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AJ’s WrestleMania 37 Night Two Results & Review 4/11/21

AJ finishes his trek through the WWE Mania week content with Night 2 of WrestleMania! How did it match up to night 1? Is Roman still your Tribal Chief?



Well everybody… We did it. Fans are at Mania, this is the last day for me to type things out, my hand can be put on ice and we get some star-studded matches on the horizon. United States, Intercontinental, Women’s Tag, Raw Women’s Championship and the Universal Championship all coming together and let’s start the show and see if the Chief stands tall at the end, the Movement returns with the gold or if we see opportunity rise up again where Edge left off ten years ago in the end.


  • The Fiend (w/ Alexa Bliss) vs Randy Orton – Randy Orton wins via RKO – **
  • Natalya & Tamina vs Shayna Bazler & Nia Jax (c) for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships – Shayna Bazler wins via Kirafuda Clutch – ** ¾TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn (Logan Paul invited Ringside) – Kevin Owens wins via Stunner – *** ¼
  • Sheamus vs Matt Riddle(c) for the WWE United States Championship- Sheamus wins via Brogue Kick – ***TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Nigerian War Drum Match: Apollo Crews vs Big E(c) for the WWE Intercontinental Championship – Apollo Crews win via Pinfall – ** ¾TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Rhea Ripley vs Asuka(c) for the WWE Raw Women’s Championship – Rhea Ripley wins via Riptide – ***TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Daniel Bryan vs Edge Vs Roman Reigns (w/ Paul Heyman & Jey Uso) for the WWE Universal Championship – Roman Reigns wins via Con-Chair-To – ****TITLE DEFENSE!!



The Fiend vs Randy Orton-

For the intro, Alexa Quinn… Wait. Harley Bliss… No, no. Alexa with face paint skips down and plays a giant jack in the box for the Fiend to appear and attacks Randy right away with a Lariat and brutally attacks Randy with his murderous attacks. Randy gets some separation slightly but Randy actually attacks but to no effect when he attacked The Fiend. Randy tries to get some fight in with the Hangman DDT as he rolls out of a Mandible but again, to no effect. He goes for a second after a failed RKO attempt as The Fiend is still somewhat down. Garvin Stomps did nothing to The Fiend as The Fiend gets some of his own offense going before Randy gets more separation, tossing The Fiend to the outside and goes for a third Hangman DDT when The Fiend pops back up. The Fiend is actually somewhat reeled as Orton coils for the RKO, only to get it countered into a Mandible and Sister Abigail attempt. Alexa pops up with the black tar showing on her face, pouring and distracting The Fiend only to get caught with an RKO and… RANDY WON?! Yowwy—Ah you get it.

Natalya & Tamina vs Shayna Bazler & Nia Jax-

Nattie and Bazler start the match up with a good amount of technical wrestling and holds to gain the upper hand. As Natalya gets the quick upper hand and almost gets the Sharpshooter in on Bazler before tagging Nia. Nia tells Natalya to get Tamina in and now we powerhouses into the match as they go back and forth with strikes to chop each other down. Natalya gets a tag in to take Nia Jax down but Bazler tags in quickly to distract the challengers until she gets caught in a double team. Nattie goes for another Sharpshooter attempt, gets it countered to a cradle but after the kick out, the challengers have been taking Shayna Bazler out. Shayna gets a burst of adrenaline and takes it to Natalya with a knee strike and Nia takes down Tamina on the outside to cut off the possible tag. Shayna now bends and twists Natalya’s ankle to disarm the Sharpshooter. Nia now gets the tag in and goes after Natalya’s legs too.

As Nia and Shayna take it to the lower body of Natalya they get the frequent tags in, making sure that Natalya is dismantled as Nia gets cocky and goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle and Natalya gets a quick burst of strikes while Tamina is still down. The attempt is in vain though as Nia gets the upper hand and goes for a spinebuster and a pinfall after before Tamina goes in to break it up and gets the hot tag after as Nia tags in Bazler. Tamina begins to beat down the champions, mainly Shayna, getting out of the Kirafuda Clutch with a Samoan Drop. Tamina gets the crowd doing but Shayna cuts off the Superfly Splash attempt and tags in Nia to go for a Superplex. Natalya pulls Tamina off the top of Nia’s shoulders and takes down Shayna. Nia hits a double splash and gets into Tamina’s face after the fact which comes back to bite her as Tamina slams her in the middle of the ring. She goes for a pin, only to get a two and maybe get a win again with the Superfly Splash but Nia rolls out of the way. The two get the tag made so Natalya and Shayna are the legal members. Natalya is so focused on Nia that she puts the Sharpshooter on Nia Jax that Shayna slides in and gets the Kirafuda on to get the win against Natalya.

Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn-

Sami Zayn goes to run up to Kevin Owens to fight and gets a Pop-Up Powerbomb for his troubles before rolling out and almost getting an apron bomb until Sami scrambles back into the ring. Kevin Owens doing everything to keep Sami down and just end this quickly before Sami keeps rolling away and catches Owens this time with a Suplex on the apron to take KO out. The Ref starts counting all the way to eight before Owens rolls back into the ring and Sami Zayn starts getting some offense in, even landing a Mishinoku Driver onto KO for a near fall and props KO up on the top rope for a Superplex attempt as the two starts doing their native Hockey fighting on the top rope this time before Kevin gets the advantage, Sami falling and Owens getting a Splash down for another near fall. Kevin keeps his offense going for a heavy neckbreaker against KO’s knee and attempt for a Package Piledriver until Zayn catches it and gets the Exploder in the corner and a trifecta of Brainbusters to get a nearfall.

As Kevin Owens gets in the corner, the two start trading hits to the face over and over again as both men try to get a new advantage. Sami gets Kevin in another superplex attempt but KO reverses it into his own as he gets steam going with two running lariats in the corner before Sami counters it into a Helluva Kick. Sami attempts another, gets caught with two Superkicks and then finally a Stunner to stun the conspiracy theories.

Aftermath: Logan comes in to console Sami, looks over at KO and says that was awesome until Sami Zayn gets shoved and gets a hissy fit. Logan Paul raises KO’s hand as Kevin… channels his inner Stone Cold and stuns Logan Paul. That added a quarter point. Thank you, Kevin.

Sheamus vs Matt Riddle-

Sheamus takes it to Riddle early with the strength advantage early, even after Riddle getting a rapid strikes to the body. Riddle tries to get a form of offense going with a Sleeper but still getting overpowered, getting hit with the Irish Curse Backbreaker and other strikes. Riddle tries to get another form of separation and offense but after a hanging armbar in the ropes, Sheamus does the Ten Beats of the Bohdran and get a near fall. Sheamus goes to the top rope to maybe finished it quick but Riddle catches the Irishman and gets the momentum in his favor after a Spanish Fly, not letting the momentum go to waste with the quick strikes to the body and head of Sheamus, even doing a Jackhammer for a two. Riddle and Sheamus go with a back and forth for who can get ahead before Riddle gets stopped by a Brogue Kick for a nearfall and not letting up with an Alabama Slam for another two count.

They now go to the apron of the ring where Riddle gets the momentum this time, hitting an apron German Suplex and even taking Sheamus down, once of the outside of the ring and inside with a Floating Bro and getting holds onto Sheamus to keep the big man down but to no avail as he gets beaten down. Sheamus goes to the top and lands a White Noise onto Riddle and a double knee drop to get another two. Sheamus now goes to the corner and calls for the Brogue Kick, Riddle senses it and moves, going for a Final Flash Knee, tossed into the ropes to get something going with another springboard moonsault and gets a boot to the head from Sheamus to get the victory.

Apollo Crews vs Big E-

Both men rush outside of the ring to grab Kendo Sticks and beat each other with them as Big E gets the advantage with the striking match over and over as they take it to the outside. Big E tries to use a gong on the outside before Apollo gets a counter in, grabbing another Kendo and striking Big E more before getting thrown into the apron and speared through the ropes, going for a pin as he pushes Apollo back in and getting the steps. Big E taking too much time, meets the apron from Apollo hitting a Death valley Driver and getting a near fall in his efforts, getting the steps in the process. Apollo uses the steps again to drop on Big E from their first encounter to squish Big E’s head in and Big E rolls out of the way and hits a Urinagi from the apron after he moves to the steps. Big E gets angry and gets a table in the ring to set up and getting Apollo back in. Again, taking too much time as Apollo gets a Kendo stick again and beats down Big E quickly to putting him on the table. Crews goes to do a splash but gets nothing but wood as Big E rolls out and hits the Big Ending. As it looks like Big E will get the win until Apollo Crews gets a little help from his new colossus to help him out, hitting a spike and a chokeslam to end Big E’s big reign.

We get a small break before our next two matches with the 2021 Hallo of Fame this time with RVD, Molly Holly, The Great Khali, Eric Bischoff, Ozzy Osoburne, Warrior Recipient Rich Hering and “The Big Red Machine”, “The Devil’s Favorite Demon” Kane.

Rhea Ripley vs Asuka-

Asuka tries to get an early advantage with her agility but it’s back and forth for a good amount of time until Asuka takes it to Rhea in the corner and to the outside but Rhea gets the power advantage shortly and begins to take it to Asuka surprisingly, making sure she says down and even smacks her to incite her. Beginning to do some short arm Lariats and Asuka gets a leg clutch attempt but Rhea is just too strong and powers out of the hold and into a pinfall attempt as she actually is… slowing Asuka and making her look tired in the match. Ripley starts to do shoulder thrusts to Asuka’s back, weakening before setting her to the top rope. Asuka actually starts to fight back and get a split from Rhea’s attacks and knocks her down with some flight and after a near fall, continues the typical Asuka offense, taking it to the challenger and gets Rhea reeled as Asuka goes to the ropes again. Rhea catches it this time as she kicks her off the ropes, going to the outside and apron as Rhea gets the advantage back with a facebreaker on the apron to Asuka. Asuka tries anything to get a break away from Rhea Ripley, even going as far as doing a DDT to the outside from the apron. Rhea gets back in from an eight by the ref and Asuka actually gets a lot of strikes in before Rhea takes control again momentarily  and both ladies attempt their submissions, only for each to break them. Asuka gets more of her submissions and attempts to finish it with her kicking combination but Rhea catches the last kick and lands the Riptide to get the shocking win.

Daniel Bryan vs Edge vs Roman Reigns-

Roman sucker punches Bryan early and Edge and roman trade for a bit. Daniel get in the middle of the fight and gets dumped to the outside as Jey Uso superkicks Daniel Bryan as Roman does the same thing to Edge and gets a superkick too. As the numbers for Roman are too much for the other two, they have to try to get a form of a split and Edge does it, taking out Jey Uso momentarily and takes it to Roman now, going back and forth from the apron and barricade before Edge turns to Jey Uso, grabbing the steel steps and delivers and DDT on the steps as medical staff help Jey out of the match. Daniel Bryan and Edge get into the ring now as they go back and forth in the ring. After Edge takes Daniel out for a moment, Roman comes back to fight Edge from the apron. Daniel Bryan slides through and takes down Roman from the apron to face off against Edge. Daniel gets a good amount of offense in and even tries to do a dive onto Roman but gets caught and takes Bryan out. Roman now gets a beat down on Edge for a good amount of time when a Superman Punch attempt gets caught in an Edgecution. Edge goes to set up the Spear but gets rocked by a Superman Punch. Roman now goes for a Spear but Edge gets out of it with a Sunset Flip pin for a two. Both men go to the ropes and hit each other with Spears before Daniel Bryan returns a minute after for diving headbutts but to no avail on a victory.

Daniel now setting up for his Yes Kicks and as always misses his kick as Roman pushes Daniel away as all men go to a corner. Edge gets hit by a Running Knee from DB and Roman wants to capitalize with a Superman Punch but Bryan catches him and finishes the Yes Kick combo and even puts Roman in the Labell Lock but Edge breaks the submission to save the match. Edge now is going to get locked in with the Labell Lock but Roman breaks that shortly after and just mollywhops Daniel Bryan before doing a powerbomb to Daniel Bryan, onto Edge. Roman kicks Daniel Bryan out of the ring, plotting his next move on the outside, the crowd pissing Roman off with a “Roman sucks” chant as he powerbombs Daniel Bryan through the announce table, praising his work and gets leveled by Edge’s Spear.

Edge rolls Roman back in and grabs two chair, going to play a song for the Chief before Roman catches Edge’s chair and they two fight. Edge pulls Roman into the rope and hit him in the neck as Edge puts the Crossface on Roman. Roman looks like he will tap but Daniel Bryan returns and grabs the hand before putting the Labell Lock on the other side as both men yell to let their holds go to go into headbutts after. (Kind of… fucking dumb if two guys with neck problems are just headbutting each other)

Daniel Bryan starts to taking it to Edge but Edge gets a counter and takes Daniel Bryan out with a spear and hitting one to Roman too. Edge goes for the pin and Bryan pulsl the ref out to stop the count and Edge is pissed off. He grabs the chairs again and puts them in the ring as Edge beats the hell out of them with the chairs before setting up Con-Chair-Tos for both men. Edge lands one of Daniel Bryan before Jey Uso comes back in and stops Edge. Edge gets angry to Uso and beats him down until Roman hits Edge with a spear and grabs the chairs under Edge and hits the Con-Chair-To onto Edge, stacks them together and pins both for a defense.


Overall Score: 7.5/10

And like that I retire…

…I kid. There are still final thoughts. The main event delivered to close the show, the matches for tonight were… good. It build up to it but the main thing of the night was the Main Event. It’s actually showing that Roman is beginning to slip here. A lot of help is needed for him to retain but it still played out beautifully. Owens and Sami was great, the US Championship match was good. Apollo finally getting a reward for his actions is a great thing to see. The matches that fell flat for me were the opening two. I miracled into guessing Randy won but, we knew it was more of an OMG thing and not a “this is a wrestling match” kind of moment. We shall see how everything plays out later on in the week because we all know that the biggest shows for WWE are the Raw, SmackDown and I guess now NXT shows after WrestleMania.

And now I will retire…

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Andrew’s LIVE TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 1.23.25

NXTNA kicks off the post-Genesis TV with a Live show! Fraxiom defend the NXT Tag Titles on TNA television against The Rascalz!



So we’re gonna be getting Live action for iMPACT for the first time in 8 years! NXTNA should bring some interesting layers with this episode. Fraxion is facing The Rascalz. We could see some stuff with 23 pay off, we could maybe get a Cora Jade appearance and who knows what else we’ve got. Genesis could’ve been the beginning of something big, but at least we make sure Hendry Mania can run wild as the TNA World Champ!


  • Rosemary, Heather & Ash by Elegance vs Masha Slamovich & Spitfire: Ash wins via Victory Roll – ** 1/2
  • JDC & Moose w/Alisha Edwards vs The Hardyz: Jeff wins via Swanton Bomb – ***
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (c) vs The Rascalz: Fraxiom retain via Spanish Phoenix – *** 1/4
  • TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona: Hendry retains via Standing Ovation – *** 1/4



Oh look, Joe Hendry comes out to kick off the Live episode. Hendry says he’ll be a fighting champion and face anyone at anytime, so Santino’s music hits and we may get a surprise very soon. Oh nevermind, it’s Matt Cardona. If this was supposed to be a big reveal I don’t think it came over well.

Rosemary, Heather & Ash by Elegance vs Masha Slamovich & Spitfire

Jody and Ash start, Ash gets in a cocky slap but then a few strikes and a T-Bone suplex lead to tagging in Dani and a few assisted Slam moves and we see a near fall. Ash retreats to her corner, tags in Heather, Heather is afraid of Dani so she blind tags Rosemary. Spitfire do some tandem stuff on Rosemary and the Demon Assassin finally slips a move from Jody, shoves Jody into her corner, Heather tries to blind tag but Rosemary grabs Heather, Ash calls a timeout to explain to Rosemary that they’re a team and tags herself in. A few shortcuts that the ref conveniently can’t see and Ash tags in Rosemary cleanly. Rosemary throws Jody around, Exploder Suplex for two, and Ash tags in, hits a Snap Suplex, tries to go after Dani and Masha but Masha pops her and Jody hits a Codebreaker to tag in Masha.

Masha comes out hot and beats the hell out of Heather and Rosemary. Masha tried Requiem on Heather, but Rosemary hits the Scorpion Deathdrop, Dani Shotgun kicks Rosemary, Satellite DDT from Ash takes out Dani, Jody takes out Ash, Heather hits a John Woo Dropkick to send Jody crashing to the outside. After the signature spam, Dani gets back on the apron, Masha tags her in and Dani is taking Ash to Suplex City. Cora Jade’s music hits in the middle of the match and she hands a folder to Masha with her picture in it, like Masha used to do. Ash takes advantage of the Cora distraction and Victory Rolls Dani for the flash win. Cora makes her intentions known and the match was fine.

Northern Useless Armoury comes out to look pathetic and Josh talks. Sinner and Saint are about as impressive as a wet fart running down your legs in the middle of summer. They are pathetic and that makes this whole heel turn look worthless. Jabroni squad says Josh can’t leave and attack him. EY hits the ring to make a save, and cut an obvious promo to make a tag match. The crowd is mostly comatose, Sinner and Saint look stupid, have done nothing, and have terrible names. 

JDC & Moose w/Alisha Edwards vs The Hardyz

System attacks immediately, the bell just rings, but the Hardyz reverse the Irish Whip spot, stack em in the corner and Poetry in Motion while still wearing the belt so he does the Splash version. Matt does the Delete Corner Face Smashes to JDC and turns it into the pull out of the corner Powerbomb. Extreme Elbow from Matt, Matt goes for the Twist, but JDC shoves off, Lish paws at the ankle and Moose attacks him while the ref is trying to figure out who to look at. Moose tags himself in, beats on Matt and then a few quick tags keep Matt isolated in the corner. JDC with a nice Strong Whip and Splash, tags back in Moose and Moose goes for the Camel Clutch to try and keep the pressure on but Matt starts to fight back. Moose doesn’t lose too much momentum, takes out Jeff, rocks Matt with an Uppercut into Senton and JDC tries Down and Dirty but misses! Simultaneous tags and classic Jeff Hardy offense gets a near fall that JDC has to break up.

Jeff dispatches with JDC, Moose misses Lights Out, Twist of Fate, goes for the Swanton but JDC cuts him off, Matt Twist of Fates JDC, Moose tries to pull Jeff off but gets Headbutt down and Swanton Bomb on Moose for the win! Jeff gonna go for the X Division Title now?

Twenty Three stuff happens on the tron before a commercial break, coming back Sami hits the ring calling out 23. Steph De Lander comes out to show she’s 23 because she won the Digital Media Title in the Divorce. But Sami can meet her new boyfriend, Mance Warner! 

NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (c) vs The Rascalz

Axiom with a bit of World of Sport counters to the Arm Wringer, kicks Trey in the teeth, tags in Frazer and he rips across the ropes and kick Trey again, but Trey does turn things around. ACS Rush from The Rascalz. Quick tandem offense from Fraxiom with interwoven Forearm Shivers and a near fall. Axiom locks in a Sleeper and tries to ground Trey. Trey tries to fight back up but eats a Back Elbow. Tandem offense again, Double Superkicks from Fraxiom forces Wentz to break things up a little. Trey has been isolated for a while and Axiom is just keeping a solid Armbar but Trey fights up, manages to get away and hits a Rebound Switch Suplex.

Simultaneous tag and Wentz and Frazer go back and forth. Wentz has the early advantage, Knee Lift into the Rolling Snapmare Shining Wizard then the Running Corkscrew Moonsault. Axiom breaks up the Wentz offense, Fraxiom double teams Trey and takes him out with an Avalanche Total Elimination. More tandem spots from Fraxiom which end with a Brainbuster and Superkick combo but only two! Trey manages to get Frazer out of the ring, Wentz with the Back Handspring Knee Lift but everyone is down and a little gassed. Axiom tries a German, Wentz shrugs him off, Axiom Kips Up into a Superkick, Wentz goes for the UFO Cutter but eats the Superkick. Rascalz tandem Superkicking people out of the Sky, STREET SWEEPER for two! Cheeky Nandos, but Wes Lee hits the ring to distract the ref, Tyson and Tyriek attack, Spanish Fly into Phoenix Splash finish and Fraxion retain!

Solid match that hopefully leads to more stuff. Santana comes down to cut a typical man of the people babyface promo. But the biggest pop of the night (not counting the Hardyz) is when Mustafa Ali’s music hits! Ali is back! He says he signed with TNA. 

Tessa comes out to cut a promo, Tully is in the crowd and cuts a decent anti-San Antonio promo. Not as good as Charles Barkley, until she mentions fat women. She’s getting a visceral negative reaction, and it’s pretty great. She basked in the heat and decent promo.

TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona

Slow start, shove from Joe so Matt powders and then they go into Arm Wringer World of Sport stuff, but still mostly posturing. At least the crowd is engaged. Cardona feints the Test of Strength, kicks Hendry and shoves him into the corner with Chops, but Joe no sells and lights up Cardona until Cardona sells to a different corner to hit a sneaky Forearm. Rope Run, Leapfrog spot which ends with Hendry hitting a Knee Lift into the Stalling Suplex. Cardona side steps Hendry after the Suplex and then hits a Wrecking Ball Dropkick before using his ripped t-shirt to choke Hendry and just gets yelled at a little. Cardona Crossbody from the steps, but Hendry catches him, throws him on his shoulders and Attitude Adjustment on the apron. Joe goes for another but Matt claws the eyes and whips Hendry into the steps.

Commercial happens and as soon as we’re back, Hendry hits a Sunset Flip into Locomotion Cradle spots before Cardona hits the Diving Polish Hammer to stall Hendry. Cardona locks in a Guillotine, but Hendry powers up and Vertical Suplexes out of it! A few right hands, Lariat, Sack of Shit into the Kip Up and the turn to the camera! Standing Ovation is being called, Cardona fights it off and hits the Flashback for a near fall. Reboot connects from Cardona, he tries another and gets caught, goes for a Powerbomb but Cardona Throat Chop, Missile Dropkick, Snap DDT for a near fall! Radio Silence attempts from Cardona, Hendry ducks it, Running Boot kills the referee, and Hendry hits a Pop Up Powerbomb for what would’ve been the win, but no ref. Cardona hits the Low Blow and then wanders over to the title, very slowly, looks to use it but OH MAH GAHD MAGGLE ITS JBLS! Clothesline from Hell hits Cardona and Hendry stares down JBL. Cardona recovers enough to hit Hendry with the title as Hendry was distracted by JBL existing.

Cardona tries the title again, Standing Ovation, 1-2-3.

Overall Score: 6.5/10

The effort to make this show special was apparent. Wes Lee, Tyriek and Tyson interfering, Cora Jade costing the faces a match, Mance Warner, JBL on a Live TNA, Mustafa Ali returning and Hendry bookending the show is good stuff. Lapsed viewers or WWE fans got to see a lot of people they recognize, sure Steph De Lander’s whole explanation was moronic, Cardona was a fart in church and JDC not eating the pinfall seems silly unless it truly does lead to a Jeff Hardy X Division challenge. But the effort was all there.

There were no real production hiccups or audio problems, the crowd was receptive to the important things, Tessa got booed out of the building but steered into it and embraced the hate. Now she just needs to walk out with a Real American Beer or have Hulk and Tully escort her out for Slammiversary or BFG, and it will truly just steer so hard into the skid people might pop for the acknowledgement.

But it was a fun show, yes the Josh stuff is stupid. The Knockouts aren’t in a great spot (but the NXT help will bolster that), and JBL is still confusing…but the show was entertaining.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Powered by RedCircle

Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (1/23/25)




Honor Club hits a new landmark!

ROH on Honor Club hits Episode 100! And to make this big deal a bigger deal, QT Marshall challenges Komander for the ROH World TV Championship! Will QT bring the DOOM~?


  • Katsuyori Shibata VS Shane Taylor w/ Shane Taylor Promotions; wins.
  • Taya Valkyrie VS Lady Frost; wins.
  • The Beast Mortos VS ???
  • The Gates of Agony VS ???
  • Leila Grey VS ???
  • The Outrunners VS ???
  • ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS QT Marshall; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

All Shows On Demand

Powered by RedCircle

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