Impact Coverage
Chris’s IMPACT Wrestling Results & Report (8/30/18)

Chris Pinheiro brings you all the happenings on the August 30 edition of IMPACT Wrestling. Follow along starting at 8 PM eastern!
Quick Results
- X-Division Title: Brian Cage(c) d. Fenix via pinfall – top rope powerbomb
- Eli Drake d. Brandon Tidwell via pinfall – Gravy Train
- Knockout’s Title: Tessa Blanchard d. Allie and Su Yung(c) via pinfall – roll up on Allie TITLE CHANGE!!
- Rich Swann d. Petey Williams via pinfall – Standing Shooting Star Press
- Austin Aries & Killer Kross vs Eddie Edwards & Moose – no contest
Play By Play
Welcome to IMPACT! Wrestling episode #737 “ReDefined”! Tonight, we get Eddie Edwards & Moose vs Austin Aries & Killer Kross, Rich Swann vs Petey Williams, Cage vs Fenix for the X-Division Title and a Three-Way Dance for the Knockout’s Title!!!!
One Night Will Make You Rethink Everything
Video package plays hyping tonight and all the matches I mentioned above. Moose thought about retiring due to the concussion Aries gave him, but he’s not a quitter and he’s back to defend his friend Eddie Edwards.
Josh Matthews welcomes us to the Rebel Center as we kick it off with X-Division action:
X-Division Title Match: Fenix (w/Pentagon Jr.) vs. Brian Cage(c)
“Lucha! Lucha!” chants ring out to start, Fenix off the ropes as they do a quick Lucha Libre start. Cage drops Fenix on the ropes and hits A 6-1-9!!! Lets just think about that for a moment. Brian Cage is 6′ tall and 268 lbs. and his hitting a 6-1-9!! First saintly fecal matter chant of the evening right there!
Fenix with a hurricanrana to the floor, back inside off the ropes and Cage kills him with a clothesline! Cage with a delayed suplex from the apron to the inside, holding Fenix parallel to the floor!! The Terminator clap starts now. Fall away slam from Cage, as he is dominating the early going. Fenix sidesteps a corner charge, hits a super kick and goes up stairs. Cage catches the crossbody into a F-5 for 2. Fenix blocks a clothesline, kick to the head, then runs off the ropes. Cage sidesteps and throws Fenix over the top rope onto the ramp. Fenix back inside, springboards inside to a spinning heel kick to Cage on the ramp. Fenix then dives through the ropes, summersaults for a Fenix Cutter on the ramp. Back in, hits a senton, gets a 2 count. Both men running off the ropes, Cage hits a super kick. 2 count again!! Almost had a 3 there!! “Fight Foever” chants starting now. Weapon X countered by Fenix for 2, followed by quick strikes. Enziguri from the apron by Fenix, then a springboard rollup from the out side into a double stomp gets Fenix 2 and a half. Fenix rallies the crowd, then gets a boot up to stop a Cage charge, slams Cage into the second Turnbuckle, then Cage with a HUGE slam! 1-2-Fenix’s foot is on the bottom rope. “This is Awesome” chant rings out! Cage looking for a superplex to the floor, countered, knocked to the apron, and Fenix with a double stomp to the back! Suicide Dive by Fenix, CAUGHT BY CAGE INTO A SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR!!! I can’t do it justice how Cage caught him. He stopped Fenix’s momentum perpendicular to the floor, feet straight up!!
**commercial break**
Back from commercial and Cage hits a wheelbarrow cutter for 2. Cage takes Fenix to the corner, European uppercut from Fenix, charging back an forth before an elbow from Cage and a Tornado DDT! More “Fight Forever” chants as the referee begins to count both men down. Cage up at 8, picks up Fenix. Back to the corner, Cage up top, throws off Fenix, chop and super kick to Cage, springboard, he’s shoved off, eats a boot, both men on top, and a HUGE TOP ROPE POWERBOMB for the 1-2-3!!!!
Your winner, and STILL X-Division champion: Brian Cage
oVe charge the ring and assault Fenix and Pentagon, Cage starts up the ramp then thinks better of it and returns to the ring and cleans house!! Hits the Drill Claw on Jake Crist! Cage and the Lucha Bros. stand tall!!
We get a video package hyping Edwards/Moose vs Aries/Kross and we head to commercial
a “We Want Jericho” chant breaks out in the Rebel Centre
**commercial break**
As we come back, Matthews recaps what we just saw in the match and after it.
In the parking lot, Bobo pulls up in a black SUV, but the parking lot attendant won’t let him through. Scarlett Bordeaux gets out, mesmerizes the attendant who then yells to let them through.
Hype package for Chris Jericho’s Rock N Rager at Sea and then the GWN Moment of the Week: The Impact debut of Drew Galloway! Six men in this video, and only one (Grado) still works there. Kenny King, Samoa Joe, Low-Ki, Galloway and Al Snow have all left…
Impact and Destiny Wrestling present “One Night Only: Bad Intentions” tomorrow night at 8pm Eastern, only on pay-per-view
Recap on Ritchie (the little boy who was hit by the car last week) and they say all the know is he’s supposed to make a full recover, legal action maybe pending
The OGz are arguing, Hernandez is feeling bad about the kid, but King says they can’t be soft, he’s a casualty of war. His phone rings, he says “yes sir,” and leaves, telling the Hernandez and Homicide to stay put.
**commercial break**
We come back to a video package hyping Bound For Glory tickets that are on sale now
Now a video package hyping the Knockout’s Championship match tonight.
Backstage interview with Tessa Blanchard where she talks about the pressure of being a Blanchard. Says being a good wrestler might be good enough for some, but it’s not enough if you’re in her family, so she’s bringing home the title for her family’s sake
Eli Drake heads out to the ring in street clothes and gets a microphone. They show four guys in a VIP section chanting “Dummy. Yeah” Talks about the Cult Of Lee wanting to be his friends, said he never did, and he was testing them. He then brings out the two jobbers who defeated the Cult Of Lee last week, Mr. Atlantis and Brandon Tidwell. Crowd chants “They Are Dummies.” Drake then says he has a challenge, against himself, and Mr. Atlantis accepts. Drake then says he will face Tidwell.
Eli Drake vs Brandon Tidwell (w/ Mr. Atlantis)
punches, kicks, Gravy Train. Over.
Your winner: Eli Drake
Eli then shakes their hands and hits Mr. Atlantis with a Gravy Train, puts his clothes back on and celebrates on the turnbuckles before leaving.
**commercial break**
Backstage interview with Eddie Edwards and Moose. Moose calls Eddie and says Aries’ biggest mistake was messing with them.
Knockout’s Title Match: Allie vs Tessa Blanchard vs Su Yung(c) (w/ The Undead Bridesmaids)
Tessa starts out hitting everyone, then Allie hits a Codebreaker, then a drop kick on Tessa and a senton on Su. Bulldog/DDT combo and Allie covers Su for 2. Allie chokes Su in the corner with her foot, then Su chokes Allie on the middle rope, punches Tessa, Allie hits Su off the apron, onto the Bridesmaids. Allie launches off Tessa’s back to deliver a forearm to Su off the apron again. Tessa rolls up Allie for 2, then locks in a modified Indian Deathlock. Su then gets Tessa in an arm bar while Allie is still in the Deathlock! Allie hits chops on Su into the corner, charges in, then the Spider Crawl take down in the corner by Su Yung. Climbs up top, Tessa knocks her off. Tessa then press slams Su onto the Bridesmaids, then Allie slingshots her back in. Clothesline’s by Allie, then a corner suplex, Tessa kicks out at 2. Tessa looks for a hammerlock, Allie rolls her up for 2, hits the Best Superkick Ever, then a mandible claw from Su to Tessa, then one to Allie who breaks it up with a jaw breaker. Tessa then rolls up Allie for the 1-2-3
Your winner, and NEW Knockout’s Champion: Tessa Blanchard
Tessa backstage, celebrating her victory, saying she just exposed Allie for everything she said she was. Said she took Su’s title and there’s not a damn thing she can do about it.
**commercial break**
Another video package for Bound For Glory tickets
Recap of the Knockout’s Title match
Gama Singh is on the hunt, finds the Desi Hit Squad and starts beating them with a broom backstage. This was literally the whole segment.
Backstage interview with Austin Aries and Killer Kross. Kross is creepy… like a stalker. Aries says Kross has turned everything upside down and no one is safe.
Video package for Medicon’s Impact vs The UK, September 9th, only on Twitch
LAX backstage, celebrating their title win, but says what happened with Ritchie was wrong. Konnan then gets a phone call, says “yes sir” and tells Santana and Ortiz they need to stay put, and he leaves.
**commercial break**
The Smoke Show
Backstage with Grado and company, when the smoke begins and Scarlett Bordeaux’s music hits. It’s time for The Smoke Show. Bordeaux thinks Henry and Katarina have something going on. Hendry says next week he and Grado will be on the same page against the Desi Hit Squad. Bordeaux starts seducing Grado, Katarina freaks out and tells Bordeaux to stay out of it. Katarina says Scarlett will never break up her and her boys, to which Scarlett responds “I think I all ready have.”
Petey Williams vs Rich Swann
This will be fast and furious, I will try to keep up..
Holds and counter holds to start, Petey drops Swann onto the rope then hits a bronco buster. Codebreaker by Williams for 2. Running the ropes, dropkick by Swann, Williams outside, Swann goes for a senton to the floor, nobody home and he crashes and burns.
**commercial break**
Cover by Petey for 2, sets Swann on the top rope. Tree of whoa, and a big kick, Petey whips him across, Swann avoids and hits a clothesline, then a huge knee and a snapmare, cover for 2. Swann then Climbs up to the second buckle, flips over Petey, Petey then gets behind. German suplex, side Russian leg sweep, enzigiri by Swann, then elbows by Petey. Stack up for 2, roll back for 2, then Petey goes for a Sharpshooter, Swann gets the ropes. Swann with an inside cradle for 2, kick, then goes for a hurricanrana, countered into a powerbomb by Petey. Swann counters a Canadian Destoryer for a bomb for 2. Swann goes for a Phoenix Splash an missed, Swann counters another Canadian Destroyer into a roll up for 2, big kick, then a standing shooting star press for the 1-2-3
Your winner: Rich Swann
Swann celebrates back stage saying a few more victories will get him that X-Division Title. Matt Sydal interrupts saying Swann is good but he doesn’t understand what it takes to be champion, but he can help him, he can open his third eye. Swann says he doesn’t need his help, he can get there on his own.
Alisha is then heard screaming, and we cut over to her trying to revive Moose who is laid out with Killer Kross’ calling card laying next to him.
**commercial break**
Killer Kross & Austin Aries vs Eddie Edwards & Moose
Don Callis wonders if we will see Moose or if Edwards can get another partner tonight on short notice. Edwards comes out alone, kendo stick in hand, and rolls into the ring, getting in the face of both Aries and Kross. Bell rings as it looks like Edwards will be going alone. Higher spinebuster by Kross on Edwards me he tags Aries. Kick to the back, cover for none. Jawbreaker by Edwards. Back elbow, and an over head belly to belly, and a mafia kick to Kross that doesn’t knock him down. Eddie backdrops Aries to the apron, then shoved him to the guardrail. Eddie attempts a suicide dive but eats a knee from Kross. Aries back in and kicking away at Edwards. Puts him in the corner, tags in Kross. Snapmare and a running boot, tags in Aries. Aries off the top with an elbow to a held Edwards. Double whip to the corner, Kross with a splash and a tag to Aries. Kross then whips Aries into Edwards. Edwards hits Aries on the top then a backpack stunner. Both men down, punches and chops being traded, then a Blue Thunder Bomb by Edwards, pin broken up by Kross. Edwards dumps Kross and hits a brainbuster on Aries, then a suicide dive on him on the outside. Rolls Aries in but Kross grabs Edwards and hits an overhead throw on the floor. Aries looks psychotic, looking for a brain buster, Eddie gets out, hits Kross, then a Tiger Bomb on Aries. Both men down again. Moose wobbles out taped up, and gets up into his corner. Tag by Edwards to Moose, and Kross drops off the apron whenever Aries tried to tag out. Moose then turned and SPEARED Edwards!!! It was a set up!!! Moose sits on top and punches away as Aries trash talks Edwards. They dump Edwards out and it’s a 3-on-1 assault. Aries wraps the chair on Edwards’ throat, and Moose slams a chair into it. Alisha comes out to check on her husband and starts yelling at Moose. She slaps Moose, who threatens her but the heels back away. Aries and crew then celebrate at ringside as Alisha sits over her husband as we go off the air!
No Contest
Thats all for IMPACT Wrestling tonight! Thanks for reading!!
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
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FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
Powered by RedCircle
Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 3.6.2025
Hardys and Colons main event, but lets see what else fills out the show!

Welp we’re still on the slow skid to Sacrifice. The last few weeks have been painfully boring for the TNA material on iMPACT. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when TNA looks more legitimate on NXT than they do with their own show. So many matches, segments and wrestlers are just filling spots but making as much of a lasting influence as words written in water.
I’m not some blind shill who just talks up their favorite brand, anyone should know that. So I’m just hoping I don’t fall asleep tonight. Sacrifice is really looking like such a middle of the road B show. And it’s one thing to not be a tent pole event, and its another thing to make it obvious, especially when your most over guy and World Champion is in a goofball 10 man tag match.
Time to see if I stay awake!
EXCLUSIVE: Via FaceTime, @MATTHARDYBRAND told @NicTNemeth who’s STILL suspended—that he wants him on his team for the massive 10-Man Tag Team Match at #TNASacrifice! And that’s not all… @LEONSLATER_ is officially in, too!
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) March 6, 2025
- Elijah vs Brian Myers w/Alisha: Elijah wins via Highwayman’s Farewell – ** 3/4
- Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside: Savannah wins via Babyface Stupidity – ** 1/4
- John Skyler w/Jason Hotch vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Running Sitout Powerbomb – N/A
- AJ Francis vs Steve Maclin: AJ wins via Down Payment – * 1/2
- Northern Armoury vs Rascalz & Ace Austin: Eric Young wins via Piledriver – ** 1/2
- The Colons vs The Hardy Boyz: Hards win via DQ – N/A
Elijah vs Brian Myers w/Alisha
Well how nice of TNA to give Elijah a win on his debut singles match. Too soon?
Elijah hits a Jumping Lariat as soon as the bell rings and gets on Myers so he powders, Elijah chases but gets caught. A few Face Smashes into the apron before Elijah fires back with Chops and then driving Myers into the Post and bouncing him off the apron a few times for good measure. Elijah hits some Running Hip Attack Drive By thing…definitely don’t like it, but there are worse moves. Myers rolls back in, Elijah then goes for the Rope Walk spot and Lish hops on the apron to give Myers an opening. Stun Gun and Back Body Drop puts Myers in the driver’s seat. Myers chokes Elijah on the ropes, distracts the ref so Lish does the choke interference spot.
Myers tries to stay on top, but Elijah fires up, and a Vertical Suplex gives Elijah a chance to catch his breath. Stinger Splash into Drift Away for a near fall! Myers slips the Scoop, Superkick into Implant DDT for two! Myers looks for Spear, Elijah Scoops him, Eddie hits the apron, Elijah gets distracted but feels Myers coming so he dodges the back attack. Myers clocks Eddie, Highwayman’s Farewell, and Elijah wins!
System starts the Post-Match beat down but Hendry hits the ring for the save with white guitar in hand. Jeff Jarrett must be salivating with two guitar guys in TNA.
.@ZacharyWentz, @TheTreyMiguel and @The_Ace_Austin catch up with @MeanGiaMiller ahead of their clash with The Northern Armory TONIGHT!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) March 7, 2025
We get another Fir$t Cla$$ Penthou$e segment! KC Navarro is still a complete fucking treasure. They bring two girls (possibly La Catalina & Valentina, but they didn’t get named in the segment) out with them to start and then fake out Kevin Owens being a guest. They play and KC is still selling Maclin’s beatdown from last week, AJ talks smack so Maclin crashes the party and AJ says “This is a family show”. Maclin is being fairly calm and they do a “You talk too much line”. Temu Suge Knight is a great insult for AJ.
This was actually a great old school paced style of talk segment.
Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside
Savannah tries to attack Xia before the bell but moves so Savannah rams herself into the buckles, Xia tries a few things like an Acid Drop or Headscissors but Savannah’s power stops her, so a lot of small strikes to hit the legs, slips a few early grabs but eventually Savannah gets a hold of her and Samoan Drop flattens the little Brit. Savannah leans on Xia to choke her against the ropes, Irish Power Whip across the ring into the buckles, Xia bounces out and Savannah gets a two count. Rosemary is stalking above this match and I’m not sure who…but Xia does have a small connection to Lei Ying Lee, so that could tie things together at some point. Savannah leans on Xia and then Bear Hug nearly knocks out Xia, but she manages to break the hold just enough.
Xia gets the foot up when Savannah charges, a few Forearms and Headscissors into the Octopus, but turns it into a Drop Toehold to throat Savannah. Should Tackle in the corner, Crossbody Splash for two. Xia tries to lift Savannah but she’s the size of Savannah’s leg…that’s silly. Savannah just shoves her into the corner, charges but Xia moves, Xia still sells so Savannah goes for a Knee Drop and misses. Savannah sells the knee and the referee stops Xia thinking she’s legit injured, but the blindside because of feigning the injury takes too long and makes Xia look dumber than the average babyface.
Decent match with a dumb finish.
.@JodyThreat & @DaniLuna_pro gave @Ashamae_Sebera & @Heathereckless a makeover they won’t forget!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) March 7, 2025
John Skyler w/Jason Hotch vs Mike Santana
If this match lasts more than 4 minutes, I’ll eat my hat.
Skyler plays okey doke with running out and back in as Santana chases. A few early strikes and Russian Leg Sweep gets Skyler a one counter, but Santana fires, runs over Skyler a few times, 3 Amigos. Skyler tries to powder to the apron and Slingshot Spear but gets kicked. He retreats to the corner, Cannonball and Running Sitout Powerbomb…3 count. Okay good it was like 2 minutes, my hat is safe.
Hotch tries to attack after the match but eats the Spin the Block and Santana looks to take them out with the weapon they introduced but Ali’s tron cuts him off and they tell Santana he’s being subjected to a “randomly selected” urine test.
AJ Francis vs Steve Maclin
A couple strike trades, Maclin slips the running Slam from AJ, forearms to the back, and tries the Olympic Slam…but Francis is too much right now to lift. AJ throws him into the corner, perches him, looks for an Avalanche Down Payment but Maclin shakes it off until AJ just grabs him and tosses him across the ring. Tennessee Whiskey up next, and KC and AJ do a little taunting. AJ goes for a Big Boot, misses, Tree of Woe, takes out KC, Caught in the Crosshairs! Maclin looks for K.I.A. but AJ shrugs it off, hits his Football tackle, AJ looks for the Down Payment but the two Northern Armoury jabronis hit the apron and distract AJ. Olympic Slam into SCUD from Maclin and he finally sees EY and crew. Maclin says he doesn’t want the help but EY says he’s watching his back. Maclin tells him he doesn’t want the help, heads back into the ring just to eat a Down Payment and AJ wins.
At least this angle with Maclin is alright, it’s cliche but it’s a cliche that works at the moment.
Oba Femi comes out to have a face to face with Moose before Roadblock on March 11th. Oba cuts a very good promo, Moose holds his own as well, but Oba comes with that Babyface fire. JDC tells the Security first one to jump Oba is in The System, so they all mug him at the same time, Oba fights off everyone except Moose and eats a Lights Out out of nowhere. Moose gets to stand tall but Oba literally cleared the ring of about a dozen men. So it did its job.
Northern Armoury vs Rascalz & Ace Austin
Hair Jabroni starts with Wentz, and it goes how you expect, early Corkscrew Crossbody from Wentz gets a nearfall. But a Kitchen sink give the dorks a tag spot they do basic tandem stuff, they still look awful, and thankfully Wentz flips out, Trey blind tag and we get a little tandem slide tackle action before EY attacks the Rascalz, heels outside, triplicate dives cause of course. Not timed well so it looks bad, but what do you expect from wrestling in 2025. Useless Dives to people that stand and wait.
Double Superkick lays out bald jabroni, hair jabroni with the Wrecking Ball Dropkick and EY blindsides Wentz, EY tags in legally and works over Wentz. Bald Jabroni gets tagged in, does basic moves that Young Lions do better…hell the dude looks like a Temu Young Lion. Wentz hits a desperation Back Handspring Knee, but the heels pull the faces off the apron so Wentz is isolated. Bald Jabroni attempts a kneeling submission with a Cravat but it looks poor. Wentz finally fights out of the locomotion corner spot, Ace hot tag, combination strikes into Russian Leg Sweep and Click Click Boom, fights off the other Jabroni, forward Roll Leap Frog, Spinning Heel Kicks for everyone until EY lays out Ace. Eric hits the Scoop Slam, goes for a Moonsault and comes up empty. Simultaneous tags probably…but oh no Wentz pulls the jabronis off the apron! Trey tags in, Missile Dropkick bounces Eric Young like a Super Ball. Trey lands a few other high risk moves, knocks off the Jabronis again, tags in Wentz, ABC tandem strike spot, another tag and we get the MCMG ACH Rush before the Jabronis finally break up the pinfall. Ace gets involved, does his corner dodge into the Triangle Kick, EY hits a Spicolli Driver on Ace, but Rascalz lay out EY, Wes and Crew come out! Wentz dives on the NXT trio, Trey gets crotched on the top rope and EY hits the Piledriver for the win.
Masha comes out to cut a miserable promo in English. She has completely lost her aura with the language change. Cora interrupts her of course, but Tessa blindsides her! Lei Ying Lee makes the save, to lead to a tag match before the singles matches at Sacrifice.
The best whiney Mokuba/Scott Evil little brother ever comes out to give us the Nic Nemeth countdown and walk away.
.@Santana_Proud is taking matters into his own hands!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) March 7, 2025
.@RealTSteelz just broke the news to @MustafaAli_X—@Santana_Proud PASSED his drug test!
But was that really what left a bitter taste in Ali's mouth?
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) March 7, 2025
The Colons vs The Hardy Boyz
Eddie and Matt start, Matt grabs the Arm Wringer and turns it into successive arm breakers before we go to the last commercial. We come back to the Delete Head Smashes as Orlando interferes from the apron to give Eddie a break and then a little isolation on Matt gives the Colons solid moments for quick tags and simple moments. Eddie has a Key Lock for a while until Matt fires up and dodges a Running Dropkick. So Eddie is hung up in the corner, as Matt is crawling to Jeff. Simultaneous tags, Jeff hits his vintage offense, Plot Twist on Eddie. They take out Orlando, Swanton gets called for but The System hits the ring, followed by Elijah, Slater and Hendry for the saves.
Director Cobra comes out at the very end to say the 10 man tag is in a steel cage. He doesn’t call it lockdown…just a cage. It’s a start, but until someone says Lethal Lockdown I will never be satisfied.
Overall Score: 6/10
Okay so the middle portion of the show dragged a little, but the first bit and last few segments were solid. Even if I don’t love everyone involved, angles are making a measure of sense, I love Ryan Nemeth’s hateable little shithead brother, it’s nice to see Lei Ying Lee in the upper card, Eric Young and Maclin are the only thing tolerable about Northern Armoury, Elegance Clique having a 2004 MTV montage was entertaining and cringe (so it’s on brand) and of course, KC Navarro is a treasure.
Oba looked great, I don’t think anyone has done a good job at making us think Moose has any prayer to win the title, but since he’s a heel with a stable I guess there’s always the outside shot. Xia Brookside also has become a better wrestler but she looks more gullible and dumb than early 90s Sting with how she gets distracted and loses in the dumbest ways. Also not super excited for Ali and Santana beyond “the match will be good”, but the segments haven’t been bad.
So all things considered, it was a decent episode. Didn’t really do a whole hell of a lot for weekly viewers, but if people only tune in intermittently…it was alright and framed things well enough.
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
Powered by RedCircle
Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 2.27.2025
The card looks like a filler episode…let’s find out!

Not completely sure how to feel about this card. It feels like a lot of fodder that probably won’t lead anywhere and just hopes that the Hardys and Oba can carry people’s interest to the end. TNA is continuing the tradition from last year of maybe having one month of decent booking and then looking blind and inept for a while. Like if you look up the definition for “The Blind Leading the Blind”, it shows you a picture of the TNA booking room.
Well let’s see if I hate this episode or if something interesting manifests.
.@WWENXT's @CoraJadeWWE just BLINDSIDED @mashaslamovich!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 28, 2025
- Oro Mensah vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Spin the Block – ** 3/4
- Tessa Blanchard vs Kelsey Heather: Tessa wins via Buzzsaw DDT – ** 1/4
- KC Navarro w/AJ Francis vs Steve Maclin: Maclin wins via K.I.A. – ***
- TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: The Elegance Clique w/Personal Concierge vs Spitfire (c): Spitfire retain via Pressure Drop – ** 1/2
- Mance Warner w/SDL vs Sami Callihan: Mance wins via DQ – N/A
- Ace Austin vs Frankie Kazarian: Kaz wins via Slingshot Cutter – ** 1/4
- The Hardys & Oba Femi vs Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/JDC & Lish: The System wis via Lights Out – ***
The System opens the show and the only one getting any real wrestling reaction is Moose gets the ole “Oba’s Gonna Kill You”. The crowd is disinterested in anything the others say, even trying to get themselves over at different points. System isn’t doing themselves any favors either because this is the most cookie cutter heel exposition promo. To add to lack of interest, The System call out The Colons to join them. Colons come out to no reaction and play the “smart heel” angle of “Why fight them when we can just join them”. So for now they’re all friends, but who knows…and Full Sail definitely doesn’t care.
Oh a Spitfire promo that is cringe. I love Dani Luna, but Jody is just Millennial Cringe as a person. Every time she speaks I get both bored and annoyed at the same time.
Oro Mensah vs Mike Santana
Sadly my browser decided to have a heart attack and disconnect after the first 20 minutes and didn’t save the already typed information. So this will be extremely abbreviated because I don’t remember exactly how it played out.
They start off with trading so Wrist Lock Arm Drags and Wringers before a few strikes give Santana the advantage, which is then immediately cut off with Oro hitting a Satellite Arm Drag. Some back and forth where Santana has the advantage, but Oro manages to counter a Back Body Drop by rolling back and Santana immediately pulls off the Rolling Buck Fifty for a two count.
Oro hits a combination of strikes, tries to hook Santana’s head for a cradle but he fights back. He hits Call of Autumn but again only a near fall. Decent back and forth but Santana punctuates things well bouncing Oro off the corner buckles and then laying him out with a Spin the Block.
Tessa Blanchard vs Kelsey Heather
Tessa comes out of the gates hot, just raining down forearms, fast and aggressive. Kelsey manages to catch Tessa with a Spinning Head Scissors and that just annoys Tessa. So a swift kick and Snap Suplex into the bottom buckle keeps the enhancement talent rocked. John Woo drop kick, Running Forearm, Whips her into the opposite corner and charges, Kelsey screams and covers up so Tessa stops and just Slaps Kelsey for good measure. A few Cradles from Kelsey gave her a moment of effort, but a Cutter into the Buzzsaw DDT and Tessa wins.
KC Navarro w/AJ Francis vs Steve Maclin
Rope run start and it’s a lot of KC dodging, misdirection and leaping over Steve. Maclin gives him a look after KC poses and acts arrogant after the one flip counter, KC sortuv apologizes and then Maclin just lights him up. No Fun Maclin beats on KC, throws him into the center of the ring and lays him out with a Sliding Lariat. KC powders, so AJ starts distracting Maclin with words, KC Stun Guns Maclin and takes the referee’s attention so AJ gets in some cheapshots and then drops him face first on the apron. AJ tries to throw in KC for the easy win, but Maclin kicks out at one.
A little more offense and a Double Stomp from KC but only a one count again. The Northern Armoury stalks down the ramp so both KC and AJ are a little distracted but KC maintains his control after a few strikes and Slingblade. But two Lariats and a Thesz Press has KC reeling, Olympic Slam gets Maclin a two count. KC manages to kick Maclin’s legs out from under him while trying to set up, KC nails the Frog Splash, but Maclin kicks out at two. 305 from KC, another Frog Splash misses, Satellite DDT attempt but Maclin holds on, smirks and kisses KC Navarro on the forehead before Deep Sixing him! Tree of Woe, Caught in the Crosshairs, K.I.A. and Steve wins.
Tessa Blanchard vs. @TheLeiYingLee at #TNASacrifice?!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 28, 2025
TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: The Elegance Clique w/Personal Concierge vs Spitfire (c)
Ash and Jody start, and its…I don’t know. Posturing, a weird looking Headlock Takeover from Jody. Just…ugh, and not because of Ash. Jody tries a Rollup but only gets a one and Ash immediately tags out. Heather looks a little deer in headlights, but charges and immediately gets smashed into the Spitfire corner and they start teaming up and isolating the my size Barbie. Sliding Lariat, Fun Splash, just really quick tandem offense keeps Heather on the receiving end. Concierge distracts the ref and Jody, so Ash and Heather take advantage of the situation with Heather hitting the Codebreaker and now the Clique are isolating Jody.
Jody manages to catch Heather’s foot, kick her back, make space and simultaneous tags to Dani and Ash. Dani brutalizes Ash, throws her all around, Ash starts crawling towards Heather and Dani snaps off a great Snap German before she gets to her corner twice. Takes too long for the third and Heather manages to pull her forward into the ropes. Tandem Backstabber/Double Stomp from Elegance but Jody breaks it up. Dani manages to tag out, Jody nearly hits Pop Shove It on Heather, but she slips it, tags out but Ash hits an immediate Michinoku Driver.
Dani has really great aggression in this match, Ash tags out but Spitfire manage to crash Ash to the floor, Heather is surprised and Dani just hits the Outside IN Rope Assisted German Suplex. Heather looks out of it (purely selling), they hit the Pressure Drop and retain so now the heels need to be the Personal Concierges. Heather slowly rolls to the apron to cry with Ash that they now have to work for Spitfire.
Mance Warner w/SDL vs Sami Callihan
Warner charges at the bell, Sami sidesteps and hits a Stunner sending Mance to powder. Sami grabs a chair, starts hitting him with the chair and the match is thrown out.
This is stupid, why even say there’s gonna be a match to DQ it in 30 seconds and just do a brawl with another pull apart. You can build to a No DQ match without booking the card into a corner.
Ace Austin vs Frankie Kazarian
Ace starts quick, grounded Enzuigiri, a few quick strikes, a pop over the rope, Ace tries to outsmart Kaz but not jumping into the Cutter, but when he does Springboard Kaz just lays on the ropes to cause Ace to crash. Kaz takes full control of the situation, some simple offense into the Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop. Kaz even does the Shawn Michaels pose since Ace likes to to it. Ace fires a little with a flurry of cradles but a Wrestler’s Bridge gets Kaz out of the locomotion Cradles. Kaz tries a quick cheapshot to the leg, but Ace doesn’t stop coming forward. Click Click Boom, the Seated Lariat into 10 Count Lariats in the corner followed by the Triangle Kick sending Kaz retreating to the floor. Ace wants the Fosbury Flop but Kaz hides towards Tyson, Tyriek and Wes Lee who are at commentary.
Ace is of course somewhat distracted but laying in kicks until his temper gets the best of him and he mouths off to the heel trio. Kaz tries to take advantage, but Ace dodges and sees Wes out of the corner of his eye so he gets distracted again, Kaz Slingshots him in for the Slingshot Cutter and that’s all she wrote. Kaz wins and the NXT Trio start beating on Ace until The Rascalz run down with chairs in hand.
The Hardys & Oba Femi vs Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/JDC & Lish
Moose calls Oba out, looks like he wants to start off but tags out in expected heel fashion. Eddie gets tagged in and tries to shove Oba but Oba gets annoyed and throws Eddie around, Myers comes in just to eat a Double Clothesline as the Hardys then run in to lay em out over the ropes.
We come back from commercial to a Poetry in Motion and Lish get on the apron to distract the referee so let the System take some short cuts and a few quick tags but Myers is the legal on now. Isolating Jeff, Eddie gets tagged in and distracts the ref so Lish can choke Hardy from outside but Jeff hits the Jawbreaker for space. Eddie tags out to Moose, Moose tries to clear the enemy apron but only gets Oba, a Twist of Hate from Jeff gets the time needed to tag in Matt! Matt hits the Delete Head Smashes, Tornado DDT, Side Effect…and Eddie breaks up the pin. Eddie tries to Dive on Oba but Oba catches him and Chokeslams him into the apron. Plot Twist on Moose in the ring! 1-2-Myers barely makes the save by shoving Jeff into the ref. Signature spam momentit comes down to Oba and Moose. Oba eats a Carbon Foot Print from Moose and stays standing, hits a Backbreaker to drop Moose, the Colons interfere enough for Moose to hit the Spear on Oba! Matt also eats a Spear after cracking Matt with a bejeweled ring fist and then Lights Out from Moose, The System wins!
Post-Match Elijah and Hendry run out to stop the post match beatdown. Santino Marella comes out with Sacrifice announcements. Jeff vs Moose for the X Division Title in a Ladder Match. Then a 10 man, the remnants of The System vs Matt Hardy and Joe Hendry’s choice of 3 extra dudes.
Overall Score: 4/10
This whole show dragged, the crowd was dead for most of the show, the predictable things happened and most of the stuff was very low influence. Tessa having her first match back on iMPACT in like 4 years was irrelevant, the backstage segment with her and Lei Ying Lee wasn’t bad though. The System isn’t really getting any reactions which is embarrassing when even NXT has tried to frame them decently, and the Full Sail crowd doesn’t care. The Elegances are comedy so their stuff is fine, and they’re actually somewhat enjoyable…but Spitfire…mainly Jody, is freakin useless. Mance and Sami has been directionless with no heat. Mustafa’s cabinet has some potential but already getting pitted against Santana feels like a byproduct of a bad main event/upper mid card scene.
I nearly fell asleep a few times with how boring this damn show was. It wasn’t insanely offensive, but it was sooooo…boring. Dreamer’s era of booking makes me long for the Russo years because at least the stories were interesting even if they were inane and edgy just for the sake of it. God…I didn’t think anything would make me look fondly upon Russo booking. Eww…I feel dirty…I’m going to sleep now.
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