Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 11.21.2024
Let’s pretend last week didn’t happen? Okay? So tonight’s iMPACT! has to be better…right?

So things can’t get much worse than last week unless this ends up a negative score. Hopefully we got the filler episode or the TNA equivalent of A Feast for Crows, out of the way. I’d like at least a high school level attempt at logically telling a story, not bad promos and story beats almost as bad as Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
The show kicks off with the Knockouts title match featuring Lish. Now while I’m not gonna put Lish over for her ringwork, but her character work is great. So being a NO DQ match, we should get more gimmick and less “work rate”. I will just make it known before the show happens, I am very sick of Tommy Dreamer’s booking (or whoever really has it). Literally none of the stories matter, they aren’t consistent with the storytelling and are squandering the brand equity and good faith returning to TNA has granted them. Lots of potentially decent pieces on this roster, just booking is written by a blind kindergartner who’s just pulling a lever on a See ‘N Say and making that an angle.
The Rascalz and KUSHIDA are confident heading into #TNATurningPoint! @ZacharyWentz @TheTreyMiguel
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 22, 2024
- TNA Knockouts Championship NO DQ Match: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Alisha Edwards: Masha retains via Package Piledriver – ** 1/2
- ASH by Elegance w/Personal Concierge & Heather vs Jody Threat w/Dani Luna: ASH wins via Rarefied Air – **
- Rhino vs Frankie Kazarian: Kaz wins via School Boy w/ Feet on ropes – ** 1/4
- Moose & JDC vs Leon Slater & Laredo Kid: Slater wins via La Magistral – *
- Savannah Evans vs Brittany Jade: Evans wins via Full Nelson Bomb – SQUASH
- The Hardy Boyz & Ace Austin vs Birminghammer Daddies (Hammerstone, Jake Something & Trent Seven): Trent wins via Birminghammer – ***
TNA Knockouts Championship NO DQ Match: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Alisha Edwards
Lish starts off during the introductions, hits a big Forearm and starts laying into Masha in the corner. Lish grabs Kendra, takes a swing, but Masha ducks it and gets a little bit of revenge before a trash can lid stalls Masha’s Suicida. Lish throws Masha back in the ring, along with a chair. Throat Chop from Lish, followed up with a DDT onto the chair and Lish gets an early two count. Lish puts the chair in the corner, bounces Masha’s face off of it a few times before trying to set up for a Corner Crossbody, but Masha moves and Lish eats the chair. Masha grabs a trash can, pops the crowd and tries something but Lish puts the brakes on the initial attack before Masha just smashes Lish’s face into the can, sets her up in the corner, looks for a Superplex through the can, but Lish block and gouges the eyes, slips between her legs and the Avalanche Powerbomb onto the can gives Lish another two count!
Kendra comes into play again, a few quick cracks just seems to piss off Masha, she fires, grabs the kendo stick from Lish and beats on her a few times before the Package Piledriver seals the deal and Masha retains!
Tasha Steelz attacks after the pinfall, so Jordynne makes the save for Masha so they can have a moment before their match at Turning Point.
ASH by Elegance w/Personal Concierge & Heather vs Jody Threat w/Dani Luna
ASH plays the powder to annoy the babyface gimmick, but after the second time Jody steps on ASH’s hand when she tries to quickly break the count and powder again. A few suplexes give Jody the early advantage, but she misses the Spear into the corner and posts herself. Heather uses the moment of distraction to hit Jody with a Neckbreaker and ASH grabs a cheap two count. ASH works Jody over in a corner, distracts the referee again so Heather attacks one more time. The crowd is surprisingly loud for a Jody comeback…but ASH does the ole hair slam into a Headlock.
Jody finally powers up for the comeback, rope spot with the Knees to the back and German Suplex but ASH uses the hair pull to stop Jody from continuing…momentarily. Jody is beating on ASH in the corner, perches ASH, looks for the Superplex but Heather tries to get into the ring to distract the referee, Concierge helps to anchor ASH, so ASH fights off Jody, hits Rarefied Air and wins the match!
Mike Santana comes out for a promo, and about a minute into, the stupid channel switches into Picture in Picture mode. DURING A PROMO. So I have no clue if anything being said is clever, well done or why Frankie Kazarian showed up. Anthem needs to get their act together, this is embarrassing. Apparently we come back in time for the punchline and because they’re both gunning for the World Title Santana challenges Kaz to a Turning Point match because “no nights off”? What kind of moron e-fed story is this? And Tom throws to Picture in Picture as soon as Rhino comes out to kick off the Kaz match…but the commercial break already happened. Sad.
Rhino vs Frankie Kazarian
Lots of stalling from Kaz, since this is supposed to be during PiP, so dumb stuff like powdering, opportunistic throwing Rhino face first into the steps…so on and so forth. Just slow paced dumb stuff until we’re supposed to be “back”, so now Rhino will start…yup Uppercut cuts off Kaz, Lariat, a few Knife Edge Chops into some Short Arm Shoulder Tackles. Kaz powders, tries to grab his Call Your Shot trophy, referee takes it away from him, Kaz runs into the ring and tries to grab his scarf, ref again disarms him but Kaz kicks the middle rope into Rhino for a near fall. Kaz starts laying in some fists and chokes with his shin, cocky cover for 2.
They start just throwing hands, because reasons…Rhino gets the best of it and connects with a few Lariats and a Shoulder Tackle into a Belly to Belly for a two count. The crowd is behind Rhino, a few more Lariats, Gore set up, but Kaz sidesteps it, School Boy with the feet on the ropes for the win.
.@SteveMaclin's journey of discovery forces him to confront elements of his past.
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 22, 2024
This vignette is hot garbage in my opinion. Trying to frame PTSD as trust issues in half baked choppy Netflix recap of a Burn Notice knockoff.
Moose & JDC vs Leon Slater & Laredo Kid
Yeah this match is useless on paper. Laredo is such a filler enhancement talent and even if JDC could eat a pin against say Leon…there’s no way Leon is beating Moose for the X Division title. So aside from a time filler, this match serves no purpose.
JDC starts and eats offense from both Laredo and Leon, as is expected, but I really can’t be dragged into caring about this match. Laredo is joke, Leon is someone they want to hype up but he’s got no discernable personality aside from “British”. Laredo breaks up a pinfall attempt, John Woo Dropkicks JDC into the post after dodging a Spear, Moose catches a Laredo dive and turns it into an Apron Powerbomb, Leon flies over the post to wipe out Moose, locks up JDC in the La Magistral, and its over.
So as I alluded to, it’s technically just a way to set up a challenger for the X Division title, but even if the match is good, Leon shouldn’t beat Moose unless he brings a rifle.
Hendry is out talking, as per usual, and doing his usual thanking the fans for believing and saying all the babyface things. Is definitely cookie cutter, he’s passionate so he sells the basic words well, but it’s basic shit.
Savannah Evans vs Brittany Jade
Skye Blue from wish is the jobber that Savannah gets to eat. Propels Jade across the ring, corner splashes a few times, throws her into the ropes, Jade goes for a Flying Headscissors but Savannah blocks the momentum and reverses it, Facebuster, Samoan Drop, and now Full Nelson Bomb to kill the jobber. There we go, no one is shocked and it didn’t really do anything for Savannah, it was more just a basic reminder of her power moves. Nothing flashy, so if Lei Ying Lee loses, then she’s dead in the water.
The Hardy Boyz & Ace Austin vs Birminghammer Daddies (Hammerstone, Jake Something & Trent Seven)
The Seven Star Hammer Daddies or Birminghammer Daddies…not sure which I like more. Think I’m leaning towards Birminghammer Daddies.
Hammer and Matt start, Matt has control, Jake tries to make the save but ends up eating the Delete Buckle Face Smashes. Matt tries to Double Coconut Jake and Hammer, but they no sell, beat their chests and drop Matt. Hammer works over Matt a little, tags in Trent and then Matt counters whatever Trent tries and gets Jeff in. Classic Senton/Legdrop Doubles, Jeff’s Low Dropkicks, and just typically classic Hardy stuff. Jeff looks for Twist of Fate, Bop and Bang counters, Trent hits a Flowsion and tags out to Jake. Jeff and Matt do some veteran tactics with a blind tag as Jake tries to chase Jeff. But the referee tells Jake that Jeff isn’t legal just in time for Matt to hit a Chop Block and tandem Hardy offense, Ace gets involved in some of the fun and finally gets tagged in. Ace has Jake in the corner, Hammer tries to break things up but Ace moves and Hammer collides with Jake, Trent gets sent in, Double Poetry on the stacked up heel team, they go for Twists in Triplicate…but the heels shove off and powder.
After the picture in picture, we know the heels had control with basic heel stuff, but Ace clears the apron with a big Double Dropkick, Enzuigiri to Trent to try and lunge, but Jake and Hammer pull the Hardys off the apron. Tandem Powerbomb from the Daddies, Trent hits the Seven Star Lariat, but Ace kicks out at two! Birminghammer attempt is slipped, X Plex attempt but Ace turns it into a Flatliner! Ace tags in Jeff and Trent didn’t look for the tag! Jeff hot tag, wipes out the apron, through the legs Double Leg Drop, Flashing Elbow, but the Daddies come in and we get to the signature spam moves for moves sake moment. Matt counters a tandem Back Body Drop with the Double DDT, Twists in Triplicate are hit, Swanton Bomb is called for but Jake and Hammer put a stop to that.
Ace tries to fly on the big men but they catch him, so Jeff gets up and connects the big splash to assist Ace. Plot Twist on Trent! Swanton Bomb from Jeff, 1-2-but Hammer and Jake pull out Ace. Hardys almost fall victim to the Final Chapter, but slip it and hit Stereo Twists of Fate. Referee is checking on the outside stuff, counters The Fold with a Low Blow, Birminghammer wins the match for the Birminghammer Daddies!
Hardyz try to attack Trent, but the big men stop them, they look to make an example out of the veterans, but Rascalz and Kushida make the save.
Overall Score: 4.5/10
Still not what I would call a “good” episode, but at least there was a semblance of trying to remember stories they had going on, a couple alright promos and vignettes. But between the Picture in Picture mistiming, the Maclin vignette being inane and three matches in the middle that mean literally nothing in the grand scheme of things just makes the show feel both bloated and lacking at the same time. Genesis better be the start of a new booker, because literally everything since Scott left has been kinda stupid. A few obvious connections got made and that was fine, but the reimagining of The System swagger (or lack thereof), Hendry becoming the Tetsuya Naito of TNA and the desolate Knockouts Division really makes this a hard product to get any consistency out of much less tolerate what they hand us.
The main event was at least tolerable, give Trent and Ace something with Speedball leaving and Bey injured, and potentially setting up Hammer Daddies to challenge for the tag titles, I’m not mad at that. If I had a say in things, Hardyz should drop the belts to either Hammer Daddies or First Cla$$.
So this was better than last week, but that’s a low bar, and with next week being a Thanksgiving Special, this was technically the Go Home for Turning Point. So next Friday is hopefully a good show, because that card looks bad.
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AEW returns to Sacramento!
AEW Revolution is right around the corner, and Wheeler Yuta is Jon Moxley’s last line of defense! Will Adam Copeland remove Yuta from the equation?
- 8 Man Tag: Will Ospreay, “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, Orange Cassidy & Mark Briscoe VS Bryan Keith, Mark Davis, Brian Cage & Lance Archer; Ospreay, Hobbs, Cassidy & Briscoe win.
- Adam Copeland VS Wheeler Yuta; Cope wins.
- Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa VS Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford; Bayne & Ford win.
- Best Wrestler Alive Open Challenge: Max Caster VS Jay White; White wins.
- Swerve Strickland & Brody King VS Ricochet & Kazuchika Okada; Ricochet & Okada win.
MJF is outside…?
“‘Hangman Did Nothing Wrong,’ that’s what you people like to say. But I disagree. See, what you decided to do, Adam, is decided to poke and prod the Devil. What I did to your boy, Christopher Daniels, friend, that was light work. See normally, I like to play with my food before I eat it. But Hangman, you got me feeling hungry. You got me wanting to take a bite out of that cute, blue-eyed baby face of yours. You got me wanting to prove a point to your s*itty little mark fan club! So you wanna call me out, Hangman? You wanna find me? You wanna fight me? I ain’t hard to find! I’m in the streets of Sacramento!”
If Hangman wants to talk Buckshots, MJF has a bullet with a name on it, and it reads, “HANGMAN! HANGMAN! HANGMAN! You wanna shoot, Cowboy? Well then saddle up, mother effer, and let’s ride!!” The Scumbag is on one tonight, but will he regret lighting that fire inside of Adam Page?
Tony Schiavone is in the ring.
Standing by the table that’s already set up, Schiavone notes we have an irate MJF. But tonight, it is time for the contract signing for the rematch at AEW Revolution, which is also a #1 Contender’s match to the AEW World Championship. First welcome out, alongside Prince Nana, SWERVE STRICKLAND! The Sacramento Memorial Auditorium is now “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” as The Realest heads to the ring, Nana doing the signature Swerve When I Drive dance. The fans fire up as Swerve steps in and takes his seat at the table. Schiavone welcomes out now Swerve’s opponent, Ricochet!
The fans boo as The One & Only walks out, not wearing the Embassy robe, but still wearing a backwards baseball cap to represent the Philadelphia Eagles. Ricochet goes to the ring, shows off the hat, then takes his seat across from Swerve. The fans chant “You Suck! You Suck!” at Ricochet but Schiavone has them get to business. Each man will have a chance to comment before signing. Schiavone points out that Ricochet isn’t wearing the Embassy robe that he stole months ago. Where is it? Ricochet says don’t worry about where his robe is, and don’t worry, we’ll all see it again on Sunday. It is in good hands, getting some, uh, upgrades, if you will.
Nana gets made and steps up, but Swerve holds him back. Ricochet says for Swerve to get “grandpa” under control until something really does happen to the robe. The fans boo, but Ricochet says we’re all excited. Swerve has done plenty of contract signings before, right? But none of them really ended well for him either. Ricochet showed up, he’s here, so now no one has to worry about Swerve’s house being burned down again. Ricochet laughs but the fans boo at his rude joke. Swerve leans in and says just sign the contract. Ricochet says of course, of course, but he’s a superstar, and superstars need time to shine before they sign.
But don’t worry, Swerve. You’re lucky. You’re lucky Ricochet is even here, is even humoring the rematch, because Ricochet should be done with Swerve! Swerve is the one that started this, that stuck his nose in Ricochet’s business. Swerve and all his little fans chose to mock Ricochet. Get it right! Swerve chose to mock and bully and embarrass Ricochet! And what happened? Even in the face of all that, Ricochet still beat Swerve. Yeah, that’s right! Ricochet won! That’s why Swerve mad! Because Ricochet won. Then just sign the contract. Oh, don’t worry, Ricochet will. The fans again chant “You Suck! You Suck!” at Ricochet.
Ricochet tells Swerve that now, Ricochet is one step away from achieving his goal of becoming AEW World Champion! So yeah, he’s more focused than ever! Ricochet is focused on Jon Moxley, he is focused on Adam Copeland, and he is focused on being exactly who he was always supposed to be: THE AEW World Champion! The fans boo, but Ricochet finally signs on the dotted line. Ricochet says, “Now don’t let Prince Nana down.” Swerve tells Ricochet to shut the hell up! The fans cheer that! Swerve says Ricochet is SO annoying! He is an entitled, self-righteous little p*ick, isn’t he?! Ricochet says no he’s not.
Swerve says yeah, he did start this, all to expose Ricochet for the cowardly fraud that he is! And on Sunday, that is exactly what Swerve’s gonna do. Does Ricochet think some low blow victory means something? He thinks that’s impressive? Ricochet stole the Embassy robe, he stuck Swerve with scissors and left him a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. But the biggest mistake Ricochet made is he left Swerve breathing. And with Swerve standing here, it will be Swerve breathing down Ricochet’s neck until he ends Ricochet! Ricochet mocks how scary that sounds, but Swerve says, “Awakening the Most Dangerous Man in AEW is a mistake that you’re gonna learn to regret to live with.”
The fans cheer on “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve says this Sunday, Revolution, Swerve carves his path back to the AEW World Championship. Not just by running through Ricochet, but by putting Ricochet in the ground. And there will only be two things Ricochet will be remembered for. One of them is that Swerve briefly revived Ricochet’s career. The other is Ricochet’s ring announcer wife. Ricochet gets mad while the fans go wild! Swerve signs his part, so it is now official! Swerve wants Ricochet to do something now, but then Ricochet brings out the scissors! Swerve stops that, and shows he has HIS OWN SCISSORS!
Swerve JABS Ricochet in the face with his scissors! The fans are fired up for “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” while Ricochet flounders, blood pouring from his forehead! The contender’s match is Sunday, but there’s still tonight’s “Road to Revolution” tag match! Will Ricochet get his revenge alongside The Rainmaker? Or will Swerve’s House release the Hounds of Hell as he and Brody King stand together?
8 Man Tag: Will Ospreay, “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, Orange Cassidy & Mark Briscoe VS Bryan Keith, Mark Davis, Brian Cage & Lance Archer!
It’s a star-studded start here in Sacramento as the Aerial Assassin conglomerates with The Powerhouse, Freshly Squeeze & The Sussex County Chicken! They’re taking on some common enemies as The Bad Apple is joined by The Don Callis Family’s Dunkzilla & Murder Machines! Will Ospreay and his team make it to Revolution? Or will Keith and the boys collect on that bounty after all?
Dynamite returns as the rest of Ospreay’s team makes their entrance. Then Bryan Keith makes his entrance, followed by the whole Don Callis Family, Callis himself included. The teams sort out and the fans fire up as Ospreay starts against Cage. Callis is on commentary and says all these fans are idiots, but Ospreay BOOTS Cage at the bell! Ospreay fires forearms, then whips, but Cage blocks! Cage whips, Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to RAN- NO, Cage stops that! Fans tell Callis off while Cage THROWS Ospreay away! Cage storms up on Ospreay, scoops him, and uses him for bicep curls before a POWERSLAM!
The fans boo while Cage flexes. Cage puts Ospreay in a corner to fire LARIAT after LARIAT, then he short arm LARIATS! The fans boo more but Cage flexes. Cage drags Ospreay up, reels him in, and puts one out before he lifts. But Ospreay slips free, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and he RANAS this time! Then he BOOTS and SAIDOS! The fans fire up with Ospreay as he drags Cage up. Tag to Mark Briscoe and he fires an UPPERCUT! And a CHOP! And a forearm! And repeat! Briscoe whips, Cage reverses, but Briscoe slides under to REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUT! And then UPPERCUT! UPPERCUT! The fans fire up for “DEM BOYS!”
Briscoe whips, Cage reverses, but Briscoe goes up and over to then Crane Stance and KICK! Briscoe whips, Cage blocks, so Briscoe CHOPS! Briscoe fires a flurry of forearms, then runs, but Cage BACKDROPS, only for Briscoe to land out!? The fans fire up, Cage turns around into a headlock! Cage slips out to waistlock, but Briscoe breaks free to PELE! Cage staggers to the corner, Briscoe storms up to go up, and he rains down fists! The fans count along, all the way to TEN! Briscoe tags Ospreay back in, he goes up to rain down fists! Ospreay goes to TEN, then tags Hobbs! The fans fire up as Hobbs climbs up, and he rains down fists!
Hobbs gets his TEN, then he tags in Cassidy! Sacramento is thunderous as Cassidy goes up, and he hits ONE! Cassidy is as fired up as Cassidy can be, but then Cage CLOBBERS him! The fans boo but Cage snarls as he whips Cassidy to a corner. Cassidy goes up and out, ducks a shot, and he buckle bumps Cage! But Cage stops Cassidy from taking him side to side! Cage swings, Cassidy ducks and RAMS low! Cassidy slingshots, but Cage blocks the blockbuster to make it a JACKHAMMER! Cage tags Archer and the Murderhawk looms over Cassidy. The fans rally for Freshly Squeezed, but Archer stands Cassidy up to ROCK him!
Cassidy wobbles, but Archer keeps him standing. Archer stands Cassidy up again to ROCK him again! Cassidy wobbles, but says hold on. He puts his free hand in his pocket! Archer reels Cassidy in, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges, then goes again, but Davis stands in the way! Archer ripcords Cassidy for the HELLICOASTER! The fans boo but Archer stands on Cassidy while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Archer storms around, then glares at Briscoe while he rallies the fans for Cassidy. Archer storms back to Cassidy, CLUBS away on Cassidy’s chest, then HAMMERS away before he lets Cassidy fall over. Archer tells Davis this is how you do it, then he tags Davis in. Davis scoops Cassidy to SLAM him, then SENTONS! Davis looms over Cassidy, stares Ospreay down, then drags Cassidy up. Davis bumps Cassidy off buckles, then CHOPS him! Davis stands Cassidy up, CHOPS him again, then reels him in. Davis suplexes Cassidy and holds him up! And then the SLAM at TEN! Davis drags Cassidy to the corner, tags Cage in, and Cage CHOPS Cassidy!
Cassidy sputters but Cage deadlift suplexes him! Cage holds Cassidy up, shifts to a military press, then SLAMS him down! Cage flexes, kisses the bicep, then tags in Archer. Archer stays between Cassidy and his corner, then hauls Cassidy up. Archer suplexes and holds Cassidy up, and even marches around! Cassidy reaches out, but Archer SLAMS him down! Archer drags Cassidy over, CLUBS him down, then talks trash. Dynamite returns to single picture as Archer TOSSES Cassidy out! Archer taunts Ospreay and team, and as the ref stops Ospreay from storming in, Callis gets his cheap shots in! The fans boo but Callis gets away with it all!
Davis drags Cassidy up and puts him in the ring, the ref completely missing that crime. Archer suplexes Cassidy, Cage tags in, and he takes the handoff! Cage keeps Cassidy up, and he tags in Davis even though Keith wanted in. Davis takes the handoff, the fans continue to boo, and then Davis SLAMS Cassidy down! Cover, TWO!! Cassidy survives all of that damage and the fans rally up. Davis says if Keith wants in, then here. Keith tags in, and Keith flexes. Keith drags Cassidy up, but Cassidy suplexes! The fans fire up as Cassidy and Keith crawl, tag to Davis! Davis BLASTS Ospreay, then he taunts Hobbs & Briscoe!
Davis goes back to Cassidy, suplexes, but STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE hits! Cassidy hurries, reaches out, hot tag to Hobbs! The fans fire up as Hobbs pushes through Davis and BLASTS the Murder Machines! Hobbs then throws hands with Davis! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” echoes out, but Davis kicks low. Davis runs, RAMS Hobbs, but Hobbs rebounds to CLOBBER Davis! Archer is back, he and Hobbs DOUBLE LARIAT! “MEAT!” Cage runs in, he and Hobbs DOUBLE LARIAT! “MEAT! Hobbs and Archer “MEAT!” Hobbs and Cage “MEAT!” And back again! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” But then Archer kicks low!
The fans boo, but Cage ripcords Hobbs to ROCK him! Archer ROCKS Hobbs, then the Murder Machines run, only for Hobbs to dodge! Hobbs comes back, and he DOUBLE LARIATS the Murder Machines down! The fans are thunderous as Hobbs fires up, and Davis returns. Hobbs hooks Davis up for an EXPLODER! Hobbs sends Ospreay in so he can ELBOW! Hobbs sends Briscoe in for a SPLASH! Cassidy hops on Hobbs’ back, and they DOUBLE SPLASH! Davis sputters, Ospreay PLANCHAS Archer! Hobbs puts Cassidy up top while Briscoe DIVES onto Cage! Cassidy then stands on Hobbs’ shoulders! thumbs up for the LAZY ELBOW DROP!
Hobbs moves Cassidy aside to cover, but Keith breaks it! The fans boo but Keith fires shots on Hobbs! Hobbs just frowns, but Keith CHOPS! Hobbs still frowns, and the fans tell Keith he messed up. But Keith throat chops! Davis reels Hobbs in, SPLASH MOUNTAIN! Davis crawls, Keith tags in, and Keith runs up, to BOOT! Hobbs sputters, Keith runs to BOOT again! Keith clinches, but Hobbs ELBOWS him away! Keith comes back, Hobbs blocks a kick to LARIAT! The fans fire up as Hobbs tags Ospreay! PIP PIP CHEERIO! The fans are thunderous again but Cage kicks and whips Ospreay! Ospreay handsprings, NEURALIZER KICK!
Ospreay goes back to Keith but Keith BOOTS him away! Keith goes up, but Ospreay tuck shim in! CHEEKY NANDOS! Roll up, TWO!! Keith survives, but Ospreay stays focused. Ospreay calls his shot, but Davis BLINDSIDE LARIATS! And ENZIGIRIS! Hobbs SPINEBUSTERS Davis! Cage SUPERKICKS Hobbs! And then clinches for an URENAGE! But Cassidy leaps! Cage catches Cassidy, pops him around, but Cassidy swings for a DDT! Cassidy then builds speed, to DIVE and TORNADO DDT TO THE FLOOR! Cassidy hurries up and he ROCKS Keith! Cassidy climbs, Keith RISING HEADBUTTS! The fans boo but Keith climbs!
Keith clinches for a SUPER EXPLODER! But Briscoe fires forearms! Keith fire back, the fans fire up as Briscoe fires a flurry! Briscoe runs, into a BOOT! Keith runs, into a FOREARM! Briscoe whips, Keith reverses, but Briscoe CLOBBERS Keith! And then clinches, EXPLODER! Archer LARIATS Briscoe down! Archer goes out to shove Cassidy down, and he grabs a chair! The ref tells Archer to stop but Archer scares the ref off! Briscoe REDNECK PALM STRIKES the chair into Archer!! Briscoe has the chair now, and he sets it up so he can FLY!! The Chicken takes out the Murder Machines! Keith has Ospreay and kicks him!
Keith underhooks, Ospreay wrenches out! Ospreay then runs to springboard, OSCUTTER!! HIDDEN BLADE!! Cover, Ospreay’s team wins!
Winners: Will Ospreay, Will Hobbs, Orange Cassidy & Mark Briscoe, by pinfall
But then Davis gets Ospreay in a SLEEPER!! The fans boo as Davis squeezes the air out of Ospreay! APRON POWERBOMB for Cassidy, APRON CHOKE SLAM for Briscoe! The Murder Machines mug Hobbs, shout at the kids in the crowd, and then they bring the steel steps around! MURDER BOMB on the steps!! Ospreay is fading and Callis smiles as his men stand tall. And now, Kyle Fletcher walks out here to pick at the bones. The fans boo as hard as they can, but Cage & Archer sit Ospreay up for Kyle. Callis tells Kyle to go right ahead. Kyle tells Ospreay that this is what he wanted! Kyle HAMMERS away on Ospreay’s head!
The fans boo as Cage, Archer & Kyle all stomp away on Ospreay! Kyle then rains down forearms to the back of Ospreay’s head! Callis tells Davis to do his part, but Davis pulls Kyle away!? Davis says that’s enough, but Kyle says to get his hands off him! That’s not how this goes anymore! Davis doesn’t tell Kyle what to do! Davis needs to learn his place and do as he’s told! Cage has a chair, Callis says to use it! Kyle and Davis each have a hand on it. Kyle tells Davis should do it then. The fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” Davis hesitates, but Kyle and Callis both tell Davis to do as he’s told! So Davis SMACKS Ospreay on the back!
The fans boo, and chant “You Sold Out! You Sold Out!” Davis storms off, no longer wanting a part in this. Kyle sits the chair up, then drags Ospreay up. Kyle reels Ospreay in and suplexes, FULL METAL BRAINBUSTER!! Ospreay writhes, clutching a shoulder and maybe even his neck. The fans boo as hard as they can, but Kyle stands over him, flexing and showing off the sculpted body. Kyle then tells Ospreay this ends Sunday, inside the Steel Cage. Will Ospreay fall in the City of Angels? Or can the Aerial Assassin still fly with one good wing?
Adam Copeland VS Wheeler Yuta!
The Rated R Superstar promised Jon Moxley that he’d eliminate the Death Riders one by one, until there was no one to stand between him and The Maniac. Pac was first, then with Willow Nightingale’s help, Claudio Castagnoli and Marina Shafir fell on the same night. The Decoder is the last line of defense, will even he be the victim of a Con-Chair-To? Or does Yuta have what it takes to cope with the situation?
The bell rings and the fans fire up for Cope. Cope and Yuta step up, tie up, and Cope powers Yuta to a corner. The ref counts, Cope lets off at 4, and then backs up. The fans tell Yuta, “Get a Haircut!” but he ignores that while brushing hair out of his eyes. The two tie up again, Cope puts Yuta in another corner, but he again backs off as the ref counts. But then Cope blocks Yuta’s kick! Cope lets off, oddly being a good sport with Yuta. They tie up, and then Cope trips Yuta! Yuta is annoyed and he resets with Cope. They knuckle lock, and Yuta wrenches to trip Cope, then GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Yuta gets in Cope’s face while fans boo.
Cope shrugs that off and resets with Yuta. They go again, and Cope wrenches. Yuta chinbars but Cope wrenches again. Yuta rolls, handsprings, and breaks free. Yuta runs, Cope follows and LARIATS! The fans fire up for Cope while he paces. Cope drags Yuta up, headlocks, but Yuta powers up and out. Cope runs Yuta over, then keeps moving. Yuta drops down, Cope sunset flips, but Yuta rolls through to high stack! TWO and Cope has the sunset flip again, TWO! Yuta has a leg, ANKLE LOCK! Cope endures, rolls, and he kicks Yuta away. Then he MONKEY FLIPS Yuta on the rebound! Cope arm-drags and has the cording hold!
The fans cheer as Cope shows he can go hold for hold with this young, former three-time ROH Pure Champion. Yuta gets frustrated by that, and he fights up. Yuta powers Cope to a corner, then lets off just to CHOP! The fans boo but Yuta CHOPS again! Yuta talks trash, then RAMS into Cope. Yuta whips, Cope reverses, but Yuta goes up and over! Yuta arm-drags Cope, arm-drags again, then DROPKICKS! Yuta kips up, soaks up heat, then runs corner to corner. Cope puts Yuta on the apron, ROCKS him, then slides under to YANK Yuta down! The fans fire up while Cope stalks Yuta, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Cope drags Yuta up, puts him in the ring, and stalks him to a corner. Cope fires a forearm, then another. Cope whips, Yuta reverses, but Cope BOOTS Yuta away. Cope goes up, leaps over Yuta, but the leg jams! Yuta grins and DDTS Cope down! Yuta smirks, then he rains down fists! The ref reprimands about closed fists, but Yuta lets off. Yuta paces around Cope, soaks up the heat, and then CHOKES Cope on the ropes! The ref counts, Yuta stops at 4, and reminds the ref that he has ’til five. Yuta then goes back to Cope, goes out to the apron, and he stands on Cope’s neck! The ref counts, Yuta stops at 4 again, then he puts Cope in position for a GUILLOTINE LEG DROP!
Yuta drags Cope back from the ropes, covers, TWO! Cope is still in this but Yuta stays on him with a cravat and neck wrench. Cope endures, the fans rally, but Yuta puts on the pressure. Cope fights up, fires body shots, but Yuta fires a KNEE! Yuta then turns Cope for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Yuta snarls, pushes Cope down, then drops a KNEE! Yuta clamps on with a chinlock and he grinds Cope down. Dynamite returns to single picture, and fans are dueling?! “Let’s Go, Yuta!” “YUTA SUCKS!” Cope fights up to his feet, fires body shots, then swings, but into an RIGHT ANGLE SLAM! Cover, TWO!
Cope survives and Yuta is frustrated, but Yuta looks to the corner. Yuta climbs up, but Cope rises to UPPERCUT! The fans rally as Cope HEADBUTTS Yuta! Cope climbs, CLUBS Yuta’s back, then CLUBS him again. And again! And again, again, and again! The fans count all the way to TEN, then Cope brings Yuta up. Yuta fires body shots again and again, then he CLUBS away on Cope! Yuta BITES Cope’s forehead, then HEADBUTTS him down! DIVING SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Cope survives and Yuta is furious! Yuta hooks the arms, CATTLE MUTILATION! But Cope slips right out! Cope has Yuta’s arm for a CROSSFACE!
The fans fire up as Yuta endures! Cope pulls back on the neck, but Yuta rolls to a cover, TWO! Yuta and Cope stand, Cope BOOTS Yuta! Cope reels Yuta in, IMPALER DDT! The fans fire up as Cope gets a wild look in his eyes. Cope goes to a corner, he takes aim at Yuta, and then runs in, but Yuta BUSAIKU KNEES!! Cope tumbles out of the ring and Yuta hurries after him! Yuta drags Cope up, puts him in the ring, and then pushes Cope to the cover, TWO!! Cope survives again, but Yuta gets the arms! CATTLE MUTILATION!! Yuta holds on this time, but Cope endures! Cope powers up against the underhooks, rolls, and spins things around!
Cope has chicken wings, for a GLAM SLAM!! Shoutout to Beth and both men are down! The fans rally for “COPE! COPE! COPE!” as he crawls to ropes. Yuta stands, Cope runs up, but Yuta hurdles! Cope trips up into ropes, Yuta runs at him, but Cope sends Yuta out. Yuta rewinds but Cope’s on the move, too! SPEAR!! Cover, Cope wins!!
Winner: Adam Copeland, by pinfall
The Decoder was good, but Cope had his own solution to the puzzle! But now the question is… What will Cope do to Yuta? Cope has a mic, and he shakes Yuta’s hand?! Cope tells Yuta, “This is what respect feels like.” Cope choosing to take a more diplomatic approach here, knowing that what Moxley puts Yuta through is torture enough. Will we see there’s still a shred of dignity inside The Decoder? Oh, wait, speaking of Moxley, he storms out from the crowd! Moxley is upset with Yuta and that handshake, he wanted Yuta and Cope to murder each other! Moxley pushes Yuta around, and says Yuta better not be listening to Cope’s crap.
The fans boo as Moxley bullies Yuta more, pushing and pie facing him around! The fans now chant for Yuta to stand up to Moxley! Yuta does, by pushing past him! Moxley tells Yuta to get back here, then storms to the back to follow him. Moxley says fine, keep walking! If Moxley sees Yuta again…! Moxley grumbles about Cope being a master manipulator, then he talks to Cope through the camera. “Congratulations, Cope, you did it! I’m all alone! I’ll be all alone at Revolution. Defenseless. I’ll be like a sheep. You think you can just pick me off that easy? That’s what you think? Alright, you win, man. You win. You got to me!
“You pissed me off. You distracted me. You’ve wasted my time. You’ve brought out the worst in me, Copeland. You’ve successfully rattled my cage. Congratulations. But the bars were there for your safety. Now you’ve got me all alone, just like you wanted. What’re you gonna do with that, huh? What’re you gonna do to me on Sunday at Revolution? Nothing, that’s what you’ll do. You’ll do NOTHING! Rated R Superstar? You deserve to get your ass beat! And I’m gonna enjoy doing it! I’m gonna enjoy every second of beating your ass, because you deserve it and because I want to. Cuz it’s gonna make me feel good.
“Respect? You’re trying to show this kid about respect with a handshake? No. This business… There is no respect in this business! There never has been! I seem to be the only guy who gets that! You get respect one way in this business: when people know that you are willing to pull the trigger. And you pulled the trigger on me one, two, three times. Sunday at Revolution, I only gotta pull the trigger once.” Moxley storms off, but is he playing right into Cope’s hands? Or will there be no end to The Maniac’s reign of terror?
The Outrunners speak.
Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd meet by the Tower Bridge. Truth says this is their shot, and it may never come again. Turbo says yeah, but they’re ready to win those AEW World Tag Team Championships. WIN! We then get an Outrunners music video, “You Are Not Alone,” supposedly released… in 1987? And the video is of course a training montage straight outta Rocky. Will the Youngest Men Alive have the eye of the tiger as they take on The Hurt Syndicate?
MJF is still outside.
And it would seem he’s waiting for Hangman to come find him. MJF yells, “Hangman! Where you at, bud?” MJF says this is so typical. Renee Paquette walks up to MJF and says he’s obviously waiting for Hangman, but what’s the game plan? MJF says it doesn’t matter, because clearly Hangman isn’t going to show. Your cowboy is a gutless, yellow-bellied coward! And this Sunday, MJF will prove Hangman is not the main character. AEW’s main character, whether you like it or not, is MAXWELL! JACOB! FRIEDMAN! M J F! Wait, that longhorn-adorned R1T is pulling up… And it’s not stopping!! MJF and Renee run for it!
Hangman pulls over, gets out of the truck, and shouts, “Why you running, dumbass?! Get back here!!” Hangman stalks MJF, enters the building, and spots him! Hangman CLOBBERS MJF, they brawl onto the stage, and the fans fire up as Hangman throws MJF into railing! Wait, that’s not MJF! It’s just some guy in a matching suit and scarf! The guy pleads with Hangman, MJF made him do this! What?! MJF then CLOBBERS Hangman from behind! The Scumbag is the real coward, needing a decoy! MJF then THROWS Hangman into the apron! MJF drags Hangman in through the ropes, for a HEAT- NO, Hangman throws MJF away!
MJF’s leg buckles, Hangman takes aim! Slingshot, BUCK- LOW BLOW!! MJF hits Hangman first, then puts Hangman back in the ropes. The fans boo but MJF hits the HEATSEEKER!! MJF takes off his belt, takes off his button-up shirt, and reveals his T-shirt that reads “MJF DID NOTHING WRONG.” The fans boo because that’s just not true. MJF rains down fists on Hangman, security rushes out here, but MJF DECKS each guard, one after the other! MJF then brings out the Dynamite Diamond Ring, puts it on his pinkie, and- HANGMAN TACKLES HIM! The fans fire up as Hangman rains fists down in return!
MJF gets loose, DIAMOND PUNCH!! The fans boo but MJF gives the ring a kiss. MJF then goes out and grabs a mic. “You people love when your precious cowboy burns things, don’t you? Let’s see how you hypocrites feel when I do it.” MJF looks under the ring, and he brings out LIGHTER FLUID! MJF brings that over to Hangman, and he squirts it all over Hangman! The fans boo, but then MJF produces a lighter! Refs, security, producers, they ALL rush MJF! They tackle MJF to get that lighter away from MJF, and then get MJF away from Hangman! MJF shouts, “LEMME PROVE MY POINT!” MJF has gone completely insane!
Security carries MJF away kicking and screaming, but what will happen when he and Hangman face off at Revolution? Will the Devil of AEW actually burn The Cowboy alive?
Backstage interview with Ash Avildsen.
Lexy Nair is with the writer and director of the new film, Queen of the Ring, and asks what he can tell us about the movie. Ash says it is based on the true story of Mildred Burke, a small town single mother that pioneered Women’s Wrestling when it was illegal all over America. It has been an honor for him to bring her story to the screen, to work with all the great people here in AEW, from Tony Khan to Jim Ross, who told him about the original novel, and also introduced him to this leading lady. In steps Timeless Toni Storm! Toni says yes, “Mr. DeMille,” that is true, she is starring in the film as Clara Mortensen, “a vivacious vixen, captivating champion, and gorgeous gal.”
Clearly, it was a stretch for Toni. It is a great film, but her only regret is that her nude scenes were cut from the picture. Ash perfectly plays along as he says, “Now, now, darling.” As wonderful as those scenes were, it still had to be PG-13 so that families could come out and see the picture. Toni is box office gold, she may or may not be living healthily as part of his private collection on Mulholland Drive. Lexy says either way, Toni also has a sit-down interview with Renee Paquette and her challenger, Mariah May. Toni says that is also correct. “Mr. DeMille” shouldn’t watch this one. Things could get ugly.
In the meantime… Chin up, tits out, and watch for the Queen of the Ring, in theaters this Friday, March 7th! And now… We pose! Toni gets her close-up from Ash Avildsen, will Queen of the Ring and Revolution make for back to back blockbusters this weekend? Or will it still be All About Mariah?
Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa VS Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford!
The Galaxy’s Greatest grappled with the Megasus, but the Superbad Girl had to go and get involved. Luckily, La Mera Mera made the save as she owes Megan & Penelope payback of her own! Will Kris & Rosa truly be the greatest duo the AEW Women’s Division has ever seen? Or will Megan & Penelope be the bane of their existence?
The teams sort out and Kris starts against Ford. They tie up, Kris puts Ford in a corner, then throws her away! Kris keeps Ford away from Megan, but Ford stomps a foot! ford switches, Kris THROWS Ford off, then Kris taunts Megan. Ford grabs Kris in a headlock, but Kris fights the takeover. Kris fires body shots, then hits a headlock takeover in return. Ford CLUBS Kris, headscissors her, and she squeezes tight! Kris moves around, headstands, and the fans fire up as Kris kips free to basement DROPKICK! Kris drags Ford up, bumps her off buckles, then tags in Rosa. The fans cheer as Rosa whips Ford back into the corner, then ELBOWS her!
Tag to Kris, and Kris runs up to SPLASH! Tag back to Rosa and she CHOPS Ford! Rosa whips, Ford reverses, and she trips Rosa onto ropes! Ford runs to DROPKICK Rosa in the back! Cover, ONE!! Rosa is tougher than that, but Ford headlocks. Ford fishhooks Rosa to make her smile, then she kisses Rosa on the cheek. Rosa grabs Ford by her face! Then she CHOPS Ford, followed by a flurry of forearms! Rosa winds up to ROCK Ford! Ford falls against ropes, Rosa fires up with the fans, and Rosa DROPKICKS! Tag to Kris, and she slingshot ELBOW DROPS! But Megan gets in and BOOTS Kris down! The ref reprimands, but Rosa climbs!
Rosa CROSSBODIES, but Megan catches her! Megan pops Rosa up to a fireman’s carry, then she THROWS Rosa out onto Kris! The fans are torn but Ford certainly applauds her partner. But then Megan looks at Ford, and picks her up! Megan THROWS Ford onto Kris & Rosa! The fans fire up for Megan and she revels in it while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Megan steps outside to fetch Kris and put her in the ring. Megan then puts Ford in, puts her on top of Kris for a cover, TWO! Ford hurries to clinch Kris, but Kris breaks free to ROCK Ford! Kris scoops and SLAMS Ford, then tags in Rosa! Ford tags in Megan, and Megan picks Rosa up to RAM her into a corner! And RAM her again and again and again! The ref counts, Megan picks Rosas up again, and she brings Rosa over to the corner. Tag to Ford, then Megan RAMS Rosa into another corner. Megan CHOPS, runs, then SPLASHES Rosa! Ford adds her handspring BACK ELBOW! Ford snapmares Rosas for Megan to clinch, and EXPLODER!
Ford covers Rosas, TWO! Rosa is still in this, but Ford keeps her from Kris. The fans rally as Rosa reaches out, but Ford drags her away to stomp her down. Ford then clamps on for a motorcycle stretch, digging her boot into Rosa’s back. Rosa fights up, fires body shots, but Ford throws Rosa down by her hair! The ref reprimands but Ford drags Rosa onto ropes. Ford CHOKES Rosa, soaks up the heat, then lets off to bring Rosa to the corner. Tag to Megan and Megan LARIATS! And LARIATS! Megan reels Rosa in for a short arm LARIAT! Megan then LARIATS again! Megan says one more time, but Rosa SLAPS her!
Megan CHOPS Rosa, whips her to ropes, but Rosa ducks ‘n’ dodges! Rosa DROPKICKS and Megan staggers to a corner. Rosa stands, but Megan runs up to LEAPING LARIAT! Dynamite returns to single picture as Megan covers, TWO! Megan clamps onto Rosa with a chinlock, but the fans rally as Rosa endures. Megan thrashes Rosa around, but Rosa fights up. Rosa hits a JAWBREAKER, then fires body shots! Rosa CHOPS, CHOPS, then winds up to- NO, Megan blocks that chop and suplexes! Rosa slips free, fires KICK after KICK, but Megan blocks the kick! Rosa ENZIGIRIS! Both women are down and the fans fire up!
Rosa and Megan crawl, hot tag to Kris! Kris climbs and MISSILE DROPKICKS Megan! Megan tumbles away, Ford tags in! Ford runs up but Kris BACKDROPS her! UPPERCUT for Megan, then Kris keeps going, KNEE for Megan! Ford handsprings in, but Kris dodges, so the ELBOW hits Megan! Kris then FISHERMAN BUSTERS Kris! Cover, TWO! Ford survives but Kris tags Rosa! Rosa & Kris get Ford up, double whip her to a corner, then Kris UPPERCUTS! Kris sets up, Rosa runs in, LA MERA MERA IN MOTION! The fans are thunderous but here comes Megan! Kris & Rosa dodge to double mule kick!
Rosa SHOTGUNS Megan, Megan stays up, so Kris adds a SCISSOR KICK! Kris then TOSSES Megan out, and the fans fire up as Rosa builds speed! Rosa WRECKS Megan with a dropkick! Kris goes up, but Ford YANKS Kris down! Ford mocks the flexing, but Rosa sneaks up on Ford. Rosa has Ford by the hair, drags her into the ring, and gives her a kiss on the cheek! Then she DECKS Ford! Rosa vows to end this, and she reels Ford in! But Ford RAMS her into the corner! Megan tags in, she and Ford double whip corner to corner. Ford runs up, Rosa ELBOWS her away! Rosa BOOTS Megan, then CHOPS away on both of them!
The fans fire up for every CHOP, and then Rosa fires backhands! STUNNER for Megan! The fans fire up again as Rosa scoops Ford. Ford slips free, shoves Rosa, and Megan fireman’s carries! “BOW! DOWN!” F5!! Cover, Megan & Ford win!!
Winners: Megan Bayne & Penelope Ford, by pinfall
“Fate’s Descent” takes down the former AEW Women’s World Champion! But will nothing stop the ascent of the Megasus?
Backstage interview with Mercedes Mone.
Renee gives the full introduction for The CEO, the AEW TBS Champion, #FourBeltsMone, and Mone is so excited. “Sacramentooo~! Say hello to your C E O!” Renee says this Sunday at Revolution, Mone will be facing Momo Watanabe with the TBS title on the line. Mone and Momo met before, but- Mone says she beat Momo. Look, Momo is legit. She is one of the best in Japan, and has beaten some of the best, just to get her shot at Mone. But Mone is the greatest TBS Champion of all time? And there’s no what? Uh, no stopping the Money Train? That’s right, Renee! That’s right!
But before that, AEW Collision will see Momo Watanabe facing Serena Deeb. Does Mone have any predictions for that match? Predictions? We’re talking Serena Deeb here. The Professor of Pro-Wrestling! The Woman of 1000 Holds! So come Collision, Mone will be watching. And Serena will break Momo for Mone. Because come Revolution, it will be a walk in the park. Why? Because that’s the price you pay? NO, not that catchphrase! W-which one then? “Money changes everything.” Well, will Mone get her money’s worth when Momo enters Deeb’s Dojo?
Best Wrestler Alive Open Challenge: Max Caster VS ???
Platinum Max is back at it, but uh, he’s already 0-3 at his own challenge. Caster makes sure Justin Roberts introduces himself properly, then he copies MJF with his, “Cut my music, cut my music.” The fans boo but Caster says Sacramento is “lookin’ live at the Best Wrestler Alive. And we all know Platinum Max is the most talked about wrestler in AEW. Whenever I’m in the ring, I hear all the Maximaniacs talking! People over here are saying one thing, people over there are saying another thing. But tonight, I want us to all get on the same page. Try to follow along. Let’s Go, Max! You’re the Best Wrestler Alive! Let’s Go, Max! You’re the Best Wrestler Alive!”
What happened to his sense of rhythm? That is way too awkward of a chant. The fans prefer to boo anyway. Caster says alright, that was a good effort. We’re not gonna get it right on day one. They call this Sac Town for a reason: They’re all a bunch of ball bags! The fans boo, but Caster says no worries, there’s business to attend to. Let’s see who can survive the Best Wrestler Alive! It’s JAY WHITE! The fans fire up for The Switchblade while Caster has a bit of a freak-out. Will Caster learn to Breathe with the Switchblade?
The fans tell Caster he messed up! The bell rings, Caster and White circle, but then Caster says hold on. Caster picks up his certificate to show it off, then he tries that stupid chant, “Let’s Go, Max! You’re the Best Wrestler Alive!” The fans still boo, then White catches Caster in a clinch! BLADERUNNER!! White mocks the chant, then covers, White wins!
Winner: Jay White, by pinfall
Rush, Hangman Page, Brody King, and now Jay White. Four in a row, all loses for Platinum Max. But White grabs the mic to say, “At Worlds End, the Rated R Superstar joined the fight against The Death Riders. And since that day, that man has had my back. And since that day, I have had his. And now, Moxley’s all alone. And this Sunday, Revolution, I will be there to see in the NEW AEW World Champion, Cope!” The fans cheer that, and then White makes sure Caster has his certificate. Will Jay White be right? Will we finally have a NEW AEW World Champion?
Sit-down interview with Toni Storm & Mariah May.
As promised, Renee sits down between the AEW Women’s World Champion and her challenger, these former friends turned bitterest of enemies. Renee welcomes us in, thanks them both for agreeing to this talk, and for agreeing to no physicality. Except Mariah immediately SPITS at Toni! Renee is rather startled, and Toni flatly says, “It’s nice to know you still care.” Renee asks Mariah, “What the hell is wrong with you!?” Mariah says, “Me?! It’s her! Look at what she made me do! Look at what she made me do to someone that I love! Sitting there like you’re the victim. You started this! You created all of this!”
Renee says NO, Mariah did this! Mariah came into Toni’s life, she started this! Mariah says she made it all work! All of it! But this is all because of Toni, all because of them together! Toni is nothing without Mariah. That title is nothing without Mariah! Toni survived in Australia, but there will be no surviving at Revolution, because they will both go down together. Is Toni proud of Mariah because she’s a “sick b*tch?” Well, then she’ll be the sickest Toni has ever seen! She is the Woman From Hell, and she will drag Toni down there with her, because deep down, Toni knows that Mariah did it better! Toni is still stern and stoic.
Mariah creeps a little closer, leaning on Renee a bit as she asks, “Isn’t this what you always wanted? A trilogy with your greatest costar, and it’s back where we first shared a ring together, at Revolution. We can have a Hollywood Ending, the one we always dreamed of.” Toni says, “You do not deserve the dignity of death. I sentence you to a lifetime of mediocrity. Your life will continue, your career will continue, and it will be good, but never great. People will like you, but never love you. Because the star that you are will not compare to the monster that you’ve become. So you will dwindle, be replaced, and be forgotten.
“Then one day, many years from now, someone will ask, ‘Whatever will happened to Mariah May?’ She found out what happens when you try to kill God.” Mariah throws her chair aside, she and Toni both stay up, and Renee says she simply prays neither of them gets seriously injured. Both Mariah and Toni tell Renee, “Pray for her.” Win, lose or draw, this WILL be the finale of a true classic! But will it be a tragic ending? Or will it be timeless?
BREAKING NEWS for Collision!
After finally naming Her Finishing Move, Harley Cameron is back in action! Who will #FeelTheWrath here in Sacramento? Plus, after costing Adam Cole his shot just last Saturday, Lee Moriarty now gets his shot at Daniel Garcia’s TNT Championship! Will these two young ‘n’ hungry rivals finally settle their score?
Swerve Strickland & Brody King VS Ricochet & Kazuchika Okada!
The Realest and the One & Only opened tonight with their contract signing, and it did NOT go how Ricochet hoped. He has a huge bandage on his forehead after being cut open, but will the Rainmaker help him turn it all around? Or will Swerve’s House and the Hounds of Hell whet their appetites for destruction just days before Revolution?
The teams sort out and Swerve starts against Okada. They circle, the fans rally behind “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” and the two feel things out. They knuckle lock, Swerve wrenches and hammerlocks, but Okada switches that onto Swerve. Swerve headlocks, then clinches, but Okada puts Swerve in the corner. The ref counts, Okada lets off, and then fakes the chop. Okada pats Swerve on the shoulders, lets him out of the corner, and Ricochet keeps his distance. Swerve and Okada reset, but then Okada backs off to offer Ricochet the tag. Swerve says do it! Ricochet says sure, why not. Okada tags Ricochet in, the fans boo, but then Okada attacks!
Okada and Ricochet mug Swerve, Brody storms in, but the ref has everyone stand down! Ricochet eggs Brody on, but Brody BLASTS Okada! Brody goes out to fire off on Okada and the fans fire up! Swerve fires off on Ricochet, too! Brody sends Okada into railing! Swerve whips Ricochet corner to corner, then back the other way! Swerve runs up, blocks Ricochet’s boots, and he TOSSES Ricochet up and out! Swerve then goes after Ricochet on the outside! Brody sends Okada into more railing! Sacramento is thunderous as Brody holds up a fan sign, and Swerve makes Ricochet take a seat. Swerve then coordinates with Brody.
Brody whips Swerve at Ricochet, and Swerve KNEES Ricochet against the railing! He almost takes out the camera feed with that! But Okada runs up, only for Swerve to dodge! Okada BOOTS Ricochet, then Swerve ROCKS Okada! Okada sits on Ricochet’s lap, and Swerve even barks along as Brody runs in! Brody CROSSBODIES them both against the railing! The fans are thunderous while Ricochet cries in pain! Swerve pushes Okada down, Brody drags Okada up, and then Brody scoops Okada. Swerve has Ricochet, and Swerve hoists Ricochet onto Brody’s other shoulder! Brody carries both men around as Swerve goes up!
Swerve runs, DOUBLE STOMP SLAM COMBO! The fans are thunderous as Brody puts Ricochet in the ring. Swerve and Brody coordinate again, Brody whips Swerve to UPPERCUT Ricochet! Swerve snapmares Ricochet for Brody to SENTON! Then Swerve goes up, FALLING UPPERCUT! Swerve hits the Griddy and Sacramento is loving it! Swerve even “buries” Ricochet in a shallow grave. Swerve drags Ricochet up, whip, but Ricochet reverses. Swerve grabs ropes to avoid the superkick, then he BOOTS Ricochet down! Swerve DECKS Okada for good measure before he somersaults, into a CODE BREAKER! The fans boo but Ricochet covers, TWO!
Ricochet stomps away on Swerve, taunts Brody, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.
The ref reprimands Ricochet but he focuses on Swerve in a corner. Ricochet digs his boot in, the ref counts, but Ricochet stops at 4. Ricochet argues with the ref about all of Swerve’s extracurriculars, then stands Swerve up. Ricochet UPPERCUTS Swerve, puts him in the corner, and he CHOPS! Ricochet keeps Swerve up, tags in Okada, and they mug Swerve. Okada TOSSES Swerve out, then goes out to bring him around. Okada SMACKS Swerve off the steel steps! And then does it again! Okada taunts the fans, flips them off, then goes back to Swerve. Okada stands Swerve up, but Swerve grabs and bends Okada’s fingers!
Swerve ELBOWS Okada, but Okada kicks low! DDT to the floor! Okada refreshes the count while Ricochet mocks Swerve. Okada drags Swerve up, puts him in the ring, and then keeps him from Brody. The fans rally as Okada stands Swerve up, for a DDT! Cover, TWO! Okada tags Ricochet, Ricochet swaggers around, then he KNEES Swerve in the back! And KNEES him again! Swerve goes to ropes, Ricochet taunts Brody, then he CHOKES Swerve! The ref counts, Ricochet stops at 4, then he drags Swerve around. ROPE GUILLOTINE! Swerve sputters, the ref reprimands, but Ricochet just soaks up the heat.
Ricochet drags Swerve around to then go up, out, and KNEE-BOARD SENTON! Ricochet struts around, does his own Griddy, then tags Okada. Okada drags Swerve up, puts him in a corner, then ROCKS him with a forearm. Swerve fires back, Okada ROCKS him again, and Dynamite returns to single picture. The forearms go back and forth, but Okada UPPERCUTS Swerve. Okada whips corner to corner, then runs in, but Swerve dodges the elbow! Okada hits buckles, but he keeps Swerve from Brody by pulling hair! Swerve blocks a kick, slips under and around to then hit a BACKBREAKER! Swerve shoves and DROPKICKS Okada down!
The fans fire up as both men are down! They crawl for their corners, hot tag to Brody! Ricochet runs in, but into a BACKDROP! Okada staggers up, only for Brody to LARIAT him down! And LARIAT again! Brody roars, but Ricochet CHOPS! Brody doesn’t even flinch! Ricochet CHOPS again, but Brody eggs him on! Ricochet CHOPS, Brody CHOPS! Ricochet is stinging as he drops to his knees, and Brody SLAPS him on his bald head! Ricochet writhes, but Okada runs in! But Brody FLAPJACKS Okada onto Ricochet! And then he SENTONS onto them both! The fans fire up as Brody fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, Ricochet breaks it!
Ricochet saves the match, but then asks Brody for mercy! Brody TOSSES Ricochet out, drags Okada up, and Brody whips. Okada grabs ropes, then dodges Brody, Ricochet GAMANGIRIS Brody! Brody staggers into Okada’s DROPKICK! Ricochet springboards, MAMBA SPLASH! Okada covers, TWO! Brody stays in this and Okada is a bit surprised. Okada goes to a corner, climbs up, but Brody stands! Okada leaps over Brody, comes back to BOOT, then UPPERCUTS! Okada runs, but Brody roars and LARIATS! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Okada and Brody crawl, hot tags to Ricochet and Swerve!
Ricochet panics and pumps on the brakes, does a U-turn, but Okada’s not there! The fans fire up as Swerve CLOBBERS Ricochet! And CLOBBERS him again! Swerve whips, hip tosses, and then gator rolls Ricochet for the deadlift suplex! Cover, TWO! Ricochet survives but Swerve stays focused. The fans fire up again as Swerve drags Ricochet up and reels him in. But Ricochet wrenches out to ROCK Swerve! Ricochet lifts, Swerve slips free to ROCK Ricochet! Swerve runs, into the Tiger Wall Kick! SOBAT! V-TRIGGER! ROLLING- NO, Swerve wrenches and spins Ricochet, POWER LIFT POWER- DDT!! Cover off that wild counter, TWO!!!
Ricochet is furious, but “This is Awesome!” Ricochet goes to the corner, he locks ‘n’ loads, then runs in for the SPIRIT- NO, Swerve ducks the Spirit Gun! Swerve kicks, Ricochet blocks, and Ricochet spins Swerve to get the dragon sleeper! VERTI- NO, Swerve slips free and half nelsons! BIG PRES- NO, Ricochet victory rolls through! TWO!!! Swerve narrowly escapes, and he somersaults for the FLATLINER!! Swerve kips up, runs up, HOUSE CALL!! The fans are thunderous, but Swerve isn’t done with just one! Swerve goes up, up, and KILL STOMP!! But Okada is up top!? MACHO ELBOW breaks the cover!
Brody storms in and fires forearms with Okada! The fans fire up with each shot, then Brody CHOPS! And fireman’s carries, but Okada slips free! Ripcord, but Brody BOOTS the lariat away! Then he SPLASHES in the corner! Okada sits down, Brody has the fans barking! CANNONBALL misses as Okada moves! Okada grabs his Continental Championship! Okada storms into the ring with it, but gets a HOUSE CALL!! Brody LARIATS Okada up and out! But Ricochet has the belt, to CLOBBER Swerve!! Ricochet covers, and wins!!
Winner: Ricochet & Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall
Another dirty, underhanded tactic takes the win away from Swerve! Will Ricochet use this exact same strategy to win at Revolution? Or will cheating The Most Dangerous Man in AEW end very, very badly?
My Thoughts:
An awesome episode of Dynamite here, especially as a go-home to Revolution. For one, great stuff from MJF and Hangman, such as Hangman making good on his promise to go after MJF with his truck. Very clever stuff with the decoy, and then a very good brawl. MJF threatening to light Hangman on fire was also wild, but a clever direction to take this. Obviously he wasn’t gonna pull it off here, but I’m sure MJF will try it at Revolution. Jack Perry once got set on fire with proper precautions, I wonder if they’ll actually do it for MJF and Hangman.
Great 8 Man Tag to do a lot in the Don Callis Family story at once. While Ospreay’s team wins, them getting beat down does help muddy the go-home math. Obviously Cassidy & Briscoe are going to help Big Boom AJ win against #MXMTV on Sunday, so they have to be figuratively on the ropes here. Davis being reluctantly part of what happened to Ospreay makes me think Davis will ditch the Don Callis Family and help Ospreay win the cage match. And with word Jeff Cobb could be joining AEW in the near future, I feel like the United Empire will finally get going in AEW as a trio to start.
Cope VS Yuta was not at all the match I expected, but clearly that was per Cope’s plan. Cope wants Yuta to understand that he doesn’t have to be alongside Moxley anymore, and for the moment, it seems to have worked. Yuta could still stick by Moxley’s side given Jay White is sticking by Cope’s, but I guess we’ll wait and see. White answering Caster’s open challenge was good stuff given it also did two birds with one stone: Caster continues to lose because of his ego, and White got a win that he can carry to the other side of Revolution.
Very good tag match from Kris & Rosa VS Megan & Ford, and it makes sense the Heels would win this given Megan has already become quite the force here in AEW. Depending on how things go with titles, Megan could easily be in line for at least the TBS Championship. Mone had a very good promo to not only hype her match with Momo on Sunday, but to add a little something to Collision. In fact, Collision is being taped tonight right now after Dynamite so that everyone can rest up before Revolution. Mone on commentary for Momo VS Deeb will be good stuff, but I would think Momo wins. The go-home math will then favor Mone winning on the PPV.
I loved that Outrunners vignette, because it was very on-brand for their 1980s throwback gimmick. But as much as fans love them, and as awesome as it would be for them to pull off the upset, I don’t see Truth & Turbo winning the tag titles just yet. It just seems that we’re going to get Lashley & Shelton VS Archer & Cage first, given how the Hurt Syndicate purposefully made sure Archer & Cage lost the tag match. Though who knows, maybe Archer & Cage are why Truth & Turbo win as payback for that very screw job last week.
Great stuff in the AEW Women’s World Championship story. For one, Ash Avildsen playing along with Toni was a really fun promo. Then, Toni Storm and Mariah May probably gave us AEW’s best sit-down interview promo ever, because of how expectations were subverted from start to finish. Mariah spitting at Toni was her way around the No Physicality Agreement, and then Mariah was rather, uh, bipolar with how she talked to Toni. First she was upset, then she was almost pleading with Toni, because somewhere in that twisted mind, there’s still love there. Toni being completely stern that whole time was also a great way to play it. Their Hollywood Ending Falls Count Anywhere really could go either way, but I’m leaning towards Toni retaining.
And awesome stuff from Swerve and Ricochet tonight. Their contract signing to open was really good, especially with Swerve countering Ricochet’s shiny gold scissors with pitch black scissors. I am pretty sure Ricochet’s “upgraded” Embassy robe will be all about himself, but I would think they’d use a different robe as well, like a stand-in stunt robe or something just so they don’t actually do anything to the Embassy robe. The tag match main event was rather outta nowhere but it was still awesome stuff, and it also serves multiple go-home math equations at once. The Heels stand tall, Ricochet pinning Swerve, because I’m pretty sure Swerve wins at Revolution. Okada VS Brody could still go either way, but it’d be a great honor for Brody to not just beat Okada but to win the title.
My Score: 9/10
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The Don and The Chair Man!
Tony D’Angelo defends his North American Championship against Shawn Spears, but this is really about whose “family” is on top of NXT!
- Sol Ruca & ZARIA VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven; Sol & Zaria win.
- Kelani Jordan VS Jaida Parker; Jaida wins.
- Jordynne Grace VS Cora Jade; Grace wins, by referee stoppage.
- Trick Williams VS Kale Dixon w/ Uriah Connors; Trick wins, by referee stoppage.
- NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo VS Shawn Spears; Spears wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.
Sol Ruca & ZARIA VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven!
The Soul Surfer & Agent of Change issued the challenge, and the Hot Mess only half paid attention. Because of that, the WWE Women’s United States Champion and her “Secret Her-vice” are now taking on some up and coming stars. Will NXT still salute the #RedWhite&Green? Or will someone get their soul snatched?
The teams sort out and Chelsea steps to Sol. Chelsea talks some trash, then she SLAPS Sol! She shoves Sol, Sol ducks the boot, but Chelsea ducks a kick! Sol ducks a kick, and SLAPS back! X-FACTOR! Cover, TWO! Chelsea scrambles away, tags to Piper, and Chelsea still talks trash. The fans rally up as Zaria reaches out. Sol tags her in, and the fans fire up as Zaria and Piper step up. Piper pats Zaria on the head, but Zaria clamps onto Piper’s neck! Piper breaks free, scoops Zaria, but Zaria fights free! Zaria goes to fireman’s carry! Piper fights that, but Zaria stops the haymaker! Piper stops one back, so they DOUBLE HEADBUTT!
Zaria and Piper stay up to DUOBLE LARIAT! Piper rebounds to CLOBBER Zaria! Piper fires up, Chelsea cheers her on, but Zaria rises up! Piper turns around, and Zaria LARIATS Piper down! Zaria stalks Piper, tags Sol, and Sol springboards, but Piper moves! Sol belly flops and Piper brings her over. Piper bumps Sol off buckles, tags in Chelsea, and they mug Sol in the corner. Chelsea whips Sol but Sol BLASTS Piper down! Sol goes up and over, trips Chelsea, then handsprings to SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Sol drags Chelsea up, Chelsea breaks free, and Chelsea throws Sol down by her hair! Tag to Piper, but Sol avoids the senton!
Tag to Zaria and then Sol tags back in. Zaria BOOTS Piper, then she and Sol coordinate, HIGH LOW KICKS! Cover, but Chelsea breaks it! Only for Zaria to TOSS her out! Chelsea drags Zaria out, SMACKS her off the apron, but Sol builds speed! Sol FLIES, down goes Chelsea! The fans fire up for that one! But Piper is on the apron! CANNONBALL! Piper wipes out Sol & Zaria and the fans are thunderous while NXT goes picture in picture.
Piper helps Chelsea to her feet, makes sure her hair is okay, then stomps Zaria. Chelsea puts Sol in the ring, stalks her, but Zaria tags in. Chelsea SLAPS Zaria, then hits a CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Chelsea drags Zaria up but Zaria finds body shots. Chelsea ROCKS Zaria, bumps her off buckles, and tags in Piper. Piper fires hands, RAMS into Zaria again and again, then gets space. Zaria dodges, hot tag to Sol! Sol runs but Piper CLOBBERS her! Piper bumps Sol off buckles, fires forearms, then tags Chelsea. Chelsea reels Sol in for a waistlock and SLAMS her down! Chelsea drags Sol up, taunts Zaria, but Sol fires body shots.,
Chelsea waistlocks, Sol switches, but Chelsea bucks the O’Conner! Sol comes back to DECK Chelsea! Chelsea goes to a corner, Sol runs up, but Chelsea dodges! Sol goes up the corner, but Chelsea YANKS her down! Sol flounders, Chelsea pushes her to a cover, TWO! Chelsea is frustrated, but she drags her up. Chelsea taunts Zaria, then bumps Sol off buckles. Chelsea tags Piper and Piper tags Chelsea back in. They ripcord and SLAP to then LARIAT! Chelsea covers, TWO! Chelsea clamps on with a body scissors and squeezes tight! Sol endures, fights around, but Chelsea pulls hair. Chelsea rolls Sol to a cover, TWO!
Chelsea still holds onto Sol, but Sol pushes back for a cover, TWO! Chelsea lets sol go but then facelocks to keep her down. Chelsea CLUBS Sol, NXT returns to single picture, and Sol fires body shots. Sol reaches out but Chelsea holds her back! Sol fires forearm after forearm, but Chelsea THROWS her down by her hair! Tag to Piper, and Piper hauls Sol up. Piper has a leg, but Sol ENZIGIRIS! Sol crawls, but Piper KICKS her in the side! Piper drags Sol away from Zaria, suplexes, but Sol wrenches out to ROUNDHOUSE! Sol reaches out for Zaira, but Chelsea is lurking! Chelsea YANKS Zaria down! Sol is stunned, but Piper CLOBBERS her!
Piper TOSSES Sol across the way, then SPLASHES! Tag to Chelsea and Piper puts Sol up top. Sol BOOTS Piper, SHOVES Chelsea, and then adjusts! CROSSBODY! Down go Piper & Chelsea! Hot tag to Zaria! The fans fire up as Zaria BOOTS Piper, then catches Chelsea for a GERMAN SUPLEX! LARIAT for Piper and the fans fire up as Zaria GERMAN SUPLEXES Chelsea again! Zaria dodges Piper, Piper fights the suplex, but Zaria SPEARS her down! Zaria roars, and she SPEARS Chelsea! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Chelsea survives by a literal foot and Zaria is stunned! Zaria drags Chelsea up, fireman’s carries, but Piper storms in!
Piper saves Chelsea, Sol runs in! Piper LARIATS Sol, Chelsea hits a CODE BREAKER on Zaria! Chelsea holds Zaria down, the NXT fans are coming up with a “Pledge of Allegiance to Chelsea Green” on the spot, and Piper SENTONS onto Zaria! Cover, TWO!! Zaria survives, and she has a bloody nose! Chelsea is furious either way, and she hoists Zaria up. But Zaria turns chicken wings into an Electric Chair! Tag to Sol and she goes up! QUEBRADA DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Piper runs up, but Sol moves! The SPLASH hits Chelsea! Piper panics, but Zaria wrenches and fireman’s carries! F5 onto Chelsea!!
Chelsea sputters and staggers up, Sol runs, SOUL SNATCHER!!! Cover, Sol & Zaria win!!
Winners: Sol Ruca & Zaria, by pinfall
Whatever is left of Chelsea, she just lost to the upstarts! Will Chelsea owe Sol a shot at the gold now?
Jordynne Grace talks with Ava Raine backstage.
The Juggernaut knows the NXT General Manager knows, but there is unfinished business between her and Roxanne Perez from Battleground. Ava does know that, and given how she interrupted Grace- Cora Jade interrupts and says this is crazy! Because Ava told her she had time to talk today. Yes, but Ava and Grace were just finishing up. Grace says maybe Cora is just here to protect her BFF. Cora says what Grace is not gonna do is act like she knows Cora. Because FYI, Cora and Roxie are NOT BFFs anymore. But Cora is here to thank Ava, because Ava just set up a match of Cora and Grace’s best buddy, Masha Slamovich, for the TNA Knockouts Championship.
Oh, and when Cora takes the title, she’ll take it to places neither Grace nor Masha ever did. Wow, Cora and Roxie are perfect for each other. Uh, Cora will hold Grace’s hand when she says this: an NXT superstar holding the TNA title will make it more important than it has ever been. Especially when that person is Cora. Grace tells Cora that the day she wins the Knockouts title is the day Grace retires. Then start packing now! Ava has them calm down, because she knows where this is going. Ava isn’t even mad about it, because they can settle it in the ring. Cora said exactly what she thought. Bye-bye, Jordynne~! Bye~!
Cora heads out, but does she understand what she’s gotten herself into? Or will the Generation of Jade not even make it to her match with Masha?
Trick Williams talks with Ava Raine.
Trick is not letting it end like this. They all heard what Eddy Thorpe said last week, he will fight Trick anytime, anywhere! Ava says that’s not how this works, but then in step Uriah Connors & Kale Dixon. They heard Ava got a new office, so they got her a gift basket. Trick says now is not the time. Come back later with the package. Okay, thanks, bye. Kale says, “Calm down, brochacho. We’re just here to give Ava a gift.” Trick asks, “Did I stutter? I said come back with your package. Go bother Mr. Chase or something.” Wow, Trick is gonna talk about Chase like that? Facts: Trick is literally the reason Chase U got put on the line in the first place!
Trick shoves Kale right up against the wall! Trick is NOT playing with your punk ass! They’ll find out tonight, while Ava makes up her mind about Trick VS Eddy. Trick storms off, Kale and Uriah says, “In honor of Mr. Chase.” But is Kale biting off far more than he can chew? Or will the last class of Chase U find a way to Whoop Dat Trick?
Kelani Jordan VS Jaida Parker!
These two have argued, fought, snapped at each other, and just can’t stand each other. Will this match finally put things to rest?
NXT returns and Kelani makes her entrance. The bell rings and the fans rally. The two tie up, go around, and then break. Jaida shoves Kelani, Kelani shoves back, and they tie up again. Jaida gets under Kelani to RAM her into a corner! And RAM her again, and again, and again! Jaida lets off as the ref counts, then she whips corner to corner. Kelani goes up and over, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then DROPKICKS Jaida down! Jaida goes toa corner, Kelani RAMS into her! And RAMS into her again, and again! Kelani lets off, snapmares, and she sets up to STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Kelani clamps onto Jaida’s arm and grinds.
Kelani wrenches and YANKS the arm, wrenches and YANKS again, then steps over, LA MAGISTROL! TWO, but Kelani is right back on the arm. Jaida endures, powers up and out, then she ELBOWS Kelani down! Jaida runs, Kelani stays low then LARIATS! Jaida almost loses her head and Kelani is fired up! Kelani drags Jaida up, but Jaida ROCKS her! Jaida puts Kelani through the ropes, ROCKS her, then runs, but Kelani jumps over the slide to DOUBLE STOMP! Jaida staggers away, Kelani ASAI MOONSAULTS! Down goes Miss Parker and Kelani says that’s why no one does it like Lani! Kelani puts Jaida in, to SPLASH! Cover, TWO!
Jaida stays in this and Kelani grows frustrated. Kelani drags Jaida up, whips, but Jaida reverses. Kelani ducks ‘n’ dodges, but then Jaida dodges to CLOBBER Kelani! Jaida is mad now, and she storms around. Jaida runs up, but Kelani BOOTS her away! And ROUNDHOUSES! Kelani goes up top, but Jaida hurries to trip her up! Jaida CLUBS Kelani, then climbs up after her. Jaida scoops for a TOP ROPE BACKBREAKER! Kelani tumbles to apron then floor, and Jaida tells her, “Who you messing with!?” Jaida is all fired up while NXT goes picture in picture.
Jaida drags Kelani up, puts her back in the ring, then rolls in to drag Kelani up. Jaida snap suplexes, then drags Kelani back up to TOSS out! Kelani flounders, Jaida goes out after her, and whips her into the apron! Then back into the apron! And back into the apron again! Jaida shakes out the bad arm, and she THROWS Kelani into barriers! Jaida storms back into the ring just to refresh the count. Jaida then stands Kelani up, but Kelani whips! Only for Jaida to reverse and send her into barriers! Jaida COHPS Kelani, stalks her along the way, then pushes her into the ring. Jaida storms up on Kelani to CLUB her down!
Jaida pushes Kelani, covers, TWO! Jaida is annoyed but she clamps onto Kelani with a body scissors! Kelani endures, pries at the legs, but Jaida puts on the squeeze! Kelani fights around, Jaida rolls her, TWO! Kelani pushes back to a cover, TWO! Jaida holds on, and she CLUBS away on Kelani’s back! Jaida puts on more pressure, but her bad arm doesn’t let her stay up for long. Kelani pries at the hold again, throws elbows at Jaida, and Jaida lets her go. Kelani goes to a corner, Jaida runs up, but only gets buckle! Kelani O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Kelani hits buckles, Jaida drags her up to put her in the ropes!
Jaida CHOPS Kelani, then gets space. TEARDROP! Jaida high steps, talks smack, then suplexes Kelani for a GOURD BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Kelani survives but Jaida stays on her. Jaida sits Kelani up, CLUBS her on the back again and again, then steps over! NXT returns as Kelani endures the step-over motorcycle stretch! Kelani UP KICKS, then she blocks a kick! Kelani slips around to leg-hook LEG SWEEP! Kelani hurries to get Jaida back up, but Jaida JAWBREAKERS! Jaida storms up to whip, but Kelani reverses. Kelani runs in, Jaida puts her on the apron, and Jaida RAMS Kelani! Kelani falls to the floor but Jaida goes out after her.
Jaida puts Kelani in, counter punches, then aims. Jaida RAMS into a facelock! Kelani makes it a SMASH, then a slingshot GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!! Jaida survives but Kelani drags Jaida up. They fire forearms back and forth, harder and harder! The fans rally, Jaida CHOPS, then Jaida dragon sleepers! INVERTED- NO, Kelani slips free, rebounds, and LARIATS! And LARIATS! And handspring BACK ELBOWS! Kelani kips up and the fans fire up! Kelani kicks Jaida, reels her in, but Jaida stops the DDT! Jaida scoops but Kelani slips free! Kelani has the dragon sleeper, SLICE! Cover, TWO!!
Jaida survives the leg drop DDT and Kelani is beside herself! The fans fire up, Kelani drags Jaida to a drop zone. Kelani goes up, up, but Jaida avoids the moonsault! Kelani rolls through, rolls Jaida up, TWO! Jaida pops Kelani up to a fireman’s carry and SAMOAN DROP! The fans fire up as Jaida crawls to the cover, TWO! Kelani stays in this but Jaida fireman’s carries. Kelani fights free, CROSSFACE CHICKEN- NO, Jaida fights that, then RAMS Kelani into buckles! Jaida CHOPS, then puts Kelani in the ropes again. Jaida CHOPS Kelani, then goes outside? Jaida goes up the corner! But Kelani KICKS her from below!
Kelani gets up to GAMANGIRI, then she goes up! The fans fire up while Jaida fights the suplex! They brawl, and Jaida is on the very top! Kelani gets her for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! But Jaida flounders out of the ring! Jaida survives and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Kelani goes out, but Jaida trips her up! Kelani flops off the apron, into the HIP-NOTIC!! Jaida wants another! HIP-NOTIC into the steel steps!! Kelani staggers back up, staggers over to Jaida, and puts her in the ring. “This is Awesome!” as Kelani climbs up the corner again. Jaida stands to ROCK Kelani first! Jaida climbs, but Kelani ROCKS her!
Kelani HAMMERS away, and Jaida falls into the drop zone! 450 FLOP!! HIP-NOTIC!! Cover, Jaida wins!!
Winner: Jaida Parker, by pinfall
Kelani flies high, but she crashes ‘n’ burns! Miss Parker says she’ll be at Roadblock watching Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer. #ClockIt! The champions are surely taking note of this rising contender, but will it be the Beautiful Madness or La Primera when Jaida takes her shot on goal?
Backstage interview with The D’Angelo Family.
Kelly Kincaid is with The Don, as well as Adriana Rizzo, Luca Crusifino & Stacks. Kelly says the last time Tony was in this building, he was driven from the top rope onto a steel chair, all by Shawn Spears. Tony says first thing’s first, welcome back Kelly, it is good to see her again. But Tony’s mother always told him, “If you got nothing good to say about a woman, say nothing.” Now, Tony has a lot to say about Izzi Dame. But he is sure our friends at CW will respect his decision to just say, next question. Fair enough. How is Tony’s back? Is this too soon for a return?
Tony says he understands Stacks’ concern for his back. About going out there in this condition. And it is Stacks’ call when Tony’s not around. But Tony’s here. And while clearly Spears is putting together a “little family” of his own, understand this: There is only ONE family in NXT, and that’s the D’Angelo Family. The Don may not physically be 100%, but he is 100% focused. Will nothing The Chair Man does stop Tony from being the North American Champion?
NXT checks in on the Roadblock Press Conference.
Oba Femi is at the podium, and the first question is, after having a few defenses now, what is it like to defend his title while also representing NXT against a wrestler from a different company? Oba says holding the title and representing the brand is not something he takes lightly. But Moose is a five star athlete, and we will witness two Nigerian titans go head to head for the first time. But this match is one Oba cannot afford to lose. Because if he does, we’d have a TNA wrestler running around with the NXT Championship around his waist. Oba will not allow it.
The second question is the size difference between Oba and Moose, given they have similar builds. Oba says you all saw the match with Lexis King last week. Moose is big, like Oba, and he is no slouch. That man can go. But one thing holds true: Oba has faced men smaller than him, equal in size to him, and even a few somehow bigger than him. But Oba hits first, and he hits hard. When he gets his hands on Moose, Moose will wish he never left the NFL. Oba says no more questions, but he will leave us with this: At The Theater in Madison Square Garden, Oba will walk in and walk out the NXT Champion, and still The Ruler.
The Hardy Boyz are here!
While their NXT in-ring debut was last week, this is the first time Matt & Jeff have been here in Orlando’s NXT Arena! The fans are all fired up as the Hardy Boyz go to the ring, and they chant, “Welcome Home! Welcome Home!” Jeff & Matt take a moment to revel in that. Jeff says, “Man oh man oh man! The last few weeks have felt surreal! It feels so good to be here in NXT! And it feels so damn good to be back home in the WWE!” Matt thanks the fans, and he says he feels the love. Coming home to WWE, to be on NXT for the very first time, and to be able to face a top team like No Quarter Catch Crew, it was exhilarating! It was amazing!
And Matt must tell us, they’ve been all over. Millions and millions of miles! But the positivity of the NXT locker room is off the charts! Something special is happening here in NXT! Jeff says amen, the fire in the eyes are alive, and the hunger is infectious. The Hardys looked Fraxiom in the eyes, and Jeff has to say, he saw the same fire that took him and Matt to unimaginable heights in this business! Wait, Hank ‘n’ Tank come out here? The fans are a bit torn, but Tank apologizes. They mean no disrespect! They actually came out here to say, “Thank you.” Yes, thanks for showing us all what it means to be a tag team!
Hank ‘n’ Tank just want some advice. Because who better to ask than the GOATS? Hank says he and Tank have been feeling like they’ve missed something. Something to take them to the next level. What do they gotta do? Matt says they know who Hank ‘n’ Tank are, they enjoy Hank ‘n’ Tank’s work, and they respect Hank ‘n’ Tank. But they’re young, strong, big, and hungry! But sometimes, to make someone notice you, you gotta break the norm. Yeah, Jeff says sometimes, you gotta take things to the extreme! Oh, extreme? Like tables? Like ladders? Like chairs? Oh my! No no no! It’s more than that!
It’s about getting outside your comfort zones and going past your perceived limits, beyond what you are. Matt says look at Hank ‘n’ Tank. They have the same hunger as the Hardys had in 1998 when they debuted in WWE! And when they first went extreme, it wasn’t about TLC. It was about taking risks, and bet on themselves, and step to challenges that seem impossible and make them possible! Wait, wait, wait, here comes Josh Briggs & Yoshiki Inamura! The Bullhead Brawler says he hates interrupting a Hardy Party, but he’ll be blunt with them. Hank ‘n’ Tank need to remove their lips from the Hardy Boys’ asses! They see what you’re doing!
Briggs wants everyone to listen, but the fans just boo. Briggs tells Matt & Jeff that they can give Hank ‘n’ Tank all the advice under the sun, but it’s a waste of breath. If Hank ‘n’ Tank want advice then stop playing damsels in distress. The Hardys ain’t giving Hank ‘n’ Tank a title shot, Briggs & Inamura are taking it! If Hank ‘n’ Tank got a problem with that, then do something about it! It’s THEIR turn! Hank asks Tank if he’s thinking what Hank’s thinking. Tank says extremely! They DOUBLE DIVE onto Briggs & Inamura! The fans fire up as these four big boys brawl to the back, but wait! Someone sneaks in behind the Hardys!
But Matt says, “Fraxiom! I knew you’d come~! HAHAHAHAHA!” Yep, Axiom & Frazer are there! Axiom says what a dream match: The greatest tag team of today VS the greatest tag team of all time. In just seven days. Make sure to bring your best. The fans chant “DELETE! DELETE!” Frazer says they most certainly will. And next week, they put the discussion to bed. Time to find out who is truly the best tag team today! Then see you in New York City. The Hardys hold up their belts, but will they still have those belts after battling Fraxiom in the Big Apple?
Jordynne Grace VS Cora Jade!
The Juggernaut wants to make an impact on NXT, and while she wants payback on The Prodigy, she’ll warm up using Roxie’s former best friend. But will Cora prove she can be TNA Knockouts Champion by taking down a former champion? Or will Cora be the one jaded?
Masha is in the crowd and smiles at Cora. Cora tells her to shut up and sit down. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Grace headlocks for the takeover, but Cora fights up. Grace hits another takeover, but Cora fights up again. Grace hits a third takeover, and Cora gets frustrated. Cora pulls hair, wrenches out, then headlocks in return. Grace powers up and out, blocks a boot, but Cora gest around to roll Grace. Grace rolls through to fireman’s carry! Grace RAMS Cora into the corner, RAMS her again, but Cora slips free. Cora whips but Grace reverses! Cora hits buckles, the fans fire up, and Grace whips to CLOBBER Cora!
Grace runs to LARIAT, then she dares Cora to get up. Cora stands, Grace atomic drops her, then shoves her for a scoop and tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Cover, TWO! Cora stays in this but Grace stays focused. Grace brings Cora up to LARIAT Cora front and back! Cora sputters, Grace winds up, but Cora dodges! Only for Grace to scoop and SIDEWALK SLAM! The fans fire up as Grace watches Cora go to a corner. Grace runs up to UPPERCUT, but then Cora pulls hair! Cora THROWS Grace into buckles! The fans boo but Cora runs corner to corner, and BOOT WASHES Grace! Cover, ONE!! Grace is tougher than that, but Cora pushes her around.
Cora SMACKS Grace off the mat, but the fans rally for Grace. Cora stands Grace up, reels her in, but Grace blocks! Grace shakes her head, wrenches free, and CHOPS! CHOPS! CHOPS! Grace runs, but Cora follows to ROCK Grace! Cora KICKS the legs out, then runs to IMPLODER- NO, Grace avoids the stomps! Cora drags Grace up from the apron to fire KNEES in the ropes! Cora then shoves Grace down, mocks her, and soaks up the heat while NXT goes picture in picture.
Cora drags Grace up and through the ropes, CLUBS away on her! Cora runs to then DROPKICK! Grace flops into the ring, Cora covers, ROPEBREAK! Cora HAMMERS away on Grace, then lets off. Grace drags herself up, Cora kicks low, but Grace hits back. Cora whips Grace, Grace reverses, and Grace scoops for a POWERSLAM! Grace goes up to VADER FLOP! Cora stomps Grace down, then SMACKS her off the mat! Cora soaks up the heat while she cleans off her hands. Cora goes up and IMPLODER STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Grace is still tougher than that, but she slaps some fire back into herself. Cora paces, brings Grace up, but Grace fights the lift!
Grace RAMS Cora into a corner! The ref has Grace back up to check Cora. Grace eggs Cora on, but even the ringside physician checks Cora. Grace paces while she waits and NXT returns to single picture. Cora is still being checked on, and she has to call it. Grace wins by stoppage!
Winner: Jordynne Grace, by referee stoppage
Not quite a knockout, but this is the difference between a Juggernaut and everyone else. Will Cora be alright to still challenge Masha at Sacrifice? Is this an example to what’s in store for Roxie?
Video interviews with Ethan Page and Je’Von Evans.
All Ego and the Young OG are naturally in separate locations as Vic Joseph, Booker T & Corey Graves begin this interview ahead of their New York Street Fight next week. How did we get to this moment? Ethan says it goes back to December. Ethan had no path back to the title, yet some 20-year-old kid comes to the ring to give him a pep talk. Je’Von, look at you. Full of joy and energy, all because he’s in the WWE, living his best life. Meanwhile, it took almost Je’Von’s entire life for Ethan to just get to the WWE! And on top of that, Je’Von is gonna talk to Ethan about being a husband and father!?
That was the moment when Ethan realized, “Maybe it’s not All Ego, maybe I became All Soft.” And he snapped. Was it jealousy? Damn right! It is jealousy! Je’Von, listen to Ethan, because he means every single word of this: If Ethan could break Je’Von’s jaw again, he’d do it in a heartbeat! Ethan is the most dangerous he has ever been in his entire career. And NXT is silly enough to give Ethan a match with Je’Von, where there are no rules?! Absolutely none?! Je’Von says exactly, there won’t be any rules in New York! Je’Von hasn’t been able to talk for three months because of Ethan. Ethan took Je’Von’s smile, his joy, everything.
Je’Von has loved the WWE his whole life, and this situation has made him see it in a different way. Like last week, what was he doing? Rocking! What was Ethan doing? Running! But guess what? Next week, ain’t no running in New York! For three months, Je’Von had to deal with Ethan. It made Je’Von realize that there will be guys like Ethan trying to hold guys like Je’Von down, and he puts this on everything he loves, and even on his mama. Je’Von will not be held down no more. No one takes his joy, and no one takes his smile, straight facts! Then any last words before next week?
Je’Von and Ethan both want to speak, but they both get mad over the other interrupting. Ethan vows to end Je’Von’s career! Je’Von says Ethan messed up. But who will have the last word when these two get to cut loose in The Theater?
Trick Williams VS Kale Dixon w/ Uriah Connors!
Whether or not Trick is at fault that Chase U was collateral damage with Ridge Hollands is only for historians to decide. But Mr. Chase isn’t exactly going to be the one teaching that class… Will Chase U be avenged? Or will Kale learn first hand why you don’t get on Trick’s bad side?
NXT returns and Trick makes his entrance. Kale and Uriah have one last pep talk, then the bell rings, TRICK SHOT!! Trick rains down fists on Kale, the ref has Trick back off, it’s OVER! KNOCKOUT!!
Winner: Trick Williams, by referee stoppage
Trick isn’t done, though, as he grabs a mic and calls out Eddy Thorpe! “You just saw your whole life flash before your eyes! You want me? Come out here and see what it’s about then, dawg!” And here comes The Alpha Wolf! Trick is ready, but then Eddy is in the perch! Eddy grins as he says Trick has really been struggling with not being the man around here anymore. But Trick still walks around here like he is, right? Even though they both know it should be EDDY dammit! Eddy beat Trick at Vengeance Day, but it looks he’s gotta beat it into Trick and the fans that Eddy IS the man. And it has to be definitive.
So in two weeks, Eddy VS Trick! They do this in NXT UNDERGROUND! Trick says if Eddy wants him in two weeks, he’ll see his punk ass in the Underground! The fans like the sound of that! But when there’s no ropes and no holding back, who will make it out in one piece?
The Prodigy clearly used a chair and whatever else is backstage to take down the Juggernaut! Roxie says, “Welcome to NXT!” But refs rush in to stop Roxie! Roxie drops the chair, leaves Grace behind, but has she only added fuel to the fire?
NXT checks back in on the press conference.
Moose now takes the podium, and he has one last question. He has competed in a lot of big matches in TNA, but where does his match with Oba rank in his career? Moose says he is a prizefighter and always fights for the biggest prizes. So when the NXTNA collaboration was official, he knew there was one match he wanted. Moose was patient, waited, and when the right opportunity came to cross over, here we are. If he’s being honest, there is no match bigger in this relationship than Oba VS Moose. And he gives credit where credit is due, Oba has been one hell of a champion in NXT. And he will be a major player in the WWE for many, many years.
And he can be the Ruler of NXT, he just won’t be NXT Champion. Because next week, Moose leaves Roadblock with TWO titles, as your dual TNA X-Division & NXT Champion. Moose will be the Face of Both Franchises. Moose heads out, and Ava takes the podium. The NXT GM says Roadblock is shaping up to be the biggest show in NXT history. And based on what’s happened the past couple of weeks, including tonight, Ava can announce now, Roxanne Perez VS Jordynne Grace will happen for The Theater in Madison Square Garden. Alright, they’ll wrap this up with one final question just for her.
A hand shoots up, and it’s Fallon Henley of the Fatal Influence. Fallon says they are all “dying” to know why Fallon hasn’t gotten her rematch for the Women’s North American Championship. First it was Karmen Petrovic, and now Giulia is getting her shot? What about Fallon!? Ava says they can talk about this later. Fallon says NO, they talk about this now! Ava says no, she’s got the main event to watch, but Fallon will not let her leave! Ava does leave, Jacy & Jazmyn also complain, but if there’s one person not under The Influence, it’s the Final Boss of NXT. But what will Ava say about Fallon’s rematch?
Ricky Saints crosses paths with Ridge Holland.
Ricky offers a fist bump as he introduces himself, and Ridge says he knows who Ricky is. Big win in his debut last week. But it didn’t move Ridge. Ricky doesn’t belong. Oh, okay. Well, guess what? Get used to seeing a whole lot of him. Ricky moves on, only to cross paths with Shawn Spears. Spears smiles, and says this revolution will be televised, when Spears wins the North American Championship. Spears keeps smiling as he leads Izzi Dame, Niko Vance & Brooks Jensen on. Will The Chair Man be in charge? Or will he just have to FOGEDABOUTIT?
NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo VS Shawn Spears!
From day one, The Don said he would run NXT. And though many doubted him, he backed up his word, and just look at him now! Though, perhaps the painful truth The Chair Man brings tonight is that he will do exactly the same thing. Will Spears finally have the gold he has been hunting? Or will nothing stop The D’Angelo Family from being THE family in NXT?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who really runs things around here!
The bell rings and the fans rally up. Tony and Spears stare down, then Spears throws a shot! Tony counter punches, fires more shots, then whips. Spears reverses, Tony ducks but Spears hits a THESZ PRESS! Spears rains down fists, Tony gets away to a corner, but Spears CHOPS him! Tony just snarls at him! The fans fire up as Tony puts Spears in the corner! Tony CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, then fires haymakers! Tony whips, Spears reverses, but Tony comes back to LARIAT! The fans fire up with Tony while Spears’ team freaks out. Tony drags Spears up and puts him up top! Tony climbs up, then he fires hands!
Spears throat chops, Tony staggers back, and Spears hops down. Spears knees low, HEADBUTTS Tony, then he whips. Tony reverses but Spears KICKS Tony away! Spears runs, Tony dodges and SUPERMAN PUNCHES! Cover, ONE!! Spears stays in this but Tony stays cool. Tony stands Spears up to ROCK him, then he follows Spears to a corner. Tony hoists Spears up top, climbs up, and he throws more hands. The fans rally, but Jensen, Izzi & Niko all bark! The ref tells them to get down, but Tony tells his people to stand down. This is his fight, not theirs. Stacks and the others understand, and then Tony hits a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!
Spears is still in this, but the fans are still behind Tony. Tony stands up while NXT goes picture in picture.
Tony drags Spears up, throws hands, then stalks Spears to another corner. Tony RAMS into Spears again and again, then brings Spears out for more shots. Tony fires the fans up before he gives Spears that hockey scrum! Spears sputters, Tony paces, and Tony tells Spears’ team to back off. Tony goes up to Spears in the corner, and rains down fists! Spears slips out before 5 and trips Tony up! Tony gets stuck in ropes, and Spears hits a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Tony writhes, Spears storms up, and Spears stomps away on him! The ref has Spears back off, and Spears hobbles a bit as he soaks up the heat.
Spears goes back to Tony, drags him up, and scrapes laces off Tony’s face! Tony sputters and flounders, but Spears drags him around to scrape him again. Spears goes out, grabs his chair, but the ref stops him from bringing it in! This isn’t that kind of match! Spears says fine, and he drops the chair. Then Tony BLASTS Spears down! Tony goes out to drag Spears up and SMACK him off the apron! Tony puts Spears in, runs up, but Spears SUPERKICKS! Tony staggers, Spears hits a CODE BREAKER! NXT returns to single picture as Spears covers, TWO! Tony stays in this and Spears grows frustrated, both “families” coach their leaders on.
Spears drags Tony around, STOMPS his face, then taunts The D’Angelo Family. Spears STOMPS Tony again, then paces around. Tony writhes, Spears drags him up by his hair, and he HIP DROPS Tony down! Spears drags Tony up by his straps, and HIP DROPS him again! The fans rally for Tony, but Spears clamps on with a CAMEL CLUTCH! Tony endures as Spears pulls him back, and the fans rally up. Tony gets his arms free, stands up, and he fires body shots! The fans rally more as Tony fires more shots. Tony whips, Spears reverses, and Spears wrenches to dragon sleeper! BACKBREAKER! Tony writhes and the fans boo.
Spears stalks Tony, drags him up again, and says, “Your family’s done! You hear me?!” Spears says Tony will have nothing, because he is nothing! Tony grabs Spears by the face! The fans fire up as Tony says how’s this for nothing!? They start throwing hands, and Tony gets the edge! Tony whips, CLOBBERS, and DECKS Spears! Then BELLY2BELLY! Spears flounders while the fans fire up with Tony! Tony runs corner to corner, but Spears dodges! Tony stops short, comes back, SPEAR on Spears! Cover, TWO!! Spears survives and Tony grows frustrated, but the D’Angelo Family coaches him up.
Tony goes out, drags Spears up, but Spears RAMS Tony into the apron! The ring count climbs but Spears puts Tony in the ring. Spears goes up the corner, AX- NO, Tony body shots first! Tony reels Spears in, but Spears keeps Tony from getting a leg! Spears trips Tony, ties up the legs, SHARPSHOOTER! Tony endures as Spears sits way back! Spears keeps Tony from the ropes, but Tony powers up! Tony pushes up as the fans rally behind him, and he powers out!! Spears is shocked, but Tony says bring it! Tony blocks a kick, reels Spears in, FOGEDABOUTIT! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Izzi helped with that one!!
RIZZO TACKLES IZZI! The fans fire up as now the brawl is on! Things spill into the ring, only for Luca to LARIAT Niko up and out! Then Stacks LARIATS Jensen up and out! The ref ushers Stacks out, but then Spears SHOVES Stacks into Tony, AND TONY FALLS ON THE CHAIR!! The fans lose their minds, Stacks freaks out, and Stacks goes to check on Tony. Spears storms out, tells Stacks to move, and says, “So much for family!” Spears puts Tony in the ring, fireman’s carries, and hits C4!! Cover, TWO!??! Tony survives and shocks everyone! Stacks is relieved that he didn’t just cost The Don his gold.
The fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as Spears drags Tony around. Spears rains down fists, even as the fans rally up. Spears brings Tony up, fireman’s carries again, but Tony fights free! “This is Awesome!” but Spears still THROWS Tony! Tony handsprings through!? Tony staggers, comes back, SPINE- NO, the back gives out!! Spears cradles Tony, SPEARS WINS!!
Winners: Shawn Spears, by pinfall (NEW NXT North American Champion)
The air comes out of the building as Tony literally crumples under Spears! It looked like The Don was going to pull off the comeback, but it was his literal back that fell apart. Is this proof that Spears was right all along?
My Thoughts:
A great NXT that was also part go-home to Roadblock, but WWE needs to decide the marketing on Roadblock already. They put “WWE Roadblock” on the posters and press conference podium, but the graphics and video packages have been using “NXT Roadblock.” I’ll personally go with the latter because duh, this is still very much an NXT only event. And as I expected last week, we are getting Jordynne Grace VS Roxanne Perez, but not quite how I expected. Grace and Cora had a good promo, and were having a great match until an apparent injury to Cora’s face, or possibly even concerns of a concussion because she seemed pretty rattled. Roxie attacking Grace was certainly still the plan, that’s good stuff to lead into next week.
Great tag match from Sol & Zaria VS Chelsea & Piper, and what a great image of angry Chelsea with her bloody nose. But also, a great win for Sol & Zaria. As I wondered last week, we could see Sol & Zaria build up towards the tag titles, but we could also see Sol get in on the Women’s US Championship story now since she pinned Chelsea. Great match from Kelani VS Jaida, and a great win for Jaida. Naturally, Jaida calls out Giulia and Vaquer, wanting the winner and both those titles. Fallon & Fatal Influence had a good promo as part of the press conference promos, and it makes me wonder if Stand & Deliver sees either a Double Header or a Triple Threat Winner Takes All…
The press conference stuff is always a little cheesy, but it at least gave Oba and Moose a reason to give last promos before Roadblock. As I said last week, I don’t see Oba losing the NXT Championship, and despite all we saw tonight, I don’t see The Hardy Boyz losing the TNA World Tag Team Championships. They had a good promo segment with those other teams, but I’m surprised the fans booed Hank ‘n’ Tank for interrupting. Hank ‘n’ Tank VS Briggs & Inamura will be good stuff, as will Hardys VS Fraxiom. I’m sure Hank ‘n’ Tank VS Briggs & Inamura will be an unofficial contender’s match, but with that, I feel like Briggs & Inamura should win.
Great interview promo from Je’Von and Ethan, and that New York Street Fight is going to be awesome. Ethan has done damage to Je’Von, he won at Vengeance Day, so this has to be Je’Von winning for vindication. Good stuff with this “Crashed Out” Trick, as he gets in Kale’s face and then demolishes him in the ring. I feel like all this needs to light a fire back inside Mr. Chase so we can get Chase U or Chase Tech or whatever for this new era. Trick VS Eddy in NXT Underground is going to be awesome stuff, and I have no idea who wins that. And we got more of a cameo from Ricky Saints and Ridge Holland, but that certainly teases something for down the line.
And great stuff from Tony D VS Shawn Spears. When Tony survived C4 the first time, I was sure he was going to retain, but that false finish was just to lower our guard, and then what a surprise for Spears to win. I do like how Stacks was also a factor in things, possibly planting seeds for a D’Angelo family meltdown. The D’Angelo Family story started in NXT 2.0, so it was naturally goofy, but it has really become the hidden treasure of NXT, so whatever comes next is going to be really compelling stuff.
My Score: 8.8/10
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