lets off to bring Henare out. Konosuke kicks and DDTS! Cover, TWO! Konosuke clamps onto Henare and grinds him down to the mat with a chinlock.

The fans rally while Henare endures. Henare fights up, Konosuke leans on him but Henare still stands. Henare fires body shots, then KICKS! Konosuke falls back and the fans fire up! Henare storms up but Konosuke YANKS him into buckles! Konosuke then ROCKS Henare in the back of the head! Konosuke shakes out his arm, the ref checks on Henare, but Henare drags himself from the corner. Konosuke drags Henare up, reels him in, but Henare fights the back suplex! Henare CLUBS Konosuke again and again, then runs, but Konosuke reels him in! But Henare KNEES free! Konosuke staggers up, runs up, but into a BERSERKER BOMB!

Henare can’t make the cover but the fans still fire up. The fans rally as both men rise, and Henare storms up, into a BOOT! Henare still LARIATS, then he fires off furious fists from all sides! Henare HEADBUTTS Konosuke, the fans cheer, and he fireman’s carries for a RUNNING SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Konosuke stays in this but Henare stays focused. Henare kicks Konosuke around, taunts him, eggs him on, then brings him up. Konosuke UPPERCUTS, then BOOT- NO, Henare blocks and steps over to WHEEL KICK! Henare runs, but Konosuke blocks the kick! Konosuke rises, then winds up, but Henare ducks the leobw!

Henare runs in at the corner, SHINING WIZARD! But then Konosuke carries Henare out! Henare RANAS free! And BUSAIKU KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives and the fans fire up! Henare storms around, waits on Konosuke, and he runs up to RAMP- NO! Konosuke stops the Rampage spear! He CLUBS away on Henare, but Henare back drops Konosuke away! Henare runs up and LARIATS in a corner! Henare keeps going, but he runs into the JUMPING KNEE! Konosuke grits his teeth, goes back to Henare, and he wheelbarrows for the WHEELBARROW GERMAN! Henare rises!? Konosuke runs up to BOOT!

Konosuke hops up, POISON-RANA! But Henare rises?! RAMPAGE SPEAR!! But he can’t make the cover! Konosuke flounders to ropes while the fans fire up, and we’re only at 10 minutes in! Henare rises again, powers up with the haka, and he storms over to Konosuke. Henare fisherman’s but Konosuke slips free! ALPHA ELBOW!! Henare staggers all the way to a corner in a daze! Konosuke runs up, but Henare ELBOWS back! Then FLYING CHUCKS! Konosuke manages to run!? Henare dodges, but Konosuke LARIATS anyway!! Cover, ONE?!? Konosuke hauls Henare up, BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans are thunderous as Henare survives! Konosuke points to the sky and rises up. The fans rally, Konosuke slashes his throat, vowing to end this. Konosuke drags Henare up, suplexes, but Henare fights free! Henare wrenches, bobs ‘n’ weaves and BODY BLOWS! HEEL KICK! HEAD- ALPHA ELBOW!! Konosuke knocks Henare down first, then drags him back up! Konosuke whips and runs, but Henare blocks the knee!? HEADBUTT! But POWER DRIVE KNEE returns! Only for the HEADBUTT to return!! Cover, TWO!?!? Henare rages and drags Konosuke up, STREETS- NO, Konosuke fights the fisherman to FISHERMAN BUSTER!!

Konosuke roars and rises, then gator rolls Henare for the BRAINBUSTER!! And then roll through, to RAGING FIRE!!! Cover, Konosuke wins!!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Henare earns 0)

The battles continue to be brutal tonight in B Block! And now, The Alpha has a win over the NEVER Openweight Champion! Is this proof that Takeshita is about to take over NJPW? Can Henare recover and fight his way back up?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Ren Narita!

The Rebel hasn’t had the best time this G1, perhaps having mouthed off a bit too much to Yota Tsuji last round. However, The Souled Out Son of Strong Style has been able to cheat his way up the block, also eyeing a playoff berth. Will Finlay be the War Dog that wrecks the House of Torture? Or will Ren add the IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion to his list of victims?

As Finlay makes his entrance, he eggs Ren on! Bullet Club knows how Bullet Club does, why pretend? Ren runs out after Finlay and the brawl is on! Finlay ROCKS Ren, Ren knees low, but Finlay shoves Ren into railing! The brawl moves around into the crowd, and Finlay shoves Ren into more railing! The railing falls with Ren so Finlay sandwiches him with more railing! The ref wants Finlay to stand down, this isn’t even a match yet! Finlay drags Ren up, but Ren THROWS Finlay into chairs! Finlay hits Ren back with a chair, but Ren CLAWS at Finlay’s face! They go busting through more railing, then brawl at the ramp!

Finlay reels Ren in, but Ren fights the lift! Wait, Yoshinobu Kanemaru runs out here! The Heel Master CLUBS Finlay, and there’s no “cheating” since this isn’t a match yet! The House mugs Finlay, but Finlay fights back with body shots and elbows! Finlay BOOTS Kanemaru, SMACKS Ren off the apron, and then puts Ren in the ring! The ref calls for the bell and now it’s a match! Ren bails out, but Gedo is there. So Ren kicks Gedo and puts on a SLEEPER! Finlay hurries out there, but Ren lets Gedo go to slide into the ring. Finlay hurries back up but Ren BOOTS him off the apron! Ren grins while Finlay falls.

Ren goes out, drags Finlay up, and then whips him hard into railing! Finlay writhes, Ren drags him up, and then whips him into more railing! Then Ren BOOTS Finlay over the railing! The ref reprimands but Ren drags Finlay up and over the railing, to RAILNG BACKBREAKER! Finlay flounders and writhes, the ref reprimands Ren, and the ref even tells Kanemaru to stay back. Ren drags Finlay up to POST him, then goes looking for plunder. Ren brings out chairs, so the ref stop shim. Kanemaru gets in the ref’s face, and Ren JAMS Finlay in the face! Gedo protests and for once he’s in the right! But now the ref has to keep Gedo and Kanemaru from fighting.

Ren puts Finlay in, pushes him to a cover, ONE!! Finlay is still in this and the fans fire up. Finlay SPITS at Ren so Ren KNEES Finlay, puts him on ropes, and then thrashes him down so he is under the ropes! CATAPULT GUILLOTINE! The ref reprimands, Ren gets in the ref’s face, and Kanemaru CHOKES Finlay! Kanemaru then lets off, so he can DROPKICK Finlay! Ren drags Finlay to a cover, ONE and Finlay has a cover! TWO and Ren has the cover back, TWO! The fans rally up as Ren clamps onto Finlay with a chinlock. Ren CLAWS Finlay’s face, then ELBOWS him in the head! The ref reprimands but Ren grins.

Ren mocks the War Dog by barking at him. Finlay gets up to ROCK Ren with a forearm! And another! Ren grins as he comes back, so Finlay UPPERCUTS! Ren CLAWS Finlay’s eyes again! Ren runs, but Finlay scoops for a SPIN OUT BOMB! The fans fire up, Finlay runs in, and he LARIATS Ren and himself out of the ring! Finlay rises, storms over to Ren, and the fans rally. The ring count starts, but Finlay whips Ren hard into railing! Ren writhes, Finlay refreshes the ring count, then he grabs that pushup bar! Finlay threatens Kanemaru with it! Kanemaru backs away to the ramp, then Finlay drops the bar.

Finlay goes back for Ren, and RAMS him into railing! Finlay hoists Ren up, and he says move! Cameramen move, and Finlay LAWN DARTS Ren into the POST! Finlay grins, and as far as the official time, we’ve only past five minutes! Finlay drags Ren up, puts him in the ring, and the fans applaud. Finlay barks now and he aims at Ren. Fans echo the barking, and Finlay runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT! Then BROKEN ARROW! Ren writhes, Finlay flexes, and the fans cheer. Finlay pushes Ren to a rather lax cover, TWO! Finlay says okay, fine. Finlay drags Ren up, reels him in, and Canadian Racks, but Ren slips out!

Ren CHOKES Finlay! Finlay gets free, but Ren clinches for an EXPLODER! The fans rally, Ren drops back to a corner but so does Finlay. Ren runs in to ELBOW! He keeps going, and he JUMP KICKS Finlay! Then HALF HATCH! Float-over to a cover, TWO! GUILLOTINE FACELOCK! Finlay flails but Ren has the body scissors in, too! Finlay reaches, Gedo coaches him, but Ren pulls on the hold! Finlay powers his way around, ROPEBREAK! The fans applaud as Ren lets go. Ren is frustrated, but he goes up a corner. Ren watches Finlay tries, and he leaps, but Finlay dodges! Finlay fireman’s carries, spins, and F5 THOUSAND AND ONE!

Finlay staggers around, finds Ren, and he drags Ren up for the Canadian Rack, CANADIAN HAMMER! Cover, TWO! Ren survives but Finlay grins. The War Dog is having fun now, and he slashes his throat! Finlay drags Ren up, reels him in and suplexes, but Ren slips free! SLEEPER! Finlay flails, reaches out, but he backs Ren up. Ren sends Finlay into buckles! Ren SLEEPERS again! Finlay backs Ren up again, but Ren sends him into bare buckles! When did the Bullet Club Special come into play!? Ren clamps on the SLEEPER again! Finlay fights up, but Ren clamps on the COBRA TWIST! Finlay endures, pulls hair, then marches forward, ROPEBREAK!

The fans cheer but Ren won’t let go! The ref counts, Ren finally does let go, and then Kanemaru WHISKEY MISTS! Ren rolls Finlay up, TWO!! The fans fire up as Finlay survives, and wait! The ref goes flying into railing!? What happened!? Ren accuses Gedo of doing something but Gedo pretends to have no idea what he means. Wait, Kanemaru gets in! But Finlay dodges him and sends him into Ren! The whiskey bottle goes flying! Finlay calls to Gedo, Gedo throws the shillelagh in! Finlay CLOBBERS Kanemaru with the shillelagh! Ren dodges, comes back, but Finlay denies the knee stomp! But Ren LOW BLOWS!!

The fans boo but Ren grabs his pushup bar! Ren takes aim, but Finlay CLUBS the pushup bar with the shillelagh! Then Finlay CRACKS Ren with it!! Finlay winds up, and he CRACKS Ren again!! Gedo fetches the ref into the ring, and Finlay drags Ren up. BUCKLE BOMB! Then, another BUCKLE BOMB! And then, a third POWERBOMB! Cover, Finlay wins!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Ren earns 0)

The House of Torture tried some rather nasty tricks, but found that The Rebel is that much worse! Will this be proof that the War Dogs run Bullet Club? Or will Ren just have to stack the deck that much harder from here on out?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Hirooki Goto VS Yota Tsuji!

The Fierce Warrior is holding out hope that he can #TurnItAllAround and head for the top of this G1. However, the smiling giant is looking to still make this the GENE1. Will Goto still have a shot at the playoffs? Or will he fail to #GetBackUp after a Gene Blast?

The bell rings and the fans rally. Red Shoes takes an assessment, and the “GO-TO! GO-TO!” is about even with the “YO-TA! YO-TA!” Yota still grins as he and Goto circle. They tie up, and Goto powers Yota to ropes. Red Shoes counts, Goto lets off clean, and the fans cheer. The two reset and circle, then tie up again. Yota wrenches then wristlocks, but Goto rolls and wrenches back. Goto wristlocks, hammerlocks, but Yota switches and full nelsons. Then he cravats, then headlocks. Goto endures the grind, pries at the hold, but Yota squeezes tighter. Goto powers up and out, and they RAM shoulders! The fans cheer as neither man falls.

Yota kicks and whips, but Goto turns hip toss into hip toss! Goto gets moving but Yota bails out. The fans are torn but Goto storms to the ropes. Goto eggs Yota on, but Yota returns the favor. The fans rally, Yota paces around the outside, and then Yota steps up to the apron. Goto gives him space and Yota steps inside. The fans applaud and the two reset. They circle, tie up, but Goto kicks low! Goto fires forearms, then whips. Yota reverses, runs in, but Goto dodges the splash! Goto LARIATS, then fires forearm after forearm. Goto fires up and the fans cheer, but Yota blocks the hip toss to SHOVE Goto down!

Yota paces, then he drags Goto back up. Goto swings but Yota body shots first! Yota whips to kitchen sink KNEE! Goto bails out but Yota pursues. Yota CLUBS Goto, grins, and then brings Goto up and around. Yota puts Goto in, the fans cheer, and Goto goes to a corner. Yota storms up to CHOP! Goto is stinging and the fans rally up, but Yota RAMS into Goto again and again! Yota brings Goto around, winds up, and ROCKS Goto right in the back! Then Yota reels Goto into body scissors! Goto endures, but Yota hooks an arm to keep him grounded. Goto pries at Yota’s legs, crawls his way over, but Yota squeezes tighter!

The fans rally as Goto continues to fight his way over. Goto reaches out but Yota puts on all the pressure he can! Yota even adds a chinlock, but Goto still gets the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Yota lets off, and then Yota eggs Goto on. Goto CHOPS, but Yota still eggs him on. Goto CHOPS again, then again! Yota ROCKS Goto with a forearm! Yota whips corner to corner, runs in, STINGER SPLASH! Yota keeps moving, but Goto follows to LARIAT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Goto snarls, drags Yota up, and brings him around for forearms. Goto whips corner to corner, runs in, and MURAMASAS! Goto reels Yota in, SAIDO! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally, Goto drags Yota back up, and Goto fireman’s carries. Yota fights with elbows, but Goto ROCKS him! Yota staggers, Goto runs in, but he blocks a boot! Only for Yota to reel him in and STOMP him down! The fans rally while Yota looms over Goto. Yota drags Goto up, scoops him and SLAMS him! Yota then runs to SPLASH DOWN! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Goto stays in this! Yota rises, grins, and the fans rally up. Goto rises, the fans duel again, but Yota brings Goto up and in. Yota suplexes, but Goto blocks! Goto goes to suplex, but Yota fights it! They battle for suplex control, and Yota lifts! Goto fights that, so Yota ROCKS him!

Yota runs, but into a fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! The fans fire up while both men are down again! We pass 10 minutes and Goto rises first. Goto sits Yota up to fire a forearm! Yota just grins and fires back! Goto fires another forearm, so Yota fires another back! They stand, and Goto fires another forearm! Yota ROCKS Goto right back! Goto shakes his head and ROCKS Yota! Yota grins, ROCKS Goto, but Goto hits back! The forearms go faster and faster and the fans rally up! Yota gets the edge, ROCKS Goto again and again, but swings into a spin! URA GTR! Goto runs to LARIAT Yota down! The fans fire up while Goto goes to ropes.

Goto drags himself up as the dueling returns. Goto storms back to Yota, drags him up, dragon sleepers, but Yota punches from below! Yota is free, and he catches Goto to a BACKBREAKER, FLATLINER, and STOMP! The fans fire up behind Yota, and he runs to CURB STOMP! Cover, TWO! Goto survives and the fans cheer. Yota rises up, the fans rally, and Yota hobbles back to Goto. The dueling is strong as ever, it sounds like “GO-TA! YO-TO!” Yota drags Goto up, but Goto is deadweight! Red Shoes checks Goto and he stirs. Yota looms over Goto, drags him up and grins again. Yota BOOTS Goto back down! But Goto sits up!

Yota grins as Goto glares, and Yota CURB STOMPS Goto again! The fans fire up, Yota drags Goto around, and then goes to the corner! Up, up and MAROON- NO, Goto dodges! Goto comes back but into a V-TRIGGER! Yota fireman’s carries, SWINGING SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Goto survives and the fans fire up! Yota aims from a corner, we pass 15 minutes, and Yota runs in to GENE- NO, Goto sends him into buckles! Then a roll-up, TWO!! Yota SUPERKICKS! Goto drops to his knees, and the fans fire up! Yota suplexes, but Goto slips free! Yota elbows Goto, but Goto swings! Yota dodges to run, into a fireman’s carry! G T W!! Cover, TWO!!

Yota survives and Goto is beside himself! The dueling is even stronger, and Goto drags himself up with ropes. Goto flounders a bit but he still stands up. Goto roars, the fans fire up, and Goto powers up! Yota sits up, into the BUZZSAW! But he rises!? Only for Goto to LARIAT him down! Goto hurries to suplex and SHOTEN KAI!! Cover, TWO!?!? Goto brings out a classic but it wasn’t enough! The fans are thunderous as Goto drags Yota back up! Yota sputters, but Goto dragon sleepers! But Yota CLUBS from below! Goto grabs that arm, pushes it down, and has a wrist clutch into G T R!! Cover, GOTO WINS!!

Winner: Hirooki Goto, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yota earns 0)

Yota could not #GetBackUp and so he falls to the bottom of the block! Does he still have a chance at pulling off the double trophy achievement?

As for Goto, after catching his breath and standing back up, he gets the mic. Goto thanks the Fukuoka crowd for coming tonight, and the fans cheer. Goto still has to catch his breath a bit, but the fans encourage him with “GO-TO-O! GO-TO-O!” Goto says he is the oldest entrant in the G1, “but it isn’t time for the young’uns yet!” The fans cheer that! Goto says he WILL win this G1, and asks, “Do you know why?” Why? Because it’s the G1, and the G stands for Goto! The fans cheer Goto’s unwavering determination, will he once again reach the Climax 16 YEARS after his first?


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 4-0, 8 points
Evil: 4-0, 8 points
Sanada: 2-2, 4 points
Gabe Kidd: 2-2, 4 points
Callum Newman: 2-2, 4 points
Shingo Takagi: 2-2, 4 points
Shota Umino: 2-2, 4 points
Tetsuya Naito: 1-3, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-3, 2 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-4, 0 points


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 3-1, 6 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 3-1, 6 points
Henare: 2-2, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 2-2, 4 points
David Finlay: 2-2, 4 points
Boltin Oleg: 2-2, 4 points
Ren Narita: 2-2, 4 points
Hirooki Goto: 2-2, 4 points
El Phantasmo: 1-3, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-3, 2 points

My Thoughts:

The G1 continues on a roll through this big weekend, and this was another great round. ELP continues this story of “crisis of confidence,” though on some level, he was definitely right to doubt himself against Boltin Oleg, who is just so big and strong. Great win for Oleg again, I almost feel like he could be the B Block’s third seed. Yuya had a similar experience fighting Cobb, so it makes sense Yuya’s first loss is to him. Konosuke getting another big win was great here, he’s keeping pace with Yuya near the top. Yuya’s win over Konosuke will surely be needed in tiebreaker scenarios as we continue into the second half of the round robin phase.

Finlay VS Ren was great just for how they both agreed to just brawl, no need for a cheap shot or ambush. And the lesser of two evils ends up the one fans cheer, Finlay comes out the winner in a big way, but it was needed at this point so he doesn’t owe too many title matches. Goto winning out over Yota in a great main event was also logical. Yota is great but he’s not “two main event wins in a row” great just yet. And now we’ve got quite the traffic jam at 2-2, can’t wait to see who comes out the third seed for the playoffs.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (9/17/24)

Sign on the dotted line!



Time to Whoop Dat Ego!

With two weeks before NXT’s debut on The CW, Trick Williams and Ethan Page sit down to sign the contract for their NXT Championship showdown! Will things go smoothly? Or will this be like any other contract signing in pro-wrestling?


  • Wendy Choo & Rosemary VS Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley; Lyra & Tatum win.
  • Tony D’Angelo w/ The D’Angelo Family VS Hammerstone; Hammerstone wins.
  • Ashante THEE Adonis VS Eddy Thorpe; Eddy wins.
  • Je’Von Evans & Cedric Alexander VS Myles Borne & Tavion Heights w/ No Quarter Catch Crew; Je’Von & Cedric win.
  • Brooks Jensen w/ Shawn Spears VS Dion Lennox; Jensen wins.
  • Lola Vice VS Jacy Jayne w/ The Fatal Influence; Lola wins.


Ava Raine is in the ring.

The NXT General Manager says, “Two of the biggest nights in NXT history are quickly approaching, when NXT goes on the road to Chicago and St. Louis for our debut on the CW Network. Now, in St. Louis on October 8th, a very special someone will be making her NXT return. Sexyy Red! And also, in St. Louis, WWE superstar, Randy Orton, will compete in an NXT ring for the first time ever! But with all that said, now let’s talk about Chicago. On October 1st, when NXT heads to Chicago, CM Punk, who is here tonight, will also be there. Wes Lee and Zach Wentz will battle it out in a Street Fight!

“Now there will also be a very special edition of Miz TV, Roxanne Perez will take on Giulia for the NXT Women’s Championship, and finally, Ethan Page will defend his NXT title against Trick Williams. And that match is why I’m standing out here right now. So gentlemen, if we could please come, get this contract signed, starting with the challenger, Trick Williams.” Fans cheer and chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK! WHOOP DAT TRICK!” Trick gets a mic to let out a “WOOOOOOHOO~!” Hey wants us to get straight to business. Don’t let the shiny vest fool you. He’s in pain, hurting, after going to war last week.

But that doesn’t change anything. Pete Dunne is still a Butch. But for real now, Trick and Dunne went to work, Ethan Page tried to hold a brother down, but some how, some way, Trick was the Last Man Standing. And in two weeks, October 1st, The CW, in Chicago, where history is always being made, they’ll make more history when Trick wins that title. The fan swill be chanting, and tell ’em what they gon’ do! “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” But then Ethan Page just makes his entrance. Ethan says whoa, hey, why did they stop? Keep going! Do the chant, do the dance! Let’s have fun. Ethan can be Booker T. Whoop Dat Trick, uh-huh!

Trick says no one likes Ethan. Oh, they don’t? The fans sing, “Ethan Sucks! Believe In Joe! Ethan, Put On Some Clothes!” Ethan says he’s dressed like a million dollars! But Trick, he will compliment Trick where it is due. Trick has every right to be confident, because he is THE Trick Williams. But Ethan isn’t Pete Dunne. He is All Ego. And Ethan just happens to be Trick’s Kryptonite. Ethan has the receipts to back it up! The biggest one is this belt right here, THE NXT Championship. Trick says since Ethan stole that belt, Ethan’s been running. But come October 1st, there’s no more running when they’re face to face.

Oh, Ethan “stole” the title? Ethan laughs, but he takes off his coat. Trick thinks Ethan stole this!? This title right here?! He stole it? Trick, Ethan didn’t steal nothing! He EARNED this! He WON this! Wanna know what Ethan remembers most about the night he won? It was everyone’s faces when the ref counted 1-2-3! There was shock and surprise on everyone’s faces, including Trick’s. Trick, Ethan didn’t steal anything. And on October 1st, Trick will have a different expression on his face: DISAPPOINTMENT! You think you figured it out? You sure did not! Ethan will beat Trick to finally put an end to this.

But y’know what won’t end? The Era of Ego! And we will still be saying N-X-ME! Trick asks if Ethan is crazy. What even is NX-ME? The only thing everyone here knows is that when Trick sees Ethan in Chicago, that era is over, and we’ll be saying N-X- OH NO! Ethan kicks Trick low, reels him, and hits EGO’S EDGE through the table!! Ethan says Trick won’t even make it to Chicago! Ethan then tells Ava that this place has fallen apart since she became GM. She needs to get her act together. Ethan leaves, but no one put pen to paper! What will happen to the title match now?


Tony D’Angelo meets up with Hammerstone.

This was after NXT last week, and The Don says when he gave Hammerstone an envelope of cash to do a job, he’s supposed to get it done. Hammerstone says Oba Femi is a beast, alright? Tony of all people should know that. Tony does, that’s why he paid Hammerstone. So this is what they’ll do. Hammerstone will go talk to Ava, and he can ask for a rematch. And this time, Hammerstone takes care of it. Yeah, no, Hammerstone’s not doing that. Oh, he’s saying no to Tony? Does he know what happens to people who say no to him? Well, Tony is The Don, right? So why isn’t The Don taking Oba out himself?

Oh, okay, big mouth. Tony knows he’s The Don, but he paid Hammerstone. So maybe Tony will take care of Hammerstone instead. Is Tony getting himself stuck between a stone and a hard place trying to fight all these giants?


Ava regroups with Stone and Stevie backstage.

The GM says it would’ve been nice for one contract signing to go her way. And maybe if she’d had her “surprise” out there, this would not have happened. The assistants agree, the show will still work out. Je’Von Evans excitedly hurries over, apologizes for the interruption, and says that Chicago show is filling up real quickly. So he’s gonna shoot his shot for St. Louis. Ava says okay, she’ll think about it and get back to him. Okay, that’s not a no. Je’Von heads out, Ava heads for the training room. What “shot” will Je’Von find himself having when NXT arrives in The Gateway to the West?


Wendy Choo & Rosemary VS Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley!

The Sleepy Psycho and the Shadow Assassin have gone after champions and though who would stand in their way, but now they’ve got a duo coming after them! Will The Morrigan and unhinged powerlifter make the most of their reunion? Or will this “playdate” become a living nightmare?

NXT returns and the demented duo makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Rosemary starts against Tatum. These two step up, forehead to forehead, and they tie up in a rematch from last time. Tatum throws Rosemary down, but Rosemary roars back up! Rosemary grabs Tatum’s hair but Tatum returns the favor. Rosemary kneels low, waistlocks, and SLAMS Tatum down. Tatum fights, the fans duel, and Tatum pries the waistlock open so she can backflip to the switch! Tatum facelocks, tags Lyra, and they double whip Rosemary for a leg sweep, and handshake DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally as Lyra clamps onto Rosemary’s arm. Tag back to Tatum, she climbs up to AX HANDLE Rosemary’s arm! Tatum wrenches and steps over the arm, but Rosemary rolls her up! TWO, but Rosemary fires hands! Tag to Wendy, she wrenches Tatum toa n ELBOW BREAKER! Tatum still manages a waistlock and O’Conner Roll, TWO! Wendy rolls Tatum up, TWO! Tatum has the body scissors, and ROLLING ROLLING ROLLING CLUTCH! Cover, TWO! Wendy runs up, into a DROPKICK! Wendy ends up in the corner, Tatum CROSSBODIES! Tag to Lyra, she RAMS into Wendy, then NORTHERN- NO, Wendy fights it!

Wendy THROWS Lyra by her hair, then tags Rosemary. The demented duo double suplex, but Tatum makes the save! Tatum & Lyra dodge, then DOUBLE DROPKICK! The fans fire up, Tatum is especially excited, but Lyra gets her to focus. They both run, to DOUBLE DROPKICK again! Tatum & Lyra hug in the ropes, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Wendy wristlocks Tatum. Tatum fires forearms, reaches for Lyra, but Wendy holds on. Tatum breaks free, but Wendy blocks the kick! Wendy ducks the enzigiri, but Tatum BOOST her away! Rosemary tags in, Wendy GERMAN SUPLEXES Tatum! Rosemary hooks Tatum up and Wendy runs, LARIAT RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Tatum stays in this but Rosemary stays on her. But then Tatum ducks the lariat to ENZIGIRI! Wendy tags in and she stops Tatum again! But Tatum arm-drags free! Then she ducks a boot, hot tag to Lyra! The fans fire up as Lyra rallies on the demented duo!

Lyra ENZIGIRIS Rosemary, then SOBATS, RAMS, KICKS and NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Wendy stays in this but Lyra stays on her. Lyra brings Wendy over, Wendy shoves her away. Tatum tags in, BOOTS Wendy, then BACKBREAKER! Lyra goes up, FLYING LEG DROP! Cover, Rosemary breaks it! Lyra grabs Rosemary but Rosemary TOSSES Lyra! Rosemary goes out and LARIATS Lyra! Tatum fireman’s carries Wendy, but twe4ndy fights free! Wendy shoves Tatum to  corner, Tatum BOOTS back, but Rosemary runs up! Tatum ROCKS Rosemary, but Wendy SHORYUKENS Tatum!

Wendy climbs up, brings Tatum up, but Tatum fights the superplex! HEADBUTT! Rosemary sneaks a tag, Wendy rises back up! SUPER BELLY2BELLY! Tatum flounders around, into a SPEAR!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Tatum survives and the fans fire up! Rosemary is furious, but she stands Tatum up. Wendy runs, but Lyra trips her up! Lyra drags Wendy up to HEEL KICK! Rosemary is furious, but Tatum hooks her up, TWISTED! Lyra goes up, for CHANGE OF FORTUNE! Cover, Lyra & Tatum win!

Winners: Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley, by pinfall

The reunion is a dream come true, and they take down the nightmare! But will this be the end of the story? Or will things only get spookier from here?


Backstage interview with Ava and Trick.

Sarah Schreiber catches up with the GM and #1 contender, and says this was clearly not how she wanted tonight to start. Ava says it is not. She doesn’t know why Ethan went that far, but the contract is getting signed tonight, one way or another. She excuses herself, and Trick says he definitely signs that contract. And when he sees Ethan, ain’t nothing, no one, and nada holding him back! Trick heads out, cleared by the doctor. Will Trick make Ethan sign his part even if he has to be forced?


The No Quarter Catch Crew prepares backstage.

Charlie Dempsey it is great to have Tavion Heights back. Tavion says he’s glad to be back. Dempsey says Tavion went to Japan, made a name for himself, and more importantly, he made Dempsey proud. Tavion says that experience in Japan was dope! He has lightbulbs in his mind going off. Dempsey says that’s what Japanese wrestling does. But now that Tavion’s back, he and Myles Borne can take the tag division by storm! The Heritage Cup is back where it belongs, and now the NQCC- Wren Sinclair interrupts by saying what Charles is getting at, is that they all missed Tavion. She can’t speak for Charles, he’s gotta be all grumpy, but-

Dempsey tells Wren she’s been wonderful, she really has. But uh, if she’s gonna be NQCC- Which she is! Yes… Well, then she needs to do things for herself. She needs to make a name for herself like the others have. She hears Charles loud and clear! He’s fired up, so is she! She CHOOPS Charlie and says let’s freakin’ go! Myles laughs, but then stops when Charlie frowns at him. But now that Wren is motivate, what is she going to do with that energy?


Tony D’Angelo w/ The D’Angelo Family VS Hammerstone!

The Don made the deal, it didn’t go how he’d hoped, and now he expects the hitman to pay the consequences. Is this going to go about as well for Tony as when he took on Oba Femi? Or can he prove he has what it takes to topple mountains?

The bell rings and Tony ties up with Hammerstone. They go around, end up in a corner, and Tony fires hands! The ref repriamnds, Tony whips corner to corner, but Hammerstone comes back to CLOBBER him! Hammerstone eggs on Tony, the fans rally and The Family coach Tony. Tony rises, resets, and ties up with Hammerstone. Tony headlocks, but Hammerstone powers up. Tony squeezes tighter, but then Hammerstone throws Tony away! Tony grows frustrated, and we see Oba watching backstage. Hammerstone runs up, but Tony dodges to waistlock. Hammerstone swings an elbow, but Tony ducks to BELLY2BELLY!

Hammerstone gets up, Tony hits another BELLY2BELLY! And a SPINEBUSTER! Hammerstone goes to a corner, Tony storms over, but Hammerstone counter punches! Hammerstone whips, Tony KICKS him, but that just makes Hammerstone mad! Hammerstone roars, runs up, and he CLOBBERS Tony! And ELBOWS him! And then picks Tony up to RAM him into a corner! Hammerstone RAMS Tony again, fires forearms, then whips corner to corner. Hmaerstone runs up but intoa  BOOT! Tony runs up, but into an OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! The fans rally, The Family coaches Tony, but Tony is conflicted.

Tony bails out, and he might be coming to terms with the differences in strength. Oba says Tony is broke, and chuckles as he leaves the viewing room. Tony paces on the outside, but the count is climbing! Tony lets it hit TEN!? Hammerstone wins!

Winner: Hammerstone, by count-out

The fans boo and even Hammerstone is upset. The Don just quit the match!? No one understands, least of all his own cousin, Rizzo. Is Tony losing his edge?


Zachary Wentz appears outta nowhere!

He apologizes for interrupting, but he has something he needs to show everyone. Last week, he and Trey were supposed to challenge for the NXT Tag Team Championships, and here is why. Evan in the truck, play the footage Zach sent you. It is footage from a parking lot in Dayton, Ohio, 10:12 PM on Sunday, September 8th. Trey is going to his car, putting his gear away, when outta nowhere, Wes Lee runs up and mugs Trey! And Wes even SLAMS the car door shut on Trey! Wes runs away, and Zach says we have no idea how long Trey will be out for. But what Zach does know is that Wes is an absolute piece of garbage!

Wes went to Trey’s hometown! How many rides together did they take in Trey’s car? Why is it Wes can’t handle Trey & Zach moved on? Or is it Mr. Big Solo Star is bitter that Zach got his hand raised at No Mercy? Wes deserves everything that is about to happen to him in Chicago! Wes thought losing at No Mercy was bad? Well on October 1st, the pain Zach puts Wes through in the Street Fight will be TEN TIMES WORSE!! The fans cheer that! Zach says this ends in Chicago! The Must-See Civil War comes to a head, who will stay standing after the smoke clears?


Ava Raine speaks with someone.

She has no idea why Ethan did what he did, but Ava’s already having a rough night. Ava’s “surprise” is Tyrese Haliburton! And he says as a long-time fan of WWE, contract signings never go well. He’ll handle this for her. Oh, really? Tyrese will get it done? Stevie scoffs and says no way. But Stone tells her that she clearly doesn’t know basketball. This is the two-time All Star from the Indiana Pacers and a gold medalist! Tyrese does have this! Now give him some, player! Uh, who is he? R-Robert Stone… The guy who picked Tyrese up at the airport…

Ava and Tyrese move on from that awkwardness, and Tyrese promises, he will get this done. Tyrese heads out, and then Ava looks at Stone. Stone said they were best friends! Stevie chuckles and Stone feels foolish. But will this special guest have any better luck convincing Ethan Page to sign on the dotted line?


Backstage interview with The Fatal Influence.

Sarah Schreiber is with Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx & Fallon Henley and notes that after a few confrontations, Jacy faces Lola Vice tonight. Jacy says, “Confrontations? No, I don’t think so. All we do is speak the truth. And you can either handle it like a mature woman, or go cry about it like the rest of the women in this locker room. Lola Vice? Great fighter. But in that teeny, tiny little brain of hers, she thinks she’s a way bigger star than she actually is, and tonight, I’m gonna prove it.” Sarah brings up Jaida Parker, and Fallon says, “Oh, you mean the next It Girl of NXT? Puh-lease! We left her laying flat two weeks ago.”

Jazmyn adds that Jaida acts tough, but if she wants to find them, she would’ve by now. Jacy says this women’s division is becoming The Fatal Influence Division. Not Lola’s, not Jaida’s, and certainly not that little cheerleader, Kelani Jordan, who by the way, has been ducking them. Sarah wants to counter that but Fallon says thanks, that’s enough. Let’s go, girls.

Lola was watching that…

Bigger star in her mind? After she breaks Jacy’s jaw, she won’t be able to talk anymore. Brinley Reece says everyone’s got a problem with Fatal Influence, just like Lola and Jaida. Lola says yeah, Jaida said she didn’t want help, and Lola doesn’t want hers. But Jaida walks in and says she knows Lola does not have Jaida’s name in her mouth again. But okay, Fatal Influence left the set? Bet. Lola says hold on. Where does Jaida think she’s going? Fatal Influence belongs to Lola tonight. Jaida may not want help, but Lola doesn’t need Jaida’s either. Jaida can do whatever she wants to them, after Lola’s had hers. Lola heads out, will she be serving Fatal Influence up on a silver platter?


Ashante THEE Adonis VS Eddy Thorpe!

They say all is fair in love and war, so the would-be ladies man shouldn’t be upset The Alpha Wolf didn’t give away his full game plan. Though, it might also just be a misunderstanding blown out of proportions. Whatever the case, will Ashante show that doing things Adonisly work better than doing things honestly? Or will he get dropped like Eddy drops the beat?

Ashante brings a rose with him, and he finds a young lady to give the rose to. Surprisingly, the lady accepts, and she kisses Ashante on the cheek! Guess there’s someone out there for everyone after all. Eddy then makes his entrance, and that’s when Ashante attacks! The ref reprimands, backs Ashante off, and Ashante says start the match then! The bell rings and Ashante runs back in, but Eddy dodges! Eddy CHOPS, takes his vest off, then stalks Ashante. Eddy ROCKS Ashante, CHOPS him, then bumps him off buckles. Eddy KICKS and KICKS and reels Ashante in for a BIG back suplex! Ashante staggers up, Eddy reels him in, but Ashante pushes free. Throat chop!

Ashante CLUBS Eddy, CHOKES him on ropes, but he lets off as the ref counts. Ashante stomps and kicks Eddy around, throws knees in, then talks smack. Ashante stalks Eddy to a corner, CLUBS him, then brings him up again. Eddy fires body shots! The fans rally, but Ashante knees low. Ashante whips and ELBOWS! Eddy writhes, Ashante drags him up, but Eddy CHOPS! Ashante ROCKS Eddy, Eddy ROCKS him back! They go shot for shot, Ashante knees low and CLUBS Eddy. Ashante fires forearms in Eddy in the corner, then goes corner to corner. Eddy ELBOWS Ashante, runs up and fires more forearms! Then Eddy swings, but into a drop toehold!

Eddy hits ropes and sputters as he falls back! Ashante drags Eddy up, but Eddy fires forearms again! The fans rally as the shots keep going, and then Eddy CHOPS! Ashante KICKS, but Eddy dodges the boot! Eddy KICKS, ROCKS, SOBATS, but Ashante waistlocks. Eddy ELBOWS free runs, but Ashante dodges the boot to HEEL KICK! Eddy PELES! Both men are down and the fans fire up! They slowly rise, and Eddy waistlocks. Ashante elbows free, goes to a corner, but Eddy runs up. Ashante puts Eddy on the apron then AIR DROPS him down! Ashante goes up the corner, to TORNILLO! Down goes Eddy, the fans fire up, and Ashante puts Eddy in.

Ashante goes up again, smiles at the lady who accepted his rose, then leaps, only to FLOP! Eddy hurries to get Ashante up, NEEDLE DROP! Cover, Eddy wins!

Winner: Eddy Thorpe, by pinfall

Ashante loses focus and that is why he loses out! Will he learn what really matters in this pro-wrestling life? Or will his attention continue to be divided?


Chase U speaks.

Thea Hail tells Ridge Holland, “You’ve given Chase U the biggest wake-up call we’ve ever had. We welcomed you in with open arms. We wanted to be the people that said that they got Ridge Holland wrong. That they didn’t know you like we knew you because they didn’t have the chance to. We wanted to say, ‘I told you so.’ Not the other way around. But seeing how you broke Mr. Chase… How you hurt Duke, I don’t know who that person is, and Ridge, you broke my heart.” Riley Osborne says he hates that he was right all along, and that Duke was right all along. Mr. Chase is hurt, and Ridge thinks eh can treat Thea like that?

They welcomed Ridge, they gave him a chance, but all Ridge did was show the world who he really is, and that is weak! Next week, Riley will make things right! For Duke, for Chase, for Thea, and to finally get Ridge out of our lives once and for all! But is Turbo Terry going to find that the real Ridge Holland is far too much for anyone to stop?


CM Punk is here!

The fans sing along with Cult of Personality as Punk walks out, and he says, “It’s CLOBBERIN’ TIME!” Punk continues to the ring, high-fiving fans as he goes, and he grabs a mic on his way into the ring. Punk says he’s in a different mood than he was last night. Did they see Raw? Well, he wanted to get business out of the way on Raw because he knew he’d be here, and he didn’t wanna be in a bad mood. He wants to have fun. Do they want to have fun? “YES!” Punk says he watched NXT on USA, and sees all these beautiful people. But he has never been in this ring, in this building, surrounded by these “NXT Fanatics,” so this is pretty cool.

Punk says a few people here, he recognizes. They’re here almost every week. And when Punk was rehabbing, he would sneak in to watch, some would call him out. The fans chant “We Saw You!” and he says yes, he saw them seeing him. And he appreciates them. It’s just hard to hide and watch the show. He loves watching the show, seeing the blood, sweat and tears of every man and woman that comes out here. They’re on national television at an early stage, and Punk loves seeing that development. Now, selfishly, there is some scouting going on. One day, you’re rubbing elbows with CM Punk. The next day, you’re throwing elbows at CM Punk.

Punk is sure some time in the near future, he’ll butt heads with superstars like Lexis King. Did you see that beard? It is fantastic. Carmelo Hayes is already tearing it up on SmackDown. Ethan Page is here. And not to start any rumors, but sooner or later, Punk will be standing across the ring from Bron Breakker. The fans bark it up, but Punk says let’s keep it light. Punk was talking with Je’Von Evans a minute ago. Punk has T-shirts older than Je’Von! Punk loves NXT. HBK called Punk because he knew Punk loved NXT. HBK told Punk that NXT debuting on CW would be in Punk’s hometown of Chicago.

So Punk asked, or maybe begged, to be part of that. He loves Chicago, he loves NXT, so not only did HBK say Punk could be part of that show, “the reckless 1995 Shawn came out” and said Punk could do whatever he wants on that show. A very dangerous promise, but Punk came up with an idea. Wait, here comes Roxanne Perez. Roxie “checks her watch,” wanting to know if it’s still Clobberin’ Time. The NXT Women’s Champion goes to the ring, grabs a mic, and is a bit nervous. She apologizes for interrupting, she’ll let him get to the announcement about Giulia because no one can get enough of her.

But that aside, 13 year old Roxie would be freaking out sharing the ring with her favorite wrestler ever, CM Punk. Punk is one of the main reasons why she’s here in the WWE. She always looked up to Punk, followed in his footsteps. The Voice of the Voiceless was her voice. But uh… She always did prefer his wife. The fans cheer for “AJ! AJ!” But in all seriousness, Punk doesn’t get how happy she was when he returned to the WWE. Ten years! Roxie was impatiently waiting for his return, and now he’s here! So before he gets back to it, she just wants to say she finally realized… she should’ve been a Drew McIntyre fan!!

The fans go nuts hearing her say that! Punk frowns, and Roxie says she knows why Punk wants to be in NXT! Punk wants one last moment of glory before McIntyre ends him at Bad Blood! But hey, just stay home, Punk. Just stay home with Larry, because Roxie doesn’t want Punk there, or need him there. Everyone else might want Punk, but not Roxie. Because when Roxie beats Giulia, Chicago won’t be Punk’s town anymore. It’ll be Roxie’s. And Punk needs to realize this isn’t about him, or about Giulia, but about one person and one person only, and that’s Roxie! Roxie tells fans to shut up about Giulia, but Punk asks if he can retort.

Roxie says no, she wasn’t even done yet. Roxie sighs, and says she doesn’t really care how big Giulia is in Japan, Roxie is big around the world! She is untouchable!! Tell her when she’s telling lies. Because a wise man once said, “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.” Punk says Roxie is certainly on her way to being hated. And he feels she just assumes he’s upset, her stepping on his big announcement. But he kinda loves it! The “balls” on Roxie! Maximize your minutes. If anyone can appreciate an overconfident champion, it’s Punk. And that chip on her shoulder, he used to have one just like it. In fact, it was about the size of Roxie.

But uh, that chip is what made him the Best in the World. This chip here (the title) is what makes her the best. Maybe not just in NXT, but maybe in WWE. Because ladies and gentlemen, he was in Portland last night, and Bianca Belair VS Iyo Sky tore the house down! The entire time, Punk was thinking, “You know who would fit in here with these two badass ladies? Roxanne! You know who might be better than these two women? Roxanne!” But that won’t matter when Roxie gets her ass handed to her by Giulia! Punk didn’t come out to talk about Giulia, he doesn’t know Giulia. He does know Roxanne, but he wasn’t gonna talk about her, either!

If Roxie wants, they can talk about Giulia. Seems to annoy a certain someone. But surprise! Here comes Giulia herself! Roxie seethes as The Beautiful Madness makes her way to the ring. She has a mic to tell Roxie, “The countdown is on. You have two weeks left.” Mic drop! Giulia turns, and Punk stops Roxie from getting a cheap shot in! Giulia wags her finger at Roxie, then takes her leave. Will Giulia prove Punk right when she finally dethrones Roxie?


Backstage interview with Kelani Jordan.

Sarah is now with the NXT Women’s North American Champion, and says Fallon said Kelani is ducking Fatal Influence. Is that true? Kelani says, “Me… ducking them? Interesting.” But when it comes to Fatal Influence, no one is off limits. They will verbally and physically attack anyone they see. And Kelani is aware as a champion, she has a target on her back. But she’ll defend this title against those who excel in the ring, not those who excel at throwing insults. But just think about last week. Jordynne Grace was a badass defending her title in an Open Challenge. So it kinda inspired Kelani to try her own Open Challenge.

But if, or when, she does, she better see those Fatal Influencers step to the plate and put money where their mouth is. Wren suddenly pops in, tells Kelani that Charles “Charlie” Dempsey told her to make an opportunity for herself, so… SLAP!! She’s doing it now! Kelani glares and Wren runs away! Will Kelani make an example out of Wren that no one does it like Lani?


The D’Angelo Family regroups backstage.

They’re all a little worried about Tony, but here he comes. Stacks says they should go find Hammerstone. Tony says forget it. Then what about Oba? What about Oba? Well, there’s talk on the streets… Who cares about that? Stacks asks when Tony when he’s stepping back in the ring with Oba. Tony says there is a right place and a right time. But Tony’s the one who can beat him! Luca, you’re not thinking about all the angles. Rizzo asks what’s going on with Tony. Tony says it’s nothing, but Stacks asks if he’s hurt. Tony asks back what’s the matter with them. He’s fine! Then, what is it? Tony asks what they want him to say. Rizzo says the truth.

Then the truth is, Tony’s afraid! That’s the truth! Tony’s afraid, dammit! Tony’s supposed to be The Don, leading the family, afraid of no one and nothing. Never backing down from a fight, even one he can’t handle. Tony paces, and says it is different with Oba. Oba’s a machine, a destroyer, inhuman, and Tony can’t beat him! So there it is. HE said it. Tony then leaves the room. What will Tony do now if he’s already hit a brick wall?


Je’Von Evans & Cedric Alexander VS Myles Borne & Tavion Heights w/ No Quarter Catch Crew!

The Young OG & PRIMED Alexander didn’t much care for how the NQCC’s returning member got himself involved in the Heritage Cup match last week. But that’s fine, because now the ball is in their court, and Cedric knows a thing or two about top level tag team wrestling. Will this former Raw Tag Team Champion help Je’Von get bouncy~? Or will Myles & Tavion take NQCC and the NXT Tag Division to new heights?

The teams sort out, and Je’Von runs up to SUPER PUNCH Tavion! The fans fire up as Je’Von fires hands on Tavion and Tavion fires back! Je’Von ROCKS Tavion, Myles runs in but he gets a CHOP, CHOP, and CHOP! Myles knees low, whips, but Cedric tags in. Je’Von LEAPS over Myles, trips him up, and Cedric basement dropkicks! The fans fire up, Cedric covers, ONE! Cedric drags Myles up, but Myles ROCKS him first! And UPPERCUTS him down! Myles brings Cedric up, tags Tavion, and NQCC double whip. They fireman’s carry Cedric for a DOUBLE DEATH VALLEY! Cover, TWO! Tavion clamps onto Cedric’s arm and grinds him down.

Cedric endures, the fans rally, and Cedric fights up. Tavion grinds the arm to bring Cedric back down, then he taunts Je’Von, Cedric fires body shots, but Tavion HIP TOSSES him down! Tag to Myles, but Cedric DROPKICKS Myles! Tag to Je’Von, but Myles fights back! Myles blocks a kick, spins Je’Von, but Je’Von cravats and Cedric gives him a boost! SLICED BREAD! Cedric adds a PENALTY KICK! Myles bails out, Tavion runs in, but Cedric gives Je’Von a boost to RANA Tavion! Je’Von DROPKICKS Tavion out! NQCC regroups, the fans rally up, and Cedric PL- NO, Wren stands in the way! So Je’Von FLIES over her to take out NQCC!

The fans fire up, Je’Von & Cedric regroup, and they taunt Tavion, Myles & Charlie while NXT goes picture in picture.

The NQCC slowly gets up and Je’Von waits. Myles runs in, but into an arm-drag! Je’Von has the armlock, but Myles fights up. Cedric tags in, he takes the handoff, then wrenches to UPPERCUT the arm! Cedric arm-drags to a cording hold and he grinds Myles down. Myles endures, fights up, and reaches out. Myles knees low, scoops, then SLAMS Cedric! Tag to Tavion and NQCC drags Cedric up. They double whip to DOUBLE ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Tavion clamps onto Cedric, drags him up, and whips him to ropes, for a LARIAT! Tavion whips and LARIATS again! Tavion snapmares Cedric, but Cedrick’s right up to ELBOW!

Tavion staggers, Myles tags in, but so does Je’Von! Je’Von dodges Myles, CLOBBERS Tavion, but Myles whips. Je’Von ducks ‘n’ dodges to LEAPING LARIAT! Je’Von keeps going, he CLOBBERS Myles then whips. Myles reverses, and Tavion DUMPS Je’Von out! Tavion CLOBBERS Je’Von, then runs to LARIAT! Wren cheers, Tavion puts Je’Von in, and Myles stomps him. Myles kicks Je’Von to the corner, ROCKS him, then tags Tavion. NQCC brings Je’Von up to double whip, double SHOULDER TACKLE, then Tavion covers. TWO, and Tavion grows annoyed. Tavion drags Je’Von up, suplexes, then SLAMS! Cover, TWO!

Je’Von stays in this but Tavion stays on him. Tavion drags Je’Von back up, snap suplexes this time, then tags Myles. Cover, TWO! Myles clamps onto Je’Von with a chinlock, and NXT returns to single picture. The fans rally, Je’Von fights up, and he pries the hold open. Je’Von turns things around, but Myles knees low! Myles whips Je’Von to the corner, runs up, but into a BOOT! Je’Von CHOPS Tavion, BOOTS Myles, then runs up, but into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Tag to Tavion, Myles sends Je’Von and Tavion fireman’s carries. ASSISTED GUTBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Je’Von is still in this but Tavion stays between him and Cedric.

Tavion fires forearms, but Je’Von is just firing up! Je’Von fires hands with Tavion, gets the edge, then dodges one to SUPER PUNCH! Je’Von crawls, but Tavion keeps him form Cedric! Tavion whips, Je’Von ducks ‘n’ rebounds to NEURALIZER KICK! Hot tag to Cedric! Cedric rallies on NQCC with haymakers! He blocks Myles’ kick, give sit to Tavion, then gets Tavion’s leg! DRAGON SCREW CHAIN! The fans fire up and Tavion goes to a corner. Cedric runs in to forearm SMASH! Snapmare, and basement DROPKICK! The fans fire up, Cedric brings Tavion in, but Tavion fights the suplex! Tavion fires body shots then whips.

Cedric reverses to scoop, MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, Myles breaks it! Then Myles DECKS Je’Von! But Cedric TOSSES Myles! But Tavion LARIATS Cedric inside-out! Tavion crawls over, tag to Myles! NQCC drags Cedric up, fireman’s carry and facelock, TKO DDT COMBO!! Cover, TWO!! Cedric survives, that’s the level of a tag champ! The fans rally, Cedric fights off Mules, and he BOOTS Tavion! Cedric and Myles switch around, and Myles DDTS! Cover, Je’Von SPRINGBOARDS in to break it up!! The fans are fired up, and here comes Kelani! She’s caught up to Wren! Kelani DECKS Wren, then runs her off to the backstage area!

Mules is stunned, but then he gets a LUMBAR CHECK!! Cedric tags Je’Von, then DIVES onto Tavion! Je’Von goes up and up to SKY TWISTER! Cover, Je’Von & Cedric win!

Winners: Je’Von Evans & Cedric Alexander, by pinfall

The payback has been paid, and uh oh! Randy Orton just put out a tweet that reads, “He Je’Von, wanna know who your opponent is? See you in St. Louis on October 8th, kid.” The Young OG wanted his shot at something big, and here it is! Will he be able to get bouncy even against the Apex Predator?


NXT Media catches up with Ridge Holland.

The reporter asks if he heard what Chase U had to say, and he says he already told everyone that he’d destroy Chase U. Andre Chase? Done. Duke Hudson? Done. Two down, one to go. And next week, Riley, Ridge’ll be seeing ya. Is Yorkshire Grit about to end Chase University once and for all? In the background, we see Brooks Jensen walking up, and Shawn Spears is already waiting for him. Spears wishes Jensen luck, and Jensen sighs. He asks Spears, are they doing this? Wait, does Jensen mean that? Yeah. Is Spears with him? Yeah. The Chair Man accompanies the conflicted Jensen, but will even Spears’ twisted guidance lead to victory?

Brooks Jensen w/ Shawn Spears VS Dion Lennox!

NXT returns as the buff bookworm makes his entrance, Jensen & Spears already waiting in their corner. The bell rings and Dion says he was just trying to help Jensen. Jensen storms up on Dion, powers him to a corner, then arm-drags him across the way! Jensen then runs up to TOSS Dion the other way! Jensen tries again, but Dion arm-drags instead! Then hip toss! And DROPKICK! Jensen bails out, smacks the desk in frustration, but Spears calms him down. Jensen runs in, but Dion SPINEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Dion brings Jensen up, but Jensen hits a back suplex! The fans rally, Jensen snarls and CLOBBERS Dion!

Jensen rains down fists, the fans boo, but Jensen drops a knee on Dion’s head! Spears smiles as Jensen shows that aggression. Whip and WHEEL KICK!! Jensen isn’t done with Dion, he snap suplexes hard! Jensen also has a smile, because he sees Dion’s glasses. Jensen grabs the glasses, puts them on to mock Dion, then he shows them to Dion. Dion gets furious and he fires haymakers! Dion reels Jensen in for a LARIAT! Dino DECKS Jensen, whips him, and then backdrops him high and hard! But now Spears goes for the glasses! Dion stands on Spears’ arm and says not today! Jensen runs up, Dion rolls him up! TWO!

Jensen hurries to DDT low!! Cover, Jensen wins!

Winner: Brooks Jensen, by pinfall

Jensen comes away with a smile, as does Spears, because in their minds, they just overcame someone who is just holding Jensen back. Jensen & Spears shake hands, will this partnership bring them both to the top of NXT?


Wes Lee speaks.

The caption says, “I’ll find out who sent that footage in one day, but I told y’all I did it and there’s proof. #IMTHEREASON.” In the video message, Wes says, “Man, what the hell? Everyone’s upset about my vacation back to Ohio, and look, I had a great time. There was good weather, saw the family, even got to hang out with some old friends.” Wes knows Zach wants to say the attack on Trey was “uncalled for,” but Wes says that’s just taking out Zach’s insurance policy. Trey caught Wes slipping during No Mercy, so Wes caught Trey slipping in the parking lot.

Everyone does realize that if not for Trey at No Mercy, Wes would’ve sent Zach’s ass back to TNA, no more worrying about this. Sooooo~, Wes had to do it! And now, it is really 1v1, brother VS brother, and this Street Fight ends everything! See you in Chicago, bro.


Another social media exchange goes down.

A-Town Down Under, via Grayson Waller’s account, posts a video. They meet up, and Waller asks if Theory saw that #Fraxiom stuff last week. Fraxiom? Kurt Cobain and the Power Ranger? No, the “micro wrestlers” who are NXT Tag Team Champions. Same diff! But the only reason those two are champs right now are because of The Bloodline jumping The Profits. Waller & Theory won the WWE Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania, but Waller misses having gold around his waist. Theory says he never got to be NXT Tag Team Champion, either. They gotta change that. Oh, hey, they can go to St. Louis! Neither of them has anything that night.

So then, ATDU will challenge Fraxiom for the NXT Tag Team titles in St. Louis! Oh, but those “little fops” would never say yes. How can they get them to accept? Oh, how about next Tuesday? Yes! They’ll give NXT the A-Town Down Under rub, put those fops on The Grayson Waller Effect, and then they’ll have to say yes! Genius! Theory tells Fraxiom to get ready, because those titles are going A-Town Down Under! See you soon, idiots! Well, being that this is social media, Fraxiom easily replied. Frazer said, “We don’t have to wait ’til next week to answer your challenge. We accept. Obviously.” Axiom adds, “And we will still see you next week. Mamarrachos!”

And as such, Ava has made it official! NXT in St. Louis gets that much bigger, will Fraxiom show A-Town Down Under that they have the superior chemistry?


Lola Vice VS Jacy Jayne w/ The Fatal Influence!

The Mayor of Vice City wants to tear down this toxic trio as badly as anyone, but when “Rockstar” Jacy has back-up in Jazmyn and Fallon, will this be anything but a fair fight? Or can Lola’s hands put Jacy to bed before the others can influence the outcome?

NXT returns and Lola makes her entrance. The bell rings and Lola BLASTS The Influence off the apron! Lola then fires hands on Jacy in a corner! The ref counts, Jacy shoves Lola back and BOOTS her! The fans fire up for Lola as she reverses the whip then KNEES low! Then SOBATS! Jacy tumbles out, Lola hurries after her, but Fallon & Jazmyn bark at her. Jacy then RAMS Lola into the apron! Jacy goes up to PENALTY KICK, then she puts Lola in. Jacy rains down fists on Lola, then sits her up to KICK! And SUPERKICK! Lola crawls to a corner while Jacy mocks the shadow boxing. Jacy mocks the hip shake, too, before the CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO!

Jacy is annoyed already, but she drags Lola up. Jacy ROCKS Lola, Lola staggers to ropes, but she mule kicks! Lola kicks again, Jacy blocks, but Lola BODY BLOWS! Then she BOOTS the lariat, and ROUNDHOUSES! And KICKS! And KICKS! Jacy drops to her knees, Lola fires LIGHTNING KICKS! The fans fire up for the AX KICK! Jacy crawls to a corner, Lola says “I’m a Latina~!” And she HIP ATTACKS Jacy! Lola snapmares Jacy, but Jazmyn distracts! Fallon grabs at Lola, Lola kicks her away, but Jacy runs in !Lola dodges, URAKEN!! Cover, Lola wins!

Winner: Lola Vice, by pinfall

Lola says buenas noches to Jacy, but Fallon & Jazmyn pounce! They stomp Lola, the fans boo, but the mugging continues. Lola BOOTS Jazmyn, ELBOWS Fallon, but Jacy is back to CLOBBER Lola! The Influence stomps away on Lola, but here comes Jaida! The fans fire up as Miss Parker throws big hands on all of ’em! HIP ATTACK for Fallon and she tumbles out! Jazmyn runs in but Jaida DUMPS her out! Jacy tries, but she gets an ELBOW! And then a GOURD BUSTER! Jaida runs, but the Influence saves Jacy from the Hipnotic! Lola storms up, spins Jaida around, and Jaida almost swings on Lola!

The two argue about not needing the other’s help, but refs rush in to keep these two from throwing hands. Will Jaida and Lola each realize that there’s strength in numbers when it comes to this toxic element?


Rizzo finds Tony D.

She asks if they can talk. He says sure. Rizzo says she’s afraid, too. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Tony says for him, there is! Rizzo got disrespected, The Family got disrespected, and Tony failed. Rizzo says if he believes that, fine. Because it doesn’t matter what the others believe, it’s Tony who has to carry that fear inside. Afraid to lose? Afraid he’ll be remembered as a coward? But it doesn’t matter what they think. When it’s all said and done, no matter what, he’ll always have The Family. Rizzo sees what this is doing to him. She knows him. She knows he doesn’t believe what he’s saying. And she knows he wants another shot at Oba.

Tony says yeah, he does. Okay. Then let’s do it! And if Tony loses? Then he loses. But at least he did it through the fear. All heart. She knows he’s okay with that. Stacks believes in him, Luca believes in him, and so does Rizzo. But Tony, you gotta believe in you. So what does he say? Tony says okay. Rizzo says they’ll do special training. He’s ready. When did Rizzo get so tough? Aw c’mon, she grew up with fighters! They hug it out, and The Don is ready to try again. Will Tony find a way to bring down the mountain that is Oba Femi? Or will he at least go down swinging?


Tyrese Haliburton is in the ring.

The fans have a mixed reaction since Tyrese is a Pacer and this is Florida. Tyrese explains that Ava tried earlier, it didn’t work, so now he will make sure Trick and Ethan get the contract signed. He didn’t come alone, though. He brought reinforcements of his own. The fans boo as the rest of the Pacers line-up is here. Tyrese says yeah, he’d boo too, if he had no choice but to be an Orlando Magic fan. But let’s not talk about that. Tyrese says let’s bring out the challenger, Trick Williams! The fans cheer and chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” again as Trick returns to the ring. Trick shakes hands with Tyrese and again has a mic.

Trick says first thing’s first, this must be a big deal if we’re bringing out the Olympic gold medalist. The fans boo but Trick says don’t be hatin’. Tyrese doing his thang. But Trick will be real. Just like Team USA went to Paris and got the gold. Trick’s going to Chicago to get his gold, too. Tyrese did his thang, believe that. But to be serious, Trick calls out Ethan Page to bring his ass out here to sign the contract, before Trick signs Ethan’s forehead with the bottom of his Gucci loafer. Tyrese says with that said, here is NXT Champion, Ethan Page. All Ego makes his entrance again, not very happy about this.

Trick goes ahead to sign his part, and Ethan says this is ridiculous! Trick, Ethan gave you an out earlier tonight. But Trick decided to come out here and stutter around anyways. But that’s fine! If this is what Trick wants, forcing Ethan to sign the contract, he’ll do it. But Ethan will put this in a way that Trick and his pal, Tyrese, will understand. When it comes to this championship, Ethan Page is the Boston Celtics. The fans boo that, they like that team even less! Ethan says when he beats Trick, Trick will feel like the Pacers. The fans do appreciate that burn. Ethan says Trick will have to watch him be victorious, carry this championship, and this entire company!

Then the Era of Ego will continue to make history! Now hold the contract so he can sign it. Tyrese does so, and Ethan signs his part. And there we have it. In two weeks, Trick Williams VS Ethan Page for the NXT Championship. And you know what time it is? Time to WHOOP DAT TRICK! That’s all we got. Oh, wait, one more thing. Hit the music. CM Punk makes his way back out here?! Ethan is a bit fearful with the Second City Saint making his way out here. CM Punk joins Trick and Ethan in the ring, mic in hand, and he stands between the two. Punk thanks Tyrese, he thanks the fans, and wants Ethan and Trick to calm down.

Punk brings up how earlier, he was rudely interrupted by the soon-to-be former women’s champion, Roxie. This is the match he was here to talk about! This is the match he had an announcement for. Because this match isn’t just about the NXT Championship. A match this big determines the direction the entire brand it goes. Two very special athletes, two very different men, with two completely different visions. A match this big doesn’t just deserve, it NEEDS something special. Fans are already anticipating a “REFEREE! REFEREE!” Yes, the people have spoken, this match needs a special guest referee!

CM Punk says ladies and gentlemen, he is that man! Live on The CW, NXT, the title determined in a match with the ref being C M PUNK! The only rule is you listen to the official, and that’s Punk. And since he is the official, y’all can fight right now. So the hands start flying! The fans fire up, security rushes out here, and Punk is just as disappointed. We want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” but they’re separated just enough so that they can only shout at each other! Will the Era of Ego continue on through the Windy City? Or will the winds of change bring us back to the days of Whoop Dat Trick?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT as the penultimate episode on USA Network. Great throughline of the NXT Championship contract story, and how it weaved into other stories tonight. Ethan attacking Trick and putting him to the table without signing the contract was a clever change of things. Punk also had a great promo segment with Roxanne and Giulia, with Roxie having line of the night on that “I should’ve been a McIntyre fan.” Good promos from Tyrese, and he was able to pivot not being accepted by a Florida crowd. I’m just a bit mixed on Punk being the special guest referee in what’s essentially a rehash of Seth Rollins getting involved as special ref for SummerSlam.

At the same time, Punk had to do something in Chicago, and he’s not gonna have a full on match himself, he has to save his energies for Bad Blood and Hell in a Cell. Punk being the ref could affect the outcome, namely if McIntyre tries going after him and creating chaos in the process, so that’s a lot of great intrigue going into the new era of NXT. As for Giulia and Roxie, I’m still leaning towards Giulia winning and Roxie moving on to RawDown even as soon as the Raw after Bad Blood. Though, there is some irony to how she’d be stepping into divisions as a very tiny, very sassy underdog Heel, because she could very well be stepping to a newly crowned Rhea Ripley, or a still-champion Nia Jax.

But I feel I need to take a detour to talk the choices for special guests that aren’t wrestlers. It’s great to have someone from Team USA basketball here, a rising name in the NBA, but like, it wasn’t someone from the Florida teams so of course Tyrese was gonna get booed. And NXT, stop trying to make Sexyy Red work, it’s not actually working. There was someone who visibly facepalmed in the crowd when Ava announced Sexyy Red’s return. And what did Red even do for Battleground a few months ago? She introduced the show, but that didn’t impact it in any way, shape or form. It’ll be the same for NXT on CW, because if wrestling fans aren’t already watching NXT, a non-wrestling guest isn’t gonna do it.

Moving on from that, good use of Twitter tonight to get stories going. ATDU cut a promo to set up a NXT Tag Team Championship match as well as a Grayson Waller Effect. Fraxiom is definitely retaining in St. Louis, though, the NXT Tag titles aren’t leaving for SmackDown with Waller & Theory. And while Zach had a good response promo to Wes’s promo from last week, Wes’s response promo to Zach kinda did point out how redundant it was to show the attack footage now, not last time. Either way, the Street Fight is going to be great stuff, and Wes surely will win. I don’t know if it “ends” the story, because then they’d be 1-1 and would need an even wilder tiebreaker as the blowoff.

Great promos from everyone in the Chase U story, but uh, pretty sure Ridge demolishes Riley. I’m still hoping for Mr. Chase to make a heroic return after that match so that he and Ridge can battle it out. Very good tag match from #Tyra against Rosemary & Wendy, and I’m rather surprised Lyra & Tatum won. There was no sign of Rosemary & Wendy coming back for more, but they could just be waiting to surprise us with that later. Ashante VS Eddy was good stuff, and it seems they’re following what I theorized last week: Ashante does find a lady who doesn’t mind his flashy approach. However, the twist is that she ended up a distraction to him. Not sure if they’ll keep it to the same exact lady, but it is story progress, at least.

Very good stuff intermingling some other stories tonight. NQCC had a good promo to official welcome Tavion back, and then Wren would have to go and misinterpret Charlie’s advice like that. That was a good ol’ slap, but then Kelani went after Wren in return, that is definitely a title match right there. Je’Von & Cedric of course win, but I can just see how Je’Von VS Randy Orton is gonna go. Je’Von is gonna springboard for his OG Cutter, only to get an RKO instead. But even so, Je’Von getting a match with Randy Orton this soon in his career is a great sign of everything WWE sees in Je’Von in regards to his bright future here.

Very good though very quick match from Jensen VS Dion, building both guys very well. Dion already has that “Game time mentality” thing going to give us the sense of a Bruce Banner becoming Incredible Hulk dynamic, and he got to show more of that here as Jensen taunted him with his own glasses. But of course, Spears distracted Dion just enough to tip things in Jensen’s favor. And more good stuff in this Fatal Influence story. Good promo from Lola and Jaida in the locker room, and good match. Lola winning out was great, and of course being jumped by The Influence brought out Jaida. Lola and Jaida are definitely going to realize their teamwork will be for the greater good of humbling The Fatal Influence, it’s just a matter of how long it’ll take for them to see it.

And very good stuff in Tony D’Angelo’s story. He gets mad at Hammerstone, fights Hammerstone, and what a clever move to give him the “Crisis of Confidence” during the match. He lets Hammerstone win rather than suffering a clear defeat, and we got a very good couple of promos with him and The Family. This feels very Rocky 3, Rocky being afraid of Clubber Lang, who would be Oba Femi in this case. This is good character work to help build Oba. Now, this probably leads to an upset victory over Oba when Tony is ready for his rematch, but hey, it’d free Oba up to go for THE NXT Championship.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (9/16/24)

Grudges galore in Oregon!



Will Dirty Dom get punished in Portland?

While Finn Balor & JD McDonagh defend the WWE World Tag Team Championships, Dominik Mysterio has to fend off Damian Priest 1v1! Will this be the night Judgment Day falls?


  • Sheamus VS Pete Dunne; Dunne wins.
  • Natalya w/ Lyra Valkyria & Zelina Vega VS Zoey Stark w/ Pure Fusion Collective; Natty wins.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championships: Finn Balor & JD McDonagh VS The New Day; Finn & JD win and retain the titles.
  • Braun Strowman VS Bronson Reed; No Contest.
  • Bianca Belair w/ Jade Cargill VS Kairi Sane w/ Iyo Sky; changed to…
  • Bianca Belair w/ Jade Cargill VS Iyo Sky w/ Kairi Sane; Iyo wins.
  • Damian Priest w/ Rhea Ripley VS Dominik Mysterio w/ The Judgment Day; Priest wins.


CM Punk arrives backstage.

The Second City Saint parks his car, heads from parking lot to hallway to gorilla, because he is here to talk business and Bad Blood! The fans sing along with Cult of Personality as Punk steps out on stage. He doesn’t even say it’s clobberin’ time, that’s how serious this is! Punk goes right to the ring, takes a moment before stepping in, and then grabs a mic. The fans chant his name, cheer him on, and Punk tells Portland, “I am at the point in my career where sometimes people ask me how many matches do I have left in these old bones. And depending on how you feel about me, the answer is either wildly disappointing, or it makes you tremendously happy.

“Because the answer is, way more than you think!” The fans cheer that, so they’re the latter. Punk says when he came back to the WWE, he said he did not come here to make friends. That didn’t mean he came here to make a mortal enemy, but that is exactly what happened. So much so, that the only way to end this between CM Punk and Drew McIntyre is in Hell in a Cell! Punk feels a little naive thinking he thought this was over just because he touched four turnbuckles in Berlin. But McIntyre was naive for thinking this was over just because he jumped Punk in Chicago, and tried to drag Punk’s wife and dog into this.

Punk says that we can all agree, it should’ve stopped the second time McIntyre sent Punk to the hospital two weeks ago. But Punk is just too damn stubborn. Fans cheer that! Punk says McIntyre’s fatal mistake in all this is not getting the job done. “But now things are drastically different.” People can ask Punk how many Hell in a Cell matches does he have left. The honest answer? Zero. Punk’s sisters asked him not to do this. His wife has asked him not to do this. Maybe even the angel on Punk’s shoulder has begged him not to do this. So armed with all of that information, please allow Punk to tell you WHY he is going to do this!

The fans fire up for that! Punk says that the last time he was in Portland, he say there and told McIntyre, “If you push me far enough, I can become the devil himself.” And now the devil is here. The devil in Punk’s heart tells him that the only way this ends is IN Hell in a Cell. The same heart McIntyre promised he would make stop beating. McIntyre, Punk won’t promise he’s gonna kill McIntyre, because Punk won’t make promises he can’t 100% deliver on. But here is a promise: Punk will make McIntyre bleed. And McIntyre will have to kill Punk, because Punk is prepared for his heart to stop beating. He is prepared for this to be over with.

Punk had a great career, and if this is the end, then so be it. Punk is prepared for this to be the end of him. If McIntyre is prepared for this to be the end of McIntyre, then see you in Hell! Punk drops the mic and heads out. Will the Scottish Terminator be ready to go to such lengths with the man he hates so much?


Backstage interview with Sheamus.

Cathy Kelley is with The Celtic warrior, and says we have seen things escalate between him and Pete Dunne. Take us through how he feels heading into the match? Well, Miss Kelley, Sheamus taught Dunne too well. Dunne hit Sheamus where it hurt. And no, he doesn’t mean smashing his hand with a shillelagh. Or when he used it to crack Sheamus in the back. He means Dunne taking Sheamus’ from him. The one mountain he has left to climb in the WWE, the Intercontinental Championship, to become the WWE’s first ULTIMATE Grand Slam Champion. But now, Miss Kelley, it is time to inflict pain on a former protege.

The fellas here asked Sheamus not to call him Butch. Dunne hates that! He despises being called Butch. Especially if you say Butch over and over again. But tonight, Dunne, you become Sheamus’ butch. So one question left: Portland, are ya ready for a banger!? Sheamus heads out, but will he be able to put down Dunne for what he’s done? Or will the Bruiserweight be standing tall at the end of Fight Night?

Sheamus VS Pete Dunne!

Raw returns and Dunne makes his entrance. The bell rings and Dunne runs up! Sheamus dodges, fires hands, but Dunne hits back! The fans cheer the brawl, and Sheamus CLUBS away at the ropes! Sheamus lets off, but Dunne ROCKS him! And CHOPS him! And ROCKS him again! Dunne KICKS Sheamus, runs, but Sheamus clinches to IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Sheamus drags Dunne up, ROCKS him, then ROCKS him in the back! Sheamus whips Dunne up and out of the ring! Then he drags Dunne up onto the apron! The fans fire up, for BEATS- NO, Dunne catches the arm! Dunne bends the arm, to ELBOW BREAKER!

Sheamus staggers away, Dunne runs up, but Sheamus catches him! SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Dunne writhes, Sheamus stalks him to a corner, and Sheamus stomps a mudhole into Dunne. The fans rally, but Dunne gets up to GAMANGIRI! Sheamus sputters, Dunne wrenches and bends the arm! Fans taunt Dunne with “BUTCH! BUTCH!” but Dunne isolates Sheamus’ arm. Dunne STOMPS the arm, and Sheamus writhes his way out of the ring. The fans boo but Dunne snarls. Dunne PLANCHAS, and down goes Sheamus! Sheamus crawls to steel steps, Dunne stands on Sheamus’ hand! The fans boo but Dunne STOMPS, only for Sheamus to dodge!

Sheamus ROCKS Dunne, Alabama Lifts, and ALABAMA SLAMS on the desk! The fans are thunderous for Sheamus while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Sheamus has Dunne up top as he throws hands. Sheamus then climbs, fireman’s carries, but Dunne shifts to SUNSET- NO, Sheamus holds ropes to stop the bomb! But Dunne brings Sheamus off the ropes, RUNNING POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives and Dunne is frustrated, but the fans rally up. They also taunt Dunne with “BUTCH! BUTCH! BUTCH!” Dunne aims at Sheamus, and Sheamus dares him to do it! Dunne DECKS Sheamus with a forearm! Dunne gives some ground ‘n’ pound while fans boo, but then Dunne STOMPS Sheamus in the face! But Sheamus just sits up and eggs Dunne on!

Dunne storms back up, stands Sheamus up, and swings! But Sheamus catches the hand to a cording hold! Dunne fires headbutts, but Sheamus says Dunne is just a B*TCH! LARIAT! And another LARIAT! And then a LARIAT in the corner! Sheamus scoops to POWERSLAM! The fans fire up and Sheamus goes to a corner. Sheamus climbs, brings his kneepads down, and KING KONG KNEE DROPS!! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives and the fans can’t believe it! Sheamus snarls and he storms back up on Dunne. Sheamus reels Dunne in, lifts, but Dunne slips fere of the crucifix! ENZIGIRI! Sheamus falls, Dunne STOMPS hands!

Dunne BOOTS Sheamus down, then he goes to a corner! Dunne climbs, but Sheamus UPPERCUTS first! Sheamus climbs, but Dunne has a SLEEPER! Sheamus still drags Dunne onto his shoulders, SUPER POWERSLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives and Sheamus is stunned! Dunne goes to the apron, but Sheamus pursues. The fans fire up as Sheamus drags Dunne up. Dunne bends fingers! But Sheamus slips free to have Dunne up! BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus goes past TEN to SEVENTEEN! Dunne flops over on the apron and the fans fire up again! But wait, Dunne grabs the shillelagh!

Sheamus grabs at Dunne, Dunne kicks him! Dunne runs up, into the KNEE CAP! Sheamus snatches the shillelagh now! The ref says no but the fans are cheering for it! Dunne hurries out, the ref takes the shillelagh, and Dunne brings out a CRICKET BAT!! He hits Sheamus hard, that’s six! Then a BOOT!! Cover, Dunne wins!!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

And that’s 1-2-3! The Bruiserweight used a bat, then a bootleg Brogue, and he just smirks as he comes away the winner. Will this be how things end between the former Brawling Brutes? Or will Sheamus only come back for another banger?


Rhea Ripley & Damian Priest are backstage.

The Terror Twins walk ‘n’ talk say Judgment Day brought tonight upon themselves. Jey Uso walks over and says what up. He fist bumps Priest, and smiles at Rhea. Jey knows Priest has a match with Dominik. Jey knows Priest won’t ask for Jey’s help, Jey knows how Priest gets down. But hey, Jey’s still gonna have eyes on that match, okay? Priest says fair enough. Now in steps Xavier Woods. He says hey to Jey, and then tells Priest that while they haven’t seen eye to eye, there’s a lot of history, but there’s also beef between Terror Twins and Judgment Day. Woods & Kofi have their tag title shot against Judgment Day to become THIRTEEN-TIME champions.

And just as Priest wanted to go it alone for the world title, New Day want to go it alone to prove they still have what it takes. That’s all he’s asking. Everyone else stays back here so New Day can handle business. Priest says that’s fair. But just do one thing for them: kick ass and take those titles. Woods says oh yeah! Also, Woods likes this dynamic of Jey and Rhea more than Dom. YEET! Woods and Jey each head out, Rhea sneaks a YEET, but will all things go their way? Or will Judgment Day always find a way to screw everyone else over?


The Miz talks with Braun Strowman backstage.

The Miz says there he is! How’s he feeling ahead of the big match with Bronson Reed? Braun says he’s still banged up from what’s been going on, but he’ll make no excuses. Miz says good luck out there. Braun thanks Miz for that. Miz turns to leave, but then asks what Braun meant about how Miz is no match for Bronson. Braun says that wasn’t an insult, don’t get him wrong. Braun respects Miz. Miz says sure, he gets it. He has won every title there is, beaten every superstar there is. Braun says he knows, he’s seen Miz’s career. Just what Braun means is that it takes a monster to beat a monster, y’know?

Miz says yeah, he gets it. He’s no monster. Braun’s got this, so go get him! Braun says yessir. Miz heads out, will Auszilla have to watch out for this #OneBigSOB?


Natalya w/ Lyra Valkyria & Zelina Vega VS Zoey Stark w/ Pure Fusion Collective!

It was a great comeback for the Queen of Harts last week with Raw in Calgary, and now she is going to take on The Sin City Hunter 1v1! Will Natty still have the hot hand? Or will Zoey score one for the PFC?

The bell rings and Zoey storms up. They tie up, Natty rolls Zoey up, TWO! Zoey is already frustrated as she resets with Natty. They tie up, Zoey puts Natty on ropes, then pie faces as she lets off. Natty storms up but Zoey shoves her! Natty headlocks, Zoey powers out, but Natty goes up and over. Natty keeps moving, rolls over the dropdown, but Zoey whips. Natty ducks ‘n’ dodges, stops short of the hip toss to BODY SHOT! Then Natty arm-drags into a lateral press, TWO! Natty trips Zoey, but Zoey scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Natty lets go while Sonya protests. Natty tells Sonya to back off, but then Zoey HOTSHOTS! And GAMANGIRIS!

Zoey then aims, to springboard and MISSILE DROPKICK! Natty bails out, PFC soaks up the heat, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Natty is in the corner. Zoey runs up to LARIAT, forearm, and CLUB her down! Zoey snapmares Natty, then goes to the apron. Zoey springboards again, but Natty blocks the kick! Natty GERMAN SUPELXES and the fans fire up! Natty runs up, DISCUS LARIAT! Zoey sputters, PFC is upset, but Natty fires off hands in the corner! The fans cheer, the ref backs Natty off, but Zoey runs up. Natty counter punches! Natty whips, but Zoey kicks! Natty blocks and she throws Zoey down! BOOT! Cover, TWO! Zoey survives but Zelina & Lyra coach Natty up. Natty whips Zoey, Zoey reverses, and then runs in.

Natty dodges, Zoey hits buckles! Natty hits the slingshot back suplex but Zoey arm-drags free! Natty comes back, Zoey ducks the discus, and fireman’s carries! ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! And then basement SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Natty survives and Zoey is frustrated! Zoey rains down fists, then lets off to drag Natty up. The fans rally for Natty, Z 3- NO, Natty blocks the knee! Natty trips Zoey, but Zoey fights the Sharpshooter! Natty jackknife bridges! TWO, Zoey sunset flips! TWO, Natty has the prawn hold! TWO! Zoey sunsets, Natty rolls through, and then steps through! Zoey KICKS Natty, O’Conner Rolls, TWO!!

Natty escapes in time, rolls Zoey up deep, Natty wins!!

Winner: Natalya, by pinfall

Natty gets away with Lyra & Zelina while Zoey is pissed! PFC calm Zoey down, they’ll just have to work on a better plan next time. Will PFC still run WWE?


Backstage interview with Rhea Ripley.

Cathy is now with Mami, and says it wouldn’t be Raw without her. Cathy brings up that at Bad Blood, Rhea will face Liv Morgan for the WWE Women’s World Championship. How is the leg? Finn Balor says he can take this from here. Hi, Rhea. He’s been meaning to catch up with her. But whatever this is with him and Damian, he just hasn’t had the chance. Well, now’s his chance, so get to it. Oh, okay. Here goes. Finn really feels like Rhea… is just as bad as Damian! Rhea said they were family, acted like she cared, but in reality, she only ever cared about herself! Finn is sick and tired of Rhea blaming him for what’s going on here!

Finn says Rhea & Damian are the ones in the wrong! They’re why Finn didn’t become World Heavyweight Champion, they’re why neither of them are champions now! They are the reason why everything that’s happened the last three months did happen! Rhea says okay, what they’re not gonna do is lie to her face and rewrite history to hide Finn’s ego problems. Because they WERE a family! All Rhea tried to do was make opportunities for everyone, and keep you boys from fighting every single bloody week! Because she LOVED her family. But if Finn wanna make them the bad guys in this story, then so be it.

At Bad Blood, Finn, Liv, Dom and the “other two bozos” will see how bad the Terror Twins can truly be. Okay, then. One more thing, and Finn wanted to be the one to say this. When Liv started making moves on Dom and Dom was trying to resist, Finn was the devil on Dom’s shoulder! Finn told Dom to forget Rhea and go for Liv! It was FINN! Rhea is seething, but Jey steps in. Is there a problem here? Finn says no problems. Just two friends catching up. But uh, Jey might wanna focus on the Intercontinental Championship. He’s a bit out of his league over here. Finn leaves, Rhea thanks Jey for that. But Finn does have a point.

Oh, what? That Rhea’s outta Jey’s league? N-No…! The Intercontinental Championship should be his focus. Jey ain’t worried. He’s on his way to the ring right now. Main Event Jey is on his way, what will he have to say to Bron Breakker? We’ll find out, after the break.


Jey Uso heads to the ring!

Raw returns as Portland bounces and YEETs with the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Championship. Jey gets himself a mic and says, “Main Event Jey Uso is now in your citaaay~!” The fans fire up for that! Jey says he has his match with Bron Breakker, “YEET!” His soon to be first Intercontinental Championship reign, “YEET!” He wanted it when he first came to Raw, “YEET!” When he left The Bloodline! “YEET!” Now he don’t need no help, Uce. He can finally be on his own, get his first singles championship, and finally be Main Event Jey UUUUSO~! The fans cheer that! But then here comes Bron Breakker!

The fans are torn between booing and barking as Bron goes to the ring, big leather jacket on and big belt on his shoulder. The champ gets a mic to ask, “We got any dogs barking in Portland?” Fans do bark, and Bron says he already told Jey to stay away. And yet here he is with this relentless pursuit of the Intercontinental Championship. So inspiring! What Jey is doing, trying to prove himself to the world and his family that he doesn’t need his family’s help to succeed. Bron did his homework since last week. 14 YEARS, Jey ahs been here. That’s a long time. There is no doubt Je y is a star, a big star! One of the biggest in WWE!

The fans love you, they love going “YEET!” and they love “Main Event Jey.” But what’s funny is, Bron’s done more as a singles superstar in just six MONTHS than Jey’s entire career. And here’s the kicker! Bron did it without his dad, without his uncle, or even the family name! He did it on his own, and you wanna know why? Because this belt is his family! This belt is what he fights for, and this belt fights for him. Bron is a dog, it’s what he does. The fans are torn, but Bron says next Monday, when he and Jey fight for the title, Bron exposes Jey. Jey is nothing without his family. The fans boo, and Jey stares Bron down now.

The fans are torn between “YEET!” and barking, but Jey takes off the sunglasses. Jey says he sees it. He sees it in Bron. Bron has that dog in him. Jey promises not to take Bron lightly. But like Bron said, how long he been here? Six months? Jey has been on this roster for 14 years, winning championships while Bron was in diapers, boy! Hey hey! Next week, we throw hands! Next week, for the Intercontinental Championship, Jey dog walks Bron’s ass! We’ll see what Bron is made of, and how long this lasts. Because it might end up short and sweet, like his NFL career. Fans go nuts for that one! Bron glares at Jey, but he backs up.

Bron turns to leave, but then he DECKS Jey!! The fans either boo or bark as Bron throws off his jacket. He drags Jey up, talks trash, and then builds up speed! JEY SPEARS FIRST!! The fans go nuts while Bron scrambles away! The fans bounce and “YEET!” Will Jey finally have a belt all his own?


Bianca Belair prepares backstage.

Jade Cargill is with her, but then in storms Iyo Sky! She’s all fired up and angry, saying how dare Bianca challenge Kairi Sane to a match while Kairi has a bad eye! You think that’s a fair fight? COWARD! Jade says she knows Iyo ain’t talking to Bianca like this. Bianca says she didn’t challenge nobody, she was booked for this fight. Facts! But since she and Kairi have this match, Bianca doesn’t back down from a fight. But if Iyo is ten toes down for Kairi, and if Kairi isn’t 100%, then how about they make it Iyo instead? Iyo says challenge accepted! Card subject to change indeed, but is the Evil Genius simply laying a trap for the champ?


WWE World Tag Team Championships: Finn Balor & JD McDonagh VS The New Day!

The Prince just revealed he’s the homewrecking mastermind behind The Judgment Day becoming #StreetTrash. But will he and the Irish Ace make sure their reign doesn’t fall apart? Or will even a stacked deck not keep Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods from once again becoming W, W, E, World, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~?

Raw returns as Judgment Day makes their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if New Day gets lucky 13!

The teams sort out and the fans taunt McDonagh with “JD SUCKS! JD SUCKS!” Even so, JD starts against Kofi. They circle, feel things out, but JD kicks low! JD CLUBS Kofi, whips him corner to corner, but Kofi goes up and up to FLYING RANA! Kofi gets up to forearm SMASH in the corner, then he snapmares JD. Tag to Woods and the Speed Blitz starts up! KICK, SLIDING LARIAT, and IMPLODER SPLASH! Woods adds the FIST DROP! Cover, TWO! Woods stays on JD to keep him form Finn. Scoop and SLAM, then tag to Kofi. Kofi hops up onto Woods for an ELECTRIC CHAIR MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Finn runs in but Kofi mule kicks! Woods adds a kick to the legs, then New Day DOUBLE BULLDOG! JD & Finn regroup, but they get DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! New Day is standing tall and Portland fires up while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Kofi fires hands on Finn! Finn holds the wristlock, then he whips Kofi away. Kofi ROCKS JD, but Finn CHOPS Kofi. Finn whips, Kofi reveres to hook Finn up, SOS! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Finn and Kofi crawl, reach out, hot tags to JD and Woods! The fans fire up as Woods rallies on Judgment Day! Woods whips JD, JD reverses but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges to slide ‘n’ ROLLING ELBOW! The fans fire up again and Woods aims. Woods goes corner to corner to forearm SMASH! Woods climbs, rains down fists, and the fans count to nine. Finn storms up, Woods gives him the tenth!

But then JD BOOTS Woods! JD back suplexes, Woods slips out and tilt-o-whirls to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Woods kips up, Finn runs in! Woods mule kicks Finn, then Kofi springboards to AX HANDLE! Woods DROPKCISK Finn out, and Kofi FLIES! Down goes Finn, but JD kicks Woods! JD reels Woods in, lifts, but Woods escapes the bomb! Woods gets JD up, LIGER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! JD survives and Woods can’t believe it! And here comes Carlito, Dom & Liv! But then here comes LWO! The LWO didn’t promise to stay out of this, and they take the fight to Dom & Carlito! The fans fire up as this group brawl sit out! But JD rolls up Wood’s! TWO!!

Woods SUPERKICKS JD down! Woods goes up a corner, but so does Kofi! Kofi aims and SUPER TRUST FALLS onto the cluster! Woods tightrope walks, LIMIT BREAKER!! But the ref is too busy with the others! Woods & Kofi would’ve won twice over!! Liv argues with the ref, but Woods storms out to tell the ref to pay attention to what matters! Woods goes to the ring, the fans tell the ref he sucks, and Woods gets JD up. But Finn tags in before the O’Conner! Finn goes up, JD pops Woods into a SLEEPER! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!!

Winners: Finn Balor & JD McDonagh, by pinfall

Kofi realizes what happened, and he rushes into the ring! JD & Finn get away with the belts, just as Judgment Day wanted! Kofi apologizes to Woods but Woods says why!? Every time! Every time!! Kofi asks what that means, but could Woods be thinking, that Karrion Kross was right all along?


The Wyatt Sick6 have a message.

“Even now, the words of The Red grow stronger. Whispers like a thousand voices, screaming in silence. Guiding the knife, until our hands are one in the same. You speak, we follow.” QR code to scan. What could this all mean?


Backstage interview with The New Day.

Cathy Kelley catches up with Kofi after what we saw, but Kofi says he can’t. He has to find Woods. Kofi does find Woods, arguing with LWO! Kofi wants Woods to calm down, Kofi told LWO to be ready. What?! Yeah, Kofi thanks LWO for trying, and the LWO head out. Woods says they cost them the titles! Kofi says Woods knows Finn Balor beat down Rey Mysterio real bad last week. This was so LWO could have New Day’s back with the numbers game, since we know that’s what Judgment Day was gonna do. What did Woods think was gonna happen otherwise? Oh, so now New Day needs help? When they’ve never needed it before?

Kofi says yeah, they never needed it before, because they had Big E! But now, it is just Kofi & Woods. Oh, there it is. “Just” them, huh? They don’t have Big E so they’re not good enough anymore? No, that’s not what Kofi said. Then is Woods not good enough? Tell him, Kofi! Why did LWO know the plan for their tag team match and not Woods?! Kofi has been leaving Woods in the dark, Woods doesn’t know what’s going on anymore! Woods storms off, do we know what’s going on with Woods anymore?


Bronson Reed speaks.

“I’d like to tell you all a story. A story about a monster. You see, I’ve had opportunity here taken away from me time after time. I was deemed too dangerous, a hazard to the roster. So I had enough. I had to show them how dangerous I really am. And I took out Seth Freakin’ Rollins! I took out R-Truth! I took out The Miz, and I took out Braun Strowman. And then, I got COVID, and they give my opportunity to Braun Strowman? But I’m not gonna cry about it. Instead, I’m gonna do something about it. I’m going to finish the job with you, Braun.

“And the story won’t be about Braun Strowman the monster. The story will be about Braun Strowman the victim. The victim to WWE’s TRUE monster… ME. Big Bronson Reed!” Will there be no stopping the Colossal Aussie now? Or can the Monster of All Monsters put a stop to the Tsunami?

Braun Strowman VS Bronson Reed!

Raw returns and “BRAAAUN” makes his entrance! Bad arms, bad ribs, and a bad mood! Braun slides into the ring, Bronson runs up, but Braun dodges! Bronson hits buckles so hard, the top rope pops loose!! The ref almost gets taken out by the buckle itself! Braun choke grips Bronson, to CHOKE SLAM him down! The fans fire up with Braun, but this isn’t a match yet! Braun BOOTS Bronson out of the ring, the fans are thunderous, and Braun says time to get on the tracks! The Strowman Express comes around the corner, but Bronson THROWS A FAN at him!? The fans go nuts as Bronson grins and leaves Braun behind.

Bronson roars, but Braun is right back up! Braun CLOBBERS Bronson through barriers!! The fare are thunderous as the timekeeper’s area is gone! The ref calls for medics while he checks these two behemoths down in the wreckage. Bronson rises up, but so does Braun! Braun goes to the ring, “This is Awesome!” as he stands tall. Bronson is leaving, so much for making Braun a victim. Braun eggs Bronson on, the fans boo, but producers want Bronson to keep going. But wait, here comes Braun! Braun CLOBBERS Bronson into a road case!! The fans are thunderous again but now security ushers Braun outta here. But Bronson comes back for more!

Braun and Bronson brawl, and they go back stage. Bronson is sent into more road case, and even the wall! Braun TOSSES security guards, then TIPS a golfcart!! A camera goes out, but Bronson is up! Bronson LEAPS onto Braun, TSUNAMI DOWN THROUGH TABLES!!! Bronson rises again, but Braun does, too! Braun TACKLES Bronson through a wall!!! Crates fall from above as these two are weakening the structural integrity of backstage! Fans are losing their minds even more now, and only now does either monster stay down! Will these two literally bring down the house the next time they battle?


Raw returns and…

Medics finally dig Braun and Bronson out of the wreckage and check on both men. Braun is conscious but dazed, and Bronson is stirring. We go to Adam Pearce now, he is on the phone, and wants to stay posted on both men’s condition. He thanks the person on the other end, then ends the call. But then Ludwig Kaiser steps in. Kaiser says he just wants to know if Pearce has found an adequate next challenger for Gunther yet. Does Kaiser really want to have this conversation right now? Pearce is in the middle of another Bronson Reed based catastrophe, as we all saw. Oh, but is that really more important than the World Heavyweight Champion?

Pearce says he’s already told the champion, he is working on finding someone since Gunther doesn’t wanna face Sami Zayn, who by the way, has made a compelling case for the match. Kaiser says, “Sami? Sami Zayn?” Yes, Sami Zayn! Kaiser asked for an adequate opponent, and Pearce throws Sami at him? Wait, Sami’s going to the ring at this very moment! Pearce says he approved this time for Sami to talk. If Gunther has a problem, then he should come talk to Pearce himself. Kaiser frowns but leaves, and now we cut to the ring.

Sami goes to the ring, grabs a mic, and the fans sing along with the music. Sami smiles and waves and the fans cheer. Sami then says, “Well, I know I’m standing in the middle of the ring, in the middle of a red hot crowd here in Portland, Oregon. But all week, I have been locked in the memory of standing in this ring last week in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart.” The fans cheer that. Sami says last week, he meant everything. Bret was Sami’s hero growing up, it was a very emotional moment. But more than anything, last week was very motivational.

Sami listened to Bret say what it meant for him to be a champion. A true Canadian champion. To have that work ethic. And all Sami can keep thinking is that he wants that to be him! Sami needs it to be him! Sami needs to become THE World Heavyweight Champion! The fans cheer that! Sami needs to be the guy who defends the title week in, week out, against everyone who comes his way. That is the type of champion all the fans deserve! The fans cheer that, too! Sami says “unfortunately, our current World Heavyweight Champion, Gunther, has repeatedly declined every single time I have challenged him for a World Championship opportunity.”

Sami says Gunther claims it is because Sami is not on Gunther’s level. Here’s the thing, though: Sami doesn’t believe that! The fans cheer, and Sami says Gunther doesn’t believe it either. Sami thinks that he is in Gunther’s head. Sami thinks Gunther remembers what happened at WrestleMania in Philadelphia. And Gunther knows if we see Sami VS Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship, that if Sami beat Gunther before, he can beat Gunther again! And more than anything, Gunther is just scared. But wait! Kaiser makes his way out to the ring now. Kaiser ask Sami, “What’re you doing here?”

The fans boo but Kaiser says out of everyone here, why Sami? What is Sami doing in the middle of this ring asking for a World Heavyweight Championship match against Gunther? And, uh, what is this nonsense about Gunther being scared of Sami? Scared of Sami? Why would he? “Gunther is most definitely the most dominant force in the WWE right now. And if anything, he is trying to protect you, Sami! He is trying to save you. Save you from the worst embarrassment of your entire life!” The fans boo but Kaiser says if we’re talking WrestleMania, then let’s talk WrestleMania.

WrestleMania 40 was undoubtedly the greatest night of Sami’s career. For the first and only time, Kaiser saw Sami’s whole family looking up to him instead of looking down on him. So here is some advice. “Miracles never happen twice. So Sami, take it, run with it, and enjoy it. Because this is NEVER, EVER… going to happen again.” The fans boo more, but Sami tells Kaiser, he finds it very strange that he’s out here talking for Gunther. Gunther doesn’t need Kaiser to speak for him. In fact, Gunther doesn’t need Kaiser for anything. But what Sami thinks is, he doesn’t think Kaiser needs Gunther, either.

Sami is out here talking about his desire to prove himself, and he sees Kaiser has that, too. Kaiser is like anyone of us. It is why Kaiser turned on his former tag partner, Giovanni Vinci, and broke up Imperium. He wants to stand on his own two feet, showing exactly what it is he is capable of! He’s just like anyone else here! The fans applaud that. But does Kaiser think he wins respect coming out here as Gunther’s mouthpiece? If Kaiser wants to talk to Sami, fine. But Kaiser doesn’t need to speak for Gunther. Kaiser should at least have the balls to speak for himself. The fans cheer that! But now here comes Gunther!

Der Ring General has the belt around his waist, and a mic already in hand. Gunther joins the others in the ring, and he tells Sami he will answer that challenge in a bit. But first… Gunther asks Kaiser if there’s anything he needs to tell Gunther. Just say it right now. Kaiser glances between Gunther and Sami, then looks down at his feet. Kaiser says there IS something he wants to get off his chest! The fans cheer, but then Kaiser CLOBBERS Sami! So much for standing up for himself! Gunther grins as Kaiser drags Sami up, into the SIDEWINDER! The fans boo more as Imperium stands over Sami, then Kaiser sits Sami up.

Gunther tells Sami that regarding his challenge for the title, the answer is, and will remain, NO. Kaiser pushes Sami down while fans boo, and Imperium hugs it out. But Sami sit sup, and he grabs at Kaiser’s leg. Gunther says go ahead, and Kaiser brings Sami back up. Kaiser clinches again, but Sami slips free this time! GERMAN SUPLEX on the Impeccable German! Gunther is stunned, as Sami now hits a HELLUVA KICK!! Kaiser falls, the fans fire up with Sami, and Der Ring General looks foolish. But what will it take to convince Gunther to face the only man to have pinned him this entire year?


Backstage interview with Damian Priest.

Cathy Kelley is now with The Punisher, and knows he has had a lot on his plate. In two weeks, Priest faces Finn at Bad Blood, but tonight, in the main event, he takes on Dominik Mysterio. Are there any hesitations in facing someone that was once family? Priest repeats, “Hesitations? I don’t-” But in steps Liv, laughing to herself. Liv asks Cathy to please get out of her face. Thank you~! Liv says it is so sad. A former world champion doesn’t even realize he’s already a has-been. But it wasn’t hard for Judgment Day to choose between Priest & Rhea VS Dom & Liv. If only they could hear what the boys have to say about them now.

Priest & Rhea, just two lonely, pathetic, desperate losers, hanging on to the only time in their lives when they were on top. HAHA! It is embarrassing, isn’t it? Priest says he can’t believe someone in Judgment Day actually has a set. Liv should protect that. Because when Rhea gets her hands on Liv, she shoves them down Liv’s throat. And why is Liv over here? Go find Dom and give him a kiss goodbye. Because when Priest gets his hands on Dom, he’s putting Liv’s little scumbag boyfriend down. And that’s just him getting started. Bye, sucia! Priest leaves, will he be leaving Portland with Dom’s head?


Bianca Belair w/ Jade Cargill VS Iyo Sky w/ Kairi Sane!

The StrongEST Duo held onto the championship belts against The Unholy Union, but they’ve still got some scores to settle with Damage CTRL. Kairi may be The Pirate Princess but she can’t fight with just one good eye, so it is The Evil Genius stepping up. Will Iyo use this as a trap game to get one over on the champs? Or will Bianca prove she’s the readiEST for whatever Iyo’s got planned?

Raw returns as DMG CTRL make their entrance. The bell rings, Iyo and Bianca tie up, and Bianca headlocks for a takeover. Iyo headscissors, Bianca kips free, and roles reverse as Iyo hits the headlock takeover. Bianca headscissors, Iyo bridges then pops free. Iyo runs up, Bianca trips to cover, ONE! Iyo tries but Bianca avoids the sweep! Bianca kicks but Iyo deflects to roll her up, TWO! Iyo gets around the lariat but Bianca stops the tilt-o-whirl! Bianca whips, but dropkicks cancel out! They both kip up and the fans fire up! Iyo and Bianca go again, and Iyo waistlocks. Bianca switches, Iyo switches, repeat. Bianca lifts, Iyo slips free!

Iyo ducks ‘n’ dodges then handsprings! Bianca gets clear, the fans fire up, and things keep moving! Bianca handsprings, says kiss this, and Iyo runs in. Bianca bypasses and pops Iyo up, but then blocks a rana! Bianca swings Iyo up but Iyo sunset flips! TWO! Bianca and Iyo get up again, Iyo kicks low! And CHOPS Bianca to a corner! Iyo whips corner to corner, runs up, but Bianca goes up and over. Bianca handsprings, goes up and up, and says kiss this again! Iyo runs in, Bianca goes up and over! Bianca wrenches and reels Iyo in to suplex! Bianca holds Iyo up, marches around, then SLAMS her down!

The fans fire up, and Bianca kips up! Bianca runs to handspring again, but Iyo avoids the moonsault! Iyo runs up, uses ropes, springboard and FLYING ARM-DRAG! Bianca manages to roll through, and we have another standoff! The fans cheer as Iyo and Bianca each wag a finger at the other, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns as Iyo grinds Bianca down with a headlock. Bianca fights up as the fans rally, and Bianca lifts Iyo up to then THROW her away! Iyo goes to a corner, runs back in, but Bianca ducks the kick to roll her up! TWO, and Bianca bypasses Iyo to then follow and run her over! Then run her over again! And then DROPKICK! Bianca kips up yet again, and the fans fire up! Iyo is in a corner, Bianca runs up to RAM her! Bianca climbs, the fans cheer, and Bianca rains down fists! The fans count along, Bianca goes to TEN, then past that, only for Iyo to grab a leg! Bianca kicks Iyo away, backflips away, but Iyo dodges to SHOTEI! SHOTEI again!

Iyo DROPKICKS Bianca now, and Kairi cheers. The fans also fire up, and Iyo goes corner to corner on the SHINKANSEN! Direct hit with the knees, and Iyo brings Bianca up. Iyo underhooks while fans duel, but Bianca Alabama Lifts! Bianca backdrops Iyo, but Iyo lands on her feet! Iyo runs up again, but Bianca scoops her for a GUTBUSTER! Iyo sputters, Bianca slaps her leg back into working, and the fans rally again. Bianca runs up, Iyo slips out and sends Bianca into buckles! Iyo goes up, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!! Bianca stays in this and Kairi is frustrated for Iyo. The fans rally and duel while Iyo and Bianca catch their breath.

Jade and Kairi coach their teammates, and the two stir. Bianca sits up with a scowl, and she CLUBS Iyo! Iyo hits back with a forearm! The fans rally as the forearms go back and forth! The two rise to their feet to fire more shots! Bianca gest the edge, CLUBs away, but Iyo shoves her away. Iyo runs up, tilt-o-whirls, to sunset flip! TWO! Bianca is in a corner, Iyo runs in, but Bianca ALLEY-OOPS her into buckles! Then SPINEBUSTER! Handspring and MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Iyo survives, both Bianca and Jade stunned! Kairi coaches Iyo, and she goes to a corner. Bianca stomps Iyo, then puts her up top.

Bianca gorilla presses Iyo, the fans fire up, but Iyo slips free! Iyo shoves to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Bianca survives that and now Iyo and Kairi are stunned! Bianca goes to the apron, “This is Awesome!” as she ROCKS Iyo back! Bianca brings Iyo up, but Iyo fights the suplex! Iyo HOTSHOTS Bianca down! Bianca goes to the desk, and Iyo builds speed! Iyo DIVES and takes Bianca down! The fans are thunderous and Iyo rises. Iyo stalks Bianca to steel steps, brings her up, but Bianca suplexes first! Bianca holds Iyo up as she climbs the steps! The fans are thunderous again as Bianca TOSSES Iyo into the ring!

Bianca goes up a corner while Iyo is down! 450 SPLASH, onto knees!! Iyo saves herself, then she puts Bianca in the drop zone! Iyo goes up and up, but Bianca hurries to get her first! Torture rack! KISS OF- NO, Iyo lands out to cradle counter! IYO WINS!!

Winner: Iyo Sky, by pinfall

Iyo snatches victory from the jaws of defeat, and the StrongEST Duo cannot believe it! Will DMG CTRL be able to circle back to the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships?


Rhea & Priest regroup backstage.

Rhea hopes Priest will absolutely brutalize Dom tonight. Priest says he’ll rip that kid apart. Tonight, they tear the lame ass Judgment Day apart. They fist bump and Priest is ready. But will Dirty Dom finally receive his punishment? Or will there just be another stacked deck waiting in the main event?


Team American Made speaks.

Chad Gable says, “Well, here we are! After months of living in my own personal Hell, being stalked, mocked, abandoned, tortured, and you all that’d be the end of Chad Gable. But I’m still standing.” Brutus Creed says that is why all the “pencil-necked geeks” will never be on the level of greatness that they’re all on! HAHA~! Julius says no more loony bin inmates and weirdos trading in boots for grip socks. Do you hear them? You can’t kill Chad Gable! You can’t kill the American spirit! And you can’t kill American Made! Ivy Nile says they’re done with those “5150 freaks.” It is time to bring respect and honor back to this ring

They don’t quit, they don’t surrender, and they don’t run from history, they MAKE history! When and where will the Raw Tag Division be American Made?


Backstage interview with Ludwig Kaiser.

Cathy Kelley is with an upset Impeccable German, still checking his teeth. Given that conversation out there in the ring, it seemed for a moment that what Sami was saying resonated with Kaiser. Kaiser says none of that matters. The only thing that does matter is that he talked with Pearce, and next week, Kaiser will expose Sami in front of the entire world! Who does Sami think he is? Sami is standing in that ring, questioning Kaiser’s loyalty to Gunther, bringing up the past. Sami wants to talk about past loyalties? Let’s talk about Sami’s past!

Let’s talk about the man that Sami called his very best friend, Kevin Owens! And that whenever either one of them had more success than the other, they would pounce on each other, turn on each other, because that is who Sami is! Kaiser will show that to the entire world, that Sami is nothing but a sad, bitter man jealous of his best friend and what he was. Because what Kevin was is what Sami will never, ever be: a world champion! Kaiser says they’re done here, but what will happen when he and Sami are done with each other next Monday night?


Jey Uso encounters Ilja Dragunov backstage.

The Mad Dragon tells Main Event Jey that everything he wants to say is congratulations on the Fatal 4 Way win, and best of luck in the match next week. Aw sure, Uce. YEET. They fist bump and Ilja says yeet to Jey, too. But then as Jey leaves, in step Judgment Day. They see him being friendly with Jey there. And Ilja has been full of praise for Damian & Rhea. Finn knows Ilja’s new around here, so he’ll let it slide. But here’s some advice: Think a little more about who you choose as your friend. Oh, “friend” is such a strong word. But Ilja does respect Rhea, and Priest, and Jey. That’s more than he can say for any of the Judgment Day.

JD wants to throw hands but Finn has him stand down. Finn tells Ilja this is a friendly reminder. But next time, the message won’t be delivered so nicely. They’re gonna go, to take care of one of Ilja’s “friends.” The “Street Trash” head out, but are they barking up the wrong tree with The Mad Dragon? Will it not matter after Priest wipes the floor with Dirty Dom?

Damian Priest w/ Rhea Ripley VS Dominik Mysterio w/ The Judgment Day!

Raw returns and The Terror Twins make their entrance. The bell rings and Priest CLOBBERS Dom! The fans fire up as Priest TOSSES Dom to a corner, ROCKS him with right hand after right hand, then he glares at Judgment Day. Priest whips Dom corner to corner hard, then picks him up with both hands! The fans fire up for the TOSS! Dom wants mercy, but Priest just knuckle locks and twists the wrist! Dom endures, Priest runs him over! Then runs him over again! Rhea enjoys what she sees as Priest wrenches Dom, whips him to ropes, then LEG LARIATS him down! Cover, ONE!! Dom is showing toughness but Priest shows no mercy!

Priest SLAPS Dom, drags him up, then reels him in. Priest glares right at Finn, back suplexes, but Dom lands out! Dom dropkicks the legs out! Dom KICKS and KICKS and then CLUBS away! Dom whips, but Priest blocks! Priest glares at Dom, whips him, then FLAPJACKS him hard! The fans fire up, Rhea laughs, and Priest stalks Dom to a corner. Priest stomps a mudhole in, but the ref has him back off. Liv coaches Dom up but the fans chant “DOM, YOU SUCK!” Priest puts Dom on ropes to CHOKE him, and stares Liv down! Liv shouts, the ref counts, and Priest lets off. Priest tells Finn this is coming for him, too!

Priest drags Dom up again, but Dom fires body shots! Those just annoy Priest! Priest DECKS Dom with a right hand! Rhea says night-night! Priest says this is done, and he hauls Dom up. But then Finn gets on the apron. Priest backs Finn off, but Dom bails out. The fans boo but Dom is safe for now. Priest goes back for Dom, stepping onto the apron. Priest backs Carlito off, scoops Dom, and hits SNAKE EYES off the apron! Priest again backs Carlito off, then drags Dom up. Priest SMACKS Dom off the desk! The fans fire up, but the ref starts a count. The ref also tells Judgment Day to stay away, and Priest ROCKS Dom!

Dom slumps against the apron, and Priest DECKS Carlito for getting too close! Priest puts Dom in, glares at JD, but then the ref is busy with Dom and Finn POSTS Priest! Dom then DIVES, and he sends Priest over the desk! The fans boo but Judgment Day celebrates this small triumph, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns as Dom has Priest back in the ring. Dom tries to suplex, but Priest lifts Dom instead! Dom slips free, shoves Priest to a corner, but Priest ELBOWS back! Dom goes to the other corner, Priest runs in, but only gets buckles! Dom reels Priest in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Priest is still in this and Rhea coaches him up. Dom taunts Rhea with some Latino Heat, then he soaks up the heat from Portland. Dom taunts Rhea, but Rhea uses Dom’s shirt to floss, and we’re not talking teeth or the dance move. Dom fires hands on Priest, then wags his finger at the fans. Dom ROCKS Priest again and again and again!

Dom winds up to CHOP! The fans “WOO~!” but Priest is just getting pissed! Dom is scared as Priest stands up tall! Priest DECKS Dom, DECKS him again, then KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! ROLLING ELBOW! Dom rebounds into a HAYMAKER! The fans fire up again as Priest sees Dom go to a corner. Priest runs in, BIG back elbow! Then a clinch for the FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Priest powers up, and the fans cheer more. Dom rises, but Finn gets on the apron again! Priest runs Finn off, but Dom rolls Priest up! TWO, and Dom comes back, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Priest reels Dom in, for the BROKEN ARROW!

Priest drags Dom to a cover, but Liv gives Dom the ROPEBREAK! The fans boo but Liv has a sinister smile. Wait, REHA SPEARS Liv up and over the desk! Wade Barrett gets wiped out, too! Carlito, Finn & JD are in shock, but then Priest runs to CLOBBER JD and DECK Carlito! Priest stares Finn down, Dom DIVES, but Priest catches him! Priest THRWOS Dom into Finn! SUPERKICK for Carlito! The fans are thunderous as Priest follows Dom into the ring. Dom SUPERKICKS back! And DROPKICKS Priest onto ropes! Dom dials it up, 619! Priest flops back, the fans boo, but Dom goes up! FROG SPLASH- NO, Priest moves!

Dom staggers up, Priest LARIATS him inside-out!! The straps come down, the fans are thunderous again, and Priest aims at Dom. Choke grip, SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

But Judgment Day swarms Priest! The fans boo as “The Street Trash” mug Priest, and Finn wants them to keep going! But Rhea’s up and she drags Dom outta the ring! But Liv YANKS Rhea down, and sends Rhea into steel steps! Judgment Day mugs the Terror Twins all over again, but here comes UUUSO~! Jey runs right to the ring, but Judgment Day is standing their ground this time! But then BRON BREAKKER SPEARS JEY!! The Badass mocks the “Yeet!” and the mugging of Priest & Rhea continues! Finn goes up top as JD sets up Priest, and Liv stalks Rhea. ObLIVion!! And then COUP DE GRACE!!

But wait, that’s not enough for Finn! He goes back up, another COUP DE GRACE!! That’s still not enough as JD rains down fists, then Finn climbs up again! COUP DE GRACE!!! Portland boos but there’s nothing that can be done now! Judgment Day stands tall, will they soon rule all?

My Thoughts:

An awesome episode of Raw, and with a lot of story intermingling this time. But first, a great opening promo from CM Punk to put more heat behind the coming Hell in a Cell with Drew McIntyre. With the series being 1-1, that match could go either way, but it still feels like this is going to end up Punk’s win, with Punk heading for the World Heavyweight Championship after that. And speaking of, great promo from Sami with Kaiser and Gunther. I like the tease of Kaiser standing up to Gunther, though I’m not sure Imperium fully disbands just yet. But between Sami VS Kaiser and Sami just not going away, Gunther has to be giving Sami that match.

Though, with Bad Blood already stacked seeing Punk VS McIntyre in Hell in a Cell, and then Cody & Roman VS Solo & Fatu, I oddly don’t see Gunther giving Sami the match at Bad Blood. Sami has ended up a big part of Crown Jewel and other Saudi Arabia specials. Maybe they stretch this build out so that the title match is there, and that show is made even bigger by having Sami’s big moment where he finally becomes a world champion. Just imagine the crowd reaction for that one.

We definitely got a banger out of Sheamus VS Dunne, and fans definitely like calling Dunne “Butch” now, cuz it’s to make fun of him. But interesting factoid given by commentary that Portland was where The Brawling Brutes beat Imperium in the Donnybrook Six Man Tag. They didn’t time out the story to make tonight’s match a Donnybrook, but after Dunne cheated to win, I feel like we could get Sheamus VS Dunne in a Donnybrook for the go-home episode to Bad Blood. For one, imagine how big that week is, with NXT also having their CW debut on that Tuesday. Starting off with an epic No Disqualification style blowoff match would be great stuff.

Very good match from Natty VS Zoey, and I’m rather surprised PFC didn’t try and cheat something. But great win for Natty, and it being a quick pin makes sure to keep the feud alive. We already has a standard Six Woman Tag, so maybe after singles matches of like Shayna VS Zelina and Sonya VS Lyra, we get a ramped up Six Woman Tag with like Tornado Rules to enhance the chaos and physicality. Who knows who wins out in the end, but they gotta build more contenders to both the Women’s World and Women’s Tag Team titles.

Granted, we got an awesome 1v1 of Bianca VS Iyo. The change was certainly with real reason, as Kairi’s eye really was damaged and they probably just want to take it slowly and carefully. But at the same time, there have been moments when Kairi and Bianca have faced off in the ring that the rhythm just isn’t there, so this could’ve also been an audible called so we could get such an awesome match, not an awkward one. StrongEST Duo VS DMG CTRL for the titles surely happens within the next few weeks. They again might add it to the go-home episode of Raw to really build up that night.

Good video promos from The Wyatt Sick6 and Team American Made. I suppose those teams are going to move on since they had the awesome Mixed Street Fight last week. Not sure what feuds come next, but there was also the Easter egg of the Wyatt symbol on SmackDown last Friday. Do they go there to punish someone for the wrongs of their past? And good promo with The Miz and Braun Strowman ahead of what ended up not being a match at all between Braun and Bronson. Honestly, that whole brawl was incredible, best stuff of the whole night just on the pure thrill ride of them smashing stuff apart. They should definitely do something like a “Last Monster Standing” match to settle this, with the winner (Bronson, I would think) set up as contender to a title.

And that brings us to all the great story mingling tonight. The one promo of Jey, Rhea, Priest and Woods helped set the table for it, where they were all trying to be respectful of boundaries. But then clever use of the beef LWO has with Judgment Day to “screw up” the tag title match. That loss for New Day also feeds the story as built up in their feud with Kross, and it was only right that they bring up Big E’s absence. If Big E can get on TV, it would really add to this story. Not sure it’ll stop the implosion of New Day, but it is a story beat we need to see.

Kudos to Finn and Judgment Day wearing the Street Trash merch, still trying to get that going. WWE really should’ve made that shirt sooner, as in when Priest was still in the group and Gunther called him that, but better late than never. Good promo from Jey and Bron Breakker to add hype to the Intercontinental Championship match, and good promo of Jey and Dragunov, showing that there’s at least one more ally for fighting Judgment Day. Good promos from Finn with Rhea and Jey, as well as Liv with Priest. Finn and Liv are the real masterminds of this Street Trash Judgment Day, but it was also good that only Finn’s digs were doing damage.

And of course, great main event of Priest VS Dom, thought it was of course more like Priest VS Street Trash Judgment Day. Great stuff with Rhea tackling Liv over the desk, and of course Priest got the win. Likewise, Judgment Day of course had to jump Priest & Rhea as sore losers. That cued up Jey, only for Bron to take him out. The math on Bron VS Jey is muddied a bit now, but I think a lot of fans would love to see Jey finally have his singles title moment. In fact, it’d be great for it to happen on Raw instead of a PLE because it’d be a sign that we can expect surprises on TV again. As for the Terror Twins, I stand by what I said last week where there has to be a trade. If Rhea wins against Liv, Finn probably cheats Priest, extending that feud a bit longer.

My Score: 8.9/10

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

All Shows On Demand

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