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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Results & Report! (4/29/19)

Who will enter the Money in the Bank Ladder Matches?!



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Raw revs up towards Money in the Bank! Alexa Bliss will name the Red Team’s entrants for the MITB Ladder Matches, but who will they be?



  • Baron Corbin & Drew McIntyre VS Ricochet & Braun Strowman; Ricochet & Strowman win.
  • The Usos VS The Good Brothers; The Usos win.
  • Bobby Lashley VS The Miz; Lashley wins.
  • The Viking Raiders VS Lucha House Party; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Naomi VS Alexa Bliss; Naomi wins.
  • Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder VS The Revival; Ryder & Hawkins win.
  • Rey Mysterio VS Samoa Joe; Mysterio wins.


Alexa Bliss opens Raw!

The Goddess heads to the ring as the University of Kentucky gives her a standing ovation. Alexa picks up the mic to get to business. “Welcome to a very special Moment of Bliss.” In less than three weeks, Money in the Bank will return! This event will once again have a Men’s and Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Matches. There will be a total of 8 superstars competing over the MITB contract that guarantees a shot at the top title of their division.

And right to it, the men for Raw are… BRAUN! The Monster in the Bank wants another shot to make up for his missed opportunity against The Beast! “The man who redefines aerial combat”, Ricochet! The One and Only and Kentucky’s own is officially Team Red, but will he ascend to new heights in his first MITB match? The Scottish Terminator, Drew McIntyre! Will McIntyre hand out Claymores to take his first MITB contract? And the former Raw General Manager, former Golden Gloves winner, and… Alexa doesn’t care to list the rest, we know it’s Baron Corbin. A former Mr. MITB himself, will the Lone Wolf make up for going bankrupt before?

Corbin knows his list of accolades is quite the mouthful, but fans will surely enjoy him becoming a two-time MITB winner! Fans boo in disagreement. Ricochet brings up Corbin might be a two-time loser. The first time Corbin was Mr. MITB, he failed. Who’s talking? Oh, sorry, did mommy let Ricochet out to play? But McIntyre agrees with Ricochet. After Corbin stole McIntyre’s opportunity, what happened? “You blew it!” Last week wasn’t fair. Styles had two hours to prepare while Corbin only had an hour. No excuses! McIntyre is sick of “outside forces” getting in his way! When McIntyre wins, “the power will be in my hands!” Ricochet knows they wanna talk and pass blame, but he’s not here to talk. Then shut it!

McIntyre tells the new guy to stick to his high-flying and leave “the business talk to the grown-ups.” Otherwise, McIntyre will drop him where he stands. And then Corbin will climb the ladder and claim MITB. Yes, by stealing another of McIntyre’s wins. That’s called strategy, tough guy. Then maybe McIntyre should drop Corbin where he stands. The fans want a fight to down and Corbin tells the fans it doesn’t matter what they say, but Strowman tells Corbin to shut up! They can all talk about winning, but the reality is, there is nothing that can stop him from winning! Strowman wants a preview of MITB. A tag match: Corbin & McIntyre VS Ricochet & Strowman! And then you can #GetTheseHands now! Alexa gives these four their space, because that match looks ready to go, after the break!


Baron Corbin & Drew McIntyre VS Ricochet & Braun Strowman!

Raw returns and the match begins with Strowman and Corbin attacking him! Ricochet gets bumped out as Corbin stomps a mudhole into Strowman. Fans boo but Strowman grabs Corbin to shove him out! Corbin returns only to get scooped. Corbin escapes and boots Strowman back, but walks into a right hand! Stormwan clotheslines Corbin out and tags Ricochet. Ricochet kicks Corbin from the apron then takes him down with a moonsault! Ricochet chase Corbin back in to kick him away. Fans fire up as Ricochet springboards and clotheslines Corbin down. Corbin scurries away and tags in McIntyre.

McIntyre circles with Ricochet and they tie up. McIntyre puts Ricochet in a corner but Ricochet gets away. Ricochet throws hands but McIntyre shoves. Ricochet kicks McIntyre but runs into his arms! McIntyre pops Ricochet into a suplex but Ricochet escapes, only to get a CHOP! McIntyre seethes as he looms over Ricochet. He stomps Ricochet’s arm then drags him up for a right hand. Ricochet counter punches and runs, but into a back elbow! McIntyre tags in Corbin and McIntyre chokes Ricochet. He backs off and Corbin looms over Ricochet now. Corbin drags Ricochet and mocks the booing fans as he punches Ricochet back down.

Corbin chokes Ricochet on the ropes but lets up at 4. He argues with the ref but McIntyre keeps his hands clean. Corbin stands Ricochet up to throw body shots. He brings Ricochet out for a knee to the stomach and a half nelson chinbar. Fans rally for Ricochet, and Ricochet powers up, only to be wrangled back down. Corbin leans on Ricochet, but even Strowman rallies up for the King of Flight. Ricochet works his way up to his feet and fights out of the hold. Corbin whips but Ricochet rolls off the back to speed up and headscissor Corbin down! And dropkick him, too! Ricochet hits McIntyre away then ducks Corbin to springboard, but into a body check! Corbin is back in control while we go to break.

Raw returns and Corbin tags in. Corbin looms over Ricochet and brings him up. Fans chant “Get These Hands!” but Corbin drives elbow after elbow in. Corbin sucker punches Strowman but that only angers the Monster. The ref keeps Strowman back as Corbin stomps Ricochet out. Corbin mocks the Kentucky fans and then taunts Strowman again. Corbin puts Ricochet into a corner hard, then runs in, but Ricochet boots back! Ricochet somersaults but misses the dropkick! Corbin tosses Ricochet out and distracts the ref while McIntyre looms. But Strowman makes sure to keep him back. Corbin blindsides Strowman, but to no effect! Strowman chases Corbin down, but runs into a CLAYMORE from McIntyre! But McIntyre hits the LED’s on the way down, too.

Corbin drags Ricochet into the ring and covers, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated but he still taunts the fans. Ricochet gets to his corner but has no Monster to tag. Corbin throws body shots on Ricochet then whips him corner to corner. Tag to McIntyre and he looms over Ricochet again. McIntyre brings Ricochet up for a CHOP! Cover, TWO! McIntyre keeps on Ricochet with a half camel clutch and a grinding chinbar. McIntyre also hooks the mouth but lets up at 4. He continues to grind down Ricochet, but Ricochet endures. Ricochet powers up and fans rally behind him. Ricochet fights back but McIntyre knees low. McIntyre shoves and tilt-o-whirls Ricochet into a backbreaker! Cover, TWO! McIntyre anchors Ricochet to tag in Corbin, who mocks Ricochet over Strowman being down.

Corbin drags Ricochet up and put shim in a corner. Ricochet boots then enziguris back! Somersault shotgun dropkick hits! And Strowman’s back! Hot tag to McIntyre and the Monster! Strowman rallies on McIntyre! Corner to corner for a big corner clothesline! Then a clubbing forearm! Strowman roars and Kentucky fires up with him! Storwman runs in again but misses! He hits post, but Ricochet tags back in. Ricochet jumps over McIntyre, then mule kicks, only to get a Glasgow Kiss! McIntyre staggers back to aim again, but Corbin tags in! Corbin wants to be the glory hound all over again! He drags Ricochet up but Ricochet slips through to tag Strowman back in! McIntyre punches Corbin, Strowman scoops and tags Ricochet in. MONSTER SLAM to SHOOTING STAR! Cover, Ricochet & Strowman win!

Winners: Ricochet & Braun Strowman, Ricochet pinning

Kentucky’s actual favorite son wins alongside the Monster Among Men! But even though they celebrate now, the MITB ladder match is coming. Will one of these winners be THE winner? Or will someone else, such as one of SmackDown’s four, take the prize?


The Usos VS The Good Brothers!

Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows are back in red, but they aren’t in a mood for the Usos’ lockdown. The Good Brothers are taking over the penitentiary, because they’re #Bulletproof.

The teams sort out, and it’ll be Jey against the Machine Gun!

Anderson and Jey tie up and Jey gets the headlock. Anderson powers out but Jey runs him over with a shoulder. Jey speeds things up but blocks Anderson’s hip toss to clothesline him down. Cover, ONE! Jey tackles Anderson then tags in Jimmy. Jimmy slides and taunts Gallows before hitting Anderson with a forearm. Cover, TWO! Anderson gets to an open corner and kicks Jimmy away. Anderson bumps Jimmy on buckles then throws big haymakers. The ref counts as Anderson grinds a forearm in, but Anderson lets up on 4. Anderson puts Jimmy in the corner and tags in Gallows. Gallows mugs Jimmy then clubs Jimmy down. He whips Jimmy but Jimmy slides to uppercut back. Jimmy does a dance and CHOPS Gallows.

Jimmy throws hands in the corner but lets up at 5. Gallows punches Jey away but Jimmy hits Anderson. Jimmy baits Gallows in and dumps him out. Jimmy builds speed as fans fire up, but he runs into a big right! Gallows gets back in and throws Jimmy into the ropes! The ref reprimands Gallows but Jimmy gasps and writhes from the shot to the throat. Gallows drags Jimmy up and throws him into the ropes again! The ref can only reprimand Gallows while Jimmy gasps for air again. Fans rally for Jimmy but Gallows throws big hands. Jimmy hits back and CHOPS, too! Jimmy runs but into a BOOT! Gallows looms over Jimmy and throws up the Too Sweet. Cover, TWO!

Gallows pushes Jimmy out of the ring, and takes his time going after him. He whips Jimmy hard into barriers! The Uso Penitentiary is in bad shape while we go to break.

Raw returns as Gallows grinds down Jimmy. Jimmy fights out of the chinlock but gets thrown down. Tag to Anderson and the Good Brothers double whip. Gallows kicks and Anderson boots Jimmy down. Cover, TWO! Anderson puts on his own chinlock and Jimmy endures again. Fans rally up again, and Jimmy jawbreakers free! Jimmy runs but Anderson elbows him down. Cover, TWO! Anderson drags Jimmy up by his hair and puts him in the corner. Tag to Gallows and the Good Brothers combine for the back suplex neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Gallows keeps on Jimmy and stomps him away from Jey. Jimmy hits the dragon whip kick! Jimmy hurries for his corner as fans rally up, hot tag to Jey and Anderson!

Jey rallies on Anderson with big lariats! Mule kick and a pop-lock uppercut! Anderson swings but misses, into the Samoan Drop! Fans fire up with Jey as he goes corner to corner for the hip attack! Cover, TWO! Jey is surprised but he doesn’t lose focus. Jey waits for Anderson to stand, but he misses the splash hard! Anderson SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! The Good Brothers are frustrated as they tag. Gallows drags Jey up and they prepare Magic Killer, but jimy saves his brother with a SUPERKICK! Gallows throws Jimmy out but Jey ducks to SUPERKICK! Tag to Jimmy, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Jey DIVES onto Anderson while Jimmy climbs. USO SPLASH! Cover, Usos win!

Winners: The Usos, Jimmy pinning

The Penitentiary still belongs to the Uso Brothers! But where is the never-before-seen thing they promised? The Usos pick up the mics and give respect to the Good Brothers. But those #TopGuys are talking tough. Put your kids to sleep, make sure grandma’s eyes are closed, and keep your vomit in your mouth.

The footage rolls of the Usos as they check the bathroom. The Revival is shaving each other’s backs!! Not even the twins do that for each other! “Hey, you missed a spot!” Gotteee~! But then Dash & Dawson show up and claim an invasion of privacy! They’ll clear the air with the WWE Universe. Dash & Dawson are M E N, men. Being men, they get body hair. And considering the size of his own muscles, reaching his back ain’t easy. It is just impossible, so he asks his best pal of 20+ years to help him out. Dash helps his best friend in a moment of need. They have each other’s backs. Like, literally? The Revivals are not having any jokes! They have a match with Hawkins & Ryder, and after taking those two out, they’ll come for you, Uce.

Yes, a big match, that’s good. But if you wanna run up, you gonna get dun up! Welcome to The Uso Penitentiary! Will Dash & Dawson keep focus against the Raw Tag Team Championships later tonight?


Miz TV returns to Raw!

The Most Must-See WWE Talk Show has been on SmackDown for so long, it’s finally back on the red brand! And its first guest in its return? The Rocky Mountain Machine, Bobby Lashley! All this, after the break.

Raw returns and Miz welcomes us to his talk show. It feels good to be back on Mondays! Yes, Miz is still the A-Lister, star of Miz & Mrs, and one of the most decorated WWE champions of all time, but this is a new chapter. He’s ready for new matches and new guests. So please give a standing ovation to the “All Mighty” Bobby Lashley! Lashley walks to the ring and takes a seat with Miz. The fans boo, to Miz’s surprise. Miz welcomes Lashley and says he looks great. But Lashley interrupts Miz because Lashley has seen Miz TV before. Lashley sets some ground rules: he will only answer the questions he likes to answer. And he speaks in the third person now? Lashley says Miz needs to watch his tone.

Well then, Lashley, you must be wondering why Miz invited you here. Miz thought that no one else would be better for his first guest on Raw. Lashley is probably the most physically gifted wrestler in the WWE, yet it doesn’t seem like he’s put it all together. This is not an insult, it’s just that some wonder if Lashley is reaching his full potential. People wanna talk Lashley’s potential? Lashley has only been back for one year but he’s a two-time Intercontinental Champion. What has Miz done in the past year? What has Miz done? Lashley wants to go stat-for-stat? Well the old Miz would’ve brought up his full list of 8-time Intercontinental, 7-time tag team, two-time United States and WWE World Champion. Check the wiki! He’d be here for a very long time.

Kentucky cheers Miz on but Miz says no one is questioning Miz’s potential. Miz is an overachiever, have you seen Maryse? But Miz did all that without any of Lashley’s athletic abilities. Well that’s what Miz has done. But let’s talk about Wrestlemania. Shane put a whooping on Miz and Miz’s dad. Shane punched “baked potato” George, and what did Miz do? He screwed up. NO wonder his dad thniks he’s worthless. Miz fires off on Lashley! But Lashley powers him into a corner for shoulder after shoulder! Miz hits back and boots Lashley down! Lashley bails out and Miz throws chairs at him! Miz is all fired up, but will he stack up to the All Mighty?


Bobby Lashley VS The Miz!

Raw returns and Lashley has Miz in a chinbar. Miz fights his way up and out as Kentucky rallies. Lashley knees low and puts Miz on the ropes. Lashley suplexes Miz up and holds him there before throwing him down. Cover, TWO! Fans jeer as Lashley looms over Miz. Lashley waits for Miz to sit up before scooping him. Miz slips out and boots him from a corner. Miz puts Lashley in a corner for IT Kicks! He goes corner to corner for big knees! Then again for more knees! Miz goes a third time, but here comes the money~! Shane distracts Miz with his entrance, but Miz still dodges and clotheslines Lashley out.

Miz wrecks Lashley with a dropkick and keeps his eyes on Shane as he puts Lashley back in. Shane leaves so Miz goes to the apron. But Shane runs back in! Miz dodges Lashley and slides under for a sunset flip. TWO but Miz kicks low for the low DDT! Cover, TWO! Shane looms around the ring but Miz gives Lashley more It Kicks! Shane gets closer and cues something up? The titantron shows Papa Miz’s face! Miz swings on Shane but gets a SPEAR from Lashley! Cover, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

The All Mighty gets the win but the Money is what did it. Shane celebrates with Lashley and then Lashley lets Shane toy with The Miz. Shane kicks and punches Miz, but Miz tackles Shane! Miz fires off on Shane but Lashley pulls Miz off. Lashley SPINEBUSTERS Miz down! Shane gets serious as he takes off his jacket. Shane kicks Miz while he’s down and then grounds ‘n’ pounds as fans boo. Miz can’t defend himself as Shane reels him into another triangle hold! He makes Miz look at Papa Miz’s face! Shane feels proud of himself as he chokes Miz out.

Shane sits Miz up as he grabs a mic. “It’s too bad you’re unconscious right now. But just remember this: I am the Best in the World!” Shane leaves Miz down and out, but will Miz come back for revenge soon enough?


The Viking Raiders VS Lucha House Party!

Erik and Ivar conquered NXT and now they’ll conquer Raw! Their raid has only just begun, but the fiesta fights back! Kailst, Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik topple them down, then double DIVE to wipe them out! “Lucha! Lucha!” echoes out but the Vikings regroup. Will Kalisto and his amigos regret angering these war machines?

Ivar starts against the Lucha Dragon with the bell, but he misses as he rushes in. Kalisto kicks away then tags in Metalik. The King of the Ropes kicks Ivar then springboard missile dropkicks. Ivar stays on his feet so Metalik chops and whips. But Ivar reverses, and cartwheels to avoid the handspring! Ivar CLOBBERS Metalik! Tag to Erik, and he drags Metalik up for big knees. Erik keeps on Metalik with a standing armlock. Fans rally and duel as Metalik fights out. Tag to Ivar and the Vikings double suplex. Metalik slips out to tag in Kalisto! Kalisto springboards up and over both Vikings, but Erik catches him. Erik tosses then throws Kalisto down! Erik officially tags back in and Ivar attacks Metalik! Ivar feeds Metalik to Erik’s shotgun knees! Erik uses Ivar as the human weapon, hip attack!

Kalisto drags himself up but Erik tags Ivar back in. The Vikings target Kalisto, for THOR’S HAMMER! Cover, The Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, Ivar pinning

Lucha House Party feels the Viking Experience, but Lince fights back! Lince chops away, but runs into another combo, the springboard lariat German Suplex! The Vikings are ready to raid Raw, who will be next on their warpath?


Alexa Bliss returns!

The Moment of Bliss continues as Alexa sits on her set. She announced the men for the MITB Ladder Match, but now it’s time for the women. Raw’s female superstars will be… The Queen of Harts, Natalya! Natty takes her seat on set and thanks Alexa for that incredible intro. She’s never been Raw Women’s Champion, but after becoming Ms. MITB, it’ll change. Yes, okay, but on with the announcements. Another first-time MITB competitor, Dana Brooke! Dana is herself honored, and excited, for this opportunity. She says this will be her chance to jump to the front of the line. She isn’t gonna wait her turn! Is Dana saying Natty and others are holding her back? Well no offense, but Natty’s been given any opportunity. FYI starting with “no offense” usually means it’s meant to offend.

Dana still defends that Natty’s been given far more opportunities. Natty says she’s earned her shots. Alexa keeps the two from fighting, and says we need to move on. So if they could take the argument off the set, that’d be great. Moving on, the newest addition to Monday Night Raw, it’s Naomi! A two-time champion in her own right, it’s time to #FeelTheGlow! Naomi is ready for her first taste of the Raw title. She vows to climb her MITB contract, and target whoever the champion is with “all this glow.” Dana and Natty both protest that this is their time, but Alexa again has to interrupt them. “You guys are worse than the men, okay?” For shame! They’re interrupting her show, and an important moment for this fourth woman.

These three were very fortunate, so this fourth woman is probably hoping and praying for this opportunity. This isn’t just about Alexa’s show, but about this fourth woman. And that fourth woman is… ALEXA! Yay for her! Now all three women are upset about this. But anyway, Alexa tells the other three to leave so the future two-time Goddess in the Bank can have the spotlight. Well why don’t we give the fans another preview tonight? Naomi VS Alexa, right here and now. Alexa would, she really would. But she don’t want to. And she’s not dressed! Well Naomi is pretty sure she could beat Alexa no matter what, Ms. former MITB. Maybe she’s not as good as she thinks. Alexa decides to take Naomi up on the challenge after all. Will the Goddess #FeelTheGlow long before MITB?


Firefly Fun House returns~!

Bray Wyatt is back and now he’s painting! “Bonjour!” He loves to paint, because painting is a way to express any suppressed feelings. “When you’re expressing yourself, no one can ever truly hurt you.” But wait, who is this little bunny friend? It’s Ramblin’ Rabbit! And would he like to see the painting? Yes! Bray shows us all his painting of… a burning shed! With Abby inside… (the one Orton burned) Speaking of Abby, she says this is NO time for games! She woke up in a bad mood~! Ramblin’ Rabbit leaves while Abby scolds Bray. He hasn’t learned his lesson, did he? Take it easy, Abby, that’s the past. And he is sorry for what he did. The kids forgive him, right? Yeah~!

Fine. Just keep it down while Abby is resting. Yes, yes, shh. Abby the Witch is a… “sociopath”. Ramblin’ Rabbit returns. That’s the word of the day, right? Yes, that’s right! Sociopath is the word of the day! Well that’s all the time we have for today. Aww… But remember, little fireflies. He’ll light the way, and you just have to let him in. See you next time~! Bye~! Yay~!



Naomi VS Alexa Bliss!

As promised, the match is set, even with Alexa not in wrestling gear! Can she still keep up with one of the most athletic women on the roster? Or has she just put her foot in her mouth instead?

Raw returns and Alexa uses ropes for defense while she adjusts her shoes. Naomi rolls her up, TWO! Alexa says she needs a time-out for her shoes! Naomi KICKS Alexa on the leg! Then brings her in for a buckle bulldog! Alexa staggers into a roundhouse, then Naomi steps up for the twerk attack! She kicks Alexa down and hits the sliding lariat. Naomi keeps moving for the split-leg leg drop! Cover, TWO! Alexa shoves Naomi away but Naomi comes back, only to get a flapjack! Alexa finally gets to tie her shoes, then kicks on Naomi. She bumps Naomi off buckles then sits her down for a mudhole stomp. Alexa shouts at the ref that she knows how to count!

Alexa brings Naomi up for a snapmare into a chinlock. Naomi endures as fans rally. Alexa grinds Naomi down but Naomi refuses to give up. Naomi powers her way up but Alexa wrangles her back down. Fans still rally and Naomi arm-drags out. Naomi kicks away and lights Alexa up! But Alexa catches her for an STO! Cover, ONE! ALexa grows frustrated, but also because her shoes won’t behave. Alexa chokes Naomi on the ropes but lets up at 4. She comes back for more then lets up at 4 again. Naomi gasps while Alexa brings her up. Alexa taunts Naomi but Naomi cradles her! TWO, and Alexa kicks Naomi down. Alexa drags Naomi up for a cravat. She powers Naomi down but fans rally up again.

Naomi continues to endure as she powers her way back up. Naomi fights out with body shots and scoops Alexa. Alexa slips out but gets a kick. Alexa denies the buckle bulldog this time, then throws Naomi down by her hair. The ref reprimands Alexa but Alexa kicks Naomi while she’s down. Alexa laughs as she throws Naomi around. Alexa taunts and mocks Naomi before she covers, TWO! Naomi gets up and fights back with body shots. Alexa knees Naomi then dumps her out. She has to tie her shoes again, but she still kicks Naomi back out. Naomi gets up and hits Alexa first, then slingshot sunset flips! TWO, but leaping jawbreaker knocks Alexa down!

Naomi drags Alexa and the shoes come right off! Alexa throws Naomi into the buckles! Alexa goes back for her shoes, but gets a Rear View! But that’s not all, Starship Pain! Cover, Naomi wins!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall

The Goddess goes down because of an unorthodox wardrobe malfunction! Will Alexa be better prepared, and dressed, for her return to the MITB Ladder match? Or will another woman ascend and pull down that contract?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio and Dominique.

People are speculating that this has been the most challenging stretch of Rey’s career. At Wrestlemania, Samoa Joe made Mysterio submit in under a minute. Yes, and then Lars Sullivan attacked him during the Superstar Shake-Up. Mysterio knows he lives in a world of giants, but he has to keep getting up after being knocked down. Mysterio feels like he let everyone down at Mania, but that was the past. He’ll move ahead and prove he’s better than that. Dominique has his father’s back, but will the King of Lucha Libre be able to get even with the Destroyer?


Becky Lynch is here!

The Man has two titles, but she also has two challengers for two matches at the MITB PPV! What will she have to say about the double header she put herself in? That’ll be after the break.

Raw returns again, and Charly interviews her even as Kentucky cheers. Becky made a decision that is “impulsive” and risky. Charlotte Flair again became #1 contender to the SmackDown Women’s Championship, but it was the Champ-Champ who decided to add that match to MITB. Fans love “Becky Two Belts!” but it has to be asked: Why? The fans seem to be answering that for themselves. But Becky says this isn’t impulsive. There are two options: try and protect all that she has, or she can just fight them all. And Becky only knows how to fight. But by defending two belts in one night, that reduces the odds- Does anyone think Becky would be here today if she cared about odds?

Look back a year ago. No one thought Becky would main-event Wrestlemania, but she did. Kentucky continues to show its love as Becky says that a month ago, the Baddest Woman on the Planet was unbeaten, and many thought she was unbeatable, until Becky beat her to become #BeckyTwoBelts. Her whole career has been a long shot, but nothing has been by accident. Becky ran her mouth about Charlotte holding things hostage, so Becky isn’t ever gonna do that, even if she’s at a disadvantage. So we can talk impulses and odds, but just know this: Becky didn’t make history by dodging people, she did it by beating them. She’ll gladly take on both opponents.

Charlotte has that championship DNA, but Becky still has her number. As for Lacey Evans, “that plank” is a great athlete with a strong right hand, but she made a mistake in punching someone who like sit. Who knows where Lacey is, but Becky will tell her where and when that beating is coming: MITB! Charly respects that, but has to bring up the times the Woman’s Right has laid Becky out. In fact, just last week, Lacey used two to keep Becky down. Fans boo seeing the replay, but Becky has to point out this isn’t so much a preview as a reminder. Sorry, “Chuck”, but Becks will take it from here. Becky calls out Lacey that if she’s not too busy, let’s have some payback! Becky wants to remind Lacey who she’s dealing with!

Fans are fired up for Becky, but here comes the Sassy Southern Belle! Lacey tells Becky, “Well isn’t it just like a man to want what he wants when he wants it.” That Irish temper is bubbling up, honey. Lacey keeps her manners, but she did warn Becky not to let emotion get the best of her. Seems Becky didn’t listen, so no more talk. Lacey rushes Becky and the brawl is on at ringside! Becky gives as good as she gets, but referees rush to keep them apart! Becky rams Lacey into the apron but the refs pull them apart. But they both get loose to brawl again! Lacey throws knees while Becky throws haymakers, but security comes out to keep them back. Except Becky still gets loose! Becky and Lacey scrap around the corner but the refs and security still get them apart.

Kentucky wants to “Let Them Fight!” and we get another collision! The scrap falls down and the two are separated again. Becky gets up on the apron while Lacey goes up the ramp. This battle is coming, will the Model Soldier be more than even the Champ-Champ bargained for?


Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder VS The Revival!

The Major Brothers are golden again after defeating the #TopGuys at Wrestlemania, but that just means the fights get harder. Will they turn away Dash & Dawson in this non-title rematch? Or will the Revival #SayYeah to redemption?

Raw returns as The Revival makes their entrance. Teams sort out, and Hawkins starts against Dash with the bell. They tie up right away and Hawkins gets a headlock. He gets the takeover but Dash headscissors. Hawkins pops out and dares Dash to bring it. Dash runs in but Hawkins speeds things up to dropkick Dash down. Cover, ONE, but Hawkins keeps on Dash. Tag to Ryder and Hawkins whips Dash out to trip him up. Hawkins bounces Dash off the apron for Ryder to wreck him with a dropkick! Ryder drags Dash up and in but has to keep Dawson back. Dash goes after Ryder and tags in Dawson. Dawson gets a cheap shot in and Dash dropkicks Ryder down. Dawson covers, TWO! He keeps on Ryder with a leg drop, elbow drop and falling headbutt. Dawson back suplexes Ryder down, but notices the fans chant, “Shave Your Back!”

The Revival tune out the jeers as Dawson drops a knee. Cover, ONE, but Dawson stomps Ryder’s hand. Tag to Dash and Dawson feeds Ryder to Dash’s knees. Dash throws European Uppecuts and CHOPS! Dash mocks Ryder before stomping him to ropes. Tag to Dawson, and the Revival drop toehold Ryder for the elbow drop. Cover, TWO! Hawkins reaches for Ryder but Dawson keeps on Ryder with a seated stretch. Fans still taunt with “Shave Your Back!” as Dawson fish hooks Ryder’s face. Dawson lets up to go for the chinbar, but Ryder fights his way up. Ryder pushes for his corner but Dawson sends him out first. Dawson mocks the fans as he fires off forearms and kicks. Dawson goes at Hawkins but it’s so Dash can get a cheap shot in! Dash tags in and becomes human weapon, leg drop! Cover, TWO!

The Revival keep their cool while Dash keeps between Ryder and Hawkins. Fans rally as Ryder takes haymakers. Dash puts on a keylock, but Ryder endures. Ryder fights up but Dash brings him around for a suplex. Ryder lands on his feet for a neckbreaker! Both men are down but crawling, hot tag to Dawson! Dawson hits Hawkins but Ryder shoves Dawson. Dawson hits Ryder head to head, then falls onto the cover. TWO into Ryder’s ghost pin! Ryder & Hawkins win!!

Winners: Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins, Ryder pinning

The underdog champions pull out the win! Will the Major Brothers continue on this new streak? Or will the #TopGuys get back at them and The Usos in time?


Backsatge interview with The Miz.

Obviously it’s been a rough night after what Shane and Lashley did to him. What’s his response? “He really is the Best in the World, isn’t he?” Shane continues to drag Miz’s father into this. But at MITB, Miz vows to keep things in the ring. And it will be in a STEEL CAGE! Will Shane accept this challenge? Or will he find a way to twist it to his advantage?


Sami Zayn is here!

The Underdog from the Underground has deemed himself the prosecutor of the WWE Universe, but it’s also been more like he’s the persecutor. Sami says he was kind enough last week to share his life with us. He wants to clarify: the joy he’s been experiencing isn’t just from those lovely trips. It’s because he did a lot of soul-searching and deep introspection. Sami had a lot of time to rekindle his love of history and sociology and psychology, “things that make us understand the human condition.” It really helped him make sense of “you people”. In fact there’s one concept that really applies: “entitlement”. Sami made sure to dumb it down for Kentucky, but the point being is that it is a “general belief that one deserves more or is entitled to more than others.”

Does that sound familiar? Fans boo but that must be because it hits close to home. It’s almost not your fault, but it is. For years, the WWE Universe was fed the lie that the customer is always right. There are any number of reasons, mostly social-economical, but he won’t explain it here because no one in Kentucky could ever understand it. “We both know I’m right.” But the point is, the fans think that what they feel is correct, and whatever they want should just be given to them! And when they don’t get that, when they want it, how they want it, they throw a tantrum! Like last week, Sami was flying home at 4 in the morning, and some little boy asks for Sami to sign one of the Sami Zayn action figures. Naturally, Sami said no. The boy burst into tears and cried to daddy.

Did that make Sami feel good? Fans think so, but that says more about them than him. It made Sami sick, because at no more than 5 years old, this boy thinks he’s owed something! Sami didn’t owe that boy something, and he doesn’t owe anyone here a damn thing! Sami has been more than generous. Three shoulder surgeries and 17 years of classics has been pretty good. So from now on, the fans get what Sami chooses to give them. “That is the new dynamic of this relationship”. Fans accept whatever Sami is willing to give. Sami laughs, because people are attacking him. “If you don’t like the WWE, just quit!” Is that what fans what Sami to do?

Well believe Sami that when he says quitting WWE would be AMAZING! But what is even better than that is coming out here, week after week, and holding the fans all accountable for their actions! Sami is having more fun coming out week after week to critique the critics! The fans are drunk with power and no one has stood up to them. But Sami will take the power back! Sami drops the mic, but if he’s not going to give fans what they want, how will he ever get a title match?


Rey Mysterio VS Samoa Joe!

The Wrestlemania One-Minute Win was a low point for the King of Lucha Libre, as he himself puts it. But can he make up for it by getting a win on the WWE United States Champion?

Raw returns again, and Joe speaks. “Now Rey, I managed to watch that segment earlier”, it was very touching. But while Dominique says he loves Rey, his actions say something different. That boy is ashamed of his father! In fact, if Mysterio were any decent father, he’d get Dominique a mask to hide his shame. But tonight, masks won’t save Mysterio. AJ Styles used Mysterio to steal Joe’s opportunity, so for both their transgressions, “there will be a reckoning.” If you thought what happened at Mania was bad, tonight will pale in comparison. Mysterio makes his entrance, and this rematch begins!

Joe runs at Mysterio and kicks him down. Joe clubs away then drags Mysterio up. Mysterio fights back with forearms, but Joe knees low. Joe throws Mysterio out hard, then builds speed, but Mysterio gets in the ring first. Joe bails out of the dive and Mysterio dropkicks him away. Mysterio leaps from the apron for a seated senton! Fans fire up as Mysterio refreshes the count and builds speed. Mysterio slides, but onto knees! Joe looms over Mysterio as we go to break.

Raw returns and Mysterio fights Joe off with fists and kicks! Mysterio runs and kicks again, but then runs into a powerslam! Cover, TWO! Joe grows frustrated, but he stalks Mysterio to the ropes. Joe kicks Mysterio away from the ropes then sits him up for a neck wrench. Mysterio endures as Joe leans on Mysterio and fans rally up. Mysterio kicks free but Joe stomps him down. Joe runs but misses the back senton! Mysterio gets to the apron and to a corner. Mysterio springboards and hits another seated senton! He keeps moving and dropkicks Joe’s legs out! Mysterio kicks away then springboards again, but Joe catches him! Only for Mysterio to make it a DDT! Cover, TWO!

Joe survives but he’s shaking out cobwebs. Joe puts Mysterio in a corner but gets a boot. Mysterio ducks under and tilt-o-whirls Joe into buckles! Mysterio gives Joe a 619 to the stomach! He climbs up for a flying headscissors! Joe is back on the ropes, and Mysterio dials up another 619, but Joe blocks it! Into the Coquina Clutch! But Mysterio slips out and kicks back! Mysterio runs in, but Joe throws him down with the urenage! Joe grins as he drags Mysterio up and around for another, but Mysterio tilt-o-whirls for a high stack! Mysterio wins!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall

Joe is SHOCKED! But Mysterio celebrates with Dominique! With a win over the WWE United States Champion, will Mysterio make the tiebreaker with Joe for the title? Who walks away from round three with the belt?


Michael Cole is in the ring to preside over the WWE Universal Championship Contract Signing!

Two of the best performers in this generation clash for the first time in the WWE! First, the #1 contender, the Phenomenal AJ Styles makes his entrance! Then the champion himself, the Beastslayer and Universal Champion, Seth Rollins, makes his entrance! Each man takes their seat as Cole asks Styles what it would mean to win the title and further cement his legacy. Well that’s the whole reason Styles is on Raw! Styles had a great time with two amazing years making SmackDown the House That AJ Styles Built. But this is Raw! This is where the craziest fans are! And Styles has always liked Rollins. They’ve known each other many years, and Rollins is a good guy, but he has what Styles wants.

Both men know that when they want something bad enough, each of them will do whatever it takes to get it. But like Styles said, “winners find a way”, and Rollins is a winner because he is Universal Champion. But again, they’ve known each other many years. How many times was it said that Rollins would be the new Styles? Many times. Rollins is stronger, faster, and younger, but the truth is, he will never be Phenomenal. Rollins admits Styles is right. There is only ever one AJ Styles. And Rollins never wanted to be the next AJ Styles. Rollins has only ever wanted to be the first “Seth Freakin’ Rollins”. He appreciates Styles’ enthusiasm, but this is not the House AJ Styles Built, but #MondayNightRollins. Rollins respects Styles’ run on SmackDown, but he’ll need to be better than Phenomenal in order to win.

Styles knows how much that title means to Rollins. He knows what Rollins had to get through to get it. And wasn’t he obsessed being the thoroughbred workhorse? But at what cost? How is Rollins holding up? Styles knows the fans want to see them “Burn It Down!” and promises they will. And then Styles will be the one to build it back up. But back to Rollins’ condition, Styles asks because his “brotherhood” isn’t here to help anymore. They aren’t around to hold him up. Styles doesn’t want to insult Rollins. Rollins went through Hell at Mania. But it seems Rollins might not have much left.

As for Styles, he’s ready to go now! His new shirt is “Never Rest, Never Rust”, because Styles is the bulldog nipping at Rollins’ heel. The dog is gonna sink his teeth in and not let go until he’s standing over Rollins as the new Universal Champion. Styles signs his part of the contract, and Rollins will spell things out for Styles. There are a lot of parallels between them, but there are a lot of differences, too. Styles likes to build things up, but Rollins likes to #BurnItDown. Their stories are similar but there is one thing that Rollins did that Styles didn’t: he beat Brock Lesnar. Rollins beat Lesnar to be the one holding the belt while Styles is just trying to take it.

Styles wants to know how Rollins is feeling? Ask Lesnar because Rollins was at his best. Rollins will also be at his best at MITB when he beats Styles. Rollins signs his part of the contract, and Cole clears out as Styles snatches the belt from Rollins! Styles gives it back, and offers a handshake. Rollins simply holds the belt up over his head. This is as close as he’ll get, according to Styles, but then Styles sucker punches Rollins! Styles clobbers Rollins but Rollins hits back! Rollins kicks Styles out of the ring! And DIVES, too! Rollins is all fired up! Styles started the fight, but will Rollins be the one to finish it? Styles hits back! And Phenomenal Forearm puts them both through the table!! But it’s Styles who gets up first! Will this be the same result after this WWE dream match?



My Thoughts:

For a lot of the hype going into this Raw, this wasn’t quite all it was cracked up to be. I appreciate WWE streamlining the process of the MITB Ladder entrants, but they more or less copy-pasted how the segments went down. Superstars are named, they talk their part, and a match happens. I do appreciate Alexa Bliss pointed out how the women weren’t doing anything the men weren’t tonight, and she did a halfway decent job selling the “surprise” of her being in the Women’s MITB match. Of course, it was almost obvious when it was announced she’d be making these announcements, so maybe it should’ve been ladies first. Either way, the men’s tag was good, and it was good to see McIntyre turn on Corbin as minor comeuppance before Strowman & Ricochet won.

Alexa VS Naomi had a good idea with the shoes being pivotal, but the execution felt as sloppy as the laces. It was good for Naomi to win, but I felt like Alexa should’ve won after that shoe spot just so she’d more or less back up her words. There’s time for Naomi to get her back before MITB so Alexa’s luck and opportunistic nature should’ve given her the advantage. Plus, I don’t see a Raw superstar winning the Women’s MITB given Becky’s double header. Becky and Lacey had a great segment with a great brawl that finally gets Lacey looking legit. Becky will still win against Lacey, and her match with Charlotte will be close, and as I said before, whether Becky wins or loses to Charlotte, a SmackDown Ms. MITB will likely be something Becky has to watch for. Maybe Bayley for a fresh rivalry.

Good to see the Good Brothers back on TV, but it seems it’ll be par for the course. The Usos VS The Revival is another fresh rivalry, but Vince’s influence is already making it stale. Vince takes that same adolescent humor from “AoPP” and puts it into “Shave Your Back!” #TopGuys, not to mention the jokester Jimmy & Jey exposing it all. And while the Viking Raiders kept that name and their individual names, I refuse to think of their moves as anything remotely near “Viking Experience”. How is Raw supposed to have a good tag division if Vince is undercutting it at every turn?

Though I suppose this only proves Sami right: fans feel entitled to their wants. Sami is the personification of that concept, where Vince will do what he wants no matter what we think, or whether our ideas are better. I really hope if Sami goes for a fourth week, someone interrupts him. Don’t get me wrong, Sami delivered his promo perfectly, but you can only go so far before he has to fight. Miz had a good match and segment with Lashley and Shane, and I like that Miz took the initiative to call out Shane for a Steel Cage match. I just hope there’s a way Miz can even the odds when Shane seems to have Lashley on his side. Maybe MITB can give us a crossover where Elias helps Shane and Roman helps Miz out, regardless of Roman winning against Elias in their own match.

Obviously Mysterio VS Joe was a much better and longer match tonight, but the Adpocalypse that was going on really killed how it felt at home. It’s great Mysterio wins, and that US Championship rematch can go either way, but it was hard to be as excited when we only just got back from break, he wins, and we go right back to break. As for the contract signing, great to see Styles turn Heel and it was great to see that table spot to end the brawl, but I don’t get the motivation of Styles asking how Rollins feels. Both guys go pretty all out in their matches, and Styles being the older, wouldn’t he be the one feeling worse for wear? Either way, these two will have a killer match that could go either way, but Heel Styles hopefully means Club Reborn.

My Score: 8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (1/29/25)

Ain’t he great?



Will the Last Outlaw get his shot?

Jeff Jarrett wants one more run at the top, and that means winning the AEW World Championship! But he has to get through Claudio Castagnoli first!


  • Will Ospreay VS Brian Cage w/ The Don Callis Family; Ospreay wins.
  • High Stakes: Jeff Jarrett VS Claudio Castagnoli; Claudio wins and denies Jarrett a title opportunity.
  • Ricochet VS AR Fox; Ricochet wins.
  • Jay White VS Wheeler Yuta; White wins.
  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Yuka Sakazaki; Mone wins and retains the title.


Will Ospreay VS Brian Cage w/ The Don Callis Family!

Huntsville, Alabama fires up already as The Aerial Assassin clashes with The Machine! Will the Don Callis Family make sure the Grand Slam: Australia super tag team match does NOT happen? Or will there be no denying The Best Bout Bruvs their vengeance?

The bell rings and the fans fire up again. Callis grabs a mic, though, and that ruins the mood. Callis tells Ospreay he has something very important to say. Ospreay needs to take a good look at the tron. Omega is down! Callis laughs as someone has already beat up The Cleaner, and now Cage goes after Ospreay! The fans boo as Cage hammers away in the corner! Cage soaks up the heat, but Ospreay CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Cage knees low, whips Ospreay to ropes, but Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges then RAN- NO! Cage stops that, brings Ospreay up, but  Ospreay fights free! Ospreay fires a shot but Cage ROCKS him!

Cage whips Ospreay to a corner, but Ospreay BOOTS in return! Ospreay goes up and FLYING RANAS! The fans fire up while Cage bails out. Callis doesn’t like that but Ospreay storms up to PLANCHA! Cage steps aside, and then he CLOBBERS Ospreay! The fans boo but Cage soaks up the heat. Cage storms up on Ospreay, scoops him, but Ospreay slips free to POST Cage! Ospreay refreshes the ring count, he fires hands on Cage, then he whips, only for Cage to block! Cage whips Ospreay, Ospreay goes up onto the barriers! Cage runs up, Ospreay ROCKS him, then BLOCK- NO! Cage stops the blockbuster to carry Ospreay around the way!

Cage marches with Ospreay up in the air, and Callis says put him down at his feet! Ospreay tries to fight free, but Cage keeps Ospreay up to then SLAM him down! Cage slides into the ring, argues with the ref, and that lets Lance Archer attack! Archer SMACKS Ospreay off the desk, and then Callis gets his own shots in! The fans boo but Callis goes back to his seat at commentary. Archer tells fans to shut up, but then Cage SMACKS Ospreay off the desk again! And gives him an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Ospreay writhes, Cage gives Callis a hug, and Callis says Cage is a stud! Cage goes back for Ospreay in the ring, and he hoists Ospreay up.

Cage RAMS Ospreay into the corner, RAMS him again, then hoists him up again. Cage runs Ospreay corner to corner to RAM him in again! Ospreay sputters but Cage stands him up. Ospreay CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Cage CHOPS in return! Cage whips Ospreay to CALF KICK! The fans boo but Cage soaks up the heat. Cover, ONE, but Cage clamps on a chinlock. Ospreay endures, fights up, and he JAWBREAKERS free! The fans fire up as Ospreay fires shots! Ospreay whips, Cage reverses, tilt-o-whirls, and BACKBREAKERS! Then a gut wrench and BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ospreay stays in this but Cage stays on him with a rain of fists!

Cage paces, taunts the fans, and looms over Ospreay. Cage drags Ospreay up, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS! Ospreay sputters, Cage whips him corner to corner, and Ospreay hits the buckles hard! Ospreay falls back, Cage covers, ONE!! Ospreay shows grit and the fans rally up. Cage drags Ospreay up, shoves him to ropes, and ROCKS him in the back! Cage clamps on a bearhug but Ospreay endures the squeeze. The fans rally, Ospreay reaches out, and Ospreay fires shots! Ospreay HEADBUTTS free, ROCKS Cage, but Cage ROCKS Ospreay! And CHOPS him again! Cage whips, Ospreay handsprings and NEURALIZER KICKS!

The fans fire up and Ospreay reaches out. Then Ospreay kips up and the fans cheer! Ospreay fires shots on Cage, whips him to ropes but Cage reverses. Ospreay grabs ropes to stop himself, then he KICKS in return! Cage fights the saido, CLUBS Ospreay on the neck, then whips him to a corner. Ospreay BOOTS Cage away, goes up, but Cage GAMANGIRIS! Cage goes up, but Ospreay slips under! Ospreay tucks Cage in to CHEEKY NANDOS! The fans fire up and Ospreay springboards, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Cage survives and Ospreay grows frustrated, but the fans rally up again. Callis pounds the apron to coach Cage up.

Ospreay powers up the arm and the fans fire up! The elbow pad is off, but Cage UPPERCUTS, GAMANGIRIS, and GERMAN SUPELXES! Ospreay lands out, then he DUMPS Cage to the apron! Ospreay BOOTS Cage down, and he builds speed to SASUKE SPECIAL! Down goes Cage and the fans are thunderous! Ospreay drags Cage up, puts him in, and fans cheer “A E DUB!” for making this the opener! Archer creeps over, Ospreay sees him and the ref has him stay back, but Cage CLOBBERS Ospreay! Cage drags Ospreay to a corner, deadlift SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives and the fans fire up!

Ospreay shakes his head while Cage huffs ‘n’ puffs. Cage drags Ospreay up to a fireman’s carry, F 5- RAN- NO!! Cage stops the counter, pops Ospreay up, but Ospreay slips out the back! HOOK KICK! Then Ospreay SWATS the lariat to HOOK KICK again! OSCUT- NO! Cage stops that to ripcord, ROLLING ELBOW and DISCUS LARIAT! Then a SITOUT POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives again and Callis is furious! The fans rally as Ospreay and Cage go to corners. Cage runs up, LARIAT, and then he has Ospreay on the apron again. Cage climbs, brings Ospreay to the very top, and he fireman’s carries Ospreay!

Fans freak out for the SUPER F5!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Archer SWATS it, but the ref sees that! The fans tell the ref to do it, Archer and Cage defend the innocence, and Cage reels Ospreay in. Ospreay RANAS Cage into Archer! Cage runs back up, Ospreay slips through the lariat to then lift and tuck! STYLES CLASH!! Cover, Ospreay wins!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall

Callis is even more upset because his Murder Machines failed! Or did they? Because now Archer attacks Ospreay from behind! The fans boo, and then chant for “KENNY! KENNY!” but we saw Omega taken out by who knows! The Murder Machines DOUBLE LARIAT Ospreay, then they stand on Ospreay’s face! The fans boo more, but wait! Omega is still making his way out here? And with a chair! Omega dodges Archer, JAMS him up, and SMACKS him on the back! Then he CHUCKS the chair at Cage’s face!! Callis is furious, how is Omega up after what happened to him? Omega swings on Archer but Archer gets outta there!

Omega and Ospreay stand together against Archer, but Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takeshita show up! Now the Callis Family mugs Ospreay & Omega 4v2! This is just like before, and the fans boo as Archer JAMS Omega with the chair! Konosuke scoops Omega, Kyle scoops Ospreay! BASTARD DRIVER AND TOMBSTONE IN SYNC!! The fans boo but Callis stands with his men. Omega tries to fight back but he just gets beat up more! We still don’t have an answer on who the newest Family member will be, but will Callis even need them if they can tear Omega & Ospreay apart before Grand Slam?


Backstage interview with Swerve Strickland.

Well, not quite, as Renee Paquette waits outside his locker room, hoping for a word about Ricochet’s threatening Prince Nana. Wait, Hangman Page barges through, and says no one is in there. Renee asks what Hangman is even doing, he says it is none of her business. Then can Hangman comment on Christopher Daniels announcing the end of his in-ring career? Nope, no time. But then Hangman literally bumps into MJF. These two stare down, but then Hangman moves on. MJF says unbelievable. The Cowboy walks around like he’s King S*it just because the fans like him. No matter what he does, Hangman did nothing wrong~!

But MJF even so much as breathes funny and it is all over for him. How hypocritical. MJF mutters to himself but Renee asks how he feels about Jeff Jarrett’s match where he could win a title opportunity with Moxley. Renee snaps MJF out of ranting to himself, and MJF apologizes, it’s the ADHD. But MJF is not gonna let anybody ruin his mood tonight. Because tonight, he proves his words aren’t just beautiful poetry but prophecy. Tonight, Double J learns that as MJF said, you’re better off making a deal with The Devil than defying him. Jarrett learns that the hard way when he goes out there alone to face one of the most dangerous men AEW has to offer in the man-horse, Claudio Castagnoli!

And that is all because of Jarrett’s narcissism, and his refusal of MJF’s sweetheart deal. MJF has a new offer, and unfortunately for Jarrett, it is one he can’t decline. It goes like this: The Last Outlaw’s Last Ride! Ain’t that great? MJF grins, but will he have to eat his words when Jarrett finds a way to defeat the Swiss Cyborg?


“Powerhouse” Will Hobbs speaks.

“Unfortunately, Big Bill, I wasn’t cleared to travel to Dynamite tonight. But just as we went off that stage on Collision, I told we’re going to Hell. When I’m cleared to come back, I’m gonna show you that Hell is just the beginning.” When and where will The Book of Hobbs finish this chapter with The Redwood?


High Stakes: Jeff Jarrett VS Claudio Castagnoli!

Well, just as the Wolf of Wrestling said, The Last Outlaw is going up against the Death Rider’s workhorse, all for his shot at Jon Moxley and the AEW World Championship! Will Double J win here to go on to “the big one?” Or is this where Jarrett’s ride ends?

The bell rings and the fans rally up for Jarrett. Jarrett and Claudio tie up, go around, go along ropes, and end up in a corner. The ref counts, Claudio lets off slowly, but then takes a swing! Jarrett avoids the cheap shot to UPPERCUT Claudio! Claudio headlocks, Jarrett powers up and out, but Claudio runs him over! Things keep moving, Jarrett drops down then arm-drags! And HIP TOSSES! Jarrett whips, JAPANESE ARM-DRAGS, and the fans fire up! Jarrett puts Claudio in a corner, climbs up, and he rains down fists! The fans count along, but Claudio stops Jarrett at 4 to then atomic drop! Claudio runs, and he LARIATS Jarrett down! Cover, TWO!

Claudio argues with the ref but the count was fair. Claudio drags Jarrett up, reels him in, but Jarrett powers up to back drop free! But Claudio sunset flips, Jarrett rolls through, and Jarrett has the legs! FIGURE FOUR! The fans “WOO~!” while Claudio flails! Claudio crawls over to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Jarrett lets go fast, and the fans cheer while Claudio bails out. Jarrett waits on Claudio and the fans rally behind “DOUBLE J! DOUBLE J!” Claudio waves to the crowd? Oh, of course! Wheeler Yuta is here! The Decoder is dressed and ready for his match against Jay White, but he looks ready to go now if he has to!

Jarrett storms out and dares Yuta to do something, but the ref has Yuta stay back. Now Claudio waits on Jarrett in the ring, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

The ref has Jarrett leave Yuta alone, and he tells Yuta to stay back. Jarrett returns to the ring, dodges Claudio and puts him on ropes! Jarrett runs to then STRADDLE ATTACK! The fans cheer as Jarrett does the Fargo Strut, then runs back in, only for Yuta to warn Claudio! Claudio dodges and TOSSES Jarrett out of the ring! The ref keeps Claudio from going out there, but that lets Yuta attack Jarrett! Yuta gets away with it all and Claudio goes out the side. Claudio SMACKS Jarrett off the barriers, then stalks him around the way. Claudio then lifts Jarrett to hit SNAKE EYES off railing! Claudio puts Jarrett in the ring and clamps on a COBRA CLUTCH!

Jarrett endures while Claudio thrashes him around. Jarrett fights up, fires body shots, but Claudio HOTSHOTS him on ropes! Jarrett sputters, Claudio kicks him out to the floor, and again the ref keeps Claudio in the ring. Yuta creeps up, but the ref senses him this time! Yuta backs off, Claudio goes out, and Claudio puts Jarrett in the ring. Claudio tells the ref not to worry about Yuta, but then Jarrett fires body shots! Jarrett ROCKS Claudio, fires more shots, but Claudio BOOTS him down! And hits a LEG DROP, brother! Cover, TWO! Claudio clamps onto Jarrett with a chinlock and grinds him down while Dynamite returns to single picture.

The fans rally as Jarrett fights to his feet. Jarrett fires body shots, then powers Claudio to a corner. Jarrett whisp corner to corner but Claudio reverses, then follows in for an UPPERCUT! Snapmare and cover, TWO! Jarrett toughs it out and the fans rally some more. Claudio grabs the legs, but Jarrett kicks him away! Claudio comes back to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Jarrett stays in this and the fans cheer, but Claudio gives scuffing, mocking kicks. Claudio whips but Jarrett catches him for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! The fans fire up and both men stand. Claudio fires hands on Jarrett, then UPPERCUTS!

Claudio UPPERCUTS again and Jarrett staggers around. Claudio UPPERCUTS, Jarrett HAYMAKERS! They go back and forth, the fans cheer Jarrett but boo Claudio. Jarrett gets the edge but Claudio kicks low! Claudio winds up to UPPERCUT, but Jarrett DECKS him in return! The fans fire up with Jarrett and he swings more shots and even some KICKS! Jarrett trips Claudio, steps through, but Claudio BOOTS him away! Claudio runs up in the corner again, but Jarrett dodges! Claudio is stuck, Jarrett kicks at the free leg! Claudio hobbles around but Jarrett winds up, only for Claudio to block! Jarrett aims, but Claudio ducks the enzigiri!

Claudio grabs both legs, for the GIANT SWING!! Claudio goes around and around, but can only manage half a dozen rotations because of the damage to his own leg! Claudio steps through on Jarrett and turns him over, SHARPSHOOTER! The fans boo but Jarrett endures! Jarrett reaches out while Claudio sits deep! Yuta tells Jarrett to just tap out, but the fans rally! Jarrett powers up, pushes back, and he has Claudio’s legs! Jarrett has the SHARPSHOOTER! Jarrett does this for Owen! Claudio endures, but Yuta slides a chair in! Yuta then distracts the ref, Jarrett lets Claudio go, and Jarrett DECKS Yuta!

The fans cheer, but Claudio grabs the chair! The ref ushers Yuta out, but Jarrett dodges the chair! Jarrett wrenches Claudio, reels him in, but MOXLEY is here!! The Maniac hits a PARADIGM SHIFT!! The fans boo but Moxley & Yuta bail out so that Claudio can hook Jarrett up! GOTCH NEUTRALIZER!! And then he hauls Jarrett up again, GOTCH NEUTRALIZER AGAIN!! Cover, Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (denies Jeff Jarrett a world title match)

Marina Shafir is also ringside now, just to hold up the briefcase that holds the world title. The Death Riders screw Double J over, but it took almost ALL of them to do it! Is this a sign that they fear Double J’s grit and determination? As for the Last Outlaw, he slowly sits up from taking all those big shots, the fans cheering him on. Jarrett thanks the fans, but here comes MJF… Jarrett sighs while he struggles to stand up, and MJF struts out here with another stupid grin on his face. MJF goes right to the ring, mic in hand, and he tells Jarrett, “I just wanted to come out here to say…” HE CLOBBERS JARRETT WITH THE DYNAMITE DIAMOND RING!!

The fans boo as MJF grins again and stands over Jarrett. MJF picks the mic back up to say, “As you know, I truly respect my elders. And that’s precisely why I’m not gonna say I told you so.” MJF leaves Double J behind, but will the Scumbag actually man up and go for gold? Or is he just going to wait it out while The Maniac continues his reign of terror?


Backstage interview with Ricochet.

Renee is with the One & Only and says earlier today, she tried to get a word with Swerve Strickland, but he is nowhere to be found. But she has been informed that should Swerve interfere in Ricochet’s match tonight, Swerve will effectively forfeit the match the two of them were set to have next week in Atlanta. Really? Ricochet likes that. Because finally, Swerve is out of Ricochet’s business. Well, Renee knows Ricochet has a lot he wants to get off his chest, so what’s on his mind? Ricochet says no, no, we aren’t doing this right now. Look at how Ricochet is dressed. Does she take him for some kind of hoodlum?

No, they will do this in a more formal setting this Saturday on Collision. As for tonight, “the powers that be” have decided to further bully Ricochet by putting him in a match against AR Fox one week before one of the biggest matches in Ricochet’s career. So if you don’t mind, let him take care of that situation real quick. Renee wishes him luck but he says no need. The music hits and Ricochet makes his entrance. Will Dynamite be #OuttaThisWorld? Or will it be the Whole Fox’n Show?

Ricochet VS AR Fox!

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Ricochet is annoyed already and he talks trash on Huntsville. Ricochet and Fox circle, tie up, and Ricochet pulls hair to put Fox in a corner. The ref counts, the fans boo, but Ricochet lets off to then shove Fox. Ricochet eggs Fox on, Fox runs up, and Fox gets around to headlock. Ricochet powers up and out, Fox RUNS Ricochet over, then keeps moving. He RUNS Ricochet over again, then ducks a lariat to hit a headlock takeover. Ricochet rolls that to a cover, ONE and Fox holds onto the headlock. The fans cheer but Ricochet fights around. Ricochet fights up, fires body shots, then powers out.

Fox goes up the corner, Ricochet stops the rana but Fox mule kicks and FLYING STUNNERS! Ricochet staggers, Fox suplexes, SPINNING BRAINBUSTER! Ricochet tumbles out of the ring and the fans fire up. Fox feeds off that energy, then builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on Ricochet and the fans fire up again! Fox then whips Ricochet into barriers, runs in, and BOOTS Ricochet! The fans fire up while Ricochet staggers away. Fox bumps Ricochet off the barriers, CHOPS him, and then high-fives fans. Fox CLUBS Ricochet, has him on the apron and climbs up to join him. Fox fireman’s carries, but Ricochet slips into the ring!

Ricochet shoves Fox, then APRON HIP TOSSES him! Fox writhes on the floor while Ricochet soaks up the heat, Ricochet builds speed, but rolls to a stop and taunts the fans for thinking he’d give them something. The fans boo but Ricochet soaks it up, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Ricochet talks trash on the fans, goes out to fetch Fox, and DECKS him with a right! Ricochet whips Fox hard into railing, then soaks up more heat. Ricochet brings Fox up and puts him in the ring. Ricochet slingshots to KNEE-BOARD SENTON! Ricochet taunts the fans more, then stomps Fox down. Ricochet stomps away at the ropes, Fox bails out of the ring, but Ricochet pursues. Fox kicks but Ricochet blocks to CHOP! Fox staggers away, slips into the ring, but Ricochet stalks him. Fox snarls and he CHOPS! Fox fires hands, but Ricochet UPPERCUTS him down! Ricochet runs to UPPERCUT Fox in the back!

Ricochet then runs and BASEMENT UPPERCUTS! Ricochet soaks up more heat, then clamps onto Fox with a motorcycle stretch! Fox endures the knee in his back while Ricochet pulls on the arms. Fox fights, stands, and fires body shots! But Ricochet CLAWS Fox’s back! Ricochet puts Fox in the corner, CLAWS his back again, then tells the ref to back off. Ricochet stands Fox up to CHOP! Ricochet RAMS into Fox, ROCKS him with a forearm, then snapmares him into a chinlock. Ricochet again digs his knee into Fox’s back, but Fox endures while the fans rally. Dynamite returns to single picture as Fox fights up.

Fox fires hands, runs, but into a DROPKICK! The fans boo but Ricochet tells them to shut up. Cover, TWO! Ricochet ELBOWS Fox in the head, then DECKS him! Ricochet stand Fox up but Fox fires forearms! Ricochet wobbles, Fox runs, but Ricochet SPINEBUSTERS Fox down! Ricochet scuffs Fox, and the fans boo as he pretends to be The People’s Champion! Ricochet runs to drop the PEOPLE’S MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fox survives but Ricochet reels him in. Ricochet suplexes, but Fox knees free! Fox fires forearms, Ricochet fires forearms back, and they both ROCK each other! And DOUBLE LARIAT!

Ricochet takes another swing, Fox dodges! Fox comes back, Ricochet dodges! DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide and both men are down! The fans fire up while both men stir. Ricochet staggers around, comes back, but Fox fires haymakers! Fox whips, Ricochet reverses, but Fox goes Matrix to dodge the lariat! Fox then ENZIGIRIS and Ricochet wobbles! Ricochet takes another swing, but Fox blocks! Fox wrenches, then he blocks a kick! FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives and Fox can’t believe it! The fans rally and Fox hauls Ricochet up. Fox tucks the arms but Ricochet slips out the back!

Ricochet ELBOWS Fox from the corner, then goes up, only for Fox to ENZIGIRI! Fox hits an ICONOCLASM, steps over and RIPCORD CUTTERS! Fox is right up top, 450 SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives again and Fox is shocked! Ricochet crawls to the apron, “This is Awesome!” as Fox game plans. Fox drags Ricochet back in but Ricochet holds the ropes! Ricochet kicks free, but Fox has Ricochet in the ropes! Fox drags Ricochet up, fireman’s carries, but Ricochet still clings to ropes! Fox pulls Ricochet free, so now Ricochet grabs the ref! The ref reprimands, Ricochet lets go but Fox lets him down. RECOIL from Ricochet! Cover, TWO!!

Fox survives and now Ricochet is shocked! The fans fire up and Fox sputters back to life. But Ricochet locks ‘n’ loads, SPIRIT GUN!! And then the dragon sleeper, the VERTIGO!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

That was indeed #OuttaThisWorld, but Fox gave as good as he got right to the end! But Ricochet brings out the golden scissors!? BUT WAIT! SWERVE IS HERE! Swerve trips Ricochet and throws him into the barriers! The fans fire up as Swerve fires off on Ricochet, then throw shim around ringside! And then into steel steps! Ricochet sputters and Swerve snarls, and then Swerve puts Ricochet in the ring. But then Ricochet uses Fox as a shield! Ricochet even has the scissors against Fox’s neck to threaten him like he did Nana! Swerve stands down and Ricochet retreats. But with one week to go, will Ricochet enter Swerve’s House only to NOT make it out in one piece?


AEW shares a snippet from Closeup with Renee Paquette.

We got a little taste on Saturday during Collision, now we get a little more as Renee asks Jon Moxley about the AEW World Championship itself. From the moment Moxley won it, he’s kept it hidden. First a garbage bag, now the briefcase. Why is it Moxley is essentially holding this title hostage? Moxley asks back why anyone needs to see the belt. What does anyone get out of it? Do they want to take a picture of it? Is this a petting zoo? Why does anyone need to see it when they don’t know anything about it? They don’t understand it on any level. They don’t understand what a world championship means, what it is about, what it takes to be a world champion.

Moxley IS the AEW World Championship! He is the living definition of what it is to be a champion. Want to see it? Take a look at it, because it’s right here. HE is the AEW World Championship, it lives here. It isn’t something you hold, it isn’t something you show off, it isn’t something you take pictures with. It lives in the heart! It has to be cultivated, grown, forged in the white hot fires of struggle and combat. And as we heard from Collision, Moxley is trying to build a THOUSAND Moxleys! He wants to backfill AEW, so that means he must put them through what he went through, and maybe even worse.

The Maniac’s reign of terror is much deeper than we knew. But will it ever come to an end?


The Learning Tree speaks.

Chris Jericho says, “Hi, guys~! Welcome to another New York Minute, coming to you live this week from Huntsville, Alabama, home of the Crimson Toad.” Bryan Keith adds, “ROLL TOAD!” Jericho says a lot is going on with The Nueve, like his new movie, Dark Match, premiering in theaters and on Shudder this Friday night. It’s violent, it’s gory, it’s fun, just like The Learning Tree! But speaking of violent, we also saw last week on Collision, Big Bill took out Will Hobbs! Tells us about it, Redwood! Bill says what “LT” said last week really struck a chord with him. It is one thing for Bill to share the teachings of Jericho with the world, but it’s another to put those words into action.

Bill feels now that he understands Jericho’s words in a way that he never did before. He feels… Stronger. Jericho says yes, when he hears Bill say that, it makes Jericho very proud. Jericho is very proud… of himself, for being such a great mentor! And Jericho told Bill to take out Hobbs, but permanently. Bill didn’t do that, so Bill will have to work a little bit harder next time. But Bill will get that chance again this Saturday, as Jericho & Bad Apple Bryan Keith take on those other heathens who beat them in that 12 Man Tag at Maximum Carnage, The Outrunners! Jericho says the Outrunners claim to have been around for decades, but Jericho’s never seen them anywhere but AEW, EVER!

Keith says that’s a Mandela Effect! Jericho says this Saturday, The Youngest Men Alive get taught a lesson from the smartest men alive, and Big Bill will make Jericho proud for real this time. That’s all! Another New York Minute! Thanks, guys~! Jericho’s cocky smile turns into a sneer, but will he and Keith really bring down Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum? Or will the Learning Tree get a Total Recall?


Jay White VS Wheeler Yuta!

The Switchblade has been after The Death Riders for months now, and he especially owes The Decoder for all the underhanded ways he’s gotten involved in White’s title matches. Will Yuta learn to Breathe with the Switchblade? Or will he just ruin another night for Jay White?

White is wary as he puts his jacket aside. Yuta runs up, but White catches him to a clinch! BLADE- NO, Yuta slips free and bails out! White taunts Yuta, Yuta says the bell hasn’t even rung! Oh, he’s one to talk about playing fair! The ref has White back up and Yuta slowly steps back into the ring. The fans chant “YUTA SUCKS! YUTA SUCKS!” The bell rings now, but Yuta bails out again. The fans boo but Yuta takes his time coming back. White says it’s fine, he’s got time. Yuta paces, the ring count hits 5 of 10, and Yuta steps in again. They tie up, Yuta headlocks but White slips out to headlock in return.

Yuta pulls hair to put White in a corner but the ref counts. The fans boo, Yuta lets go, but White pulls Yuta’s beard! The fans cheer, the ref reprimands, but White brings Yuta around. Yuta breaks free but White CHOPS him! White takes another swing, Yuta ducks and wrenches the other arm to then wristlock. White spins, Yuta wrenches, repeat, but then White rolls. White wrenches and spins Yuta to CHOP it down! The fans cheer while White grabs a leg. White pushes the leg down to sit Yuta up, and White CHOPS Yuta down again! And again! White pushes the leg down a third time, Yuta stays down, so White stomps him!

Yuta sputters, sits up, and White CHOPS him yet again! Yuta goes to a corner, White brings him around, but Yuta kicks. White blocks, and CHOPS! White whips, Yuta reverses but White reverses back to CHOP! White runs, sniffs out the backdrop and KICKS Yuta! White whips, then BACKDROPS Yuta! The fans cheer, Guns Up for the Huntsville Gold Members! Yuta avoids the chop, comes back, but White pops Yuta up to sit on the top rope! The fans cheer while Yuta clutches his death rider, and then White CHOPS him to the floor! Yuta crawls, White goes out after him, and White CHOPS Yuta again! The fans “WOO~!” while Yuta sputters.

White refreshes the ring count, drags Yuta up and SMACKS him off the barrier! White refreshes the count yet again, and fans want more! White SMACKS Yuta off the barriers again! The ref wants this in the ring, White says give him a minute, but Yuta dropkicks White’s leg! Yuta goes to the apron, but White yanks him down! White swings, Yuta dodges, and he drop toeholds White into the apron! White sputters and wobbles, Yuta SHOVES him into steel steps! White falls back, Yuta argues with the ref, and then Yuta SLAMS White’s leg into the steel steps! And he does it again! The ring count climbs again, but Yuta drags White around.

Yuta traps White’s leg in the frame of the ring! Yuta STOMPS the leg! The fans boo but Yuta pushes White into the ring. White rolls away, clutching that knee, but Yuta stalks him. White CHOPS, but Yuta stomps White! Yuta hooks the leg, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect, but Yuta keeps White down with a leglock, and he drops a KNEE on the knee! White endures while Yuta keeps the leg trapped. Yuta flexes while soaking up the heat, but White pulls hair. Yuta steps through for a spinning toehold! White endures, Yuta mocks the clapping, but White KICKS at Yuta with his free leg. Yuta GROUND DRAGON SCREWS White!

White crawls away to the ropes, goes to the apron, but Yuta kicks him to the floor. Yuta goes out but White CHOPS him down! The fans fire up, but Yuta trips White! Yuta SLAMS the bad leg into the LED barriers! And though Excalibur said it a few seconds ago, now Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Yuta drags White around the way, puts him back in the ring, and he pushes White to a cover. TWO, but Yuta keeps White down for another cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Yuta is annoyed, White CHOPS him but Yuta SLAPS White! Yuta has the toehold and twists the foot. White CLAWS Yuta’s back but Yuta TWISTS the ankle! Yuta steps through for another toehold, then ties the legs up in a deathlock! Yuta stands and taunts White. White grabs Yuta’s beard, but Yuta breaks free to bridge back! White endures, reaches out, and he crawls around. Yuta taunts White to go for the ropes, and White flails as he inches closer.

White fights and fights, and finally has the ROPEBREAK! Yuta mockingly applauds while the ref counts, and Yuta lets the leglock go at 4. Yuta stomps White, has him in the corner, and then he puts the bad leg on the ropes. Yuta stands on the bad leg, the ref counts, and Yuta steps off at 4. Yuta argues with the ref, but White stands up to CHOP! White hobbles Yuta CHOPS him in return! White flops into the corner, but he CHOPS in return! Yuta ROCKS White with a forearm, then stalks him along the ropes. White stands to ROCK Yuta! White hobbles as he storms up on Yuta, and Yuta ROCKS White back!

Dynamite returns to single picture, White CHOPS again, but Yuta KICKS the bad leg! White flops against the ropes and Yuta mocks the fans. White comes back to CHOP! The fans rally, Yuta storms up, but White CHOPS again! White roars, the fans fire up, but Yuta kicks the bad leg! White falls back, Yuta mocks the roar, then he storms up on White in the corner. Yuta hoists White up to the top rope, “YUTA SUCKS!” but he CLAWS White’s eyes! Yuta climbs up behind White, but White fights the lift! White CLUBS Yuta again and again, then ELBOWS him! Yuta falls off the corner, White slips down, and White swings.

Yuta dodges, but White blocks the kick! DRAGON SCREW! Now Yuta hobbles around, and White is on Yuta in the corner! White puts Yuta up top, climbs up the ropes, but Yuta fires body shots! Yuta BITES White’s forehead! White drops back, the ref reprimands, but Yuta hops down. White LARIATS in the corner! And then he hoists Yuta back up! White climbs to the very top, and hits a SUPER DUPER PLEX! Cover, TWO! Yuta stays in this but White is focused. Both men stand, White storms up on Yuta, and White JABS, JABS, and CHOPS! Then JAB! JAB! CHOP! White reels Yuta in to clinch, but Yuta fights with forearms!

White KNEES low, clinches again, URE- NO, Yuta arm-drags to a lateral press! TWO and White has a ghost pin! TWO, both men stand, and Yuta swings! White catches him, spins him to the SLEEPER, but Yuta spins free and CHOP BLOCKS the bad leg! Yuta then clamps on and turns White over, HALF CRAB! The fans boo but Yuta pulls on that leg! White endures, reaches out, and fights to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, the ref counts, and Yuta lets go, shouting, “I have ’til five!” Yuta acts like he’s Bryan Danielson here, then he goes back to White. Yuta drags White up, wrenches and lifts, but White fights free!

White hobbles on the bad leg, Yuta runs up to KICK the leg out! The fans boo but Yuta hits the PAIN THRILLER! Cover, TWO!! White survives and Yuta is frustrated, but Yuta clamps onto White with HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! White glares at Yuta, blocks a shot, and then arm-drags free! Yuta comes back, into the URENAGE! Both men are down but the fans rally behind White, White drags himself up with ropes, drags Yuta up into the clinch, but Yuta slips free! Schoolboy, with tights! TWO!! White CHOPS Yuta, Yuta rewinds in the ropes and slips around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

White escapes, Yuta is furious, and Yuta hurries right to a corner! Yuta climbs, even with his own bad leg, and he DIVING- NO, he has to roll through as White dodges. Yuta ELBOWS White away, then powers up the leg! Yuta runs in, BUSAI- NO, White catches Yuta outta the air, BLADERUNNER!! Cover, White wins!

Winner: Jay White, by pinfall

White snatches that one away in the blink of an eye, but he isn’t done! White stands Yuta up again, for another BLADERUNNER! The fans want that “One More Time!” so White says why not! White hobbles back to Yuta, but here comes Moxley & Marina! White sees The Maniac on the apron, but then Claudio slips in from behind! Claudio CLOBBERS White, and now he and Moxley stomp away on White! Yuta flounders, but here comes Rated FTR!! Cope, Dax & Cash run The Death Riders off, but Moxley grins as he dares Cope to come get him. Cope helps White up, and Dax gets a mic.

“It’s a little different, huh? It’s a little different because it’s even, it’s an even fight right now. Death Riders, I know how you operate. And here’s the thing, I don’t hate how you operate. But what I do hate is when you try to end a 67-year-old man who is my idol, Ricky Morton. That’s what I got a problem! Right now, tonight, one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, one half of the greatest tag team, The Midnight Express, Dennis Condrey, is here! In Dennis Condrey’s name, on Collision, FTR VS The Death Riders, in a Midsouth Street Fight!” The fans like the sound of that! Dax says, “See y’all there.” Will the Top Guys make sure The Death Riders finally get what they deserve?


Renee Paquette is on stage.

She welcomes out the AEW Women’s World Champion, Mariah May! The Glamour walks out on stage, says it is great to be in Huntsville, “but looking around, maybe we should change the first letter to a C?” The fans get what she means, but Renee moves things along. We have seen the metamorphosis of “Timeless” Toni Storm, who Mariah will be defending the title against at Grand Slam: Australia. Mariah seemed a bit shaken- Oh, wow, we’re doing this? Toni Storm playing the part of Toni Storm, the RETURN~ of Toni Storm! This isn’t real, Renee! None of it is! Toni Storm is NOT real! Mariah then snatches the mic from Renee while the fans chant “TONI! TONI!”

Mariah scowls at the fans, then says, “You want to play the role of Toni Storm? Okay, why don’t you play the Toni Storm who gave her heart to a woman who used her for her gold? No, no, why don’t you play the Toni Storm who’s most memorable moment was bleeding and crying in my hands?” The fans boo but Mariah says maybe Toni should play the Toni who walked out of Wembley Stadium and Japan and Mexico, because she couldn’t touch Mariah. Mariah smirks while fans boo, and Mariah says Toni can play whatever Toni she’d like, because the ending stays the same. Mariah doesn’t need to rope play. When you’re this good, you don’t need to change a thing.

Mariah says, “I am the Woman From Hell, and I always will be. And I will remind you for the rest of your life. Look now and never forget, for this is your AEW Women’s World Champion!” Mariah holds up the title, but with just over two weeks left, will she lose it all to the woman she took it all from?


AEW checks on on The Gunns.

Austin & Colten have been watching from home, looking back on their rise to the top, and working on making it back. When and where will it be #GunnsUp again?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

On top of Jericho & Keith VS The Outrunners, we will see Samoa Joe & Hook team up against Nick Wayne & Kip Sabian! Will The Patriarchy’s “sons” be able to stop the Samoan Submission Machine and the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil? Then, after hearing Mariah speak tonight, “Timeless” Toni Storm will give her response! And then, after the tense stare downs from last week’s Homecoming, Daniel Garcia is putting up his TNT Championship in a Triple Threat! Kyle O’Reilly and Lee Moriarty are stepping up, but will either of them take this title from Red Death?


The Hurt Syndicate speaks.

Montel Vontavious Porter says, “Normally, we would gloat. But we’re gonna celebrate. First, because we’re classy gentlemen who conduct business, I would like to recognize the former AEW Tag Team Champions, Private Party. Zay, Quen, they’re warriors, they fought hard. It wasn’t their fault they ran into the most devastating tandem in ALL of professional wrestling. These tag team titles are going to stay here as long as we want them. We are putting everyone on notice. The All Mighty, Bobby Lashley. The Standard of Excellence, Shelton Benjamin. Hurt Syndicate will accept any challenge from any challenger. Any time, any place.

“We are the Hurt Syndicate, and we hurt people.” Then who will dare step up against this dangerous and powerful pair?


The Don Callis Family speaks.

Don Callis himself says, “We are the true one-percenters of professional wrestling.” Konosuke Takeshita is not only the AEW International Champion, he is the NEVER Openweight Champion after defeating Shingo Takagi at WrestleKingdom 19 and Tomohiro Ishii at WrestleDynasty. They will do what they do everywhere in the world, whatever ring they step into, and win 1-2-3! Will that be the case when AEW arrives in Australia?


The Vendetta speak.

Taya Valkyrie has the cameraman come in close. “Moments from now, we’re gonna witness Mercedes Mone defend her TBS Championship VS Yuka. UGH!” Deonna Purrazzo says, “We both know that could have been me, it should have been me, and it would have been me, if it wasn’t for Harley Cameron.” Taya says Harley loves sticking her “balloons” where they don’t belong, and Deonna says this world wasn’t built for women like them. That is why they must TAKE what they deserve. So Harley, now you belong to The Vendetta. Saturday Night Collision, they are coming to collect. The Virtuosa then dismisses the cameraman, will Harley pay for doing the right thing?


AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Yuka Sakazaki!

The CEO may be the FOUR-BELT BOSS, but she is still up for a challenge. She turned down Harley Cameron as Harley hasn’t won anything on AEW TV, ever. But then Harley made sure the Wrestling Magical Girl had a fair chance in Homecoming’s Fatal 4 Way last Saturday Night Collision. Will Yuka thank Harley for that by defeating Mone? Or will The CEO still be the Face of TBS?

The introductions are made, the AEW belt is raised, and we see if Mone holds onto the hardware!

The bell rings and the two circle. Mone and Yuka tie up, go around, and the fans are on Yuka’s side. Mone wrenches, wristlocks, but Yuka spins, wrenches, and wristlocks in return. Mone rolls, kips up, and wrenches to hammerlock. Yuka endures, fights up and spins around to top wristlock! Mone slips under but Yuka headlocks. Mone powers out to headlock in return, but Yuka powers up to power out. Mone RUSN Yuka over, soaks up the heat while she does her dance, but Yuka kips up! Yuka wags her finger, runs, and she jumps over the dropdown. Things keep moving, and Yuka RUNS Mone over! The fans cheer and Yuka does her own CEO dance!

Mone swipes, Yuka jumps it, and she snapmares Mone! Mone bridges up and snapmares Yuka, but Yuka bridges up! Mone shoves Yuka, but Yuka avoids the arm-drag! The fans cheer as Yuka body scissors, and she rolls Mone around and around, and around again! Cover, TWO! Mone escapes and then ducks a sliding lariat! Ghost pin, TWO! Mone CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” and Mone grins. Yuka swings, Mone blocks her and goes up, up, and then FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Mone dusts herself off while Yuka tumbles away. Yuka bails out, Mone builds speed, but Yuka blocks the basement dropkick! Yuka spins Mone around, then says neener-neener!

Mone kicks, Yuka ducks it, but Mone grabs Yuka by the hair! Mone says you wanna neener-neener HER?! Mone whips, Yuka goes up the apron and TIGER FEINT KICKS Mone down! The fans fire up with Yuka and she goes up the corner! Mone stands, Yuka aims, but Mone scrambles away! The fans boo and Yuka pouts. Yuka hops down while Mone wags her finger. Yuka goes to the apron, kicks, but Mone blocks! Mone trips Yuka, Yuka hits the apron, and then Mone goes up! METEORA to the floor! The CEO does her dance again, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Mone soaks up heat while the ref checks Yuka. Yuka’s still in this, so Mone stands her up. Mone brings Yuka around the ring in a mocking victory lap, then THROWS her into the apron! Mone CHOPS Yuka, puts her in the ring, then covers, TWO! Yuka stays in this and Mone is frustrated already. Mone drags Yuka up, brings her around, and bumps her off buckles. Mone stomps a mudhole into Yuka, stands on her, then steps off as the ref counts. Mone runs back in, but she blocks Yuka’s boot! Yuka tries another kick, Mone blocks that, and Mone puts Yuka in the ropes. Mone ROCKS Yuka, then hits the STOCK DROP! Cover, TWO!

Yuka stays in this and Mone is annoyed. Mone storms back up on Yuka, drags her up by her hair, then scoops her, only for Yuka to slip free! Yuka has the arms for a motorcycle stretch, but then throws Mone down into a cover, TOW! Mone hurries to her feet and she DROPKICKS Yuka down! Yuka flounders, but she still kicks Mone from below. Mone stomps away on Yuka, drags her up and scoops again, for the SLAM! Mone kneels on the cover, TWO! Yuka stays in this but Mone stays on her by clamping on a chinlock. Yuka endures, fights up, and fires body shots. Mone THROWS Yuka down by her hair, then dusts herself off.

Mone soaks up more heat, KNEES Yuka in the back again and again and again, then puts her in the motorcycle stretch! Yuka endures, fights up to her feet, but Mone pushes her back down! Mone pulls on the arms but Yuka still endures! Yuka fights up, Mone cranks the arms, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Yuka still fights and the fans rally behind her. Yuka kicks Mone, ROCKS her, then fires more shots! Mone shoves Yuka, blocks a kick, and KNEES Yuka! Mone reels Yuka in, puts one out, and lifts Yuka, but Yuka RANAS Mone away! The fans fire up while Yuka goes to a corner. Mone runs in, but Yjka dodges! Mone crashes into buckles!

Mone falls back, hobbles up, and Yuka GAMANGIRIS! Yuka then springboards up, up, balances herself, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! The fans fire up again and Yuka brings Mone up. Yuka suplexes, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mone stays in this but Yuka runs, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Mone survives again but Yuka keeps her cool. Yuka suplexes Mone again, but Mone slips free and spins Yuka around! Mone suplexes, Una Amiga! Then Dos Amigas! The fans boo but Mone hits THREE AMIGAS! Cover, TWO!! Yuka survives and Mone is frustrated. Mone shakes her head, drags Yuka around and stomps her down.

Mone steps on Yuka, heads for the corner, and fans boo as Mone climbs. Mone grins as she gives some Latina Heat, but Yuka is up! Yuka runs up to UPPERCUT! The fans fire up as Yuka climbs and fires forearms! The fans count along, Yuka hits TEN, and then brings Mone up! SUPERPLEX! Both women are down but the fans fire up! Yuka crawls her way over, covers, TWO!! Mone survives and Yuka grows a bit frustrated. Yuka drags Mone up, wrenches and hammerlocks, then she picks Mone up! MERRY-GO- NO! Mone slips free, Gory Especial, MONEY- NO!! Yuka lands out!! SUPERKICK!

Mone staggers around, Yuka wrenches and hammerlocks again! MERRY-GO-ROUND~ FACEBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Mone still survives and now Yuka is angry! Mone crawls to a corner, Yuka runs in, but Mone ELBOWS her away! Mone goes up to get Yuka for DEADLY NIGHTSHADE! And then BACKSTABBER into the STATEMENT MAKER!! Yuka endures the crossface, reaches out, rolls Mone, TWO!! Mone swings, misses, and Yuka ROLLING ELBOWS! Mone drops to her knees, Yuka rolls her into the SEATBELT! TWO!! Mone escapes and goes back to a corner. Yuka runs up, blocks boots, and she puts Mone in the ropes!

Yuka ENZIGIRS, then DRAPING GERMAN SUPLEXES! The fans are thunderous while Mone flounders! Yuka goes up the ropes, MAGICAL GIRL SPLASH onto knees!! Mone saves herself, cradles Yuka, TWO!! Yuka escapes, but Mone KNEES her in the face! And then a POWERBOMB! Mone flips Yuka over, hooks her into the Gory Especial, MONEY MAKER!! Cover, Mone wins!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by pinfall (still AEW TBS Champion)

Mone got quite the fight from Yuka, but she not only holds onto this title, but she stays the FOUR BELT BOSS! Will anyone ever end The CEO’s world domination?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite here, and it moved rather smoothly. I can’t be sure, but it felt like there was less talking and more story told through action. Great opening match from Ospreay VS Cage, and they hit all the beats: Omega got attacked backstage; Ospreay still wins despite Archer and Callis getting involved; Don Callis Family beats Ospreay up; Omega makes the save; Don Callis Family still beats him and Ospreay up. I feel like the teaser of the “sixth man” was a little soon if Ospreay & Omega were still going to be on the defensive, but maybe we’ll see the reveal during the tag match for Grand Slam: Australia. It would certainly be a big moment for their newest “biggest show.”

Plus, great story intertwining, it was a bit like the AEW of old. Hangman looking for Swerve but not finding him, then bumping into MJF was good stuff. MJF of course talked smack on Jarrett before Jarrett VS Claudio, and Jarrett VS Claudio was some great stuff. But wow, Moxley needing to get involved to screw over Jarrett? I feel like Claudio could’ve just given Jarrett a low blow and it would’ve been the same. But I suppose Jarrett really being down and out gave MJF his opening to add on, which of course all but guarantees we’re getting MJF VS Jarrett, probably also for Grand Slam: Australia. Again, it’s AEW’s new big special, they’re not having MJF miss that.

Ricochet had a good promo getting all cocky because he thought he was safe, and then he had a great match against AR Fox. Swerve appearing from under the ring (at least I think that’s where he was, the cameras didn’t catch where he came from) was great, and he got to beat up on Ricochet a bit. Ricochet still got away before Swerve could truly stand tall, but this was the go-home to their match next week in Atlanta, and Swerve certainly has the edge on Ricochet. That would usually indicate Swerve loses, and I could see Ricochet cheating to do it. I feel like they could easily set a bigger, better match for Grand Slam, maybe even Revolution, we’ll have to wait and see.

Good snippet from that Moxley interview for Closeup, thought it didn’t add too much to what we got on Collision last week. White VS Yuta was a great match, and while White won, the Death Riders of course came out to go after him. That then of course brought out Rated FTR, but surprisingly no brawl. FTR putting out the challenge for the Midsouth Street Fight is good stuff, and that match will be some awesome stuff, and also hard to call. We also got a good vignette from The Gunns, so maybe we will get them returning to help White against the Death Riders, and then we can actually get a World Trios Championship already.

Good promo from Hobbs to explain why he couldn’t be here tonight, and this was surely legit given that wild fall off the stage in Daily’s Place. Any number of bumps, scrapes, bruises and such could’ve happened when crashing down through tables and hitting the ground, and Hobbs is still only just returning from injury, they can’t risk him getting injured again. Good “New York Minute” from The Learning Tree, but the highlight was Jericho’s continued condescending towards Big Bill. Bill really needs to turn on Jericho before this story is over, and I’d love if Bill also ranted about all the things Jericho got wrong about the USA while trying to be “The King of New York.”

Good promo from Mariah to respond to that confrontation with Toni Storm, and Toni’s promo on Collision will surely be good stuff. Good promo from Vendetta, I feel like whatever match they have with Harley should end up Harley’s win. Then Harley can throw that win in Mone’s face because she wants that title shot in Australia. Speaking of, awesome main event from Mone VS Yuka, probably one of Yuka’s best matches in AEW. But of course Mone won, she’s been going strong and probably will keep going until Kamille comes back or we get another crossover of AEW, NJPW and other partners, aka Forbidden Door: London.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/28/25)

NXT in the ATL!



Will NXT feel the StrongEST Glow?

Bianca Belair & Naomi defend the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships against The Meta Girls! Can Lash & Jakara bring these belts back to NXT?


  • Giulia & Bayley VS Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade; Giulia & Bayley win.
  • Trick Williams VS Wes Lee; Wes wins, by disqualification.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship: Fallon Henley VS Shotzi Blackheart; Fallon wins and retains the title.
  • Ethan Page VS Cedric Alexander; Ethan wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Bianca Belair & Naomi VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson; Bianca & Naomi win and retain the titles.


Giulia & Bayley VS Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade!

The Beautiful Madness gets to team up with The Role Model that she greatly respects, and the feeling is mutual. The same goes for how they both can’t stand The Prodigy & the Generation of Jade for acting like NXT needs them. Will the NXT Women’s Champion and the ONLY WWE Women’s Grand Slam Champion teach Roxie & Cora a little something about respect?

The teams sort out and Cora & Roxie run up! Bayley & Giulia ROCK them first, and Cora & Roxie bail out! The fans boo, Roxie & Cora storm back in, but Giulia slips around Roxie to shove her to the ropes. Roxie cartwheels, Giulia blocks the haymaker, then she blocks a kick! Giulia spins to backslide Roxie, TWO! Giulia kicks, Roxie ducks it to go for a roll-up! Giulia blocks that, goes for an arm, ends up with a lateral press, TWO! Roxie steps through, LA MAGISTROL to a bridge! TWO, and Giulia has a GEDO CLUTCH! TWO, and Roxie pulls hair! The ref reprimands but Roxie wrenches the hair again and again.

Giulia pulls Roxie’s hair! The fans cheer, Giulia whips Roxie, and then Giulia DROPKICKS Roxie down! Cover, TWO! Giulia keeps Roxie down, drags her away, and tags in Bayley! The fans cheer as Bayley wrenches Roxie’s arm, but Roxie SLAPS Bayley! Bayley scowls, Roxie runs away and Cora tags in. The fans sing for Bayley but Cora talks trash. Bayley SLAPS Cora! Bayley fires off hands in the corner, then whips corner to corner. Bayley then snapmares Cora and runs to basement UPPERCUT! And then SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Cora stays in this but Bayley stays on her and puts her in the ropes.

The fans cheer but Cora slips out and slips under! Cora waistlocks, she and Bayley go around and around with switch after switch. Roxie tags in, she fires off in the corner, but the ref counts. Roxie lets off, but Bayley ROCKS her in return! Bayley bumps Roxie off buckles, then puts her in the ropes! STOCK DROP! The fans cheer the shoutout to The Boss, but Cora runs up! Bayley kicks low, whips Cora to a corner, and Giulia joins in! They run, STEREO ELBOWS for Roxie & Cora! Then STEREO SUPELXES! The fans fire up, Bayley covers, TWO! Bayley brings Roxie up, tags Giulia, and they double whip.

Roxie THROWS Bayley down, ROCKS Giulia, then whips her OUT of the ring! Bayley runs up, Roxie DUMPS her out, too! Tag to Cora and then Roxie DIVES! Down go Bayley & Giulia, but Roxie sets them back up! Cora CANNONBALLS! The mean girls stand tall while the fans boo, but NXT goes picture in picture.

Cora drags Giulia up to SMACK her off the apron, then she shoves Giulia in. Cora drags Giulia up just to SMACK her off the mat! Cora soaks up the heat, then IMPLODER STOMPS Giulia down! Cover, TWO! Giulia stays in this but Cora stays on her. Cora reels Giulia in to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Giulia fires forearms in return! Cora CLUBS Giulia down, tags Roxie, and they mug Giulia. Roxie wrenches Giulia’s hair again, then THROWS her down! The ref reprimands, Roxie digs her heel into Giulia’s ribs, then she DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Giulia toughs it out but Roxie throws down hands! Tag to Cora, and the mugging continues.

Cora THROWS Giulia down by her hair! The ref reprimands but Cora drags Giulia up to put her in the ropes. Cora fires knees, but then Giulia blocks to THROW Cora down! Giulia hurries for her corner, but Cora grabs her legs! Giulia BOOTS her away, hot tag to Bayley! Bayley rallies on Cora, and hits a BIG back suplex! Roxie runs up, but into a fireman’s carry! Bayley swings Roxie for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cora is up, Bayley clinches, but Cora switches! Bayley switches, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! NXT returns to single picture as Roxie gets a SUCKER PUNCH in! The fans boo but Roxie gets away with that one.

“This is Awesome!” even as Cora stomps Bayley. Cora CLUBS Bayley but Bayley puts her in the ropes! HOTSHOT! Cora is stuck in ropes, Bayley drags her out to the drop zone, then she climbs up! But Roxie hurries to anchor Bayley! Bayley KICKS Roxie away, but Cora’s up to SHINING WIZARD! Bayley falls to the apron, and Roxie attacks! The ref is too busy keeping Giulia back, he misses all of this! The fans boo but Cora drags Bayley up to tag in Roxie. They mug Bayley, and Roxie CHOKES Bayley! The erf reprimands and counts, Roxie stops at 4, and she BUMPS Bayley off buckles. Roxie stomps a mudhole, then digs her boot in.

The fans rally for Bayley but Roxie UPPERCUTS, then mocks the wacky waving inflatable arm men! Roxie runs back in, but Bayley catches her! BIG back suplex! Both women are down, the fans fire up, and they crawl for their corners. Roxie grabs Bayley’s foot and then CLOBBERS her! Roxie puts Bayley on ropes, tags Cora, and Cora runs to ELBOW Bayley in the back! Then Roxie goes up, up and LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives, this is why she IS a Grand Slam Champion! Cora clamps onto Bayley and squeezes tight with the chinlock. The fans boo but Bayley endures the hold. Bayley fights up, fires body shots, but Cora keeps her from Giulia!

Cora whips Bayley into the ropes, runs, but Bayley avoids the elbow! Cora hurries to BLAST Giulia! But then she turns around into a BAYLEY2BELLY! Both women are down again! The fans rally, Bayley and Cora crawl, hot tags to Roxie and Giulia! The fans fire up as Roxie avoids a boot but Giulia goes Matrix to avoid the slap! Giulia kicks, whips, and winds up, FASTBALL! FASTBALL! Then a hammerlock and NORTHERN LIGHTS! The fans fire up and Giulia runs in. Roxie dodges but Giulia BOOTS her! Giulia goes up, aims, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Roxie survives but Giulia whips her to ropes.

Cora tags in before Giulia scoops Roxie! Roxie slips free, Cora runs in, but Giulia dodges! Cora DECKS Roxie! Giulia rolls Cora, TWO! V-TRIGGER! Cover, Roxie breaks it! Bayley fires off on Roxie and Roxie fires back! Cora and Giulia brawl, Roxie TOSSES Bayley! Bayley drags Roxie out and sends her into railing! Cora underhooks Giulia, but Giulia wrenches out to HEADBUTT! Cora falls, Giulia calls to Bayley! Tag and Bayley climbs! MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, Bayley & Giulia win!

Winners: Giulia & Bayley, by pinfall

A big win for Bayley’s big return to NXT, and Roxie throws a fit! Bayley shakes hands with Giulia, could they be having a dream match against each other in the near future? Or will Bayley have to settle the score with Roxie 1v1 first?


Eddy Thorpe speaks.

“Like my people have for centuries, I’ve been overlooked in NXT. But I chose to stand up, and I forced my way into the NXT Championship picture. And I proved that I belong! I hear the sounds of my ancestors. A great responsibility of any man will exorcise his mind of suffering, will subject his muscles and his bones to hard work, and expose his body to hunger, place obstacles in the paths of his deeds so as to stimulate his mind, harden his nature, and improve wherever he has loss. So you can try to write Eddy Thorpe off, but understand, I didn’t write back. My destiny will not be a matter of chance.

“I will make my mark in NXT. And NXT will understand that Eddy Thorpe cannot be broken.” The Alpha Wolf is still hunting championships, who will become his prey?


The Grayson Waller Effect returns to NXT!

A-Town Down Under is already in the ring of “their” show, and Waller welcomes us all. How about a shoutout to Atlanta’s Favorite Son, Austin Theory? The fans actually do cheer Theory, and Theory says yes, sir! Last night, ATDU partied with Quavo and 2Chainz, but tonight, the party continues! A-Town Down UNDER~! Waller says it’s ATL cuz they can’t spell the full name, but on to the guest tonight. Everyone’s talking about him, from the fans to the superstars backstage. He is the NEW NXT Champion, he is THE RULER, he is Oba Femi! The fans cheer as indeed, the NXT Champion makes his way out to the ring.

Oba takes his seat and Waller welcomes the champ. The fans cheer, Waller says that was a fun little dance. Just don’t get too excited, Atlanta ain’t that smart. Oh, sorry, no offense, Theory. But Waller says Oba is less than two years in NXT and he’s already THE NXT Champion, plus he became the longest-reigning North American Champion. He must be used to having a belt on his shoulder. Yes, very used to it. Oba says this title is exactly where it belongs. Theory hears the fans chanting for him, so he asks, “You want me to talk?” The fans cheer, and Theory says Oba started at just 24 years old, and ever since, he has been taking over.

And that reminds Theory of someone. But coming from the youngest US Champion of all time, everyone in here sees Oba as a main eventer on the main roster. It’s true! But hey, the thing is, there are two guys right here who do NOT see that. The fans boo but Oba smirks. So is that why ATDU invited him? All so they can tell him they don’t see his potential? That’s funny, because Oba never saw them as NXT Champion. And Oba was right, because they never were! It’s safe to say that in two years, Oba’s done more than both of them combined! Waller says hey, don’t get it twisted. Waller understands what Oba’s done.

But Oba is only here tonight because Waller wanted to see it for himself. Waller wants to see if the hype is real. There are levels to this game. Yeah, Oba is NXT Champion, but last year, WrestleMania 40, ATDU was standing tall as WWE Tag Team Champions while Oba was in the suite sipping on a juice box, hoping, wishing and praying that he could do what they did. Theory wants Oba to think about this one: When the ink was drying on Oba’s contract, Theory had already competed in three WrestleManias. Actually, four but who’s counting. But talking about Oba, he went to a great high school, got a full ride to Alabama, and is THE NXT Champion.

But… ATDU aren’t in NXT anymore. They’re on Monday Night Raw. And when it comes to Raw or SmackDown, that’s the big leagues. They’ve seen guys like Oba: A top draft pick that ends up in catering, and six months later, he’s on the indies just trying to sell shirts! The fans chant, “Turn on Grayson!” Theory says well alright, here it is! He turns around! Waller says don’t do that~! But Theory says ATDU has been all around the world, and all they do is create unforgettable moments. Oba says they have all this talk about being champions, climbing the ladder, but uh, he doesn’t see those titles on them.

And that’s the problem! This  is why thy are there they are: their big mouths! Especially Waller! Waller’s lips keep writing checks that his hands can’t cash. Did Oba make it here by running his mouth? Oba is building a dynasty here! Brick by brick! Trust Oba when he says, it will be built! And you know what? Oba stands and says if they like moments, if they like PLEs and title matches, here’s one: in two weeks, Washington DC, February 15th, VENGEANCE DAY! Picture in picture shows us Trick Williams is watching this as Oba dares ATDU to step up. And while Theory steps up, Waller gets in the way!

Waller says he doesn’t speak for Theory, but Waller himself has stood in front of the best! John Cena, Kevin Owens, Cody Rhodes, and he’s never taken a step back! Waller wants his shot, lad! Let’s do it! But wait, Ava Raine makes her way out here! The fans cheer and Ava wants them to dial it back before it gets out of hand. Trick has seen enough, he’s heading to gorilla! Ava wants to remind everyone, especially Oba, that as much as he wants to, HE doesn’t make the matches, Ava does. But here come Trick! Trick tells Ava that shot is his and we all know it! Trick steps to Oba, they argue, but then Theory & Waller creep up!

Trick ROCKS Theory, ROCKS Waller, then LARIATS Theory up and out! Trick DECKS Waller, then TOSSES him out! But then he turns around into a FALL FROM GRACE!! Trick is down, Oba stands over him with the belt held high, but the match of Trick VS Wes is up next! Will the Cardiac Kid be a vulture picking at the bones? Or can the former champion still #WhoopDatTrick?


Ringside interview with Izzi Dame.

Sarah Schreiber is with The It Girl and says we all want to know, what exactly is going on with her and The D’Angelo Family? Specifically, her and The Don? Oh, Sarah, surely you and everyone does want to know that. But honestly, nothing is going on. She and Tony aren’t even friends, they just share a common enemy in Shawn Spears. Long story short, Tony came to her defense when Spears was stalking her, so Izzi made sure Tony kept his North American Championship during his defense. Bada bing, bada boom, that’s it. But wait, Ridge Holland steps in! And he wants to know what Izzi means by that.

Izzi is a liar! Huh!? Ridge says HE should be North American Champion, but he’s not, all because of this weird situation she’s got going on with Tony. And look at her, standing there with a big smile on her face, like a smug little b- Stacks stops Ridge there. Does he have a problem? You don’t talk to a lady like that. Ridge tells Stacks to shut up, because Ridge doesn’t bother with Tony’s lackeys. So go shine Tony’s shoes or keep the car warm, and stay out of his face. Stacks gets heated now, but security and refs step between them. The Underboss warns Ridge, but will Yorkshire Grit rip through him to get at the gold?


Trick Williams VS Wes Lee!

NXT returns and refs check on Trick. Trick says he’s fine, he still wants this match. Trick hobbles up the steel steps but he doesn’t look all that fine. Wes makes his entrance, Tyriek & Tyson by his side again. Wes says he’s got this, will Trick be easy pickings?

The bell rings and Wes runs up to SHOTGUN Trick down! The fans boo but Ty & Ty like what they see. Trick sputters but Wes KICKS him in the back! Wes mockingly asks if those ribs hurt, then he KICKS away on those ribs! Wes clamps on a chinlock, stretches Trick, then drags him around. Wes whips Trick, Trick reverses to ROCK Wes! Trick fires hands but Wes puts him in the corner to fire body shots! The ref counts, Wes stops at 4, but Trick TOSSES him to the corner! Trick fires hands, the fans fire up, but Wes clinches. Wes fires knees into Trick, then SOBAT! KICK! Snapmare, and basement DROPKICK! Cover, ONE!!

Trick shows grit but Wes stalks him. The fans taunt Wes but Wes throws hands into Trick’s back! Wes stands Trick up, shoves him to ropes, then runs to 619 the ribs! Trick falls back, Wes goes up a corner, and the fans boo as Wes aims. Wes leaps, but Trick catches him!? Trick roars but Wes CLUBS him! Wes CLUBS Trick to the mat, then runs, BASEMENT CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Trick stays in this but Ty & Ty coach Wes. Wes brings Trick up, talks smack, then he SLAPS Trick! The fans boo but Trick gets mad! Trick rises and he fires hands! Trick SLAPS Wes outta the ring! Trick goes out after Wes, but Wes RAMS him into the apron!

Wes RAMS Trick into the desk, then goes up the apron, to METEORA Trick onto the desk! The fans boo but Ty & Ty cheer while NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again and Wes has Trick down with a HALF CRAB! Trick endures, claws at the mat, and reaches out for ropes, but Wes sits deep on the hold! The fans rally, Trick powers up to turn over. Trick kicks at Wes until he lets go, then manages to stand. Wes ROCKS Trick, ROCKS him again, but then Trick bobs ‘n’ weaves! Trick fires body shots, haymakers, and an UPPERCUT! Wes flounders, Trick aims, and Trick UPPERCUTS again! Then a scoop and SLAM! The fans rally up and Trick whips Wes. Trick BACKDROPS Wes and the fans fire up with him! Trick uses that adrenaline to cartwheel and ripcord, BOOKEND!

The fans fire up more as Trick shakes the ropes! Wes rises, Trick runs up, but Ty & Ty get Wes outta there! The fans boo but Trick storms out after them! Trick puts Wes in, but Tyson gets on the apron! Trick TOSSES Tyson, fires hands, then UPPERCTS Tyson! Tyson dangles on the ropes, flops out of the ring, but Wes runs in! Trick TOSSES Wes out onto Tyson! The fans fire up and Trick goes to the stage! CANNONBALL onto everyone! Trick puts Wes in the ring, puts him in a corner, and he fires off hands! The ref counts, Trick still fires shots! The fans say “This is Awesome!” as Trick lets off at 4.

Tyson is back, Trick DECKS him! Trick UPPERCUTS Wes! Trick stomps away on Wes, the ref pulls him back, but Trick SHOVES the ref down!! Trick’s fury has gotten the better of him, the ref DISQUALIFIES him!!

Winner: Wes Lee, by disqualification

Trick won’t stop beating up on Wes, but here comes Tyson with a chair! FULL METAL TRICK SHOT!! Trick takes out the sidekicks, he gets the chair, and he’s swinging wild!! Wes runs away, and now he realizes he won! Wes grins as he, Ty & Ty get outta there. Trick is still pissed, how is he supposed to challenge Oba like this?


Oba Femi walks into Ava Raine’s office.

The NXT General Manager says no, go ahead, don’t bother knocking. The NXT Champion says Ava has quite the problem. Oh, she has quite a few problems. She doesn’t know how many times she has to say it, but SHE makes the matches, not Oba. Stop trying to overstep. Well, if she makes decisions, then she should make one. Who is Oba facing at Vengeance Day? It will be Oba VS Grayson Waller- Okay, good, he looks forward to it. No, Oba, Ava wasn’t done. It’ll be Oba VS Waller VS Theory in a Triple Threat. Both of them? Yes, both of them. Now if he’ll excuse her, she has to have a chat with the former NXT Champion.

Ava heads out, what will the consequences be for Trick? And if Oba is facing both members of ATDU, will he just have to send them both down under?


NXT returns and…

Ava asks where Trick went. She gets directions to the men’s locker room, and she barges right in! Other superstars are startled but she asks for Trick. He’s in the corner, Ava asks him what the hell! This week, last week, what is he doing?! Trick says this is what happens when you lose a title like he did. Everyone gets a match instead of him! Well, it’s the consequences of his own actions. At Vengeance Day, Oba, Waller & Theory are in a Triple Threat, NO Trick. And what’d ATDU do to even deserve that shot? So he doesn’t think they’re worthy? Nope. Then y’know what? Prove it! Trick can have a tag match with ATDU next week. And his partner will be the man he’s after, Oba Femi!

Ava heads back out, and Trick has a lot on his plate. Will he be able to make it work with Oba to take down A-Town Down Under? Or will he still end up on the outside looking in?


NXT Women’s North American Championship: Fallon Henley w/ The Fatal Influence VS Shotzi Blackheart w/ Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley!

While Stephanie Vaquer still gets her shot at Vengeance Day, the Toxic Cowgirl sure didn’t like the idea of facing her so soon. She, Jacy & Jazmyn made sure the Wild Child got her shot first, will they make sure Shotzi also misses the mark? Or will Shotzi be sure to Take Care o’ Bidness?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who has a date with the Dark Angel in DC!

The bell rings and Fallon talks trash on Shotzi. Fallon pushes Shotzi, pie faces her, but Shotzi trips her! The fans fire up as Shotzi fires off on Fallon! Fallon gets up, Shotzi ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Shotzi then kicks, Fallon blocks, but Shotzi ENZIGIRIS! Shotzi then springboards to imploder wheelbarrow and VICTORY FACEBUSTER! Fallon sputters, Shotzi keeps moving, but Fallon avoids the straddle attack! Fallon THROWS Shotzi down, goes up, but Shotzi ROCKS Fallon first! Shotzi climbs tot he very top, and she fires up for the SUPER STEINER! And a rough one at that! Fallon flounders around but Shotzi hurries back up the corner!

The fans fire up as Shotzi aims, but Jacy & Jazmyn drag Fallon to safety! Or so they think, because Shotzi just SUPER CROSSBODIES them all! The fans fire up as Gigi & Tatum then make sure Jacy & Jazmyn get what they deserve! Those four brawl up the ramp, to the stage, and then to the back! Shotzi runs at Fallon, but Fallon blocks the kick! Fallon SWINGS the leg into the POST! Shotzi hobbles, Fallon CHOP BLOCKS her down, and the fans boo as Fallon says, “I always win!” Maybe, maybe not, but NXT goes picture in picture.

Fallon soaks up the heat while the ref checks on Shotzi. Shotzi clutches her leg, which already has a brace on it, and she manages to stand. Shotzi walks it off, rolls into the ring, but Fallon kicks her to a corner. Fallon puts the bad leg int he ropes, then pulls! The ref counts, Fallon lets go, and Shotzi hobbles away. Fallon has Shotzi in another corner, and she CHOPS her! Fallon whips corner to corner, runs up, and BOOTS Shotzi down! Fallon stands on Shotzi, the ref counts, and Fallon steps off. Fallon drags Shotzi back, stomps away on the leg, then paces. Fallon kicks the leg, covers, TWO! Shotzi toughs it out and goes to ropes, but Fallon storms up.

Shotzi KICKS Fallon away, and Fallon is furious! Fallon storms back up, grabs the bad leg, and she drags Shotzi into a toehold. Shotzi endures, CLUBS Fallon, and uses her free leg to hook her into a headscissors! Fallon fights around, slips free, and she steps over for a HALF CRAB! Shotzi endures, reaches out, but Fallon thrashes the leg! Shotzi powers up, shifts and throws Fallon away! Shotzi runs up, but Fallon LARIATS her first! Fallon runs, but then DOUBLE LARIATS take them both down! They crawl, find each other, and go forehead to forehead. Then they go forearm for forearm! They go back and forth harder and harder!

Shotzi dodges a lariat to wrench and NECKBREAKER! Fallon sputters, Shotzi shakes out the bad leg, and Shotzi goes to a corner. Fallon stands, NXT returns to single picture, and Fallon runs in at the corner. Shotzi ELBOWS Fallon, but Fallon fires a flurry of forearms! Fallon whips corner to corner, Shotzi goes up and over! Shotzi arm-drags Fallon, then LARIATS! Then KNEE LIFTS! Then ROLLING ELBOWS! Fallon wobbles into the QUESTION MARK KICK! Shotzi hits a SLING-DOG! The fans fire up and Shotzi brings Fallon up. Snap suplex into buckles! The fans fire up and Shotzi grits her teeth.

Shotzi runs corner to corner, CANNONBALL! Fallon sputters but flops out of the ring. Shotzi goes to the apron, brings Fallon up, but Fallon RAMS her into the post! Shotzi falls to the floor, Fallon swings around the corner for the FLYING KICK! Fallon shouts, “YEEHAW, BABY!” SHIN BREAKER on the desk! Fallon SMACKS Shotzi off the desk, then she puts Shotzi in the ring. Fallon storms up, YEEHAW FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Shotzi survives and Fallon grows frustrated. Fallon grabs Shotzi’s leg, and she clamps on a STRETCH MUFFLER! Shotzi endures as Fallon lifts her up, but Shotzi victory rolls! TWO!!

Fallon BOOTS the bad leg! Fallon runs, but no Famouser! Shotzi shoves Fallon, ROLLING ELBOW! QUESTION MARK KICK! Shotzi cravats goes up the corner, SLICED BREAD!! Cover, TWO!! Fallon survives and Shotzi is beside herself! “This is Awesome!” as Shotzi hurries up the corner! Shotzi’s bad leg slows her down, though, and Fallon ROCKS her! The fans boo but Fallon climbs. Fallon brings Shotzi up but Shotzi fights the suplex! Shotzi fires body shots, then a GOURD BUSTER! BALLPIT SENTON!! Cover, TWO?!? Fallon survives and Shotzi has no idea how! Shotzi brings Fallon up but Fallon KICKS the bad leg!

Fallon reels Shotzi in, pump handle and- CRADLE! TWO!! Fallon  stands, into a KNEE LIFT! Cravat and KNEE SMASH! Then SLICED- NO, Fallon puts Shotzi up top, YANKS her into the Tree of Woe, and that bad leg suffers more! WOE STOMP!! Fallon isn’t done, she PUMP HANDLE SUPLEXES Shotzi! Then the FAMOUSER!! Cover, Fallon wins!

Winner: Fallon Henley, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s North American Champion)

Shotzi put up a fight, but she ended up the one legged woman in an ass kicking contest. Fallon wins with a good ol’ fashioned “Hoe Down,” but wait! Here comes Stephanie Vaquer! Fallon scowls as she sees Vaquer walk up. Their match is set, will Fallon find out just why Stephanie Vaquer IS La Primera?


Karmen Petrovic talks with Kelani Jordan backstage.

Karmen says it’s so nice to see her again. And she thanks Kelani for last week, she is such a good friend. What about last week? Um, the save with Jaida. Remember? Oh, right, yeah… Kelani sees what’s happening. Karmen really thinks that was about Karmen? She didn’t. Kelani went out there for herself. Shocker, right? Kelani is after Jaida, and that’s that. But Kelani does see what everyone else is talking about. Karmen’s “delusions” have nothing to do with Ashante. Whoa, Karmen didn’t even mean it like that. Kelani tells Karmen that whether she listens to Jaida or not, whether she listens to Kelani or not, it doesn’t really matter.

Because in the end, it is only a matter of time before Ashante leaves Karmen! Kelani heads off, and Karmen says, “What a b*tch!” The bad attitude bug has bit another one, but will no one do it like Lani?


Backstage interview with Ava Raine.

Sarah catches up with the NXT GM and says next week’s main event of A-Town Down Under VS Trick & Oba is big. Ava says yes, and she doesn’t know what has gotten into Trick, but he better get over it soon, because she is sick of dealing with it. What can we expect for Vengeance Day, then? Ava says that as it stands, it is still the Triple Threat of Oba VS Waller VS Theory, but on a more positive note, NXT has the best Women’s Division ever. Ava is going to find Giulia the best competitor possible, so- Roxie storms in and asks, “Best competitor?! You’re about to make it Bayley VS Giulia, aren’t you!? I haven’t even gotten my rematch yet!”

Ava says let her finish, because- NO, Roxie didn’t even lose that match, Cora took the pin! Cora is right there, and she says okay fine, sell her out… Ava says she was going to say it will be another Triple Threat: Giulia VS Bayley VS Roxie. That cheers Roxie up, and she says that’s good. Cora says no, NOT good. Cora storms off, Roxie apologizes for what she said, but it’s not like those two weren’t torn apart by the top title before. Will Roxie find a way to smooth things over with her on-again-off-again bestie?


Ethan Page VS Cedric Alexander!

All Ego’s all psycho run has dealt some serious damage, but “Uncle Ceddy” is PRIMED for some payback! Will Cedric avenge Je’Von Evans & Dante Chen, as well as his own suffering? Or is Ethan going to do something far worse than smashing Cedric’s hand?

NXT returns and Cedric makes his entrance. Cedric clutches the taped-up hand, then storms up to the apron. Ethan gets in Cedric’s face, so Cedric DECKS him! The fans fire up, the bell rings, and Cedric fires more hands! He trips Ethan, rains down more fists, but Ethan kicks him away. So Cedric KICKS and KICKS and KICKS Ethan! Cedric CHOPS Ethan, CHOPS him again, then stomps away in the corner! The fans cheer but the ref counts. Cedric throws knee after knee, but he stops at 4. Cedric then brings Ethan up, ROCKS him, but Ethan fires back! They go forearm for forearm, then Cedric UPPERCUTS!

Ethan flounders to a corner, Cedric digs his boots in, but the ref counts. Cedric steps off at 4, KICKS Ethan in the back, but Ethan SLAPS Cedric! Cedric ROCKS Ethan, digs his knee into Ethan’s face, then steps back at 4. Cedric dares Ethan to do something now. Cedric CHOPS, then he digs his boot in! Cedric counts along, stops at 4, and he paces around. The fans rally for Cedric as he brings Ethan up. But Ethan fires body shots! Cedric shoves Ethan and DROPKICKS him down! The fans fire up while Cedric seethes, and he gives Ethan mocking kicks. Ethan goes to ropes, Cedric CHOPS him, then he CHOKES Ethan on the ropes!

The ref counts, Cedric stops, and he asks Ethan what up now! Cedric kicks Ethan, Ethan swings a body shot, but Cedric BOOTS him down! Cedric rains down fists, then lets off to stand him up. Ethan blocks a whip, CLUBS the bad hand, and then he CLUBS Cedric on the back! Cedric falls against ropes but Ethan is right on him! Ethan drags Cedric up to suplex, but Cedric slips free! Cedric waistlocks, but Ethan is after the bad hand! Cedric CLUBS away with the good hand, and UPPERCUTS Ethan! Ethan flops against ropes, then Cedric CHOKES him! The ref counts, Cedric steps off, and Ethan flops out of the ring.

Cedric storms out, and he CHOPS Ethan against railing! Cedric puts Ethan back in, but Ethan bails out the side. Cedric runs up, but into an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Ethan then grabs the bad hand, and he pushes it against the steel steps! Ethan undoes the cast, but Cedric CLUBS Ethan away! Cedric fires hands, the ref stats a ring count, but Ethan POSTS Cedric! Cedric BOOTS back! Ethan wrenches the bad hand to SLAM it against the POST! Cedric scrambles away from the pain, and Ethan shows he has the cast! Ethan stalks Cedric, but NXT goes picture in picture.

Ethan SLAMS Cedric’s bad hand off the steel steps! Cedric drops to his knees, clutching the bad hand, but Ethan puts him back in the ring. Ethan storms up, but Cedric BOOTS him off the apron! Cedric clutches the bad hand, Ethan storms back in, but Cedric dodges! Cedric TOSSES Ethan to the apron, goes out after him, APRON SIDE EFFECT! Both men land hard and flop to the floor! Cedric rises up, refreshes the ring count, and then puts Ethan in the ring. Cedric brings Ethan up, CHOPS him, and whips him, only for Ethan to reverse! Ethan hammerlocks the bad arm and HOTSHOTS it off the ropes! Ethan then runs up to CLOBBER Cedric!

The ref checks Cedric as he writhes, but Cedric doesn’t want to give up. Ethan rains down fists on Cedric, then lets off just to talk trash. Cedric CHOPS from below, so Ethan ROCKS him! Ethan brings Cedric up, Cedric throws body shots, but Ethan CLUBS him back down. Ethan whips Cedric to ropes, and BOOTS him down! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Ethan is frustrated, but he clamps on a chinlock. Ethan grinds Cedric down to the mat, then brings him around to squeeze tighter. Ethan leans his weight on Cedric, thrashes him, and even talks trash. Cedric still fights up and fires body shots! NXT returns to single picture, and Ethan goes for the bad hand!

Ethan wrenches and SMACKS the bad hand off the ropes! Cedric falls back, the fans boo, but Ethan hauls him up. Ethan again SMACKS the bad hand off the ropes! Ethan brings Cedric up, bends fingers, and SMACKS the bad hand off the ropes! Ethan runs up, but Cedric ducks the boot to GERMAN SUPLEX! Cedric is still in this and the fans fire up! Cedric and Ethan both slowly rise up, and they go to opposite corners. The fans fire up, Ethan runs in, but Cedric dodges to LARIAT and ENZIGIRI! Cedric snapmares and basement DROPKICKS! The fans fire up again and Cedric waistlocks. Ethan breaks the grip, ROCKS Cedric, then runs, into a SNAP MICHINOKU! Cover, TWO!!

Cedric snarls as Ethan survives and the fans rally up. Cedric STOMPS Ethan’s hand, then suplexes for a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ethan survives but Cedric rolls him into a KOJI KLUTCH!! Ethan endures, flails, reaches out, and he BENDS the bad fingers!! Cedric takes that bad hand, brings Cedric up, but Cedric ROCKS Ethan! Ethan ROCKS Cedric! They fire back and forth, Cedric gets the edge! But Ethan shoves Cedric, runs up, but Ethan BOOTS! ENZIGIRIS! SUPERKICKS! Cedric handsprings but Ethan KICKS the bad hand out!! Ethan hauls Cedric up, TWIST OF FATE!! Cover, Ethan wins!

Winner: Ethan Page, by pinfall

The bad hand was a target from the start, and Ethan used it as Cedric’s Achilles Heel. Wait, Ethan rips away a turnbuckle pad?! Ethan drags Cedric over, but JE’VON EVANS is here! The Young OG FLIES from ramp to ring and CLOBBERS Ethan! The fans fire up as Je’Von fires haymakers from all sides! He DECKS Ethan, DECKS him again, and then fires even more shots! Je’Von LARIATS Ethan up and out of the ring! Je’Von makes sure Cedric is alright, then he makes sure Ethan gets back. Will nothing stop Je’Von from getting his revenge on All Ego once and for all?


The Fatal Influence regroup backstage.

Fallon can’t believe she doesn’t even get one second to celebrate her win. But congratulations, Stephanie, you’re next in line. And Fallon will tell you something- Yeah, Jacy will tell you something! You don’t disrespect and take the North American Champion’s moment like that. And don’t think for one second that Jacy forgot Stephanie attacking her backstage. Come Vengeance Day, Fallon will show La Primera that you don’t cross Fatal Influence. And if Ava approves this, next week, Jacy will make Stephanie pay for what she did to her! Jazmyn says Jacy’s got this! Jacy says see you next week, Stephanie. But will the Toxic Rockstar just be an appetizer for the Dark Angel?


Josh Briggs talks with Yoshiki Inamura.

Briggs says that when he went to Japan for Pro-Wrestling Noah’s N1 Victory tournament, Inamura welcomed Briggs into his home. Inamura made Briggs’ experience in Noah one of the best in his entire career. So to show his appreciation, Briggs got Inamura something. Wow, a leather vest? So cool! Now that Inamura is in America, Briggs will welcome him into his home. Inamura says this means a lot to him. Briggs says they gotta look like a team, right? Inamura loves the vest. And since Inamura came to NXT to become a champion, Briggs says one way or another, they are going to get Fraxiom.

Inamura says before Briggs came to Japan, Briggs wanted to be on his own. But then he took Inamura in. Inamura promises to make Briggs a champion again. And no team can touch them! Briggs and Inamura shake hands, but when and where will they get their shot at the NXT Tag Team Champions?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Bianca Belair & Naomi VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson!

The StrongEST Glow are coming off a loss from last night’s Raw, but that’s only because Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez & Dominik Mysterio did them dirty. Will Bianca & Naomi be able to rebound like true champions? Or are The Bougie Bully & Miss Jackson going to bring these tag titles back to NXT?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who takes Center Stage!

The teams sort out and Jakara starts against Naomi. They tie up, Naomi hits a headlock takeover but Jakara headscissors. Naomi kips free, Jakara headlocks, and Jakara hits a takeover. Naomi headscissors but Jakara kips free. The fans cheer, the two go again, and Naomi wrenches Jakara to a wristlock. Jakara reaches for ropes but Naomi keeps her back. Jakara goes the other way, uses ropes to flip through and then she breaks free. Jakara wrenches Naomi to a wristlock, but Naomi rolls. Naomi spins, trips Jakara up, then BOOTS her! Cover, ONE, and Jakara goes for an arm.

Naomi moves around, but Jakara steps over to give her that twerk attack! Jakara then rolls Naomi to a cradle, TWO! Naomi trips Jakara, jackknife bridges, TWO! The two reset, storm up, and Jakara wrenches, only for Naomi to DROPKICK! Naomi drags Jakara up, wrenches the arm, and tags Bianca. The fans cheer as the champs double wrench and DOUBLE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Then they shake hands and DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Bianca scoops Jakara, Jakara slips free, and she tags out to Lash! Atlanta fires up for their Legend as she steps to Bianca. They tie up, Bianca waistlocks, but Lash fights the lift.

Lash THROWS Bianca away, then taunts her with some hair styling. Lash then dodges Bianca, back suplexes, but Bianca lands out to hit a BIG back suplex! The fans fire up for the STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bianca brings Lash up, whips, but Lash blocks! Lash whips Bianca, but Bianca goes up to say kiss this! Lash runs in, Bianca backflips over, and then Bianca tilt-o-whirls, only for Lash to block! Lash swings Bianca around to then fire some knees into Bianca, before she hits a swinging BACKBREAKER! Lash sets Bianca in a drop zone, then runs corner to corner, HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!!

Lash keeps on Bianca with a facelock, suplexes, but Bianca fights it! Bianca suplexes, but Lash fights it! Lash dodges, hurdles, and then DOUBLE DROPKICKS cancel out! They both kip up and the fans fire up! Bianca and Lash each give some trash talk while NXT goes picture in picture.

Lash and Bianca circle, feel things out, and then Bianca sidesteps Lash! Naomi tags in, Bianca waistlocks, and Bianca ripcords Lash for Naomi to join in, DOUBLE SUPLEX! Naomi adds a LEG DROP, then she covers, TWO! Naomi drags Lash up, KICKS her back down, then stays between her and Jakara. Lash rises, Naomi KICKS her in the leg! And KICKS the other leg! Naomi KICKS Lash again, then whips, but Lash blocks! Lash whips Naomi, Naomi slides under the lariat! Naomi MULE KICKS, then ROUNDHOUSES! Lash staggers, Naomi runs, but Lash catches the crossbody! Lash pops Naomi around, and LAWN DARTS her into the corner!

Naomi falls back, Lash swings on Bianca, but the ref stops them from brawling. Jakara gets a cheap shot on Naomi, then rains down more shots! Lash tags Jakara, Jakara drags Naomi to center, and she drops KNEES! And more KNEES! Cover, TWO! Jakara is annoyed but she keeps Naomi from Bianca. Jakara whips Naomi to the corner, tags Lash, and Lash whips Jakara in to back body block! Lash taunts Bianca, runs in at Naomi, and LARIATS Naomi down! Lash then drags Naomi to center for a SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Bianca cheers Naomi on but Lash puts Naomi in the ropes. Lash DRIBBLES Naomi while NXT returns to single picture.

The fans rally as Lash clamps onto Naomi with a chinlock. Naomi endures, fights up, and fires body shots. Lash short arm LARIATS Naomi down! Lash drags Naomi into a corner, bumps her off buckles, then runs corner to corner for a SPLASH! Lash goes again, blocks Naomi’s boots, but Naomi comes back with the ENZIGIRI! Picture in picture now shows us Cora is storming around, demanding to talk with Ava. Naomi goes up, BLOCKBUSTERS Lash down, and Ava finds Cora to say step into her office then. Cora and Ava look to handle business off camera, three guesses what that’s going to be about.

As for in the ring, Naomi and Lash are both down but the fans rally up. Lash and Naomi crawl, hot tags to Jakara and Bianca! Bianca CLOBBERS Jakara, CLOBBERS her again, then DROPKICKS! Bianca DECLS Lash, wrenches Jakara, and suplexes! Bianca marches around then SLAMS Jakara down! Bianca kips up, the fans fire up, and Bianca RAMS Jakara in the corner! Bianca climbs up, rains down fists, and the fans count along! Bianca goes to TEN, then sees Lash coming! Bianca jumps up and over, Lash almost runs into Bianca! Bianca tilt-o-whirl RANAS Lash away! But Jakara BOOTS Bianca! Jakara goes up but Bianca ROCKS her!

Bianca military presses Jakara, SLAMS her down, and the fans fire up for the HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Jakara stays in this but Bianca stays cool. Bianca drags Jakara up and over, tags in Naomi, and they ENZIGIRI HART ATTACK! Cover, Lash breaks it! The fans rally, Bianca wrenches Lash and torture racks her! Lash grabs ropes, fights free, and then she DUMPS Bianca to the apron! Lash ROCKS Bianca, then calls to Jakara! Jakara DIVES out onto Bianca! The fans fire up, but then Naomi ROUNDHOUSES Lash down! Jakara HOTSHOTS Naomi, runs up and SLINGBLADES! Jakara tags Lash and they go after Naomi!

Wheelbarrow and lift, META CUTTER!! Cover, BIANCA BREAKS IT! That was the closEST save but “This is Awesome!” Bianca SPEARS Jakara! Lash scoops Bianca for a WIDOWMAKER! Lash calls to Jakara, then she hauls Naomi up. Lash lifts Naomi but Naomi hits an X-FACTOR!! All four women are down and the fans fire up again! Naomi facelocks Lash, but Lash powers out! lash ELBOWS Bianca, Naomi ENZIGIRIS Lash! Naomi runs, into a PUMP THE BRAKES KICK! Lash tags Jakara, Lash wheelbarrows Naomi again, but Naomi BOOTS Jakara! Naomi switches with Lash, shoves her and Bianca DUMPS her out!

Bianca RAMS Lash into steel steps! Jakara O’Conner Rolls Naomi, TWO!!! Naomi has it now, TWO!! Tag to Bianca, and Naomi mule kicks Jakara! Bianca and Naomi get Jakara up in a double torture rack! DOUBLE KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, StrongEST Glow wins!!

Winners: Bianca Belair & Naomi, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

That was the closEST yet Bianca & Naomi came to losing the belts, but they found a way to win! And- Wait, did we just go off the air abruptly? No, wait, the text “WWE TRANSMISSION” is edited before our eyes into “VENGEANCE DAY.” But what could this mean for NXT?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT on location in Atlanta, and it was great for NXT to return to Center Stage Arena. But at the same time, this was more about setting up Vengeance Day for big things. We got a pretty good Grayson Waller Effect segment, and while Theory was cheered in Atlanta, Theory did his best to still be the Heel. Theory “turning” on Waller was a good gag because duh, we’ve been waiting for a long time to see where that is going. I have a feeling the Triple Threat is going to push that team breakup happen this time. Also, Oba certainly isn’t losing if he can use ATDU against itself. Trick upset over not getting his rematch is good stuff, and his brawl before his match with Wes was good stuff. It really put the pressure on, and then great stuff with Trick losing his cool during the match.

Trick & Oba VS ATDU is interesting, I almost feel like Trick is going to win his way into the Vengeance Day match. Great tag match of Giulia & Bayley VS Roxie & Cora, great win for the Faces, and I like that Roxie threw Cora under the bus afterward. A Triple Threat for the women’s title will be great, but I wonder if Cora tries to make that a Fatal 4 Way. Ridge getting on Izzi’s case and then Stacks defending Izzi, their match will be great, and it might bring Ridge back around to facing Tony D’Angelo in time for Vengeance Day. I still think Izzi is a double agent for Shawn Spears and will screw things up for Tony.

Good promo from Briggs & Inamura, and certainly, they’ll face Fraxiom for the tag titles. I would like if they’d get more matches, but we all know Briggs is good and clearly Inamura is really good or he wouldn’t be the guy joining Briggs on this. Very good match of Ethan VS Cedric, but I figured Ethan would win so that he would try to do more damage and that’d bring Je’Von out. Seriously, “Unsanctioned” match of Ethan VS Je’Von should happen at Vengeance Day because that’d be some great stuff for Je’Von. Je’Von can win, “unsanctioned” means it “doesn’t count,” so Ethan can use that to stay ahead of Je’Von in terms of title opportunities.

Very good promo from Eddy Thorpe, and he has that leather strap back. He probably wants one last shot at the top title, but I feel like he should really go for the North American Championship first. Very good promo from Kelani and Karmen with Kelani bring out more of her mean girl side, though that fits in with what I said last week and the CW teen drama stuff. Great match from Fallon VS Shotzi, including the brawling from their teammates, but I figured Fallon would win. Fatal Influence had a good promo together, as Fallon and Jacy continue to passive aggressively fight to be the alpha. Fallon VS Vaquer will be awesome, but Vaquer should be winning the title.

And great main event with the Women’s Tag Team Championships. Lash & Jakara probably looked the best they have since becoming a team, but as last night’s Raw foreshadowed, Bianca & Naomi win. They’re definitely saving the moment of Jade Cargill outing Naomi for when it’s Bianca & Naomi VS Liv & Raquel, wherever that happens, but it’s still a flaw of pro-wrestling storytelling in the modern day and age that we’ve had to wait this long. Jade has been posting online, we know she’s more or less recovered from that brutal attack, she would have revealed the truth long before now if this were just real-life. Even so, whatever we get out of the reveal, the matches will be great.

My Score: 8.9/10

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