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Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (7/10/24)

Who survives the Calgary Stampede?



Who will go All In against the champions?

The Men’s and Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments reach the finals! Willow or Mariah, Danielson or Hangman, who heads to Wembley Stadium?


  • 2024 Men’s Owen Hart Cup Finals: Bryan Danielson VS Hangman Page; Bryan wins and advances to All In: Wembley.
  • Stampede Street Fight: Samoa Joe VS Chris Jericho; Jericho wins.
  • Global Glory Fatal 4 Way: Claudio Castagnoli VS Kyle Fletcher VS PAC VS Tomohiro Ishii; Pac wins and earns an opportunity for the AEW International Championship.
  • 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Finals: Willow Nightingale VS Mariah May; Mariah wins and advances to All In: Wembley.


Will Ospreay is here!

Calgary fires up for the Aerial Assassin as he makes his way out, International Championship in hand. Ospreay high-fives some fans before he goes into the ring and gets a mic. Ospreay then sits on a corner while the fans cheer him on. “Thank you kindly. So last week, at the end of Dynamite, I’ll be honest with you guys, I was appalled, I was disgusted, but I’ll be honest, I wasn’t surprised. I had heard rumors about MJF.” The fans boo that name, and Ospreay says he’d heard that MJF is one of the most insecure men in pro-wrestling. And he showed it! Cuz a guy like Daniel Garcia earns every opportunity he gets.

And the moment Garcia starts creeping up on MJF’s spot, MJF does whatever it takes to stop it. MJF stand son this second rope, just like Ospreay now, and hits a Tombstone Piledriver. Garcia is still at home with no feeling in his arms and no idea when he’s coming back, if he ever does. And MJF wants to blame the fans? The fans boo that, too. Ospreay says MJF wants to blame the fans for when he opened up to them, spoke about his ADHD. Bruv, Ospreay’s got that, too, but it doesn’t give him an excuse to be a little prick! Listen, alright? Ospreay has only had a few interactions with MJF, and Ospreay already knows MJF doesn’t like him.

Here’s the reasons why. Reason 1: That bidding war of 2024 didn’t go MJF’s way, because Tony Khan would rather spend his money on guys that will elevate AEW rather than bury it! Reason 2: Apparently, Ospreay is a “talentless hack?” Alright, MJF is welcomed to his opinion. But we’re in Canada right now, right? And they are a very well-educated, smart pro-wrestling fans, and Ospreay is pretty sure they can agree that Ospreay has more talent in his left NUT than MJF has in his entire body! The fans cheer that! Some even chant “LEFT NUT! LEFT NUT!” and Ospreay grins.

Ospreay says the main reason MJF doesn’t like him is because Ospreay reminds people what the identity of AEW is meant to be. Ospreay represents the foundation of this place! MJF came swanning back after injury, and he had a tattoo on his calf with “AEW: Bet On Yourself.” But if he was honest, MJF would’ve made that tattoo say, “AEW: All About Myself,” because he is a selfish little prick! If MJF was gonna be honest, he would’ve just said he only cares about himself. And Ospreay has to be honest, he feels like the moment he stepped foot in AEW, he has been cleaning up someone else’s mess, and now he’s found the guy!

But Ospreay respects this. The whole act is MJF is a scumbag. Some cheer it because he’s “their scumbag.” And Ospreay welcomes it! Because that right there is the best version of MJF. It’s been the same crap for about five years, but that’s still the best version of MJF. Ospreay welcomes it, because he wants to show MJF that “the level of the devil” is just the ground floor for Ospreay and he’s on the top floor of a skyscraper, bruv! The fans cheer again, and Ospreay says this time, Ospreay won’t be in England grieving over his nana. He’s here in Calgary, looking for a fight! So if MJF is back there, get on out here so they can handle this!

The fans cheer, and MJF’s music hits! Ospreay is ready, looking up at the ramp. But MJF isn’t coming out? The fans boo but then wait, there’s a tapping on glass. MJF is here via the tron, sipping wine. Not bad. But oh, Ospreay thought MJF was coming out there? No, the people no longer deserve the privilege of being so close to MJF’s greatness. Nor does MJF want to inhale their stench, he deserves better than that. MJF tells “William” that MJF has faced all the favorites the fans thought were top guys, and guess what? They fell beneath his feet. Does Ospreay think he’s different? What Ospreay is, is a joke.

Ospreay is a flavor of the month, MJF is a flavor of the Millennium. And MJF hasn’t had to practically kill himself to get them interested. MJF just had to speak. Ospreay wrestles not for himself but for the fans, he is their little toy monkey. Eventually, they’ll wind Ospreay up, watch him crash the cymbals, and then they’ll realize they’ve seen it all before, and they’ll grow tired of it. And then, they’ll throw him out in the trash, just like they tried to do to MJF. Difference is, MJF is irreplaceable. Ospreay on the other hand… They’ll move on, and call the next flippy guy “The best in the world.”

MJF has only been in this sport for ten years, and he’s seen ten of Ospreay’s type come and go. Great wrestlers are a dime a dozen. Here today, gone tomorrow. MJF is a generational talent. And if Ospreay gets in the ring with MJF, Ospreay will be exposed. So Ospreay wants a match? Ospreay wants MJF tonight? Nope. MJF is not like Ospreay. He doesn’t wrestle for fun or amusement, but for the betterment of AEW. SO here’s a little proposition for Ospreay: Next week, MJF VS Ospreay for the International Championship. That way, for the first time in Ospreay’s career, he won’t be wrestling for stars. MJF will be punching Ospreay until he sees stars.

MJF finishes his wine, having thrown down the gauntlet, but Ospreay smiles. “Adorable. Max, I’ll see you next week, ya little b*tch!” And so the match is made! Will the #BillyGOAT stomp out the Wolf of Wrestling?


2024 Men’s Owen Hart Cup Finals: Bryan Danielson VS Hangman Page!

The American Dragon has acknowledged that his final year of full-time wrestling has not been his best, but he vows to finish strong and go out on top. However, The Black Hat has returned with a mean streak deeper and darker than it’s ever been before! Who not only wins this tournament, but wins their golden ticket to the top of the mountain?

Given the animosity Hangman has shown since his return, Tony Khan has called upon Jeff Jarrett to be tonight’s special guest enforcer! Will the Last Outlaw be able to lay down the law if Hangman crosses the line?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Hangman shoves Bryan down, but Bryan gets right up. They feel things out, tie up, and Hangman throws Bryan down by his hair. The ref reprimands but Hangman doesn’t care. Hangman and Bryan tie up again, and Hangman powers Bryan to the corner. Bryan turns things around, lets off slowly, and then tries a kick! Hangman avoids it, to then DECK Bryan! Hangman rains down fists, the ref reprimands but Hangman lets off to KICK Bryan in the back! Bryan writhes, the fans are torn, but Hangman drags Bryan up. Hangman CHOPS and Bryan goes to a corner.

Hangman CHOPS again, and Bryan staggers to another corner. Hangman CLUBS Bryan, then whips corner to corner. Bryan goes up and over, then rolls Hangman into a HALF CRAB! The fans fire up but Hangman scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Bryan lets go at 4, and reminds the ref he has ’til 5. Bryan stands Hangman up to CHOP, whip, but Hangman KICKS back! Hangman runs in but Bryan DUMPS him out! Bryan gets moving and he DIVES! Direct hit but both men hit railing! The ref hurries out to check and Bryan is alright. Bryan puts Hangman in, goes up a corner, and MISSILE DROPKICKS!

The fans fire up as Hangman tumbles to a corner! Bryan manages to kip up and the fans fire up! Bryan snarls, runs corner to corner, but into a BOOT! Hangman TOSSES Bryan out, but Bryan stays on the apron. So Hangman triangle jumps, but Bryan gets under the lariat! Hangman BLINDSIDES Bryan, then he POSTS Bryan! Bryan falls to the floor, the ref reprimands, and Hangman has a wild look in his eyes as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Hangman drags himself up with the ropes, goes out after Bryan, and throws hands. Bryan is already busted open from the post, so Hangman is opening that wound more! Hangman drags Bryan up to RAM him into steel steps! Hangman refreshes the ring count, storms over to Bryan. Hangman DRIBBLES Bryan against the side of the steps! Hangman SMACKS Bryan off the steps again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. Hangman soaks up the heat while Bryan sputters. The ref counts, but Hangman drags Bryan up and into the ring. Hangman drags Bryan up just to DECK him with a right!

Bryan flounders, the ref checks on him, but Bryan won’t give up. So Hangman DECKS him again! Bryan goes to ropes again, but Hangman is right on him. Hangman ROCKS Bryan and Bryan goes to a corner. Hangman climbs up the corner to rain down fists! The ref counts, but so do the fans, and Hangman goes all the way to nine, before he flips everyone off! The ref checks on Bryan while Dynamite returns to single picture. Bryan still wants to fight so Hangman BOOTS him! Hangman DIGS his fingers at the bloody forehead but the ref tells him to let off. Hangman steps away, Jarrett is watching closely.

Hangman stands Bryan up to ROCK him! Bryan KICKS back! Hangman ROCKS Bryan, but Bryan KICKS again! The fans fire up but Hangman ROCKS Bryan again! Bryan KICKS, and KICKS, and- NO, Hangman blocks that one to SLEEPER SWING! Then a SLAM, and Hangman stomps a mudhole into Bryan! The fans boo but Hangman lets off. Bryan’s crimson mask grows on that right side of his face, but Hangman looms over him. Bryan crawls to a corner, Hangman stands him up, and Hangman CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! The CHOPS keep going, and then Bryan kneels, so Hangman ROCKS Bryan again!

Bryan sputters, rises up, but Hangman stands him up in the corner. Hangman CHOPS again and again and again! Hangman ROCKS Bryan again, but Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs. Bryan CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Then he UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS into a backslide! Bryan rolls through to get the ARMBAR! The fans fire up as Hangman flails and reaches out! Bryan shifts around, omoplata! LEBELL LOCK!! Hangman endures, reaches out and has the ROPEBREAK with a leg! Bryan lets go fast, and Jarrett coaches him. Bryan rises and aims to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! But Hangman blocks one!

Hangman fireman’s carries but Bryan fights it with HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Hangman powers through to pop Bryan into a SAIDO! Bryan is folded up and clutches his neck again. The ref checks but Bryan says to not call this. The fans rally up for Bryan but Hangman snarls. Hangman climbs the corner, but Bryan trips him up! Hangman lands on his six shooter and Bryan goes up after him! Bryan waistlocks, to SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX! Hangman has a rough landing, but fans roar as Bryan sits back up! Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs as he powers back up! Bryan stands on the corner, to then DIVING HEADBUTT FLOP!!

Hangman hurries to CROSSFACE!! Bryan endures, flails, but Hangman pulls on that back neck! Bryan still has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Hangman lets go at 4, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Bryan clutches his neck, but Hangman looms over him. Hangman stomps Bryan, waits on Bryan, but Bryan doesn’t sit up. Hangman drags Bryan up, and slashes his throat while staring Jarrett down. Hangman Alabama Lifts, but Bryan sunset flips it! TWO!!Hangman has the sunset, TWO!! Both men narrowly escape, then Bryan dodges! Bryan comes back, Hangman pops him up but Bryan RANAS first! Hangman gets up to BOOT! Bryan ROUNDHOUSES! Hangman and Bryan both spin, DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOWS take them down!! The ref checks, both men are conscious, so now a standing count begins.

Bryan and Hangman stir at 4 of 10, and then roll to opposite corners. They both stand, stare down, and Hangman looks busted open now, too! They storm up to each other, and Hangman CHOPS! Bryan CHOPS back! Hangman CHOPS again, so Bryan CHOPS again! Hangman CHOPS, Bryan puts Hangman in a corner to CHOP and KICK on repeat! Bryan then hoists Hangman up top, climbs up behind him, and he throws down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Dynamite returns to single picture as the fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” with every shot! Bryan stops at ten to then drag Hangman up. But Hangman throws elbows of his own!

Hangman brings Bryan down, rips the padding off the crossbar, and SMACKS Bryan off the steel!! Bryan falls back and fans boo! Hangman has a sinister grin on his face as he adjusts, to QUEBRADA and INVERTED SUPLEX, into a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO?!?! No one can believe it and Hangman is furious! Hangman kicks Bryan out of the ring and the fans boo. Hangman goes out to the corner, goes up and up, but Bryan hurries to SHOVE him down!! Hangman hits apron on the way down! Bryan steps back inside, and he takes aim to SPRINGBOARD SWANTON!! Direct hit and down goes Hangman!

The fans lose their minds seeing the American Dragon fly like he’s a young man again! Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs and rises up. The ref checks but Bryan says leave him alone! Bryan KICKS Hangman, and KICKS, and KICKS! The fans fire up, “YES! YES! YES!” But even Bryan is getting wobbly as he KICKS! Bryan winds up, BUZZ- NO, Hangman ducks and reels Bryan in! PILEDRIVER to the floor!! Doc Sampson wants to check now, this is getting risky! Jarrett also sticks close so Hangman won’t get at Bryan. Bryan’s even bloodier than before, but Hangman says time to finish him! Jarrett stands in Hangman’s way!

Hangman pie faces Jarrett! The fans boo, and even tell Jarrett to go do something. Jarrett says no, he has to keep his cool. The ring count starts while Hangman sits in the ring. Bryan staggers but falls over again, and we’re past 5 of 10. Jarrett and Sampson try to reason with Bryan as he crawls back towards the ring. We’re already at 8 of 10, and Bryan says he HAS to do this! Bryan manages to slide in at 9.5!! Hangman HAMMERS away on Bryan for it! The ref reprimands but Hangman’s rage is boiling up. Hangman drags Bryan up, and he peels away the KT tape! The fans boo but Hangman is showing no mercy now!

Hangman drags Bryan up to ROCK him with a forearm! And ROCK him again! Bryan flounders, the fans rally harder and harder, but Hangman drags him up again. Hangman ROLLING- NO, Bryan dodges! BUSAIKU KNEE!! But both men are down, Bryan can’t make the cover! The fans rally rally as hard as they can and Bryan rises up! That crimson mask has a fresh coat of blood, and he headbutts Hangman. Hangman HEADBUTTS back! Bryan shakes his head, to HEADBUTT! Hangman HEADBUTTS, but then Bryan HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS and HEADBUTTS again! Then he ROUNDHOUSES Hangman, waistlocks, and GERMAN SUPLEXES!

But Hangman lands on his feet! And he dodges to GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bryan lands on his feet?! Bryan dodges again, but then Hangman dodges, BUSAIKU KNEE hits ref!! This is just like Collision! And Hangman knows it! DISCUS LARIAT!! And off comes the belt! The fans boo but Hangman LASHES Bryan! And LASHES him again! And then he CHOKES Bryan! Jarrett has had it, he storms in! Hangman stares Jarrett down, they argue, and then Hangman SHOVES Jarrett down! The fans boo but Jarrett gets right back up. Jarrett reveals he has a ref’s shirt! And then Bryan rolls Hangman up! Jarrett counts, TWO!!

Hangman gets up but Bryan wrangles him back down! LEBELL LOCK!! Hangman pries the grip open, jackknife bridges, but then rolls to Alabama Lift, DEADEYE!!! Cover, TWO!!! Hangman accuses Jarrett of a bad count but Jarrett says he was being fair! Hangman goes to the apron, slingshot, BLINDSIDE BUCKSHOT!! Hangman reloads on the other side! BUCK- NO, Bryan ducks to “O’Conner Roll! Bridge, Jarrett counts, TWO!!! Hangman escapes, and has the CROSSFACE!! Jarrett asks Bryan, Hangman CLAWS at Bryan, but Bryan fights around! Fans hope these two “FIGHT FOREVER!” but someone has to be the King of Harts!

Jarrett realizes the belt is still there and so he does his best to free Bryan. But then Hangman rolls Bryan from ropes! Bryan is fading, Jarrett checks him! Jarrett doesn’t want Hangman to win but he’s worried about Bryan! Arm lift, and Bryan revives!! The fans fire up as Bryan fights his way around! But Hangman rolls him back again! So Bryan rolls to a cradle! BRYAN WINS!!!

Winner: Bryan Danielson, by pinfall (2024 King of Harts)

Hangman is furious with Jarrett but he still got caught by that deep hook! Hangman storms off, what is he to do to satisfy his rage now? As for Bryan, he is going All In! Martha Hart walks out to not only hug Jarrett, but to help him bring the Owen Hart Foundation Championship belt and trophy to the ring. Martha has the mic to say hello to Calgary. It is great to be back in the Saddledome for Stampede Week! And in Owen Hart’s hometown, it is with great pleasure that she awards the Owen Cup to Bryan Danielson. Jarrett brings trophy and belt over, and Bryan holds them up proudly.

Bryan shakes Martha’s hand, and Martha says see you in Wembley Stadium for his AEW World Championship match! The tron graphic makes it official, and then “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” The Realest is here to look his next challenger in the eyes! Will Swerve slay the American Dragon in London? Or will Bryan keep his promise to himself to go out on top?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

For the milestone 250TH EPISODE of Dynamite, Ospreay and MJF will have their match! The International Championship will be on the line, all to kick off the show in Little Rock, Arkansas! Who will lead AEW by example when they stand tall as champion?


AEW returns and…

Swerve & Nana have the ring to themselves now, and Swerve has a mic. The fans chant, “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve says he stood on that stage not more than a week ago, staring down Will Ospreay, looking at that man eye to eye, and you know what Ospreay said? Ospreay said that the best in the world is the one who holds the world championship. And there was a lot of doubt being thrown around, so Swerve had to silence that. Now that Swerve has beat Ospreay, you’re looking at the Best int he World, THE AEW World Champion!

And by the way, congratulations to Bryan Danielson for winning the Men’s Owen Cup. The fans cheer, and Swerve says it will be a true honor and privilege facing Bryan in the main event of All In next month. But… Swerve isn’t over the fact Bryan has that one win over him. And Swerve is someone who holds onto grudges. They are at two different points in their careers now. Bryan’s on the downslide, while Swerve… Well, you could say you’re looking at the most dangerous man in AEW.

“Speaking of which, it wasn’t more than a couple weeks ago that The EVPs, The Elite, had walked down to this ring. (Nana) You were there when that happened, right?” Nana confirms it. The Elite came out here, tried to bribe Swerve with some “Miniature” Reebok pumps, and offered Swerve a spot on their Blood & Guts team. Well, Swerve is here to officially announce that he will be in Blood & Guts. On Team AEW. The fans cheer that! Swerve says he said before, you do not make a Team AEW and do not offer the AEW World Champion a spot. Swerve is gonna lead the team, and not just do one but two things Bryan Danielson could not.

Swerve already beat Will Ospreay, and now he will lead Team AEW in victory against The Elite. And speaking of The Elite, we are now in this Dynasty Era. There were three men appointed the lead of The Dynasty. First, yours truly, Swerve Strickland. Second, the International Champion, Will Ospreay. And third, the Continental Champion, Kazuchika Okada. So then how about we do this? Swerve puts out a challenge to Okada, so that the world champion can show him how to really make it rain. “B*tch.”

So in closing, Swerve will see everyone at All In. And Bryan, this Swerve firmly promises you: “This will be your final countdown.” WHOSE HOUSE!? “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” The Mogul is making big moves, but will he have enough ammo in the arsenal to take down all his targets?


The Acclaimed present: Two Times!

That’s right, a brand new music video from Max Caster, Anthony Bowens & Daddy Ass! Platinum says, “I’mma beat the Young Bucks two times~. Tag champs going on two times~. Young Bucks just a couple two times~. I’mma push them back like their hairline~. (Oh snap!) I’mma turn them into a headline, I’mma turn a couple fake boys into a True Crime! Splatter on the mat, hang ’em up in the Guggenheim. I’m so artsy, they can’t even draw a dime. Hit ’em with a Mic drop, Brown boys, white hot. Black eyes all up on your face, that’s a bright spot.

“You some little guys, I’mma hit you with the kibosh. Crime scene, looking photogenic like you Chris Bosh. Can’t even walk a mile in my path, you in sneakers. Read the news in the dirt sheet, who the leakers? Young Bucks talk a big game, can’t answer a question. Matthew & Nicholas, the cancer o’ wrestlin’. Knocking on my office door, you can get to yappin’. History repeats itself and we can see what happens. I’ll wipe your nose, someone get me a napkin. We beat ’em last month, now we need a reenactment.

“I’mma beat the Young Bucks two times~. Tag champs going on two times~. Young Bucks just a couple two times~. I’mma push them back like their hairline~. (Oh snap!) What’s the point of time? All of us are unsigned. Strugglin’ to make it, put it all on the line. Y’all had a chance to improve on the game, had to go away when you found you couldn’t hang. When it first started, it was all great. Now you went and turned into the things that you hate. Wearing cheap suits, wanna flash it, control. You ain’t for the boys, you ain’t passin’ the code. Rainmaker only came here for the money. Bring in Jack Perry, are you tryin’ to be funny?

“And you got a job for your family and boys, but what about your friends that are still unemployed? You don’t really talk about them, but we does. Hung Bucks, your kids walk back to Reseda. Y’all had a chance to improve on the sport. Fast-forward five years, now Acclaimed got the torch.” And with that torch, Platinum has just roasted Matthew & Nicholas! Will Caster & Bowens be looking to go All In with The Elite?


Stampede Street Fight: Samoa Joe VS Chris Jericho!

The Samoan Submission Specialist asked The Learning Tree if he still had faith in humanity. Joe wants to know if Jericho thinks anything of his fellow man with how he throws around his condescending advice. And Joe really wants to know if Jericho actually thinks anyone will come to his rescue when Joe is tearing the Learning Tree apart, limb by limb! It is time to conduct such an experiment under extreme conditions, will Jericho even survive the Stampede?

The Bad Apple, Bryan Keith, is by Jericho’s side. Jericho waves to the fans but Joe doesn’t look away from The “For the World” Champion. The bell rings, the fans rally for Joe, and the two stare down. Jericho talks a little trash, but then Joe snatches the cowboy hat away. Jericho says don’t do anything to that hat, that’s his hat. Joe says okay, okay. Joe PUNCHES Jericho through the hat! Joe then JABS away on Jericho in the corner! Then he RIDGE HANDS Jericho down! Jericho sputters up to his feet but Joe HEADBUTTS! And HEADBUTTS! Joe whips corner to corner, then runs in to BACK ELBOW, and PELE!

Jericho drops to his knees, but Joe stands him up to ROCK him and JAB him and HEADBUTT him! Jericho CLAWS the eyes! The Bad Apple applauds but the fans boo. Jericho ROCKS Joe, CHOPS him, then CHOPS again. Jericho CHOPS then whips, but Joe ducks ‘n’ dodges to DIVE onto Keith! Joe is not taking any chances, he TOSSES Keith into the crowd! The fans fire up as Joe goes back to the ring. Jericho hits Joe with a dropkick, CLUBS him, then drags him up to whip him hard into railing! Jericho JAMS Joe up with a chair, then shows it off. The fans are torn, and Jericho SMACKS Joe on the back!

Jericho drags Joe up, puts him in the ring, and then hurries to bring stuff out from under the ring. Jericho has found a black bag! Jericho BOOTS Joe, then holds up the bag. Jericho pours out HORSESHOES! The fans fire up seeing those, and Jericho reels Joe in. But Joe is too bulky to back suplex! Joe CLUBS Jericho, fires off KNEE after KNEE, then he runs, only for Jericho to kick low! Jericho runs, but into a scoop! Joe POWERBOMBS Jericho onto the horseshoes! Jericho writhes, Joe runs to SENTON! The fans lose their minds, Joe covers, TWO!! Jericho survives, Joe drags Jericho up and KICKS him around!

Joe KICKS and KICKS, but Jericho blocks to LOW BLOW! Because No Disqualifications means who cares about respect, right? Jericho then gets the legs, and he turns Joe over for the WALLS OF JERICHO! Joe endures, the fans rally up, and Dynamite goes picture in picture!

Joe reaches out, but Jericho sits deep on the hold. Joe still fights around, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! But again, a Street Fight means No Disqualifications, so Jericho doesn’t have to let go! Jericho drags Joe back from ropes and he sits deep again! Joe still endures, still claws around, but Jericho still keeps him down. Joe grits his teeth, the fans rally, and Joe pushes up! Dynamite returns to single picture as Joe powers his way to turn over, and he CLOCKS Jericho with a horseshoe! Jericho falls back, Joe is free, and both men slowly rise. Jericho snarls and tells Joe to get up. Joe does, and he JABS! JABS! JABS! And then ROLLING ELBOW!

Joe puts Jericho up top, tucks him in, but Jericho fights free! Jericho leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Jericho waves to the fans but they boo. Joe goes to the outside, Jericho goes to the apron, and Jericho LEAPS, but Joe just walks away! Jericho SMACKS off the steel steps! The fans fire up as Joe drags Jericho up to TOSS over railing! The fans fire up more as now they’re fighting in the crowd! Joe drags Jericho up the bleachers, HAMMERS away on him, and then Joe brings Jericho back around to SMACK him off the barriers! Those are hockey boards! Joe fires hands, then a fan lends him some popcorn! Joe SMASHES Jericho with the popcorn!

This fight now goes backstage and Joe keeps Jericho moving with fast hands! Joe pulls Jericho along by his hair, sends him into spare railing, then CHOPS him! And ROCKS him! We’re by catering and Joe ROCKS Jericho! Jericho SPLASHES Joe with coffee! And it was piping hot! JUDAS- NO, Joe catches Jericho to a COQUINA CLUTCH! Joe brings Jericho to his knees, but NOW Big Bill appears! And The Redwood SMACKS Joe with a chair! Joe lets Jericho go and Bill SMACKS Joe off the back of a forklift! Then Keith returns and the Branches beat down on Joe! Jericho says stand Joe up! They do as told, and Jericho takes off his own belt.

Jericho wraps his fist in the leather, has the buckle prepared, and he thanks Martha Hart for giving him the belt! BELT BUCKLE KNUCKLE DUSTER!! Joe gets hit right in the head, and then Bill CHOKE SLAMS Joe onto the pallet! Bill HAMMERS away on Joe, then Jericho gets in the seat of the forklift! Staff tells Jericho no but Keith THROWS them aside! Jericho powers up the forklift, and he is bringing Joe around. Jericho says, “Hi, guys~!” Jericho RUNS JOE THROUGH A WALL!!! Bill is laughing while staff, refs, Doc Sampson and even Colt Cabana run over! Cabana asks what the hell Jericho is doing! Doc Sampson calls it! Joe is OUT, Jericho wins!

Winner: Chris Jericho, by stoppage

The Learning Tree grins, and asks how “Samoa Joke” feels now. If this is what Jericho is willing to do to spread his “teachings” to AEW, what won’t he do #ForTheWorld?


AEW returns and…

The medical team has Samoa Joe on a stretcher and is now getting him inside an ambulance. Sampson tells Joe that they’ve got him. Joe is conscious, but what is his condition after Jericho- Wait, what are Jericho and his sidekicks even doing here? Jericho smiles and waves, “Bye, Joe. Bye bye. Thanks.” Has the Learning Tree finally snapped?


Global Glory Fatal 4 Way: Claudio Castagnoli VS Kyle Fletcher VS PAC VS Tomohiro Ishii!

The Swiss Superman, The Aussie Arrow, The British Bastard and the Japanese Stone Pitbull have all held championship gold from around the world, but that was in the past. They all want gold in the near future, so Tony Khan has assembled this star-studded match! Who wins that “Global Glory,” and awaits the winner of Ospreay VS MJF for the International Championship?

The bell rings and Claudio is already in Pac’s face. Pac tries to get in Claudio’s face but he’s just not tall enough. So Kyle CLOBBERS them both! Ishii storms up and Kyle fires forearms, but Ishii doesn’t budge! The fans rally, Ishii ROCKS Fletcher! Ishii runs, Kyle BOOTS him! Kyle runs, Ishii CLOBBERS him! Claudio UPPERCUTS Pac in a corner, Ishii fires forearms on Claudio! Claudio eggs Ishii on, Ishii fires more forearms, but Claudio ROCKS him in return! Claudio fires up and runs to RAM shoulders! But Ishii roars! Ishii fires a forearm, runs, and RAMS Claudio! Claudio roars, so Kyle CLOBBERS them both!

Kyle runs, but both Claudio & Ishii run him over! They work together to DOUBLE LARIAT Kyle up and out! The fans fire up and then the forearms fly again! Ishii and Claudio go back and forth, Claudio UPPERCUTS, but then Ishii ducks ‘n’ runs to run Claudio over! Pac is up top, though, and he MISSILE DROPKICKS Ishii! Pac builds speed but Kyle trips him up! Kyle gets in to soak up the heat, then he builds speed. Pac drops, hurdles, runs, and RANAS! Kyle flounders out of the ring and the fans cheer Pac. But Claudio’s back and he trips Pac! Kyle SUPERKICKS Claudio first! Ishii gets in, blocks a superkick and SAIDOS!

Pac swings, into a SAIDO! Claudio is back but he runs into- NO, Claudio fights that lift! Claudio gut wrenches Ishii, to SUPLEX Ishii! Ishii goes out and he ends up by Pac and Kyle. Claudio FLIES out to take them all down! The fans fire up with Claudio as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Claudio watches Kyle stand up, so he runs in to UPPERCUT Kyle into the crowd! Claudio brings Kyle back to ringside, then runs in to UPPERCUT Pac! Pac flounders against barriers and Claudio high-fives the fans. Ishii is up but Claudio ROCKS him with forearm after forearm! Then Claudio whips Ishii hard into barrier! Ishii almost ends up in the laps of the fans! Pac is up and he SOBATS Claudio! And SMACKS him off the apron! Claudio staggers away, Pac storms after him to headlock. Pac punches Claudio, then whips him, only for Claudio to stop from hitting railing! Claudio body shots Pac to send him into railing!

Kyle whips Ishii but Ishii reverses, and Kyle crashes into railing! Claudio has Pac against railing to rain down fists! Claudio stops at ten, but Ishii runs up to ROCK Claudio! Claudio comes back to CHOP Ishii! Claudio fires up, and he CHOPS Ishii again! And ROCKS him! The ref insists someone get in the ring, so Claudio puts Ishii in. Claudio storms up the steps, then climbs the corner. Kyle drags Pac up, Ishii stands and he ROCKS Claudio on the top rope! Kyle climbs up another corner, but Pac ROCKS him first! Ishii climbs up after Claudio, Pac climbs up after Kyle. Claudio fires forearms on Ishii, then a HEADBUTT! That didn’t work…

Claudio fires more forearms and Ishii wobbles. Claudio fires even more forearms, but Ishii ROCKS him right back! Claudio wobbles up top, steadies himself, and meanwhile, Pac SUPERPLEXES Kyle! Claudio stands, but Ishii gets him first! SUPER DUPER PLEX!! All four men are down as Dynamite returns to single picture and the fans are all fired up! The four men sit up, and Ishii ROCKS Claudio! And ROCKS Pac! Kyle ROCKS Ishii, Ishii ROCKS him back! Claudio and Pac hit Ishii, then Kyle! Ishii pinballs between all the forearms, but he just fires up! Ishii fires forearm after forearm in return and the fans are thunderous!

Pac ROCKS Ishii, Ishii HEADBUTTS Pac! Kyle aims, Ishii ducks, SUPERKICK hits Claudio! Ishii HEADBUTTS Kyle down! Ishii runs at Pac to LARIAT in the corner! Claudio UPPERCUTS Ishii! Kyle GAMANGIRIS Claudio! Kyle reels Claudio in but Pac brings Kyle back, POISON-RANA! The fans are thunderous, Pac roars, and Pac runs, into a POPUP UPPERCUT!! Ishii LARIATS Claudio!! Kyle runs up, Ishii fire boxing elbows on him! Ishii runs, into a scoop! SPINNING TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ishii survives and Kyle cannot believe it! Kyle throws off his elbow pads, and the fans rally up again.

Kyle drags Ishii up to the top rope, “This is Awesome!” as he climbs up to get him. Ishii fires body shots, fires forearms, but Kyle fights back! Ishii HEADBUTTS and Kyle falls back! Claudio UPPERCUTS Ishii! Ishii falls to the apron, and Claudio trips Kyle! The fans fire up for the GIANT SWING!! Kyle goes around and around and around, and the fans count all the way to TEN! Claudio steps through, and has the SHARPSHOOTER!! Calgary is thunderous for the Hart family favorite! But Pac climbs up again, so that he can go MACHO ELBOW onto Kyle!! And then BRUTALIZER!! Kyle is in DOUBLE SUBMISSIONS!!

Kyle endures, but Ishii returns! Ishii fires forearms on Claudio again and again! Claudio gets mad and lets Kyle go to grab Ishii! Ishii HEADBUTTS Claudio, and hits a BRAINBUSTER!! Ishii then hurries to run and SLIDING D Pac!! Kyle is free, but now Ishii aims at him! LARIAT!!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Kyle survives and Calgary can’t believe it! Ishii roars, he hauls Kyle back up, but Claudio makes the save! UPPERCUT and Ishii goes flying! Claudio hits a NEUTRALIZER on Kyler! Cover, but Pac YANKS Claudio away! Pac covers Kyle, but Claudio YANKS Pac back! The two rivals stare down and the fans fire up again!

Claudio shoves Pac, then he blocks Pac’s kick! Claudio UPPERCUYTS, reels Pac in, but Ishii CLUBS Claudio, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Ishii runs up, Pac dodges to SNAP SUPLEX! Claudio runs in, into a SNAP GERMAN! The fans are thunderous, but Kyle catches Pac to a cradle! TWO!!! Pac escapes, BOOTS back, and Kyle is down! Pac drags him into the drop zone and goes up top! BLACK ARROW!! Into BRUTALIZER!!! KYLE TAPS, PAC WINS!!

Winner: Pac, by submission (NEW #1 Contender to the AEW International Champion)

The Bastard breaks The Protostar and he has all the Global Glory! Pac gets the mic, and he says, “Safe to say, things have not been going well for me recently. Since returning to AEW in March, I have made many bold promises. And I have suffered many humiliating failures. Now I don’t know what I’m gonna do next, ya see. But what i do know is this: It’s All In Season! And The Bastard will not be denied my Wembley moment! I can promise you that. So let tonight’s victory stand as a line in the sand…! The Bastard will be back.” Pac has put Ospreay and MJF on notice, will it be The Aerial Assassin or The Wolf of Wrestling that faces him next?


AEW goes backstage with Renee Paquette.

She is on her way to interview Bryan Danielson, who has won the Men’s Owen Hart Tournament to move on to Wembley. But then Hangman Page pushes past her and she tries to get his attention. She has to shout at him, and asks if she could get just a little bit of respect around here, it’d be appreciated. Hangman knocks on a door without a word to Renee. Renee leaves, and the person that opens the door is Okada. Okada asks if he can help Hangman. Hangman wants to go inside, but Okada stops him, and asks again, “Can I help you?” The Bucks then walk up and say it is all okay. But fancy seeing Hangman here. Anything they can do for him?

Hangman says he’ll do it. Hangman then leaves, and Okada asks if The Bucks are okay. Now they are! They just got their fifth man! Will The Black Hat help The Elite win Blood & Guts against Team AEW?


Mercedes Mone is here!

Calgary is torn about The CEO walking out here, wearing the TBS Championship but holding the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship on her shoulder. She celebrated her Forbidden Door victory last week, but it seems the Two Belt Boss needs double the fun. She struts her way to the ring, security ready at all corners, and there’s already a table and a bottle waiting for her. Mone puts her NJPW Strong belt on the stand, then picks up the mic. “Calgaryyyy~! Please say hello to your C E O!”T he fans are still torn but Mone is so honored to be here to celebrate her historic double championship victory.

And huge shoutout to her boys, The EVPs, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, for the extra security. Because if there’s one thing for sure, Mone will NOT be interrupted. Before we start, Mone wants to set the record straight about the past, present and future. Because these two titles and everyone here knows, she is the past, present AND future! Mone is the best their was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be! The fans boo her stealing the Hitman’s line. Then Mone says as far as Britt Baker goes, she better wake up from her little fantasy about facing Mone at All In. That is NOT going to happen.

Because if Britt did face Mone in the ring, Mone would leave her with way more than a couple herniated disks. She would leave Britt for dead! So everyone, it is time to grab your glasses, pour a little whiskey, and raise a toast to the Greatest of All Time, the History Maker, the Star Marker, the- D M D! The fans fire up but Mone is pissed that Britt is daring to interrupt after all! Mone tells security to get her, but Britt DECKS the first guy! And SUPERKICKS the second! Mone panics as Britt just pushes past the rest! Mone grabs her belts and runs as best she can in heels! Mone says this was HER moment, but now she knows how it feels!

Britt smiles but Mone says there will be a price to pay. Will nothing stop the DMD from going after the CEO over both the TBS and NJPW Strong titles?


Brandon Cutler’s been attacked backstage!

And his face has been painted with a very familiar half-skull! That’s because it’s DARBY ALLIN who got him! Cutler begs for mercy but Darby just rains down more fists! Darby then gets in the camera to ask Jack Perry, “What’s that ish you say? We all have to make sacrifices, huh? Brandon just made his. Elite, you really thought this was over? Dynamite 250, we’re just getting started.” The Relentless One leaves, but will he get his payback from Double Or Nothing?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

While the Don Callis Family has been floundering, The Alpha looks to take charge! Konosuke Takeshita faces “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington, but will he make Callis proud?


BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite 250!

The Rainmaker heard The Realest call him out, and now it is official! Champion VS Champion, Okada VS Swerve! Will Okada do what Ospreay could not and take down the AEW World Champion?


2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Finals: Willow Nightingale VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther!

History is within reach right here in Calgary! The Babe with the Power wants to become the first-ever TWO-TIME, BACK-TO-BACK Queen of Harts, but “The Chick with The Champ” wants to face said champ for an All In homecoming. Only one woman can “costar” with The Leading Lady, Toni Storm. Who wins the trophy to go after the world championship?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, Willow wrenches and wristlocks, but Mariah wrenches back. Willow slips around to waistlock but Mariah fights the slam. Mariah switches, Willow pries the hold open, and she drop toeholds. Willow floats to a facelock but Mariah fights up. Mariah wrenches to a wristlock, then hammerlocks. Willow slips around to full nelson, but Mariah fights it! Mariah reaches out but Willow spins her around to gut wrench! Mariah grabs ropes to stop the bomb, and Willow lets off. Mariah breathes easy as she and Willow reset. The fans rally again as the two tie up.

Willow and Mariah go around, Willow puts Mariah in a corner. Willow CHOPS and the fans fire up! Willow runs in, but Mariah goes up and over! Mariah keeps moving but Willow runs her over! The fans fire up and Willow flexes. Willow runs, Mariah follows then trips Willow! Mariah runs to SHOTGUN Willow down! Mariah grins, storms up on Willow, and CHOPS her against ropes! The fans “WOO~!”and Mariah whips. Willow reverses, Mariah ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, and she RAANS Willow onto ropes! Mariah stands Willow up for forearm sot the back! Mariah runs to SHOTGUN Willow in the back! Willow falls, Mariah covers, ONE!!

Storm has her shoes at the ready as Mariah brings Willow up. Mariah tries to scoop but Willow fights her off. Mariah CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS! Mariah puts some stank on the CHOP, then runs, but Willow scoops her with ease! And copies the SPIN OUT SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Willow shrugs that off to get moving, and she SPLASHES down! Cover, TWO! Mariah is still in this but Willow drags her up. Willow scoops, Mariah slips free, and Mariah ROCKS Willow! Willow goes to a corner, Mariah goes corner to corner, but Willow puts her on the apron! Mariah kicks but Willow blocks to DECK her!

The fans fire up as Willow goes to the apron, and she CANNONBALLS! Down goes Mariah and Calgary fires up as Dynamite goes picture in picture!

Storm is very worried for her protege and Luther fans her off. Willow puts Mariah in the ring, covers, TWO! Mariah survives again but Willow keeps cool. Willow drags Mariah up, scoops her, and SLAMS her! Then SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Willow smiles that off and stalks Mariah to ropes. Willow stands Mariah up but Mariah fires a forearm! And another! Willow DECKS Mariah right back! Then Willow hauls Mariah up to suplex! Cover, TWO! Willow is getting annoyed but she reels Mariah in. Mariah spins that around to jump on and GUILLOTINE! Willow stays up, and she RAMS Mariah into a corner! And then she CLUBS Mariah down!

Willow stomps Mariah, drags her back up, and then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS, into a KOJI KLUTCH! Mariah endures being twisted around, even as Willow kicks at her! Mariah fights around with her one free leg, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Willow lets go, and then she drags Mariah up. Willow puts Mariah on the top rope, climbs up after her, and Dynamite returns to single picture. The fans fire up as Mariah fights back! Mariah ROCKS Willow and she falls back. Mariah adjusts, and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Willow tumbles away to the opposite corner, so Mariah says kiss this! SWEET HIP MUSIC!

Mariah stands Willow up, to DDT! Cover, TWO!! Willow survives and Storm says this is what Mariah trained for! Mariah tries to fireman’s carry but Willow fights her off. Willow BOOTS Mariah to a corner, then runs in to BACK BODY BLOCK! And LARIAT! And whip to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO!! Mariah survives but Willow gets the legs! Willow is wearing the Owen Hart tribute gear, so now she steps through to pay tribute in deed! But Mariah kicks and flails and grabs an arm! Mariah kicks away on Willow’s leg! Willow hobbles away, but she storms right back up! Willow waistlocks, Mariah switches, and Mariah GERMAN SUPLEXES!!

The fans fire up while both women are down! Willow goes to a corner, Mariah to the other. Mariah runs in to UPPERCUT! Mariah whips but Willow blocks! Willow shakes her head and she whips Mariah to the corner. Willow runs in, Mariah dodges to UPPERCUT! Mariah fires off forearm after forearm, then she goes corner to corner again. Willow BOOTS Mariah, goes up, but Mariah DOUBLE CHOPS! Mariah runs up into the STRATUSPHERE! Cover, TWO!! Willow survives and Mariah is seeing why Willow won last year. But she also aims as Willow rises, and Mariah runs in, only for Willow to dodge the knee!

Willow rolls Mariah, Mariah rolls through, but Willow hits a FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Mariah survives but Willow fireman’s carries. Mariah slips free, takes a swing, but Willow ducks and shoves her away. Willow goes the other way, but Mariah HEADBUTTS the Pounce apart!! Both women are down and the fans are thunderous! Wait, who is this in the hoody!? Willow stops them from getting in the ring, and Storm gets on the apron! The ref stops Storm, but then KRIS STATLANDER BOOTS WILLOW! Because surprise, that was Stokely Hathaway in the hoody! Willow falls, Mariah rises, and Storm says end it!

Mariah runs up to KNEE Willow down!! Cover, TWO?!?! Willow still lives and no one can believe it! Mariah drags Willow back up, fireman’s carries, but Willow fights free! So Mariah rolls to LEG TRAP JACKKNIFE! TWO!!! Willow escapes the trap that caught Hikaru Shida, and Storm is in disbelief! Storm coaches Mariah, the fans love “A E DUB! A E DUB!” for making this the main event! Mariah reels Willow in, but Willow wrenches out to LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!!! Mariah survives and Storm rallies the fans! Willow huffs ‘n’ puffs and brings the straps down! Mariah is in a corner, reaching out for her mentor.

Willow roars, runs, and CANNONBALLS! Then she drags Mariah right up, fireman’s carries, and- Mariah pops through! Victory roll, MARIAH WINS!!!

Winner: Mariah May, by pinfall (2024 Queen of Harts)

Storm is ecstatic and Mariah is emotional! Willow can’t believe it, but she still shows respect to Mariah. Mariah and Storm now celebrate, because now they’re both going All In! Mariah and Storm frolic together up the ramp, and Mariah grabs the Owen Hart Foundation Championship belt. TO CLOBBER TONI WITH IT?!?! Calgary cannot believe their eyes!! But then Mariah LASHES Toni with it! And LASHES! And LASHES! Luther runs up to stop her but Mariah CLOBBERS him, too!! What has gotten into Mariah!? She LASHES Luther over and over! Storm sits up, busted open, and she asks why! But Mariah just KICKS her in the side!!

Mariah LOW BLOWS Luther!! And then CLOBBERS him off the stag and down through tables!!! Storm is in tears as her apparent protege was a wolf in sheep’s clothing! And talk about watch for the shoe, Mariah grabs one and CLUBS Storm in the head with it!! And again! And again! And again! And again!! Storm’s crimson mask grows, and Mariah DIGS the heel into the wound!! Refs run out here, and Mariah DECKS Aubrey Edwards!! Mariah’s true colors show as she kisses the bloody face of Toni Storm. The fans are losing their minds as Mariah has gone full Psycho! Will Mariah turn All In into her own slasher film?

My Thoughts:

Now this was an awesome episode of Dynamite. Only four matches because these were the only four we needed, as well as great promos, all with story build. Opening with Ospreay and MJF having their promos was the smart move, and it sets up a great title match for next week. I did not realize we’d already gotten to 250 but I suppose after five years, we were gonna get there. And Ospreay VS MJF is going to be great stuff, and I can’t really be sure who wins. The Global Glory Fatal 4 was awesome stuff, and naturally the winner is now a contender to the International Championship. Pac winning out is great, and I’d love if it was Pac VS Ospreay. Two British wrestlers fighting it out, the crowd would eat that up.

That Street Fight was great stuff. I appreciate Jericho bringing out location appropriate weapons in the black bag. And given this is Calgary Stampede, aka a rodeo, horseshoes was perfect. But of course Morrissey & Keith got involved, especially once things went backstage. No Hook, apparently Shibata wasn’t able/allowed to be there, and same for Taz I think, so Joe was all alone. I NEVER would’ve imagined Jericho driving a forklift through a wall to win a match, but here we are. I feel like this just helps Joe and Hook pull off that “miraculous return” in time to give us a huge Six Man Tag for All In.

Very good promo stuff from Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker, mostly because they had Britt run out there to run Mone off. Mone continues to embrace being a Heel that is tangentially connected to The Elite. And while Mone keeps saying no, Britt is going to keep going after her, and I think Tony Khan or Kenny Omega is gonna use their authority to make it official. It probably will be for both belts, and I’m pretty sure Mone retains. She can cheat to do it so that builds Heel heat while not really hurting Britt Baker’s return. Britt can even demand and get a rematch at All Out, which isn’t even two weeks after All In.

Another great music video from Acclaimed but I feel like they need to start putting subtitles, I could not be sure what Caster was saying at some points because he’s just that clever. But obviously, this is all building to A) tag title match at All In and B) Acclaimed wanting to be in on Blood & Guts. For that matter, Darby Allin returning and calling Jack Perry out, that itself is a two-for-one build. Perry VS Allin for the TNT Championship can be a match for All In, and Allin can be the fifth man for Team AEW. Swerve of course wanted to be the team leader for Team AEW, that’s good continuity from before. And then with Hangman losing out on the Owen Hart Cup, and hearing Swerve is part of Blood & Guts, great move for that to convince him to side with The Elite.

Speaking of which, what an awesome Men’s Owen Hart Cup match. With how Swerve is champ, it was really surprising that Hangman lost, but they did such a good job pulling it off. Bryan got bloodied, his neck was bothering him since minute one, and yet he pulls out the win with some help from Jeff Jarrett. Swerve VS Bryan is going to be awesome stuff, and Bryan has been saying he wants to retire world champion, so this could be a make or break moment for that. Then the Women’s Owen Hart Cup was equally amazing. The ring gear being tributes to both Bret & Owen was good stuff, and then to protect Willow’s loss, Stoke & Kris got involved to perhaps set up that final grudge match.

And that ending moment… Way back when she first buddied up to Toni, I sensed Mariah was going to pull something like this. It felt like she was being disingenuous on some level, and I thought it was going to be sooner, because AEW doesn’t always handle pacing in stories well, especially in women’s division story. But just as I thought they weren’t going to do it after Mariah, Mina & Storm all celebrated at Forbidden Door, they have Mariah just absolutely shock everyone. Especially with how bloody she made Storm. This immediately cranks the heat up all the way to the max, and even as soon as Collision on Saturday, we could get the “Why Mariah Why” promo for the explanation.

My Score: 9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW All Out Results & Report! (9/7/24)

Is this where it ends?



More than just the title is on the line!

Bryan Danielson went All In and won the AEW World Championship, but now he must go All Out if he wants to keep it! Will Jack Perry ruin the story?


  • Zero Hour – The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson; The Acclaimed win.
  • Zero Hour – Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; Dustin, Sammy & Hologram win.
  • Zero Hour – Big Money Trios Triple Threat: Top Flight VS The Undisputed Kingdom VS The Beast Mortos & Shane Taylor Promotions; win(s) the cash prize.
  • AEW Continental Championship Fatal 4 Way: Kazuchika Okada VS Mark Briscoe VS Orange Cassidy VS Konosuke Takeshita; wins and
  • MJF VS Daniel Garcia; wins.
  • Chicago Street Fight: Willow Nightingale VS Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway; wins.
  • AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone VS Hikaru Shida; wins and
  • AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks VS Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta; win and
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay VS PAC; wins and
  • AEW World Championship: Bryan Danielson VS Jack Perry; wins and
  • Lights Out Steel Cage: Swerve Strickland VS Hangman Page; wins.


It’s the All Out Zero Hour!

Join Renee Paquette, RJ City & Jeff Jarrett as they discuss, analyze and predict all the action for All Out!


Zero Hour – The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson!

No time to rap for Platinum Max, he and the Five Tool Player want to get to business! “CHIIICAAAAGOOO~! The Acclaimed have arrived! Scissor Me, Daddy Ass~!” And he does! But Jameson talks. This is Zero Hour and not Trios Hour because Billy is scared to get in the ring with Jameson, cuz he knows Jameson will knock him right out! Just like The Iron Savages are all fired up from sipping the new flavor of Savage Sauce, the Double Chocolate Chunk! They bring the BULK~! A mini-savage at ringside is given a headband, and Jameson says they’re taking all the Low T Meat Riders to TIDDY CITY!!

The teams sort out, and Bronson starts against Bowens. The fans rally as the two circle, fans sing “OH~ Scissor Me, Daddy!” Jameson says shut up, there’s no scissoring today! The two tie up, Bronson powers Bowens to the corner, then lets off, to fire haymakers! The ref counts, Bronson CHOPS, but Bowens CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Bowens whips, Bronson reverses, but Bowens goes up and over! Then he hurdles Bronson to headlock. Bronson powers up and out, Bowens hurdles, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and FACEBUSTERS! Bowens taunts Boulder and the fans fire up. Bowens tags Caster, and The Acclaimed double whip.

Caster drops, Bowens bypasses, knee lift and NECKBREAKER! Boulder storms in, but into BOOTS! ROLLING ELBOW! FLYING RANA! Boulder stumbles to ropes, The Acclaimed DOUBLE DROPKICK him out! The fans fire up, but Bronson DOUBLE LARIATS The Acclaimed! Bronson mocks the scissor fingers, and motorboats. Then we see MXM posing while watching this match. Bronson tags Boulder, CHOPS Caster, and Boulder SPLASHES! Caster flounders, Boulder ELBOWS him in a corner! And another ELBOW! Boulder whips, Caster goes up and back, then flops. The fans boo but Boulder stalks Caster to the apron.

Caster CLAWS Boulder’s face! And he TRIPS Bronson up! Caster goes back up to springboard and MISSILE DROPKICK! Direct hit but Boulder is still up! So Caster fireman’s carries! No, Boulder’s bulk is too much! Caster collapses, Boulder bumps him off buckles. Tag to Bronson and he sends Boulder in to SPALSH! Then Boulder feeds Caster to an ELBOW! Bronson motorboats, then BOOTS Caster down! Bronson drags Caster up but Caster fires body shots. Bronson KNEES low, DECKS Bronson, then he goes back to Caster. Bronson scoops, Caster slips free, but no Bowens to tag! Bronson SPLASHES!

Bronson sends Caster to the Savage corner but Caster BOOTS Boulder! Caster BOOTS Bronson, runs, but into a BOSS MAN SLAM! Bronson runs, Boulder tags in, and Bronson DIVES into Bowens! Boulder MEATSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Caster survives being squished but Boulder tags Bronson. Bronson drags Caster up to scoop SLAM! Bronson goes up and up and says he’s gonna bust! DIVING HEADBUTT FLOP as Caster moves! The fans fire up and Caster crawls, but Bronson grabs his legs! Caster BOOTS free, hot tag to Bowens! Bowens LARIATS Bronson again and again, then ROLLING ELBOWS!

Boulder runs up, but into Rock Paper Scissors SUPERKICK! And then some kicks for Bronson, FAMOUSER! “EVERYONE! LOVES THE ACCLAIMED!” Bowens tags Caster and Caster climbs. Bowens hits the ARRIVAL! MIC- NO, Boulder catches Caster! Boulder ELBOWS Bowens, Caster tries to fireman’s carry! Boulder whips him away, pops him up, but Bowens is up! Bowens CROSSBODIES, but into Boulder’s arms!! DOUBLE WHAMMY!! Chicago is going wild, and Bronson climbs! Electric Chair Lift, SAVAGE SPLASH!! Cover, BOWENS BREAKS IT! The fans fire up again and Bowens fires hands and CHOPS on the Savages!

Bowens roars, runs, but into a POP-UP FLAPJACK! Bronson SENTONS! The straps come down, The Acclaimed are stacked in a corner! Boulder and Bronson combine again, SAVAGE CANNONBALL MISSES! The Acclaimed let them hit buckles, and Jameson protests! But Daddy Ass YANKS Jameson down, and DECKS him! “SUCK IT!” And then Caster fireman’s carries!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Caster roars, tags Bowens, and then Bowens powers up! Bowens gets Bronson for THE ARRIVAL! Caster is up to MIC DROP!! Cover, Acclaimed win!

Winners: The Acclaimed, by pinfall

A truly BIG win for Caster & Bowens to rebound from All In. But with Mansoor & Mason watching them closely, will The Acclaimed have to strut on the catwalk before they get on the road back to the titles?


Zero Hour – Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!

“Smart” Mark stops Arkady Aura from even starting as he introduces his team of Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari. They have decided to let these Chicago losers take part in a winning team for once with a team building exercise. Even low IQ individuals can follow along. When Sterling says, “Athletes,” you all say, “Rock!” Nothing else! Hands in! Ohhhh~! “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Sterling is already furious! But here comes Team Texas, just as we saw them last night on Collision! Will The Natural, The Spanish God and the cyberspace luchador prove these Premier Athletes aren’t ready for the gold?

The trios sort out and Sammy starts with Nese. They circle, feel things out, and tie up. They go around, Sammy blocks a waistlock with a facelock, and rolls with Nese. Sammy waistlocks, Nese wrenches out to wristlock, but Sammy wrenches back. The fans rally, Nese puts Sammy on ropes, and he jabs low! The ref reprimands but Nese whips. Sammy reverses, backflips then DROPKICKS! And kips up so smooth! The fans cheer, Sammy brings Nese up, but Nese pulls the hair! Tag to Daivari and they mug Sammy with haymakers! The ref counts, Nese lets off but Daivari stomps a mudhole in!

Daivari lets off to argue with the ref and taunt Dustin. Daivari whips Sammy, ELBOWS him down, and covers, ONE!! Daivari clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Sammy down. The fans rally, Sammy fights up, and Sammy throws elbows. Daivari CLUBS Sammy, taunts Dustin, then back suplexes, but Sammy lands out! Sammy JUMP KNEES! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Sammy and Daivari crawl, hot tags to Nese and Hologram! The fans fire up as Hologram fires forearms on Nese! Nese SOBATS, whips, but Hologram BOOTS from the corner! Hologram goes up, and he KNEE-BOARDS off Nese!

Hologram dodges Nese, ENZIGIRIS! SOBAT and SWEEP for Daivari, ENZIGIRI again! Woods runs up, he gets a KICK, but he whips Hologram! Nese & Daivari hip toss but Hologram uses that to RANA Woods! Hologram fires hands, hammerlocks and FLATLINERS! Nese runs up, into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! The fans fire up for Hologram and he fires up with them! Hologram KICKS Nese, KICKS again, then runs. Woods gets in to KNEE Hologram outta the air! The fans boo but Nese covers, TWO!! Nese tags Woods and Woods drags Hologram up. Woods whips Hologram hard to a corner, then scoops, BACKBREAKER and LARIAT!

Woods drags Hologram to a cover, TWO! The fans rally, Dustin coaches Hologram, but Woods fires knees! Woods tags Daivari, they mug Hologram, but the fans chant “We Want Dustin!” Daivari scoops, SLAMS, and then taunts Dustin! The fans boo but Daivari CHOKES Hologram! The ref counts, Daivari lets off and still taunts Dustin. Daivari drags Hologram up, whips him hard into the corner, then tags Woods. They stand on Hologram, then Woods sucker punches Dustin! The fans boo and Dustin is pissed, but the ref stops Dustin. Woods TOSSES Hologram, and Sterling stomps away! The fans boo that weasel of a lawyer!

Woods goes out, drags Hologram up, and then puts him in. The fans boo but Woods kicks Hologram around. The fans rally up for Hologram, and he fires body shots! Woods CLUBS Hologram, goes up a corner, and YANKS Hologram up! Woods slips a bit, so he just shifts to RAM Hologram into the corner! Woods whips Hologram hard into the corner again, then whips to ropes. But Hologram tilt-o-whirls to SPIKE-RANA! The fans fire up while both men crawl! Hot tag to Dustin! The Natural blows past Woods to LARIAT! And LARIAT! Dustin whips., Woods reverses but Dustin says, “Not Today!” RHODES UPPERCUT!

Woods comes back, into the SNAP POWERSLAM! Daivari runs up, SNAP POWERSLAM! Nese CLUBS Dustin, whips, but Dustin hops on, DESTROYER!! Nese tumbles out, The Premier Athletes regroup, and Dustin says time to go up! Sammy & Hologram are on corners, Dustin CANNONBALLS while they DOUBLE ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit on all three targets!! The fans are thunderous as Dustin drags Woods up. Woods sends Dustin into railing! Nese knocks Sammy down, then he and Daivari feed Hologram right into Woods’ POWERBOMB! Daivari feeds Dustin to Woods now, for a wrench and OLYMPIC SLAM NECKBRAEKER! Cover, Sammy breaks it!

Sammy saves Dustin from #1RM, and then he and Hologram clear out the Athletes. Dustin UPPERCUTS Woods, reels him right in, but Sterling is on the apron! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Nese CLOBBERS Dustin! Sammy SUPERKICKS! Daivari SUPERKICKS! Hologram SUPERKICKS! Woods DECKS Hologram! Dustin has Woods! CROSS RHODES! Sterling barks again, so Sammy & Hologram storm up on him! The fans cheer as they have Sterling by his lapels, and TOSS him in! Sterling begs for mercy, but Dustin gives him CROSS RHODES!! Sammy FLYING CUTTERS Woods, Hologram HEEL KICKS!

Dustin adds on FINAL RECKONING! Cover, Team Texas wins!

Winner: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm, by pinfall

From Arlington, Texas to Chicago, Illinois, there’s no stopping this natural trio! But who will surely try to go after all their ROH gold as we head into Fall?



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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (9/6/24)

MXM Collection is on a Rampage!



Is MXM Collection too sexy for the ring?

Mansoor & Mason Madden want to make AEW all about the aesthetics, but their runway just ran into The House of Black! Will Brody King & Buddy Matthews make sure torment is “in” right now?


  • All Star 8 Man Tag: The Elite VS Pac & Blackpool Combat Club; Pac & BCC win.
  • Queen Aminata VS Missa Kate; Aminata wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Holo.grm & VS The Dark Order; Dustin, Sammy & Hologram win.
  • Friday Night Fashion Fight: The MXM Collection VS The House of Black; The House of Black wins.


Collision bleeds over into Rampage!

Bryan kicks out of the roll-up, and he wrangles Jack into the LEBELL LOCK!! Jack flails, but The Bucks attack! Claudio & Yuta return to fire off hands! They brawl out of the ring, but Nick sends Claudio into railing! Matt whips Bryan but Bryan ducks ‘n’ dodges to LARIAT! Jack is up top, and he MISSILE DORPKICKS! Jack repays earlier, kips up, but Yuta tags in! Yuta fires off hands on Jack! Yuta ROCKS, CHOPS, repeat, but Jack knees low! Jack CLUBS Yuta, bumps him off buckles, and tags Okada. Okada fires forearms, CLUBS away on Yuta, then brins him up. But Yuta fires forearms with Okada! Yuta CHOPS, runs, but Okada DROPKICKS back!

Okada ripcords, Yuta ducks! But DOUBLE SUPERKICKS are there! Okada gut wrenches, TOMBSTONE!! Cover, Pac & Claudio break it!! The fans hope these teams “FIGHT FOREVER!” but we’re already into another show with this! They brawl, Nick DUMPS Claudio, then SPRINGBOARD CANNONBALLS! But Bryan FLYING KNEES Nick! Okada BLASTS Bryan! Okada sees everyone is on the outside, so he builds speed! To then stop, and flip everyone off! But Pac is back! And he SOBATS! KICKS! And BOOTS! Okada tumbles out, Pac builds speed! Pac FOSBURY FLOPS, down go Okada and Jack!

The fans are thunderous as Pac finds Okada and brings him back into the ring. Pac tags in, springboards, 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Pac overshot the target by just a little bit, and that may have saved Okada. But “This is Awesome!” all the same! Pac bumps Okada off buckles, then runs up to BOOT! Okada sputters and slumps down, but Pac BOOTS him again! And again! Okada falls, Pac stalks him, and he brings Okada to a corner. Pac CHOPS! And BOOTS! Pac digs his boots in, tags Bryan, and Bryan drags Okada up. Bryan UPPERCUTS, but Okada shakes his head. Okada UPPERCUTS, but Bryan UPPERCUTS again!

The UPPERCUTS keep going, and the fans fire up! Bryan and Okada each egg the other on, and they just UPPERCUT again and again! Bryan gets the edge, tags Pac back, and Pac BOOTS Okada! Pac digs his boot in, tags Claudio, and Claudio UPPERCUTS! Tag to Yuta, and he ELBOWS! Tag to Bryan, he goes up while Yuta holds Okada, and the fans fire up with “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan MISSILE DROPKICKS! Bryan drags Okada around by his legs, hooks them up, and Pac keeps his eyes on The Bucks. Bryan pulls at the arms, but Okada crawls forward to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, so Bryan STOMPS the knees!

Tag to Pac, and he drags Okada up. Pac puts Okada in the corner, sneers at Jack, then UPPERCUTS Okada down! Cover, TWO! Pac stomps Okada, and now Rampage goes picture in picture!

Pac tags Claudio, he drags Okada up, and Claudio whips Okada to the corner to UPPERCUT! Okada just sneers, so Claudio UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Okada fires a forearm! Claudio UPPERCUTS! They go back and forth, Okada gets the edge, then ripcords. Claudio ducks the lariat to springboard and UPPERCUT! Cover, Matt breaks it! Claudio is frustrated but he tags Pac. Pac climbs, but Okada avoids the shooting star! Pac rolls through, Okada fireman’s carries, but Pac makes it a STANDING BRUTALIZER! Okada slowly drops to his knees! The Bucks get in to stomp Pac! Rampage returns to single picture as BCC goes after them!

Things settle down and Pac lets off of Okada. Tag to Claudio, but Okada scoops! Claudio fights it to gut wrench Okada! The Bucks get in, but BCC intercepts! Jack stays far away, we get a TRIPLE TOMBSTONE!! Cover, TWO!!! Okada survives, Jack checks on Th eBucks, but Claudio keeps going. Claudio Gotch Lifts, but Okada backdrops free! Nick tags in, CROSSBODY, but Claudio rolls through! Tag to Yuta, CROSSBODY PLEX COMBO! Cover, TWO! Yuta goes back up, Claudio heads over, but Jack runs in to RAM Claudio! The fans boo but Bryan chases Jack! Jack goes into the crowd, so Bryan continues after him!

The fans fire up as things are now a 3v3! Nick goes after Yuta, to SUPERPLEX! Roll through, and Matt is there! E V P TRIGGER!! Cover, Pac breaks it! Okada TOSSES Pac, but Pac drags Okada out! Okada kicks low to DDT to the floor! The Bucks set up with Yuta, Nick springboards, but Claudio catches the 450!?! The fans go nuts, and now Yuta GERMAN SUPLEXES Matt! Claudio SWINGS Nick!! Nick goes around again and again, past TEN, then FIFTEEN, then DROPKICK at TWENTY!! Cover, BCC WINS!!!

Winners: Pac & Blackpool Combat Club, by pinfall

Chicago fires up and The Elite can’t believe it! Yuta & Claudio just pinned the tag team champions, will they become AEW World Tag Team Champions tomorrow night? Will Pac use this momentum to become International Champion against Will Ospreay? What of Okada having to take on three men to defend his title? And will Bryan not stop chasing Jack until it’s time to go All Out?


Backstage interview with The Outrunners.

Lexy Nair is with Truth Magnum, Turbo Floyd & Erica Leigh, who are still celebrating their first win on AEW TV! Can you believe it?! The Outrunners have done it! Load up the jet skis, pop the champagne, they’re taking this party to the ocean! The same week that they’re topping the merch charts is the same week they get their first win on Collision! But wait! Jon Moxley & Marina Shafir attack! Moxley uses a CROWBAR to take out Truth & Turbo! Marina just uses her bare hands to RAM Erica into a wall!! Moxley “congratulates” them, they should throw a parade.

But this is what Moxley means! Maybe they should’ve checked their egos. Moxley & Marina leave The Outrunners behind, will these two become an absolute menace in AEW?


Queen Aminata VS Missa Kate!

Though she’s come close to gold, The Queen has yet to have her crowning achievement. But will it just be a matter of time before the One & Only African Woman is a champion?

The bell rings, Aminata and Kate circle. They tie up, Aminata waistlocks and SLAMS Kate down! Aminata drags Kate up, snap suplexes, but something more seems to be happening backstage. For now, Aminata drags Kate back up, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Kate flounders to ropes, the fans rally for Aminata, and she storms up. Kate uses ropes for defense, then she sucker punches Aminata! Kate fires hands, Serena Deeb is watching backstage, and Kate CHOPS! Kate runs, into a DOUBLE CHOP! And a HEADBUTT! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The “Brain Drain” just put Kate to bed, and Aminata looks primed for her moment. When and where will that moment be?


Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Holo.grm & VS The Dark Order!

The ROH World Tag Team Champions have brought this gold from Texas to Chicago, and they also brought the shining star who has already captured the hearts of the fans. But will The Natural, The Spanish God and the futuristic luchador be a top tier trio? Or will Evil Uno, John Silver & Alex Reynolds prove #DarkOrderIsGood enough for golden opportunities?

The teams sort out and Hologram starts against Uno. The fans fire up for Hologram, but Uno offers a handshake? Hologram takes it, but Uno kicks low! Uno whips, Hologram handsprings to arm-drag! Hologram dodges Uno, goes up and over, then slips around to go to the apron! Then he goes to the other side, keeps moving, and Uno gets frustrated. Uno runs up, but into a GMAANGIRI! Hologram shows off with the front flip! Reynolds stomps in to attack! Reynolds fires hands, whips, but Hologram ducks ‘n’ dodges,. Sammy tags, Hologram sends Reynolds into the SOBAT! Sammy sets up, Hologram rolls off his back so he can DDT!

The fans fire up, Silver runs in, but Sammy SUPERKICKS! Dustin joins in, and they build speed! Team Texas fakes out The Dark Order, and they DOUBLE SPINAROONI! Then Hologram fakes Uno out, to handspring and hero pose! The fans fire up, but then Dark Order drags Team Texas out while Rampage goes picture in picture!

Silver RAMS Dustin into railing, Uno does the same to Hologram, and Reynolds whips Sammy into some! Uno drags Sammy into the ring, keeps him from his corner, and then tags in Silver. The Dark Order stomps away on Sammy, but lets off as the ref counts. Silver flexes, drags Sammy up and scoops to SLAM! Silver flexes again, he’s freakin’ jacked, baby! Cover, ONE!! Silver keeps on Sammy and ROCKS him with a forearm. Tag to Reynolds but the whole Dark Order mugs Sammy! The ref counts, Reynolds snapmares, and he stands on Sammy at ropes. Reynolds then IMPLODER ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO!

Reynolds swings on Dustin, goes back for Sammy, but the ref keeps Dustin back. Reynolds drags Sammy up, and bumps him off boots! Uno tags in, he drags Sammy up and hits a BIG suplex! Cover, TWO! Sammy stays in this but Uno stays on him. Uno drags Sammy back to stomp a leg! Tag to Silver, and Silver stays between Sammy and his team. But Sammy fires hands! Silver wobbles, Sammy fires more shots, and Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns as Reynolds back suplexes, but Sammy lands out! Uno back suplexes, Sammy lands out! Sammy ELBOWS Silver, dodges the rest, hot tag to Dustin! The fans fire up as Dustin rallies, then whips. Reynolds reverses but Dustin says “Not Today!” RHODES UPPERCUT! Atomic drop! Dustin runs to BOOT and BULLDOG! Silver runs up, into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Uno runs up, into a SNAP POWERLSAM! Reynolds tries, SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up and Dustin tags Sammy. Sammy tags Hologram, and the trio gets Dark Order up. They all JAB! JAB! JAB! Dark Order shoves back, dodges, and shout STOP! Then TRIPLE SLAP!!

The fans boo but Silver has Hologram on ropes! Silver gets moving, Dark Order TRIPLE KICK COMBO! GERMAN SUPLEX! Silver fires up, the fans are torn, and we see The Premier Athletes all watching. Reynolds & Uno get Hologram up for Silver to run, but Hologram avoids the pendulum! Dustin & Sammy DUMP Silver, Hologram dodges Evil Y Reynolds, and he gives Sammy a boost to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Sammy & Hologram go to the apron! They SUPERKICK Uno & Silver, then go up the corners! DOUBLE ASAI MOONSAULTS!! Direct hits, and then DESTROYER for Reynolds!

Dustin calls to Sammy, Sammy goes up to FLYING CUTTER! Hologram goes up to 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Team Texas wins!

Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Holo.grm, by pinfall

A great debut on Rampage for Hologram, a great win overall for the ROH World Tag Team Champions, will they keep this going until they’re dripping with gold?


The Bang Bang Gang speaks.

Juice Robinson says here’s the thing about the AEW Trios Division: You need momentum on your side. You ain’t gonna get the job done with a win here and there. You need to string ’em together, snowball effect. W after W after W! Austin says chill. They all want W’s, but there is something serious to address. Austin still doesn’t have a nickname! They’ve got Fully Cocked Colten Gunn! Rock Hard Juice Robinson! And… What do they have for Austin? Colten thinks on it. But in steps The Cage of Agony. Bishop Kaun says he has an idea: Ass Boy Austin! Oh, clever, clever. No right, here’s one: Runner Up in the Top Prospect Tournament!

Wow, that was a long time ago, Kaun. Not relevant. The Machine says there has to be a better one. Kaun has it now: Nepo Baby. What? Like he’s got a famous mom or something? Kaun says okay, no, this is the best: Former AEW World Trios Champion. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s just everyone here right now. Colten says that’s tough talk coming from the team that lost the ROH World Six Man titles to them. Cage says hey, Colten, you might be a “body guy” compared to the rest of this roster, but stepping to The Machine, watch your tone. Shake weights don’t count, Cage. Cage says the only reason Bang Bang Gang won cuz they had six guys at the time!

Nowadays, the three Bang Bang Gang won’t beat The Cage of Agony. Then let’s find out! If you’re not down with that, they have two words for ya! GUNS- Wait! The Cage of Agony block the finger guns! They clap their hands and say, “Gates, OPEN!” Toa Liona roars, Juice roars back, sorta. Will the Collision Cowboys be able to bring down these three behemoths? Or will they be caught inside The Cage of Agony?



Lexy Nair says for the Zero Hour, there will be a TRIOS TRIPLE THREAT! Standing by are two of the three teams, Top Flight Crew’s Darius, Dante & Action,  and Shane Taylor Promotions with Beast Mortos. But then the third team can be heard coming as Roderick Strong shouts “BEEEEAST!” Roddy thought Mortos was Kingdom! Shane says Mortos followed the money, so can he help them? Matt Taven says Mortos hasn’t learned the value of a dollar! Mike Bennett says Shane can’t help them, but they can help Shane, because surprise, guess who the third team is? Yeah, it’s The Kingdom. And there’s a BIG winner’s purse put on this one.

Not that it’s going to more matching outfits, Top Flight. The Kingdom leaves, Action says check it. In the end, it doesn’t matter whose side The Beast is on, it won’t be the winning side. And Top Flight IS. They will fly home with that guac. CHACHING~! So buckle up. Lee Moriarty has Shane and Mortos calm down. Will #TAIGASTYLE have just the plan to come away with that big money cash prize?


Friday Night Fashion Fight: The MXM Collection VS The House of Black!

It’s hard to say there are any rules outside the norm for this match, other than to dress to impress. Will Mansoor & Mason Madden prove that no matter what, they’re always the best dressed in the locker room? Or will Brody King & Buddy Matthews give them a makeover involving bruises, lacerations and hospital gowns?

Wait, who is this weirdo in the trash bag and oversized wood sandals? Why is he being carried out here? These are the judges for this Fashion Fight?! Well, what do you expect from modern fashion these days? Anyway, the teams sort out, and the Iron Chic starts against the Aussie Juggernaut. The fans bark for the House of Black, and Mansoor dodges Buddy. Mansoor struts, POSES, and calls for a score. Tens across the board! Buddy scowls, waistlocks, Mansoor switches, but Buddy switches. Mansoor switches again, shoves, and POSES! Another score of tens across the board! Feels like they’re a bit biased, though…

Buddy and Mansoor tie up, Mansoor waistlocks, Buddy switches, but Mansoor ELBOWS free! Mansoor runs, sunset flips, but Buddy stays up! Buddy drags Mansoor up, TOSSES him, then blocks a boot! Buddy swings on Mansoor but Mansoor stays in the ropes! The ref counts, Buddy lets off, and the judges give Buddy all threes! Yeah, definitely biased. Mansoor headlocks, Buddy powers out, and they RAM shoulders! Buddy doesn’t budge, and he headlocks for a takeover! Mansoor headscissors, Buddy kips free, then he avoids the sweep. Buddy headlocks, Mansoor powers up and out, but Buddy CLOBBERS him!

Mansoor gets up, Buddy blocks the kick and FLIPS Mansoor! Mansoor scrambles away, asks for a score, and Buddy gets a total of 4! Mansoor says he is still better than Buddy, and he tags Mason in. The Mahogany Hunk calls out the King of Death, and the fans bark it up! Buddy tags Brody, and Mason is all fired up! Brody stares Mason down, but then Mansoor tags in? Mansoor steps up to Brody, says eat this, and CHOPS! But Brody doesn’t budge! The judges still give all tens! But Brody CHOPS Mansoor! Mansoor falls, the judges can’t hep but admit, that was a seven. Mansoor RIPS that seven, and finds the “YOU SUCK” one among them!

But then Mansoor turns around, and Brody CROSSBODIES them all!! That’s a ten, as in, a STRIKE! The fans fire up as Brody holds up the ten! Mason runs up but Buddy FLYING KNEES him down! Mason is in a daze, Buddy holds up the ten, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Brody drags Mansoor up to run and RAM him into railing! Brody CHOPS Mansoor against apron, Buddy says ten! The fans cheer, “TEN! TEN! TEN!” Brody kicks Mansoor into the ring, drags him up, and CHOPS! TEN! Mansoor stings, he feels more like a two right now. Buddy tags, he drags Mansoor up and CHOPS him down! TEN! Mansoor bails out, the House pursues, and they put Mansoor back in. But Mason ancohrs Buddy! Buddy kicks Mason, but Mansoor DRAPING DDTS Buddy!! Tag to Mason, and he SENTONS! Anmd ELBOW DROPS! And covers, ONE!! Mason snarls, he tags Mason, and MXM double whip.

MXM DOUBLE ELBOW, POSE, but no judges to score it. DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Mansoor drags Buddy up, tags Mason in, and MXM mugs Buddy. Mason whips Mansoor in, but Buddy BOOTS him! Buddy goes up and over Mason, but Mansoor lifts Buddy! Mason runs, HIGH KICK SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mason stares Brody down, drags Buddy up, and puts him on ropes. Mason CHOKES Buddy, lets off as the ref counts, and Mansoor hip attacks! Mansoor says kiss this, and Mason tags him in. MXM regroup on the apron, finger boop and DOUBLE HIP ATTACK! Buddy sputters as MXM clap them cheeks!

MXM go again, but Buddy mores! Mansoor takes the worse of that, and Buddy BLASTS them both off the apron! Mansoor hurries back in, and he CLOBBERS Buddy! Mansoor drags Buddy up, brings him over, and Mason steps in. MXM whips Buddy to the corner, then shake their booties. Rampage returns to single picture, Mansoor runs in, but Buddy BOOTS him down! Mansoor falls to his knees, Buddy runs up and uses him for a step! FLYING KNEE into Mason! The fans fire up as Buddy and MXM are all down! Buddy crawls, but Mason YANKS Brody down! The fans boo, but Mason eggs Brody on. Mansoor rolls Buddy, TWO!

Buddy blocks a boot but Mansoor ENZIGIRIS! Mansoor runs, springboards, into a V-TRIGGER!! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Mansoor and Buddy crawl, hot tags to Brody and Mason! The fans fire up as the two RAM shoulders! Chants of “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” begins! The forearms fly, “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” The CHOPS and the BOOTS, “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Mason dodges, fireman’s carries, but Brody elbows free! ROLLING ELBOW! Fireman’s carry, but Mansoor makes the save! SUPERKICK! Brody LARIATS back! Mason is still up, and he choke grips! Brody pries free, so Mason HEADBUTTS!

Brody goes to a corner, Mason runs up, but Brody OVERHEAD SUPLEXES him into buckles! Mason slumps upside-down, and the fans bark again! Brody storms around as he barks, and then he runs in to CANNONBALL! Mason sputters, Brody drags him to a cover, TWO!! Mason survives and Brody is surprised! Brody frowns, but Mansoor goes after Buddy! Mansoor sends Buddy into steps! Brody drags Mansoor up but Mansoor HOTSHOTS! And CHAIR SHOTS!! The ref was busy checking Mason! Mason SITOUT CHOKE SLAMS!! Cover, TWO!! Brody survives “South of Paris,” but Mason says time to kill ’em fashionably!

Tag to Mansoor, and he storms in. Mason underhooks, but Brody’s too big! Brody sends Mason into Mansoor, tags Buddy, and Buddy METEORAS Mason! Mansoor runs up, into a POP-UP KNEE! SHINING WIZARD in the corner! Buddy puts Mansoor up top then climbs! But Mason CLUBS Buddy! Mason Electric Chairs, but Buddy slips free! Mason is sent into Mansoor, Mansoor lands hard on his runway! Mason grabs Buddy, but Buddy flips free of the choke slam! Buddy then DUMPS Mason out, Brody is in! Brody DIVES onto Mason!! The big men hit railing, and Buddy has Mansoor! SUPER DUPER PLEX!

Buddy rolls through, Brody is in, Mansoor is thrown into DANTE’S INFERNO!! Cover, The House of Black wins!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall

Talk about “Brutal fashion,” this was a victory as beautiful as it was vicious! Brody & Buddy proved #TheHouseAlwaysWins, but will they win their way back to title opportunities?


Will Ospreay speaks.

“I have been asked all day today, ‘How you feelin’, Will? You feelin’ alright?’ I dunno how you feel when you’ve taken a Poison-Rana on the stage and a brainbuster on some stage carts, mate, but yeah, hunky dury. I’m feeling great. I’m feeling great to cut these ties that bind myself to Pac. That’s history, right? See, Pac, everybody might know you as The Bastard right now, or maybe they know you as The Man Gravity Forgot. I know you as a UK backyard wrestler. You see, I could say words to you right now that’d perk your ears up that no one else knows. I could say stuff like Steve Farrow. I could say stuff like NAW.

“Because I’ve walked in your shoes. When I walked into that territory that you left, they’d say, ‘Man, you’re good. You ain’t Pac.’ They said the same thing on the UK independents. They said, ‘You’re good, but you’re not Pac.'” Ospreay made them all eat their words, and then he walked on the bridge Pac built, from England to Japan. Pac paved the way for him and Ospreay is thankful. But when Ospreay walked in there, they also said, “You’re good, but you’re not Pac.” Ospreay has been chasing Pac, and five years ago, Pac was Dragon Gate Dream Gate Champion, and Ospreay was NEVER Openweight Champion, and they didn’t get a decision. It was a 30 minute time limit draw.

You think Ospreay is satisfied with that? Nah, bruv! Ospreay’s still been chasing Pac! And here it is. Without even realizing it, Ospreay has lapped Pac. When Pac hit that rana, and Ospreay heard that crappy northern accent, “Don’t you underestimate me.” You thought Ospreay forgot? Nah, bruv. Ospreay could never forget Pac. Not all the work Pac’s done, not all the history they have. No one has forgotten about Pac. He just has been in this position so many times, we’ve lost faith. Wanna change it? Then there’s 24 hours left, bruv. These two may not have had their Wembley Moment together, but who walks away having won THE moment?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage as part of the go-home night to All Out, though they of course accommodated the bleed over from Collision. Good stuff, already talked about it all for the Collision article, and I also touched on Moxley & Marina jumping The Outrunners with that article, too. It was easy heat for Moxley & Marina beating up on The Outrunners, who just had their big moment, but Moxley touched on not celebrating mediocrity and being humble in victory. Darby Allin will probably respond by saying this is just Moxley being a bully. Anyway, good win for Aminata, and Deeb watching her sets up how they’ll be feuding soon enough.

Good promo of Bang Bang Gang and Cage of Agony, and they’ll have a very good match, probably naming the winners the #1 contenders to the World Trios Championships. More than I can say for Premier Athletes. What business do Nese, Daivari & Woods have watching Dustin & Sammy like they’re gonna get any of the ROH titles off them? Nese, Daivari & Woods lose to all sorts of established names, Dustin, Sammy & The Von Erichs will be no different. But still a really good, really fun Six Man Tag of Dustin, Sammy & Hologram beating Dark Order. Dark Order really is a trio that should’ve been given more, but oh well.

Good promo segment from Kingdom, STP and Top Flight, with another of these kayfabe’d money prize matches happening just because. Like, title opportunities not being won here? I know Roddy is waiting to go after the FTW Championship, but why not have him & The Kingdom try to move up from ROH titles to AEW titles in this match? Though, Top Flight might be right. They won that $3000 trios royale thing a year or so ago, they might win this one so that they keep making money and building their budget for more airline pilot gimmick gear.

And while I was expecting a fashion show themed Street Fight, I suppose judges giving scores was good enough of a gag for this match. The fashion themed Street Fight would’ve probably been better, though. But the House of Black would’ve won out anyway, so best to do it in a standard rules match. And then a great promo from Ospreay to properly frame this feud with Pac. I do wish they would’ve let this be the All In match but whatever, this will still be a show stealer of a match for All Out. But as I said for Collision, and even Dynamite on Wednesday, Pac has been standing tall so the math favors Ospreay retaining the title.

My Score: 8.7/10

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