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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (7/5/24)

Mariah May is on a Rampage!



One step closer to the Owen Hart Cup Final!

Mariah May wants to make Toni Storm proud in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup, but that means getting through THREE-TIME AEW Women’s World Champion, Hikaru Shida! Can she do it?


  • Rush VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes; Rush wins.
  • Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takeshita VS Private Party; Fletcher & Takeshita win.
  • Kyle O’Reilly VS GPA; Kyle wins.
  • 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Semifinal: Mariah May VS Hikaru Shida; Mariah wins and advances.


Rush VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes!

El Toro Blanco has been itching for a fight after his loss to MJF, and so a fight he gets here on Rampage! Don Callis is on commentary to watch his new prospect, but also the violence Rush is about to bring! Will that violence help The Ungovernable get back on track?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Rush doesn’t take the AAA Cruiserweight Champion serious as Komander offers a handshake. Rush kicks that hand away then pie faces Komander. Komander storms back up but Rush shoves him down! Rush talks trash but Komander kips up to KICK! Komander fires forearms but Rush THROWS Komander to a corner, Rush runs in, Komander dodges, gets moving, and then ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Rush bails out, Komander goes to the apron, but Rush YANKS him down to the ramp! Callis likes that as Komander writhes. Rush refreshes the count, then drags Komander up.

Rush brings Komander around to CHOP him down! The fans “WOO~!” but Rush whips Komander hard into railing! And then hard into barriers! And then hard into even more railing! Rush runs Komander down to whip him hard into the railing again, and that completes a full lap! Rush refreshes the ring count, then he THROWS Komander into railing! Rush stomps and hammers away on Komander, the ref reprimands and Rush lets off. Rush just refreshes the count, though, before he grabs a chair! Rush brings it around, but the ref tell shim no! Rush says fine, and he slides the chair away. The ref goes to get the chair, but Rush brings out the green cable!

Rush LASHES Komander, Abrahantes points it out to the ref, but Rush CHOKES Komander! The ref can’t see that, Rush gets away with it! Callis says he’d love if Rush choked out Abrahantes, too. Rush just tranquilos and soaks up the heat while Abrahantes coaches Komander. Rush goes out to fetch Komander, puts him in the ring, and CHOPS! Komander falls over, flounders to ropes, and Rush brings him up. Rush whips Komander to SNAP POWERSLAM, then he runs to DOUBLE STOMP! Callis again enjoys what he sees as Rush grins and goes back to Komander. Rush stomps away, then pretends to kick Komander’s head to the goal.

Rush hauls Komander up, whips him to ropes, but Komander sunset flips! Rush stay sup, drags Koamnder to his feet, but Komander ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl DDT! The fans fire up and Rush bails out! Komander goes to the apron, runs up and FLYING- NO, Rush stops the rana to SWING Komander into railing! Callis says muy bueno, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Rush soaks up the heat and then stands on the commentary desk for all to see. Rush then swaggers his way back to the ring, but only to refresh the count. Rush returns to Komander, drags him up, and SMACKS him off the apron. Rush pushes Komander in, then stands on a corner to soak up more heat. Rush eggs Chicago on, then he flips them all off. Rush kicks Komander around, toys with him, and then drags him up to CLAW at the mask! The ref counts, Rush lets off, and Beach Break returns to single picture. The fans tell Rush off but Rush is just annoyed. Rush brings Komander up to CHOP back down!

Rush stomps away on Komander, scuffs him again and again, then goes corner to corner, and back again, to jump and fake Komander out. Then he BOOTS Komander! Callis is amused but he’s the only one, and Rush rolls back to tranquilo. The fans boo but Rush goes back to Komander. Rush drags Komander up, puts him on the top rope, and then climbs up to CLAW at the mask again! The ref reprimands, but Rush pushes Komander into a Tree of Woe. Rush KICKS Komander in the ribs! Rush then swaggers around, soaks up more heat, and goes corner to corner, BULL’S- NO, Komander sits up to avoid the horns!

The fans fire up as Komander adjusts up top, and TORNILLOS! Rush gets up, Komander ducks ‘n’ dodge and dropkicks legs out! Rush bails out, Komander builds speed, and Komander DIVES! Direct hit and Rush ends up on the desk! Komander drags Rush back up, and ASAI MOONSAULTS! Down goes Rush and Komander hurries to put him back in the ring! Abrahantes and Chicago fire up for Komander as he climbs the corner! SHOOTING STAR PRESS! Cover, TWO! Rush survives, but Komander tilt-o-whirls, CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Rush survives, Komander runs in, but Rush sidesteps to SNAP GERMAN!

Komander flounders, Rush runs up but Komander dropkicks the leg out! Komander kicks, Rush ducks but Komander HEEL KICKS! Komander CHOPS and CHOPS then runs, but into a HEADBUTT!! Rush snarls and seethes while Komander flounders. Komander goes to the apron but Rush climbs the ropes! Rush deadlift SUPERPLEXES Komander! Cover, TWO!! Komander survives and the fans fire up, but Rush puts Komander through ropes. Rush brings Komander to the apron to CHOP! And CHOP! Komander JAWBREAKERS back! Komander runs up but into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX to the floor!

Callis says get the paramedics on speed dial, and Rush drags Komander up by his mask! The fans rally, the ref reprimands, but Rush puts Komander in the corner. Rush huffs ‘n’ puffs, and he revs up, for BULL’S HORNS!! Cover, Rush wins!

Winner: Rush, by pinfall

Callis says he loves it, and clearly Rush’s stock is rising. But Rush won’t leave it at this, he drags Komander out of the ring! Rush shows Callis the man he just brutalized, and Callis says that was amazing. The Don Callis Family does need someone to replace Will Ospreay, is that man going to be El Toro Blanco?

Speaking of the Family, Konosuke Takeshita makes his way out as Rush makes his way to the back. The Alpha & The Protostar are looking to carve their own paths to the top, will they make Callis proud by pulverizing Private Party?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.

Renee Paquette is with Roderick Strong, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett, and says they have been having a lot of issues with the trio known as “The Conglomeration,” Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly. Roddy shouts “RENEEE~!” and Taven says “Conglomeration? Are you not embarrassed saying that name? More like an abomination. And I feel like Christmas in July with this island of misfit toys. Last week, they had Ishii, he looks like a half-melted snowman! You got Mark Briscoe, he looks like Yukon Cornelius, except Yukon had teeth!

“And the one I hate the most, the one that wants to be a dentist, the one I haven’t forgotten about our Texas Death Match, Orange Cassidy! And the worst part about all these Melvins…” Bennett tells Taven to breathe. Taven says the worst part is that they all have their friend, Kyle O’Reilly, “bamboozled.” Bennett says this is what he thinks of the Conglomeration: HAWK TOOEY! Roddy says well said, Bennett. And Roddy adds that he didn’t have any real issue with that group until last week. “ISHIIII!! I need you to understand this. It has been 3,059 days since you beat me for the ROH TV title.” Taven says who hasn’t been counting.

Roddy tells Ishii that he will not forget nor forgive until he puts Ishii down. As for Kyle, Roddy doesn’t care how long it takes, how many times they have to “remind” him, but Kyle will learn that he is better with Roddy. Well, Kyle is in action later tonight, will he prove otherwise?


Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takeshita VS Private Party!

Rampage returns as Quen & Zay make their entrance. They get on the apron for “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” in the theme song, only for the Don Callis Family to attack from behind! The fans boo the party poopers but Fletcher says “SUCK IT!” Takeshita whips Quen hard into railing, then Fletcher rips Zay’s white fur vest right off him! Takeshita BOOTS Quen down, and Takeshita even taunts the fans sitting right there. Fletcher puts Zay in the ring, the bell rings, and Fletcher soaks up the heat. But Zay fires off forearms! Fletcher ROCKS Zay back, then brings him around. Fletcher whips, Zay goes up and over and keeps moving.

Fletcher swings, Zay ducks ‘n’ dodges to wheelbarrow and arm-drag! The fans fire up as Zay dodges to springboard and FLYING ARM-DRAG! The fans rally, Zay runs up, but Fletcher pops Zay up! Zay holds onto ropes, Quen tags in, and then Zay RANAS Fletcher into Quen’s GAMANGIRI! Quen then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up with Quen and he drags Fletcher up. Fletcher scoops Quen to SLAM him! Tag to Takeshita, he rains down fists on Quen, and then he CHOKES Quen. Takeshita drags Quen up, whips him to a corner, runs in, but Quen ELBOWS back! Quen BOOTS Takeshita, then QUEBRADAS! Cover, ONE!!

Quen hurries to get Takeshita up and suplex, but Takeshita fires body shots. Takeshita suplexes, Zay makes the save, and then Private Party DOUBLE SUPLEX! Takeshita fights that, and he DOUBLE SUPLEXES back! The fans fire up and Takeshita snarls. Fletcher jumps in to stomp Quen, then he stacks Private Party! Takeshita climbs, to SUPER SENTON Private Party all at once! The fans boo as the Don Callis Family stands tall, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Takeshita tags Fletcher, he stalks Quen then scoops, to SLAM him again! Quen writhes, Fletcher soaks up heat, and then goes back to Quen. Fletcher drags Quen up, wrenches and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! And another ELBOW BREAKER! Fletcher whips Quen into the corner, stomps him down, then stomps him again and again! Fletcher CHOKES Quen, steps off as the ref counts, but Zay runs up to shove Fletcher! The ref keeps these two from getting at it, but that lets Takeshita bring Quen out and RAM him into steel steps! Takeshita puts Quen in for Fletcher while Fletcher flexes. Fletcher then mocks “Shots! Shots!”

Fletcher drags Quen up, tags Konosuke, and they mug Quen. Takeshita bumps Quen off buckles, hoists him up top, and then climbs up. Takeshita fires forearms, lifts Quen up, but Quen SMACKS Takeshita off buckles! Quen adjusts, and he FLYING CANNONBALLS! Both men are down and Beach Break goes to break!

Rampage returns and Quen manages to suplex Takeshita up and over! The fans fire up while both men are down, and then they crawl, hot tags to Zay and Fletcher! Zay springboards to CROSSBODY! Zay fires forearms on Kyle, Kyle shoves Zay away. Zay rebounds, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then RANAS! Fletcher tumbles out, Takeshita runs in, but Zay dodges to POP-UP DROPKICK! Takeshita tumbles out now and the fans fire up! Zay builds speed, and he TORNILLOWS! Down go Fletcher & Takeshita at the ramp! Even Callis has to admit, that was good! Zay borrows a fan’s shark fin hat before he puts Fletcher in.

Zay climbs, tags Quen, and SWANTON BOMBS! Quen goes up, and he 450 SPLASHES onto knees! Takeshita BOOTS Zay, Fletcher holds Quen so Takeshita can deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Fletcher brings Quen back up, Takeshita dodges Zay to ALPHA ELBOW! Then they both BRAINBUSTER Private Party!! Cover, TWO?!? Private Party survives and the fans fire up! Fletcher tags Takeshita, and then Fletcher brings Quen up. Takeshita climbs, Fletcher suplexes Quen up to him, but Quen turns things around into a GIN & JUICE with Zay!! Fletcher is stunned, he TOSSES Quen out, but Zay runs up!

Fletcher TOSSES Zay but Quen is there for some SILLY STRING! Takeshita is down, Zay & Quen coordinate! 450 SPLASH for Takeshita and an ASAI MOONSAULT for Fletcher! Quen covers, TWO!! Takeshita survives and Quen is stunned! Quen calls to Zay, tags him in, and Private Party brings Takeshita up. They double whip, but Takeshita breaks the lariat to LARIAT Quen! And LARIAT Zay! Fletcher hurries back over, Takeshita tags him in. Quen tags in but Fletcher BOOTS him first! Quen fights the driver to jackknife bridge, TWO!! Fletcher narrowly escapes, then winds up to ROLLING ELBOW!

Quen ROCKS Fletcher, then PELES, but Fletcher dodges! HALF ‘N’ HALF!! Zay runs up, but into Takeshita’s BLUE THUDNER BOMB! CALF KICK for Quen! And then a PILEDRIVER!! Cover, The Don Callis Family wins!

Winners: Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall

Don Callis is again pleased, and he says every single person in AEW has the fear of God in them seeing this! Fletcher and Takeshita are sharp, but will they both take over AEW on behalf of Callis? Speaking of Callis, he shares footage of his meeting with Rush from just earlier this week.

Don Callis does his best to speak Espanol to Rush, and then asks Rush if he is ready to do whatever it takes to be the best. Rush doesn’t even need to answer, Callis sees it on his face. Callis feels it in Rush’s breath. Callis’ résumé speaks for itself: Omega VS Jericho in the Tokyo Dome; Ospreay VS Omega at Forbidden Door; etcetera etcetera. But Rush already knows that, right? And Callis already knows everything about Rush’s career, so why aren’t they already doing business together? That is what everyone wants to know. But that’s just it, everyone is afraid! They don’t wanna see what happens when hate and intellect combine with the aggression of El Toro Blanco.

“The world is for us! Let me show you what I can do.” Rush shakes Callis’ hand, and Callis loves it! The Don Callis Familia is growing, will they soon run the world of wrestling?


The Undisputed Kingdom is at ringside.

Roddy joins commentary while Taven & Bennett stand by him, because they want to watch their “friend” whoop some ass tonight. But will the Violent Artist prove that he doesn’t need his friends as much as they think he does?

Kyle O’Reilly VS GPA!

The bell rings and O’Reilly BOOTS GPA right in the corner! Kyle then KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! Kyle brings GPA around to fire knees, then he whips. Kyle kitchen sink knees GPA down, the fans rally up, and Kyle wrenches to YANK the arm. Kyle hammerlocks, wrangles GPA, and fires off knees and elbows! Kyle then runs to SLIDING KNEE! Kyle fishhooks GPA, Roddy likes the viciousness, but the ref counts. Kyle lets off, swaggers just a little, then goes back to GPA. GPA hits a JAWBREAKER, JAWBREAKER and STUNNER! Kyle staggers away to a corner and the fans rally up. GPA runs in but Kyle BOOTS!

Kyle BOOTS again, KICKS the legs, fires more strikes, and then sweeps the leg! The fans cheer and Roddy says that was beautiful. Kyle aims, runs up, and he ROCKS GPA, wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER, fire smore knees, then FALCON ARROW into ARMBAR! GPA taps, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by submission

Roddy again takes credit for this, he says Kyle gets better with Roddy hanging around. Roddy says they’re gonna go celebrate with Kyle, and The Kingdom gets int he ring. Kyle says no way, man, leave him alone! Kyle slips away but Roddy still applauds. Will Roddy ever learn that you don’t treat your friends badly and still think they’re your friends?


Samoa Joe speaks.

“Chris Jericho. The things that you’ve done, it makes me ponder how much faith you have in your fellow man. See, Hook, he had faith in me to steer him clear of parasites like you. But that is not why I’m here today. No, it is about your faith, Chris, in your fellow man. And I do not mean your Learning Tree Branches, I don’t mean your goons, no. I’m talking about the people who walk these halls every day in AEW. Our medical staff, our security team, how much faith, Chris, do you have in these men? Because next week in Calgary, I am going to break and bleed you on the sands of the Calgary Stampede.

“I am going to take you all over that building and torture you, Chris. And after I’m done caving in your face with my fists, Chris, how much faith do you have that there is a man in this building who will drag me away as I strangle you? WHO, CHRIS, IS GONNA STOP ME… from doing the things that I’m gonna do to you? I have faith, Chris, that I am going to massacre you. The only question left is: Do you have enough faith in anybody to hope that they stop me?” Joe is out for blood, will The Learning Tree be ripped out of the ground, roots and all?


Toni Storm presents: A Champion’s Reign!

“A champion’s reign continues. Match winning, shoe throwing, thighs shaking, hips attacking, lips sticking, a star we can all watch blaze across the sky. But there, a shadow of one Trish Adora. Statuesque, sagacious, salaciously strong, eight years in the US Army. She lives to fight and defend. Well, thank you for your service, but The Slut You Can’t Rebut is going to serve you up a Timeless Tiramisu! Trish Adora, I’m about to sink your battleship! The time is Saturday, the place is Colli-jon. Let’s make cinema!”


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

On top of Storm VS Adora, we will hear from MJF after his dastardly, disgusting betrayal and beatdown of Daniel Garcia. What will the Snake of Wrestling have to say for himself? We’ll also hear from Scapegoat and NEW AEW TNT Champion, Jack Perry, what will he gloat about now? Plus, we’ll see Riho get back in action against Lady Frost, and “The Conglomeration” rides again as Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly take on The Iron Savages. Will the word of the day be BEEF? And of course, we will hear from Christian Cage & The Patriarchy as they continue to chase the World Trios Championships.


2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Semifinal: Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther VS Hikaru Shida!

Toni Storm loves her protege dearly, but even she knows the Shining Samurai, the former THREE-TIME AEW Women’s World Champion, is not to be taken lightly. Shida wishes to go All In on a potential fourth title reign, will she be one step closer to that goal? Or will Mariah make the Leading Lady proud by heading to the Calgary Stampede?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. The two circle, tie up, and then break. They circle some more, tie up again, then go around in a deadlock. They break again, and the fans duel, “HOLY SHIDA!” “MA-RI-AH!” The two tie up again, Shida waistlocks but Mariah spins to hit a headlock takeover. Shida headscissors, Mariah kips free, and the two reset. The fans continue to duel as the two get face to face. Shida shoves Mariah, then fires a forearm! Mariah fires back, so Shida fires another. The fans rally and Shida gets the edge! Shida ROCKS Mariah, the fans fire up, and Shida runs in at the corner to KNEE Mariah!

Shida goes up, the fans fire up, and Shida rains down fists! The fans count along but Mariah stops things at 5! Then she SHOTGUNS Shida down! The fans fire up again and Mariah drags Shida up. Mariah CHOPS Shida, CHOPS her against ropes, then CHOPS again! Shida turns things around to fire off forearms! Mariah turns things around to CHOP again! Shida snapmares, runs, and PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Shida shows she still has that toughness, and she throws body shots, but Mariah CLUBS her. Mariah then snap suplexes! Shida goes to ropes, Mariah brings her around, and she puts Shida in ropes!

Shida fights her way to the apron, Mariah ducks a haymaker and ROUNDHOUSES! Mariah goes to the apron, and somersaults to SUNSET FLIP- NO, Shida holds ropes! Shida fires punches on Mariah, then RANAS Mariah away! Storm is upset but Shida shoves Mariah into the ring. Shida CLUBS Mariah into position on the apron, for the KNEE LIFT! The fans fire up with Shida, and then Storm says “How DARE~ you!” The former champ says she’s coming for that title, but Rampage goes picture in picture.

Storm tells Shida off but backs down as Shida brings Mariah up. Shida punches Mariah just to get on Storm’s nerves, then she refreshes the count. Shida shows off the new AEW action figures, and aims at Mariah! The ref says no, so Shida stops and drops the toy. Mariah fires body shots but Shida THROWS her into railing! Storm checks on Mariah but Shida storms back up. Mariah fires forearms in return! Shida stops Mariah to KNEE her low! And then Shida whips Mariah into barriers! Shida hauls Mariah up, puts her in a corner, and now she rains down fists! The fans count along as Shida goes all the way to TEN!

Mariah staggers around, Shida puts her in the ring, and Shida covers, TWO! Shida is annoyed but she stays focused. Shida pulls Mariah into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Mariah endures, reaches out, and she BITES Shida’s hand! The ref reprimands, Mariah stops, and Shida stomps Mariah down for that. Mariah goes to a corner, Shida storms up and slaps her around. Shida whips corner to corner, runs in, but Mariah goes up and over! Mariah then trips Shida up, runs and SHOT- NO, Shida dodges the dropkick this time! Shida drags Mariah back up, scoops her and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! CROSSFACE!

Mariah endures another submission hold, and she reaches out with her legs! ROPEBREAK! Shida lets go in frustration but Storm has taught Mariah well. Beach Break returns to single picture as the fans duel again. Shida whips, Mariah ducks ‘n’ dodges and LARIATS! And LARIATS again! Mariah roars, runs, and KNEES Shida down! Mariah roars again and the fans rally up! Mariah storms back to Shida, puts her up top, and DOUBLE CHOPS! Shida wobbles, Mariah goes corner to corner and rolls, STRATUSPHERE! Mariah then hurries up the corner and aims at Shida! Shida stands, into the MISSILE DROPKICK! Mariah hurries to cover, TWO!!

Shida is still in this and Mariah is beside herself! Storm is feeling even worse, but she coaches Mariah on. Mariah and Shida go to corners, Mariah runs up and UPPERCUTS! Mariah whips corner to corner, runs in again, but Shida puts her on the apron! Shida swings, Mariah blocks, but then Shida blocks back! ENZIGIRI! Shida brings Mariah around to POST her! Mariah wobbles, Shida goes up and fires up! The fans fire up as Shida drags Mariah up to SUPERPLEX! A rough landing but Shida covers, TWO!! Mariah survives and Shida is furious! Shida sits Mariah up, looks her in the eye, and then fires forearms!

The fans rally as Storm storms around the outside. Shida just HAMMERS away on Mariah! Shida runs, but Mariah scoops her for the SPIN OUT SIDEWALK SLAM! The fans rally even harder as Mariah hikes up the shorts and says kiss this! SWEET HIP- NO, Shida blocks to waistlock, and GERMAN SUPLEX! But Mariah is right up! GERMAN SUPLEX! Both women rise, Shida avoids a knee, and she rolls Mariah to then ROCK her! Shida reels Mariah back in, to FALCON ARROW! Cover, ONE?!? Mariah shocks everyone, even Storm and Shida, as she gets right to her feet! Mariah gets around Shida, to SAIDO!

Mariah roars, having reached a new level! And she runs in to SWEET HIP MUSIC! But Mariah isn’t done there, she reels Shida in for the STORM- NO, Shida back drops free! Mariah sunset flips it, TWO! Shida sits on it, TWO!! Shida and Storm are face to face again, and Storm says neener neener! Shida swipes at Storm, turns around, Mariah HEADBUTTS! Shida rebounds to JUMP KNEE! Shida aims, KATA- NO! Mariah rolling jackknife bridges! MARIAH WINS!!

Winner: Mariah May, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

Shida is stunned but Storm is ecstatic as she celebrates with her protege! And now, Mariah is going to face Willow Nightingale in the finals! Will Mariah win The Owen and challenge her mentor in Wembley Stadium? Or will the Babe with the Power once again become the Queen of Harts and go All In with the champion?

My Thoughts:

A really good Rampage here, mostly because they didn’t try and shoehorn a fifth match in for nothing. And all matches tonight served story purpose on some level. Rush beating up on Komander fed into how he is now part of the Don Callis Family, though I feel like that pre-recorded video promo from Don Callis being played here tonight was redundant. Maybe they could’ve waited until tomorrow night to play that, make it seem like Callis and Rush talked after tonight to finalize the deal. That aside, great tag match from Fletcher & Takeshita VS Private Party, one of the better matches Private Party has had lately, but I figured the Don Callis Family would win to keep the whole faction strong.

Speaking of, Roderick Strong of course showed up because Kyle O’Reilly was on the card. Very good promo from The Kingdom beforehand, and for all the times Taven has been plain annoying, I really did like how he referenced so much of the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie. Kyle of course won his match tonight, and he of course ditched The Kingdom as well. I have a feeling The Kingdom shows up during Collision’s Six Man Tag of Conglomeration VS Iron Savages, setting up Conglomeration VS Kingdom for like Death Before Dishonor or even All In Wembley to add to how big that show is gonna get.

Very good promo from Samoa Joe to set up a big grudge match with Jericho, but I feel like Big Bill & Bryan Keith will just help Jericho screw Joe over somehow. Very good promo from Storm to hype up her match with Adora, but Storm will definitely win to keep up her momentum going towards All In. Mariah VS Shida was a great main event, probably Mariah’s best singles match yet, and great clean win for her over Shida. The fact it was a quick pin finish was also good because while she wins, she didn’t knock Shida out or anything. This keeps us on track for the story they’ve been giving us, so expect Mariah to pull out another win like this against Willow on Wednesday.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (10/4/24)

The Elite are on a Rampage!



The Scapegoat & The Young Bucks have been called out!

Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party want title shots against The Elite, so Christopher Daniels created this preview for Rampage in Pittsburgh!


  • Six Man Tag: The Elite VS Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party; Shibata & Private Party win.
  • Kamille w/ Mercedes Mone VS Zoey Lynn; Kamille wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Harley Cameron; Aminata wins.
  • Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly VS “Big Bill” Morrissey & Bryan Keith; Cassidy & Kyle win.


Six Man Tag: The Elite VS Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party!

Jack Perry has accepted The Wrestler’s challenge for the AEW TNT Championship, while Matthew & Nicholas were considering the challenge for the AEW World Tag Team Championships. But will Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy make the EVPs accept by beating them now like they did roughly five years ago? Or will The Scapegoat & The Bucks show us why they are THE Elite?

The teams sort out and while fans sing, “OH~ Cry Me a River~!” Shibata is calling out Perry. Perry says alright, fine, and he steps up! The fans cheer, the bell rings, and the two circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and then clinch. Shibata throws Perry down to then have a lateral press. Perry moves around, Shibata has the top mount, and Shibata toys with Perry a bit before he shifts into the ARMBAR! Perry fights around, clasps hands, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts but Shibata lets off quickly. Shibata storms up but Perry is in the ropes. The ref has Shibata stand back, but then Perry pie faces Shibata!

The ref reprimands, but Perry eggs Shibata on. Perry then bails out, but Shibata pursues! Perry slides in, tags Nick, and Perry TACKLES Shibata as he slides in! Nick stomps away on Shibata, he and Perry double whip. Shibata TACKLES Perry! The fans fire up but Nick stomps Shibata. Shibata still punches Perry, but then he notices the kicks. Shibata storms upon Nick but Perry CLUBS Shibata down! Perry CHOKES Shibata, the fans boo, but Perry lets off. Nick drags Shibata up, but Shibata ROCKS Nick! Nick falls back, and Shibata tags Quen. They mug Perry, then Quen whips. Nick reverses but Quen RANAS!

The fans fire up with Quen, and he SOBATS! Tag to Zay, they double whip to atomic drop, ENZIGIRI, but Matt runs in! Quen drop toeholds, Zay Camel Clutches, and Quen leapfrogs to DOUBLE STOMP! Matt goes rolling, Nick runs up, but into a DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Zay covers, but Perry stomps it! Perry sucker punches Shibata then soaks up heat. Zay is frustrated but Shibata runs in to BOOT Perry! Zay LARIATS Nick up and out, then Private Party DOUBLE PLANCHA! Down go The Bucks and the fans fire up! Private Party puts Nick in and then Zay fires off in a corner. Zay rains down fists, fans count all the way to TEN!

Stokely Hathaway is watching, but Perry distracts Zay. Zay tells him to back off, then he fires “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” on Nick! Zay says “SUCK IT!” then runs, but Matt trips him up! Matt drags Zay out but Zay ROCKS Matt! Zay ROCKS Perry, but Nick PENALTY KICKS Zay down! The ref reprimands The Elite, but Perry goes around to CLUB Shibata! Matt does the same to Quen, and then Perry whips Shibata hard into railing! Matt Nick puts Zay back in, brings him up, and he tags Matt. The Buck smug Zay while Perry mugs Quen, and Perry drapes Quen from the apron. Matt does the same with Zay in the ropes!

Nick climbs up, The Elite coordinate, DRAPING SWANTON BOMB AND DDT TO THE FLOOR! The fans boo but Nick says “The, Elite. The the Elite.” The fans boo more, but Rampage goes picture in picture.

Perry soaks up heat, Nick stands Zay up and bumps him off buckles. Matt tags in, he drags Zay up and scoops to BACKBREAKER! Tag to Nick, he SLINGSHOT LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Zay stays in this but Nick tags Perry. Perry slingshot SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Perry stalks Zay, kicks him around, slaps him around, but Zay fires back! Zay has Perry in a corner as he fires shots, but Perry CLAWS Zay’s eyes! Perry snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Perry keeps Zay down and wrenches his arm. Tag to Matt and Matt CLUBS the arm. Rampage returns to single picture as Matt snapmares Zay into a chinlock.

The fans rally as Zay endures, and Zay fights up. Zay fires body shots, but Matt DECKS him! Matt BLASTS Quen, too! Tag to Nick, and The Bucks drag Zay up to double whip. Zay ducks the double lariats, but the Bucks double hip toss, only for Zay to rebound off ropes! DOUBLE ARM-DRAGS! The fans fire up but Perry runs in! Zay TOSSES Perry to the apron, ELBOWS him down, then BOOTS Matt! Nick runs up, Zay dodges! Nick hits buckles, but Perry YANKS Shibata down! No hot tag for Zay! The fans boo but Perry sends Shibata into steel steps! Nick SHINING WIZARDS Zay, GAMANGIRIS, ROCKS, and feeds to Matt! ASSISTED SLICED BREAD!

Nick runs in, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!! Zay survives and the fans fire up! Nick drags Zay up, tags Perry, and Perry drags Zay up to reel him in. Perry heads for the corner, but Zay RANAS Perry into the DOUBLE GAMANGIRI! The Bucks panic, Nick tags in, but Matt drags Zay up. But Zay fights free to facelock Matt. Nick still springboards in, so Zay catches him! COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO! The fans fire up as Zay rises up, and he hurries to hot tag Quen! Quen fires hands on The Bucks, DECKS Nick then DECKS Matt! SPLASH for Nick in a corner, then a NECKBREAKER! Matt BOOTS back, but runs into a SNAP POWERSLAM!

Cover, but Quen moves as Nick runs up! Nick’s ELBOW DROP hits Matt! Quen then runs up, DOUBLE RANA for The Bucks! The fans fire up as The Bucks bail out and regroup by the ramp. Quen goes up and up and SUPER CANNONBALLS! The Bucks go down, and Quen hurries to put Nick in! Springboard, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Nick stays in this but Quen stays on him. Quen steps on Nick, goes to the corner, and he climbs up. But Perry hurries to trip Quen up! The fans boo but Nick climbs. Nick drags Quen up, for the SUPER DUPER FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Quen survives and the fans fire up!

Nick tags Perry, and Perry storms over to Quen. Perry suplexes, but Quen slips free! Quen shoves Perry, ducks the Comebacker and PELES! Tag to Shibata! The fans go wild as Shibata fires forearms on Perry! Shibata runs, but Perry DROPKICKS him down! Perry roars, runs, but Shibata BOOTS him! Shibata whips Perry into a corner, fires forearms, then calls to Private Party. Shibata whips Perry to a corner, sends Quen in, and Quen hits a forearm SMASH! Quen sets up, Zay runs up, PARTY IN MOTION! Zay feeds Perry to a BOOT from Shibata! Cover, TWO! Perry survives but Shibata does not let off!

Shibata snapmares Perry, runs, and PENALTY- NO, Nick trips Shibata up! Zay DIVES onto Nick! Perry waistlocks, Shibata switches, O’Conner! TWO, but PENALTY KICK on the rebound!! Cover, Matt breaks it! Shibata DECKS Matt, and he storms over to Perry. The fans fire up, Shibata fires off on Perry, and Quen tags in. But then Nick YANKS Quen down! Th eBucks DOUBLE SEUPERKICK Shibata! DOUBLE SUPERKICK for Zay! Quen ducks kicks, but he misses his! TRIPLE SUPERKICKS as Perry joins in!! The Bucks hurry to their corner, Perry tags Matt. Matt hauls Quen up, Nick climbs up! Matt puts Quen on ropes, DOUBLE STOMP POWERBOMB COMBO!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans cannot believe it but Quen survives! Tag back to Perry and he takes aim, SACRIFIC- PARTY DETROYER!! Zay counters, and then Shibata HYDRAULIC DROPKICKS Perry!! Shibata puts Perry up, Zay GAMANGIRIS! Quen runs up, GIN & JUICE!!! Cover, THE BUCKS BREAK IT!! The fans boo but The Bucks mug Shibata. The Bucks TOSS Shibata, then drag Perry to safety. Matt tags Perry, and he storms up on Quen. Matt whips Quen, Quen goes to the apron! Zay runs up, Matt whips him! Private Party hits the SILLY- NO, Matt NORTHERN LIGHTS free! Quen leaps, but Matt add shim to a DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS!

Matt rolls through, Nick joins in, E V P TRIGGER!!! Zay is done, but the Bucks haul Quen up! T K- NO, Zay trips Nick!! Quen victory rolls Matt, PRIVATE PARTY WINS!!

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party, by pinfall

Five years later and it’s another shocker! Perry taunts Shibata with the TNT Championship, but The Bucks do give applause to Private Party. Will The Elite have to be much more careful if they want to keep their gold?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

Private Party may have won tonight, but they still need to earn their title shot! They’ll be in a Triple Threat against Top Flight’s Darius & Dante Martin and The House of Black’s Malakai Black & Buddy Murphy! The winners will be the NEW #1 contenders, who will get to live the WrestleDream against The Bucks? Plus, other rising tag teams are in action as the Grrrizzled Young Veterans take on The Outrunners! Will Zack Gibson & James Drake make everyone understand they are SSSSOON to be recognized as AEW’s top guys? Or will the Youngest Men Alive show ’em that they ain’t seen nothing yet?

Then, while Wheeler Yuta is preparing to team with Bryan Danielson against former friends in Claudio Castagnoli & Pac, he is going to have a 1v1 match with BEEF! Will Anthony Henry’s second cousin through marriage just be an appetizer before the main course on Dynamite? Darby Allin may have made an Open Challenge for WrestleDream, he has a Collision with Johnny TV! Will Darby show us all how relentless he is? Or will he find he’s just not #TVReady? If you thought last week’s Lucha Libre Triple Threat was something, this week is a Fatal 4 Way of Hologram, Komander, Action Andretti and Nick Wayne!

Plus, Willow Nightingale is targeting Mariah May and the AEW Women’s World Championship, but she takes on The Infantry’s Trish Adora first. Will The Babe with the Power use The AfroPunk as a tune-up for the title match? Lastly, while The Conglomeration is in action against The Learning Tree’s Branches here tonight, they’ll have to turn right back around to face The Premier Athletes, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari. Will this whole weekend be Freshly Squeezed?


Backstage interview with Kris Statlander.

Renee Paquette is with The Galaxy’s Greatest and notes we haven’t seen Kris in action since her win at All Out. What does she have her sights set on next? Kris says we could all sense that Chicago Street Fight was the end of an era for her. She has been in a group, she has had a manager, and with the anniversary of Dynamite just passing, let’s bring it back to how she started in AEW: on her own. Kris is stronger, more independent, she’s like, a “Born Again Kristen.” We all saw that she is the toughest, the strongest, and- Kamille steps in. The Brickhouse asks if that’s right. Biggest? Toughest? Strongest? Her match is next.

Kamille pushes past Kris, and Mercedes Mone follows. The CEO tells Kris, “You better watch, b*tch.” Mone laughs, did she just put herself on Kris’ radar?


Backstage interview with Harley Cameron.

Renee is now with the wacky Aussie and says while she’s in a match tonight with Queen Aminata, does Harley have an update on Saraya after that vicious match with Jamie Hayter? Harley says Saraya is currently incapacitated. No further questions. But what about her match with- NO further questions! Then what about…? Oh, yes, yes, her match. She should say something on that. Harley tells Aminata, “You are in a lot of trouble. RAWR!” That’ll do, right? Sure… Harley heads out, will she take out her frustrations on Aminata tonight? Or is she going to end up “incapacitated” alongside Saraya?


Kamille w/ Mercedes Mone VS Zoey Lynn!

The Brickhouse is The CEO’s big investment, and insurance policy. Will the former NWA World Women’s Champion remind us why she is a former NWA World Women’s Champion? Or can Zoey bring her down with some Angel Dust?

The bell rings and Kamille SPEARS Zoey!! The fans boo but Mone says Kamille has arrived! Kamille drags Zoey up, dragon sleepers, and TWISTING NECKBREAKER! Cover, Kamille wins!

Winner: Kamille, by pinfall

Mone raises Kamille’s hand as they both stand over Zoey Lynn. Between The CEO and The Brickhouse, will no one stop them from taking over AEW?


Backstage interview with Anna Jay.

Renee is now with The Queenslayer, and says she had a tremendous showing in her return to AEW last week. It got a lot of people’s attention, but especially Will Ospreay. Anna says yes, Ospreay tweeted out a compliment on how great she has improved, from footwork to pacing, so she thanks Ospreay for that. He’s not too bad himself. Having one of the greatest wrestlers alive today see your hard work paying off is one of the best feelings ever. So if Ospreay sees it, then you know the AEW Women’s Division is seeing it. So if you don’t take her word for it, and if you don’t take Ospreay’s word for it, just do her a favor and try her.


Deonna Purrazzo & Taya Valkyrie speak.

The Virtuosa says, “This thing of ours operates according to a code. That those who want respect give respect.” La Wera Loca says, “It’s simple, elegant.” Deonna has shown Taya generosity, and Taya accepted it. Despite early missteps, Deonna remains committed to this thing of theirs, because Taya has earned Deonna’s respect by owning the misstep. Taya says there is much to learn for “I” to become “We.” Deonna says that is what is missing in a place like AEW. These two must teach AEW that they are all bound together by the code. Those that want respect must give respect. And those who refuse get it beaten into them!


Queen Aminata VS Harley Cameron!

The One True African Woman may have Serena Deeb in her sights, and the wacky Aussie may have Jamie Hayter on her mind, they both must focus on who is in the ring with them. Will Aminata prove to the Professor that she doesn’t need the lessons? Or can Harley show Hayter that she’s not the only one who hits hard?

The bell rings, the two circle, and Harley KNEES low! Harley headlocks, Aminata powers up and out, then waistlocks. Harley fights the lift, throws elbows, then runs. Aminata gets around to waistlock and SLAM! The fans fire up while Harley hobbles up. Aminata and Harley circle again, Harley gets around to waistlock, but Aminata wrenches out. Aminata wristlocks, brings Harley down, then steps over to twerk attack! Aminata wrenches more, but Harley kicks low! And KICKS again! And ENZIGIRIS! Aminata wobbles, Harley brings Aminata in and, uh, wait, aren’t The Iron Savages the ones who take us to Tiddy City?

Harley runs, but Aminata ROCKS her! Amianta snapmares Harley, runs, and PENALTY KICKS! The fans fire up while Aminata smiles, and she stalks Harley to a corner. Aminata runs around the world to BOOT WASH! Aminata reminds us she is the one and only, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Aminata pushes Harley around, brings her up, but Harley bails out. Harley says timeout, but Aminata goes out after her. Aminata storms up but Harley KNEES her low, then THROWS her by her hair! Harley CHOKES Aminata on the outside, but Aminata kicks her away. The ref reprimands but Harley grins. Harley storms up on Aminata, SMACKS her off the apron, and then soaks up heat. Harley puts Aminata in the ring, continues to play coy, then storms up to HIP DROP Aminata. Cover, TWO! Harley is annoyed but Aminata fires body shots. Harley CLUBS Aminata down, then clamps on a chinlock.

Harley grinds Aminata down, but Aminata endures. Aminata fights up, fights back, but Harley knees low again! Harley bumps Aminata off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, but steps off as the ref counts. Harley bumps Aminata off more buckles, then grinds her boot in. The ref counts, Harley steps back, and she drags Aminata up. Harley brings Aminata around to throw her down by her hair! Cover, TWO! Aminata stays in this, but Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Harley ELBOWS Aminata in the shoulder! And ELBOWS her again! Harley LICKS Aminata, then runs to SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Harley overcommitted on that deep leg hook, and Amianta survives for it. Harley runs in, but Aminata puts her on the apron! Harley ROUNDHOUSES, puts Aminata in ropes, and AX KICKS her down! The fans boo but Harley aims, to then run and- NO, Aminata blocks the kick to trip Harley up! Harley hits the apron hard, and Aminata brings her around. DOUBLE CHOP! The fans fire up and Aminata puts Harley in the ring. Aminata storms up but Harley fires forearms!

Aminata ROCKS Harley! And DOUBLE CHOPS! Harley falls, jumps back up, but Aminata wrenches and snap suplexes! And LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives but Aminata stays cool. Aminata runs in again, but Harley avoids the boot wash! Harley RAMS into Aminata again and again, but the ref counts. Harley lets off, huffs ‘n’ puffs, then runs in. Aminata goes up and over, comes back, and she catches Harley’s crossbody! The fans cheer as Amianta swings, but Harley sunset flips through! High stack, TWO! Aminat ais up, she dodges Harley, and scoops again! Harley tilt-o-whirls but Aminata powers her to a BACKBREAKER!

The fans fire up, QUEEN’S CROWN!! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The former #BrainDrain gives Aminata a great win, but then Serena Deeb attacks from behind!! The Professor is pissed, and she SLAMS Amianta’s leg on the apron! Serena grins as she grabs the leg and pulls it against ropes in a HALF CRAB! Aminata taps, but here comes Britt Baker! The Doctor is returning the favor from Wednesday, but Serena bails! The Professor got her shots on Aminata, but will the walls start closing in?


Backstage interview with The Acclaimed.

Renee is now with Max Caster, Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn, and Caster is still sporting the remade jacket. With that, let’s talk MXM Collection. It is hard to keep track of what is going on, but Billy speaks up. He doesn’t mean to correct her, but he is “Hans!” Hans Gunn! But MXM, how stupid are you to not know it was Billy? It was Billy all along! So stupid, trying to embarrass The Best Wrestler Alive, try to embarrass The Acclaimed, with a makeover on Caster’s jacket. Y’know what? Caster likes the lace, how it makes his arms look bigger. And this heart cutout makes his muscles look popping! He looks as handsome as ever!

Bowens says that’s right! Before, they were gonna cut that thing up. But no, MXM just embarrassed themselves. Acclaimed said to nut up or shut up, and they sure shut up MXM real quick. Just like they will do if they get in the ring. Because once The Acclaimed is done with MXM, they will get the makeover of a lifetime. WHY? Because EVERYONE Loves The Acclaimed! When and where will Platinum Max & The Scissor King cut down the Sultan of Suave and the Mahogany Hunk?


BREAKING NEWS for WrestleDream!

After Konosuke Takeshita attacked Will Ospreay and Ricochet on Wednesday, it seems the only way to settle this International Championship scenario is with a TRIPLE THREAT! Will The Alpha finally have gold in AEW? Will the Aerial Assassin finally be done with The Don Callis Family? Or are they both overlooking The One & Only?


Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly VS “Big Bill” Morrissey & Bryan Keith!

The Conglomeration has been very busy this week. They were here Wednesday to confront The Learning Tree, and we now have Mark Briscoe VS Chris Jericho for the ROH World Championship at WrestleDream. But speaking of, Jericho is joining commentary to watch his guys, The Redwood & The Bad Apple. Will Freshly Squeezed & The Violent Artist prune these Branches? Or will they be made to respect Chris Jericho?

The teams sort out and Cassidy starts against Bill. The fans rally as Cassidy and Bill stare down, and Bill mocks the hands in pockets. The fans boo, but Bill says show him how it’s done then. Cassidy puts his hands near pockets, but Bill runs up! Cassidy dodges, sunset flips, but Bill stays standing. Cassidy stops trying, and Bill YANKS Cassidy up! Bill whips, Cassidy stops by holding ropes, and then Casidy bails out. Cassidy shakes his head, knowing his limits against a man as big as Bill. Bill mockingly holds the ropes open and calls to Cassidy like a puppy dog. Cassidy steps up, but then rolls into the ring.

The fans cheer as Cassidy lounges on the mat. Bill storms up but then Cassidy rolls back out of the ring. The fans cheer more while Bill gets annoyed. Bill storms out, Cassidy slides in! Bill steps back in, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges and tags Kyle! Kyle runs up but Bill RAMS him! Kyle drops out of the ring and the fans cheer. Bill is annoyed as he watches Kyle & Cassidy coordinate. They go up, Bill runs up, but The Conglomeration drops back. Bill is getting mad, but The Conglomeration high-five and the fans cheer. Keith says don’t worry, Bill, just cool down. Keith and Bill talk strategy while Kyle finally returns.

Bill tags Keith and the fans rally up. Keith and Kyle circle, but Keith takes a swing on Cassidy! Cassidy avoids it, and Kyel waistlocks to then wrangle Keith. Kyle floats all over, slaps Keith around, then eggs him on. The fans cheer, but Keith frowns. Keith SLAPS Kyel! Kyle storms up, Keith bails out, and the chase is on. Bill is lurking, but Kyel dodges him! BOOT for Keith! But Bill has Kyle with the guzel! CHOKE- NO, Cassidy DROPKICKS Bill! Bill lets Kyle go but he also stays up. Bill frowns, but Kyle BOOTS him, then Kyle FLYING KNEES Keith! Cassidy DIVES and he sends Bill into railing! Kyle pushes Keith into Bill, and then KICKS!

Cassidy “kicks,” Kyle KICKS, and repeat as Rampage goes pictur ein pnicture!

The KICKS and kicks keep going, then it’s just all KICKS as Cassidy gets serious! The Conglomeration puts Keith in, DOUBLE KICK Bill, then Kyle hurries into the ring. Kyle fires knees into Keith, then tags Cassidy. They whip Keith, kitchen sink knee, and basement dropkick! Kyle runs to KNEE DROP, Cassidy runs up, to cover! TWO! Cassidy checks and yes, it was a two count, so Cassidy gives thumbs up. Cassidy brings Keith up, ROCKS him, and tags in Kyle. Kyle climbs up and rains down fists! Kyle goes all the way to TEN, then tags Cassidy back in. Cassidy climbs up, and he rains down fists! Well, just one really. Snapmare, cover, TWO!

Cassidy keeps Keith from Bill with a facelock, then a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Keith stays in this, but Cassidy storms up on him in a corner. Cassidy fires hands, then bumps Keith off buckles. Tag to Kyle and Kyle fires forearms., Keith CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Kyle hits a double leg takedown! Then some ground ‘n’ pound! And then ARMBAR! Keith has the ROPEBREAK! Kyle lets go quickly, and he whips Keith into the corner. Tag to Cassidy, and The Conglomeration stomps away! Then Cassidy runs to basement dropkick in the corner! Cover, TWO! Cassidy scoops Keith to SLAM him!

Cassidy tags Kyle, Kyle goes up the corner, and he FLYING KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO! Kyle ties the legs up, sits Keith up, FIGURE FOUR COBRA TWIST CMBO! Cassidy scoots in for a photo op, but Keith endures being twisted up. Kyle makes it a cradle, TWO! Kyle brings Keith around, but Keith fires forearms! Kyle fires a strike fest, then sweeps the leg! Kyle paces around, we get a great shot coming through one of the Pittsburgh University halls, and Rampage returns to single picture. Kyle tags Cassidy, they mug Keith but Keith fights back! Keith suplexes Cassidy, but gets STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE!

Kyle steps up to AX & SMASH! Kyle clinches Keith, Cassidy takes aim, but Bill runs up! Cassidy dodges Bill, Keith breaks free of Kyle, and Cassidy runs at Keith! Keith ducks the Orange Punch to send Cassidy back at Bill for a HAYMAKER! Keith hits an EXPLODER on Cassidy, but Kyle grabs a leg! ANKLE LOCK!! Jericho shouts to roll out, Keith does roll, and Kyle is sent into a HAYMAKER! Keith waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Tag to Bill and the fans are torn. Bill runs to SPLASH Kyle, then he SPLASHES Cassidy! And repeat! Bill then BOOTS Kyle down! Cassidy  ducks ‘n’ dodges, but runs into the BIG BOSS MAN SLAM!!

The fans fire up with Bill and he tags back to Keith. Keith covers Cassidy, TWO! Keith rains down fists on Cassidy, Bill goes after Kyle! Bill CLUBS away on Kyle, then sends him into Keith’s KILLER KNEE! Keith reels Cassidy in, underhooks, and TIGER KNEE STRIKE!! Cover, TWO!! Cassidy survives and Keith is frustrated. Cassidy flounders to a corner, Keith tells fans to shut up, and he runs in, to GAMANGIRI! Keith hoists Cassidy up top, ROCKS him, then ROCKS him again. Keith drags Cassidy around, goes up the corner, but Cassidy fights with elbows! Cassidy sends Keith tumbling down! Bill runs in, but only gets buckles!

Cassidy runs, tilt-o-whirls on Bill, but Bill stops the DDT! Kyle slips in, and he dropkicks Bill’s leg! Bill drops to a knee, but he still holds Cassidy up! So Kyle runs in again and push-starts a DDT!! Then a PENALTY KICK!! Bill falls, Keith returns! Keith DECKS Kyle! But Cassidy tilt-o-whirl DDTS Keith! Cover, TWO!! Keith survives and Jericho is relieved. Cassidy drags Keith up, tags Kyle, and The Conglomeration sets up! But Keith fights out of the suplex, RISING HEADBUTTS Cassidy, and he ENZIGIRIS Kyle! Keith then goes up, has Cassidy, SUPER EXPLODER!! Keith roars, but Kyle PENALTY KICKS again!

Keith roars as he rises, and the forearms start flying! The fans fire up as these two go back and forth! Kyle KICKS! Keith CHOPS! Kyle KICKS! Keith CHOPS but Kyle blocks! Kyle kicks but Keith blocks! But then Kyle rolls through to have the ANKLE LOCK!! Jericho panics and leaves commentary! Jericho is on the apron distracting the ref, right as Keith is tapping! Keith crawls to ropes, but here comes Rocky Romero! Azucar YANKS Jericho down and sends him into steel steps! But Bill BOOTS Rocky! Kyle FLYING KNEES Bill! Cassidy runs to DIVE! Down goes Bill at the ramp and hard! Conglomeration hurry to get Keith!

ORANGE ANNIHILATION!! Cover, Conglomeration wins!

Winners: Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy, by pinfall

The numbers game didn’t go how Jericho wanted, and his team is on the losing end! Will this be the same for when The Learning Tree takes on The Sussex County Chicken in Tacoma, Washington? Or will The Ocho still become The Nueve?

Meanwhile, Kyle & Cassidy only have 24 hours to rest, because they have a Collision with The Premier Athletes tomorrow night! Will Pittsburgh be Freshly Squeezed all weekend long?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage here, which is interesting as there’s word Rampage is going to be shut down for whatever show AEW puts on Fox Sports 1. Honestly, they should’ve been trying hard the whole time with Rampage but whatever. Kamille probably had the shortest squash match in AEW yet, but it was to make a point after she and Mone got in Kris’s face. Kris’s promo was still rather Heel like, but it’s a bit surprising that she and Stokely Hathaway have just parted ways with no real pomp or circumstance. And pitting her against Kamille and Mone would be quite the way to turn her back to Face. Not that Kris’s attitude needs to change, she’d just be Face by default with those two.

Very good promo from Deonna & Taya, this maybe should’ve been given to us a bit sooner, but it also doesn’t really add much to the story. Good promo from Anna Jay, can’t wait to see what’s next for her. Good promo from Harley to segue into her match, which was a great match. Like Anna Jay, Harley is really improving, but Aminata still gets a great win. But of course Serena attacks Aminata, and then of course Britt Baker saves Aminata. I feel like we could get a tag match of Britt & Aminata VS Serena and who knows, but it’d be a great opportunity for any Heel to get on TV, maybe have someone actually take Serena up on teaching them things.

Great opening Six Man Tag tonight, definitely higher quality than what they usually put on Rampage. And it was rather surprising Shibata & Private Party took the win here, if only because they also announced that Triple Threat #1 Contenders match during it. I kinda though that news undercut what was going on in the match, regardless of who won. But given the feud between House of Black and Top Flight, I feel like Private Party wins out and they get the tag title match. As it stands, it doesn’t feel like Shibata or Private Party win the titles at WrestleDream, mostly because The Elite might cheat, but it’d be so great if Private Party finally won the big one.

And great main event here, even if this feud of Conglomeration and #JerichoVortex is going a little longer than needed. I really hope Jericho VS Briscoe for the ROH World Championship is the blowoff, and hopefully with Briscoe retaining. Not sure what that would mean for either team, but if it’s what we’ve all been hoping, i.e. Jericho mistreating Bill and Bill turning on Jericho, that’d be nice. Bill can maybe get himself going on a title story, too, using even just one win over Jericho as the springboard towards the TNT or Continental Championships.

My Score: 8.8/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (10/2/24)

FIVE YEARS of Dynamite!



Dynamite is doubling down on the celebration!

AEW Dynamite celebrates turning five by giving us double the dream matches! Ospreay VS Ricochet, Danielson VS Okada, with gold all on the line!


  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay VS Ricochet; Ospreay wins, by disqualification, and retains the title.
  • Hangman Page VS Juice Robinson; Hangman wins.
  • Britt Baker VS Serena Deeb; Britt wins.
  • Private Party VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson; Private Party wins.
  • AEW World VS AEW Continental Championships: Bryan Danielson VS Kazuchika Okada; Bryan wins, both he and Okada retain their titles.


The Blackpool Combat Club speaks.

The Bastard says, “War is upon us. It’s time to choose sides. But you see, we know you. We know you’re not like the rest of them: A zoo creature, somebody bought to be paraded around. No, you’re more than that. You’re not a fluffy, cute animal, a creature, no. You’re a lion. So stop acting like you haven’t already chosen.” The Swiss Superman says, “I’m still the same guy. So is Mox. I guess I don’t understand what the problem is. If you wanna talk to me, you know where to find me. This is your home. We still have big plans for you, Wheeler.” The Problem steps up and speaks in Moldovan, but it’s clearly her telling Wheeler to figure it out.

The Maniac finally turns around to say, “I prayed every night you wouldn’t win the AEW World Championship, Bryan, but you did. So here we are. I’m gonna have that belt one way or another. There will be casualties. You’re gonna get a gift. A gift from the universe, a gift from me, not a lot of people get. I’m giving you the opportunity to go out on your shield, to die a warrior’s death, on your home soil. You will be buried in your backyard, peacefully, beautifully. Fate’s not gonna put a better offer on the table than that, man. On October 12th, when I officially relieve you of duty, I’m sending Daddy home for good.”

The BCC has issued their ultimatums to The Decoder and the American Dragon, will either of them heed the warning?


AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay VS Ricochet!

It has been a long time since The Aerial Assassin and The One & Only have faced off in the ring. Both men have held gold all around the world, but that’s not even what this battle is about. Ricochet wants to show us what he can really do, and Ospreay hopes he remembers how. Who will stand tall as AEW continues into a new chapter?

But as Ospreay prepares backstage with Kyle Fletcher’s help, Don Callis & Konosuke Takeshita step in. Callis says they need to talk about last week, but he wishes Ospreay the best of luck. Callis says the Family has to get going, they have a flight to catch. Ospreay is now without his good friend, but will this be more about his mental state? Ospreay makes his entrance and the introductions are made. The belt is raised, and we see if this anniversary show will be #OuttaThisWorld!

The bell rings and the fans are losing their minds already. Ricochet and Ospreay tie up, go around, and Ospreay puts Ricochet on ropes. Pittsburgh already declares, “This is Awesome!” as the two let off slowly. Ospreay takes a swing, but Ricochet dodges to hit a headlock takeover. Ospreay headscissors, Ricochet kips free, and roles reverse as Ospreay hits a takeover and then Ricochet headscissors. Ospreay kips free, trips, jackknife bridge, but Ricochet bridges up and out to backslide! TWO, and Ricochet headlocks. Ospreay powers up and out, but Ricochet runs Ospreay over! Ospreay kips up and the fans fire up!

Ricochet throws Ospreay down, things are chippy already. Things speed up, Ricochet handsprings but Ospreay gets under. Ricochet runs back in, goes up and springboard arm-drags, but Ospreay handsprings through! Ospreay runs, RANAS, but Ricochet handsprings through! Ricochet ducks, rolls, RANAS, but Ospreay handsprings through! The fans fire up as things keep moving, they both dodge, and they both handspring superhero land! The fans are thunderous seeing the iconic moment between these two recreated before their eyes! Ospreay and Ricochet stare down as they stand back up, and the fans are cheering “A E DUB!” for making this happen.

Ricochet ROCKS Ospreay! Ospreay grins while Ricochet talks trash. Ospreay applauds, then ROCKS Ricochet! Ricochet comes back to ROCK Ospreay, so Ospreay CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Ricochet ducks the next one to CHOP! Ricochet runs, and he catches Ospreay for a BACKBREAKER! The fans fire up while Ospreay bails out, and Ricochet builds speed. Ricochet DIVES and sends Ospreay hard into railing! Ricochet drags Ospreay up, to CHOP! Ricochet follows Ospreay around the way, fires more forearms, then whips. Ospreay leaps up onto the railing! Ospreay has to hop down, but he turns around to ROCK Ricochet!

Ospreay then goes back up but Ricochet joins him! SUPER STEINER to the floor! The fans lose their minds all over again, and Ricochet storms over to Ospreay. Ricochet puts Ospreay in, slingshot SENTONS, then paces while Ospreay sputters. Ricochet KICKS Ospreay on the back, the fans rally and duel, and Ricochet drags Ospreay up. Ricochet CHOPS, and he puts Ospreay in a corner. Ricochet whips corner to corner, then runs up, but into a BOOT! Ricochet CHOPS back! Ricochet whips, Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER! The fans cheer on “BOTH THESE GUYS!” while they’re both down.

Ospreay goes to the apron, the fans fire up, and they join in on “OI! OI! OI!” Ospreay then springboards to PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ricochet is tougher than that, but Ospreay stays cool. Ospreay drags Ricochet up, reels him in, but Ricochet fights the lift! The fans rally, and they sing for “Ospreay~, Ospreay Ospreay Ospreay~!” Ospreay gives a Kawada Kick, then a CHOP! Ricochet falls over, but hurries back up. Ospreay calls his shot, but Ricochet reels him in. Ricochet back suplexes but Ospreay lands out! Ricochet ducks a kick, Ospreay ducks a kick, Ricochet ducks a lariat to wrench and LARIAT! Ricochet runs to LARIAT again! Cover, TWO!

The fans fire up as Ricochet keeps moving, but Ospreay rolls through the lariat! Ricochet slips free of the lift! Ricochet V-TRIGGERS, then runs, but into a TIGER WALL KICK! ENZIGIRI! Ospreay keeps moving, Ricochet TIGER WALL KICKS! And LOW KICSK! SOBAT! Ricochet runs, into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Both men rise, but Ospreay is up first. Ospreay calls his shot, but Ricochet SHOVES him to the apron! Ricochet then hurries to join Ospreay, and runs up, but Ospreay blocks a boot! Ospreay CHOPS and the fans fire up!

Ospreay underhooks?! Ricochet grabs the ropes to fight the lift, then shoves free. GAMANGIRI! Ospreay BOOTS! Ospreay runs up, but into a pop-up and fireman’s carry! Ospreay fights free, then HOOK KICKS! Ospreay goes up the corner, APRON OSCUTTER!! Both men fall to the floor and Pittsburgh is thunderous as we go picture in picture!

The ref checks both men and somehow they’re both okay to continue. Ospreay and Ricochet are down as a ring count starts, but Ospreay turns over. Ospreay rises, he drags himself into the ring, but Ricochet is still down at  7 of 10! Ricochet hurries and slides in at 9! Only for Ospreay to MISSILE DROPKICK him! Cover, TWO! Ricochet survives, but Ospreay calls his shot again! Ospreay goes to ropes, only for Ricochet to fall over! Ospreay stops, and grins as he walks over to Ricochet. Ospreay looms over Ricochet while he tells him to get up. Ricochet slowly sits up, Ospreay eggs him on, and Ricochet sits up.

Ospreay pats Ricochet on the head, before he DECKS him! The ref checks Ricochet while Ospreay soaks up the cheers and jeers. Ospreay drags Ricochet up, Ricochet staggers to a corner, and Ospreay CHOPS! Ricochet sputters and staggers, but Ospreay stays close. Ospreay storms up but Ricochet CHOPS him! Ospreay eggs Ricochet on, so Ricochet CHOPS! And CHOPS! That one stung! So Ospreay DECKS Ricochet! Ospreay stalks Ricochet to a corner, puts him up top, and climbs. But Ricochet slips under to trip Ospreay up! Ospreay hits buckles, and Ricochet ROCKS him with a forearm!

Ricochet puts Ospreay up top now, and CHOPS! Ricochet climbs to the very top, and he brings Ospreay up. Ospreay fires headbutts and then SHOVES Ricochet over! Ricochet falls to the apron, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Ospreay brings Ricochet back up, but Ricochet hits back. Ricochet climbs, the two brawl up top, and Ricochet ROCKS Ospreay again and again! Ricochet adjusts, to SUPER DUPER STEINER! But Ospreay lands on his feet!! The fans are thunderous, and Ricochet cannot believe it! Ricochet runs past Ospreay, to steal OSCUTTER!! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives his own move and the fans fire up!

Ricochet drags Ospreay to a drop zone, then goes back to the corner. Ospreay anchors Ricochet’s leg, Ricochet kicks free, but Ospreay flips him off! So Ricochet BUZZSAWS! Ricochet goes up, takes aim, and 63- NO, he has to roll through as Ospreay moves! Ospreay runs up, HIDDEN- NO, Ricochet catches him into a Gory Especial! Backslide BOMB! And then a lift and PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives and Ricochet cannot believe it! The fans hope these two “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this is the beginning of the night! Ricochet drags Ospreay up, dragon sleepers, but Ospreay fires knees!

Ospreay is free, but Ricochet HEEL KICKS! Ricochet NORTHERN LIGHTS, rolls through and deadlifts, but into STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE! Ricochet wobbles, Ospreay runs up, HIDDEN- RANA!! But Ospreay rolls through to lift and STYLES CLASH!! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives, he’s faced the Phenomenal One enough to know that move! But Ospreay hits an OSCUTTER!! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives again and the fans are thunderous! Both men rise, and Ospreay takes off the elbow pad! The fans fire up more, and Ospreay aims… HIDDEN- NO, Ricochet ducks to STEAL HIDDEN BLADE!! Ospreay is down, Ricochet goes up!

Ricochet aims to SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! Cover, TWO!!! Ospreay survives and Ricochet is shocked! “This is Awesome!” as Ricochet aims, and runs to AX KICK!! Ospreay gets spiked but Ricochet isn’t done! VERTI- NO, Ospreay slips free to POISON-RANA!! But Ricochet is right up!? And he POISON-RANAS Ospreay!! But Ospreay is up to HIDDEN BLADE!!! Cover, but the ref hesitates as Ricochet also has an arm on Ospreay! DOUBLE cover, DOUBLE THREE?!? The fans boo, they don’t know what to make of this! The ref talks with Justin Roberts, and the decision comes in.

Justin Roberts lets us know that with both men pinned on the mat, this is ruled a DRAW.

Double Pinfall Draw; Ospreay retains the title

But even Ospreay and Ricochet don’t like that! They want to go again, and the fans even chant “FIVE MORE MINUTES!” The ref says sure, and even Tony Khan calls in to say let’s do it! The match is back on, let’s see who’s really the One & Only!

The two run up and fire forearms fast ‘n’ furious! The fans are thunderous as neither man is backing down! They are slowing down, though. Ospreay wobbles, but he fires back up to ROCK Ricochet! Ricochet comes back, both men BOOT! And BOOT! Ospreay blocks a kick, Ricochet blocks a kick, and DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES connect! Both men stagger, both men roar, HIDDEN BLADE from Ospreay!! BUT KONOSUKE ATTACKS OSPREAY?!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by disqualification (still AEW International Champion)

The fans boo more as The Alpha ruins all the fun! What happened to the Don Callis Family leaving? But now Konosuke aims, POWER DRIVE KNEE into Ospreay!! And then Konosuke aims at Ricochet, ALPHA ELBOW!! Then, RAGING FIRE!! The fans boo as Konosuke leaves Ospreay and Ricochet down and out, and then snatches the International Championship! Konosuke stands with that belt over both Ospreay and Ricochet while fans tell him off. Will Konosuke look to bring this gold back to The Family himself?


Mercedes Mone speaks.

The AEW TBS & NJPW Strong Women’s Champion is with her Brickhouse, Kamille, as well as Renee Paquette. Renee holds the mic so Mone can hold both her titles while saying, “Pittsbuuuuuuurgh~! Please say hello to your C E O.” Renee says tonight, we celebrate five years- Yes, and what a beautiful five years! Mone is so blessed to have played even just a small part of AEW Dynamite history. That is why she has put together a very special video package of Dynamite’s best moments. “Hit it, Money Mike.”

The video is played up, and if you can’t guess, it is all Mone’s moments in AEW. Her debut at Big Business in Boston, her winning the TBS Championship, and just winning in general. Mone smiles and asks if that was an amazing video. AEW’s best moments are all about her, because AEW is where the money resides, and AEW’s future is so bright, because Mone Changes Everything. And MVP steps in to say yes it does! He loves Big Business. Please, take his card, maybe they can talk. MVP heads out, will The CEO consider his offer?


Backstage interview with Austin & Colten Gunn.

Renee is now with The Gunns and brings up Juice Robinson facing Hangman Page 1v1 tonight. It was just last week, Grand Slam Collision, that Hangman tried to literally hang Juice. What can we expect tonight? Austin says Renee, and better yet, Pittsburgh, tonight, the Juice is loose! And- HANGMAN CLOBBERS AUSTIN FROM BEHIND! And then he brawls with Colten! Hangman sends Colten through a door, and then storms off. The Black Hat has left the Collision Cowboys writhing, will he cross off Juice later tonight?


“Big Bill” Morrissey is in the ring.

The Redwood has a mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen, five years of AEW Dynamite!” The fans cheer that, but Bill wants us to remember. “As The Learning Tree always says, it is not about the destination, it is about who we become as people along the way.” Uh, sure… Bill says we can all agree that over the past 1,825 days, we have all become better people, all thanks to one man: The Learning Tree, Chris Jericho! The fans boo as Jericho makes his entrance, “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith right behind him. They go to the ring, Jericho waves and says, “Hi, guys~! Congratulations on five years of Dynamite.

“And congratulations to the brand new television deal that AEW just signed. We made a lot of experts look like real idiots, hahahaha.” The fans cheer that at least. But there wouldn’t even be a new TV deal, or an AEW, if not for Chris Jericho, so you can thank him for that. The fans boo again but Keith wants a “Thank You, Chris!” chant. Say it, dammit! The fans do chant, “Thank You, Chris! Thank You, Chris!” Jericho thanks them, and says not only is this the fifth anniversary of Dynamite, but it’s the 34th anniversary of Chris Jericho’s pro-wrestling debut! To think he’s gone from Alberta, Canada to right here in Philade- Oops.

Jericho corrects himself, it’s Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. But to also be an eight-time world champion is an unbelievable feeling. Right now, at Jericho’s stage in his career, he wasn’t quite as focused on winning titles as he is on nurturing The Branches, such as The Redwood and Bad Apple, and bringing as many young talents into the Jericho Vortex as possible, and of course getting as much TV time as he can. But over the past few weeks, Jericho had an epiphany. First, he headlined a sold out Arena Mexico, then he beat Mark Briscoe. So now, it is time Jericho brings a new Era of Jericho. No more Ocho, time for the Nueve!

So Mark Briscoe, Jericho is challenging you for the ROH World Championship, at WRESTLEDREAM! The fans are torn on that idea but Jericho asks if Mark accepts. Does he? Mark Briscoe makes his entrance! Flanked by The Conglomeration, The Sussex County Chicken makes his way down to the ring. Mark steps into the ring, grabs himself a mic, and he tells his boys to stand down, this is between him and Jericho. Jericho has his guys do the same, so it is just them in the ring. Mark tells Jericho that Papa Briscoe brought his sons up to behave like men. And to be a man is to not make excuses.

Mark could stand here and make excuses about how he had Jericho beat in New York City. Jericho was toast! He was fried chicken! The only way Jericho won on the ROH World Champion is because Big Bill snuck up on Mark, guzel’d him around the throat, and choke slammed him through a table so Jericho could roll his limp ass onto Mark. The fans cheer that! Mark says he could say that, but he won’t use the excuse because it was Tornado Tag rules. The choke slam was as legal as a wristlock. Jericho pinned Mark in New York, 1-2-3, in the middle of that ring. And y’know what else? Behaving like a man entails that you call it like it is. Call a spade a spade.

And here we are on Jericho’s 34th anniversary, so Mark will call Jericho what he is: Chris BAH GAWD Jericho has, over the past four decades, been one of the most influential and finest pro-wrestlers on the planet. Fans do cheer that. And Mark will tell you, that works out good for him that Jericho pinned him. Logically speaking, Jericho should get the title match. Because Mark would love to put that notch in his belt, if you know what he means! See, it is also very coincidental that the word of the day is, “consequential.” Because consequentially speaking, now Mark will get to put a legendary head on his wall! Because when Mark beats Jericho at WrestleDream-

Whoa, whoa, hold on. That is a tall task. Mark wants to beat the Learning Tree? He wants to beat the legendary Chris Jericho? He doesn’t think Mark can. Mark can’t beat Jericho! Maybe Jay could have. The fans don’t like Jericho going there. “But everybody knows… You’ll never be as good as Jay was.” The fans boo more, and Mark UPPERCUTS Jericho! The fans fire up now, but Jericho has Bill & Keith stay back. Mark tells Jericho if he wants to go there, he better get his brother’s name out of his mouth. At WrestleDream, Jericho gets a Briscoe style ass whooping! Mark accepts the challenge, and THAT is consequential!

The fans fire up as in just 10 days, we see Mark Briscoe VS Chris Jericho 1v1! Will The Sussex County Chicken not just cut down The Learning Tree, but burn it to ashes?


BREAKING NEWS for Rampage!

With Briscoe VS Jericho set, there will also be further redemption for The Conglomeration after last week’s Collision. Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly take on Big Bill & Bryan Keith 2v2! Will Freshly Squeezed & The Violent Artist cut down The Branches before worrying about The Learning Tree?


Darby Allin speaks.

The Relentless One sits among junked cars, and he says, “I was 19 years old, I used to ride this metro bus, The 150, from Kent Station to Seattle. I used to ride it all the time, just daydreaming. This one night, I was in the back of the bus, and I felt something hit my head. And I turned around and I saw these three guys laughing at me. And it just donned on me that they were taking turns spitting at me. And I turned around and I just tried to mind my own business. There was three of them and one of me. And it was killing me inside that I wasn’t doing anything about it. And then I felt it again.

“And finally, I just turned around, and I got right up in the guy’s face, and he said, ‘What’re you gonna do about it, ya little b*tch?’ And I noticed he was holding up this switchblade. And I looked at him and I said, ‘Well, it looks like I’m getting stabbed tonight.’ I lunged toward him, and it didn’t take long for everybody on the bus to break up the fight. But it felt so good. It felt so good to actually do something about it. Weeks ago, when Jon Moxley said I wasn’t ready to be the face of AEW, all I could see is those three guys in the back of the bus. I wasn’t just gonna lay down and do nothing. I would rather get stabbed.

“You live by the sword, you die by the sword. I put everything on the line against Moxley, I was so fixated on proving him wrong. That night, it was supposed to be me and Bryan going on to WrestleDream. I keep saying that I’m ready to be the face of company, and I think people are starting to lose faith in me. The scary part about it is, I’m starting to lose faith in myself. But what else am I supposed to do? What else can I do except fight? I am going to be at Tacoma Dome, October 12th, at WrestleDream. Anybody in the AEW locker room, I’m putting out an Open Challenge. Anybody wants to build their name off of Darby Allin, step right up.”

Darby smashes a brick against a car, and he shouts he has nothing left to lose! October 12th, WrestleDream, Open Challenge. Step up. Darby is feeling desperate, but will that desperation be what he needs to reach that next level?


AEW shares news about Taz.

Earlier today, as the former Suplex Machine made his arrival, he was assaulted by unknown assailants in the parking lot. Taz was checked out by medics, referred back to his physician in New York, so he is returning home at this time. AEW wishes Taz a speedy recovery, and hopes to find out who attacked him and why.


Hangman Page VS Juice Robinson!

Speaking of new levels, the anger and rage has been increasing for this Black Hat Cowboy, and it doesn’t look to be stopping. Hangman won the Lumberjack Strap Match, then went after Rock Hard Robinson for the lashes he delivered. Will Hangman ever stop lashing out against the AEW roster? Or will Juice have to beat him to a pulp first?

Well speaking of, Hangman rushes Juice during his entrance! They brawl on the ramp, up to the stage, and then Hangman CLUBS Juice down. Hangman roars, the fans are torn, but Juice knees Hangman low! Juice snapmares and KICKS Hangman, then brings out a strap! Juice LASHES Hangman with it! Hangman writhes and Juice grins as he storms back up. Hangman slips down off the stage, but Juice LEAPS, into a body shot! Hangman tells the ref to shut up, and he LASHES Juice now! Hangman stalks Juice around the back to LASH him again! Hangman tosses the strap to the fans, free souvenir!

Hangman grabs railing and brings it over to SLAM onto Juice! Hangman stomps Juice, and fans fire up for “COWBOY SH*T!” Hangman grabs more railing, pulls it aside, and he SMACKS Juice off the chairs! Hangman grabs a table and brings it over! The fans fire up as Hangman sets the table up. Hangman kicks Juice, hauls him up, but Juice fights and BACKDROPS Hangman to the floor! The fans fire up for “JUICE! JUICE! JUICE!” as he stalks Hangman up the bleachers! They brawl in the stands, and Juice HEADBUTTS Hangman! Hangman fires back with haymakers! Hangman and Juice keep going up higher, and Hangman tells the ref to leave them alone!

Juice borrows a drink form a fan to SPLASH Hangman with it! Hangman sputters, and Juice HEADBUTTS him! Juice RIPS a “Hangman is FIRE” sign, then ROCKS Hangman. Then Juice borrows a fan’s popcorn to CLOBBER Hangman with it! The fans fire up as things return to ground level, and Hangman goes to ringside. Juice is munching some popcorn now, and then puts Hangman in the ring. The bell finally sounds to make this a match, and Juice takes off his own belt! He says time to hang the Hangman! Juice CHOKES Hangman with the belt, the ref counts, and Juice stops at 4. Hangman gets the belt away, and then he kicks low!

Hangman bumps Juice off buckles, stomps a mudhole, but the ref counts. Hangman lets off, soaks up the cheers and jeers, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Hangman stalks Juice to ropes, CHOPS him, then whips corner to corner. Juice reverses, and he FLAPJACKS Hangman down! Juice then hurries to clinch and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Juice fires up, blows some snot on Hangman, then smiles. Juice then SENTONS! Hangman sputters, but Juice ROCKS him! Juice puts Hangman in a corner, and he rains down fists! Juice goes all the way to TEN, gives thumbs up, then BITES Hangman on the face! The ref reprimands, but Hangman fireman’s carries to RUNNING DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Hangman argues with the ref but the count was fair.

Hangman paces, taunts fans for cheering Juice, and he flips them all off. Hangman drags Juice up, but Juice fires body shots! Juice fires hands, but Hangman knees low! Hangman whips Juice, but Juice reverses, only for Hangman to hurdle and clinch! BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! Juice stays in this, Hangman argues the count, but the count is still fair. Juice goes to the apron, Hangman storms out after him, and he drags Juice up. Hangman mocks the pumping for “JUICE!” and then he JABS! And JABS! Juice ends up all stuck int he ropes! Hangman laughs, then he KNEES Juice in the side! And BOOTS him!

Juice flops out of the ropes, and Hangman drags him back up. Hangman hits an APRON DDT! Juice flounders away while Hangman soaks up the heat. Dynamite returns to single picture as Hangman storms up the corner. But Juice trips him up first! The fans rally as Juice climbs, and Juice fires up! Juice goes to the very top, brings Hangman up to join him, and SUPER DUPER PLEXES! Both men writhe while down on the mat and the fans fire up. Juice and Hangman rise, and then run up! Juice LARIATS Hangman, ELBOWS Hangman, then CHOPS Hangman! Juice JABS! JABS! JABS! Then CHOP!

Juice whips corner to corner, Hangman reverses, but Juice comes back to CLOBBER Hangman! The fans fire up, Juice takes aim, and Hangman rises, into JABS, JABS, JABS! Juice says happy five years, LEFT HAND O’ GOD! Hangman sits in the corner, Juice goes corner to corner, CANNONBALL only gets buckles! Hangman drags Juice out to THROW him into railing! The fans rally as Hangman drags Juice up, fireman’s carries, and hits SNAKE EYES off the apron! Hangman refreshes the count, mocks the fans clapping, but the fans still rally up. Hangman runs in, but Juice hits an APRON SPINEBUSTER!

Hangman flounders away while Juice slumps against the apron. Juice sees Hangman, runs up, CANNONBALL through railing!! The fans lose their minds and the ref checks both men. Both men are moving so this match will continue. Juice drags Hangman up and into the ring, climbs a corner, but Hangman rises. Juice CROSSBODIES! But Hangman rolls through! FALL AWAY SLAM into a corner! Juice sputters in a daze while Hangman seethes. Hangman storms over, the fans rally up, and Hangman drags Juice up the corner. Hangman Alabama Lifts Juice, but Juice kicks and sunset flips through! RUNNING POWERBOMB!! High stack, TWO!!

The fans are torn as Hangman survives, and Juice is beside himself. Juice drags Hangman up, reels him in, JUICE IS- NO, Hangman powers up to Alabama Lift! Juice slips free, waistlocks, Hangman grabs for the ref, but only to MULE KICK LOW BLOW!! The ref misses what matters while Hangman goes to the apron. BUCKSHOT!! Cover, Hangman wins!

Winner: Hangman Page, by pinfall

The Black Hat’s wrath grows, as does his propensity for cheating! But speaking of that wrath, he takes off his belt, to CHOKE Juice with it! The fans boo but Hangman drags Juice up, to TOSS him, and HANG him!! Juice flails, but WAIT! Jay White is here?! The Switchblade has been out for months with injury, but where is he? HJe runs in from the crowd! And he CLOBBERS Hangman!! The fans are thunderous as White rains down fists on Hangman! Hangman gets loose then runs away! White makes sure Juice is okay, and Hangman is running through the crowd! White pursues, and he fires hands on Hangman!

The fans fire up as Juice CHOPS Hangman, and CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! Juice CLAWS Hangman’s eyes, then has him lined up with the table! White runs up to TACKLE Hangman through the table!! The fans go nuts while White rises from the wreckage! White says that’s what Hangman gets for messing with the Bang Bang Gang! Hangman got past one hated enemy in Swerve, but now one from his past is here! Will White force Hangman to breathe with The Switchblade?



Next week will be a very special Title Tuesday edition of Dynamite! Tuesday night will be golden starting 9 PM Eastern, so make sure your DVRs catch it!


Renee Paquette is in the parking lot.

Renee says we continue to celebrate the five year anniversary of Dynamite, and she is waiting on an AEW original, Jack Perry. The Scapegoat bus pulls up, and he steps out. But then Katsuyori Shibata steps in! And with text to voice, Shibata “says,” “You and me, the TNT Championship, WrestleDream.” Perry says he’ll think about it. The Scapegoat leaves, but then he sucker punches Shibata! Then he CLUBS Shibata, RAMS him into the front of the bus, and says, “I accept!” The Scapegoat punks out The Wrestler, but will he come to regret that?


Bryan Danielson speaks.

“All day long, I’ve had one sentence running through my head: F Jon Moxley. But then I realized, Mox, that no matter how bad you want it to be, this isn’t about you. This isn’t your world championship. Hell, this isn’t even MY world championship! This is AEW’s World Championship! FIVE YEARS! FIVE YEARS! And we’ve broken the entire system that wrestling was built on! This is where the best wrestle! And that is why I challenged Okada. Okada, me and you have wrestled twice. You’ve won one and I won one. You’ve broken my arm and fractured my orbital bone, but you have never broken my spirit.

“Tonight, we find out who’s the best! Your title’s only on the line for the first 20 minutes, but every single minute of this match, my title’s on the line, and my career’s on the line! And I wouldn’t want it any other way. AEW, this is for you.” The American Dragon is all fired up, but will he be able to set fire to the Rainmaker?


AEW wants to help the victims of Hurricane Helene.

AEW and Warner Brothers Discovery team up with American Red Cross, Save The Children and The World Central Kitchen. To donate, text “HELENE” to 707070.


Britt Baker VS Serena Deeb!

Steel City is once again #Brittsburgh as The Doctor has come home! But will The DMD get the 1-2-3 tonight? Or will the Professor of Pro-Wrestling bring down an AEW icon?

The bell rings and of course the fans are behind “D M D! D M D!” Britt and Serena circle, tie up, and Serena goes for an arm. Serena wrenches, wristlocks, but Britt spins and wrenches back. Britt wristlocks, Serena rolls, rolls back, then slips around to wrench and wrench and wrangle Britt. Britt fights around, rolls back, but Serena keeps the wristlock. Britt slips under, wrenches, and fireman’s carries for the takeover! Britt drags Serena by her arm, but Serena fights! Britt rolls to have the omoplata, RINGS OF SATURN, but Serena slips free! The fans rally, “Here We Go, Baker, Here We Go!” And then we spot Mariah May watching from the crowd!

Well, Mariah doesn’t look that impressed with Doctor or Professor. Britt and Serena circle again, and tie up. Serena headlocks, then slips around to hammerlock, headlock, and repeat. Serena keeps going around and around, hits the takeover, but Britt headscissors. Serena moves around, but Britt underhooks her. Serena fights the suplex, then trips Britt to have the HALF CARB! Britt endures and the fans rally. Serena sits deep on the hold, but Britt has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Serena lets go, and Serena soaks up the heat. Serena and Britt reset, circle, and Serena waistlocks. Serena headlocks, but Britt powers out.

Serena runs Britt over, taunts her, then keeps moving. Britt drops, then swings, but Serena whips. Britt reverses, sidesteps, and NECKBREAKER DROPS! The fans fire up and Britt storms up on Serena. Britt fires forearms then whips, btu Serena reverses. Now Serena bypasses to CHOP BLOCK! Britt clutches the leg but Serena drags her back up. Serena wrenches to hammerlock, and PEPSI TWIST, right as Dynamite goes picture in picture!

Serena covers, TWO! Britt survives, but Serena smiles as she paces around her. Serena grabs the legs, hooks Britt up, and she grabs at the arms! Serena pulls the arms back, then fishhooks Britt! The ref reprimands and counts, Serena lets off, but then fishhooks Britt again! The ref reprimands, Britt gets her arms free, so Serena STOMPS the legs! Britt writhes while Serena soaks up the heat. Serena pretends she can’t hear the fans, then drags Britt up. Serena UPPERCUTS, whips, and drops down to then CLOBBER Britt! Serena smirks as she stalks Britt to ropes, and brings her up to UPPERCUT! Britt falls back and Serena kicks her around.

Britt hits back from below, but Serena drags her up. Serena hooks Britt up into a COBRA TWIST! Serena digs her elbow into Britt’s side, but Britt endures. Britt CLUBS at Serena’s leg, fights around, fires body shots, then runs. But Serena ducks, so Britt sunset flips! Serena rolls through, and has the leg for the HALF CRAB! Britt endures all over again! Serena sits deep on the hold, but Britt claws her way to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Serena lets off, and she seethes as she drags Britt back up. Serena UPPERCUTS, but Britt hits back! Serena UPPERCUTS, Britt FOREARMS! They go back and forth, but Britt gets the edge!

Dynamite returns to single picture as Britt winds up to ROCK Serena again and again! Britt runs, Serena follows, but Britt dodges the chop block! SUPERKICK! Britt LARIATS Serena, LARIATS again, and then reels her in to ripcord and ROLLING ELBOW! The fans fire up with Britt, but she still hobbles from the damage to her leg. Britt drags Serena up, but Serena wrenches out, hammerlocks, and PEPSI- NO, Britt dodges to SLINGBLADE! Serena staggers up, Britt storms up, FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO!! Serena stays in this, but Britt brings out the glove! The fans fire up as she puts it on and spells it out, “D! M! D!”

But then Serena dodges Britt, blocks a boot, and puts one leg in the ropes to DRAPING DRAGON SCREW the other! Serena drags Britt up, reels her in, and POWERBOMBS! Cover, TWO!! But Serena still has the bad leg, STRETCH MUFFLER!! Britt endures, even as Serena pulls on that leg! Britt drags Serena into a cradle, TWO! SUPERKICK! Serena wobbles, Britt ripcords again, but Serena gets around! Serena full nelsons but Britt breaks free! Britt ELBOWS Serena, but Serena shoves her to SNAP GERMAN! Serena roars, the fans boo, but Serena runs into a SUPERKICK! Serena rebounds to LARIAT!

Serena drags Britt back up, reels her in and tucks the arms, but Britt powers up to AIR RAID CRASH! Both women are down and the fans fire up! Mariah still isn’t all that impressed. Britt crawls her way to Serena, covers, TWO! Ghost pin, TWO! Britt drags Serena into RINGS OF SATURN! But Serena slips free to get the leg! Britt fights the turnover to kick and kick and kick! Britt BOOTS Serena away, then runs up. Britt blocks a boot but Serena uses the British Reel to then KICK Britt! Serena goes out, ROCKS Britt, and climbs the corner! But Britt SLAPS Serena! Britt climbs, gets under Serena, and SUPER AIR RAID CRASH!! Cover, TWO?!?

The fans can’t believe it and neither can Britt! Britt drags Serena by an arm but Serena rolls her up! TWO, and into the RINGS OF SATURN! Serena fights, but LOCKJAW locks in! Serena TAPS, Britt wins!!

Winner: Britt Baker, by submission

Steel City celebrates with Britt, and Mariah is maybe impressed. But then Serena CLOBBERS Britt! The Professor is a sore loser! Now this Mariah likes as Serena pulls that leg! Britt taps but here comes QUEEN AMINATA! She TACKLES Serena and rains down fists! The fans fire up as those two scrap now! Aminata runs Deeb off, then makes sure Britt is alright. Will The One True African Woman make sure Deeb’s Dojo is humbled? As for Mariah, she’s laughing at this, but what will happen should Britt earn her way to a championship opportunity?


Backstage interview with Hook.

Renee is with the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil and asks him about the attack on his dad, Taz. Hook is fuming, and he punches a wall. He says if someone starts s*it with his family, he will find them and take ’em out! Who would be foolish enough to #SendHook into a rage?


Christian Cage speaks.

“Pittsburgh, sit down and shut your mouths while I conduct my business. And the business at hand is the five year anniversary of Dynamite. And if all of you were in awe of everything I’ve accomplished in the first five years, you haven’t seen anything yet. Because I am the Face of TBS now and forever. I am the reigning, defending, undisputed next AEW World Champion. I am the Patriarch, I am your Father Figure. And soon enough, I will have it all, hook, line and sinker.” Captain Charisma has spoken, but will he look to strike during tonight’s main event? Or will he wait to ruin everyone’s WrestleDream?


Backstage interview with Mariah May.

Renee is now with The Glamour, and says it was quite the “tumultuous” Grand Slam last week for her. Mariah successfully defended the AEW Women’s World Championship against Yuka Sakazaki, only to have Willow Nightingale to come to Yuka’s defense after. And then, the return of Mina Shirakawa was short as she then returned to Japan to team with Toni- Mariah says Willow is the living definition of “Failing up.” How many titles does Willow get to lose? Willow lost the TBS Championship, gets into the Owen Hart Cup. Willow loses the tournament to Mariah, so she gets the CMLL Women’s title.

Willow then loses the CMLL Women’s title, and now she’s best friends with Yuka and just syphons herself a world title shot? Wow! Masterful plan, Willow! That’s shady. Just look at her, smiling all the time, trying to hide how pathetic she really is! But speaking of Willow, she storms in, confronting Mariah on all that trash. Mariah’s the shady b*tch here! These two start arguing, and Mariah says shut up! Mariah SLAPS Willow! Willow SLAPS back! Security rushes in, as does Christopher Daniels, and these two are separated. The Fallen Angel has Mariah taken away and tells Willow to calm down. But will the Babe with the Power take out The Glamour the first chance she gets?


Private Party VS The Iron Savages w/ Jacked Jameson!

While Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy could not win the AEW World Trios Championships with the help of their amigo, Komander, they’re not going to give up now. A new theme song for a new attitude, will the party start to turn up? Or will they be forced to sip sauce and live hoss with Bulky Bronson & Beefcake Boulder?

The teams sort out, and Zay runs up on Bronson to fire hands! The fans rally, Bronson shoves Zay, but Zay bobs ‘n’ weaves. Zay BOOTS Bronson, DROPKICKS him, and Bronson staggers. Quen joins in to DOUBLE DROPKICK! Bronson falls, but Boulder runs in! Private Party dodges to DOUBLE DROPKICK! Boulder stays up and goes wild! Boulder runs up but Private Party DUMPS him out! Boulder staggers, Quen FLIES! Down goes Boulder at the ramp! Stokely Hathaway is watching this and seems to like what he sees. Bronson reels Zay in, back suplexes, but Zay lands out! Zay ducks ‘n’ dodges, DROPKICKS, and Bronson goes to a corner.

Zay kips up, fires up, and the fans are with him! Zay tags Quen, and then Zay runs up. Bronson BOOTS Zay, then goes up the corner, but Quen runs up! GIN & JUICE!! A supersized serving, Quen covers, Private Party wins!

Winners: Private Party, by pinfall

From the upset win on the very first AEW Dynamite to this shockingly fast win here tonight, Private Party’s new attitude is paying off! Zay gets a mic to get something off his chest. What’s up, Pittsburgh? But at the beginning of this year, these two walked in and said “New Year, New Champs,” and Zay swears to God, they meant every word! He doesn’t care if his hand’s bashed or if his shoulder’s messed up. Quen doesn’t care if his shoulder is just back from injury, Private Party WILL BE AEW World Tag Team Champions! Zay hopes The Young Bucks are listening. Private Party beat them once, and they promise they can do it again!

In fact, Zay is feeling froggy. Is Quen feeling froggy? Quen says yeah, he’s feeling it! They’re ready to jump! Young Bucks, FOOLS, why not do this right here and now?! The fans fire up, and here come the EVPs! Matthew & Nicholas Jackson appear from center stage, and Nick says, “Listen. You can’t have an anniversary show without the two people who built this damn company, your EVPs, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson!” Matt takes the mic to tell Private Party that they seem super confident. Matt has an idea. He heard there is a substantial overrun planned for tonight, so they have time for this particular idea.

How about The Bucks test that confidence? Why not put the tag titles on the line against Private Party, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, IN PITTSBURGH!? The fans love that idea! The Bucks head down the ramp, and Matt wants to make sure there’s still a ref. Oh, wait, no, The Bucks have “limited dates,” so they’re not wasting one on a crap town like Pittsburgh. The fans boo as The Bucks go back up the ramp. The Bucks “thank” everyone, but then Jack Perry attacks Private Party! The fans boo, but n ow it turns into a 3v2 as The Bucks DO get in the ring! But wait! Here comes Shibata! The Wrestler isn’t done with Perry!

The fans fire up as Shibata storms into the ring, but The Elite goes running! Shibata dares Perry to get in, but here comes Christopher Daniels! He says hey, Private Party has been a thorn in the sides of The Bucks since the very beginning of Dynamite, and Daniels for one would love to see Private Party piss The Bucks off. So here’s an idea! SIX MAN TAG: Private Party & Shibata VS The Elite, Friday Night Rampage here in Pittsburgh!! The Elite is pissed, but Daniels’ Interim EVP powers force their hand! Will Shibata be partying with Quen & Zay after they take it to The Elite?


Backstage interview with MVP.

Renee is with Montel Vontavius Porter, officially welcomes him to AEW, and understands he has a big announcement. MVP says yes, he does have an announcement, and what better occasion than the five-year anniversary of Dynamite. He’d like to take this moment to introduce to all of us- Wait, Prince Nana steps in. And he says last week, MVP was talking real spicy about him and Swerve. And another thing! Nana sees a lot of people are walking around here forgetting something. They’re forgetting that Nana used to be a wrestler himself! And yeah, he’ll lace up his boots right here in Pittsburgh just for MVP!

MVP says that sounds like a complaint. MVP doesn’t deal with complaints. But uh, he does. Who? SHELTON BENJAMIN!? MVP formally introduces AEW to his business partner, and the President of the Complaints Department, Mr. Shelton Benjamin. Nana is stunned, and Shelton says nice to meet you. He then takes Nana’s mug and drinks the coffee. Shelton says that’s pretty good. Nana is beside himself, but is he about to step into the ring with the Gold Standard?


AEW World VS AEW Continental Championships: Bryan Danielson VS Kazuchika Okada!

The American Dragon said it himself that he and The Rainmaker are 1-1, and why not make the tiebreaker part of the Dynamite anniversary? But as Bryan also said, this is only a double title match for the first 20 minutes. Can Bryan end this quickly to then bring two titles to Tacoma? Or will Okada wait out that first period to then strike and completely change AEW WrestleDream?

The introductions are made, both belts are raised, and we see who stands tall to end this historic night!

The bell rings and we’re on the clock. The fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” with literally just one guy going “NO! NO! NO!” Okada and Bryan stare down, then slowly approach. The fans fire up more, and then they back up. The fans get even more fired up, and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Okada powers Bryan back a step. Bryan pushes Okada back, the fans duel, and the two go back and forth. Okada powers Bryan to a corner, the ref counts, and Okada lets off slowly. Bryan turns things around, the ref reprimands and counts, and Bryan lets off cleanly. The fans cheer and the two reset.

Bryan and Okada circle again, feel out a knuckle lock, and they tie up. They go shoulder to shoulder, push each other in a “Test of Wills” as Bryan would put it, and Okada slips around to waistlock. Bryan wrenches out, wristlocks, but Okada rolls, trips Bryan, and has a toehold. Bryan goes for the ARMBAR, but Okada blocks. Bryan shifts to a short arm scissor, but Okada fights up. Bryan wrenches, whips, but Okada reverses. Bryan holds ropes to avoid the dropkick, but Okada avoids the buzzsaw! Okada ripcords but Bryan ducks the lariat! Bryan comes back, to arm-drag! But Okada headscissors! Bryan kips free, but now Okada hits a headlock takeover.

Bryan headscissors, Okada kips free, and it’s a standoff! The fans fire up again, but as Bryan steps forward, Okada backs up into ropes. The ref has Bryan stay back, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Bryan waits on Okada, and Okada takes his time leaving the ropes. Okada dares Bryan to try something, but then he backs off to ropes again. The ref reprimands Okada for stalling but Okada says okay, hold on. Okada steps back in, circles with Bryan, only for Okada to again back away to ropes. Bryan is annoyed, but he calls Okada out. Okada steps back in, circles with Bryan, and they tie up. Bryan headlocks, shifts around, hammerlocks, then headlocks. Okada hammerlocks but Bryan drop toeholds. Bryan waistlocks but Okada goes to the ROPEBREAK! Bryan lets off and Okada bails out. Okada claims hair pulling as he paces outside.

Bryan waits, and Okada steps to the apron. But Okada stays back as Bryan steps forward. Bryan does jumping jacks to taunt Okada. Okada steps in, they circle again, and knuckle lock. Okada rolls to wrench and wrangle Bryan, but Bryan slips around to wrench back. Bryan has the arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! Bryan keeps the wristlock but Okada snapmares. Bryan rolls through to hammerlock Okada on the mat. Okada sits up and shifts around, but Bryan wrenches for another ELBOW BREAKER! Bryan wristlocks, but Okada CLUBS, snapmares, and chinlocks. But Bryan slips out to have the hammerlock back, and Dynamite goes to break.

Dynamite returns and the fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” as Bryan waits on Okada. Okada and Bryan circle, feel things out, and they knuckle lock. Okada powers Bryan to the corner, lets off slowly, and then fakes the chop to pat Bryan. Bur then he ROCKS Bryan with sucker punch after sucker punch! The fans boo, the ref counts, and Okada lets off. Okada storms back up, but Bryan puts him on the apron! Bryan HAMMERS away with forearms! The ref counts, Bryan lets off, but Okada slips down. So Bryan WRECKS Okada with a dropkick! Bryan keeps moving, but Okada’s back! FLAPJACK! Okada grins while Bryan writhes.

Okada storms up on Bryan, drags him up, and turns him, for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Okada stays cool, the tape on Bryan’s neck and shoulders the clear target. Okada drags Bryan up, bumps him off buckles, and then stands him back up. Okada ELBOWS Bryan, ELBOWS him again, and then whips corner to corner. Okada runs up to ELBOW Bryan down! The fans are torn while Bryan clutches his neck. Okada taunts the fans, mocks the “YES!” chant, and then storms up on Bryan. Okada drags Bryan up, ROCKS him, and CLUBS him. Bryan UPPERCUTS, and UPPERCUTS, and then runs, but Okada scoops!

Bryan kicks and slips tot he apron! Bryan HEADBUTTS Okada again and again, then bumps him off buckles. Bryan climbs, but Okada hurries to CLUB him! Okada goes up, CLUBS away on Bryan, but Bryan fires body shots! Bryan HEADBUTTS Okada down and the fans fire up! Bryan rises, to DIVING HEADBUTT FLOP! Okada grins as he avoids disaster, and he drags Bryan up, into the MONEY CLIP! Okada leans on the hold but Bryan endures. The fans rally, Bryan fight sup, and he arm-drags free! Okada ducks ‘n’ dodges to kick low and DDT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally and Okada is annoyed, but he looms over Bryan.

Okada drags Bryan up, scoops him, but Bryan fights the scoop! Okada and Bryan fight for control, and Okada lifts Bryan! But Bryan fights with body shots! So Okada CLAWS Bryan’s face! The ref reprimands, Bryan goes to a corner, and Okada takes his time walking over. Okada brings Bryan around, whips him corner to corner, but Bryan reverses! Bryan runs up, but Okada dodges the elbow! Okada puts Bryan up top to DROPKICK him down! The fans fire up as Bryan tumbles to the floor! Okada goes out, grabs a chair, but just leaves it on the floor before he whips Bryan hard into railing! Okada then brings Bryan back around, to whip into more railing!

The fans rally, Okada refreshes the ring count, and Okada runs up to BOOT Bryan over railing! The fans fire up and duel as Bryan flounders. Okada drags Bryan up, but Bryan whips Okada hard into railing! Bryan refreshes the ring count, and he drags Okada up to whip into more railing! And then DROPKICKS him against them! Bryan hurries to put Okada in, then he climbs up! MISSILE DROPKICK! Okada tumbles all the way out of the ring! The fans fire up and Bryan builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and down goes Okada! The fans fire up as Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs and drags Okada back into the ring.

Bryan hurries up the corner again, and he BLINDSIDE MISSILE DROPKICKS! Bryan kips up, the fans fire up, but we’re at 15 minutes! Bryan KICKS Okada, KICKS again, and again! And again! And again! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan winds up, but Okada ducks the buzzsaw to roll Bryan, TWO! Bryan has the arm! Omoplata, LEBELL- NO, Okada tilts to a cover, TWO! Bryan has a cradle, TWO! Bryan UPPERCUTS Okada, but Okada UPPERCUTS back! The UPPERCUTS go back and forth, and the two stare down. The fans fire up more, and Bryan fires SLAP after SLAP! Okada fires those palm strikes back!

The fans fire up as the SLAPS keep going! Bryan whips, Okada reverses, but Bryan goes up and up and over! Bryan keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Okada’s DROPKICK hits first! The fans fire up again, and Okada brings Bryan up! Scoop and SLAM into a drop zone! Okada climbs, standard formula says MACHO ELBOW! Okada then winds up, for the MIDDLE FINGER! Okada grins, drags Bryan up, and ripcords for the RAIN- NO, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! TRIANGLE HOLD! Okada fights around, Bryan fires in elbows! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan shifts Okada around into the LEBELL LOCK!! Okada endures, fights, and we’re at the 19 minute mark!

Okada flails, reaches out, he just has to last 60 seconds to keep his title! But Bryan shifts, he steps over, JIM BREAKS SPECIAL!! A shoutout to Zack Sabre Jr! Okada flails, kicks, ROPEBREAK!! Bryan lets go, but he aims, BUSAIKU KNEE!! But Okada flops out of the ring!! The 20 minute mark is passed, Okada’s title is safe!

20 minutes elapsed, Okada retains the AEW Continental Championship

The fans boo but only Okada’s title is safe. Bryan sees Okada slide into the ring, but then Okada bails out! Bryan just SPRINGBOARD CANNONBALLS out onto Okada! Bryan wants to beat Okada, so he whips Okada into railing! And runs up, but into a scoop! TOMBSTONE onto the chair!! Okada played the long game on that one, and the ref reprimands while Dynamite goes picture in picture.

The ref checks Bryan, and Okada grins as he leaves Bryan behind. Okada refreshes the count, drags Bryan back up and into the ring, then brings him out along the apron! DRAPING DDT to the floor! The ref reprimands but Okada mocks the “YES! YES! YES!” Okada tells the ref to leave Bryan alone and start the count. Okada grins as the count does start, but Bryan already stirs at 3 of 10. Bryan drags himself up while the fans rally behind him, only for Bryan to flop over at 7! Bryan springs up at 9 and rolls in at 9.5! But Okada is on him with an Alabama Lift! REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Bryan survives and Okada is frustrated!

Okada looms over Bryan, and gives him a mocking kick. And another. And another! Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs as Okada kicks him around. Bryan rises to fire a forearm, but there wasn’t much behind it. Okada stands Bryan up to DECK him! Okada puts Bryan in a corner, puts him up top, and ROCKS him again! Okada climbs, brings Bryan up, and goes to the very top! But Bryan slips under to trip Okada up! Bryan then climbs up behind Okada, brings him to the top, and hits a SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Dynamite returns to single picture right as they crash land! The fans are thunderous while both men are down!

The ref starts a standing count, “This is Awesome!” as both men stir. Bryan and Okada go to opposite corners, and then Okada runs in. Bryan dodges to then CHOP! And KICK! And CHOP! And KICK! “WOO~! YES!” Bryan then CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS, and runs. Okada follows to ELBOW Bryan in the corner! Okada runs but Bryan follows, to DROPKICK! Bryan runs, comes back, but Okada scoops! Bryan slips free, waistlocks, but Okada fights the lift! Okada has the ropes, but Bryan KICKS the arm! Then GERMAN SUPLEX! Okada rises to SHOTGUN Bryan! Bryan is up, he feints a left buzzsaw to BUZZSAW with the right!

Okada sputters from the switch hit, and Bryan aims from a corner! BU- DROPKICK! Okada drags Bryan up, ripcords, but Bryan BOOTS Okada! And KICKS! And KICKS! “YES! YES! YES!” But Okada ROCKS Bryan! Bryan KICKS, Okada ROCKS, and both men wobbles. Bryan pushes Okada down, for DRAGON STOMPS! The fans fire up, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan lets off and he goes to the corner to join in on “YES! YES! YES!” Okada sputters, rises, and Bryan BUSAIKU- NO, Okada gets around! Ripcord, RAINMAKER!!! But Okada falls away from Bryan, he can’t make the cover!! A standing count starts and the fans rally up.

Bryan stirs at 4 of 10, as does Okada. Okada grabs at ropes but sits up on his own at 6. Bryan and Okada crawl to each other at 7, so the count stops. The fans fire up as these two are forehead to forehead, and then Okada fires the first forearm! Bryan hits back! Okada hits again! Bryan hits again! They keep going back and forth, “YES! NO! YES! NO!” The two stand, the forearms keep going, and Okada ROCKS Bryan! Bryan drops to a knee, but Okada brings him up to ROCK him again, and again! Okada eggs Bryan on, and Bryan is powering up again! Bryan stands, and he fires forearms and pie faces on Okada! Then a ROLLING ELBOW!

Okada wobbles, but he BOOTS back! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bryan lands out! BUSAIKU KNEE!! Okada rebounds to steal BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Bryan survives his own move but Okada drags him right up! Ripcord, but Bryan ducks! Bryan ripcords to steal RAINMAKER!! Cover, TWO!!! Okada survives his own move and the fans are thunderous! Bryan drags Okada around, hooks him up, and rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Okada shakes his head?! Bryan just HAMMERS him more, but Okada blocks one! Okada fights to fireman’s carry, and LANDSLIDE!! But Okada won’t end it there!?!

Okada drags Bryan up, and short arm LARIATS! Wait, the fans are noticing something. The BCC is creeping in from the crowd! Claudio on one side, and Okada short arm LARIATS Bryan again! Okada roars, but he sees Claudio, too. And then Pac is on the other side of the crowd! Okada drags Bryan up, ripcords again, but Bryan ducks! Backslide, BRYAN WINS!!!

Winner: Bryan Danielson, by pinfall (still AEW World Champion)

The fans are thunderous, but Claudio just smiles. But then Okada ripcords to RAINAMKER!! Okada is a sore loser, and he flips off Claudio, and he flips off Pac! He blames them for distracting him just enough, and now he storms off with his Continental Championship. But wait, Claudio & Pac slither into the ring! The Swiss Superman & The Bastard drag Bryan to his feet, because here comes Moxley! Bryan tries to fight free but Pac & Claudio hold on tight. Moxley has a mic to say, “You think this is about me? Huh? Is that what you said? You think any of this is about me?! Let’s get something through your simple minded, blueberry pickin’ little brain!

“NONE OF THIS is about me! NONE OF THIS is what I wanted. I’m fighting for something much bigger than myself. Everything I’m gonna do is cuz I have to, cuz no one else will, no one else can. If any of this was about me, I’d have put you outta your misery years ago!” Moxley drops the mic, paces around, but here comes Yuta! Yuta runs off the entire BCC, with a hammer in his hand! The fans are fired up for Yuta as he dares someone to step in! So Moxley steps back in! Moxley and Yuta stare down, but is Yuta gonna take a hammer to Moxley? Yuta paces, gets fired up again, and dares Moxley to swing on him first!

Moxley doesn’t, so Bryan CLOBBERS Moxley! Claudio goes after Yuta, grabs the hammer, and Marina Shafir gets Moxley outta there while Claudio and Pac brawl with Bryan and Yuta! Yuta & Bryan turn the tables, and Claudio bails! Pac follows kind, and the fans fire up again! Yuta grabs a mic to tell Claudio & Pac, “I am sick and tired of the two of you treating me like a child. I’m not a child, I am my own man! I can make my own decisions, and I can fight my own fights. And speaking of fights, next week, Title Tuesday, if the two of you wanna get to Bryan Danielson, you’re gonna have to go through me, too.”

The fans fire up as Yuta drops the mic, but Bryan picks it up. Bryan says next week, Title Tuesday, Bryan & Yuta VS Claudio & Pac, what does everyone say? The fans say “YES! YES! YES!” and Tony Khan sends word that YES, it will happen! Will Bryan stand tall just days before WrestleDream? Or will the faction he helped create be his undoing?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Dynamite for not just to commemorate five YEARS of AEW, but to also hype up WrestleDream more. Though, the direction of a few stories are a little odd to me. It’s mostly the Don Callis Family story, as I thought Konosuke Takeshita was heading for the Continental Championship. But after an awesome match of Ospreay VS Ricochet, where we got all the hits, Konosuke has to “ruin” it all by going after Ospreay. I suppose Ospreay VS Konosuke was an inevitable match so why not do it, and it could be what makes Kyle Fletcher choose between Ospreay and Callis. Hopefully, he chooses Ospreay, but I suppose that depends on who is even Don Callis Family. Maybe Hobbs returns?

Speaking of returns, Jay White’s return was of course happening here, what with Hangman beating up the Gunns and then beating Juice. Great brawl that went up into the crowd and great match, but Hangman of course cheats to win. Great return for Jay White, but uh, what was the point of Darby Allin mentioning a switchblade in his story and Nigel having a line about a knife fight? Something about that felt like Jay White foreshadowing for Darby VS White, but now I’m thinking it’s Hangman VS White, and Darby is open to face just about anyone for WrestleDream. Not sure who it’ll be, but I’m sure it’ll be someone great.

Great match from Britt VS Serena, great win for Britt to get back in action again, but it was curious that Mariah was out there at all. If that’s foreshadowing that Britt will get back to the world title, a bit heavy handed and early for it. Mariah still has Willow, which we got a great promo out of the two of them, and then there’s also Mina Shirakawa. I suppose Britt can be thrown in to further stretch out this story of Mariah and Mina, so that there is more and more evidence of Mariah going down a dark path and Mina unable to tolerate that. But honestly, with how badly AEW has paced women’s division stories before, I kinda want Mariah VS Mina to happen sooner rather than later.

Very good promo from Mone with MVP, it feels like the “Hurt Syndicate” is going to expand into more than just the men’s division, something WWE really should’ve tried with the Hurt Business. Maybe The Elite should think to counter offer so that Mone is their female member, and that could be a fun story. Shelton Benjamin debuting in AEW is great, but I also love that Nana brought up his wrestling career in WCW given a classic image of Prince Nana has been circulating online. Though, I don’t see Nana facing Shelton. But hey, Hurt Syndicate picking on Nana would definitely motivate Swerve to accelerate his return, and Swerve VS Shelton could make a great WrestleDream match.

The return of TV Time with Chris Jericho was good stuff, because for one, Jericho took a jab at Eric Bischoff over Bischoff claiming the coming AEW WBD TV deal was BS. But also, it wasn’t just Jericho rambling on, he got to business calling out Mark Briscoe, and Mark Briscoe responded. I did not think Jericho was gonna bring up Jay Briscoe like that, but that does immediately add heat to this. I really hope Briscoe whoops Jericho, we do not need “The Nueve” nor do we need the return of “Ring of Jericho.” Plus, something needs to happen where Big Bill screws up, Jericho gets pissed, there’s the falling out they teased weeks ago.

Very good promo from Christian Cage just to keep his cash-in on our minds. I feel like something has to again go screwy so that Christian can’t snipe the title from Bryan or Moxley, especially with this story with Kip Sabian still needing to be settled. And we’re getting quite a curious story for Hook. They have Taz get off-camera beat up, because trust me, that’s not a shoot, that’s kayfabe. They wouldn’t even have Hook on camera tonight if it was legit. But I feel like the culprit is either The Kingdom showing their true colors over that loss to Hook, or someone they want to move up into a bigger spotlight.

Good promo from Perry and Shibata to officially set up their TNT Championship match, and good stuff building a tag title match. Private Party having a new theme song to go with new attitude and new gear, all good stuff, but I did not think they’d beat The Iron Savages so quickly. Good promo for Private Party to call out The Bucks, and great little brawl to give us a Six Man Tag. I feel like someone on Private Party is taking that pin, and we’ve still got go-home week to see who stands tall before WrestleDream. Shibata is great but I feel like Perry finds a way to “survive” like he did with Suzuki. As for Private Party, I would love for them to win, but The Bucks probably pull something sneaky to cheat them.

And then great bookending of the night with this Blackpool Combat Club story. Great opening promo though I wish they had subs for Marina’s part. We got a great promo from Bryan to not just hype up tonight and the PPV but also to sum up the five years of Dynamite. And of course, an awesome match from Bryan VS Okada, even if it seemed a bit odd to have two titles on the line while keeping their separate rules intact. I just knew when this was announced that it’d go past 20 minutes so Okada’s title would be safe, and then Bryan would find a way to win. That’s what happened, but it was still awesome, and now Bryan leads the series 2-1.

However, I should’ve figured BCC would make a move on Bryan after. Great promo from Moxley to further tease what’s going on with this change in him. Yuta showing up to run BCC off and stand with Bryan was great, too, and their tag match for Title Tuesday next week will be good stuff. I would think that Yuta takes the pin, though, so that Claudio & Pac can call him the weak link and we’ll get into a scenario where the Trios Championships are on the line, Pac & Claudio having to find a new third man while Yuta has to go and find two partners, and we’ll get a really good match there.

My Score: 9.1/10

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