Top 5 Matches: Week Ending 10/21/2018

Well damn this is a busy week for wrestling. NWA 70, New Japan Super Jr Tag League, All Japan leading up to their big Triple Crown match…and I wasn’t even able to get to Stardom’s Tag Tournament. So just a whole lot of stuff going on, on top of regular television products. Sheesh, sometimes just covering all this is tiring, in the fact that there aren’t enough hours in a day.
ANYWAY – last week the match that ran away with the votes was, NJPW King of Pro Wrestling Triple Threat: Cody vs Kenny Omega (c) vs Kota Ibushi. So now we’re gonna be looking at a lot of Japanese matches in the coming weeks, but part of the fun is seeing if other stuff can sneak in too.
So let’s see what made the grade.
5. 205 Live Fatal Five Way: Gran Metalik vs TJP vs Tony Nese vs Cedric Alexander vs Lio Rush
The Age of Alexander wants to rebuild his legacy, but the Premier Athlete wants to pave his own over it. The FilAm Flash wants to humiliate the lucha libre tradition, but the King of the Ropes won’t stand for it. As for the Man of the Hour, he simply came to collect! Who will succeed in their mission and take a step towards the top of the Cruiserweight Division?
Current Cruiserweight Champion, Buddy Murphy, watches from backstage, wanting to see the moment someone wins this match. The bell rings and DC cheers its own 23 Year old Piece of Gold. The five circle and TJP rushes Metalik while Lio gets out of the way. TJP drags Metalik out of the ring, wanting to focus on their lucha libre grudge. He bumps Metalik off barriers, while Nese and Alexander brawl in the ring. Nese backs Alexander down but Alexander chops him back. Alexander clotheslines Nese out and Lio comes back in. Lio talks trash with Alexander, but Alexander catches that kick. Alexander flips Lio but Lio lands on his feet. Things speed up as Lio keeps changing directions on a dime. Lio slides but Alexander catches him. Alexander yanks Lio back up but Lio arm-drags.
Things speed up again and Alexander handsprings back to headscissor, but Lio lands on his feet again! Lio says “it’s not happening”. Alexander rushes Lio but Lio ducks. Lio whips but Alexander reverses, only for Lio to springboard and headscissor Alexander again. Lio does a dance and knows Alexander knows what that means. Alexander rushes Lio and the chase is on. They pass around the corner and Nese clobbers Alexander! Metalik and Lio are in the ring, and the luchador dares Lio do come at him. Metalik swing kicks Lio away, then springboards for a crossbody! He keeps moving and handsprings but Lio avoids it. Lio runs but Metalik dodges, tilt-o-whirl gutbuster! Metalik keeps moving, runs the ropes, and hits the missile dropkick! He drags Lio to a cover but Nese throws Metalik out hard.
Nese has Lio but Lio fires off forearms. Lio whips but Nese stops himself. Nese elbows Lio then leaps but Lio gets clear. Nese goes Matrix to then mule kick, knee lift and roundhouse, but Lio dodges to mule kick and enziguri back! Lio stands tall while Nese rolls out, and DC cheers their own. Murphy seems moderately impressed as Lio dropkicks Alexander back out. Lio joins everyone on the outside and drags Metalik in. Metalik crawls but Lio dares him to stand up. But TJP grabs Lio in a modified abdominal stretch. Metalik swings on TJP but ends up in another abdominal stretch. TJP has mirrored stretches, and goes after Metalik’s mask!
Nese comes in and rolls TJP up, but TJP resists. Lio runs in, but into a German Suplex! Nese bridges to have both TJP and Lio in simultaneous pins! Metalik breaks both covers just in time! Nese kicks Metalik back, then throws TJP into a post. TJP tumbles out while Nese runs Metalik over with an elbow. Nese rocks Alexander to keep him out of the ring, and now the Premier Athlete flexes. Fans boo and jeer but Nese stomps Metalik and Lio. Nese wrenches Metalik’s neck while putting his weight on him. Fans rally up for the others, and Metalik fights back. Nese back suplexes Metalik down, covers, TWO!
Nese goes back to the neck wrench, but lets go to intercept and throw out Alexander. Alexander hasn’t gotten much of anything, and Nese goes back to Metalik for more neck wrench. Metalik fights but Nese drops a leg. Nese soaks in the heat, then drags Metalik up and over. He puts Metalik in the Tree of Woe to then stomp a mudhole into him. Nese brings back Full Contact Cardio! Fans boo more but Nese simply counts out that 8-pack. But Alexander rolls him up! TWO, and Nese runs Alexander over again! Cover, TWO! Nese drags Metalik up, but Metalik fights back. Nese knees then whips Metalik, but Metalik stops himself to SUPERKICK Nese back!
Metalik jumps up and quebradas, but Nese catches it and makes it a cover. ONE, and Nese fireman’s carry. Metalik fights out and suplexes, for a brain buster! Cover, but Alexander breaks it just in time. Alexander goes after Metalik but is powered to a corner, for a LOUD chop! Metalik runs in but into a boot. Alexander springboards for the clothesline! Fans fire up with the former champ as he runs at Nese. Alexander rallies with lariats and a big uppercut. Alexander whips but Nese reverses, only for Alexander to dropkick the legs out. He hurries to the apron, but Alexander has to jump over TJP’s swipes at his legs. Alexander boots TJP then kicks Nese, to then hit the springboard complete shot! Cover, but Lio breaks it!
DC cheers Lio he stomps Alexander. TJP comes in and fireman’s carry, but Lio slips out to put TJP in a corner for a forearm smash. Lio hoists TJP up top then climbs up. They brawl up top, and TJP dumps Lio all the way down. Metalik swing kicks TJP, then brings him back up. TJP resists the superplex, but Alexander adds on. They both want to suplex TJP, but in comes Nese. Nese throws Alexander down then electric chairs Metalik. TJP works with Nese, but Metalik victory rolls to avoid the crossbody! TJP gets Alexander but Alexander rolls through! Cover on Nese, TWO! Lio climbs, Alexander hits a Michinoku Driver on TJP, cover, TWO! Final Hour frog splash on Alexander! Cover, but Nese and Metalik both break it! All five men are down but DC fires up. DC chants for “205! 205!” as the five men stir.
DC goes back to cheering for Lio while Metalik and Nese brawl. Metalik chops Nese but Nese mule kicks Metalik. Nese runs but Metalik dodges, handspring arm-drag and dropkick! TJP is up to rolling sobat Metalik! Lio is up to mule kick and heel kick TJP! Nese is up but Lio bobs ‘n’ weaves to fire back. Lio swings but Nese shoves to rock him with that left! Nese turns around, Alexander blows past to handspring and Neuralizer! Cover, TWO!! All five men are down again, but fans rally up. Alexander grits his teeth as he glares at Nese. Nese crawls to the apron but Alexander is on him. SUPERKICK from Metalik, but Alexander swing kicks him down. Alexander builds speed to FLY onto Metalik! He gets Metalik back in, but TJP rocks Alexander to cover Metalik! TWO, but TJP is after that mask again!
Metalik kicks TJP away, but TJP clubs him back down. TJP whips but Metalik DIVES onto Alexander! TJP hits the triangle wrekcing dropkick, but then Lio handspring kicks TJP! Nese rolls Lio, TWO, to a deadlift bomb to the OUTSIDE! Lio, TJP, Metalik and Alexander are all down, and Nese has his pick. Nese drags Lio up and in, covers, but Alexander drags him off it. Nese shoves Alexander away but Metalik is on Nese. Metalik chops Nese in the corner, thenw hips him corner to corner. Nese reverses but runs into a SUPERKICK! Sling-dog! Metalik climbs up but TJP shoves him right off. TJP has Nese in the kneebar! Nese endures, but is so close. Alexander stomps TJP, only to get put in the kneebar!
Metalik stomps TJP and then whips TJP. TJP holds ropes and puts Metalik on the apron. TJP runs, but Metalik springboards to let TJP go under AND Asai at the same time! All five men are down once again, but Nese and Lio stand. Nese runs into a SUPERKICK! Lio hurries up top and DC fires up for the hometown hero! Alexander runs in but gets a haymaker. Lio leaps for a flying headscissor, but Alexander blocks with pure power! And lifts Lio, to then pop him into the Lumbar Check!! But Nese rolls Alexander up, Nese wins!!
Winner: Tony Nese via Roll Up
Rating: ****
4. NWA 70 NWA Heavyweight Championship 2 out of 3 Falls Match: Nick Aldis vs Cody (c)
Well we all know the backstory for this. Cody won the NWA title at All In and Aldis felt robbed. Which he had legitimate claims that there was interference and an extended period where the match should’ve been thrown out, but it wasn’t. So Aldis gets a female enforcer to keep Brandi in check and requests the 2 out of 3 falls match. Does Aldis win the belt back, or do we continue to ride the feel good high of Cody Rhodes?
So Aldis’ female enforcer turns out to be Kamilla Kaine, aka Mrs. Braun Strowman. So she’s an Amazon in her own right and definitely played her part in the match. Much like Omega vs Okada, I’m not going over everything since there’s just too much to try and document.
The first fall saw Cody tap out quickly to protect himself from further damage in the King’s Lynn Cloverleaf. It seemed clever until Aldis immediately powders out at the beginning of the second fall. So this forces Cody to make a big dive and the entire second fall sees them brawling through the entire Fairgrounds. Trash cans were used, even the refreshment stand spot with the cup of soda or water, got used as weapons on the way back to the ring. Cody tried to introduce a table, but Brandi and Kamilla got involved which took attention away from the table as the referees got the table out of the ring.
Aldis gets a small advantage and goes to get the aforementioned table, places Cody on top and then goes for an Elbow Drop. Nick misses big and crashes through the table. Cody gets Nick back in the ring, Crossroads, and the second fall goes to Cody.
Third fall was exciting with how quickly it started, and then turned into a video game move stealing marathon. Firstly, the women get everyone thrown out of ringside when Brandi gets sick of Kamilla and tries to choke a bitch. But after the attention goes back to the ring, we see Cody execute the Bionic Elbow, Orton Style Hanging DDT and even a Rainmaker. So it’s at this point, Cody definitely seems more desperate when he thought he had the advantage.
Nick hits a Tombstone Piledriver, and then we get one more reference from Cody as Nick grabs his foot, and the boot slips off. Cody goes for the Small Package, but Aldis shifts the weight and turns the Small Package in his favor. So, NEW NWA Champion and man who effectively sucked the air out of the entire building, Nick Aldis.
Here’s to hoping Willie Mack turns into the working man’s draw, cause this event should prove the Aldis doesn’t have the appeal at all to the crowd. No boos, just dead silence.
Winner: Nick Aldis via Small Package (2-1)
Rating: **** 1/4
3. NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Shingo Takagi & BUSHI vs SHO & YOH
Well Shingo being the big sixth member of Los Ingobernables de Japon lead to BUSHI having a tag team partner. Shingo moved away from the Junior Division earlier in his career, but the Animal Hamaguchi bond most of the LIJ members have, must’ve convinced him to drop back down for now. The focus of this match is really to see SHO vs Shingo, the two powerhouses of the Junior Heavyweights.
This was just a very good tag team match. BUSHI seems to be trying a little harder than usual and Shingo is establishing himself as a beast. SHO and YOH pulled off numerous tandem moves, just never the 3K. There was even a great moment where Shingo came in to save BUSHI and absorbed strikes from both SHO and YOH.
Yes, I’m aware this is an abbreviated version, but this match felt more like an introduction for people who didn’t know Shingo. Shingo looked amazing, Pumping Bombers, Pop Up Death Valley Drivers and power moves for days. YOH tried his Rewind Kick, but Shingo just over powered the smaller man and lands his finisher Last Falconry – oh wait, since he’s the Dragon it’s Last of the Dragon now. Okay, so Last of the Dragon, and it’s just the beginning.
As a special treat the rest of LIJ showed up at the end, the crowd erupted, and they ended with the fist bump pose.
Winner: Takagi via Last of the Dragon
Rating: **** 1/4
Honorable Mentions
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: SHO & YOH vs Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado
Winner: YOH via Japanese Clutch Hold
Rating: ****
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: ACH & Ryusuke Taguchi vs Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles
Winner: Ishimori via Bloody Cross
Rating: ****
NWA 70 National Heavyweight Title Match: Willie Mack vs Samuel Shaw
Winner: Mack via Stunner
Rating: *** 3/4
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Soberano Jr & Volador Jr vs Tiger Mask & Jushin Thunder Liger
Winner: Tiger via Tiger Suplex Hold
Rating: *** 3/4
AJPW Raising an Army AJPW World Tag Title match: Shuji Ishikawa & Suwama vs Kai & Kengo Mashimo
Winner: Suwama via Last Ride
Rating: *** 3/4
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Tiger Mask & Jushin Thunder Liger vs Robbie Eagles & Taiji Ishimori
Winner: Eagles via Inverted Figure 4
Rating: *** 1/2
NJPW: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma vs Kota Ibushi, Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi
Winner: Tanahashi via High Fly Flow
Rating: *** 1/4
NJPW Super Jr Tag League: BUSHI & Shingo Takagi vs Tiger Mask & Jushin Thunder Liger
Winner: Tiger via Abdominal Stretch Cradle Pin
Rating: *** 1/4
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: War Raiders vs Undisputed Era
Winner: War Raiders via DQ
Rating: ***
NJPW: Ayato Yoshida, Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura vs Ren Narita, Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma
Winner: Umino via Boston Crab
Rating: ***
NWA 70 Women’s Championship Match: Jazz (c) vs Penelope Ford
Winner: Jazz
Rating: ***
2. NJPW Super Jr Tag League: Kushida & Chris Sabin vs Shingo Takagi & BUSHI
So the previously highlighted tandem from LIJ, who will ride the Dragon to victory. Yes I’m aware that’s a drug reference, it’s funny, roll with it. But the other team has a built in story since Kushida picked Chris Sabin because Alex Shelley retired. So Kushida wanted to tag with Shelley’s other tag team member, and they are affectionately referred to as the Time Machines ( Time Spliiters + Motor City Machine Guns). Does the singles champion and his new partner have what it takes to put the Dragon to rest?
Since it’s late and I’m tired, I really tend to enjoy abbreviated recaps. This was a continuation of the first match where Shingo looks like the most imposing figure in the Junior division. Kushida more then held his own though.
At one point Kushida had Shingo knotted up in a Rings of Saturn variation, which made it interesting that both BUSHI and Shingo were favoring their arms. Even dinged up, Shingo pulled off many impressive power moves. Hell there was a spot where he did the Pop Up Death Valley Driver, but was falling backwards. It could’ve been a mistake, but it still looked good and since it was done to Sabin, I was happy no one died.
BUSHI definitely has fallen into his role in this team. He takes most of the offense, gets in some impressive tandem stuff, like a Spinebuster/Back Cracker combo, but Shingo is the main event. If this team loses, BUSHI will most likely eat the pin.
As a good way to create some heat with Shingo and Kushida, they exchanged even blows, but the finish comes on Sabin. So Shingo hits Last- of the Dragon on Sabin, and the LIJ team keeps rolling.
Winner: Takagi via Last of the Dragon
Rating: **** 1/2
1. AJPW Raising an Army Triple Crown Championship Match: Zeus (c) vs Kento Miyahara
This is Zeus’ second defense, against the man he took the title from. Kento won the 6th Royal Road tournament to earn this shot, so this should be interesting. Kento is easily the new Ace of All Japan, but Zeus has been a very good up and coming foil. Does Zeus retain, or do we see the Ace reclaim the belt for the 4th time?
I don’t have intelligent sounding words for how fantastic this match was. The aggression of both men was through the roof. Early hard shots and then they take the match to the outside. Zeus flings Kento around, and pulls off a nice Snap Suplex on the outside. Zeus does something he doesn’t usually do and removes part of the turn buckle pad and throttles Kento’s throat across the exposed part. Kyohei Wada has to pull Zeus off of Kento and the match continues.
The expression on both men’s face just dialed up in emotion and aggression. We saw them charge at each other multiple times and this just had a much different feeling than any other modern All Japan match I’ve seen. Kento chained a few Blackouts and German Suplexes together, but that just pissed off Zeus and he came back more angry. Another uncharacteristic spot was Zeus kept pummeling and choking Kento in the ropes. He throws Wada off and continues his assault until Wada literally has to wedge himself in the middle to get Zeus to break.
Kento has a Sting like resiliency where no matter how long the match goes, he can charge back up. Multiple knee strikes made it seem like Kento was putting it all together. He hits his Shutdown German Suplex Hold…but Zeus kicks out. That’s maybe happened once or twice in the last 2 years, so that was a huge spot.
Kento tried to follow up and Zeus hits him with a straight right fist. Jackhammer from Zeus, but Kento kicks out. So the frustration is huge on both men. Chops and strikes, Zeus even gets Kento down on the ground with repeated Karate Chops to the back of the neck/shoulder blades. Just when it seems like Zeus beat the life out of him, Kento fires back up and lands a half dozen Blackouts.
Zeus kept trying to pop back up after them, but the last one rocked him. He stumbles around the ring, not aware of where he was, so Kento catches him for the Shutdown German Suplex Hold. The three comes down and Kento is champion once again!
King’s Road style is different than New Japan’s “Strong Style”, but I’m fairly sure this match will translate beyond what many assume all Japanese wrestling is. After the match Kento called Zeus back up, I think saying something about continuing to build up All Japan together. Zeus took his hand and agreed before the leaving the ring to a chant of ” Zennippon” (All Japan).
Winner: Kento via Shutdown German Suplex Hold
Rating: ******
I feel like this happens quite a bit, but the All Japan match can’t be touched this week in my opinion. Passion, aggression, resiliency and the power struggle between these two all year has been a great story. Yes, yes, more people visit the Dunkin Donuts in rural West Virginia than watch All Japan, I get it. But that doesn’t lessen how amazing the match was, with or without context.
So Always Use Your Head, and watch some of these matches you may have not seen. Branch out, put extra bacon on your burger, just enjoy the wide variety of wrestling that we have currently
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Greg DeMarco’s 2025 WWE Royal Rumble Results, Review & Reaction
We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!

We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!
It’s the first Royal Rumble in an NFL stadium (thanks to the WWE calendar change), and both Rumble matches feature a star-studded line-up that makes it much harder than you’d think to pick a winner. I was lucky enough to attend one Royal Rumble live, 2019, and it’s always the best way to set the stage for WrestleMania.
If @whoislaniee‘s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner is any indication, we are in for one hell of a night with one hell of a crowd!
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
Always great to see Stephanie McMahon kicking off a show–the more Stephanie, the better. Apparently we’ve managed to pack 70,000 fans into Lucas Oil Stadium, and if you didn’t know, Pat McAfee loves him some Indianapolis.
With each match you’ll see my picks, in my traditional “Who Should Win?/Will Will Win?” format. I made them in this week’s solo edition of The Greg DeMarco Show, which you can listen to here:
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Women’s WWE Royal Rumble Match
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Bianca Belair
- Who Will Win: Bianca Belair
Last year’s winner was Bayley, entering at #3, and she went on to defeat Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.
- Iyo Sky enters #1, and I do love the elevated platform–it’s not really a stage, but it does enhance the overall feel of the show. Old school fans will remember the entrance from Montreal watching Prime Time Wrestling.
- I feel like Liv Morgan always enters these matches early. I also didn’t realize she’s been in all 8 Women’s Royal Rumble matches.
- I do love the “ticker” across the bottom of the screen with stats and info during the entrances. Very ESPN, very “Wrestling As A Sport” to me.
- Gotta say I was hoping for the black canvas (I’m biased), but I’ll always take grey over light blue.
Roxanne Perez has “Iron Woman” written all over her entering at #3. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- We even get “Active” and “Eliminated” in the ticket? I am REALLY digging this.
- Lyra Valkyria enters to very little reaction–she’s a fantastic talent but has not connected on the main roster.
- Lyra with the early wardrobe malfunction and we are already slightly derailed, kudos to everyone for getting it together.
- Interesting to have the secondary champions enter back-to-back, and Indianapolis doesn’t seem to care much about her, either. Maybe I was wrong about this crowd, and maybe my criticism of Lyra was premature.
- Chelsea thinking she’s dumped everyone and pointing to the sign is a great piece of business.
- B-Fab enters at #6, and I would assume she has the lowest chance of winning of anyone in the field.
- Man, B-Fab is still very NOT good.
- Ivy Nile enters #7, the 5th straight entrant who has zero chance of winning this thing.
- Also, we are still without an elimination, but probably 10 “hanging on the rope” spots already.
- Ivy Nile is already more over in Indy than the Intercontinental and United States Champions.
- Zoey Stark, complete with Barry Windham’s “Stalker” facepaint, enters eighth to continue our run of women with zero chance of winning.
- Lash Legend enters at #9, and I have a feeling she’s about to win this crowd over.
- “Get her on the Fever” – Pat McAfee.
- Chelsea Green gives us our first elimination, of B-Fab.
- Bianca Belair enters at #10, really hurting my chances of being right.
And here’s my pick to win the Women’s #RoyalRumble, Bianca Belair. At #10? Doesn’t look good for me!
(Seth Rollins won his from #10, I believe.)
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- The crowd definitely picked up with Bianca being in the match.
- Shayna Baszler enters #11, reminding me she works for WWE. Which is sad, I really thought she’d have a hell of a run in WWE.
- Bayley is #12, and we still have quite the group in this match. Personally I don’t see Bayley being a back-to-back winner.
- Sonya Deville is in at #13 to complete the PFC trio in this match. I’m sure that’ll work out well for them!
- Iyo Sky is so good, she saved Sonya’s knee spot and I am sure no one noticed.
- Maxxine Dupri in at #14, another non-winner, but to her credit she only keeps getting better.
- With 12 women thill in this match, I have a feeling we’re getting Nia Jax or Charlotte Flair soon to give us a bunch of eliminations.
- Ivy Nile out, followed by Maxxine Dupri, and the countdown is on!
- Naomi brings the halfway point with her, entering at #15.
Naomi is a former women’s champion and had an amazing WrestleMania moment back in Orlando–why does Michael Cole keep saying 2024 was her breakout year? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- All of PFC is gone, and nothing of value is lost (from this match–they are valuable as people).
- Jaida Parker, entering at #16, comes in to a better reaction than half of the field. Miss Parker has a hell of a WWE career ahead of her.
- Chelsea Green is so damn good at what she does.
- And here comes Piper Niven at #17.
- Will Piper somehow eliminate Piper?
- Yes – the answer to that question is yes.
- Naalya enters at #18, her eighth Royal Rumble. She’s a little over 20 minutes away from 3 cumulative hours in Rumble matches.
If anyone “deserves” a Royal Rumble win, it’s Natalya. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- FANTASTIC reaction for Jordynne Grace–that has to raise some eyebrows among leadership.
- Michin in at #20, as we are up to 10 eliminations.
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 1, 2025
- Wade Barrett, Michael Cole, and Pat McAfee crapping all over the wrestling newz sites is amazing.
- And you can tell Alexa Bliss is THRILLED to be back.
- Zelina Vega in at #22 to not win the Royal Rumble.
- HUGE SPOT for Zelina Vega and Jordynne Grace.
- If you happen to rewatch this match, watch Bayley very closely. It’s a look inside the business–she’s basically an agent in the ring.
- Candice LeRae enters at #23, and I am reminded that she’s the WWE Women’s Speed Champion. I also wonder if they’ve started piping in crowd noise for these entrances.
- Of note, we haven’t closed a Royal Rumble PLE with the Women’s Royal Rumble Match since the first one in 2018.
- Of the 10 women eliminated so far, 6 of them entered #4-5-6-7-8-9.
Great reaction for Stephanie Vaquer–Indianapolis seems to be an NXT crowd. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- LET STEPHANIE VAQUER HER WIN YOU COWARDS. (Personal opinion, she’s the best women’s wrestler in the world.)
- #25 already–we are trying to make up some time.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it’s Trish Stratus.
Honestly, did we need Trish Stratus? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Kinda wanted Jordynne Grace to toss Trish Stratus right there.
- Piper Niven just kncoked the SH*T outta Trish!
- Raquel Rodriguez in at #26, and we have 4 more entrants left.
- Nia, Charlotte, and…..Becky? Nikki? (Bella, that is.)
- The crowd is NOT HAPPY about Alexa Bliss’ elimination.
- #1-3 all still in the match.
- Charlotte Flair and her new face at in at #27.
Listen, I’m going to hell, but Charlotte Flair’s entrance reminds me of when JR returned from his stroke. Lay off the plastic surgery. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Love Wade Barrett pointing out that Charlotte got pyro. I hope Roman gets his, too.
- Took Charlotte forever to get her robe off, apparently.
- Like I’m supposed to believe Jordynne Grace can’t suplex Charlotte Flair?
- Charlotte definitely brought some fire to this match.
- Giulia getting almost no reaction is surprising given the reaction of some other NXT talents.
- Iyo and Liv approaching an hour in the match, along with Roxanne Perez.
Giulia eliminated Jordynne Grace, which makes me think Jordynne might be spending some time in NXT. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Nia Jax enters at #29, leaving a surprise for #30? Becky Lynch?
- Good for Nikki Bella! And she gave someone in the crowd one hall of a souvenir.
- And now it’s time for the “World vs Nia” spot.
- Forget Superkick It’s an APRON PARTY.
- Roxanne Perez just snuck back in without being eliminated.
- Given who is left, it does seem like this is Charlotte’s match to win.
This company obviously believes in Roxanne Perez. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
Winner of the 2025 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Charlotte Flair
I don’t love the decision to have Charlotte Flair win the Women’s Royal Rumble Match after being gone for over a year, but she IS Charlotte Flair. This should shock nobody. I know Charlotte Flair is a dream match opponent for Tiffany Stratton in the eyes of many, and if she were to put Tiffany Stratton over at WrestleMania, then I will eat my words and say it was worth it.
Hell of a performance for Roxanne Perez, I haven’t seen the tally yet but I do wonder if she broke the record for longest time in one Rumble.
I could go for a Slim Jim meat stick right about now.
Why was Mickie James in the crowd, and not IN THE MATCH??? #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
2 Out of 3 Falls Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. #DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano, champions)
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
- Who Will Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
(I won’t be live tweeting or doing a bulleted list for these two matches, likely just the two Rumbles.)
Had to laugh seeing the drone in front of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin during their entrance.
DIY wins 2 falls to 1, making my prediction accurate. That is small change, though. I liked the match for what it was, but it’s a reminder of Charlotte Flair vs. Ronda Rousey from WrestleMania 38–great match, wrong setting. This was an arena match, not a football stadium match. Yes, that DOES matter. Setting is a huge part of pro wrestling.
NXT Black and Gold will always hold a place in my heart, but part of what made that what it was was the crowd. This wasn’t the crowd for this match. Plus it got around 15 minutes, which is about right for a 1-fall match featuring these four. On TV, counting commercial breaks, these guys get 25-30 minutes.
The Street Profits got involved, eventually attacking everyone. I fully expect a WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match at WrestleMania, with DIY, MCMG, the Street Profits, and possibly Pretty Deadly and Angel/Humberto. This was really just the beginning–it was just misplaced on this card.
Winners AND STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: DIY
Michael Cole did also inform us that Roxanne Perez is the new record-holder for longest Royal Rumble performance. Score one for the good guy (me, from my tweet above).
Ladder Match for the WWE Championship
Kevin Owens vs. Cody Rhodes (champion)
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Kevin Owens
- Who Will Win: Cody Rhodes
Love that Kevin Owens took down the Winged Eagle Championship during SmackDown last night, and entered with it. Granted, Cody Rhodes has his, too. But KO has a certain edge to him when carrying that title.
That little ladder is HILARIOUS. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
This match was brutal, and whatever they are paying Kevin Owens isn’t enough. Cody Rhodes was beating on KO as a heel would, but he’s a babyface? I know everyone wants “Homelander” Cody, but really he might be more like “Patrick Bateman” Cody. Either way, as great as Cody is (and he is great), there is one missing element. At this point, it’s obvious to me that Cody is the worst babyface in the company. Look at him: THE MAN IS A HEEL.
While I’m glad Cody is fully out of The Bloodline’s shadow, he just needs to beat John Cena at WrestleMania, turn heel, and truly hit his stride. And I want true heel Cody. Chicken sh*t, goons, the whole thing.
Winner, AND STILL WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes is gonna buy Kevin Owens a lot of cigars, booze, or meat. Whatever that man wants. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
You gotta think Sami Zayn not stopping Cody Rhodes from winning will be a major sticking point for Kevin Owens. Seems like we’ll get Sami vs Kevin at WM41.
Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match
Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:
- Who Should Win: Jey Uso
- Who Will Win: John Cena
Last year’s winner was Cody Rhodes, entering at #15, and he went on to defeat Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.
- Rey Mysterio (Jr) enters at #2, and it’s obvious that gone are the days where randoms would enter at #1 and #2.
- I believe I said on my podcast (if not, I meant to) that Penta would need to enter #1 or #2 so he can have his pyro.
I am so happy for Penta in the WWE. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I really hope we get a Lucha Underground reference on commentary.
- LET PENTA WIN YOU COWARDS! (I know, it didn’t work for Stephanie Vaquer.)
- I do appreciate how they didn’t fight on the apron, instead just got right back into the ring.
- Chad Gable in at #3, and all we need is for Dominik Mysterio to be #4.
- That spot looked NASTY, I hope Chad Gable’s knee is okay.
- Carmelo Hayes in at #4, and I am reminded that we likely get Trick in this match.
Trick Williams’ #RoyalRumble entrance is gonna be ICONIC.
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I know they have a temporary alliance at the moment, but Chad Gable vs. Carmelo Hayes would be an absolute BANGER.
- That spot was far too similar to what we saw in the Women’s Rumble.
- Otis in and had some fun.
- The crowd reaction to Bron Breakker tells me the WWE might make even MORE money in the future.
- What if Breakker won this match? He won’t, but What If?
- If not for WWE, I wouldn’t know who IShowSpeed was.
- Honestly, nothing wrong with what they did with IShowSpeed there.
- Sheamus enters at #9, and I assume we will see some Beats Of The Bowery.
Gotta play the hits, pal. (Sheamus.) #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- This is the most normal Sheamus’ hair has ever looked.
- Crazy that this is only Jimmy Uso’s 3rd Royal Rumble.
- Big Jim definitely got a bulk discount on his new gear. I wonder how many color combos he got???
- Andrade in at #11, and Wade Barrett points out what I’ve been thinking–why run to the ring?
- Jacob Fatu enters at #12 and gets his pyro. The rocket ship has been strapped, pal.
- Ludwig Kaiser enters at #13 and no one not named (Greg DeMarco Show co-host) Patrick O’Dowd cares.
- Kaiser immediately dumped by Penta, and he’ll probably lose to him on Monday’s Raw, too.
Here comes the most underappreciated wrestler in WWE history, @mikethemiz. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- We lost Michael for a minute there.
The fact that Joe Hendry’s fact on the ticket is “Say His Name And He Appears” is amazing.
Great pop for him, too.
And Michael Cole references Nic Nemeth! #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I’d actually forgotten that we’d likely get a Joe Hendry appearance, so they got a little pop out of me.
- I acknowledge you, my Tribal Chief.
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- Roman Reigns vs. CM Punk would be one hell of a match at WrestleMania, just sayin’.
- Showdowns like Roman Reigns and Bron Breakker is what the Royal Rumble is all about.
- That might have been the greatest spear ever.
- After Joe Gendry and Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre gets very little reaction entering at #17.
- Drew McIntyre with the very silky smooth hair tonight.
- Finn Balor in at #18 and we have our second drone sighting of the night.
- Something is wrong with Pat McAfee’s headset. Hell of a showing by Penta, by the way.
- Jey Uso in at #20 to a HUGE pop.
- Poison Rana by Jey???
- Let’s hope AJ Styles can stick around for a bit this time. (Not necessarily in the Rumble, but in general.)
All these megastars, and Jacob Fatu might be the most over guy in the match right now. #ROYALRUMBLE
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- I’d be okay if Braun shaved his head again.
- Jacob Fatu can literally do ANYTHING and it makes sense.
JOHN CENA’S SOCKS!#RoyalRumble— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- CM Punk, John Cena, and Roman Reigns all in the ring all at the same time? YES PLEASE.
- Now add in Seth Rollins? This is the greatest Royal Rumble of all time.
- The current field: Seth Rollins, CM Punk, John Cena, AJ Styles, Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre, and Roman Reigns. That is ABSURD.
- The only man who can follow all that talent is indeed Dominik Mysterio. This is about to be amazing.
- Imagine if Dom wins. I mean, just imagine it.
- With the addition of Sami Zayn, the storylines in this Rumble right now are insane.
- Damian Priest, who is probably challenging Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania, enters at #28.
- Two more to go. Any surprises?
- LA Knight, who I forgot was in this match, enters next.
- I kinda expect him to move to Raw in this transfer window.
- Ah yes, Logan Paul. I also forgot he was on this.
- We’ve had a Nic Nemeth and now a Ricochet reference tonight. I love when you’re WWE, and you are comfortable talking about (almost) ANYBODY.
If I’m WWE, I have Logan Paul wait until the final two before jumping back into the ring. #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
- He didn’t, by the way. Opportunity missed.
- Final 6: Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, John Cena, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Logan Paul… STAR. STUDDED.
- Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins – the WrestleMania Main Event we never got.
- Brilliant spot to have Logan Paul eliminate CM Punk.
- Final 3: John Cena, Jey Uso, and Logan Paul. Two of my picks are left.
- The action on the outside between Rollins, Roman, and Punk drives home how important the Rumble is to the competitors.
- And then there were 2: my Who Should Win vs. my Who Will Win.
- Please God let Jey Uso win this thing.
- (And that’s not a slight against John Cena.)
IT’S JUST YOU, UCE! #RoyalRumble
— Big Daddy Greg
(@gregdemarco44) February 2, 2025
Winner of the 2025 Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match: Jey Uso
Just like the sign said: EAT. SLEEP. YEET. MANIA. I am so damn happy for Jey Uso. You can tell John Cena was as well, along with Michael Cole. And probably everyone in the entire company. Jey Uso is the success story.
As for the match? Well obviously this is a knee jerk reaction, but eff it–this is the best Royal Rumble Match they have ever put on. The early action was fun and exciting. But from the time Joe Hendry’s music hit to the moment Jey Uso pushed John Cena off of the apron, this match was insane. I think Roman Reigns coming in at 16 was a huge part of that. Once Roman is in the match, you are watching to see a) what he does, and b) if he’ll get eliminated. CM Punk eliminating Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns was beautiful, and then Logan Paul tossing CM Punk was even better. If that leads to Rollins vs. Reigns and Logan vs. Punk at WrestleMania, you can take my money.
My money is a Peacock membership, which is automatically charged. But still. Take it.
If John Cena wins it’s still probably the best Royal Rumble Match of all time. But Jey Uso winning makes that an undisputable fact.
Overall Thoughts on the 2025 WWE Royal Rumble
- The Women’s Royal Rumble was decent to good. Loved Roxanne getting the Iron Woman treatment, but in the end it’s another chapter of LOL Charlotte Wins.
- I need to rewatch DIY vs MCMG because I was on the phone when my son called. Maybe I will enjoy it more on a second viewing.
- The ladder match was brutal but the end result was expected. Cody is still missing something, and I think that something will continue to be missing until he turns heel. He’s just overshadowed by too many of the other babyfaces.
- The Men’s Royal Rumble Match was the best Royal Rumble match they have ever put on. Great action in the early half, and from 15 (Joe Hendry) on, it was amazing. The storyline movement with CM Punk, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins was (here’s that word) cinema, and having the most over wrestler in the company not named Roman Reigns win, and doing so by eliminating the odds-on favorite, was perfect. I’m biased because Jey Uso was my pick, but it was the perfect ending to what was probably as close to perfect as a Rumble match has been since 1992.
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