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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (7/8/24)

Who really runs Raw?



ALL RISE for the Judgment Day!

Controversy aside, Damian Priest is STILL El Campeon and Finn & JD are World Tag Team Champions. But do they really reign over Monday Night Raw? Or is there a revolution in the works?


  • Jey Uso VS Chad Gable; Jey wins.
  • Bronson Reed VS Pete Dunne; Bronson wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Judgment Day VS Braun Strowman & The Awesome Truth; The Judgment Day wins.
  • Bron Breakker VS Ilja Dragunov; Dragunov wins, by disqualification.
  • Six Woman Tag: Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Damage CTRL; DMG CTRL wins.
  • Mixed Tag: Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan VS Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega; Dom & Liv win.


CM Punk is here!

Ottawa, Canada fires up as the Second City Saint makes his way to the ring. And not only is it #ClobberinTime, but Punk is in a great mood after making sure Drew McIntyre failed his cash-in on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Punk gets a mic and says it has been so long since he’s been here! “Is it great to be alive on a Monday night in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada or what?” The fans cheer, and Punk says surprise, surprise, he’s got a lot to get off his chest and to cover. But surprisingly, the first thing he wants to do is recognize someone he has shared a lot of hours in this ring with. Someone Punk once insulted as the New York Yankees.

Congratulations, John Cena, on your retirement. The fans chant “CENA! CENA!” and Punk says he doesn’t know what the future holds, but he’d love to lace ’em up with Cena one more time before he goes. But let’s not do tricks on it, Cena isn’t here tonight but Punk is. Another guy who isn’t here tonight is Drew McIntyre. Punk wanted to come out, lift up the apron skirt to see if McIntyre was hiding under there. But that million dollar body with ten cent brain got himself suspended. If you don’t know, here’s a video. McIntyre had a meltdown after MITB went off the air, and he not only shoved referees, but he elbowed Adam Pearce!

Pearce was pissed, Wade Barrett had to help stop McIntyre from tearing into Pearce more, and there was the suspension. Punk says the ratings just took a dip because McIntyre was on TV. But hey, Punk wants to get his hands on McIntyre, too. McIntyre shouldn’t be shocked that when you pick a fight with Punk, Punk brings the fight to you. You should not be shocked that their are consequences to your actions. Philadelphia, McIntyre blew it because there are consequences to his actions, and you are looking at them! CM Punk is the consequences to all McIntyre’s stupid actions!

If Punk’s gotta fly to Glasgow, pop out a bowl of haggis, he’ll do it. Punk did it, McIntyre blew it again, and we all saw what happened. McIntyre promised to the world he’d win MITB and cash in the same night, but Punk promised that McIntyre would never be champion again so long as there is air in Punk’s lungs. Promise: kept! And if you thought what happened at MITB was bad, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Punk is here to say he wants after McIntyre, but he can’t do that if McIntyre gets suspended. There are consequences for Punk, too. He got fined $25 THOUSAND for interfering at MITB. But if he says himself, money well spent!

McIntyre got fined DOUBLE cuz he’s the Scottish Keyboard Warrior and kept posting online. Punk wants to ask Pearce, please lift McIntyre’s suspension, Ottawa wants to see Punk get after McIntyre! A match, a fight, a brawl in the parking lot, the cheap seats, hard cam side, PUNK WANTS DREW! But instead, he gets Seth Rollins! The fans fire up as The Visionary makes his way out here so Punk goes from ring to commentary. Michael Cole does ask what Punk expected. Rollins ended up collateral damage because of Punk’s actions. Punk says Rollins’ entrance takes too long. Does anyone like this?

Punk sits cross-legged on the desk while Rollins gets a mic. The fans sing “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” as Rollins glares at Punk. Rollins wants to get this straight. NOW Punk will sit on the sidelines? C’mon, Mr. Center of Attention, Rollins knows you love the spotlight, so join him in the ring. Or is he afraid Rollins will kick his ass? The fans fire up and Punk says okay then. Punk goes to the ring as fans chant for him. Punk gets his mic back to say he isn’t sure everyone here remembers the last time these two were face to face. Rollins surely does, but Punk did warn him that that was the only time Rollins could speak disrespectfully, so he better watch what he says.

What? Rollins? Disrespect the best int he world? No! Rollins is here because Punk can help him understand. Actions have consequences, so why does that apply to everyone except Punk? Rollins understands a lot of things: officials made a mistake, that happens. McIntyre can cash in, that was his right. What Rollins can’t wrap his head around is that Punk decided to do the one thing Rollins said not to do. WHY did Punk stick his nose in Rollins’ business? Oh, Rollins’ business? Yes, the world title is his business. Well since Rollins wants an answer, Punk wasn’t in Rollins’ business, he was handling his own.

Oh yes, of course. Punk says hold on, a husband and father like Rollins should understand. Yeah, and Punk isn’t even trying to be disrespectful. McIntyre has a bracelet with the names of Punk’s wife and dog on it! It may not mean anything to Rollins, it may just be 15 cents retail, but it was the intent. And Punk will get his pound of flesh. But he sees it. He hears it. Punk has no quarrel with Rollins. Punk was just handling his business. If he messed things up for Rollins, Rollins can’t be world champion or whatever his pipe dream is- Pipe dream!? Hey, Punk is apologizing, pay attention. Legitimately! Punk hesitates, Rollins says obviously this isn’t Punk’s forte.

Punk says he is sorry. He apologizes. He didn’t mean to screw anything up for Rollins, he’s just blind with rage. Rollins gets like that, too, so Punk is sorry. But because it’s Rollins, Punk isn’t that sorry. Rollins grins and says Punk always has an excuse. No, he has an answer. Still, Punk always has something. This is gaslighting! Punk’s probably never ever sincerely apologized because nothing’s ever his fault. Punk’s so sly, crafty, King of Propaganda. But he’s also gotta be the dumbest smart guy Rollins has ever met in his life! The fans are torn, but Rollins says Punk has most of this figured out, except for one thing that’d actually make him the hero here.

Punk does not realize the world does NOT revolve around him!! So look, Punk can be a selfish bastard anywhere else. Punk can burn bridges wherever else. Rollins will let that slide, because he’s above Punk. And he doesn’t just mean in height right now. Rollins is willing to let the selfishness slide, until Saturday. Because if not for Punk, Rollins would be World Heavyweight Champion. The fans seem to see it that way. Rollins says he is out of shots now. The fans sing for Rollins as he tells Punk it isn’t just a pipe dream. Maybe for Punk, but not Rollins. For Rollins, being World Heavyweight Champion is the most important thing.

So now that Punk took from Rollins, Rollins will take from Punk. Punk wants after Drew so badly, he doesn’t care about collateral? Well too bad, because that won’t happen on Rollins’ watch. Rollins could hit Punk here and now, but Punk’s fragile little body isn’t 100%. But Rollins promises this: When Punk is cleared, he won’t even be able to say “Drew McIntyre” before Rollins puts him back on the shelf. “Actions have consequences.” Rollins mic drops Punk but Punk just smirks. There are consequences, but who will be the one to pay the ultimate price?


Adam Pearce talks with someone backstage.

The Raw General Manager says he’ll try. He is sorry for not returning any messages but he was a bit busy with Punk and McIntyre. But what is the problem? Dominik Mysterio says the problem is that he doesn’t want to tag with Liv Morgan! But she was the one who said he’d be happy about this. Plus, Rey & Zelina are good with it. Of course they are! Dom doesn’t wanna tag, he doesn’t want the match. Oh but Dom wanted to stick his nose in the Women’s World title matches? That wasn’t Dom. Pearce says who cares if Dom is unhappy, the match is happening. Happy Monday. Pearce leaves and Liv finds Dom.

Dom asks why Liv is doing this to him! Liv is doing this for him. She’s making this up to him by helping Dom show who the real Daddy Mysterio is. Now, let’s go get ready for our match! Fine, just make sure they win. Of course! Now let’s go talk strategy. Well, as long as there are chicken tendies and/or nuggies… Dom is a reluctant partner in the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour, but will Liv get him to come around? Or will the LWO put an end to this twisted romcom?


Jey Uso VS Chad Gable!

While neither man became Mr. Money in the Bank, there’s no end to the title chase. Will Main Event Jey prove he’s worthy of golden opportunities? Or will “Master” Gable SHOOOOSH all the haters?

Raw returns and Gable makes his entrance. Gable has some rib tape given the bad landings and Spear he took on Saturday. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Jey wrenches to a wristlock. Gable rolls, bridges, and handsprings, to then wrench and headlock, spin and drop toehold! Gable SLAPS Jey around, but the fans boo as he lets off. Gable eggs Jey on, Jey stands up, and the two stare down. Gable kicks, Jey blocks to UPPERCUT! “YEET! YEET!” But Gable gets around to waistlock and SLAM! Gable fires off crossface forearms! The fans boo but Gable whips. Jey blocks the hip toss but then Gable blocks back!

They go back and forth with hip toss counters, and then Jey TOSSES Gable out of the ring! The fans fire up and Jey builds speed, to DIVE! But Gable catches Jey for an OEVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Jey has a rough landing and Raw goes picture in picture.

The ref checks, Jey is somehow okay, so Gable drags him up. Gable SMACKS Jey off the desk! Pat McAfee says something to Gable but Gable drags Jey to the ring. Gable puts Jey in, to SLAM a leg into the post! Jey clutches his thigh but Gable slides in. Gable rains down fists on Jey, but lets off as the ref counts. Gable drags Jey up to upt the bad leg through ropes, and he pulls! The ref counts, Gable lets off to then stomp Jey down. Jey writhes, Gable sneers again, and he drags Jey by a leg. Gable steps through, KNEE JAMMER! Then another KNEE JAMMER! Then Gable YANKS the bad leg! Jey writhes more while Gable seethes.

The fans give thumbs down to Gable but he drags Jey up. Gable bumps Jey off buckles, puts his legs through ropes again, DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Jey clutches his knees but Gable drags him around. Gable puts the bad leg on ropes, for a HIP DROP! Jey writhes but Gable steps through. Gable has a standing toehold on the bad leg and pushes on that knee joint. Jey endures, kicks with the free leg, but Gable keeps on the pressure. Jey kicks and kicks and gets free! Jey throws hands on Gable, but Gable hits back. Jey ROCKS Gable, Raw returns to single picture, and “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey backs Gable down, whips, but Gable reels Jey in!

Gable turns Jey to Canadian Rack! DOMINATOR! Gable snarls and goes up a corner. The fans boo but Gable aims, to DIVING HEADBUTT! Just enough of a hit, and Gable covers, TWO! Jey survives but Gable says to get up! Gable then waistlocks, but Jey bucks the O’Conner. Gable comes back but Jey TOSSES him up and out! Then Jey DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up! Jey hurries to put Gable in, climbs a corner, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Gable stays in this so Jey fires hands! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey pops, locks, takes off the shirt, and ROCKS Gable again! Gable stays on his feet, blocks a kick, but not the DRAGON WHIP!

The fans fire up as Gable goes to one corner, and Jey backs down to the other. Jey runs in, HIP ATTACK! Jey pushes Gable to the drop zone and goes up, only for Gable to trip Jey up! Jey falls from corner to mat and Gable grabs the leg! ANKLE LOCK!! Jey endures, but the lights start turning off! Gable panics and looks around, and everyone knows what this means! Jey SPEARS Gable! Cover, Jey wins!

Winner: Jey Uso, by pinfall

But now the fireflies are coming out…! Jey says bye, and he gets outta there! And now, the fog rolls in and the piano plays… Gable wakes up as the spotlight turns on, and the fans are losing their minds already. Heeere’s Abby! Gable shakes his head and backs away. Gable hurries out of the ring, goes up the ramp, and gets far away from here. As for Abby, she turns around, and she has another package to deliver. She puts the package down in front of Pat. Pat asks if Cole’s gonna get this, and Cole says nope. Surely then, another VHS message has been sent. What will the Wyatt Sick6 have to say tonight?


Backstage interview with Sheamus.

Both Jackie Redmond and The Celtic Warrior just saw what we all saw, and he says that was weird. Jackie hopes we’ll get clarity on that tonight. But as for Sheamus, she has to congratulate him. He reaches 15 YEARS as a WWE Superstar, and he’s already done so much! What’s next? Yeah, 15 years and he’s done it all. Well, almost. It takes that many years to truly understand the business. All these young Thundercats, they think they can take shortcuts, but they can’t. Truly, it takes years before you go out there and put on banger after- Wait. Bronson Reed steps in, and he asks if Sheamus is done.

Bronson doesn’t get why we’re talking about Sheamus’ 15 years when it ended with Sheamus losing. Really, they should be talking about Bronson! He is the one with a match tonight because he is the future. Sheamus is just stuck in the past. Wow. Big bloody Bronson, a crybaby. Who would’ve guessed? And surely if Bronson was watching Sheamus’ career these past 15 years, he’d know what happens when you interrupt him. Bronson and Sheamus will settle this in the ring like proper fellas. Bronson says fine, he’ll fight Sheamus any time. Just not tonight. First, Sheamus can watch what Bronson does to Sheamus’ pal, Pete Dunne.

Bronson heads out and Sheamus frowns. Is the Colossal Aussie about to demolish Dunne? Or can the Bruiserweight find a way to stop the Tsunami?


Bronson Reed VS Pete Dunne!

Raw returns as Auszilla makes his entrance, followed by Dunne’s. The bell rings and the two tie up. Bronson headlocks, CLUBS Dunne right down, and then eggs Dunne on. Bronson fireman’s carries but Dunne shifts to an ARMBAR! Bronson goes to the ROPEBREAK, Dunne lets go, and then Dunne BOOTS from a corner. Dunne ENZIGIRIS Bronson, keeps moving and he CLOBBERS Bronson outta the ring! The fans fi reup and Dunne PLANCHAS! Direct hit but Bronson still stays up! So Dunne ASAI MOONSAULTS! Then Dunne goes up to the corner, another ASAI MOONSAULT! Bronson finally falls, the fans fire up, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Bronson has a chinlock on Dunne. The fans rally, Dunne fights up and he bends Bronson’s fingers! Dunne fires CHOP after CHOP but Bronson HEADBUTTS! Dunne ENZIGIRIS, but Bronson LARIATS! The fans fire up as Bronson lines up a shot. SENTON misses as Dunne moves! Dunne runs up to STOMP the hands! BUZZSAW! Then ENZIGIRI in the corner! And a GAMANGIRI! Dunne pushes Bronson, goes up, and he DOUBLE STOMPS an arm! Bronson staggers, Dunne BUSAIKU KNEES! Cover, TWO! Bronson stays in this but Dunne grabs an arm. Dunne bends the fingers again!

Dunne isolates the arm, and he STOMPS it! Bronson clutches the arm, Dunne wrenches it, but Bronson powers out. Bronson runs up, blocks a boot, but Dunne kicks and kicks with the other leg! Bronson gets mad and he reels Dunne in for a BUCKLE BOMB! And then a SITOUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives and the fans fire up! Bronson is mad now and he goes to a corner. Bronson climbs and the fans know what this means. But so does Dunne, and he gets up to GAMANGIRI! Bronson wobbles, Dunne climbs up, and Dunne bends the fingers! But Bronson HOTSHOTS Dunne on ropes! Then TSUNAMI!! Cover, Bronson wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

Dunne almost tore Bronson’s arm off, but Bronson still crushed Dunne’s body. And now Bronson wants to do it again! Bronson drags Dunne back to the drop zone, but here comes Sheamus! Sheamus storms right into the ring, Bronson goes after him! The fans fire up as Sheamus takes the fight to Bronson! Bronson HEADBUTTS, Sheamus KNEE CAPS! Dunne GAMANGIRIS! Bronson wobbles, Sheamus BROGUES him outta the ring!! The fans fire up as the Brawling Brutes- NO, Dunne doesn’t want a hug! Dunne leaves Sheamus behind, Sheamus doesn’t get why.


Sami Zayn says hey to Braun Strowman & The Awesome Truth.

They all shake, and Truth even gives the Intercontinental Champion a hug. Truth, Miz & Braun are preparing for their Six Man Tag but Sami’s going to gorilla first. What will Sami have to say about what’s next for him after Money in the Bank? We’ll find out, after the break.


Judgment Day talks backstage.

Damian Priest says they got through MITB, let’s move on. Seth Rollins walks over and says he just wants to talk. Priest tells his guys to go handle their business. Finn, JD & Carlito head out, and Rollins looks at the title. “You know it’s better to be lucky than good. And Saturday, you were very lucky. But you were also very good. Most importantly, you kept your word. The boys didn’t get involved. And since you kept your word, I’m gonna keep my word. I won’t come for the title as long as you’ve got it. But as good as you were on Saturday, if you want to keep that thing, you gotta be better at SummerSlam.”

Rollins goes to leave but Priest stops him. Priest says he did keep his word. And he knows Rollins will keep his. But Priest still has a lot to prove. So that gentleman’s agreement? They can throw that out the window. Once Priest is done with Gunther, if Rollins wants another shot, Priest will gladly go to war with him again. Just name the time and place. Rollins offers a handshake, Priest takes it. Rollins heads out, and then Priest gets a phone call. He answers, and asks where they’re at. But who is it that called?


Sami Zayn goes to the ring!

Ottawa fires up as the Intercontinental Champion is here, and he holds up the belt for all to see. Sami also gets a mic, and the fans sing “OLE~! OLE OLE OLE~!” Sami smiles and says, “Well first of all… Let me just say what an honor it is to be standing in this ring, in the nation’s capital, representing Canada as a champion.” The fans cheer that! Sami says Saturday in Toronto, Bron Breakker walked into MITB, he brought his power, his strength, his speed, but he made the mistake of walking in thinking that Sami was the underdog. Sami has said this before but must say it again: He is no longer an underdog, he is a champion!

The fans cheer for Sami again, and he says, “And if I can take a second to be not so humble, to be a little un-Canadian… I have been putting in top level performances in this ring nigh tin, night out, year in, year out, to where I have earned a certain amount of respect in this ring. And it is a respect that Bron Breakker did not bring to Toronto. And that is why Bron Breakker found out the hard way that it is one thing to knock me down, it is another thing to try and keep me down! And I say this not just to Bron Breakker, but-” WAIT. Here comes Bron Breakker himself! And he goes right to the ring, eyes locked on Sami.

Bron steps in the ring, and Sami asks what he is here for. Is Bron looking for a fight? Maybe a rematch? Did Bron come out here to say anything or is he just going to keep staring? Sami pushes the mic into Bron and Bron takes it. Bron says he came out here to look in the eyes the only man in this locker room who says they can beat him. And Bron didn’t think it’d be Sami. But Bron’s a smart guy. He knows how this goes. There is no reason for Bron to get a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship. So he’s been thinking, and SPEAR!! The fans either boo or bark as Bron then drags Sami to rain down fists!

Producers and refs rush out to the ring to stop Bron! Bron lets off, only to jump on Sami again! Bron rains down more fists, but the producers drag Bron back! Pearce tells Bron to get out of here! What is wrong with him? But then Bron just takes off and he SPEARS Sami down again!! Pearce has had it with Bron and he’s ejecting Bron from the building! But now Ilja Dragunov shows up! The Mad Dragon has to be held back and Bron mockingly says, “I’m so scared!” Dragunov checks on Sami, already having seen Bron sideline the likes of Ricochet. Will Bron get what he wants by any means necessary?


Sami gets checked by the trainer.

Dragunov says look at this! Pearce sees it. Then Dragunov wants Bron. If Dragunov wants Bron, then he’s got him, tonight! The Mad Dragon fires up, will he burn Bron down for what he’s done?


Six Man Tag: The Judgment Day VS Braun Strowman & The Awesome Truth!

Liv Morgan got Finn Balor & JD McDonagh the WWE World Tag Team Championships, but that only raised the ire of the Monster of All Monsters. Braun stands with The Miz & R-Truth, will they all take down their common enemies? Or will the Prince, Ace and prospect, Carlito, be able to deny the Awesome Truth?

But as Awesome Truth step into the ring, they get attacked 3v2! So here comes #ONEBIGSOB!! The Judgment Day is running away around the ring! Braun grabs Carlito by his hair and THROWS him into barriers! Then Truth & Miz get Finn & JD! DOUBLE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENTS! The fans fire up as Miz then PLANCHAS JD down on the outside! Braun feeds Carlito to Truth as the bell rings! Truth ducks ‘n’ dodges to fire those SHOULDER TACKLES! Truth shouts out his hero, John Cena, and he hits that SPIN OUT BOMB! And then the “You Can’t See Me!” Five Knuckle Shuffle! Fireman’s carry, and another ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!

Truth covers, but Finn runs in! Truth moves, the ELBOW DROP hits Carlito! Truth TOSSES Finn, then he dodges JD and TOSSES him! Braun, Miz & Truth stand tall as the fans fire up, and we go picture in picture!

Braun, Miz & Truth watch Judgment Day closely on the outside, and Truth goes out to fetch Carlito back into the ring. Truth ROCKS Carlito with a right, tags Miz, and the Awesome Truth hit a DOUBLE GUT BUSTER! Miz then KICKS, KICKS and KICKS Carlito! The It Kicks fire off and then Miz winds up, to BUZZSAW! Carlito flops over, Miz powers up, “MASSIVE! BALLS!” But Carlito arm-drags free of the full nelson! Miz BOOTS Carlito, DECKS Finn and KNEES JD down! Carlito CLOBBERS Miz! The ref has to restore order, and Carlito smirks at Truth. Finn & JD mug Miz before sending him back in.

Carlito tags JD, he goes up, and JD soaks up some heat before he FIST DROPS Miz! JD runs in to RAM Miz in the corner, then he snapmares Miz down. Tag to Finn and he slingshot STOMPS! Finn soaks up the heat, but Miz fires body shots! Finn RAMS Miz into the corner again, tags JD, and they mug Miz more. JD drags Miz up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! JD stomps Miz in frustration and then ELBOWS him down. JD whips Miz, drop toeholds him, and Raw returns to single picture as JD drops a leg, brother! Cover, TWO! JD clamps onto Miz with a chinlock, but the fans rally up. Miz fights up, throws hands, but JD DECKS him!

JD CLUBS Miz, brings him over and tags Finn. They mug Miz again, and Finn fires hands. Finn snapmares Miz to KNEE him in the back. Finn clamps on a chinlock but the fans rally up. Miz rises, throws body shots, but Finn knees low. Finn whisp Miz away but Miz kicks Finn! DOUBLE LARIATS collide and both men fall! The fans fire up as they both crawl, hot tag to JD! JD anchors Miz’s leg, drags him back, but Miz hops up. JJD ducks the enzigiri to CLOBBER Miz! JD DECKS Truth and grins at Braun. Braun vows to take JD’s giant head off. Miz dodges JD and reaches out! JD drags Miz back again, but Miz LEAPS, hot tag to Braun!

The fans fire up and JD panics! JD begs for mercy, then he dodges. But Braun CLOBBERS JD on the return! Then he scoop SLAMS JD, hauls him back up, and TOSSES him across the ring! Carlito gets in, Braun ROCKS him! SPLASH in the corner for Carlito, but JD dodges! Hot tag to Finn, Finn leaps in, but JD catches him! CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, JD & Carlito break it! They mug Braun but Braun grabs them both! Braun SHOVES them both, to then CLOBBER them both on the rebound! The fans fire up and Braun sees he’s got people on the tracks! Truth says tag him in! Braun does, and now Truth joins in as Braun’s caboose!

The two go together to CLOBBER Finn! And then they CLOBBER Carlito! JD runs away, Braun and Truth rip up their shirts! Braun high-fives fans, as doe Truth, and they find JD hiding in the timekeeper’s area! JD sees them see him, and he throws chairs! Braun gives chase and JD goes through the crowd! Truth is fired up, “What’s up!?” Truth high-fives everyone, and goes back to the ring, Miz warns him but Finn SHOTGUNS Truth down! Truth falls into Miz, Miz falls, and Finn goes up! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!!

Winners: Judgment Day, by pinfall

Braun returns to the ring but a little too late! Finn & Carlito regroup with JD, they got the better of Awesome Truth again! Will Miz, Truth & Braun ever live this one down?


Pearce talks with Punk.

Pearce knows Punk wants McIntyre back, but he’s half the problem. They want a match, right? But McIntyre is throwing refs around and it’s Punk’s fault. It has to stop. So here’s what Pearce is willing to do. Pearce will call McIntyre, see if he’s in a place mentally to even do business, and they’ll meet. But that means Punk can’t be around. He has to stay home. Punk has already been staying at home. Pearce knows that, and Punk didn’t start this, but he’s also someone who doesn’t back down from a fight. So if Punk stirs up another one, the match, the title aspirations, they’re out the window.

They’ve known each other a long time, so please, go home, pet Larry, and let Pearce handle McIntyre. Punk says okay, he’ll work on getting cleared. Punk leaves, but what terms will McIntyre ask for if they’re to have it out in a match?


Liv talks with Dom in the clubhouse.

As good as he is at WWE 2K, they do need to talk about their tag match. She wants to work on double team moves. Dom says he didn’t even want this match, why would he want to do double teams? Liv says they both know Dom wants this as badly as she does. Dom says the only thing he wants that badly is to beat his deadbeat dad. Yeah, that’s what Liv meant. So they need to be on the same page. What? Liv takes the remote, and wants Dom to loosen up. No, he’s fine. Liv says relax. Dom steps back, but falls onto the couch. She says that’s perfect, and she starts stretching his leg out for him! Dom says that isn’t bad…

Liv says yeah, they can do this with or without a match. But then the boys walk in and Carlito says that’s cool. Liv hopes Daddy Dom feels better. Liv leaves and Priest says he doesn’t wanna know what that was. But after all this time, Dom should’ve been done with this. It is not that hard. Carlito says it looks like it is. Carlito, shut up! Dom says Priest is starting to sound like his dad. What? No, Priest is starting to understand Dom’s dad more and more every week. Fine, Dom though the fixed it so he’ll put an end to it, okay? Dom heads out and Priest says Dom’s gonna learn something about consequences.

Finn says yeah, but that aside, what was Priest wanting to tell them? Oh yeah, well… Priest will keep it a secret. Dom’s gonna find out soon enough anyway. Oh~…! Does that mean what it sounds like it means?


The third VHS is ready.

Bo Dallas sits in a dark room, a light faintly flashing. “Uncle Howdy” wants to know more about his “family.” Bo’s family… He took those that were discarded, unwanted, and forgotten, and gave them a purpose. And they’re so happy that you remembered them! Because being a glutton for punishment doesn’t make abandonment hurt any less. Joe Gacy is Huskus the Pig Boy! Being forsaken and alone, begging for mercy as the buzzards circle. Dexter Lumis is Mercy the Buzzard! Being lost, overwhelmed. Grief is the price we pay for love. “But now… We must set the captives free. So they need no master.”

Do you think Bo… that they… are sick? “Yes, I do.” Bo smiles, and says, “Then sick is what we’ll be.” They are… the Wyatt Sick6.


Gable finds Pearce.

Gable complains that he is avoiding him. Did Pearce see that tape? They’re all talking about Gable! It is clear to an intelligent man like Gable! But what is not clear is why Pearce isn’t dong more about this! Security is lacking and- Pearce calms Gable down, he has an investigation team working on this. But has Gable ever stopped to wonder why he’s the target? Oh, that’s funny, Pearce. Gable will handle everything on his own, huh? He will, but then he expects an apology from everyone here. And maybe a vacation, too? It’s pathetic! Gable storms off, Pearce steps into his office, and Bo is already there waiting… Is Pearce about to get some answers first hand?


Damage CTRL speaks.

Iyo Sky says they have lost control. So now DMG CTRL must change. Dakota Kai says they have gotten nothing but disrespect. They are world class talent, so they should not be pushed aside by worthless superstars like Kayden, Katana & Lyra! Tonight, that changes. Tonight, DMG CTRL pushes back and shows what they are truly capable of. Kairi Sane adds that change brings destruction of what was. Tonight, they clip Lyra’s wings, and they dance all over Kayden & Katana. Iyo says because DMG CTRL has lost control, they will take it back! Will they make The Morrigan and the party girls regret ever getting in their way?


Bron Breakker VS Ilja Dragunov!

We saw what the Big Bad Booty Nephew has done to Ricochet, Sami Zayn and a few others since coming to Raw, and The Czar wants to be the one that stops him! But will Dragunov break Breakker? Or will Bron once again slay the Mad Dragon?

Raw returns and Bron makes his entrance. The bell rings, Bron dodges Dragunov to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Dragunov lands hard and writhes around. Bron drags Dragunov up, bumps him off buckles, then digs his knee in. The ref counts, Bron lets off, and he hauls Dragunov up. Bron scoops, Dragunov slips free and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Dragunov holds on, drags Bron up, but Bron switches. Dragunov fights the lift, Bron shoves him,  and Dragunov goes through the ropes, CONSTANTINE- NO, Bron dodges that, dodges again, and he CLOBBERS Dragunov! Bron barks, the fans join in, and Dragunov flounders around.

Bron goes after Dragunov in a corner, fires haymakers, but the ref counts. Bron lets off to stalk Dragunov. Dragunov CHOPS, CHOPS and they brawl hands. Dragunov leaps, but into Bron’s arms! Bron gorilla press SLAMS! Cover, TWO! Dragunov survives but Bron scrapes him out of the ring, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Bron has Dragunov in a chinlock. Dragunov fights up but Bron puts him in a corner. Dragunov fights free with kicks, then leaps, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Dragunov sputters but Bron clamps onto him. Bron CLUBS away on Dragunov’s side, then pulls him in a HALF BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Dragunov endures, pries at Bron’s fingers, and Dragunov stands up. Dragunov HEADBUTTS, HEADBUTTS, and HEADBUTTS again! Bron ROCKS Dragunov, Dragunov ROCKS him back! They go shot for shot, CHOP for CHOP! They fire fast and furious fists and the fans fire up! Dragunov spins to CHOP!

Dragunov CHIPOS a leg, CHOPS the body, but Bron blocks! Bron ROCKS Dragunov, Dragunov waistlocks! Bron elbows free but Dragunov ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up, Dragunov gets moving, RUNNING KNEE! The fans fire up, Dragunov feeds off it! Dragunov goes to a corner, climbs up, but Bron anchors him! The fans rally, Bron UPPERCUTS then climbs. But Dragunov fires body shots! Dragunov slips under Bron, brings him off the corner, and POWERBOMBS him! The fans fire up as Dragunov climbs again! SUPER SENTON!! But it was a bit double-edged given the damage done to his own body! Dragunov still covers, TWO!!

Bron survives, both men are sputtering, and the fans declare “This is Awesome!” Dragunov rises, Bron drags himself up with ropes. Dragunov goes corner to corner, but into a JUMP KNEE! Bron hauls Dragunov up, fireman’s carries, and GUT BUSTER DROPS! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives and Bron is frustrated! But both men should remember they’re each tougher than that. Bron hauls Dragunov up to a Canadian Rack, and then RAMS him into a corner! Dragunov ends up on the top rope that way, but he SLAPS back! And SLAPS, and SLAPS! Bron staggers, Dragunov adjsuts, but Bron goes right up!

Dragunov stops Bron’s Steiner to SLAP him again! Dragunov sees Bron go to the adjacent corner, waves goodnight, and goes COAST2COAST only to miss! Bron runs in to LARIAT Dragunov up and out! The fans bark, Bron goes out the side, and Bron builds up speed! Dragunov BOOTS Bron first! The fans fire up again as Dragunov refreshes the count. Dragunov says “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” he runs in, but Bron CHUCKS an armchair!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by disqualification

Bron doesn’t care about the win, h e just wants to hurt Dragunov! Bron pushes Dragunov into the ring, the ref reprimands, and Bron stands on Dragunov in the corner! But here comes Sami!! Producers try to stop Sami but he goes after Bron with fast hands! Sami LARIATS Bron up and out of the ring! The fans are thunderous for Sami as he now checks on Dragunov. But Bron drags Sami out to POST him! Bron TOSSES Sami over the desk! Pat & Cole move aside but Dragunov is back for more! Dragunov fires forearms, Bron knees low, then he TOSSES Dragunov over the desk! Producers tell Bron to stop but he stands on the desk to roar!

Sami grits his teeth as he sits up and glares up at Bron. Is Bron going to tear everyone and everything apart until he’s standing tall with the title in hand?


Damian Priest speaks.

“You see this championship? You see this name plate? It says the name of the world champ, Damian Priest. And at Money in the Bank, I didn’t ask for McIntyre to try and cash in his briefcase. I didn’t ask for Punk to get involved. I understand the talk about all the controversy. But let me ask you this: in recent memory, what champion has not had controversy or some type of interference surrounding his title reign? Go ahead, tell me, I’ll wait.” No, not Logan Paul. No, not Iyo Sky. There isn’t any. Priest is World Heavyweight Champion. He walked into MITB to go to war with Seth Rollins, and he walked out El Campeon.

That is the past, and now tot he future: Gunther. Priest looks forward to this challenge. But the challenge isn’t Gunther, it is to Priest’s greatness. Priest is going to walk in and out of SummerSlam as champion. If Gunther wants Priest to say this to his face, meet him on Priest’s show next week. And when they’re done, even Gunther will rise for El Campeon. Will Der Ring General answer this challenge and have some words of his own to say?


The Final Testament speaks.

Karrion Kross says, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, I regret to inform you that Kofi Kingston will not be playing the accordion.” They have a good laugh, and Kross says the legends of the old guard will be the death of this place if left unchecked. “They hold the new blood back through political leverage, as they smile and wave for all the world to worship. They are the true enemy of us all. But one way or another, the old guard will make way for the new. Even everybody’s favorite, John Cena, realized his time is almost up.”

Kross knows Xavier Woods hears this. Woods was always a hell of a talent. He even beat Kross where Kofi could not. And if Woods joins Kross, he can become the man he was always meant to be. Or he can stick with Kofi, and Kross hospitalizes Woods the same way. The New Day is dead. Woods is just the last to realize that. So sayeth the Final Testament. Doomsday is coming, will Woods be able to survive it?


Six Woman Tag: Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter & Katana Chance VS Damage CTRL!

The Morrigan & KC Squared didn’t really have a problem with Iyo, Kairi & Dakota until Iyo, Kairi & Dakota had a problem with them. Will Lyra, Kayden & Katana solve that problem right here tonight? Or will DMG CTRL once again take control of the Women’s Division?

Raw returns as Lyra makes her entrance, followed by her partners in the party girls. They even let Lyra use one of the smoke guns! The trio then heads to the ring, and Lyra even joins in the dancing. The teams stare down, and then they just brawl it out! The ref reprimands, Iyo & Dakota get Lyra & Katana out, then Kairi stomps away on Kayden. Kairi runs in, Kayden puts her on the apron, but Kairi RAMS into Kayden. Kairi goes up and leaps, but Kayden gets under. Kairi says kiss this then! Kairi runs up, Kayden hip tosses her down! Kairi scrambles, tags Dakota, and Dakota runs up, into a hip toss!

Kayden tags Katana and they double whip, trip, and basement dropkick! Katana then slingshot SENTONS, covers, TWO! Katana stands Dakota up but Dakota DECKS her! Dakota fireman’s carries, but Katana swings free to arm-drag! Tag to Kayden, she tags Lyra. Katana sends Kayden in to SPLASH Dakota! Lyra and Kayden each set up as steps, so that Katana can go up, up and METEORA Dakota! Lyra covers, TWO! Lyra drags Dakota up, headlocks, but Dakota powers up and out. Lyra goes up and over, handsprings away, then sweeps the legs! Lyra keeps going and she SHOTGUNS Dakota down! Cover, TWO!

Lyra watches Dakota bails out but Iyo & Kairi jump in. Lyra tags Kayden, and the brawl is back on! KC Squared TOSS the Sky Pirates, then they run to DOUBLE BASEBALL SLIDE! Iyo avoids getting hit, until Lyra WRECKS her with a dropkick! The fans fire up with Lyra & KC Squared while Raw goes picture in picture.

There’s a bit more dancing, and then Kayden fetches Dakota into the ring. Kayden covers, ONE! Kayden drags Dakota over, tags Katana, and they roll Dakota up, TWO! Katana stays on Dakota but Dakota powers up. Dakota lifts, Katana fights that to whip. Dakota reverses, Katana goes up and over then arm-drags! Katana hurries up the corner, but Iyo & Kairi run up! Katana DECKS Kairi, DECKS Iyo, but Dakota YANKS Katana down! Dakota then drags Katana over, tags Iyo, and Iyo tags Kairi. Iyo scoop SLAMS Katana, so that DMG CTRL can TRIPLE DROPKICK her down! Cover, TWO! Katana stays in this and Kairi is annoyed.

Kairi drags Katana up, puts her against the ropes, and CHOPS! Katana goes to a corner, and Kairi stomps away! Kairi then marches from corner to corner, runs back in, SLIDING D! Kairi kicks Katana to a cover, TWO! Kairi covers again, ONE!! Kairi is losing her cool but she bumps Katana off buckles. Tag to Iyo and she runs in to UPPERCUT! Tag to Dakota and she CHOPS Katana. Dakota snapmares Katana, pushes her to a cover, TWO! Dakota clamps onto Katana with a SLEEPER, and then body scissors! Katana endures, fights up, but Dakota keeps her from her corner. Raw returns to single picture as the fans rally up.

Katana reaches out, fires forearms, and repeat. Dakota still holds on, but Katana hits a CODE BREAKER! Dakota staggers back, Iyo tags in! Iyo STOMPS Katana, DECKS Kayden, then swipes at Lyra. Katana runs up, Iyo catches her! Katana is fingertips away! Iyo throws Katana, kicks and whips, but Katana wheelbarrows! Iyo back suplexes it but Katana lands out! Katana dodges Iyo to hot tag Lyra! The fans fire up as The Morrigan rallies on the Evil Genius! SOBAT! KICK! HEADBUTT! KICK! ENZIGIRI! Iyo flounders, Lyra brings her up to fireman’s carry. Iyo fights free, but Lyra steps over to scoop! SITOUT BOMB! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up as Lyra stays on Iyo. Iyo RAMS Lyra into the corner, Kairi tags in! Iyo waistlocks, Kairi runs up, URAKEN! Lyra falls, Dakota tags in. Dakota & Kairi reel Lyra in to DOUBLE USPLEX, but Kayden makes the save! But then Iyo joins in! Katana does, too! It’s a fight for suplexes, and Lyra’s team TRIPLE SUPLEXES! The fans are thunderous as Lyra then drags Dakota up. Katana tags in then she tags Kayden. Lyra hits a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Kayden helps Katana with the KEG STAND!! Cover, but Iyo MISSILE DROPKICKS Katana onto it! Lyra HEEL KICKS Iyo! Kairi is up top, she FLYING KABUKI ELBOWS Lyra!

Kayden SUPERKICKS Kairi! The fans fire up and Kayden CHOPS Kairi. Kayden whips, Kairi reverses and Dakota DUMPS Kayden out! Dakota POSTS Kayden, Iyo and Kairi coordinate! Kairi builds speed and Iyo gives her the BOOST to FLY onto Katana & Lyra! DMG CTRL fires up, and Dakota BOOTS Kayden! Tag to Iyo, she goes up while Dakota puts Kayden in place. OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, DMG CTRL wins!

Winners: DMG CTRL, by pinfall

Kairi says that is what they were talking about! But wait! Zoey Stark, Shayna Baszler AND SONYA DEVILLE jump in! These three are finally working together to go after DMG CTRL! Shayna goes after Dakota, and she STOMPS that arm! Flashback to years ago with those two! Sonya KNEES Kairi down, but Iyo fights Zoey! She gets mugged 3v1! Zoey used to be Iyo’s partner, and she also cost Zoey at MITB! SUPERKICK!! And then ALLEY-OOF!! And then DEVILLE’S ADVOCATE! Just as DMG CTRL thought they were back on top, these three hunters made them into the hunted! Who will really dominate the Raw Women’s Division now?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega.

Cathy Kelley is with the LWO’s King of Lucha and La Muneca, and they are taking on two opponents they know very well. Do they feel Dom’s reluctance tonight could give them an advantage? Zelina says she doesn’t care. If not for Dom, Zelina would be Women’s World Champion. They all know it! Zelina could’ve used the chair, but what would that have proven? That she’s better than her? That Zelina can outsmart Liv? No, that was obvious the moment they each picked up a microphone. But those two are a hot mess, and will be even more of a mess after tonight.

Rey says yes, a very hot mess. And c’mon, it is a pleasure to team with Zelina. Tonight, the LWO will put an end to this story, and they’ll shut Dom & Liv up, and enjoy doing it. Cathy thanks them for their time, but will things go smoothly for them tonight? Or will Liv have some more tricks up her sleeve?


Backstage interview with Shayna, Zoey & Sonya.

Jackie Redmond says we saw what they did out there to DMG CTRL. What is this exactly? Are they together as a team now? And if so, what is their intent? Shayna says this is what’s going on, and it’s something that should’ve happened a long time ago. They just set a message to the entire roster just now about who really runs the Women’s Division. Zoey adds that they are done waiting. They’ve been screwed over twice, from Clash at the Castle to Money in the Bank, all by people who can’t even lace their boots. And Sonya hopes Jackie knows what she’s been trying to do here. She’s been trying to help Shayna & Zoey reach their full potentials as the killers they were meant to be.

And now, DMG CTRL is just the start. That was an example of what happens when you think you run something, but you don’t. It is a warning shot to everyone: They are here, and there is not a damn thing they can do about it. But then speaking of Clash at the Castle, in walk Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn. They say, “Blah, blah, blah.” This new trio wants to run their mouths, but… so long as Alba & Isla have the gold, this is their division. Sonya says not for long, honey. Sonya leads her team away, and we can see Chad Gable talking with Ivy Nile & The Creed Brothers. While things are heating up in the Women’s Tag Division, is Gable working on a new team of his own?


Gunther speaks.

“Power, dominance, prestige. That is what my name brings to this sport. How did I become the man whose name strikes fear into every ring all around the world? Der Ring General… The greatest and longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time. The King of the Ring. And soon to be the World Heavyweight Champion. I was not some child watching this for entertainment. I was not some fanboy desperate to live out a ridiculous fantasy. I learned at a young age that all that matters is life is winning. I saw an opportunity in this sport that lacked a powerful figure. WWE had no choice but to call my name. They needed me, I did not need them.”

He embraced NXT UK as his first brand. And all he saw was children chasing fantasies, desecrating this great sport. That is when Gunther realized… He enjoys making people miserable. He resorted power to the ring with unrivaled dominance. He restored honor and prestige to this great sport. That is what is on the line at SummerSlam. Der King General has spoken, but will he make the World Heavyweight Championship sacred?


Mixed Tag: Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan VS Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega!

Dirty Dom’s mouth might say one thing, but his behavior tells a different story. He might be more into Liv than he knows, but will tonight be the last time he has to worry about her one way or another? Or will Liv keep “Daddy” wrapped around her finger a little longer?

Raw returns as The LWO make their entrance. Liv and Zelina start, and Zelina says Dom knows he messed up. Liv pushes Zelina, Zelina shoves back, and then Liv takes a swing! Zelina dodges, fires forearms, and the fans fire up. Liv shoves Zelina again, scoops her, but Zelina slips free. Zelina blocks a kick to ELBOW Liv! Zelina sits Liv up to BOOT her down! Cover, TWO! Liv scrambles away to tag Dom! That means Zelina must stand down, and Rey steps in. The fans fire up as father and son circle. Dom shoves Rey, but Rey keeps cool. Dom calls for a knuckle lock, Rey obliges, but then Dom kicks low! Dom fires hands and Rey goes to a corner.

Dom ROCKS Rey, stomps away, then soaks up the heat. Dom whips Rey corner to corner, runs in, but Rey dodges! Dom hits buckles, Rey fires back! Rey goes up, rains down fists and the fans count Dom slips free at four to TRIP Rey up! Rey hits buckles, Dom whips him to ropes. Rey throws Dom by his greasy mullet! Tag to Zelina so Liv is now legal, but then Zelina wheelbarrows with Rey to FLYING RANA! Dom is sent out, Liv runs in! Liv CLOBBERS Zelina, fires hands, then bumps Zelina off buckles. Liv fires hands, the ref counts, but Liv lets off. Liv runs back in to body block! And then she runs in again. Zelina dodges to RAM into Liv!

Zelina climbs up, she rains down fists! The fans count again, Zelina goes all the way to nine, then FACEBUSTERS for ten! Liv sits back in the corner, Zelina runs in, but Dom stands in her way! The fans boo, but Rey jumps in and dropkicks Dom’s legs out! Dom falls right into Liv’s revenge tour! Dom freaks out and scrambles away! Liv follows and says it’s okay, she isn’t upset. But then Zelina METEORAS Liv from the apron! Rey SEATED SENTONS Dom down! The fans fire up as LWO stands tall, and Raw goes picture in picture!

Zelina & Rey wait on Liv & Dom to get up. Zelina goes out to fetch Liv into the ring, and she CLUBS her down. Cover, TWO! Zelina drags Liv up but Liv knees low! And throws her by her hair! Liv crawls away, hot tag to Dom! Dom runs up, Rey dodges and fires hands! Rey ROCKS Dom, whips him, but Dom reverses. Rey KICKS Dom, eggs him on, then dropkicks the legs out again! Dom lands on ropes this time, and Rey dials it up! But Liv trips Rey! The ref missed that, and then Dom CLOBBERS Rey! Dom stomps away at the ropes, covers, TWO! Dom pushes Rey to another cover, TWO! Dom is frustrated but he looms over Rey.

Dom brings Rey up to fire hands, then he whips. Dom UPPERCUTS Rey down! Cover, TWO! Rey is tougher than that and Dom grows more frustrated. Dom talks trash, drags Rey up, and he whips Rey into the corner. Dom then fires body shots and haymakers on Rey! Dom stomps away, lets off, and Liv CHOKES Rey! Zelina protests but Liv gets away with it. Dom soaks up the heat and Liv cheers him on. Dom goes back to Rey, stomps him more, then goes to the apron. Dom then slingshot SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Raw returns to single picture as Dom stalks Rey to a corner. Dom puts Rey up top backwards, then climbs up.

Dom CLAWS at Rey’s mask! Now that is disrespectful! Dom CLUBS away on Rey with crossface forearms, then he puts Rey in the Tree of Woe. Dom stomps away, Rey falls out of the Tree, and Dom brings Rey up. The fans rally for Rey but Liv cheers Dom. Rey flops down, Dom stomps him again. Dom rains down fists and forearms while the fans boo. Dom covers, TWO! Liv cheers Dom on more and he clamps on a chinlock. Rey endures, fights up, and throws elbows. Rey is free, he runs and slides under, but Dom scoops to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Rey stays in this but Dom stalks him to a corner.

Dom kicks Rey around, “kicks dirt,” then drags Rey up. Dom goes corner to corner and back egain, but Rey ELOBOWS him! Rey goes up, but Dom Electric Chair Lifts! Rey fires hands and RANAS Dom up and out! Liv asks if Dom is okay, but Rey is hurrying for his corner! Hot tag to Zelina! liv steps in and Zelina rallies on her with LARIAT after LARIAT! Zelina bumps Liv off buckles, JUMP KICKS, then pushes Liv out. Zelina runs to KNEE Liv down! Zelina runs again, to SPIKE-RANA! The fans fire up with Zelina and she goes up a corner. Latina Heat from Zelina, before the METEORA! Cover, TWO!

Liv is still in this but Zelina drags her up. Zelina CLUBS Liv, hops on, but no Code Red! Liv kicks Zelina low, grins, and then brings Zelina around. Liv suplexes for Una Amiga! Liv gets Zelina up to DOS AMIGAS! And then she waves to Dom, for THREE AMIGAS! Liv gives us some Morgan Heat, and she scuffs Zelina. Liv lines up a shot, ObLIV- NO! Zelina denies the flatliner, and then DOUBLE LARIATS take both ladies down! The fans rally up and both women crawl. Hot tags to Dom and Rey! They run in, Rey ducks ‘n’ dodges to then tilt-o-whirl RANA! The fans fire up with Rey and he runs in, but Dom puts him on the apron.

Dom swings but Rey ROCKS Dom first! Rey goes up, SEATED SENTON! Rey keeps going, he whips but Dom sunset flips! Rey rolls through to BUZZSAW! Rey then LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Dom stays in this but Rey storms back up. Rey whips, Dom reverses to SUPERKICK! Rey wobbles, Dom reels him in, and Dom suplexes! That’s Uno Amigo! And then DOS- NO, Rey fights free! Rey trips Dom onto ropes again! Rey redials, 619 blocked! So Zelina runs in, basement 619!! Rey goes up a corner and aims, to FROG SPLASH! Cover, LIV BREAKS IT! Zelina runs in to whip but Liv reverses! Into OB- NO, Zelina trips Liv!

Zelina dials it up, 619 for Liv!! The fans fire up as Zelina gets Liv out of the ring. But Liv POSTS Zelina! Rey hoists Dom up top now, climbs up after him, and punches away! But Liv throws a chair into the ring! The ref grabs that and puts it away, only for Liv to YANK Rey down! Dom turns around to FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Dom & Liv win!!

Winners: Dominik Mysterio & Liv Morgan, by pinfall

Once again, Liv comes through to help Dom! And he HUGS her!! Liv hops onto Dom and brings him down! Dom is realizing maybe there is something to this. BUT RHEA RIPLEY IS HERE?!?! So Priest DID mean what it sounded like! Mami’s home, and both Dom and Liv are freaking out! Liv gets away from Dom to run away into the night! Rhea lets her go, to get in Dom’s face! She says Dom has some explaining to do. Dom tries to make it all better with a hug, but Rhea pushes past him. Did Dom ruin the best thing he had just to live on the wild side?

My Thoughts:

Another great Raw, and great set up for the turn from MITB to SummerSlam. Great promo segment from Punk and Rollins to establish their part in this story. Or rather, this was them picking up from where things left off before WrestleMania before Rollins lost and took time off. They’re doing such a good job to bring out the complexity of personalities here while referencing continuity in and out of WWE. A lot of what Punk said and what Rollins said can apply back to how Punk got himself in trouble in AEW, and just as much as someone can say “Love it or hate it, this is me,” everyone else can go, “Yeah we definitely hate it.”

But whatever side you take, either Team Punk or Team Rollins, Punk getting Pearce to “undo the suspension” is good story. And while McIntyre and Punk have been at each other the most, Rollins could totally get involved and this becomes a Triple Threat at SummerSlam. On top of that, treat the winner as the next #1 contender since Priest let Rollins off the hook because of all the shenanigans on Saturday. Really good promos from Priest and Gunther to hype up their match, and they’ll have a great face-to-face next week to add on. Priest wants to have a proper 1v1 match with Rollins, but I don’t know, I feel like there’s a chance Gunther wins.

Great stuff with the rest of Judgment Day tonight. Six Man Tag was a lot of fun with Finn, JD & Carlito getting the better of Braun & The Awesome Truth. And then some real saucy stuff with Liv and Dom tonight, because oh man, look who is back! Just as Dom was about to surrender to Liv, Mami’s home and she ain’t happy. We got cut off by Race to Survive: New Zealand again when who really cares, but at least Rhea did the important move of chasing off Liv and rejecting Dom’s hug. She is definitely going to let Dom have it verbally next week, and we’re definitely getting Rhea VS Liv for just an awesome, show-stealing match.

In everything else, we got a really good promo from DMG CTRL to further their story, and we got a very good Six Woman Tag against Lyra, Kayden & Katana. Great win for DMG CTRL out of that, and then what a great surprise in Sonya actually getting Zoey & Shayna on her side. That’s a good trio there, and then good interaction with Alba & Isla. There’s quite a few possibilities for tag title feuds, we might even get another Triple Threat or bigger for SummerSlam to see if Alba & Isla can retain in the same situation they won the titles. Or at least a Triple Threat contenders match of Zoey & Shayna VS KC Squared VS DMG CTRL.

Great stuff in the Intercontinental Championship story. I thought we’d see Sheamus going for the title, but he’s being detoured into a story with Bronson Reed right now. Good win for Bronson against Dunne, and good detail of Dunne not wanting to hang out with Sheamus after the Brawling Brutes fell apart. And it seems Bron and Dragunov might be the ones getting a shot. It’d be really awesome if it was all six, Sami VS Bron VS Dragunov VS Bronson VS Sheamus VS Dunne, but that seems like a lot even for SummerSlam. It would make for a great way to protect Sami while finally giving Sheamus that Intercontinental Championship, though.

And of course, great stuff in the Wyatt Sick6 story. Jey VS Gable was a great match, even with the Wyatts spooking Gable into losing. And then another great promo from Bo Dallas to help us officially know who is who, and why they joined the group. Gable continues to gravitate towards the former Diamond Mine as his potential new “family.” And then Bo showing up in person in Pearce’s office, that was a nice detail. They might even set up the official in-ring debut of Wyatt Sick6, because that’s happening one way or another.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (7/21/24)

The hot opening weekend continues!



Who bounces back from opening night?

G1 Climax 34 had some shocking upsets, such as David Finlay losing to Yuya Uemura! Will The Rebel bounce back? Or will he get a Gene Blast from Yota Tsuji?


  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Callum Newman VS SANADA; Sanada wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Boltin Oleg VS HENARE; Henare wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Great-O-Khan VS Gabe Kidd; Gabe wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo VS Ren Narita; Ren wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: EVIL VS Jake Lee; Evil wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yuya Uemura VS Hirooki Goto; Yuya wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Shota Umino VS Shingo Takagi; Shota wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yota Tsuji VS David Finlay; Yota wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Shingo Takagi: 1-0, 2 points
Zack Sabre Jr: 1-0, 2 points
Evil: 1-0, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-0, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-0, 2 points
Tetsuya Naito: 0-1, 0 points
Gabe Kidd: 0-1, 0 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-1, 0 points
Sanada: 0-1, 0 points
Shota Umino: 0-1, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Jeff Cobb: 1-0, 2 points
Yuya Uemura: 1-0, 2 points
Henare: 1-0, 2 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 1-0, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-0, 2 points
David Finlay: 0-1, 0 points
Yota Tsuji: 0-1, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-1, 0 points
Hirooki Goto: 0-1, 0 points
Ren Narita: 0-1, 0 points



The round two match of Jeff Cobb VS Konosuke Takeshita will happen on July 23rd.


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Callum Newman VS SANADA!

The Prince of Pace came away with a shocker in the opening round, taking down The Roughneck, Shota Umino. However, the Cold Skull took a Face Break Shot from Jake Lee and is looking to redeem himself. Will it be a Skull End for Callum? Or will he keep on building momentum towards the Climax?

The bell rings and the fans rally. The two circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Callum uses his height but Sanada uses his bulk, and Sanada powers Callum to ropes. The ref calls the break, and Sanada lets off with pats on the shoulders. The fans cheer and the two reset. Callum and Sanada circle again, feel out a knuckle lock, and then Callum wrenches one to wrangle Sanada. Callum grinds that arm then stands Sanada up to wrench again. Sanada rolls, wrenches and wristlocks back. Callum spins, slips through, and waistlocks. Sanada headlocks, spins and hits the takeover. Callum headscissors, Sanada kips free, and Sanada blocks a kick!

Sanada trips Callum, goes after the other leg, but Callum kicks free. Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges and builds speed to BOOT Sanada down! The fans fire up while Sanada shakes out the stars. Sanada stands, Callum spins but Sanada dodges the kick. Sanada runs in, Callum sends him out, then DROPKICKS him off the apron! The fans fire up again and Callum goes to the corner. Callum goes up and ASAI MOONSAULTS, but Sanada moves! Callum is right up, he fireman’s carries Sanada, but Sanada slips free to hoist Callum up onto railing! MAGIC SCREW to the floor! The fans cheer while Callum curses in pain.

Sanada drags Callum up, fireman’s carries him, and he brings Callum around to SNAKE EYES off railing! Callum falls back and sputters while Sanada paces. The ring count starts, Sanada drags Callum up and around to put him into the ring. The fans cheer, Sanada stalks Callum, and Sanada CLUBS Callum on the neck. Callum staggers to ropes, Sanada follows him to CLUB him again. Sanada brings Callum up and into a clinch for the RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Callum writhes, Sanada covers, TWO! The fans applaud, but Sanada clamps on with a chinlock. Callum endures the squeeze, and Sanada leans on the hold.

Callum fights up as fans rally, and he throws body shots. Callum gets free but Sanada CLUBS him again! Sanada whips, Callum slides to trip and DOUBLE STOMP him! The fans cheer while both men are down. Callum rises while Sanada writhes. Sanada crawls to ropes, then to a corner. Callum runs in to UPPERCUT, then snapmare and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer and Callum fires himself up. The fans clap along as he huffs ‘n’ puffs and brings Sanada up. Callum chicken wings but Sanada fights the lift! Callum CLUBS Sanada, tries again, but Sanad arm-drags free! Sanada blocks a kick, flips Callum, and hoists him up again! MAGIC SCREW!

Callum writhes and the fans rally up while both men are down. Sanada kips up and the fans fire up as he eggs Callum on. Callum sits up, into the SHINING WIZARD! Callum is in the drop zone and Sanada goes up, ROUNDING BODY- NO, Sanada has to land out as Callum moves! Callum runs up to BUSAIKU KNEE! The fans fire up and Callum goes back to the corner. Callum watches as Sanada slowly rises, and he runs in Around the World to DROPKICK! Sanada staggers, Callum goes up and up and- NO, Sanada avoids the stomps! But Callum avoids the Shining Wizard! Sanada avoids the screw kick to tilt-o-whirl and SKULL END!

But Callum spins through! Sanada suplexes him, but Callum STUN DOG MILLIONAIRES! OSC- NO, Sanada gets under! Callum dodges a lariat to DREAMCAST KICK! And OSCU- NO, Sanada catches Callum, spins him around, and DEADFALL!! Cover, Sanada wins!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Callum earns 0)

The Prince of Pace tried to speed past Sanada, but he was brought to a screeching halt! Will Callum just have to go even faster next round to make up for it? Will Sanada turn this first win into the first of many?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Boltin Oleg VS HENARE!

The Kazakh Juggernaut also had a shocker in the opening round, bulldozing right through the Souled Out Ren Narita. But the Face of Fury is himself big, strong and undaunting. Will the NEVER Openweight Champion trump this NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Champion? Or will Oleg continue to shock the world with upset victories?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. Henare fires himself up and the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, and then break. The fans applaud as the two reset and go again. They tie up, and Oleg brings Henare to a knee! Henare powers up, breaks the collar ‘n’ elbow, and then fires a forearm! Oleg fires back, and the fans rally as they go forearm for forearm. Henare fires off a flurry but Oleg answers in kind! Henare ROCKS Oleg, runs, and RAMS Oleg! Oleg stays up, they RAM shoulders again, and again, and again! They go forehead to forehead, then they both run ropes, and Oleg CLOBBERS Henare!

The fans fire up while Henare bails out! Henare fumes but Oleg waits on him. Henare storms back in, Oleg kicks and fires forearms. Oleg whips corner to corner, runs in and STINGER SPLASHES! Oleg keeps moving and he runs Henare over! Oleg runs to SPLASH down! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up and Oleg deadlift gut wrenches! Henare fights free, HEADBUTTS and ROCKS Oleg! Oleg kicks low and has Henare in the corner. Oleg goes corner to corner again but Henare dodges the splash! Henare KICKS Oleg’s leg, KICKS it again, and KICKS it again! Oleg knees, Henare runs to RUGBY KICK! The fans fire up while Oleg is down!

Henare snarls and he storms over to Oleg. Henare drags Oleg up, ROCKS him, then ROCKS him again. Henare fires forearms in the corner but Oleg comes back with forearms of his own! Henare eggs Oleg on, Oleg fires more shots, but then Henare fires off a strike fest! Henare HEADBUTTS Oleg, then snapmares him down. Henare KICKS Oleg in the back! The fans rally while Oleg grits his teeth, so Henare KICKS him again! Henare storms around while Oleg stays seated up. Henare KICKS Oleg down, then SENTONS! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Oleg toughs it out, but Henare stalks him to the ropes.

Henare CLUBS Oleg, whips him to the corner, then brings down the kneepad! Henare runs in, but Oleg catches him! RUNNING POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down, and Henare goes to a corner. Oleg throws off his elbow pads while the fans rally up. Oleg ROCKS Henare, stomps him in the corner, then scoops him to SLAM him into the drop zone. Oleg goes up and up and VADER BOMBS! Cover, TWO! Henare stays in this but he gasps for air. Oleg deadlifts him into the Shake, Rattle and THROW! Oleg kips up and the fans fire up! Oleg drags Henare up, fireman’s carries, but Henare fights free with elbows!

Oleg runs back in but Henare ELBOWS again! FLYING CHUCK! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Henare grits his teeth while he watches Oleg crawl. Henare runs in at the corner, JUMP KNEE! Snapmare and Henare roars! Henare stomps the mat as Oleg rises. RAMP- SHOTGUN from Oleg!! The fans are thunderous as both men rise. RAMP- Fireman’s carry!! KAMIKAZE SENTON!! Cover, TWO!! Henare survives but Oleg roars! Oleg fireman’s carries again, but Henare fights free! Full nelson! Oleg fights off Ultima and the fans rally up! Henare HEADBUTTS Oleg in the back, and goes for the Ultima again!

Oleg powers up and out! He ROCKS Henare, ROCKS him again, but Henare roars! Oleg CHOPS, Henare HEEL KICKS! Henare runs in to JUMPING HEADBUTT!! The fans are thunderous as Henare suplexes Oleg into STREETS OF RAGE!! Cover, Henare wins!

Winner: Henare, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Oleg earns 0)

Definitely a fight worthy of the NEVER Division, but the Face of Fury proved why he’s THE NEVER Champion! The first man to 2-0, will nothing stop Henare from conquering the G1? Or can Oleg shrug off this defeat to heat back up before the Climax?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Great-O-Khan VS Gabe Kidd!

The KOPW Champion and the NJPW Strong Openweight Champion both suffered defeats in the opening round, but only one of them got cheated. Will the Dominator show he can still unite “the fiefdoms” under the United Empire? Or will this #WarReady War Dog prove he’s still NJPW Strong?

The bell rings and the two feel things out. The fans rally and duel as the two circle around. Gabe smirks, taunts Khan with a relaxed pose, but then avoids Khan as he goes for legs. They keep going around, and then Gabe SLAPS, SLAPS and SLAPS! Khan just gets up and under Gabe to URENAGE! The fans fire up while Gabe flounders. Gabe and Khan clinch, fight for control, and Khan hits the BELLY2BELLY! The fans fire up again and Khan runs up to LARIAT Gabe up and out! Gabe flounders on the floor, the fans duel, and Khan goes out after Gabe. Khan whips Gabe hard into railing, then Khan opens the gate.

The fans cheer and Khan dares Gabe to come get him. Gabe frowns, runs up, and he RAMS Khan into railing! The Young Lions hurry over to clear out fans, and Khan laughs as he stands. Gabe and Khan fire forearms and move through the crowd. Khan drags Gabe up to fire more shots but Gabe gives those back! Gabe flounders over chairs, Khan CLUBS him, and the fight keeps moving through the crowd. Khan Mongolian Chops Gabe down! The fans cheer as Khan Mongolian Chops again! Khan AX HANDLES Gabe into moving along and Gabe calls for the ref. Khan stomps Gabe around, then drags him up. Gabe UPPERCUTS Khan!

Khan falls over, Gabe tells the ref to get in the ring to count. Gabe fires forearms, then he BITES Khan on the top of his head! Gabe then throws Khan down into the chairs while fans are torn. The ref finally starts the ring count and Gabe paces around. Gabe talks trash then goes back for Khan. Gabe drags Khan up by his ponytail as we pass 10 of 20. Gabe drags Khan along, then runs him up to POST him! Khan falls over, the count is 13, but Gabe puts Khan in at 15. The fans cheer and Gabe storms around. Gabe kicks railing just to get at Hiromu on commentary. Gabe even throws Hiromu’s bottle of water away!

Hiromu asks what the heck and Gabe says he doesn’t care if Hiromu’s a Junior Heavyweight, Gabe’s the NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, so come find him in the US. Gabe then leaves Hiromu behind to slide into the ring. Khan drags himself up with the ropes but Gabe is right on him with a CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Then a LARIAT! Gabe runs and he runs Khan over! The fans are torn while Gabe dusts himself off. But Khan is up to lift and TOSS Gabe out of the ring! Gabe tumbles to the floor, Khan pounds the mat, and the fans rally up. Khan aims and PLANCHAS onto Gabe! The fans fire up while both men are down!

Khan rises, shakes the railing and he roars! The fans fire up and Khan looms over Gabe. Khan drags Gabe around, goes back out through the gate, and Young Lions hurry to get fans out of the way! Khan aims, and he BOWLS Gabe through railing and into the chairs! That’s a STRIKE to be sure! The fans fire up as Khan flexes, then Khan fetches Gabe. Khan laces Gabe’s arm through a chair and pulls! Gabe shouts and the ref reprimands, but then Khan sandwiches arm through chairs! Khan then traps the other arm in another pair of chairs! Gabe shouts for the ref but Khan steps up onto the chairs to pose for the peasants!

Gabe protests, so Khan hops down and BOOTS him! Khan drags Gabe up while the ring count starts. Khan brings Gabe back to ringside, wrenches his arm, and pushes Gabe into the ring. The fans cheer, Khan covers, TWO! Khan grabs Gabe’s leg for a HEEL HOOK! Gabe kicks with his free leg and Khan lets go. Khan eggs Gabe on, Gabe stands but Khan RAMS into him! Gabe fights off the takedown, CLUBS away on Khan, then suplexes him up and out of the ring! Gabe goes with Khan and the fans can’t believe it! The ref checks both men after that wild tumble. Khan clutches his back and Gabe’s in a daze but both men seem to be okay to continue.

The ring count returns, and Khan flounders for the railing. Gabe slowly sits up, but both men are still crawling as we reach 10 of 20. They go forehead to forehead, then stand to go forearm for forearm! Khan ROCKS Gabe, Gabe staggers towards the ramp, but Gabe ROCKS Khan back! The count is 15! The forearms keep going, the fans rally up, and we hit 17! 18! They hear 19 and sprint back to the ring! They both slide in safe at 19.9! Then Gabe takes a swing, into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Khan runs up, Gabe gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men rise, Gabe runs the ropes, COMEBACKER- FGO PLEX!! Cover, TWO!!

Gabe survives but Khan powers up! IRON CLAW, and then Khan drags Gabe up! ELIMI- NO, Gabe BITES those fingers! And LARIATS! Cover, ONE!?! Gabe is shocked, the fans fire up, and Gabe UPPERCUTS! Gabe reels Khan in, “I’m a Mad Man, y’know!” But Khan back drops free! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Khan stirs, Gabe sits up, and they both rise up. Gabe says stand up! Khan does stand, and Gabe CHOPS! And HEADBUTTS! Gabe says F U, Oka! Khan IRON RIGHTS! Both men wobble and stagger around, and Gabe leans on ropes. Gabe snarls, so does Khan. They run, they dodge, and the COMEBACKER hits!! Cover, GABE WINS!

Winner: Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

In a battle of wild men, The NJPW Strong Openweight Champion takes down The KOPW Champion! Will Gabe look to add even more gold now that he has this golden ticket? Is there still hope for Khan to make a comeback?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS Ren Narita!

The Headbanga lost to Henare, and the Souled Out Son of Strong Style lost to Boltin Oleg, so at least now they’re picking on someone their own size. Will ELP tune up the band and get back on track? Or will Narita find a way to stack the deck?

The bell rings and Ren runs up to BOOT ELP in the corner! Ren CLUBS ELP, stomps him, and Jado coaches ELP up. Ren knees low, runs, but ELP hurdles, drops down then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while Ren writhes. ELP stands Ren up to CHOP him, ROCK him, and CHOP him again. ELP puts Ren’s shirt up over his head, to then CHOP! Ren staggers, ELP knuckle locks and goes up, up and jumps around, to FLYING RANA! Ren tumbles away and ELP kips up. The fans fire up and ELP runs to LARIAT Ren up and out! Ren flounders and fans fire up more as ELP aims. PLANCHA! Down goes Ren and the fans cheer again!

ELP drags Ren up, puts him in the ring, then ELP climbs up a corner. But Ren rolls away, and fans boo as he bails out the other side. ELP hops down, to DIVE! Direct hit again and Ren is sent into railing! The fans fire up and ELP says one more thing! ELP CLUBS Ren, goes up the corner, and he ARIHARA MOONSAULTS but Ren moves! ELP tumbles, Ren drags him up to whip him hard into railing! The fans boo but Ren hooks ELP’s leg in railing and BOOTS it! The ref reprimands but Ren grins as he goes for his push-up bar! But Jado rushes up and snatches that away! The fans cheer but Ren is mad!

The ref wants Jado to let the push-up bar go, but he misses Ren grab a chair to SMASH ELP’s leg! The fans boo as Ren hides the evidence. Ren eggs ELP on, laughs at him, then grabs ELP’s leg to SMASH it on the floor! ELP writhes and clutches the knee, but Ren stalks him around the way. ELP hobbles, falls over, and Ren drags him back up. Ren pushes ELP into the ring, then stands on ELP for a cocky cover. ONE, and ELP grabs the ropes. Ren stomps away on ELP’s leg, lets off as the ref reprimands, but then Ren stands on the leg! The ref reprimands, Ren acts like he has no idea what’s going on, then “realizes” and steps away.

Ren looms over ELP, drags him up, and grabs the leg for a SHIN BREAKER! ELP falls and flounders away, but Ren is on him again. Ren puts the bad leg on the ropes, to HIP DROP onto it! The ref reprimands and ELP clutches the knee, but Ren drags ELP around again. Ren has a standing toehold but ELP kicks with his free leg. Ren lets go, the fans rally up, and ELP tries to storm up on Ren, but the leg gives out! ELP falls over and Ren slaps him around. Ren talks trash as ELP limps to a corner. Ren eggs ELP on, but ELP fires forearms! Ren CLAWS ELP’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Ren stops, and Jado coaches ELP.

Ren drags ELP up, reels him in, but ELP suplexes first! The fans fire up as ELP brings Ren down! Ren goes to ropes, and ELP kips up! Well, not the best with only the one leg, but ELP goes to a corner. Ren storms up but ELP ROCKS him first! ELP counter punches Ren again and again, fires more shots, then whips Ren to the corner. Ren reverses but ELP goes up and over, even with one leg! ELP rolls, eggs Ren on, then dodges him to springboard and CROSSBODY! Somersault, but the bad leg holds ELP back! ELP still LIONSAULTS, but he has to land out as Ren moves! Ren bails out, ELP somersaults back to ropes to then go to the apron!

ELP TORNADO DDTS Ren to the floor! The fans fire up while Ren writhes and kicks around in pain. The fans rally behind ELP as he drags himself up with railing. The ring count starts, ELP drags Ren up and into the ring. The fans applaud, and ELP climbs up the ropes! SPRINGBOARD SWANTON BOMB! And now the LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ren survives but the fans fire up again! ELP goes back to a corner while Ren crawls to the other. ELP tunes up the band, even with the bad leg. Ren runs up and BOOTS ELP! Ren reels ELP in for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Ren hurries to step through, KNEEBAR!!

ELP endures as Ren pulls on that leg! ELP reaches out, fights forward, and has the ROPEBREAK, only for Ren to drag him back! Ren shifts around to a HALF CRAB! ELP endures, the fans rally for him, and ELP fights his way over! ELP reaches out, for the ROPEBREAK! Ren lets go this time while the fans applaud. Ren drags ELP up, but ELP CHOPS! Ren shrugs that off, but ELP stands. ELP fires a forearm, but Ren laughs that off! Ren eggs ELP on, but ELP stands to fire forearm after forearm! Ren gets mad and he kicks the bad leg out! ELP falls back, Ren talks trash, and then Ren looms over ELP.

ELP rises up to CHOP! Ren still laughs, and ELP hobbles up to his feet. ELP fires another forearm! Ren felt that one, so he kicks the bad leg again. Ren still toys with ELP, taunts him, daring him to high-five like he used to do with Hikuleo. ELP scowls, gets up and he RAMS Ren into a corner! ELP fires off furious fists and even stomps a mudhole in! The fans cheer but the ref reprimands! ELP grabs Ren’s push-up bar! Jado says no, ELP, don’t do it! But Ren dares ELP to do it! Give into your anger, ELP, and be like Ren! No, ELP gives the bar to Jado! So Ren shoves ELP into Jado! Backslide, TWO!

Ren knees low, reels ELP in, but ELP handstands out of the Double Crosser! And jackknife bridges! TWO!! Ren escapes, then he dodges ELP to KNEE STOMP! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives “Hell’s Guillotine,” and the fans fire up! Ren vows to end this, though, and he goes up the corner. But ELP trips Ren up! ELP CHOPS Ren, climbs up after him, and brings Ren to the top rope! ELP hits a SUPER DUPER STEINER!! Then he goes right up for THUNDERKISS 86!! Cover, TWO!!! Ren survives and the fans are thunderous! ELP is beside himself, but the fans are behind him! ELP feels that energy and he goes to the corner.

Ren is grabbing at the ref, though! The ref reprimands, ELP gives up on tuning up so he can separate Ren and ref. Ren CHOP BLOCKS ELP! And KNEES ELP, into the DOUBLE CROSSER!! Cover, Ren wins!

Winner: Ren Narita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ELP earns 0)

The Souled Out Son of Strong Style can be a real SOB sometimes, and that includes this moment here! Ren grins as he snatches this win away, but will he do even worse on his way to the Climax? As for ELP, he continues to lose because he feels lost, what is he to do to find himself again?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: EVIL w/ Dick Togo VS Jake Lee!

The King of Darkness took down the Mad Man, but the Madness Dark Side outshined the Cold Skull. It is another battle of House of Torture and War Dogs, which side of Bullet Club proves to be the Strongest of the Summer?

Speaking of Bullet Club, Evil & Dick want to welcome Jake to the club with a Too Sweet. Jake steps forward, throws up the Too Sweet, but then he grabs Dick’s arm, anticipating the eye poke! Then he Too Sweet eye pokes Evil and Dick in return! The fans cheer, Jake TOSSES Evil, and he goes after Dick! Jake grins as he teases stomping Dick in his namesake, then he shoves Dick out of the ring. The fans cheer more but Evil is furious! Evil runs in, but Jake kicks him first! The bell rings and Jake CLUBS Evil. Jake whips and ELBOWS Evil down, then drags him up with a choke grip! Evil scrambles to the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Jake lets go of Evil at 4, and Evil sputters as he bails out. Jake apologizes to the ref, and even bows, but they both miss Evil untying the blue buckle pad! Jake steps out to fetch Evil and CLUB him again. Dick creeps up  with a chair, but Jake glares at him. Dick backs up and drops the chair, but Evil CLUBS Jake in the back! Evil then whips Jake hard into railing! Jake falls and writhes, Evil talks trash and drags him up. Evil tells the ref to leave him alone, and then he whips Jake into more railing! Jake falls back, and Evil steals the mic from Abe-san! Evil uses the cord to CHOKE Jake, and he talks smack on Jake the whole time!

The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Evil talks trash some more before he lets go. Jake sputters, Evil leaves him behind, and the ref gives Abe-san the mic back. Evil wants the count but Jake is already standing. Jake slides in at 4 of 20, and the ref spots Evil armed his House of Torture shirt. The ref confiscates the shirt, but surprise! Evil had a tag rope all along! Evil CHOKES Jake with that now! The fans boo but Evil throws the evidence away. The ref sees it, though! The ref reprimands as the damage is done, and Evil CLUBS Jake. Evil CLUBS Jake again, then covers, TWO! Jake is tougher than that and the fans applaud.

Evil kicks Jake around, CLUBS him down, but Jake snarls. Evil slaps Jake around, but Jake shoves him. Jake’s taller, and he fires forearms down on Evil! Jake runs, but Evil distracts the ref so Dick can trip Jake up! The fans boo but Dick blames a Young Lion! The Young Lion says he wasn’t even near the ring! Evil talks trash and stomps Jake around again. Evil mocks Jake’s gentlemanly bow, then he drags Jake up. Evil wrenches Jake’s arm, kicks his leg, and wrenches again. Evil kicks, wrenches, repeat, then he whips corner to corner! Evil runs up to LARIAT, then he FISHERMAN BUSTERS! Cover, TWO!

Evil is frustrated but he steps through Jake’s legs and turns him for a SHARPSHOOTER! The fans rally as Jake endures, but Evil sits deep on the hold! Jake fights up, pushes and hops his way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Evil lets go at 4, and the fans continue to rally for Jake. Evil paces, talks trash on the fans, but the fans boo back. Evil gets on the corner to taunt them back, then stalks Jake. Evil fireman’s carries but Jake fights it! Jake CLUBS away on Evil’s back! Evil throws a body shot, runs, but Jake fakes him out! Evil still kicks low, but Jake whips Evil to KNEE low! Evil falls over and fans cheer.

Jake looms over Evil as Evil coughs and sputters. Jake drags Evil up, snapmares him then runs to fake the Penalty Kick, and clamp on a SLEEPER! Evil endures but Jake drags him up to his feet! Dick gets on the apron, so Jake lets Evil go to DECK Dick! Jake drags Evil around to turn him, but Evil resists! So Jake STOMPS Evil’s stomach! Then Jake turns Evil for the BOSTON CRAB! Jake stands tall with it, it’s almost a Walls of Jericho! Evil endures, the bell rings!? That was Dick’s doing! Jake thinks he won, though, and he lets Evil go! The ref explains, because it was Dick! Evil winds up to run in, but Jake dodges! Evil runs into the ref!

Evil now begs for mercy, but Dick gets in! Dick kicks Jake in the leg, then wraps on the SPOILER CHOKER! But Jake powers out! Jake dodges Evil, and uses the SPOILER CHOKER! The fans cheer as Evil tastes his own medicine! Then Jake lets Evil go, gives him the choker, and falls on the floor! Jake’s pulling an Eddie Guerrero and the fans cheer! The ref spots Evil with the weapon, and Evil defends his innocence! And for once, it’s true! Sorta. Jake plays like he’s hurt, then he reels Evil in! BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives but Jake stays cool. Jake raises his hand and the fans rally. Evil rises, and Jake choke grips! Evil CLAWS Jake’s eyes!

The ref reprimands, Evil lets off and he reels Jake in, EVERY- NO, Jake slips free and KNEES Evil low! Choke grip, CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives again and Jake’s eyes are still stinging. The fans rally up, Evil crawls away while the ref checks Jake’s face. Jake goes to the other corner, he staggers up, and he takes aim! Jake runs in, but Evil moves! The buckle pad goes with him, and Jake runs into the bare steel! Evil throws the pad to the ref, Dick throws POCKET SAND in Jake’s face!! Jake staggers away, EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Cover, Evil wins!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Jake earns 0)

Another match, another underhanded way of winning for The King of Darkness! Will nothing stop him until everything is truly Evil?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yuya Uemura VS Hirooki Goto!

The Heat Storm burned The Rebel while the Fierce Warrior took a Tour of the Islands, but this G1 has only just begun. Will Yuya add this highly decorated icon to the list? Or will Goto do as Yoshi-Hashi says and #TurnItAllAround?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. Goto and Yuya slowly circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. Yuya shoots for a leg but Goto slips around to waistlock. Yuya switches, Goto slips away and the fans cheer. The two reset, circle again, and tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. They’re in a deadlock, but Goto slips around to waistlock. Yuya pries the hold open and wrenches to a wristlock. Goto rolls, trips Yuya, and has the toehold. Yuya fights back with a chinlock but Goto pulls on the foot. Yuya uses his other leg to bring Goto into short arm scissors! Goto endures, even as Yuya pushes up, and Goto moves around.

Goto slips free, headlocks, but Yuya headscissors. Goto kips free, the two stand off and the fans cheer again. They reset, circle, and tie up again. Goto headlocks, grinds Yuya down, but Yuya fights up. Yuya pries at the headlock, but Goto powers it back on! The fans rally, Goto grinds, but Yuya powers up and out. Goto runs Yuya over! The fans cheer, Goto keeps moving, but Yuya drops down to DROPKICK! Yuya fires up and the fans are with him! Yuya paces around Goto, the fans rally up, and Yuya stands Goto up. Yuya CHOPS Goto to the corner! And CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! And CHOPS again!

Yuya fires CHOP after CHOP, but the ref has him back off! Goto eggs Yuya on so Yuya runs up to BOOT him! Yuya CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! The fans fire up but the ref reprimands. Yuya clinches but Goto stops the hip toss to throw Yuya down by his hair! Goto KICKS Yuya, snapmares him, then KICKS him again! Goto stomps Yuya around, the fans rally, and Goto drags Yuya back up. Goto bumps Yuya off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, then KICKS Yuya down! The ref reprimands but Goto digs his boot in! The ref counts, Goto lets off at 4, and then he rains down forearms! The ref reprimands again but Goto throws more shots!

The ref has Goto stop with the forearms, but Goto digs his knee in. Yuya throws hands from below, but Goto stomps Yuya. Goto then drags Yuya out of the corner, whips him corner to corner, and runs in to MURAMASA! And then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Yuya stays in this but Goto stays on him with a BOSTON CRAB! The fans rally while Yuya endures! Goto sits deep on the hold, almost making Yuya’s feet reach his head! Yuya still powers up and pushes his way forward! The fans rally harder, but Goto pulls on the legs harder! Yuya still endures, still pushes up, and still claws his way to the ROPEBREAK!

The fans cheer, the ref counts, and Goto lets go at 4. Goto stomps Yuya around, drags him up, and CLUBS him. Goto fireman’s carries, but Yuya fights free! Goto elbows Yuya, whips him to a corner, but Yuya goes up and over to arm-drag! Yuya then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down. Yuya rises up first, storms over to Goto, and he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Yuya whips corner to corner, runs in and CHOPS again! The fans fire up as Yuya then reels Goto in for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Goto stays in this but Yuya stays focused. The fans rally, and Yuya climbs, only for Goto to ROCK him first!

Goto climbs up after Yuya, CLUBS away on Yuya, and fires off forearms! Goto brings Yuya up but Yuya fires body shot after body shot! Yuya and Goto fire forearms back and forth, then Yuya HEADBUTTS! Goto falls back, Yuya adjusts, and Yuya leaps, but Goto gets under! Yuya comes back, kicks low, but runs into a fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! But Goto can’t make the cover! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Goto grits his teeth as he rises up, and he brings Yuya around to fire a forearm! Yuya sits up, but Goto fires another forearm! Yuya fires a forearm in return! So Goto fires another!

The two stand, Yuya fires another forearm, so Goto CHOPS! Yuya CHOPS, Goto CHOPS, repeat! The fans rally as the CHOPS go back and forth, faster and faster! Yuya gets the edge as he CHOPS high, and CHOPS again! Goto sputters, Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS him! Goto drops to his knees at the 10 minute mark, but Yuya stands him up. DOUBLE CHOP, DOUBLE CHOP, and DOUBLE CHOP! Yuya runs, but into the clinch! URA G T R! Goto runs to LARIAT!! The fans are thunderous, and now Goto drags Yuya up! Fireman’s carry, G T W!! Cover, TWO! Yuya survives but Goto won’t let up! Goto drags Yuya up and KICKS him!

Yuya flops over, but Goto drags him up again. Goto KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Yuya flops back down and the fans rally up harder! Goto drags Yuya up, fires forearms and then powers up, but Yuya BLOCKS the buzzsaw! Yuya rises, Goto fires palm strike after palm strike! Yuya HEADBUTTS Goto down!! The fans are thunderous, Yuya hauls Goto up and traps one arm. Yuya traps the other, but Goto HEADBUTTS! Yuya ENZIGIRIS, but Goto fireman’s carries! Goto throws Yuya into the dragon sleeper, for the G T- NO! Yuya blocks the arm and spins Goto around to a backslide! TWO!! Goto escapes, but Yuya has the arms! DEADBOLT!! Bridging cover, YUYA WINS!!

Winner: Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Goto earns 0)

Two rounds, two shockers for the Heat Storm! Is this a sign that Yuya could be the diamond in the rough for NJPW? As for Goto, he’s 0-2, will things be much more dire in the next round?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Shota Umino VS Shingo Takagi!

The Roughneck seeks redemption after falling to Callum Newman, but the Rampaging Dragon wants to keep his roll going after defeating IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Tetsuya Naito in last night’s main event. Will #SHOOTER fall again? Or will he keep Takagi from soaring higher than ever before?

The bell rings and Shota runs up to SHOTGUN Takagi! Shota fires forearms in the corner, the ref counts, but Shota just keeps firing shots! Takagi gets mad and turns things around on Shota! The fans fire up as Takagi HEADBUTTS Shota again and again and again! The ref wants Takagi to stop but Takagi shoves him aside to stomp Shota! Takagi knees Shota, whips him to ropes, and KNEES him again! Takagi keeps moving but Shota DROPKICKS him down! The fans fire up and Shota watches Takagi go to ropes. Shota slingshots but Takagi moves! Takagi HOTSHOTS Shota, ridge hand chops, then goes to the apron.

The fans fire up as Takagi CLUBS Shota on the back. Takagi reels Shota in but Shota grabs ropes to fight the lift! Shota then CLUBS Takagi! Takagi body shots Shota, kicks him and CLUBS him, then reels him back in. APRON BACK SUPLEX! Shota has a rough landing but Takagi shoves him off the apron. The fans fire up with Takagi but the ref checks Shota. Shota is somehow still in this so Takagi drags him up. Takagi whips Shota hard into railing! Shota hobbles away and Takagi goes into the ring. The ring count starts, the fans rally, and Shota grits his teeth. Shota rises up at 10 of 20 to roll in, but Takagi is right on him!

Takagi stands on Shota’s back at the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Takagi then stomps away, but the ref reprimands. Shota sits up, and Takagi clamps on a chinlock. Takagi then shifts to pull Shota’s arms into a motorcycle stretch. Shota still endures and the fans rally up. Shota reaches out and has the ROPEBREAK. Takagi KNEES Shota in the back as he lets off. A fan cheers Takagi and Takagi says, “Iine! <Nice!>” The fans applaud and Takagi stalks Shota to a corner. Takagi CHOPS, JABS, and repeat, then he brings Shota out to suplex high and hard! The fans cheer more and Takagi gives a thumbs up.

Takagi pushes Shota down to SENTON! Takagi talks a little smack, then has the fans rally up. Shota copies Takagi  by saying, “Mada mada! <I’m not done yet!>” Takagi clamps onto Shota with a chinlock and stretches him back. Takagi HIP DROPS, then talks some smack on Shota. Shota crawls, Takagi KNEES him. Shota eggs Takagi on but Takagi gives it back. Shota stands up and gives back that trash talk! Shota fires a forearm, but Takagi shakes his head. Shota fires another, but Takagi shakes his head again. Shota ROCKS Takagi, but Takagi blocks the scoop! Takagi CLUBS Shota, but Shota spins Takagi for a NECKBREAKER!

The fans rally as Shota sits up. Shota grits his teeth, storms over to Takagi, and UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS again! Shota UPPERCUTS Takagi in the corner, whips him corner to corner, then runs in to UPPERCUT again! Then FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Shota isn’t quite perfect but he isn’t deterred. The fans rally as Shota paces around. Shota brings Takagi up, but Takagi fights the clinch! Takagi throws elbows, but Shota swings, only for Takagi to get around! Atomic drop! Shota staggers, Takagi winds up, and Takagi runs in, only for Shota to drop toehold him onto ropes!

Shota then fires up and runs up to slingshot and APRON DDT! The fans fire up with Shota as he shouts! Takagi flops to the floor, the ring count starts, but Shota takes a moment to catch his breath. Shota stalks Takagi as we reach 7 of 20. Shota stands Takagi up at 10, puts him in at 11, and the fans cheer. Shota goes up a corner, and goes COAST2COAST! Then EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Takagi is still in this and the fans rally up again. Shota goes to a corner and eggs Takagi on. Takagi rises, Shota runs in and dodges a lariat! Shota kicks low, TORNADO- NO, Takagi stops the DDT to suplex Shota into buckles!

The fans cheer while Shota is stuck upside-down in the corner. Takagi stands while Shota flops around. Takagi stomps Shota, drags him up, and then reels Shota in. Shota CLUBS away on Takagi, but Takagi ROCKS Shota in the back! Shota gets mad, but he runs into an ELBOW! JAB! YUKON feint and DDT! The fans fire up and Takagi signals  that he’s too smart for Shota. Takagi then tells Osaka, “TOKI GA KITA! <It’s time!>” The fans join in with “OI! OI! OI!” just like last night. Shota stands, Takagi runs up, but Shota boots! Takagi blocks and LARIATS through! The fans fire up with Takagi more as he reels Shota in.

But Shota fights the suplex to suplex Takagi! Shota puts Takagi up top, UPPERCUTS, and then climbs up after Takagi. Shota clinches, for a SUPER EXPLODER!! Takagi writhes and Shota fires back up! The fans rally and he aims, only for Takagi to CORNER LARIAT! Takagi evens things in an instant and the fans fire back up! Takagi points to the sky and he brings Shota to the top rope. Takagi then climbs right up after Shota, goes to the very top, and SUPER DUPER PLEXES!! Shota writhes now and the fans are thunderous! Takagi crawls his way over to Shota to sit him up. Takagi runs, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! SENTON!

Takagi grins and flexes, reminding us that he’s the “liveliest old man” in NJPW today. Takagi wants the ref to call it as Shota writhes, but Shota refuses to let this end here. Shota grits his teeth, sits up, and seems to have a wry smile of his own! Takagi clamps onto Shota for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! A shot at Shota’s mentor, Moxley, and then Takagi torture racks Shota! Takagi bends Shota and thrashes him, then flips him for a GUTBUSTER! Takagi whips, Shota reverses, and TORNADO DDTS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Shota fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” to copy Takagi, and fans still join in!

Shota drags Takagi up, dragon sleepers, and TRIDENT! Cover, TWO! Shota hurries to aim from a corner, and Takagi slowly rises. IGNITION! Shota fires up again and he brings Takagi in for- NO, Takagi RAMS Shota first! But Shota ENZIGIRIS back! Shota runs back up, into a PUMPING BOMBER! Takagi takes Shota down first, and the fans rally up even harder! Takagi feeds off the energy to rise again. Takagi drags Shota up, shouts for “JAPAN~!” but Shota fights the pump handle. Shota swings, into a Gory Especial, NOSHIGAMI! Takagi fires up, runs, and PUMPING BOMBERS!! The fans are thunderous and Takagi isn’t done!

Takagi hauls Shota up to pump handle, MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO?!? Shota survives and the fans are thunderous again! Takagi hears the 15 minute call and he rallies the fans. The fans get louder and louder as Takagi rises, and he kicks Shota. Takagi stands Shota up to pump handle, but Shota CLUBS Takagi first. Shota CLUBS Takagi more, so Takagi LARIATS! Shota roars and comes back into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! And then pump handle, torture rack, but Shota slips free to backslide! Takagi rolls through but Shota ripcords and ELEVATED DEATH RIDER!! Both men are down and the fans rally hard as ever!

The ref checks both men, Takagi growls and pushes himself up. Shota also rises, and the two storm up to each other. Shota fires a forearm, but Takagi shakes his head. Shota fires another, Takagi wobbles, but Takagi still eggs Shota on. Shota fires another forearm, so Takagi fires boxing elbows! Takagi winds up but Shota ROCKS him first! Shota runs, but Takagi follows to LARIAT! Takagi runs, but into an EXPLODER! PUMPING BOMBER?! SNAP DRAGON!?! The fans are thunderous and Shota takes aim! Takagi rises, into the BLAZE BLADE!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives but Shota’s hitting another gear!

Shota drags Takagi up, underhooks, but Takagi fights the rider! Takagi wrenches, JABS, and HEADBUTTS! Shota ROCKS, ROLLING- NO, Takagi swats, CHOPS and HEADBUTTS! Both men wobble, but then Shota catches Takagi to spin and SNAP DEATH RIDER!! Cover, SHOTA WINS!!

Winner: Shota Umino, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Takagi earns 0)

The Roughneck slays the Rampaging Dragon! Is this proof that Shota is going to lead the Paradigm Shift that is the new generation taking over? As for Takagi, he breaks even at 1-1, but can he rise back up in the next round?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Zack Sabre Jr. w/ Kosei Fujita!

Speaking of the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, he and the Submission Master have gone back and forth through the various tournaments of NJPW. Will Naito be able to keep the G1 tranquilo? Or will TMDK’s Front Man make him #JustTapOut?

As always, Naito takes time with his entrance attire. ZSJ is patient, he’s seen this all before. Naito finally puts the nice suit aside, the bell rings and the fans rally up. Naito and ZSJ both take their time while the fans cheer on “NA-I-TO!” ZSJ mirrors Naito’s slow pace as they circle, and then ZSJ raises the LIJ fist! Naito starts to raise his, but then SPITS at ZSJ! ZSJ kicks Naito, CLUBS him, whips him, but Naito reverses to TORNADO CRADLE! TWO!! ZSJ escapes, Naito runs but fakes ZSJ out to tranquilo! The fans cheer but ZSJ rushes in, only for Naito to catch him into a somersault clutch! TWO!!

ZSJ runs up again, but into an atomic drop! And then rolling jackknife! TWO! ZSJ has the sunset flip, TWO! Naito has a deep prawn hold, TWO!! ZSJ narrowly escapes again and the fans fire up! Naito kicks, but ZSJ fights the neckbreaker. Naito ELBOWS ZSJ down, then runs to basement dropkick! The fans fire up and Naito clamps onto ZSJ with a chinlock. ZSJ endures, even as Naito digs his knee in. ZSJ reaches out, hesitates, but then goes for the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts, Naito lets off, but then ELBOWS ZSJ in the head! Naito brings ZSJ up, cravats, and then he grinds ZSJ down to the mat.

ZSJ endures, even as Naito keeps on the cravat. The fans rally, ZSJ headscissors, but Naito shrugs that off to keep the cravat. ZSJ fights around, stands back up, but Naito snapmares. ZSJ bridges up to snapmare and NECK TWIST! The fans cheer, and ZSJ stalks Naito to the apron. ZSJ goes out to NECK TWIST Naito again! Red Shoes reprimands but the fans rally up. ZSJ steps in, drags Naito back up, and UPPERCUTS! Naito falls back, ZSJ drags him up, and ZSJ UPPERCUTS again! ZSJ brings Naito around to UPPERCUT again, and Naito falls back down. The fans continue to rally, and ZSJ drags Naito up for knuckle locks.

ZSJ twists the wrists, wrenches and then wraps Naito up in a straitjacket stretch. ZSJ brings Naito to his knees, and brings him back into a STRAITJACKET SURFBOARD! Naito endures, kicks and flails, and manages to find the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and ZSJ lets off cleanly. ZSJ drags Naito up to cravat and return the neck wrench. Naito endures, even as ZSJ RAMS his shoulder in. ZSJ cranks the hold but Naito fires body shots. Naito is free but ZSJ UPPERCUTS him! ZSJ runs corner to corner but Naito dodges! Naito blocks boots, puts ZSJ in ropes, and hits a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! The fans rally while both men are down.

Naito shakes out the stars, ZSJ stands up, and Naito fires off forearms and kicks! Naito whips, arm-drags, and then arm-drags again! Naito runs to basement dropkick! The fans cheer, and Naito stands ZSJ up, takes his time, and then hits the NECKBREAKER! The fans cheer, Naito brings ZSJ around to cover, TWO! ZSJ bails out but Naito isn’t bothered. Naito storms over to the apron, drags ZSJ up, and turns him, only for ZSJ to throw elbows. Naito swings, but into ZSJ’s ROPE OCTOPUS! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, ZSJ lets go at 4, then ZSJ drags Naito out of the ring. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Naito, then UPPERCUTS again.

ZSJ taunts Naito, then whips him, only for Naito to reverse and send ZSJ hard into railing! ZSJ falls over, but Naito drags him right up to then put him on the apron. For a DRAPING NECKBREAKER to the floor! The fans fire up but Red Shoes and even Fujita check ZSJ. ZSJ is somehow still in this, so a ring count starts. Both men stir, and ZSJ slowly sits up. Naito has Fujita back up, the count passes 15 of 20, but Naito puts ZSJ in at 16. The fans cheer, and Naito rolls in. Naito drags ZSJ up to throw those heavy elbows! ZSJ falls over and Naito paces. Naito kicks ZSJ to a corner, goes up, and reels ZSJ in for ESPERANZA!

The fans cheer and Naito smiles while he goes back to the corner. ZSJ rises, Naito runs in, but ZSJ slips around to SLEEPER! And O’Conner into a SLEEPER with body scissors! Naito flails, but ZSJ even traps the arms before going to a DRAGON SLEEPER! Naito endures, kicks around, but ZSJ shifts into a TRIANGLE HOLD! ZSJ squeezes tight but Naito reaches out to a ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go and the fans applaud. ZSJ rises, Naito sits up, and ZSJ KICKS him! ZSJ grins as Naito sits up again, and he KICKS again! Naito manages to smile? ZSJ eggs Naito on, KICKS him, but Naito blocks! ZSJ UPPERCUTS back!

ZSJ whips, Naito reverses, but ZSJ denies the tornado DDT to PENALTY KICK! The fans fire up with ZSJ, and he scoops to ZACK- DESTINO!! It was outta nowhere, but also out of desperation! Both men are down and the fans fire up! The fans rally, Naito sits up first, and he brings ZSJ around. Naito wrenches, but ZSJ scoops! ZACK DRIVER!! But ZSJ can’t make the cover! The fans fire up as ZSJ and Naito are down again. ZSJ crawls over, brings Naito up, and he UPPERCUTS! Naito wobbles, ZSJ UPPERCUTS again! And UPPERCUTS again! Naito ROCKS ZSJ with a forearm! And again! ZSJ eggs Naito on!

Naito ROCKS ZSJ and ZSJ sits down! The fans rally, ZSJ stands and UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Naito throws the heavy elbows! ZSJ roars but Naito ELBOWS him down! The fans fire up as we pass 15 minutes. Naito aims, runs in, CORRIENDO- NO, ZSJ scoops! But Naito somersaults! ZSJ rocks it back, EURO CLUTCH! TWO!!! Naito escapes by nanoseconds! ZSJ runs in but into an ELBOW! ZSJ BOOTS, Naito fires a forearm and SPITS! ZSJ swings, into a spin, but he ducks the enzigiri! Body scissors, JAPANESE LEG CLUTCH!! ZSJ WINS!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Naito earns 0)

The IWGP World Heavyweight Champion loses again! And ZSJ snatches the belt, claiming it as his own! Will The Front Man finally have this title one way or another? Or will Naito stop owing golden tickets after tonight?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yota Tsuji VS David Finlay w/ Gedo!

How fitting that this is round two’s main event. While all the Reiwa Musketeers fell last round, it was the fact that Finlay was talking trash on him the whole time that really upset Yota. Will Yota get back at Finlay with a Gene Blaster? Or will this be a rebound round for the Rebel?

Finlay gets in Yota’s face but Yota just grins. The two then back off to put their duster jackets aside. The bell rings and the fans rally up. Finlay hears the fans cheering on “YOTA! YOTA!” and shrugs it off. The two circle, tie up, and they each pull hair! Red Shoes reprimands them both as they go around, and Finlay puts Yota on ropes. Red Shoes counts, Finlay pie faces Yota, then lets off. But Yota avoids the cheap shot to headlock. Finlay powers out but Yota comes back to RANA! Finlay bails out, fans fire up, and Yota DIVES! Direct hit and Finlay bounces off railing! The fans fire up and rally behind “YOTA! YOTA!” more.

Yota fetches Finlay, drags him up, and whips him hard into railing! Finlay staggers away, Gedo protests, but Yota pursues Finlay. Yota whips Finlay hard into more railing! Gedo is even more upset but there’s nothing Red Shoes can do about this. Yota tells Gedo to shut up, then he drags Finlay back into the ring. Yota steps in, runs, and runs Finlay over! High stack, TWO! Finlay grits his teeth, Yota stands him up, and Yota blocks a kick! Yota trips Finlay, has both legs, and turns Finlay over into a BOSTON CRAB! Finlay endures the hold, fights around, and reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! Yota lets off quickly and fans applaud.

Yota paces while Finlay sits up. Yota comes back but Finlay kicks from below. Yota stomps away on Finlay, CLUBS away on him, then eggs Finlay on. Finlay stands to fire a forearm, then an UPPERCUT! Finlay then stands Yota up and CHOPS! Yota CHOPS back! The fans rally, Yota stalks Finlay to a corner, but Finlay SPITS at him! The fans boo but Finlay grins. Yota also grins, and he runs up to STINGER SPLASH! Yota fires off hands but backs off as Red Shoes reprimands. Yota comes back but Finlay FLAPJACKS him off buckles! Finlay then rains down fists on Yota! Red Shoes reprimands about closed fists but Finlay doesn’t care.

Finlay paces around, drags Yota up, and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Yota writhes, Finlay covers, TWO! The fans rally and Finlay mocks the “fighting spirit.” He claims he’s gonna beat the spirit outta Yota. Finlay whips Yota hard into buckles! Yota falls, Finlay taunts him, and pushes him around. Finlay SLAPS Yota, drags him up, and UPPERCUTS! Yota goes to a corner, and Finlay barks it up. Some fans bark for Finlay and he runs in to UPPERCUT! Then BROKEN ARROW! Finlay flexes and fans do cheer that feat of strength. Finlay kneels on Yota for a cocky cover, TWO! Finlay mockingly says, “Wow,” then he CHOKES Yota!

Finlay grinds his forearm in Yota’s face, Red Shoes reprimands, and Finlay lets off. Finlay drags Yota up, mocks the fans cheering Yota on, and then clinches. But Yota fights the lift with elbows! Finlay KNEES low, fires another knee, then whips. Yota reverses, scoops and BACKBREAKERS! Finlay flounders and Gedo is mad but the fans fire up! Yota sits up, Finlay goes to a corner, and the fans rally again. Yota runs up to ELBOW Finlay down! Yota then scoops to SLAM and SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Finlay stays in this but Yota stays on him with a GUTBUSTER! Finlay sputters and stumbles away to a corner and the fans fire up.

Yota grins but Gedo is stressing out. Yota storms over to Finlay, digs his knee in, and then KNEES Finlay again! And again! Gedo protests, Red Shoes reprimands, but Yota lets off. Yota then brings Finlay up to whip corner to corner. Finlay stops himself to ROCK Yota! Yota ROCKS Finlay in return! The forearms keep going back and forth, faster and faster! Finlay gets the edge, then catches Yota in to the clinch! IRISH- NO, Yota slips free and shoves Finlay to a corner. Yota runs in, Finlay dodges and comes back. Finlay blocks Yota’s boot, but Yota brings him in to DOUBLE STOMP! The fans fire up again while Finlay flounders.

Yota drags Finlay up, then goes up and up and MAROON- NO, Finlay pushes Yota down! Yota lands on the apron, they trade forearms again, but Finlay POSTS Yota! Finlay then runs to SHOTGUN Yota off the apron! Yota hits railing on the way down and Gedo fires up! Finlay grits his teeth as he goes out to fetch Yota. We reach 10 minutes and Finlay drags Yota up. Finlay whips Yota hard into railing! Yota slumps down, and Finlay storms back up. Finlay asks Gedo, “You wanna see a dead body?” Gedo says yeah, and Finlay fireman’s carries Yota. Finlay runs to LAWN DART Yota into a post! Gedo cheers but the fans boo.

Red Shoes checks Yota and he’s somehow still in this. Finlay mockingly offers Hiromu a Too Sweet, Hiromu says no thanks, so Finlay SPITS at him! Hiromu is annoyed, but Finlay flips Hiromu and Osaka off. Finlay then steps inside and the ring count starts. Yota is still down at 5 of 20, clutching his forehead. Yota grabs at railing, drags himself up at 10, and Finlay shows off by doing jumping jacks. Yota stands at 14 but hobbles around. Yota stumbles, falls over at 17, and drags himself back up! He slides in safe at 19, but Finlay’s on him! DOMINATOR! Cover, TWO!! Yota survives the “Canadian Hammer” but Finlay keeps cool.

Finlay says he’ll hit TEN powerbombs if he has to! Gedo says yeah, let’s do that! Finlay picks Yota up but he’s dead weight, so Finlay wants Red Shoes to call it. Red Shoes refuses, he checks with Yota first. Yota growls as he pushes up, so Finlay goes to suplex! Yota fights it, the fans rally up behind him, and Yota suplexes Finlay! Finlay fights that, suplexes Yota, but Yota turns it around into his own BIG suplex! The fans are thunderous while both men are down again! Osaka cheers on “YOTA! YOTA!” while Finlay flounders to ropes. Finlay is frustrated, but he and Yota both stand. Finlay swings, into the BACKBREAKER, FLATLINER and STOMP!

The fans cheer Yota’s triple combo, then he runs to CURB STOMP!! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives and Gedo coaches him, but the fans still rally for Yota. Yota rises again, he drags Finlay up, and ROCKS him with a forearm! Finlay staggers away, Gedo panics, and Yota goes up, up and MAROON- NO, Finlay dodges! Finlay runs in, Yota KNEES the spear down! Then suplex, ORANGE CRUSH!! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives and Gedo is relieved, but Yota roars! We hit 15 minutes, Gedo wants Finlay to get up already, but Yota aims from a corner! Finlay rises, Yota runs in, GENE- HEADLOCK TAKEOVER!

Finlay then drags Yota up, INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, TWO!! Yota survives and the fans are thunderous again! The fans cheer “YOTA! YOTA!” as hard as they can while he and Finlay are both down. Gedo coaches Finlay to get up and kill Yota, but Finlay has to drag himself over. Finlay grabs Yota by his hair, stands him up and reels him in, but Yota blocks the bomb! Finlay CLUBS away on Yota, hauls him up, but Yota fights free! Yota then spins Finlay, but Finlay powers out of the cravat! Yota rebounds, but Finlay rolls him for a POWERBOMB! That’s one, and Finlay hurries to haul Yota up again! BUCKLE BOMB!!

Finlay says that’s not enough, here’s the THIRD POWERBOMB!! Finlay falls over, he still has seven more if he wants to keep his promise! The fans rally for Yota but Finlay stands back up. Finlay slashes his throat, drags Yota back up, and suplexes, but Yota cradle counters! TWO!! Finlay escapes, and DISCUS LARIATS Yota down! Finlay drags Yota up again, reels him in and gives a Too Sweet, for the OVER- NO! Yota blocks the knee! Finlay CLUBS away but Yota still fireman’s carries! Finlay elbows free, ROLLING ELBOWS, and Yota staggers. Yota comes back, into another ROLLING ELBOW! Yota leans on ropes and Finlay eggs him on!

Yota stands, into a third ROLLING ELBOW! Yota falls but Finlay brings him right back up. ROLLING ELBOW! Yota drops to his knees, and Finlay looms over him. Finlay stands Yota up again, ROLLING- HEADBUTT!! Finlay rebounds, Yota dodges, GENE BLASTER!! But Yota can’t make the cover! Yota doesn’t worry about that, he hurries to the corner! The fans are thunderous as Yota goes up and up and MAROON CRUSH!! Cover, YOTA WINS!!

Winner: Yota Tsuji, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Finlay earns 0)

For the second night in a row, the G1’s main event is an epic, and an upset! Finlay has lost twice in a row, does NJPW not need The Rebel after all?

As for Yota, he gets the mic to tell Finlay, “Today was for just one of the three Marlowe Puddings you wasted at the press conference! So don’t forget, I still owe you two more.” The fans cheer that motivation. Yota then says “To the NJPW fans here in Osaka and all over the world, the hottest summer has just begun!” The fans cheer that, too. Yota says he is of course focused on total victory here, the first man to have won the Spring’s New Japan Cup AND the Summer’s G1 Climax in the same year! The fans like that idea.

“In this G1, everyone’s talking about the old and new guards, but I’m the one standing in the main event spot! This isn’t for Shingo Takagi nor Tetsuya Naito. It’s my time. Are you ready?! I’m taking this G1.” The fans cheer, and Yota drops the mic. The Gene Blast is confident no one else is reaching the Climax, but will he be ready for the long road ahead?


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 2-0, 4 points
Evil: 2-0, 4 points
Shingo Takagi: 1-1, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-1, 2 points
Gabe Kidd: 1-1, 2 points
Sanada: 1-1, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-1, 2 points
Shota Umino: 1-1, 2 points
Tetsuya Naito: 0-2, 0 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-2, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Yuya Uemura: 2-0, 4 points
Henare: 2-0, 4 points
Jeff Cobb: 1-0, 2 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 1-0, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-1, 2 points
Yota Tsuji: 1-1, 2 points
Ren Narita: 1-1, 2 points
David Finlay: 0-2, 0 points
Hirooki Goto: 0-2, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-2, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another awesome night for NJPW for a big G1 opening weekend. One less match, though, because for whatever reason, Konosuke Takeshita and Jeff Cobb weren’t booked for this. And less surprises because Oleg and Callum each took a loss here. Khan VS Gabe was great stuff, with another great win for Gabe. Gabe calling out Hiromu for a NJPW Strong Openweight Championship match was an interesting detail, too. And I should’ve figured Evil would win with more cheating. I really hope this leads to a proper Bullet Club Civil War angle, War Dogs VS House of Torture, but NOT in something where they tear up the ring and risk someone getting hurt.

Yuya gets another great win with that great match against Goto. Yuya could really come out of this G1 as a strong singles competitor, possibly taking that Global Championship from Finlay. But it would seem the Reiwa Musketeers are all making comebacks, too, as Narita cheats ELP, Shota takes down Takagi in a technically big upset of his own, and of course we got those big wins in the penultimate and main event matches. ZSJ has beaten Naito before, but tonight’s win was even bigger for how Naito is world champion. And Yota tops things off in an awesome match with Finlay, and a great win for Yota. A lot of golden tickets are being handed out, the NJPW Destruction tour could be really big this year.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (7/20/24)

Who is the Strongest of the Summer?



The greatest tradition of NJPW returns!

The G1 Climax returns for its 34th round robin, with both blocks in action for a loaded ten card match! Who starts off strong to be the strongest of all?


  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Boltin Oleg VS Ren Narita; Oleg wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Callum Newman VS Shota Umino; Callum wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo VS HENARE; Henare wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Great-O-Khan VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Hirooki Goto VS Jeff Cobb; Cobb wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: SANADA VS Jake Lee; Jake wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yuya Uemura VS David Finlay; Yuya wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Gabe Kidd VS EVIL; Evil wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yota Tsuji VS Konosuke Takeshita; Konosuke wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Shingo Takagi; Takagi wins.


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Boltin Oleg VS Ren Narita!

In the New Japan Soul qualifier series, The Kazakhstan Juggernaut defeated his NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship partners, Toru Yano and Hiroshi Tanahashi, just to be in this tournament! He even has new ring gear for the occasion. But will he make his senpai and shachou proud with a big opening round win? Or will the Souled Out Son of Strong Style steal away Oleg’s happiness?

Ren throws his cloak at Oleg and then fires off cheap shots! The ref reprimands, the bell rings, and this is on record as Ren kicks and runs. But Oleg dodges to run Ren over! The fans fire up and Oleg runs in to STINGER SPLASH at the corner! Then he fireman’s carries, but Ren flails free! Ren bails out, Oleg waits on him, and Ren throws a bit of a tantrum for Oleg getting the advantage. Ren goes around the way, fans rally up for Oleg, and then Oleg rushes out. Ren slides back in, runs and he BOOTS Oleg off the apron! Oleg hits railing pretty hard, but that’s cuz he’s so big! Ren goes out to drag Oleg up, and whips him hard into more railing!

Then Ren whips Oleg hard into even more railing! The fans rally for Oleg but Ren gets himself a chair, and his push-up bar. The ref stops Ren from using the chair, but he also spots the bar! The ref won’t let Ren use that, either! Ren lets the ref have the bar, only to pick the chair back up! Ren SMACKS Oleg in the arm! The fans boo while Oleg writhes but Ren just grins. Ren stalks Oleg, drags him up, and wrenches to lace the arm through railing. The ref counts, Ren pulls, but Ren lets off with a KICK! Then Ren BOOTS Oleg down! The ref reprimands and wants this in the ring, so Ren leaves Oleg behind.

The fans rally for Oleg, a ring count starts, and Oleg stands at 6 of 20. Oleg slides in at 8 but Ren stomps him. Ren kicks Oleg, wraps the arm around ropes, but the ref reprimands. Ren holds until 4, and then he scrapes Oleg’s face on the ropes! Ren runs, and he BOOTS Oleg down! Cover, TWO! Ren grabs the arm to have a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Oleg endures and the fans rally up. Oleg fights up, but Ren CLUBS the arm! Ren wrenches, YANKS, YANKS, and YANKS! Ren wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Oleg hobbles while clutching the arm, but Ren grins. Ren storms up to grab the arm, but Oleg ROCKS Ren!

The fans rally as Oleg CHOPS Ren! And he- NO, Ren ducks the chop to grab the arm! Ren wrangles Oleg down but Oleg rolls and deadlifts Ren! But Ren drags Oleg down again, ARMBAR! Oleg clasps hands, the fans rally, but Ren pulls at the arm. Oleg kicks around, reaches out, but Ren breaks the grip for the ARMBAR! Oleg flails and gets the ROPEBREAK with a foot! The fans cheer, the ref counts, but Ren lets go at 4. Ren is annoyed but he drags Oleg up to whip. Oleg blocks the arm-drag! Oleg shoves Ren and then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Oleg rises, shakes out the bad arm, and he storms over to Ren.

Oleg deadlifts and gut wrenches, for the Shake, Rattle, and- NO, Ren fights free of the grip! But Oleg CHOPS again! Oleg whips, Ren reverses and KNEE STOMPS! Both men are down again but Ren hurries to his feet. Ren fires up and climbs while the fans rally for Oleg. Ren aims, leaps, and FLYING KNEE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! But into an ARMBAR!! Ren pulls the arm but Oleg flails around! Oleg kicks, reaches out, but Ren pulls on that arm! Oleg has the fans behind him as he powers up to stack! Oleg deadlifts Ren into a pop-up and fireman’s carry! F5!! The fans fire up and Oleg roars! Oleg storms over to Ren to drag him up.

Oleg fireman’s carries again, for the KAMIKAZE SENTON!! Cover, OLEG WINS!!

Winner: Boltin Oleg, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Ren earns 0)

The fans go wild as Oleg does it again! Will The Rook get on a roll to reach the Climax? Will Ren recover and redeem himself in the next round?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Callum Newman VS Shota Umino!

The other New Japan Soul qualifier winner is here, having made it through some of Bullet Club’s best. However, he runs into another of the Reiwa Era Musketeers in The Roughneck! Can the Prince of Pace keep pace with Oleg? Or will #SHOOTER show he’s better than his rival, Narita?

The bell rings and Callum rushes in. Shota dodges, but then Callum dodges Shota. Callum BOOTS Shota but Shota ROCKS Callum! Callum and Shota get face to face, then go forearm for forearm! The fans rally up as they go back and forth. Callum gets the edge, but Shota blocks a kick! Callum swats a haymaker then whips. Shota reverses but Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges and speeds up. Shota dodges a boot, ducks ‘n’ dodges haymakers, and now he speeds up! Callum dodges a lariat, but not the scoop and DROP! Shota SHOTGUNS Callum down and the fans fire up! Shota paces, stomps Callum, then paces some more.

Callum goes to ropes, Shota storms over and CLUBS him on the neck. Shota whips, Callum slips ‘n’ trips Shota up, to then DOUBLE STOMP! The fans cheer, Callum comes back to cover, ONE!! Callum grabs the legs and turns Shota right over into a BOSTON CRAB! Callum shifts, it’s a LIONTAMER now! Shota fights and he reaches out, to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer and Callum lets go, then he sits Shota up. Callum KICKS Shota in the back, then paces. Callum brings Shota up but Shota fires a forearm. Callum knees low, runs, but into a DROPKICK! Both men are down again and the fans fire up!

Callum crawls to a corner while Shota rises. Shota runs corner to corner, and he UPPERCUTS! Then he reels Callum in to FISHERMAN- NO, Callum fights that and wrenches out! Shota blocks a kick, slips under and he trips Callum, to then step over and STF! The fans fire up while Callum endures, and Callum reaches out. Callum claws his way forward, and he turns enough to have the ROPEBREAK with a foot! The fans cheer, Shota lets go and paces. Callum stirs but Shota brings him up. Shota dragon sleepers, inverted suplexes, but Callum slips free! Callum waistlocks but he ducks an elbow, only for Shota to ROCK him with a forearm!

Callum drops but then kips up, only for Shota to duck the enzigiri! Shota goes to waistlock but Callum slips under. Callum waistlocks again but Shota switches and shoves. Callum slides to a stop, then baits Shota in. Shota tries to tornado but Callum smothers that. Shota CLUBS away on Callum, goes again, TORNADO- NO! Callum powers out, kicks low then whips. Shota reverses but Callum avoids the dropkick! Callum runs up but Shota ducks the Penalty Kick to roll Callum. Callum rolls through, but Shota pops him up for a KNEE! Shota then reels Callum in, suplexes, but into STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE!

Shota wobbles as Callum uses an Ospreay move. But Shota rebounds and SHOTGUNS Callum down! But Callum springs right up to PENALTY KICK! The fans fire up while both men are down! Callum crawls back to a cover, TWO! Shota is still in this and Callum is annoyed. The fans rally, Callum feeds off the energy and rises up. Callum stands Shota up to chicken wing the arms. Shota fights the lift, but Callum CLUBS him on the back. Callum tries again, Shota fights the lift and RAMS Callum into the corner. Shota is free, and he arm-drags Callum away! Callum comes back, V-TRIGGER hits! But Shota’s ROLLING ELBOW hits!

Callum kips up to PELE! And OSC- CUTTER FROM SHOTA! The fans fire up for the counterstrike and both men are down again! Callum and Shota stir, and Shota sits up first. The fans rally, Shota goes to a corner, and he watches Callum. Shota runs corner to corner to BLINDSIDE KNEE! Then he TORNADO DDTS! Roll through and dragon sleeper, dragon suplex for TRIDENT! Cover, TWO!! Callum survives but Shota won’t be deterred. Shota aims from a corner, Callum slowly rises, IGNITION! Shota doesn’t stop there! He underhooks, but Callum spins and victory rolls! TWO! Cradle, TWO! Shota stands up, into a ROLLING ELBOW!

Callum runs, but Shota pops him up and tucks him in! Only for Callum to spin free again, spins some more, but Shota DECKS him first! Shota then hurries to get Callum back up, UPPERCUTS, and runs, but into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Shota survives and the fans fire back up! Shota and Callum stir, and Shota rolls to a corner. Shota stands, Callum runs in and DROPKICKS him! Callum then pushes Shota out to go up and up and DOUBLE STOMP on the back! Shota writhes and staggers, into the OSCUTTER!! Cover, CALLUM WINS!!

Winner: Callum Newman, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Shota earns 0)

Incredible! First Oleg, now Callum, is it the new gear giving these younger guys this power? Or are the Musketeers overestimating themselves as the future of NJPW?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS HENARE!

The Guerillas of Destiny have moved on, what is a Headbanga to do all on his own? Well, the G1 Climax is certainly something, but he starts against the Face of Fury! Will the NEVER Openweight Champion start strong for the United Empire? Or will ELP be able to grab a golden ticket right from the start?

The fans rally for “E L P! E L P!” The bell rings and Henare stares ELP down. ELP steps up, they tie up, and Henare headlocks. Henare grinds the hold, ELP powers up and out, but Henare runs ELP over. The fans cheer, Henare runs, but ELP drops to then hurdle, only for Henare to catch him into a fireman’s carry! ELP slips free, shoves Henare, and then DROPKICKS him! Henare staggers but he comes back to CLOBBER ELP! Henare stalks ELP to a corner, ROCKS him with forearm after forearm, but Jado coaches ELP. Henare whips, ELP reverses and then runs in, but into an ELBOW! Henare goes up but ELP ducks the gamangiri!

ELP runs up to RANA Henare! Henare bails out, fans fire up, and ELP builds speed to DIVE! Down goes Henare at the ramp! The fans fire up and ELP brings Henare back to the ring. ELP then goes up the ropes to SPRINGBOARD SWANTON! Then a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Henare stays in this but the fans rally up. ELP brings Henare up, straitjackets, but Henare fights the torture rack with elbows. ELP fires forearms but Henare just shrugs those off. ELP CHOPS, but Henare smirks. Henare ROCKS ELP, BODY SHOTS, and KICKS ELP down! The fans fire up while Henare paces. Henare drags ELP up, then ROCKS him again.

ELP staggers, but he comes back to ROCK Henare! Henare ROCKS ELP! ELP wobbles then falls over! The fans rally up while Henare stalks ELP. Henare throws body shots and haymakers in the corner, then HEADBUTTS ELP! The fans rally as Henare fireman’s carries to WASTELAND SLAM! Then he SENTONS onto ELP! Cover, TWO! ELP is still in this and the fans cheer. Henare scowls while Jado caches ELP. The fans rally up as ELP rises, and ELP fires a forearm! And then another! Henare eggs ELP on so ELP CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Henare LARIATS ELP right down! Henare then drags ELP back up, to LARIAT again!

Henare looms over ELP, drags him back up, and eggs ELP on by shouting in his face! Henare winds up, runs, but ELP LARIATS first! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! Henare crawls to a corner, ELP handsprings to his feet! ELP tunes up the band, but he seems to doubt himself. The fans rally, but Henare runs in first! SHINING WIZARD and a whip, BERSERKER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and the fans fire up again! Henare huffs ‘n’ puffs and drags ELP up. Henare growls but ELP fights the fisherman! ELP wrenches out, ROCKS Henare, then ROCKS him again! And again! Henare ROCKS ELP back!

ELP staggers to ropes but the fans rally up. ELP throws off the elbow pads, winds up, and ROCKS Henare! Henare ROCKS ELP, and the forearms go back and forth! The fans fire up and Henare eggs ELP on! ELP ROCKS Henare again and again and again! Henare ELBOW JABS, then HEEL KICKS! ELP drops to his knees, Henare runs, and RUGBY KICKS! Cover, ONE?!? ELP has a wild look in his eyes! Henare runs, ELP DROPKICKS him down! Cover, ONE!! Henare roars but ELP runs in to BOOT! And BOOT again! Henare roars but ELP ENZIGIRIS! Henare wobbles, snarls, and comes back, into SUDDEN DEATH!! Cover, TWO!!

Henare survives but ELP drags him right up! Straitjacket, torture rack, and BRAIN SALAD!! ELP hurries to the apron to springboard again, for a THUNDERKISS 86!! Cover, TWO!!! Henare survives yet again and the fans are thunderous! ELP scowls and Jado coaches him up. The fans rally, and ELP vows to end this! ELP drags Henare up, reels him in, tucks the arms, but Henare fights! Henare stands up and JUMP KNEES! ELP wobbles, comes back, but into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Henare roars, aims as ELP rises, and RAMPAGE SPEARS!! Cover, TWO?!? ELP survives and shocks everyone, Henare included!

Henare roars as he vows to end this now! Henare hauls ELP up, fisherman, but ELP cradle counters! TWO!! Henare escapes, BODY BLOWS, and ELP falls to his knees! Henare deadlifts for STREETS OF RAGE!! Cover, Henare wins!

Winner: Henare, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ELP earns 0)

The Headbanga gets rocked, and the Face of Fury is roaring into the next round! Can ELP get his groove back as the last Guerilla in NJPW? Will Henare keep this momentum up until he’s holding the G1 trophy?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Great-O-Khan VS Zack Sabre Jr w/ Kosei Fujita!

The Dominator is KOPW Champion, and is looking to “unite the fiefdoms” of NJPW! However, TMDK’s Front Man is looking to finally add the G1 to his trophy case. Will ZSJ make Kahn #JustTapOut? Or will he also be conquered by The United Empire?

The bell rings and the two rush right in! They go around, fighting for control in the clinch. Khan waistloicks, ZSJ slips away and the fans cheer this opening exchange. The two go again, Khan claps to distract then he lifts ZSJ up. Khan DUMPS ZSJ right out of the ring! The fans cheer while Khan waits on ZSJ. ZSJ stands but he eggs Khan on. Khan goes out after ZSJ, and now they grapple on the ramp! Khan waistlocks, ZSJ switches but Khan switches back. They switch and switch and then ZSJ wrenches out to waistlock. Khan uses a double wristlock to switch, but ZSJ resists the lift. ZSJ jumps on for a GUILLOTINE!

Khan powers up, and he RAMS ZSJ into railing! ZSJ falls onto fans in the front row! Young Lions help get the space cleared, and the ref wants this back in the ring. ZSJ stands up, and he clears out chairs while egging Khan on! Khan storms up, they test the waters with kicks and palm strikes! The fans fire up having the two scrap right in front of them! Khan clinches for an IRON CLAW SLEEPER! The ref starts a ring count as Khan ROCKS ZSJ! ZSJ SLAPS Khan! The fighting moves further back through the crowd! The count is 10 of 20 as Khan IRON FIST BODY BLOWS! ZSJ falls and Khan roars! But the count is 15!

Khan storms his way back to ringside, slides in at 17, but ZSJ runs in after him! ZSJ slides in safe at 19! The fans cheer but Khan stomps ZSJ around. Khan whips ZSJ, ZSJ wrenches but Khan avoids the Pele! Khan deadlift GUT WRENCH SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Khan clamps on a HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! ZSJ scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Khan leans on the hold until the ref counts 4! Khan lets go but he’s kneeling on ZSJ’s head. Khan steps away, drags ZSJ up, and he fires knees! Khan eggs ZSJ on, KNEES him down, then scuffs ZSJ around. ZSJ rises but Khan KNEES him low again!

ZSJ sputters, the fans rally, and Khan drags ZSJ up again. Khan ships to SAYA- NO! ZSJ hops on for a SLEEPER! Khan snapmares but ZSJ somersault clutches for a NECK TWIST! ZSJ then basement dropkicks Khan in the back! The fans fire up while both men are down! The fans rally as ZSJ rises, and he waits on Khan. Khan reaches out but ZSJ KICKS him! Khan grits his teeth but ZSJ KICKS again! ZSJ shakes out his leg and the fans rally again. Khan sits up, blocks a kick, and he catches ZSJ’s arm! Khan hits a fireman’s carry takeover, then he drags ZSJ up. Khan has both arms, MONKEY FLIPS ZSJ, and then brings him up again.

ZSJ wrenches to SAYANAGI Khan! ZSJ wrenches again, but Khan clinches to SAYANAGI back! Khan still has the wrist but ZSJ rises up and he SAYANAGIS! ZSJ goes for a double wristlock but Khan fights to his feet. Khan wrenches, SAYANAGIS, then brings ZSJ up. ZSJ slips under to NORTHERN LIGHTS! No bridge, but ZSJ and Khan go forehead to forehead. They stand, Khan hits a modified OLYMPIC SLAM! ZSJ rises and hits another SAYANAGI! Khan rises and BOOTS ZSJ! ZSJ BOOTS in return! Khan Mongolian Chops! ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Both men ROCK the other with haymakers! IRON RIGHT from Khan!!

The ref reprimands about closed fists, but Khan clinches to BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer while both men are still in this! Khan and ZSJ stir, rise up, and Khan clamps on with an IRON CLAW SLEEPER! ZSJ fades, Khan shifts around and has the BOW ‘N’ ARROW RACK! ZSJ slips out to jump on for a TRIANGLE HOLD! Khan stays on his feet, even as ZSJ squeezes tight! But Khan starts to turn red! Khan powers up to deadlift ZSJ, for a ELIMINATOR POWERBOMB!! The fans fire up as Khan is free, but he has to crawl his way over to the cover. TWO!! ZSJ is still in this and the fans fire back up.

Khan and ZSJ slowly rise up, and Khan clamps on for an IRON CLAW SLEEPER! ZSJ fades again, so Khan tries again. But ZSJ slips out of the Bow ‘n’ Arrow again to PELE Khan’s arm! And KICK the arm! And he KICKS Khan down! The fans fire up and ZSJ runs, only for Khan to trip him! IRON CLAW SLEEPER returns! ZSJ is fading out again! But ZSJ finds his second wind and fights up to his feet! Khan BITES ZSJ’s ear!! The ref reprimands, Khan ripcords and ELIMINATOR- DDT!! ZSJ rolls through to scoop and ZACK DRIVER!! Cover, ZSJ wins!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

The Front Man not only wins big to open his G1 run, but he has a golden ticket to the KOPW Championship in his back pocket! Will ZSJ decide to make all of NJPW belong to him? Or can Khan still bring everything under the United Empire?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Hirooki Goto VS Jeff Cobb!

The Fierce Warrior won a G1 once, back in 2008. He’s held all sorts of gold since, but if he wants to finally be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, he has to win this G1! Will he do it? Or will the Imperial Unit make sure The United Empire’s night ends on a high note?

The bell rings and the two run up! They RAM shoulders, fire forearm after forearm back and forth, and the fans fire up! The two go forehead to forehead, Goto runs and RAMS Cobb! Cobb rebounds to run Goto over! GACHIMUCHI FLOP as Goto moves! Goto runs up, but Cobb dodges! Goto dodges back, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither man falls and the fans fire up! Cobb and Goto snarl and circle. They tie up, but Cobb kicks low. Cobb whips, Goto blocks hip toss but so does Cobb! Goto avoids a lariat, but Cobb still runs him over! The fans cheer and Goto goes to ropes. Cobb winds up, runs up, but Goto BOOTS him!

Cobb chuckles, comes back, but Goto DUMPS him out! Goto then PLANCHAS! Down goes Cobb and the fans fire up! Goto rises, storms over to Cobb and puts him in the ring. Goto then storms up to kick low and fire forearms. Cobb goes to a corner, Goto fires more shots. Goto whips corner to corner, runs in, and LARIATS! Goto tries to hip toss but Cobb blocks! Cobb LARIATS Goto down! The fans fire up while Cobb paces. Cobb drags Goto up, brings him around, and THROAT CHOPS! Goto falls back and coughs. Cobb stands on Goto’s chest at the ropes! The ref counts, Cobb lets go and “apologizes,” then drags Goto up.

Cobb fireman’s carries to SLAM Goto right away! Cobb says “You Can’t See Me,” then GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Cobb is annoyed. Cobb mocks the fans cheering for “GO-TO! GO-TO!” Goto CHOPS and CHOPS but Cobb ROCKS Goto in return. Cobb whips corner to corner, runs in, and he steals MURAMASA! Copycat Cobb even headlocks, but Goto denies him the bulldog with a big shove! Goto rises, snarls, and he runs in, but into a BOOT! Cobb runs, but Goto dropkicks a leg out! Goto rises, roars, and runs to LARIAT! Cobb stays up! Goto runs again to LARIAT!

Cobb wobbles and Goto eggs him on! Cobb BOOTS Goto, runs, but Goto follows! Goto LARIATS Cobb down and the fans are thunderous! Cobb crawls to a corner and Goto rises. Goto runs in to MURAMASA! And then BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Cobb stays in this but Goto stays focused. Goto drags Cobb up, fireman’s carries, but Cobb fights with elbows. Cobb JABS, but Goto stays up! Goto fireman’s carries through to USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Cobb survives and the fans fire up again! Goto drags Cobb back up, dragon sleepers, but Cobb throws hands from below! Cobb frees himself, waistlocks Goto, but Goto throws an elbow!

Cobb ducks, fireman’s carries, and he throws Goto into the dragon sleeper! But Goto drops out of that to victory roll! TWO!! Cobb escapes, but Goto dodges the lariat! But Cobb scoops! Goto slips free to a SLEEPER! Goto sits Cobb down, rolls, GOTO NI SHIKI! TWO!! Cobb stands, blocks the cradle attempt, and he suplexes Goto into the TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!!! Cover, COBB WINS!

Winner: Jeff Cobb, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Goto earns 0)

The Imperial Unit  has done some unbelievable and amazing things, but that might’ve been one of his best! Will Cobb lead the way for The United Empire in this G1? Can Goto still #GetBackUp and #TurnItAllAround like Yoshi-Hashi has taught him?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: SANADA VS Jake Lee!

The Cold Skull wants to to heat up for the Summer, but he’s running into the newest War Dog to join The Rebel’s cause. Will the Good Looking Emperor also do David Finlay’s dirty work? Or will he already meet a Skull End?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Jake mocks the fans chanting for “SA-NA-DA!” as he and Sanada circle. Sanada makes the pecs dance but Jake doesn’t care. They tie up, Jake waistlocks, but Sanada wrenches out. Sanada waistlocks, Jake wrenches out, and Jake keeps Sanada from ropes. Sanada rolls, wrenches, and hammerlocks. Jake moves around, hammerlocks Sanada in return, but Sanada reaches back to headlock. They end up on ropes, the ref counts the break, but Jake turns things around on Sanada. The ref reprimands, Jake lets off slowly, puts Sanada’s hands down by his side, and then pats Sanada on the shoulder.

The fans cheer as Jake gives Sanada a clean break, and even takes a bow. Sanada dropkicks Jake’s leg! Sanada kicks the leg again, and again, and again. Sanada waistlocks but Jake shakes his head. Jake elbows free, runs, but Sanada hurdles! And hurdles! But then Jake grabs Sanada for a CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives from being thrown down that hard from that high up, but Jake just loads up. Sanada is in the corner, Jake says BANG! FACE BREAK- NO, Sanada dodges, but he’s still wobbly. Sanada catches Jake’s lariat, reels him in, but Jake suplexes! Sanada fights free to put Jake on ropes! MAGIC SCREW!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Sanada and Jake each clutch a shoulder but then Sanada springs up top! ROUNDING BODY PRESS! Cover, TWO!! Jake survives that sudden moonsault but Sanada aims from a corner. The fans rally behind “SA-NA-DA!” and Jake sits up. BLINDSIDE SHINING WIZARD! Sanada roars and Jake rises again! Sanada runs up to SHINING- NO! Jake blocks this one and hoists Sanada up! LAST- NO, Sanada slips free, O’Conner BRIDGE! TWO!! Jake escapes, looks for Sanada, but turns around into a DROPKICK! Sanada mocks the finger gun, then runs in at the corner!

Jake dodges Sanada, Sanada goes up and out to springboard in, but Jake dodges! Jake hits the FACE BREAK SHOT!! Cross arm cover, Jake wins!!

Winner: Jake Lee, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Sanada earns 0)

The Madness Dark Side strikes out of nowhere, and Jake Lee takes down a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! Does this make Jake the most dangerous War Dog in the pack? Can Sanada still find his way to the top of the block after this?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yuya Uemura VS David Finlay w/ Gedo!

Just5Guys just took a loss to the Bullet Club War Dogs, but now we see the Heat Storm take on the pack leader himself! Can Yuya burn the IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion? Or will NJPW and even the G1 see they need The Rebel?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Finlay and Yuya circle, tie up, and Finlay headlocks. Yuya powers up and out but Finlay runs him over! Finlay mockingly conducts the chanting, then watches Yuya get up. The two circle, tie up again, and Yuya wrenches to headlock, hammerlock, headlock then snapmare into a chinlock! The fans fire up, Finlay fights up and powers out, to headlock right back. Yuya powers up and out, hurdles, then hip tosses! The fans cheer, Finlay gets up, and Yuya runs him over! Yuya arm-drags and armlocks! The fans cheer while Gedo gets mad! Finlay fights up, pulls hair, but the ref reprimands.

Finlay puts Yuya in the corner, the ref counts, but Finlay lets off. Finlay then stomps a mudhole and throws hands! But Yuya puts Finlay in the corner to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Finlay turns things around to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Then he SPITS in Yuya’s face! Finlay whips, Yuya reverses and runs in, but Finlay puts Yuya on the apron. Finlay SHOVES Yuya off and Yuya hits railing! The fans boo while Yuya writhes on the floor, but Finlay grins and swaggers. Finlay goes out, saying this is just so easy. Finlay says Yuya couldn’t even make the new Three Musketeers, and now he’s messing with “the big boys.”

Finlay drags Yuya up, RAMS him into railing, and down goes Abe-san! That’s Evil’s thing! Finlay RAMS Yuya into more railing, then rams him in again! Finlay DUMPS Yuya over railing, and English commentary loses a monitor! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Finlay soaks it all up. Finlay even spits at the fans! Finlay goes back for Yuya, drags him through the gap in the railing, and then drags him into the ring. The fans applaud, and Finlay covers, ONE!! Finlay was a little cocky there but he drags Yuya back up. Finlay whips Yuya hard into a corner and Yuya falls to the mat. The fans rally but Gedo says Yuya should just quit now.

Finlay talks trash, saying Yuya should give up. Yuya can’t even beat Yota Tsuji so why bother? Finlay barks, some fans echo it, and Finlay runs corner to corner to UPPERCUT! Then he suplex TOSSES Yuya away! Fans cheer and Finlay cocky covers again, TWO! Gedo says just quit already! Finlay grabs at Yuya, Yuya pushes him back. Finlay kicks Yuya around, taunts him, but Yuya CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS again! Finlay throat chops! The ref reprimands while Finlay whips, but Yuya goes up and over to arm-drag! Yuya then dodges to arm-drag again! And DROPKICK! Finlay flops around while fans fire up!

Yuya kips up, fires up, and he runs corner to corner at Finlay to SPLASH! Then headlock for the BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Yuya stays cool and hurries up a corner. Yuya reaches the top but Finlay ROCKS him first! Finlay goes up, he and Yuya brawl. Finlay fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then he brings Yuya up. SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Yuya survives and the fans fire up again! Gedo protests the count but the ref defends it was fair. Finlay mockingly asks how that felt, and then he drags Yuya up. Finlay scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Yuya writhes, Finlay has another cocky cover, TWO! Finlay still takes Yuya too lightly but Gedo still tells Yuya to quit.

Finlay SPITS at Hiromu on commentary but Hiromu asks what his beef is with the Timebomb. Finlay flips fans off for booing, then drags Yuya up to ROCK him in the back! Finlay ROCKS Yuya again, says Yuya loves it, and then ROCKS Yuya again! Yuya drops to his knees, but Finlay hauls him up for a BIG back- CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Finlay kicks low, runs, but into a BIG back drop! The fans fire up while Finlay flails, and Yuya roars! Yuya runs at Finlay but Finlay BOOTS him back. But Yuya returns to LARIAT Finlay and himself up and over the ropes! But Yuya skins the cat and the fans fire up again.

Yuya catches his breath, shakes out the legs, and then runs to FLY! Down goes Finlay and the fans fire up again! Yuya roars as he rises up, and he storms back over to Finlay. Yuya whips Finlay hard into railing! The ring count is climbing but Yuya whips Finlay into more railing! We pass 10 of 20, but Yuya puts Finlay in at 13. The fans cheer as Yuya fires up again. Yuya goes right up top, Finlay staggers, into the AX HANDLE! Yuya then goes corner to corner to CHOP LARIAT! Finlay staggers but Yuya reels him in, for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Finlay stays in this but Yuya stays focused, and the fans rally again.

Yuya goes to a corner, climbs up, and Finlay stands, into the CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives and Yuya grows a bit frustrated. The fans rally, Yuya underhooks Finlay, but Finlay fights the lift. Finlay wrenches out, takes a swing, but Yuya clinches. Finlay fights the lift, reels Yuya in and gut wrenches, but Yuya slips out! Yuya then hooks Finlay for the backslide! ONE, but Yuya still has the arms! Ghost pin, TWO!! Finlay escapes, dodges a lariat, but then Yuya dodges! Yuya catches Finlay for the URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Finlay survives but the fans are behind Yuya as he grits his teeth. Yuya rises while Gedo shouts at Finlay.

Yuya drags Finlay up, half nelsons then full nelsons. Finlay fights with elbows, but Yuya gets under to back suplex! Finlay lands out, he back suplexes, but Yuya lands out! Finlay bucks the O’Conner to BLUE THUNDER! Cover, TWO!! Yuya survives and the fans fire up again! Finlay is furious and he drags Yuya right up! Canadian Rack, DOMINATOR! Cover, TWO!! Yuya survives again and the fans are thunderous! Finlay says fine, if that’s how it is… Finlay drags Yuya up, reels him back in, but Yuya fights the lift! Finlay CLUBS away on Yyya, lifts, but Yuay slips free and waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!

Finlay is still in this but Yuya still has the waistlock! Yuya full nelsons, to DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Finlay escapes but the fans are thunderous as Yuya rises! Yuya drags Finlay up at 15 minutes, to clinch the arms! Finlay fights the Deadbolt with headbutts, to then OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Yuya is right back to CHOP! Finlay UPPERCUTS! Yuya ROCKS Finlay! Finlay ROLLING ELBOWS, Yuya PELES! Finlay rebounds to LARIAT!! Finlay storms around, drags Yuya up, and he reels Yuya in to BUCKLE BOMB! Then another BUCKLE BOMB!! And then a- RANA!? Yuya covers, YUYA WINS!!

Winner: Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Finlay earns 0)

All of Finlay’s talk about this being too easy and that Yuya isn’t good enough, and look what happens! Yuya gets the better of Finlay tonight, will he look to go after that Global Heavyweight Champion after the Climax? Will Finlay ever live this down when he has to worry about the next round?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Gabe Kidd VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The War Dogs have gone 1-1 on the night so far, but now the Mad Man takes on the King of Darkness! Will the NJPW Strong Openweight Champion be #WarReady? Or will the House of Torture make sure Everything is Evil?

As soon as Evil & Dick are ringside, Gabe FLIES out onto them! The fans fire up as Gabe takes them down, and then he drags Dick into the ring! Wait, what? Dick begs for mercy but Gabe gives him a BRAINBUSTER! Gabe tells the Spoiler to F off, and then he TOSSES Dick out! Gabe then goes out to PENALTY KICK Evil from the apron! And then he goes up and up and grins, “I’m a mad man, y’know!” MOONSAULT onto Evil! The fans are thunderous as Gabe says you can’t touch him! Gabe drags Evil up, and then RAMS him into railing! Down goes Abe-san as Gabe also steals Evil’s shtick! Evil gets over railing just to get away!

Gabe sees Evil running, and so he pursues Evil out into the crowd! But not without first bringing out a couple chairs. The fans cheer as Gabe dual wields and stalks Evil into the very back. But Evil mule kicks! Evil takes a chair for his own, so now the two men are evenly matched. The ref says no, but the chairs CLASH, CLASH and CLASH! They battle like swordsmen, but then both men lose grip on the chairs. Gabe UPPERCUTS first! The fans fire up while the ref says to get this in the ring already. The fans cheer for “GABU! GABU! GABU!” Gabe shrugs, then sits a chair up. Gabe has fans move before he SMACKS Evil off the chair.

Gabe then gets space, going the whole way of the arena, and back again! Gabe reaches top speed, only for Evil to CHUCK the chair into Gabe’s face!! Gabe crashes ‘n’ burns and the fans boo! Evil flips them off, and he tells the ref to back off. Evil grabs a chair, then drags Gabe up. Evil puts the chair around Gabe’s head, and grabs the other! HOME RUN SHOT! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, and Evil leaves Gabe behind to go to ringside. The fans rally for Gabe while the ref checks on him. Gabe stirs, but Evil grins while he waits. NOW the bell rings, and only now are we on record. Evil rests in the corner while the ring count begins.

Gabe sits up and he starts crawling for ringside. The fans rally harder and harder, and we’re at 5 of 20 as Gabe finally stands. Gabe hobbles, leans against railing, then falls over. The count is 10 of 20, Gabe is finally ringside, and he stumbles his way in at 13! Evil stands on Gabe’s face, talks trash, and soaks up the heat. Evil asks if Gabe’s done already, and then brings him up. Gabe fires forearms but Evil knees low. Evil whips Gabe to the corner and surprise~! The red buckle pad is gone! The Bullet Club Special remix is in play, and Evil covers. TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO!! Evil is upset but the fans applaud.

Evil talks smack on Gabe while he paces around. Evil waits on Gabe to stand, then he CHOPS! Gabe snarls so Evil CHOPS him again! Gabe glares Evil right in the eyes, so Evil CHOPS again! Gabe says F that, c’mon! Evil says okay, so he CLAWS Gabe’s eyes! The ref counts, Evil runs, but Gabe dodges to HEADBUTT and LARIAT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Gabe then sits up into cross-leg pose, another shot at Shibata. But Gabe snarls at Evil, tells him to get up, then runs in at the corner to CHOP! Evil shouts in pain, but Gabe says there’s more. Gabe CHOPS again, and again, and again! MACHINE GUN CHOPS!

The fans fire up but then Gabe fakes Evil out, to DECK him with a right! The fans fire up even more, and Gabe drags Evil up. Gabe reels Evil in for an ATOMIC FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up while Gabe paces around. Gabe drags Evil up, reels him in, but Evil fights the lift with elbows. Gabe CHOPS, whips, but Evil reverses. Evil runs up, blocks boots and puts Gabe in ropes to CLUB him! And then WOE STOMP! The ref reprimands but Evil tells him to back off. Evil smirks as he looms over Gabe, then drags him up. Evil FISHERMAN BUSTERS, then covers, TWO! The fans rally for the “Dark Hero” Gabe as he stays in this.

Evil taunts the fans, taunts Gabe, and drags him up. Evil fireman’s carries, but Gabe fights free to shove and LARIAT! Gabe runs, but Evil dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither falls, and DOUBLE LARIATS collide again! Gabe gets moving, but Evil SWATS his lariat! Evil ROCKS Gabe but Gabe roars! But Evil ROLLING ELBOWS, and LARIATS! Evil smirks, winds up, and runs again, but DOUBLE LARIATS collide again! Gabe keeps Evil up to LARIAT him from all sides over and over and over! Evil staggers, Gabe runs, but Evil goes to the corner! LARIAT!! Cover, ONE?!? Evil is stunned but Gabe is snarling!

Evil swings, Gabe gets around Evil, BITES Evil’s ear, then SAIDOS! Gabe crawls over to cover, TWO! Evil toughs it out but both men are down, and the fans rally up. Gabe rises first, and the fans fire up again. Gabe runs, but Evil uses the ref as a shield! But Gabe blocks the eye poke to UPPERCUT! Gabe runs, but the ref is used again! Gabe blocks the low blow to ROCK Evil! Gabe whips, Evil reverses, and again the ref is used as a shield! Evil kicks low, then uses the ref for- NO, the ref refuses to be party to this! So Gabe suplexes Evil for a BRAINBUSTER! The fans fire up and Gabe powers up while Evil sputters.

Gabe runs, REBOUNDER LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives and Gabe is beside himself! The fans rally up for Gabe and he roars! Gabe drags Evil up, barks it up and the fans bark with him. But Dick is back! Gabe DECKS Dick, then goes back to Evil. Gabe fires haymakers on Evil, but the ref reprimands. Gabe shoves the ref right outta the ring! Dick slides back in to use the SPOILER CHOKER! The fans boo but Gabe powers up to pull the choker away! Only for Evil to LOW BLOW! Evil stands Gabe up, Dick helps out, MAGIC KILLER!! Dick fetches the ref and Evil drags Gabe up. EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Cover, Evil wins!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Gabe earns 0)

The King of Darkness is truly the villain as he uses his henchman to screw over “The Dark Hero.” But with this, will Evil look to not just take the G1 Climax, but to show he is truly NJPW Strong?


G1 Climax 34 B Block: Yota Tsuji VS Konosuke Takeshita!

The third Reiwa Musketeer is in action, and he’s up against the AEW star that’s stepping through the Forbidden Door! Will the Alpha of the Don Callis Family start things off strong? Or will he be on the receiving end of a Gene Blaster?

The bell rings and the fans rally up for “YOTA! YOTA!” Yota and Konosuke step up to be face to face, and Yota grins even though Konosuke is a touch taller. The two circle, tie up, and Konosuke headlocks. Yota powers up and out the back to headlock in return. Konosuke endures the grind, waistlocks, and he full nelsons to then spin and snapmare Yota. Yota slips out to hammerlock Konosuke, but Konosuke fights up. Yota wrenches to wristlock but Konosuke pulls hair. Red Shoes reprimands but then Yota pulls hair. They end up in a corner, Red Shoes counts, and they both let off. But then Yota avoids Konosuke’s forearm!

Yota grins as Konosuke scowls. The two reset, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Konosuke uses his height for leverage and he manages to put Yota on ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, and Konosuke lets off. But then Yota CHOPS! Konosuke swings but Yota BODY SHOTS first! Yota then whips Konosuke, but Konosuke reverses. Yota rolls Konosuke up, TWO! Yota BOOTS Konosuke and grins again. The fans fire up with Yota but Konosuke scowls again. Yota runs, but Konosuke gets up, only to get run over! Yota pushes Konosuke to a cover, ONE! The fans rally, Yota grins, and he brings Konosuke around.

Konosuke CLAWS Yota’s eyes! The fans boo, Red Shoes reprimands, but Konosuke whips. Yota KICKS first! Yota whips, Konosuke ducks ‘n’ dodges to build speed, TAKESHITA LINE! The fans fire up for that one, and Yota bails out. Konosuke builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit, and Konosuke just keeps from crashing hard into railing! The fans fire up for that feat of athleticism, and Konosuke smiles at commentary. Konosuke then drags Yota up, and whips him hard into railing. Konosuke refreshes the ring count, then fetches Yota. Konosuke wrenches Yota to whip him, but Yota reverses! Now Konosuke hits railing!

Yota runs in, but Konosuke FLAPJACKS Yota on the railing! Yota falls, the fans rally, and Konosuke soaks up the cheers and jeers. Yota stands, Konosuke mocks tranquilo, to then DECK Yota! Konosuke shakes out his arm after hitting Yota that hard. Konosuke puts Yota in, fires up, and the fans fire up, too. Konosuke goes up to SUPER SENTON! The fans fire up again and Konosuke drags Yota up. Yota throws an elbow, but there’s not much behind it. Yota tries another but Konosuke just eggs him on. Yota stands to fire a forearm, but Konosuke ROCKS him in return! Yota goes to a corner, and Konosuke paces.

Konosuke winds up, runs in, but Yota BOOTS him! Konosuke comes back, blocks that boot, but Yota reels him in to STOMP him down! The fans fire up while both men are down! Konosuke sits up first but Yota goes back to the corner. Yota skins the cat, then FLYING RANAS! Not the smoothest but it still sends Konosuke out! The fans fire up with Yota and he builds speed, to TORNILLO! Direct hit and the fans fire up with Yota again! Yota storms back over to Konosuke, puts him in the ring, and the fans fire up with him. Yota drags Konosuke up, catches his lariat to BACKBREAKER, FLATLINER and STOMP!

Yota then hauls Konosuke up to GUTBUSTER DROP! High stack cover, TWO, but into the BOSTON CRAB! Yota wants to use this “Young Lion” move to really rub it in! Konosuke endures, even bites his own finger to ignore the pain! Konosuke pushes up, fights his way forward, but Yota drags him back! Yota sits deep on the hold, but Konosuke endures, so Yota grabs the arms! REVERSE SURFBOARD! Konosuke gets his legs free, but Yota STOMPS him down! The fans rally up and Yota paces. Yota drags Konosuke up, reels him in, and suplexes, but Konosuke fights it! Konosuke tries to suplex but Yota fights it!

The fans rally as the two fight for suplex control! Konosuke finally lifts Yota up, and hits a BRAINBUSTER! Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Konosuke roars as he rises, and the fans rally again. Konosuke aims from a corner, runs in at Yota, and forearm SMASHES! Konosuke runs but Yota follows to STINGER SPLASH! Yota runs again but Konosuke JUMP KICKS him down! The fans fire up and Konosuke waistlocks, for a HIGH ANGLE GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Yota survives and even Konosuke is stunned! Konosuke drags Yota to a drop zone and he goes up again.

The fans rally for “YOTA! YOTA!” but Konosuke slashes his throat. Only for Yota to GAMANGIRI him first! Yota fires up and the fans are with him as he goes up. Konosuke and Yota brawl, then Konosuke UPPERCUTS! But Yota ROCKS Konosuke right back! Yota CLUBS Konosuke, brings him to the very top, but Konosuke falls to the apron! Yota has to jump back to avoid the same! Yota hurries up, he and Konosuke fire forearms again! Konosuke climbs, but Yota HEADBUTTS him! They still stay on the top rope, so that Yota can SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Konosuke survives and the fans are thunderous!

Yota crawls his way to a corner and GENE- NO, Konosuke sends him into buckles! SNAP GERMAN! But Yota’s right up?! Konosuke BOOTS him, hops up, and POISON-RANAS! Yota flounders, falls over, and Konosuke runs, but into Yota’s SUPERKICK! Yota reels Konosuke in for an ORANGE CRUSH! But Yota can’t make the cover! The fans are thunderous again while both men are down! Konosuke and Yota stir while the fans rally up harder and harder. Konosuke reaches up and feeds off that energy as he goes to the corner. Yota rises, Konosuke follows, and Yota fires a forearm! Konosuke powers up and comes back, but Yota ROCKS him again!

Konosuke grits his teeth and comes back, so Yota ROCKS him again! The fans fire up as Konosuke taggers about, but Konosuke eggs Yota on! Yota SLAPS Konosuke! Konosuke ROCKS Yota! Yota wobbles and then leans on Konosuke. We pass 15 minutes as Konosuke brings Yota around. Red Shoes checks on Yota and Yota’s somehow still in this, so Konosuke drags him up by his pants. BLUE- NO, Yota fights the bomb! Yota swings, into a waistlock! But he victory rolls it! TWO!! Konosuke has the wheelbarrow, but Yota arm-drags free! Yota runs to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Konosuke stumbles up, into a HEADBUTT!! The fans are thunderous as Yota grins!

Yota goes up and up a corner, to MAROON CRUSH!! Cover, TWO!! Yota roars and the fans are thunderous again! Yota powers up and he goes to the corner! Konosuke rises, the fans cheer, and GENE- POWER DRIVE KNEE!! Then BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, ONE?!?! Konosuke deadlifts Yota into a FALCON ARROW BOMB!! Cover, KONOSUKE WINS!!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yota earns 0)

Unbelievable! All three Reiwa Musketeers have fallen in one night! From DDT Pro to AEW, Konosuke Takeshita proves why he is Don Callis’ Alpha! Will he prove that no one in this G1 is ready for someone who is All Elite?


G1 Climax 34 A Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Shingo Takagi!

The opening round comes to a close with a match worthy of the finals! THE IWGP World Heavyweight Champion takes on not only a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, but also a teammate within Los Ingobernables de Japon! Will we get a roll call at the end of this? Or will the Rampaging Dragon start with the biggest win of the entire G1?

As always, Naito takes his time with his entrance attire, but Takagi is patient since we all know the trick. Naito then offers the LIJ fist bump, but Takagi refuses? Takagi must want to wait until one of them has won. The bell rings and the fans rally and duel between the two. The “TA-KA-GI!” sounds a bit louder than the “NA-I-TO! NA-I-TO!” but that doesn’t bother Naito. The two feel things out, knuckle lock, but then they break. The fans applaud and the two circle. They approach, and Naito sidesteps, another of his tricks. Takagi stays cool, and Naito even says, “Koi koi. <C’mon, c’mon.>” But then Naito still sidesteps Takagi!

The fans cheer, but Takagi dares Naito to bring it then. The two circle, they approach, but then Takagi returns the sidestep. The fans cheer, Naito kicks but Takagi blocks. Takagi headlocks, but Naito pulls hair! Red Shoes reprimands, Naito headlocks, but Takagi powers up and out. Naito RAMS Takagi, Takagi rebounds to run Naito over! Things speed up, Takagi blocks a hip toss, and he pulls hair back! Red Shoes reprimands, Takagi throws Naito down, but Naito avoids the senton! Naito kicks and whips, Takagi reverses but Naito holds ropes. Naito BOOTS Takagi, avoids the lariat, but Takagi avoids an elbow!

Naito avoids a lariat and tranquilos! Takagi pushes Naito down to SENTON! Naito gets up, Takagi LARIATS him up and out! Takagi fires the fans up and then goes out to fetch Naito. Takagi drags Naito up, ROCKS him, then whips him hard into railing! Naito slumps down, and Takagi says, “Mada mada mada. <I’m not done yet.>” Takagi JABS Naito, then whips him hard into more railing! Naito gets stuck halfway out, then slumps down into No Man’s Land! The fans rally as Takagi storms over. Takagi drags Naito up, brings him back to the ring, and SMACKS him off the apron. Takagi then fireman’s carries so he can SNAKE EYES!

Naito staggers, and Takagi snap suplexes him to the floor! Takagi poses and fans applaud while Naito writhes. Takagi stalks Naito while the ring count climbs, and he waits until 7 to drag Naito up. Takagi kicks Naito around, then Takagi puts Naito in at 13. Takagi drops a knee on Naito, then brings him up again. Takagi reels Naito in but Naito fights the back suplex with elbows. Naito runs into an ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! The fans cheer, Takagi drags Naito back up, and he SAIDOS! Takagi signals he’s gonna be champion already, and he stalks Naito to a corner. Takagi slaps Naito around, so Naito fires forearms in return!

Takagi HEADBUTTS Naito, then whips him corner to corner. Takagi runs in but blocks a boot! He LARIATS through, then suplexes high and hard! High stack cover, TWO! Into an STF! Naito endures, so Takagi shifts to JUST FACELOCK! Naito endures all the same, so Takagi shifts to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Takagi shows off that he can be a technical wrestler, too, but Naito still endures. Naito reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets go, throws some elbows, then lets off. The fans rally and Takagi scuffs Naito with kicks. Red Shoes reprimands as Naito is on ropes. Takagi lets off to fire a forearm. Naito hits back!

Takagi shakes his head, and ROCKS Naito! Naito hits back, so Takagi CHOPS! Naito CHOPS, and fires forearm after forearm! Takagi just winds up to DOUBLE CHOP Naito down! Naito is dazed while the fans rally up. Takagi assesses the levels and “TA-KA-GI!” still echoes louder than “NA-I-TO!” Takagi KNEES Naito against ropes, whips him and KNEES him again! Then Takagi runs, but into an ELBOW! Naito hip toss NECKBREAKERS! Naito smirks as he’s evened things a bit, and the fans rally again. Naito storms over to Takagi, brings him up, and whips. Naito arm-drags, then ELBOWS, then runs to basement dropkick!

Naito keeps going as he whips Takagi to a corner and ELBOWS him! Naito then turns Takagi, stalls to stretch Takagi’s neck, then hits the NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Naito keeps calm as he brings Takagi up. Takagi swings, misses, and Naito dragon sleepers for a NECKBREAKER, into the leg hook nelson! Takagi endures, even as Naito puts on the pressure. Takagi fights around, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! Naito holds on until Red Shoes counts, but Naito claims he needs help. This old trick still works, so Red Shoes has to pry Naito’s legs away. The fans rally but Naito stomps away on Takagi at the ropes.

Naito brings Takagi around to hammerlock and half nelson, but Takagi CLUBS free. Takagi swings, misses again, and  Naito kicks low. But Takagi stops the tornado from even starting up! Naito still tries, but Takagi throws Naito away! Takagi then runs up but Naito BOOTS him! Takagi comes back, Naito BOOTS again! Takagi ELBOWS! JABS! YUKON feint and DDT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Takagi rises, he sits Naito up, and he throws down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Takagi shouts “OI! OI! OI!” and the fans join in, before the SLIDING LARIAT! Takagi then hauls Naito up to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!!

Naito survives the “Yukon Bomb” but Takagi keeps calm. Takagi looks to the camera, and says, “OI, OSAKA! TOKI GA KITA!” The fans fire up as the time has come! “OI! OI! OI!” starts up again and Takagi brings Naito around. But Naito fights the pump handle and throws elbows. Takagi knees low, tries again, but Naito arm-drags free! Naito atomic drops, ENZIGIRIS, and then hammerlocks to half nelson. GLORIA! Cover, TWO! Takagi is still in this but Naito stays calm. Naito drags Takagi up to wrench, but Takagi fights with elbows. Naito throws heavy elbows! Takagi staggers and the fans rally up again.

Naito fires more of those heavy elbows, and he has Takagi in the corner. Naito hops up the corner, reels Takagi in, and hits ESPERANZA! Takagi tumbles, Naito storms after him, and he throws more heavy elbows! Naito puts Takagi up top as we hit 15 minutes. Naito climbs up after Takagi, but Takagi turns things around with a fireman’s carry! Naito fights, but Takagi still hooks him up! STAY DREAM!! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives and the fans fire up! Takagi and Naito are both down, the fans rally up, and Takagi drags himself over. Takagi gives short headbutts to Naito, and then he stands. Takagi gives scuffing kicks, but Naito fires a forearm!

Takagi and Naito fire back and forth and the fans rally up! Naito SPITS at Takagi, fires more forearms, but Takagi fires up! The fans rally again and Takagi fires boxing elbows on Naito! Takagi ROCKS Naito, eggs him on, so Naito SLAPS Takagi! Takagi JABS! HEADBUTTS! And then SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, ONE!?! Naito shows grit but Takagi runs to PUMPING BOMBER! Takagi roars, he hauls Naito up, and MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO?!? Naito survives again and the fans are thunderous! Takagi is surprised, and he is down while he catches his breath. Takagi roars, rises up, and he brings Naito around.

Takagi pump handles, torture racks, but Naito fights with elbows! Takagi LARIATS! Naito staggers but he stays up, so Takagi eggs him on. Naito comes back, stands tall, and he fires a forearm. But there’s very little behind it… Takagi LARIATS, pump handles and torture racks, into DESTINO!! Naito hits Takagi with that outta nowhere! Both men are down again and the fans rally up even harder! The “NA-I-TO!” calls are finally even with “TA-KA-GI!” as Naito forces himself to sit up. Takagi goes to ropes, Naito slowly rises to his feet, and the fans cheer as we hit 20 minutes. Naito heads over to Takagi and smirks.

Naito stands Takagi up, puts him on the top rope, but Takagi fires ridge hand chops. Naito fires forearms in return, then climbs up. Naito stands Takagi up to SUPER STEINER! But Takagi’s right up!?! Naito catches the lariat to TORNADO DDT! Naito aims and Takagi stirs while the fans rally up. Naito runs, into an ELBOW! But he ducks the Yukon Lariat! CORRIENDO SHIKI- NO, Takagi smothers the Destino! Takagi then hauls Naito up but Naito slips around, to scoop and VALENTIA! Naito hurries to bring Takagi up again, wrench and tilt-o-whirl, DESTIN- NO, Takagi powers free! Naito ROLLING KICKS! And ENZIGIRIS!

Takagi wobbles, Naito whips, but Takagi reverses. Naito leaps, Takagi spins him around and reels him in! Tuck and TAKAGI DRIVER 98!! Cover, TWO!!! Naito survives and the fans are thunderous again! Takagi watches Naito rise, and Naito roars! SLIDING FOREARM from Takagi! Takagi pump handles, torture racks, and LAST OF THE DRAGON!! Cover, TAKAGI WINS!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Naito earns 0)

In a night of upset victories, this is perhaps not the most shocking, but it is certainly the biggest and most important one of them all! The defending IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, who is also the defending G1 Climax Champion, has just fallen in the opening round! Does this not bode well for Naito’s run this year? Or can he still come out on top in the end?

As for Takagi, he shows respect to his friend and team leader by sharing his water. Then as Naito bails out, Takagi puts on Naito’s baseball cap and gets the mic. Takagi tells Naito to just hold on a moment. For one, he forgot his hat. Takagi has Young Lion Murashima bring it to him. But also, “It’s been five years since our last singles match. You won then, but I was victorious today.” The fans cheer that. Takagi says he came to the ring with “the mindset that this could be our last singles meeting. But after today, we’re now 1-1. I don’t know if we have to wait 10 or 20 years to fight again, but I’ll be even stronger then!”

The fans cheer that, too, and Naito turns around to look at Takagi. Takagi thanks Naito for today. The fans cheer again, and Naito raises the LIJ fist. The fans cheer, and then Takagi shouts to Osaka, “Osaka…!” The fans cheer but he says no, they can do better than that. “Osaka!” The fans cheer again, and Takagi says “The hot summer battles are finally here! TOKI GA KITA!” Takagi says there’s been a lot of talk about this new generation. “Gimme a break, ya bastards! Check out this opening round main event. We’re both in our forties! But I’m not like any other old timer. I’m the liveliest old man in the world!”

So whether you’re in your 20s or 30s, this 41 year old is gonna crush you! The fans cheer that! Takagi also says he doesn’t bother with social media polls, but who does Osaka think will win the G1? Who? Who? The fans seem to be saying Takagi, and he says if not him, who else could it be? The fans cheer again, and he says the Rampaging Dragon will soar to the top of the G1! The fans cheer yet again as Takagi drops the mic. But will he really take over and be the Strongest of the Summer? Or did he use up all the luck he had to score against Naito tonight?


Here are the current A Block standings!

Shingo Takagi: 1-0, 2 points
Zack Sabre Jr: 1-0, 2 points
Evil: 1-0, 2 points
Callum Newman: 1-0, 2 points
Jake Lee: 1-0, 2 points
Tetsuya Naito: 0-1, 0 points
Gabe Kidd: 0-1, 0 points
Great-O-Khan: 0-1, 0 points
Sanada: 0-1, 0 points
Shota Umino: 0-1, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings!

Jeff Cobb: 1-0, 2 points
Yuya Uemura: 1-0, 2 points
Henare: 1-0, 2 points
Konosuke Takeshita: 1-0, 2 points
Boltin Oleg: 1-0, 2 points
David Finlay: 0-1, 0 points
Yota Tsuji: 0-1, 0 points
El Phantasmo: 0-1, 0 points
Hirooki Goto: 0-1, 0 points
Ren Narita: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

An awesome opening round for this year’s G1, and especially when you consider the great upsets tonight. All the Reiwa Musketeers losing tonight was quite the surprise, but perhaps on some level, NJPW is thinking how I was thinking in that they assigned such distinctions too soon. Or, this is them giving those “chosen ones” some adversity to overcome to prove how good they really are. Either way, so great to see Oleg and Callum both getting big wins to start off. Yota VS Konosuke was also probably one of the best matches overall tonight, with Konosuke really impressing everyone here with everything he was doing.

Also big stuff given all the different singles champions that are in this G1. ELP looked good against Henare, and I like the detail of him doubting his Sudden Death kick now that it’s all on him. ZSJ getting the win on Khan makes me really want ZSJ to cook up some good KOPW Championship stipulations, and Cobb sure loves referencing other wrestlers in his matches these days. The most surprising thing from Jake Lee’s win was that the match was rather quick. But I figured Jake was going to win because he has officially joined NJPW via the Bullet Club War Dogs. Yuya getting that upset win over Finlay was awesome, I’d love to see him go for the Global Championship after the G1.

Gabe VS Evil was really good stuff, and it was really cool to see the fans being behind Gabe. Despite being the Mad Man and running wild, Gabe bringing up some stuff a few months ago about how NJPW has started losing its way probably did resonate with some NJPW purists. Now granted, Gabe losing to Evil, the poster boy for “overbooked messes,” the very thing Gabe was calling out, was also good stuff because now we could get more out of House of Torture VS War Dogs. However, NJPW Strong titles are only ever gonna be defended on NJPW Strong branded events (aka United States based events) but hey, Evil VS Gabe would probably get a great response stateside.

And of course, another awesome main event for NJPW. It was a little slow at parts, but as Takagi pointed out, he and Naito are getting up there in years, and Naito is the one who is the most banged up for his long career. Namely in those knees. Takagi also has a good point, hard to say how much longer Naito has as a wrestler, this could’ve been their last singles match unless we get them both in the playoff round. But big win for Takagi here so he could force a championship match for like NJPW Destruction or Royal Quest 2024.

My Score: 9.1/10

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