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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/5/23)

March towards history!



New Japan Cup 2023

Will the opening round be tranquilo?

As NJPW enters year 51, the New Japan Cup returns! Will Tetsuya Naito kickstart his journey back to the IWGP World Championship with the Spring?


  • Tama Tonga & Ryohei Oiwa VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita; ZSJ & Fujita win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Master Wato, Ren Narita & Shota Umino VS The House of Torture; Taguchi, Wato, Narita & Umino win.
  • Six Man Tag: Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado & Yuto Nakashima VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Toru Yano, YOH & Lio Rush VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; LIJ wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma VS Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & Tomohiro Ishii; Goto, Hashi & Ishii win.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Tetsuya Naito VS El Phantasmo; Naito wins and advances to the next round.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: SANADA VS Taichi; Sanada wins and advances to the next round.


Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma VS Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & Tomohiro Ishii!

The Rainmaker is still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion after defeating The Ace, but the world (title) is not enough! The dream team wants after the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships, but will Okada’s ambition hurt his friendship with Chaos?

Tanahashi and Honma both show off their abs and fans applaud. The trios sort out, and we start with Tanahashi and the Fierce Warrior. Fans rally, the two circle, and they tie up. Tanahashi headlocks, grinds Goto down, but Goto powers up and out to headlock in return. Tanahashi powers up, pries the hold open, and manages to wrench and wristlock. Goto ROCKS Tanahashi, runs, but Okada runs in to help double shoulder Goto down! Fans fire up, Hashi runs in but into double elbows! Ishii runs in but into double kicks! The Dream Team feeds Ishii to Honma’s forearm! Fans fire up for Okada’s trio as they stand tall.

Hashi and Ishii exit the ring, Tanahashi brings Goto up and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Okada, and Okada stomps Goto. Okada ROCKS Goto with a forearm, then he snapmares Goto near ropes. Okada runs side to side to then basement dropkick! Fans rally while Okada paces. Goto goes to the apron, Okada tags Honma, and Honma brings Goto back in. Honma stands Goto to CLUB him, then CLUB him again. Honma CLUBS Goto again but Goto fires back with CHOPS! Honma eggs Goto on then HEADBUTTS him down! Honma whips Goto to ropes, ELBOWS him down, covers, TWO!

Honma tags Tanahashi, Tanahashi brings Goto up but Goto CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Tanahashi fires off a strike fest in return! Tanahashi scoop SLAMS Goto into the drop zone, then goes up to SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Tanahashi tags Okada, and Okada brings Goto up. Okada turns Goto for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud but Okada clamps onto Goto with a chinlock. Goto endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Okada CLUBS Goto, whips him to a corner, but Goto reverses. Goto runs in but into BOOTS! Okada runs, Goto follows and LARIATS! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Goto and Okada crawl for their corners, hot tag to Hashi! The Head Hunter CLOBBERS Okada, DECKS Tanahashi and CHOPS Honma! Fans fire up and Hashi aims at Okada in the corner. Hashi runs in to ELBOW, then he whips, to CHOP! Mule kick! NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Hashi brings Okada up, and Hashi hangs Okada out to dry. Ishii holds Okada in place for Hashi to run and DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, Hashi brings Okada up but Okada fires forearms! Hashi ROCKS Okada in return! Hashi whips Okada to ropes, but Okada ELBOWS Hashi down! Fans rally again as both men go to opposite corners.

Okada runs in, but Hashi avoids the elbow! Hashi returns but Okada pops him up to a REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Honma runs in to BLAST Ishii, and Tanahashi helps Okada with Hashi. The Dream Team double whip Hashi to a corner, Tanahashi whips Okada in to back elbow! Tanahashi adds a forearm! Tanahashi feeds Okada’s SPINEBUSTER, and then Okada CATAPULTS Hashi into the DRAGON PALM! Tanahashi then runs, to SLINGBLADE Hashi onto Okada’s knees! Okada covers, but Ishii breaks it! Fans fire up, Honma gets in to throw Ishii out. Ishii and Honma brawl but Okada focuses on Hashi.

Fans rally up as Okada scoops Hashi. Hashi fights free, waistlocks, but Okada elbows free. Hashi swings, but into the MONEY CLIP!! Fans fire up as Hashi endures and Okada puts on the squeeze! Hashi fights up, pries free and arm-drags Okada away! Goto sneaks in, to fireman’s carry Okada! Okada slips off, but into the HIDDEN GAP! Tanahashi returns, but Hashi sends him into the fireman’s carry! FIERCE FLASH! Fans fire up with Bishamon as they get Okada up! Dragon sleeper and leg hold, but Okada fights free! Okada blocks Goto’s kick to DRAGON SCREW! Hashi CHOPS, runs, but into the DROPKICK!

Okada and Hashi are both down and fans are thunderous! Hashi and Okada crawl for their corners, hot tags to Honma and Ishii! They RAM shoulders, and again, and again! Ishii runs to RAM Honma but Honma roars! Honma ROCKS Ishii, runs, RAMS him, but both men roar! They both run, and Honma runs Ishii over! Fans are thunderous again as Honma whips Ishii to a corner. Honma runs in to back elbow, then BULLDOG! Honma fires up, runs, KOKESHI FLOPS! Ishii drags Honma up, reels him in, but Honma fights the suplex with elbows. Ishii CHOPS, but Honma CHOPS! They CHOP back and forth, faster and faster!

Fans rally with every CHOP, and Ishii gets the edge! But Honma DOUBLE CHOPS! Honma swings, into a SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! Honma survives but Ishii keeps focus. Fans rally up, Ishii runs, but Honma catches him! Ishii blocks the suplex, Honma blocks Ishii’s suplex, and then Honma suplexes Ishii up and over! Fans fire up again as Goto runs in. Honma dodges, but Goto deflects the boot to LARIAT! Tanahashi runs in, Goto blocks the kick to CLUB the leg! But Tanahashi blocks a kick to DRAGON SCREW! Hashi SUPER- NO, Tanahashi blocks the kick to DRAGON SCREW! Ishii runs in but Tanahashi dodges the lariat!

Tanahashi gets a leg, but Ishii ROCKS Tanahashi! Ishii blocks the haymaker into a spin and suplex! But Okada saves Tanahashi! The Dream Team double suplex Ishii! Honma fires up and runs, KOKESHI! The Dream Team fires up, Okada brings Ishii up, UPPERCUTS, and then Tanahashi SLINGBLADES! They set Ishii up for the RUNNING KOKESHI!! Cover, TWO!?! Ishii survives and shocks everyone! Tanahashi & Okada keep Bishamon out, and Honma brings Ishii up. Ishii ROCKS Honma, Honma HEADBUTTS back! Honma runs, into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Ishii roars as fans are thunderous again!

Ishii stands Honma up, suplexes, but Honma fights free! Honma wrenches, Ishii HEADBUTTS, but Honma JUMP HEADBUTTS! Ishii rebounds and runs back in, into a JUMPING HEADBUTT! Honma roars and fans are with him as he brings Ishii up! But Ishii suplexes! BRAINBSUTER!!! Cover, Chaos wins!

Winners: Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi & Tomohiro Ishii, by pinfall

Despite facing the Dream Team and an icon, Goto-Hashi-Ishii wins out! Will things be the same when Bishamon defends the belts? Will Chaos survive such a collision?


New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Tetsuya Naito VS El Phantasmo!

The Stardust Genius defeated the Wrestling Genius, Keiji Muto, sending him off into retirement. But now Naito wants to reestablish himself as NJPW’s best! Will the cup be just the thing he needs? Or will he face Sudden Death instead?

ELP mocks Naito from the crowd, and then takes a young fan’s LIJ hat. Fans boo, but ELP gives the hat back. ELP returns to the ring as fans cheer his sportsmanship. ELP gets fans to cheer Naito, then he gets them to cheer him. “E L P! E L P!” Naito finishes with his entrance attire in this time, and the bell rings. Fans rally up for Naito as he and ELP stare down. “NA-I-TO!” “E L P!” ELP shrugs, and he circles with Naito. They approach, but Naito slips away. Naito claps for “E L P! E L P!” ELP uses that to fire up and the tow go again. But then Naito slips away again, just to clap along. ELP is annoyed now and he gets in Naito’s face.

ELP mocks Naito’s eye opening but Naito still claps for ELP. They tie up finally, and are in a deadlock. Naito pushes ELP to the ropes, the ref calls the break, and Naito lets off slowly. Naito pats ELP on the shoulder, then kicks him low! Naito CLUBS ELP, whips him to ropes, but ELP reverses. Naito holds ropes, BOOTS back, then runs to RANA! ELP handsprings through! Fans applaud and ELP struts, rolls, and mocks tranquilo! Naito is amused, and he offers the fist bump. ELP throws the Too Sweet, so Naito kicks him and throws him out! Naito builds speed, but fakes ELP out so that Naito can mock the Two Sweet spasm!

ELP gets in to rain down fists! Fans are torn, the ref reprimands about closed fists, so ELP stomps away on Naito! ELP KICKS Naito in the back, ROCKS him with a forearm, then ROCKS him again! And again! ELP winds up, runs and clotheslines Naito up and out! Fans fire up as ELP goes out after Naito. ELP CHOPS Naito, CHOPS again, then hushes everyone. ELP CHOPS Naito against railing! ELP then DDTs Naito to the floor! ELP goes out to the bleachers and among the fans. Fans rally and ELP aims from the edge, BIG CROSSBODY! Fans are thunderous for “E L P!” after that one! The ref checks Naito but he’s okay to continue.

ELP goes to the apron, goes up the corner, but then hops down as the ref freaks out. Naito stands, and ELP goes back up top! ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Direct hit and fans fire up again! Fans rally for “E L P!” as he stands up and catches his breath. ELP Too Sweets the kid from earlier! ELP then stands Naito up and puts him in the ring, covers, TWO! Naito is still in this and fans rally up for him again. ELP kicks Naito around, and into a corner. ELP digs his booth in but Naito mocks the Too Sweet. ELP stomps away on Naito for that! Naito is still doing the Too Sweet! ELP stomps him more, so Naito stops.

ELP stands Naito up, whips him corner to corner, then handsprings, into BOOTS! ELP runs back in, but Naito dodges. Naito blocks ELP’s boot, then spins ELP around to a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up again while both men are down. Naito mocks the Too Sweet on and off, but he brings ELP up. Naito ROCKS ELP, kicks and CLUBS him, then dragon sleepers for the NECKBREAKER! And basement dropkick to the back! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and duel, but Naito brings ELP up into another dragon sleeper. NECKBREAKER, into the PLUMA BLANCA! Naito mocks the Too Sweet while ELP endures the hold.

Fans rally, ELP moves around, claws at Naito, but Naito puts on the pressure. ELP fights over, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Naito pulls on ELP’s arms, but he lets off at the ref’s count of 4. The ref helps him get the hold completely undone, and fans continue to duel. Naito drags ELP up, but ELP ROCKS Naito with a forearm! ELP drops to a knee, but he stands up again. Naito ROCKS ELP with a forearm! ELP ROCKS Naito back! Naito staggers, ELP mocks the eye opening, so Naito winds up to ROCK ELP! ELP mocks the LIJ fist, winds up, and JABS, JABS, JABS and ROCKS Naito! Naito and ELP start throwing forearms back and forth!

Fans rally, Naito gets the edge, and he whips. ELP reverses to DROPKICK! Both men are down and fans fire back up! Naito sits up but ELP kips up! ELP hits an atomic drop, then CHOPS Naito down! ELP stands Naito up again to scoop SLAM! ELP then goes up the corner, for a DIVING AX HANDLE! ELP then goes to the corner and tunes up the band. Fans rally, Naito stirs, and ELP aims. SUDDEN- NO, Naito ducks and ENZIGURIS! ELP staggers, Naito hits a TORNADO DDT! ELP flounders to the far corner while fans fire up again. They rally for “NA-I-TO!” as he crawls after ELP. Naito brings ELP up, for heavy back elbows!

ELP drops to a knee, fans continue to rally, and Naito stands ELP up for more heavy back elbows! Naito looms over ELP as fans duel, and ELP crawls to the corner. Naito brings ELP around, for even more heavy back elbows! Naito then goes up the corner, brings ELP in, and hits ESPERANZA! Fans rally even harder, Naito aims from the corner, and Naito runs in to tilt-o-whirl, but ELP makes it CIPHER UTAKI! And then he clamps on the CROSSFACE! And then the YES LOCK!! ELP shouts out Ishimori and fans rally as hard as they can! Naito endures, reaches out, but ELP shifts his grip on the crossface!

ELP bends Naito back, thrashes around, but Naito keeps kicking and flailing! ELP lets Naito go in frustration! ELP drags Naito up to throw a haymaker! And then another! ELP sits Naito up top, GAMANGIRIS, and then climbs up to join him. But Naito shoves ELP away! ELP backflips and lands on his feet, to GAMANGIRI again! Then SUPER STEINER! Naito has a rough landing, ELP goes back up top! THUNDERKISS 86!! Cover, TWO!?!? Naito survives and fans are thunderous again! ELP roars, he drags Naito back up, and he tucks the arms. Naito fights the lift! Naito back drops, ELP sunset flips, high stacks, TWO and ELP deadlifts, but Naito makes it a DDT!!

Fans rally for Naito as he aims from the corner again. Naito runs in, tilt-o-whirl, CORRIENDO SHIKI DESTINO!! Cover, TWO?!?! ELP survives and fans are dueling as hard as ever! Naito drags ELP up, wrenches, tilt-o-whirls, DESTI- NO! ELP slips free, but Naito suplexes! ELP slips free again, SUDDEN DEATH!!! ELP isn’t done there, he hooks Naito up, only for Naito to slip free! Hammerlock and roll-up, POLVO DE ESTRELLA! NAITO WINS!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Naito snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! And he continues to mock the Too Sweet. The Uncontrollable Charisma is on a roll, will he not stop until he reaches the top?


New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: SANADA VS Taichi w/ Just4Guys!

The Cold Skull and Holy Emperor are basically rivals at this point, having met five times 1v1 and three other times in tag matches. But while Sanada is still Los Ingobernables de Japon, Taichi now leads #Just4Guys. Who breaks out with a major main event victory?

Fans already cheer “Let’s Go, Taichi!” as the coats are put aside. The bell rings and the fans rally for “SA-NA-DA!” “TA-I-CHI!” as the two stare down. Taichi and Sanada slowly circle, then tie up. Taichi pushes Sanada to ropes, but he lets off slowly and cleanly. Fans applaud the sportsmanship, and Sanada resets with Taichi. They tie up again, Sanada pushes Taichi back now, and they end up on ropes again. Sanada lets off slowly and cleanly, and the fans applaud again. Taichi and Sanada reset again, tie up again, and Sanada puts Taichi back on the ropes. Sanada lets off slowly, Taichi dares him to do something, but Sanada just pats him on the shoulder.

Taichi kicks low! Sanada kicks low! Sanada headlocks, Taichi powers out but Sanada dropkicks a leg! Then dropkicks Taichi! Sanada kicks Taichi, throws him out, and PLANCHAS! But Taichi SLAM DUNKS Sanada instead! Taichi brings Sanada up, whips him into railing, and Sanada falls to the floor! Taichi drags him back up, brings him around the way, and whips him into more railing! Sanada falls in another heap, and Taichi starts pulling up floor mats! He exposes more of the bare linoleum floor but Red Shoes tells him to get in the ring. Taichi ignores that, to DDT Sanada to the linoleum!! Sanada writhes and Red Shoes checks him.

Fans rally and duel, Sanada is okay to continue so the ring count starts. Taichi taunts Sanada, kicks at him, but the count is already 10 of 20. Taichi stands Sanada up at 12, puts him in at 13, and fans applaud. Taichi looms over Sanada and brings him back up. Taichi snapmares Sanada, KICKS him in the back, then covers, TWO! Fans applaud and rally up for “SA-NA-DA!” but Taichi taunts him more. Taichi stomps and kicks Sanada around, dares him to get up, so Sanada CHOPS! Sanada CHOPS again, but Taichi just brushes that off. Taichi then wrenches to HOOK KICK! Sanada falls down while fans fire back up.

Sanada flounders to a corner but Taichi brings him back up. Taichi whips Sanada corner to corner but Sanada reverses. Sanada runs in, Taichi dodges and GAMANGIRIS! Taichi drags Sanada to a cover, TWO! Fans applauds but Taichi drags Sanada back up. Taichi pie faces Sanada, then kicks him at the ropes. Taichi whips, kitchen sink knees, and then looms over Sanada again. Taichi stands Sanada up, whips him to ropes, but Sanada hurdles, hurdles and DROPKICKS! But Taichi stays up!? To AX BOMBER! Sanada falls and fans fire up again. Taichi paces around Sanada, dares him to get up, and Sanada stirs.

Sanada stands, but Taichi KICKS him back down! Taichi eggs Sanada on and the fans rally harder. Sanada grits his teeth, sits back up, but Taichi KICKS him again! Sanada stands, Taichi KICKS him! Sanada grits his teeth as he stays standing, and he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Taichi starts feeling those, so he KICKS Sanada down again! Fans rally up as Taichi looms over Sanada. Taichi dares Sanada to stand again and bring the fight. Taichi stomps Sanada, talks some trash to egg him on, then stomps him more. Sanada sits up, Taichi gives scuffing kicks. Taichi gets frustrated with Sanada, and gives him Kawada Kicks!

Sanada snarls at Taichi, so Taichi KICKS him hard! Sanada’s bad eye twitches, but he blocks the Buzzsaw! Fans fire up as Sanada ROCKS Taichi! Taichi SLAPS Sanada! Sanada SLAPS back! Sanada throws Taichi out, goes out after him, then whips him hard into railing! Fans fire up as Sanada brings Taichi to the rampway and UPPERCUTS him! Then reels him in, to PILEDRIVER to the linoleum!! Fans are thunderous for “SA-NA-DA!” now that he’s evened things with Taichi. Red Shoes checks Taichi, and both Taka Michinoku and Yoshinobu Kanemaru hurry over to coach Taichi up. But the fans rally hard for “SA-NA-DA!” as he stands Taichi up.

Sanada headlocks Taichi and brings him to ringside. Sanada puts Taichi in and fans applaud. Taichi runs in to BOOT Sanada! Sanada shakes that off to CHOP! Taichi snarls and KICKS! Sanada CHOPS! Taichi KICKS, so Sanada CHOPS! KICK, CHOP, KICK, CHOP, and fans fire up again! Taichi shakes it off and CHOPS Sanada! Sanada CHOPS again! Taichi CHOPS, Sanada CHOPS, repeat! They CHOP back and forth, again and again, and fans rally up! Taichi CHOPS and Sanada wobbles! Fans fire up as Sanada comes back with a flurry of forearms! ROLLING- ENZIGURI! But Sanada stays up!? ROLLING ELBOW!!

Fans are thunderous as Sanada stands over Taichi now! Sanada drags Taichi up, headlocks, but Taichi DANGEROUS SAIDOS!! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! Taichi snarls and stands up, and OFF COME THE PANTS! But Sanada stands up to stare him down! Taichi BOOTS, but Sanada UPPERCUTS! Taichi rebounds and BOOTS, but Sanada comes back to UPPERCUT! Fans rally, Taichi BOOTS again, and Sanada comes back to UPPERCUT! Sanada blocks the boot, UPPERCUTS, but Taichi SOBATS! Only to run into a DROPKICK! Sanada fireman’s carries but Taichi slips free.

Taichi waistlocks, Sanada standing switches, but Taichi fights the lift to PELE the arm! But Sanada still fireman’s carries! T K O!! Fans are thunderous while both men are down again! Just4Guys coach their leader but Sanada climbs up top. ROUNDING BODY PRESS onto knees!! Taichi body scissors to GEDO CLUTCH, but Sanada turns it right over! O’CONNER BRIDGE, TWO!! Taichi reels Sanada back in, GEDO CLUTCH, TWO!?!? Sanada escapes by nanoseconds and no one can believe it! Sanada and Taichi go to ropes while fans rally up, and both men run in! Sanada dodges, but Taichi DROPKICKS!

Taichi roars and he brings Sanada up again. DANGEROUS SAIDO!! BRIDGING COVER, TWO!?!?! Sanada escapes by another thin margin! Just4Guys coach Taichi while the fans are divided. Sanada and Taichi stir, but Taichi crawls to a corner. Taichi roars, fans fire up, and Taichi aims as Sanada rises. TENSHO- NO! Sanada deflects superkick and waistlocks, but Taichi bucks the O’Conner! Sanada runs in, into an Alabama Lift! But he fights it to a TIGER DRIVER!! Taichi stands?! And AX BOMBERS!! But Sanada stands!?! To fireman’s carry and throw into the dragon sleeper! SKULL END!!!

Taichi is caught in the body scissors! Just4Guys coach Taichi and the fans duel as Taichi moves around! Taichi flails, reaches out, but he’s fading! Red Shoes checks, Taka shouts at Taichi to keep fighting, but Taichi’s arm starts to drop! Taichi reaches out feebly, he grabs at Sanada’s hair, but then Sanada lets him go. Sanada goes up top, ROUNDING BODY PRESS to Taichi’s back!! And then Sanada goes back up top, ROUNDING BODY PRESS to Taichi’s front!! Cover, TWO!?!??! Taichi survives by the narrowest of margins! Sanada is furious and time is running out! Fans are electric as Sanada has the SKULL END!

But Taichi rolls through! TENSHO JUJIHOU!! Cover, TWO!?!?!??! Okay, that was by the narrowest of margins!! Sanada and Taichi are both down and the fans are thunderous again! Sanada and Taichi crawl, they snarl, and they grab at each other’s hair. Fans rally up as Taichi says they’re not done! Sanada agrees, and they stand. Taichi throws a forearm and Sanada staggers away. Sanada steadies himself, comes back, and he throws a forearm in return. Taichi staggers now, but he comes back with another forearm. Sanada wobbles, but he throws a forearm. Taichi throws a forearm, Sanada throws a forearm.

Taichi slaps himself, then comes back to ROCK Sanada! Sanada shakes his head?! Sanada ROCKS Taichi! Taichi staggers, and Sanada UPPERCUTS! Sanada roars, but Taichi BLINDSIDE AX BOMBERS! Sanada staggers, rebounds, right into a JUMPING GAMANGIRI!! Taichi roars, fans are electric again, and Taichi Alabama Lifts! But Sanada slips free! Dragon sleeper! Taichi spins out to reel Sanada in, but Sanada Alabama Lifts! Sanada steals BLACK MEPHISTO!!! And Sanada’s still not done! He drags Taichi back up, into the dragon sleeper! SKULL END!!! And then, SIDEWINDER DDT!!! Cover, SANADA WINS!!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The Cold Skull puts a new twist on things, and that brings him the victory! The Holy Emperor is out of the tournament, does this already seal the fate of Just4Guys? As for Sanada, he shows respect to his rival, and fans applaud the sportsmanship. Sanada helps Taichi stand, and Taichi offers a fist bump! Sanada puts that aside, to offer a handshake! Fans like the look of that, and they shake hands! And though Sanada closed out the show, he chooses to leave without a word. Will the strong, silent Sanada be the one to take over the tournament? As for Just4Guys, they also fist bump to show they will move on from this. What will it take for them to take over all of NJPW?

My Thoughts:

A great opening night for the New Japan Cup, though I’m surprised they’re stretching the front round out. Two matches tonight, a couple matches as part of the Anniversary Show tomorrow, and then more as the week goes on. The Six Man Tag was good stuff, but I figured Honma and Ishii would be the finish. Ishii wins and that technically means Bishamon stands tall. The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship match is also tomorrow as the Anniversary Show main event, and I can’t be sure which way that goes. Maybe Okada & Tanahashi win and Okada has two belts, which NJPW could tell some interesting stories with, but there’s a chance Bishamon retains.

Great matches for the New Japan Cup, and I’m actually a bit surprised both LIJ guys won. Naito beating ELP made sense, as he’s on a comeback story of his own after the “this will be my last WrestleKingdom” story he did. But Sanada was the surprise because it felt like Taichi was going to win as an example of what Just4Guys will do. Sanada wins, but chooses not to say anything in the ring in lieu of showing respect. Naito is going to face Chase Owens in the next round, I would think he wins that. Sanada will face Kenta next round, that could go either way. But then if they both win, Naito and Sanada would face off and I don’t think NJPW would do that.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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