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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (9/26/24)

TAIGASTYLE VS Perro Peligroso!



Who rules the Pure Division?

Preston Vance wants to prove Mr. Brodie Lee was right to choose him, so he is going after Lee Moriarty’s ROH Pure Championship!


  • Action Andretti w/ Lio Rush VS Tony Deppen; Action wins.
  • Jacked Jameson & Beefcake Boulder w/ Bulky Bronson VS The Dark Order w/ Evil Uno; The Dark Order wins.
  • Abadon VS Liviyah; Abadon wins.
  • Brian Cage VS Alec Price; Cage wins.
  • Athena & Billie Starkz VS LMK & Christina Marie; Athena & Billie win.
  • Johnny TV VS Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes; Komander wins.
  • ROH Pure Championship: Lee Moriarty VS Preston Vance; Lee wins and retains the title.


Action Andretti w/ Lio Rush VS Tony Deppen!

The Sight to See wants to see a title opportunity in his future, and that means he has to win his way there. Will he defeat a former ROH World Television Champion as the start of that journey? Or will his flight plans be grounded already?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the fans rally up. Action and Tony tie up, Action headlocks and hits a takeover, but Tony headscissors. Action kips free, but Tony hits the headlock and takeover. Action headscissors, but Tony moves around. Tony bridges to a cover, TWO as Action bridges up! Action and Tony fight for control, Action spins to headlock. Tony powers up and out but Action runs him over! Fans are torn as Action grins, and things speed up. Tony hurdles, but Action stops the flip to sit Tony up. Action comes back but Tony ducks the Penalty Kick! Tony rolls Action up, TWO! The two stand, Tony blocks a shot!

Tony wrenches and WRINGS Action, but Action rolls through, only for Tony to step over and roll to a cradle! TWO! Action and Tony back off and the fans cheer. Lio coaches Action, and Action resets with Tony. They circle, they approach, and Action kicks low! Action CLUBS Tony, but the fans cheer Tony on. Action CHOPS Tony in a corner, whips, but Tony reverses. Tony runs up, blocks a boot, but Action blocks a chop to knuckle lock and CHOP! Action goes up and up to jump and FLYING ARM-DRAG! The fans fire up and Action DROPKICKS! The fans cheer the athleticism, and Action takes aim at Tony.

Tony flounders, Action runs to ropes, IMPLODING TWISTER! Cover, TWO! Action is annoyed but the fans rally up. Action stands Tony up to UPPERCUT, then he RAMS Tony into the corner! Action snapmares, runs, and basement DROPKICKS! Cover, ONE!! Tony is toughing it out but Action is right on him. Action suplexes, covers, TWO! Action is further annoyed, but the fans rally. Action storms up, into a CHOP! The fans “WOO~” but Action is mad now. Action BOOTS Tony down, stomps away in the corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Action scrapes Tony with his boot, then drags Tony into a drop zone.

Action goes to the corner, goes up and SPLIT LEG- NO, Tony moves and Action has to bail out. Action runs up but into an ELBOW! Tony goes up, leaps, but Action gets under. Tony mule kicks, front kicks, then whips. Action reverses, Tony goes up and over to ROCK, ELBOW, and LARIAT! Tony snapmares to then basement UPPERCUT! The fans fire up for Tony and he goes up the corner. Tony leaps, but Action avoids the stomps! Action runs up, wrenches, and fireman’s carries! Tony fights with elbows, grabs ropes, so Action puts him on the apron. Tony ROUNDHOUSES, but Action comes back! Tony DUMPS Action out hard!

The fans rally as Tony builds speed! DEPPEN IN THE DEEP END! Direct hit with the cannonball tope and Tony puts Action back in. But then Action FLIES out onto Tony! The fans fire up as Action puts Tony in, springboards, but has to bail through the 450 as Tony moves! Action mule kicks, CHOPS, BUZZSAWS, then deadlift FALCON ARROWS! Cover, TWO?!? Tony survives but Action seethes. Action aims, runs up, and SHOTGUNS Tony into buckles! Action then hurries up to SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT! Cover, Action wins!

Winner: Action Andretti, by pinfall

And there is that much needed first step up the ladder! Will Action keep climbing until he’s at the top of ROH?


The Iron Savages speak.

Beefcake Boulder calls out The Outrunners! “Young Men Alive? First of all, how can y’all be the youngest when one of y’all has a bald spot bigger than the highway between Fort Worth and Dallas? Second of all, you wanna make a name for yourselves? That’s fine. You wanna rise to the top? That’s fine. But when you wanna do that off the big, meaty backs of the Iron Savages, that’s not fine, you two! You’re wannabes! You’re carbon copies! You’re-” Jacked Jameson finishes pumping to call The Outrunners “Meat Riders!” Those two came into this company riding off the “meat wave” just as Iron Savages were starting to cool, and you know they cook!

But The Outrunners are nothing but a couple of Meat Riders! Bronson chugs Savage Sauce and says, “All the buzz that you two have accumulated over the last month should belong to US, to the Iron Savages! Oh, you don’t like that? You don’t like what we’ve done? Why don’t you do something about it? Because if you don’t, we’ll be around every corner, on every Florida beach, in every gym sauna, waiting to embarrass you! More than you embarrass yourselves on a daily freakin’ basis! Now sip on that! SIP, ON, THAT!” Jameson mockingly flexes, but will he and Boulder flex on The Dark Order to send a message?

Jacked Jameson & Beefcake Boulder w/ Bulky Bronson VS The Dark Order w/ Evil Uno!

The teams sort out, Boulder steps up to Reynolds, and no Code of Honor as the bell rings. Boulder and Reynolds circle, and Reynolds mocks Boulder’s marching. The two tie up, Reynolds waistlocks, but Boulder backs him up into a corner! The fans rally, Boulder runs in, but Reynolds goes up and over. Reynolds ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Boulder catches the crossbody! Boulder SLAMS Reynolds, then mocks the Dark Order hand. Boulder runs, but Reynolds avoids the splash! Reynolds gets moving to basement DROPKICK! Reynolds kips up, the fans fire up, and Reynolds brings Boulder up. Boulder shoves Reynolds away, tag to Jameson!

Silver tags in, and the fans cheer. Jameson chuckles. Johnny Hungy, meet Jameson Saucy! The fans chant for “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” The two tie up, Jameson headlocks, but Silver powers up and out. Jameson RAMS Silver, but Silver rebounds to run Jameson over! Things speed up, Jameson hurdles but Silver hits the atomic drop! Silver then scoops and SLAMS Jameson! “I’m freakin’ jacked, baby!” Boulder says he has Grade A meat! Silver says whatever, but Jameson knees him low! Jameson says time to visit #TIDDYCITY! Jameson brings Silver over as Boulder brings down the straps.

But Silver turns things around! Jameson is sent into the wooly forest! Boulder realizes what’s going on and freaks out! Jameson sputters out of the ring, Silver goes out to send Bronson into the hairy chest! Silver laughs at Bronson, “You got boobies in your face!” But then Jameson CLOBBERS Silver! Jameson says no one takes The Savages to Tiddy City! Jameson puts Silver in, and says time for leg day! HIP DROP! Tag to Boulder, and Boulder goes up. The fans rally for “Johnny Hungy!” but Boulder still HIP DROPS! Boulder soaks up heat, Jameson says Johnny is stuffed, and then Boulder CHOKES Silver on ropes!

The ref counts, Boulder lets off, and he whips Silver into the open corner. Boulder lines up the shot, runs up, but into a BOOT! Silver BOOTS again, goes up, and he leaps, into Boulder’s grip! Boulder scoops, Silver slips free, tag to Reynolds! The fans fire up as Reynolds dodges Boulder to BOOT Jameson! Reynolds then dodges Boulder to go side to side and ELBOW! Reynolds keeps moving, he dropkicks the legs out, then he BASEMENT UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up with Number 3 as he stalks Boulder. Reynolds storms up but Boulder trophy lifts! But Reynolds slips free! Reynolds ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, IRON OCTOPUS!

Jameson storms in to CLUB Reynolds! The fans boo but Boulder tags Jameson in. The Savages drag Reynolds up but Reynolds fires hands! ROLLING ELBOW on Jameson! Boulder grabs Reynolds but Reynolds kicks and fires uppercuts! The fans fire up as Reynolds fires off! But Jameson is there to SPINEBUSTER! Boulder SPLASHES down! Jameson covers, Silver breaks it! The fans fire up, but Boulder CLUBS Silver to a corner. Reynolds is in the other, so Boulder whips Jameson in. Jameson SPLASHES Reynolds, then he hurries to whip Boulder at Silver. But Silver TOSSES Boulder up and out of the ring!

The fans fire up as Silver dodges Jameson, GAMANGIRI! The WOMBO COMBO gets going! STUNNER and GERMAN SUPLEX! Jackknife bridge, Dark Order wins!

Winners: The Dark Order, by pinfall

Their recent losses have had them down, but now Dark Order is getting back up! Will they prove #DarkOrderIsGood enough for another tag title opportunity?


Abadon VS Liviyah!

The Living Dead Girl is still stalking the Fallen Goddess, wanting her own title opportunity. Will another win for Abadon force Athena’s hand? Or will Abadon have to #LivAndLearn?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, but Abadon won’t let go! Abadon BITES Liv’s arm! The ref reprimands, Abadon lets off, but then Abadon fires haymakers! Abadon then runs to LARIAT Liv hard! The fans fire up and Abadon runs, but Liv dodges to run and forearm SMASH! Then BACKSTABBER! Liv talks smack on Abadon, “You think you’re so good cuz you’re weird!” Abadon sits up! Liv stomps Abadon but Abadon rises. Liv hooks Abadon, but Abadon blocks the sweep! Then BACKBREAKER! Abadon CLUBS away on Liv’s chest! Abadon pushes Liv around, and the fans fire up as Liv sits up. KILLER KNEE!

Abadon drags Liv up and says it’s time! BLACK DAHLIA!! Cover, Abadon wins!

Winner: Abadon, by pinfall

The win streak is emphasized by the scary shriek! Abadon says Athena is next! Will there be nothing stopping this creeping nightmare?


Backstage interview with Red Velvet and Diamante.

Arkady Aura is with the ROH Women’s World Television Champion and the Cuban Diamond, and notes that they both wanted this time. ROH Management has told them there is a No Physicality Order on this interview, or else their title match will be canceled. Velvet, as champion, the floor is yours. Velvet tells Diamante that they’ve been in the ring more times than she can count. And every time she thinks she’s seen the best of Diamante, Diamante proves her wrong. Velvet’s been watching her closely, from the Lights Out to the Texas Death Match. And Velvet won’t lie, Diamante is in her prime, has really hit her stride.

But how many years has she been doing this? 15 years? Velvet did this in eight to become ROH Women’s TV Champion. And Diamante may not wanna say it, but Velvet sees it. It eats Diamante inside, and keeps her up at night. Diamante chucks her bottle, Arkady reminds them there is to be no physicality! Diamante says yeah, Velvet’s right. Those matches have been the best Diamante has been. But hey, they’re not the best Diamante will be. Velvet’s talking like this because she has no idea what Diamante is willing to do to become champion here. Velvet is there with that custom title belt. But red looks a lot better on Diamante.

Diamante leaves, Velvet rolls her eyes and says sure. The match is set, it is only a matter of time. Who will come away with the gold when velvet collides with diamond?


Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara speak.

After their bloody Bunkhouse Brawl last week on Collision, The Sons of Texas regrouped backstage. Sammy says he is always amazed. Dustin called this his last run, but it feels like he could do this longer than Sammy. Dustin says his family was born and bred in Bunkhouse Brawls. Since his father’s death, Dustin’s mother gave him something Dusty wore every day. It was special to bring that belt out for this match. Dustin is 55, Sammy is young and spry, and Dustin thanks God that Sammy can do the real crazy stuff for them. They are the Sons of Texas right here, baby! Time to get some stitches…


Athena & Billie Starkz VS LMK & Christina Marie!

The Fallen Goddess is now THE longest reigning champion in ROH history, male or female! But tensions are running high within The Overlord’s organization, will Athena and Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths make it through the year? Or will Autumn be the beginning of the fall?

The Code of Honor is offered by Athena & Billie, but then the fans rally for “L M K! L M K!” Athena says forget it, and she goes to the corner. Billie and Christina start, the bell rings, and the two step up. Billie ROCKS Christina! Billie whips, Christina reverses and arm-drags! Then arm-drags again! Christina scoops to SLAM Billie, and then flexes. The fans rally, Billie runs up but into a fireman’s carry. Athena distracts the ref so Billie can CLAW Christina’s eyes! Billie slips into a waistlock to GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans are torn, LMK asks if Christina is okay, but Billie mocks her and tells her to shut up.

Billie goes over to Christina, drags her up, and tags in Athena. Billie TOSSES Christina out, then Athena says, “This is MY show!” But Christina fires body shots! Christian runs up, but Athena catches her! And SLINGS her into railing! The fans are torn as Athena puts Christina in the ring. Athena stalks Christina, taunts LMK, but then drags Christina back. Athena mocks the LMK chants, then SAIDOS Christina! Athena kips up, the fans cheer, and she runs in to KNEE Christina down! Tag to Billie, Athena wrenches Christina to KICK, KICK and call to Billie. Billie HEEL KICKS Christina down! Billie keeps Christina from LMK, covers, TWO!

The fans rally, Billie drags Christina up, and she snap suplex! Billie taunts LMK, clamps onto Christina, and clamps on a chinlock. The fans rally as Christina endures. Christina fights up, fires body shots, but Billie whips Christina to an open corner. Christina dodges, Billie hurries after her! Christina BOOTS Billie away, hot tag to LMK! Athena tags in, but Little Mean Kathleen rallies on her! LMK runs, RANAS, and the fans fire up! LMK ROCKS Athena, RAMS into her, then runs, to BOOT! Athena wobbles, LMK roars, and then LMK runs, but into a BOOT! Athena snarls, Christina comes in, but Athena UPPERCUTS her down!

LMK gets up, ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, but Athena stops that! Athena sees Christina coming, and scoops her, too! GUTBUSTER SIDEWALK SLAM COMBO! Athena kips up and the fans fire up again! Athena drags Christina up, sends her to the corner, and Billie goes up and up to ARABIAN PRESS DDT! Athena aims at LMK, winds up, and ROCKS her! Then snapmare roll into the KOJI KLUTCH!! Or as Athena calls it, The Hussy Clutch! LMK verbally quits, Athena & Billie win!

Winners: Athena & Billie Starkz, by submission

The Forever Champion and her minion stand tall, but now they beat down on LMK & Christina just because! The fans boo, but here comes ABADON! We all knew The Living Dead Girl was here, and it seems they didn’t leave, either! Athena & Billie stay close, but then Athena leaves Billie all alone! Abadon steps to Billie, Billie thinks it is 2v1, but then she sees Athena shining her belt on the outside! Billie takes a swing, but Athena fires off haymakers! And a LARIAT! The fans fire up with Abadon, and Abadon asks where Athena’s going. Sorry, Minion, but you’re all Abadon’s! Abadon whips, but Billie bails out!

The fans boo but Abadon says Athena is afraid! Athena is in denial, saying she needed to shine up the title. Abadon says she’ll shine it up, with Athena’s blood! When and where will Athena have to face her fears and fight The Living Dead Girl?


ROH Pure Championship: Lee Moriarty w/ Shane Taylor VS Preston Vance!

The champion is leading the “ROH Pure Renaissance,” but his challenger wants to prove Mr. Brodie chose him for a reason. Will #TAIGASTYLE sink his Fang into Perro Peligroso? Or will Vance finally bring out his latent potential?

The judges for this match are Christopher Daniels, Jimmy Jacobs & Jerry Lynn. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is the apex predator in ROH!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. The two circle, tie up, and Vance SHOVES Lee down! Lee gets up, shrugs that off, and they circle again. They tie up, and Vance SHOVES Lee down again! The fans applaud but Lee is annoyed. Lee and Vance go again, tie up, and Lee waistlocks to then headlock. Vance powers up and out, RUNS Lee over, covers, ONE!! Vance headlocks, Lee powers up and out, but Vance RUNS him over again! The fans applaud, Vance keeps moving but Lee drops. Lee hurdles, but Vance waistlocks. Lee throws elbows, switches, and they go to ropes.

Vance holds on, Lee complains to the ref, but the ref says that doesn’t count against Vance’s three because Lee is trying to pin him. Lee is annoyed by that, but then Vance DECKS Lee with a haymaker! The ref reprimands about the closed fists and that is Vance’s warning. The fans are torn, but Vance CHOPS Lee to a corner. Lee CHOPS again, and then fires forearms! Another CHOP, Vance says those are fair, and he whips corner to corner to LARIAT! And then back the other way, for another LARIAT! Vance reels Lee in, whips him again, but Lee ducks ‘n’ dodges. Lee wheelbarrows, but Vance’s strength stops the rest!

Vance picks Lee up but Lee grabs for ropes. Same ruling of the neutral ropebreak, but then Vance uses that to slingshot Lee into the GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans rally up while Lee flounders. Lee bails out, but Vance pursues. Vance brings Lee around, and THROWS him into railing! And then into more railing! And then into more railing! Lee flops back, the ring count climbs, and the fans fire up. Vance high-fives fans, then he drags Lee up. Vance puts Lee in, we’ve passed 3 minutes but the limit isn’t until 60. Vance stands Lee up to ROCK him with a forearm this time. Lee wobbles, Vance whips, but Lee goes Spider-Man!

Vance runs up, Lee BOOTS him! Lee waistlocks but Vance ELBOWS him away. Vance runs up, but into a CORNER SHOT! Lee is still frustrated, but the fans rally up. The clock glitches, but we’re only four minutes in. Lee grinds his boot into Vance, lets off, then drags Vance up. Lee reels Vance in to SNAP HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Lee clamps onto Vance’s arm now and grinds it. Vance fights up, and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! That one does count as Vance’s first, and Lee lets off with a sly grin. Lee hooks Vance up, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! And then GROUND OCTOPUS! Vance scrambles, he goes for the ROPEBREAK!

Lee lets off, he says that’s two! Lee brings Vance up but Vance ROCKS and CHOPS Lee! Vance runs, Lee dodges the boot to roll him up! TWO, but into the BORDER CITY- NO, Vance fights up out of the stretch! Vance lifts Lee, but Lee lands out of the back suplex! Vance LARIATS, then LARIATS again! The fans fire up, Vance runs but Lee dodges. Lee runs up but Vance ELBOWS him! Vance goes up, FLYING SHOULDER! Vance drags Lee up, puts him in a corner, but Lee BOOTS back! Lee runs up, but into the SPINEBUSTER! The fans fire up with Vance and he takes aim. DISCUS- NO, Lee ducks the lariat to run!

Lee tilt-o-whirls, but Vance turns octopus into FULL NELSON! But Lee uses his own leg for leverage to fight back! Vance and Lee end up on ropes, the ref counts it on Lee. Lee ELBOWS Vance away during the break! But the DISCUS LARIAT returns!! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Lee bails out as we hit 6 minutes, but Vance pursues. Vance drags Lee up to the apron, but Lee HOTSHOTS! The ref reprimands but Lee runs up! Tilt-o-whirl, LA MYSTICA! LA Magistrol, LEE WINS!

Winner: Lee Moriarty, by pinfall (still ROH Pure Champion)

Vance is a bit stunned, but he still got caught. Maybe Pure Rules aren’t his thing, will Vance find his way to a different mountaintop? As for Lee, will he continue to put away opponent after opponent as the face of Pure wrestling?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode, clocking in at just over an hour, which helps trim down on the filler. There still kinda was filler, but not as near the useless amount as other weeks. I of course still skipped Brian Cage’s match because of course he was going to win. I probably could’ve skipped Abadon’s match since it was clear Abadon would win, but it was for story with how we’d of course get Abadon going after Athena. Athena of course let Billie handle Abadon, and by that, Billie got handled by Abadon instead. Athena VS Abadon will be a great match, and it should be clear that A) Billie will help Athena retain, B) Billie won’t get any of the credit, and C) Billie breaks away from Athena to give us their rematch, most likely at Final Battle because it just writes itself.

I skipped Johnny TV VS Komander only because it didn’t have anything on the line, they just threw this match together. Granted, it was a very good match, but it was also a bit janky at times. I feel like this has happened to Johnny a few times here and there, where he wants to go as fast and hard as he can with his opponent, but the timing is always a little off because of it. Komander gets a great win all the same, that helps him have momentum going into the AEW Trios Championship match on Collision. As for Johnny, I really hope he and AEW/ROH can figure something out, he should get something of a title reign at some point, but maybe ring chemistry mishaps like tonight are what’s holding him back.

I kinda had to do Action VS Tony because it was the show opener. It was still very good stuff, and solid win for Action there, and maybe this helps his character cool down a bit, as the last promo he did was being angry that Top Flight Airlines wasn’t going anywhere. And I also kinda had to do Iron Savages VS Dark Order because the Savages had that promo right before. Ironically, the Savages lost, and that helps Dark Order get back up after their dabble into being Heels against Sammy & Dustin. Very good promo from Sammy & Dustin, but I’m surprised we didn’t get anything more from Gates of Agony on how they want next for the ROH Tag Team Championships.

And then a very good ROH Pure Championship match, if a bit sudden for Vance. I feel like there should’ve been a Proving Grounds match first. Vance ends up losing and in a rather quick match. The clock was glitching, jumping from 3:50 or something right to 12:00, and then before the end, it glitches backward to try and stay under 12 minutes. In the end, it was just seven minutes, and it ended with a quick pin, not a finisher or submission hold. Maybe we get Lee VS Vance again some day, but they really wasted this one. I really like Vance, but as such, we should’ve had Vance taking on some established names to build momentum before getting any title match.

My Score: 8.6/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (9/27/24)

The House of Black is on a Rampage!



Be careful what you wish for.

Action Andretti wants Top Flight Airlines to be respected in AEW, like The House of Black. But that means taking on Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews! Will Lio Rush help The Sight to See survive the night?


  • Action Andretti & Lio Rush w/ Top Flight VS Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews w/ Brody King; Malakai & Buddy win.
  • Anna Jay VS Robyn Renegade; Anna wins.
  • Konosuke Takeshita VS Angelico; Konosuke wins.
  • The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS TJ Crawford & Ryan Clancy; The Acclaimed win.
  • Willow Nightingale VS Taya Valkyrie; Willow wins.


Action Andretti & Lio Rush w/ Top Flight VS Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews w/ Brody King!

The Sight to See was seeing red because of the losing streak he and the whole flight crew was on. Action got himself a win just last night on ROH, will he and The Bad Child keep that momentum going? Or will they learn that #TheHouseAlwaysWins?

The teams sort out and Action is all revved up for this fight. Lio has him cool off and Lio starts, against The Dark Father himself. The fans bark it up as Malakai stands. Malakai and Lio circle, Action talks a lot of trash already, but Malakai smirks. Malakai and Lio step up, and Malakai kicks! Lio leaps it, ducks the backhand, then avoids the sweep! STUNNER, and Malakai goes to the corner! Lio runs up, but into a BOOT! But Lio sweeps the legs! Cover, ONE! Malakai sweeps to cover, ONE! Malakai goes Matrix to avoid Lio’s heel kick! The fans cheer and Action talks more trash, but Malakai and Lio reset.

Malakai and Lio stare down, but Action tags in! Action says Malakai’s got him to deal with now! Malakai smirks and tags to Buddy. The fans rally as the Aussie Juggernaut circles with action, ties up, and Action wrenches to wristlock. Buddy rolls, rolls back, and KICKS Action away. Action is furious, but Lio holds him back! Lio and the crew wants Action to cool off, and Lio tags in. Lio and Buddy circle now, but Action still has to talk trash at Malakai. Buddy whips Lio, Lio stops to bob ‘n’ weave! Lio headlocks, Buddy powers out and he CLOBBERS Lio! Lio gets up, kicks, but Buddy blocks. Buddy FLIPS Lio, and V-TRIGGERS!

Lio flops out of the ring while the fans fire up, and Top Flight coaches Lio back into this. Buddy storms out, SHOVES Action aside, but the ref gets in there to stop this from getting more physical. Buddy puts Lio in, but Action trips Buddy! Buddy BOOTS Action, Lio HANDSPRING KICKS him! Buddy ROCKS Action, Lio DIVES into Buddy! Lio puts Buddy in, hurries to waistlock, tag to Action. Buddy swings on Lio, Lio dodges, and Action FLYING LARIATS! Action BLASTS Malakai, ENZIGIRIS Buddy, and the fans rally up. Lio tags in, he and Action double suplex, but Buddy powers out! Buddy swings, misses, and ends up in a SHOTGUN SANDWICH! Lio covers, TWO!

Lio clamps onto Buddy with a facelock, brings him over, and Action tags in. They mug Buddy, and The Righteous ware watching this with smiles of their own. Action talks trash on Malakai, runs up on Buddy, but Buddy BOOTS him! Buddy BOOTS Lio, too! Buddy whips Action, tags Malakai, kitchen sink KNEE to the PENALTY KICK! KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Malakai whips Action, ELBOWS him down, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Malakai drops a knee on Action’s face, covers, TWO! Malakai drags Action up, and KICKS him right down! Malakai drags Action over, tags Buddy, and the House mugs Action. Buddy brings Action around to RUNNING SUPLEX! Buddy taunts Lio, then sits Action up to KNEE him in the back, and then PENALTY KICK! Buddy stands Action up to ROCK him with a forearm! Tag to Malakai and the House mugs Action more. Malakai ROCKS Action, brings him around to fire body shots against the ropes, then KICKS him! Action sputters as he slumps against ropes, but Malakai brings him up. Action fires body shots!

Action CHIPS, Malakai KNEES low, then snapmares, to KNEE DROP! Malakai clamps on a chinlock as Rampage returns to single picture. Action endures, the fans rally, and Top Flight coaches him up. Action fights, but he’s also fading! The ref checks, and Action comes back to life! Action rises, fires body shots, but Malakai knees low. Action haymakers, but Malakai blocks the boot. Action fights the clinch, but Malakai BOOTS him! Action ducks ‘n’ dodges, but so does Malakai! DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! Both men are down and their teams fire up! The fans rally, the two crawl, hot tags to Lio and Buddy!

Lio gets around Buddy, shoves him, then redirects. Lio ducks ‘n’ dodges, slides, but Buddy catches him! Back suplex, but Lio lands out! Lio bobs ‘n’ weaves, fires off fast hands and he ROCKS Buddy! PIOSON-RANA!! The fans fire up as Lio whips, but Buddy reverses, into RUSH HOUR!! Buddy staggers up to his feet, Malakai manages to tag! Lio runs in, Malakai blocks and ELBOWS! Malakai ELBOWS Action, too! Malakai storms over to Lio, but Lio schoolboys for the BASEMENT ENZIGIRI! Lio hurries up top, and then Action tags in! Action says he’s got this! The fans boo as Action is messing this up! Because Malakai BOOTS Action into Lio! Then THE END!!! Cover, The House wins!

Winners: Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews, by pinfall

Lio clutches his ankle, that crash landing might’ve done some real damage. Meanwhile, The Righteous are very excited to see how this turned out. Will ol’ Dutch & Vincent look to visit The House of Black next?

Wait, now what is hothead Action doing? He CHUCKS his water bottle at Malakai!? The House turns around and the fans tell Action he messed up. Action doesn’t care, but Brody SPLASHES him in the corner! The fans bark it up as The House sets up! Top Flight drags Action out of the ring, saving him from himself more than anything. What will it take to make Action think before he acts?


Backstage interview with Anna Jay.

Lexy Nair is with The Queenslayer, and in her return to AEW, Anna takes on Robyn Renegade. Anna has been away in Japan for three months, made some pretty bold claims, what can we expect? Anna says Lexy’s known her since day one of her AEW career. From The Star of the Show to TayJay to Anna Jay-A-S, having a fat ass and a bad attitude, which is still true, and then she made her mark in Japan. So where does Anna fit in now? She doesn’t really know. The AEW Women’s Division looks a lot different than when she left it, but time to find out! Punch by punch, kick by kick, choke by choke!

And let’s see where Robyn fits in, too. Tonight, just try her! Will The Queenslayer use this Renegade to make herself the future of AEW?

Anna Jay VS Robyn Renegade!

AEW returns as Anna makes her entrance to the ring, Robyn already waiting. The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. The two tie up, and Robyn uses her height advantage for leverage. But Anna turns things around to put Robyn in a corner. Anna lets off as the ref counts, but Robyn pushes Anna. Robyn talks trash on Anna, the two reset, and they tie up again. Anna headlocks, but Robyn powers up and out. Anna runs Robyn over, things keep moving, and Robyn hurdles. Anna blocks hip toss to fire knee after knee! Anna whips Robyn to a corner, then runs up to forearm SMASH! Anna CHOPS Robyn, then hoists her up top.

Anna wrenches to HOOK KICK! The fans rally for Anna as she hits an ICONOCLASM! Then Anna runs to SHOTGUN! Robyn flounders, Anna drags her up, but Robyn fights the backslide! Robyn runs to ropes, the ref counts, and Anna lets off. But Robyn SUCKER PUNCHES her! Robyn CHOPS Anna, ROCKS her in a corner, then brings Anna around to snapmare. Robyn clamps on, and she fishhooks Anna to make her smile! The ref reprimands, Robyn shoves Anna down at 4. Robyn says it’s finger lickin’ good, then she drags Anna up. Anna JAWBREAKERS! Then CHOPS! Then counter punches!

Anna whips, Robyn reverses, but Anna ducks ‘n’ dodges! Anna CLOBBERS Robyn and the fans fire up! Anna kicks low, runs, and ROLLING NECKBREAKERS! Anna wrenches to HOOK KICK again, then Gory Especial! Shoutout to Tay with the GORY BOMB! Cover, Anna wins!

Winner: Anna Jay, by pinfall

Whether she’s Star of the Show or not, that’s a big return win from Anna! Will she get even bigger wins until she finally wins the big one?


AEW shares a clip from the Will Ospreay & Ricochet sit-down interview.

The full interview is available now on AEW’s YouTube, but Renee Paquette moderated this face-to-face with Aerial Assassin and #One&Only. In this clip, Ospreay said that this heated rivalry between them, it stems from the “big brother, little brother” kind of thing they’ve always had. Ospreay does feel there is a tinge of jealousy. Ospreay won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, while Ricochet fought for it three times and never got it. Here Ospreay is holding that title while Ricochet walks out the door, doing whatever it is he needed to do (Lucha Underground and WWE).

Ricochet asks if Ospreay really thinks Ricochet not winning a championship in a company is him not fulfilling a promise. He has decades of championships, of great memories, and of giving people feelings. Decades of people walking out of the building, whether Ricochet was champion or not, having people remember him. But speaking of titles, these two will battle for the AEW International Championship this Wednesday as part of the AEW Dynamite 5 Year Anniversary Show! Will Ricochet leave Pittsburgh with that title? Or will Ospreay make him settle for just “giving people feelings?”


Konosuke Takeshita VS Angelico!

Speaking of wanting titles, The Alpha is still in pursuit of gold, but he still has to fight his way to that opportunity. Will tonight bring him one step closer to contention? Or will the South African Stud do the same in his own championship journey?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Angelico and Konosuke circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Konosuke knees low, throws Angelico down, then KICKS him! Angelico gets up to JAB, Konosuke CHOPS, repeat! Konosuke CLAWS Angelico in the eyes, headlocks, but Angelico throws body shots. Angelico powers out to then reel Konosuke in, O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Konosuke clinches. Angelico fights, wrenches, and steps over. Konosuke rolls, rolls Angelico, but Angelico rolls through! Angelico jumps up to BOOT Konosuke down! Konosuke bails out, the fans fire up with Angelico, and Angelico runs.

Konosuke moves, so Angelico rolls back, and he vibes into the Bernie Lean. The fans fire up, Konosuke rolls in, but then rolls out. Konosuke smirks as he trolls Angelico, and Angelico runs up. Konosuke trips Angelico, drags him out, and fires off forearms! Konosuke then brings Angelico around, only for Angelico to POST him! Angelico storms up to KICK Konosuke against railing! Angelico puts Konosuke in, fires up, and the fans cheer. Konosuke runs up to kick low! Konosuke whips, Angelico reverses, but the TAKESHITA LINE hits! The fans rlaly while Konosuke smirks, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Konosuke drags Angelico around, KNEES him in the back, then clamps on a chinlock. Angelico endures, even as a knee digs into his back. Angelico fights up, breaks free and CHOPS! Konosuke just frowns. Konosuke winds up but Angelico ducks to JAB and CHOP! Angelico blocks a chop, wrenches, but Konosuke breaks free! Konosuke feints a chop to then CHOP Angelico on the back! Angelico gets mad, and he fires off hands and kicks from all angles! Then he CHOPS at the ropes! Angelico whips, Konosuke reverses, and he LARIATS Angelico inside out! Konosuke huffs ‘n’ puffs while Angelico writhes, and the fans rally up.

Konosuke drags Angelico into a chinlock and grinds him down. Angelico endures, fights up, but Konosuke wrangles him back down! Angelico fights up, but Konosuke kicks low to DDT! Cover, TWO! Angelico stays in this, but Konosuke stays on him to TWIST the neck! Angelico writhes, and Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Angelico is in a corner. Konosuke runs up, but into a BOOT! Konosuke comes back but into BOOTS! Angelico dodges this time, runs and LARIATS Konosuke! And another LARIAT! The fans fire up, Angelico whips, but Konosuke reverses. Angelico rolls off Konosuke’s back! Konosuke jumps the leg sweep but the EDDY GORDO KICK hits! Cradle, TWO!! Konosuke escapes in time! Angelico waits on Konosuke, wrenches an arm to a hammerlock, then spins him to arm-drag! Konosuke gets up, Angelico wrenches and hammerlocks again. Angelico makes Konosuke kneel, then he pulls on the arms!

Konosuke endures both that deep hammerlock and this modified cording hold, and he fights up! Konosuke powers out to ROCK Angelico! Angelico wobbles, but Konosuke whips. Scoop and POWER- NO, Angelico slips free to send Konosuke into buckles! Drop toehold, float and INVERTED STF! Konosuke endures, pulls at the hold, reaches out for ropes, and fights to the ROPEBREAK! The fans are torn, but Angelico lets off as the ref counts. Angelico stalks Konosuke to the apron, but Konosuke RAMS into him! Konosuke goes up, but Angelico ROCKS him first! Angelico climbs up, but Konosuke fires forearms!

Konosuke CLAWS Angelico’s eyes, shoves him down, then brings him around. Angelico PELES Konosuke back! The fans fire up and Angelico climbs! Angelico gets under Konosuke to BACKDROP him from the top! Konosuke flounders, Angelico CROSSBODIES, into an ALPHA ELBOW!! Konosuke fires up, brings Angelico in, BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! But that’ snot all, deadlift into the RAGING FIRE!! Cover, Konosuke wins!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall

The Alpha uses the power of thunder and fire to take down Angelico! Will Konosuke make himself a force of nature as he pursues championship gold?


The Acclaimed w/ Billy Gunn VS TJ Crawford & Ryan Clancy!

It’s a return to action and Platinum Max has the mic! “We in Springfield, where they eat dogs ‘n’ cats. These two b*tches gettin’ mauled to death! I hope Tony Khan doesn’t call you back! Nut up or shut up, there’s no balls in these sets! Be added to the murder rate, y’all gettin’ killed like Trump in the first debate! We killin’ the game. In Springfield, everybody loves The Acclaimed.” Anthony Bowens takes the mic to tell “Springfield, Massachuseeeeeetts~! The Acclaimed have arrived! Scissor Me, Daddy Ass~!” And he does~! But will Caster & Bowens be back on track? Or are things about to get FANCY?

The teams sort out, and Caster starts against Clancy. They feel out a knuckle lock, but then Caster kicks low! Caster CLUBS Clancy, CLUBS him more, then taunts Crawford. Caster whips, Clancy reverses but Caster ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Clancy DROPKICKS! Clancy flexes, then brings Caster up, but Caster BACKHANDS him! Caster ROCKS Clancy, fires off more shots, and Bowens tags in. Caster sends Bowens in to forearm SMASH! Caster adds an ELBOW, then Bowens runs to SMASH again! Bowens feeds Clancy to a LARIAT! Clancy tags Crawford, he fires off kicks on Bowens! ROUNDHOUSE! Crawford runs, but into Rock Paper Scissors SUPERKICK!

Bowens reminds us, “EVERYONE! LOVES THE ACCLAIMED!” Bowens TOSSES Clancy in, tags Caster, and Clancy gets THE ARRIVAL, to THE MIC DROP! Crawford staggers up, Caster tags Bowens. Acclaimed get Crawford up for the IMPLODER DRIVER! Cover, Acclaimed wins!

Winners: The Acclaimed, by pinfall

But that’s not all, as they get the mics back! Caster shouts out the other Max by saying, “Cut my music, cut my music.” Caster then says, “Yo! Yo! YO! Listen. MXM, the Maximum Male Models or whatever they’re called. I heard that, uh, they’re having a little fashion show for Grand Slam Collision. Well, guys, you wanted to give The Best Wrestler Alive’s jacket a little makeover. They wanna make over my jacket. Well, guys, all you had to do was ask! I love makeovers! I love what you guys are all about. Putting makeup on each other, tickling each other’s butts with little feathers. I love what you pansies are all about!

“But guys… I think it’s time for The Acclaimed to crash your little party on Collision, and it’s gonna be time to nut up or shut up!” The fans cheer that, but then MXM speak from the tron! Mansoor gets their attention, then turns to Mason Madden. Mason says they know The Acclaimed want MXM to go to that ring right now. But there seems to be a little bit of confusion. Tonight isn’t the Grand Slam finale of New York Fashion week. That’s tomorrow night. At Arthur Ashe Stadium. At Grand Slam Collision. And in the spirit of Arthur Ashe, MXM will be serving. But The Acclaimed won’t be receiving, because they’re no longer invited!

MXM laughs in turn as they turn around, and MXM “hopes” Acclaimed can find a comfortable spot on their couch from which to watch the greatest debut in fashion history! MXM fingertip touch, but what could they have done to Caster’s jacket? Will they come to regret getting on The Acclaimed’s bad side?


Willow Nightingale VS Taya Valkyrie!

The Babe with The Power stood up to Mariah May as she was about to brutalize Yuka Sakazaki, but she’s not the only one interested in the title picture. Mrs. TV wants to be The Main Character, but will she find herself more like a major antagonist for the real hero of this story?

The bell rings and the fans rally for Willow. Willow dodges Taya, then dodges her again. Willow seems a bit out of sorts, but she still waistlocks Taya first. Taya fights the lift, wrenches out, but Willow whips her to a corner. Willow runs up but into a BOOT! Taya trips Willow for ground ‘n’ pound! Willow gets loose but Taya stomps her down. Taya bumps Willow off buckles but the fans rally up. Taya CHOPS, but Willow CHOPS! Taya ROCKS Willow, brings her around and bumps her off more buckles. Taya stomps a mudhole, the ref counts, but Taya lets off. Taya argues with the ref, but Willow fires a forearm!

Taya fires a flurry of forearms, then whips, but Willow cartwheels through! Willow ENZIGIRIS, then scoops to SLAM! Willow gets that fire going as she scoops and SLAMS Taya again! The fans rally, Willow pumps up to scoop and march around. Taya slips free then CLUBS Willow on the back! Willow ends up on ropes, Taya runs, but Willow dodges! Willow CLUBS Taya, scoops her again to SLAM! Then Willow runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Taya toughs it out but Willow storms around. The fans fire up behind Willow as she goes up, to MISSILE DROPKICK! Taya tumbles away, right out of the ring!

Willow goes to the apron, and runs up to CANNONBALL! Down goes Taya and the fans fire up again! Taya flounders, the ref checks her, and Willow stays back while Rampage goes picture in picture.

Willow keeps the fans fired up, and it would seem Taya is okay. Willow fires forearms, puts Taya in the ring, but then Taya bails out the side. Taya staggers, but Willow pursues her. Willow CLUBS Taya, stalks her to railing, but Taya YANKS her into them! Willow sits back, Taya runs up, METEORA against railing! Taya smothers Willow, but lets off as the ref goes out there. Taya taunts us through the camera, then stomps Willow around. Taya likes the one fan’s bright yellow hair, can’t imagine why. Taya SMACKS Willow off the steel steps! The ref reprimands, Taya “apologizes,” but then she soaks up the heat.

Taya kicks Willow, pushes her into the ring, then stalks her. Taya pushes Willow over to cover, TWO! Willow stays in this but Taya stays on her. Willow fires body shots, then waistlocks. Taya fights with elbows, but Willow brings her in for a cradle! TWO, and Taya runs to SHOTGUN! Willow falls, and Taya talks trash. Taya stalks Willow, scuffs her, pushes her to ropes, then CHOKES her! The ref counts, Taya lets off at 4, and she drags Willow up. Taya talks more trash, and she CHOPS! Willow sputters to a corner, Taya SLAPS her, and Willow flops over. Taya drags Willow up, but Willow fires body shots! Taya CLUBS Willow down! Taya covers, TWO!

Taya is annoyed but she clamps onto Willow with a seated cobra twist! Willow endures as Taya digs an elbow into her head! Taya shifts, adds a dragon sleeper to the mix, and then CLUBS Willow in the chest! Taya then shifts to have a top wristlock but Willow still endures. Willow fights up as Rampage returns to single picture. Willow fires body shots, Taya fires knees, repeat! Taya runs, but Willow follows! Taya ducks, but Willow waistlocks. Taya bucks the O’Conner but a LARIAT takes Taya down! The fans fire up with Willow as she rises. Willow brings Taya around to whip, but Taya reverses. Taya runs up, into an ELBOW!

Taya tries again, Willow dodges and CHOPS! Willow goes corner to corner and BACK BODY BLOCKS! Then LARIATS! Snapmare, and a BOOT! The fans fire up with Willow again, and she whips Taya to ropes. SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO!! Taya stays in this but the fans stay behind Willow. Willow goes up a corner, aims again, MISSILE- NO, Taya dodges! Willow flounders, Taya fireman’s carries! But Willow slips free, shoves, but Taya ducks the lariat! Mule kick, knee lift, LARIAT! The fans boo but Taya grins as she runs in, METEORA in the corner! Cover, TWO!! Willow survives and Taya slaps herself to focus.

Taya hauls Willow up, CHOPS her in the corner, then puts her up top. Taya fires forearms, the fans rally up, and Taya climbs. But Willow CLUBS Taya! Willow slips under, brings Taya off the corner, but Taya fights free! SUPERKICK! Willow falls, Taya hurries to the corner! Taya climbs, but Willow rises! Willow ROCKS Taya, goes up, and she brings Taya to the very top! SUPERPLEX! Both women are down and the fans fire up! A standing count begins and the two stir. Willow grabs for ropes and drags herself up. We’re past 5 of 10, but both women stand at 7! Taya fires a forearm, and another, and another!

Taya SLAPS Willow, but that was a mistake! Taya runs, Willow goes the other way! Willow POUUUNCE~! PERIOD! The straps are down, Willow hauls Taya up, BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB!! Cover, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

That was a battle to be sure, and though Willow won, both women are smiling! Is Taya still going to see herself as the Main Character no matter what? Will Willow win her way onto Mariah May’s radar?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage here, with a bit more story build than usual. Very good stuff with the opening tag match, and Action was really heated the whole time. Seems a bit too much when he isn’t acting like that in ROH, just AEW. But still good stuff overall, and it of course cost his team. Action isn’t letting it go, though, so we’ll surely get more of these teams facing each other. The Righteous also being present, they probably get more involved the next time. Not sure why they haven’t been seen with Lance Archer, but it just proves to me TK moves his people around without thinking. Archer, Dutch & Vincent VS House of Black should be a Trios match we get for like WrestleDream Zero Hour.

Very good promo from Anna to lead into her match with Robyn, and it was a solid match. Of course Anna won, but I like that she did it with Tay Conti’s Gory Bomb. Anna might not be ready for the world title, but she could probably challenge for the TBS Championship at some point. Great match from Konosuke and Angelico, and great win for Konosuke. Sammy Guevara may be getting his Title Eliminator with Okada on Collision but I’m thinking Sammy loses that, because it should be Konosuke taking the Continental Championship from The Rainmaker.

A good rap from Caster, though a touch generic when he’s just facing normal looking guys Clancy & Crawford. And good match, but of course The Acclaimed win, then call out MXM, only for MXM to respond. That “fashion reveal” will be a fun segment for Collision, and surely we get a tag match, maybe even at WrestleDream so all these guys get that big stage to shine on. Hard to say the winners challenge for tag titles following but it’d be quite the proverbial feather in the caps of MXM if they beat one of the more decorated factions in AEW.

And great match in the main event from Willow and Taya, though Taya did seem to be a little rattled after that cannonball to the floor. She shook it off, finished the match, and gave Willow a great win. As I said for Dynamite, Willow surely floats in that AEW Women’s World Championship scene to complicate things further between Mariah and Mina. Maybe we get a tag match, maybe we get Willow VS Mariah before we get Mariah VS Mina, it could be some really fun stuff.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/27/24)

There can only be one!



Who is headed to Bad Blood?

Last Friday Night SmackDown, Bayley and Naomi both pinned Nia Jax, so now they must fight to determine THE #1 Contender to the WWE Women’s Championship!


  • WWE Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s match: Bayley VS Naomi; Bayley wins and will challenge Nia Jax for the title.
  • Andrade VS Carmelo Hayes; Melo wins.
  • Mia Yim VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green; Mia wins.
  • Kevin Owens & Randy Orton VS Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu; Solo & Fatu win.


Randy Orton is here!

Oklahoma City fires up as The Viper gives high-fives and fist bumps on his way to the ring. Orton hits his signature pose on the corner, the fans sing along with Voices, and Orton gets a mic. Orton says it has been a minute, he handled some business on Raw, but he missed being in a SmackDown ring on a Friday night. So to Oklahoma City, and the millions watching around the world, welcome to Friday Night SmackDown! The fans cheer and chant Orton’s name, so Orton takes a moment first. Orton has been in this business a long time, and he can count the amount of people he trusts on one hand.

And Cody Rhodes is one of those people. They’ve known each other along time, they know each other very well, so it was hard for Orton to watch Cody agreeing to team with Roman Reigns at Bad Blood. It doesn’t sit right with Orton, he needs an explanation because it doesn’t add up. So Orton asks Cody, his friend, if he’s there, could he come on out to the ring for that explanation? The fans cheer as Cody’s theme song begins! They sing along as Cody makes his way out, “WHOA~ OH~!” and Cody gets his pyro. Cody high-fives fans now, and even lets a young Cody cosplayer have a moment with the Undisputed WWE Championship.

Cody joins Orton in the ring as he grabs a mic. “So, Oklahoma City…! More specifically, Randy Orton… What do we want to talk about?” Cody knows Orton wants an explanation, and of all people, he deserves it given all he’s been through with The Bloodline. And perhaps, Cody looks a bit a fool teaming with Roman. But would Orton rather be a fool or a coward? “This got tasked to me, and gosh, listen. Roman Reigns looked me in the eye, he gave me his word. He had also given me his word when he said he would do anything to keep this title. He wasn’t lying then. He gave me his word when he said that if I defeated him at WrestleMania, he wouldn’t show his face. He wasn’t lying then.

“So I am going to take him at his word.” The fans applaud that, and Cody says it seems a lot of the fans agree with that. The “O T C! O T C!” chant begins as confirmation. Cody does say that of all people, he is here with The Apex Predator, The Legend Killer, which is why Cody would hope Orton would understand. The legend of this rogue, outlaw Bloodline has grown so much that it is indeed time for it to be killed. And with the utmost sincerity, Cody hopes that is not a problem for Orton. Cody offers a handshake, and Orton takes it. The fans cheer and Orton says no problem at all. Unless… Cody makes it a problem.

But here comes Kevin Owens! The fans cheer as now The Prizefighter joins the conversation, but before he can even speak, The Bloodline appears! Solo Sikoa leads the way for Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa & Jacob Fatu! Solo has a mic, and though fans boo, Solo says, “I’m very happy the three of you are standing in the ring right now. It saves me a lot of trouble from breaking this up. Before I get started, Oklahoma City… ACKNOWLEDGE ME.” The fans boo and give thumbs down, then they shift into “O T C! O T C!” Solo says here is what he’ll acknowledge the fact Roman gave Cody his word. Cody should trust Roman. “Because you’re going to need him.”

Because the two men standing in the ring with Cody right now, they won’t be any good for Cody. Let’s face it! How long has Cody been trying to take out The Bloodline, huh? Every time these two try, they let Cody down. So they can’t stop The Bloodline together, and they can’t stop The Bloodline with Cody. So the reason Cody will team with Roman… Shut your mouths, Oklahoma! But the reason why is because every time Cody has tried with Orton & Kevin is because they’ve let him down every time. Kevin laughs, but says the only thing they acknowledge is that no one cares what Solo has to say ever so he should shut his stupid face!

If Solo wants to talk about Kevin & Orton letting Cody down, let’s see what happens when you take them on in a tag team match! Cody says it doesn’t have to just be a tag match, there are three here. But Kevin says no, Cody can worry his tag match at Bad Blood, he has his partner. But Kevin & Randy want Solo & Jacob Fatu, tonight! Will Team #RKKO soften up the Usurper of the Table and the Samoan Werewolf before next Saturday?


Nia Jax talks with Tiffany Stratton backstage.

The Queen of the Ring does not understand. Last week, they had the chance to get rid of Naomi or Bayley from SmackDown for good, and yet they’re both still here! And now, Bayley and Naomi fight for the right to face Nia for HER WWE Women’s Championship. Nia does NOT understand! Tiff, make it make sense! Tiff stutters but Nia grabs her by the neck! Tiff says please, she was hurt, she is sorry. Nia says if this ends bad for her, this ends really, really badly for Tiff! Nia then dusts Tiff off and says see? They’re friends again. Nia leaves, but is Miss Money in the bank going to reconsider her partnership with Nia?


WWE Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s match: Bayley VS Naomi!

Just as The Irresistible Force said, she could not expel anyone out of her queendom, and now one of them is still coming for the title at Bad Blood! Will the Role Model earn a rematch with Nia? Or will we all #FeelTheGlow?

SmackDown returns and Naomi makes her entrance. The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They approach, Naomi rolls Bayley, ONE! Bayley brushes that off and the two reset. They tie up, Bayley powers Naomi back, but Naomi pushes forward. Bayley still puts Naomi on ropes, but lets off slowly. Naomi runs up, trips Bayley, jackknife bridge, ONE! Naomi headlocks, goes to ropes, and springboards to sunset flip! TWO, and Bayley goes to a corner. Bayley dodges Naomi, runs up, but holds back from that sucker punch! The fans applaud but Naomi tells Bayley not to pull her punches.

The fans rally, Naomi pushes Bayley, then pushes her again. Bayley pushes back! Naomi kicks, Bayley blocks, but Naomi lands out of the back suplex. Bayley bucks the O’Conner and runs Naomi over! Things keep moving, Naomi drops, but Bayley ducks the Rearview! LEAPING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Naomi stays in this, and the two reset. Bayley eggs Naomi on, then dodges her. Bayley goes up to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Bayley keeps moving, but Naomi deflects the knee! Naomi headlocks, to SLINGSHOT BULLDOG! Naomi kips up, the fans fire up, and Naomi gives a twerk before she mule kicks!

Bayley bails out, the fans rally up, and Naomi aims. Naomi TORNILLO PLANCHAS! Down goes Bayley and the fans fire up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Bayley has Naomi in a corner. Naomi is in the ropes, Bayley DRAPING ELBOW DROPS! The fans fire up as Naomi flounders, and Bayley runs in to back ELBOW! Then SAIDO! Naomi bails out, Bayley builds speed, and Bayley DIVES to take down Naomi! The fans fire up again and Bayley hurries to put Naomi in. Bayley runs up, but into the REARVIEW! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives, and both women are down from the energy exhausted. The fans rally up as Bayley and Naomi rise. Naomi and Bayley fire forearms as they stand! Bayley fires a flurry, then whips. Naomi reverses to SUPERKICK!

Naomi runs up to ENZIGIRI! Bayley drops, Naomi SPIKE-RANAS! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives again and Naomi is growing frustrated! “This is Awesome!” as Naomi brings Bayley up. Bayley breaks free of the full nelson, then runs in at the corner. Bayley blocks boots but not the rebound ENZIGIRI! Naomi goes up and up and BLOCKBUSTERS! Cover, TWO!! But Naomi holds on with a facelock! Naomi suplexes, but Bayley fights it! Bayley GOURD BUSTERS! The fans fire up as Bayley runs, to SUNSET BUCKLE BOMB! Not the cleanest but it hit! Cover, TWO!! Naomi survives, Bayley is beside herself, but just resting on Naomi is a cover! TWO!!

Naomi stays in this physically and mentally, and the fans rally up for both sides. Bayley fires herself up, and she brings Naomi around to clinch! BAYLEY- NO, Naomi slips free to ROUNDHOUSE! And BUCKLE BULLDOG! Bayley flounders, Naomi goes up! But Bayley avoids the frog splash! Naomi rolls through, comes back, but into a BAYLEY2BELLY!! Bayley puts Naomi in a drop zone and goes up top! MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, BAYLEY WINS!!

Winner: Bayley, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE Women’s Championship)

In a battle of former champions, it is The Role Model that pulls out the victory! She and Naomi show respect, but now will Bayley make good on this sequel to SummerSlam? Or will she just get A-NIA-Lated all over again?


Andrade is walking backstage.

LA Knight is there, and he wants to talk. “Last week, you beat me. I respect that. But where I come from, a real man shakes someone’s hand to show respect. And you? You lost my respect.” But then CARMELO HAYES CLOBBERS LA KNIGHT! Melo tells Andrade he has something for his ass, too! El Idolo leaves The Mega Star behind, will he end this series in six? Or will Melo not miss his chance to tie things up?


Andrade VS Carmelo Hayes!

As we just saw, El Idolo doesn’t respect The Mega Star, and he definitely doesn’t respect H1M. All the trash talk, the antics, the excuses, Knight and Melo aren’t that different in Andrade’s book. It could all end here tonight, will Andrade end the series in six? Or will Melo force us to a “game seven?”

The bell rings and Melo runs up, but Andrade dodges! Andrade DROPKICKS Melo, bumps him off buckles, then stomps away in the corner. The ref counts, Andrade lets off and the fans cheer. Andrade claps it up, “SI! SI! SI!” Andrade goes corner to corner, but Melo bails out! Andrade goes after Melo but Melo HOTSHOTS Andrade, fires hands, then kicks at Andrade in the ropes! The re frepirmands, Melo talks smack, but ANdrade maanges an APRON POWERSLAM!?! Both men fall to the floor, and SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Melo grits his teeth, but Andrade puts him int he ring. Cover, TWO!! Andrade says it was that close, and he stalks Melo. Andrade CHOPS, whips, and backdrops! Melo goes to a corner, Andrade stomps Melo, then brings him up. Andrade bumps Melo off buckles, then climbs up to start raining forearms! Melo pushes at Andrade but Andrade fights to stay on the ropes. So Melo slips under to trip Andrade up! Andrade hits buckles, and Melo pushes him around. Melo puts Andrade on the apron to bend him against ropes! The ref counts, Melo lets off, and Andrade rolls inside. Melo is on him with a forearm, and a HEADBUTT!

Melo stalks Andrade to a corner, CHOPS him, then follows him to another corner. Andrade kicks low, runs, but into a LARIAT! Melo soaks up heat from Oklahoma City, then goes back to talk smack on Andrade. Melo stands Andrade up, snapmares, and KICKS! Andrade writhes, but Melo clamps on a chinlock. Andrade endures, fights up, and hit s a back suplex! Melo lands out to SUPERKICK! Melo dusts himself off, then pushes Andrade to a cover. TWO, but Melo pretends to get chills. Melo clamps onto Andrade’s ear, then he throws heavy forearms into Andrade’s back! Melo clamps onto an arm with a cording hold and he grinds Andrade down.

Andrade endures, fights up, and fights around to give back body shots. SmackDown returns to single picture as Andrade CHOPS! Andrade whips, but Melo springboards to FLYING LARIAT! Melo covers, TWO! Melo is frustrated, but he drags Andrade into a chinlock. The fans duel, and Andrade fights up. Andrade fires body shots, then CHOPS! Melo drops back, but he fires haymakers in return! Melo whips, Andrade runs him over! Andrade hurries to fire forearms on Melo, then whips. Melo springboards, but Andrade ducks the jumper! Melo gets up, DOUBLE LARIATS bring both men down! The fans fire up while both men stir.

“This is Awesome!” as Andrade and Melo both rise. Andrade fires a forearm on Melo but Melo fires back! They fire more shots, but then Andrade ELBOWS Melo down! Andrade grabs a leg, DRAGON SCREW! Things keep moving, Andrade leaps into the FIRST 48! Cover, TWO! Andrade stays in this, but Melo rises up. Melo has a bloody lip, but he grins as he mocks Andrade’s clapping. The fans boo as Melo goes corner to corner, but Andrade avoids the knees! Andrade keeps moving, he ducks ‘n’ dodges to LEAPING FOREARM! The fans fire up while both men are down again. But then Andrade kips up, so Oklahoma City fires up!

Andrade claps, “SI! SI! SI!” Andrade runs corner to corner, CIEN SHADOWS!! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives, but Andrade has a wild look in his eyes. Andrade rises, drags Melo up, and underhooks, but Melo slips free! Melo dodges, FADE AWAY! Cover, TWO!! Melo cannot believe it, and SmackDown goes back to picture in picture!

Melo thinks what more he has to do, and he rises up to grab Andrade’s leg. Melo lets out a “WOO~!” and steps through, to FIGURE FOUR! Andrade endures, keeps his shoulders up, but Melo puts on as much pressure as he can! Andrade claws at Melo, turns things over, and now Melo suffers the Figure Four! Melo flails, reaches out, fights, and turns things back onto Andrade! Andrade endures again, keeps his shoulders up, and reaches out. The fans rally as Andrade claws the hold, and turns it back over! Melo endures again, reaches out, and powers his way to the ROPEBREAK! The ref has the hold undone and both men clutch knees.

Even on the mat, Melo kicks at Andrade. Andrade and Melo slowly sit up, and Andrade CHOPS! Melo CHOPS back! Andrade CHOPS again! Melo fires forearms, then CHOPS! Both men stand, Melo ROCKS Andrade! Melo whips, Andrade reveres, Melo goes up the ropes but Andrade SHOVES Melo out of the ring! Melo tumbles to the floor hard! Andrade grins as the ring count starts, and Melo slowly rises. Andrade drags himself up the corner, goes to the very top, and SmackDown returns to single picture. Melo gets to the apron to trip Andrade up! Melo then hurries in to fire hands! The ref reprimands but Melo now climbs.

Melo brings Andrade up, but Andrade fights the superplex! Andrade fires body shots, then HEADBUTTS Melo down! The fans fire up as Andrade adjusts position. MOONSAULT DOUBLE! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives and no one can believe it! Andrade pounds the mat in frustration, but “This is Awesome!” as he rises again. Andrade drags Melo up, gives some Latino Heat, and the fans fire up. But Melo sips out to the suplex to shove, follow, and tilt-o-whirl! LA MYSTICA! And then the SUPLEX CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Melo is stunned, but he watches Andrade stir. Melo goes to the corner, climbs up, but Andrade CHOPS!

Andrade ROCKS Melo, climbs up after him, and the fans fire up again! Andrade brings Melo up, to the very top! SUPER DUPER CUTTER?!? Melo turns things around on Andrade just in time! Cover, TWO?!?! Andrade survives and Melo is in disbelief! The fans are going nuts, Melo hurries back to the corner, and Melo sets up for that three pointer. Melo climbs, Andrade stands, but he avoids the shot! Boot feint to ELBOW!! But Melo flops out of the ring!! Andrade is again frustrated, but a ring count is going. Melo is still down at 5 of 10, but here comes LA KNIGHT! Melo is scared because Knight’s got a receipt!

Melo runs into the ring, Andrade BOOTS him! Andrade and Knight argue, but Melo SHOVES Andrade into Knight! Melo rolls Andrade up, MELO WINS!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall

Knight wanted after H1M, but he just cost Andrade beating H1M, and now Andrade gets in Knight’s face about it! Knight tries to explain, but now he offers a handshake to show he’s respectfully sorry. Andrade leaves Knight hanging, and now he and Melo are 3-3! When and where will we get lucky number seven?


Kevin and Randy talk backstage.

But Cody comes in to say he feels it. He knows there is a problem, they need to talk. Kevin agrees, they do need to talk, just not now. They have the match in half an hour, they can talk later. Cody says if they need to talk, then they should talk. Kevin gets heated as he tells Cody, not now! Randy calms Kevin down, and Kevin says he promises, they will talk. Just not tonight. Kevin will get his ring gear on, but he does want Cody to promise not to go out there. Cody has his own match to worry about, so he should focus on that. Kevin heads out, and Randy tells Cody that despite what Kevin just said, if The Tongans get involved, that’s 4v2, and we can’t have that.

So hey, Cody will be here watching, right? If they need the help, Randy would love for Cody to help. Randy promises to talk with Kevin, and then he heads out. Will the Prizefighter & Apex Predator be able to handle the stacked deck? Or will they need The American Nightmare as an ace in the hole?


A certain someone is on their way back.

The Phenomenal One is ready to show this is still The House AJ Styles Built! But just who will be first to feel that Phenomenal Forearm?


Mia Yim VS Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green!

While Michin will get her hands on The Hot Mess next week in their first-ever Dumpster Match, Chelsea’s “spicy margarita” of a sidekick stands in the way. Will Piper find a way to cancel that Dumpster Match? Or will “Lil’ Miss P” learn why Mia’s the HBIC?

Speaking of the dumpster, Chelsea is bringing a rather stinky trash can to the ring with her as a clear message of what’s coming. The bell rings and Mia dodges Piper to fire off CHOPS and forearms! Piper shoves Mia down, but Mia comes back to fire more shots! Mia runs to DROPKICK, and Piper staggers to ropes. Mia whips but Piper blocks! Piper whips, then she CLOBBERS Mia! Piper talks trash, Chelsea talks trash on Michael Cole, and then Mia BOOTS Piper! Piper storms up, Mia jumps to RANA! The fans fire up with Mia, and she runs in at the corner. But Piper picks her up to URENAGE! SENTON FLOPS as Mia moves!

Mia and Piper both bail out, but Chelsea distracts Mia. Mia storms up on her, but Piper CANNONBALLS! Down goes Mia at ringside, and Piper fires up! The fans are torn, but Piper & Chelsea are standing tall as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Piper scoops Mia, but Mia slips free! Mia fires forearms, runs, but Piper also runs, to POUNCE! Mia flounders to a corner, Piper runs up, CANNONBALL! Piper drags Mia to a cover, TWO! Mia survives, Piper grows frustrated, and Chelsea protests the count. Piper runs but Mia avoids the splash! Mia stands, Piper runs up, but Mia ELBOWS her away! Mia CHOPS, ROCKS and repeat! Mia fires up, to KICK, KICK and SOBAT! PELE! Piper staggers, Mia reels her in, but Piper fights the saido! They go to ropes, Piper bucks the O’Conner, but Mia slips around to crucifix DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Piper survives but Chelsea is still panicking. Mia gives Kawada Kicks, then runs back up to wrench and- NO, Piper swings! Mia dodges, but runs into the BLACKHOLE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Mia survives, Piper is beside herself, but Chelsea says finish it! Piper drags Mia to a drop zone, and then goes up the corner! Chelsea cheers, for the VADER- FLOP!! Mia avoids that, then reels Piper in, but Piper says no! Piper scoops to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Mia survives again and Chelsea says use the trash! Piper stalks Mia, drags her up, but Mia fires body shots! Mia goes to the corner, climbs up, but Piper SLAPS her down!

Mia falls to apron then floor, and Chelsea distracts the ref. Piper has Mia against the trash can, runs up, but Mia moves! Cannonball hits trash! Mia runs in to BOOT Chelsea! Then she makes Piper EAT DA FEET!! Cover, Mia wins!!

Winner: Mia Yim, by pinfall

The Head Baddie In Charge thwarted Chelsea’s petty plotting, and now we’re headed to Music City for that Dumpster Match! Will Nashville end up #Trashville?


SmackDown prepares for a WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder match!

Tama Tonga says, “Next week, Street Profits and DIY thinks they’re climbing the ladder of success to take these titles from us.” Tonga Loa says, “That ain’t gonna happen.” Johnny Gargano says DIY finally fulfilled their destinies when they became THE WWE Tag Team Championships, only for those belts to be ripped from their hands! Tommaso Ciampa says in a Triple Threat Ladder Match, this is where careers are defined. Montez Ford says what really bothers The Profits is all the confidence The Bloodline has. Angelo Dawkins says that’s because they have the numbers.

But the Profits have been climbing for a very long time. And come next week, they’re not reaching anymore. Both Profits and DIY promise to climb the ladders, grab the titles, and walk out of Nashville the NEW two-time WWE Tag Team Champions. The Profits are up and they want the smoke! DIY promises they will do whatever it takes. But The Guerrillas of Destiny promise that everyone will ACKNOWLEDGE The Bloodline.


Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill speak.

The EST says, “Bad Blood is back and coming to Atlanta. The Storm says, “And so are we.” THE WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions will be hosting the party at one of the most spectacular WWE Premium Live Events. The biggest superstars have been holding grudges, and it is time to settle scores in the ring. And while they’ll finally be getting their licks back, Jade & Bianca will be there to enjoy it with all of you. And who knows? They might have some surprise guests. Yes, they are taking A T L by storm, because the strongEST, the toughEST, the baddEST are hosting Bad Blood. Then will this be the biggEST night of the year by far?


Naomi walks around backstage.

Bayley finds her, and wants to apologize for that out there. Naomi says Bayley’s not sorry, she’s just happy she won. Bayley says yeah, but- Naomi says she would also be happy if she had won. Naomi says Bayley deserves this, and will go on to face Nia to get the title. And when Bayley does, that’s fine, they can run it back. Bayley and Naomi hug it out, and then Bayley jokes Naomi hurt her back. Bayley heads out, but then Tiffany is there to mockingly say, “Aw~. Looks like you won’t be facing Nia at Bad Blood. And while you’re sitting doing nothing with your pathetic club of sad friends, you’ll have the perfect view of Nia destroying Bayley!”

Naomi says if Nia is busy with Bayley, that means her little sidekick will be free to catch a beating int he ring! Naomi is gonna talk with Aldis about a match for next Friday. That’ll cheer Naomi up. Tootles! Tiff just stuck her foot in her mouth, will she also be getting a Rearview to go with it?


Kevin Owens & Randy Orton VS Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu!

With all this talk of Bad Blood, there is definitely bad blood between pretty much everyone and the “rogue, outlaw” Bloodline. The Prizefighter may not be fighting for a prize, but can he and The Viper make sure the wannabe Tribal Chief and his Enforcer are banged up going into Bad Blood? Or will Solo force them to acknowledge him?

SmackDown returns and Solo makes his entrance, Fatu following right behind. The teams sort out and Kevin starts against Fatu. The fans chant for “O T C!” and Kevin, and the haymakers start flying! Kevin fires body shots, runs, but Fatu ELBOWS him down! Fatu whips Kevin, but Kevin ELBOWS and SENTONS! Kevin tells Solo, “SUCK IT!” Fatu gets up, but Solo tells him to tag. Fatu does tag Solo in, and the fans boo. Solo runs up, Kevin dodges to CHOP and ROCK Solo again and again! Solo CHOPS and HEADBUTTS in return! Kevin staggers, Orton talks with him, and the fans rally for “RANDY! RANDY!” Kevin tags in Randy!

The fans fire up as Orton circles with Solo, but then Solo looks to Fatu. Solo smirks, and he tags Fatu in. The fans boo but Fatu and Orton circle. The fans chant “SOLO SUCKS!” but solo says go get him! Fatu runs up but Orton fires hands first! Orton has Fatu in a corner, fires more hands, but Fatu HEADBUTTS! Fatu ROCKS, kicks, HEADBUTTS and UPPERCUTS! Fatu UPPERCUTS again, Orton falls, but Orton flounders to ropes. Fatu runs up to LARIAT Orton up and out! Fatu is all fired up, he raises the one to the sky, but the fans boo. Solo mocks Orton’s pose, then tells Fatu to go get Orton!

Fatu goes out but Orton kicks low! And then DESK BACK SUPLEXES! The fans fire up, but Fatu’s right up!? Fatu throws the desk hood away, and Orton looks at him. Fatu takes a swing, but into another DESK BACK SUPLEX! And a third! And a FOURTH! Solo runs up, but Orton kicks him to DESK BACK SUPLEX! The fans are thunderous as Orton stands tall, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Solo throws hands on Kevin in a corner. The fans boo as Solo raises the one, then he puts Kevin up top. Solo climbs up, but Kevin fights back with body shots. Solo HEADBUTTS, throws hands, but Kevin fires hands in return! Kevin HEADBUTTS Solo, but Solo ROCKS Kevin! Kevin DECKS Solo! Kevin climbs up to SWANTON onto knees! Solo saves himself, then he drags himself up. Kevin goes to the far side, Solo runs in, HIP ATTACK! Kevin flops over while the fans boo, but Solo drags Kevin up. Solo HEADBUTTS Kevin, tells him to get up, then rains down fists. Tag to Fatu while Orton coaches Kevin.

Solo whips Fatu so Fatu can whip Solo in, another HIP ATTACK! And then Fatu runs in ANOTHER HIP ATTACK!  Kevin sputters, the fans boo, but Fatu soaks up the heat as he raises the one to the sky. Fatu glares at Orton, talks smack on Kevin, and then drops HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Fatu drags Kevin up, wrenches and whips him to the corner hard, and Kevin falls! Fatu covers, ONE!! Kevin is tougher than that, but Fatu throws knees! The fans rally as Fatu drags Kevin up. Fatu fires hands, but Kevin fires back! Kevin CHOPS, ROCKS and then reaches for Orton, but Fatu RAMS him into the corner!

Solo tags in, he UPPERCUTS Kevin down! Kevin reaches out for Orton, but Solo stomps away on Kevin! The fans rally for Randy but Solo CHOKES Kevin on ropes, fishhooks him, but lets off. Fatu gets a cheap shot! Orton rushes in but the ref backs Orton off! Solo drags Kevin up, whips, but Kevin reverses! Kevin hits an atomic drop, then a LARIAT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Both men crawl, but Solo anchors Kevin! Kevin fires hands but Solo drags him by an arm! Kevin reaches out, fires more haymakers, then tries again! Solo holds Kevin back so Kevin fires more haymakers! Kevin CLUBS free, hot tag to Orton!

The fans are thunderous as Orton fires haymakers on Solo! Solo shoves Orton, but Orton comes back to LARIAT! Orton dodges Soo to SNAP POWERSLAM! Fatu runs in, into a SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up as Orton has Solo in ropes! Orton KICKS Solo, brings him out, DRAPING DDT! The fans are thunderous, but Orton hears those voices in his head! Solo rises, but Fatu does, too! Orton DECKS Fatu, but that lets Solo SAMOAN DROP! Both men are down, and the fans rally behind “RANDY! RANDY!” Solo runs up, Orton DUMPS him out! Solo stumbles, Kevin rises, the fans rally, and Orton hurries! Hot tag to Kevin!

Kevin goes around the outside to LARIAT Solo! And he LARIATS Fatu! The fans are fired up as Kevin SENTONS Fatu, then SENTONS Solo! Kevin rolls in to refresh the count, and then he goes to the apron! FROG SPLASH to the floor! Kevin goes back up but Solo is there! Kevin manages a GAMANGIRI! Solo falls, Kevin climbs, and SWANTON BOMB!! Direct hit this time and Kevin covers, TWO!! Solo survives and Kevin is annoyed. Kevin aims, but here comes Tama & Loa! Kevin swipes at them, but turns around into the URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives, and here comes Cody! Cody BOOTS and TOSSES Tama!

Cody BOOTS and fires hands on Loa! Cody reels Loa in, DDT to the floor! But Tama is back! Tama whips, Cody reverses, and he sends Tama into the ring! Tama snarls, but Orton gives him an RKO!! But Fatu SUPERKICKS Orton! Fatu then DIVES onto Cody! Kevin stands, but he ducks the spike! STUNNER! But then Fatu sends Cody into the ref!! Kevin would’ve won by now! Kevin argues with Cody about this, but Fatu SUPERKICKS Kevin, then SUPERKICKS again!! Solo crawls to a cover, Bloodline wins!!

Winners: Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu, by pinfall

The Bloodline used both the numbers game and Cody’s help against Kevin & Orton to steal another win away from them! Cody wants to apologize but Kevin pushes him! Orton gets in to be the peacekeeper, but Kevin isn’t hearing it. Solo says look at that. The Bloodline revels in their enemies falling apart, but Kevin does cool off. Kevin and Cody hug it out, but are the cracks in this foundation only growing?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, with plenty to feed Bad Blood but also next week’s go-home SmackDown. A great match out of Bayley VS Naomi, and I’m honestly surprised it was Bayley winning here. Nia and Tiffany had a very good promo together, so with all that, I think it adds up to Bayley not winning at Bad Blood. Or at the very least, she doesn’t leave Bad Blood with the title. Bayley might lose to Nia, she might defeat Nia, but there’s a chance Tiffany goes for that cash-in. Of course, Tiff talking trash on Naomi, they’re going to have a really good match next Friday, which could further foreshadow Tiff’s moves. If Tiff loses to Naomi, maybe she won’t cash in. But if Tiff wins, she might get a big head and go for it. Or she’ll try no matter how Friday goes, she just wants her shot.

Another great match from Melo and Andrade, but that run-in with LA Knight before of course led to Knight getting involved during the match. I figured Melo was winning either way, but that was a way to protect Andrade’s loss. The seventh and final match will surely name a new #1 contender, but then I would think that’s Melo. Andrade used his shot already, lost, so time for Melo to take his shot. It still feels like there’s a Triple Threat coming, but maybe only after Knight and Melo have their 1v1. Great to hear AJ Styles is coming back, I wouldn’t mind seeing him getting back in the US Championship story given his past with LA Knight. Mostly because he had his shot at the top title and lost to Cody multiple times so they’d be treading the same path again.

Great stuff from Mia VS Piper, even with Chelsea getting involved here and there. Mia winning out makes me think next week and that Dumpster Match goes Chelsea’s way. Very good promo from Bianca & Jade to advertise Bad Blood but also that they will be special guest hosts. Hopefully they’ll be more active hosts akin to The Miz for SummerSlam than Sexxy Red for NXT Battleground. Though speaking of SummerSlam, did not think it’d be Cardi B helping plug SummerSlam New Jersey being the first two-night SummerSlam, and that makes me think she’s already slated as a guest and musical entertainment for SummerSlam 2025.

And as usual, great stuff from The Bloodline story, and very good bookending of the night with it. Orton and Cody have a good segment together, and Kevin keeping Cody at arm’s length was a good detail into the dysfunction there.  Great promo from Guerrillas, DIY & Street Profits to hype that Triple Threat Ladder match. That is going to be awesome stuff on the go-home episode. Great tag match for the main event here tonight, but of course things go The Bloodline’s way. Kevin is again upset with Cody, but with Randy there, the Heel turn wasn’t going to happen. That might be happening for Bad Blood at this point, and while we’re all expected it, everyone’s still going to go nuts seeing it happen.

My Score: 8.9/10

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