Mitchell’s Hyrule Puro-Resu Results & Report! (5/5/23)
Will we see a shocker?

The Legend of Zelda: The Ring of Destiny, Chapter 43
It’s a golden storm! Blood & Thunder for the Trios titles, Kage VS Skull Kid for the Triforce title, and THREE #1 contenders matches! Who will be… THUNDERSTRUCK?
- HPW Goddess Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Cia VS Aveil VS Ladrona; Aveil wins and will challenge Midna for the Goddess title.
- HPW Death Mountain Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Byrne Lokomo w/ Chancellor Cole VS Lupay VS Veran; Lupay wins and will challenge Midna for the Death Mountain title.
- HPW Termina Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Igos du Ikana VS Onox VS Harlequin; Onox wins and will challenge Ganon for the title.
- HPW Triforce Championship: Kage VS Skull Kid; Kage wins and retains the title.
- HPW Trios Championships Blood & Thunder: The UnderWorld Order VS Arrow Club VS The Dames of the Dunes; The UWO wins and retains the titles.
HPW and HXS TV set the scene!
Spring is here, and when it rains, it pours! Golden opportunities, that is. In the second ever Blood & Thunder match, the newly crowned HPW Trios Champions will defend their titles. Gomess, Death Sword & Scaldera won through controversy, and now they’re facing the consequences. Riju, Buliara & Tali get a rematch at the same time Bad Croc Scaly & The Young Ducks get another chance! Will the UnderWorld Order survive the storm and steel? Or will there already be new champions again?
Speaking of controversy, Skull Kid is the #1 contender to the HPW Triforce Championship, and he gets his own shot at Kage! But HPW management was very strict about the conditions of this match: if Skull Kid’s mask starts to do anything on its own, Skull Kid is immediately disqualified. Will Skull Kid be able to defeat the Hero’s Shadow all on his own? Or will Skull Kid be the one part of the uWo without gold? Then, the Gerudo Ace is Termina Champion, but that means he needs a challenger! Two legends of TCW and one Face of Evil walk into the ring, who walks out ready to challenge GANON?
But first, while Midna is the #TwoBeltPrincess, that means they needs TWO challengers! Two Triple Threat #1 contenders matches, one for the Goddess Championship and one for the Death Mountain Championship, but both will be challenging Midna down the line. Who will defy the odds to go for gold? HPW ThunderStruck 2 starts now!
HPW Goddess Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Cia VS Aveil VS Ladrona!
The Dark Sorceress of the Dark Forces has been champion before, but she wants this belt again. Meanwhile, the Gerudo Sisterhood’s standalone star and the Thief Girl are both hungry for their chance. Who makes it through the storm to take on the Twilight?
The bell rings and fans rally up already. The three ladies circle, all wary of each other. Aveil & Ladrona both approach Cia but she stands her ground. They triple knuckle lock, but then Cia kicks each of them! She reels them both in for headlocks! But they throw body shots, double whip, and both drop. Cia hops over each of them, is sent through, but then stops herself by holding ropes. Cia BOOTS Aveil, arm-drags Ladrona, but Aveil keeps moving to springboard arm-drag Cia! Aveil keeps it going to a cover but Ladrona pushes them both over, only for Cia to roll Ladrona! TWO and Aveil rolls Cia, TWO! Fans fire up as all three ladies stand off!
All three ladies catch their breaths and circle again. Ladrona offers a handshake to Aveil and fans are curious. Aveil considers it, but then offers a handshake to “See-ya.” Cia says no, it’s not “See-ya,” it’s “Shia. She-ya.” Oh, Shia, okay! They shake hands, then kick Ladrona! Cia & Aveil double whip but Ladrona crisscrosses them into each other! Ladrona runs but into double hip tosses, only to bounce off the ropes to DOUBLE ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up, Ladrona DOUBLE SHOTGUNS! Aveil goes to the apron, Ladrona stands on Cia at the ropes. She doesn’t have to let off, either, because of No Disqualifications!
Fans cheer as Ladrona boots, boots and boots, then runs to BOOT WASH Cia! Fans fire up with Ladrona and she brings Cia up. Ladrona full nelsons, but Cia fights the hold. Cia powers the full nelson open, Aveil returns but Cia switches with Ladrona. Aveil’s DROPKICK helps send Ladrona into the SAIDO! Cia kips up but Aveil clinches! NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, but Ladrona sweeps Aveil’s legs! Then DOUBLE STOMPS her down! Ladrona then drags Cia up, just to throw her out! Ladrona brings Aveil up, O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Ladrona WRECKS Cia with a dropkick! Ladrona then springboards back in, but Aveil avoids her!
Ladrona lands on her feet but staggers, and Aveil ENZIGURIS! Aveil drags Ladrona back up, but Cia sneaks back in! BACKSTABBER on Aveil! Cia kicks Ladrona, puts her through the ropes, then KICKS! Ladrona falls to the floor, then Cia hurries after Aveil. But Aveil catches her to a cradle! TWO!! Cia checks with the ref and yes, she made it out in time! Cia swings on Aveil, Aveil ducks it to whip Cia to ropes. Cia holds ropes to stop herself, Aveil runs in and Cia dumps her out to the apron. Aveil shoulders into Cia, slingshots to sunset flip, but Cia grabs ropes to stay up! Cia then just drops down, while holding ropes! Cover, TWO!
Aveil finishes the sunset flip, TWO! Ladrona returns and CLOBBERS Cia! Aveil kicks Ladrona, whips her to a corner, then runs in. Ladrona slips out to the apron, ROUNDHOUSES Aveil away, then springboards to CROSSBODY! Ladrona bounces off the cover and Cia gets behind her, for a BACKSTABBER! And she flips it through for the BLACK MAGIC CROSSFACE! Aveil hurries over, but Cia gets up, snatches her and wrangles her down on top of Ladrona! DOUBLE BLACK MAGIC!! Fans are thunderous as both Aveil and Ladrona endure! They both fight, pry at the grip, and drag Cia off from the top!
Aveil and Ladrona each get an arm, for DOUBLE FUJIWARAS!! Now Cia endures, but wait, who would win if she gives up? Cia kicks around since only her legs are free, but then Aveil shifts to get a leg! HALF CRAB! Ladrona keeps on the Fujiwara armbar so Cia still endures dual holds! Cia reaches out with her now free arm, Ladrona goes after it, but Cia fights her off. Cia pushes Ladrona down, crawls over her and heads for ropes! But Aveil drags Cia away! Aveil sits deep on the Half Crab, but Ladrona grabs Aveil for a SLEEPER! Aveil lets Cia go and Ladrona hops on as a backpack! Fans rally up as Aveil stays up!
Aveil reaches out for ropes, but Cia grabs her arms! Cia whips Aveil, therefore sending Aveil and Ladrona both into a corner! Cia runs in, Aveil dodges so the KNEE hits Ladrona! Aveil comes back, Cia sends her into Ladrona! Cia snapmares Aveil, elbows Ladrona, then NECK SNAPPERS Aveil! Cia then DROP SENTONS, knocking Ladrona out of the ring while landing on Aveil! Cover, TWO! Cia grows frustrated and she stomps Aveil. Cia goes out after Ladrona to RAM her into railing! Cia then hurries back into the ring and storms up to Aveil. Cia brings Aveil up, gets around behind her, BACK- NO, Aveil holds ropes to deny the backstabber!
Aveil grabs Cia’s legs! Cia scrambles as Aveil tries to turn her over! Aveil stomps Cia in the stomach, and again, and again! Aveil then steps through for a SHARPSHOOTER!! Cia endures and fans fire up as Aveil sits deep on the hold! Ladrona returns, to SMACK Aveil with a kendo stick! Well, no disqualifications! But Aveil doesn’t fall over, she just stands up tall, glaring at Ladrona! Ladrona swings again but Aveil blocks! Aveil snatches the kendo stick away, and she SMACKS Ladrona in return! And again! And again! And again! Cia hobbles up, Aveil SMACKS her right in the head! Fans lose their minds while Aveil roars!
Aveil SMACKS Ladrona again, and again, and again! Ladrona hobbles, Aveil reels her in, BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO!! Ladrona survives, Aveil grows frustrated but fans fire up! Cia sits up in a daze while Aveil drags Ladrona back up. Cia stands, Aveil hoists Ladrona up and onto Cia’s shoulders! Aveil then sweeps the legs to make Cia POWERBOMB Ladrona! Aveil then drags Cia up to full nelson and FACEBUSTER onto Ladrona! Aveil pushes Cia aside to cover Ladrona, Aveil wins!
Winner: Aveil, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the HPW Goddess Championship)
Aveil just literally used her two opponents against each other! And now she is going on to challenge the Twilight Princess? Will the Gerudo Sisterhood soon have a Goddess in their midst?
HPW Death Mountain Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Byrne Lokomo w/ Chancellor Cole VS Lupay VS Veran!
The Twilight Princess knows one opponent coming for her, now we see about the other! Will the man with the metal hand get his hands on the golden ticket? Will the Wild Wolfos of the Faces of Evil be howling? Or will we see a dream match of modern day icon versus living legend?
The bell rings and fans rally as the three stare down. Byrne swings on Lupay but he dodges. Veran swings on Byrne but he dodges. Lupay leaps at Veran but she dodges and shoves him into Byrne. Byrne puts Lupay in a corner, Veran runs in and Byrne dodges, so Veran RAMS Lupay! Veran turns around into a choke grip! Veran powers the iron claw away, and Lupay is up top! Lupay leaps over Veran to BLOCKBUSTER Byrne! Veran rushes up, Lupay blocks the boot and KICKS the leg! Lupay ENZIGURIS Veran, then handsprings up to his feet. Fans boo while Lupay howls. Lupay then drags Byrne up and whips him to a corner.
Lupay goes to the opposite corner, runs and handsprings, but then stops to drop step back the other way. Lupay howls again, rolls back and CHOPS Byrne! Byrne snarls and stares Lupay down. But then Lupay pokes Byrne in the eyes! Fans boo, Lupay whips Byrne again, but Byrne reverses. Lupay goes up and out, struts on the apron, howls, but then Veran slides out and trips him! Lupay hits hard on the apron edge, and then Veran picks him up off it to SLAM him onto the floor! Fans fire up, and then Byrne slides out to UPPERCUT Veran! Byrne puts Veran in the ring and Cole cheers him on.
Veran staggers up, Byrne ROCKS her with a big forearm! Fans rally for Veran, but Byrne ROCKS her again! Byrne swings again, but Veran slips around, ripcords, BEE STING! Byrne falls but Veran holds onto the wristlock! Veran drags Byrne up, wrenches and whips him hard into a corner! Byrne staggers forward into a scoop and SLAM into the drop zone! Veran then goes up the corner, for the BEETLE BOMB! Cover, TWO! Veran is annoyed but the fans rally up. Veran drags Byrne up, facelocks, and suplexes. Byrne slips free and waistlocks, but Veran standing switches. Byrne switches, they go to ropes, but Veran bucks the O’Conner.
Lupay returns to HOTSHOT Veran! Lupay climbs up the corner, Byrne storms over but Lupay leaps over him. Lupay keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges Byrne’s attacks, then tilt-o-whirls to SIDE LEG SWEEP! Lupay rolls it back more, leg trap cradle! TWO, and both hurry up to their feet. Lupay ROCKS Byrne with a forearm, but Byrne rebounds and LARIATS! Byrne roars and fans fire up! Cole applauds but then Veran returns. Byrne swings but Veran gets around to ripcord again. But Byrne ducks the Bee Sting! Byrne clinches for an URENAGE! Lupay storms up but Byrne hip tosses him onto Veran!
Lupay staggers up to his feet, and Byrne clamps on the iron claw! Byrne squeezes Lupay’s head and pushes him down to the mat! Lupay kicks and flails but his shoulders are down! Cover, but Veran breaks it! Veran TOSSES Byrne out of the ring! Lupay CLAWS Veran’s back! Then GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Veran’s right back up! And she LARIATS Lupay down! Fans fire up with all three down! Cole coaches Byrne to get up, “This is your chance!” Byrne drags himself up at the railing, makes his way into the ring, and he aims from the corner. Veran stands up first, Byrne storms up, LOKO MONO!
Lupay stands up now, Byrne aims again, LOKO- NO! Lupay ducks the big metal fist! Lupay aims but Byrne deflects the superkick! IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Lupay flails, fans fire up, but wait! HARLEQUIN jumps the railing! His match is after this, but he’s here now! Harlequin SLAPS Cole and gets on the apron! The ref tells Harlequin to go away but they miss Lupay CLAWING at Byrne’s face! Fans boo as Byrne lets Lupay go and checks his face. Byrne swings, but Lupay catches him for a T-BONE SUPLEX! Byrne staggers up, into Lupay’s ROLLING ELBOW! Byrne falls into the drop zone as fans boo more!
Lupay goes up the corner, Harlequin runs around to push Veran into railing! Harlequin bows as the fans boo, and Lupay hits the FULL MOONSAULT! Cover, Lupay wins!!
Winner: Lupay, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the HPW Death Mountain Championship)
Fans boo but Harlequin celebrates with Lupay. The Twilight Princess will have to face a Wild Wolfos on top of a fiery Gerudo, will she make it through with both belts?
But wait! Here comes Onox! And after Onox, here comes Igos! And he’s brought the Ikana Royal Family, too! Sir Hurr & Sir Durr chase off Lupay while Onox and Igos flank Harlequin! No need to wait, their match is now!
HPW Termina Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Igos du Ikana VS Onox VS Harlequin!
The Ruler of Ruin and the General of Darkness have each held this title when it was the TCW Championship, even having faced off for it back in the day. But the Boisterous Bokoblin is a FOE they must both now face to get back to that gold. Who will move on to face the Gerudo Ace?
The bell rings and Harlequin looks back and forth between Igos and Onox as they surround him. Harlequin raises his hands and brings them together and shouts, “FIGHT!” The fans laugh at Harlequin’s attempt at being another referee. Igos and Onox stare down, and then look at Harlequin. They DOUBLE BOOT Harlequin down! Fans fire up while Harlequin flops out of the ring. Igos and Onox circle now and fans rally up. The two feel out the grapple, but then Igos KICKS Onox in the leg! Onox shrugs that off, swings on Igos, but Igos bobs ‘n’ weaves. Igos kicks again but Onox blocks it! Onox picks Igos up to RAM him into the corner!
Onox RAMS into Igos again, then runs corner to corner. Igos slips out to the apron, Onox stops himself before hitting buckles, but Igos ROUNDHOUSES him! Fans fire up as Onox staggers away, Igos jumps in and runs the ropes, but into a fireman’s carry! Igos flails and gets free, but Onox swats his kick! Onox reels Igos in, but Igos fights the lift with elbows. Igos ROCKS Onox with a forearm, but Onox ROCKS Igos in return! Harlequin returns, with a chair! Onox punches the chair out of Harlequin’s hands! Harlequin is stunned speechless, and then Onox grabs him with both hands! Onox lifts Harlequin up but Harlequin flails free!
Harlequin throws body shots, but Onox CLUBS Harlequin down! Igos returns to JUMP KNEE Onox! Igos mule kicks Harlequin, whips him to ropes, then KICKS him down! Harlequin sits up and sputters, Igos aims and BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO! Onox storms back up and he deadlift suplexes Igos! Fans fire up as Onox holds Igos up and walks around! The fans count, Onox holds Igos up for TEN before the SLAM! And then Harlequin covers Igos! TWO! Onox grabs at Harlequin but he scrambles away to the outside. Onox pursues and it’s a cat ‘n’ mouse game! Harlequin slips back into the ring and WRECKS Onox with a dropkick!
Harlequin laughs at Onox, but then Igos drags him into the ring with a dragon sleeper! GRAVESTONE HOLD! Harlequin flails, but ropebreaks won’t matter in a Triple Threat! Onox hurries in and CLOBBERS them both! Fans fire up as Onox drags Harlequin up. Onox fireman’s carries Harlequin but Igos kicks Onox low. Onox keeps Harlequin on his shoulders while he stands tall again! Onox roars at Igos, but Igos throws a forearm! And another forearm! And another forearm! Onox still stays standing! But then Harlequin flails around and gets free! Harlequin then kicks off Igos to TORNADO DDT Onox! Cover, TWO!
Harlequin looks around frantically while the fans fire up. Harlequin kicks Igos while he’s down and then goes outside the ring. Harlequin looks under the ring, fans chant “We Want Tables!” Harlequin brings out a table! Fans cheer and Harlequin nods and smiles, and then he pushes the table back under the ring! Fans boo while Harlequin still smiles and nods. Harlequin then brings out a sledgehammer! Fans boo more as Harlequin slithers into the ring. Harlequin takes aim as Igos stands up. Harlequin JAMS the hammer into Igos’ stomach! Then he rears back to CLOBBER Igos with the hammer! Fans boo loud as ever!
Harlequin mockingly asks Igos what’s wrong, then laughs as he kicks Igos out of the ring. Harlequin watches Onox slowly rise, and he takes aim from a corner. Onox is on his knees, and Harlequin runs in to CLOBBER Onox! Harlequin laughs as he covers Onox, TWO!?! Onox shocks everyone, especially Harlequin! Harlequin hurries to get the hammer back and he takes aim again. But Igos rises up behind Harlequin! He’s busted open, only adding to the fury in his eyes! Harlequin stares into those burning blue eyes and he drops the hammer! Igos bumps Harlequin off the buckle! And again, and again, and again!
Fans fire up while Igos lets off and Harlequin staggers away. Igos then steps back inside to fire off haymakers! Harlequin stumbles around, Igos hits a ROUNDHOUSE! Harlequin wobbles, and Onox POUNCES him to the ropes! Harlequin flops out of the ring and fans fire up as the Termina legends are alone in the ring again! Onox and Igos circle, Igos glaring through a growing crimson mask. The two rush in, Igos throws a kick but Onox throws a forearm and repeat! Onox gets the edge, spins, but Igos BOOTS the arm! Onox spins back the other way to CHOP Igos off his feet, and fans go nuts!
Onox drags Igos up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then whips him to ropes. Igos ducks a clothesline and BOOTS Onox! Onox rebounds, Igos dodges the clothesline again, and Igos springboards to QUEBRADA! Cover, TWO, but Igos PENALTY KICKS! Harlequin gets on the apron but Igos BOOTS him back down! Igos goes back to Onox but Onox fireman’s carries him! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Onox snarls while fans fire back up. Harlequin gets back on the apron, but Onox DECKS him! Onox goes back to Igos but Igos kicks Onox’s leg out! Then BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO!
Igos is frustrated but the fans rally up. Igos lifts Onox’s head with his foot, but Harlequin runs in! Igos SOBATS Harlequin, front kicks, then JUMP KNEES! Harlequin flops out of the ring, and Onox kicks Igos low! Onox suplexes for the GORGON STARE! Igos is dazed, Onox drags him back up and underhooks for the ONYX CASTLE!! Cover, Onox wins!
Winner: Onox, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender for the HPW Termina Championship)
The General of Darkness conquers the day! After defeating a joker and king, can he trump the Gerudo Ace?
HPW Triforce Championship: Kage VS Skull Kid!
The Hero’s Shadow has been waiting, and now that the Triforce Tournament is over, he finally has a challenger. It is unclear what brought Skull Kid’s mask to life and the implications of that moment, but if it happens again, Skull Kid will lose by default. Will Skull Kid find a way to win on his own? Or will Kage continue to cast his shadow over Hyrule?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just how dark this storm can get!
The bell rings and the two circle as fans rally up. They approach, Skull Kid gets around to waistlock but Kage switches. Skull Kid switches back, slams Kage down to the mat, then rolls Kage to a bridging cover. ONE, Skull Kid holds on as Kage fights up to his feet. Kage breaks the hold and switches to waistlock Skull Kid. Skull Kid fights the lift and throws back elbows. Kage ducks on to let Skull Kid spin around, then Kage ROCKS Skull Kid with a forearm! Skull Kid stumbles, but he slowly turns his head to stare Kage down. Skull Kid laughs, and he swings on Kage! Kage bobs ‘n’ weaves, then BOOTS Skull Kid!
Skull Kid staggers but comes back, Kage sidesteps but Skull Kid springboards to flying arm-drag! Kage staggers up, Skull Kid arm-drags him again! Kage avoids the third arm-drag, then stalks Skull Kid. Kage full nelsons, but Skull Kid arm-drags free! Skull Kid runs in and LARIATS Kage down! Cover, TWO! Skull Kid rains down fists, referee Tiger Sahasrahla reprimands, but Skull Kid lets off to roar while fans boo. Skull Kid flips them all off, then he goes back to Kage. Skull Kid stomps Kage to ropes, then CHOKES him on the bottom rope! Sahasrahla reprimands and the fans boo, but Skull Kid lets off at 4.
Kage sputters and coughs, and Skull Kid basement dropkicks him! Kage flops to the apron and Skull Kid goes out to join him. Skull Kid drags Kage up, reels him in, but fans chant “NO! NO! NO! NO!” Kage fights the lift, and he Hebra Lifts Skull Kid! Skull Kid flails and sunset flips over, but Kage holds onto the ropes! Skull Kid keeps trying but Kage still holds on. Skull Kid lets go, but Kage jumps over the sweep! Kage mule kicks Skull Kid, then he takes aim. Kage leaps, but Skull Kid dodges! Skull Kid runs back in, but Kage sidesteps to send him right into the railing! Skull Kid hits the railing so hard, he tumbles up and over!
Fans lose their minds, especially those in the front row. Kage storms up to the railing, grabs at Skull Kid, but Skull Kid SPLASHES Kage with a fan’s drink! Fans boo, Sahasrahla reprimands, but Skull Kid jumps back over the railing to POST Kage! Skull Kid pushes Kage into the ring, drags him to a cover, TWO! Skull Kid argues with Sahasrahla but the count was fair. Skull Kid goes back to Kage, but Kage throws body shots. Skull Kid eggs Kage on and Kage throws haymakers! Kage whips, Skull Kid reverses but then dodges Kage’s clothesline on the rebound. Skull Kid runs the ropes, springboards, but into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!
Kage keeps cool as he drags Skull Kid up. Kage kicks Skull Kid, puts him in a corner, then stomps a mudhole in! The fans fire up but Sahasrahla counts, and Kage lets off at 4. Kage runs corner to corner and comes back to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Kage drags Skull Kid to a cover, TWO! Kage drags Skull Kid up and Skull Kid throws forearms! Skull Kid fires off in the corner, Sahasrahla counts, and Skull Kid gets in Sahasrahla’s face! Fans boo and Sahasrahla reprimands Skull Kid, reminding him that he is the referee and therefore in charge! Skull Kid goes back to Kage and Kage BOOTS him!
Kage brings Skull Kid around, suplexes, then floats to get the wrists! He sits Skull Kid up, but Skull Kid scrambles around! Skull Kid gets to the ROPEBREAK, so Kage has to let Skull Kid go. Skull Kid bails out and Kage waits on him. Sahasrahla starts the ring count as Skull Kid paces around the ring, and he waits until 5 of 10 to slide back in. Kage storms up but Skull Kid slides back out. Fans boo but Skull Kid flips them all off. Kage slides out behind Skull Kid, and Skull Kid turns around to see him, and then freaks out! Skull Kid scrambles back into the ring and Kage chases after. Skull Kid runs the ropes but Kage gets around him!
Kage full nelsons, Skull Kid drops to victory roll, TWO! Skull Kid swings, misses, and Kage HOOK SHOTS him! A reference back to his brother, Link! Kage reels Skull Kid into the full nelson, for a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Kage wants Skull Kid to get up again, and Skull Kid staggers up, into another full nelson and SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Skull Kid staggers up again, Kage shoots around to another full nelson, for another SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Skull Kid flounders and Kage storms up after him. Kage drags Skull Kid up, Electric Chair Lifts, but Skull Kid throws down fists! Skull Kid then RANAS Kage and himself out of the ring!
Fans fire up while both men are down on the outside. Sahasrahla goes out to check both men, and they’re both somehow okay to continue. Sahasrahla goes back into the ring and starts the count. Skull Kid sits up at 3 of 10, then stands at 5. Skull Kid drags Kage up, SMACKS him off the apron, and then pushes him into the ring. Skull Kid stomps Kage, and gives him toying kicks to the back of the head. Kage sits up and frowns at Skull Kid. Skull Kid KICKS Kage in the chest! Kage grimaces but he stays seated upright. Skull Kid KICKS him again! And KICKS him again! And again! And again, but Kage blocks this one!
Kage stands up, CLUBS the leg, then CHOPS Skull Kid! Kage whips Skull Kid to a corner, runs in, but Skull Kid goes up and over to O’Conner Roll, with tights! Sahasrahla sees that and stops counting! Skull Kid complains, but Kage pops him into a REAR NAKED CHOKE! Fans fire up as Skull Kid flails! Skull Kid breaks the body scissors, rolls back to a cover, TWO! Skull Kid staggers back into a corner, but he quickly runs in, TORPEDO- NO, Kage avoids the flying headbutt! Skull Kid crashes ‘n’ burns, ends up in the other corner, and Kage runs in to UPPERCUT! Kage uses the corner to help in the Electric Chair Lift!
But Skull Kid grabs the ropes! Sahasrahla counts, but Kage drops Skull Kid to then BLINDSIDE ROLLING ELBOW! Skull Kid flops against the ropes, and Kage hoists him onto the top of the corner. Kage then Electric Chair Lifts again, but he also climbs the corner! Kage carefully turns around, Skull Kid on his shoulders. Fans fire up, but Skull Kid throws down fists! Skull Kid spins and SUPER STEINERS Kage, onto Sahasrahla!! Fans lose their minds after Sahasrahla taking that rough of a bump! Skull Kid sees Sahasrahla is down, and then he slowly turns to look at the camera. “No one said I couldn’t cheat!” What?!
Skull Kid then goes out to look under the ring! Fans boo as Skull Kid brings out chair after chair after chair and puts them in the ring. Skull Kid piles the chairs together, then drags Kage over. But Kage fights back with body shots! Fans rally up as Kage ROCKS Skull Kid with a forearm! Skull Kid ENZIGURIS right back! Kage wobbles, Skull Kid runs, and he BULLDOG onto the chairs!! Skull Kid shouts at Sahasrahla while pushing chairs out of the ring. Sahasrahla comes to while Kage sits up in a daze. Skull Kid takes aim from the corner, TORPEDO MAJORA!! Cover, TWO?!? Kage survives and shocks everyone!!
Skull Kid is furious! He yells at Sahasrahla, but Sahasrahla tells him to again respect his authority! Kage crawls to the apron while they argue, and fans rally up. Skull Kid storms over and brings Kage up, and Sahasrahla sees all the chairs. Sahasrahla asks what all of those are doing there, and Skull Kid plays dumb with a shrug. But then Kage trips Skull Kid! Skull Kid lands hard on the apron! Kage then picks Skull Kid up off the apron in an Electric Chair Lift! DARK CLOUD on the chair pile!!! Fans lose their minds again while both men are down on the floor! Sahasrahla checks on Skull Kid, and somehow he’s still conscious!
Kage drags Skull Kid up, puts him in the ring, and then has him against the ropes. Kage “draws his sword,” runs side to side, and MASTER SWORDS Skull Kid in the back! Kage then drags Skull Kid up to another Electric Chair Lift! For another DARK CLOUD!!! Cover, Kage wins!!
Winner: Kage, by pinfall (still HPW Triforce Champion)
Lightning doesn’t strike twice, but the The Hero’s Shadow does! Two devastating drivers finish off Skull Kid, and Kage hoists up the title again! What will it take for someone to dethrone him?
Wait! Zelda is here! After losing the Goddess Championship at the Triforce Anniversary, the Princess of Hyrule is back! She applauds, but perhaps a bit sarcastically. She gets a mic, but before she can say anything, out comes Fin Balure & Arrow Club! Fin and the Club also applaud, but then Fin aims his air bow at Kage. Zelda walks over to push that aside. Fin glares at her while she looks at Kage to say, “Congratulations, Kage, on still being Triforce Champion. You defeated someone who needed help to win the Triforce Tournament. Now maybe you can face someone who didn’t lose a title for over two years.”
“Or you could face someone who wasn’t protected by management the whole time,” Fin counters. Zelda frowns at Fin while fans go “Ooooh~…!” But then, Skull Kid’s mask rises from ringside in its full monster form! The monster storms up into the ring and stares Kage down. “I. Am. Majora! And I was the one who won that tournament. Face ME next!” Skull Kid asks, “But what about me?” Majora says, “A puppet that can no longer be used is mere garbage. Your role has just ended.” Skull Kid pouts and sulks away. Wait, on the tron! It’s LINK! He’s running the ropes, then finishes off with a springboard and hero landing! Seems he’s healthy now!
Link looks at the camera, eyes burning with determination. “Brother. We’ve already shed blood. There’s nothing left to say, other than… YOU’RE NEXT!” Fans fire up as Kage now has FOUR challengers coming for him! Who gets their shot first? Will Kage survive as champion much longer?
HPW Trios Championships Blood & Thunder: The UnderWorld Order VS Arrow Club VS The Dames of the Dunes!
Gomess, Death Sword and the #GibdoReborn, Scaldera, have these belts, but only because Hollywood ReDead and Ted Beedle Ossi had a part to play. Mack, Rick and Scaly wanted their shot, while Riju, Buliara & Tali deserve a rematch. So the best way to punish the controversial champions is to make them face both teams inside the storm! Who survives the return of the double cage?
The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the numbers spell disaster at ThunderStruck!
Starting off for each team is Gomess, Scaly and Riju. The bell rings and the two monsters corner tiny Riju. Scaly rushes in, Riju slips around him but Gomess waistlocks. Riju switches, shoves Gomess into Scaly, then ENZIGURIS Gomess! Scaly storms back up but Riju slips away to the second ring. Scaly pursues but Riju dropkicks him in the ropes! Scaly gets stuck and Riju fires off Kawada Kicks! Riju then tops it off with one big BOOT! Scaly flops out of the ropes but Gomess leaps in to AX HANDLE Riju down! Gomess stomps Riju, then he stomps Scaly. Gomess drags Riju up, whips her to a corner, but Riju goes up and over!
Riju keeps moving, she ducks ‘n’ dodges to then RANA Gomess to a corner! Scaly is in the opposite corner, Riju runs in to dropkick! And then Riju runs corner to corner to dropkick Gomess! Riju runs back at Scaly, but Scaly picks her up, and runs her corner to corner! Gomess gets out of the way in time so as not to be sandwiched! Gomess then comes back around, but Scaly CLOBBERS him with a big back elbow! Scaly roars and fans are torn. Scaly goes back to Riju, and TOSSES her across the ring! Scaly flexes while fans duel, “LET’S GO, DA-AMES!” “ARROW CLUB!” Scaly kicks Gomess around, and the countdown begins!
The fans count along, “Three! Two! One! BRR!” The Dames of the Dunes have the advantage and send out Buliara! Buliara rushes down to the ring and slides into the cage. Scaly meets her at the first ring on the left and they throw hands! Fans fire up, Buliara gets the edge, and she ROCKS him with a right! Buliara then pushes him into a corner for more haymakers. Riju is up and she stomps Gomess. Riju pushes Gomess through the ropes to the first ring, then pushes him into a corner to stomp him. Buliara & Riju coordinate, then they run corner to corner, Riju dropkicks Scaly while Buliara CANNONBALLS Gomess!
Buliara goes back to Scaly and stomps him down. Buliara digs her boot in, Riju goes to the adjacent corner and climbs up. Riju aims, but Gomess hits the ropes to trip her up! Buliara rushes Gomess and ROCKS him with a forearm! Buliara CLUBS him, but Scaly runs up to CLOBBER Buliara! Scaly drags Riju off the corner, but Riju fights free, only for Gomess to waistlock. Riju switches, Gomess switches, but then Scaly waistlocks Gomess! DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX! Riju goes flying across the ring again! Scaly flexes again, but then Buliara spins him around to ROCK him with a forearm!
Fans fire up as Buliara kicks and whips, but Scaly reverses. Scaly scoops but Buliara slips free! Buliara waistlocks but Scaly’s so big! Scaly throws back elbows and gets free. Scaly runs, RAMS shoulders with Buliara, but Buliara rebounds to CROSSBODY Scaly! The fans fire up as Buliara hammers away on Scaly! Gomess gets up and he kicks Buliara down, but Riju jumps onto Gomess for a SLEEPER! Buliara kicks Gomess’ legs out to bring him to his knees. Riju thrashes around while Gomess is on all fours! But Scaly reels Buliara into a clinch! BELLY2BELLY SUPLEX! Scaly then SENTONS, but Riju moves! Only Gomess gets squashed!
The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Arrow Club sends out Mack Quackson! Mack hurries in while Riju kicks away on Scaly. Riju sees Mack and rushes over, but Mack dodges to SUPERKICK! Buliara is back up, Mack SUPERKICKS her back down! Scaly drags Gomess up, and feeds him to a SUPERKICK! Fans fire up while Mack shakes the ropes! Scaly stomps Gomess, Mack stomps Riju, then Mack stomps Buliara. Scaly coordinates with Mack and he drags Gomess up again. Scaly feeds Gomess to Mack, but Gomess blocks Mack’s kick! Gomess sends the foot into Scaly, and then he DROPKICKS Mack!
Buliara and Riju regroup while Gomess POSTS Scaly! Scaly falls into the “No Man’s Land” between both rings! Gomess turns around as Buliara helps Riju with the RAILGUN DROPKICK! Mack returns but Buliara gets around him to atomic drop! Buliara holds on and Riju ENZIGURIS! Buliara then picks Mack up to a fireman’s carry, and Riju runs to NECKBREAKER GORON DROP COMBO! Scaly stands up in No Man’s Land, Buliara triangle jump LARIATS him back down! Riju gets in No Man’s Land and stomps Scaly. Riju & Buliara drag Scaly into the second ring, then into a drop zone.
Riju goes up top while Buliara plays defense. Riju drops the ULTIMATE ELBOW! Direct hit! But this match can’t end until everyone has entered the cage, so Riju doesn’t bother with the cover. The Dames both go back to the first ring, and Buliara throws hands with Gomess while Riju brawls with Mack. Gomess gets the edge on Buliara and puts her in a corner to stomp a mudhole. Riju whips Mack but Mack reverses, but he avoids her handspring attack! Mack runs the ropes but Riju dodges him, redirects him, then springboards for a CROSSBODY! Both Mack rolls through with it! Mack pops Riju up for a- RANA!
Fans fire up as Mack stumbles back up. Riju runs in, handsprings and arm-drags! Mack staggers up again, Riju runs in to tilt-o-whirl, but Mack blocks! Mack powers Riju to a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Mack rolls through and the Hebra Express gets going! NORTHERN LIGHTS after NORTHERN LIGHTS, but they end up by the ropes, and Riju uses those to kick off and TORNADO DDT! And now the countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” The UnderWorld Order sends Death Sword! And he looks under the ring, to bring out chairs! He puts them in, Gomess gets one to SMACK Riju! And then he SMACKS Buliara!
Death Sword storms in, bringing in more chairs! Death Sword sees Scaly getting up in the second ring so he storms over. Death Sword SMACKS Scaly back down! Gomess wedges a chair into a corner, then wedges another chair in the opposite corner. Gomess brings Buliara up, and RAMS her into a chair! Gomess brings Mack up, aims and RAMS him into the other chair corner! Gomess then grabs a loose chair and aims at Riju. Gomess JAMS her in the stomach, then SMACKS her on the back! Fans boo but the uWo soak up the heat. Gomess kicks Riju into a corner, then wedges the chair in front of her face!
Death Sword SMACKS Scaly down again while Gomess runs corner to corner, and he DROPKICKS the chair into Riju! Gomess stomps Mack on his way to the second ring to help Death Sword with Scaly. They drag Scaly up, double whip him to ropes, but Scaly holds ropes. Gomess runs in but Scaly sidesteps to send him into the steel! Scaly ROCKS Death Sword, then whips him into the steel! Scaly roars, fans fire up, and he runs to DOUBLE LARIAT the uWo down! Scaly then drags Gomess up and scoops, and he LAWN DARTS him at the steel! Mack crawls over to the second ring and he CLUBS Death Sword while he’s down!
Mack hammers away on Death Sword, then he and Scaly drag him up. They mug Death Sword, and then put him in a corner. They hoist him up to the top rope, then Mack climbs up after him. Mack brings Death Sword up, but Death Sword resists the suplex! Death Sword throws body shots, but Scaly gets into No Man’s Land to throw body shots on Death Sword. Mack CLUBS Death Sword, brings him back up, but Gomess gets into No Man’s Land. Gomess runs up on Scaly, but Scaly counter punches Gomess! But Death Sword choke grips Mack! Death Sword SUPER CHOKE SLAMS Mack down!
The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Tali hurries down to ringside while Death Sword goes after Scaly in No Man’s Land! The uWo mugs Scaly, beat him down, and then Death Sword dragon sleepers! Gomess gets the legs, but Scaly fights out of Death Knell! Tali looks under the ring, and she brings out a TABLE! Fans fire up as Riju helps Tali get the table into the ring. Buliara staggers up, the Dames regroup and set the table up while Scaly RAMS Gomess into the steel! Scaly sees what the Dames are up to but Death Sword sucker punches him! Scaly and Death Sword brawl while the Dames pick up chairs.
Gomess staggers up, Scaly ROCKS Death Sword, but they all see the Dames storming up. TRIPLE CHAIRSHOT HEADSHOTS!! Fans lose their minds while Gomess, Scaly, and Death Sword all flop down! Mack sits up in the second ring and sees the Dames all standing tall. Fans all go “Oooh~!” as Mack realizes he’s all alone! The Dames walk through No Man’s Land while Mack backs up as far as he can. But that means he literally ends up back against the wall. Tali swings, Mack dodges and shoves her into a corner! Mack blocks Riju’s chairshot, kicks her low and has the chair to SMACK her on the back!
Buliara steps up, she and Mack clash chair to chair! And again! Buliara swings but Mack dodges and stomps the chair out of her hand! Mack SMACKS Buliara on the back! Riju staggers back up, Mack throws the chair to her, then SUPERKICKS the chair into her face! Mack fires up, but Tali SPEARS him down! Tali glares down at Mack and says, “WHAT?!” as she looms over him. Scaly storms up and ROCKS Tali! Scaly and Tali brawl, Gomess & Death Sword drag Riju into the first ring! They stomp away on Riju but Buliara hobbles over as fast as she can. Buliara CLUBS Death Sword, but Gomess kicks her low.
The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Arrow Club’s at full power as Rick runs down to the ring! He gets in, slips past Gomess, Death Sword, Buliara and Riju to help Scaly and Mack against Tali. Tali does her best to fight but that’s 3v1! Scaly whips Tali to ropes and the Young Ducks DOUBLE SUPERKICK! In the other ring, Death Sword choke grips Buliara and brings her towards the table the Dames brought in! But Buliara clubs away on Death Sword’s arm! Buliara ROCKS Death Sword with a forearm! Gomess whips Riju, but Riju RANAS, only for Gomess to block! Gomess swings Riju up and aims for the table!
Buliara saves Riju from the bomb! Buliara kicks Gomess, then throws Riju at Death Sword for a CODE BREAKER! Buliara DECKS Gomess! Riju and Buliara hurry to position the table, and they put Death Sword on it! Riju then climbs the corner, but Buliara climbs up with her. Riju then gets on Buliara’s shoulders to go even higher! Fans fire up, Riju takes a deep breath, ULTIMATE ULTIMATE ELBOW, but Gomess saves Death Sword! ONLY RIJU GOES THROUGH THE TABLE!!! Fans lose their minds all over again while Buliara is speechlessly horrified as she looks at the wreckage down below!
Death Sword and Gomess regroup in a corner while Buliara hops down to check on Riju. Riju stirs, but Death Sword and Gomess storm up. Buliara is furious and she fires off on them with big forearms and elbows! Fans fire up with Buliara, but Death Sword & Gomess both kick her low! Death Sword & Gomess double whip but Buliara cartwheels through! Buliara comes back to DOUBLE LARIAT, but Gomess avoids one! Gomess runs, but Buliara LARIATS him after all! Buliara runs and clotheslines Death Sword in a corner! Then Buliara runs to clothesline Gomess in the other corner! Then she short arm LARIATS Gomess!
Death Sword storms up to ROCK Buliara! Death Sword whips, Buliara reverses but Death Sword LARIATS! Buliara stays up and growls! Buliara throws a forearm, Death Sword throws a forearm back, and fans fire up as they go faster and faster, harder and harder! They just keep going!! Buliara ROCKS Death Sword, Gomess staggers over, and Buliara DECKS Gomess! Death Sword comes back and DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Even Arrow Club applauds the exchange they just saw. But then Tali CLOBBERS Scaly from behind! Tali DECKS Rick, ELBOWS Mack, but the countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Scaldera is finally released, Blood & Thunder can end!
Fans fire up as Scaldera brings out a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat! Scaldera storms into the ring, he aims as Buliara rises up, and Scaldera JAMS her in the stomach! Then SMACKS her on the back! Scaldera then digs the barbed wire into Buliara’s back! Fans freak out while Buliara endures! Tali storms into the first ring and drags Scaldera off Buliara! Tali waistlocks but Scaldera fights the lift! Scaldera elbows free, then JAMS Tali in the stomach with the bat! Scaldera goes after Tali’s face! Tali holds off the bat, kicks Scaldera low, and now Tali has the bat! Tali CLOBBERS Scaldera with the bat!
Tali stalks Scaldera, sits him up, and she digs the barbed wire into his face!! Fans lose their minds again as she treats him like cheese and the bat is the grater! Buliara gets up, blood dripping from a shoulder, and she stomps Scaldera down! Gomess has a chair and he SMACKS Tali on the back! Buliara ROCKS Gomess! Death Sword BOOTS Buliara! Scaly DECKS Death Sword! Tali JAMS Scaly with the bat! Tali aims again, but the Ducks DOUBLE SUPERKICK her! Arrow Club realizes they’re the only ones standing, and they all hurry to cover someone! The ref has a small freakout before he counts! TWO!!! Fans are thunderous as Death Sword, Tali and Buliara all survive!
Riju finally stirs in the corner. She hobbles over, wielding a piece of the busted table! Riju swings but misses, and Mack SUPERKICKS her! Riju staggers around, Rick SUPERKICKS her! Riju flops and flounders, and Scaly choke grips her. GRE- NO! Tali SPEARS Scaly down! Riju scurries away into the second ring and the Ducks pursue while Tali hammers away on Scaly! Gomess hobbles up, he CLUBS Tali on the back, and Tali stops hammering Scaly to stand up and glare at Gomess. Tali grabs Gomess, pops him up, and SPINEBUSTERS! The Ducks double whip Riju to a corner, Rick runs in to SHINING WIZARD!
Rick GAMANGIRIS! FOREARMS! Headlock, BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBO! Rick covers, TWO!! Fans are thunderous as Riju stays in this! The Ducks drag Riju up, and Mack gut wrenches while Rick goes to No Man’s Land. But Buliara YANKS Rick out of the springboard! Buliara throws Rick to Tali for a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Riju slips free of Mack’s gut wrench to dragon sleeper! REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Buliara and Tali join Riju in the second ring and they drag Mack up. Riju climbs up onto the shoulders of Buliara and Tali, but Death Sword SMACKS Buliara on the back with a chair!
The Dames’ pyramid is no longer stable! Gomess drags Riju off the top into a crucifix lift! Scaldera runs in to CYCLONE BOOT Tali!! Mack staggers up into a choke grip! CHOKE SLAM and SCYTHE’S EDGE at the same time!! Scaly hobbles into the second ring, Scaldera hits a three-point stance and ROCKS him with a running forearm! Death Sword wraps Scaly in a dragon sleeper and Gomess gets the legs! Scaldera grabs the chair, he places it under Scaly, and the UWO hit DEATH KNELL on the chair!! The UWO triple covers, the UWO wins!!
Winners: The UnderWorld Order, by pinfall (still HPW Trios Champions)
Despite cheating to get these titles, the UWO keep these titles within the chaos of Blood & Thunder! Their reign rolls on just like the storm in Thundra Plateau, will they continue to strike down trio after trio in HPW?
My Thoughts:
I think I let this one get away from me a bit. Probably did too much to try and make this epic, during a time where real-life wrestling companies are doing the same and it’s hard to keep up. ROH returning to weekly TV also dug into my time, and depending on how AEW Collision goes, that might take my Saturdays… I mostly feel unsure about Blood & Thunder. I should’ve arranged the order of entry better, mostly for Arrow Club, as it felt off to send the Ducks in after Scaly. But I’d already written quite a bit before getting that feeling and I didn’t wanna start over.
But in the end, the UWO feels like the right winner. They’re establishing their power, the Gerudo Sisterhood has already held the titles in multiple formations, and I kinda want Arrow Club to also rearrange things. Fin is still going for a solo title, but Torbevito could swap with Scaly for a full speed formation and then Scaly goes for a midcard title. I was also a little conflicted on Kage VS Skull Kid, but it just felt right that Kage retains to now have four contenders. I honestly don’t even know if Skull Kid and Majora are still UWO, but Majora is more likely than Skull Kid.
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history)
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Bandwagon Nerds
Bandwagon Nerds #282: Daddy Ganon & A Glass of Wine
A double dose of Daredevil, major Zelda news, a massive Avengers: Doomsday reveal, and Villain Madness Round of 32 matchups highlight a huge week!

This week, the NERDS give you a double dose of Daredevil: Born Again. Disney caught most of us by surprise as it dropped two very different but very good Episodes of Daredevil: Born Again. The guys break it all down for you as Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk both cross the line and revert into Daredevil and The Kingpin. Where will things go from here? Nintendo made a massive splash as it announced the long-rumored Legend of Zelda live-action movie will be released in 2027, leading the NERDS to speculate about who will be cast in the key roles. Speaking of casting, the MCU had an epic reveal of an enormous number of people and characters that will appear in Avengers: Doomsday. Which names surprised us, and which names were we surprised to see left off the roster (so far)? Villain Madness continues with Round of 32 matchups in the Cosmic and Criminally Insane regions, and all we can say is one region saw some major upsets. All that and of course Whatcha Watchin”?
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About Bandwagon Nerds
Join Patrick O’Dowd, David Ungar, PC Tunney, Rey Cash, and DPP as they keep everyone up on all things nerd, and maybe add some new nerds along the way. It’s the Bandwagon Nerds Podcast!
About Chairshot Radio Network
Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
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FRIDAY – DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY – The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY – Keeping the news ridiculous… The Oddity / The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE’s PPV/PLE history)
http://TheChairshot.com PRESENTS…IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O’Dowd’s 5X5
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About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history)
TheChairshot.com PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
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Musical Chairs Special Edition- Evolution or Regression
Musical Chairs returns for a special episode as the guys look at the modern music scene and discuss whether the industry is evolving or regressing.

Is it summer already? Well, no. But that doesn’t mean The Chairshot can’t drop a special edition of Musical Chairs on you. On this special episode, Patrick, Dave, and DJ come together to discuss a topic that began as a conversation in a direct message thread and then blossomed into an entire podcast episode: Does modern music represent an evolution or a regression of the industry? In this spirited discussion, the guys examine recent musical history, covering the evolution of rock music from the 1950s to the present. The question, however, is whether the modern music scene continues that evolution or whether it represents a regression of talent, quality, and creativity. Some of the answers might surprise you. So get out your sunscreen a couple of months early and join us for a very special edition of Musical Chairs.
Today’s hosts: Dave Ungar (@AttitudeAgg), DJ (@TheMindlessPod) & Patrick O’Dowd (@WrestlngRealist)
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The rebirth of Chairshot Radio will see a rotating cast of hosts delivering you a new show EVERY day. Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment is the umbrella under which we seek to invade your earballs. So sit back, relax and LET US IN…
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About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
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WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history)
TheChairshot.com PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
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