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Stardom Dream Slam 2019 Results & Review (3/28/2019)

Mathew brings us more Stardom coverage! This will catch you up nicely if you planned on going to their American Dream show April 5th in Queens, NY!



Mathew brings us more Stardom coverage! This will catch you up nicely if you planned on going to their American Dream show April 5th in Queens, NY!

Welcome back to Stardom! This is their last big show before they head on over to the United States for WrestleMania Weekend, Dream Slam.

The show is stacked with five championship matches, a retirement ceremony, and some great matches on top of it. This will also be my last Stardom show to cover as of right now until All Japan’s Champion Carnival is all done with at the end of April.

We got a lot to cover and no time to waste as we…dive right in.

Rating System:

  • 0 Stars: Dave Meltzer
  • 1 Star: Vince Russo
  • 2 Stars: Tony Schiavone
  • 3 Stars: Eric Bischoff
  • 4 Stars: Bruce Prichard
  • 5 Stars: Jim Cornette


Battle Royal
Hina vs. Rina vs. Leo Onozaki vs. Jungle Kyona vs. Hanan vs. Saya Iida vs. Natsu Sumire

Review: Our first match is a battle royal with some of the rookies like Hanan, Hina, Rina, Leo Onozaki, and Saya Iida while we have some vets like Jungle Kyona and Natsu Sumire in the match. Originally Hana Kimura was supposed to be in this match but due to her having a health issue, she was pulled from the match. The rookies have a lot to prove in this match if they wanna move forward with their progression. Which one of these seven will win?

All of them are circling around the ring until six of them would face Natsu as the rookies would charge as her while she gave them all a hip toss, except for Jungle who would power out of it. This one was a little bit all over the place but they did have some cool combinations with all of them doing a Figure-Four Choke Hold with Sumire at the end as Nao Yamaguchi would go to the bottom of it to flip them all over like a Boston Crab which almost worked, but Nao tripped once she turned them over. After this though is when eliminations would start to happen as Leo was first eliminated when Hana flipped her over into a pin with help from her sisters, but Hina and Rina get her with a Gedo Clutch and a bridge to eliminate her as well. Hina and Rina would start to fight Jungle and had her down for a pin but she kicked out and applies the Boston Crab on both of them to make them tap out as we’re now down to three. Sumire would have some help from Nao again as Jungle got flipped over and Nao held her still while Sumire Dropkicked her to eliminate Kyona. Saya is the last one left and tries to knock Sumire down with Dropkicks but she wouldn’t budge. Sumire would hold Saya in place as Nao attempts to go for the Ax Bomber but Saya ducked and hits Sumire by accident, leading to Saya rolling Sumire up for the pin as she gets the surprise victory! What a win for Iida.

Rating: Tony Schiavone and a quarter


Eight Man Tag Team Match
Queen’s Quest (AZM, Bea Priestley, Konami, & Viper) vs. STARS (Arisa Hoshiki, Saki Kashima, Starlight Kid, & Tam Nakano)

Review: Our next match is an eight-man tag match with Queen’s Quest members, AZM, Bea Priestley, Konami, and Viper taking on STARS members, Arisa Hoshiki, Saki Kashima, Starlight Kid, and Tam Nakano. Viper has recently signed to the WWE as apart of the NXT UK Division, so it makes sense why she lost her titles recently and this could be apart of her farewell tour before she leaves for good. Gonna miss her in Stardom, but people move on and get experience elsewhere. Will she be able to get her team win or will STARS get the victory?

Viper and Starlight start it off as Starlight would try to tag in her teammates but no avail as they wanted nothing to do with Viper. She did hold her off fairly well when she could though, so I will give her that. I thought the match was rather sloppy at the beginning with some of them having no sense of direction and Saki botching a little bit with the Hurricanrana onto Bea where she almost fell before it landed. After that though, it was much more crisp with everything being coherent. Arisa and Tam seem to be having a little bit of an issue with each other as Tam kicked Arisa and slammed her on top of Bea and stood on them to dance, Arisa didn’t like that so she decided to do the same to Tam and didn’t fall over this time, even did a Springboard Knee Drop onto Bea for good measure, good girl. AZM and Starlight are in the ring and they once again make magic with them going back and forth in the ring and she would give AZM a 619, which Tam topped with a German Suplex hold as Starlight flipped over them to hold the pinfall as Viper broke the count. STARS would try to hit the Dropkick onto their opponents but they got up and Dropkicked them back and had them into the turnbuckles so Viper could hit them with a Cannonball. AZM hits Starlight with a Suplex, Konami hits a PK, and AZM is on the top rope to hit a Double Stomp as AZM kicked out. AZM would apply a Fujiwara Armbar as Starlight rolled her for the pin and AZM kicked out, but AZM looked like she was gonna do the La Magistral but pinned her before she rolled and gets the victory in a solid match.

Rating: Eric Bischoff


– Shiki Shibusawa was in the ring now as she has announced that she was leaving professional wrestling. She was out of action after their Goddesses of Stardom Tag League with a minor injury but during that time, she would be met with some criticism from the fans as they would bully her about her ability in the ring while some did defend her. It looked like it was too much since she started to doubt herself and lead to where we are now and her retirement. Unfortunately, some wrestlers get attacked by fans online and some can take it and even bark back at them, but there are some that can’t handle it. Wrestling is a hard business to get into as not everyone is going to like you and some will but it’s also not for everyone either. Everyone on the roster would come in to give her flowers, hug her, take a picture with her, and just wish her luck in her next journey. She would thank everyone for a great three years and knows that she’ll always be family in Stardom. All I can say to you Shiki is good luck to whatever it is you do next.


SWA Undisputed World Women’s Title Match
Utami Hayashishita (c) vs. Rebel Kel

Review: Now that the exhibition matches are out of the way, it’s time for our title matches for the remainder of the show as Utami Hayashishita is up first to defend her SWA Undisputed World Women’s Championship against Rebel Kel. This match is fairly new as Rebel made the challenge on March 21st to fight Utami for one of the four belts she has under her waist. Will Utami will have all her belts or will Rebel win her first title?

Rebel…I have nothing to say that is anything positive…maybe that she’s tall, but that’s really it. Nothing that she has done in this match was anything exciting or good. Her hits were super light and very noticeable that you think it was Great Khali hitting you or something, also anything she would execute overall was just half-assed. Utami is literally the only saving grace in this match as she tried so hard to make it work or even tolerable but no matter how good Utami is in the ring, she wasn’t even able to save the match and that’s a bad sign when one of your top stars can’t make someone else look good. I really don’t know why Rebel got this match but she didn’t deserve it. Rebel would give her an average Chokeslam as Utami would kick out of it and when she picked her up, Utami would get her for the Torture Rack Bomb and she pinned her to retain the title. Just skip this one, save the eight minutes for a better match. I would rather watch Kelly Klein and Mayu Iwatani fight again.

Rating: Vince Russo and a half


High Speed Title Match
Hazuki (c) vs. Xia Brookside

Review: Our next title match is Hazuki defending the High Speed Championship against Xia Brookside. This will be Hazuki’s fourth title defense during this reign and while she has a heated rivalry with Arisa Hoshiki, she’s gonna put that to the side so she can focus on her match. Xia is also someone that has signed a WWE deal and will also be apart of the NXT UK Division as well with Viper, so this will actually be her final match with Stardom. Will it be better than the last title match? Will Hazuki retain or will Xia take the belt with her?

Xia really has come a long way since I’ve first started following her about a year ago and the progress she has made since then shows. She was able to surprisingly match up with Hazuki pretty well here and Hazuki is someone who can work with almost anybody too. I loved the little exchange where Hazuki would try a Lung Blower as Xia caught her and tried to do it back to her but Hazuki caught her and had Xia by the ropes as Xia would turn it into a DDT. The match may be about four minutes, but it was enough to keep the fans very satisfied with their performances here. Xia would have her up on her shoulders but Hazuki would get off her to only eat a Neckbreaker right away. The two would go back and forth with the Sunset Flip and counter to break the hold to try and pin each other as it would only be less than one count for the majority of it. Hazuki would have her in the Hazukistral and got the win to retain her title. Good luck to you, Xia as I wish you the best in your next chapter.

Rating: Eric Bischoff


ROH Women of Honor World Title Match
Mayu Iwatani (c) vs. Natsuko Tora

Review: Up next is another title match with a division that I despise and the company that is called a major turn-off these days. We have Mayu Iwatani defending the ROH Women of Honor World Championship against Natsuko Tora. While ROH did a terrible job with their WOH Division and how they booked the title, Stardom has done a better job with it when they made Mayu the champion. The winner of this match would be going to Madison Square Garden to defend the title at the G1 Supercard, so one of these women will walk into the legendary arena as the champion, but the question is who?

It appears as if Mayu’s knee is a bit bandaged up and Natsuko notices that as she would use that as her opening target for the match. It’s probably just me and I’m sure it’s nothing, but it did seem like Mayu’s selling was a little bit off at the beginning of the match and it’s weird because she’s a fantastic seller. There were times where she would either no sell her leg getting hurt by Natsuko or do it very little but she does start doing it more as the match goes on but again, still a bit weird. Me personally, I was hoping for Jungle Kyona to be the one involved in this match since she’s better than Natsuko but at the same time, I wouldn’t wanna give her another big loss since she was defeated by both Kagetsu and Momo already and this would’ve been a little too much to take three big losses in a row. Natsuko did still do the job she had to do with giving Mayu someone easy to work with before the Garden.

Mayu did pull off some neat maneuvers in the match like her Missle Dropkick being a thing of beauty alone and then a nice Crossbody to the outside as she gets some air. Mayu went for a Diving Moonsault as Natsuko would roll out of the way to hit a Shining Wizard as Mayu sold it like a champ. Natsuko would hit a very poor Dragon Suplex to mock Mayu a little bit and does a Frog Splash off the top rope and tops it off by climbing again for a Double Stomp and Mayu kicked out of it at two. Natsuko would pick her up again and hits the Swinging Side Slam and Mayu was still able to kick out of it, but Natsuko gets to the top rope and Leg Drops her injured knee for good measure. Mayu would eventually hit the Diving Moonsault which looks beautiful and hits her Dragon Suplex Hold to retain her title. Mayu will be defending the title at Madison Square Garden against…Kelly Klein..damn, ROH really doesn’t have anyone else to use? Either way, I’m happy to see Mayu getting a chance to shine on the big stage despite wishing she fought someone better as she’s earned this.

Rating: Eric Bischoff and a half


World of Stardom Title Match
Kagetsu (c) vs. Goya Kong

Review: Our next match is the World of Stardom Championship, who is not main eventing again as Kagetsu defends the belt against Goya Kong. oya made her Stardom debut on the March 9th show and after the main event, she would make her challenge to Kagetsu for the title but Kagetsu would first decline the challenge. However, she would have a change of heart when she figured Stardom’s President, Rossy Owaga thought it was a good idea to bring her to Stardom for a big match, so she would give in and accept the challenge. Kagetsu has had a rather odd title run thus far and a win here would make her the champion leading to their show in NYC. Will Kagetsu retain the belt or will it be Goya that takes it?

Okay Stardom, I understand that Momo Watanabe is your new ace of the company and I fully support that decision, but could you maybe throw Kagetsu a bone and start giving her more credible opponents? I mean, I know you occasionally give her some big matches but she does deserve to fight bigger and better names at this point as well instead of just random scraps. Anyway, I will say that I was not fully invested in Goya Kong but still not Rebel Kel bad, so that’s a plus. One thing that irked me a little bit was that this didn’t feel like a World of Stardom Championship match and just another random exhibition, so it made it hard to care about it fully. Kagetsu did try her best and would do what she could to pull some stops such as the red mist at the beginning and trying to take out her leg to make her tap out, which is smart since that’s what you wanna do to someone that is bigger than you.

Kagetsu would hit the first Oedo Coaster but Goya would kick out of it, leaving our Prime Minister shocked and would try to pick her up for the Michinoku Driver but was unable to lift her up and Goya would have her in a Wheel Barrel position to German Suplex her and that actually looked good, not gonna lie. Goya goes to the top ropes and Kagetsu would push the referee into the corner so she could spit green mist into her eyes to blind her as she was finally able to pick her up for a Samoan Drop. Instead of pinning her, she would go up to hit the Oedo Coaster but wait, she goes up top to hit it a second time and then a third! Three Oedo Coasters in a row and she pins her to retain the title. Mediocre match but a nice ending to give it some points.

After the match, Kagetsu would talk to the crowd and would ask them why she won today but she answered that it’s because they were in Japan, which is her home along with Stardom. She did give Goy some credit and said she would like to do it again in Mexico as the two shook hands before Goya left the ring. She would then call Nao Yamaguchi to the ring and would give her some praise for dealing with Oedo for almost a year now as the other members came into the ring with her now as they gave her flowers while thanking her for everything. So why are they doing this you ask? Well, while Shiki has announced her retirement, it’s also the end of Nao’s career in wrestling as this was her last day in the company as well. She still hasn’t fully recovered from her concussion from what I’ve heard and it looks like she wants to move on, which I can respect since concussions are no joke and her body wasn’t able to keep up with the wrestling. Whatever you do, Nao, I wish you the best of luck and going to miss you.

Rating: Tony Schiavone and a half


Wonder of Stardom Title Match
Momo Watanabe (c) vs. Andras Miyagi

Review: It’s now time for our main event as Momo Watanabe will defend her title against Oedo Tai’s, Andras Miyagi. On March 9th, their respective units were in a tag team match where Andras would actually pin the champion and she would officially make a challenge for both the Goddesses of Stardom and Wonder of Stardom Championships. Andras would fail to capture the Goddesses of Stardom Championship with Natsu Sumire when they fought both Momo and Utami Hayashishita on the March 21st show, but Andras has a chance to defeat Momo to take her white belt this time around. This is known to be Momo’s toughest challenge as she fights the former star of Sendai Girls. Will Momo overcome the odds or will someone finally put her reign to an end?

How does Andras get the top part of her hair to stay up and keep it that way until the very end of the match, I’ll never know. Momo giving Andras the disrespect when she spits water into her face but don’t worry, she would eventually do it back to her once they fought on the outside of the ring. Andras is a great choice to fight Momo since she has wrestled from another company as a lot of experience that she can share with Momo to help get her to that next level and she does that quite well for herself. Andras doing great work on working Momo’s neck since it’s taped up and would manipulate it as much as she could, even making her headbang like a rock star is still enough to move the neck around to make it more uncomfortable for her. Momo would catch Andras when she tried to springboard from the ropes as she tried to hit the Package Driver but Andras would wrap her legs around her neck to choke her down and the champion is stunned.

Momo would give Andras a Roundhouse Kick to the face and would get her down for the Package Driver to hit it this time around and then gives her one more kick to the head for good measure as the two are both laying on the mat. The two were going blow for blow once they got up and Momo would win that battle when she gets Andras to the ropes but wait, Andras drags the referee in front of Momo and hits her with a chair when the ref wasn’t looking! Andras has her right where she wants her now as she goes to the top rope to hit a Swanton Bomb and it looks like we have a new champion but Momo kicked out at two! Andras would pick her up for the Piledriver but would drop her down Tombstone style and this could be it but Momo still kicked out of it. Momo would somehow find a way to roll her up for a two count and would quickly hit a Tequila Sunrise to stun her. Momo picked her back up to hit the Peach Sunrise as it connects and gets the pinfall to retain the title!

I thought this would’ve been the right time for Momo to drop the title as Momo already broke the record for most title defenses with the Wonder of Stardom Championship and could go feud with Kagetsu next to get the top title while Andras gets fresh new opponents while being the new champion. However, it looks like they still plan on Momo still being the top of the company with the second tier belt which has a lot more prestige now. After the match, Momo would call her partner, Utami Hayashishita into the ring and now challenges her as her next opponent. Utami would accept it as this match will be the main event of their show when they come to New York on Friday! Very interesting to see them do this now since now is the time for Momo to drop the title, I feel like Utami winning a fifth belt so early will also be a bit too much. We’ll see how this plays out and I’m excited about it either way.

Rating: Bruce Prichard

Overall: I honestly thought the show was pretty weak except for the main event being the only saving grace of the show with two of the title matches being lackluster. Not all shows are going to be winners and I’m excited for when they come to New York on Friday, be sure to watch it on FITE.

Favorite Match: Momo Watanabe vs. Andras Miyagi

Least Favorite Match: Utami Hayashishita vs. Rebel Kel

Score: 6/10

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 3.27.2025

Bad news out of the TNA management side, but this is a taped episode from El Paso! So we won’t see any of the fallout just yet!



Now we all heard the news about the TNA change in hierarchy, and I…have no positive outlook on that. Delirious sucked at booking and creative in the dying days of ROH before it got bought as a B show. Dreamer having even more control is concerning because his ideas the last two years haven’t been much better.

Gail leaving makes more sense to me. Be it firing or a “you can’t quit, you’re fired” kind of situation, the Knockouts division is the worst it’s been in a long time and Gail was close with Scott D’Amore. So I don’t think Gail parting ways is as big of a problem since TNA has slowly been bleeding out with the Scott faithful.

Granted, I think the next few shows were already taped before the firing so things shouldn’t be completely unwatchable for at least a week or two. So let’s see where we’re going.


  • Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley vs Elegance Clique w/Personal Concierge: Ash wins via Rarefied Air – ** 1/4
  • Fir$t Cla$$ & Frankie Kazarian vs Laredo Kid, Octagon Jr & Chavo Guerrero Jr: Chavo wins via Gory Bomb into Frog Splash – *** 1/4
  • Jacy Jayne vs Masha Slamovich: Masha wins via Russian Death Device – ***
  • Eric Young w/two losers vs Ace Austin: Eric wins via Piledriver – ** 1/2
  • Seto & Mokuba – I mean – Nic Nemeth w/Ryan Nemeth vs Leon Slater: Nic wins via Danger Zone – *** 1/4



Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley vs Elegance Clique w/Personal Concierge

Ash and Gigi start off, Gigi with a little Rascalz after her first takedown. So both her and Wentz are making it obvious something’s going on between them, and I’m not mad at it. Good for my man Wentz.

Tatum and Gigi get some quick tandem offense in, Ash does manage to scurry off to a tag and Heather gets bent into a Pretzel. Some kind of Inverted Tarantula from Tatum, Gigi tags in, Bronco Buster on Heather followed by Kawada Kicks. Heather sells against the ropes, Gigi goes for a Hesitation Dropkick, but Concierge pulls her away so Gigi crashes and burns. Ref is distracted, Ash gets in some cheap shots and then the Elegant duo starts working over Gigi. A few quick tags, but once Heather comes in, Gigi fights out of the corner, gets the hot tag to Tatum. Tatum stacks up both Elegance members, Corner Stacked Crossbody, Butterfly Suplex and an Elbow Drop with some some flare. Tatum goes to the top rope, Heather pulls Gigi off the apron, Concierge shoves Tatum off the turnbuckle and Ash hits Rarefied Air for the win.

Post match the Elegance Clique wants to make their wish with the cake, they light the candles and Tatum and Gigi recover enough to do what we all expected last week, the cake in the face spot. Some…suggestive licking from both of our Hot Topic Hotties, so…no complaints here. 

Fir$t Cla$$ & Frankie Kazarian vs Laredo Kid, Octagon Jr & Chavo Guerrero Jr

Chavo and Kaz start since he’s King Petty, a quick rope run turns into a Headscissor from Chavo. Kaz recovers, they lock up, Kaz hits the Knee Lift during the lock up to tag out to KC. KC pulls off some athletic dodges, gloats a bit so Chavo waits, measures and nails a gorgeous Dropkick. Laredo comes in on fire, quick high spots that send KC bouncing around like HBK against Hulk. KC powders after sells the Satellite Takedown, AJ checks on him and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Octagon is lighting up KC’s chest with overhand chops, he perches, Sunset Headscissor Flip from corner to corner, KC tries to Back Drop him but Octagon does a headstand, kicks KC away and lays him out with a high spot. AJ gets on the apron to stop Octagon from running the ropes, the referee has a stroke or something because he stops paying attention and AJ pulls Octagon out of the ring and chucks him. KC with the Tope con Hilo and tag (tag ropes haven’t mattered since the 80s we all know this). So AJ is getting taunted by the crowd in Spanish, but he’s manhandling Octagon since it looks like a Child fighting their parent. AJ knocks off Chavo and Laredo, Laredo pops up and tries to get involved but he’s caught on the shoulders, Octagon goes for the Crossbody but gets caught and AJ pulls off “World’s Strongest Wasteland” but Chavo breaks up the pinfall. AJ throws Octagon into the corner, Tennessee Whiskey, and tag out to KC. KC hits a few moves, but starts to lose the momentum until he connects with a Super Kick. Simultaneous rope run into the Dueling Crossbodies, so we get the timely tag outs from both sides. Kaz and Laredo come in, Laredo lands like two moves before Kaz hits a Sole Butt, Lariat and eats his lunch. KC and Kaz try to double team Laredo but he fights out and the crowd is chanting for Chavo.

Chavo tags in, and he’s rocking KC, Saito Suplex, Low Bridge to AJ, Reverse the Whip so Chavo goes to the corner and perches, KC feeds, Chavo Backflips to safety, rolls through and lays out KC. Chavo is feeling himself, 3 Amigos start on KC but only 2, Kaz comes in and Chavo switches to Kaz for the Amigos, only 2 again before AJ breaks it up. AJ goes for the disrespect, but Chavo counters and hits the 3 Amigos on the biggest Culero. Aztec Warriors dive to stop AJ and Kaz, KC tries a Dirty Victory Roll but Chavo kicks out. GORY BOMB into FROG SPLASH!

Chavo looked fantastic and he’s the one in the best shape in the ring. I wouldn’t be mad at more Chavito. 

Jacy Jayne vs Masha Slamovich

I expect very little from this match.

Collar and Elbow, gator rolling for the first 30 seconds or so, then Jacy goes to some Hair Pull takedowns and does a little taunt before Masha pops back up and hits a Lariat into a Dive. Jacy sells it like she’s really hurt, even the ref tries to hold Masha back a little before Masha gets annoyed and just grabs her, Masha throws her in, looks for a Dive and Jacy sees it and powders. Masha tries to go back to the well for the Dive again but Jacy hits the Uppercut and then an Apron Run PK to drop Masha. Forearms rain down into a Foot Choke as Jacy continues to arrogantly play to the crowd. Another Foot Choke into a Cannonball, and near fall.

Masha gets space with a Sole Butt, tries to snap off Requiem but Jacy fights off, fights through a Sunset Flip another effective PK keeps Masha on her ass. Jacy looks for a kinda half-assed Camel Clutch as Masha is fighting up, but Jacy runs her into the corner, gets distracted mouthing off to the crowd, so Masha recovers, 5 Hole Up Kick sends Jacy into the corner, Yakuza Kick into Capo Kick for two. Requiem attempt again, but Jacy pushes off, a little back and forth, Masha tries a Backslide but Jacy gets away and hits a V-Trigger but only a 2 count. Jacy looks for the Discus Punch but Masha ducks it, they strike back and forth, but some dodges from both leave the exchange more even. Jacy with the Front Kick to the face sends Masha to the outside. Jacy wants another PK, but Masha blocks, Electric Chair Apron Snake Eyes. Masha throws her in, a PK into a near all. Requiem attempt 3, and thwarted from Jacy with a Superkick into a Neckbreaker. Senton misses from Jacy, Buzzsaw Kick, into Spinning Back Kick and Russian Death Device for the win.

Better than I expected, and Tessa attacks as soon as the bell rings. Xia Brookside and Lei Ying Li make the save after Tessa grabs the belt. 

Eric Young w/two losers vs Ace Austin

Ace and Eric tie up, World of Sport start but as soon as Ace starts to get away EY punches him in the face. Eric looks at the camera and says “This is what trust looks like”, turns his back on Ace, when Ace looks to attack, the loser duo cut him off. EY takes advantage of the weird situation, but Ace with some Up and Over quick spots, into an Inside Cradle and La Magistral. EY kicks out of the quick flash attempts, but eats a Dropkick, and Ace goes all Speed Kils on him with fast strikes and then a face buster for another near fall. Strike spot very early in the match, Ace gets the best of it, goes for a Tear Drop Suplex but EY sits on it to block, Headlocks to keep him close and then a snap Lariat into beatdown bully tactics. EY takes the referee’s attention and one of the nerds punch Ace in the face.

Eric tries to lean on Ace, but Ace fires, a few strikes, Click Click Boom, the Miz Seated Lariats in the corner, Mochizuki Triangle Kick connects! Only a 2 count, but Ace seems to be in control. Ace puts EY on the ropes, a few strikes to keep him rocked, wants a Superplex, but EY blocks, bites the face and Macho Elbow gets a very close two count. EY tries the Piledriver but Ace turns it into a Jacknife Cradle,Spinning Heel Kick, calls for The Fold, but the losers hop on the apron to distract, Ace attacks them. Ace tries to time out the Triangle Kick again, but Eric dodges, throws Ace head first through the buckles. As Ace stumbles out of the corner, Piledriver, and it’s over.

Oh look it’s the “we’ll hear from Joe Hendry” segment. Again, I’ve loved this gimmick since Day 1, even didn’t hate his What Culture Pro stuff, but there is such a thing as milking a cow too much. 

Elijah interrupts the whole “Who’s next” speech. When Elijah comes out he says he’s not the challenger and he believes in Joe. The crowd wants Elijah to turn on Hendry. Elijah pauses for a moment, and starts proving his friendship with stating his favorite color and a little “You Got a Friend in Me”. The crowd is into singing along and waving their cameras like Lighters to a 30 year old song. THANKFULLY Kaz breaks up the hug fest. Now he gets the “Culero” chant. 

Kaz pulls out a Bass…what the hell is this Jam Session. Kaz has to warm up so he plays “La Cucaracha” on the bass. Kaz…is a national treasure. Hendry kicks Kaz out of the ring after his Heelish and playfully racially charged song choices. Kaz tries to sow dissension, but Joe and Elijah pinball Kaz between them. Kaz slips a power move and tries to shove Elijah into Joe but Elijah puts the brakes on, a small tense moment. But then Joe and Elijah play “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey, Goodbye”…and that goes right into a commercial. Oddly…perfect.

Nic Nemeth w/Ryan Nemeth vs Leon Slater

Nic shoots the half immediately for a flash pinfall but Leon kicks out at one. Nic continues to keep things grounded with his amateur wrestling skills, and then does a little Dolph Ziggler show off. So Nic isn’t really taking this seriously, and Leon starts getting the best of things with an Arm Wringer, into drag, Shoulder Tackle and rope run as Nic tries to Leap Frog and Leon puts on the brakes and just shoves Nic on his ass. Nic gets annoyed, a few strikes, grinds his face along the ropes, but Leon keeps stringing some offense together, Back Handspring Elbow into his Corner con Hilo.

Ahh the classic formula of the commercial gives the heel the advantage, Twisting Suplex from Leon stops Nic’s offense momentum, right hand, Leon lifts Nic up for something, Nic slips it, kicks him in the gut, looks for the FameAsser, but Leon catches him into a Blue Thunder Bomb variation. Slater wants the Swanton 450, but Nic powders. Leon tries to adjust into a Dive, but Nic cuts him off, counter for counter and a FameAsser out of the counters for a two count. Nic starts the big brother tactics, bootwashes and arrogance, Slater fires, punches into a Yakuza Kick. Leon wants another Lethal Injection variant, but Nic catches him into a Rear Naked Choke. Slater tries to turn it into a pin so Nic breaks it. Leon wants a Leg Lariat but misses and gets unceremoniously dropped by Nic. Nic puts Leon up on the buckles, Superplex possibly but Slater counters, tries to collect himself for a move, but Nic falls into the ropes to crotch Leon, and finally hits the Superplex.

Twist of Slate from Leon, Swanton 450 but knees get up. Locomotion Cradles from both but they kick out, Ryan picks the ankle to trip up Leon just a touch and then Danger Zone ends the match.

Ryan starts the post match beatdown, but the Hardy’s music hits and they come down to the ring for the save. Matt challenges the Nemeths for Rebellion because they’re not medically cleared yet.


Overall Score: 6.5/10

Decent story motion, no match was offensive, and there was actually some solid match action for television standards. I don’t have a ton to complain about aside from the Knockouts Division is in a weird spot, and giving Hendry a lot of just talking and hollow payoff segments feels stupid. If we need to hear from him every week, give him a talk segment like Highlight Reel or something. Yes I know First Class just got The Penthouse, but if Hendry is going to talk more than wrestle, give him a talk segment for us to sink our teeth into.

There was the announcement that Xia, Lei Ying and Masha will face Tessa, Jacy and a mystery partner. So you gotta wonder if there’s going to be another NXT mercenary, a surprise return or if it’ll just be Rosemary since she’s got her issues with Xia. Also I just realized that Unbreakable is going to be on a Thursday, seemingly after iMPACT? I’m gonna have to see how they do it, because if there’s an Impact episode and 2-3 hour PLE…I do not want to be awake until 1am. People need to work, and I will be Unwakeable if things go that long.

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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (3/27/25)

Is there a new Minion in town?



Diamante wants to work with Athena?

The ROH Women’s World Champion has Billie Starkz, but it seems Diamante wants to change that. Will she make herself Minion Numero Uno?


  • Dark Panther VS Okumura; Panther wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Willie Mack VS Johnny TV & MXM Collection; Dustin, Sammy & Mack win.
  • Athena & Diamante VS Jordan Blu & Mazzerati; Athena & Diamante win.
  • The Dark Order VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; The Premier Athletes win.
  • Queen Aminata VS Viva Van; Aminata wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Atlantis Jr, Fuego & Titan VS Barbaro Cavernario, Rugido & Volador Jr; Atlantis, Fuego & Titan win.


Athena talks with Diamante.

The Fallen Goddess tells the Cuban Diamond, “Tonight is going to be very, very crucial to you joining MIT. I just don’t take people barging their way into my group, my prestigious academy.” Billie Starkz walks in and says hi to “Boss” Athena and “Di,” but Athena ignores her to continue explaining that this is Diamante’s initiation. This is a test to see if- Billie pokes Athena in the shoulder and Athena asks, “Yes?” Billie says hi, and Athena says cool. Anyway, this is going to test if Diamante has what it takes to be part of the Forever Champion’s MIT. Diamante says sure. Billie keeps wanting Athena’s attention and Athena asks what she wants.

Billie motions as if to say she’s expecting something, and Athena says, “What? You want me to say, ‘Hi, Billie. You’ve been doing so great. You’ve been busy, busy being a busy bee meddling in everyone’s business.’ Tonight, it’s not about you. We’ve been there, we’ve done that. And it’s time that we bring something… new to MIT.” Billie says that’s great. Athena says tonight, they don’t need Billie. She can go meddle in someone else’s business. Athena & Diamante leave and Billie is shocked that she’s being left out. Is Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths being further demoted?


A sneak preview of AEW Stories: Komander.

“I was born for something. I feel I am destined for something. I have a purpose in life. I have a purpose in wrestling. And now, to have this great opportunity at Final Battle, for the ROH World Television Champion, what a moment it would be to achieve this, to achieve this mission. To achieve this feat for all my people, for the people who believe in me. This will be a big step in my career. Something that will mark the great story of Komander in AEW.” Watch the full documentary of Komander’s rise on AEW’s official YouTube channel.


Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Willie Mack VS Johnny TV & MXM Collection!

The Sons of Texas are getting a bit tired of Mansoor & Mason Madden obsessing over the ROH World Tag Team Championships, but they have to go one more round with them and their new pal. But they’re not clowning around, because they’re bringing the Chocolate Juggalo along! Will Mack help The Natural & The Spanish God shine? Or will they not be #TVReady?

The trios sort out and Mack starts against Johnny. The fans rally, Johnny and Mack circle, and they keep the Code of Honor. They circle and tie up, and Mack powers Johnny back. But Johnny puts Mack in a corner to fire body shots! Johnny whips, Mack reverses, and Mack runs up, only for Johnny to slip outside, slide under, then go back out to GAMANGIRI! Mack staggers, Johnny springboards, but Mack gets under! Johnny rolls through, Mack ducks ‘n’ dodges then LEG LARIATS! The fans fire up and Mack brings Johnny over. Tag to Sammy, Mack wrenches Johnny for Sammy to CHOP Johnny down!

Sammy brings Johnny up and CHOPS him against ropes! Sammy whips, hurdles, then backflips over to DROPKICK Johnny! Sammy kips up so smooth, then he brings Johnny back up. But Johnny blocks the chop to spin Sammy around and DECK him! The fans boo but Johnny points to Mansoor. Mason goes nuts rallying for Mansoor as Johnny tags him in. Johnny & Mansoor reel Sammy in for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX, but Sammy lands out! Sammy ducks the double lariat, ELBOWS Johnny away, then BOOTS Mansoor! QUEBRADA! Direct hit on both men, and Sammy brings Mansoor over to tag Dustin!

The fans fire up as the Sons of Texas whip the Iron Chic! Atomic drop! Then DOUBLE RHODES UPPERCUT! The fans cheer, Dustin brings Mansoor up to whip, but Mansoor reverses. Mansoor blocks the boot, but not the UPPERCUT! Mansoor distracts the ref and that lets Mason CLOBBER Dustin from the apron! The ref is busy with Sammy & Mack so he missed that, and fans boo as Mansoor stomps away. Tag to Mason, he CHOKES Dustin on the ropes, and the ref counts. Mason stops at 4 to talk trash on Mack. Then Mason UPPERCUTS Dustin, and drops an ELBOW! Mason drags Dustin up to whip him into the corner.

Tag to Mansoor and Mason sends him in for a LARIAT! Mason comes back to ELBOW! Feed to the atomic drop, then Mansoor dropkicks the legs out! Mason runs up, WRECKS IN EFFECT! The fans boo that booty but Mason sits Dustin up. MXM pinball Dustin between the hips! The fans boo, Dustin flops over, and Mansoor tags Johnny. Mansoor sits Dustin up for Johnny to ROCK with a right hand! Johnny KICKS Dustin, ROCKS him again, then tags Mason. The fans rally but MXM TV mugs Dustin with hands from all sides! Tag to Mansoor, he feeds Dustin to Mason’s scoop! CATWALK LEG DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO!

Dustin survives but Mansoor keeps him down with an armlock and chinbar. The fans rally, Dustin fights up, and Dustin reaches out, only for Dustin to CLUB him! Mansoor whips Dustin to the corner, but Dustin BLASTS Mason & Johnny! He dodges Mansoor, and he SNAP POWERSLAMS! The fans fire up while Dustin and Mansoor are down! Dustin crawls, so does Mansoor, and hot tags to Johnny and Sammy! The fans fire up as Sammy goes up, CROSSBODY for Mansoor & Johnny! The fans fire up again and Sammy TOSSES Mansoor out. Sammy then PLANCHAS onto Johnny! Sammy is feeling it as he goes back into the ring.

Sammy builds speed and he FOSBURY FLOPS onto Mansoor! Sammy high-fives the front row, then he slides back inside. Sammy dodges Johnny to CUTTER! Cover, Mason breaks it! Mason TOSSES Sammy out, then he fires up! Mack steps in and fires body shots! Mack LARIATS Mason up and out! Mansoor is back, but Mack stops the superkick to FLIP him, and STUNN ER! The fans fire up but Johnny gives Mack a FLYING CHUCK! Dustin runs in and hits a DESTROYER! Mansoor returns, but Dustin Manhattan drops him! And then atomic drops! And now Mansoor is in the corner! The fans fire up as Dustin opens Mansoor up!

The ref reprimands, but Sammy distracts Dustin for the SHATTERED DREAMS! But a LEG LARIAT from Mason takes Dustin out! Sammy springboards in, but into Mason’s hand! Mack saves Sammy from the choke slam and ROUNDHOUSES Mason! Sammy goes up for a FLYING CUTTER!! Mack puts Mason in place for the “WOOP WOOP!” STANDING MOONSAULT! But a SHINING WIZARD from Johnny takes out Mack! Sammy JUMP KNEES Johnny! Then the torture rack for GO TO HOSPITAL! Cover, Mack & Sons of Texas win!

Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Willie Mack, by pinfall

A great win for this trio, but MXM attacks! The fans boo as Mansoor & Mason are sore losers as they beat down Sammy and Mack! They get Mack up to give him a DOUBLE SUPLEX, then put him in the drop zone! STARSHIP PAIN! Johnny covers, MXM count, and MXM TV “wins!” They once again STEAL a belt! It’s one of the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship belts! The delusion returns, does MXM TV really think of themselves as the champions? Will Dustin have to call in The Von Erichs to settle this?


Taya Valkyrie & Lady Frost went to CMLL!

The CMLL Women’s Tag Team Championships have laid vacant, but Mrs. TV and the Coolest Wrestler You Know made it through the tournament of six matches in just a week! Taya finally made her CMLL debut despite wrestling in and out of Mexico for 13 YEARS. This is where La Wera Loca was born! Frost herself has a second home in Mexico after her three years wrestling here, and they gelled well. They did not win the titles, but are more than ready to try again. Will Taya & Frost prove themselves worthy of gold in the near future?


Athena & Diamante VS Jordan Blu & Mazzerati!

As the Minion Overlord said earlier tonight, this is the audition for the Cuban Diamond into Minions In Training. Will Diamante pass with flying colors? Or will the #BlueMazzerati run them off the road?

The teams sort out and Diamante starts against Mazzerati. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Diamante waistlocks to then shove, dodge, and run Mazzerati over. Things keep moving, Diamante jumps over the dropdown to then tilt-o-whirl and RANA! Mazzerati tumbles to a corner, Diamante runs to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The fans cheer, Athena likes what she sees, and Diamante TOSSES Mazzerati away. Diamante eggs Blu on so Blu tags in. Diamante swats Blu’s lariat to then UPPERCUT and LARIAT! Diamante flexes while she looms over Blu. Blu reaches out, but Diamante drags her away from Mazzerati.

Diamante CLUBS Blu, teases Mazzerati by holding Blu out to her, but then she drags Blu away to rain down forearms! Diamante checks with Athena, Athena likes what she sees, but she also wants Diamante to keep on Blu. Diamante drags Blu from Mazzerati again to rain down more forearms! Diamante again wants validation, but Blu scrambles away! Hot tag to Mazzerati! Fans fire up as Mazzerati fires off forearms! Boxing elbows and a cravat, but Diamante blocks the knee to GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans chant for Athena but Diamante gives Mazzerati a CUBAN TWIST first! Cover, but Blu steps in!

Diamante storms up on Blu ROCK her! And then HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER int he ropes! Diamante runs side to side to WRECK Blu with a dropkick! Diamante tags Athena in and the fans cheer. Diamante brings Mazzerati around for the champ, and feeds Mazzerati to the KNOCKOUT SHOT! Cover, Athena & Diamante win!

Winners: Athena & Diamante, by pinfall

Dominant indeed as Diamante does 99% of the work yet lets Athena take all the credit! Does this make Diamante the perfect Minion?


AEW shares The Learning Tree’s message from Dynamite.

Chris Jericho says, “Last Sunday on Collision, I had Gravity’s mask taken from me. Or should I say, taken from us. But that’s okay, because I think it’s time for all the masks to be removed. It’s time to discuss some ugly truths that need to be addressed. Like the fact that you two (Big Bill & Bryan Keith) have been under the branches of The Learning Tree for far too long without using the wisdom that I’ve bestowed upon you. I need to ask you why I have to keep telling you time and time again to prove yourselves, I’m sick of asking! You need to think if it’s worthy for you to still be with Chris Jericho.

“If you think that, then it’s time for you to make some drastic changes, and go prove yourselves to me! Once again, for the last time, PROVE IT!” Bill & Keith quietly walk off, and Jericho turns his attention back to the camera. Bandido got his brother’s mask back, congrats. But it isn’t Gravity’s mask that Jericho wants, it’s Bandido’s! Jericho wants Bandido to feel the disgrace and humiliation that his brother did when Jericho tore that mask off in front of their family! And why would Bandido put up the mask? Jericho knows Bandido wants to be ROH World Champion again, so how about this? Title VS Mask for Dynasty!

Bandido, is it worth risking the humiliation? Is it risking the disgrace? Is it worth making your mother cry again when you lose the mask? Is it worth it? Jericho thinks so. See you at Dynasty. The Nueve is ready to risk it all, but will he be the one to lose it all in just 10 days?


The Dark Order VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!

While Evil Uno & Alex Reynolds could not get Preston Vance to see what he’s become, the former Number 10 did have a painfully true observation about how the Numbers have dwindled. But can Uno & Reynolds prove there is still strength in the Numbers? Or is the Dark Order all but done?

And of course “Smart” Mark has to cut Bobby Cruise off. “Everybody knows that this is Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese! The Premier Athletes are very excited to be at The Theater in the Virgin Hotel. Which is ironic, because we’re also in a theater full of virgins! But that’s okay, because some day, you will get your chance. We believe in you!” Wait a minute, Preston & The Frat House are watching from the crowd. If they’re to be believed, none of them fit that description. But Sterling says tonight is everyone’s chance to be part of this winning team! (They have almost no wins, though…) When Sterling says, “Athletes!” you say “Rule!” and NOTHING ELSE!

“Hands in, boys. Ohh… Athletes!” “SUCK!” The Frat House also joined in on that, and Jacked Jameson can’t believe The Premier Athletes are that stupid to fall for that again. Finally, Uno & Reynolds make their entrance, and the Frat House talk trash on them, too. The Code of Honor is kept, but then The Athletes kick low! The bell rings, Daivari bumps Uno off buckles while Nese does the same with Reynolds. The Athletes rain down fists, then climb up to shout, “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Vegas has spoken, and then The Dark Order YANK The Athletes down! Daivari & Nese hit buckles on the way down, and Dark Order coordinates.

Uno & Reynolds run corner to corner, Uno ELBOWS Nese while Reynolds LARIATS Daivari! The Dark Order goes again, ELBOW for Daivari and LARIAT for Nese! They want a third time, but the Athletes dodge! Nese & Daivari run in, but now Dark Order dodges, and they get that third round of ELBOW and LARIAT in! The fans fire up for the JAWBREAKER into the BACKBREAKER into the DDT! Cover, TWO! Nese is tougher than that and The Frat House talk all kinds of trash. Nese ROCKS Reynolds from the apron, but Reynolds BOOTS him down! The fans rally and Reynolds builds speed, only for Daivari to trip him up!

Reynolds BOOTS Daivari, but Nese LARIATS Reynolds out! Sterling cheers, the ref is busy keeping Uno back, so Sterling & The Athletes all stomp away on Reynolds! The Athletes get away with all that, then Nese puts Reynolds in. Cover, TWO! Reynolds stays in this but Nese stands Reynolds up to bump him off buckles. Tag to Daivari, but Reynolds fires back! The Athletes mug Reynolds, the ref counts, and “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!” Still not learning their lesson… Daivari drags Reynolds up and bumps him off buckles. Daivari CHOPS, then whips corner to corner hard! Tag to Nese, and the mugging continues.

The ref counts, Daivari pushes Reynolds down at 4, then Nese scuffs Reynolds. Nese eggs Reynolds on, the fans rally up, and Nese mocks them. But Reynolds CHOPS! Nese keeps Reynolds from Uno, but Reynold ROCKS Nese! Nese keeps Reynolds back, then slips around to BLAST Uno! The fans boo, but Reynolds BACKDROPS Nese! Nese tags Daivari, he runs in but into a BOOT! Reynolds goes up, but Daivari SHOVES him down hard! Reynolds clutches his leg, Daivari distracts the ref, and that lets Nese attack Uno and Sterling stomp Reynolds! The fans boo, The Frat House is having fun either way, and the Athletes get away again.

Daivari stands Reynolds up to CHOP! “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!” Wait, did Frat House say “RULE” this time? Where do their allegiances lie? Or are they just drunk? Daivari drags Reynolds over, tags Nese, and Nese stomps away on Reynolds. Tag to Daivari, the Athletes stomp Reynolds more, but Reynolds CHOPS back! Daivari KNEES and CLUBS low, then holds Reynolds up. Nese runs up but Reynolds BOOTS him! Reynolds fights back but gets mugged all over again! The Athletes DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX, but Reynolds lands out! Hot tag to Uno! Uno dodges Daivari, BOOTS Nese, then he fires off CHOPS on them both!

The Athletes mug Uno, double whip, but Uno ducks to feint the lariats, and he DOUBLE DDTS! The fans fire up and Uno feeds off that energy! Uno tags in Reynolds, and The Dark Order has Daivari up! Spin and SUPERKICK, into a Gory Especial and GORY BOMB CODE BREAKER! Cover, Nese breaks it! Uno runs up to swing on Nese, but Nese dodges to mule kick, knee lift, and SUPERKICK! Reynolds runs up, Nese throat chops him! Nese has Reynolds for forearms, then the BULLDOG HOTSHOT PLANCHA! Down goes Uno! Nese drags Uno up to whip him into steel steps! The fans rally as Daivari storms up on Reynolds.

Daivari fires a forearm, but Reynolds fires back! They go back and forth, faster and faster, but then Daivari knees low! Daivari whips, Reynolds reverses and sends Daivari to the apron! Reynolds avoids the shoulder to GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP! Daivari falls, Nese hurries to his side, but Reynolds DIVES onto them both! The fans fire up, but then The Frat House throw their drinks at Reynolds! Reynolds is furious but Vance mockingly says, “My bad.” Nese runs up, but Reynolds THROWS him at the Frat House! The fans fire up as Reynolds hits a strike! Sterling complains, but Reynolds chases him off! Reynolds goes to the ring and brings Daivari up.

Daivari throat chops! Daivari wrenches, hammerlocks, but Reynolds ducks the lariat to kick low! Sterling gets on the apron, the ref stops him, but Daivari takes a swing on Reynolds! Reynolds ducks again, and he rolls Daivari up! But the ref isn’t there to count! Reynolds would’ve won this twice over by now! And now The Frat House sneaks up to ringside! Vance slides in and SPINEBUSTERS Reynolds! Daivari goes up, CARPET RIDE SPLASH! Cover, Premier Athletes win!!

Winners: The Premier Athletes, by pinfall

It took a huge assist from Vance, but the Athletes finally won! They still suck, but will The Dark Order change targets and tear down The Frat House?


ROH hears from Paul Walter Hauser.

In an interview with TMZ, PWH spoke on the highly inappropriate behavior of QT Marshall during the Revolution Zero Hour. QT didn’t just throw his drink on PWH, he threw an alcoholic drink on PWH, who is in a sobriety program and has been sober for three years. And from what PWH understands, QT doesn’t even drink alcohol himself, so QT went the extra mile just to insult PWH! PWH says that is messed up. But if QT wants a fight, well, who cares if he’s a trained wrestler and PWH isn’t? PWH will still kick QT’s ass!

Backstage interview with QT Marshall.

Renee Paquette talks with the man in question and brings up the issue QT has with PWH. She was there when QT threw that drink on PWH, and QT claims that’s not what happened. She explains about how PWH has been three years sober and QT threw alcohol on him. Now PWH wants to fight QT! QT says none of that happened. Paul Walter Hauser is a fan, QT was being nice to a fan. QT gave PWH a chance to lock up, they did, and what does PWH do? He puts QT in a headlock! QT has six screws in his neck. Worse than that, PWH was trying to embarrass QT. But this is Hollywood, and when you try to embarrass someone, you get something thrown at you.

The fact the cup had alcohol in it is not QT’s problem, he was taking that drink to throw it out. But if you ask QT, PWH owes him the apology. He wants a match? PWH wants to step into the ring with QT Marshall? Stop whining to TMZ and the Hollywood Reporter. Just come here to QT’s world, look him in the eye, and ask him! If PWH shows QT the respect he deserves, there’s a chance PWH gets what he’s looking for. QT thanks Renee and heads out, but will QT’s massive ego be his DOOM?


The Premier Athletes regroup backstage.

They’re all pumped from finally winning, and put hands in! “ATHLETES! RULE!” Sterling tells them that was a huge win over Dark Order, just like he said they’d get! They’ve been one of, if not THE, best tag team in ROH all year! Daivari says, “All year? All year? Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese have been one of the best damn tag teams in this industry for EIGHT years! Every promoter knows it, all the boys in the back know it, every single fan knows it! That’s why WE are the most consistent guys in all of ROH!” Nese says it is inevitable! They will be the future ROH World Tag Team Champions, because Athletes Rule!


Los Titanes del Aire also visited Mexico!

Komander thanks CMLL and Arena Mexico for the warm welcome as they made their desire, long-awaited debut against international superstars like Mistico & Mascara Dorada. The Titans stood tall, going back and forth with those icons, and the people received them in a great way. The fans chanted for them, there were even AEW fans there, and it doesn’t matter if they win or lose. They’re two young men who are living the childhood dream! They’re so happy that their families were there to witness this journey. The world will soon know the names of Los Titanes del Aire!


Six Man Tag: Atlantis Jr, Fuego & Titan VS Barbaro Cavernario, Rugido & Volador Jr!

The Lucha de Honor crossover continues as we get another instant classic trios match! But will the second generation star, The Fire, and El Inmortal be a force to be reckoned with? Or will the Caveman and Los Depredadores be their own winning combination?

The trios stare down and the fans cheer for “LUCHA LIBRE!” The bell rings, Rugido BOOTS Titan! Atlantis SUPERKICKS Rugido! Volador BOOTS Atlantis! Fuego runs to LEAPING ARM-DRAG Volador! Barbaro CLOBBERS Fuego! Fuego kips up, Barbaro runs, but Fuego goes Matrix! And then Fuego stands to do his dance! The fans cheer, Fuego RAMS Barbaro, then “OLE~!” Fuego runs, and he LEAPING ARM-DRAGS Barbaro! Volador returns to whip Fuego, but Titan is there to put Fuego on the apron. Lucha rules makes Titan legal now and things speed up between him and Volador. Titan ducks ‘n’ dodges then fakes Volador out!

Titan sweeps the leg and basement dropkicks! Rugido runs up but into a strike fest! Titan runs, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Rugido runs, Titan sweeps the legs while he slides out! Atlantis slingshots in, wrenches Rugido, and whips him to a corner. Rugido goes up but Atlantis KICKS him out of the air! Atlantis then somersaults to CUTTER! Barbaro y Volador run in, Atlantis ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA Volador! Then he runs, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS Barbaro! The fans fire up for Atlantis, Fuego joins in, and they high-ten. Titan joins in and high-fives them, then  the team lets Fuego be legal as Rugido steps back in.

Fuego does his dance, trips Rugido, then runs. Rugido drops down, Volador trips Fuego, and Rugido basement DROPKICKS! Rugido CLOBBERS Titan, DECKS Atlantis, and Volador joins in as they stomp Titan. Barbaro gets Titan up to SMACK him to a corner! Barbaro LARIATS Titan, sits him down, and then he gets some stomps in. Titan fights back, but Volador grabs the arms. Rugido ROUNDHOUSES Titan down! Barbaro y Los Depredadores get Titan up, whip him to a corner, then Barbaro runs up to CHOP! Barbaro puts Titan up for Volador to GAMANGIRI, then Volador y Barbaro YANK Titan down! Rugido adds a basement DROPKICK!

Titan bails out, Atlantis is in, but Barbaro DROPKICKS him down! Rugido CLAWS at the mask! The ref reprimands, the fans rally up, but the mugging continues! Barbaro HEADBUTTS Atlantis, then he and Volador whip Atlantis to the corner. Barbaro runs up and LARIATS! Rugido LARIATS! Then they feed Atlantis to a SUPERKICK! Barbaro covers, TWO! Atlantis stays in this, the fans rally up, but Barbaro drags Atlantis up again. Barbaro whips, Los Depredadores DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! They sit Atlantis up, Barbaro runs, and he SHOTGUNS Atlantis down! Atlantis falls out, the fans boo, but Fuego hurries in!

Fuego circles with Barbaro but Rugido CLUBS Fuego on the back! Rugido scoops and SLAMS Fuego, Barbaro soaks up the heat, and Los Depredadores stand Fuego up. Barbaro CHOPS Fuego against the ropes! The fans “WOO~!” but then they boo. Rugido CHOPS Fuego, his team talk on what to do next, but Atlantis tags in! Volador kicks low, Rugido kicks Atlantis down! They double whip, then they TRIPLE BOOT Altantis out! Titan returns, but he’s wary of who to go after. Rugido grabs Titan’s leg, Barbaro CLUBS him, and then Volador holds that leg out for Barbaro to KICK! Titan falls and flounders away, the ref reprimands Volador’s team.

Fuego storms in but Volador kicks him down. Los Depredadores double whip, then bypass and DOUBLE HIP TOSS Fuego to Barbaro for a POWERBOMB POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Fuego survives, but Barbaro clamps on with a GROUND COBRA TWIST! Fuego endures as Barbaro thrashes him around. Barbaro CLUBS away on Fuego’s chest, then fires elbows in! Barbaro lets Fuego go to stand over him. Barbaro lets Fuego tag Atlantis? Atlantis and Barbaro circle, the fans rally up, but then Rugido KICKS Atlantis down from behind! The fans boo as Los Depredadores just keep bullying their opponents! Barbaro CHOPS Atlantis to the corner!

Barbaro soaks up the heat, Los Depredadores mug Atlantis, and Rugido BITES at Atlantis’ mask! Barbaro puts Atlantis in the corner and climbs up, to SPIT in his face! And then he BITES Atlantis’ chin! Barbaro CHOPS Atlantis, Los Depredadores stomp him down, and the fans boo as they dig their boots in! Atlantis flails, grabs at Rugido’s boot, but Rugido lets off so Barbaro can whip corner to corner. Barbaro sends both Depredadores in, but Atlantis goes up and over them both to scopo and BACKBREAKER Barbaro! Rugido BOOTS Atlantis, Titan y Fuego get in to DOUBLE DROPKICK him! They fire off kick after KICK on Volador!

The fans fire up, Fuego gives Titan the boost up top, tightrope and DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Titan y Fuego run, but Barbaro DOUBLE LARIATS! Atlantis MISSILE DROPKICKS Barbaro! The fans fire up as Atlantis builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit and Barbaro hits barriers! Los Depredadores run in, but Titan y Fuego stereo wheelbarrow and victory roll! Stereo covers, TWO!! Los Depredadores escape in time, and the fans fire up! Volador goes after Titan, whips him corner to corner, but Titan goes up, over, and handsprings away! But Volador SUPERKICKS Titan down! Fuego MISSILE DROPKICKS!

Rugido runs to FLYING ELBOW! Rugido whips Titan, Titan reverses, then he goes Matrix to CALF KICK! Everyone is down and the fans fire up again! A standing count starts, Titan sits up at 3, and he finds Volador at 5. Both men crawl as we hit 6, then 7! Titan throws a forearm! Volador fires back! Titan fires another, and he fires up! Volador fires up to ROCK Titan! Titan ROCKS Volador! The fans fire up with both men, and the forearms keep going! It’s fast ‘n’ furious, then Titan fires a strike fest! SOBAT and Titan runs! But Volador bypasses, only for Titan to duck ‘n’ dodge and RANA! Volador bails out, Titan DIVES! Direct hit into the barriers!

Fuego and Rugido speed up, Fuego arm-drags, then he runs up. Rugido DUMPS Fuego out, builds speed, but Fuego jumps over the slide and QUEBRADAS! Direct hit and now Atlantis runs in at Barbaro! They RAM shoulders, then fire CHOP after CHOP! The fans fire up and both men fire up with them! Atlantis CHOPS, Barbaro eggs him on, so Atlantis CHOPS! Barbaro falls but he gets right back up! Barbaro wants more, so Atlantis winds up and CHOPS! Barbaro sputters, Atlantis whips him to a corner. Barbaro goes up and over, rolls back and returns, but into a BOOT! Barbaro does the worm?! He fires up, but Alantis runs in!

Barbaro hits a SPINEBUSTER, then he stomps away! Barbaro pumps up with his caveman dance, and he runs, IMPLODER- BOOTS! Atlantis hits back, then runs, DESTROYER!! Barbaro is in the drop zone, Atlantis goes up! FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Team Atlantis wins!

Winners: Atlantis Jr, Fuego & Titan, by pinfall

The former ROH World Television Champion takes down the Caveman in a fiery finish! Will these stars of CMLL continue to shine even as the crossover comes to a close?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for ROH, but not as much happened as I’d hoped. Good promo from Athena, Diamante & Billie, but I feel like they didn’t do enough to really give us how Billie feels about all this. It is clear that Athena still belittles Billie, perhaps being passive aggressive about how Billie went for the TBS Championship before her. Athena & Diamante of course won their match, but it was a good touch that Diamante basically won a 2v1 handicap match and let Athena have the pin. This will surely head for Billie VS Diamante to see who is truly number one minion, but maybe also get us closer to Athena VS Billie 3, the final time. After all, Supercard of Honor isn’t until May now, so they have time to build that blowoff.

Good stuff from Dark Panther VS Okumura and Aminata VS Viva Van, but the results were somewhat given. Good promos from the AEW/ROH stars who visited CMLL, and Komander is certainly becoming a top name in ROH. Mack & Sons of Texas VS MXM TV was a very good match, but I should’ve known MXM would steal a belt again. I suppose it’s fine that they’re after the Six Man Tag titles now, as we’ll get a chance to see The Von Erichs on screen again. Unless The Von Erichs are gonna start touring with AEW/ROH now, MXM TV really should just win those titles and finally get the Six Man Tag Division going again. The Von Erich legacy is great, but this reign has only been because of that legacy, not because Marshall & Ross are top tier guys.

Good stuff in the Dark Order VS Premier Athletes match, even with The Frat House getting involved. It works for story as now Dark Order and Frat House can feud, and the Premier Athletes did have a good promo being way too confident after just one win. Pretty good stuff in this building of a Paul Walter-Hauser VS QT Marshall story, and I wonder if they get this built by Dynasty so that we aren’t waiting forever since that Revolution segment. And even then, I feel like PWH might only win because QT has so many enemies that they help PWH win. And then another great Six Man Tag featuring CMLL stars, but nothing much better than what we’ve got the last five episodes.

My Score: 8.7/10

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