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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (6/28/24)

Acknowledge THIS Bloodline!



SmackDown returns to Madison Square Garden!

As Solo Sikoa makes HIS Bloodline more and more dangerous, he demands SmackDown and the WWE acknowledge him in the greatest sports arena in the world, Madison Square Garden!


  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Jade Cargill VS Tiffany Stratton VS Candice LeRae; Tiffany wins and advances to MITB Toronto.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: LA Knight VS Logan Paul VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins and advances to MITB Toronto.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Naomi VS Blair Davenport VS Indi Hartwell; Naomi wins and advances to MITB Toronto.


Paul Heyman greets The Bloodline backstage.

Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa exit the car, and walk up to The Wise Man. Heyman says, “Not that you answer to me, but may I respectfully ask… Where’s Jacob Fatu?” Solo pats Heyman on the shoulder and leads the group on. You can hear the fans chanting “WE WANT ROMAN!” as The Bloodline steps through gorilla and right on stage. The Samoan Werewolf is unaccounted for, but the NEW Head of the Table and his men- WAIT! Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens arrive backstage! And they’re storming their way out to the stage! They aren’t waiting for Money in the Bank and the Six Man Tag! The brawl is on NOW!

The fans are thunderous as Cody is after Solo, Orton fights with Tama and Kevin has Loa! This goes all around the stage, down the ramp, and then to ringside! The fans cheer Cody’s side on as he SMACKS Solo off steps! Kevin and Loa have actually ended up around the backside of the crowd, and are fighting near the tech area! Kevin SMACKS Loa with a briefcase, then into a road case! Orton throws hands and stomps Tama! Kevin puts Loa on a table! Orton SMACKS Tama off the apron! Kevin goes up into the crowd, Orton hits a BARRIER BACK SUPLEX on Tama! Kevin goes onto the ledge, to SUPER SWANTON BOMB through the table!!

Madison Square Garden is losing its mind as Cody TOSSES Solo! Cody and Orton stand tall in the ring, but here comes Nick Aldis and a troop of security guards! Cody’s side holds the ring, even as Kevin holds his side, but The Bloodline is in retreat! So much for their “acknowledgement ceremony!” What will Aldis have to say about all this chaos to open his show?


SmackDown returns and…

Cody, Randy & Kevin still have the ring but Aldis tries to reason with them. Randy says he can’t hear Aldis because of all these people! Aldis and Cody argue about preserving the MITB match but Cody says this has been the best part of the night already! Aldis tells security to escort these three, and the first guard to step in pleads with them. Orton says what’s that over there? RKO!! Then all hell breaks loose again! Cody, Kevin & Randy fight off over a dozen guards, despite Aldis’ protests! This may be a huge fine for all three men, but Kevin gets a STUNNER in, then Orton hits another RKO! Cody tops it off with a CROSS RHODES!

Aldis storms off, frustrated with his top stars, but Cody gets mics for the three of ’em. The fans are all fired up, and Kevin tells Bloodline, if they thought this group was waiting until MITB, then they’re dumber than they look! And Randy says, “Check it out, The Bloodline has been crawling up my ass for over two years. They put me on the shelf for 18 FREAKIN’ months! So at Money in the Bank, we put The Bloodline down, for good!” Cody adds that The Bloodline looks at this ring, and they see three victims. Cody doesn’t see three victims. He sees one of the baddest men on the planet, someone that has headlined WrestleMania, and a good friend in Kevin Owens!

Cody also sees a FOURTEEN TIME World Champion, an first ballot Hall of Famer, and someone responsible for Cody standing here today in Randy Orton! And here’s what else Cody sees. Cody sees a sold out, world’s most famous arena, Madison Square Garden! The fans cheer that! Cody says magic like this, he should be defending his WWE Championship here tonight against a worthy, credible opponent. But instead, he’s fighting a war with The Bloodline he thought he already finished at WrestleMania! But wait, here comes Aldis with POLICE! The fans boo but Cody tells Solo to look at him.

At MITB, we don’t know why they’re The Bloodline. Cody doesn’t see the Final Boss, the Tribal Chief, or the Head of the Table. He just sees a seat filler! The fans love that, but the NYPD ask Cody and team to stand down. The fans sing along with Cody’s song as he, Orton and Kevin exit peacefully. But will there be no stopping the American Nightmare, the Viper & The Prizefighter when they’re taking on Solo’s squad in Toronto?


Backstage interview with Nick Aldis.

Kayla Braxton walks over to the SmackDown General Manager as he and the police accompany Cody, Randy & Kevin out of the building. She knows it has already been a wild night, but she asks if he cares to comment. Aldis says sorry, there’s just too much going on. Cody, Randy & Kevin hop back into the car that brought them and it drives off. Will they just have to wait until next Saturday to get their hands on The Bloodline?


Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Jade Cargill VS Tiffany Stratton VS Candice LeRae!

While The EST could not get through her qualifier, her tag partner is looking to win this one for the both of them. Will a storm be heading for Toronto? Will it be #TiffyTime instead? Or will The Poison Pixie find a way through to her own golden opportunity?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Candice makes a truce with Tiff, they rush up but Jade ROCKS Tiff then ROCKS Candice, repeat! Tiff dropkicks a leg, SMACKS Jade off the mat, then Candice STEP-UP SENTONS! Tiff gets Jade up and Candice helps out, they DOUBLE SUPLEX! They mug Jade with forearms and stomps, then they rain down fists. Tiff stomps a bit more, then brings Jade back up. Tiff & Candice reel Jade back in, DOUBLE SUPLEX, but Jade lands out! Jade then DOUBLE LARIATS them down! The fans fire up and Jade scoops Candice to SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Tiff runs up, Jade wrenches and reels her in, to GOURD BUSTER!

Jade aims to SUPERKICK! Tiff falls out of the ring, Jade dusts her boots off, then storms up on Candice. Jade scoops Candice into a military press! Jade smiles, then TOSSES Candice out onto Tiff! The fans are thunderous behind the storm, but here comes Nia Jax! The Irresistible Queen of the Ring storms out here to back up “Princess Tiffy,” but here comes Bianca now! Bianca gets in Nia’s face and now Jade has back-up, too! Bianca and Nia argue while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Tiff CHOKES Jade on ropes! Candice runs in to DROPKICK Jade, then Tiff CHOKES her more! Tiff  and Candice switch places, Tiff runs, but Candice CLOBBERS Tiff! Candice says it’s her time, then drags Tiff up. Candice reels Tiff in, kicks off Jade and hits a TORNADO DDT! Cover on Tiff, but Jade breaks it up! Candice ENZIGIRIS Jade, Jade SUPERKICKS back! Tiff staggers up, Jade whips her to a corner, Jade runs in, Tiff goes up and over then cartwheels to Alabama Lift Candice! ALABAMA SLAM in the corner! Tiff then handsprings corenr to corner to BACK ELBOW! Tiff handsprings back the other way, but Candice dodges!

Tiff staggers, Candice pushes her into the corner, BULLDOG- SPINEBUSTER! Jade turns Candice’s combo against her, but Tiff SHOTGUNS Jade down! Cover, Candice breaks it! Nia is frustrated but Bianca coaches Jade. The fans rally, all three women stir, and Candice CLUBS away on Tiff! Candice then rains down fists on Jade! The fans boo but Jade rises up. Jade is mad, and she grabs Candice with both hands! Jade TOSSES Candice to a corner, then RAMS Tiff into the other! Jade RAMS into Tiff again and again, then runs corner to corner to STINGER SPLASH! Jade goes back for Tiff, but Tiff dodges! Jade tumbles up and out!

The fans rally up and Nia grins as Jade is prime for the picking. But Bianca storms over to turn Nia around! The ref gets between these two as they argue, but Jade sees Nia. But then Indi shows up to POST Jade! Bianca chases Indi off but Tiff has Candice! Only for Candice to cradle! TWO, Candice SUPERKICKS! Tiff is down, Candice LIONSAULTS, but onto knees! PRETTIEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Tiff wins!

Winner: Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

The deciding factor wasn’t Bianca or Nia, it was #IndiWrestling! But while the Queen of the Ring is happy, will she have to be careful the Princess doesn’t try to usurp the throne with a cash-in?


Bayley talks with Naomi backstage.

The Role Model asks if The Glow just saw that. Tiff is so annoying, and she’ll only get worse if she wins the contract. But no worries so long as Naomi gets in! Naomi will take care of business. But if that happens, then she might have to cash in on Bayley at some point. Yeah, okay, but we’ll worry about that at some point later. And Blair Davenport walks over to say this is so cute, them talking about fictional scenarios. Because we all know Naomi is not winning tonight. And Bayley should really hold on tight to the title, because her days as champion are numbered. Naomi tells Bayley to stay cool, Naomi will handle that.

There’s one more Triple Threat to go for the ladies tonight, will Blair have to beware The Glow? Or are they both overlooking #IndiWrestling like everyone else just did?


Mia Yim talks with Aldis in his office.

Michin knows he saw what happened last week. Nia jumped her from behind, and now she needs to get that lick back. Please give her a match! Aldis says he’ll see what he can do. She appreciates that, then heads out. Now B-Fab & The Street Profits walk in. And B-Fab knows Aldis sent Cody, Kevin & Randy home for the night, but The Profits are here and they need to get hands on The Bloodline. No, not happening. What? Aldis says it has already been chaotic tonight, and he promised them time for their ceremony. Just save it for next week. But then in step Pretty Deadly, cheering their own return to SmackDown.

Kit Wilson & Elton Price are inspired by being here in New York. If Aldis is willing to receive, they are willing to give the perfect pitch. Think about this: Pretty Deadly, the Musical! Dawkins says hold up. Nobody cares about their musical! B-Fab knows the Backstreet Boys wannabes didn’t just come up and interrupt business. Ford says they’d need artificial crowd noises like this is the ThunderDome Era. Aldis, Ford has a new idea: The Profits VS Pretty Deadly, the beatdown! That sounds great to Aldis! Dawkins & Ford mock the wiggly fingers while Pretty Deadly is upset, but will The Profits be up in the Big Apple?


The Bloodline regroups backstage.

Solo checks his jaw while Heyman informs him that Cody, Randy and Kevin have all been removed from MSG by the NYPD. All this leaves now is one Solo. Heyman wishes to serve him as The Wise Man. He asks what they hell they’re doing tonight, and where the hell is Jacob Fatu. Solo says he hears Heyman. Heyman is his Wise Man. What’s the point of having a Wise Man if he doesn’t take the advice? Right! So Solo will listen to Heyman. Jacob is too dangerous, so he ain’t here. And he won’t be here. And that is why Heyman is Solo’s Wise Man. They make that official tonight. Solo again pats Heyman on the shoulder, but now Heyman is more confused than before!


Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: LA Knight VS Logan Paul VS Santos Escobar!

The Mega Star has been trying to get The Maverick to show up to work, and finally, here he is! But at the same time, The Emperor of Lucha Libre is part of the mix, and he could take advantage of some divided attention. Will Santos be heading to Toronto to become the NEW Senor Money in the Bank? Will Logan’s #OneLuckyRight be all he needs to punch his ticket? Or will LA Knight say YEAH to taking out two birdbrains with one stone?

SmackDown returns as the United States Champion makes his entrance. Sadly, he has a mic to say, “Madison Square Garden, the Mecca of Sports and Entertainment. Where heroes are made and legends are born. And tonight, Logan Paul gets to perform in this historic arena.” The fans boo that but Logan says to truly understand what it takes, he got a mentor. That is why he has in his corner someone who knows what it means to actually win in MSG! So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Indiana Pacers’ star, Tyrese Hailburton! As if the fans weren’t pissed seeing just Logan! One of their mortal enemies now accompanies Logan to the ring.

The bell rings and Knight fires off on Logan! The fans cheer, Santos storms up, but Knight ELBOWS him away, then DECKS him with a right! Logan storms up but Knight RAMS him back into the corner! Knight RAMS into Logan again and again, then he LARIATS Santos! Knight storms back up but Logan kicks low! Logan fires hands but Knight fights back! Santos TACKLES Knight! The fans boo but Santos and Logan stomp away on Knight! The fans boo more but then Santos and Logan stare down. Knight flounders away but Logan and Santos still stomp him! Santos ROCKS Knight, has him on ropes, but Logan steps in to UPPERCUT!

Santos steps in to ROCK Knight! Santos then runs to RANA Knight! Logan likes what he sees but the fans boo. Then Logan sucker punches Santos! Logan TOSSES Santos, goes back to Knight, and wrenches to gut wrench and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Knight’s tougher than that but Logan just smirks. Haliburton cheers but he’s the only one. Logan gets Knight up but Knight fires body shots! Logan knees low, whips Knight to ropes, but Knight ducks ‘n ‘dodges then WRECKS Santos with a dropkick! The fans fire up, but Logan runs up, only for Knight to RAM into him! Knight SLINGSHOT SHOULDER TACKLES, too!

The fans fire up more as Knight stomps Logan now! Knight rains down fists on Logan, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight says “YEAH~!” and the fans rally up again. Knight gets Logan up, whips him to ropes, but Logan KICKS back! Logan reels Knight in, taunts the fans, ALLEY-OOPS! Knight flounders out, Logan gets the “assist” from Haliburton before he shoots a three. Logan then aims to PLANCHA Knight down! Logan is all fire dup, but Santos DIVES onto Logan! The Arrow From Hell takes down the Maverick and the fans fire up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again as Knight dribbles Logan off the desk! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” But then Santos LEAPS onto Knight from the apron! Logan gets away, Santos brings Knight around and puts him in the ring. Santos steps in, stalks Knight to a corner, then runs up, but into an ELBOW! Knight fireman’s carries, goes up a corner, and the fans fire up. It gets a bit scary up there but Knight stands, only for Santos to throw elbows! Santos adjusts and SUPER STEINERS! Cover, Logan breaks it! The fans are torn but Logan gets Santos up. Logan reels Santos in, to ALLEY-OOP him onto Knight! But that’s a  cover! Logan breaks that, then covers Knight, TWO!

Logan covers Santos, TWO! Tyrese is just as frustrated as Logan, and Logan gets Knight up. Logan UPPERCUTS Knight, eggs the fans on, but Knight ROCKS Logan! Logan UPPERCUTS, but Knight gets around to kick, JAB! JAB! JAB! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight ROCKS Logan, whips him to ropes, but Logan reverse. Knight ducks under, gets around, and hits a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Santos runs up, but into a DDT! Knight covers Santos, but he moves as Logan leaps! SPLASH onto Santos, but that’s a cover! Knight drags Logan right up, to back suplex and SLAM! The fans fire up with Knight and he paces around.

Knight spells it out, but Santos KNEES him down! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carries, but Knight pops free! Knight shoves, pop-up POWERSLAM! Then the MEGA ELBOW DROP! The fans fire up while all three men are down! Knight sees Logan in a corner so he storms over to stomp away! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight then goes corner to corner to KNEE Logan! Santos DOUBLE KENES Knight! Fireman’s carry, PHANTOM DRIVER!! Cover, Logan breaks it!! The fans boo but this one continues as Santos goes to a corner. Logan stands up, runs in, and he forearm smashes Santos! Then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again!

Santos turns things around to CHOP back! Santos CHOPS and LARIATS in one go! Santos puts Logan up top, but Logan ROCKS Santos! Logan adjusts, but Santos GAMANGIRIS! Santos goes up the corner, but Knight grabs Santos! Santos kicks Knight away, goes up, but Knight is right back! SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Both men are down, and Logan has targets acquired! SWANTON BOMB on Knight!! Cover, TWO!!! Knight survives and shocks everyone! MSG is thunderous as all three men are down! But Tyrese fetches Logan his brass knuckles! Not this again! But in steps Jalen Brunson! MSG goes nuts for the Knicks star as he stares down the Pacer!

The refs rush out to stop this from turning into a fight on the court! The fans chant “MVP! MVP!” for their guy, and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Logan! Santos then runs at Knight, but Knight dodges knees! B F T!!! But Logan rolls Knight up!! With tights! TWO!! Knight gets Logan!! KNIGHT WINS!!!!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

Logan is beside himself, but that’s what he gets! Knight not only gets one over on the United States Champion, but he’s heading to Toronto! Will Knight turn this into the Mega Star in the Bank? Wait, Tyrese gets in the ring, and HE has the brass knuckles on! Knight is between Logan and Tyrese, but here comes Brunson, WITH A CHAIR! The fans fire up as Brunson stands with Knight! Logan has Tyrese stand down, they don’t need this heat. Will Logan just wait to settle things with Knight down the road?


Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews are watching backstage.

They both really enjoyed that. Props to Knight getting the win over two opponents, but Knight doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. That MITB match is no joke. Crews says, didn’t Corbin win one? Oh, gotta bring that up, huh? But yeah, he did win. Crews puts his money on Main Event Jey Uso. But hey, the best part is that Santos has NO chance of becoming Mr. MITB now! He’ll be at home with karma. But is that enough? Crews got some payback of his own on Angel & Humberto in NXT, but- In steps Carmelo Hayes. Melo in the Garden! Oh, is Carmelo Anthony here? Maybe he’ll take a pick with Hayes.

Ha ha, no. Hayes meant the Melo that actually won a championship. But he wants to run something by them real quick. When Melo wins MITB, he wants to get a new T-shirt. He’s thinking “Melo in the Bank.” That’ll sell out first week, topping Cody, topping Jey- Whoa, bro, c’mon. It’s good to be confident, but Melo is naive, in way over his head. Oh, then they must be living under a rock because just last week, Melo pinned the FOURTEEN TIME WWE Champion, Randy Orton. Let’s talk about it. Lot of people have their money on YEET, a lot have their money on YEAH, but they should be betting on HIM. Take that to the bank.

Melo heads out, Corbin says he’s a betting man, and Melo has no shot. Crews agrees, but will they both be proven right? Or will Melo prove that when the stakes are at their highest, never bet against HIM?


WWE mourns the loss of Leati “Sika” Anoa’i.

“Prestigious. Ferocious. Influential. Iconic.” There are countless ways to describe the Anoa’i Family, it is clear they stand as one of the most powerful dynasties in pro-wrestling. WWE is saddened to learn of the passing of the great Sika, a patriarch of this legendary bloodline, “who established a legacy of dominance with one of the most imposing tag teams of all time,” The Wild Samoans. Sika was born and raised in Samoa then moved to San Francisco. Trained by his brother, Afa, the two would then become one of the most world renowned tag teams. Even legends like Hulk Hogan had to admit they had intimidating presences.

In their 30 YEAR career, The Wild Samoans would hold 21 total tag team championships, becoming one of the most acclaimed teams of all time, and were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2007. Mick Foley says those two were pillars of the Samoan Dynasty that leads to today. Sika instilled a relentless work ethic into the rest of the family, especially his own son, Joe Anoa’i, aka Roman Reigns. Roman is much like his father, a strong presence but a gentle soul, and has truly made his father proud.

The Anoa’i Family has created so many great Samoan superstars, and Sika will be remembered as a caring brother, loving father, and proud grandfather. Sika’s influence has ensured that the Anoa’i Family name will never be forgotten.


Andrade speaks.

“Money in the Bank. This is not just any match. It’s where careers are made, and dreams are destroyed. For most, it’s a chance for glory. For me, it’s a destiny. Because I don’t fight to win. I fight to destroy. Remember, Andrade is here to take over. And trust me, I am not just taking the briefcase. I am taking everything!” El Idolo has spoken, but will he make his destiny into a reality?


Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier Triple Threat: Naomi VS Blair Davenport VS Indi Hartwell!

Speaking of MITB, The Glow has been meaning to “welcome” Dangerous Davenport to SmackDown, and now they finally meet in the ring. But again, Indi is in the mix, will she make sure things down go well for either of them? Or will someone #FeelTheGlow in the Garden?

The bell rings and Blair tries to team up with Indi, only for Naomi to SHOTGUN them both down! Naomi fires off on Blair, CLUBS and kicks Indi, but Blair goes after Naomi. Indi and Blair mug Naomi, double whip, but then Naomi slides under the double lariat! Naomi double mule kicks, runs, and DOUBLE- NO, the crossbody is caught and the two SLAM Naomi down! Indi storms up to Naomi but Blair rolls her up! TWO, and Blair apologizes for trying something. Indi calms down, then she and Blair double whip Naomi to a corner. Blair runs up but Naoi BOOTS her away! Indi runs in but Naomi RANAS, only Indi to block!

Indi SWINGS Naomi into Blair, then BOMBS Naomi! High stack, TWO! Naomi is still in this but Indi drags her out. Indi wheelbarrows but Naomi grabs ropes. Blair DOUBLE STOMPS Naomi down! Indi then goes after Blair, but Blair whips her away, into steps! Blair then goes up and up to DOUBLE STOMP Indi down! Blair says SHE is gonna be Miss MITB, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Indi has Blair in a chinlock but Blair has Naomi in a chinlock! Blair lets go of Naomi so she can JAWBREAKER free! Naomi mule kicks Blair, brings her around to then send into Indi, then NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO! The fans fire up while all three women are down! Indi and Naomi sit up first while the fans rally. Naomi stands, goes up a corner, and she aims to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Down go Indi and Blair! Naomi runs to LARIAT Blair! Then she dodges Indi to go up and up and FLYING CHUCK! Indi flounders against ropes, falls over, then Naomi runs to DOUBLE SPLIT LEG DROP!! Cover, TWO!!

Blair and Indi survive but Naomi stays fired up. The fans rally with Naomi and she runs in to SMASH Blair! Naomi runs to SMASH Indi! Naomi SMASHES Blair, dodges Indi, then runs in again. Indi dodges so Naomi SPLASHES Blair! Indi clinches to SPINEBUSTER Naomi! And then Indi SPINEBUSTERS Blair onto Naomi! Double stack cover, TWO!! Indi is frustrated but she focuses on Naomi. Indi drags Naomi up to full nelson, but Naomi fights free. Naomi headlocks Indi, and runs to BULLDOG LARIAT COMBO in the corner! Naomi pushes Indi down, Blair falls down next to her. SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT but Blair moves!

Naomi still gets Indi with the moonsault, but Blair BUZZSAWS her off the cover! Blair drags Naomi up, suplexes, and hits a FALCON ARROW! Cover, Indi breaks it! The fans fire up as this continues! All three women rise up, and Naomi ROCKS Blair! Then she ROCKS Indi! Blair and Indi each hit Naomi, but then Blair hits Indi! The forearms keep going, Blair SUPERKICKS Naomi! Indi BOOTS Blair! Indi storms over to Naomi but Naomi DUMPS her out! Indi gets in but Naomi KICKS her in the ropes! HEATSEEKER! But Blair whips Naomi away to a corner! Blair runs up, blocks a boot, but not the ENZIGIRI!

Naomi resets up top, SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT FLOPS! Blair sits Naomi up, but Indi drags her out of the ring! Wheelbarrow and SWING into steel steps! Indi shows no mercy, and she dodges Naomi’s dropkick! Indi sends Naomi into barriers! Indi hauls Naomi up, pushes her into the ring, but here comes Jade! Jade wants payback for earlier tonight! Indi swings on Jade but Jade ROCKS Indi! And POSTS her! Jade feeds Indi to Naomi in the ring, and the fans fire up as Naomi ROUNDHOUSES, into the FULL NELSON BOMB! GEDO CLUTCH, Naomi wins!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall (advances to MITB)

Jade applauds, because at least one of the #Big3 gets to go on to Toronto! Will Naomi soon turn this into The Glow in the Bank? And what will that mean for her friendship with Bayley?


Backstage interview with #DIY.

Byron Saxton is with Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano, and notes that next week, they have their opportunity to become WWE Tag Team Champions. What is their strategy heading into SmackDown in Toronto? Ciampa says they have a lot of history in Toronto. That is where they became NXT Tag Tag Team Champions. And now, eight YEARS later, they return there, to the same exact building. And they know what- Wait, Austin Theory walks over. Theory tells them that he has had two weeks to think about what they said to him. And what they did to him.

Gargano explains, they weren’t aiming for Theory, they were aiming for Waller. The problem is that Waller pulled Theory into the way, just like always. Is that what they think? That’s what DIY knows. Theory says what’ll happen in Toronto is that A-Town Down Under, the greatest tag team today, will show up. Then, Theory and his best friend, Waller, will- Gargano tells Theory to stop it. Waller is not Theory’s friend! Everyone but Theory sees it! Gargano isn’t saying this to hurt Theory, but he has to say it. Waller is just using Theory to keep the titles. That’s all. But then Waller attacks Gargano! And he throws Ciampa away!

Waller rains down fists, Theory pulls Waller away and the tag champs get outta there. Waller again makes sure Gargano can’t finish his talk with Theory, but will they all just talk with their fists next Friday?


Solo Sikoa’s Bloodline heads to the ring.

As they intended to do to start the night, Solo, Tama, Loa and Heyman walk down the ramp and to the ring to have their “Acknowledgement Ceremony.” And since they don’t have to worry about Cody, Randy or Kevin, will the NEW Head of the Table, his Right Hand Man and the Infamous Loa be able to conduct their business? Heyman gets the mic first, even as fans are being censored by Fox. Heyman tells these “Ladies and gentlemen,” that tonight, here in the world’s most famous arena… Solo wants the mic already. The fans boo but Heyman must obey. The fans chant “WE WANT ROMAN!” but Heyman gives his mic to Solo.

Solo says, “Before we get to that, Paul… Let me introduce to you… the newest member of The Bloodline, the Samoan Werewolf, MY Enforcer, Jacob Fatu!” The fans boo and Heyman is disappointed that Solo lied to him, but here comes Jacob! Jacob joins Solo and the rest in the ring, and the ceremony continues, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Solo says, “Madison Square Garden… ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” The fans boo and Heyman is stunned that Solo would dare use that phrase. The fans again have to be censored a bit but Solo’s Bloodline raises the ones. Solo tells the Right Hand Man to step up. Tama steps forward. “Acknowledge me.” Tama says, “Solo, my poka uah, oh Fatu, and I acknowledge you!” Solo tells Infamous Loa to step up and “acknowledge me.” Loa says, “Solo, I love always, I acknowledge you.” The fans boo more and more, and Heyman is beside himself. Solo tells Enforcer Jacob to step up and acknowledge him.

Jacob tells Solo, “I love you! My loa lava, Solo. I acknowledge you!” Solo smiles, and then turns to Heyman. Heyman, a tired look in his eyes, watches Solo step forward. Solo says this is the Wise Man’s one chance. “Paul, acknowledge me.” The fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” and Heyman looks pale. But then Loa brings out a brand new red lei! Where’d he get one of those!? Heyman is in complete shot, but Solo tells him to look at him when he’s talking. Acknowledge Solo as Your Tribal Chief! Heyman takes the lei in hand, and is given the mic. Solo awaits his anointing, but Heyman is distraught. The fans continue to say don’t, and Heyman pleads with God to stop this.

Solo still waits, and Heyman says, “Solo… I love you. And I acknowledge… that you are NOT My Tribal Chief!!” The fans go wild as Heyman, tears in his eyes, throws down the lei and the mic. SAMOAN SPIKE!!! The fans boo as Solo loses his cool! Solo tells Heyman he has tried and tried and tried! Solo tells Jacob to go up top! Jacob does as told and he climbs while Solo has Loa position Heyman just right. Jacob is up top, and he DIVING HEADBUTTS Heyman!!! Solo says this didn’t have to happen, but now Heyman must pay! The Tongans drag Heyman out while Jacob clears the desk! The fans are losing their minds, as Heyman takes a TRIPLE BOMB through the desk!!!

The fans lose their minds, refs rush out and Solo shouts at Heyman that it didn’t need to be like this! But then Jacob takes the lei, and he anoints Solo with it. Solo and his soulless soldiers stand together, fingers raised to the sky. Nothing will ever be the same again, but how much worse will they get from here?

My Thoughts:

What an excellent episode for SmackDown! For one, some surprising results in those MITB qualifiers, but still with great story motivations behind them. Indi tried to help Candice but she mostly just screwed Jade out of things, and then Jade returned the favor, so we’ll surely be getting Jade & Bianca VS Indi & Candice as a way to build the StrongEST Duo back up to the women’s tag titles. Tiffany of course got in on her match, but Naomi being in over Blair is cool. Bayley and Naomi had a good promo together with Blair, and there’s some fun to be had in the story if the friends are made enemies because of MITB.

At the same time, that story could also work with Tiff and Nia. Nia will get her shot at SummerSlam, and Tiff could be waiting with the briefcase. If Nia beats Bayley, she probably scares Tiff into not cashing in. But if Bayley “somehow survives” Nia, then Tiff could easily jump in there and go after a tired Bayley to win. LA Knight winning his match was a great surprise, and they had fun bringing in NBA stars who clearly must be fans of WWE. They played up to being in New York, so Brunson was of course the Face with Tyrese as the Heel. Knight has his part in MITB, probably won’t win it, but hey, he also has his win on Logan in his back pocket, Logan VS Knight at SummerSlam in Cleveland, Logan’s hometown, that’ll be great stuff.

Good promo from Corbin, Crews and Melo, though I was hoping Angel and Humberto were going to confront Crews over NXT and how both Crews and Corbin were talking smack on Santos. Maybe that’ll still happen next week or something, but I still expect there to be some sort of Six Man of Legado VS Crews, Corbin & Andrade at some point. Also, good promo from Andrade, though it didn’t exactly add that much. However, if anyone on the SmackDown side is becoming Mr. MITB, it would be Andrade. Knight has his feud with Logan, and while Melo is good, it still feels too soon. Andrade needs something for his return to the WWE and being Mr. MITB could be just the thing.

Very good string of promos in Aldis’ office. Mia VS Nia the rematch will be good, but I almost expect Tiff to help Nia win again. Profits wanting after Bloodline is good stuff, and Pretty Deadly making their return is also good, and the tag match we not get of Profits VS Pretty Deadly will be some really good stuff. DIY had a good promo with Theory and Waller, Waller’s attack definitely added a bit of heat to the match. I don’t see a title change happening just yet, even with them in Toronto and having the go-home show, but I think there will be more cracks in the foundation of A-Town Down Under that leads to their split by SummerSlam.

And just when you think this Bloodline story can’t reach new levels, we get tonight. Great opening brawl to help hype up the coming Six Man Tag, and it was also a good way to remove Cody’s team from the equation. Solo lies to Heyman, offends Heyman with how his Bloodline is usurping all the elements of Roman’s Bloodline, and then they put Heyman through a table. If this doesn’t motivate Roman to return soon, I don’t know what will.

My Score: 9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW NJPW Forbidden Door Results & Report! (6/30/24)

Start spreadin’ the news…!



If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere!

AEW and NJPW step back through the Forbidden Door, and right onto Long Island, New York! But who walks out the city that never sleeps on top of the heap?


  • Zero Hour – Kyle Fletcher VS Serpentico; Fletcher wins.
  • Zero Hour – The House of Black VS Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii VS Private Party VS Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong; The House of Black wins.
  • Zero Hour – Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano VS Kris Statlander & Momo Watanabe; Willow & Tam win.
  • Zero Hour – 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Mariah May VS Saraya; Mariah wins and advances.
  • Zero Hour – Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Mistico & The Lucha Brothers; Mistico & The Lucha Brothers win.
  • MJF VS Hechicero; MJF wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks VS Hiroshi Tanahashi & The Acclaimed; Okada & The Bucks win.
  • 2024 Men’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Bryan Danielson VS Shingo Takagi; Bryan wins and advances.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm VS Mina Shirakawa; Storm wins and retains the title.
  • Orange Cassidy VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Chris Jericho, “Big Bill” Morrissey & Jeff Cobb VS Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata; Joe, Hook & Shibata win.
  • Vacated AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match: Jack Perry VS Konosuke Takeshita VS Mark Briscoe VS Lio Rush VS Dante Martin VS El Phantasmo; Jack wins and is the new AEW TNT Champion.
  • AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Championships, Winner Takes All: Mercedes Mone VS Stephanie Vaquer; Mone wins and is the dual AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Champion.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jon Moxley VS Tetsuya Naito; Naito wins and becomes the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.
  • AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana VS Will Ospreay; Swerve wins and retains the title.


It’s the Forbidden Door Zero Hour!

Join Renee Paquette, RJ City, Rocky Romero & Jeff Jarrett in discussing, analyzing and predicting the action for this year’s crazy crossover!


The Acclaimed speak.

Billy Gunn says, “Alright, Forbidden Door. Long Island, New York. It’s Acclaimed and Hiroshi Tanahashi. Y’see, I called in some favors, I brought a President to deal with some EVPs. But tonight, I’m gonna sit in catering and cheer you guys on, watching the big screen.” Max Caster says, “The big screen?!” Billy confirms, the big screen! Caster says that’s right! Big screen for big stars, for the best wrestlers alive, for The Acclaimed and Tanahashi. Tanahashi, the best wrestler in Japanese history! Way better than Okada. Okada wants to call people “b*tch,” cut Caster’s mic, all that. Well, Okada’s WIFE is more famous than him, so who’s the real b*tch?

In Japan, Okada’s just Sailor Moon’s husband. In America, Caster’s the best wrestler alive! And tonight, Okada finds that out, BI*CH! Bowens gets fired up and says it is Forbidden Door. Acclaimed proved The Bucks can be beat! And they wanna bring their friend, Okada? Well they’ve got a friend, too! Tanahashi, the #ScissorAce! Bowens is gonna kick Okada so hard in his rainmaker, he’s gonna go crying all the way home to his studio apartment! But enough is enough. It is time for The Acclaimed & Ace to step through the Forbidden Door, to give an Elite ass kicking with 10 THOUSAND fans screaming, “EVERYONE Loves The Acclaimed!”

Platinum Max & The Five Tool Player are ready to deal out L’s alongside President Ace, but will this be a happy ending for our heroes? Or will The Elite (The The Elite) abuse their authority?


Zero Hour – Kyle Fletcher VS Serpentico!

The Protostar is in a foul mood after losing his ROH World Television Championship to Atlantis Jr. just last Friday night. Will he get back on track as he kicks down the Forbidden Door? Or will SNAKEMAN only add insult to injury?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Serpentico fires up, but Fletcher BOOTS him down! Fletcher soaks up the cheers and jeers, then bumps Serpentico off buckles. Fletcher fires body shots, then stomps away! The ref counts, Fletcher lets off and the fans fire up. Fletcher drags Serpentico up, but Serpentico throws hands. Fletcher CLUBS Serpentico, whips him, but Serpentico ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Serpentico kips up, runs up and UPPERCUTS! Serpentico gets moving, but Fletcher LARIATS! The fans fire up while Fletcher seethes. Fletcher drags Serpentico up, claws at the mask, but the ref reprimands!

Fletcher lets off, the fans boo, but Fletcher soaks up the heat. Fletcher suplexes and he holds Serpentico up! But then Serpentico slips free to waistlock! Fletcher fights that, Serpentico slides under to up kick! And mule kick! And forearm! And SUPERKICK! Serpentico runs, but Fletcher CALF KICKS! Fletcher has had it with Serpentico and he runs in again, CALF KICK!! Serpentico flounders around, Fletcher reels him in, PILEDRIVER!! But Fletcher still isn’t finished, he wants to do damage! Fletcher puts Serpentico up top, climbs up after him, and suplexes for the TOP ROPE BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, Fletcher wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall

Serpentico didn’t stand a chance against this angry Aussie Arrow. Fletcher warns everyone on AEW and ROH that they will learn just who he is! Will he rise up the ranks like a phoenix from the ashes to have even greater gold?


Zero Hour – The House of Black VS Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii VS Private Party VS Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong w/ The Kingdom!

Speaking of rising from the ashes, Malakai & Brody are without Buddy, but that may have only made them more dangerous! Will they make sure this is The End for all their opponents? Or can another team find a way to survive this massive tag match?

In this kind of Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at a time. After everyone sorts out, we start with The Dark Father and Kyle O’Reilly. The bell rings, the two circle and the fans rally up. They feel things out, testing the waters with kicks. Malakai ducks a roundhouse, Kyle and Malakai BOOT! Then they both KNEE! Then Malakai fires a knee, sweeps the leg, and spins Kyle around. Kyle leg scissors to get a KNEEBAR, but Malakai stomps free! Both men stand, and Malakai KICKS! Malakai runs, into a KNEE from Kyle! Tag to Ishii and the fans fire up! Malakai KICKS Ishii, wrenches him and tags in Brody.

The fans fire up as now we get big dog against big dog! The forearms fly between then, the fans cheer for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Brody CHOPS, runs, then runs Ishii over! Ishii avoids the senton, blocks a lariat and spins Brody, but Brody’s too big to suplex! Ishii fights Brody’s suplex, but Brody BOOTS him! Ishii just roars and fires boxing elbows! Brody ROLLING ELBOWS! Ishii and Brody both wobble, Gabe tags in and Roddy goes after everyone else! The fans boo as Roddy hesitates to do anything with Kyle. But Gabe sends Brody into a STRONG KNEE! Quen tags in to MISSILE DROPKICK Roddy!

Gabe BOOTS and CHOPS Quen, then CHOPS more! Quen fires back with forearms and fans chant ‘SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” Quen brings Gabe around, trips and CATAPULTS into Zay’s GAMANGIRI! Zay springboards to CROSSBODY! Zay bounces off the cover and Roddy runs up. Zay dodges, Quen drop toeholds, then Zay sets Roddy up, LEAP FROG DOUBLE STOMPS! Gabe runs up, but h e gets himself a DOUBLE STOMP NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Private Party keeps cool and the fans rally up. Zay fires forearms on Gabe, then wrenches. Gabe reverses the wrench but Zay BOOTS! Kyle tags in before Gabe LARIATS Zay!

Kyle KNEES Zay down, dodges Gabe and KICKS! KICKS! And KICKS! Gabe blocks one to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Kyle blocks that, but Gabe rolls through! Kyle still KNEES low, aims, but Roddy shouts at “KYYYLE~!” That distracts Kyle, then Gabe avoids the Ax and LARIATS Kyle! Gabe CHOPS Kyle down, mocking the barking. Brody barks back, Gabe bumps Kyle off buckles. Gabe CHOSP! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Roddy tags in, and says Kyle is HIS friend, only Roddy can hit him like that! So Roddy CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Gabe gets mad at Roddy, but then they both swing! Kyle dodges, hot tag to Ishii!

Roddy CHOPS, Gabe CHOPS, then they DOUBLE CHOP! Ishii doesn’t even flinch! Gabe & Roddy dodge Ishii but Kyle BOOTS and ROCKS them! Ishii then DOUBLE LARIATS on return! Private Party runs up, they get DOUBLE LARIATS! Ishii blocks the Strong Knee, runs, but Bennett trips him up! Taven runs up, Ishii DECKS him! Ishii WRECKS Bennett, DECKS Roddy, and the fans fire up! Roddy flounders around, Brody tags in! Brody and Ishii RAM! LARIAT for LARIAT, but then Malakai BOOTS Ishii! Kyle saves Ishii from The House, they LARIAT Malakai, and DOUBLE ENZIGIRI Brody!

Brody wobbles, Ishii suplexes! Kyle aims, CHASING THE DRAGON!! Cover, Quen SWANTONS it apart! The fans are thunderous as Zay gets in, but Kyle fires off a strike fest! Zay avoids a sweep toe ENZI Kyle! Roddy gets Zay a BACKBREAKER! Roddy and Kyle trade shots, then DOUBLE LARIAT! Quen runs up but Malakai blocks a boot. Quen gets around to ENZIGIRI, then runs, but Malakai blocks the boot to JUMP KNEE! Ishii runs up, one lariat blocked, and another! Ishii swats Malakai’s strikes to HEADBUTT! Gabe fires strikes on Ishii, to then BRAINBUSTER! “I’m a MADMAN you know!”

Brody runs up, Gabe dodges to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Gabe runs, into DOUBLE CHOPS! Brody drags Gabe up but Gabe BITES Brody’s head! Gabe SLAPS, Brody SLAPS back! Gabe falls and the fans fire up with Brody! Private Party regroups, they egg Brody on then dump him out! POETRY IN MOTION! Then they build speed to DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO! Private Party takes down everyone and the fans are thunderous! Zay & Quen get Brody up and in, but Brody shoves Zay away. Zay comes back, Brody dodges, but Quen is there for some SILLY- NO, LAWN DART KNEE!! Quen runs up, into THE END!!

Brody hauls Zay up and Malakai is on defense. But Zay rolls Brody! TWO! LARIAT!! Brody hauls Zay up, for a GONZO BOMB!! Cover, The House wins!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall

It was fast and furious to say the least, but the Kings of the Black Throne are the most dangerous of all! Will they soon dominate all the tag divisions and bring gold back to The House?

Zero Hour – Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano VS Kris Statlander & Momo Watanabe!

Two different rivalries, one from AEW and the other from Stardom, intertwine in order to settle things all at once. Will the Babe with the Power and Shining Stardom Dream make tonight a nightmare for The Galaxy’s Greatest and the Big Match Peach? Or will that be turned the other way around?

The teams sort out and Willow starts, but Kris lets Momo get this. The bell rings, the fans rally up, and then Kris tags in, just as Willow tags out to Tam! Kris is smug as she and Tam feel things out. They tie up, Kris throws Tam away, then flexes. Kris boops Tam then pie faces her. Kris asks what she’s gonna do, but Tam fires forearms on Kris! Tam then runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Kris catches the crossbody for a pop-up and suplex! Tam slips free to waistlock but Kris elbows free! Kris swings, Tam goes Matrix then rolls Kris up! Kris rolls through but Tam DROPKICKS her down! The fans fire up and Tam tags in Willow!

Kris panics, tags out to Momo, but Willow runs Momo over! Willow runs, rolls over the dropdown, but Momo DROPKICKS! Willow comes back to SHOTGUN! Then she SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Willow brings Momo over, tags Tam, and they block a kick to LARIAT Momo down! Tam brings Momo up, ducks a kick, but Momo avoids kicks! Tam blocks another kick to ROCK Momo! Momo ROCKS Tam! They go forearm for forearm and teh fans rally up! Tam fires a flurry, the fans fire up as she just keeps going! Momo wobbles, but then she reels Tam in to CLAW eyes! The fans boo, ther ef reprimands, but Tam SUPERKICKS Momo back!

Momo flounders to a corner, Stoke gets up to “check “on her! Kris gets in behind the ref’s back! BIG back suplex on Tam! Momo PENALTY KICKS! Momo soaks up the heat then kneels for a cover, TWO! Momo drags Tam over, bumps her off buckles, then tags Kris. Kris stomps away on Tam, reels her in, then suplexes. Kris holds Tam up but fans boo, even as Kris SLAMS Tam down! Cocky cover, TWO! Kris is annoyed but she drags Tam up. The fans rally, Tam fights the back suplex, and turns it to a CROSSBODY! Both women get up, Kris runs in but Tam DUMPS her out! But then Kris YANKS Willow down!

The fans boo but Kris gets back in. The ref reprimands but Kris stomps away on Tam. Kris drags Tam up, whips her to the corner, then storms up. Tag to Momo and Momo KICKS Tam! Momo cravats Tam to snapmare, then she KICKS Tam in the back! Momo drags Tam up to CHOKE her on ropes! The ref counts, Stoke & Kris pose for pics, and then Momo lets off. Momo bumps Tam off buckles, tags Kris, and they mug Tam. Kris snapmares Tam to clamp on a chinlock. The fans rally for Tam & Willow while Tam fights around. Tam sits up and reaches out but Kris squeezes tight! Tam punches Kris but Kris CLUBS Tam down!

Kris stands Tam up, but Tam ducks the roundhouse! Tam HEEL KICKS Kris down! Stoke panics, Tam crawls, hot tag to Willow! Willow storms up behind Kris, then fires off forearms! The fans are thunderous but Kris pushes Willow away! Willow BOOTS Kris down! Willow whips Kris, Kris holds ropes, tag to Momo! Kris gets out and Momo gets in, but Willow CLOBBERS Momo! Willow puts Momo in a corner to back body block and LARIAT! Snapmare and BOOT! The fans fire up with Willow and she hauls Momo up. Willow whips to SPINEBUSTER! High stack< Kris breaks it! Willow is furious, she swings but Kris dodges!

Momo ROUNDHOUSES Willow, then tags Kris! Kris runs up to DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Willow survives but Kris hauls her up. Willow throws body shots  but Kris gives back forearms! They fire off shots, Kris forearms, CHOPS, SOBATS and runs. Kris goes up, but Willow avoids the flying elbow! Willow goes up, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Tag to Tam and she goes up top! CROSSBODY FLOPS as Kris moves! Kris runs up, Tam dodges the discus! Kris stops the waistlock to RAM Tam into a corner, then O’Conner and CHAOS- NO, Tam victory rolls it! TWO!! Kris escapes, runs up, but Tam gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Kris escapes but Tam tags Willow! Tam & Willow fire up and double whip Kris. Kris reverses to crisscross them! Kris then RAMS Kris into Tam! Tag to Momo, BACKBREAKER and feed, URENAGE! Cover, Tam breaks it! Kris CLUBS Tam, calls to Momo, and Kris Electric Chair Lifts Tam! Momo goes up, but Tam fights free! Tam chicken wings Kris to TIGER PLEX! Willow ROCKS Momo then goes up! Willow fireman’s carries Momo for a SUPER DEATH VALLEY!! Cover, TWO?!? Momo survives and shocks Willow! The fans are fired up again and Willow gets Momo up! Momo fights the gut wrench, Alabama Lifts, but Willow fights it!

Willow and Momo fight for control, and Momo manages to lift! CRUNCHY!! Cover, TWO?!? Now Willow survives and shocks Momo! Kris wants Momo to finish this! Momo KICKS, KICKS and KICKS again! Momo runs, but Willow POUNCES!! PERIOD!! Kris gets in, Willow LARIATS her back out! Tag to Tam and then Willow MISSILE DROPKICKS Kris on the floor! Tam gets Momo up, wrench and hammerlock, for the TWILIGHT DREAM!! Bridging cover, Tam & Willow win!

Winners: Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano, by pinfall

Kris is furious that she lost in her hometown, but Willow says she won in HER hometown! But these two are going to meet again very soon, because the Women’s Owen Hart Cup runs through Chicago! Who wins when these two battle at Beach Break?


Zero Hour – 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther VS Saraya w/ Harley Cameron!

Speaking of that tournament, the Leading Lady’s protege is looking to settle scores with The Outcast’s sinister leader. Will Mariah make Storm proud of her? Or will Saraya take one step closer to another All In homecoming?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two circle. Harley talks trash on “Tiny Storm” and then Saraya sees Storm creeping up. Saraya says stay back, but Mariah rolls Saraya up! TWO, and Mariah KNEES Saraya down! Another cover, TWO! Mariah puts Saraya in a corner, whips corner to corner, then runs in to UPPERCUT! Mariah whips again, runs in again, and UPPERCUTS again! Then Mariah scoops Saraya for a SPIN OUT SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Saraya stays in but Mariah fires up! Mariah runs to SHOTGUN Saraya down! Cover, TWO! Mariah is frustrated but Harley coaches Saraya up.

Storm applauds from commentary, and we can see her hands are taped up for her own match tonight. Mariah puts Saraya up top, puts some stank on it, and DOUBLE CHOPS! The fans fire up as Mariah goes corner to corner, handspring and STRATUSPHERE! The fans cheer and Mariah goes up the corner. Saraya stands, Mariah MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Saraya survives again but Mariah stays cool. The fans rally, Mariah gets Saraya to a corner and stomps away. Mariah goes to the far side, says kiss this, and runs in to SWEET- NO, Saraya moves! Mariah grabs at her but Saraya HOTSHOTS back!

Mariah flops to the other side, Saraya drags her up the corner. Storm is concerned as Saraya throws hands. Mairaha fires back, they brawl on opposite sides of the corner. The fans are on Mariah’s side as she keeps going back and forth! Mariah ROCKS Saraya, then fires up! But Sararya YANKS her into the crossbar! The ref reprimands but Saraya howls! Saraya storms over to get Mariah, and she tells Storm she’s a LOSER! Storm says Saraya’s the loser here! Saraya SMACKS Mariah off the apron, SMACKS her off it again, then leaves her to the ring count. The count is 7! Then 8! Mariah stirs at 9, and springs in just in time!

The fans cheer but Saraya stomps Mariah down! Saraya bumps Mariah off buckles, stomps her again, then digs her boot in. The ref counts, Saraya lets off, then stomps another mudhole in! Saraya lets off in frustration but Harley applauds. The fans boo but Saraya storms up to get Mariah on ropes. Saraya CHOKES Mariah, the ref counts, and Saraya steps away. Saraya mocks the fans cheering Mariah, and then stands on Mariah’s hair while pulling arms! Hikaru Shida is watching backstage, ready for whoever comes out of this the winner. Mariah fires body shots, but Saraya whips her. Mariah reverses, wrenches, and HEADBUTTS!

Both women fall over and the fans fire up! Harley says just wait, Saraya’s got this. Saraya fires a forearm, Mariah gives it back! Saraya fires another, but Mariah gives it back! The forearms keep going, the fans rally behind Mariah, and then the shots go after and faster! Mariah fires a flurry and the fans fire up! Saraya staggers away, Mariah roars and goes to the corner. Time for the close-up! Mariah runs in, SWEET HIP MUSIC! Mariah then reels Saraya in, fireman’s carry, but Harley gets on the apron! Saraya slips free, Mariah ROCKS her, and Storm YANKS Harley down! Storm DECKS Harley, and Mariah is happy!

But then Saraya YAKUZA KICKS! And GOOD KNIGHT!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Saraya is furious that Mariah will not go gently into that Good Knight! “This is Awesome!” but Saraya says shut up! Storm rallies the fans behind her protege, but Saraya drags Mariah to center. Saraya steps through, turns Mariah over with the leglock, and she clamps onto an arm! Mariah resists, then turns over to BOOT Saraya away! Saraya comes back to stomp Mariah, then dribbles her off the mat! The ref reprimands but Harley says finish it! Saraya drags Mariah up, reels her in, and grins at Storm, for the- NO, Mariah turns DDT into bridge! MARIAH WINS!!

Winner: Mariah May, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Even Storm is surprised Mariah had a move like that! But now who’s the loser, huh!? Mariah is moving on to the semifinals, but will she still make it to the finals? Wait, here comes Mina! Mina celebrates with her protege, but then Mariah has to keep the peace between her mentors! That match is still to come, which side will Mariah be on when it’s all said and done?


Zero Hour – Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Mistico & The Lucha Brothers!

Now this is quite the crossover! Titan is not just part of CMLL but he is also part of NJPW via The Ungovernables, and both Hiromu Takahashi & Yota Tsuji have spent time on excursion to the oldest promotion in the world. And on the other side, for the very first time, three of the very best luchadores in this generation are teaming together! But will the stars of Mexico be able to stand tall together? Or will LIJ keep things tranquilo from sea to shining sea?

There’s already some tension between Hiromu and Mistico as they only just recently went 1v1 in Arena Mexico for CMLL. But the trios still sort out, and El Inmortal starts against the Immortal Firebird. The fans rally as the two circle and feel things out. “This is Awesome!” as Fenix CHOPS! Titan comes back to CHOP! Titan SOBATS, whips, but Fenix reverses. Titan goes up and over, handsprings away, then comes back. Fenix dodges to throw Titan down, then he goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! The fans fire up, Fenix whips, but Titan reverses. Titan goes Matrix, but Fenix catches his calf kick!

Titan slips free to shove, follow, and TORNADO DDT, but Fenix handsprings through! The fans are thunderous as Fenix sweeps and covers. ONE and Titan sweeps and covers, ONE! The two go face to face, shove each other, then they tag out to Pentagon and Yota Tsuji! The fans fire up with “CERO! MIEDO!” Penta tells Yota himself to listen: CERO! MIEDO! Yota just smiles through the pie face, and pushes back. Penta says okay, CERO! MIE- NO, Yota stops that. So Penta SOBATS! Penta runs, steps over the dropdown then headlocks. Yota powers up and out, hurdles, but Penta KICKS him in the gut!

Penta has Yota in a corner, GAMANGIRI then he sits Yota down. Headstand and SWINGING DROPKICK! The fans fire up with Penta, and he drags Yota up to say again, “CERO! MIEDO!” Penta runs, but Yota catches him to a BACKBREAKER, COMPLETE SHOT and STOMP! Yota smiles at the luchadores then brings Penta up. The fans rally with “CERO! MIEDO!” Yota scuffs Penta, eggs him on, but Penta eggs Yota on. Yota stands Penta up and dusts him off, to CHOP! Penta says okay, and he CHOPS back! Yota stings from that one! Yota CHOPS, Penta CHOPS, then Yota fires forearm after forearm!

Yota runs, but Penta SUPERKICKS! “CERO! MIEDO!” Penta runs, into a JUMP KNEE! Yota gets Penta up to suplex, but Penta fights out! Penta kicks low, tuck shim in, but Yota slips free to run, but into a DROPKICK! Penta runs, Yota moves, so Penta rolls back. Penta poses and the fans fire up! Tag to Mistico and the fans fire up! Mistico calls out Hiromu, Yota says tranquilo, and he tags Hiromu! The fans fire up as these two circle, and Mistico gets the fans going, Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Hiromu wants the mask!! The fans boo but Mistico kicks free! And mule kicks low! Mistico whips, Hiromu reveres but Mistico jumps over and handsprings.

Hiromu dodges, Mistico keeps going and he RANAS! Hiromu ends up in a corner, he comes back, but Mistico knuckle locks and CHOPS! Mistico goes up and up to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Hiromu bails out, Mistico builds speed, but runs into an attack by Titan & Yota! The fans boo but LIJ just double whips. Mistico uses that to PLANCHA onto Hiromu! The Lucha Bros shove Yota & Titan into each other, then double mule kicks! Uno, dos, tres! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Then wheelbarrow, VICTORY SPLASH! The fans fire up but Hiromu gets in! Bu the ends up in a ripcord DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSE!

The brothers put Hiromu in place for Mistico’s SWANTON BOBM! Cover, Yota & Titan break it! The brothesr go after Titan & Yota again, “CERO! MIEDO!” They double whip, but LIJ DOUBLE RANA! The fans fire up as LIJ builds speed, and they DOUBLE DIVE! Down go the Lucha Bros! Hiromu tosses Mistico out to SUPERKICK! Hiromu runs to FLYING SUNSET FLIP! Mistico holds on but can’t hold on for long, POWERBOMB to the floor!! The fans lose their minds while Hiromu mockingly says goodbye to Mistico. Hiromu puts Mistico in, covers him, TWO! Hiromu is upset but the count was fair.

Tag to Yota and the fans rally up. Yota gets Mistico on his feet, bumps him off buckles again and again, and again and again! The ref counts, Yota stops, and he brings Mistico around to whip. Titan ENZIGIRIS, then tags in! Titan brings Mistico around while fans rally, and all of LIJ stands in. They mug Mistico with kick after kick and then a CALF KICK! Hiromu CHOPS Mistico to a corner, then he and Yota send Titan in! LOCO LARIAT! Mistico staggers into a scoop and SLAM! Yota SPLASHES! Titan springboards, to SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Mistico survives and the fans rally up! Titan & Yota keep Mistico from the Lucha Brothers.

LIJ double whip, but Mistico handsprings to DUOBLE BACK ELBOW! Mistico then dodges Hiromu to RANA! Mistico dodges again, sends Yota into Titan and SUPERKICKS Yota! BACKBREAKER for Titan! Hot tag to Penta, and he tags Fenix! Penta dodges Hiromu to SLINGBLADE on the return! SLINGBLADE on Yota! SUPERKICK for Titan, into the tightrope walk PENALTY KICK! Then the BOOSTED SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Titan survives but the fans fire up! Fenix gets the fans going more, and he brings Titan back up. Fenix says “ANIMO!” but then Hiromu gets in! Fireman’s carry, TIMEBOMB 1.5!

Penta gets in, whips, Hiromu reverses, but Penta hits a DESTROYER! Yota kicks Penta to suplex and ORANGE CRUSH! But Mistico SPRINGBOARD SPLASHES! Titan SUPERKICKS Mistico! Fenix SUPERKICKS Titan! Titan TORNADO DDTS and it hits! But then he keeps going, GOURDBUSTER and SUPERKICK!! All six men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Titan crawls to a cover, TWO!! Fenix survives but Titan throws his elbow pads away! Titan roars, drags Fenix up, “This is Awesome!” Titan fireman’s carries, but Fenix fights free. Fenix shoves and SUPERKICKS! Titan falls out, Yota runs in, but then Fenix DUMPS Yota out!

Tag to Mistico and he builds speed. Fenix helps out for a BOOSTED TORNILLO! Down goes LIJ! Penta SUPERKICKS Hiromu, Fenix goes up! “CERO! MIEDO!” LUCHA BRO PACKAGE DRIVER!! They call to Mistico and he gets Titan in the ring. Mistico rallies the fans, but Titan dodges, only for Mistico to CROSSBODY! Mistico keeps going, LA MYSTICA!! And FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Titan taps, Mistico’s team wins!!

Winners: Mistico & The Lucha Brothers, by submission

LIJ is a great trio, but this is a trio of the greatest luchadores! Will this momentum help all three masked men make their way up to championship gold in every company they step inside?


“There is something that draws us here.”

“A force with the pull of the unknown. The ‘What If.’ And what lies beyond this barrier is a world ready to fight. It is here where you must take what is yours. And once you’ve crossed that threshold, be prepared for what comes. For one night, this door is open. Worlds collide, and the impossible, inevitable.” AEW X NJPW: Forbidden Door starts now!


MJF VS Hechicero!

Long Island’s Own is just making his way back after healing up, and he’s already got someone wanting to rip him limb from limb! But can the Alchemist of Lucha Libre really destroy Maxwell Jacob Friedman? Or will the Wolf of Wrestling prove he IS better than Hechi, and he knows it?

The bell rings and the fans of course cheer on MJF and he says aw shucks. Hechi says shut up, and then he kicks MJF low! The fans boo but Hechi whips MJF. MJF reverses, hurdles, but Hechi FLAPJACKS him! Hehich rolls MJF into the ARMBAR, but MJF stacks Hechi! TWO and Hechi lets go. The fans cheer on the Scumbag, but MJF wants to shake hands. The fans cheer but Hechi knows to be wary of that. MJF insists, so Hechi accepts. But then MJF kicks low! MJF shrugs, headlocks, but Hechi powers out. MJF ducks ‘n’ dodges, then he struts over the dropdown. The fans cheer as MJF swivels them hips.

Hechi runs up, MJF handsprings under the lariat! Hechi blocks a kick, FLIPS MJF, but MJUF lands on his feet! And he pokes Hechi in the eyes! MJF does the Savage strut, then goes after Hechi. Hechi uses the ref as a shield, then he YANKS MJF out of the ring! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Hechi goes out to get MJF. MJF KNEES low, whips Hechi hard into railing, then gets him back up! MJF whips Hechi into more railing! MJF makes Hechi take a seat, then he refreshes the count. The fans rally for MJF and he runs in, to BOOT Hechi over railing! The fans fire up and MJF revels in it!

MJF drags Hechi up and out of the timekeeper’s area, dumps him down, then gets him in the ring. The fans rally as MJF takes his time, but Hechi HOTSHOTS the arm! The fans boo but MJF was too lax around Hechi. Hechi STOMPS MJF’s arm, pulls on it and then CLUBS away on the shoulder. Hechi wrenches the arm, but MJF fights up. MJF knees low, gets free, but Hechi gets him at the ropes with a SLEEPER! MJF HOTSHOTS free, then reels Hechi in! HEAT- NO, Hechi flings MJF down! Slingshot and SPLASH! Cover, TWO! MJF stays in this but Hechi stays on him with a hammerlock and roll.

Hechi hauls MJF up to HAMMERLOCK SWING, and MAD SCIENTIST BACKBREAKER! Then an ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! MJF is tougher than that and the fans rally up. Hechi kicks MJF around, brings him in, but MJF fights the lift! MJF knees low, reels Hechi in, but Hechi fights free! Hechi whips, runs up, STEP-UP KNEE! Hechi mocks the strut, then does his magic, to flip Long Island off! Hechi reels MJF in, but MJF backdrops free! The fans fire up while both men are down! MJF feeds off that energy and stands up first. MJF LARIATS Hechi down, LARIATS him again, then demands Hechi get up!

Hechi stands, but he wrenches the arm! Hechi whips, MJF goes up and over, steps over, then hits a PILEDRIVER! Both men are down while MJF clutches the bad arm. The fans rally, MJF stands again and he brings Hechi up. MJF goes to suplex but Hechi fights back. Hechi wrenches, whips, but MJF reverses, only for Hechi to springboard MISSILE DROPKICK! Then victory roll, STOMP MONKEY FLIP! And into the ARMBAR!! MJF flails, stacks, TWO! MJF goes for the SALT OF THE EARTH! Hechi flips that to a cover, TWO! Hechi hooks an arm, CLUBS MJF and roll shim, to get the bad arm! INVERTED RINGS OF SATURN!!

MJF endures as Hechi tries to snap that arm, and MJF reaches out with a leg! The fans rally as hard as they can, and MJF gets the ROPEBREAK! MJF escapes by a literal foot but Hechi just gets mad! Hechi eggs on MJF, gets him up, and whips him to ropes. MJF ducks ‘n’ dodges, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans cheer again as MJF goes to a corner. Hechi runs up, but MJF dodges the knee! MJF dribbles Hechi off the buckles, and fans count all the way to TEN! MJF then climbs up, and he rains down fists! The fans count along, and at nine, MJF stops to BITE Hechi through the mask!

The fans cheer but the ref reprimands! MJF shoves Hechi down, goes up, and he jumps, PANAMA SUNRISE?!? A shot at Adam Cole Baybay! Then a suplex, for a BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, MJF wins!

Winner: MJF, by pinfall

The hometown anti-hero makes good on his return to PPV, and Long Island cheers him on! But is this just the start of MJF’s road back to the top? Or will he find it only gets harder the second time?


Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks VS Hiroshi Tanahashi & The Acclaimed!

The Rainmaker has been abusing the authority granted to him by “Your EVPs,” and yet they label Max Caster & Anthony Bowens as “scissoring sociopaths” who spit on The Elite’s noble mission. But if there’s anyone who knows how to humble those with egos running wild, it’s the President of NJPW! Will #ScissorAce help The Acclaimed cut through the noise and humble three champions in one match? Or will Kazuchika, Matthew & Nicholas continue to #ChangeTheWorld into what they want it to be?

But of course, Caster has a diss track! “The Acclaimed, rockin’ with the rap star, The Ace! Not afraid to rock you in the face! Sometimes you gotta pop off, I’m showin’ ’em! Leave ’em breathless like Biden at the podium! Y’all know da bait, get your mug shot like Timberlake. The Elite, we’re stoppin’ it here. I’m a kill you like you did Okada’s career! You’re pathetic really on the mic, never witty. You’re such a pussy, I see you, I say  ‘Hello Kitty!’ Such a pity, when I’m rockin’ a rhyme. I’ll make Okada MY b*tch at the drop of a dime! Now I’m on air, b*tch! Beach blond b*tch! Beat you so bad, get a massage chair, b*tch! Ugly ass b*tch! You look like a b*tch! Shout out to the crew, leave ’em shook like a b*tch!

“Always gotta do this the hard way, I’m gonna beat your ass on the Cross Island Parkway! Live from the hood that I claim. On Long Island, everybody loves The Acclaimed!” Bowens then says, “LONG ISLAAAAND~! The Acclaimed have arrived! Hey, scissor me, Daddy Ace!” And he does~! The trios sort out and after being called out like that, Okada starts against Caster. The fans rally and sing, “OH~ Scissor Me, Daddy!” Okada and Caster feel things out, but then Okada sucker punches Tanahashi! Some way to welcome his old rival. Tanahashi is pissed, so Caster says get it! Tag to The Ace and the fans fire up!

Okada and Tanahashi get face to face again, the fans lose their minds already, and then the two circle. They feel things out, but then Okada tags out to Nick. The fans boo but Okada doesn’t care. Nick and Tanahashi circle, tie up, and Tanahashi headlocks. Nick powers up but can’t power out as Tanahashi holds on tight. Nick pulls hair but the ref reprimands. Tanahashi pulls hair in return! Nick knees low, whips, but Tanahashi ELBOWS back! Tanahashi goes up and CROSSBODIES! Then he air guitars! The fans cheer, Nick flounders, and Tana tags Bowens. Bowens ROCKS Nick, whips, but Nick reverses.

Bowens goes up and over, then hurdles Nick to headlock. Nick powers out, Bowens hurdles, then mule kicks, front kicks, and runs to FAM- NO, Nick slips under! Nick waistlocks, Bowens switches and snapmares to Oklahoma Roll! TWO, but Bowens arm-drags! Bowens grinds Nick down, Nick fights up, and Nick reaches out. Caster tags in, he and Bowens send Nick to a corner. BACK ELBOW, FOREARM SMASH, then a feed to the scoop and SLAM! Matt runs in, but Caster scoop SLAMS him! Okada storms in but Tanahashi scares him off! Tana 7 Caster hold The Bucks open, Bowens goes up for a DOUBLE SCISSOR ME TIMBERS!!

The fans fire up as Tanahashi scissor fingers with the boys! And then they all air guitar! Caster keeps Nick from Okada, whips him to ropes, but Nick ducks ‘n’ dodges, Okada tags in, Nick SLAPS Caster! Caster DECKS Nick but Okada kicks low! Okada whips Caster to the corner, runs up but into a BOOT! Nick runs up but Caster puts him out! Okada run sin, ELBOW DOUBLE GIRI COMBO! Then Okada Alabama Lifts to a REVERSE NECKBREAKER! The Bucks BLAST Bowens & Tanahashi, and the fans boo while Nick puts on his headphones. Okada pretends to be a DJ and he goes after Caster. Okada CLUBS Caster, then bumps him off buckles.

The fans rally but Okada tags Nick. Nick tags Matt and The Bucks get Caster down. Nick holds Caster in a Camel Clutch while Matt runs and runs and runs and runs, to then stop and kiss his brother on the forehead. Matt mocks the air guitar while Nick air basses. Matt SMASHES the air guitar, then throws it away! Matt stomps away on Caster, then soaks up the heat. Matt whips Caster hard into the corner, then storms up on him. The fans chant and duel “F THE YOUNG BUCKS!” “E V P!” Caster fires hands back! Matt RAMS Caster into the corner, fires off hands, and then stomps a mudhole! The fans then troll The Bucks with “C M PUNK!”

Okada tags in, he and Matt mug Caster, then Okada basement dropkicks! The fans argue over Punk now, but Okada gets Caster up to whip him back to the corner. Tag to Nick, he brings Caster around to put him up top. Nick then ROCKS Caster, climbs up, but Caster fights back with body shots! Caster BITES Nick’s forehead! Caster shoves Nick down, adjusts up top, and CROSSBODIES! Both men are down and the fans rally up! Tag to Okada, and he BLASTS Tanahashi! The fans boo but Caster JAWBREAKERS Okada! Okada staggers, tags Matt, and Matt runs, but Bowens ROCKS him first! Caster back drops Matt! Hot tag to Bowens!

Bowens rallies on The Bucks with big haymakers and chops! KICK, KICK, and FAMOUSER! The fans fire up but Okada runs in, only for Bowens to DECK him! Matt CLAWS Bowens’ back, whips him to a corner, then howls to mock The Icon. Matt runs in, but the splash misses! Bowens traps Matt, sends Nick into him, then fires off the Rock Paper Scissors SUPERKICK! Then a scoop on Matt into a torture rack! RACK BOMB! Cover, Nick breaks it! Caster ROCKS Nick, fires hands, and Bowens brawls with Matt! The Acclaimed coordinate, they send The Bucks at each other, but the Bucks dosido.

The Bucks come back, The Acclaimed dodge and dosido, too! DOUBLE DOUBLE LARIATS! Or rather, QUADRUPLE LARIATS! The fans fire up while Matt and Bowens crawl over to their corners, hot tags to Okada and Tanahashi! Tanahashi rallies with big forearms! The fans fire up as The Ace scoops Okada to SLAM him into a drop zone! Tanahashi goes up a corner, for the SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Okada’s tougher than that but Tanahashi powers up. The fans chant “GO ACE! GO ACE!” Tanahashi runs, but Okada BOOTS! Tanahashi blocks it, waves bye and DRAGON SCREWS the leg!

Tanahashi then ties Okada up, into a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Okada endures, but Nick ROUNDHOUSES Tanahashi! Caster runs in to SLINGBLADE Nick! But Matt fakes Caster out to DDT! Bowens ROLLING ELBOWS Matt! Okada UPPERCUTS Bowens, BOOTS Tanahashi, then gets Bowens for the RAIN- NO! THE ARRIVAL!! Caster is up top, MIC DROP!! Tanahashi fires up and he climbs now! The fans are thunderous but Nick anchors Tana! Matt joins in, but The Acclaimed YANK The Bucks down! They brawl around ringside, Tanahashi adjusts, and HIGH FLY FLOWS, but onto knees!! Okada saves himself and The Bucks get in!

The Bucks tighten their shoe laces and pump up those custom Reeboks! But then The Acclaimed return! They get DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! SUPERKICK for Tanahashi!! Then another SUPERKICK! DOUBLE PLANCHAS wipe out The Acclaimed and the fans are torn. Okada rises up, he gets Tanahashi for a scoop and SLAM! Okada goes up now, standard formula for him. MACHO ELBOW! Okada stands, but will he do it? Okada winds up, to flip us off! Okada grins and ripcords Tanahashi, but into a cradle!! TWO!!! Okada escapes, but the SHOTEI hits! The Bucks get in, but Tanahashi blocks one superkick to send it into Matt!

Tanahashi DRAGON SCREWS Nick, then runs at Okada! But into Okada’s DROPKICK! Ripcord and RAINMAKER!! Cover, The Elite win!

Winners: Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks, by pinfall

Another epic battle for the story of Ace VS Rainmaker, but wait, Okada isn’t done? He wants to add insult to injury, but here comes Daddy Ass! Billy Gunn runs Okada off and The Elite regroup. Will The Acclaimed avenge Scissor Ace when it finally comes time to take the AEW World Tag Team Championships? And maybe even Okada’s Continental Championship?


2024 Men’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Bryan Danielson VS Shingo Takagi!

Not only is this a dream match over a decade in the making, but it is also part of the already esteemed Owen Hart Foundation Memorial tournament! The American Dragon faces Japan’s Rampaging Dragon, who slays who to then face The Bastard in the next round?

The bell rings and the fans fire up already with “YES! YES! YES!” Takagi and Bryan circle, feel things out, and then Bryan backs up to a corner. Takagi storms up, knuckle locks, and then he clinches with Bryan. Bryan wrenches, Takagi wrenches back, and Takagi hammerlocks. Bryan drops to trip Takagi for a toehold. Bryan turns Takagi over, ties up the legs, then hooks that up for a SNAP LOCK! Takagi endures, even as Bryan puts more pressure on. Bryan SNAP LOCKS, but Takagi has the ROPEBREAK! Bryan lets off slowly, and he backs away. The fans cheer and Takagi gets up. The two reset and feel things out.

Takagi and Bryan knuckle lock, then go shoulder to shoulder. They have a Test of Strength, the fans rally up, and Takagi powers Bryan down to his knees. Bryan fights up, then rolls to trip Takagi for another toehold. Bryan hooks the legs up, but Takagi resists. Bryan fishhooks Takagi to get the arms. Bryan pulls up, up and away, into the ROMERO SPECIAL! The fans cheer, Takagi endures, but Bryan sets him down for a chinlock. Takagi pries free, Bryan goes for a leg to drop an elbow on the knee. Bryan then headlocks and smothers Takagi. Takagi fights up as the fans rally and duel, and Takagi powers out.

Bryan RAMS Takagi, but Takagi rebounds to run Bryan over! The fans are torn but Bryan writhes. Takagi runs to drop a BIG elbow! Then a SENTON! Bryan sputters but Takagi stands him up. Takagi bumps Bryan off buckles, eggs him on, and they go forehead to forehead. Bryan fires forearms but Takagi just HEADBUTTS back! Bryan sits down, Takagi gets Bryan up. Bryan holds ropes but Takagi CHOPS! Takagi CHOPS again! Takagi whips but Bryan blocks, so Takagi JABS! Takagi whips, Bryan goes up and over, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and LEAPING LARIATS! The fans fire up and Takagi rises, into Bryan’s DROPKICK!

Takagi bails out, the fans rally up, and Bryan builds speed! Bryan DIVES, but Takagi catches him! MAGIC SCREW to the floor!! The ref checks Bryan and has Doc Sampson check, too. Bryan’s landing was rough, and Takagi leaves him behind. Bryan says he’s fine but can he get up with that bad shoulder? The count begins, but Doc wants Bryan to be careful. We reach 5 of 10 as Bryan works to just sit up. Bryan flounders at 7, but he is refusing to let Doc call this! Bryan gets in at 9 and the fans cheer. But then Takagi suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Bryan is still in this and the fans rally up for his grit and determination.

Takagi sits Bryan up, clamps on with a facelock, then he drops a KNEE on Bryan’s back! The fans are torn as Takagi fires up, and Takagi stalks Bryan to a corner. Takagi puts Bryan through ropes and pulls him back! The ref counts, Takagi lets off, but Bryan comes back to UPPERCUT! Takagi shakes that off, but Bryan UPPERCUTS again! And UPPERCUT, but Takagi goes to Gory Especial! Bryan fires elbows, but Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! And YUKON LARIATS! The fans fire up and Takagi looks around. “My time is coming! TOKI GA KITA!” The fans are torn but Takagi just says “OI! OI! OI!”

The fans rally as Takagi runs, but Bryan avoids the sliding lariat! BUZZSAW!! Both men are down and the fans duel! A standing count starts, Bryan crawls and sits up. Bryan stands at 5 of 10 and he goes back for Takagi. Bryan UPPERCUTS, but Takagi CHOPS! Bryan snarls and comes back to CHOP! Takagi CHOPS again! Bryan UPPERCUTS, Takagi CHOPS, repeat! Takagi DOUBLE CHOPS, then GERMAN SUPELXES! Bryan lands out, gets around, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES! Takagi tumbles and the fans fire up! Bryan aims, runs up, and DROPKICKS in the corner! Bryan lets Takagi fall so he can go up!

But Takagi goes up after Bryan! Bryan CLUBS Takagi, but Takagi RIDGE HANDS! And RIDGE HANDS! And RIDGE HANDS again! Then he CHOPS! Takagi mocks the Yes fingers, then climbs up. Takagi brings Bryan up but Bryan slips under to trip Takagi! Takagi hangs onto the top rope but Bryan brings him back up. Bryan fires HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! The fans fire up, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan then hoists Takagi up to SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Bryan crawls over to Takagi, covers, TWO! Takagi is still in this but Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs. The fans rally again as Bryan stands.

Bryan aims and KICKS! KICKS! And KICKS! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan winds up, but Takagi blocks! Bryan SLAPS free, but that just pisses Takagi off! Takagi runs in, but into a BOOT! And a ROUNDHOUSE! And an arm-drag into the ARMBAR!! Takagi clasps hands, Bryan pulls him into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Takagi clubs at Bryan but Bryan just shifts the grip! Bryan throws down elbows, but Takagi deadlifts Bryan, and around into a POWERSLAM! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! The ref checks, Takagi rises, and “This is Awesome!” Bryan stirs, his fighting spirit not letting him give up just yet.

Takagi snarls, watches Bryan stagger up, and then runs in to corner clothesline! Takagi says time to go up! Takagi puts Bryan up top and then climbs up to join him! SUPER DUPER PLEX!! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Takagi crawls over to Bryan, but then runs to SLIDING LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Bryan survives and the fans rally up again. Bryan grits his teeth but Takagi stands first. Takagi mocks the “YES! YES! YES!” and the fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” Takagi powers up, but Bryan SLAPS him! So Takagi SLAPS Bryan! Pump handle, but Bryan fights the lift! Bryan pops out, gets around, but Takagi bucks the O’Conner!

Bryan runs in but the dropkick misses! PUMPING BOMBER!! Takagi fires up, pump handles again, MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO?!? Bryan survives all that damage and the fans are electric! Takagi is surprised but he just gets back up. The fans rally again as Takagi says time to end this! Takagi hauls Bryan up, pump handles and torture racks, but Bryan CLUBS free! But that’s about all Bryan has as he drops to the mat again. Takagi runs to SLIDING FOREARM! Takagi still mocks “YES! YES!” Takagi sits Bryan up for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! The fans boo but Takagi runs, to SLIDING- NO, Bryan catches him for a DISARMER!!

The fans are thunderous as Bryan tortures Takagi’s arm! Takagi endures, even as Bryan shifts into the omoplata! The modified Fujiwara isn’t enough and Takagi rolls free! Bryan ROCKS Takagi, dodges, and ROLLING ELBOWS! Takagi JABS, then HEADBUTTS! Both men wobble and the fans fire up again! Takagi roars, pump handles and torture racks, but Bryan slips free! ROUNDHOUSE! Bryan has a leg, SNAP CAPTURE PLEX! The fans rally as hard as they can as Bryan goes to a corner. Bryan aims, and he powers up with “YES! YES! YES!” Takagi stirs and rises up, Bryan runs in, BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans are shocked that Bryan’s best shot wasn’t enough! Even Bryan double checks with the ref. Fans want them to “FIGHT FOREVER!” but Bryan says it is time to kick Takagi’s head in! DRAGON STOMPS! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan drops into the TRIANGLE HOLD! Bryan fires elbow after elbow into Takagi’s head! But then Takagi blocks one, deadlifts, but Bryan fires more elbows! Takagi still fights, but then he falls! DISARMER!! Bryan pulls on the arm with everything he has! Takagi QUITS, Bryan wins!!

Winner: Bryan Danielson, by submission (advances to the next round)

It was a battle of epic proportions, but it was the American Dragon that survives! And after such a battle, Bryan shows respect to Takagi, how finally shows respect back. But he only has until Wednesday to recover, will he be able to put on another epic against Pac? Or will Beach Break be where The Bastard breaks Bryan?


AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm VS Mina Shirakawa!

As we saw earlier tonight, and have seen for weeks now, this has grown increasingly personal between the Leading Lady and the Fighting Gravure Idol. Mariah finds herself stuck in the middle, but will she be a deciding factor between her two closest friends?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who wins not just the title but the hearts of the people!

Mariah honors the Stardom “Young Girl” tradition of presenting the champion and challenger with bouquets, but then she isn’t sure which corner to stand by. This is almost too cruel, and Mariah just stays by commentary. The bell rings and the fans rally up already. Mina and Storm circle, the fans cheer as Mina does a bit of a shimmy, and then the two tie up. They are in a deadlock, then break. The two circle again, approach, and Mina slides under! But Toni POINT-BLNANK HIP ATTACKS! Toni CLUBS Mina, whips her, then runs her over! Cover, ONE as Mina goes Matrix! Mina shimmies again but Toni snarls.

Toni CHOPS Mina, ROCKS her, then runs. Mina dropkicks legs out! The fans duel, that only makes it harder for Mariah. Mina gets Storm’s legs, hooks her up, and does a dance before she STOMPS the legs! Mina then stands Storm up, fireman’s carries, and ties up the legs for a KNEE BUSTER! Storm snarls and writhes, but Mina drags her to the corner. Mina SLAMS a leg into the post! Mina makes Mariah watch as she puts on the HITMAN HANGING FIGURE FOUR! Storm endures, the ref counts, and Mina lets off. Mina acts innocent but she stalks Storm while Mariah is being tormented emotionally.

Mina SMACKS Storm off steps, then SMASHES the knee on the floor! The fans fire up and duel, but Mina puts Storm in. Mina then has Storm in a corner, puts a leg around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Mina lets off, then she DROPKICKS the leg! The fans rally, Mina goes corner to corner, but Storm goes up and over! Storm blocks Mina’s boots to put her in ropes, DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Storm gets Mina up to FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Storm stays focused. Mina goes to ropes, Storm runs up and HIP ATTACKS Mina to the floor! Mina lands at Mariah’s feet, and then Storm goes out after her.

The fans rally as Storm and Mariah lock eyes. Storm then aims at Mina, runs in, but Mina moves! Hips hit steel steps, and Luther hurries to check on Lady Storm! But Mina goes up, and she SUPER CROSSBODIES Storm and Luther down! The fans fire up but Mariah is speechless! Mina puts Storm in, Mariah does her best to applaud, and Mina swaggers her way back in. Storm hobbles, Mina dropkicks the legs out! Mina grabs a leg, steps through, but Storm kicks her away. Storm runs up but Mina BOOTS her! Mina goes up but Storm grabs her, SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO!! Mina survives and Storm grows frustrated.

Mariah isn’t feeling much better as Mina flounders to a corner. Storm hears the fans rallying for her, so it’s time for her close-up! Storm runs up but Mina dropkicks the legs out! Mina stalks Storm, CHOP BLOCKS her, then hoists her up top. Mina has the Electric Chair, for the SPINNING FLAPJACK! Then Mina gets the leg, for the FIGURE FOUR! The fans “WOO~!” while Storm endures! Mina thrashes the hold, Storm endures, but Storm SLAPS Mina! Mina SLAPS Storm! The fans rally and duel as the SLAPS go back and forth! Storm turns things over to put pressure on Mina! Mina endures, turns it back over, and the SLAPS return!

The fans fire up as Mina puts more pressure on by pushing up! Storm endures, keeps her shoulders up, and reaches, for the ROPEBREAK! Mina holds until the ref counts 4, and then she stalks Storm again. Mina drags Storm up, but Storm ROCKS her! Mina comes back to ROCK Storm! Storm ROCKS Mina again, but Mina ROCKS Storm! They both fire up and fire more shots! The fans rally, Storm gets the edge, and Mina wobbles. Storm runs, into the ROLLING ELBOW! Mina fires up, the fans are torn, and Mina hurries to a corner. Mina climbs, but Storm is up! Storm ROCKS Mina, fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then climbs.

Storm and Mina fire shots, they brawl up top, and Mina gets the edge! Mina ROCKS Storm, fires up, and Mariah is the only one unhappy! Mina gets Storm for a SUPER IMPACT DDT!! And then, another IMPACT DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Storm survives but this is only hurting Mariah to watch! Mina powers up, she wants to finish this! Mina dragon sleepers Storm, for GLAMOROUS- NO, Storm fights the lift, spins free and ROCKS Mina! Then GERMAN SUPLEX! Mina flounders, Storm goes to a corner and she says time for the climax! SWEET HIP MUSIC!! High stack, TWO?!? Mina survives and Storm is beside herself!

The fans rally and duel while Storm drags Mina up. Storm reels Mina in but Mina wrenches out! GLAMOROUS COLLECTION! TWO!?!? Storm narrowly escapes and she BOOTS Mina! Mina URAKENS! And ROLLING ELBOWS! Storm falls and Mina roars! The fans are fired up and Mina drags Storm up. Dragon sleeper, GLAMOROUS DRIVER MINA!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Storm survives and Mina cannot believe it! The fans rally up as hard as they can while Mariah is still in shock. Mina fires shots on Storm again and again and again! Mina drags Storm up to ROUNDHOUSE! Storm falls right back down!

Mina says time to end this! But Storm victory rolls her!! TWO!!! Mina escapes, but Storm HEADBUTTS! Mina roars, but Storm HEADBUTTS again! Mina spins but misses as Storm gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! And then the STORM ZERO!!! Cover, Storm wins!!

Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall (still AEW Women’s World Champion)

A vicious yet glamorous battle, and the Leading Lady still has the spotlight! Mariah is still so conflicted after watching these two battle it out, but she still goes to Storm’s side. Storm then sees that compassion on Mariah’s face, and Storm helps Mina to her feet. Mina is unsure what to make of this, but then she offers the handshake. The fans cheer that, and Storm accepts. The mentors make peace, and Mariah wants them to hug it out. The fans also want that! Mina and Storm say why not. They HUG~! And then Mariah brings her mentors in, for a group KISS! All’s well that ends well! But will Mariah soon have her dream match with Lady Storm once she wins the Owen Hart Cup?


Orange Cassidy VS Zack Sabre Jr!

Freshly Squeezed admitted just the other night that his world is falling apart right now. Best Friends is no more, he has no title, and now he is facing the best technical wrestler in the world. The Submission Master says he still respects Cassidy, but this is about settling the score from last year’s Forbidden Door. Did he wait a year just to lose again? Or is he going to make “Orange Bollocks” #JustTapOut?

The bell rings and the fans rally up for “Freshly Squeezed! Freshly Squeezed!” But then there are those that sing for “OH~ Zack Sabre Junior~!” Cassidy and ZSJ circle, feel things out, and tie up. ZSJ waistlocks, SLAMS Cassidy, then gator rolls him. ZSJ floats around to then kick Cassidy as he lets off. Cassidy keeps cool, but ZSJ mocks the putting of hands in pockets. Cassidy and ZSJ tie up, Cassidy gets around to wrench and wrench, but ZSJ wrenches and wrangles, Cassidy kips up, WRINGS ZSJ, but ZSJ kips up to wrangle Cassidy! Cassidy kips up, ZSJ wrangles, repeat! Cassidy wrenches, headlocks, arm-drags, but ZSJ headscissors!

Cassidy kips free, then he bails out. The fans cheer as Cassidy still does things his way. The ring count starts but Cassidy strolls around the outside. ZSJ says okay, go ahead. The count is 5 of 10, Cassidy makes a full lap, but ZSJ holds ropes open. Cassidy goes up to the apron, but then rolls under anyway. The fans cheer Cassidy playing it cool, and he circles with ZSJ. They tie up, ZSJ wrenches an arm, then stands on Cassidy’s hand. ZSJ wrenches the other arm, has a motorcycle stretch, then makes it a straitjacket. Cassidy powers up and turns that around but ZSJ switches the jacket back onto Cassidy! The fans cheer as Cassidy works on the hold.

Cassidy turns things back around but ZSJ just flips it back on Cassidy. The fans sing and duel, ZSJ keeps Cassidy down to then hook him up, STRAITJACKET SURFBOARD! Cassidy rolls back to put the jacket on ZSJ, but ZSJ spins it back onto Cassidy. Cassidy is annoyed but he wriggles the jacket down and down, then steps out to put it on ZSJ! The fans cheer but ZSJ arm-drags free. Cassidy trips ZSJ, drops a leg on the leg, and puts an Indian Deathlock on! ZSJ mockingly applauds, then encourages Cassidy to put hands in pockets. Cassidy says hands up, and… INTO THE KNEES! ZSJ grabs at Cassidy but gets caught into a take on his own Clarky Cat!

The fans fire up as ZSJ endures his own medicine. ZSJ wrenches Cassidy’s foot, slips around to facelock then headlock. Cassidy powers up and out, headlocks back, but ZSJ powers out. Cassidy turns hip toss but ZSJ blocks hip toss! They go back and forth, Cassidy ends up on the apron and slingshots to arm-drag! Cassidy hooks up legs, drops an elbow on ZSJ’s back, then headlocks. The fans cheer as Cassidy shows off his technical prowess, but ZSJ wrenches out and whips. Cassidy wheelbarrows, victory rolls, but ZSJ rocks it back! Cassidy rocks it forward, cover, TWO! ZSJ NECK TWISTS Cassidy!

The fans fire up while Cassidy writhes. ZSJ waits but Cassidy bails out again. The ring count starts, ZSJ waits, and Cassidy comes back at 3 of 10> Cassidy slow rolls in, but ZSJ stands him up to UPPERCUT him down! Cassidy flops in a corner, the ref checks, but Cassidy is still in this. ZSJ drags Cassidy into a high angle BOSTON CRAB! Cassidy endures, ZSJ shifts to an Indian Deathlock and has it over his shoulders while also headscissor squeezing Cassidy! It’s a backpack surfboard or something now, but Cassidy still gets the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go and the fans rally up. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Cassidy right back down!

Cassidy flounders, ZSJ stands him back up and UPPERCUTS him again! ZSJ taunts Cassidy with the kicks! ZSJ “fires” mule kicks, then KICKS Cassidy down for real! The fans fire up as ZSJ gives Cassidy some of his medicine. ZSJ kicks, Cassidy blocks, but ZSJ DECKS Cassidy! PENALTY KCIK! ZSJ runs again, but Cassidy dropkicks the legs out! Cassidy DRAGON SCREWS and that was a nasty one! ZSJ bails out, shakes out the leg and walks it off. The ref checks but ZSJ says he’s alright to continue. Cassidy DIVES onto him! And DRAGON SCREWS again! The fans fire up with Cassidy and he GROUND DRAGON SCREWS the leg!

Cassidy gets ZSJ up, puts him in the ring, and he climbs up a corner. The fans rally, ZSJ shakes out his leg as he stands, but he turns around into the CROSSBODY! But ZSJ rolls through! Cravat, but Cassidy rolls! ZSJ holds on, but Cassidy gets the leg! DRAGON SCREW! ZSJ falls as he clutches the knee, and Cassidy huffs ‘n’ puffs while fans rally up. Cassidy runs, tilt-o-whirls, but ZSJ smothers that to a GUILLOTOINE! Then a suplex, but STUN DOG- NO! SLEEPER! ZSJ spins Cassidy but Cassidy scoops, MICHINOKU DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Cassidy got ZSJ with one of his personal favorites but it still wasn’t enough!

Cassidy climbs a corner, the fans duel, and ZSJ stands into the DEEP IMPACT!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives, he also knows that move from his Suzuki-Gun days with “Uncle Nobu.” The fans rally for “BOTH THESE GUYS! BOTH THESE GUYS!” while Cassidy aims from a corner. ORANGE- NO, ZSJ blocks the punch and wrangles that arm! To STOMP it!! Cassidy writhes and clutches his wrist! ZSJ shakes his bad leg out, then grabs at Cassidy’s bad arm. The fans rally, ZSJ drags Cassidy while twisting the wrist! He SNAPS the fingers! And SNAPS the rest! The fans tell ZSJ he’s sick, but ZSJ gets Cassidy up. Cassidy Alabama Lifts!

ZSJ sunset flips, Cassidy sits on it! TWO, and ZSJ traps the bad arm! ZSJ gets the other, RINGS OF SATURN, but Cassidy has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, ZSJ lets go at 4, and ZSJ brings Cassidy back up. The fans rally, Cassidy kicks at ZSJ, but ZSJ twists the wrist. Cassidy still kicks, ZSJ SLAPS him! Cassidy kicks and punches away on the bad leg! But ZSJ kicks back with the good leg! Cassidy just grabs both legs, ties them up, and flips ZSJ for a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! ZSJ endures and the fans fire up! ZSJ claws his way forward but Cassidy drags him back! ZSJ rolls to slip through and gets the arm!

ZSJ fires elbows, has a double wristlock, btu Cassidy wrenches to an Alabama Lift! BEACH BREAK!! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up while both men are down! Cassidy crawls, ZSJ sits up, and Cassidy manages to take the elbow pad off. Free souvenir to the fans! ORANGE PUNCH!! ZSJ doesn’t fall!? ZSJ comes back with a PENALTY KICK!! Back of the net! ZSJ scoops, Cassidy slips free to O’Conner, but ZSJ pops it into the EURO- NO, Cassidy slips around! ZSJ slips through, EURO CLUTCH! TWO!! Cassidy hands in pockets EURO CLUTCH!! TWO!!! ZSJ has the REAR NAKED CHOKE!! Cassidy puts hands up, uses them to pop free, EURO CLUTCH!! TWO!!!

The fans are fired up again, “This is Wrestling!” ZSJ UPPERCUTS but Cassidy comes back! Another UPPERCUT from ZSJ, but then Cassidy catches him to a backslide! Roll through, hook up, MOUSE TRAP!! ZSJ pops free to an INVERTED ARMBAR!! JIM BREAKS SPECIAL! HUZZAH ANOTHER YEAR!!! CASSIDY QUITS, ZSJ WINS!!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by submission

It took a lot of ZSJ’s arsenal, but he still took down Orange Cassidy! Cassidy’s rough 2024 is just getting worse, but ZSJ shows respect by returning the sunglasses to him. ZSJ says on to the G1 Climax now. Will The Front Man take over NJPW’s most grueling tournament to then get a shot at the top title? What is Cassidy to do now that he feels at his lowest?


Six Man Tag: Chris Jericho, “Big Bill” Morrissey & Jeff Cobb VS Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata!

The Learning Tree and his “Branches” have been getting on a lot of people’s nerves, and none more so than the Samoan Submission Specialist, the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil and The Wrestler. But just as it looked like Jericho would be without a third man, he somehow managed to convince the Imperial Unit to join his cause! Will the NJPW World Television Champion help Jericho & Bill teach everyone a lesson? Or will Cobb regret entering the #JerichoVortex?

The trios sort out and Jericho starts against Shibata. Jericho gets a mic to say he knows the fans don’t really want him to retire, he’s from Long Island! He’s a hometown hero! Thanks, guys~! The fans boo but Jericho still tries to rally them up. Shibata and Jericho square off, but then Jericho tags out to The Redwood. Bill steps to Shibata, then shoves him! Shibata CHOPS then fires off forearms! Shibata runs, but into an UPPERCUT! Shibata rebounds, but into an ELBOW! Shibata tries again but Bill BOOTS him down! Bill drags Shibata up, reels him in, and suplexes him high and hard! Cover, TWO!

Bill drags Shibata up and over, tags in Jericho. They mug Shibata, then Jericho CHOPS! Jericho CHOPS again, and CHOPS again! Jericho waves to the fans, then CHOPS! Shibata just scowls! Jericho CHOPS, but Shibata leans into it! Jericho CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Shibata still backs Jericho down! Then Shibata CHOPS, and CHOPS and CHOPS! And CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Shibata snapmares to CHOP Jericho on the back! Shibata tags Hook, they double whip Jericho corner to corner, but Jericho goes up and leaps, but both Hook & Shibata pull a Joe dodge! Joe grins, Hook & Shibata BOOT Jericho down!

Hook rains down forearms and elbows, then he hauls Jericho up to bump him off buckles. Hook fires off more shots, then knees low! The ref counts, Hook reverses but Jericho tags out to Cobb! The fans rally as Cobb steps up, but now Joe tags in! The fans fire up for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Joe and Cobb circle, tie up, and Joe headlocks. Cobb powers up and out, Joe RAMS him, but neither man falls! They talk trash, Cobb runs and RAMS Joe! “MEAT!” Cobb shoves Joe, Joe smirks and claps. Joe runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges Cobb, then runs him over! The fans fire up and Joe waits on Cobb. Joe JABS, JABS, JABS, then CHOPS!

Joe whips corner to corner, runs in, and back elbows! And PELES! Cobb staggers, Joe brings him around to bump off buckles. Joe JABS, JABS and then KNEES low. Joe runs, but Cobb SPINEBUSTERS him! And FALLING AX HANDLES! The fans rally but Cobb BLASTS Hook & Shibata! Tag to Bill and Bill rains down fists on Joe! Bill taunts Joe, rains down more shots, then has a laugh. Tag to Jericho and fans boo as he waves. Jericho drags Joe up, slaps him around, but Joe grabs Jericho by the neck! Jericho JABS free, tags Cobb, and they mug Joe. Cobb CLUBS Joe but Joe fires forearms! Cobb knees low, whips, but Joe reverses to SWEEP the leg!

Joe tags Hook, Jericho jumps in but Hook CLOBBERS him! Hook CLUBS Cobb, clinches Bill, but Jericho CLUBS Hook! Jericho & Bill double whip, but Hook ducks ‘n’ dodges to send Bill into Joe! Then Hook TOSSES Bill! The fans fire up but Bryan Keith makes his presence known! Hook is distracted, Cobb CLOBBERS Hook! Cobb CHOPS Hook in a corner, then brings him around. Cobb suplexes to SLAM Hook, tag to Jericho. Jericho drags Hook onto ropes, CHOKES him, but lets off as the ref counts. So now Keith CHOKES Hook and Bill CLUBS away! The fans boo but they get away with that, and Jericho gets Hook back up.

Jericho CHOKES Hook more, then waves to Taz! The fans boo but Jericho runs side to side, STRADDLE ATTACK! Jericho gets Hook up to hit a BIG back suplex! Jericho has the cocky cover, TWO! Jericho tags Bill, he keeps Hook from his corner, then scoops to SLAM! Bill runs to drop a BIG elbow! And another BIG elbow! Hook writhes, but Bill JUMP ELBOW DROPS! Bill hauls Hook up, tags Cobb, and they mug Hook. Cobb brings Hook around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Cobb GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Hook stays in this but Cobb stays on hi. Cobb fireman’s carries, but Hook slips free!

Hook ducks ‘n’ dodges and LEAPING LARIATS! Both men are down, Hook flounders over, hot tag to Shibata! The fans fire up as Shibata storms past Cobb to BOOT Bill! Then Shibata whips Cobb corner to corner for another BOOT! Shibata fires forearms, Jericho runs in but Shibata knees low! Shibata TOSSES Jericho, CHOPS Cobb, then JABS Cobb! CHOP, JAB, on repeat! The fans fire up, Shibata goes corner to corner, but he dodges Cobb to DROPKICK! Shibata calls to his team, Joe sends Hook in to SPLASH! Joe runs in to SPLASH! Shibata then HYDRAULIC DROPKICKS! The fans fire up and Shibata stands Cobb up.

Shibata SNAP HALF HATCHES, Joe SENTONS! Shibata covers, TWO! But now ARMBAR! Bill ELBOW DROPS Shibata! The ref reprimands but Bill coaches Cobb. Cobb rises, Shibata rises, and the fans rally. Cobb scoops Shibata for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cobb BLASTS Hook, swings on Joe, then tags Jericho. Jericho brings Shibata up to scoop and SLAM! Jericho calls his shot, then LIONSAULTS, onto knees! Shibata saves himself and Jericho sputters. Shibata crawls but Bill storms in to BLAST Joe! The ref reprimands but Bill gets Joe up to send into barriers! But Hook goes up top!? SUPER AX HANDLE and down goes Bill!

Shibata KICKS and KICKS and KICKS Jericho, but Jericho blocks one! Keith distracts the ref and Jericho LOW BLOWS! The fans boo but Shibata is put in the WALLS OF JERICHO!! Shibata endures, fights up, rolls through and kicks at Jericho! Jericho falls away, hot tag to Hook! Joe still jumps in to send Hook at Jericho! SPLASH! Joe SPLASHES, but Bill gets in! Cobb drags Hook out while Bill SKYSCRAPER CHOKE SLAMS Joe! Shibata gets bill for an STO! But Cobb gets Shibata for an ATHLETIC PLEX! Hook gets Cobb for a clinch, but Cobb fights free! Cobb runs, the splash hits buckles! T-BONE PLEX!!

Jericho gives Hook a CODE BREAKER!! Cover, TWO!! Hook survives and the fans fire up! Jericho fireman’s carries, but Hook slips around, REDRUM!! Shibata intercepts Bill with a SLEEPER! Joe has Cobb in the COQUINA CLUTCH! Jericho rolls things to a cradle, TWO!! Hook gets around, T-BONE PLEX!! Hook fires up, and he steals JUDAS EFFECT!! Cover, Hook and team win!!

Winner: Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall

Taz cheers for his son giving Jericho a taste of his own medicine! Will this victory help Hook take back the FTW Championship from The Learning Tree’s crooked branches?


Vacated AEW TNT Championship Ladder Match: Jack Perry VS Konosuke Takeshita VS Mark Briscoe VS Lio Rush VS Dante Martin VS El Phantasmo!

The Rated R Superstar risking it all inside a steel cage cost him, and The Young Bucks were the ones who used their authority to say he could no longer be the champion. The qualifier series wrapped up just last night, and now we see the epic finale here in Long Island! Will The Scapegoat still take this title for The Elite? Will Don Callis’ Alpha add more gold to the Family’s fortune? Will the ROH World Champion become a Two Belt Chicken? Will the Bad Child once again be the Man of the Hour? Will Angel Dorado finally be golden? Or will the Headbanga be bringing this belt over to NJPW?

All the introductions are made, the belt hangs in the balance, and we see who can rise above to be the NEW Face of TNT?

The bell rings and all six men glance up at the belt. Then Jack slips out to avoid the fight, just like last night. But then Mark, Lio, Dante and ELP corner him! Jack slips back into the ring, into an ALPHA ELBOW! Konosuke flips Jack off, and now the others get back in, Konosuke says “C’MON~” and he gets attacked by all four! They all mug Konosuke, CHOP and CHOP and CHOP, then double whip. Mark runs in to clothesline! ELP runs in to clothesline! Lio rusn in to clothesline! Dante runs in to GAMANGIRI! Then Mark TOSSES Konosuke, and that leaves four looking up at the belt.

The fans rally and duel, all four men scramble for ladders! Mark and Dante get in, but then ELP and Lio follow, everyone is armed! THey all THROW the ladders, and those clatter in the center! They brawl, Mark TOSSES Lio then FLYING AX HANDLES! Dante and ELP spill out, too, and Dante ROCKS ELP! Mark gets a chair, and he CHUCKS it at Lio’s head! Dante SMACKS ELP off steel steps, Mark stomps Konosuke for good measure. Mark whips, Lio reverses and sends Mark into barriers! Datne whips ELP but ELIP reverses to send Dante into steps! Lio uses the chair to leap but Mark CLOBBERS him!

Mark CHOPS Dante, then he and ELP go looking for more. Mark brings out a table! The fans fire up as this now becomes a TLC match! But Lio leaps to CLOBBER Mark! Jack returns and brings in his own ladder! Jack climbs, but Lio hurries to drag him down! Jack swings, misses, and Lio goes up! Jack CLUBS Lio, brings him down, and then clears some space. Jack only needs his one ladder, then he stomps Lio down. Jack folds his ladder up to put in a corner. Jack goes back for Lio, fires forearms then whips, but Lio slides under! Lio baits Jack in and sends him into the ladder! Roll up and SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE!

Mark gets a ladder, Lio HANDSPRING KICKS it into him! Mark and ladder fall, Lio grabs the one Jack brought. Lio sets that ladder up, climbs, but ELP CHOPS Lio on the back! ELP props another ladder up in a corner, then torture racks Lio. ELP aims, TOWER HACKER BOMB onto the ladder!! The ladder breaks and both men writhe! Dante climbs the main ladder, but ELP hurries to CLUB him, too! ELP drags Dante down into a torture rack, for a BURNING- NO, Dante lands out to JUMP KNEE! Dante hurries back up, but Konosuke is back! Konosuke shakes the ladder, so Dante LEAPS onto ELP!

Konosuke kicks Dante, fires hands, then whips. Dante slides under, that’s bad luck! And then LADDER ATTACK! Instant karma right there! Konosuke folds the ladder up, and deadlift suplexes Dante, BRAINBUSTER on the ladder!!! Dante writhes, but Mark goes Terry Funk with the helicopter ladder! Down goes Konosuke! Down goes ELP! Lio stays low, then Mark chases him! Lio redirects, but still gets ladder to face! Konosuke CLAWS Mark’s eyes, reels him in and whips, but Mark reverses to TOSS Konosuke! Mark builds speed to WRECK Konosuke with a dropkick! Mark CLUBS Konosuke until he’s on the table!

Mark makes Konosuke hold a ladder for him, then he sets up a chair! Mark uses it to LAUNCH, down through ladder, Konosuke and table!!! The fans lose their minds and even Jack can’t believe what he just witnessed! Jack puts a new ladder in the ring, hurries to set it up, and he climbs! The fans are torn, but Lio is back! Lio hurries to drag Jack down! Jack clubs at Lio, hops down to kick him, and then he JAMS another ladder into Lio! Lio writhes and flounders away, and Jack makes a ladder bridge to the corner! Jack SMACKS Lio off the bridge! Lio is dazed, eh flops down, but ELP returns!

ELP crosses the bridge to intercept Jack! ELP fires hands on Jack again and again, then reaches for the belt! Jack CLAWS ELP’s face! Jack grabs at the belt, but ELP PURPLE NURPLES!! The fans fire up and ELP DECKS Jack! But Dante is back! He leap frogs Jack to go after ELP! Jack grabs at Dante, Dante kicks him away, and Dante brawls with ELP more! But then Jack TIPS the ladder! Dante falls, ELP falls out of the ring! Dante clutches his leg, and fans hope it isn’t another horrible leg injury! Dante himself feared this would happen, but then Jack WRECKS him with a dropkick. Jack leaves Dante behind to stomp Mark.

Jack moves things aside so he can check under the ring. Jack brings out another table! The fans are torn but Jack sets this table up at ringside. Lio gets up but Jack CLUBS away on him. Jack drags Lio to the apron, fans chant “We Want Real Glass!” Jack smirks and he reels Lio in. But Lio slips free of the bomb, only for Jack to HOTSHOT him! Dante’s back to DAREDEVIL DROPKICK! Dante hobbles, Mark and Konosuke fight over a ladder. Mark RAMS Konosuke into a post! Mark stands this ladder up, on the apron? That’s not usually how that works… Konosuke drags Mark down, they brawl some more!

But Lio DIVES through the ladder to wipe out Konosuke! The fans fire up again, and Dante beats Jack down on the table. Mark climbs the apron ladder?! For what?! FROGGY BOW onto Jack!! The table does NOT break, but maybe Jack and Mark just did!! The fans lose their minds over that one, and even Dante’s a bit stunned. And then he realizes, he’s the only one up! Dante hurries to get a ladder, but Lio is there! Dante BOOTS Lio, grabs a ladder, and Dante sets that up. Dante climbs, but Lio hurries up after him! Former teammates must now put that aside because the belt is right there! They fight, but Konosuke goes after them both!

Konosuke drags Dante off to LAST RIDE POWERBOMB! And then Konosuke grabs another ladder to prop it up. Konosuke drags Lio down, to whip, but Lio leap frogs up the ladder! Konosuke still drags Lio down! And then POWERBOMB through the corner ladder!!! The fans lose their minds again, and now Konosuke climbs! The fans seem really excited about that! But then ELP SPRINGBOARDS his way to the ladder! That’s some Shelton Benjamin stuff! ELP DECKS Konosuke, reaches up, but Konosuke YANKS ELP down for a KNEE!! Konosuke tips his ladder over, to then ROLLING- NO, ELP dodges to SUDDEN DEATH!

Konosuke roars, but into another SUDDEN DEATH!! Konosuke flops out of the ring, ELP sees tables are nearby! ELP drags Konosuke up and tucks him in! C R- NO, Konosuke fights that! Konosuke ROCKS ELP with an elbow, then POWER DRIVE KNEES!! Konosuke brings ELP back up, takes aim, BLUE THUNDER BOMB through the tables!!! The fans are losing their minds and now Konosuke has the ladder! Konosuke climbs, but Mark is back! Mark SMACKS Konosuke with a chair! Mark makes a new ladder bridge, and he brings Konosuke around! They fight, the bridge falls, so Mark has to reset it.

Mark gets Konosuke in the underhooks, JAY DRILLER through the ladder!!! Mark grits his teeth, climbs the ladder, and the fans fire up! Mark reaches up, but Jack JAMS him with a ladder! Then CLOBBERS him with it!! Jack buries Mark under ladders, then SMACKS them with a chair! And then he SMACKS away on Mark directly! Jack steps on Mark to go up the ladder! Jack grins as he grabs the belt, and he takes it down! Jack wins!!

Winner: Jack Perry (NEW AEW TNT Champion)

The Bucks wanted to gift The Scapegoat with that title in the first place, but Jack earned it for himself! The Elite has even more gold than before, is there no stopping them now?


AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Championships, Winner Takes All: Mercedes Mone VS Stephanie Vaquer!

The CEO has been “righting wrongs” as part of her comeback tour, and step one was getting even with Willow Nightingale. Mone did that in Las Vegas as she became AEW TBS Champion. Step two is taking the title she feels was always meant for her. However, La Primera is not going to let that ego grow any bigger on her watch. Will Vaquer deny Mone her destiny by becoming a FOUR-BELT Champion? Or will she pay the price for messing with Mone?

The introductions are made, the AEW and NJPW belts are raised, but only one can walk out The Forbidden Door with them both!

The ref explains that these are AEW rules: 10 count on the outside, and Champion’s Advantage is in play. Both women nod that they understand, and then Vaquer HEADBUTTS Mone down! The bell rings, Vaquer stomps away on Mone, and the ref reprimands. Vaquer drags Mone around to cover, ONE! Vaquer pushes the knuckle locks down, TWO as Mone gets her other arm up. Vaquer goes up but Mone monkey flips Vaquer away! Mone rolls back to rain down fists! Cover, TWO! Mone knuckle locks to cover, TWO again! Vaquer kicks Mone away, then gest up and gets around. Mone rolls Vaquer up, TWO! Vaquer covers, TWO!

Vauqer UPPERCUTS, and Mone snarls. Mone dodges Vaquer, waistlocks, but Vaquer RAMS Mone into a corner. The ref counts, Vaquer throws an elbow then runs in. Mone goes out to KNEE Vaquer away. Mone slingshots in and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! The fans rally up and Mone revel sin it, Mone runs up but Vaquer dodges! Vaquer knuckle locks, wrenches, and then ROCKS Mone. Vaquer then goes up and up, jumps around and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Vaquer runs up, Mone dodges to CHOP and knuckle lock in return! Mone CHOPS more, then goes up and up and she FLYING ARM-DRAGS back! Mone then drags Vaquer into the BANK STATEMENT!

Vaquer endures the crossface, rolls it back, and Mone lets go. Mone throws her armbands off, builds speed, and slides, to then RANA Vaquer down! The fans are torn but Mone storms up on Vaquer to say she is the double champ already. Mone puts Vaquer in, climbs the ropes, then METEORAS! Cover, TWO! Vaquer is tougher than that but Mone pushes her out of the ring. Mone then goes to the apron, leaps, but Vaquer dodges. Vaquer comes back, Mone kicks low and reels her in. TORNADO- NO, Vaquer RAMS Mone into the apron! The fans rally for the CEO but Vaquer gets Mone up and in. But then Mone KICKS from the apron!

Mone puts Vaquer in now, storms back in, but Vaquer gets her in the ropes! EAT DA FEET! Mone dangles, Vaquer FLYING KNEE DROPS! Mone falls out of the ring, Vaquer springboards to CROSSBODY! Down goes Mone and the fans fire up! Vaquer stomps Mone, drags her up, puts her in the ring, and Vaquer storms in after Mone. Vaquer clamps onto Mone with a chinlock, trapping one of Mone’s arms at the same time. Mone endures, even as Vaquer grinds her down. Mone pushes back to a cover, TWO! Vaquer body scissors to O’Conner, TWO! Vaquer stalks Mone, bumps her off buckles, then sits her down.

Vaquer scrubs Mone’s face again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. Vaquer drags Mone to then high stack, TWO! Vaquer drags Mone down to springboard and KNEE DROP! The fans rally for Mone but Vaquer smiles. Vaquer drags Mone up, but Mone kicks her! Mone reels Vaquer in to snap suplex! That’s Una Amiga! Then Dos Amigas! Mone gets Vaquer up again, but Vaquer slips around and shoves Mone. Mone comes back, into a body scissor takedown! Mone powers her way up but Vaquer has Mone in a modified armbar! Mone endures, reaches around, and pops free!

The fans rally as Mone escapes, but her leg was also damaged in that hold. Vaquer stalks Mone, drags her up, and whips her to ropes. Vaquer knees Mone against ropes, snapmares her down, then steps over into a headscissors squeeze! Vaquer DRILLS Mone’s head into the mat again and again and again! The fans fire up, Vaquer covers, TWO! Mone is tougher than that but Vaquer isn’t bothered. Vaquer paces while fans rally up, and Vaquer goes right up a corner. But Mone hurries to ROCK Vaquer first! Mone climbs, Vaquer shoves her away, but Mone goes up again. Vaquer HEADBUTTS, then CROSSBODIES into a DROPKICK!

Both women are down and the fans fire up! The ref checks but Vaquer is still in this. The fans rally up, Mone rises first but Vaquer follows. Mone bobs ‘n’ weaves, KICKS back, then fires up! Mone runs corner to corner to DOUBLE KNEE! Vaquer sits down, Mone keeps moving, METEORA! Mone gets Vaquer up, goes up the corner, then TORNADO DDTS!! Cover, TWO!! Vaquer survives that stiff driver and Mone is shocked! The fans continue to rally and duel while Mone looms over Vaquer. Mone is amused that the fans are torn, and she brings Vaquer up. Gory Especial, but Vaquer slips free!

Vaquer catches Mone and spins her, DDT! Victory roll, TWO!! Mone survives that sudden turnaround and Vaquer is frustrated. Vaquer runs to LEG DROP, brother! Cover, TWO! Vaquer goes again but Mone avoids the leg! Mone hooks Vaquer, rolls with her and stands up, but Vaquer fights the Gory Especial to switch things around! Smother to a cover, TWO! Vaquer gets Mone back up, underhooks, PACKAGE- NO, Mone fights free! Mone swings, misses, both women run and DOUBLE LARIATS take them both down! The fans fire up while Mone and Vaquer are both a bit dazed but still in this.

Mone and Vaquer stir while a standing count starts. Then both women kip up! Mone is a bit wobblier, but she just gets mad. The two stare down, then fire off forearms! The fans rally as they go back and forth! Mone ROCKS Vaquer but Vaquer runs, tilt-o-whirls, rolls Mone up, TWO! Into the BANK STATEMENT?! Vaquer is using Mone’s preferred hold, but Mone powers her way to a cover, ONE! Vaquer lets go, but Mone tilt-o-whirls, LA MYSTICA, into the BANK STATEMENT!! Vaquer endures, flails, and fans actually boo Mone! Vaquer claws her way forward, but Mone kicks off ropes to roll this back!

But Vaquer powers up and fireman’s carries! Mone fights with elbows and she gets Vaquer to drop down! But Vaquer powers back up! GUT BUSTER DROP!! But Vaquer can’t make the cover! The fans rally up while both women catch their breath. Vaquer crawls to cover, TWO! The fans make this personal, “F THE CELTICS!” Vaquer drags Mone up to fireman’s carry, but Mone slips free! BACKSTABBER! And then another BACKSTABBER! Mone has Vaquer in the drop zone but the fans have turned on her! Mone just smiles as she goes up the corner. FROG SPLASH into BOOTS! The fans are thunderous as Vaquer runs corner to corner!

Vaquer blocks boots, grins, and DRAGON SCREWS!! Vaquer gets going, METEORA!! Another favorite of Mone’s, and Vaquer covers, TWO!! Mone survives and Vaquer is frustrated. Vaquer drags Mone up, “This is Awesome!” as she tucks and PACKAGE- NO, Mone slips free! Mone wants the arm, Vaquer fights, but Mone spins to get the other! BANK STATEMENT!! Vaquer endures, crawls her way around, reaches out, and then jackknife bridges! TWO as Mone bridges up! They spin around, Mone gets Vaquer up, but Vaquer slips free! Mone reels her back in, but Vaquer fights free! So Mone tilt-o-whirls again!

Mone gets the Gory Especial, MONE MAKER!!! BANK STATEMENT!! Vaquer TAPS, Mone wins!!

Winner: Mercedes Mone, by submission (still AEW TBS Champion & NEW NJPW Strong Women’s Champion)

New York is upset that someone from Boston won a championship here, but The CEO is still on top of the world! But wait, is that the DMD?! The fans go wild to see Britt Baker is back in AEW! Seems they don’t mind if someone from Pittsburgh is here, so long as it’s to rain on Mone’s parade. The pyro says it all, too! The Doctor is in, and she wants her first “appointment” to be against the now double champion!


NJPW makes things bigger in the Tokyo Dome!

January of 2025 will see the first-ever flipside to this Forbidden Door. Wrestling Kingdom is now joined by WRESTLE DYNASTY! January 4th & 5th are going to be massive nights for the world of wrestling, but who will be heading to the Tokyo Dome to represent on the biggest stage yet?


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Jon Moxley VS Tetsuya Naito!

The Maniac took this title from the Uncontrollable Charisma at the Windy City Riot and has since taken this title back and forth across the Pacific. However, Naito says enough is enough, he is going to take responsibility and clean up his own mess! Will Naito make things truly tranquilo? Or will Moxley come through on his promise to end Naito’s career once and for all?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is a man of their word!

The bell rings and the fans even fire up for Red Shoes! Moxley fires a forearm, then another, and another! Naito gives those all back, so Moxley gives some more! Moxley puts Naito in a corner, stomps a mudhole, but Red Shoes counts. Moxley lets off, storms around, and he gets Naito up to swing. Naito dodges, dodges again, then SPITS at Moxley! The fans are torn, Naito dodges Moxley, and he tranquilos! But then he avoids a stomp! Naito bails out, Moxley is mad, then Moxley storms out after Naito. Naito slides back in and Moxley is angrier! Moxley tosses chairs into the ring, but Naito uses one to take a seat.

The fans cheer and Red Shoes stops Moxley from using the chair. Naito then kicks and fires off forearms! Naito whips corner to corner, Moxley reverses and runs in, but into a BOOT! Moxley still powers through, and he KNEE BREAKERS! Moxley clotheslines again and again, then hangs Naito out to dry! Naito flops off the ropes to the mat and the fans fire up. Moxley mocks the tranquilo, then he drags Naito around. Moxley brings Naito to a corner, and he SLAMS a leg into the post! Red Shoes reprimands but Moxley CLAWS at Naito’s face! Naito flails, Red Shoes reprimands, and Moxley lets off, to SLAM the leg again!

Naito writhes, gets out of the ring, and Moxley clears the Spanish announce desk! DESK BACK SUPLEX! Moxley then hops up to rain down fists! The fans rally, Red Shoes reprimands, but Moxley flips Red Shoes off. The fans cheer as Moxley stands tall, but he does leave Naito behind. Red Shoes checks on Naito but he is able to get off the desk. Naito flops to the floor, sits up, but says tranquilo. Moxley mocks that again, so Naito storms in. Moxley kicks Naito, Naito fires a forearm! Moxley eggs Naito on so Naito fires a forearm. Moxley CHOPS, Naito SPITS! Moxley UPPERCUTS and Naito falls! Cover, TWO!

Moxley drags Naito around, has a leg, and turns Naito for a HALF CRAB! Naito endures, reaches out, but Moxley shifts to a STF! Naito still fights forward, to the ROPEBREAK! Moxley lets go but then reels Naito in, and he holds Naito up before the PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO! Naito survives but Moxley isn’t bothered. Moxley eggs Naito on and Naito reaches out at him. Naito rises, Moxley drags him to a corner and CHOPS! Naito SPITS, Moxley KICKS! Naito SPITS, Moxley fires off forearms! Moxley goes up to rain down elbows! He goes all the way to TEN, then hops down. Moxley reels Naito in to SAIDO! Cover, TWO!

Naito stands up but he staggers over to ropes. Moxley storms over, and he fires hands! Naito wobbles as Moxley swats him, then hits back! They SLAP and SLAP and the fans fire up! Naito SLAPS, Moxley eggs him on! Naito fires more shots but then Moxley hits back! Moxley puts Naito up top, climbs up to join him, and he CLAWS Naito’s back! The fans rally but Red Shoes reprimands as Moxley CLAWS Naito some more. Moxley underhooks but Naito fights that off! Naito rises up to fire forearms! Moxley HEADBUTTS again and again, then reels Naito in! But Naito slips under, and he SHOVES Moxley to the floor!

Moxley tumbles and flounders but Naito goes out the side. Moxley leans against railing, Naito runs in around the way and TACKLES Moxley into ring staff! And then he SMACKS Moxley with the padding! Good ol’ JR asks what the hecc is up with him! Naito SMACKS Moxley more and more, then puts Moxley in the ring! Moxley staggers up but Naito fires off shots. Naito ROCKS Moxley, ROCKS him again, then CLUBS him! Naito whips Moxley, atomic drops then CLOBBERS him! Basement dropkick! Moxley goes to a corner but Naito whips him corner to corner! BACK ELBOW, then turn, stall, and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Naito keeps cool and he brings Moxley up. Naito cravats but Moxley fires body shots!  Naito and Moxley scrap, but Moxley HEADBUTTS and X PLEXES! Then a REGAL KNEE! Moxley steps through, but Naito cradles! TWO!! Moxley escapes, swings, but Naito wrenches to throw those HEAVY back elbows! Moxley staggers to a corner, Naito storms up and puts Moxley on the top rope. Naito climbs, but Moxley turns Steiner into POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Naito survives and Moxley is frustrated. Moxley drags Naito up but Naito is a ragdoll. Moxley figures he’s won and the fans cheer, but Red Shoes checks.

Naito still reaches out so he is still in this. Moxley says hold on then. Moxley drags Naito up, underhooks, but Naito wrenches out! Naito gets around to TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Naito and Moxley both stir, but Moxley sits up first. Moxley goes to a corner, Naito storms over and he throws more back elbows! Naito then goes up, reels Naito in, ESPERANZA! Naito grins and the fans fire up! Naito waits on Moxley to rise up, then he runs in, but Moxley swims past the tilt-o-whirl to SLEEPER! Naito goes to a corner and SMACKS Moxley off buckles! But Moxley still gets the SLEEPER!

Naito pries the hold open, wrenches and tilt-o-whirls, DESTINO!! But Naito isn’t done there! Another wrench, another tilt-o-whirl, but Moxley slips through, PARADIGM SHIFT!! Both men hit their best shots and both men are down! The fans rally up as Red Shoes checks, and somehow both men are still in this. Moxley checks his neck and he crawls back to Naito. Moxley stands right up, the fans fire up, and Naito stands to join him. The forearms fire back and forth, then Naito throws the HEAVY elbows! ENZIGIRI! Moxley wobbles, but he still KING KONG LARIATS! Moxley hauls Naito up, DEATH RIDER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?

Moxley is beside himself, and he gets up in Red Shoes’ face! Red Shoes warns Moxley, don’t lose your temper! Moxley storms out and he gets a chair! Moxley gets in, this isn’t what Red Shoes meant! Moxley scares Red Shoes into a corner, then sits the chair up. Moxley brings Naito over, but then Red Shoes kicks the chair away! Moxley is mad but Red Shoes is just doing his job! The fans cheer Red Shoes for it, but Moxley BOOTS Naito! Moxley underhooks, DEATH- NO, Naito fights the lift! Moxley CLUBS Naito to try again, DEATH- DDT!? Naito turns things around at the last second, and he gets Moxley up!

Naito wrenches, but Moxley knees low! Moxley reels Naito in, but Naito wrenches out and ELBOWS again and again! Naito reels Moxley into the scoop, GLORIA!! And then wrench, tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!!! Cover, NAITO WINS!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)

Naito has avenged his previous defeat, and he is bringing that belt home! But he must now fight his way through NJPW’s G1 Climax with this target on his back. Will Naito make the entire Summer tranquilo with his own two hands?


AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana VS Will Ospreay!

The Realest says that it isn’t about how you start, it is about how you finish. And he’s also known that he and the Aerial Assassin have been building momentum on parallel tracks, and we’re about to see a head-on collision! Neither man has come this far to only come this far, but only one can be THE top guy in AEW! Will this still be Swerve’s House? Or is the #BillyGOAT about to reach new heights at Swerve’s expense?

The introductions are made, THE belt is raised, but only one can reign supreme!

The bell rings and the fans are already thunderous for “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve smirks as he and Ospreay stare down from across the way. The fans chant for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” for making this moment possible. The two tie up and go around, and then dig in their heels for a deadlock. The fans continue to chant, but Swerve finds a point of leverage to put Ospreay on ropes. The fans sing now for “Ospreay~ Ospreay Ospreay Ospreay~!” The ref counts, Swerve lets off, and then Ospreay ROCKS him! Ospreay eggs Swerve on so Swerve says bet! They go forearm for forearm back and forth, faster and faster!

Ospreay kicks low, headlocks, but Swerve powers out. Ospreay RAMS Swerve, then bobs ‘n’ weaves to ROCK him! Ospreay whips, Swerve reverses but Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Swerve handsprings through! And he RANAS, but Ospreay handsprings through! Ospreay ducks a kick, Swerve breaks the full nelson, but Ospreay blocks an elbow and Swerve blocks the hook kick! The fans are thunderous after that exchange! They chant for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” and the two reset. Swerve and Ospreay circle, feel things out, but then Swerve kicks low! Swerve BOOTS Ospreay, CLUBS him, then CLUBS him again.

Ospreay puts Swerve in a corner to CHOP! And CHOP! Ospreay ROCKS Swerve, CHOPS him, but then Swerve dodges one to CHOP back! Ospreay stands, Swerve whips and UPPERCUTS i the corner! Snapmare, Swerve goes up, but Ospreay kips up! The fans fire up and Swerve is annoyed that he was denied his target. Ospreay says just bring it, so Swerve hops down. Both men block a boot, but then Swerve BOOTS again! Swerve whips, Ospreay stops himself and tosses Swerve out to BOOT him down! The fans fire up while Swerve staggers around. Ospreay gets fans to chant “BRUV! BRUV! BRUV!” PLANCHA and down goes Swerve!

The fans are thunderous and Ospreay grins. Ospreay goes to fetch Swerve, ROCKS him, and the fans duel again. Ospreay stalks Swerve around the way to CHOP him against barriers! Ospreay ROCKS Swerve, reels him in, and puts him on the apron. Ospreay has Swerve in the ropes to throw more hands, then he gets space. Ospreay tells the cameraman to follow this. DRIVE-BY DROPKICK! Ospreay storms in to then drop a knee on Swerve’s head! Swerve grits his teeth as he stands up, but Ospreay ROCKS him! Swerve hits back, Ospreay eggs him on. Swerve fires more shots, Ospreay CHOPS him down!

Ospreay CHOPS Swerve and Swerve falls! Ospreay jokes that he has Swerve’s heart in his hands, and he takes a bite out of it. Ospreay whips, Swerve reverses, but Ospreay goes up and over. Ospreay CHOPS, goes up, but Swerve YANKS him down! Then a snapmare to the FALLING UPPERCUT! And Swerve hits the Griddy! Swerve still feels the stinging in his chest, but he gets Ospreay up. Swerve turns Ospreay to the NECKBREAKER! Then a gator roll for another turn, and another NECKBREAKER! Another gator roll, and Swerve puts Ospreay in the ropes. Swerve turns Ospreay again, for a NECKBREAKER HOTSHOT!

Ospreay flops over, Swerve taunts the Ospreay fans, and then Swerve drags Ospreay around to drop a KNEE on the neck! Swerve CHOPS Ospreay back down, Nana says open him up! Swerve clamps onto Ospreay with a chinlock, then a neck wrench. Ospreay endures, the fans rally, and Ospreay fights up and around. Swerve hooks Ospreay up, chinbar and stretch! Ospreay endures, pries Swerve’s hand away, but Swerve turns Ospreay again. Ospreay elbows free, ROCKS Swerve, then ROCKS him again. Ospreay winds up but Swerve JABS! Swerve BOOTS Ospreay, whips him, but Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER KICK!

Swerve flounders out and Ospreay sees that. Ospreay hurries over and PLANCHAS, but Swerve dodges! Swerve kicks low, whips, but Ospreay LEAPS over the barrier! Ospreay waves, ROCKS Swerve, then jumps, but Swerve trips him up! Ospreay hits barriers on the way down, and then Swerve goes back for him. Swerve drags Ospreay up, then stands on the barriers. Swerve brings Ospreay up to join him, reels him in, and the fans freak out. Ospreay fights but Swerve CLUBS him on the back. Ospreay SUPER STEINERS Swerve to the floor! Ospreay hurries to get Swerve  in, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO!

Swerve stays in this but Ospreay stays focused. “This is Awesome!” and Ospreay brings Swerve up. Swerve fights the lift, then he back drops! Ospreay is up to CHOP! Ospreay whips, pops Swerve up to HOTSHOT him, then runs. Swerve blocks the boot to slip around and BACKBREAKER! Nana says this is it, time to put him out! The fans rally, Swerve rises, and Swerve drags Ospreay up. Ospreay swings, Swerve ducks and shoves to HIP TOSS into the ARMBAR! Ospreay flails, Swerve shifts to a short arm scissor! Ospreay fights around, the fans rally, and Ospreay kicks his way over. Swerve grabs the legs to hold Ospreay back!

Ospreay still kicks and kicks, and he gets a ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Swerve lets go at 4, and Ospreay clutches his arm. The fans rally again and Swerve goes back to Ospreay. Swerve kicks Ospreay around, almost toying with him. Ospreay glares at Swerve as the kicks keep coming. Swerve fires forearms now, but Ospreay gets in Swerve’s face! Ospreay fires a forearm, Swerve fires back, and the fans rally as they go faster and faster! Ospreay shakes out the cobwebs to fire a flurry! And an UPPERCUT! Ospreay runs, but Swerve UPPERCUTS back! Swerve runs, but Ospreay TIGER WALL KICKS, only for Swerve to duck the enzigiri!

Ospreay avoids the House Call, Swerve avoids Hidden Blade! Swerve UPPERCUTS, whips, and jumps, but Ospreay catches him for a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO, but right into the STYLES CLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Not quite phenomenal but Ospreay hurries to BUZZSAW! And HEEL KICK! Daniel Garcia is watching from the crowd, Ospreay springboards but so does Swerve! FLYING KILLSTOMPS!?! We get a better look at Daniel Garcia watching this, he wants Ospreay to bring both belts to their Beach Break showdown. The fans rally up as both men rise up. Ospreay and Swerve rise up, and Swerve BOOTS Ospreay to the apron!

Swerve snarls, drags Ospreay up through the ropes, and then gives him Kawada Kicks! Swerve runs, but Ospreay avoids the leap! Swerve handsprings through but Ospreay PENALTY KCIKS! Ospreay goes up and up and up, but Swerve hurries after him! They throw hands, Swerve goes up and around, but Ospreay fights with elbows! Swerve still SUPER OLYMPIC SLAMS!!! Both men are down again and the fans are thunderous! Swerve rolls and crawls to a cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives, and he rolls away to the apron. Swerve storms over to join Ospreay on the apron, and he gets Swerve up. Ospreay fights the lift!

Swerve CLUBS Ospreay, suplexes, but Ospreay slips around for a SLEEPER! Then HOOK KICK! Swerve wobbles, Ospreay goes up the ropes, but Swerve dodges! Ospreay crashes on the apron!! Swerve goes up top, but Ospreay flops off the apron. Swerve is annoyed being denied again, but he just adjusts his aim! SUPER FLYING KILLSTOMPS onto the Spanish announce desk!!! The fans are losing their minds over the most devastating stomps yet!! Ospreay flops to the floor and Swerve hobbles after him. Swerve drags Ospreay up and into the ring, but then reconsiders. He brings Ospreay to barriers!

Swerve drags Ospreay up onto the barriers, and he hits the BARRIER PILEDRIVER!!! Swerve gets what he wanted before, and then he gets Ospreay in the ring, for SAVING GRACE!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Ospreay survives all of that and Swerve is beside himself! Nana argues the count, but fans want them to “FIGHT FOREVER!” Swerve goes up the corner, reloads, but Ospreay hits ropes! Swerve is tripped up and Ospreay fires hands! Ospreay climbs, brings Swerve up, but Swerve throws body shots! Ospreay hops down, but then springboards up, AVALANCE OSCUTTER!! And then a springboard for the OSCUTTER again!! CoOver, TWO?!?!?

The fans are electric as Swerve survives, and Ospreay loads up that arm! HIDDEN- NO, Swerve blocks! His hands hurt, but he gets around to half nelson! Osprey ELBOW BREAKERS free, SUPERKICKS, then SWATGS a lariat to HOOK KICK! Ospreay springboards, but Swerve SLAMS him down! Swerve traps one arm, gets the other, and he pulls the arm, only for Ospreay to drag Swerve down to a cradle!! TWO!?!?! Both men scramble up, Ospreay dodges a boot to springboard and OSCUTTER again!!! But Ospreay also holds on to Swerve! Ospreay drags Swerve back up, underhooks, and STORM BREAKER!! Cover, TWO?!?!?!

Swerve survives and no one can believe it! MJF is watching, too, perhaps considering challenging the winner of this himself. The fans are electric for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” as Ospreay underhooks again. Ospreay drags Swerve up, but Swerve fights his way to the ropes! The ref calls the break but Ospreay fires knees! Ospreay gets Swerve from ropes but Swerve still fights the lift! Swerve powers the underhooks down, but Ospreay HEADBUTTS!! Swerve drops to his knees, Ospreay keeps him from falling over! Ospreay calls his shot, “TIGER DRIVER!!” Underhooks and- SWERVE ARM-DRAGS! CRADLE, TWO!!!!

HIDDEN BLADE FROM SWERVE?!?!? Swerve snatches Ospreay’s move, goes up top, and reloads! K I L L STOMPS MISS as Ospreay moves! Ospreay runs in, Swerve moves, HIDDEN BLADE HITS THE REF!!! Everyone freaks out and Swerve realizes what happened! So he POISON-RANAS, but Ospreay HIDDEN BLADES anyhow!!! Cover, Ospreay would have won by now! Wait, Don Callis is here?! He is going against Ospreay’s wishes of letting him do this alone, but then he brings out the screwdriver! Ospreay says no, he doesn’t wanna! Nana grabs Don, Don shoves Nana! Don says now or never!

Nana SHOVES Don and the fans are fired up! Ospreay gets mad at Nana, and he threatens Nana with the screwdriver! But then Ospreay realizes what he’s doing, and Nana even begs for mercy. The fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” and Ospreay shows mercy. Then Ospreay hurries back in, but into a HOUSE CALL!!! Swerve goes up top, reloads, and here comes referee Aubrey to save the day! KILL STOMPS!!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?! HOW?!?! But Swerve says this is what it takes, Ospreay! He SNAPS Ospreay’s arm!! And then “Whose House?!” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” HOUSE CALL!!!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?!?!

Swerve doesn’t understand! Is Ospreay even human?!?! Ospreay says you’ll HAVE to kill him! Ospreay throws off his elbow pads, HIDDEN BLADE, but there’s nothing to it! Ospreay leans against Swerve, and Swerve pats his former friend on the back for trying. Swerve reloads, for a HOUSE CALL!! Swerve then drags Ospreay up, BIG PRESSURE DRIVER!!! Cover, Swerve wins!

Winner: Swerve Strickland, by pinfall (still AEW World Champion)

Don Callis’ presence aside, Swerve showed Ospreay that he really wasn’t ready for both worlds. At least, not yet. Doc Sampson checks Ospreay, but he sits up on his own. Swerve shows Ospreay respect for how hard they pushed each other. Kyle Fletcher has also made it ringside, showing moral support for his former team captain and good friend. Will Ospreay be able to turn around and be ready for Beach Break and his International Championship defense? And who will be next to step up to Swerve’s House come All In?

My Thoughts:

An incredible Forbidden Door, and for being a total of 5 and a half hours, it really flew by. Great matches as always, but at the same time, not a whole lot of surprises as far as results or appearances. Them throwing Fletcher VS Serpentico onto the Zero Hour was a bit odd but I suppose they just wanted to establish A) he was here, and B) he was no longer ROH World TV Champion. But great stuff in the Zero Hour Fatal 4 Way Tag, great win for Malakai & Brody. Really good women’s tag, and maybe on some level Willow & Tam winning was a surprise, if only because this feeds into the go-home math on Willow VS Kris in the Owen Hart Cup. Willow winning here doesn’t necessarily mean she loses to Kris, but I’d be surprised if Willow defies the math here.

Very good Women’s Owen Hart Cup match here with Mariah of course going over given the story they’ve been telling with her and Storm. And then a great Six Man Tag to close Zero Hour. Great win for Mistico & Lucha Bros, which was fine because Lucha Brothers are the AEW guys and Mistico is a CMLL guy, LIJ didn’t need to win here since it was just for fun. I just knew MJF would open the show in a really good match with Hechicero, but it probably could’ve been a bit more for MJF’s homecoming. Then we got a great Six Man Tag for The Elite VS Acclaimed & Tanahashi. It makes sense The Bucks & Okada win here to get even for Acclaimed beating The Bucks in the title eliminator, and it feels like they’ve now set up Okada VS Billy Gunn for the Continental Championship.

Bryan VS Takagi was awesome stuff, really giving us everything we could want for this dream match. But as I figured, Bryan won because he’s the AEW guy, he’ll face another AEW guy, and Takagi is gonna focus on the G1 Climax instead. It was just a great moment to have given Forbidden Door is the main crossover show. Though apparently NJPW is gonna change that by inviting everyone else to Japan with them finally doing something with Wrestle Dynasty, the PPV they wanted to do before, if not for COVID in 2020. That’ll be fun, with a lot of possibilities given we have until January to see how championships change hands and all that.

Great match from Storm and Mina, but the only surprise is that there were absolutely no shenanigans from Mariah. But in a way, that was for the better, as Mariah was frozen in place by how distraught she was seeing her two closest friends fighting so fiercely. Storm of course retains, but Mariah helps them all make pace and be a more solid group now. That said, it still feels like Mariah will find a way to win the Owen Hart Cup and face Storm in Wembley in the climax of this long term story. Cassidy VS ZSJ was awesome stuff because Cassidy got to show off that he can do technical wrestling, but I think I said the other night that ZSJ was gonna win. He evens the score with Cassidy, and we could get an equally great match for All In if they wanted.

Great Six Man Tag of Joe-Hook-Shibata VS Team Learning Tree. I didn’t think Jericho was taking the loss but Hook did great with his take on the Judas effect. That now more directly sets up the FTW Championship rematch for probably All In but I wouldn’t mind seeing it during July for a TV special like Fyter Fest or Fight for the Fallen. Same goes for Cobb VS Joe for the NJPW World TV Championship, that’d be a great 15 minute match right there. That ladder match, as ladder matches go, was pretty wild. They did good on making us think Dante did hurt his leg but luckily he wasn’t, though I’m surprised no one else got hurt with just how many tables and ladders were purposefully broken. But in the end, it is as expected, Jack Perry wins so that The Elite is truly golden going into Blood & Guts.

Very good stuff from Mone VS Vaquer but it could’ve been sharper to start. Maybe it was just them finding their rhythm as opponents. But New York turning on The Boss from Boston was really funny. At the same time, it does fit Mone’s character. Whether or not you think Mone’s a great wrestler, she certainly plays up her ego and that’s good Heel Heat. Mone of course won for the reasons I’ve been saying, i.e. Vaquer already has two CMLL belts, she doesn’t need more. But then I just felt it in my gut that Britt Baker would show up to step on Mone’s moment, those two are basically the perfect match-up of mic skills, in-ring skills and coming off smug about it, that’ll be some fun stuff going forward.

And both world title matches were great, though the IWGP World title match was a bit more methodical and slower paced than expected for the two involved. Great, logical win for Naito, there was nothing else that was gonna happen here really. Ospreay VS Swerve was just amazing, certainly the best match of the night, probably all month, and up there for match of the year. Great use of the whole ringside area, great ref bump, and of course Don Callis showed up to tempt Ospreay to the dark side. In a way that did cost Ospreay, because it feeds to Swerve’s point that Ospreay isn’t ready to sacrifice his own morality to do what it takes. Swerve didn’t hesitate, he won, but I do appreciate he showed Ospreay respect.

And as it stands, Ospreay VS Garcia is going to be great stuff, and I feel like we see the Don Callis Family and even MJF show up during then. Ospreay VS Garcia could go either way with such overbooking, and I could see Garcia winning to make his match with MJF at All In a match for the International Championship. Then Callis could be upset with Ospreay and Fletcher for how they both lost belts, he kicks them out of the family, Rush being a replacement for them both. It just feels like something has to lead to Ospreay & Fletcher breaking off from Don Callis and maybe even taking on Rush and Trent or Rush and Konosuke in a tag match.

My Score: 9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (6/29/24)

There’s a Collision in Buffalo!



We’re at the Forbidden Doorstep!

Before battling over the AEW World Championship, Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay have the official title match weigh-in! But is all this just a pretense for getting in some final words, and taking some final shots?


  • Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii VS Shane Haste & Robbie Eagles; Cassidy & Ishii win.
  • Stephanie Vaquer VS Lady Frost; Vaquer wins.
  • Open Challenge: Serena Deeb VS Kelly Madan; Deeb wins.
  • Hechicero VS Kevin Blackwood; Hechicero wins.
  • Daniel Garcia VS The Butcher; Garcia wins.
  • 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Deonna Purrazzo VS Hikaru Shida; Shida wins and advances.
  • Face of TNT Six Man Tag: Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin & Lio Rush VS Konosuke Takeshita, Jack Perry & El Phantasmo; Konosuke, Perry & ELP win.


Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii VS Shane Haste & Robbie Eagles!

Freshly Squeezed has been loading up this week! He just faced both Outrunners last night, and now he’s teaming with The Stone Pitbull tonight to take on some of Zack Sabre Jr’s pals in TMDK! Will Ishii help Cassidy make it to Long Island? Or will they both learn that The Mighty Don’t Kneel?

The teams sort out and Cassidy starts, but both Eagles and Shane want after him. They talk it out while the fans rally up, and Shane gets the start. Shane and Cassidy slowly circle, but Shane asks what is in those pockets. Cassidy says nothing. Shane storms up, Cassidy headlocks him. Shane powers out, Cassidy RAMS him, but neither man falls. Shane checks real quick, there really is nothing in those pockets. Shane whips Cassidy, RAMS him, and Shane wants to make sure the other pocket is empty. Shane checks, Cassidy whips, Shane reverses, but Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tags out to Ishii!

The fans fire up as Ishii runs up to RAM Shane! They RAM and RAM, then get forehead to forehead. They both egg the other on, then Ishii runs. Shane kicks low, runs, but Cassidy switches places with Ishii! Ishii then ROCKS Shane, then Cassidy runs to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Eagles runs in, but Cassidy sends him into Ishii! Ishii CLOBBERS Eagles, the fans fire up, but Shane fires hands on Cassidy & Ishii. Shane whips Cassidy, Cassidy stops himself, then he dodges. Cassidy & Ishii CLOBBER Shane together and the fans fire up! Ishii drags Shane up to CHOP him to a corner. Then he CHOPS again, and again!

Ishii brings Shane over, bumps him off buckles, and he tags Cassidy. The fans rally as Cassidy goes up. Shane gets away, and Eagles tags in. Cassidy hops down, he and Eagles talk some smack, then Eagles shoves Cassidy. Cassidy comes back, Eagles trips him up! Things speed up, Cassidy hurdles, Eagles leaps over, then they keep going. Cassidy whips but Eagles reverses to go up and around to arm-drag! Eagles keeps going, he hurdles Cassidy again to then RANA! ANd arm-drag! Cassidy arm-drags back! Then Cassidy avoids Eagles’ arm-drag! The fans cheer, and Cassidy- NO, Eagles stops the hands going into pockets!

Cassidy slips around, wrenches, and snapmares Eagles to then thumbs up! Then ghost pin! TWO! Cassidy headlocks, Eagles powers up and out, but Cassidy goes up and out. Cassidy bumps Eagles off buckles, SUPERKICKS Shane, then bumps Eagles off buckles again and again! The fans count all the way to nine, then Cassidy winds up for TEN! The fans cheer, Eagles falls back, but Shane YANKS Cassidy down, for an APRON BACK SUPLEX! The fans boo but then Eagles DIVES! Direct hit and down goes Cassidy! Shane BLASTS Ishii for good measure, and TMDK stands tall while Collision goes picture in picture.

Cassidy sputters, Eagles goes out to get him. Eagles CHOPS, stalks Cassidy around the way, then brings him around into the ring. Eagles hurries to drags Cassidy from his corner, stomps him down, then drops a knee on the knee! Eagles whips Cassidy to the corner, tags Shane in, and Shane taunts Ishii before he runs in at Cassidy. Shane UPPERCUTS Cassidy, snapmares him, and Eagles basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Shane stays on Cassidy with a leglock, and he pulls on the leg with a Quarter Crab! Cassidy endures, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Chane holds until 4, then gets an arm.

Shane pulls Cassidy around, KICKS that arm, then shakes out the stanky leg. Cover, TWO! Shane looms over Cassidy, kicks him around, then scoops him for a SLAM! Tag to Eagles and he climbs up. The Sniper of the Skies sees Cassidy crawl away so he hurries to get him back! Eagles rains down forearms, stomps him down, then goes back up. But Cassidy rolls away again! Eagles tags Shane, and as Collision returns to single picture, Shane BLASTS Ishii down again! Eagles & Shane stomp away on Cassidy but the ref reprimands. Eagles stands down, Shane scoops Cassidy, but Cassidy slips free! Cassidy shoves Shane into Eagles!

Shane hurries to stop Cassidy from reaching Ishii, and whips him into the corner, but that just sends him into Eagles! Shane runs in, Cassidy dodges, and Shane avoids hitting Eagles to anchor Cassidy again. But then Cassidy BOOTS Shane into Eagles! Hot tag to Ishii! The fans fire up as the Pitbull ducks ‘n’ dodges Shane to run him over! Eagles gets in, but he bounces off Ishii! Ishii ROCKS Eagles, whips him, but Eagles reverses, only for Ishii to come back and CLOBBER Eagles! Shane BOOTS Ishii, but Ishii just roars! Ishii ducks a kick to SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Shane stays in this but Ishii drags him back up.

Ishii bumps Shane off buckles, and he tags in Cassidy. Ishii ROCKS Shane, Cassidy “chops” him! They go back and forth, forearm and chop, and then Cassidy puts some juice into it! Eagles runs up but gets run over! DOUBLE LARIATS hit Shane, then Ishii suplexes! BRAINBUSTER! Cassidy is up top, for a FALLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Shane survives but Cassidy takes off the elbow pad! Cassidy aims, Ishii keeps Eagles out, ORANGE- NO, Shane gets around, suplexes, FALCON ARROW! Both men are down and the fans rally up! Hot tag to Eagles and he aims. ROUNDHOUS! SUPERKICK! PELE!

Cassidy wobbles, Eagles SWEEPS Ishii’s legs! Eagles reels Cassidy in, suplexes, but STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE hits! Cassidy runs, tilt-o-whirls, but Eagles stops that to fireman’s carry! TURBO BACKPACK!! Cover, ISHII BREAKS IT! Just in time, too! Shane fires off UPPERCUTS, but Ishii HEADBUTTS! Shane ROUNDHOUSES, but Ishii LARIATS! Those two fall and now Eagles finds Cassidy. SOBAT! Cravat, but Cassidy powers out! Eagles avoids the punch, schoolboy with bridge! TWO, and Eagles KICKS away on Cassidy’s leg! Spinning toehold! Eagles steps through but Cassidy kicks him away! Cassidy then Alabama Lifts, BEACH BREAK! Cover, Cassidy & Ishii win!

Winners: Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii, by pinfall

The Mighty Don’t Kneel but they do get beat! Cassidy is all revved up, but will he be ready to take on TMDK’s Front Man? Or will “Orange Bollocks” be made to #JustTapOut?


BREAKING NEWS for Forbidden Door: Zero Hour!

There will be a HUGE Fatal 4 Way Tag match as we see Private Party, The House of Black, Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly, and Roderick Strong & Gabe Kidd battle it out! Who makes big inroads towards not just the AEW World Tag Team Championships but also the Unified NJPW Tag Team Championships? Plus, the stars of Stardom join in as Tam Nakano joins Willow Nightingale against their respective rivals, Momo Watanabe & Kris Statlander! With Willow VS Kris in the Owen Hart Cup on the horizon, whose star will shine brightest in Long Island?

Then in a big time Trios match, Los Ingobernables de Japon’s Titan, Yota Tsuji & Hiromu Takahashi take on the Lucha Brothers and CMLL’s Mistico! Will Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo be able to work with a lucha rival? Or will LIJ make everything tranquilo?


Someone walks the halls.

The same halls that a certain Mogul broke into and violated. This house is no longer a home, and the Cowboy is back to his old ways. When and where will The Hangman return to All Elite Wrestling?


Chris Jericho and friends arrive backstage.

The Learning Tree reminds the cameraman to keep it steady. But like he was saying, Buffalo is the 79th most populous city in the entire United States, and that’s pretty big. Big Bill admires the building’s architecture, and Jericho says high to this random wrestler in the back. Who did the tape for his wrists? The trainers did. Well, that’s not right at all! Jericho leads the way into the trainer’s room and says hi. But Jericho just wanted to let them all know that when they tape up someone’s wrist, make sure to go around three times for more support. Don’t forget! Thanks, guys!

And here’s a veteran tip from the Learning Tree: Every time you got into the trainer’s room, take a roll of tape and put it in your bag. That way, you get free wrist tape. Hee hee hee! Bad Apple takes the whole dang box! Well, not all lessons are good ones. But will The Learning Tree keep throwing his advice out to anyone who can hear him?


Stephanie Vaquer VS Lady Frost!

La Primera makes her AEW in-ring debut, and she’s getting ready to defend the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship against Mercedes Mone tomorrow night. Will she be all warmed up after this Collision in Buffalo? Or will she feel herself freeze up against a familiar foe in Lady Frost?

Wait. Of course Mercedes Mone needs to make her presence known not just to us but to her opponent. The TBS Champion struts her way down to the ring, hoping to get in Vaquer’s head already. The bell rings and the fans rally for the “C E O! C E O!” Vaquer circles with Frost, who tells her to focus. They tie up, Vaquer gets around to waistlock and SLAM Frost. Vaquer facelocks, Frost wrenches out, but Vaquer rolls, handsprings, and wrenches back. Vaquer arm-drags Frost, Frost comes back, but Vaquer body scissors her down into an STF! Frost endures, reaches out, but Mone says that won’t happen to her.

Frost reaches out, crawls forward, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Vaquer lets off, and she kicks Frost to a corner. Vaquer whips corner to corner, runs in, but Frost puts her on the apron! Vaquer swings, Frost counter punches! Frost then ROUNDHOUSES Vaquer down! Vaquer staggers, Frost goes out and Mone says she likes that. Frost whips, Vaquer reverses, but Frost goes up the steps to then FLYING ARM-DRAG! The fans and Mone cheer, and Frost gets Vaquer up. Vaquer whips Frost away, Frost headstands on the apron, but Vaquer SUPERKICKS her down! Vaquer stares Mone down but Mone says to wait until Sunday.

Collision goes picture in picture while Vaquer turns back to Frost. The ref tells Mone to watch herself, but Vaquer SMACKS Frost off the apron. Vaquer puts Frost in the ring, then kicks her around. Vaquer drags Frost up, bumps her off buckles, and then bumps her off more buckles! Vaquer scrubs Frost’s face over and over and over! Mone says no thank you, but Vaquer drags Frost up. Vaquer snapmares Frost, clamps on a headscissor squeeze, and then drills Frost’s head into the mat again and again and again! Cover, TWO! Frost stays in this but Vaquer stays calm. Vaquer brings Frost up but Frost throws forearms!

Vaquer knees low, HEADBUTTS Frost down, then drags Frost back up. Vaquer whips Frost to ropes, but Frost sunset flips! Vaquer stays up, then DOUBLE STOMPS, and Collision goes to break!

Collision returns and Vaquer grinds Frost down with a chinlock. The ref sees she’s fish-hooking and reprimands. Vaquer lets go to go back to the headscissor and drilling! Vaquer drags Frost up, reels her in, tucks the arms, and PACKAGE- NO, Frost slips free to run and LARIAT! Mone likes to see that, and she cheers Frost on. Vaquer rises, but she ducks the spin kick! Frost blocks Vaquer’s kick, and ROUNDHOUSES back! Vaquer staggers to a corner, Frost runs up, GAMANGIRI! Vaquer sits down, Frost fires up and she goes corner to corner, handspring and CANNONBALL! Frost drags Vaquer to the drop zone then goes up!

The fans fire up for Frost but Vaquer stands. Frost still SKY TWISTERS! Cover, TWO! Vaquer survives and Mone says keep going, Frost! Soften her up! Frost says Mone will owe her, but then Vaquer JAWBREAKERS! And SUPERKICKS! And she spins Freost around, DDT, into the somersault clutch! TWO!! Frost survives and Vaquer is frustrated. Frost goes to a corner, Vaquer runs up to SMASH! Vaquer runs, Frost follows to RAM her! Frost runs up again, misses in the corner, and Vaquer blocks boots. Frost fights free to BOOT again, then runs, cartwheels over, and SHOTGUNS from behind!

Mone is pleased as Frost storms up on Vaquer again. Vaquer bumps Frost off buckles, then fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT!! Vaquer likes wearing ram horns for a reason. Vaquer runs, blocks boots, and now she DRAPING DRAGON SCREWS! Frost writhes, Vaquer hauls her up. Vaquer stares Mone down as she tucks Frost in. PAKCAGE BACKBREAKER! Cover, Vaquer wins!

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer, by pinfall

Mone is disappointed, but not surprised. This is who she will be facing in 24 hours, both the AEW TBS and NJPW Strong Women’s Championships on the line. The two get face to face in the ring, Buffalo on Mone’s side. Vaquer backs off, willing to wait until Sunday. But then ZEUXIS ATTACKS! Vaquer’s teammate, who Mone also beat a few weeks ago, gets some revenge! But then Mone gets up to turn things around, BACKSTABBER! Vaquer gets in to SUPERKICK! So much for waiting! Vaquer grins as she tucks Mone in, PACKAGE BACKBREAKER!!

The fans boo and Mone writhes, but the CMLL Women’s Tag Team Champions stand tall. Are we going to see the birth of the Quatro Crown Queen at Forbidden Door? Or can The CEO turn things around and finally have the title she was “always meant to have?”


Backstage interview with the Lucha Brothers.

Lexy Nair is with Fenix, Penta & their Hype Man, Alex Abrahantes. She notes the Forbidden Door announcement, and Abrahantes confirms, Death Triangle has something you’ve never seen before. Fenix says that is right. This is something special! Penta, Fenix, and… Wait! In steps El Inmortal, Titan! And he says tranquilo, he isn’t alone. Because in steps The Timebomb, Hiromu Takahashi! Hiromu says he is super excited to say that they’re ready for LIJ VS Fenix, Penta & PAC! Are they ready? No, no, you see, Pac is focusing on the Owen Hart Cup. But they have a special gift for LIJ!

For the first time ever, the Lucha Brothers will team up with CMLL’s Mistico! Hiromu is stunned! He just faced Mistico, and now he’s panicking! But Titan says LIJ is ready! Then see you in Long Island! But then Hiromu’s panic gives way to excitement! He loves this idea and can’t wait! Will LIJ kick down the Forbidden Door in the Zero Hour and take over the Big Apple?


Open Challenge: Serena Deeb VS Kelly Madan!

The Professor of Professional Wrestling put it out there that she wants competition, and so the open challenge was made. Will Deeb’s Dojo show no mercy to Madan? Or will #KarmaKelly make Serena regret leaving it up to chance?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two circle, they tie up, and Deeb powers Madan to a corner. The ref counts, Deeb stomps and UPPERCUTS, and repeat! Deeb CHOPS, whips corner to corner, but Madan reverses. Madan runs up but blocks a boot, only for Deeb to reel her in and KICK! Deeb then goes out, baits Madan into the ropes, and turns her for a HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER! Madan staggers away, Deeb storms up and hammerlocks, for a PEPSI TWIST! The fans fire up with Deeb and she brings Madan in. Deeb tucks the arms, for the DEEB-TOX! Cover, Deeb wins!

Winner: Serena Deeb, by pinfall

Deeb made quick work of Madan, but she gets a mic to speak. “Listen, I know how this story goes. Yes, I fell short in my quest to become AEW Women’s World Champion. But I refuse to be put into wrestling purgatory! This is AEW, where the best wrestle! And guess what, Buffalo? I am the freakin’ best! Bell to bell in between these ropes, I prove that every single time I’m in this ring. So c’mon, AEW, give me someone to wrestle that’s on The Professor’s level!” Another Open Challenge? So soon? Well here comes RIHO! The fans cheer as the inaugural AEW Women’s World Champion makes her return, and waves hi to Deeb.

Riho steps down to the ring and Deeb welcomes her back. The fans cheer for this showdown, but Deeb doesn’t even shake Riho’s hand. When and where will we see the Professor put the Wrestling Idol to the test?


Jericho and friends keep moving backstage.

Jericho says he needs to check something. Someone walks out of the bathroom, and Jericho asks the guy, “Did you wash your hands? Germs spread really easily at this time of year, y’know.” The guy does go back in to be thorough, and Jericho says, “Thanks, guys.” Hygiene is important, but what won’t Jericho give unwanted advice about?


Collision returns and…

Jericho, Bill & Keith continue walking around. Bill again goes on about how this is a finely constructed building, but Jericho agrees. And they play hockey here. He’s been playing hockey since he was five years old, so he’s really good. Do you guys know what that is called? That’s a Zamboni. It was invented in 1949 by Frank Zamboni to properly clean the ice. If you respect Chris Jericho, you ride that Zamboni. Jericho says that’s right, they should check with the crew to see if they know proper Zamboni protocol. But when Jericho opens the door, it’s Samoa Joe, Hook & Shibata waiting for them! Joe says, “Hi, Chris!” and Jericho says, “Oh crap!”

The brawl is on! Joe SMACKS Jericho off the Zamboni, then throws him against a vending machine! Hook & Shibata brawl with Bill & Keith, but Keith can’t do much with only one good arm! This brawl moves towards the stage area! The fans fire up as things move through the stands! Keith manages to CLUB Hook with his good arm, but Joe TOSSES Jericho over barriers! Bill and Shibata fight off in some corner, and Hook puts Keith in the ring! Joe puts Jericho in, too, and the JABS and stomps fly! Joe JABS away on The Learning Tree, stomps him down, and now Shibata and Bill join in!

Hook & Shibata mug Bill, Joe stomps Keith for good measure, then he goes back for Jericho. But JEFF COBB shows up!? Cobb TOSSES Hook overhead! Shibata kicks, Cobb blocks and reels him in, ATHLETIC PLEX! Joe finally realizes what’s going on, and he turns around to see Cobb! The fans fire up for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Joe and Cobb start throwing hands! Joe HEADBUTTS, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! The Imperial Unit stands tall while the fans lose their minds! Is this the third man Jericho mentioned recruiting on Rampage? It seems so as Cobb stands tall with The Learning Tree.

Jericho mockingly waves to everyone, but will he, Big Bill and big bad Cobb crush Joe, Hook & Shibata?


Zack Sabre Jr. speaks.

“Well, usually I’m somewhat of a condescending and sarcastic person. But I have quite a lot of admiration for Orange Cassidy. I called out Orange Bollocks for a very particular reason: I’m returning for some unfinished business. You’re one of the top names in AEW. I know it makes a statement when you tap out. I will tap out ol’ Orange Bollocks, and then I will undoubtedly be known as the best technical wrestler in the world, but you will have to call me the best wrestler in the world.”

Backstage interview with Orange Cassidy.

Lexy is with Freshly Squeezed to get his response but he already knows. The thing is, things aren’t going great for him right now. HIs world is falling apart, and tomorrow, he has a fight against the best technical wrestler in the world. And where is he? Because Cassidy was on Dynamite watching ZSJ VS O’Reilly. But where is ZSJ tonight while Cassidy was wrestling his “Mighty Meal” guys? That is the problem. ZSJ doesn’t respect Cassidy, but- Oh, well, NOW he shows up. ZSJ steps in to tell “Orenji” to calm down. ZSJ asks why he’s banging on about respect. Of course ZSJ respects Cassidy. Hell, Cassidy isn’t just one of the best in AEW, he’s one of the best in the world.

But ZSJ didn’t need to watch that match. He knows Cassidy’s tricks. Every time, ZSJ has had answers for everything Cassidy throws at him. Cassidy is out of ideas. ZSJ has waited a YEAR to beat Cassidy. Well, then ZSJ has waited a year for Cassidy to pin him with his hands in his pockets. Oh really? Then do it now. Why not do it now? They get face to face, but then ZSJ says it’s fine. He’s already won. ZSJ leaves, Cassidy seethes, will Freshly Squeezed end up peeled and thrown away by the end of their match tomorrow night?


Hechicero VS Kevin Blackwood!

The Alchemist of Lucha Libre is preparing to face the Wolf of Wrestling, aka one Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Hechicero promises to tear off one of MJF’s arms, will he prove he can against Buffalo’s Aesthetic Killer?

The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up, the two tie up, and they go around in a deadlock. Hechi facelocks, drags Blackwood down to a cover, ONE! Hechi still facelocks but Blackwood rolls to cover Hechi, ONE! Hechi goes from facelock to leglock, and he rolls Blackwood. Blackwood facelocks but Hechi pushes his way to a spinning toehold! Hechi CHOPS Blackwood, spinning toeholds the other leg, then has an ANKLE LOCK on the first leg! Blackwood endures, so Hechi stands him up to wrench and wristlock. Blackwood breaks free, CHOPS, fires hands, then a KICK! Blackwood whips, Hechi reverses.

Hechi runs up to STEP-UP KNEE! Blackwood wobbles, Hechi fires off fast hands of his own! Hechi CHOPS, gets space, and then FLAPJACKS Blackwood! Blackwood checks his face, but Hechi clamps onto one arm to hammerlock. Then Hechi throws elbows, then shifts over, ARMBAR! Hechi stomps Blackwood, spins him around and hauls him up, hammerlock and SWING! MAD SCIENTIST BACKBREAKER! Hechi watches Blackwood writhe, then he hooks him up, rolls through, and has the RINGS OF SATURN! Blackwood quits, Hechi wins!

Winner: Hechicero, by submission

The Alchemist tortures Blackwood to send a message to MJF! But will Hechi be able to do even worse to the former AEW World Champion? Or will Long Island’s favorite scumbag have an answer to the dangerous arsenal aimed at him?


Backstage interview with The Patriarchy.

Lexy is with Christian Cage, Mother Shayna, and “sons,” Nick Wayne & Killswitch/Luchasaurus. Lexy says Christian has made it crystal clear that he has his eyes set on the Trios Championships. Yes, very observant, Lexy. His eyes are squarely on those titles. The Patriarchy, more specifically Christian himself, has carried this company for the past year. And as the uncrowned world champion, Christian deserves to be celebrated and recognized as such! And there is no better way to do that than to… Wait, how many of those belts are there? Nick says there’s nine belts. Nine. Then those nine will all look great on the shoulders of The Patriarchy!

But then the Bang Bang Gang steps in. Jay White says hold on, is someone talking about the Trios Champions? Christian surely can’t mean himself, he must be talking about them, the Bang Bang Gang! But it is nice to finally meet him. Though, has Christian apologized to his “family” for setting such a poor example? What kind of dad says, “I quit?” But hey, this is about redeeming himself, rebuilding himself in front of his new wife and dinosaur. But it can be hard to tell the two apart, huh? Luchasaurus gets mad and White says that must be the wife. But let’s not even get started on the kid.

White says just between him and Captain Charisma, it’s a shame the mom had to drink so heavily during her pregnancy. But hey, White gets what’s going on here. They’re riding the coattails of the Catalyst, to see if he can be the spark that reignites the career of Christian Cage! But Mr. Charisma, sir, that Switchblade spotlight burns too bright even for Christian. But hey, at least he’ll get to breath with The Switchblade. And if they’re not down with any of that, White’s still got two words for ya: GUNS UP. Bullet Club Gold has put The Patriarchy on notice, what will The Patriarchy look to do in retaliation?


Daniel Garcia VS The Butcher!

The fans fire up because it’s a Battle of Buffalo! Will Red Death be red hot going into his Beach Break battle with Will Ospreay? Or will he get rocked by the beefy Andy Williams?

The bell rings and the fans fire up for “BOTH THESE GUYS! BOTH THESE GUYS!” Garcia and Butcher circle, feel things out, and tie up. Butcher powers Garcia back then shoves him down! Garcia gets up in a huff and Butcher eggs him on. They reset, tie up again, and Butcher again powers Garcia back. The ref counts as they end up in a corner, but Butcher lets off at 4. Garcia shrugs that off, and the fans rally up again. The two tie up, go around, and Butcher powers Garcia to another corner. Garcia digs his heels in and he pushes Butcher back! But Butcher puts Garcia in a corner to stomp a mudhole!

The fans fire up as Butcher storms around, then he goes back to Garcia. Garcia puts Butcher in the corner to fire off hands and stomps! The ref counts, Butcher pushes Garcia away, but Garcia dropkicks the legs out! Garcia runs to SHOTGUN Butcher down! Garcia is all fire dup, as is Buffalo, and he whips Butcher. Butcher reverses then follows to CROSSBODY! That was a hockey body check right there! Butcher TOSSES Garcia out, revels in the cheers and jeers, then goes out after Garcia. Butcher brings Garcia up and RAMS him into barriers! The fans rally for Garcia but Butcher stalks him. Garcia ROCKS Butcher, CLUBS him, then makes him take a seat.

Garcia goes to the far side and high-fives the fans, to then go back in and SHOTGUN Butcher into barriers! The fans are thunderous for their boys, and Garcia goes again! SHOT- NO, Butcher catches Garcia, for a BARRIER BACKBREAKER! Garcia writhes, Butcher dusts himself off, and Collision goes picture in picture.

Butcher returns to Garcia, drags him up, and CLUBS him on the back. Garcia staggers away, Butcher storms up behind him, and CLAWS his back! Butcher leaves Garcia behind to let the ring count handle this. Garcia rises, so Butcher goes back out and CLUBS Garcia again. Garcia scrambles into the ring but Butcher storms around again. Butcher runs corner to corner at Garcia, to SPALSH! Butcher then scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Then he snap suplexes hard! Cover, TWO! Garcia shakes his head, he won’t go down so easy! Butcher clamps onto Garcia with a chinlock and he digs a knee in.

Garcia endures, the fans rally and Garcia fights to his feet. JAWBREAKER! Garcia then ROCKS Butcher, but Butcher LARIATS in return! Butcher KNEES Garcia in the back, storms around, and he gets Garcia’s legs. Garcia kicks and throws hands, but Butcher still gets him in a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Garcia endures as Butcher sits deep on the hold! Garcia claws his way forward, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Butcher let off, and he stomps Garcia down. Butcher storms around, brings Garcia up, then DECKS him! Butcher mocks Garcia’s dance! Garcia gets mad and gets up to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Butcher ROCKS Garcia, scoops him, and SLAMS him!

Butcher looms over Garcia as Collision returns to single picture. “This is Awesome!” as Butcher drags Garcia up. But Garcia SLAPS! Butcher SLAPS back! Butcher scoops, but Garcia slips free to waistlock. Butcher switches, CLUBS Garcia, and HALF NELSON BACKBREAKERS! Then a short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Garcia survives but Butcher stays close. The fans rally up, Butcher puts Garcia in a corner and whips corner to corner. Butcher runs up to SPLASH, then he goes corner to corner again. SPLASH! The fans rally, Garcia huffs ‘n’ puffs and gets in Butcher’s face! Butcher shoves, Garcia BOOTS!

Garcia runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then BOOTS! Butcher stays up so Garcia KNEES low! Garcia reels Butcher in, but Butcher suplexes! Garcia fights that to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! The fans are thunderous again and Garcia snarls. He’s foaming at the mouth like a mad dog! Garcia fires forearms on Butcher, then BITES him! The ref counts, Garcia lets off to climb up. Garcia rains down fists and fans count along! But Butcher stops that at 5! Garcia still fires hands, gets free, and LARIATS! Butcher shakes his head as he stays up! Garcia runs to LARIAT again! Still not enough, so Garcia runs. Butcher BOOTS Garcia, runs, but Garcia LARIATS him down!!

The fans are thunderous again as Garcia fires himself up! Garcia drags Butcher up, reels him in, and STUFF PILEDRIVERS!! Cover, Garcia wins!!

Winner: Daniel Garcia, by pinfall

A powerful win for Garcia and his family celebrates in the front row! And best of all, Garcia shows respect to Butcher as brothers of Buffalo. But will Garcia get an even bigger win against Will Ospreay for the International Championship, and possibly even THE AEW World Championship?


Backstage interview with Will Ospreay.

Lexy asks the Aerial Assassin that, in the wake of what we saw on Wednesday, the animosity between him and Swerve is clearly at a boiling point. Tonight is the official weigh-in, is it safe to say things are deeply personal now? A little bit, yeah. But Ospreay is willing to wait another 24 hours before he caves Swerve’s head in. But then Don Callis walks in and says tonight is gonna be so great! The Don Callis Family is with him, and Callis says this’ll be just like when he helped Ospreay beat Kenny Omega. Ospreay and Callis hug and Callis has some ideas. No, Don, hold on. Like Ospreay said last week, he can do this on his own.

Ospreay appreciates the offer of help, but he has this. Callis says okay, go and do your thing. Ospreay does talk to Kyle Fletcher. They all know Swerve will have Nana and his posse out there, Ospreay would appreciate it if someone was watching his back tonight. Kyle says yeah, sure, and Callis approves. Ospreay & Fletcher head out, Callis tells Trent & Takeshita that it’s all good. But then someone pats Callis on the shoulder. Rush is here! El Toro Blanco doesn’t say anything, but he surely has an answer to Callis’ offer from before. Is it “si” or “no” on El Ingobernable joining the Family?


Backstage interview with Jack Perry.

Lexy is with the Scapegoat, and says at Forbidden Door, he has the opportunity to become the NEW TNT Champion. Tonight, the six men in that match are in a Trios Match, but then Jack speaks up. He never agreed to be a part of this match. He doesn’t want to team with any of those guys. The only guys he teams with are The Elite. But tomorrow night, he WILL be the Face of TNT. But then in steps Christopher Daniels! The Fallen Angel apologizes to Lexy for interrupting but he tells Jack there is a problem with his train of thought. By all means, Jack can back out of any match he wants, but there will be repercussions.

Meaning, if Jack refuses to wrestle tonight, then he’ll be removed from the ladder match at Forbidden Door. So make whatever decision you feel is best. Daniels leaves it up to Jack, will the “sacrifice” Jack has to make be one of ego rather than effort?


2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Deonna Purrazzo VS Hikaru Shida!

The Virtuosa said just last night on Rampage, past accolades mean nothing here, it is all about what you’ve done lately. Will Deonna therefore prove she’s worthy of the AEW Women’s World Championship by taking down the THREE-TIME former champion? Or will Shida get back on track by putting Deonna in her place?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. Shida and Deonna tie up, break, and then go again. The two tie up, Shida wrenches to a wristlock, but Deonna spins, slips through and wristlocks back. Shida rolls, wrenches, hammerlocks, but Deonna wrenches back to headlock and takeover. Shida headscissors, Deonna kips free, and the fans cheer. The two reset again, feel things out, and knuckle lock. Deonna wrenches, wristlocks, but Shida stays up. Shida powers her way through to wrench and headlock, but Deonna powers her into a corner. The ref counts, Deonna lets off, but then she kicks low!

The ref reprimands, Deonna just whips corner to corner. Shida reverses, Deonna goes up and under then keeps moving. Shida follows, they RAM shoulders, and the fans cheer. Shida ROCKS Deonna, Deonna ROCKS Shida, repeat! The fans rally as the forearms fly after and faster! Shida gets the edge, winds up, but Deonna catches the arm! Shida fights off the takedown to then ENZIGIRI! Deonna flounders to a corner and the fans fire up. Shida storms over, climbs up, and fires up before she rains down fists! The fans count, Shida goes all the way to TEN! Shida then brings Deonna around to TOSS her out!

Shida goes to the ropes, and CROSSBODIES! Down goes Deonna and the fans cheer Shida again! Shida gets Deonna up and in, then on the apron. Shida CLUBS Deonna, gets some space, and she runs in, but Deonna avoids the knee! Deonna then FLYING STOMPS an arm! And she BOOTS Shida down! The Virtuosa soaks up the heat while Collision goes picture in picture.

Deonna stands over Shida, brings her up, and then puts her in the ring. Deonna stalks Shida, clamps onto an arm, then KICKS that arm! And KICKS, and KICKS, and KICKS! Shida scrambles away, Deonna stalks her, but Shida throws body shots. Deonna stomps Shida down for that, then drags her back up. Deonna has both arms, kicks them again and again, then snapmares Shida for a short arm scissor! Deonna pushes up for leverage, then shifts around so she can pull on the arm! Shida endures, kicks at Deonna, then fights up. Shida stacks Deonna, but Deonna kicks her back down! ARMBAR! Shida fights around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Deonna lets go at 4, and Shida clutches her arm. Deonna storms back up, gets the arm, and wraps it around the ropes. The ref reprimands but Deonna KICKS the arm as she lets off. Deonna then drags Shida up, CHOPS her to a corner, and CHOPS again! Deonna ROCKS Shida, Shida ROCKS Deonna! But that was the bad arm! Deonna BOOTS Shida, goes for the arm again, but Collision goes to break.

Collision returns and Shida fires forearms on Deonna! Deonna kicks, Shida blocks, and Deonna apologizes. Shida just fires more forearms! Shida ignores the pain in her arm to keep after Deonna’s head and neck! Shida then runs to KNEE Deonna down! The fans fire up as Shida stands Deonna up, short arm LARIAT! Shida gets Deonna up to short arm LARIAT again! Shida whips, Deonna BOOTS first! Shida JUMP KNEES! Shida runs to JUMP KNEE again! Cover, TWO! Shida fires up and the fans are with her! Shida drags Deonna up, but Deonna fights the suplex! Deonna wrenches out, and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS!

Deonna shifts around, Shida rolls, but Deonna avoids the Penalty Kick! Deonna rolls Shida up but Shida rolls through! SLIDING- FUJIWARA!! Deonna turns lariat into armbar, and she pushes up for leverage! Shida endures, the fans rally, and Shida moves around! Shida reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Deonna lets go at 4, and Deonna says time to end this. Deonna runs up but Shida dodges the boot! Deonna is stuck in ropes, Shida goes up and up to FLYING CHUCK! Shida hurries to suplex and FALCON ARROW! Cover, but Deonna turns it into a victory roll! TWO, Shida has it, TWO! KATANA KNEE!! Cover, SHIDA WINS!

Winner: Hikaru Shida, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Deonna was right, it IS about what you’ve done lately! And everyone Deonna did to get to this point no longer matters now that Shida has taken her down! Will the Shining Samurai make her way to the Cup and- WAIT! Deonna CLOBBERS Shida from behind! The Virtuosa is a sore loser as she stomps away on Shida! Deonna grabs Shida’s kendo stick, holds it the wrong way, but here comes Thunder Rosa! La Mera Mera runs Deonna off before she can do any more damage, but Deonna brushes it all off. Will Rosa find a way to finally humble The Virtuosa when they go another round?


Jeff Jarrett speaks.

“The Owen means more to me than anything I’ve ever done. To get the opportunity to win three matches, and stand in the middle of the ring in Owen’s hometown, I’m absolutely going to do it.” Karen Jarrett says Jeff’s never had a friend closer than Owen Hart. And this moment didn’t come around by chance. Surely, Owen’s spirit is at work. Jay Lethal says Jeff is the only person in this tournament who actually knew Owen, and was even his best friend. Jeff HAS to win this one! Satnam Singh says that while Jeff has to do this on his own, the team’s hearts are with him.

Sonjay Dutt adds that while Jeff doesn’t know who his opponent is, and he won’t have his team with him, the team knows Jeff has this. Who will Double J meet next Wednesday for Beach Break? And will even that Wild Card say, “Ain’t he great?”


Toni Storm speaks.

Not only that, but the Leading Lady steps on the broken glass of the champagne bottle! “Not like the brazen Mina of Japanese fame, with conquering thighs that stride from post to post, here on our bloodstained, sweaty mat shall stand a mighty woman with a belt, who shines as the impassioned lightning, and her name…! The Champion of Exiles! From her beacon hand glows worldwide stardom. Her piercing eyes command the entrant stage that twin tunnels frame. ‘Keep, pro-wrestling, your mediocre men,’ cries she with ruby lips. Give me your time! Your bored! Your idle masses yearning to be entertained!

“The wretched fans of your teeming arena, send these the audience, your tempest, tossed to me! I lift my title inside the Forbidden Door!” The Leading Lady has become pro-wrestling’s Lady Liberty, but will she keep her title free of the Fighting Gravure Idol’s selfish ways? Or will Mina Shirakawa take the belt from her, just as she has taken Mariah May?


Face of TNT Six Man Tag: Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin & Lio Rush VS Konosuke Takeshita, Jack Perry & El Phantasmo!

The ROH World Champion has been part of a rather eclectic conglomeration as of late, but now he’s got something special on his hands tonight. Will he, Angel Dorado & The Bad Child be able to #ManUp and take over the Big Apple? Or will The Alpha, The Scapegoat and The Headbanga be the ones leading the way through The Forbidden Door?

The teams sort out and there’s some tension, but Lio starts against Jack. The fans boo Jack, but then he tags out to Konosuke anyway. Konosuke and Lio step up, and Konosuke shoves the shorter Lio away. Lio shoves back, but Konosuke doesn’t budge! Konosuke grabs at Lio but Lio runs, redirects, dodges then BOOTS in the corner! Lio goes up and leaps, but Konosuke catches him and pops him around! But Lio swings through to sunset flip, TWO! Lio gets up, but Konosuke BOOTS him down! Konosuke rains down fists, talks trash on Lio, then looks at his corner. ELP reaches out, so Konosuke tags him hard!

ELP frowns but he steps in. ELP brings Lio up, whips, but Lio reverses! ELP reverses back, Lio goes up and around with the ropes, then whips again! ELP rolls through, comes back, but Lio DROPKICKS him! Lio facelocks, tags Dante, and then Dante tags Mark. Dante & Lio whip ELP to a corner, Dante sends Lio in to lariat! Dante runs in to clothesline, and Mark runs in to CLOBBER ELPL! Mark snapmares ELP so Lio & Dante can DOUBLE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Mark drags ELP up, fires forearms, then has ELP in the corner. Mark throws more shots, tags Dante, and they mug ELP. Dante tags Lio, and now they mug ELP.

Lio ROCKS ELP with a haymaker, then snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! ELP stays in this but Lio stays on him with a facelock. ELP powers his way forward but Lio slips around to a waistlock. Lio wrangles ELP, tags Dante, and Dante stomps ELP. Dante gets ELP up, reels him back in, and tags Lio again. Dante throws knees, Lio helps out tp double whip ELIP to the corner. ELP ELBOWS Mark, goes up and over Lio, then fakes Dante out to go low! Dante drags ELIP back but ELP ENZIGIRIS! Dante flounders, Lio hurries to block ELP’s path! ELP THROWS Lio at Dante! ELP has a clear path, but Jack leaves him high and dry!

The fans boo as Jack is only on Jack’s side, but then Mark WRECKS him with a dropkick! The fans fire up either way, but then Konosuke DECKS Mark while Collision goes picture in picture!

Konosuke looms over Mark, soaks up the heat, and ELP fires hands with Dante in the ring. ELP ROCKS Dante to the corner, ROCKS him again, but it looks like it’ll be 3v2 from now on. Jack just had to start the match, Daniels didn’t say he had to stick around. ELP CHOPS Dante, ROCKS him again, then CHOPS again. ELP offers, Konosuke reaches out, so ELP CHOPS Konosuke for the tag. Call it a receipt, if you will. Konosuke CLUBS Dante, then digs his boots in. Dante endures, lets off as the ref counts, and Dante sputters as he sits down. Konosuke SMACKS ELP for the tag, so ELP steps back in. ELP stands on Dante’s leg, then CHOPS Dante down.

ELP and Konosuke tag like you’re supposed to, and Konosuke CHOPS Dante down! Tag back to ELP, he drags Dante up and suplexes for a BRAINBUSTER! Tag to Konosuke, he deadlift suplexes, for a BRAINBUSTER! ELP mockingly applauds as Konosuke keeps trying to one-up him. Konosuke gets Dante up, THROWS him into the corner, then tags ELP. ELP stands Dante up to ROCK him! Collision returns to single picture and Konosuke brings Dante around. Konosuke ROCKS Dante, and Dante sits back. ELP and Konosuke argue and shove each other. They then get Dante up and reel him in, DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! But Dante lands out, to DOUBLE RANA!

The fans fire up as Dante flounders forward! Dante grits his teeth, hot tag to Mark! Mark dodges ELP, then fires off on both ELP and Konosuke with Redneck Kung-Fu! CHOPS and forearms on repeat, but Konosuke ducks under to waistlock. Mark BOOTS ELP away, then PELES Konosuke! The fans fire up as ELP runs up but Mark dodges to CHOP! CHOP and whip! ELP hits buckles hard, then Mark runs up to LARIAT! Mark suplexes for the FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, Jack gets in to break it! Now Jack cares! Jack then bails out, only concerned with his team not losing, not with helping them win.

Mark drags ELP up and reels him in to underhook. JAY- NO, ELP fights free, gets around, and SUPERKICKS! Lio tags in to run up but ELP shoves him. Lio goes up and over, SUPERKICKS back, and then Konosuke gets up! Lio HANDSPRING KICKS Konosuke down, to then DIVE onto him at the ramp! The fans fire up with Lio, but then ELP DIVES to take Lio out! But now Dante DIVES, and he takes ELP out! Dante hurries to get ELP in, then he helps Lio into the ring. Lio tags Dante, and Dante goes up. Lio joins him, FINAL HOUR to the MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, Jack breaks it again! The fans are torn but Mark gets Jack by the hair!

Mark TOSSES Jack out, then goes to the apron! CANNONBALL FLOPS as Jack moves! Jack smirks but Lio & Dante double whip ELP. Double leap frog but ELP gets Dante for the atomic drop! Lio waistlocks, ELP switches and shoves Lio into Dante! Both men fall over, hot tag to Konosuke! Lio & Dante stand, but the LARIAT wipes out Dante! Konosuke blocks Lio’s kick, FLIPS him, but Lio lands on his feet! Lio slips under but Konosuke catches him by the tights! DEADLIFY GERMAN SUPLEX, and Lio goes flying! The fans fire up but Dante springboards in, only for Konosuke to get around! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Dante lands out!

The fans are thunderous as Dante dodges Konosuke, but then Konosuke BOOTS him! Konosuke goes up, but Dante LEAPS up! SUPER STEIN- NO! Konosuke stops that, brings Dante back up, but Dante still SUPER STEINERS!! Dante fires up, the fans are thunderous, and Dante climbs, only for Jack to SHOVE Dante down! Dante flounders to his feet, but he comes back to GAMANGIRI Jack! Konosuke runs up, Dante leaps, but into the BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! And then POWER DRIVER KNEE!! Cover, Konosuke’s team wins!

Winners: Konosuke Takeshita, Jack Perry & El Phantasmo, by pinfall

Don Callis says get used to seeing that, i.e. The Alpha on top. But then Jack CLOBBERS Konosuke with the TNT Championship! The fans are torn as the Scapegoat turns out to be a Jackass! But then ELP says SUDDEN DEATH for Jack! ELP picks up the title, but then Lio runs up! RUSH HOUR!! Lio and Dante grab the belt, and the two friends are of course at odds over who will be the champion. But then Mark Briscoe BULLDOZES them with a ladder! The Sussex County Chicken is raising the stakes already! Mark sets that ladder up while all the others regroup outside. The fans fire up for “DEM BOYS!” as Mark climbs with the belt!

And then Mark says catch! The belt is dropped down into the cluster, and then Mark SUPER SWANTONS onto them all!! Buffalo is thunderously losing its mind as the Chicken flies! The Briscoe theme song says, “Reach for the sky, boy!” Will Mark do just that to become a double champion? Or will someone else rise above to become the new Face of TNT?


Prince Nana is on stage.

The fans cheer and Nana says, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the official weigh-in for the Forbidden Door main event tomorrow night!” All brought to you by yours truly, Prince Nana. Introducing first, the challenger, the AEW International Champion, the Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay! The fans fire up as Ospreay makes his entrance, Fletcher accompanying him. Ospreay gets right to it by throwing off his shirt, kicking off his shoes and pulling down his track pants. Ospreay stands on the scale, Nana looks at the readout, and reports in, “Ladies and gentlemen, the official weight for Will Ospreay is… 220 pounds!”

Ospreay steps away, and Nana introduces next, the reigning, defending, AEW World Champion…! Swerve Strickland! The fans fire up for “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” The Realest makes his way out, accompanied by his rap mogul entourage, just as Ospreay knew he would. Westside Gunn holds onto the title for Swerve while he takes off his fur coat. Swerve’s already in boxer shorts, so he just kicks off his shoes to step on the scale. Nana looks at the readout, and reports, “the official weight for your world champion in AEW… is 230 pounds!” Swerve has ten pounds on Ospreay, and now we have the official photo op.

Ospreay and Swerve stand face to face, and very close at that. Both men are talking a bit of smack, but then they both step back to get their belts. Swerve and Ospreay are both ready in body and mind for this match, and Nana asks for any final words before this match. Ospreay says yeah, Swerve’s got 24 hours until Ospreay knocks those dirty ass grills out of his mouth! Ospreay is gonna usher in a new era! One where the best wrestle, and the one where the best wrestler is THE world champ! Swerve will find out why he is Will Ospreay, and that he is on, another, level!! Nana then asks Swerve if he has any final words.

Swerve says let’s just hurry up. Ospreay keeps saying the pressure’s on Swerve? No, it’s on Ospreay! Swerve is the world champion, he’s been here, Ospreay hasn’t. Swerve’s been in the main events, Ospreay hasn’t. Ospreay says he’s on another level? No, it’s Swerve who is on another level! Look how Swerve handles business! Ospreay comes out here dressed like a bum! Swerve is here like a business man. Swerve handles his business like a champion. And as such, Swerve will handle more business. He’s gonna offer Ospreay’s wife a contract- Ospreay pie faces Swerve for saying that! Security and posses jump in to stop this, and Fletcher’s ready to swing!

Ospreay says he’s fine now, he’s calmed now. But then he jukes security to FLYING HIDDEN BLADE Swerve right down!! That was a killshot to be sure! Ospreay snatches both belts up off the ground, and says look at him now! The fans are thunderous, Nana is stunned, and Swerve is in a daze! Will this be exactly how it goes in just 24 hours at Forbidden Door? Or will Ospreay’s anger get the better of him when he steps inside Swerve’s House?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of Collision, especially as a go-home, but I was surprised to see they organized the card in such a way where all the filler type stuff happened in the first hour. Hechicero did win his match tonight, because he’s of course losing to MJF tomorrow night. Serena Deeb’s open challenge was kinda put together like an afterthought by ol’ TK, it being just a squash win here and then we set up something bigger like Deeb VS Riho. Cassidy & Ishii VS Shane & Eagles was a solid opening match, but naturally Eagles took the loss. Good promo from Cassidy with ZSJ, and I do appreciate that Cassidy is now, on occasion, showing nerves and anxiety.

As for the match of Cassidy VS ZSJ, it could go either way, but it’d be more fitting in story if ZSJ won. He gets his win back from last year, more of stressed Cassidy could be good story going forward, and we could have another match between the two at All In Wembley. Vaquer VS Frost was a good match, but of course Mone had to be out there in person to share that spotlight. But it wasn’t that big a deal, I suppose. I did say just the other night that Vaquer was guaranteed to win, and then Mone getting attacked by Zeuxis and beat down by Vaquer does work in the go-home math. Mone is of course winning the NJPW Strong Women’s title, she’ll be going back and forth between AEW and NJPW Strong for however long while Vaquer probably focuses on her CMLL titles.

The Learning Tree stuff is still really goofy, but Bill and Keith help it work. Plus, getting a big brawl with them and Joe’s crew to then bring out Jeff Cobb was good stuff. Cobb was not someone I saw being the third man, but he’s of course a great choice. That said, I still feel like Joe’s team wins out, perhaps with Bill taking the loss. Jericho has Suzuki coming for the FTW Championship, maybe we get a dream match of Cobb VS Joe for the NJPW World TV Championship. And the best part is that with the 15 minute time limit, they could take that to a time limit draw and Cobb retains that way.

Great match from Garcia and Butcher in this Battle of Buffalo, and of course Garcia was winning. Garcia now has momentum going into Beach Break and what is certainly just an International Championship match. The reason for that is because Ospreay clobbered Swerve at the end of that weigh-in. Pro-wrestling has only ever sparingly done weigh-in segments and they’ve almost always been just so someone can stand tall to sway the math in the other person’s advantage, and so that tradition continues. And with Swerve retaining, he’ll go on to All In to face the Owen Hart Cup winner.

And as such, while Triple J is super confident in Jeff Jarrett, I fear that means he’s losing to this Wild Card, who has got to be Hangman. That teaser of his return was really well done, and The Elite did say they’d be the ones choosing the Wild Card. What better way for Hangman to return than to beat Jarrett, get that Heel Heat, win the whole tournament and then once again face Swerve for the title. And then with it being at Wembley Stadium, which is quickly becoming AEW’s biggest show of the year, that’ll be one awesome match. Good promo from The Patriarchy and Bang Bang Gang. White did a good job putting Christian in his place a bit there, and their eventual title match is going to be great stuff, but we’ll need to see more before the math locks in.

And then what an awesome Six Man Tag of all the TNT Championship participants. Jack played up his part perfectly, everyone got to shine, and in the end, the one standing tall is Mark Briscoe because he doesn’t need to win. He has the ROH World Championship, he can focus on that going towards Death Before Dishonor in July. Therefore, it has to still be Jack Perry winning. Then The Elite can become the Golden Elite again, at least for a time as The Bucks still have to defend the tag titles and Wild Card Hangman still has to go for the world title.

My Score: 8.9/10

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