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Mitchell’s AEW Revolution Results & Report! (3/5/23)

He’s better than you, and you know it!



AEW Revolution 2023

Get ready for a guaranteed ONE HOUR MAIN EVENT!

In order to prove who is truly worthy of the AEW World Championship, Bryan Danielson and MJF will battle in a ONE HOUR IRONMAN MATCH!


  • Zero Hour – Six Man Tag: Mark Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Ari Daivari & The Varsity Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers win.
  • Chris Jericho VS Ricky Starks; Starks wins.
  • The Final Burial: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry VS Christian Cage; Jungle Boy wins.
  • AEW World Trios Championships: The Elite VS The House of Black; The House of Black wins and become the new AEW World Trios Champions.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Triple Threat: Jamie Hayter VS Saraya VS Ruby Soho; Hayter wins and retains the title.
  • Texas Death Match: Jon Moxley VS Hangman Page; Hangman wins.
  • AEW TNT Championship: Samoa Joe VS Wardlow; Wardlow wins and becomes the new AEW TNT Champion.
  • AEW World Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way: The Gunns VS The Acclaimed VS Team Triple J VS #OrangeHausen; The Gunns win and retain the titles.
  • AEW World Championship One Hour Ironman Match: MJF VS Bryan Danielson; MJF wins and retains the title.


Renee Paquette & RJ City host the Zero Hour!

The Revolution Red Carpet is ready, so get ready for all the hard-hitting questions and deep analytics of tonight’s card.


Renee interviews Don Callis.

Don says he’s doing great, but he’s worried for Hangman Page. Hangman was a friend of The Elite way back when, and he’s going up against Jon Moxley. Callis says Moxley is essentially a sociopath, and he knows because he’s one, too. No compassion, no capacity for human kindness, and then add that Moxley is a bloodthirsty lunatic, and there’s some real concern for Hangman’s well-being. Renee says a lot of people undervalue Moxley as a technician. Renee as his wife, she sees the hours Moxley puts in training with Josh Barnett. To see the work he puts in to be the man he is in that ring, Moxley deserves some credit.

But given the fact this is a Texas Death Match, Renee asks how Callis expects this to go. Callis says Hangman has something to prove, but this is perfect for Moxley. This is the type of wrestling he likes to do, and it’s simply known as “fighting.” Hangman has to prepare himself mentally because Moxley’s going to take him to places he’s never been to before. Renee agrees, and the “real problem” is that Moxley would do this kind of thing for free, like it’s a hobby. Callis says that’s because Moxley is sick and twisted.

Then final answer: who wins? And will this end it for them? Callis says that this is a situation where five years from now, these two will face off again and something horrible will happen. He just hopes for a definitive winner here tonight to put an end to it, because it has been so violent, even Callis is shocked. Renee agrees there, too, because it has been hard to watch as Moxley’s wife the level of these matches.

Now to another match Callis will surely be watching, The Elite VS The House of Black. How do you prepare for a group like the House of Black? Callis says this is the kind of challenge The Elite has never had before, because there is no way to prepare. Just when you think you’ve got them figured out, the House throws out something else. But think of it like this: The Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time; Kenny Omega is the God of Pro-Wrestling! You can’t get better than that. But Callis is concerned by the things the House will do in a match like this.

Renee asks his take on the House wanting to “clean the slate” for what The Elite has paved? The House seems to think that AEW should be about what they’re about, and want to put this company on their shoulders. Does Callis think they’re worthy of that? Callis says that at the end of the day, the House of Black is very scary but also are all phenomenal wrestlers. They’ve got power, athleticism. Looking at that and taking away the other stuff, they match up very well against The Elite. It is always a challenge to defend the titles, and that is what happens tonight. Then should Renee even ask who wins?

Callis says that he prays to one god, the wrestling god, Kenny Omega. Callis has faith in Kenny Omega. Renee says amen to that, and cues up commentary, we’re about to have in-ring action!


Six Man Tag: Mark Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Ari Daivari & The Varsity Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!

The South Sussex Chicken respects Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo as fighting brothers holding it down, and is looking to help them take down some common enemies. Will Mark and the Lucha Bros make Sterling’s stable #ReachForTheSky?

The trios sort out and fans already chant “CERO! MIEDO!” as Penta starts against the Premiere Athlete, Tony Nese. They circle, Woods and Penta talk some smack, then Penta and Nese knuckle lock. Nese breaks and backs off, which fans boo, because Nese wants to flex. Penta has everyone hold on, and he wants Nese to listen. “CERO! MIEDO!” And he pie faces Nese! Woods & Daivari get in but so do Mark and Fenix! The six men stare down, and then the brawl is on! Fans fire up, Mark and Fenix get Woods and Daivari out of the ring, then Mark AX HANDLES Daivari! Fenix whips Woods into barriers!

Nese has Penta in a corner, whips corner to corner, but runs into a SUPERKICK! Fenix springboards to CROSSBODY! Mark adds a BOOT! “CERO! MIEDO!” and Fenix and Mark run. Mark WRECKS Daivari with a dropkick, Fenix WRECKS Woods! Fenix then sets Woods up for Mark’s FLYING BLOCKBUSTER! Penta catches Nese’s haymaker into a half nelson, pump handle, MADE IN JAPAN! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives and Penta is surprised, but he calls to his team. Penta reels Nese in, but Sterling gets on the apron. Fans boo and Penta stares Sterling down. Penta TOSSES Sterling into the ring!

Penta has Sterling up, he calls to his team, but Daivari attacks from behind! Daivari stomps Penta, Nese drags him up and bumps him off buckles. Nese mocks Cero Miedo by saying, “SEIS MUSCLES!” Tag to Woods, the Varsity Athletes mug Penta, then they double whip him hard into the corner. Fans rally with “CERO! MIEDO!” but Woods mocks it before he suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Woods drags Penta over, tags Daivari, and they mug Penta. Daivari throws hands, the fans boo, and the ref reprimands the closed fists. Daivari tags Nese, they drag Penta up and double suplex. They hold Penta up, and then SLAM him down! Nese covers, TWO!

Nese throws down hands, then he taunts Fenix to reach out. Nese stomps Penta, drags him up and wrenches, then tags Daivari. Fans rally but Daivari and Nese mug Penta. Daivari ROCKS Penta with a right, then another! Penta turns things around to CHOP! Daivari kicks low, CHOPS again, then he turns Penta to a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Tag to Woods, he and Daivari mug Penta, then Woods bumps Penta off buckles. Tag to Nese, he stomps Penta, then tags Daivari. Daivari and Nese mug Penta and fans boo, but then Nese tags Woods. Daivari & Nese double whip but Penta KICKS Daivari! SUPERKICK for Nese!

Woods runs in but Penta jabs, then wheelbarrows and rolls, DOUBLE DDTS for Daivari & Nese! Woods ROCKS Penta, whips him, but Penta ducks ‘n’ dodges to SLINGBLADE! Fans fire up while all four men are down! Hot tag to Fenix! The Warbird dodges Daivari to ROLLING SOBAT! Fenix BOOTS Nese, knuckle locks and CHOPS, then goes up and up and jumps around to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Woods BOOTS Fenix, but then Fenix BOOTS and KICKS and SUPERKICKS in return! Woods wobbles, Fenix goes up and up and TORNILLO into a KNEE! Woods drags Fenix up, to ANARCHY into the corner!! Woods drags Fenix into a cover, but Penta breaks it with DOUBLE STOMPS!

Fans fire up while Fenix and Woods are both down. Fenix and Woods crawl, Woods tags in Nese. Nese puts Fenix in a corner, throws body shots and hoists him up top. Nese climbs up after Fenix, fireman’s carries, but Fenix fights free! Fenix adjusts, and SUPER STEINERS Nese! A rough landing for both men, and hot tag to Briscoe and Woods! REDNECK-FU is unleashed on Woods and Daivari! Briscoe CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Woods, then he fires off palm strikes on Daivari! Woods waistlocks but Mark breaks free to PELE! Fans are thunderous, Briscoe turns around but into a kick. Daivari whips Briscoe but he uses that to BOOT Nese!

Fans fire up more, Mark and Daivari both run, SHOTGUN BOOT for Daivari! Mark turns Daivari for the NECKBREAKER! Nese drags Daivari out to safety, but the Lucha Brothers DOUBLE PLANCHA! Down go the Varsity Athletes and Daivari! Briscoe has a chair, sets it up, and uses it to launch and FLY! Direct hit back on the Varsity Athletes! Fans are thunderous as Briscoe puts Daivari back in. Briscoe goes up top, but Nese trips him up! Fans boo and the ref reprimands but Daivari tags Nese in. Nese goes right up after Briscoe, but Briscoe CHOPS, CHOPS and SLAPS Nese down!

Woods and Daivari both go after Briscoe now, but then the Lucha Brothers KICK and CLUB them in return! The Lucha Brothers grab Daivari and Woods, they still have Briscoe, TOWER OF DOOM!! Fans go nuts over the double powerbomb superplex, but Nese is up top! PREMIER 450!! Cover, the Lucha Brothers break it!! Fans are thunderous, “This is Awesome!” as all six men are down. Nese drags Briscoe up, tags Daivari, and Daivari hammerlocks Briscoe, only for Fenix to DROPKICK him! Nese DECKS Fenix! Penta SUPERKICKS Nese! Woods DECKS Penta! Briscoe kicks Woods and reels him in!

But Sterling distracts again! Daivari runs in to CRACK Briscoe with Sterling’s clipboard!! Woods wrenches and torture racks, coordinates with Nese, ONE R M!! The Varsity Athletes intercept the Lucha Brothers while Daivari covers, TWO!??! Briscoe survives and shocks everyone! Daivari is furious, the Varsity Athletes kick the Lucha Brothers out, then bring Briscoe up. They feed Briscoe to Daivari, but then the Lucha Brothers drag the Varsity Athletes out! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS to Daivari! SUPERKICK for Woods! Nese whips Fenix, Fenix tiger feint rewinds, HEEL KICK! Penta gets Nese in a Gory Especial!

Fenix brings Nese around and feeds him to Penta, they work together, LB DRIVER GORY BOMB COMBO!! Briscoe goes up top, Fenix sets Daivari in the drop zone, FROGGY BOW!! Cover, Briscoes & Lucha Brothers win!

Winners: Mark Briscoe & The Lucha Brothers, by pinfall

#DemNinos did the dang thing, and then Alex grabs Sterling! Alex feeds Sterling to Penta! Fans fire up, “CERO! MIEDO!” FEAR FACTOR! The Zero Hour just set the tone for the whole night, will this be a wild night until the very end?


RJ City interviews the Jericho Appreciation Society.

Daniel Garcia, Matthew Menard & Angelo Parker are on the red carpet and RJ says the JAS is banned from ringside for Jericho VS Starks. What’re they gonna do since they can’t be out there? Daddy Magic tells RJ to check his nipples. W-What? Tell Menard how Menard’s nipples feel!! Uh, ok… RJ checks. “They’re not hard at all.” “Yeah, you like that, don’tcha? You pervert. They’re not hard, because we ARE banned from ringside! But lucky you, Ricky Starks, because you do NOT wanna be in the mud with three pigs like us, I’ll tell you right now.” Why not? Menard answers that question with a question: Why does RJ’s breath smell like dog crap?

RJ checks, and then covers his mouth. He says Parker looks frazzled, how is Cool Hand Ange feeling? Oh, frazzled, huh? FRAZZLED ISN’T THE WORD FOR IT!! Since this morning, Parker hasn’t felt like himself. And no matter what he’s tried, but he can’t make it right! Because he’s banned from ringside? No! His hair! It’s all out of place! Even his HAIR is upset about this! RJ understands. So, Daniel Garcia, what’re you wearing? Valuer? It’s soft, huh? But still not as soft as Ricky Starks! Chris Jericho has this match in the bag tonight. And afterward, the JAS will have the celebration… of a lifetime!

Menard gives RJ a kiss on the cheek, he’s that fired up! HEY HEY HEY HEY! Jericho joins in, too!! RJ says it’s a party, back to Renee! Renee simply lets us know all the ways to watch Revolution, and then we’re right back to RJ.

RJ City interviews Toni Storm.

RJ is with the Lightning From Down Under, who’s dear friend, Saraya, is vying for the AEW Women’s World Championship against Jamie Hayter and Ruby Soho. RJ says Saraya never leaves home without a plan, so can Toni tell us that strategy? Their strategy? Do you think they’d just tell that here and now? Do you think they’re stupid? N-no, he just wanted to get some dirt. Well, no, that’s not happening. Ok, then let’s talk fashion. Where’d Toni get this great jacket? Yeah, she’s not sharing that, either. Well, okay. Then, if Saraya does win, she’ll be champion, and Toni is a former champion surely wanting to be champion again, will Toni challenge her dear friend?

Toni says that she and Saraya are so close as friends, Saraya might just give Toni the title if she asked for it. That’s the bond they have. Yes, they’re both drama free and amicable, totally. #sarcasm But one thing RJ has wanted to say, he really likes that move she does where she runs, and she hits her target with her bum. RJ’s been calling it Sweet Cheek Music, will she make that official? Toni says that’s the smartest thing he’s said all day. Of course she will. Then there it is! And are Toni and Saraya still doing that spray paint thing? She brings out a can right now! Oh, not here, no, this is a new jacket. He will take the L internally. Toni sprays him on the side… RJ sends it back to Renee.


Renee interviews Britt Baker.

Fans cheer for the DMD, and Renee asks The Doctor how she’s feeling. Britt says we all know which side the fans are on, “the good guys,” the Originals. There is so much on the line. This isn’t just about winning or losing a title, this is about respect. Britt & Hayter don’t care where you’ve been, what channel you were on, what network, what time slot. Right now, you’re in HER house, AEW, and the last thing you will do is disrespect her. When Britt was champion, like her or not, she brought legitimacy to the title and the division. She made everyone pay attention.

And now, Hayter, “the best women’s wrestler in the world,” is holding the belt. There were some “duds” between then and now, but things are back on track. Renee wants Britt to tell us about Hayter as a champion. Everyone loves Hayter, Britt knows her so well, so what does Hayter represent? “Jamie Hayter is exactly what you see. She hits hard, that’s all she cares about. Professional wrestling, she lives it, she breathes it. All she wants to do is get in there and hurt her opponents.” And Hayter & Britt don’t mess with someone until someone messes with them. Once you cross that line, it’s over for you. Britt never wants to be on the other side of Hayter, she is the hardest hitting woman in pro-wrestling.

Then to Saraya and Storm. We’ve seen this new side of them, what does Britt think about this change? Britt thinks those two are confused and frustrated because at the end of the day, people just don’t give a damn what they have to say. People care about AEW and what they’re doing now. If you’re not getting on board, then they don’t care what you do or say. Renee says the Triple Threat is just part of a huge card, what other matches is Britt looking forward to? She knows a lot of us are gonna watch that main event, MJF VS Bryan Danielson. And Britt hopes and prays that we are DONE with the 30 minute MJF promos!

Does Britt think MJF can even last the 60 minutes? We know who Bryan Danielson is as a wrestler, as a technician, but there’s a question mark with MJF. Britt does feel people underestimate MJF as a wrestler, but he’s also an evil genius. Even if he can’t last 60 minutes, he’ll find a way with all the tricks up his sleeve.

Renee now asks about AEW All Access. Camera crews stuck to her and Adam Cole for weeks on end, what can we expect? She is not in the editing room, she’s not sure what will make the cut, but she let it all fly so she hopes everyone will enjoy seeing it because it will surely answer a lot of the fans’ questions. Renee thanks Britt for her time, will the Pillar be proven right when the Killer gets in the ring with Saraya and Ruby?


RJ City interviews “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs.

The Face of the Revolution is on the red carpet with his brass ring, and RJ asks how it feels to be home. “It feels great. That’s beside the point.” Right, right, there’s lots to talk about. RJ feels the literal weight of Hobbs’ hand on his shoulder. Hobbs won the Face of the Revolution ladder match, climbing all the way up, he grabbed the brass ring, and he stood there for a very long time. Was he frightened? Is RJ afraid? Yes, he’s not afraid to say he’s afraid. But see, next Wednesday on Dynamite, Hobbs will challenge for the TNT Championship against whoever wins here tonight between Samoa Joe and Wardlow. Does Hobbs have a preference?

Hobbs says that this Wednesday, we open up the Book of Hobbs, and we see if he has a preference. Can RJ see it now? See what? See the ring. Hobbs holds it up. It’s big, huh? Yeah, way bigger in person. Can RJ touch it? No. Okay. RJ then asks that Hobbs has been on a roll ever since starting the book. Can RJ read it? Hobbs says RJ asks a lot of questions. Does he wanna be in the book? No, thanks. Unless it’s good to be in the book? It’s not. Okay, RJ figured as much. RJ will just read the blurbs. The Face of the Revolution is ready, will his next chapter be the best one yet?


Renee interviews Sonjay Dutt.

The man with the pencil hears boos. Fans boo more and Sonjay says he’d love it if all these people here would show him some respect in front of his family. They still boo. Sonjay tells Renee to ask questions. Then let’s talk the AEW World Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way: The Gunns VS The Acclaimed VS #OrangeHausen VS Team Triple J. How do they prepare for such a match? First off, Sonjay says it is a guarantee that Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett will be the NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions! Fans boo more, he knew they would. But he knows that is their worst nightmare, but mark this day down: it happens.

And that’s a nice suit, Renee. He’s not getting compliments? Well, he has a kickass PPV suit. This isn’t even what he’s gonna wear? No! He’ll come out in a new outfit, fans better put him over. They still boo. Okay, who is the biggest threat to Triple J in this match? The biggest threat to Jarrett & Lethal are the “delusional AEW fanbase,” as Jarrett calls them. That is the biggest threat. Then what about the lack of respect the people have for the champions, Austin & Colten? Sonjay wants to talk the lack of respect for him! Who cares about the Gunns? Fans continue to boo, and Sonjay says that the Gunns and Triple J made a pact going into the Fatal 4. It’ll all be hunky-dory in the ring.

Then what can fans expect from the match? This card is so insane, but what exactly will go down in this Fatal 4 Tag? Sonjay says he’ll look awesome in his suit and pencil. And Satnam Singh will be dapper, too. And the last thing you need to expect, the guaranteed win for Triple J. They’ll get the hell outta San Francisco with the tag titles! That gold will be added to the Golden Globe that Sonjay took from Paul Walter Hauser! Well, then hopefully there are no tomatoes to throw at Sonjay. Renee thanks Sonjay for his time and Sonjay says it’s no thanks to the fans.


Tony Schiavone is on stage.

He says it is great for AEW to be in San Francisco, and look what we have here. Tonight, this casket, this shovel and this dirt, the FINAL BURIAL, “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry VS Christian Cage. Have we had enough of Christian Cage? The fans booing confirms that. JB said it on Dynamite and Rampage, and will show us tonight, that they will battle, and one person gets locked in the casket, and then buried. The Final Burial between these two, who will finish this grudge once and for all? Also, Sonjay’s suit sucks!


RJ City interviews Adam Cole.

RJ has the Undisputed on the red carpet, and he has to say, it is so nice to be here in the bay. Oh, okay, Cole gets it. RJ can finish it since Cole knows his own catchphrase. No, RJ doesn’t wanna do it. But as we know, March 29th, AEW All Access premieres on TBS right after Dynamite. But what did it feel like to have the camera following him around all the time for nine months? Well, it was nerve-wracking but also really exciting. It was perhaps the most challenging time in Cole’s life, and you will hear from him, his family, his friends, and Cole feels the fans deserve to see what he went through.

Did the cameras see him in the bathroom? Well, you’ll just have to tune in for that one, boys and girls. Good hook. And Cole smells fantastic, what is he wearing? First off, don’t ever smell him. Secondly, don’t ever bring it up. Right, got it. But then, also on March 29th, on that Dynamite, Adam Cole makes his wrestling return! Is he ready? He has never been more ready! San Francisco, are you ready? The fans cheer! Then who is his opponent? Oh, well, RJ, if anyone deserves to know that, it’s NOT you. But what about the people? Don’t the people deserve to know?

Here is all anyone needs to know: “Someone on the AEW roster is gonna get the best damn pro-wrestler on the planet. You are gonna get a man who is gonna RUN AEW and take it to places it has never been before. A man who refuses to let anyone or anything stand in his way of becoming THE! VERY! BEST! AEW has ever seen. And his name… ADAM COLE, BAYBAY!!”


Chris Jericho VS Ricky Starks!

While The Ocho has already faced The Absolute and lost, he went after Starks so viciously that Starks felt compelled to get a rematch. And now, to prove Jericho really can win against Starks, it will be JUST Jericho! With no Jericho Appreciation Society ringside, will the Wizard get even with Starks? Or will Jericho be absolutely stunned with another loss?

The bell rings and fans are already fired up for “RICKY! RICKY!” Starks and Jericho talk some trash, then they start throwing hands! Fans fire up more as Starks gets the edge and bumps Jericho off buckles! Then off more buckles! Starks CHOPS and CHOPS and bumps Jericho off more buckles! Starks fires off fast hands, the ref reprimands and backs Starks off, and Starks eggs Jericho on. Jericho gets up to CHOP, and CHOP, and CHOP! Jericho whips, Starks reverses and runs Jericho over! Starks strikes his pose and fans fire up again. Jericho bails out, but Starks builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Jericho hits barriers!

Starks drags Jericho back up, whips him into more barriers, and then Starks air guitars. Fans rally behind him as he puts Jericho back in, but Jericho KICKS Starks as he gets in. Jericho CHOPS Starks in a corner, CHOPS him again, then whips corner to corner hard! Starks falls to the mat and Jericho soaks up the heat. Jericho flips the fans off and they boo more. Jericho goes back to Starks, brings him up, but Starks throws body shots. Starks fires off, runs, but into a cross chop! LIONSAULT FLOPS as Starks moves! Starks runs up to CHOP again! Starks whips, but Jericho blocks back drop to suplex! Jericho hangs Starks out to dry! Then runs to BLAST Starks to the barriers!

Fans boo but Jericho just soaks it all up. Starks clutches his ribs, which are already taped up. Jericho blows kisses to the fans, then flips them off! Jericho goes out after Starks, RAMS him into barriers, then brings Starks around into the ring. Fans duel, “Let’s Go, Ricky!” “Y 2 J!” Jericho stalks Starks to a corner, ROCKS him right haymakers, then sits him down to dig his boot in. The ref counts, Jericho lets off and he soaks up more heat. Jericho goes back for Starks but Starks throws hands and CHOPS! Starks whips, Jericho reverses to wrench and knee low! Jericho underhooks, lifts, TIGER BACKBREAKER!

Starks writhes and Jericho blows another kiss to the camera. Fans boo, Jericho stalks Starks again, and Jericho slaps Starks around. Starks snarls as Jericho slaps him more. Starks stands, Jericho talks trash, but Starks SLAPS back! And again! And then fires off haymakers! Starks has Jericho in a corner, elbows him, then whips him corner to corner. Jericho reverses, Starks tumbles up but gets caught in the corner. Starks manages to go to the apron, but Jericho triangle jumps to DROPKICK! Starks falls and fans are torn between cheers and jeers. Jericho runs to baseball slide dropkick Starks to the floor!

Jericho pretends he can’t hear the fans as they boo, then goes out after Starks. Jericho brings Starks up, CLUBS him right where the rib tape is, then he pushes Starks in. Fans rally again, Starks drags himself to a corner, and Jericho brings Starks up. Jericho CLUBS Starks, clinches and wraps on an abdominal stretch! Jericho CLUBS the bad ribs, taunts Starks, then CLUBS the ribs again! Starks endures, throws hands from below and gets free! Starks throws more hands, whips, but Jericho reverses. Starks CLOBBERS Jericho! Jericho comes back, swings, but Starks dodges to TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!

Starks grits his teeth, the ribs making it harder to bring. But he still goes to a corner and climbs up. Fans rally, Starks reaches the top, but Jericho trips him up! Jericho CHOPS, climbs up, then brings Starks up. Starks throws body shots to resist! Then he SUPER GOURD BUSTERS Jericho! Starks adjusts, leaps, but Jericho KNEES him in the ribs! Jericho hurries to fireman’s carry, to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Starks survives, he doesn’t need an attitude adjustment. Jericho drags Starks up to CHOP him! Jericho whips Starks to a corner and Starks hits buckles chest first! Starks staggers, but he blocks the Code Breaker!

Fans fire up as Starks hits a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Jericho survives but Starks kicks and stomps him! Starks drags Jericho up, reels him back in, and says this is it! Canadian Rack, but Jericho slips free! Jericho ducks ‘n’ dodges, Starks hurdles, SPEAR into CODE BREAKER!! Jericho crawls to the cover, TWO!!! Starks survives and no one can believe it! Fans rally up, Jericho drags himself up and then goes after Starks. Jericho throws a forearm, but Starks throws it back. Jericho throws another, Starks gives it back, then Jericho SLAPS! Starks SLAPS, SLAPS, fires palm strikes, but Jericho ROCKS Starks!

Jericho whips, Starks reverses then sends Jericho out. Jericho goes right up the corner, but Starks avoids the ax handle! TO SPEAR!!! Cover, TWO!!! Jericho survives and Starks is beside himself! Starks sits Jericho up but Jericho grabs at Starks. They go forehead to forehead, and then they start throwing hands! Fans duel again, Starks gets the edge, but Jericho hits the ribs! Jericho storms up to kick Starks, then runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Starks fires up and the fans are with him! Starks goes up, LIONSAULT, but Jericho moves! Starks lands on his feet, Jericho trips him! WALLS OF JERICHO!!

Fans are thunderous as Starks endures! Jericho sits deep, both men are red as they put their all into this, but Starks slips through! Starks throws hands, sits up, and he has Jericho’s leg! HALF CRAB! Fans fire up as Jericho endures now, and Jericho crawls. But wait, Sammy Guevara is here? This is in violation of the ringside ban! But ACTION ANDRETTI CLOBBERS Sammy!! Fans are thunderous as Action keeps the Spanish God from interfering, but Jericho still grabs Floyd the Baseball Bat! Starks sees what’s going on with Sammy and Action, he lets Jericho go, and Jericho JAMS Starks with Floyd!!

Fans boo but Jericho gets away with it! Starks staggers up, Jericho aims, JUDAS- NO!! Starks blocks, then fires off haymakers on Jericho! Starks spins Jericho around, CLUBS him down, and BOOTS him! Jericho wobbles but Starks keeps him up to hook those arms! Canadian Rack, ROSHAMBEAUX!!! Cover, Starks wins again!!

Winner: Ricky Starks, by pinfall

An Absolute sweep! Starks is 2-0 against Jericho, putting him in rarified air in AEW! Will this mean Starks is moving on to bigger and better for the Spring?


The Final Burial: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry VS Christian Cage!

A bond of student and mentor became a bitter rivalry when Captain Charisma betrayed his young ward simply over losing titles. But will Christian survive the repercussions of his actions? Or will he be buried alive by the young man he left for dead?

The bell rings and the two rush in and fire off hands! JB TACKLES Christian, rains down fists, but Christian shoves him away. Christian bails out, JB storms over, but Christian trips him! Christian has the legs, but JB YANKS him into the POST! JB then goes out to CHOP Christian, fire off more hands, but Christian knees low. Christian CLUBS JB, CHOPS him, then whips him at the apron. JB tiger feints to BOOT Christian! JB then gets in the ring, builds speed, but Christian runs into the crowd! JB pursues and fans fire up! They go up the stairs into the upper deck and JB fires off! Christian hits back, throws hands, and talks some trash.

JB CHOPS Christian, CHOPS him again, then ROCKS him with a haymaker. JB has Christian going down the stairs, and then pours someone’s beer on him! Fans fire up and Christian tumbles back to ground level. JB throws more hands, CHOPS him, then pushes him back to ringside. JB TOSSES Christian up and over the barriers, then high-fives the fans. JB stalks Christian around the way, Christian goes up the ramp, but then he realizes that’s where the coffin awaits! JB fireman’s carries but Christian fights free! JB trips Christian but Christian boots JB away! JB CLUBS Christian, but Christian still runs for it!

JB chases Christian back into the ring, stomps him down, then bumps him off buckles. JB CHOPS Christian, then BITES Christian’s forehead! Fans fire up and JB climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count all the way to “OCHO,” but Christian slips free to throw JB by his hair! Fans boo but Christian blows a kiss to the Perry family at ringside. Christian rains down fists on JB, digs his forearms into JB’s face, and taunts JB as he lets off. Fans boo and chant “CHRISTIAN SUCKS!” but he just soaks it all up. Christian stands on JB’s face, raises his fist, but JB pushes him away. Christian stands on JB’s hair and pulls on the arms! JB can only endure!

Christian thrashes JB around, then finally lets off his normally illegal hold. Christian then puts JB on the ropes, says JB is a loser who will never have “it,” and this is his good-bye. Fans jeer, “F YOU, CHRISTIAN!” but Christian stands on JB at the ropes! Then he slingshots over to UPPER- NO, JB dodges and WRECKS Christian! And then DIVES to send Christian right into barriers! JB whips Christian into more barriers! And then whips him into steel steps! JB HEADBUTTS Christian, then dribbles his head against steel! Fans fire up as JB drags the steps around. “F him up, Jungle Boy, F him up!”

JB puts Christian on the steps, and holds out that repaired arm! JB stands on the arm, but Christian gets his arm out of the way of the stomps! Christian trips JB and JB lands hard on those steps! Christian glares through the blood coming out of his busted eyebrow, but fans boo him as he looms over JB. Christian takes JB’s own belt off him, and fans boo as Christian LASHES JB with it! JB flounders, Christians LASHES him again, and again! Right in front of his family! Christian LASHES JB more and more, chases him up the ramp as he does, and they head for the stage and the casket! One more LASH and JB falls to his knees!

Christian CHOKES JB with the belt! Fans boo but JB is fading! Christian lets off, then he goes to the casket. Christian opens it and there are CHAIRS inside?! Christian must’ve planted those himself! Christian turns around, and JB ROCKS him! JB throws hands, Christian wobbles, but Christian elbows in return. JB fireman’s carries! Christian fights free, scoops, but JB slips free! JB kicks low, reels Christian in, and he gets Christian up, but Christian fights it! Christian back drops JB away! Christian sits a chair up, he brings JB up and over, and he chicken wings the arms! Christian turns JB, but JB shoves Christian OFF THE STAGE!

Christian flounders up, JB FLIES! Direct hit with that senton! The family and the fans are all thunderous for Jack Perry! JB drags Christian up, puts him back on the stage, and stalks him back towards the chairs. Christian wants mercy but JB takes the chair in hand. Christian crawls, JB aims, but Christian LOW BLOWS! Christian smirks as he gets the better of JB’s integrity again. Christian closes the casket, to SMACK JB’s face off the lid! And then again! And again! And again! Christian then opens the casket again, and he pushes JB in! Fans boo, but Christian blows a kiss good bye. But JB blocks the lid!!

Fans fire up but Christian throws down hands! Christian CHOKES JB, but JB still holds the lid back! JB powers up and he ROCKS Christian with haymakers! Christian flounders away, JB hurries after him! JB gets a leg, but Christian throws dirt into JB’s eyes!! Christian then drags JB up, chicken wings and turns him, KILLSWITCH to the stage!! Christian isn’t done there, either! He puts a chair under JB’s head! Christian grabs the other, but JB dodges the Con-Chair-To! JB has the shovel! He SMACKS the chair out of Christian’s hands! But Christian TACKLES JB! Christian pushes the shovel down, trying to choke JB!

JB digs a hand into Christian’s bloody eyebrow! Christian falls over, JB has him now, and JB CHOKES Christian with the shovel! But Christian CLAWS JB’s face! Fans boo as JB falls over now, and Christian has the shovel! Christian aims, but JB ducks the swing! JB trips Christian into the SNARE TRAP!! JB puts the shovel’s wood handle into Christian’s mouth!! Christian fades out quick! JB lets Christian go, throws the shovel aside, and he puts Christian’s head on a chair! Fans chant “CON-CHAIR-TO!” and that’s what JB is thinking. JB has the other chair, he stands over Christian, and he snarls, CON-CHAIR-TO!!!!

Fans lose their minds and that chair is even BENT! JB is still conflicted over going that far, but he shoves Christian into the casket. JB kisses Christian good-bye, and then slams the lid shut! The casket falls into the hole, Jungle Boy wins!!

Winner: “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

Jack Perry had to go to a dark place to finally get past the past. Will JB now move on towards the light of singles gold in AEW?


AEW World Trios Championships: The Elite VS The House of Black!

Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks defeated Death Triangle in the Best of 7. They went 2-0 in back-to-back battles with AR Fox & Top Flight. But now, one of the most dangerous trios in AEW, and perhaps in all of wrestling, are coming for gold. Will Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews tear down what The Elite has built? Or can Omega & The Bucks carry on after tearing down The House?

The introductions are made, the trios belts are raised, and a battle of light and dark begins!

The trios sort out and Don Callis joins commentary. Omega starts against Buddy, and while Omega talks strategy with the Bucks, Buddy just stares straight ahead. Buddy and Omega circle, tie up, and Buddy waistlocks. Omega switches, Buddy switches, Omega switches back, but Buddy wrenches to YANK the arm. And YANK, and YANKS! Buddy grinds the arm, wrenches again, but Omega flips, kips and wrenches back. Omega slips through to back drop Buddy into a top wristlock! Buddy kips up, pulls hair, whips Omega away, and they RAM shoulders. Buddy shoves Omega so Omega shoves back.

Buddy kicks low, headlocks for a takeover, but Omega headscissors. Buddy kips free, roles reverse as Omega headlocks for a takeover but Buddy headscissors and now Omega kips free. Omega blocks Buddy’s V-Trigger but Buddy dodges the OG V-Trigger, and the two stand off. Fans cheer and both Buddy and Omega smirk. Buddy backs off, and Malakai tags in. Fans fire up seeing this dream showdown, and Omega says he’ll take this. Omega and Malakai circle, “This is Awesome!” already. Malakai and Omega feel things out, tie up, and Malakai kicks Omega low. Omega shakes that off, they go again, and Omega blocks a kick this time.

The two circle, tie up, Omega wrenches and wristlocks but Malakai stands. Malakai spins, throws and runs in, but Omega BOOTS him! Omega goes up and over, arm-drags Malakai, then runs, but into an arm-drag! Malakai has a top wristlock but Omega chinbars in return. Fans rally, the two stand up, and Malakai trips Omega. Omega stands up, blocks a boot, but then narrowly avoid the roundhouse! Omega gets around and full nelsons but Malakai fights free. So Omega Electric Chair Lifts! Malakai fights free of that, and Omega ducks the Black Mass!! Malakai sits down cross-legged and fans are thunderous!

Omega applauds, he says that was good. Omega and Malakai both stand, fans rally for “A E DUB!” and Matt Jackson tags in. Matt is calling out big bad Brody?! Malakai obliges and tags Brody in. Brody steps up to Matt and dares him to do something. Matt sees he may have gotten in over his head, so he turns to the corner. Nick backs away!? Matt also seems to understand that’s fair. Brody throws Matt to a corner! Brody rushes in but Matt dodges, only for Brody to catch him and throw him back to the corner! Matt ducks the chop, tags Nick, and then dodges again. The Bucks DOUBLE DROPKICK, but Brody comes back to DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE them!

Omega runs in, but Brody runs Omega over, too! The Elite regroups outside, the House of Black regroup inside. The House all builds speed, but The Elite slide right in! The six stare down at the center and fans fire up! The ref wants this to go back to 1v1, but the brawl is on! Omega throws hands with Brody, Matt throws hands with Buddy, and Nick throws hands with Malakai! Buddy bumps Matt off buckles, Malakai ROCKS Nick and Brody knees Omega low. Brody throws Omega out while Buddy keeps on Matt. Nick throws Malakai out to then PENALTY KICK! Buddy back suplexes Matt but he lands on his feet!

Matt shoves Buddy to ropes, Nick shoulders in. “SUCK IT!” FACEBUSTER! Cartwheel MOONSAULT for Malakai! Matt clotheslines Buddy up and out! Matt then goes up top, to CROSSBODY the House! Brody and Omega get back in the ring and Brody fires off forearms! Brody CHOPS and then runs, but Omega RANAS! Brody bails out now, and fans start up the Terminator Drums! Omega builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on the ENTIRE House! Fans are thunderous as the Bucks put Brody in and Nick goes up the corner. 450 SPLASH! Cover, ONE?!?! Nick can’t believe it! Brody swings, Nick blocks, but Brody comes back.

Nick dodges, Brody hits buckles. Nick knuckle locks, ROUNDHOUSES, then “LUCHA LIBRE~!” But Brody blocks that to DOUBLE ARM-DRAG Nick! Brody BOOTS Omega off the apron! Brody goes out while Buddy sends Nick into barriers and Malakai BOOTS Matt down. Brody whips Omega into barriers! Brody makes Omega sit in the chair while Malakai BOOTS Matt again and again! Brody runs to SPLASH Omega against the barriers! The fans fire up for “A E DUB!” again as Brody goes to the ring. Brody CHOPS Nick, then CHOPS him again! Tag to Buddy, he pump handles Nick, but Nick wheelbarrows to victory roll! TWO!!

Buddy hurries after Nick but Nick ENZIGURIS! Buddy tags Brody, and Nick has no one! Brody SPLASHES Nick, TOSSES him, then watches him go to another corner. Brody runs into BOOTS from Nick! Nick dodges the splash, Brody drags Nick back but Nick slides under. Nick SCREW HIGH KICKS Brody! Hot tag to Omega! Brody staggers while Omega climbs up, CROSSBODY! Buddy runs in, Omega POLISH HAMMERS him! Malakai runs in, he gets a POLISH HAMMER, too! Omega watches Brody stand, DISCUS POLISH HAMMER! But Brody stays up! Omega dropkicks the legs out! Omega keeps moving, KOTARO KRUSHER! Cover, TWO!

Omega grits his teeth and fans rally up. Omega drags Brody up, fireman’s carries, “YOU! CAN’T! ESCAPE!” ROLLING SENTON, MOONSAULT, but onto knees! Buddy runs in to SHOTGUN Omega into the Bucks! Buddy then has Omega in the corner and the House takes a corner each. Brody barks and the fans join in, but the Bucks SUPERKICK Malakai and Buddy! Brody CANNONBALLS into buckles! Omega BLINDSIDE V-TRIGGERS!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Omega had Brody too close to the ropes, but he vows to finish this! Omega drags Brody up, and tries to Electric Chair Lift, but Brody throws down hands.

Omega LCUBS away on Brody, and goes to full nelson. But Brody breaks free to LARIAT Omega right down! Fans fire up, a standing count begins, and both men crawl. Brody tags Buddy, Buddy tags Malakai, and the House drags Omega up. Double suplex, but Nick saves Omega from Dante’s Inferno! Nick shoves Brody into Buddy, but Malakai blocks the superkick to ROUNDHOUSE! Malakai blocks a V-Trigger to JUMP KNEE! Malakai waistlocks, Omega switches, but Malakai rolling leg clutches! CALF KILLER! But Matt is up top, MACHO ELBOW on Malakai! Omega hobbles up, but into a ROLLING ELBOW from Brody!

The Bucks get in, they DOUBLE SUPERKICK Brody! Buddy is up top, leaps, Nick shoves Matt away only to take the METEORA! Matt SUPERKICKS Buddy! Cravat, SUPERKICK for Malakai, then SLICED BREAD! But Malakai KNEES Matt down! Fans are thunderous as Malakai and Omega are the only ones left in the ring. Omega staggers up, Malakai glares right at him. Omega eggs Malakai on, they both step forward, and the forearms start flying! Fans rally as the shots go faster and faster! Malakai body shots, ELBOW JABS, but Omega V-TRIGGERS! Omega runs, blocks a boot, but not the KNEE!

Malakai runs but into a V-TRIGGER!! Both men are down and fans are thunderous again! A standing count starts, the Bucks coach Omega but Julia is lurking. Nick aims, Julia grabs Nick’s foot! Nick glares at Julia, but Brody catches him for a SLEEPER!! But Matt SUPERKICKS Brody! Nick is free, Brody stays up, but Matt kicks the legs out! SUPERKICK again! Omega V-TRIGGERS Brody off the apron! Julia is shocked, but Malakai rises! Omega turns around, into a KICK! Malakai KICKS, KICKS, but Omega blocks to spin Malakai for a SNAP DRAGON! And then another SNAP DRAGON! Malakai flounders and Omega wants more!

Omega aims, but Julia gets on the apron. Omega and Julia stare down, Omega tells her to get down. But he turns around, ducks Black Mass! Electric Chair, but Malakai slips free! Omega runs in, Malakai dodges, V-TRIGGER hits JULIA!! Omega shrugs, but turns around into BLACK MASS!!!! Cover, NICK BREAKS IT!! Brody and Buddy mug Nick and throw him out! They drag Omega up, “This is Awesome!” DANTE’S INFERNO!!! Malakai drags Omega to a cover, MATT BREAKS IT!! Buddy and Brody throw him out now. Buddy WRECKS the Bucks with a dropkick, then moves as Brody DIVES! Direct hit and the Bucks hit barriers!

Brody whips Matt OVER barriers, and Buddy does the same to Nick! Omega is all alone, surrounded by the House of Black. Fans are thunderous but Malakai has Buddy and Brody stand down. But the Bucks drag them out! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Omega grabs Malakai’s foot, Nick SUPERKICKS! Matt SUPERKICKS! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!! Malakai goes down, Buddy returns, but he gets DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Brody returns, he gets TRIPLE SUPERKICKS! Fans are thunderous, Omega tags Matt! The Bucks drag Malakai up, Omega coordinates, B T E V TRIGGER!!! Cover, BUDDY BREAKS IT!!!

Buddy TOSSES Nick, drags Matt up, but Matt gets around to waistlock. Buddy ELBOWS Matt away to a corner. Buddy runs in, Matt dodges and Nick GAMANGIRIS! The Bucks want to finish this and they call their shot! Matt gut wrenches Malakai, Nick springboards and flips, into Buddy’s KNEE!!! Matt is shocked, BLACK MASS!! The House regroups, DANTE’S INFERNO!!!! Cover, THE HOUSE OF BLACK WINS!!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall (NEW AEW World Trios Champions)

The shadows crept up on the light quickly and quietly, and now the darkness has eclipsed the light! The Elite has fallen, will all of All Elite Wrestling soon #FadeToBlack?


AEW Women’s World Championship Triple Threat: Jamie Hayter w/ Britt Baker VS Saraya w/ Toni Storm VS Ruby Soho!

An AEW homegrown talent, an outsider from the world of sports entertainment, and the Runaway who is blazing her own path are all colliding with gold on the line! #HayterHitsHard, but can she hit hard enough to defend her home? Will Saraya prove she IS the Revolution when she makes this her house? Or will there be no future but the one where Ruby reigns?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the face of women’s wrestling!

The bell rings and Saraya eggs on Soho, only for Hayter to go right at her! Soho gets clear as Hayter whips Saraya at a corner. Hayter runs in to back body block Saraya, then she rushes Soho. Soho dodges and comes back, but Hayter runs her over! Hayter keeps moving, she runs Soho over again. Hayter still keeps moving, only for Saraya to trip her up and drag her out! Saraya sends Hayter right into steel steps! Fans boo but Saraya RAMS Hayter into barriers! And then into more barriers! And then she tosses Hayter OVER barriers! Saraya says this is HER house, but Soho MISSILE DROPKICKS Saraya from the apron!

Fans fire up for Soho as she TOSSES Saraya over the barrier! Hayter is there to throw hands, but Soho gets an assist from security to get up and CROSSBODY! Direct hit on both Hayter and Saraya and the ref hurries after them. The ref wants this back in the ring but it’s not like there are count-outs. Ruby ROCKS Saraya, drags Hayter up and throws hands with her now. Saraya and Hayter mug Soho, Saraya ROCKS and CLUBS Soho, then follows her through the crowd. Soho mule kicks, smacks Saraya off barriers, but Hayter throws hands on Soho! Soho ROCKS Hayter, CHOPS her, then CHOPS Saraya right next to her!

Fans fire up, Soho runs but Saraya and Hayter DOUBLE FLAPJACK Soho on the barrier! Soho falls and Saraya ROCKS Hayter! Hayter tumbles to ringside and Saraya follows after. Storm talks some trash while Saraya CLUBS Hayter. Saraya puts Hayter in, stomps her down, then HEADBUTTS her! Saraya stands Hayter up to stomp a mudhole, then digs her boot in. Saraya soaks up the heat as she stomps another mudhole in! Britt and Saraya insult each other, then Saraya YANKS and SLAMS Hayter from the corner! Cover, TWO! Saraya drags Hayter up again, puts her through ropes, and then goes to the apron.

Saraya fires off knee after knee on Hayter! Fans boo but Saraya soaks it up as Hayter flops to the apron. Saraya drags Hayter up, but Hayter blocks the suplex. Britt coaches Hayter, Hayter throws body shots then POSTS Saraya! Then APRON URENAGE! Storm hurries over to check on Saraya while Hayter goes to the ring. But Soho is waiting! CROSSBODY! Soho rallies with elbows, then a whip. Hayter reverses, but Soho comes back to STO! Cover, TWO! Right into a SLEEPER! Soho thrashes Hayter around, grinds her down, and fans rally. Hayter fights up, Soho squeezes as tight as she can, but she’s a backpack now!

Saraya returns, she fires forearms on Hayter. Hayter fires back, even with Soho still on her! Hayter RAMS Soho into buckles, gets free, then runs to back elbow Saraya. Hayter runs to elbow Ruby, then whips Ruby into Saraya to SANDWICH them in the corner! DOUBLE SUPLEX! Fans fire up, Hayter runs, DOUBLE LARIATS! Cover on Saraya, TWO! Cover on Soho, TWO! Hayter is frustrated but fans fire up as she powers up again. Hayter kisses the bicep, drags Soho up and waistlocks, but Soho throws elbows. Saraya runs in, Soho ducks and the forearm ROCKS Hayter! Soho blocks Saraya’s kick to KNEE her!

Hayter BOOTS Soho! Saraya gets Hayter for the LIGHTNING SPIRAL! Soho gets Saraya with a SAIDO! Soho runs at Hayter, but into a HAYTEBREAKER! All three women are down and fans fire up again! Fans rally for Hayter as all three women stir. Hayter CLUBS Soho, Saraya CLUBS Hayter but Soho ROCKS Saraya! They continue to throw forearms in rotation, but Soho and Hayter pinball Saraya around! Saraya mule kicks Hayter, SLAPS Soho, then SLAPS them both! Saraya shouts “STOP! Ow.” Soho and Hayter mug Saraya! They stomp her down, then Hayter swings on Soho. Soho blocks the haymaker to kick a leg out!

Soho runs and SPIKE-RANAS Hayter down! Cover, TWO!! Hayter survives and Soho is fuming. Soho drags Hayter over to a drop zone and she goes up top. Hayter stands to trip Soho first! Hayter fires hands, climbs up after Soho, and fans duel between the two. Hayter brings Soho up but Soho resists. Saraya returns, she adds on, TOWER OF DOOM! High stack on Hayter, TWO!! Saraya drags Soho around, steps through the legs, and has the QUEEN ANGELITO!! Soho endures, but Hayter CLOBBERS Saraya!! Storm distracts the ref! Hayter DECKS Storm! Saraya kicks Hayter low and reels her in, KNIGHTFALL!!

But now Britt distracts! Turnabout is fair play! Saraya swings but Britt ROCKS her! Soho gets Saraya, DESTINATION UNKNOWN!! Cover, HAYTER BREAKS IT! Fans are thunderous again while Soho is furious! Soho sits Hayter up, “This is Awesome!” as the two start throwing forearms back and forth! Soho mule kicks, wrenches and- NO, Hayter blocks the No Future kick! To BOOT her, and ripcord, but Saraya rushes in! HAYTERADE hits Saraya!! Soho hurries to O’Conner Roll Hayter! TWO!! Soho comes back, Hayter ducks the kick to roll her up, TWO! Hayter snatches a ghost pin, HAYTER WINS!!

Winner: Jamie Hayter, by pinfall (still AEW Women’s World Champion)

Hayter snatches victory away, and Storm BLASTS Britt for it! Then she gets in to CLOBBER Hayter! Fans boo as Storm throws down hands and even stomps! Soho doesn’t really care, she’s upset that she lost like that. Britt gets up, she goes after Storm and Saraya! But Storm DECKS her! Saraya stomps Hayter, fans boo and Soho stands back up. She TOSSES Saraya out, then TOSSES Storm out! Soho says the outsiders don’t run this, this is THEIR home! That is to say, Soho is team homegrown! Hayter raises Soho’s hand, but Soho hits NO FUTURE!! Britt runs in, into DESTINATION UNKNOWN!!

Fans boo, is Soho really an outsider?! Storm shoves a cameraman, BUSTS his camera up, and then Saraya shouts at the others to get out of her face! Saraya offers Soho a spray paint can, and she takes it! Soho was the third outsider, brother! She sprays L’s on Britt and Hayter! Will this trio in the AEW Women’s Division bring about a new order?


Texas Death Match: Jon Moxley VS Hangman Page!

The first time they faced off, the Maniac beat the Cowboy by concussion. In the rematch, Hangman returns the favor. In the third match, Moxley snatched victory from the jaws of defeat with a roll-up. And now, the fourth fight could be the last. Who will win what very well could be the scariest, most brutal match in AEW history?

It seems the Cowboy has leveled up into the Ghost Rider, given he’s coming out to that song by The Outlaws. And then he doesn’t wait very long, he attacks Moxley during his entrance! The bell rings to get this on record as Hangman throws hands on Moxley! They go through the crowd, Moxley throws hands back as fans fire up for “COWBOY SH*T!” Hangman gets the edge, he stalks Moxley through the crowd, then ROCKS him! Fans love being this close tot he action, and then Hangman runs Moxley all the way to ringside and into barriers! Moxley is down, the ten count starts, but Hangman drags Moxley up and into the ring.

Fans rally, Moxley goes to a corner, and Hangman runs in. Hangman avoids the lariat to CHOP! Moxley CHOPS, Hangman throws a forearm, then they both throw CHOPS! Moxley finally takes off his vest and shirt, Hangman and Moxley CHOP back and forth again! Moxley fires a forearm, Hangman gives it back, repeat! Fans are torn, the fight gets fast ‘n’ furious! Hangman runs, but Moxley DECKS him! A standing count starts, but Moxley goes out to find himself some barbed wire! Fans fire up as Hangman stands at 5 of 10, but Moxley slides into the ring. Moxley brings that wire and goes after Hangman’s face!

Hangman blocks the wire, and he digs it into Moxley’s forehead!! Hangman lets off because his own hands are getting hurt. Hangman then BOOTS Moxley down! Moxley is in a corner, Hangman storms up to stomp a mudhole into him! Hangman lets off to grab the barbed wire for himself. Hangman wraps it around his shoe while Moxley flounders. Moxley is busted open already, but Hangman gets those arms. Hangman STOMPS, but Moxley manages to block! Moxley trips Hangman and throws down fists! Moxley even BITES Hangman’s forehead! Moxley lets off to get more barbed wire! Moxley makes it a knuckle duster, to BARBED WIRE PUNCH Hangman!

Fans are torn while the count starts on Hangman. Hangman sits up and then stands at 5 of 10. Moxley brings something out of his boot. It’s a FORK?!!? Fans are freaking out as Moxley aims at Hangman. Moxley storms up, but Hangman TACKLES Moxley! They fight for the fork! Moxley has a TRIANGLE HOLD, and he JABS AWAY AT HANGMAN’S FOREHEAD!!! He even DIGS into the skin!! Hangman is bloodied almost instantly, and it’s splattered all over Moxley! It sounds like fans are chanting both “HOLY SH*T!” and “YOU SICK F***!” But Moxley doesn’t care, he KNEES Hangman down!

A standing count starts on Hangman as Moxley shows off the bloody fork. Moxley brings out chairs from under the ring, puts them in the ring, and then he JABS the fork into Hangman’s forehead again!! Moxley then goes looking for more, and he brings out more chairs. But those aren’t enough for Moxley, he finds a BARBED WIRE WRAPPED CHAIR! Hangman flounders but Moxley has the barbed wire chair and he wedges it into a corner. Hangman stands, and he fires forearms on Moxley! Then whips him at the corner! Moxley stops, dodges, and Hangman hits barbed wire chair face first!!! Fans are freaking out but Moxley just grins.

The count starts on Hangman, he sits up at 5 of 10 but Moxley goes back to the barbed wire chair. Hangman stands, flops back over, and Moxley sets the barbed wire chair down. Moxley turns Hangman onto the chair, to then have a HALF CRAB!! Hangman endures the hold and the wires digging into him! Hangman refuses to quit, so Moxley turns Hangman over and gives him DRAGON STOMPS! Moxley lets off, many fans are speechless, and Moxley picks up the chair. To SMACK Hangman on the back with it!! Hangman writhes from barbed wire to the back! Moxley lets the count climb while he goes looking for more things.

Moxley brings the normal chairs into the ring, Hangman staggers up at 7 of 10, but fans chant, “WE WANT TABLES!” Well for now, Moxley sets up his chairs so they sit facing each other, and then he stomps Hangman down. Moxley has the loose barbed wire, he turns the chairs to sit back to back, and then places the wire on the wedge! Moxley brings Hangman over, but Hangman fireman’s carries! Moxley fights free, climbs up and he rains down fists! Fans count along, all the way PAST ten! Moxley then BITES Hangman’s bloody forehead!! But Hangman gets Moxley up, POWERBOMB to the barbed wire wedge!!!

Fans are losing their minds all over again while the count is on both men! Moxley manages to stand at 5 of 10, then he flops to the apron. Hangman stands at 6, he storms after Moxley with the loose wire. Hangman BOOTS Moxley from the apron, then goes up the corner with the wire. Hangman does his best to wrap his body with the wire! Double-edged as it is, Hangman hits the ARIHARA MOONSAULT!!! Direct hit and fans lose their minds again! Hangman unwraps himself, Moxley flounders with an even bigger crimson mask, but Hangman puts him in the ring. Fans rally and Hangman brings out another plain chair.

Hangman sits the chair at the ramp, then he brings a barbed wire panel into play! Hangman sets that against the chair like a ramp, goes back for Moxley, but Moxley hits a CUTTER! Fans are torn, the count starts again, but Moxley keeps searching for things. He brings out more plain chairs, Hangman stands at 5 of 10, and fans still want tables. Hangman rests in a corner while Moxley is deep under the ring in his search. Moxley comes out, having found a CHAIN, and some BRICKS! Moxley brings those into the ring, and he grabs Hangman’s hand! Hangman resists but Moxley has the other brick! He sandwiches the fingers in the bricks! THEN STOMPS IT!!!

Hangman writhes and clutches his fingers! The count starts again but Moxley is again plotting. Moxley brings the chain over, gathers it up, and fans duel. Moxley drags Hangman over, to PILEDRIVER onto the chain!!! Moxley’s crimson mask is complete but he’s the one in control. Moxley gathers up the chain again as Hangman stands at 6 of 10. Moxley stomps Hangman down, turns him over and ties up the legs, with the chain! Hangman is in a FULL METAL REGAL STRETCH! Hangman endures, and BITES Moxley’s hand! Fans fire up, Hangman flips Moxley off and SLAPS him! But that was the bad hand!

Moxley goes out in a huff and he grabs those other chairs. Moxley sets those up at ringside while Hangman is still dealing with the standing count. Moxley puts the second of the barbed wire boards on the chair, it’s a makeshift table! Moxley stands on Hangman’s bad hand to keep him down, then he sets the barbed wire chair down nearby. Moxley reels Hangman in, but Hangman resists the lift! Hangman Alabama Lifts, but Moxley slips off! SLEEPER! But Hangman SAIDOS! Moxley stands up, but into a LARIAT! Both men are down and fans are thunderous! “This is Awesome!” as Moxley and Hangman both sit up.

Hangman grabs some loose wire and puts it around his forearm. BARBED WIRE ROLLING ELBOW! AND ANOTHER! AND- BOOT from Moxley! Moxley runs, knees Hangman, then runs again. But Hangman scoops Moxley, to FALL AWAY SLAM onto the barbed wire chair!! Then Alabama Lift, for DEADYE onto the barbed wire chair!!! Fans lose their minds all over again while both men are subject to the standing count. The count passes 5, Hangman crawls to ropes and Moxley sits up at 7. Hangman stands at 8, but Moxley is up at 9, then flops out of the ring. Hangman PLANCHAS him right down onto the barbed wire panel!!

Fans are freaking out again, and Moxley laughs?! Moxley is having fun because of how truly twisted he is! Hangman goes back to the apron, Moxley stands up at 6, bleeding from both front and back. Moxley gets in the ring, flounders to grab anything, but Hangman goes up the corner. So Moxley hits the ropes to trip Hangman up! Hangman straddles the corner, Moxley sets up a chair nearby. Moxley climbs up, underhooks, but Hangman resists. Moxley CLAWS Hangman’s back! But Hangman CLAWS Moxley’s back right back! Then Hangman Alabama Lifts, but Moxley CLUBS Hangman’s legs!

Moxley grabs the loose barbed wire Hangman left behind! Moxley brings it up, and DIGS it into Hangman’s back! And then HAMMERS away on the wire! Moxley then takes the wire, but Hangman DIGS it into Moxley’s face! Moxley sits down in his chair, and Hangman adjusts. But Moxley SHOVES Hangman down onto the other barbed wire board!! Hangman is down and the standing count begins. He’s still down at 5, and Moxley watches him like a hawk, or maybe a vulture. We’re at 8! Hangman springs up at 9.9!! Hangman gets in the ring and Moxley is fuming. Moxley runs in to KING KONG LARIAT Hangman right down!

The count restarts, Moxley paces around, but Hangman sits up at 6! Hangman eggs Moxley on so Moxley kicks him. They start throwing SLAPS, then HAYAMKERS! Hangman whips, Moxley comes back, LARIAT! Hangman stays up to LARIAT right back!! And speaking of lariats, Hangman goes to the apron, BUCKSHOT- NO! Moxley catches Hangman, spins him around, DEATH RIDER!!! Then CURB STOMP to a BRICK!! Moxley is confident this time, and Hangman is still down at 5 of 10 while fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Wait, Hangman stands at 8!? Moxley just wraps on a REAR NAKED CHOKE!!!

Hangman flails, fights up, but Moxley squeezes tight again! Hangman is fading! But Moxley drops Hangman to let the count finish him. The count is 5 of 10 again while Moxley wraps his hand in chain. Moxley tells Hangman to stay down, but Hangman just grabs the other end of the chain! Moxley and Hangman reel each other in, Hangman LARIATS!! Hangman then grabs the bricks, and stands them up the tall way! Alabama Lift, but Moxley fights free! Moxley suplexes, Hangman slips free, and he has the SLEEPER! Hangman adds the chain to the hold! But Moxley LOW BLOWS!! Fans boo because legal or not, that’s cheap!

Moxley has the chain, he wants Hangman to stand, and Hangman BRICKS Moxley in the head!! Fans are thunderous again as Hangman resets on the apron! Moxley flips Hangman off! Slingshot, BUCKSHOT!!! Then CHAIN LARIAT!! Hangman makes it a CHAIN NOOSE!!! Moxley is suffocating! Moxley TAPS, Hangman WINS!!!

Winner: Hangman Page, by submission

This was truly the bloodiest, scariest, most brutal match in AEW history, and certainly befitting of the stipulation’s infamous legacy! The Blackpool Combat Club appears to get Moxley out of there, how well will he recover after this? As for Hangman, was this Texas Death Match the key to new life in AEW?


AEW TNT Championship: Samoa Joe VS Wardlow!

The One True King of Professional Wrestling Television built his kingdom on a foundation of betrayal, brutality and a personal attack that cut to the core. But the wolves are out and THIS IS WAR! Will Joe no longer reign in Wardlow’s World? Or will this be where the war ends?

The introductions are made, the TNT title is raised, and one way or another, the grudge will be put to rest!

The bell rings and Wardlow rushes in! He fires off on Joe but Joe bails out. Joe drags Wardlow out but Wardlow fires off hands! Wardlow CLUBS Joe, RAMS him into the apron, then ROCKS him! Wardlow RAMS Joe into barriers, stomps him down, then brings him back up. Wardlow puts Joe in, brings Joe up at the ropes, but Joe HOTSHOTS Wardlow down. Joe builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit with that tope elbow! Fans rally and duel, and Joe CHOPS Wardlow, to then POST him! Joe stalks Wardlow, kicks him low, then CHOPS him again. Joe puts Wardlow in the ring, Wardlow goes to a corner, and Joe storms up to JAB and JAB and JAB!

Joe lets off as the ref counts to soak up the cheers and jeers. Joe goes back to Wardlow, whips him corner to corner, but Wardlow goes up for WHISPER IN THE WIND! Wardlow RAMS into Joe again and again and again! Wardlow UPPERCUTS and fans chant for him. Wardlow whips corner to corner hard and Joe bounces off buckles. Wardlow rains down forearms and fists from all sides! Wardlow lets off, then he brings Joe back up. Wardlow snap suplexes Joe! Then he CLUBS away on Joe with crossface forearms and elbows! Wardlow then runs to drop an elbow! Wardlow paces around Wardlow while fans rally up again.

Wardlow stands Joe up, CHOPS him, then stalks him to a corner. Wardlow RAMS into Joe, and again, and then backs off to run in and clothesline! Joe flounders onto ropes, Hobbs is watching from the skybox, and Wardlow CHOKES Joe! Wardlow lets off at the ref’s count, he brings Joe up to a fireman’s carry, but Joe slips off to KICK Wardlow! Wardlow swings, misses, and Joe sweeps the legs! Joe stomps Wardlow, stalks him to ropes, but Wardlow kicks from below. Joe JABS, JABS and fires off hands! Joe ELBOWS Wardlow in the corner, then whips him corner to corner. Wardlow reverses, runs in, but into the URENAGE!

Fans fire up, Hobbs likes what he sees, and Joe soaks it all up. Joe stomps Wardlow’s legs, then KICKS him. Wardlow hobbles, Joe KICKS the leg out! Wardlow crawls and Joe eggs him on. Joe JABS, Wardlow throws haymakers! They go back and forth, then Joe KICKS the leg out! Joe grabs it for a HEEL HOOK! Wardlow endures, his shoulders are down, ONE as he sits up. ROPEBREAK! Joe lets go and Wardlow clutches his knee. Joe stalks Wardlow, KICKS his bad leg again, then JABS him! And JABS! JABS! Joe runs, but Wardlow hits a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and Wardlow snarls as he paces.

Wardlow CLOBBERS Joe, fireman’s carries, and manages the F5!! Wardlow hurries to a corner, he climbs up top, and SWANTON BOMBS!! Cover, TWO!! Joe survives and Wardlow grows frustrated. Wardlow stalks Joe, stands him up, and winds up, but swings into a SLEEPER! Joe squeezes tight, Wardlow pries at the hold, but Joe drags him down! COQUINA CLUTCH!! Wardlow endures, but Joe’s body scissors also trap an arm! Wardlow reaches out with his one arm, crawls his way over, but he’s fading! Fans rally up, Wardlow gets a second wind! Wardlow fights over, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Joe lets go in frustration as Wardlow survives by a literal foot.

Joe glares up where Hobbs is watching from. Wardlow drags himself up at the ropes and Joe brings him around to fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Joe is annoyed, Hobbs keeps watching, and Joe drags Wardlow back up. Joe bumps Wardlow off buckles, hoists him up top, and then clinches. But Wardlow fights with forearms! Joe CHOPS Wardlow! Wardlow wobbles, Joe climbs up, but Wardlow slips under! RUNNING POWERBOMB! Wardlow roars, and he gets Joe back up, only for Joe to LARIAT! Fans fire up while Joe has a wild look in his eyes. He mocks the conducting of the choir!

Joe drags Wardlow up, reels him in, and continues to conduct. But Wardlow slips free of the bomb to HEADBUTT!! And SLEEPER!! Wardlow steals the COQUINA CLUTCH!! Joe endures, but he’s fading fast! The arm drops once! Then twice, then THREE TIMES! WARDLOW WINS!!!

Winner: Wardlow, by submission (NEW AEW TNT Champion)

What a shocker! Not so much that Wardlow won, but that he used Joe’s own move to finish him! But now Hobbs conducts the choir. Will the Book of Hobbs have his own take on the Powerbomb Symphony? Or will the Maestro of Mayhem survive facing the Face of the Revolution?


AEW World Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way: The Gunns VS The Acclaimed VS Team Triple J VS #OrangeHausen!

Austin & Colten got no respect, but they still got the titles! Will they survive with the odds stacked against them? Will Max Caster & Anthony Bowens become TWO-TIME champions? Perhaps Sonjay Dutt’s guarantee of Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal becoming champions will come true? Or perhaps Orange Cassidy becomes a Freshly Squeezed champ-champ?

But of course, Platinum Max has a diss track! “The Acclaimed ’bout to get the crowd open. In San Fran, but we ’bout to go Oakland. In the Golden State, giving Golden Showers. The Ass Boys have the belts but they know it’s ours. Y’all’re just the weakest champs. Looking like single moms in your cheetah pants! Y’all’re A-holes with some B star talent. Yo, Jeff, man, you forgot your Cialis.” Bowens then says, “SAN! FRAN! CISCOOO~! The Acclaimed have arrived! SCISSOR ME, DADDY ASS!” And he does! The introductions are made, the tag titles are raised, and we see who defies the odds!

In this Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at a time, so Jarrett and Cassidy start. Jarrett tells Cassidy he will NOT be putting his hands in his pockets. Cassidy and Jarrett circle, approach, and then Jarrett dodges so he can strut. Fans boo, Cassidy sighs, but he and Jarrett circle. They approach, then Cassidy dodges Jarrett! Cassidy “struts” and it pisses Jarrett off! And then, HANDS IN POACKETS! Dodge, SHOTGUN, and kip up! Fans fire up, Colten runs in but gets hit with a back drop! Lethal tags in but gets a back drop! Austin gets a back drop! Jarrett runs in but backs off as Cassidy shows punch! Cassidy has Lethal in the corner and Danhausen tags in.

Danhausen whips Cassidy at Lethal, but well, it’s Cassidy so he’s going in slow-mo. Danhausen runs to clothesline Lethal, then runs in again to clothesline! Then again! Cassidy finally arrives, winds up, and he whips Lethal into Danhausen’s scoop. But Jarrett makes the save and Triple J mug OrangeHausen. They double whip Danhausen but he BOOTS Jarrett and RANAS Lethal! Danhausen spins Lethal around, NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, Jarrett breaks it! Jarrett stomps Danhausen, but Lethal drags Danhausen up. Lethal bumps Danhausen off Austin’s boot, then Colten tags in to stomp Danhausen.

Fans boo but Colten ROCKS Danhausen! Colten talks trash, he and Austin soak up the heat, but San Fran call them “ASS~ BOYS~!” Colten and Austin are upset by that, but Colten stands Danhausen up to DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Colten tags Austin, Austin brings Danhausen up to suplex. Danhausen slips free, waistlocks, Austin switches. Colten runs in but Danhausen BOOTS him! Danhausen dodges Austin, tag to Cassidy! Cassidy bumps Austin, he bumps Colten, then repeat! Cassidy goes up, CROSSBODY on Colten! Cassidy dodges Austin to tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cassidy DIVES onto Colten! Then hurries back in, kips up and throws off the elbow pad!

Fans fire up but Austin tags out to Lethal! The elbow pad goes back on, and Lethal fires hands with Cassidy! Fans fire up, Lethal knees low and fireman’s carries. Cassidy slips off, shoves, but runs into a LETHAL COMBINATION! Lethal soaks up the cheers and jeers, then drags Cassidy up. Lethal suplexes, but Cassidy hits STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Hot tag to Caster! Caster scoops and SLAMS Lethal, then tags Bowens. Bowens goes up and Caster has the legs, but Jarrett ROCKS Bowens! Caster scoops and SLAMS Jarrett! Caster has Jarrett’s legs, but Sonjay gets in! Caster blocks his kick, and trips him up!

Caster holds Sonjay open, Bowens says SCISSOR ME TIMBERS!! Sonjay takes a shot to his pencil! Bowens and Caster… SCISSOR FINGER! But the Gunns CLOBBER them! Fans boo as the Ass Boys beat down The Acclaimed. Lethal then drags Bowens up to bump him off buckles and stomp a mudhole in. The ref reprimands, Lethal lets off, but Jarrett CHOKES Bowens! Lethal tags Jarrett in, Triple J double whip, but Bowens reverses. Jarrett gets Bowens for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Jarrett stomps away, stands Bowens up and ROCKS him! Tag to Lethal, and he KNEES Bowens down! Lethal drags Bowens to then tag Colten.

Colten stomps Bowens, then brings Bowens up. Tag to Austin, they whip, hit and knee lift to a LARIAT! Austin covers, TWO! Austin drags Bowens up, reels him in, and suplexes Bowens to hold him up! Colten and Triple J BLAST the rest of the opponents, then Austin SLAMS Bowens down! Triple J & Ass Boys strut to GROUP FINGER! But Bowens CHOPS Lethal! Bowens gets mugged by the others, then Austin drags Bowens up. Tag to Jarrett, tag to Lethal, and they get Bowens up. Bowens slips free to send Lethal into Jarrett’s outlaw! Hot tag to Caster! Caster rallies on Triple J! Austin runs away, Caster dodges Lethal!

Caster CHOPS Jarrett, SUPERKICKS him, then whips Lethal. Lethal reverses but Caster CLOBBERS him! And kips up! Fans fire up as Caster “pulls the straps down,” for the OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, Jarrett breaks it! Jarrett DECKS Bowens, wrenches Caster, and reels Caster in, but no Stroke! Shove, fireman’s carry, but Lethal SUPERKICKS! Triple J double whip Caster up and out hard! But the Gunns BLAST Triple J! They just betrayed the alliance! But Satnam Singh gets in! He double choke grips and SHOVES the Gunns up and out! But DANHAUSEN is back! Danhausen glares at the giant, and CURSES- Wait, Sonjay gets in the way!

Danhausen takes Sonjay’s pencil to BREAK IT! Sonjay swings on Danhausen but gets dumped out! So Satnam choke grips Danhausen! ORANGE PUNCH OUTTA NOWHERE!! And DICK PUNCH OUTTA NOWHERE! Billy Gunn gets in, GIANT FAMOUSER!!! “SUCK IT!” Fans are thunderous for Daddy Ass, but the Ass Boys DOUBLE LOW BLOW him! The Gunns tell their dad to “SUCK IT!” but then The Acclaimed get in! They CLOBBER and rally on the Ass Boys! Austin gest tossed, Colten gets the Five Tool Strike Fest! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER, and a SHINING WIZARD! Austin returns, but into the ARRIVAL!!

Caster is up top, for the MIC DROP!! Cover, but Colten uses Bowens to break it!! Bowens whips but Colten sends Bowens out. Bowens drags Colten out to join him, ROLLING ELBOW! Bowens says bye, and he whips, but Colten reverses to TOSS Bowens to the crowd! Jarrett tags in off Austin then tosses him! Lethal gives Jarrett his guitar! Jarrett aims at Caster, but Caster ducks the smash hit! Caster kicks low, and he snatches the guitar! Fans fire up, the ref says no, there are still disqualifications! Caster wants to but the ref takes the guitar. Lethal GOLDEN GLOBE SHOTS Caster! THE STROKE!!!! Cover, TWO!?!?

Fans are thunderous that Caster survives! Jarrett argues the count but two is two! Jarrett gets in the ref’s face but the ref warns him. Jarrett shoves the ref so the ref shoves back! Austin tags in, and he TOSSES Jarrett onto Lethal! Danhausen rolls Austin up! TWO!!! Austin runs in, only gets buckles, then Danhausen GERMAN SUPLEXES! Danhausen takes off his elbow pad, and CURSES Austin! But Austin dodges the boot! 3:10 TO YUMA!!! Cover, The Gunns win!!

Winners: The Gunns, by pinfall (still AEW World Tag Team Champions)

Ass Boys or not, that win showed actual tag team savvy and opportunistic thinking! Renee joins The Gunns to congratulate them on the win, despite the fans being upset. How do Austin & Colten feel? Austin has a question: “Who’s an Ass Boy now?!” “YOU!” Colten demands respect! They beat FTR, they beat The Acclaimed, they beat Triple J! They are THE best tag team in the world! WAIT! F T R is BACK!!! Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood are 100% and ready to fight! They storm down to the ring as fans are thunderous, and the Gunns take them on! They brawl, Cash with Colten and Dax with Austin!

Dax clotheslines Austin out, Cash beats on Colten! They set Colten up, SPIKE PILEDRIVER!! Austin returns, into the SHATTER MACHINE!! FTR gave the Ass Boys the beating the fans have wanted to see, and they pick up the belts! Will Cash & Dax return to the top of the tag team division where they belong?


AEW World Championship One Hour Ironman Match: MJF VS Bryan Danielson!

Maxwell Jacob Friedman proudly considers himself the Devil of AEW, and has done truly sinister things, all in the name of establishing himself as the best in the world. But he can’t stand that the world says the American Dragon is the best. Will MJF do anything and everything he can to prove he truly is the best? Or will there be no denying Bryan Danielson after this?

While Bryan’s theme is normal, MJF has a string orchestra to play his live, and in much more a sinister tone. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we’re one hour away from the fate of AEW!

Fans fire up already as the two stare down. Fans chant “YOU’RE GONNA GET YOUR EFFING HEAD KICKED IN!” to quote Bryan from Wednesday. Bryan and MJF circle, feel things out, but Bryan is toying with MJF a bit. MJF bails out and fans boo, but MJF cools off before getting back in. MJF and Bryan circle, tie up, and MJF arm-drags. MJF flexes and smirks, then he mocks the Yes hands. Bryan and MJF circle again, tie up again, and Bryan wrenches to a hammerlock. MJF switches that onto Bryan, but Bryan drops, trips MJF, and has a standing toehold! Bryan then turns MJF over, hooks up the legs, and SNAPS the deathlock!

Bryan shifts, and has a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! MJF endures, so Bryan sets him up into a SURFBOARD CRADLE! TWO! MJF grabs at Bryan’s legs but Bryan dares him to figure this out. They go around, Bryan has the arm, but MJF rolls free! Fans fire up for the technical exchange but MJF is frustrated. Bryan does jumping jacks just to show off. The two circle again, feel things out, but MJF kicks low. MJF does jumping jacks just to mock Bryan, but Bryan whips MJF away. MJF runs Bryan over, things speed up, but Bryan hurdles and hip tosses! MJF kangaroo kicks but Bryan headlocks. MJF powers out but Bryan runs MJF over!

Things keep moving, MJF hurdles and hip tosses but now Bryan kangaroo kicks. MJF scoops and SLAMS but misses the elbow drop! Bryan drop toeholds, MJF avoids the elbow to headlock takeover, buy Bryan headscissors. MJF kips free, rolls reverse, and then again, then MJF arm-drags! Bryan arm-drags, and both men kip up! Fans are thunderous for this technical showdown! This alone might’ve just proven MJF can really wrestle! MJF cools off, and he offers a handshake. That, fans don’t trust. Bryan wonders, and he kicks the hand away! MJF avoids the roundhouse and bails out to go out into the crowd!

MJF stares down fans, throws trash at them, then paces around. A ring count starts, MJF takes a fan’s drink and splashes their child with it! MJF smirks and goes back to ringside. The ring count is past 5 of 10, but MJF returns at 7. MJF then bails right back out, “Oh no! Is this gonna cost me a star, Dave? Maybe I won’t get the Bryan Danielson Award.” But Bryan rushes out at him! MJF slides back in, and struts. Bryan gets back in, and does jumping jacks. The two tie up, Bryan gets around but MJF switches. Bryan switches, MJF switches, repeat! Bryan full nelsons, MJF switches that onto Bryan, but Bryan drops down to victory roll! TWO!

MJF swings, misses, and Bryan has a full nelson with body scissors! MJF stays up with Bryan as a backpack, and he lets Bryan down. MJF slips out, drops, but Bryan blocks to hook up the legs! Fans fire up as Bryan goes for the arms! And then he fishhooks MJF! The ref reprimands, counts, and Bryan says he has until five. Then he STOMPS the knees! MJF crawls away, then he uses the ref as a shield! Bryan moves the ref aside and CHOPS MJF! And CHOPS! And KICKS! And KICKS! KICKS! The ref backs Bryan off, fans boo, but Bryan stays cool. Bryan storms up, but MJF yanks him into buckles!

MJF stomps a mudhole in but the ref counts. MJF lets off, he drags Bryan back up, and he whips Bryan to ropes to back drop! Fans boo but MJF just soaks it all up. MJF whips Bryan to ropes, and back drops again. MJF flips the fans off while just burning clock. MJF whips Bryan, but Bryan catches him for a cradle! TWO, and MJF kicks low. MJF whips, Bryan reverses and Bryan back drops MJF! Fans fire up and Bryan whips MJF again. For another back drop! Bryan poses a la Liger and fans fire up. Bryan UPPERCUTS MJF, UPPERCUTS again, then whips. MJF blocks, bails out, but Bryan is after him on the apron.

MJF HOTSHOTS the arm! Bryan clutches the elbow, MJF storms up on him in the corner, to run him and RAM him into buckles! MJF goes out, and he looks under the ring. MJF gets a bottle of water to take a refresher. Bryan is in a corner, MJF goes after him to whip corner to corner and WRING the arm into buckles! MJF drags Bryan into a cover, TWO! MJF grinds Bryan’s arm, but Bryan endures. Fans rally, Bryan fights up, and Bryan throws body shots. Bryan runs, but MJF throws Bryan down by his hair! MJF soaks up the heat again and goes back to Bryan. MJF throws Bryan out and then goes out after him.

MJF hammerlocks the bad arm, and RAMS Bryan into barriers! MJF tells fans to move aside, then he brings Bryan up. MJF brings Bryan around, to then put him in the ring. MJF flips off the fans but the fans flip him off in return. MJF grins, but Bryan WRECKS him with a dropkick! MJF hits barriers, and then Bryan builds speed! Bryan DIVES! But MJF sends Bryan into the barriers, shoulder first! MJF puts Bryan back in, fans duel, “M J F!” “SUCKS!” MJF has the hammerlock and facelock for an ELEVATED DDT! Cover, TWO! Bryan keeps MJF at zero but time is ticking away. MJF wraps on a keylock to keep Bryan down.

Bryan endures and fans rally up. Bryan fights up, throws body shots, but MJF knuckle locks and twists the arm. Bryan throws forearms, but MJF whips to STRAIGHT ARM SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! MJF wrenches, hammerlocks, and back suplexes on Bryan’s arm! Cover, TWO! MJF pushes Bryan down and CHOKES him! Bryan goes to a corner, MJF catches his breath and storms over. MJF stands Bryan up, wraps the bad arm around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, MJF lets off, to climb up and rain down fists! MJF reaches TEN, and we’re at 15 minutes in. MJF puts Bryan back up top, climbs up again, and he twists the arm!

Bryan throws HEADBUTTS! Bryan HEADBUTTS again and again, MJF wobbles, and Bryan adjusts. SUPER SUNSET POWERBOMB!! Both men are down and a standing count starts. Fans rally, Bryan and MJF stand, and MJF runs in, into a drop toehold into buckles! Bryan CHOPS! And KICKS! And CHOPS! KICKS! Repeat! Bryan runs corner to corner, to DROPKICK! Bryan keeps moving, he DROPKICKS again! And then a third DROPKICK! MJF wobbles. Bryan climbs up and he rains down fists! Fans count all the way to TEN! Bryan then hoists MJF up top, climbs up after him, and SUPER STEINERS! MJF writhes, Bryan pushes him to a cover, TWO!

We’re still scoreless as we near 20 minutes in. MJF crawls, Bryan aims from a corner and fans rally up. MJF stands, Bryan runs in, but into an elbow! MJF hops up, and DOUBLE STOMPS the arm! MJF steadies himself, he clamps onto Bryan’s arm again, but Bryan fights up to whip MJF away. Bryan then dodges MJF but MJF dodges Bryan. Bryan jumps, but into a POWER BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! MJF shakes his head in frustration but fans continue to rally and duel. MJF grabs at Bryan but Bryan drags him down! MJF resists the LeBell Lock to CATAPULT Bryan up and out! Bryan holds on, to skin the cat, into a SUPERKICK!

Bryan falls to the floor and MJF strikes the HBK pose. Fans boo, he ain’t cute and he ain’t sexy. Bryan stands, MJF goes out to the apron and lines up a shot. MJF QUEBRADAS, but Bryan moves! MJF clutches his knee, he may’ve just jammed it! Bryan DIVES and direct hit at the ramp! Fans rally as the ring count starts. Bryan hobbles over and he stands MJF up. Bryan CHOPS MJF, puts him in the ring, and then climbs up the corner. Bryan MISSILE- NO, MJF catches Bryan into the SALT OF THE EARTH FUJIWARA! Bryan clasps hands, rolls, stands, but MJF ducks the kick to pump handle and MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!!

Bryan survives that one and fans are thunderous! A standing count starts, both men stir at 5 of 10. Bryan and MJF sit up at 6, and MJF stands. He back suplexes, Bryan lands on his feet, ducks ‘n’ dodges, LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up again while both men are back down. Another standing count begins, and Bryan crawls. Both men stand, Bryan gets a cradle! TWO!! MJF runs in, into a headlock takeover! Bryan makes it a cover, TWO! MJF makes it a cover, TWO! Bryan has a cover, TWO! MJF headscissors., Bryan kips free, MJF headlocks for the takeover. TWO, Bryan has the cover, TWO! Another headscissor and kip, a backslide, TWO!

MJF gets up into Bryan’s cradle! TWO! MJF has it, TWO! Bryan has it! TWO! ROLLING CRADLE!! Fans fire up as they around and around and around, MJF has it, TWO!! MJF sunset flips, TWO! Bryan  sits on it, TWO! MJF, TWO! Bryan, TWO! ROLLING SUNSET! MJF has it again, TOW! Bryan jackknife bridges, TWO as MJF bridges!! MJF backslides now, TWO!! MJF reels Bryan in but Bryan victory rolls, TWO! MJF has it, TWO! Bryan, TWO!! MJF tackles Bryan and high stacks, TWO! MJF whips Bryan to a corner, Bryan goes up and over and keeps moving, but MJF LARIATS! Bryan stands, to LARIAT! Both men are down again and fans are giving a standing ovation!

Another standing count starts as we hit 25 minutes. Both men are down at 5 of 10, and at 7. They stir, Bryan kips up at 9! Bryan aims, MJF slowly rises, and Bryan runs in, BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, Bryan scores first!

MJF: 0; Bryan: 1

26 minutes to get one fall, but that just means 34 minutes to play defense! MJF flounders to a corner as he regains consciousness. Bryan aims, fans chant “YES! YES!” But then MJF FLOPS! Bryan is denied another Busaiku Knee, but he drags MJF back up. MJF LOW BLOWS!! But MJF rolls Bryan up, to score a fall! And then ANOTHER fall! MJF covers again, TWO!!

MJF: 2; Bryan: 2

The disqualification gives Bryan one point, but MJF has tied things up quick! Just as Bryan had the lead, we are back to square one because of MJF’s big brain move. MJF gets another water break then grins as he returns to the corner. MJF swaggers and soaks up the heat, then brings Bryan up through the ropes. MJF slashes his throat, fans boo, but Bryan TOSSES MJF away! MJF lands on his knees! Bryan climbs a corner, MJF stands, MISSILE DROPKICK! MJF tumbles back out of the ring and he crawls to a corner of the barriers. Bryan stalks MJF, brings him up, and CHOPS him against barriers! And KICKS! And CHOPS! And KICKS!

Bryan brings MJF around again to SMACK him off the security’s chair! Bryan refreshes the ring count, then runs in from the far side, but into a LARIAT from MJF! MJF snarls as we finally reach the halfway point, and he sits Bryan in the chair. MJF CHOPS, then gets space. MJF makes sure his pads are in place, runs, but into a LARIAT from Bryan! Bryan KICKS MJF in the chair again and again! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan gets ten of those, refreshes the count again, and then goes out to run in and BUSAIKU KNEE MJF into the barriers!! Fans are thunderous as Bryan stands over MJF. Bryan drags MJF up and puts him in the ring.

Bryan pulls MJF against the post! Bryan SLAMS the leg into the steel! MJF writhes and shouts in pain, but Bryan ROCKS him with a right. Bryan SLAMS the leg against the post again! MJF begs for mercy but Bryan just ROCKS him again. Bryan then SLAMS the leg against the post again! Bryan gets in the ring, grabs the leg, and he drops a knee on the bad knee! Bryan pulls on the leg, but MJF fishhooks Bryan’s face. Bryan pushes MJF down, and wraps on a FIGURE FOUR! MJF’s shoulders are down, TWO!! MJF is furious, he shouts, “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!” He SLAPS away on Bryan but Bryan just smiles and leans back to put on the pressure!

Then Bryan sits up, to SLAP away on MJF! Bryan pushes up to add pressure, but MJF fights to turn the hold over. Bryan keeps MJF down, eggs him on, but then MJF turns things over! Only for Bryan to turn it back over! MJF gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, and Bryan lets go because he has until five. MJF clutches his leg, Bryan tells him to suck it up. Bryan KICKS MJF around, he wants to see MJF show heart! They both go to the apron, and Bryan drags MJF up. Bryan reels MJF in, Gotch holds, but MJF fights the lift! Bryan still brings MJF up, but the bad arm gives out! MJF scoops Bryan, but Bryan CLUBS the bad leg!

Bryan gets free, he KICKS the leg! MJF CLUBS the bad arm! Bryan KICKS, MJF CLUBS, repeat! Bryan gets the edge with the KICKS and MJF falls to the apron! Fans fire up as Bryan looms over MJF. Bryan drags MJF up and hoists him onto the corner. Bryan climbs up behind him, and he throws down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! MJF clings to the post but Bryan works to lift him. MJF DECKS Bryan! Bryan falls to the apron and then the floor! MJF pushes the corner camera out of the way in frustration. MJF then goes after Bryan, and POSTS him! They go to the timekeeper’s area, MJF clears the table off, and fans fire up!

MJF snarls, he drags Bryan onto the table, and then he goes to the corner. MJF climbs the corner?! MJF gets that camera out of the way, and even with a bad knee, he SUPER MACHO ELBOWS through the table!!! Fans lose their minds as MJF does something legit! But MJF still clutches his beat up leg. He tells the ref to get in the ring, and MJF wants Bryan to be counted out. The count starts, Doc Sampson checks Bryan, but somehow Bryan is still in this. The count is 5 of 10 as Bryan stirs. Bryan crawls and flounders, but we’re at 8! Bryan stands at 9, and slides in at 9.5! Fans fire up but MJF is furious!

MJF drags himself over to the ropes and goes out. MJF grabs pieces of the busted table, then fetches Bryan. MJF scoops Bryan and aims, to TOMBSTONE Bryan through what’s left of the table!! But again, double-edged because of his bad knee! We’re at the last 20 minutes and both men are down on the outside! Bryan is busted open but MJF DIGS his fingers into the wound! MJF drags Bryan up, puts him in the ring, then stands Bryan up on the apron. MJF has Bryan through the ropes, for the HEATSEEKER!! Cover, MJF scores again!

MJF: 3; Bryan: 2

MJF doesn’t continue on the covers like he did before, his knees are bothering him too much. MJF goes back outside, and gives himself another water break. MJF then returns to rain down fists on Bryan’s bloody forehead! Fans boo, the ref reprimands about closed fists, but MJF lets off. MJF soaks up the heat while Bryan’s crimson mask grows. MJF isolates Bryan’s bad arm, and he STOMPS the fingers! Bryan is so tired, he can’t even react. MJF taunts Bryan, “You’re the best in the world, huh? YOU EFFING SUCK!!” MJF stomps Bryan, then he CLAWS the wound! MJF brings up Bryan’s kids, then CLUBS him down!

“I told you this would happen to Dada! I told you this would happen to Dada!” MJF CLAWS the wound again! The ref reprimands, MJF lets off and says HE is the best in the world. MJF goes back to Bryan, eggs him on, and gives him toying kicks. Fans boo as MJF scuffs Bryan. MJF SLAPS Bryan, pulls away the shoulder tape, then kicks Bryan more. Bryan is getting mad! Fans fire up as Bryan stands, and MJF dares him to do something. Bryan throws a forearm, but it doesn’t do much. MJF laughs, blows snot on Bryan, then slaps Bryan around. MJF dares Bryan to go again, so Bryan SLAPS him! MJF HEADBUTTS Bryan down!

Fans boo as MJF shows off the blood on his hands. We reach 15 minutes remaining, it’s the final quarter for Bryan. MJF brings Bryan out, hammerlocks the arm, and whips, but Bryan reverses! MJF hits POST! Fans duel, Bryan shakes out the bad arm and goes to the apron. MJF stands, Bryan FLYING KNEES! Both men go down and fans fire up! The ring count starts, Bryan gets in the ring, but he climbs the corner! Bryan SUPER CROSSBODIES MJF back down! Fans are thunderous again but time is still ticking away! Bryan drags MJF up and puts him in the ring. Bryan climbs up the corner again, but MJF ROCKS him first!

MJF hobbles, he climbs up after Bryan, and he goes to the very top. But Bryan slips under to trip MJF! MJF lands on his salt of the earth! Bryan climbs up after MJF and throws fists! Fans taunt “MAXI-PAD!” as Bryan keeps punching away! Bryan stands MJF up to SPIDER SUPERPLEX! MJF writhes and Bryan sits back up! Fans fire up with Bryan and he adjusts on the corner. DIVING HEADBUTT!! Both men are down but fans fire up again! Now MJF is busted open! Bryan covers, TWO!! MJF’s crimson mask is immediately complete, and he crawls to a corner like a zombie! Fans are thunderous as both men rise, and Bryan runs in, to BUSAIKU KNEE!!

But Bryan doesn’t cover, he turns MJF over! REGAL STRETCH!!! MJF endures, but he TAPS! Bryan scores and ties this all up!!

MJF: 3; Bryan: 3

We’re at the last ten minutes and fans are thunderous again! They tell MJF, “YOU TAPPED OUT!” just in case MJF isn’t sure. Bryan puts MJF back in the REGAL STRETCH!! But MJF fights it, grabs the bad arm, SALT OF THE EARTH!! And he thrashes around non Bryan’s arm!! But Bryan fights up, rolls through, and drags MJF into the LEBELL LOCK!!! MJF endures, Bryan gets the other arm, too, and then grinds forearms into MJF’s face! MJF’s own blood is making it hard to get a grip! But Bryan rolls MJF away from ropes!! MJF endures, fans are thunderous, and MJF rolls it to a cover, TWO!!! SALT OF THE EARTH!!!

Bryan endures again, reaches out for ropes, but MJF pushes back! MJF’s own bad knee keeps him from putting on the pressure the whole time, but he drags Bryan back! INVERTED CROSS ARMBAR!!! Bryan fights, drags MJF along, still reaches out, but MJF hooks the far arm! RINGS OF SATURN!!! MJF gets a leg, too! Bryan only has one free limb, but he still fights with it! Bryan refuses to give up, ROPEBREAK!!!! MJF is furious, but he lets go at 4! Bryan survives by tiptoes and fans are thunderous again! “This is Awesome!” with just seven minutes left! Bryan and MJF crawl and go forehead to forehead.

Both men rise, glaring through blood, sweat and matted hair. MJF ROCKS Bryan with a haymaker! Bryan ROCKS MJF back! MJF ROCKS Bryan, Bryan ROCKS MJF, repeat! Bryan HEADBUTTS, MJF HEADBUTTS, repeat! They both stand, Bryan HEADBUTTS! MJF wobbles, but he ROCKS Bryan! Bryan ROCKS MJF! Both men stagger, MJF ROCKS Bryan again! Bryan ROCKS MJF! MJF ROCKS Bryan! They just go back and forth, faster and faster! MJF shoves Bryan, DOUBLE FOREARMS knock both men down! Fans are electric as both men lean on each other! And Bryan is laughing! MJF is crying!

“This is Wrestling!” as both men slowly stand and we hit the five minute warning! THE FISTS START FLYING!! MJF CHOPS, but Bryan just grins. Bryan CHOPS and MJF wobbles! MJF CHOPS! Bryan CHOPS! Repeat! MJF pokes Bryan in the eyes! MJF runs, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! MJF and Bryan both rebound, ROLLING ELBOW from MJF! Bryan rebounds to CLOBBER MJF! Fans are thunderous again as Bryan wants MJF to stand. Bryan drags MJF up, but MJF shoves him away. Bryan runs in but it sent out. Bryan hurries up but MJF HOTSHOTS the arm! MJF has Bryan in the ropes, HEATSEEKER!! Cover, TWO!?!?

MJF hurries to get more water! But he brings the bottle into the ring. MJF takes a big chug, storms up on Bryan, and then he hoists Bryan up top. MJF CHOPS, fans chant for “H 2 O!” as MJF goes up after Bryan. We’re at three minutes and MJF fights the scoop! For HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!! MJF blocks and grabs Bryan’s hair! MJF uses that to drag Bryan over, into a SUPER TOMBSTONE!!! But MJF’s knees damage, too!! We’re at the last two minutes, and fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” This has to end somehow, though, and the ref checks both men. MJF crawls over to Bryan, who hasn’t stirred at all.

MJF drags his bad leg with him, he covers, TWO!! And Bryan has the HALF CRAB!!! Bryan drags MJF from ropes and fans are going nuts! MJF has to last for ONE MINUTE!! Bryan pulls as far back as he can on that bad leg! MJF crawls forward, reaches out, but Bryan drags him away! Bryan sits deep on the leg! MJF grits his teeth, shakes his head, and has lasted 30 seconds! Can he last another 30? MJF bites his own hand, crawls, but Bryan sits down again at 20 seconds!! MJF reaches out, Bryan grabs the arm!! MJF has just FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!!! TIME’S UP, and then MJF TAPS!!!

Time-Limit Up, Draw at 3-3; MJF is still AEW World Champion

Neither man lost but neither man won! Fans are upset, they want a winner, not a survivor! The medical team checks both men, they even get oxygen for MJF. But word is coming in and Tony Schiavone says he’ll be glad to go down there. Bryan stands, he looks ready to keep going! Schiavone goes ringside, he talks with Justin Roberts and the referee. Tony Khan doesn’t want this to end in a draw, so we’re going SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME!!!! Fans are thunderous, and Bryan is all for it! MJF is shocked! He doesn’t understand, but the final fall is here!

Sudden Death Overtime!

MJF SHOVES the ref! MJF doesn’t want to do this, but the ref shoves back! Bryan rolls MJF up, TWO!!! MJF grabs at the ref, and LOW BLOWS Bryan!!! Roll up, with tights! TWO!!! MJF is going back to his shortcuts, but it hasn’t worked so he has no idea what to do! Fans are electric again as Bryan and MJF go to opposite corners. MJF has the belt! The ref sees that and tells him to put that down. Use it and lose it, because this isn’t a standard match! MJF reluctantly gives the belt up, but HE HAS THE DYNAMITE DIAMOND RING! But Bryan dodges! Bryan hops up, POISON-RANA!!!

MJF staggers about, fans are thunderous with “YES! YES! YES!” BUSAIKU KNEE!!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? HOW?!?! MJF survives after everything he’s been through?!?! Fans are volcanic, no one is sitting, and Bryan gets the leg! Bryan KICKS it! And KICKS it! And KICKS it! Bryan turns MJF for the HALF CRAB!! MJF flails, the ref sees the diamond ring! The ref TAKES the ring! Deja vu, anyone? MJF pounds the mat with fists, but Bryan leans back on the leg! MJF crawls, forces himself to move forward, and he gets the ROPEBREAK and then taps!! Bryan gets tricked, he thinks he’s won! MJF gets away with another trick!

MJF has the oxygen tank!? MJF grins, and he waits for Bryan to storm over. TANK SHOT!!! MJF hides the tank, gets back in the ring, and he takes his time putting on THE LEBELL LOCK!!! MJF is adding insult to injury! Bryan’s arm drops once! Then twice! BUT BRYAN HAS NEW LIFE!! MJF can’t believe it!! Bryan fights up, fans rally as hard as they have all night, and MJF is freaking out! Bryan keeps fighting, but then he FADES! BRYAN TAPS, MJF WINS!!!

Winner: MJF, by submission (still AEW World Champion)

Maxwell Jacob Friedman says this means he IS the best in the world! Controversy doesn’t exist in MJF’s world, will his reign of terror be unstoppable?

My Thoughts:

AEW does it again. They didn’t do the best with every build to this card, but the card was phenomenal! Great Zero Hour (Buy-In) match, though I’m surprised that was the only one. Good promos throughout the Zero Hour, and RJ City is definitely an interesting personality. Great opener from Starks and Jericho, though I am a bit surprised Starks won again. I guess this means the feud is over and everybody goes their separate ways. The Final Burial was awesome stuff, and it has been a long time since anyone’s seen a Buried Alive Match, and that one definitely lived up to the standards set. JB really showed his grit with that win, he should definitely get a title by Double or Nothing in May.

The House of Black VS The Elite is a top example of lackluster build but awesome match. But it is only somewhat surprising that the House won. There’s something going on with The Elite, The The Elite, so it works both in story and in reality that the titles are on another team. Great Triple Threat with the women’s title, and Hayter getting a roll-up cover to win was a good way to keep everybody strong even with the status quo kept. But Ruby swerving us on which side she was taking was brilliant, and the parallel to the nWo origin story is complete. Now, for more women to join this story so we can have Blood & Guts!

Texas Death, holy hell. Excalibur said it in the hype vignette, he repeated it on commentary, that was definitely brutal and scary. Both guys bled quickly and early, and there was a lot of innovation in how violent they could get. Like, two bricks and a chain, I would not have expected either of those. Well, maybe the chain since Moxley used a chain on Omega way back when. But Hangman winning, that is the right call. Moxley is on his way to being a Heel, he and the BCC can do stuff in the Trios division, and Hangman can rise up the ranks towards the top title to see if he can get a make-good for the first reign.

Joe VS Wardlow was really good, but it was gonna be hard for anything to follow Texas Death. Wardlow winning was the right move in the vacuum of just his story with Joe, but now AEW has booked themselves in a corner. Wardlow and Hobbs are both on the rise, but only one can win. If Hobbs wins, great for him but that sucks for Wardlow having only a three day reign. If Wardlow wins, then great for him but that sucks for Hobbs being pushed and given that “brass ring” only to fall the week after. Maybe since this is free TV, they have a Dusty Finish or some other “controversy” that allows them to have a rematch.

That Fatal 4 Way tag was almost how I hoped it’d go, but then they kept the status quo. And while that’s a shame for The Acclaimed, and means that the Triple J VS Best Friends over the Golden Globe story has to continue on the side, at least we’re getting FTR’s return. FTR have gotta whoop Ass Boys and get the belts back. And who knows, maybe Austin & Colten get in on the ROH Tag Division. And of course, holy crap, that main event. That was definitely the best match MJF or Bryan have had in AEW, that was the bloodiest MJF has gotten ever, and this could even be AEW’s new best match ever.

It was great story that MJF did 90% of the Ironman match cleanly but strategically used that DQ to get quick points, just as I expected. And to think they would go to a draw at the end of the hour to give us “sudden death.” MJF cheating hard with every trick in the book, from teasing belt shot to trying the diamond ring, to eventually using the apron to block his foreign object, it was like MJF hit all the classic Heel moves in one go. MJF retaining this way is perfectly MJF, and anyone can bring up how MJF proved he could do things legitimately, he just chooses not to or is too scared to go legit, and you go from there.

My Score: 9.2/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (2/19/25)

Phoenix is Dynamite!



AEW revs up towards Revolution!

We are just 18 days away from Revolution, and AEW is turning up the heat in Phoenix! Who will challenge Konosuke Takeshita for the International Championship?


  • Six Man Tag: The Patriarchy VS The Opps; The Opps win.
  • Street Fight: “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs VS “Big Bill” Morrissey; Hobbs wins.
  • Kris Statlander VS Megan Bayne; Bayne wins.
  • Revolution International Championship Series: Orange Cassidy VS Roderick Strong; Cassidy wins and will challenge Konosuke Takeshita for the title next week.


MJF is here!

Phoenix is a bit torn over the Scumbag opening the night, but he and the Cowboy are set to have their face to face, with a strict No Physicality Order in effect. As such, Hangman Page makes his entrance next. The fans are ready for some #CowboyS*it as the two stare down from opposite corners. MJF throws his gum at the fans, which they boo, and then he grabs himself a mic. “I don’t speak Poor, I’m talking, thanks. The year was 2019. The first-ever event in the history of this event was Double Or Nothing. The first match in the history of this company was the Casino Battle Royal. The winner would have the opportunity to go on and become the inaugural world champion.

“I had the match won. It was the biggest opportunity of my life, and you screwed me. You cheap shotted me like a gutless little worm. So you know what I did? I had to scratch and claw my way back to the top. And I did so by beating some of the biggest names professional wrestling has to offer. Think of your favorite wrestler; yeah, I beat ’em! Though, looking down at my beautiful~ Dynamite Diamond Ring, I’m struggling to remember who I beat the first time I won this bad boy. Oh, that’s right, it was you. I then proceeded to go on to become a six-time Dynamite Diamond Ring Champion.

“I main evented, headlined and won the biggest wrestling event of all time in Wembley Stadium. I am a former International Champion, the best and longest reigning AEW World Champion of all time, the greatest wrestler on God’s green Earth, and do you know why, Hangman?” Fans tell MJF to STFU but MJF says it’s because he’s Maxwell Jacob Friedman, and he’s better than you, and you know it. MJF smiles and soaks up the heat from Phoenix, but then Hangman takes his turn. Why is MJF talking like Hangman doesn’t know who he is? Hangman knows exactly who MJF is and what MJF has done.

MJF is 28 years old, and already has a history making wrestling career. Hangman will give MJF that, and MJF should be proud of himself. But when MJF listed all of his accomplishments, he sounded angry about them. All of that, and MJF can’t be happy. Is it because there’s something that MJF still hasn’t been able to win… from the fans? MJF tells Hangman to shut his mouth! MJF calms down, and says no, you think he cares about the fans? He doesn’t give a damn about them! The fans boo but MJF tells them to shut up! MJF thinks it’s funny that the hypocrites who is redeemable and who is not.

Hangman has had everything handed to him on a silver platter, because these shmucks woke up and just decided Hangman’s the main character? The fans cheer that! Really? A guy who drank another man’s blood? A guy who attacked innocent veterans in the locker room? A guy who stabbed a syringe through another human’s face? The guy who was low down and vile enough to burn another man’s house down to ashes? Yet HE is the good guy!? MJF mocks the cheering, and says yay~, Hangman’s the hero! Just ask the fans! To them, Hangman did nothing wrong. But these morons will chant Cowboy S*it at the top of their lungs… Oh, and there they go!

Do you feel that, Hangman? Do you feel all warm and fuzzy? Everyone loves Hangman Adam Page! But MJF has a question for him: After everything Hangman has done… Does Hangman love Hangman? Did Hangman love himself after ending the career of his mentor, Christopher Daniels? After he absolutely demolished that worthless, talentless, jobber hack? Hangman tells MJF, “Don’t you dare! Don’t you DARE! Christopher Daniels is ten times the man that you will ever be! And if I could rip out my spine and give it to him, I would do it in a heartbeat!” The fans cheer that!

Hangman says Daniels’ 32 year career, flew 100 times around the globe, and if there’s a wrestling company that mattered in their lifetime, Daniels gave a part of his life to it! He went down fighting! Fighting for his life! Daniels died a warrior’s death! Hangman knows CD, and he knows Daniels would not have had it any other way. The fans cheer that, too. Daniels took care of pro-wrestling, even when pro-wrestling didn’t take care of him. Daniels is the best of us. And men and women like Daniels is why MJF and Hangman are even in this ring, don’t you ever forget that. The fans cheer that, and they chant for “FALLEN ANGEL!”

MJF scoffs at that, but Hangman says that selflessness, self-awareness and humility of Daniels that MJF doesn’t understand. MJF doesn’t have the stomach for it. If MJF’s career ended tonight, and if he doesn’t wipe that s*it eating grin off his face, it just might… But if MJF’s career ended tonight, what would the fans say about him? Would they say MJF is a credit to their sport? To this world? Or would they say he was an opportunist and a selfish coward? A man who took every shortcut he could, chasing all the power and glory that he thought would win their admiration.

MJF asked why, after everything Hangman has done, the people care about him. Hangman will not be as arrogant to say he understands it, or to put words in their mouths, but he will speak for himself. Hangman knows what is right, he knows what is wrong, and he tells the truth about it. In five years, he’s probably lied 100 times, but never once has he lied to the fans! And if Hangman has had a problem, he has faced it head on eye-to-eye. He didn’t run from it, didn’t hide it, and everything he has had, he worked for. The AEW Tag titles, the AEW World title, and a family that through all of this stood by him unconditionally! Believe him, it was not easy!

MJF has spent five years cheating, scheming his way to the top, and anyone that stood in his way, he told them he was better than them. And Hangman hopes that for once, for MJF’s own sake, there is a small part of him that is wondering, “Is it true?” Because it’s not. Deep down, Hangman thinks MJF knows that. MJF seethes, then smirks, then laughs. MJF asks, “Are you a child?” Oh, sowwy Hangman, sowwy fans, did he not win fairsy-squarsy on his way to the top? Oh no~! Hey, newsflash, dips*its, the history books don’t give a damn how you get the job done. MJF earned everything. Can’t say the same for Hangman.

Because whether Hangman cares to admit it or not, before the doors of this company even opened, the powers at be decided they were going to prop Hangman up. He was their golden boy, their chosen one. Hangman walked in at 2019 with all the buzz and propaganda in the world. Wanna know what MJF came in with? All MJF needed was a scarf and a mic! Hangman has earned NOTHING! MJF walks better, talks better, looks better, dresses better, and IS better! Name one thing Hangman does better than MJF. NAME IT! Hangman says, “I am real.” The fans cheer that, and the mics drop. They’re face to face, but they have to remember the No Physicality Order.

MJF looks to the fans, then he says Hangman can be the main character all he wants. MJF has no problem being the bad guy. Another mic drop, and then the jackets come off! Security hurries up to the apron to tell them remember the order. Hangman dares MJF to do something, but MJF stands down. But then he SPITS at Hangman! The fans boo as we see the saliva hanging from Hangman’s hair…! Hangman bolts at MJF but MJF bolts outta the ring! MJF smirks, having turned his level headed choice into a cowardly move. Hangman DECKS security guard after security guard, then hammers away on one poor soul!

Someone pulls Hangman back, and Hangman almost swings on them, until he sees it’s Christopher Daniels! Hangman calms down, and Daniels tells Hangman this is what he was fighting for this whole time. Hangman knows who he is, so don’t listen to MJF. Understood? Hangman nods, and he heads out. When and where will The Cowboy get his hands on the Devil of AEW?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.

Renee Paquette is with Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong, and notes Roddy is in the Revolution International Championship Series, facing Orange Cassidy. With the PPV around the corner, how does he expect this to shake out? Roddy shouts “ORRRANGE! Cassidy. Man, I feel like we’re gonna do this forever. We are destined to dance forever. And I get it, you’re friends with my pal over here, Mr. Kyle O’Reilly. But that’s not gonna stop me from destroying you tonight, going on to next week to beat Takeshita, and going on to Revolution to defeat Kenny Omega.”

Renee brings up the conflict of interest for Kyle with The Conglomeration, but Kyle says The Conglomeration is not so much a stable as it is a lifestyle. They love to hang, they love to conglomerate, and yeah, Orange is Kyle’s boy. But Roddy’s gonna have to break that back. Cole adds that regardless of who is friends with who, Roddy whoops Orange’s ass. And that is Undisputed. The Kingdom is ready, but will they run the Revolution? Or will things be Freshly Squeezed here tonight?


Six Man Tag: The Patriarchy VS The Opps!

Christian Cage has been avoiding this fight, but now he has no choice to stand alongside his “sons,” Nick Wayne & Kip Sabian against the opposition. Will Captain Charisma, The Prodigy & Mr. Superbad survive Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata? Or will this be the end of The Patriarchy?

Dynamite returns and The Opps make their entrance. They’re #NeverLacking, and they even get pyro! The fans cheer, the trios sort out, and Shibata starts with Kip. The bell rings, the fans rally up, and Shibata feels things out with Kip. They knuckle lock, Kip kicks low, then Kip wrenches to a wristlock. Shibata wrenches back and he has the wristlock. Kip rolls, kips up, but Shibata trips him to a top wristlock. Kip keeps his shoulders up, fights to his feet, then slips through to hammerlock. Shibata switches that onto Kip, but Kip switches and kicks low. Kip headlocks, Shibata powers up and out, but Kip RAMS Shibata.

Shibata brushes himself off, but Kip headlocks. Shibata powers up and out, then kitchen sink knees! The fans cheer while Shibata drags Kip up. Tag to Joe, the fans really fire up, and they stand Kip on the ropes to CHOP, CHPO, and CHOP! DOUBLE MACHINE GUN CHOPS! They double whip, then trip Kip, and then Joe SENTONS! Kip sputters, Nick runs in, but Shibata trips him! And Joe SENTONS! The fans cheer, Christian is worried, but Kip tags him in! Christian steps in, stares Joe down, but then quickly tags out to Nick! Some father figure… Joe snatches Nick and bumps him off buckles! Joe CHOPS Nick, but Shibata keeps Nick standing.

Joe CHOPS again, and the fans fire up! Joe winds up to CHOP again! Tag to Shibata and he drags Nick up, for a CHOP! Nick tries to get away but Shibata puts him back in the corner. Shibata CHOPS Nick again, and again! Tag to Hook and the fans cheer again. Nick freaks out but Hook CHOPS! And CHOPS! Nick falls, Hook tags Shibata back in, and Shibata drags Nick up to snapmare. Shibata chinlocks and he squeezes tight. Then he KICKS Nick in the back, runs, but Mother Wayne distracts the ref. Christian gets a cheap shot in! Shibata DECKS him for it! Kip DECKS Shibata, Nick BLASTS Hook, and Nick hauls Shibata up.

Nick snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Mother Shayna coaches her son, and Nick ROCKS Shibata with a haymaker. Shibata drops to a knee, Nick stays on him, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Nick brings Shibata over, tags Kip, and they mug Shibata. Kip snapmares Shibata, KNEES him in the back, then clamps onto the arms. Shibata endures, so Kip KNEES him again. Kip pulls on the arms in a motorcycle stretch, but Shibata still endures. Shibata fights up, powers around, but Kip snapmares him to rain down forearms! Kip cradles for the cover, TWO! Kip KICKS Shibata int he back, brings him up, but Shibata snap suplexes first! And then he KICKS Kip! Shibata brings Kip up, but Kip CLAWS Shibata’s eyes! Kip bumps Shibata off buckles, tags Christian, and Christian fires hands on Shibata.

Christian CHOPS, ROCKS, and repeat, then stomps Shibata down. Christian rains down more fists, then lets off as the ref counts. Christian snapmares Shibata, flexes, then ELBOWS Shibata int he head. Christian CLAWS Shibata’s eyes, pushes him down, steps on Shibata’s face, then tags Nick. They mug Shibata, then Nick puts Shibata on the ropes. Nick CHOPS, then wrenches Shibata for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Nick brings Shibata up, brings him back to the corner, tag to Kip. They mug Shibata some more, then Kip fires forearms. Shibata DECKS Kip! Shibata kicks Kip, Kip RAMS Shibata into the corner, and Chfristian tags in.

Christian & Kip mug Shibata, then Christian puts Shibata on the apron. Chrihstian pulls Shibata through the ropes, CHOKES him, then stops to DUMP Shibata back in. Cover, TWO! Christian hurries to tag Nick back in, the mugging continues, and Nick swaggers around. Nick stands Shibata up, ROCKS him with a left, then puts him in a corner. Nick fires haymakers and body shots, then Dynamite returns to single picture. Tag to Kip, they double whip Shibata, but Shibata SPEARS Kip! Nick runs up, Shibata hits an ARM-DRAG! The fans fire up while Shibata crawls, but Kip CLOBBERS him! The fans boo but Kip rains down fists!

Kip drags Shibata up, he and Nick double whip again, but Shibata grabs ropes. Shibata BOOTS Kip, then BOOTS Nick! Shibata WRECKS Kip with a dropkick, then tag to Hook! Hook LARIATS Nick, LARIATS Kip, then gets Kip for a T-BONE PLEX! Christian runs up, into a T-BONE PLX! Hook LARIATS Christian up and out! Hook LARIATS Nick in a corner, then NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Hook stands Nick up, but Nick fights the exploder! The fans rally for Hook but Nick hooks a leg! FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Shibata BOOTS Nick! Kip MISSILE DROPKICKS Shibata! Joe LARIATS Kip!

Christian aims, runs up, but Joe fireman’s carries Christian! Christian slips free, hooks the arms, but Joe TOSSES him up and out! Joe then DIVES! Direct hit into Christian and the fans are thunderous! Hook has Nick in a corner, but Nick goes up an dover to victory roll, and holds ropes! TWO!! Hook escapes but Nick ROUNDHOUSES, then goes up, up, and WAYNE’S- REDRUM!! Hook as Nick, Shibata has Kip, Joe scares Christian away! The father lets his sons suffer, Nick is OUT! The Opps win!

Winners: The Opps, by submission

Joe, Shibata and Hook stand tall while Christian clings to his Casino Gauntlet contract. Will the AEW World Championship be all that matters to The Patriarch?


BREAKING NEWS for Revolution!

After everything said and done between them, MJF and Hangman Page will have their grudge match! Who will win in this Battle Los Angeles?


Backstage interview with Chris Jericho.

Renee is with the ROH World Champion and brings up how Jericho vowed to show Bryan Keith how it was done. He went to confront Bandido, but uh, did he accomplish what he set out to do given he just got pinned by Bandido at ROH Global Wars? Jericho says Renee should wipe that smirk off her face. What makes her think she can talk to Jericho like that? Renee isn’t sure what he’s getting at, but Jericho asks what makes her think he can’t have her thrown out of the building? He can, y’know! If not for him, Renee wouldn’t have a job. No one in AEW would have a job if not for him!

The truth is: No Chris Jericho, no AEW! That is a fact, not pro-wrestling rhetoric! Yet instead of getting treated with respect like the living legend he is, he gets nothing but vitriol and disrespect. Why is that? Is he too nice? Maybe the Learning Tree needs to give a history lesson. Jericho is The Nueve, that means nine in Spanish. As in a nine-time world champion, in multiple companies and multiple countries. Jericho is the guy walking down the street in Brisbane just a few days ago, and fans were asking to take pictures. Then Bandido is the guy you hand the camera to so he can take their picture.

Jericho tells Bandido got his biggest win ever, congrats. Jericho will give Bandido his chance at the ROH World Championship this Saturday on Collision. The bounty no longer means anything. Bandido gets his chance to beat Jericho, but Jericho gets his chance to prove that everyone is too comfortable around Chris EFFIN’ Jericho! Jericho storms off, but will he regret gambling with The Most Wanted?


Street Fight: “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs VS “Big Bill” Morrissey!

Speaking of grudge matches, these two have gone back and forth with their brawling! They’ve fought backstage, fought in the parking lot, and even took this fight to Australia over the weekend with Global Wars! But it’s gotta end somehow! Will the Book of Hobbs’s next chapter have him chopping down a Redwood? Or will the skyscraper from New York stand tall over the Powerhouse from California?

Hobbs makes his entrance first, then he storms up on Bill during his entrance, only for Bill to BOOT him from over the top rope! The bell rings, fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” and Bill storms out after Hobbs. Bill CLUBS away on Hobbs, then brings him into the crowd! Hobbs fires a body shot, sends him into a guard rail, then takes a fan’s beer can to SMASH Bill in the face! Bill ELBOWS back, UPPERCUTS, then UPPERCUTS again! Bill HAMMERS away on Hobbs, then talks smack on the fans. Bill ROCKS Hobbs, but Hobbs ROCKS Bill! The haymakers go back and forth, and Hobbs brings Bill around to CLUB away!

The fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” again, and Hobbs pushes Bill to ringside. Hobbs LARIATS Bill over railing! The fans fire up, Hobbs high-fives a few, then he goes to get Bill on his feet. Hobbs RAMS Bill into railing, revels in the M”EAT! MEAT! MEAT!” and then runs up to CLOBBER Bill! Bill slumps over the railing, but Hobbs gets space. Hobbs runs in, but Bill CHUCKS a sound mixer!? Hobbs falls, clutching his leg, but Bill takes the keyboard to SMACK Hobbs on the back! Fans chant “OVER HERE! OVER HERE!” in hopes the action heads their way. Bill goes looking under the ring, and he brings out a monkey wrench!?

Bill winds up, but Hobbs dodges! Wrench hits steel steps, but Bill takes aim again. Hobbs dodges and the wrench hits railing! Bill still tries, but Hobbs ducks and the wrench hits POST! That’s strike three and Bill is disarmed of the wrench! Hobbs grabs a chair to JAM Bill up! And SMACK him on the back! Now that was a base hit! The fans want more, so Hobbs SMACKS Bill again! The fans fire up and Hobbs brings Bill up. But Bill CRAKS Hobbs with the monkey wrench!! Bill gets his own base hit, the ref has a standing count on Hobbs, but the fans want tables. Bill tells them STFU and shove it! The fans boo but Hobbs is up at 9.5 of 10!

Bill brings steel steps around, then he goes back for Hobbs. Hobbs is busted open, but Bill BOOTS him right back down! Bill drags Hobbs over, then CHOKE SLAMS him on the steel steps! Hobbs sputters, the fans boo, but Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Bill enjoys seeing Hobbs’s blood on him, and even uses it like lipstick! Bill swaggers like Jagger, tells the fans to shove it, then Bryan Keith appears! Keith and Bill high-five, then they work together to haul the other steel steps around. They get it onto the stage, then they bring out more plunder from under the ring. Oh, look! A table! They set that in the ring while Hobbs sputters to his feet. Dynamite returns to single picture while Bill sets up the table. The fans rally for Hobbs as he leans against the apron. Bill stands the table up in a corner, but Hobbs drags himself into the ring. Hobbs has the trash can, and he SMASHES it on Bill’s face!

The fans fire up as Hobbs winds up again, and he SMASHES Bill again! Bill flounders, Hobbs rips his shirt away, and the fans fire up for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Hobbs storms up on Bill, scoops him, but Keith is in! Hobbs drops Bill to PUNCH the chair! Keith panics, apologizes, but Hobbs CHOKE SLAMS him through the table! The fans fire up again, but Bill BOOTS Hobbs again! Hobbs tumbles to the ramp, Bill goes out after him, and fans chant “MEAT FOREVER!” Hobbs scoops Bill!? And POWERSLAMS him on the ramp! Hobbs then looks around, and he finds Bill’s backpack. Hobbs CLOBBERS Bill with the backpack!

Hobbs grins, and he dumps out the BRICKS that were inside! Hobbs then stalks Bill to the stage, where Bill put the steel steps! Hobbs ROCKS Bill with a right, ROCKS him again, and Bill is also busted open! The fans fire up as Hobbs fires off punch after punch! Hobbs stands Bill up to ROCK him, but Bill UPPERCUTS! Hobbs ROCKS Bill, Bill UPPERCUTS Hobbs, repeat! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Hobbs wobbles, but he kicks low! Hobbs brings Bill over, SMACKS him off the steel steps, and then DRIBBLES him off it! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Hobbs winds up to SMACK Bill off the steps again!

The fans are thunderous as Hobbs goes up the steps, and he drags Bill up to join him! Hobbs pops Bill up, to  SPINEBUSTER down through barbed-wire tables!! The fans are thunderous and losing their mind! The count begins, Bill is still down at 5, just struggling to get out of the barbed wire! We hit TEN, Hobbs wins!!

Winner: “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, by TKO

The fans cheer as Hobbs is the Last Big Meaty Man Standing! Will this vindication be more than enough for the Book of Hobbs to turn the page?


Backstage interview Brian Cage & Lance Archer.

Renee is now with The Don Callis Family’s Murder Machines, and brings up how they upstaged the Hurt Syndicate last week. That was a rather bold statement. Brian says yeah, bold indeed. But take a look at them! It is easy for them to do! The Murderhawk and The Machine have something to say, because they have business with the Hurt Syndicate. But big surprise, they’re nowhere to be found. Archer says word is, Hurt Syndicate will be at Collision. So if they wanna put on their big boy pants, the Hurt Syndicate can talk with the Murder Machines about those AEW World Tag Team Championships.

But in the end, Cage & Archer will take them, and #EverybodyDies. Then will MVP, Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin accept the challenge this close to Revolution?


BREAKING NEWS for AEW in Phoenix!

Phoenix’s own Justin Roberts tells the fans here that if they hadn’t heard, AEW will be returning to Phoenix very soon, and with a PPV! AEW is going Double Or Nothing in Arizona on May 25th, 2025!


Toni Storm is here!

Phoenix fires up as AEW is once again Timeless! For once again, and for a historic FOURTH time, Toni Storm is the NEW AEW Women’s World Champion! Luther helps Toni into the ring, and Toni grabs herself a mic. The spotlight is on her as the fans chant her name. Toni smiles, and says, “This whore you all adore… This slut you can’t rebut… This tramp is your NEW CHAMP!” The fans cheer again, and Toni continues. “On the other side of the world, in front of friends, family and former lovers, I faced the Woman From Hell. A woman… who broke my heart, took my title, and ruined my soul. Mariah May, you SICK B*TCH!”

But Mariah, Toni says she is also so proud of her. Because Mariah gave Toni the fight of her life, and then Toni won with her Small Package. “They say the best things come in small packages, but darling, you should’ve won protection, because I railed you with the biggest package there’s ever been!” Toni says Mariah has been defeated, exiled, and compromised to a permanent end. And now, it is time for a cheap plug. Toni stars in the new film, Queen of the Ring, in theaters starting March 7th, do enjoy. The fans cheer that! As for the championship, if Toni is going to be the best, then she needs to face the best.

Toni says women of wrestling, lend her your ears. Because whether you are here just to stick your chin up, your tits out, or you’re someone like Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, or even Wendy bloody Richter… If you want to go face to face, tit to tit or even lip to lip, Toni is not hard to find, darling! “For God is a woman, and her name… is TIMELESS~…!” Toni drops the mic, picks up the belt, and takes a bow. The fans all cheer, Toni blows a kiss, and fade to black. Who will answer this call and come for Toni Storm’s gold?


Gabe Kidd is coming to Collision!

That’s right! This Saturday on TNT, witness The Mad Man bring Strong Style to AEW! Who will be as #WarReady as this War Dog?


Backstage interview with Willow Nightingale.

AEW returns as Renee is now with The Babe with the Power, and as Renee starts to bring up last week, Willow speaks up. She got one minute of precious TV time, and Renee’s husband of all people interrupts to have Marina attack her. Willow’s 2025 is already off to a terrible start. Willow tells Moxley, Marina, and the Death Riders that she is- OH WAIT, here comes Marina! Willow and Marina brawl, but Marina uses the briefcase on her! And then she send Willow into a road case, then KICKS her down! Moxley steps in and tells the cameraman to follow him. Things head to the stage, and the fans are torn as Moxley grabs a mic.

Moxley goes to the ring, Marina, Yuta and Claudio in tow, and Moxley tells Phoenix he’s gonna ask a question. “Do you know just who in the hell I am?” The fans certainly do, but Moxley says he’s the champion of the world, that’s who! That means this is his mic, that’s his camera, this is his ring, this is his arena, and you’re sitting in his seats! So nobody comes into his house and lays down some challenge to him like they’re somebody! He doesn’t care even if it’s the Rated R Superstar! And he’ll tell ya, Adam Copeland is NOT here! He’s still on his ass in Australia, facedown in the dirt! Cope made a challenge, but Moxley about popped Cope’s head off his shoulders with his bare hands!

So if Cope shows up at Revolution, Moxley will finish the job! WAIT! Jay White is here! The Switchblade storms out and tells Moxley to hush. White sees it is 4v1, but wait! The Bastard slither sin from the shadows! White says fine, more the merrier! But wait! COPE IS HERE!? Moxley is a bit surprised, but he figures he’ll still keep his promise. Except Cope slithers in from the crowd side! Cope CLUBS Moxley down then HAMMERS away! The Death Riders are stunned, White gets Pac for a BLADERUNNER to the stage! Cope fights off Yuta and Claudio, then SPEARS Yuta! Claudio has Cope, but Cope shoves free!

White is there to clinch Claudio, BLADERUNNER into the SPEAR!! So is that a Spear Runner? Cope then finds SPIKE! She didn’t make the trip to Brisbane, but she’s here in Phoenix! White also gets a chair, and Cope takes a swing! Moxley and Marina run away, get into the crowd, but Cope pursues! Will Cope chase Moxley all the way to LA? Cope grabs a mic, and he shouts for Moxley! “This isn’t your arena. These aren’t your seats. These aren’t your people! They’re MY people!” The fans cheer that! Cope tells Moxley that he’s probably halfway to the hotel, hostel, or whatever bridge he lives under. But he knows Mox will see this.

Mox is a COWARD! No nuts, no guts, no spine! He needs his goons, but guess what? As of now, Cope takes them out one by one by one! When we get to Revolution, it will be man to man, and Cope will kick Moxley’s ass! The fans are ready, will the Road to Revolution be nothing but Rated R?


Backstage interview with Mercedes Mone.

Renee welcomes in The CEO, and Mone says, “Phoeniiiix~! Say hello to your C E O! It feels so good, Renee. And Renee, I don’t want any interruptions, no surprises, and no damn puppets, you hear me?” Renee says of course, no puppets. Just congratulations for the great win at Grand Slam Australia. This makes Mone 14-0 as a TBS Champion, and it feels like there is no stopping the Money Train. Mone agrees, there IS no stopping the Money Train. And Harley learned first hand that there is a price to pay when you mess with Mercedes Mone. Then being just over two weeks away from Revolution, Momo Watanabe gave some comments in Australia.

Footage plays and Lexy Nair interviewed Momo Watanabe to bring up how she won the International Women’s Cup. That means Momo can challenge any Women’s Champion she wants from CMLL, Stardom, ROH and AEW. Momo was clearly scouting competition, has she made a decision? Yes, Momo has chosen Mone and the TBS Championship. She will see Mone at Revolution to put a stop to the Money Train. Mone asks what the hell!? She just said no surprises! But if Momo wants to face Mone for the title, then show up to Dynamite next week and say that to her face! Mone has answered a challenge with a challenge, will The Dark Peach oblige?


Kris Statlander VS Megan Bayne!

The #BornAgainKristen may have just crossed paths with her physical equal in The Megasus. Tall, strong, ready to get the action on, will Kris show Megan she’s still The Galaxy’s Greatest? Or will Kris be made to bow down?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Kris and Megan step up to be face to face, then they slowly circle. They tie up, go around, and Megan puts Kris on ropes. They go along ropes, Megan again has control, but she lets off slowly. Then she ROCKS Kris with a forearm! Megan runs, Kris follows, and Kris RAMS Megan! Megan doesn’t budge, so Kris dares her to do that. Megan runs, RAMS Kris, but Kris stays up. Kris brushes herself off, Megan dares her to go, so Kris runs. Megan kicks low, runs, and she runs Kris over! But Kris is right up! The fans cheer, and Kris ROCKS Megan! Megan avoids the leg sweep to BOOT Kris!

Kris avoids a senton to somersault SENTON, then STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Kris keeps moving, and she basement DROPKICKS! Megan staggers, Kris CHOPS, and CHPOS, and CHOPS! Kris climbs up, rains down fists, but Megan brings her off the corner at 5! Kris fights free, but Megan ducks the roundhouse! Kris avoids the boot and ROUNDHOUSES after all! Megan staggers, the fans fire up, and kris runs at the corner. Kris blocks a boot, uses that to get under Megan for an Electric Chair, but Megan fights free. Megan sends Kris into the corner, runs up, but Kris dodges! Kris goes corner to corner, but Megan SPEARS!

The fans fire up while Megan stands back up, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Megan revels in the cheers and jeers, then drags Kris up. Megan bumps Kris off buckles, then RAMS into her again and again! The ref counts, Megan lets off, then she stalks Kris along the ropes. Megan pushes Kris into a corner, then CHOPS her! Megan whips Kris corner to corner, runs corner to corner, and SPLASHES! Megan then underhooks to BUTTTERFLY SUPLEX! Kris flounders, Megan stalks her to ropes, and Megan drags Kris back for a cocky cover. TWO, but Megan stays cool. Megan waistlocks for a REAR BEARHUG! Kris endures, fights up, and pries at the hold. Kris elbows again and again until she’s finally free.

Kris runs, but Megan clinches! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Kris flounders away, and Megan storms up on Kris. Megan stands Kris up, then clinches, another OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Kris flounders, Megan stalks her, and Megan stands Kris up again. Megan short arm LARIATS, then drags Kris up again. Another short arm LARIAT! And another short arm LARIAT! Megan CLUBS Kris, has her in a drop zone, then goes up the corner. But Kris ROCKS her first! Kris goes up to SUPERPLEX! And roll through! But Megan hits the FALCON ARROW! Both women are down, but they’re still in this as Dynamite returns to single picture.

Megan and Kris rise up, and they throw hands! Kris and Megan DOUBLE LARIAT, then DOUBLE LARIAT again! They both roar, and DOUBLE LARIAT again! Kris kicks a leg out, then runs, but Megan BOOTS her first! Megan runs, but Kris DISCUS LARIATS! The fans fire up and Kris suplexes, GOURD BUSTER! Kris runs to SCISSOR KICK! Cover, TWO! Megan survives and Kris seethes but the fans fire up. Kris storms up on Megan, brings her around, and gut wrenches! Megan slips free, then ROCKS Kris! Megan waistlocks to deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up again while Kris goes to the apron.

Megan storms out after Kris, brings her up, and fires a forearm! And another! And another, another, another! Megan winds up, but Kris ducks that to APRON BACK SUPLEX! The fans are thunderous as Kris pushesget Megan in. Kris fires herself up, but Megan rises?! And she goes up the ropes to DEADLIFT GERMAN SUPLEX Kris!! Megan roars, hauls Kris up to the top rope, and she CHOPS! Megan climbs, she and Kris brawl, and Kris gest the edge! Kris ROCKS Megan and Megan falls! Kris adjusts her position, but Megan distracts the ref while Penelope Ford rushes out here! Ford SHOVES Kris off the top!

The fans boo the Superbad Girl as she hides under the apron! Megan fireman’s carries, “BOW! DOWN!” F5!! Cover, Megan wins!

Winner: Megan Bayne, by pinfall

Just as Megan helped Ford with Thunder Rosa, Ford just helped Megan with Kris! Ford rains down fists on Kris while the fans boo more! But here comes Rosa! And she has a chair! La Mera Mera wants after them but Megan & Ford get in her face first! Ford and Rosa fight over the chair, but the ref steps in to settle this down. Megan & Ford leave, Rosa TOSSES the chair at them, will these four settle things soon enough?


Backstage interview with Max Caster.

Renee is now with Platinum Max and brings up his series of open challenges. He is 0-2, is he starting to reconsider his strategy? No, Renee, he is not. The strategy isn’t the problem, it’s how “Hangperson” was chasing him around the arena. That’s not what the open challenge is about. It’s about going eye to eye with the Best Wrestler Alive! And look into his eyes. He’ll tell you this right now, the open challenge will continue this Saturday on Collision, and he expects whoever answers to look him in the eyes, shake his hand, and get beat! Because Caster will prove to him and everyone else that you can’t be better than the best.

Renee wishes Caster luck, Caster thanks her and shows off his certificate. But just who will answer when Caster puts out the call?


Ricochet is here!

And he’s still wearing the stolen robe that belongs to Prince Nana. Phoenix boos the One & Only, but he grabs the mic to say, “Really? That’s what we gonna do? That’s how we gonna act, huh? Y’know what? That’s okay, because I would be angry and bitter, too, if I had to live in Phoenix, Arizona. It’s basically a poor man’s Las Vegas.” The fans boo but Ricochet says lucky for him, he has a helicopter waiting to lift him outta here when he’s finished. Because much like Kevin Durant, Ricochet is trying to get outta this boring ass town ASAP! The fans boo more, but Ricochet says fine, “You do you.” Ricochet will do Ricochet.

Because since the fans are acting like ungrateful animals, Ricochet will speak directly to the people at home. He knows they can hear him loud and clear, huh? Yes you can! But he needs them to understand that all the fans, all the booing, it doesn’t matter! None if it does! Because when you boo a winner, you boo into a void of nothing, and baybeh, Ricochet is nothing but a winner! Ricochet proved it two weeks ago when he pinned Swerve to the mat, 1-2-3! But in reality, Ricochet has been proving it from the moment he stepped foot in AEW! Let’s be real, Ricochet has been whooping the asses of all the favorites!

Ricochet whooped Swerve’s ass, Ospreay’s ass, Darby Allin’s ass, Komander’s ass! The fans chant for Swerve’s House, but Ricochet says that everyone here and plenty of you at home will never understand is that winners always have something to show for it. And oh does Ricochet have something to show for all of his success! Ricochet models the Embassy’s robe, the fans boo more, but Ricochet says check this. He is not content to just wear this. No, he came to AEW to wear championships. Ricochet will not be just another name on the roster! Ricochet will be the main name on this roster! He came to win, and more importantly, he came to win gold.

Ricochet says that is where his sights are set for 2025. He wants to be a champion here in AEW! Oh, wait, wait, let’s correct that. Ricochet will be a champion in AEW, because he’s too good looking not to be. But wait! Swerve is here! Phoenix fires up as Nana walks out first, sips his coffee, then shakes his head. Ricochet looks around, surely the Realest is lurking. Nana gets in the ring first, though, and has his own mic. Nana tells Ricochet he knows what he’s thinking. But this isn’t that. Nana wanted to take this time to talk to Ricochet one on one, so Swerve isn’t here right now. Nana knows they’ve been beefing these last couple of months, and he isn’t sure where that is going.

But one thing that Nana does know is that Ricochet is wearing something that doesn’t belong to him. Three DECADES, Nana has been in this business. In the ring, outside the ring, closing major deals, making champions, and heck, making history! And that robe has a lot to do with it. That robe right there represents pride, represents integrity, and represents those that Nana has walked through, and that we’ve lost. But one thing about that robe is that anyone who is wearing it has honor. Anyone that wears it has been bestowed the opportunity to be great. And Nana never gave Ricochet that opportunity.

Ricochet, honestly, if you’re still that happy-go-lucky guy, that winner that he always says he is, that humane individual, then just give the robe back. The fans chant “GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK!” Ricochet says Nana wants the robe back, is that all? Yeah, okay, sure. Take it from him. Ricochet stares Nana down, but then he asks what’s wrong. Is Nana gonna cry? That’s okay, we all have emotions. Nana ain’t getting the robe back. AHA~! Ricochet leaves, and Nana shakes his head. Nana tried doing this with diplomacy, will he have no choice but to let Swerve do things his way?


Revolution International Championship Series: Orange Cassidy VS Roderick Strong w/ The Undisputed Kingdom!

After Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay defeated Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher at Grand Slam: Australia, The Cleaner made it clear that he wants The Alpha 1v1, the title on the line. However, Tony Khan chose to raise the ante. Two former champions are giving this opportunity, the winner to face Konosuke for the title next week in San Diego! Who starts on this golden path into the Golden State?

The bell rings and the fans rally for “FRESHLY SQUEEZED! FRESHLY SQUEEZED!” Cassidy and Roddy circle, tie up, and Roddy waistlocks to SLAM Cassidy! Cassidy fights up, but Roddy wrangles him back to the mat. Cassidy fights back up, reaches out, and he SLAPS the hold apart! Cassidy drops, wheelbarrows, but Roddy half nelsons. Cassidy slips free, standing switches, and snapmares! Then he has Roddy for the photo op! Thumbs up, and then ghost pin! TWO! Roddy swings, Cassidy dodges, and Cassidy “CHOPS!” The fans lose their minds but Roddy asks, “Really?” Cassidy shrugs, then dodges Roddy’s back elbow!

Cassidy headlocks, Roddy powers up and out, but Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges. Cassidy then bails out, and he hugs Kyle! The fans cheer The Conglomeration reunion, but then Cassidy looks at Cole. Cole stares daggers at Cassidy, so Cassidy slowly turns, hand up to block Cole from view. Cassidy rolls into the ring, but Roddy is right on him! Roddy headlocks, Cassidy powers up and out, but Roddy CLOBBERS him! Things keep moving, Roddy hurdles to then slide out, and he hugs Kyle! AND Cole! But Cassidy DIVES onto Roddy! The fans fire up and Cassidy puts Roddy back in. The fans chant, “One More Hug!”

Cassidy says why not. He hugs Kyle! The fans cheer, Cassidy goes up, then leaps, into a DROPKICK from Roddy! The antiair takes Cassidy down, but Roddy puts him in a corner. Roddy CHOPS, then he stalks Cassidy. Roddy CHOPS Cassidy again, but Cassidy bails out. Cassidy paces while he catches his breath, then he rolls back in. But Roddy stomps away at the ropes! The ref counts, Roddy stops to haul Cassidy up, and Roddy uses the ropes to SLINGSHOT POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Roddy keeps Cassidy down with a chinlock, then shifts into a GROUND COBRA TWIST! Cassidy endures, fights up, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Cassidy stands, but Roddy fireman’s carries Cassidy for a HOTSHOT on the ropes! Cassidy falls back and sputters while Roddy flexes. Roddy drags Cassidy up, whips him to a corner, and Cassidy hits buckles hard! Roddy storms up on Cassidy, drags him up, and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cassidy writhes, Roddy drags him up, and brings him into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Cassidy endures, fights to get his arms free, but Roddy pulls the arms back into place. Cassidy still has one arm free as he endures being bent back. Cassidy gets the other arm free, but Roddy keeps on the stretch. Cassidy slips out he back, rolls Roddy up, TWO!

Roddy DROPKICKS Cassidy right down! Cover, TWO! Cassidy survives and even shakes his head. Roddy drags Cassidy up, gives him a hug and puts him in a corner. To CHOP! Cassidy drops to his knees, but Roddy brings him back up. Roddy suplexes, Cassidy blocks, but Roddy CLUBS away! Roddy suplexes, Cassidy flails! Roddy CLUBS away, suplexes again, but Cassidy cradle counters! TWO!! Roddy escapes, and he LARIATS Cassidy down! Roddy drags Cassidy into a leglock, and he goes for the chinlock! Cassidy endures the Angelito Stretch, then fights up, pries the hold open, only for Roddy to KNEE him low!

Roddy puts Cassidy in a corner, then up top. But Cassidy BOOTS back! Cassidy adjusts position, but Roddy GAMANGIRIS! Roddy climbs up, gut wrenches, but Cassidy clings to the ropes! Cassidy fires body shots, then Dynamite returns to single picture. Cassidy ROCKS Roddy, he drops back, and Cassidy goes to the apron. Roddy runs up, Cassidy RAMS him, ROCKS him, then SLINGSHOT DDTS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Cole & Kyle coach Roddy, the fans rally, and Cassidy rises first. Cassidy goes to a corner, comes back for Roddy, but Roddy CHOPS! Cassidy shakes his head, and comes back.

Roddy CHOPS again, but Cassidy is just getting angry! Roddy CHOPS him down, but Cassidy’s right back up! Cassidy is pumping up, and he puts his hands… IN HIS POCKETS! Roddy CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Cassidy dodges, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then SHOTGUNS Roddy down! And kips up! The fans fire up for Cassidy, and he goes corner to corner, only for Roddy to put him on the apron. But Cassidy bumps Roddy off buckles! Then goes side to side for another buckle bump! And then back again for a third! Cassidy climbs while Roddy staggers, and Cassidy FLYING LARIATS! Cassidy gets moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirl-

NO, Roddy slips free, suplexes, STUN- NO! Roddy stops the Stun Dog Millionaire to half nelson, but Cassidy swings to ARM-DRAG! Cassidy then ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirls, and DDTS! The fans fire up and Cassidy covers, TWO! Roddy survives and the fans rally up. Cole & Kyle coach Roddy, but Cassidy rises again. Roddy goes to ropes, Cassidy Alabama Lifts! Roddy CLUBS away on Cassidy’s back to stop that! Roddy shoves Cassidy, BOOTS him, ENZIGIRIS, then reels him in, but Cassidy sunset flips! TWO!! Roddy escapes, takes a swing, but into the Alabama Lift! BEACH BREAK! Cover, TWO!! Roddy survives and Cole coaches him up more.

The fans rally again and Cassidy goes to a corner. Cassidy prepares the elbow pad,. but a STRON GKNEE hits first! Then the IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER, into another IRISH CURSE! And then a torture rack, for the RACK BACKBREAKER DROP!! Cover, TWO!! Cassidy survives and Roddy is frustrated. Cole & Kyle coach Roddy to keep going, and Roddy goes for the legs. But Cassidy spins, only for Roddy to block the victory roll! Roddy spins Cassidy back around, turns him over, STRONG- NO, Cassidy fights out of Stronghold! Roddy holds onto the legs, turns Cassidy over again, only for Cassidy to turn back over!

Cassidy spins and drags Roddy into the victory roll! TWO!! Roddy escapes yet again, then ducks an Orange Punch, IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKAR!! TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Cassidy scrambles and fights forward, ROPEBREAK!! Roddy lets go in frustration and both men are tiring out. Cassidy drags himself up with the ropes, Roddy stands and storms over, and Roddy YANKS Cassidy up! Cassidy lands on his feet to “kick,” then he fires real kicks! Cassidy stomps away, then runs, but into a POP-UP GUTBUSTER!! And a SICK KICK!! Roddy ain’t done, he hits END OF- STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE!! Cassidy powers up, ORANGE PUNCH!! Cover, Cassidy wins!!

Winner: Orange Cassidy, by pinfall (advances to the AEW International Championship match)

And with that, Dynamite is Freshly Squeezed! The Undisputed Kingdom heads out, Tony Schiavone steps in, and Schiavone says Cassidy is back and better than ever. It will be live from coast to coast when AEW is in San Diego, and Cassidy will go 1v1 with Takeshita for the title, winner going on to Revolution. If Cassidy wins, he’ll become the greatest International Champion in AEW history! But before Cassidy can speak, The Don Callis Family makes their way out here. Callis has a mic to say he has something important to say.

Mark Davis & Konosuke Takeshita flank Callis as he tells Cassidy, “I guess you’re gonna go tell everyone you’re the greatest International Champion of all time. But to me, you’re nothing but a red-headed hippy! You’re nothing but a loud mouth punk! GET HIM!” Callis sends Konosuke & Davis to go after Cassidy! They beat Cassidy down, and then Davis scoop SLAMS him! SENTON! Konosuke drags Cassidy up and Callis wants his shot! Callis kicks low, but here comes Kenny! Omega fires off on Konosuke & Davis! The fans fire up as Omega throws hands on Konosuke, but Davis grabs him for a SLEEPER! Konosuke kicks Omega in the gut!

The fans boo as Omega suffers, and Konosuke winds up. Davis sends Omega into the ALPHA ELBOW! Cassidy stands back up, Davis rushes him, but Cassidy DUMPS Davis out! Konosuke CLUBS Cassidy, and brings him in for RAGING- STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Omega is up to V-TRIGGER! Cassidy adds an ORANGE PUNCH! The Don Callis Family regroups and retreats! Phoenix fires up for Omega & Orange as Omega holds up the belt, the fans like how that looks! But Cassidy looks at the belt, wanting to have it back. Who makes it through this Revolution International Championship Series as THE champion?

My Thoughts:

A great Dynamite here to follow up the Australia specials and move things towards Revolution. Great promo segment to open with MJF and Hangman, and MJF has his “Heel making a good point” moment saying how the “forgiveness” is rather hypocritical. To be fair, Kevin Owens has made a similar argument recently, but it’s still valid in all of pro-wrestling where some Heels can never truly go Face. Anyway, good stuff to set up their match at Revolution, including that moment Hangman has with Daniels. And as I said last week, Hangman VS MJF should be seen as an unofficial #1 contender’s match, the winner aimed at the world title going towards AEW Dynasty in April.

Speaking of the world title, good stuff with Willow and Marina brawling again, leading into Moxley’s promo that then led into Cope & White getting after the Death Riders again. I really thought Cope was going to up the ante on the title match, but he instead implies he’s going to use the next two weeks, the next four AEW shows between Dynamite and Collision going into Revolution to have matches with Claudio, Yuta and Pac in whatever order, and take them off the board. I would think Jay White and even Willow are part of that, maybe even The Gunns as they rejoin White in the Bang Bang Gang, which could be some really good stuff that branches off into other matches.

Really good Trios match from Patriarchy VS Opps. The Opps have a good theme song, but maybe a little too chill. That aside, The Opps of course won and it was of course Nick Wayne taking the loss. I still think we should get Joe VS Christian, and then that’s a smokescreen where Christian loses only to come back and cash-in on the world title. It’s gotta happen, it’ll help shake things up, and again, how can we ignore a new Cope VS Christian feud? Very good promo from Toni Storm to leave it up in the air who her next feud is with, and pretty good promo segment with Mone and Momo to set up their feud. But now that Momo said TBS Championship, pretty sure Mone wins.

Toni did name drop Kris, and Kris Statlander has yet to challenge for the world title, so maybe she moves up after what we’re getting with her, Rosa, Ford & Bayne. Great match from Kris VS Megan, but I should’ve figured Ford would get involved to screw Kris over. And naturally, Ford would beat up Kris and that’d cue Rosa to make the save. But how did they botch that so badly? The irony is this was a botch where next to nothing happened when clearly something should have. It feels like someone between Ford and Megan forgot what they were to do, because the easy option would’ve been for them to slip out of the ring, but it just ended up awkward. The tag match will be good, and we can still do singles matches after, but this was a bad hiccup.

Jericho had a good promo to call out Bandido, and I didn’t think the ROH World Championship would be happening now. With that, there might be shenanigans that help Jericho win, which is a shame. Good promo from Cage & Archer to call out The Hurt Syndicate, and we’ll surely get a confrontation on Collision that then makes the tag title match for Revolution. That’s gonna be some big meaty men slapping meat there, much like tonight’s Street Fight. Though, AEW really needs to clarify how their rulebook works. Given the ten count, this was really a Last Man Standing match disguised as a Street Fight. But naming conventions aside, still great stuff, and Hobbs getting the win works so that he can move on, perhaps to a title match of his own.

Very good promo from Ricochet with Nana, and you can bet the robe will be the apparent prize in whatever rematch we get from Ricochet and Swerve. And knowing Swerve, he and Ricochet could have one killer No Disqualification style match. Good promo from Caster to play off his Open Challenge losses like they were for other reasons other than Caster isn’t the Best Wrestler Alive. And y’know what? They mentioned Gabe Kidd showing up for Collision, so why not two birds with one stone? Gabe should answer the challenge, beat the snot out of Caster, then call out just about anyone he wants, because he’s Gabe Kidd.

Very good promo from The Undisputed Kingdom, but what a copout on The Conglomeration not really being a thing anymore. Did they not want to put in the time to do a quick promo where The Conglomeration disassembles? I did like how Cassidy hugged Kyle and felt awkward around Cole, though. But still a great main event from Cassidy VS Roddy, and Cassidy winning makes a lot of sense. For one, The Kingdom can still do a feud with The Death Riders over the trios and world titles, but also, Cassidy really did establish the International Championship. Good stuff with Don Callis Family going after Cassidy, then Omega making the save. It’s also a good tease of Omega VS Cassidy for the first time since Omega was world champion, but we’re definitely getting Omega VS Takeshita at Revolution.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Grand Slam: Australia Results & Report! (2/15/25)

AEW goes down under!



Will AEW once again be Timeless?

In the long awaited sequel to All In: London 2024, Mariah May and Toni Storm battle for the AEW Women’s World Championship in Brisbane, Australia!


  • Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay VS Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher; Omega & Ospreay win.
  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Harley Cameron; Mone wins and retains the title.
  • Brisbane Brawl: Adam Copeland & Jay White VS Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli; Moxley & Claudio win.
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Buddy Matthews; Okada wins and retains the title.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May VS Toni Storm; Toni wins and becomes the new AEW Women’s World Champion.


Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay VS Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher w/ The Don Callis Family!

Once enemies because of the Don Callis Family, The Cleaner and the Aerial Assassin are now united against the Don Callis Family! Will the Best Bout Bruvs get even with the Alpha and the Aussie Arrow? Or will the DCF be the future of AEW?

How fitting that alongside Callis is Mark Davis. Aussie Open not only returns home together, but Davis continues to stand by Kyle against Ospreay. The fans are much more fired up for Ospreay and Omega during their entrances. “This is Awesome!” and it’s only just beginning! The fans sing for “Ospreay~, Ospreay Ospreay Ospreay~!” while Kyle barks at him. These two start, the bell rings, and they RAM shoulders! The forearms fly and the fans fire up even more! The shots keep going, Ospreay kicks low then headlocks. Kyle powers up and out, Ospreay RAMS Kyle, but Kyle rebounds to RAM Ospreay!

Ospreay RAMS Kyle again, then ROCKS Kyle on the rebound! Ospreay runs, but Kyle CLOBBERS him! The fans boo but Kyle just soaks it up! Kyle stomps Ospreay, tags Konosuke, and Konosuke BOOTS Omega down! Kyle & Konosuke double whip Ospreay to then CLOBBER him! The fans boo while Kyle & Konosuke flex, and Konosuke wrenches Ospreay to a wristlock. Tag to Kyle, they mug Ospreay, but the fans continue to sing for Ospreay. Kyle throws a body shot, then brings Ospreay around. Ospreay body shots then CHOPS, but Kyle kicks low. Kyle whips Ospreay to the corner, but Ospreay BOOTS Konosuke!

Kyle kicks Ospreay, whips again, but Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER KICK! The fans fire up while Kyle sputters, and Ospreay tags in Omega! The fans are thunderous as Omega goes up top, for a CROSSBODY! Omega rallies with Polish Hammer ax handles! The fans fire up as Omega spins, but Kyle dodges to kick low! Kyle whips, Omega reverses and fireman’s carries! The fans say along with Omega, “YOU! CAN’T! ESCAPE!” But Kyle slips free, kicks low, and says he just did escape. Kyle runs, but into a RANA from Omega! Kyle tumbles out while the fans fire up, and Omega feeds off that energy.

Omega kneels, the Terminator Drums start up, but Konosuke CLUBS Omega down! Don Callis approves as Konosuke brings Omega up, runs, but Ospreay jumps in! TIGER WALL KICK and ENZIGIRI! Omega adds the KOTARO CRUSHER! Tag to Ospreay, he does the Terminator kneel, and Omega joins in! More Terminator Drums, and then both men build speed! They both FLY! Down go Konosuke and Kyle on opposite ends of the ring! The fans are thunderous again and Ospreay is loving this! Omega puts Kyle in for Ospreay and Ospreay snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Tag to Omega, they mug Kyle, and Kyle sputters.

Omega wrenches Kyle, tags Ospreay back in, and fans tell off Callis while Ospreay CHOPS Kyle! Ospreay throws hands on Kyle, tags Omega back in, then they double whip. Kyle KICKS Omega away, kicks Ospreay, then sends Ospreay into Omega! Ospreay TOSSES Ospreay out, BOOTS Omega down, then tags in Konosuke. Konosuke goes up while Kyle holds Omega down, SUPER SENTON! Cover, TWO! Omega stays in this but Konosuke clamps onto him with a rear bearhug. Omega reaches out, ROPEBREAK with a leg! Konosuke lets off in frustration to argue with the ref but ropebreaks are non-negotiable.

Konosuke drags Omega up, but Omega ROCKS him first! Omega fires haymakers, then a CHOP! And another CHOP! Omega whips, Konosuke reverses, and kitchen sink knee! Cover, TWO! Omega stays in this, but the gut is clearly the target. Konosuke puts Omega in a corner, fires body shots, then whips corner to corner. Konosuke runs up to forearm SMASH, then he whisp Omega corner to corner. Omega BOOTS back, and he SLAM DUNKS Konosuke! The fans fire up while Omega crawls, but so does Konosuke. Hot tags to Ospreay and Kyle! Ospreay ROCKS Kyle first, then springboards, but Kyle moves so the PIP PIP CHEERIO hits Konosuke!

Kyle SUPERKICKS Ospreay, Omega runs up but Kyle dodges! Omega blocks a superkick, to SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Kyle tumbles out, but Konosuke gets Omega with an EXPLODER! Konosuke runs up on Ospreay, but Ospreay puts him up top! Ospreay tucks Konosuke in and gives him CHEEKY NANDOS! Kyle storms back in, but Ospreay blocks a superkick! But Kyle ducks the elbow to ROCK Ospreay! Kyle runs, but into a STANDING SPANISH FLY! All four men are down and Brisbane is thunderous while AEW goes picture in picture!

A standing count begins on Ospreay and Kyle, and they slowly stir at 5 of 10. They rise up at 6, stand at 7, and Ospreay waits on Kyle at the ropes. Kyle turns around, Ospreay glares at him, and they go forehead to forehead. Ospreay CHOPS first! Ospreay eggs Kyle on, so Kyle comes back to CHOP! Ospreay staggers a couple steps but stays up, only firing the fans up more. Ospreay winds up to CHOP and Kyle sits down! Ospreay keeps the fans fired up, and he puts his hands back. Kyle chuckles, of course Ospreay wants more. Ospreay is doing a jig for the fans, but Kyle wants everyone to hush so they can hear this.

The crowd just gets rowdier so Kyle goes outside to hush them. Omega storms up to chase Kyle down! Kyle RAMS Omega through railing! Kyle mocks the cheering, but Omega is back to CHOP Kyle! Kyle staggers away, but now Konosuke brawls with Omega! Omega CHOPS Konosuke, Ospreay has Kyle for Kawada Kicks, and Grand Slam: Australia returns to single picture. Ospreay CHOPS, then he catches Kyle. Kyle elbows free, Ospreay HOOK KICKS! Ospreay runs, Kyle dodges, but Ospreay swings through the lariat! Ospreay reels Kyle in, but Kyle slips free and lifts Ospreay! RAN- NO! Kyle brings Ospreay back up, but Ospreay SATELLITE DDTS!!

The fans are thunderous again as Ospreay stands tall! Ospreay calls his shot, springboards, but Kyle stops the cutter! Inverted suplex, but then Ospreay TORNADO DDTS free! Konosuke is up, Ospreay BOOTS him down! Kyle grabs at the ref and Callis jumps off commentary! Callis grabs Ospreay’s leg! The fans boo, Ospreay kicks free, but Kyle gets him for a SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! The fans tell Callis off even more now, but Ospreay and Kyle crawl. They head for corners, hot tags to Omega and Konosuke! Omega and Konosuke DOUBLE LARIAT! And DOUBLE LARIAT! Konosuke SWATS a lariat, then feints the elbow for an ALPHA BODY BLOW!!

The fans boo and Omega coughs while leaning against the ropes. Konosuke whips, Omega reverses, but Konsouke ducks ‘n’ dodges, TAKESHITA LINE! Callis cheers Konosuke but Ospreay BOOTS Konosuke! Konosuke just comes back, so Ospreay gives him Kawada Kicks! ALPHA ELBOW!! Konosuke wags his finger at Ospreay, but Omega has the full nelson! Konosuke breaks free, standing switches, but Omega fights the lift! Victory roll, but Konosuke stifles that to wheelbarrow! Omega grabs Ospreay in desperation! Ospreay grabs the ropes in desperation, but Kyle is there! Kyle laughs and SLAPS Ospreay’s hands away! DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX!!

The fans fire up, there’s no denying Konosuke’s incredible strength! Kyle coordinates with Konosuke, and Konosuke goes up. Kyle suplexes Omega up to Konosuke, but then Omega SUPER STEINERS Konosuke away! Ospreay drags Kyle out of the ring, goes up the corner, and SKY TWISTERS!! Direct hit on Kyle, and Omega POWERBOMBS Konosuke! Flip over and V-TRIGGER!! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives, Callis breathes easier, and “This is Awesome!” Omega says BANG, then V- NO! Konosuke dodges, then gets Omega with a BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO! Omega survives and the fans rally again.

Konosuke slashes his throat, vowing to end this. Konosuke scoops, Omega slips free and shoves, BLINDSIDE V-TRIGGER! Then a POISON-RANA! A rough landing for both men, Omega may have miscalculated on that one. Konosuke goes to a corner, the fans rally for Omega, and Omega runs corner to corner! BLINDSIDE V-TRIGGER! But Omega wants more! Omega hoists Konosuke up with the Electric Chair, and he goes up a corner?! The fans are already going nuts as Omega goes to tuck Konosuke! Konosuke fights that, but Ospreay is back! SUPER DUPER OSCUTTER!! Omega says he still wants more!

Omega says BANG, but Kyle slips in! SUPERKICK for Omega! The fans boo but Kyle runs in, HIDDEN BLADE from Ospreay!! Ospreay helps Omega stand, and tells him to do it! V-TRIGGER for Konosuke! Ospreay underhooks Kyle, Omega Electric Chair Lifts Konosuke! STEREO- WAIT, Kyle & Konosuke manage to flip both of these around into double gut wrenches! STEREO PILEDRIVERS!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Omega & Ospreay both survive and Callis is furious! The fans are thunderous as they hope these teams “Fight Forever!” But this is just the opening match of the night, it has to end somehow!

Kyle & Konosuke step to Ospreay & Omega. Kyle & Konosuke fire forearms, but Ospreay & Omega give those back! The forearms go back and forth, the fans cheering Ospreay & Omega and booing the Callis Family! The shots go fast ‘n’ furious, Omega and Konosuke flop over but Ospreay fires a flurry on Kyle! But Kyle CLAWS Ospreay’s eyes! Kyle TOSSES Ospreay out, but Omega DECKS Kyle! ALPHA ELBOW for Omega! But Omega BOOTS Konosuke! Omega runs, but Konosuke blocks a boot! ALPHA ELBOW SUPERKICK COMBO!! Ospreay springboards in, into an ALPHA ELBOW SUPERKICK COMBO!!

Konosuke powers up, POWER DRIVE KNEE on Omega! Cover, TWO?!!? NOW Callis is pissed! But Kyle & Konosuke haul Omega up, ASSISTED BRAINBUSTER! Cover, OSPREAY BREAKS IT! Ospreay shields Omega but Kyle mockingly applauds. Kyle stomps away on Ospreay, drags him from Omega, but Omega holds onto Ospreay’s hand! But then Omega lets go so Ospreay can ROCK Kyle with forearm after forearm! ALPHA ELBOW! Kyle & Konosuke suplex Ospreay, but he STUN DOG MILLIONAIRES free! Konosuke swings, misses, HOOK KICK! Ospreay takes aim, HIDDEN- LARIAT from Konosuke!

Konosuke pulls down the kneepads, and he aims at Omega. POWER DRIVE- NO! Omega blocks the knee, ROCKS Konosuke, then ROCKS him again! ALPHA ELBOW! Konosuke roars, runs, but Omega V-TRIGGERS!! The fans are thunderous again and Omega catches his breath. Omega says this is it! Electric Chair, but Konosuke slips free! Konosuke waistlocks, Omega switches, but Konosuke backs him into a corner! Kyle urns up, GAMANGIRI for Omega! Kyle puts Omega up, then climbs. The fans boo but Omega SHOVES Kyle down! Konosuke BOOTS Omega, then climbs up! Konosuke is on the very top, but Omega trips him!

Konosuke hits the turnbuckle’s crossbar, he slumps over in the corner, and then Osprey FLIES over the corner to take out Kyle!! The fans are losing their minds, but hold on! Omega Electric Chair Lifts Konosuke, Ospreay climbs up! HIDDEN BLADE WINGED ANGEL!!! Cover, Best Bout Bruvs win!!!

Winners: Kenny Omega & Will Ospreay, by pinfall

Callis is beside himself! The men he chose over Omega & Ospreay just lost to Omega & Ospreay! Will these two continue to humble Callis as they head for the top of AEW?


AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Harley Cameron!

The CEO is the Four Belt Boss, but the one that started her collection is now on the line! Mercedes didn’t take this wild Aussie seriously, and she still doesn’t want to, but she’ll have to if she wants to stay Four Belts Mone. Will Mercedes still be the Face of TBS? Or will she #FeelTheWrath of Harley Cameron?

An interesting note: Momo Watanabe of Stardom, who also won the inaugural International Women’s Cup back at WrestleDynasty, is watching from the front row. She is allowed to call whatever women’s championship match she wants, and Mone has plenty of titles, could one of them be on Momo’s radar?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is golden on the Gold Coast!

The bell rings and the fans are all behind Harley. Mone eggs Harley on, but then dodges her to lounge on the top rope. The fans boo but Harley tells Mone to feel the wrath! Mone says alright! They tie up, go around, and Mone headlocks. Mone thrashes Harley, but Harley fights up, only for Mone to throw her down by her hair! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Mone scoops and SLAMS Harley! Mone tells Harley to just get out while she can. Harley storms up instead, but Mone waistlocks, Harley switches, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Harley rebounds, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tilt-o-whirls, to clinch and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

The fans fire up as Harley keeps moving, SLIDING FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Harley stays cool while the fans rally up. Harley brings Mone up, fireman’s carries, but Mone fights with elbows! Mone hooks the arms, Gory Especial, but Harley arm-drags free! Harley then headlocks, BULLDOG HOTSHOT! And an AX KICK while Mone is in the ropes! Harley holds Mone up and says, “Feel my wrath now!” And she smothers Mone with the melons!? That’s the wrath?! Harley goes and grabs PUPPET MONE! The fans cheer as Harley brings the puppet along, then goes up the corner. The fans cheer as Harley rains down fists!

The fans count along, and Harley goes all the way to nine, then Puppet- NO, Mone trips Harley up! Money then DOUBLE KNEES Harley, and she stomps away on #MiniMone! Mone PUNTS the puppet, then she CHOKES Harley! The ref reprimands, Mone stops, and Mone bumps Harley off buckles! Mone chokes Harley again, sits her down, then runs corner to corner, METEORA! Cover, TWO! Harley stays in this and the fans rally up. Mone stalks Harley, talks trash, then CHOKES Harley on ropes! The ref counts, Mone stops, then snapmares Harley, to then METEORA again! Cover, TWO! The fans rally for Harley while AEW goes picture in picture.

Mone drags Harley up, picks her up, and rebounds her off the ropes for a BACKBREAKER! Mone bends Harley against her knee, but Harley endures. Harley fires knees to get free! Mone comes back with a basment ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Mone grows frustrated but she lets Harley crawl away to a corner. Mone storms up, talks trash, and then CHOPS Harley! Harley goes to a corner, Mone brings her around to snapmare, and Mone wraps Harley up in a seated Cobra Twist! Harley endures, even as Mone CLUBS away on her chest! Mone mockingly “puppets” Harley’s mouth, then pushes her down to throw KNEE after KNEE! Cover, TWO!

Harley toughs it out but Mone is still in control, and Grand Slam: Australia goes to break.

Grand Slam: Australia returns, and Mone soaks up the heat. The fans chant “C E NO!” as Mone lifts again, but Harley makes it a BULLDOG! Just a little bit of Stratusfaction here and the fans rally up. Mone staggers around, Harley fires forearms! Mone hits back, but Harley fires a flurry! Then a DOUBLE CHOP! Harley whips, LARIATS, and LARIATS again! Harley runs up, but Mone catches her, spins her, and snap suplexes her! The fans boo Una Amiga, and they boo Dos Amigas! They even boo THREE AMIGAS! Mone gives some Latina Heat but the fans still boo. Mone steps on Harley, then goes up the corner, and FROG SPLASHES onto knees!!

The fans cheer as Harley saves herself, then rolls Mone! TWO! Harley staggers to a corner, Mone runs up, but Harley BOOTS her! Mone comes back again, but Harley slips around to waistlock. Mone fights it, but Harley pump handles for the SAIDO! The fans fire up, Harley covers, TWO! Mone survives but the fans continue to rally behind Harley. Harley feels that energy, and she drags Mone up. Fireman’s carry, but Mone fights free! BACKSTABBER! Harley flounders and Mone basement DROPKICKS her out! Mone soaks up the heat, but wait! Harley has found Mini-Mone! And they’re both angry! Mone runs up, but Harley dodges!

Harley ROCKS Mone using the puppet! Then she DRIBBLES Mone off the apron! Harley puts Mone in the ring, shouts, “FEEL THE WRATH!” and the fans cheer her on! Harley climbs, bringing Mini-Mone with her. CROSSBODY! Harley bounces off the cover, but she reel Mone in, AUSTRALIAN DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!!! Mone survives and Harley is shocked! Both women rise, and Harley brings Mone up. Harley runs, but Mone slips under to then Gory Especial! MONEY- NO, Harley trips her! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Mone reels Harley in, gets her up, and POWERBOMBS her down!

The fans boo Mone showing off some strength, but then Mone goes up the corner. Harley sits up, into a METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives and the fans are thunderous! Mone is beside herself, but Harley ghost pins her! TWO!! Harley hurries to Oklahoma Roll! TWO! Harley whips, Mone reverses, but Harley goes up and over, to sunset flip! TWO! Mone scrambles to her feet, but Harley drop toeholds her into buckles! Harley runs side to side, for a 619!! If Mone is Eddie, Harley is ready to be Rey Mysterio! She climbs up, to SWANTON FLOP as Mone moves! Mone hooks Harley up again, MONEY MAKER!! Cover, Mone wins!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by pinfall (still AEW TBS Champion)

The CEO grins as she holds onto all of her gold, much to the chagrin of Brisbane. But if Harley did this well on her first try, will we see them run this one back soon enough? Meanwhile, Momo is there to sarcastically applaud Mone. Mone pie faces Momo with the TBS Championship, then swaggers away. Did the CEO just make Momo’s choice of championships that much easier?


Omega & Ospreay regroup backstage.

The Cleaner says, “As happy as I should be teaming with my good buddy, Will Ospreay, I’m still kinda pissed a little bit. Because for an entire year, I had to listen to people like you, Takeshita, people like Don Callis, talk about how you beat me twice in one week. How the International title is the pinnacle of this title because you’re defending it all over the world. Well listen here, Takeshita. You really wanna prove that you’re the best? You really wanna prove that you’re the rightful champion? I’ve got the time and I’ve got the place: Revolution, Los Angeles. Put that International title on the line and see if you can say you beat Kenny Omega three times.”

Omega says Ospreay has something in store for Kyle now, right? Ospreay says yes, mate! He never could’ve imagined he and Omega would be on the same team, but y’know what he never imagined either? Stepping into his own country, Kyle Fletcher’s own country of Australia, isn’t cheering him! They’re cheering Ospreay! But every time Kyle got an advantage on Ospreay, it wasn’t because of Kyle’s own talent! And as talented as Kyle is, he’s not good enough, because he has to get the Family in on this! Well let Ospreay tell you this, lad: They won’t be by Kyle’s side! They’re gonna be locked away while Ospreay and Kyle are locked in!

That’s right: Ospreay VS Fletcher, Revolution, STEEL CAGE MATCH! Let’s lock in! It’s time to see if Kyle really is that good! Time to see if Kyle really is the Protostar! Because this is Will Ospreay, and he is on another level! The Best Bout Bruvs head out, having thrown down huge challenges! Will the Callis Family put up or shut up?


Brisbane Brawl: Adam Copeland & Jay White VS Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli!

Speaking of common enemies, The Rated R Superstar and the Switchblade have put aside their differences to deal with The Death Riders, who have been holding the AEW World Championship hostage ever since they demolished Bryan Danielson. Will the WWE Grand Slam Champion and the NJPW Grand Slam Champion combine to hit THE Grand Slam in Australia? Or will The Maniac, the Swiss Cyborg, and possibly the rest of the Death Riders, make them regret ever picking this fight?

The fans sing along with Metalingus for Cope and he loves it! White then makes his entrance, no lyrics to sing in his song. The Death Riders make their entrance last, coming in from the crowd as always. But as soon as they’re ringside, Cope JUMPS onto Moxley, and White knocks Claudio down! The fans fire up, the bell rings, but the Brisbane Brawl is already going as Cope and White send Moxley and Claudio into railing! They get both men in the ring, then in corners! Cope & White climb up, and they rain down fists! The fans count along, and we go all the way to TEN! Then they trade, LARIATS for Claudio & Moxley!

Cope & White DOUBLE LARIAT Moxley up and out, but Claudio runs in! Cope & White TOSS Claudio up and out, then the brawl returns to the outside! White goes after Moxley, Cope RIPS Claudio’s shirt off to beat him with it! Claudio hits Cope back, sends him through railing and into the crowd! White and Moxley fight up the ramp! Moxley CHOKES White, Claudio JAMS Cope up, but then White sends Moxley into railing! Cope and Claudio fight up the bleachers, and Claudio SMACKS Cope off guardrails! White sends Moxley into railing, and now they go into the crowd! Claudio soaks up the heat, and he HEADBUTTS Cope!

White brings a table out, but Marina stands in his way! Moxley CLUBS White down and the fans boo. Marina continues to be a Problem, but Moxley puts White in the ring. Moxley aims from a corner, runs up, but into a DDT! Cope is meanwhile trying to navigate his way to the upper deck, but Moxley gets out of the ring. Moxley goes under, and he brings out something. White PLANCHAS into a trash can lid! White falls in a heap, but Cope is up in the “vomitorium!” Cope stands on the ledge, the fans fire up, and Cope runs to LEAP! Direct hit on Claudio and the fans go nuts! Moxley ignores all that to grab some other stuff.

Cope catches his breath, but Moxley CHOKES White with a chair! White sputters, so Moxley CLAWS his face! Moxley tells Marina to help with the table, but the fans chant, “Moxley is a Wanker!” Cope makes his way back to ringside while Moxley just taunts the fans back. Moxley finishes setting the table up, and then he drags White over. Moxley pushes White onto the table, then he rains down fists! White can barely guard, but Moxley CHOKES him! Moxley goes up the corner, but Cope ROCKS him first! The fans cheer as Cope fires hands! Moxley wobbles, Cope goes up there, and Cope brings Moxley up!

Moxley fights the superplex, and Marina SMACKS Cope with a kendo stick! And SMACKS him again! White snatches the stick from Marina! But Claudio YANKS White down to UPPERCUT him down! Claudio gets under Cope, to POWERBOMB him through the table!! The fans boo as the Death Riders stand tall, and AEW goes picture in picture.

The ref checks Cope and he’s somehow still int his. But The Death Riders mug White, Marina again using the kendo stick! Moxley puts White in the ring, grabs up the chair and the trash can lid, then goes looking for some more things. Moxley found the trash can, but White uses the lid to SMACK Claudio! Moxley hurries in, but White SMACKS him! Claudio comes back to GUT WRENCH PLEX White! Moxley tells Claudio to do the thing! GIANT SWING! White goes around again and again, and again, and then at TEN, TRASH CAN CRASH!! Moxley shows off the dented can while Claudio wedges the chair into a corner.

Moxley drags White up, puts him on ropes, and makes sure fans watch as he fires crossface forearms! Moxley stops and White sputters, but Marina gets a cheap shot in! Moxley & Claudio storm up, White fights back with forearms and CHOPS! But Claudio DECKS him! Claudio drags White up, Grand Slam returns to single picture, and the Death Riders dig their boots into White. The fans rally for White, but the Death Riders let off to stand him up. They double whip White, but White slides to a stop! Whtie dodges the Death Riders, Cope is back up! FLYING DOUBLE LARIATS! Cope rallies on Moxley now and teh afns fire up!

Cope reels Moxley in, but Mxley wernches out ot PARADIGM SHIFT! Moxley calls to Claudio, and then he POSTS Cope! Cope falls out, back to the wreckage of the table! Wait, Claudio brings in a new table! The Death Riders set that up in a corner, but White is back! White fires off with the kendo stick! He even breaks it apart on Claudio’s body!! The fans fire up as White just SMACKS away! But then Moxley grabs it! Claudio RAMS White into the chair! Claudio drags White up, Electric Chair, and Moxley goes up! But White slips free and shoves Claudio into Moxley! Claudio runs up on White, but White sends him into a CHAIR! BLADERUNNER!!

The fans are thunderous, White crawls to a cover, but WHEELER YUTA appears! The Decoder LASHES White with a belt! The fans boo as Yuta keeps hitting White, but White just gets pissed! White takes those shots, the fans fire up as he does, and then he clinches Yuta! BLADERUNNER!!! But Moxley CURB STOMPS White! But Cope trips Moxley, and YANKS him into the post! Moxley’s Little Jon just got crushed! Cope fires up, the fans are with him, and Cope aims at Claudio! But Claudio UPPERCUTS first! Claudio reels Cope in, but Cope BACKDROPS free! SPEAR through the table!!! Moxley gets back up, Cope SPEARS him, too!!

Cope goes outside, the fans cheer on “A E DUB! A E DUB!” while Cope searches. Cope brings out a chair wrapped in barbed wire! The fans tell Cope he’s sick, but he SMACKS Moxley with the barbed-wire chair again and again! Moxley writhes, but Cope isn’t done! He presses Moxley’s head onto the chair, and then grabs the barbed-wire chair! But Yuta storms in to snatch that away! And Marina CLOBBERS Cope with the briefcase! Claudio hauls Cope up, to NEUTRALIZER!! Cover, TWO?!?! Cope survives, but Moxley clamps on a BULLY CHOKE!!! Cope claws at the mat, but Moxley vows to break Cope’s neck!

White fights against Yuta and Claudio but ends up in a SLEEPER!! The fans rally for Cope, and Cope grits his teeth as he knuckles under! Cope’s face is red like his ring gear, but then Moxley smothers that second wind! The ref calls it, Death Riders win!!

Winners: Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli, by submission

But Moxley won’t stop squeezing the air out of Cope! The fans boo and call BS, especially when it ended up 4v2! Moxley lets Cope go when he’s satisfied, but even then he’s still angry. Moxley and Copeland are still going to have their title match for Revolution, who will in that battle in Los Angeles?


AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Buddy Matthews!

The Rainmaker likes to throw around “the B word” a lot, acting as if everyone is beneath him. But the Aussie Juggernaut thinks Okada’s the biggest B of them all! What happens now that there’s no running and hiding from this fight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and let’s see who is not b*tch!

The bell rings, the fans rally, and the two step up. Buddy offers a handshake, but Okada just gives him a middle finger. The fans boo but Buddy smirks. The two circle, tie up, and Buddy headlocks to hit a takeover. Okada headscissors, Buddy kips free. Okada hits the takeover, Buddy headscissors, Okada kips free. Buddy headlocks, Okada powers out, and they RAM shoulders! Both men stay up and the fans cheer. The two tie up again, Buddy puts Okada on the ropes, but then Buddy copies Okada’s famous fake out! Okada turns things around on Buddy, gives his own fake out, and then pie faces Buddy!

The fans rally, Buddy waistlocks, but Okada switches. They switch, and switch, then Okada shoves. Buddy ducks ‘n’ dodges, then avoids the dropkick! Buddy flips Okada to his feet, but Okada avoids the stomp! And the knee! Ripcord, but Buddy avoids the lariat! Buddy shoves, follows, and RANAS! Okada tumbles out, the fans fire up, and Buddy builds speed, only for Okada to slide in! But Buddy slides and stares Okada down! The fans bark behind this Hound of Hell, and Buddy flips Okada off. Okada bails out and says he wants his belt. Okada wants to just leave? The fans boo but Buddy grabs a mic.

“Okada-san! Okada-san! I know I’ve been calling you a b*tch. But over here, you’re just being an absolute wanker!” Okada gets mad and he storms back in! The two tie up, Okada puts Buddy on the ropes, and then Okada lets off slowly. Okada fakes Buddy out again, but then ROCKS him with a forearm! The fans still chant at Okada, “You’re a Wanker!” Buddy comes back to ROCK Okada! Okada ROCKS Buddy! The forearms go back and forth, Buddy CHOPS, and then whips. Okada reverses and ROCKS Buddy, then runs to CLUB him! Okada fires more shots, then runs again, but Buddy kitchen sink knees! And PENALTY KCISK! And KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO!

Buddy is annoyed but he stalks Okada outside. APRON BACK SUPLEX! The fans cheer while Buddy stalks Okada back into the ring. Buddy stands Okada up to UPPERCUT, but Okada bails out again. Buddy storms out, puts Okada back in, and Buddy goes up the corner. METE- NO, Okada avoids the meteora, but not a BOOT! Buddy runs, but into a FLAPJACK! Okada runs in, but into an ELBOW! Buddy goes up, but Okada DROPKICKS him down! Buddy goes to apron then floor, clutches a leg, and AEW goes picture in picture.

Okada takes his time rolling out of the ring. Okada stalks Buddy, stands him up, and RAMS him into railing! Buddy staggers, Okada goes back to the ring, and the ring count climbs. Buddy hobbles up at 7 to slide in at 8! But Okada’s on him with a DDT! Cover, TWO! Okada is a bit annoyed, but he stalks Buddy to ropes. Okada stands Buddy up, whips him to the corner, then runs in for a BACK ELBOW! Buddy falls and Okada just waits on him, but Grand Slam goes to break.

Grand Slam returns and Buddy pushes Okada into the ring. Buddy hurries up the corner as Okada stands. Buddy METEORAS! But again, Buddy clutches his leg! Buddy crawls to the cover, TWO! Okada stays in this, but Buddy pump handles. Okada victory rolls through, TWO! Buddy runs up, Okada pops him up, REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Okada grins, then drags Buddy up, scoop and SLAM! Okada goes up the corner, then MACHO ELBOWS! The fans boo but Okada winds up, Rainmaker MIDDLE FINGER! Okada flip soff Buddy, but Buddy grabs the finger! Buddy bends the finger, but Okada BOOTS Buddy again and again!

Buddy still bends the finger, then he blocks the boot. Okada ROCKS Buddy, ripcords, but Buddy reels him in! GO TO SLEEP!! Okada drops to his knees, CURB- NO, Okada dodges and ripcords, RAINMAKER! Cover, TWO?!? Buddy survives and Brisbane is thunderous! Okada is shocked, but then he smirks. Okada grabs the belt again, brings it to the ring, but the ref stops Okada. The ref takes the belt from Okada, and Buddy rolls Okada up! TWO!! CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!?!? Okada survives, but Buddy hurries to pump handle, MURPHY’S LAW!! Cover, ROPEBREAK?!? Okada survives by a literal foot!

Buddy is in disbelief, as are the fans! Okada bails out, Buddy hurries after him, but Okada kicks low! DDT to the floor! The fans boo more but Okada drags Buddy back up. Okada puts Buddy in the ring, then climbs up the corner. Buddy KNEES Okada first! Buddy climbs, brings Okada up, and he SUPERPLEX! Then roll through for the JACKHAMMER!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Okada survives, but Buddy shouts out Mami with THE PRISM TRAP!!! Okada endures being bent, but he powers up to fight forward! Buddy drags him away!! Okada rolls, Buddy almost runs into the ref! Okada runs up, he’s sent at the ref!

Buddy grabs Okada, Okada grabs the ref, and then Okada MULE KICK LOW BLOWS!! RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (still AEW Continental Champion)

Buddy got cheated and everyone but the ref knows it! The Rainmaker defies logic by being a winner and a wanker, but will anyone be able to stop the reign?


BREAKING NEWS for the Road to Revolution!

Tony Khan is upping the ante on things, we’re getting an International Championship Series! This Wednesday, Dynamite in Phoenix, will see former champions face off! Orange Cassidy VS Roderick Strong, the winner getting a title shot on Wednesday, February 26th! And then, whether it is Cassidy, Roddy or Konosuke, the International Champion will defend their championship against Kenny Omega in Los Angeles! Who makes it out of this revolutionary series with the gold around their waist?


AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May VS Toni Storm!

The Glamour buttered up her role model so she could share the spotlight. However, it would seem Mariah was really just waiting for her chance to take everything away from Toni. All In: London was an instant classic, but it would seem Toni was taking her time to craft its sequel. Will the Woman From Hell make it another dramatic tragedy? Or will the AEW Women’s Division once again be Timeless?

Well, speaking of cinema, Luther is dressed like a movie usher, and he hushes the crowd before pointing to the stage. Toni’s old theme plays, and then the film flies off the reel. The lights go down, and back in black ‘n’ white, it’s Timeless Toni! The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and it’s time for another box office smash!

The bell rings and the fans fire up already. Mariah and Toni stare down, or perhaps have a scowl off? The two storm up, tie up, then just fire hands! The fans cheer as Toni gets the edge! Toni whips Mariah, Mariah reverses, but Toni goes up and over! Toni comes back to THESZ PRESS! Toni rains down fast hands and the fans cheer! Toni lets Mariah go to a corner, just so she can stomp a mudhole into her! The fans cheer but the ref counts. Toni backs off, the fans sing “F her up Toni, F her up!” Mariah runs up, SLINGBLADE! Mariah then runs to SHOTGUN Toni back down! Mariah stomps Toni now, but stops as the ref counts.

The fans sing for “Toni! Toni Storm~! Toni, Toni Storm~!” Mariah is annoyed by that, and she talks some trash. Mariah fireman’s carries, Toni slips free, GERMAN SUPLEX! Mariah flounders, Toni drags her back, GERMAN SUPLEX! Mariah sputters again but fans want that “One More Time!” Toni obliges, GERMAN SUPLEX! Mariah tumbles, rises, but then flops back over! Toni drags Mariah up, and GERMAN SUPLEXES again! That’s four, Brisbane is now Suplex City! Toni stalks Mariah, the fans chant, “RIP HER T*TS OFF!” GERMAN SUPLEX! That’s a fifth, Toni stalks Mariah to ropes, but is Mariah smiling?

Mariah slowly rises, Toni GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Mariah goes to the apron, Toni storms out after her, and waistlocks out there?! The fans fire up but Mariah holds on for her life! Mariah HOTSHOTS Toni, then YANKS her down! Mariah has a sinister smile now, and she runs at Toni to SHOTGUN her into railing! Toni slumps down, Mariah crawls away, and Luther is displeased while AEW goes picture in picture.

Fans help Toni up, but then she flops right back over. Mariah stands, and then she storms up to Luther. Luther rallies the fans, but Mariah brings Toni around to SMACK her off the apron! Mariah then whips Toni hard into railing! Mariah snatches a fan’s sign that praises Toni, and RIPS it up! Mariah makes fun of the closeup, then taunts the fans. Mariah stalks Toni, but again tells Luther to back off. Mariah puts Toni in the ring, stalks her to a corner, then digs her boot in. The ref counts, Mariah steps off at 4, and Toni sputters along the ropes. Mariah kicks her down, but Luther coaches Toni up.

Mariah scoops Toni, for the SPINOUT SIDEWALK SLAM! Mariah put some extra rotations on that one! Cover, TWO! Toni stays in this, but Mariah taunts the fans. Mariah mockingly applauds Toni, SLAPS her, then bumps her off buckles. Mariah whips Toni corner to corner, runs up and UPPERCUTS! Mariah keeps Toni standing in the corner, to whip the other way! Grand Slam returns to single picture and Mariah UPPERCUTS again! The fans boo, but Mariah whips corner to corner. Toni comes back to LARIAT! And LARIAT! And SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO! Mariah survives but Toni steps on her!

Toni has the legs, ties those up, and the fans cheer for the DEATHLOCK STF COMBO! The fans rally, Mariah endures, but Toni grinds her down with the STF! But then Mariah BITES Toni’s arm!! Toni DRIBBLES Mariah’s face off the mat, then it’s back to the STF!! The fans cheer as Mariah suffers! Mariah reaches out, crawls her way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! Toni lets Mariah go in frustration, but she stalks Mariah to the apron. Toni drags Mariah up, but Mariah pushes free! Toni HEADBUTTS her, and Mariah sits down! Toni runs up, but Mariah dodges! Toni POSTS herself, and then Mariah fireman’s carries! MAYDAY to the floor!!

The fans rally while both women are down on the outside. Toni stirs, as does Mariah, and the ref starts a ring count. Luther rallies Brisbane, but Mariah is on Toni first. Mariah puts Toni in, then climbs. The fans continue to rally behind Toni, but Mariah is up top! MISSILE DROPKICK! Toni ends up in the other corner, and the fans boo as Mariah backs up. Mariah grins as she takes aim, mocks the closeup again, and HIP ATTACKS! Mariah then brings Toni up, but Toni fireman’s carries! She steals MAYDAY!! Cover, TWO!! Mariah survives her own move, but Toni rises again. Toni skips the closeup, HIP ATTACK!!

Toni snarls and keeps moving, HIP ATTACK!! Toni roars and the fans are thunderous, as we get a third HIP ATTACK!! Toni then hits STORM ZERO!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Mariah survives and Toni cannot believe it! The fans rally as hard as they can behind Toni as she drags Mariah back up. Mariah is a ragdoll, but Toni still brings her around. Toni fireman’s carries, but Mariah slips free! SAIDO!! Mariah was playing possum, learning how to act from Toni herself! MAYDAY AGAIN!! But Mariah isn’t done! Fireman’s carry for another MAYDAY!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? Toni survives and Brisbane is erupting!

Mariah is furious with the ref, but referee Aubrey Edwards pushes her down! Aubrey tells Mariah to respect her authority! Mariah goes back to Toni, brings her back up, and she SLAPS Toni! And SLAPS her! And SLAPS, SLAPS, SLAPS! The fans boo, Mariah tells Toni to just go away! Mariah then hoists Toni up top, but Toni says no to the Stratusphere! Mariah DOUBLE CHOPS Toni for that, then climbs up! Mariah gives Toni a kiss goodbye, but Toni slips under! RUNNING POWERBOMB!! And then STORM ZERO!! Mariah flounders out of the ring! Toni has Mariah’s wrist, and she refuses to let Mariah get away!

Toni drags Mariah back in, but Mariah YANKS Toni into buckles! Mariah runs up to HEADBUTT! Mariah reels Toni in, and steals STORM ZERO!!! Mariah drags Toni up for another fireman’s carry, but Toni fights free! Cradle, TONI WINS!!!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall (NEW AEW Women’s World Champion)

A sudden turnaround, and Toni is triumphant! The hero has prevailed, and is now the historic FOUR-TIME AEW Women’s World Champion! Australia cheers for their leading lady, but this makes Toni and Mariah 1-1. Everyone loves a good trilogy, when and where will we get this story’s final act?

My Thoughts:

A great event for AEW here, though being tape delayed even just from Saturday morning in America to Saturday night, I had to watch out for spoilers. Didn’t work out, and I have unfollowed those accounts, but I kept most of this event untainted. Awesome opening tag match, and of course a great win for the Best Bout Bruvs. And logically, they set up big matches for Revolution. Ospreay VS Fletcher in a cage match is going to be awesome, but you can bet Mark Davis will be a deciding factor. Omega VS Konosuke for the International Championship will be awesome, but I guess Tony Khan is trying to smokescreen that happening with this series of matches. Cassidy VS Roddy will still be a great match, as will whatever we get after, but no, it’ll still be Omega VS Konosuke and I would think Omega wins.

The Brisbane Brawl was great stuff, but where the heck was Spike? How lame to bring that item back and then not bring it across the Pacific Ocean. But of course Yuta and Marina helped Moxley & Claudio win, Death Riders need that momentum going into Revolution. That’s not to say Cope is going to win just because of this, but it certainly sets up Cope for the comeback. Similarly, we have to see White & The Gunns reunite as the Bang Bang Gang going up against Claudio, Yuta & Pac for the trios titles, maybe even for Revolution. I still say this needs to come down to the Death Riders losing the trios titles so that all eggs are in one basket with the world title.

And then the Aussie win-loss record tonight went how I expected. Harley looked great against Mone, but yeah, of course Mone wins. Especially given they teased Mone VS Momo here. I would think Mone VS Momo is for the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship, with the main focus being that it’s about Momo beating Mone and having that victory really add to her résumé. Okada VS Buddy was also great, but similarly, Buddy just got to look great in defeat. At least they kept Buddy strong and added to Okada’s Heel Heat with that low blow. Buddy could probably fight his way to a rematch for Revolution or we get Brody coming for revenge, there should be a bit more out of this feud.

But the one win that was going to happen, the one I got spoiled on because it was so monumental, was Toni Storm getting her true revenge on Mariah May. It was a great match, roughly on par with All In: London, and it is only fitting that if Mariah won in her home country of England, Toni would win in her home of Australia. And as I noted, this does make Toni and Mariah 1-1 so you can bet they’ll try for the tiebreaker at some point, with Revolution being a logical place. A part of me wishes they’d kept the “Rookie” Toni gag going so that Rookie Toni would’ve been the one that beat Mariah, only to reveal she’s been Timeless all along, but the Timeless character is so good and fans love it so much, I guess they couldn’t resist going back to it.

My Score: 9.1/10

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