Joe’s CMLL Review & Results (5/6/19)
What happened in CMLL? See it here courtesy of Joe Dinan!

What happened in CMLL? See it here courtesy of Joe Dinan!
Arena Puebla
Astro and Meyer vs Joker and Sombra Diabolika
Sombra and Meyer start the match out with some grappling. Joker and Astro come in next and they go back and forth with some exchanges. After a few minutes of that everyone is in the ring trading spots. Meyer hits a hurricanrana on Joker and Astro hits a lionsault for the pin. Astro drop kicks Sombra’s legs out and then Meyer hits a splash for the fall. First Fall: Meyer pins Sombra with a splash.
Astro gets the better of Sombra to start this round. Meyer comes in with Joker and then gets the better of him. Joker hits Astro with a big slam and now Meyer is getting worked over. Sombra hits a drop kick to the inner thigh of Meyer from the top rope for the pin. Joker hits a reverse pile driver on Astro. Second Fall: Joker pins Astro with a reverse pile driver.
Meyer gets worked over to start this round. Astro and Meyer fight back to even out the odds. Meyer gets Sombra in a stretch submission. Astro gets Joker in a modified abdominal stretch for the win. Third Fall: Astro submits Joker with a modified abdominal stretch.
Winners: Astro and Meyer
Millenium and El Asturiano vs Toro Bill Jr and Espiritu Maligno
Asturiano and Toro Bill start the match out with some grappling exchanges. Maligno and Millenium come in next and they do more acrobatic exchanges. There is a few chaotic exchanges and Asturiano hits a lionsault on Maligno for the pin. Millenium hits a splash off of the top on Toro Bill for the pin. First Fall: Millenium pins Toro Bill with a splash off of the top.
Millenium gets the advantage on Maligno to start. None of this last long as the rudos start to team up on them. Bill slams Asturiano and puts him in a stretch submission. Maligno gets Millenum in a sharpshooter submission. Second Fall: Maligno submits Millenium with a sharpshooter like move.
Asturiano gets worked over in the rudos corner. After being worked over Asturiano hits a hurricanrana on Maligno to change momentum. Toro Bill comes in and in the corner he hits a back stabber on Asturiano for the pin. Maligno then gets Millenium with a tequila sunrise. Third Fall: Maligno submits Millenium with a tequila sunrise.
Winners: Toro Bill Jr and Espiritu Maligno
Drone, Fuego, and Tigre Rojo Jr vs Virus, Disturbio, and Police Man
Rojo Jr and Virus start the match with a lock up and they battle for the first take down. Fuego gets in with a nicely shaven Police Man and they go back and forth with some exchanges. And again as has happened in the previous matches first rounds, chaos erupts and everyone starts to trade spots. Fuego gets Virus in a roll up for the pin. First Fall: Fuego rolls up Virus.
Drone and Virus start this round exchanging strikes. Fuego and Police Man enter and Fuego drop kicks him to the outside. He then hits a head scissors on Virus. He does his matrix move to Disturbio for a pop. After Rojo comes in Police Man comes and works him over. Fuego gets tripped in the corner and Disturbio hits a running knee strike in the corner for the pin. Police Man gets Rojo in a neck stretch for the fall. Second Fall: Police Man submits Rojo with a neck stretch.
Fuego gets worked over to start this round. Next Rojo gets worked over. A come back finally gets made and Drone, Fuego, and Tigre hit drop kicks on everyone. They all then slid to the outside. Rojo came back in to hit a dive over the top rope. Drone is in the ring fighting off Virus and Disturbio. Fuego helps him. Drone hits knees to the corner on Virus and Fuego gets Disturbio in a victory roll for the win. Third Fall: Fuego pins Disturbio with a victory roll.
Winners: Drone, Fuego, and Tigre Rojo Jr
(Women’s Championship) Marcela (Champ) vs Metalica
A very rare women’s single match. They feel each other out and Metalica gets the first take down but it doesn’t last. They get to the ground and start doing some submission exchanges. Marcela misses a crossbody and Metalica hits a drop kick after. Marcela drags Metalica off of the top rope and then she hits a knee drop to the mid section on Metalica for the pin. First Fall: Marcela pins Metalica with a top rope knee drop.
Metalica works over Marcela in the corner. After minutes of getting beat on Marcela makes a come back and hits a back breaker for a two count. Marcela goes to the corner but Metalica gets her in the corner and hits a back stabber for the fall. Second Fall: Metalica pins Marcela with a back stabber.
Marcela drop kicks Metalica to the outside and then Marcela goes to the top rope and dives onto Metalica. Marcela hits a crossbody in the ring and Metalica reverses the pin and almost pins her. Crowd’s starting to get into it now. Metalica hits a Okada neck breaker for a two count. Metalica drop kicks Marcela to the outside and then Metalica hits a dive through the middle rope. Metalica gets Marcela in a leg lock in the ring and Marcela crawls for the ropes. Marcela hits a sit out gord buster. She gets a surfboard stretch on Metalica and turns it into a pinning combo but Metalica kicked out. Metalica hits a package neck breaker on Marcela and then she goes to the top. Metalica hits a swanton bomb but Marcela kicks out. Marcela hits a michinoku driver and then hits a double stomp off of the top rope for the win. Third Fall: Marcela pins Metalica with a double foot stomp off of the top rope.
Winner: Marcela
Atlantis, Soberano Jr, and Atlantis Jr (Diamante Azul) vs Ultimo Guerrero, Hechicero, and Gran Guerrero
Soberano and Hechicero start the match with some grappling as per usual in CMLL matches. Soberano lifts himself with his body in a show of impressive core strength to counter Hechicero into a head scissors. Gran Guerrero gets in with Diamante Azul next. Azul and Gran grapple some but then chaos breaks out again. Hechicero goes to untie Soberano’s mask off. He’s just messing around. The Los Guerrero’s triple team spot is done on Soberano. The Los Guerrero’s spot is done to Atlantis and they pin him. First Fall: Ultimo Guerrero pins Atlantis with the Los Guerrero’s triple team spot.
Atlantis gets worked over to start this round. Azul comes in to save the legend but the odds are too much. Hechicero hits a flapjack on Soberano and then a drop kick. Atlantis and Ultimo Guerrero posture on the outside. In the ring Azul hits a DDT on Hechicero for the pin and Soberano hits a tornillo dive on Gran Guerrero for the pin. Second Fall: Soberano pins Gran Guerrero with a tornillo dive.
Diamante Azul starts out on fire this round. Well he’s working over the other team at least. Soberano jumps in to take on Hechicero. Hechicero leaves though and Ultimo Guerrero comes in. A ton of posturing to the crowd. Soberano gets Ultimo to the outside and Soberano gets flipped in the air by Gran and he counters with a hurricanrana. Atlantis comes in and wrestles around Gran. Soberano hits a hurricanrana on Hechicero and then Soberano hits a flip dive over the top. Atlantis hits a hurricanrana on Ultimo for the pin. Third Fall: Atlantis pins Ultimo Guerrero with a hurricanrana.
Winners: Atlantis, Soberano, and Diamante Azul
Caristico, Sanson, and Cuatrero vs Volador Jr, Mephisto, and Ephesto
This match starts out with a brawl. Not surprising. Volador works over Caristico. Volador ripped Caristico’s mask. The ref pulls Volador down trying to get some order. Sanson and Cuatrero have been taken out. Volador is just tearing apart Caristico’s mask. He must not be happy about his ROH booking. Volador and his team walk up the ramp to threaten to leave. The ref counts but before it’s done Volador is back kicking Caristico in the head. Ephesto and Mephisto place Cuatrero on Volador’s shoulders and power bombs him for the pin. Ephesto gets slammed on Sanson for the fall. First Fall: Ephesto pins Sanson after being slammed on Sanson.
Cuatrero gets worked over to start this round. Now Caristico tries to make the save but he gets beat on. Caristico makes a come back and gets everyone out of the ring. Sanson and Cuatrero hit dives through the middle rope on Mephisto and Ephesto as well. Then Volador pulls off Caristico’s mask and the ref turns his face for whatever reason and then he pins Caristico with a small package. Second Fall: Volador pins Caristico with a small package.
A long promo segment after which is summed up by Caristico wanting to face Volador.
Winners: Volador Jr, Mephisto, and Ephesto
Arena Mexico Tuesday
Sonic and Bengala vs Espiritu Negro and Apocalipsis
Sonic and Espiritu Negro start the night out. They engage and start to grapple. Bengala and Apocalipsis enters next and go back and forth. Bengala gets slammed and Negro hits a springboard splash on him for the pin. Apocalpisis submits Sonic with a sit inverted full nelson. First Fall: Apocalipsis submits Sonic with a sit down inverted full nelson.
Apocalipsis dumps Sonic to the outside and then him and Negro work over Bengala. Sonic reverses a sunset flip making Apocalipsis hit Negro. Bengala hits a back breaker on Apocalipsis and then slams him. Sonic then hits a moonsault on Apocalipsis. Bengala then submits Negro with some neck bridge submission. Second Fall: Bengala submits Negro with a neck bridge submission
Bengala and Sonic start out hot and fast to begin this round. Sonic gets Negro in an arm wrench submission and Apocalipsis breaks it up. Bengala rolls Apocalipsis to the outside, and then Sonic hit a hurricanrana. He goes for another and Negro flapjacks him then submits him with a surfboard submission. Apocalipsis russian leg sweeps Bengala into a neck crank for the win. Third Fall: Apocalipsis submits Bengala with a neck crank.
Winners: Espiritu Negro and Apocalipsis
Microman, Gallito, and Atomo vs Chamuel, Perico Zakarias, and El Guapito
On this Dia del Nino we have midgets wrestling. I can call them that, midget wrestlers don’t want their gimmick being taken. Atomo starts out with Zakarias with some exchanging of moves. Microman enters with Guapito and Micro is half his size. Atomo gets him in a leg lock that he can barely do because Micro is so short. Micro fires up a come back and kicks Guapito’s leg out. Chamuel and Gallito enter now. They get to the ground and start grappling. Chaos emerges and Zakarias takes out Gallito with a running knee in the corner. Atomo gets hit with a triple drop kick. Eat your hearts out Rock n Roll. Microman gets back dropped and then Chamuel leg drops him. Guapito hits him with a fireman’s carry and Zakarias pins him. First Fall: Zakarias pins Microman after Guapito hit a fireman’s carry.
Microman and his team gets worked over for this round until a come back gets hit with Gallito hitting an apron dive. Microman gets Chamuel with a hurricanrana pin. Second Fall: Microman pins Chamuel with a hurricanrana.
Atomo and Zakarias strike each other to start the final round off. Gallito and Guapito enter and posture to the crowd some. Gallito runs wild on him though hitting an arm drag and drop kick. Microman enters with Chamuel and Chamuel gets the heat on him. Chamuel gets him in the electric chair position but Microman reverses it into a hurricanrana. Microman tricks Chamuel to the outside. Then Micro walks the barricade and hits a hurricanrana on Chamuel on the outside. I gotta say these midgets always work their ass off. Chamuel back in the ring already puts Atomo in a submission but Micro enters to stop and hits a head scissors take over to the outside. Microman hits an apron dive on Chamuel. Gallito gets Zakarias in an abdominal stretch and Atomo pins Guapito with a roll up. Third Fall: Atomo pins Guapito with a roll up.
Winners: Microman, El Gallito, and Atomo
Drone, Star Jr, and Pegasso vs Raziel, Cancerbero, and Tiger
Star and Raziel start this match off with some grappling. Pegasso and Cancerbero enter next to do some grappling of their own. Drone and Tiger enter striking each other repetitively. They go to the outside and Drone gets him down and he goes back into the ring and hits a sliding splash under the bottom rope. Pegasso enters with a crossbody then goes wrong after Raziel hits a shotgun drop kick. Star enters and hits a head scissors into a pinning combo on Raziel for the fall. First Fall: Star Jr pins Raziel with a head scissors pinning combo.
Pegasso starts this round with Cancerbero and he uses his agility to out maneuver Cancerbero. Raziel enters with Star but Star is too agile for him. Tiger dumps Drone to the outside and then hits a tornillo dive over the top rope. Star Jr gets launched into Raziel for a power bomb. Raziel then submits him with a leg lock while Cancerbero submits Pegasso with a body stretch. Second Fall: Cancerbero submits Pegasso with a body stretch.
The ref is allows Mije the midget to help work over Star Jr. Remember it doesn’t count if a midget interferes. Tiger enters and continues to keep Star away from his corner. Old school midnight express tactics. Drone hits a cross body on Tiger and then Raziel and Cancerbero miss splashes and Star and Pegasso hit splashes of their own. The rudos roll to the outside and then Pegasso hits a dive over the top rope. Star goes to the top rope and dives to the outside. Drone comes in and poses like an idiot and Tiger comes from behind and power bombs him for the win. Third Fall: Tiger pins Drone with a power bomb.
Winners: Raziel, Cancerbero, and Tiger
Blue Panther, Black Panther, and Blue Panther Jr vs Ephesto, Luciferno, and El Felino
Blue Panther Jr starts with Luciferno and they start grappling. Felino enters next with Black Panther and Panther is using his quickness but gets stopped when the rest of the rudos enter to stomp him out. Panther fights back and gets Felino to the outside and fakes a dive but then hits one. Blue Panther and his son enter to take on los hijos del infiernos and Jr gets Ephesto in a stretch submission. First Fall: Blue Panther Jr submits Ephesto with a stretch submission.
Blue Panther starts with Ephesto and gets him down and the rest of his team enters to do a triple team spot for pay back. Luciferno enters to kick Black and Blue Panther Jr off of the apron so they can beat on Blue Panther. Felino gets Panther down and submits him with a leg lock. Second Fall: Felino submits Blue Panther with a leg lock.
Luciferno works over Black Panther on the outside of the ring. Felino works on Blue Panther in the ring. Ephesto and Luciferno pull him to the outside to beat him up but Blue Panther Jr is here to avenge his father and hit multiple back breakers. Black Panther then hits two dives through the middle rope. One on Felino and one on Luciferno. Blue Panther Jr then hits a dive off of the stage on Luciferno. Felino bumps Blue Panther to the outside and then Black Panther dumps Felino to the outside. Luciferno and Ephesto then pin Black Panther and Blue Panther Jr with shoulder breakers. Third Fall: Luciferno pins Black Panther with a shoulder breaker.
Winners: Ephesto, Luciferno, and El Felino
Atlantis, Stuka, and Soberano vs Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero
Stuka starts out with Sanson in this match and they do some grappling. Soberano enters with Forastero and they do some transitions and move exchanges. All of Los Dinamitas enters now to beat on Atlantis. Sanson hits a jumping knee strike on Soberano for the pin. First Fall: Sanson pins Soberano with a jumping knee strike.
Stuka gets crotched on the barricade and Cuatrero comes and kicks him. Now they are trying to untie Atlantis’ mask. Stuka tries to help out but he gets jumped form behind. Soberano gets beat on next. He gets hit with a triple drop kick in the corner. Atlantis dodges an attack and starts to fight back. Stuka looks to get confused on the spot so Soberano hits a double drop kick. Stuka then hits a moonsault to the outside on Cuatrero and then Soberano hits a dive to the outside on Forastero. In the ring Atlantis gets Sanson with a hurricanrana for the round. Second Fall: Atlantis pins Sanson with a hurricanrana.
Stuka hits consecutive back breaksrs on Los Dinamias to start the round off. Soberano uses his agility and acrobatics to work over Sanson and Cuatrero to the outside. Soberano then poses and the crowd goes wild. Atlantis hits a monkey flip on Forastero and hip tosses the rest of Dinamitas. Stuka hits a cross body but it goes bad for him. Him and Atlantis are down in the corner and then Soberano gets power bombed into the pile. Cuatrero then launches Forastero into the pile and they all get pinned. Third Fall: Los Dinamitas pins Atlantis, Stuka, and Soberano after Cuatrero launched Forastero into them in the corner.
Winners: Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero
Caristico vs Ultimo Guerrero
This match starts with them brawling during Ultimo Guerrero’s entrance. Guerrero gets the upper hand, however. Ultimo press slams him into the barricade then hits him with the barricade door. Guerrero tries to pull off Caristico’s mask but the ref is trying to pull him off. Caristico fires up a come back and hits a sunset flip for a quick pin. First Fall: Caristico pins Ultimo Guerrero with a sunset flip.
They posture to the crowd some to start this round. Caristico gets Ultimo to the outside and leaps over the top rope to the outside and hits a hurricanrana. Back in the ring Ultimo slams him and gets Caristico in a neck crank submission. Second Fall: Ultimo Guerrero submits Caristico with a neck crank submission.
Caristico strikes Ultimo multiple times in the corner. They trade a few pinning combos until Caristico gets Ultimo to the outside and then he hits a dive over the top rope. Ultimo hits a gord buster off of the top rope when they get back in the ring for a close two count. Caristico goes for a hurricanrana off of the top rope but Ultimo reverses it into a power bomb for another close two count. Caristico brings Ultimo back to the top rope and in electric chair position hits a hurricanrana off of the top rope finally but for a two count. Ultimo suplexes Caristico back in the ring from the apron. Caristico gets up and hits the head scissors into the Fujiwara arm bar for the win. Third Fall: Caristico submits Ultimo Guerrero with a Fujiwara arm bar.
Winner: Caristico
Arena Mexico Friday
Magnus and Oro Jr vs Akuma and Grako
Akuma and Magnus begin the match off with some grappling. Oro enters with Grako and they trade some transitions and moves. Oro fails to do a spot where he leaps up on the turnbuckle and falls to the outside. Akuma slams Magnus then throws Grako on him. Oro goes for a cross body and Akuma drop kicks him then Grako hits an elbow drop off of the top rope. First Fall: Grako pins Oro with an elbow drop.
Oro gets worked over to start this round. They both hit top rope drop kicks on Magnus. Magnus makes a come back hitting a monkey flip on Grako and Akuma. Oro hits a moonsault on Akuma for the pin and Magnus hits a knee attack in the corner on Grako for the pin. Second Fall: Magnus pins Grako with a running knee attack.
Magnus starts the round off hot getting offense in on Grako and Akuma. Oro comes in and does similar things. He hits a top rope arm drag and then poses. Magnus gets caught though and Grako hits a code breaker while Akuma holds him. Oro helps him fight back and then Magnus helps Oro walk the ropes and hit a hurricanrana on Grako off of the apron. Akuma goes to the top but Magnus meets him up there and hits a Spanish fly for the win. Third Fall: Magnus pins Akuma with a Spanish Fly.
Winners: Magnus and Oro Jr
La Jarochita, Kaho Kobayashi, and Avispa Dorada vs Dalys, Amapola, and Reyna Isis
Dorada and Isis start the match out with some grappling. Dalys and Jarochita come in next and Dalys tries to use her strength to her advantage. Jarochita tries to turn the tide using quick moves. Kaho comes in with Amapola and she is trying to use her quickness but ultimately Amapola catches her with a spear. Chaos emerges and everybody is trading spots, notably, Dorada does an asai cross body on Isis. In the ring, Dalys goes for a pinning combo but Jarochita reverses it into a pinning combo. First Fall: Jarochita pins Dalys with a pinning combo.
Isis begins the round working over Dorada. Dorada fights back and knocks Isis out of the ring. Kaho comes in but gets teamed on. Dalys hits Jarochita with a swinging slam for the pin. Second Fall: Dalys pins Jarochita with a swinging slam.
Kaho gets beat on some to start this round. Jarochita helps make a come back and Kaho hits a missile drop kick on Amapola. Amapola breaks out of a pin and hits Kaho with a running attack. Dalys hits Jarochita with a running power bomb but Dorada breaks it up. Isis hits a crossbody on Dorada and then a code breaker for a pin. Jarochita hits her with a running kick in the corner to pin Isis. Dalys drop kicks Jarochita to the outside then hits a run up the ropes cross body to the outside. In the ring Kaho gets Amapola in a pinning combo for the win. Third Fall: Kaho Kobayashi pins Amapola with a pinning combo.
Winners: La Jarochita, Kaho Kobayashi, and Avispa Dorada
(Match Relampago) Soberano vs Mephisto
They start out fighting for position. Soberano does some acrobatic spots and then he super kicks Mephisto to the outside. After that he hits a high velocity dive through the middle rope. Soberano gets Mephisto to the outside again and goes for a flip over the ropes to the outside but Mephisto catches him and power bombs him. Back in the ring Soberano hits a hurricanrana to the outside and then he hits a back flip dive over the top rope. Back in the ring again Soberano hits a tornillo splash for a two count. Mephisto hits a Canadian destroyer. Soberano kicks out and then gets Mephisto tied up in the ropes and then he hits a lionsault for the win. Soberano pins Mephisto with a lionsault.
Winner: Soberano
(CMLL vs The Crash) Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja vs Adam Brooks and Mecha Wolf 450
Adam Brooks start with Niebla Roja and this is an interesting match for CMLL to do. They start out with some posturing and then get to the ground and start grappling. Mecha Wolf is in next with Angel de Oro. They trade a whole bunch of impressive acrobatic spots. Wolf kicks Roja off of the apron and goes for a swinging DDT but Roja reverses it into a slam. Brooks kicks Oro to the outside and then Mecha Wolf does a dive through the middle rope on Roja, and then to Oro. Wolf and Brooks do a doomsday knee attack into a power bomb on Oro for the pin. Mecha Wolf does a jump in swinging DDT on Roja for the fall. First Fall: Mecha Wolf pins Niebla Roja with a swinging DDT.
They do a double team move to Roja to start. Roja and Oro fight back and knock Brooks and Mecha Wolf to the outside and then they both hit dives to the outside. They hit stereo super kicks while they are down in the corner to tie up the match. Second Fall: Niebla Roja and Angel de Oro pin Brooks and Wolf with stereo super kicks.
This round starts and they’re trading moves. Roja and Wolf are on the outside of the ring while Brooks hits a code breaker on Oro. Oro then hits a michinoku driver on Brooks for a two count. Both brothers super kick Mecha Wolf who no sells it. Then they do it again and he drops. Roja kicks Brooks and then hits a top rope face buster on Wolf onto Brooks for a two count. Roja then hits a stalling vertical suplex on Brooks for a two count. Roja hits a big clothesline sending Brooks to the outside and then he hits a dive over the top rope. Oro then hits a golden moonsault on the pile. After everyone sells a bit, Oro finds himself on the apron and Brooks flips over and does a Canadian destroyer on the apron. Brooks then does a flip dive over the top rope on Oro. Wolf hits a 450 on Niebla Roja. Brooks then hits a swanton on him and pins him. They do double team offense on Oro now. Brooks misses a swanton bomb and Oro super kicks Wolf, then gets Brooks in the rock the boat submission for the submission. Oro kicks Wolf to the outside and then he did a handspring flip to the outside. Oro goes for another dive but Wolf intercepts him and hits a spear for a close two count. Oro goes for a lionsault after trapping him in the ropes but Wolf gets his feet up. Wolf hits a sit out power bomb for two. Oro hits a reverseranna for the win finally. Crowd goes crazy. What a good match, the people’s main event. Check this match out if you can. Starts around the hour mark on the CMLL youtube page. Third Fall: Angel de Oro pins Mecha Wolf with a reverseranna.
Winners: Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja
Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero vs Mascara Ano 2000, Sanson, and Cuatrero
Gran Guerrero starts out with Cuatrero. They go back and forth trying to gain the advantage. Sanson enters with Euforia and they start grappling. Mascara enters with Ultimo but it breaks down into Dinamitas beating up on Ultimo. Cuatrero and Sanson press slam Euforia then Mascara hits a senton splash and Sanson and Cuatrero follow that up with some elbow drops. Cuatrero then launched Sanson in the air and he landed on Gran Guerrero for the pin. First Fall: Sanson pins Gran Guerrero after Cuatrero launched him for a splash.
Dinamitas beat on Los Guerrero’s in between the round. They continue to beat on Los Guerrero’s during the round as well. They beat on them up the ramp. Gran and Euforia turn the tables on Sanson and Cuatrero and then they hit dives off of the stage. Ultimo hit a running attack in the corner on Mascara and then got him in a leg lock submission. Second Fall: Ultimo Guerrero submits Mascara with a leg lock.
In between the rounds Mascara gets hit with the Los Guerrero’s triple team spot. Gran and Mascara start the round formally but Mascara hits Sanson with an attack by accident. Gran is able to fight back however and drop kicks Sanson off of the apron. Euforia and Mascara exchange strikes. Sanson enters to take on Euforia but Euforia hits a back breaker. Dinamitas stomp on Ultimo Guerrero in the corner. Los Guerrero’s fight back and Gran hits a splash over the top rope to the outside. Euforia goes for one but Cuatrero and Sanson push Gran in the way. Ultimo Guerrero goes for a roll up on Mascara but Sanson and Cuatrero pull the ref out of the ring. Mascara then kicks Ultimo in the groin and pins him. Third Fall: Mascara Ano 2000 pins Ultimo Guerrero with a groin kick.
Ultimo challenges Mascara to a hair vs hair mask. Dinamitas beat up Los Guerrero’s afterwards.
Winners: Mascara Ano 2000, Sanson, and Cuatrero
Caristico, Volador Jr, and El Valiente vs Rush, El Terrible, and La Bestia del Ring
Volador and Rush start out and go back and forth. Valiente comes in and hits a monkey flip on Bestia and then he hits another. Valiente goes for a dive and Terrible drop kicked him. Then Caristico hit a dive over the top rope on Bestia. Volador hits a back stabber on Rush for the pin. First Fall: Volador pins Rush with a back stabber.
Caristico runs wild on Bestia and counters Bestia’s moves. Volador hits a hurricanrana on Rush and then Rush dumps Volador to the outside and hits a dive over the top rope. Terrible slammed Caristico and Bestia hit a senton from the top for the pin. Terrible then power bombed Valiente for the fall. Second Fall: Terrible pins Valiente with a power bomb.
Rush poses on the commentary table at the start of the round. Bestia and Terrible beat on Valiente and Caristico. After minutes of beat downs Caristico hits a hurricanrana on Rush, then Volador hits a dive on Bestia. Caristico hits a middle rope dive on Terrible and then Valiente hits one on Rush. Valiente hits a hurricanrana on Terrible from the top but Bestia and Rush come in to beat on him. Caristico super kicks Bestia but Rush breaks up the pin. Volador and Rush exchange strikes. Volador kicks Rush to the outside and then Volador hits a dive over the top rope. Valiente hits a pop up power bomb on Bestia for what looked like a 4 count. Caristico submits Terrible with the Fujiwara arm bar for the win. Third Fall: Caristico submits Terrible with a Fujiwara arm bar.
Winners: Caristico, Volador, and El Valiente
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The Dark Angel starts her Double Header to start the show, and Miss Parker is ready to take her shot on goal! Will Jaida get out the mud with this one? Or will she learn that La Primera don’t play, either?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and both title and history are on the line!
The bell rings and the fans duel already. The two tie up, go around, and Jaida knees low! Jaida wrenches, wristlocks, and YANKS the arm. Jaida wrenches, YANKS, and wrenches again, but Vaquer rolls, handsprings, and wrenches to a wristlock in return. Jaida powers through to scoop and SLAM! She eggs Vaquer on, scoops her again, and SLAMS her! Jaida talks trash, the fans rally, and Vaquer goes for a leg. Jaida stops Vaquer with a facelock, shifts to hook the arms, but Vaquer slips through to trip Jaida up! Vaquer has the toehold, then ties Jaida’s legs up into a DEATH LOCK! The fans fire up while se see Ava Raine and the Women’s Division watching backstage.
Jaida endures, crawls back, and reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Vaquer lets go, but Jaida runs up. Vaquer dodges, comes back, and tilt-o-whirls to a roll-up! TWO, Vaquer dodges Jaida and sits her down for body scissors! Gedo Clutch, TWO! Jaida escapes that one and the fans fire up. The two reset, circle again, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Jaida powers her way to a facelock. Jaida CLUBS Vaquer, headlocks, then THROWS Vaquer down! Jaida wraps on the body scissors, but Vaquer pushes back to a cover, TWO! Jaida CLUBS away on Vaquer, rolls her over to a cover, TWO!
Jaida facelocks, drags Vaquer up, but Vaquer wrenches free. Vaquer whips, Jaida reverses, but Vaquer RANAS! Jaida tumbles to a corner and the fans fire up. Vaquer runs up and LARIATS, but Jaida fires a forearm! Vaquer CHOPS, SOBATS, and whips corner to corner. Jaida goes up, over, and HIP DROPS! Jaida caught Vaquer with that one and the fans fire up! Jaida talks more smack before she rains down fists, and NXT goes picture in picture.
Jaida lets off of Vaquer to clap back at the Vaquer fans. Jaida whips Vaquer to a corner hard, then scoops for a BACKBRAEKER! Vaquer writhes, Jaida drags her back up, and Jaida whips Vaquer to then ROCK her! Jaida whips Vaquer and CLUBS her, then she brings Vaquer around for a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Jaida stays on Vaquer with a facelock, and snap suplexes again! Cover, TWO! Jaida is annoyed, but she whips Vaquer, only for Vaquer to fire off forearms! Vaquer dodges a lariat, ROCKS Jaida again and again, but Jaida knees low! Jaida stands Vaquer up, runs and BLOCKBUSTERS! Cover, TWO!
Jaida grows frustrated but she pushes Vaquer over. Jaida digs a knee into Vaquer’s back and pulls her back! Vaquer endures, fights to her feet, but Jaida wrangles her back down. Jaida digs her knee in more but Vaquer still endures. Vaquer fights back up, only for Jaida to CLUB her back down! Jaida whips Vaquer to a corner, then whips her back in! Jaida talks some smack while NXT returns to single picture. Jaida whips Vaquer back into the corner, then corner to corner. Vaquer staggers, Jaida scoops, but Vaquer slips free and drops down, VICTORY- NO, Jaida stuffs it! TWO, and both women stand! Jaida blocks a shot, wrenches and slips around, BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!
The fans rally up as Vaquer goes to a corner. Jaida runs in, but into a BOOT! Jaida comes back, but into a HANGING TRIANGLE! The fans fire up, the ref counts, and Vaquer lets go at 4. Jaida staggers away, Vaquer springboards in and CROSSBODIES! Direct hit, and the watch party loses a few guests, such as Jordynne Grace. The fans fire up as Vaquer runs and dials it up, 619! Jaida flounders, Vaquer storms up, and the fans fire up for the headscissors! Vaquer turns Jaida over for the PRIMERA DRILLER! Vaquer goes all the way to TEN, then brings Jaida up. Vaquer underhooks but Jaida wrenches free!
Jaida knees low, reels Vaquer in and suplexes, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Vaquer survives and Jaida grows further frustrated. Jaida drags Vaquer up, dragon sleepers, “This is Awesome!” as Vaquer slips free. Vaquer waistlocks. Jaida switches and shoves, then SPINEBUSTER! Jaida drags Vaquer back up, POSTS her, then has her in the ropes! Jaida CHOPS Vaquer, then runs to TEARDROP! Jaida high steps, but GRACE is ringside! The Juggernaut is not happy with how Jaida interrupted her last week! Jaida frowns, but she still blocks Vaquer’s kick! Jaida ROCKS Vaquer, runs and builds speed, into a victory roll! VAQUER WINS!!
Winner: Stephanie Vaquer, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)
Jaida is beside herself, but she let someone else get in her head before the end. Refs rush out here to keep Jaida from going after Jordynne. The bottom line is that Vaquer still has the top title in the NXT Women’s Division. But FATAL INFLUENCE ATTACKS! The fans boo as Fallon, Jacy & Jazmyn mug Vaquer, wanting to soften her up for the main event! Jacy drops a SENTON, then another SENTON! Then a third SENTON! The fans boo as hard as they can, but will NXT once again be under the Influence?
Trick Williams paces backstage.
But he spots someone walking in and says he doesn’t wanna hear any of that, he doesn’t have time for it today. But Je’Von Evans says, “Deadass, I didn’t like how you pushed me to the side last week. I was focused on Dark State, and I was trying to tell you and Oba that-” Trick says Je’Von still doesn’t get it! Just because they’re from the Carolinas, they’re supposed to be brothers? Trick told him once and he’ll tell Je’Von again, the focus is on Stand & Deliver and the NXT Championship. Je’Von knows Trick’s obsessed with Oba, he’s been that way for the last four months! How is Trick focused so hard on Oba that he couldn’t do what Je’Von did and just drop him?
Trick says be real. Je’Von only dropped Oba because Oba was focused on Trick. Oh, really? Well, if Trick keeps on doubting Je’Von, then Je’Von will just keep on shocking him. Trick said Je’Von would never be champion, but tonight, Je’Von proves Trick wrong again. Trick says yeah, Je’Von has potential, good for him. Randy Orton said Je’Von’s got potential, there’s all these “cosigns,” but there’s a difference between having potential and having the title. Everybody can’t hold that title in the air. Je’Von says he thought Trick was mad before. But that title has really changed Trick into someone else.
Trick says it’s a champion thing, dawg. That’s something Je’Von doesn’t understand. Well, after tonight, Je’Von will. The Young OG heads out, but will he take the Drama King’s throne as Heritage Cup Champion?
The NXT Women’s Division Watch Party continues.
As the others murmur about how the opening match ended, Ava says she needs to go check on Vaquer. But Lash Legend says, “SKRRT! Excuse me, Miss Mayor.” Ava says, “Yes, Lashes?” Lash needs to check into why Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley have a title match with the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions when it should be the Meta Girls. Ava tries to start, but Gigi says maybe it’s because Ava is tired of giving Lash & Jakara opportunities and they lose. Ever think about that? Tatum says first, Gigi & Tatum will beat Ash & Heather By Elegance, and then they’ll bring those TNA titles to NXT!
Jakara says whatever, she and the Bougie Bully have been a real tag team a lot longer than anyone else in this room. Zaria steps up but Sol Ruca has her calm down. Lash tells them both to sit back down. Jakara says you don’t send girls to do a woman’s job. They ran up on Ash & Heather but Gigi & Tatum went and took their shot. Oh, “took their shot,” huh? Please, Miss Jackson. If you’re about the action, Gigi & Tatum will show them something. Lash says don’t even go there. The Meta Girls head out, telling Ava to fix this. Ava has a lot on her plate, but will Gigi & Tatum show they can make an impact?
Sit-down interview with Ricky Saints.
Vic Joseph sits down with The Absolute and says he has been waiting for this moment ever since Ricky arrived over a month ago. Ricky has already had some big moments, but there are those in the locker room that say Ricky doesn’t belong. It’s Stand & Deliver Season, tensions are high, is that all white noise or motivation? A bit of both. Ricky thinks it is funny, as there are superstars back there that have had a head start on him. And it wasn’t until he actually showed up that the decided to up their game. Vic and the fans are finding out just how confident Ricky is as a performer. And confidence can scare people.
That is what Ricky has been dealing with all his life. So coming here and getting that is nothing new to Ricky. Then where does Ricky find that inner confidence? Ricky says when he was breaking into the business, he was living out of his car. There were times he didn’t know how he was going to eat for that weekend. He didn’t know if he’d have money for food or clothes. But at the end of those days, the only thing he actually had was his confidence. The confidence in the fact that he was going to get out of that situation. That is why he’s sitting with Vic right now, in NXT and the WWE. It is because of that confidence.
Ricky wears the scars and battle wounds as pride. But wait, Shawn Spears interrupts? Vic tries to explain this is an exclusive interview, but The Chair Man says he is going to take it from here. Vic steps aside and Spears tells Saints to relax, he’s just sitting down. Spears says they’ve known each other a long time. Ricky says too long. Then why does Ricky think Spears didn’t ask Ricky to join The Culling. Because Spears knew Ricky would say no. Spears knew Ricky would say that, and tells Ricky that he’s wrong. Remember that conversation in Philly? How many times has Spears had to talk Ricky off the metaphorical ledge?
How many times did Ricky not believe in himself? All the advice he’s given over the years. The reason Spears didn’t offer is because, sadly, Ricky is still the same man he left over a year ago. Nothing’s changed. This arrogance is a plague everywhere Ricky goes. All he does is create a long line of enemies, and it is all his fault. Wow, what’s really weird to Ricky is that Spears doesn’t get how if he wants to be number one here in not just NXT but in WWE, it’s that he’s going to make enemies. Spears has heard that same thing, “You wanna make friends? Or do you wanna make money?” That is Spears’ point with Ricky!
Look at Spears! He is a champion in the WWE, with three of his best friends, family even, right by his side. Ricky says they’re the only reason he has that title. And Ricky is going to be the one to take it from Spears. Oh, so Ricky wants the North American Championship? Is he sure? Even though they both know what the outcome’s going to be? Do not add Spears to your long list of enemies, Ricky. You know what they are capable of. Jensen, Niko & Izzi step in, but Spears has them stay back. Spears tells Ricky that in case it doesn’t work out, he can always go back to… Oh, no, never mind. They both know Ricky burnt every bridge.
The Culling leaves, and Ricky says he’ll just have to win then. Will Spears still be so high and mighty when Saints comes marching in?
Other superstars finish watching the interview.
Wes Lee’s guys, Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont, cannot believe this. What is Ricky doing? He can’t be for real. Wes says no, he is. It’s “Ricky ‘Everything is About Me Once I Walk Through the Door’ Saints.” But in time, he’ll realize he ain’t the guy around here. But don’t sweat it, it’s almost time for their match. Let’s get it. The Wes Side heads out, Ethan Page puts his coat up, and Kale Dixon tells Uriah Connors that Ricky is pulling an Ethan Page. That’s what All Ego did, didn’t he? That’s gotta suck. Ethan says two more words, and Kale will get knocked out again. Uriah steps up for Kale, but then Andre Chase steps in.
Chase tells Ethan, “What the hell is your problem? You know that’s not how we handle things here.” Oh, and this isn’t a classroom, professor, this is the real world. Yeah, and Ethan knows better. Kale & Uriah are young and inexperienced. Oh, then Chase better teach them that their words have consequences. Actually, Ethan forgot that their dead-end university is closed. Oh, is that how Ethan feels? Yeah! Then maybe Chase should teach them about sensitive tough guys like Ethan who can’t handle the truth. Ethan says, “We’ll see.” Ethan heads out, Chase tells Kale & Uriah that he’ll handle this. And seeing how eager they are, Chase lets Kale & Uriah follow.
Kale & Uriah are excited to see Mr. Chase handle business, but will All Ego stomp all over the name of Chase U?
Hank ‘n’ Tank walk ‘n’ talk.
They’re riled up from last week, being talked down to by Wes, but forget about last week. Right here, right now, these two will prove they’re not just two individuals. They are two minds intertwined! Nobody is more connected than the Bodacious Belly Boys! What does Motor City Machine Guns say to that? Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin are waiting and they like the energy. Hank ‘n’ Tank have got this! One time for the boys! HONK HONK! MCMG wants to see Hank ‘n’ Tank bring out that it factor, will this be the night they level up? Or will Ty & Ty show them what it takes to evolve?
Hank ‘n’ Tank VS Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont w/ Wes Lee!
NXT is picture in picture for entrances, and while the teams sort out. Igwe starts against Tank and the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock as Igwe is taller but Tank is wider. The two reset, tie up again, and Igwe waistlocks. Igwe SLAMS Tank down, holds him down, but Tank fights back up. Tank wiggles and swivels and switches, but Igwe fires elbows! Igwe goes to ropes, bucks Tank, then runs him over! Igwe drags Tank up, tags Dupont, and they double wrench to double YANK the arms! Tank goes to ropes, Dupont brings him around, and Dupont CLUBS the arm! Dupont wrenches to RAM shoulders, then taunts Tank.
Dupont stands Tank up but Tank rolls Dupont up! TWO, and Tank wrenches to YANK the arm! Tank wrenches the arm again, Dupont fights the elbow breaker, but Tank powers him into the corner! Hank tags in, sets up, and Tank HONK HONKS the ELBOW BREAKER! Hank runs up and LARIATS Dupont! Hank bumps Dupont off buckles, then goes corner to corner with Dupont to bump him off more buckles! Hank whips, Dupont reverses, and Dupont SPLASHES! Dupont talks trash, then whips corner to corner. Hank goes up and over, and he BODY BLOWS! NXT returns to single picture as Hank climbs up!
Igwe storms in but Tank intercepts! The fans fire up as Tank bumps Igwe off buckles and climbs up! Hank ‘n’ Tank coordinate, and they rain down fists! The fans count along, and we go to nine, wind up, and TEN! Hank ‘n’ Tank send Ty & Ty into each other, and then HONK HONK, BIG BELLY SANDWICH! Igwe falls out, Wes is annoyed, and Hank wrenches Dupont to YANK the arm. Tag to Tank, drop toehold and ELBOW DROP! Tank then sits Dupont up for Hank to run, run, and run, to DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Tank hurries to get Dupont for a cover, TWO! MCMG watches this backstage, Tank whips but Dupont blocks!
Dupont reels Tank in to LARIAT! Tag to Igwe, Ty & Ty double whip to DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! Igwe snarls, but Tank avoids the stomp! Igwe hobbles, Dupont tags in and he CLOBBERS Tank! Dupont talks trash, whips Tank, but Tank KICKS Dupont! Tag to Hank, and Hank TOSSES Dupont onto Igwe! The fans fire up as Tank holds the way open! Shoutout to MCMG, Hank DIVES! Direct hit and Hank even hits the desk! The fans are losing their minds over the world’s biggest “five hole goal” as Hank puts Dupont in the ring. Dupont goes to a corner, Hank runs in, BACK BODY BLOCK and BULLDOG! The fans fire up with Hank, but Wes distracts him!
Hank takes a swipe, Wes gets away, and Dupont UPPERCUTS Hank down! Tag to Igwe, he stomps away, and Igwe clamps onto Hank’s arms, to then pull and STOMP! Igwe then drags Hank up to fire hands, then he lines up a shot. Hank wobbles, Igwe BOOTS him down! Igwe drags Hank up, whips him to the corner, then he runs up to RAM into Hank! Dupont tags in, but Hank fights back! Dupont full nelsons, Igwe BODY BLOWS, and Dupont FULL NELSON SLAMS! Cover, TWO! Hank survives that mugging but Dupont drags him back up. Dupont has the full nelson and he thrashes Hank around! Hank fights up and hits a JAWBREAKER!
Dupont staggers, Igwe tags in! Igwe drags Hank from Tank, but Hank fights and flails! Hank powers up, the fans rally, and Hank steps forward. Igwe CLUBS Hank on the back! Igwe keeps the facelock, but then takes a swing on Tank! Tank dodges. then Hank dodges, hot tag to Tank! Tank rallies on Ty & Ty with big forearms and LARIATS! Tank dodges Igwe to then OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Dupont storms up but Tank ROCKS him, and BLASTS him! Wes is freaking out as Tank cartwheels past Igwe to LARIAT! The fans fire up as Tank suplexes Igwe, FISHERMAN SPINEBUSTER! Cover, DUPONT BREAKS IT!
The fans rally, Igwe goes to a corner, and Tank runs in. Igwe runs up, Tank dodges to go up, up and FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Tag back to Hank, and Tank goes up? Hank turns Igwe, but Wes slides in! The ref stops Wes, but that lets Dupont trip Tank up! No Skull ‘n’ Bones, Igwe shoves Hank away! BOOT and Hank is on spaghetti legs! Dupont tags in, SLAM DUNK SAIDO!! Cover, Ty & Ty win!
Winners: Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont, by pinfall
The Wes Side used numbers against Hank ‘n’ Tank trying to use another legendary team’s style. Will Hank ‘n’ Tank ever find that thing that makes them a legendary tag team?
Ava Raine checks on Vaquer.
Vaquer is being iced and taped up from that attack earlier, and the NXT GM says she should’ve known better. Is Vaquer sure she can defend the North American Championship tonight? After what Fatal Influence did, Ava- Vaquer stops Ava there. Vaquer is the double champion, and she will keep her word to Ava, to the NXT Women’s Division, and to her home country of Chile. Vaquer IS La Primer. Fallon will still get her title match. Okay, but is Vaquer sure? They can always reschedule. Vaquer says she’s sure, thank you. Vaquer heads out with both belts in hand but ice wrapped around her waist. Will Vaquer still make history by successfully pulling off the double header?
Backstage interview with Fraxiom.
Sarah Schreiber is with the NXT Tag Team Champions and brings up that the last time we saw them, they were battling it out with The Hardy Boyz at Roadblock. What was it like for Axiom to go home to Spain and push Der Ring General, Gunther, to his limits? Axiom says that was a dream come true. Axiom pushed the WWE World Heavyweight Champion to his limits in front of Axiom’s home crowd. His friends, his family! That’s a moment he’ll never forget. Nathan Frazer says him, too, amigo. Because Frazer didn’t get invited to that. But hey, it’s Stand & Deliver Season, and-
Axiom stops Frazer there. They talked about this. It was all meant to be a big surprise for everyone, and… Frazer has a big mouth. So- Oh, what is that supposed to mean? Does Axiom think Frazer was going to tweet it out or something? Well, he’s kinda done something like that before… Hey, maybe if Frazer was there, Axiom would’ve beat Gunther! Okay, what is that supposed to mean? Wait, as Fraxiom argue, someone pulls up. It’s OBA FEMI! And The Ruler does not look happy. Axiom gets out of there, and Frazer is unsure where he’s going. Frazer follows, will the dysfunction start up all over again?
NXT Heritage Cup Championship: Lexis King VS Je’Von Evans!
The Drama King continues to talk a big game, but perhaps changing the rules from British Rounds to First Fall might come back to bite him. Will this Cup still be Lexis’ prized possession? Or will the Young OG shock the world by adding his name to the Heritage Cup legacy?
NXT returns as Lexis makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the trophy is raised, and we see if this is still Lexis’ way and Lexis’ life.
The bell rings and the two approach. Lexis takes a swing, Je’Von dodges, and Je’Von asks if Lexis is still mad about last week. Lexis runs up, Je’Von headlocks, and Je’Von thrashes the hold. Lexis powers up but can’t power out. Je’Von thrashes the headlock more, but Lexis pries at the grip. Lexis pulls hair, puts Je’Von in a corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Je’Von dodges the sucker punch to hit a headlock takeover! The fans cheer as Je’Von shows he has that technical side, but Lexis headscissors. Je’Von kips free, headlocks again, but Lexis fires body shots. Je’Von CLUBS Lexis and CHOPS him, then it’s back tot he headlock.
But Lexis hits a BIG back suplex! The fans boo but Lexis stomps away on Je’Von. Lexis soaks up the heat, drags Je’Von up and scoops for a SLAM! Cover, TWO! Je’Von is tougher than that and Lexis stays focused. Lexis taunts Je’Von, clamps on the chinlock, but Je’Von endures. Je’Von fights up, but Lexis crossface forearms Je’Von down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally for “YOUNG O G!” Lexis tells them to shut up, then he winds up. Je’Von dodges to springboard and FLYING SCHOOLBOY! TWO, and Lexis swings, into a wrench! Je’Von goes up the ropes, BOUNCY~” RANA! Lexis gets up, Je’Von dodges him, for a springboard CROSSSBODY! Cover, TWO!
Je’Von DROPKICKS Lexis right down and the fans fire up! Lexis bails out, Je’Von grins and builds speed. Je’Von DIVES, direct hit on Lexis and he ends up on the desk! The fans fire up as Je’Von cheers himself on, and NXT goes picture in picture.
Je’Von perches on the desk as he waits for Lexis to get up. The ref reprimands and wants this in the ring, so Je’Von hops down to fetch Lexis. Je’Von CHOPS Lexis, brings Lexis around, but Lexis SHOVES Je’Von into steel steps! Je’Von writhes, Lexis talks trash, and he drags Je’Von up to put him in the ring. Lexis drags Je’Von up to scrape laces off the face, then he KICKS Je’Von in the back! Je’Von grits his teeth but Lexis stands him up. Lexis bumps Je’Von off buckles, then headlocks to throw in some sneaky punches! The ref sees those and reprimands, but Lexis drags Je’Von up. Je’Von stops the buckle bump to give a buckle bump!
Je’Von CHOPS and Lexis sputters! Je’Von CHOPS again, but Lexis dodges to throat chop! The ref reprimands, but Lexis stomps Je’Von around. Lexis hoists Je’Von up for a BIG back suplex, covers, TWO! Lexis looms over Je’Von, stomps him, then drags him up to bump off buckles. Lexis uses the ropes so he can dig both boots in! The ref counts, Lexis backs off, and he drags Je’Von out from the corner. Je’Von fires body shots, then whips, only for Lexis to reverse. Lexis DROPKICKS Je’Von down, covers, TWO! Je’Von stays in this but Lexis stays on him with a chinlock. Lexis leans on Je’Von but Je’Von still endures.
NXT returns to single picture as Je’Von rises up. Je’Von arm-drags free, then BODY BLOWS! And BODY BLOWS! Lexis ROCKS Je’Von right back! Lexis runs up to LARIAT in the corner, and CHOP! Lexis wrenches, then has an inside fisherman, for a FISHERMAN DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Je’Von survives and Lexis is furious! The ref defends his count was fair, so Lexis drags Je’Von back up. Lexis talks trash, Je’Von CHOPS! The fans fire up while Lexis sputters and drops to his knees! Je’Von then goes to a corner, and Lexis snarls. Lexis runs up, blocks a boot, but Je’Von stands on Lexis’ foot! Je’Von ROCKS Lexis, UPPERCUTS, then runs and hits a SUPER OG PUNCH!
The fans fire up and Je’Von keeps moving, springboard and DREAMCAST KICK! The fans fire up as Je’Von hurries to the apron! Je’Von then climbs, FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?!? Lexis survives and the fans are thunderous! Je’Von just brushes that off and brings Lexis up. Je’Von underhooks, “This is Awesome!” but Lexis BACKDROPS free! Je’Von lands on his feet! Lexis runs up to SUPERKICK! Lexis snarls, drags Je’Von back up and reels him in! “LONG! LIVE! THE KING!” CORO- NO! Je’Von wrenches out, whips, but Lexis reverses! Je’Von hits a NEURALIZER! Lexis tumbles out while the fans fire up!
Je’Von shakes the ropes, he is all fired up! Je’Von runs and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up again! Je’Von hurries to get Lexis in, then he goes up the apron. Lexis distracts the ref, OBA GRABS JE’VON! APRON POWERBOMB!!! The Young OG writhes, the fans boo, but the ring count is climbing! The Ruler counts along as we pass 5 of 10, and then 8! 9! TEN! Lexis wins!!
Winner: Lexis King, by count-out (still NXT Heritage Cup Champion)
The King keeps his crown thanks to The Ruler getting revenge on Je’Von! And while Oba stalks Je’Von back into the ring, the lights go out! Because THEY are here! Dark State is in the crowd! Je’Von fights Oba while Dion, Saquon, Cutler & Osiris creep closer! Oba ROCKS Je’Von, reels him in, but Je’Von gets out of the bomb! Trick Williams runs in, Oba dodges, TRICK SHOT hits Je’Von!! Trick is a bit stunned, but refs and security rush out here! Dark State waits at the barriers to see how this plays out. Fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” but the refs won’t let Trick and Oba get started! Dark State is loving this! Will NXT truly fall into chaos?
Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson!
It was last week that these teams “crossed the line” into TNA to call out Ash & Heather By Elegance, but it was the “weird girls” who were given the title opportunity. Will Gigi & Tatum make Lash & Jakara understand why? Or will the Meta Girls make them pump the brakes?
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The American Nightmare is in Scotland!
After confronting a “whiny” John Cena in Brussels, Belgium, Cody Rhodes is now in Glasgow, Scotland! Will there be another Raw encounter between champion and challenger?
- Jey Uso & Jimmy Uso VS A-Town Down Under; The Usos win.
- WWE Women’s Intercontinental Championship: Lyra Valkyria VS Raquel Rodriguez w/ Liv Morgan; Lyra wins and retains the title.
- Dragon Lee VS Chad Gable; changed to…
- Dragon Lee VS El Grande Americano; Grande wins.
- WWE Intercontinental Championship: Bron Breakker VS PENTA; Bron wins, by disqualification, and retains the title.
Glasgow erupts with boos just like Brussels did last week, and then “JOHN CENA SUCKS~!” Cena wears the custom Scotland “The Last Time is Now” merchandise, and fans show their Cody Rhodes signs. Cena goes to the ring, grabs a mic, and the fans boo again. Cena hears those boos, and then says, “Is something on your mind? Seems like you have something you want to say to me.” The fans keep booing, and there’s still dueling even now. Cena says yeah, they’re ready to do their worst tonight, aren’t they? It’s because they finally understand what is going on. Cena has turned the spotlight onto the fans, and now they know that he can pick apart any one of these random ticket holders to shreds!
Cena knows they know that no one is safe! Cena put a clueless kid on blast! His poor, pathetic face was everywhere! WWE posted it! And you all loved it. The fans tell Cena off, and Cena just smiles. Cena says who is better: him, the one guy who actually tells the truth; or all the fans, whose collectively best idea is to use profanity! The fans are the ones who loved to watch and rewatch and meme up a poor, defenseless kid getting destroyed! Cena doesn’t need to single out anyone here, because they are ALL horrible people! No, tonight, the fans get to find out how Cena makes them pay for the abuse they have put him through.
For 25 YEARS, Cena has listened to their lies and their noise! But he didn’t waste that time being mean, he paid attention. Fans tell Cena to STFU, and Cena says, “You make this so easy. While you were chanting profanity at the top of your lungs, I’ve been paying attention. I’ve been learning from you, quizzing you, studying you, testing you, prodding you, rewarding you for playing along with your stupid, curse ridden nursery rhymes. And in doing so, you have told me every single thing about your. You know nothing about me, I know more about you than you.” The fans boo, but Cena says the truth is, “Your life is sad!
“Because this is the best it’s gonna get. This is all you have! But to me, you have been nothing more than an experiment. You have been rats in a cage. Oh, you don’t believe me? Pick out any moment in my career, and I’ll tell you what I learned from you. When I bled, you thought I was tough. When I spoke, you were inspired. When I was edgy, you were excited. When I was vanilla, you were bored. When I was loyal, you were loved. When I was selfish, you were disrespected. When I speak in rhythmic tones, you say, ‘What.’ You make this so, so simple. You will always tell me everything about yourselves, because you so desperately want to matter.
“And the most important thing you ever told me was in April 2005. It was the day I gave you my greatest idea. I gave you the WWE Spinner Championship! And just like right now, you ate me alive. All you have to do is google, ‘Negative comments about the spinner belt.’ You all told me loud and clear how stupid I was, because I changed your championship into a toy, and the championship is not a toy. The championship is a symbol of the center of all this, and the toy belt I made for you disrespected tradition and disrespected your legacy. Listen closely, because that was the biggest mistake you ever made.
“In that one single moment, you were vulnerable enough to tell me what means the most to you in this life. And now that I know that… I am going to ruin wrestling. I am going to ruin wrestling for every fan, for every wrestler, for everyone. At WrestleMania, I make history by winning a 17th (world) championship. And I finally force you to forget the name of the fun machine, jet-flying WOO~, Ric Flair. You will forever say the name ‘John Cena.’ But even worse… I’m going to win that championship, the center of every superstar of this entire business, of every fan in this building, I will win that championship and retire with it. I am taking it home with me!
“And leaving all of you to create a brand new toy belt, because the real one comes home with me! I will be the LAST REAL CHAMPION in WWE! Revenge is best served cold, and I pay you back by ripping your heart out and forcing you to watch as I just walk away with your memories, and your traditions, and your dreams, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!” But wait! Here comes Cody Rhodes! Glasgow fires up and sings along, “WHOA~ OH!” Cody gets his pyro, high-fives the fans, and joins Cena in the ring. Cody grabs his own mic, the fans cheer, and Cena just glares the entire time. Cody raises the belt and the fans cheer again.
The fans sing “CODY! CODY RHODES~!” Cody then lifts the mic to say, “I’m sorry, what’d you say? You said you were going to take this away from them? Don’t you think you need to take it away from me first? Admittedly, I made a mistake last week. I looked at you, I talked about Old John, I talked about New John, I didn’t look hard enough. Hearing it, seeing it now, you are clearly sincere, you are clearly angry, and you are clearly willing. Perhaps you’re the most dangerous John Cena has ever been. But you have made a massive mistake. And the mistake was not hitting me upside the head with this at Elimination Chamber.
“Oh, no, no. The mistake was saying what you just said in front of these lovely people while I was in the building!” The fans cheer and sing for “CODY! CODY RHODES~!” Cody asks Cena if all that bothers him. Because it doesn’t bother Cody. What bothers Cody is that he didn’t unpack their history. But Cena should know well enough just how hard Cody fought just to hold this title ONE time, just to validate ONE name! And if Cody understands Cena right, Cena is saying that the timeline of all pro-wrestling hangs in the balance because of Cena’s vanity? Cena wants the title, right? He wants to take it?
Cody sets the belt down on the mat, and says he’ll give Cena that chance right now. The fans fire up as Cody takes off the tie, and dares Cena to take it! The mics drop, Cena prepares to draw as the two square up, but then Cena steps back. The fans boo as Cena leaves, not giving Cody the satisfaction of doing things his way. Cody picks up his mic again and shouts, “JOHN!” Cena turns around, comes back down the ramp, and the fans cheer as Cody dares him to bring it! Cody’s jacket comes off now, the fans fire up more, but Cena shakes his head and leaves again. Cody tells Cena, “one thing, John. I cannot let you do it. I cannot have that on my conscience.
“Right now, I need you to see me, I need you to see all of them, and I need you to understand that your psychotic need to take this does not outweigh OUR right to keep it!” The fans cheer that! Cody says the champ is no longer standing there, the champ is standing in the center of this ring! And Cena walking away empty handed, that is how he walks away from WrestleMania, and that is how he walks away from the WWE! The fans cheer as Cody says the champ is here! But will Cena use whatever means he has to in order to carve his name into eternity?
Jey Uso & ??? VS A-Town Down Under!
Main Event Jey put Austin Theory away so fast, you’d blink and miss it. Theory & Waller want revenge, but who’s joining Jey tonight? Why none other than JIMMY Uso! It’s an Uso Reunion in Glasgow, will they put Theory & Waller in the Uso Penitentiary? Or will they suffer the Grayson Waller Effect #AllDay?
While we get an accidental non-ad break for the YEETing, we also get ATDU making their entrance. And after a quick self-plug for the WWE original series, Stephanie’s Places, the teams sort out. Theory starts against Jey for revenge from last week. They tie up, Jey headlocks, but Theory powers up and out. Jey runs Theory over, the fans fire up, and Jey says “YEET!” Jey runs, Theory stays low to then hurdle, but Jey stops the hip toss! Jey then LARIATS Theory! Theory scrambles away, and he tags Waller in while Waller is busy taunting Glasgow. Waller says he ain’t impressed, but Jey says YEET! Jey blocks a kick, then plays keep away before he SMACKS Waller!
Jey BODY BLOCKS and PELES Waller in the corner, then tags in #BigJim! The fans fire up as Jey whips Waller, and the Usos DOUBLE ELBOW, then handshake DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! They DOUBLE LARIAT Waller up and out, but here comes Theory! The Usos TOSS Theory out, and then Jimmy FLIES! Down goes ATDU and the fans fire up! YEET! Jimmy high-fives some fans before fetching Waller into the ring. Jimmy storms up but Waller mule kicks! Waller CLUBS Jimmy, CLUBS him again, then whips corner to corner. Jimmy goes up and over, then UPPERCUTS! Cover, TWO! Waller stays in this but Jimmy stays calm.
Jimmy CHOPS Waller to a corner, but Waller kicks low! Waller swings but Jimmy dodges, and Jimmy CHOPS! Waller flops down, the fans chant, “UCE! OH!” Jimmy CHOPS Waller, whips, but Waller grabs ropes. Theory tags in, Waller KICKS Jimmy, then Waller TOSSES Jimmy! Waller builds speed, slides, but Jimmy dodges! Jimmy UPPERCUTS Waller, but then Theory DECKS Jimmy! The fans boo, Jey checks on his brother, but Theory mocks the Yeet. Theory puts Jimmy in, dares him to reach for Jey, then stomps Jimmy’s hands. The Usos are in trouble while Raw goes… Well no, another not ad break?
Theory taunts the fans, the fans boo, but Theory taunts Jey. Theory drags Jimmy onto ropes to CHOKE, but he stops at 4. Waller gets a cheap shot in as Theory argues with the ref! Jey protests but now Theory rains down fists on Jimmy. Theory mocks the Yeet, says “SUCK IT!” then drags Jimmy up. Tag to Waller, ATDU mugs Jimmy, and Waller CLUBS Jimmy down! Waller lines up a shot, and he KNEES Jimmy in the side! Waller drags Jimmy up, fires hands, but Jimmy SMACKS back! And he CHOPS Theory! Jimmy ROCKS Waller, then ELBOWS Theory! Waller blocks boots, puts Jimmy in ropes, and CLUBS him!
Waller runs to ROLLING ELBOW Jimmy in the back! Tag to Theory, DRAPING JUMP STOMP! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps onto Jimmy with a chinlock and grinds him down. The fans rally up, Jimmy fights to his feet, and Jimmy reaches out. Jimmy fires body shots, then hits a BIG back suplex! The fans fire up while both men are down! Jimmy and theory crawl, hot tag to Waller, and he BLASTS Jey off the apron! Waller rains down fists, then talks trash. The fans boo, Waller paces, and Waller steps on Jimmy’s face! The ref reprimands, but Waller clamps on a cravat. Jimmy endures the neck wrench, and the fans tell Waller he’s a wanker.
Waller puts on more pressure, and we fade to block for just a second. Jimmy fights up, the fans rally up, and Jimmy fires body shots. Waller knees low, then sucker punches Jey! But Jimmy UPPERCUTS Waller! Waller goes to the apron, Jimmy storms over, but Waller HOTSHOTS! Waller then somersaults in, but into a SAMOAN DROP! The fans fire up as Jimmy and Waller crawl again, hot tags to Theory and Jey! Jey LARIATS Theory, DECKS Waller, then fires haymakers on Theory! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Pop, lock ‘n’ put some stank on the YEET! Then an UPPERCUT! Theory blocks a kick, but not the DRAGON WHIP!
The fans fire up with Jey and they “YEET!” with him. Jey dodges Waller to HIP ATTACK Theory! SUPERKICK for Waller! SUPERKICK for Theory! Cover, TWO! Jey stays cool and the fans rally up again. Theory rises, Jey waits on him, and fireman’s carry for a- NO, Theory fights free, tag to Waller! Jey dodges Theory to UPPERCUT! Waller grabs Jey, and DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOWS connect! Then they double whip to POP-UP DOUBLE HAYMAKER! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives but Waller hurries to a corner. Waller goes up, and he hits a BALLER- NO! Jey dodges, that was an airball! Hot tag to Jimmy! Jey POPS Waller up for Jimmy’s SAMOAN DROP!
The fans fire up as Jimmy goes from Alley-Uce to the top rope. Theory runs up, Jimmy kicks him down, but Waller hits the ropes! That trips Jimmy up and Waller drags Jimmy into a fireman’s carry, Jimmy slips free, tag to Jey! SUPERKICK for Waller! Theory sneaks a tag! Theory hides, Waller BOOTS Jimmy away! Waller runs up, Jimmy ALLEY-UCE into the SPEAR!! The fans fire up but Waller’s not the legal man! Theory is back, but he runs into a ONE D!! Cover, Usos win!
Winners: The Usos, by pinfall
One and done for the Day One Ish! BUT GUNTHER YANKS JIMMY OFF THE CORNER!! The fans boo, but Gunther and Jey start brawling! Then a SUPERKICK for Gunther! Jey SUPERKICKS again! Gunther ends up in a corner, Jey runs in, but he trips?! Gunther pounces to attack with elbows and fists! Jimmy runs in with a chair! Gunther gets away while he can, but he mocks what happened to Jey tripping. Jimmy has his brother’s back, but will Der Ring General keep up the blindside attacks?
The Judgment Day is backstage.
Raquel Rodriguez stretches, and she says she’s missing something. Liv Morgan says, “Imagine how you’d feel with one of these on each shoulder by the end of the night.” Liv has Raquel hold up the title belt and Raquel likes that idea. Dominik Mysterio & Carlito walk in, and Dom says Finn hasn’t talked with any of them since last week. Liv says typical Finn. She loves the guy, but he is always more concerned about his own problems. Dom gets that, he just wishes things went different last week. Liv says it’s fine, things are turning around for the better. Liv beat Jade Cargill just last Friday, and Raquel will become the NEW Women’s Intercontinental Champion! #DoubleChamp!
And just because Finn didn’t win last week doesn’t mean they have to give up on the Men’s IC title. Liv wants Dom to talk with Adam Pearce, and Carlito interrupts by saying Liv’s right. Now it’s time for Carlito to go for the gold. Um, yeah… But also, Dom should go talk with Penta again. Dom says Finn is already against that idea, but Liv says Finn was against Liv joining, and look how that turned out? Dom has the brains, he should just trust himself. Liv says she and Raquel are going to go, Dom wishes them luck. Carlito says yeah, they brought him in, too, and look how that turned out. Okay but can he share his apples? Nope.
The Judgment Day is doing what they want, but not really consulting all members on that. Will things really work out for the better? Or are they just one move away from everything falling apart?
Lyra Valkyria prepares for her match.
Bayley is there to give her a fist bump of encouragement before she heads to gorilla. Lyra also passes by Adam Pearce talking with the LWO. Is the Raw General Manager going to help Dragon Lee get a fair fight with Chad Gable? Or could “El Grande Americano” still make an appearance?
The rich and illustrious history of lucha libre…
… is filled with legends like Blue Demon, The Guerrero Family, and Mil Mascaras. But one star shines brighter than all the rest: El Grande Americano! Hailing from the Gulf of America, El Grande Americano was raised to be the ultimate luchador. He quickly rose to the top of the industry, and for decades was the face of Lucha Libre. But after being blackballed by his jealous enemies, he disappeared without a trace. Now, the legend has returned to bring honor and glory back to this beautiful sport! He is an icon! He is a trailblazer! He is… El Grande Americano!”
Adam Pearce talks with The LWO.
Rey Mysterio asks just what the Hell is that video. That is the introduction to the newest member of the Raw roster… That’s ludicrous! It’s all just Chad Gable! Gable steps in and says they’re wrong. He also coughs and wheezes a bit. Gabel says he knows there are physical similarities, but he is not Grande Americano. He also doesn’t have the energy to argue right now, he got sick on the way over. Sadly, he cannot compete tonight. He has a doctor’s note. Pearce reads it, and it is legit. Rey cannot believe this. But whatever, it’s okay. They’ll just see Gable in the parking lot! Pearce has Rey stand down, and Gable says whoa now. Let him finish.
Gable suggests that Lee should take on the new guy, Grande Americano, and see what he’s got. Rey & Lee are still incredulous, but Pearce says his hands are tied. Rey says he gets it. Lucha libre tradition is about not backing down. Lee says whether Americano is Gable or not, Lee will take the match. Then it’s official! Lee glares at Gable, and Rey says Gable’s a jackass. The LWO walks out, Gable says he can’t believe Pearce is going to let them talk to him like that, but Pearce can’t believe Gable needed a doctor’s note. Gable coughs as if on cue, but will the Boy Wonder still get a big win here in Glasgow?
WWE Women’s Intercontinental Championship: Lyra Valkyria VS Raquel Rodriguez w/ Liv Morgan!
The Morrigan has been undefeated in title matches ever since winning the tournament, but she is quite literally up against her biggest challenge yet. Will Lyra still fly high this close to home? Or will Big Mami Cool become Double Champ Rodriguez?
The introductions are made, Lyra’s belt is raised, and we see who holds the #ShinyShiny!
The bell rings, the two circle, and they feel things out. Lyra dodges Raquel, then gets around to waistlock. Raquel THROWS Lyra off with ease but the fans boo. Lyra brushes herself off while Raquel tells the fans to shut up. The two tie up, Lyra goes for a leg, but Raquel gut wrenches to SWING Lyra around, and then THROW her away! The fans boo but Liv applauds. Raquel drags Lyra up with both ands, then THROWS her into a corner! Raquel runs up, Lyra dodges and headlocks! Raquel powers up and out, Lyra goes up, but Raquel catches her! Lyra holds on, Raquel yanks her from the corner, but Lyra slips free.
Lyra dropkicks legs out, then she gets under Raquel. Raquel fights the Northern Lights to gut wrench and Gory Especial! Lyra sunset flips, but avoids a stomp! Lyra headlocks again, but Raquel powers up and out again. Lyra ducks ‘n’ dodges, wheelbarrows, and victory rolls Raquel out of the ring! The fans fire up with Lyra and Lyra builds speed, but Raquel stops the dropkick! Raquel drags Lyra out but Lyra RANAS her into the desk! Liv panics, Lyra waistlocks, and Lyra puts Raquel in the ring. Lyra hurries up the steps, Liv coaches Raquel, and Raquel stands. Lyra leaps, into a BOOT! The fans boo but Liv cheers, and Raw goes to break.
Raw returns and Raquel has Lyra on the ropes to CHOKE her! Raquel steps off as the ref counts, and Raquel drags Lyra up. The fans rally for Lyra, but Raquel reels her in to suplex. Raquel SLINGSHOT JACKHAMMERS! Cover, TWO! Lyra survives and Raquel is frustrated, but Liv coaches her to keep going. Raquel pie faces Lyra, drags her to a drop zone, and then goes up the ropes. Raquel soaks up the heat before the VADER- FLOP! Lyra dodges, goes up a corner, and the fans fire up again! TURN OF FORTUNE!! Cover, TWO?!? Raquel survives that flying leg drop and Lyra is shocked! The fans rally as Lyra fireman’s carries!
Raquel kicks and flails, slips free, then shoves Lyra to a corner. BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Raquel goes up, VADER SENTON! Cover, TWO! Lyra survives and Raquel grows frustrated. Liv coaches Raquel and she drags Lyra up again. The fans rally, Raquel bumps Lyra off buckles, and then Raquel puts Lyra up top. Lyra BOOTS the haymaker away, then she fires forearms! Raquel wobbles, Lyra adjusts, and Lyra CROSSBODIES, but into Raquel’s arms! Raquel pops Lyra up to a suplex, but Lyra DDTS! Cover, Liv gives Raquel the ROPEBREAK! The fans boo and Lyra knows something is up! Lyra glares at Liv but Liv just taunts Lyra.
Lyra hurries to bring Raquel up again, fireman’s carry, but Raquel powers out. Raquel shoves, Lyra dodges the boot and WRECKS Liv with a dropkick! But Raquel drags Lyra into a scoop, but Lyra slips around to victory roll! LYRA WINS!!
Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Intercontinental Champion)
Lyra couldn’t outpower Raquel, but she did outthink her! But now Liv attacks from behind! The fans boo as Liv & Raquel mug Lyra, but here comes Bayley! The Role Model ROCKS Liv, then gives her a HOTSHOT in the ropes! Bayley fires haymakers on Raquel but Raquel knees low! Raquel hoists Bayley up, but now Lyra saves Bayley! And together, they grab legs and DUMP Raquel up and out! The fans fire up as Bayley & Lyra send Judgment Day into retreat! But will Lyra thank Bayley by giving her a title match?
Jimmy & Jey regroup backstage.
Jimmy asks Jey what’s up, and that for the last couple of weeks, Jimmy sees Jey is all up in his own head. Jimmy doesn’t get it. Last week, Jey was hitting that dive for 15 years, and then he becomes a joke! A meme even! What’s with him? Tonight, that killshot was right there, but Jey’s out here slipping. Jey keeps this up, he will not win at WrestleMania. Jey knows that! Jey knows. But everyone reminds him every week. He ain’t beat Gunther, he’s 0-3! But you know what else? He doesn’t know if he can beat Gunther. Jimmy says he can’t?! Jey gets up, Jimmy keeps him from going off somewhere.
Jimmy says Jey can’t beat him. Not this Jey Uso. The Jey that Jimmy knows, the Right Hand Man, that’s the Jey that can! The one that become Main Event Jey, that’s the Uce we need! The one that won the Royal Rumble, THAT’S the Jey we need! Understand him? Jimmy then spots someone off to the side. Jimmy says he’s got Jey on this. Jimmy confronts Gunther! Gunther grins as he walks over, and Jimmy says Gunther VS Jimmy next week! Wow, really? Sure. So long as Jimmy doesn’t trip and fall like his brother. Jimmy SLAPS Gunther for that one! The Usos head out, Gunther leaves it at that. But then Gunther grins. Is Gunther going to make Jimmy an example to Jey?
Adam Pearce is in the ring.
The Raw GM says, “We are officially on the Road to WrestleMania!” The fans cheer that, and Pearce shows the contract for the WWE Women’s World Championship match between Bianca Belair and Iyo Sky. Last week, Rhea Ripley came out here, thought it was appropriate to start a fight, to pick a pen up off the ground, and to scribble her signature onto the contract, as if that makes anything official. Pearce assures us, and he wants this to be crystal clear, Rhea Ripley is NOT in the title match. Glasgow boos, Pearce says they can do that all they want, but the match is Iyo Sky VS Bianca Belair!
Furthermore, the signature Rhea put down means nothing, because Miss Ripley already knows that she has a rematch. A rematch Pearce has tried to get Rhea to settle down on for weeks now, that in the meantime, Bianca won the Elimination Chamber and the right to call herself THE #1 Contender. So that is the issue here. Bianca earned hers, Rhea is owed one, but Rhea seems to want it on her time. Pearce ain’t doing it that way, so therefore- Iyo interrupts! The fans cheer the Evil Genius as she has both belt and mic in hand while heading to the ring. Iyo tells Pearce, “I don’t care about contracts. Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, it doesn’t matter who it is.
“I’ll take on BOTH of them! Because… I am the Women’s World Champion~!” The fans like that, and Pearce says he appreciates her being a fighting champion. But if you’d just let him- Nope, Bianca interrupts! The fans cheer the EST as she has her own mic to say, “Oh, girl, uh-uh, hold up, hold up! No, Pearce, you are right, I earned that #1 Contender’s spot. And I… went through Elimination Chamber to get to WrestleMania. So I am not about to let Rhea headbutt her way into this match! If she did not earn it, then she does not deserve it.” Pearce agrees, so if everyone- NOPE, Rhea interrupts!
The fans fire up as Mami makes her way out, and Pearce is beside himself. Rhea has a mic to say, “Honestly, I don’t give a damn about WrestleMania. And I don’t care who I have to go through to get MY title back. All I want is my rematch.” Oh, now she wants that? Pearce has been talking about it for weeks! Bianca says if Rhea wants her rematch, well, she already waited three weeks, so she can wait three more. Then she can get her rematch after WrestleMania, with Bianca. Yeah, she said what she said. Iyo says hold on, but Rhea pushes her aside. The fans boo, but that’s the last straw for Iyo!
Iyo runs up but Pearce gets in there! Pearce shouts “ENOUGH! ENOUGH!” He’s glad they’re all out here, because he was going to give his solution, if they’d just give him a second! NEXT WEEK, Rhea gets her rematch! Then the winner faces Bianca at WrestleMania! Ladies, thank you, have a very nice Monday. Pearce storms off, Bianca and Rhea still argue, but Iyo says bet! She leaps over Bianca to DDT Rhea! Bianca ROCKS Iyo, torture racks, but Iyo fights free with an arm-drag! Rhea BOOTS Bianca, gets around Iyo, but Iyo lands out of the back suplex! SHOTEI! Bianca chicken wings Iyo! Iyo victory rolls Bianca at Rhea, and Bianca LARIATS rhea!
Iyo dodges Bianca again, HOTSHOTS from the apron, then goes up the corner! She FLYING RANAS Rhea on the ramp! Bianca is up, Iyo takes aim, and the fans cheer Iyo on as she springboards! Bianca dodges, torture racks again, KISS OF DEATH to the outside, onto Rhea! Bianca holds up the belt, but will this be how WrestleMania ends? Who will it even be against after next week’s rematch?
Dominik finds Penta backstage.
Dirty Dom asks if Penta has a second to talk. Penta nods, and Dom says he knows Penta is good, but he could be great. Dom is willing to offer Penta a spot in the Judgment Day, and then maybe things will go Penta’s way. Penta wants to speak but Dom says hold on. Penta could be Intercontinental Champion tonight. Just think about it. Dom heads out, Penta looks like he’s already decided. Will the Man with Cero Miedo really need allies like The Judgment Day?
The New Day barge into Adam Pearce’s office.
He’s already exasperated as Kofi Kingston tells him that The New Day is the greatest tag team on Planet Earth! Xavier Woods says that means they deserve a shot at the WWE World Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania. Oh, are they really asking for a title match at WrestleMania? No, they are DEMANDING one! Wow, really? Do they watch the show? Guess not, or else they wouldn’t be coming in here and demanding a title match just because they’re the New Day, greatest team of all time! Instead, they’d want a chance to prove it, and ask for a match. When they’re ready to do that, come back and see him. For now, get out, and don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you!
New Day tells Pearce to check his blood pressure. They leave, but Bianca barges in. There is way too much going on! Who is she facing at WrestleMania? Pearce says it’ll be clear next week after Iyo VS Rhea. And now, Bianca won’t just be sitting ringside to watch, she’ll be the one in that ring calling it right down the middle! That’s right, Bianca is now the special guest referee!! The EST doesn’t know how to referee! Well, she has a week to figure it out! Now bye, drive save. Bianca storms off, Pearce is losing his cool, but what will this mean for the Road to WrestleMania?
Dragon Lee VS El Grande Americano!
The LWO doesn’t care one way or another if “The Big American” luchador is Chad Gable or someone else entirely, because they just want payback for the interference that’s been happening week after week. Will the Boy Wonder shine brighter than this supposed lucha legend? Or will we all be saying “UH GRACIAS~!” after tonight?
The bell rings and the fans rally. The two tie up, “Grande” waistlocks but Lee switches. Grande switches back, trips Lee, and then rolls to facelock, float, and armlock. The fans sing “OLE~, OLE OLE OLE~!” while Lee fights up. Gable- Er, Grande steps over, arm-drags, and then soaks up the cheers and jeers. Grande runs up to CHOP, then whip. Lee reverses, runs in, but Grande puts him on the apron. Lee jumps up but Grande DECKS him! “GRACIAS~!” Grande then builds speed, but Lee is back to RANA! Grande tumbles out, Lee builds speed, and Lee DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Grande!
The fans fire up, Lee puts Grande in the ring, and then clamps on a GROUND COBRA TWIST! Lee grabs at the mask, the ref reprimands, and Lee stops. Grande throat chops! Grande whips, Lee reverses to kick low and reel Grande in. But Grande RANAS free! Grande FLYING HEADBUTTS, then covers, TWO! The fans again sing, “OLE~, OLE OLE OLE~!” Grande goes to the apron with Lee, then he fires a forearm. Lee V-TRIGGERS, then runs up, but into an EXPLODER to the floor! Both men have a hard landing but the fans fire up while Raw goes to break.
Raw returns as Grande has Lee in an inverted Gory Especial! The fans rally as Lee sits up, and he rains down fists! Lee victory rolls Grande, TWO! Grande stands, ducks ‘n’ dodges, FLYING HEADBUTT into the V-TRIGGER! Grande ends up on the apron, Lee goes out the side. Lee drags Grande up to the top rope, the fans rally, but Grande fires body shots. Lee drops back, but he ROCKS Grande! Grande is in the Tree of Woe! Lee goes up, aims, APRON WOE STOMPS!! Grande flops to the floor but even Lee clutches a knee from that landing. The ring count starts and the fans rally. Both men are down at 5 of 10, but slowly rising.
Lee and Grande hear 8, and they spring in at 9! The fans cheer, and Grande fires a CHOP! Lee fires a CHOP! The CHOPS keep going, harder and harder, then Grande CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Grande runs, Lee dodges and CHOPS! And BOOTS! Grande ROCKS Lee! But Lee dodges to snap GERMAN SUPLEX! Grande flounders, Lee fires up, SUPERKICK! Grande falls again but Lee takes aim! Lee runs in, but Grande OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES him into the corner! Lee is in a heap, Grande covers, TWO!! Lee survives and the fans fire up! The fans again sing “OLE~, OLE OLE OLE~!” as Grande climbs!
Grande aims to MOONSAULT, but he has to roll through as Lee dodges! Lee runs in, swings through the lariat, and he gets Grande up for a LIGER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Grande survives but Lee vows to end it! Lee brings Grande up, puts him up top and CLUBS him! The fans declare “This is Awesome!” as Lee climbs. Grande is back in the Tree of Woe, but he sits up to pull at Lee’s mask! Grande UNMASKS Lee!! Lee falls, covers his face, and Grande sits up! The fans boo, but Grande gets after a leg! ANKLE LOCK!! The fans boo, Lee can’t fight while also covering his face, so Lee TAPS! Grande wins!
Winner: El Grande Americano, by submission
A controversial way for a luchador to win a match, but it seems El Grande Americano is willing to do anything! Will we ever get to the bottom of this not so mysterious mystery?
CM Punk is here!
Glasgow fires up and sings along with Cult of Personality as the Second City Saint makes his way out here. Punk says, “IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME~!” and continues down to the ring. What will he say in the fallout of Friday Night SmackDown’s brawl in Bologna? We find out, after the break.
Raw returns and Punk has the mic while fans chant “C M PUNK! C M PUNK!” Punk says, “Is it great to be alive on a Monday night in Glasgow or what?” The fans cheer that! Punk says that unfortunately while he’s happy to be here, always great to spend quality time with Glasgow, he is not in a good mood. He’s pissed off, but it’s hard to stay mad hearing an ovation like that. Punk says he’s also a little tired, very jetlagged, hasn’t slept well, mostly because of the uncertainty of his Road to WrestleMania. By the way, he apparently has a match now. Did you see the nice graphic? It’s beautiful.
But what Punk wants, he’s not getting. Or is he? Punk says what he wanted was win the Royal Rumble. he didn’t. Then it became what he needed to do, and that was win Elimination Chamber. But because the more things change, the more they stay the same, he work with children. The undisputed heavyweight champion of being a diaper piss baby is Seth Rollins, and he screwed Punk at Elimination Chamber. That doesn’t get Punk to what he wants. For two people, it is clearly personal, but for Punk, it’s just business. It has become simple math: the two men that want to stand in Punk’s way of getting what he wants have go tot go.
Seth Rollins takes it personal because he’s been crying ever since Punk came back to the WWE, because the magnitude of Punk and the shadow he casts belittles everything Rollins is about. Roman Reigns takes it personal, which Punk acknowledges, because Roman sees in real-time that his Wise Man isn’t just his Wise Man. So while it’s personal for the, it is business for Punk, and it’ll be business on Friday in London. It’ll be a good ol’ fashioned contract signing. The fans boo but Punk asks why. Because they wanted it here, right? The fans cheer that! Well, so did Punk, which is why Punk’s here!
Punk can’t wait to get his hands on the contract, read the fine print, and see if the contract gets Punk any bit closer to what he wants… or if it’s just another rug pull from the Powers That Be. So Seth, Roman, fuel up the jet. Since you couldn’t grace them with your presences here in Glasgow, see you in London! But before you put pen to paper, listen to two things and understand them very well. One: neither of you have defeated Punk without the other one’s help, because you can’t! And two: Punk brought them into the WWE, so he cannot wait to be the man to take them both out of it! Punk drops the mic, will he be the one that ends The Shield’s story?
Logan Paul speaks.
Via his Instagram, The Maverick tells AJ Styles, “Congrats, you’ve been added to the list of people whose downfall I’ve been preying on. What you did to me in Madison Square Garden is unforgivable. I’m in London on March 31st, Monday Night Raw, I wanna see you face to face. Bring your A Game, bring your soccer mom haircut, I’ll see your b*tch ass there.” Logan ImPAULsively called out The Phenomenal One, will he be the one to regret it?
Backstage interview with Bron Breakker.
Cathy Kelley is with the badass Intercontinental Champion and notes that he puts that title on the line in the main event, against one of the fastest rising stars in Penta. Earlier tonight, Dom approached Penta to join Judgment Day, is Bron at all concerned that Penta could be bringing backup in an onslaught of new friends? Bron says that’s Penta’s business, it is none of his concern. But as far as tonight, Bron will beat Penta in the center of that ring, then retain this title for one reason: The dogs are barking in Glasgow! Bron barks it up, then heads for gorilla. Will the Big Bad Booty Nephew not worry about the numbers and just go for the win? Or will he learn that #CeroMeido is math he can’t ignore?
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Bron Breakker VS PENTA!
Raw returns as Penta makes his entrance, followed by Bron’s. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is really the biggest badass!
The bell rings and the fans bark as Bron stares Penta down. They slowly circle, tie up, and Penta waistlocks. Bron pries at the grip, wrenches out to wristlock, and the fans duel. Penta wrenches, wristlocks, and headlocks in return, but Bron powers up! Bron shoves Penta away, but then Penta dodges to KICK a leg! And KICK it again! Penta whips, Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges, then builds speed to LARIAT! The fans bark for Bron while Penta flounders to a corner. Bron runs up to RAM into Penta! And RAM again! And again! The ref counts, Penta sputters, and Bron brings Penta up. Bron whips, Penta ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS!
Brun tumbles into the ropes then out of the ring! The fans fire up and Penta goes up, up, and- JUMP KNEE from Bron! Penta falls to the floor and Bron grins. The fans bark while Penta sputters to the desk. Bron aims for that FLYING LARIAT! Bron and Penta crash onto and over the desk! The fans bark more while both men are down! The ref checks on both men, but Dom & Carlito come out here? The fans boo, is Dom just assuming Penta’s decision? We’ll have to see, after the break.
Raw returns again and the fans rally as Penta fires body shots. Penta CHOPS, but Bron just frowns. Bron ROCKS Penta, eggs him on, but Penta CHOPS! Bron frowns again, then he ROCKS Penta! Penta comes back with a flurry of forearms! The fans fire up, Penta runs, but Bron ROCKS him again! Bron runs, but Penta SUPERKICKS! Bron wobbles, Penta runs up, but into another KNEE! Bron runs, runs, and- SUPERKICK from Penta! Both men fall and the fans fire up! The fans rally while Bron and Penta slowly rise. Penta has Bron first, reels him in, but Bron shoves Penta away. Penta comes back and KICKS Bron!
Penta then gets around Bron to mule kick a leg! Penta runs to SLING-DOG Bron down! Bron flops out, the fans fire up, and Penta builds speed to DIVE into an UPPERCUT! Bron hurries back in, fireman’s carries Penta, but Penta pops up to BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Carlito says that alone proves Penta is Judgment Day material, but Penta calls his next shot. Bron rises, Penta runs in, DEST- NO, Bron stops that to make it a fireman’s carry, then a military press! GUT BUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO!! Penta survives, Bron is a bit surprised, but the fans still bark. Bron vows to end this and he goes to a corner.
Bron aims, Penta rises, and Bron runs in, into another SUPERKICK! Penta then GAMANGIRIS in the corner! Penta puts Bron up top, climbs up after him, but Bron shoves him down. Bron fires hands, then he hoists Penta up! Bron fireman’s carries Penta, but Penta fights free! Penta hops down to the apron so he can jump up and RANA Bron off the corner! Bron tumbles out, Penta builds speed, and Penta FLIES! Dom & Carlito love the tope conjilo, and Glasgow says, “This is Awesome!” Penta drags Bron up and into the ring, then takes aim again. MEXICAN DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!! Born survives and Carlito is shocked!
The fans rally as hard as they can, and Dom coaches Penta up. Penta tells Dom to watch himself, then he drags Bron up. Penta pump handles Bron, but Bron fights free! Penta goes to a corner, BOOTS in return, and then goes up. Bron anchors Penta, Penta CLUBS away on Bron, then ROCKS him! Bron staggers away, but he springs right up top to SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Penta survives the “Breakkensteiner” and Bron is frustrated. The fans rally up as Bron brings down the straps! The fans bark as Bron takes aim from the corner. But Dom gets on the apron! Carlito grabs Bron, but Bron TOSSES Carlito!
Bron runs and he SPEARS Carlito! The fans fire up, the ref reprimands Judgment Day, but Dom CHOP BLOCKS from behind! The ref catches it, the match is over!
Winner: Bron Breakker, by disqualification (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)
The fans boo but Dom rains down fists on Bron! If Dom is trying to get Penta to join up, he sure messed up that! The fans tell Dom off, but Bron ROCKS Dom with haymakers! FINN BALOR SMACKS BRON WITH A CHAIR! The Prince is here after all, and he SMACKS Bron again! Penta doesn’t even realize what happened, and then Finn glares at Dom?! Finn decides to give Dom the chair, and Dom JAMS it into Bron again and again! Penta understands now that Judgment Day screwed this up for him, but Dom offers him the chair? The fans say “NO! NO! NO!” but Penta still takes the chair. Dom says take Bron out, Cero Miedo!
Penta aims, but while Dom is encouraging Penta to do it, Finn is upset with Dom about it! Penta throws the chair at Dom to SUPERKICK into his face! Finn is even more upset because he knew this would happen. Finn CLOBBERS Penta, stomps away on him, and the fans boo more. Finn grabs the chair again, and he SMACKS Bron back down! Bron tumbles out, and Finn tells Dom he’s too stupid to be making decisions. Finn goes up, and he gives Penta a COUP DE GRACE! Judgment Day has no new members and no new gold, but will Finn get Dom to understand that they can still run Monday Night Raw?
My Thoughts:
Another great Raw, especially with this Glasgow crowd. Cena continues to be the perfect “Justified Heel” with another great promo, and it is amazing that he uses the Spinner Championship as the cornerstone of all of this. I almost thought he was going to say he would remake the spinner belt using the current title’s design. But at the same time, it’s good enough that he vows to retire that belt with his retirement so that whatever comes next will only ever be second place. Or third, given how there’s the WWE World Heavyweight Championship again. And Cody had a good retort again, but Cena is the one bringing the better promos.
While there was speculation that Glasgow would get to believe in Joe Hendry tonight, I knew it just makes sense in story that Jimmy would be the mystery partner for Jey. Very good match from Usos VS ATDU, very good win for the Usos, and a great promo where Jimmy lights that fire in Jey before slapping Gunther. Gunther VS Jimmy is going to be really good, and this fits a bit more of what I was hoping we’d get in the build. Gunther and Jimmy can tear it up while Gunther still wins out, a real example set for Gunther VS Jey at Mania, but also incredible motivation for Jey given he’ll be watching his brother get beat up.
Very good promo from Punk, a touch better than Rollins’ last week, but both boil down to hyping up what’s happening on SmackDown this week. Great stuff with this Chad Gable/El Grande Americano stuff. That video package was like 90% AI generated images, 10% Photoshop, but I guess that adds to how Grande Americano’s legacy is fake and it’s just Gable. Lee VS Grande Gable was great stuff, and what a wild way for Grande Gable to win with Lee’s mask coming off. Rey will surely want his own match with Grande Gable, and I feel like this has to come down to a Mask VS Mask match so that when Grande loses, he is exposed as Gable all along.
Great promo stuff for the Women’s World Championship, as Pearce puts his foot down and has them do things his way. No Triple Threat, at least not yet, as we instead get Rhea VS Iyo one more time, but Bianca being the Special GuEST Referee is of course going to create shenanigans that then compel a Triple Threat. New Day complaining and demanding a title match is good stuff, too, and I would think Pearce is going to put New Day into a big contenders match. Honestly, all tag teams on Raw should be put in that: New Day, A-Town Down Under, Alpha Academy, Creed Brothers, LWO’s Wilde & Del Toro, winners face War Raiders.
And the Judgment Day were once again a great throughline for Raw. Good promo from the group to set up things for tonight while also keeping the dysfunction in mind. Lyra VS Raquel was a great title match, great win for Lyra, and good stuff with Bayley making the save. I feel like we might get a tag match of Lyra & Bayley VS Liv & Raquel before we get Lyra VS Bayley for the title. I still feel like they could escalate and make it more than just 1v1 for WrestleMania, as Liv can even get herself in on the Intercontinental Championship, but we should also really get others like Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark and even Natalya going again or else they’re signed for no reason.
And of course, awesome stuff with the Men’s Intercontinental Championship. It plays up the Judgment Day drama of Finn and Dom each trying to be the mastermind, but everyone wanting titles. Bron is still great in the ring but his character isn’t getting much other than “bark bark.” Even if he went back to talking a lot like Uncle Scott Steiner, that would be a bit more fun. But right now, he’s just this obstacle that the others are trying to get past while also dealing with their own stuff. Judgment Day standing tall because of Finn’s surprise appearance certainly cues up at least a Triple Threat of Bron VS Penta VS Finn, but maybe Dom gets himself in that match to “improve Judgment Day’s odds,” which just pisses Finn off and creates the real fallout in the group.
My Score: 8.9/10
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