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Top 5 Matches: Week Ending 7/1/2018



Well we get a pseudo-holiday weekend, unless you’re in Canada, then Happy Canada Day. This is an interesting week when it comes to the make up of the Top 5 Matches. I’m fairly sure, this is the first time in the history of The Chairshot, that a certain company has been at the top, much less 1 & 2.

But, business first, we have a vote we need to address from last week. This vote came down to very literally, the last submission. Edging out Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins, the 205 Live Triple Threat: Buddy Murphy vs Hideo Itami vs Mustafa Ali, managed to squeak into the monthly pool. Speaking of that, this will be the last voting week for June, since only 1 day took place in July.

So with the formalities out of the way, let’s get the proceedings, proceeding.


5. AJPW Dynamite Series World Tag Team Championship Match: Suwama & Shuji Ishikawa vs Ryoji Sai & Dylan James (c)

Alrighty, so the Tag Team scene is very odd in All Japan. Suwama & Ishikawa won the last Tag League, and held the belts for a month this year before losing them to Miyahara and Yoshitatsu. Sai & James defeated Bodyguard & Zeus in March, and it seems like they were used to legitimize each man as a singles threat. Sai is also the All Asia Heavyweight Champion, and James just came off an unsuccessful attempt to take the Triple Crown from Kento Miyahara. So will the longest reigning tag champs of 2018 be able to hold back the two veteran monsters?

In a word: No.

Sai showed great heart in this match, but this continued to show the fierce determination of Suwama and Ishikawa, as well as making James looking like a larger threat. There were multiple times when James went toe to toe with both members of the other team, or even won power contests against Ishikawa. As much as I’m not a fan of Dylan, I do admit that he’s looking more and more competent.

This was an old school slobber knocker. Big power moves, a few high risk spots but the ending sequence saw Shuji hits his signature Fire/Thunder Bomb on Sai to make sure he couldn’t interfere while Suwama hit a big Last Ride Powerbomb followed by a Backdrop Hold for the pinfall.

It’s nice to see the titles back in the hands of the Violence Giants, but hopefully they can hold it for more than a month. Both men are imposing and great singles threats, but with their older age, the tag division is a perfect fit.

Winner: Suwama via Backdrop Hold

Rating: ****


4. NXT UK Special United Kingdom Championship: Pete Dunne (c) vs Zack Gibson

Tournament winner Gibson looks to take the title off of Dunne, who’s held it for over a year.

This match was quite slow early on, with a lot of posturing and jaw jacking spots. Dunne went to go break fingers a few times, but Gibson fought it off for most of the match. It picks up at the points where Shankly Gates was applied (since the story was he put away everyone in the tournament with it). So Dunne fighting through to the ropes and not tapping out, got a big reaction from a storytelling perspective.

Each man hit their finishers multiple times, but both showed a great deal of resiliency. I probably rated this match lower than some, since certain spots were excessive or stupid to me. There is one point where both men just start trading headbutts for a good while before both just collapsing. which was excessive and foolish looking. Then the ending sequence just looked awkward and like they were stalling for something. Gibson having full control, but deciding to point a finger and berate Dunne, giving the opening to break his finger and hit a Bitter End from nowhere, was anti-climactic.

It was a fine match, definitely worth a watch, but I doubt it will be a Match of the Year contender anywhere.

Winner: Pete Dunne via Bitter End

Rating: **** 1/4


3. AJPW Dynamite Series: Kento Miyahara vs Jake Lee

There’s a few interesting threads with this match. Jake Lee retired in 2011 after only 10 professional matches to pursue MMA, however, he obviously returned. Upon his return in 2015, he saw some success as a member of Nextream (Miyahara’s stable), but an ACL injury in 2017 saw him miss more time. He returned in April at one of the Champion Carnival events, to declare he was cleared, but wouldn’t return to Nextream and wanted to wrestle Kento.

So that sets the backstory a little, this is a proving ground match for Jake. With that fact, this match was very reminiscent of Nakamura or Tanahashi versus Shibata. What I mean there, is when Shibata came back from MMA, he had to prove himself for about two years. Even though he was one of the New Musketeers with Nakamura and Tanahashi, they always managed to keep him in check until he proved his heart was back with them.

Jake, unlike Shibata, has more of a confident poise instead of just a blue collar “wrestler” persona. Kento took a few liberties here or there in the match, where Kyohei Wada had to pull him off by the hair and admonish him, but the match was a master class in establishing someone. Jake was working from underneath most of the match, but got in a few nice knee strikes and timely big moves, to sell a possible upset.

The crowd was mostly behind Kento, but Jake more than held his ground, and proved that in a year or so, we could have something special. It should be mentioned that Kento got visibly irritated with Jake’s resilience and had to pull out all of his ‘go to’ finishing moves, Blackout Knee Strikes, German Suplex Hold and Shutdown Suplex Hold. So Jake can already absorb most of Kento’s moves, so maybe he’s further along than anyone thought.

Winner: Kento Miyahara via Shutdown Suplex Hold

Rating: **** 1/4


Honorable Mentions:

Lucha Underground Grave Consequences Triple Threat: Mil Muertes vs Jerimiah Crane vs Fenix
Winner: Mil Muertes
Rating: *** 3/4

NXT UK Special NXT Tag Titles: Undisputed Era (c) vs Moustache Mountain
Winner: Moustache Mountain via Knee Drop/Burning Hammer combo
Rating: *** 3/4

ROH Best in the World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat: Cody vs Marty Scurll vs Dalton Castle (c)
Winner: Dalton via Bang-a-Rang
Rating: *** 1/2

WWE Raw Intercontinental Title Match: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Seth Rollins
Winner: Rollins via DQ
Rating: *** 1/2

AJPW Dynamite Series Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Atsushi Aoki (c) vs Yohei Nakajima
Winner: Aoki via Cobra Clutch Variation
Rating: *** 1/2

Impact Wrestling: Rich Swann vs Trevor Lee
Winner: Swann via Middle Rope Phoenix Splash
Rating: *** 1/4

ROH Best in the World: Austin Aries vs Kenny King
Winner: Aries via Brainbuster
Rating: *** 1/4

ROH Best in the World: Oedo Tai & Kelly Klein vs Mayu Iwatani, Sumie Sakai, Jenny Rose & Tenille Dashwood
Winner: Iwatani via Dragon Suplex Hold
Rating: *** 1/4

MLW Fusion: ACH vs Rich Swann
Winner: ACH via Counter Cradle
Rating: ***


2. ROH Best in the World: Jay Lethal vs Kushida

From My Coverage

Kushida opts not to shake hands at the beginning of the match, which is odd since he’s usually a happy babyface. Lethal controls the first exchange with a top wrist lock, as Kushida then chain a few moves together, before they both pop up and stare each other down. After bumping off eachother with mirrored shoulder tackles, Lethal hits a single leg takedown, and then Lethal locks in a front facelock and holds it for a little bit. Lethal went for Kushida’s hip toss/cartwheel dropkick combo, but misses, Kushida hits one of his own and takes the advantage.

Then we see Kushida mimic Lethal a little by going for 3 Tope con Hilos in a row, as he then comes down with a Double Axe Handle from 3 corners and even poses similarly to how Lethal does it. So this is defintely a match to prove they know each other well and Kushida being a little more heelish is interesting. Both men try to lift the other for Vertical Suplexes, way too many times. Kushida slides out of one and then tries for a Lethal Injection, but Jay kicks the hands out from under Kushida and starts working over Kushida’s knee.

Jay continues the knee breakers, and Kushida lands a few desperate chops, but it’s all Lethal at the moment.Lethal drives Kushida’s knee into the top turnbuckle and gets a fairly long 2. Lethal then just sits on Kushida with some odd Cloverleaf kind of submission. Jay keeps slamming Kushida’s knee into his own, hyper extending and smashing the knee joint. Another pin attempts gets 2, and then an uppercut leads to a Figure Four attempt, but Kushida kicks off. Lehtal keeps the advantage, Triangle Dropkick to send Kushida to the ouside, and then we get Lethal’s Triple Suicide Dives. But Lethal gets caught on the third by Kushida into a Fujiwara Armbar.

Jay tries to get a single leg on Kushida, but he continues to move his leg and kick Lethal in time. But the Lethal Combination slows things down and gives Lethal a chance to catch his breath. Figure Four attempt number two, is stopped because now Lethal wants a Macho Man style elbow drop. Lethal seesm to be stuck between all of his old gimmicks. Flair, Black Machismo, Heel and himself.

An inverted Torture Rack, gives Lethal the opening to go for the Elbow Drop again, but Kushida catches him in the Triangle Armbar. Lethal manages to counter it into a pin attempt and then slaps on the Figure Four, but Kushida gets to the ropes. Fighting spirit moment as both men tell the other to strike the injured areas. Kushida gets the best of the exchange, Paintbrushes Lethal and then shakes his hand while he’s dazed. Pump Kick from Lethal, Pele from Kushida, another Pump Kick from Lethal leads to an attempted Lethal Injection. Kushida catches him into a Hoverboard Lock, but Lethal works out of it, Back to the Future attempt, into locomotion cradles and counters.

Both men struggle to get up, but Lethal finally hits the Lethal Injection, for pinfall victory.

Winner: Jay Lethal via Lethal Injection

Rating: **** 1/4


1. ROH Best in the World Tag Team Title Match: The Briscoes (c) vs The Young Bucks

From My Coverage

Nick hits the Lucha Style Arm Drag and Twist, and keeps his momentum going through tandem attempts from the Briscoes. All four men get in the ring, attempt tandem moves and then just square up and talk shit to each other. Bricoes get a little momentum and then get caught by stereo Superkicks, followed by the over head toss split legged drop kick, as the Young Bucks look strong. Bucks look to continue their advantage, but get caught by Jay Briscoe and a Redneck Boogie, nearly ends the match right there. Marc takes the opening finally to lay into Matt, as he tags in Jay and we see the Briscoes finally lay in their more deliberate strikes. Sliding Dropkick from Jay gets a 2 count as they keep Matt in their corner. Matt slides out of the ring, acts like he’s going to Nick, just to Superkick Jay. Miscommunication on the Biscoes as Jay manages to pull out Matt, but gets Dropkiced by Marc. Matt hits an Apron Blockbuster to give him the opening to tag in Nick for his Triangle Corkscrew Splash.

Bulldog/Dropkick combination from Nick on the outside, as he and Matt hit their stereo dives, and Nick throws Jay back in. Marc pulled down Nick with a Chokehold and then takes out Matt with a running Blockbuster. Froggy Elbow from Marc allows Jay to pin Nick for a very close 2 count. Avalanche Redneck Boogie countered by the Bucks and Matt comes in, knocking Marc Briscoe down multiple times. Jay comes in to break things up, and somehow just powers through a double clothesline. Matt keeps running and gets caught with a Spicoli Driver while everyone slowly gets back up. Jay stomps on Matt’s head, but eats a Superkick. Then the Briscoes hit two Superkicks, the Bucks hit Superkicks, and the Briscoes land flying lariats.

Jay Driller lands flush on Matt, but Nick manages to break it up. Doomsday Device attempt, Springboard Cutter and Victory Roll nearly win the match for the Bucks. The Bucks hit a Springboard Doomsday Device for a near fall. More Bang for Your Buck on Jay, but Marc lands the Froggy Elbow on the referee. The Bucks Superkick Marc, and look to Meltzer Driver Jay, but Marc breaks up the pin. Melzter Driver attempt two, but Marc throws a chair at Nick, Jay Driller on Matt one more time on the chair, for only 2 again.

Avalanche Redneck Boogie, finally puts away Matt Jackson. So the Briscoes retain!

Winner: Briscoes via Avalanche Redneck Boogie

Rating: **** 1/2


Ya my blurbs for the first three weren’t play by play, mainly because I wasn’t sure about the matches going into things, and didn’t have the time to rewatch them and go over things meticulously. I was focusing more on variety this week, with so much available.

With all that said, my choice for match of the week will go to, ROH: BITW – The Briscoes vs The Young Bucks, the crowd added a level of heat to the match that wasn’t really palpable in the rest of the match as well each move feeling like it had more weight. There was just something magical about this match, and probably my favorite…or second favorite tag match of the year ( and no my first isn’t Golden Lovers vs Young Bucks).

As I always end things, vote along, make your opinion heard…and Always Use Your Head


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Greg DeMarco’s 2025 WWE Royal Rumble Results, Review & Reaction

We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!



2025 WWE Royal Rumble stadium

We are firmly on the Road to WrestleMania, starting with the Royal Rumble! Greg has his initial thoughts and reactions for everyone’s favorite event!

It’s the first Royal Rumble in an NFL stadium (thanks to the WWE calendar change), and both Rumble matches feature a star-studded line-up that makes it much harder than you’d think to pick a winner. I was lucky enough to attend one Royal Rumble live, 2019, and it’s always the best way to set the stage for WrestleMania.

Always great to see Stephanie McMahon kicking off a show–the more Stephanie, the better. Apparently we’ve managed to pack 70,000 fans into Lucas Oil Stadium, and if you didn’t know, Pat McAfee loves him some Indianapolis.

With each match you’ll see my picks, in my traditional “Who Should Win?/Will Will Win?” format. I made them in this week’s solo edition of The Greg DeMarco Show, which you can listen to here:

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Women’s WWE Royal Rumble Match

Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:

  • Who Should Win: Bianca Belair
  • Who Will Win: Bianca Belair

Last year’s winner was Bayley, entering at #3, and she went on to defeat Iyo Sky for the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.

  • Iyo Sky enters #1, and I do love the elevated platform–it’s not really a stage, but it does enhance the overall feel of the show. Old school fans will remember the entrance from Montreal watching Prime Time Wrestling.
  • I feel like Liv Morgan always enters these matches early. I also didn’t realize she’s been in all 8 Women’s Royal Rumble matches.
  • I do love the “ticker” across the bottom of the screen with stats and info during the entrances. Very ESPN, very “Wrestling As A Sport” to me.
  • Gotta say I was hoping for the black canvas (I’m biased), but I’ll always take grey over light blue.

  • We even get “Active” and “Eliminated” in the ticket? I am REALLY digging this.
  • Lyra Valkyria enters to very little reaction–she’s a fantastic talent but has not connected on the main roster.
  • Lyra with the early wardrobe malfunction and we are already slightly derailed, kudos to everyone for getting it together.
  • Interesting to have the secondary champions enter back-to-back, and Indianapolis doesn’t seem to care much about her, either. Maybe I was wrong about this crowd, and maybe my criticism of Lyra was premature.
  • Chelsea thinking she’s dumped everyone and pointing to the sign is a great piece of business.
  • B-Fab enters at #6, and I would assume she has the lowest chance of winning of anyone in the field.
  • Man, B-Fab is still very NOT good.
  • Ivy Nile enters #7, the 5th straight entrant who has zero chance of winning this thing.
  • Also, we are still without an elimination, but probably 10 “hanging on the rope” spots already.
  • Ivy Nile is already more over in Indy than the Intercontinental and United States Champions.
  • Zoey Stark, complete with Barry Windham’s “Stalker” facepaint, enters eighth to continue our run of women with zero chance of winning.
  • Lash Legend enters at #9, and I have a feeling she’s about to win this crowd over.
  • “Get her on the Fever” – Pat McAfee.
  • Chelsea Green gives us our first elimination, of B-Fab.
  • Bianca Belair enters at #10, really hurting my chances of being right.

  • The crowd definitely picked up with Bianca being in the match.
  • Shayna Baszler enters #11, reminding me she works for WWE. Which is sad, I really thought she’d have a hell of a run in WWE.
  • Bayley is #12, and we still have quite the group in this match. Personally I don’t see Bayley being a back-to-back winner.
  • Sonya Deville is in at #13 to complete the PFC trio in this match. I’m sure that’ll work out well for them!
  • Iyo Sky is so good, she saved Sonya’s knee spot and I am sure no one noticed.
  • Maxxine Dupri in at #14, another non-winner, but to her credit she only keeps getting better.
  • With 12 women thill in this match, I have a feeling we’re getting Nia Jax or Charlotte Flair soon to give us a bunch of eliminations.
  • Ivy Nile out, followed by Maxxine Dupri, and the countdown is on!
  • Naomi brings the halfway point with her, entering at #15.

  • All of PFC is gone, and nothing of value is lost (from this match–they are valuable as people).
  • Jaida Parker, entering at #16, comes in to a better reaction than half of the field. Miss Parker has a hell of a WWE career ahead of her.
  • Chelsea Green is so damn good at what she does.
  • And here comes Piper Niven at #17.
  • Will Piper somehow eliminate Piper?
  • Yes – the answer to that question is yes.
  • Naalya enters at #18, her eighth Royal Rumble. She’s a little over 20 minutes away from 3 cumulative hours in Rumble matches.

  • FANTASTIC reaction for Jordynne Grace–that has to raise some eyebrows among leadership.
  • Michin in at #20, as we are up to 10 eliminations.

  • Wade Barrett, Michael Cole, and Pat McAfee crapping all over the wrestling newz sites is amazing.
  • And you can tell Alexa Bliss is THRILLED to be back.
  • Zelina Vega in at #22 to not win the Royal Rumble.
  • HUGE SPOT for Zelina Vega and Jordynne Grace.
  • If you happen to rewatch this match, watch Bayley very closely. It’s a look inside the business–she’s basically an agent in the ring.
  • Candice LeRae enters at #23, and I am reminded that she’s the WWE Women’s Speed Champion. I also wonder if they’ve started piping in crowd noise for these entrances.
  • Of note, we haven’t closed a Royal Rumble PLE with the Women’s Royal Rumble Match since the first one in 2018.
  • Of the 10 women eliminated so far, 6 of them entered #4-5-6-7-8-9.

  • LET STEPHANIE VAQUER HER WIN YOU COWARDS. (Personal opinion, she’s the best women’s wrestler in the world.)
  • #25 already–we are trying to make up some time.
  • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it’s Trish Stratus.

  • Kinda wanted Jordynne Grace to toss Trish Stratus right there.
  • Piper Niven just kncoked the SH*T outta Trish!
  • Raquel Rodriguez in at #26, and we have 4 more entrants left.
  • Nia, Charlotte, and…..Becky? Nikki? (Bella, that is.)
  • The crowd is NOT HAPPY about Alexa Bliss’ elimination.
  • #1-3 all still in the match.
  • Charlotte Flair and her new face at in at #27.

  • Love Wade Barrett pointing out that Charlotte got pyro. I hope Roman gets his, too.
  • Took Charlotte forever to get her robe off, apparently.
  • Like I’m supposed to believe Jordynne Grace can’t suplex Charlotte Flair?
  • Charlotte definitely brought some fire to this match.
  • Giulia getting almost no reaction is surprising given the reaction of some other NXT talents.
  • Iyo and Liv approaching an hour in the match, along with Roxanne Perez.

  • Nia Jax enters at #29, leaving a surprise for #30? Becky Lynch?
  • Good for Nikki Bella! And she gave someone in the crowd one hall of a souvenir.
  • And now it’s time for the “World vs Nia” spot.
  • Forget Superkick It’s an APRON PARTY.
  • Roxanne Perez just snuck back in without being eliminated.
  • Given who is left, it does seem like this is Charlotte’s match to win.


Winner of the 2025 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Charlotte Flair

I don’t love the decision to have Charlotte Flair win the Women’s Royal Rumble Match after being gone for over a year, but she IS Charlotte Flair. This should shock nobody. I know Charlotte Flair is a dream match opponent for Tiffany Stratton in the eyes of many, and if she were to put Tiffany Stratton over at WrestleMania, then I will eat my words and say it was worth it.

Hell of a performance for Roxanne Perez, I haven’t seen the tally yet but I do wonder if she broke the record for longest time in one Rumble.

I could go for a Slim Jim meat stick right about now.

2 Out of 3 Falls Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. #DIY (Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano, champions)

Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:

  • Who Should Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)
  • Who Will Win: DIY (but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things)

(I won’t be live tweeting or doing a bulleted list for these two matches, likely just the two Rumbles.)

Had to laugh seeing the drone in front of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin during their entrance.

DIY wins 2 falls to 1, making my prediction accurate. That is small change, though. I liked the match for what it was, but it’s a reminder of Charlotte Flair vs. Ronda Rousey from WrestleMania 38–great match, wrong setting. This was an arena match, not a football stadium match. Yes, that DOES matter. Setting is a huge part of pro wrestling.

NXT Black and Gold will always hold a place in my heart, but part of what made that what it was was the crowd. This wasn’t the crowd for this match. Plus it got around 15 minutes, which is about right for a 1-fall match featuring these four. On TV, counting commercial breaks, these guys get 25-30 minutes.

The Street Profits got involved, eventually attacking everyone. I fully expect a WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match at WrestleMania, with DIY, MCMG, the Street Profits, and possibly Pretty Deadly and Angel/Humberto. This was really just the beginning–it was just misplaced on this card.

Winners AND STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: DIY

Michael Cole did also inform us that Roxanne Perez is the new record-holder for longest Royal Rumble performance. Score one for the good guy (me, from my tweet above).

Ladder Match for the WWE Championship
Kevin Owens vs. Cody Rhodes (champion)

Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:

  • Who Should Win: Kevin Owens
  • Who Will Win: Cody Rhodes

Love that Kevin Owens took down the Winged Eagle Championship during SmackDown last night, and entered with it. Granted, Cody Rhodes has his, too. But KO has a certain  edge to him when carrying that title.

This match was brutal, and whatever they are paying Kevin Owens isn’t enough. Cody Rhodes was beating on KO as a heel would, but he’s a babyface? I know everyone wants “Homelander” Cody, but really he might be more like “Patrick Bateman” Cody. Either way, as great as Cody is (and he is great), there is one missing element. At this point, it’s obvious to me that Cody is the worst babyface in the company. Look at him: THE MAN IS A HEEL.

While I’m glad Cody is fully out of The Bloodline’s shadow, he just needs to beat John Cena at WrestleMania, turn heel, and truly hit his stride. And I want true heel Cody. Chicken sh*t, goons, the whole thing.

Winner, AND STILL WWE Champion: Cody Rhodes

You gotta think Sami Zayn not stopping Cody Rhodes from winning will be a major sticking point for Kevin Owens. Seems like we’ll get Sami vs Kevin at WM41.

Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match

Greg’s predictions from earlier in the week:

  • Who Should Win: Jey Uso
  • Who Will Win: John Cena

Last year’s winner was Cody Rhodes, entering at #15, and he went on to defeat Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania 40.

  • Rey Mysterio (Jr) enters at #2, and it’s obvious that gone are the days where randoms would enter at #1 and #2.
  • I believe I said on my podcast (if not, I meant to) that Penta would need to enter #1 or #2 so he can have his pyro.

  • I really hope we get a Lucha Underground reference on commentary.
  • LET PENTA WIN YOU COWARDS! (I know, it didn’t work for Stephanie Vaquer.)
  • I do appreciate how they didn’t fight on the apron, instead just got right back into the ring.
  • Chad Gable in at #3, and all we need is for Dominik Mysterio to be #4.
  • That spot looked NASTY, I hope Chad Gable’s knee is okay.
  • Carmelo Hayes in at #4, and I am reminded that we likely get Trick in this match.

  • I know they have a temporary alliance at the moment, but Chad Gable vs. Carmelo Hayes would be an absolute BANGER.
  • That spot was far too similar to what we saw in the Women’s Rumble.
  • Otis in and had some fun.
  • The crowd reaction to Bron Breakker tells me the WWE might make even MORE money in the future.
  • What if Breakker won this match? He won’t, but What If?
  • If not for WWE, I wouldn’t know who IShowSpeed was.
  • Honestly, nothing wrong with what they did with IShowSpeed there.
  • Sheamus enters at #9, and I assume we will see some Beats Of The Bowery.

  • This is the most normal Sheamus’ hair has ever looked.
  • Crazy that this is only Jimmy Uso’s 3rd Royal Rumble.
  • Big Jim definitely got a bulk discount on his new gear. I wonder how many color combos he got???
  • Andrade in at #11, and Wade Barrett points out what I’ve been thinking–why run to the ring?
  • Jacob Fatu enters at #12 and gets his pyro. The rocket ship has been strapped, pal.
  • Ludwig Kaiser enters at #13 and no one not named (Greg DeMarco Show co-host) Patrick O’Dowd cares.
  • Kaiser immediately dumped by Penta, and he’ll probably lose to him on Monday’s Raw, too.

  • We lost Michael for a minute there.

  • I’d actually forgotten that we’d likely get a Joe Hendry appearance, so they got a little pop out of me.
  • I acknowledge you, my Tribal Chief.

  • Roman Reigns vs. CM Punk would be one hell of a match at WrestleMania, just sayin’.
  • Showdowns like Roman Reigns and Bron Breakker is what the Royal Rumble is all about.
  • That might have been the greatest spear ever.
  • After Joe Gendry and Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre gets very little reaction entering at #17.
  • Drew McIntyre with the very silky smooth hair tonight.
  • Finn Balor in at #18 and we have our second drone sighting of the night.
  • Something is wrong with Pat McAfee’s headset. Hell of a showing by Penta, by the way.
  • Jey Uso in at #20 to a HUGE pop.
  • Poison Rana by Jey???
  • Let’s hope AJ Styles can stick around for a bit this time. (Not necessarily in the Rumble, but in general.)

  • I’d be okay if Braun shaved his head again.
  • Jacob Fatu can literally do ANYTHING and it makes sense.

  • CM Punk, John Cena, and Roman Reigns all in the ring all at the same time? YES PLEASE.
  • Now add in Seth Rollins? This is the greatest Royal Rumble of all time.
  • The current field: Seth Rollins, CM Punk, John Cena, AJ Styles, Jey Uso, Drew McIntyre, and Roman Reigns. That is ABSURD.
  • The only man who can follow all that talent is indeed Dominik Mysterio. This is about to be amazing.
  • Imagine if Dom wins. I mean, just imagine it.
  • With the addition of Sami Zayn, the storylines in this Rumble right now are insane.
  • Damian Priest, who is probably challenging Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania, enters at #28.
  • Two more to go. Any surprises?
  • LA Knight, who I forgot was in this match, enters next.
  • I kinda expect him to move to Raw in this transfer window.
  • Ah yes, Logan Paul. I also forgot he was on this.
  • We’ve had a Nic Nemeth and now a Ricochet reference tonight. I love when you’re WWE, and you are comfortable talking about (almost) ANYBODY.

  • He didn’t, by the way. Opportunity missed.
  • Final 6: Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, John Cena, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Logan Paul… STAR. STUDDED.
  • Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins – the WrestleMania Main Event we never got.
  • YESSS!
  • Brilliant spot to have Logan Paul eliminate CM Punk.
  • Final 3: John Cena, Jey Uso, and Logan Paul. Two of my picks are left.
  • The action on the outside between Rollins, Roman, and Punk drives home how important the Rumble is to the competitors.
  • And then there were 2: my Who Should Win vs. my Who Will Win.
  • Please God let Jey Uso win this thing.
  • (And that’s not a slight against John Cena.)

Winner of the 2025 Men’s WWE Royal Rumble Match: Jey Uso

Just like the sign said: EAT. SLEEP. YEET. MANIA. I am so damn happy for Jey Uso. You can tell John Cena was as well, along with Michael Cole. And probably everyone in the entire company. Jey Uso is the success story.

As for the match? Well obviously this is a knee jerk reaction, but eff it–this is the best Royal Rumble Match they have ever put on. The early action was fun and exciting. But from the time Joe Hendry’s music hit to the moment Jey Uso pushed John Cena off of the apron, this match was insane. I think Roman Reigns coming in at 16 was a huge part of that. Once Roman is in the match, you are watching to see a) what he does, and b) if he’ll get eliminated. CM Punk eliminating Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns was beautiful, and then Logan Paul tossing CM Punk was even better. If that leads to Rollins vs. Reigns and Logan vs. Punk at WrestleMania, you can take my money.

My money is a Peacock membership, which is automatically charged. But still. Take it.

If John Cena wins it’s still probably the best Royal Rumble Match of all time. But Jey Uso winning makes that an undisputable fact.

Overall Thoughts on the 2025 WWE Royal Rumble

  • The Women’s Royal Rumble was decent to good. Loved Roxanne getting the Iron Woman treatment, but in the end it’s another chapter of LOL Charlotte Wins.
  • I need to rewatch DIY vs MCMG because I was on the phone when my son called. Maybe I will enjoy it more on a second viewing.
  • The ladder match was brutal but the end result was expected. Cody is still missing something, and I think that something will continue to be missing until he turns heel. He’s just overshadowed by too many of the other babyfaces.
  • The Men’s Royal Rumble Match was the best Royal Rumble match they have ever put on. Great action in the early half, and from 15 (Joe Hendry) on, it was amazing. The storyline movement with CM Punk, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins was (here’s that word) cinema, and having the most over wrestler in the company not named Roman Reigns win, and doing so by eliminating the odds-on favorite, was perfect. I’m biased because Jey Uso was my pick, but it was the perfect ending to what was probably as close to perfect as a Rumble match has been since 1992.

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