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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (9/30/24)

Last MONSTER Standing!



Will Evansville, Indiana survive this Raw?

Things have escalated between Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed, so now it comes down to THE LAST MONSTER STANDING!


  • Xavier Woods VS Rey Mysterio; Woods wins.
  • Lyra Valkyria VS Zoey Stark w/ Pure Fusion Collective; Zoey wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Judgment Day VS The LWO; Judgment Day wins.
  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Chad Gable w/ American Made; Gable wins.
  • The Awesome Truth VS The Authors of Pain; The AOP win.
  • Last Monster Standing: Bronson Reed VS Braun Strowman; Braun wins.


Jey Uso is in the pavilion!

The fans are all fired up with “YEET! YEET! YEET!” and Jey tells ’em, please hit his music! YEET! Jey and son Jace dap and then Jey heads out into the crowd. The fans all bounce along, and while Jey’s shirt is golden, it seems he’s added some blue to the Intercontinental Championship. Jey even gets pyro! Fans then chant “You Deserve It!” and Jey takes a moment to soak that in. Jey has a mic to say, “The Intercontinental Champion, Main Event Jey Uso, is now in your citaaaay~!” Jey has this title, he’ll fight every week for it and fight anyone for it, YEET. “YEET!” Jey paces, collects his thoughts, and says he appreciates y’all, and loves ‘yall.

He thanks them for rockin’ with Jey, for having his back through all the years. He loves y’all, YEET. This is very special for Jey. He walked to the ring with his first singles title, his son, Jace, behind him. It has been a long hard road to get here, Uce. The family made it hard for him. Roman Reigns made it hard for him. Jey’s whole life, he’s just a twin. His wrestling career, he’s just a twin. They didn’t know him but now they know. “YEET!” Jey takes another moment, and says that his biggest fan, though, out of all of him and his brothers, is their mom. Jey spoke to his mom, and she said, “Go out there and show ’em who you are. Go out there and get it!” The fans cheer that!

Jey went out there, he got it, and Mama, we did it! YEET! But wait! Here comes Bron Breakker! The fans are torn as the Badass Son of a Dog Faced Gremlin steps into the ring, mic in hand. Bron eyes the championship, and he tells Jey he is not out here to ruin the fun or crash the party. Bron is here because of the respect he has for the championship. We all know the lineage of that title goes back a long way. And after battling it out with Jey, Bron now has the same amount of respect for Jey, too. Bron told the world how much that title meant to him, how it was his “family,” and that the one who deserved it most should walk away with it.

On that night, Jey was the better man. The fans applaud that respect. Bron promises he won’t spear Jey, attack him or anything. He just felt it should be him as the first one as a colleague to offer congratulations. Bron offers a handshake, and fans aren’t sure about it. Jey accepts the handshake, and the fans applaud. Bron turns to leave, but Jey tells him that there are some dogs in Indiana, Uce! Bron smiles, and takes his leave. Jey is holding the gold, but who will be next to step up? What will Bron aim for next now?


Dominik & Liv hang out by the low rider.

They really like the car, but then Dom gets a call from Finn. Dom heads off, JD & Carlito walk over and Liv explains about the call. Dom asks if Finn’s okay, and Finn says yeah, just some travel problems. But he wants Dom to tell Liv that the business they had is all taken care of. Okay, see you soon. Dom walks back over to the group and explains Liv’s just stuck. The group heads inside, they are roasting outside. But will the heat cause Dom, JD & Carlito to melt down against The LWO?


Xavier Woods VS Rey Mysterio!

While The New Day are on hard times, Woods has been letting it really affect him. He’s lashed out verbally against Kofi Kingston and the LWO, but now he’ll have to put up or shut up! Will Woods prove he is deserving of more by taking down a former world champion? Or will the King of Lucha Libre humble him just a little bit?

Raw returns as Woods makes his entrance alone and in a serious mood. Woods still high-fives fans on the way to the ring, but he’s locked in on Rey. The bell rings and Woods circles with Rey. They feel things out, tie up, and Woods goes after an arm. Woods wrenches and wristlocks but Rey uses ropes to flip through. Rey whips, Woods reverses then drops, hurdles and DROPKICKS! Cover, ONE! Rey’s tougher than that, but Woods HEADBUTTS him! Woods ROCKS Rey, whips him into buckles, then hoists him up for a back suplex. Rey lands out, RAMS Woods into buckles, then runs, but into a BOOT! Woods runs, Rey dodges, and Rey goes up to RANA!

The fans fire up as Woods staggers. Rey RAMS Woods again, runs, and tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Woods bails out but then Rey BOOTS him from the apron! Rey then aims to WEST COAST POP! Woods is down after the seated senton, but Evansville fires up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Woods ROCKS Rey! Rey ROCKS Woods! Woods ROCKS Rey! Rey KICKS Woods, so Woods mule kicks back! Woods waistlocks, but Rey fights the lift. Rey fires elbows, fights free, but Woods reels him back in! Rey ELBOWS free and runs, and arm-drags Woods out of the ring! Rey then goes to the apron to ASAI MOONSAULT! Down goes Woods and the fans fire up! A ring count starts while both men are down, and the fans rally. Rey stands at 4 of 10, puts Woods in at 5, then aims from a corner. The fans rally up more and Rey leaps, SEATED SENTON! Rey keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, springboard CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Woods stays in this and Rey is annoyed. Rey calls his shot, the fans chant “6 1 9!” and Rey RAMS into Woods. Rey rains down fists, the fans count along, but Woods stops him at 3! Woods electric chair lifts, but Rey fights with fists! Rey shifts, slips free, and he ripcords to RANA! Woods ends up on ropes! Rey dials it up, 61- NO, Woods ducks the call! Woods scoops, but Rey fights it! Rey has a dragon sleeper, but Woods SNATCHES the m ask away!! Woods is shocked, but then he rolls Rey up! WOODS WINS!!!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by pinfall

The fans boo, and even Woods comes to terms with the line he just crossed. Woods says he didn’t mean to, but what else was he to do? What is going on with Woods right now? And can he get right before it’s too late?


Lyra Valkyria warms up backstage.

But then she’s visited by Pure Fusion Collective. Sonya Deville says she and Shayna Baszler were looking for her. Sonya was thinking about Lyra’s very big match against Zoey Stark. Right, Shayna? Shayna raises an eyebrow at Sonya putting her hand on her shoulder. Sonya removes said hand and says it’s just very unfortunate that Lyra will be all alone out there. No Natalya and, uh, who’s the other one? Zelina. Right, her. Lyra will be alone. But Sonya will be there, and Shayna will be there. Not that Lyra has to worry. Shayna doesn’t bite. Unless Sonya tells her to. Sonya & Shayna leave, giving Lyra a lot to think about. Can The Morrigan still overcome, even facing a stacked deck?


The runes return.

“The shadows grow long. Prepare yourselves.”


Woods returns backstage.

He still can’t process what he just did, but Kofi Kingston walks over. Woods says hey, he appreciates Kofi let him handle that by himself. Kofi says no worries. But did that just happen on purpose? No! Never! Woods respects Rey too much, Rey’s the best. But Woods was also hoping Kofi would congratulate him first. Kofi says yes, congratulations on a win over a Hall of Famer. But speaking of opportunities, maybe this isn’t the right time to say this, but Jey just offered Kofi a chance to face him for the Intercontinental Championship! Next week on Raw! Woods says yeah, he’ll be by Kofi’s side as he climbs the mountaintop, again.

Kofi says no no, hey, Woods won’t be by his side. Because Kofi told Jey thanks, but it should be Woods going for the gold! Jey agreed! WHAT!? Well, yeah, Kofi promised Woods is the QB, he should be the play caller, but Kofi felt this was the right move. Woods says yeah, he loves Jey, but he can beat Jey, too! Woods can be Intercontinental Champion! Yes, he can! New Day is fired up, and Woods says to focus on tonight. Kofi has Chad Gable, and while Kofi let Woods go alone, you know American Made will be out there, so Woods will be there to make sure it is all good. Kofi says he loves that. Time to go 2-for-2! And why?

BECAAAAUSE~! NEW! DAY ROCKS! NEW! DAY ROCKS! Uh, was that Karrion Kross watching in the background? Is he disappointed the seed of dysfunction has yet to take bloom?


Lyra Valkyria VS Zoey Stark w/ Pure Fusion Collective!

The Morrigan was able to take down PFC with Zelina Vega & Natalya by her side, but now she’s alone while La Muneca & The Queen of Harts are on promotional tours. Is this an impossible situation for Lyra? Or can she survive Sin City Stark and her reinforcements at ringside?

The bell rings and Sonya gives Zoey a final pointer. Zoey nods and runs right in! She RAMS Lyra into the corner, fires shots, but Lyra dodges to arm-drag! Lyra has the armlock, but Zoey pulls hair. Zoey whips, trips and kicks, but Lyra blocks. Lyra waistlocks, shoves, hurdles, but Zoey handsprings over the dropdown! Lyra runs Zoey over, covers, ONE! Lyra headlocks, but Zoey hits a BACKBREAKER! Zoey roars and the fans boo, but Zoey whips Lyra to ropes. Lyra holds ropes, hurdles Zoey, and Zoey tumbles out! Lyra runs to WRECK Zoey with a dropkick! Now Lyra roars and the fans fire up while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Zoey has Lyra in a corner. Zoey CHOPS Lyra, the fans “WOO~,” and Zoey says one more! Zoey winds up, but Lyra BOOTS her! Lyra fires forearms and the fans fire up with her! Zoey swings, Lyra dodges and CROSSBODIES! Lyra keeps moving, she DECKS Zoey, DECKS her again, then SOBATS! KICKS! RAMS! And KICKS! Lyra dodges, runs back, and RANAS! Zoey tumbles, Lyra runs up to ENZIGIRI! Zoey falls over, Lyra covers, TWO! Zoey shows her toughness but Lyra drags her up. Only for Zoey to HEEL KICK! Lyra wobbles, Zoey whips her to a corner. Zoey runs up, but Lyra puts her on the apron! Zoey GAMANGIRIS!

Lyra staggers, Zoey aims, springboard, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Lyra stays in this, but Zoey stays on her! Zoey HAMMERS away on Lyra, then drags her up. Z 3- NO, Lyra blocks the knee, reels Zoey in, LEG TRAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Zoey flounders, Sonya gets on the apron, but Lyra DECKS her! Shayna distracts the ref now, and Zoey waistlocks. Lyra switches, O’Conner, but the ref is late to the count! TWO! Lyra hits ropes, and then Zoey distracts the ref so Sonya can KNEE Lyra into the ring!! Z 360!! Cover, Zoey wins!

Winner: Zoey Stark, by pinfall

Well, just as Sonya said, PFC springs into action when she says so. It was basically a 3v1 win in the end, but PFC isn’t done! They drag Lyra up, but wait! Kayden & Katana are back! Katana has a face brace but she still TACKLES Zoey! Kayden DECKS Sonya, but Shayna drags Katana up! So Kayden gets in, and Katana snapmares free! SUPERKICK for Shayna! Sonya gets back up, but Katana sweeps the legs! SUPERKICK from Kayden! The fans fire up as the party girls are getting serious! Katana goes up while Kayden double stacks Sonya & Shayna! KEG STAND SPLASH!! A two-for-one and the fans fire up for KC Squared!

Lyra celebrates with her girls, are they going to make sure PFC regrets ever bullying the Raw roster?


Adam Pearce talks with WWE Security.

The Raw General Manager knows that there will be no stopping Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed, but they must contain them to ringside. CM Punk walks by, he’s headed to ringside next. What does The Best in the World have left say just days before Bad Blood?


Backstage interview with Lyra, Kayden & Katana.

Jackie Redmond notes they’re fresh off this return, and Lyra is very, very thankful they’re back. Katana asks if we saw what PFC did to her face. They broke her nose, so they’re getting what’s coming to them! Everyone around here may think these three are the “nice guys,” but that ends now! And once they’re done with PFC, they will get back their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships! But then The Unholy Union walks in, mocking this sweet little reunion. But they’ve been gone for months, what makes them think they can just cut the line? The titles belong to Alba & Isla, so they better think twice.

Kayden says shut your mouths! Lyra keeps KC Squared from fighting here and now, and Unholy Union leaves. Who will have next against Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill?


The Cell lowers…

Adam Pearce is in the ring with security as the steel structure descends from the rafters to surround the ring. Pearce says, “Ladies and gentlemen, part of my professional responsibilities that I take very seriously is the delivery of our main events and our special attractions. And on Saturday at Bad Blood, I plan on delivering one hell of a special attraction. CM Punk and Drew McIntyre will go to war inside the unforgiving steel structure you see surrounding this ring, and I can assure you that after Hell in a Cell, their war will be over. Because it has to end! But to get to Saturday, we have to make it through tonight.

“And that means there will be NO physical battle between Punk and Drew McIntyre tonight in Evansville. There can’t be! However, however, I have granted both competitors to fire off one last parting shot in their very bitter war of words. Please join me in welcoming our competitors for Hell in a Cell this Saturday. First, the Best in the World, C M PUNK!” The fans fire up as Punk makes his way out. Punk looks at the Cell, back in its classic silver and not painted red. Punk takes a moment to feel the gravitas of this structure, then steps inside. Punk even climbs up a few feet on one side just to test it.

Punk then steps in to the ring, and he shakes Pearce’s hand before locking his eyes back on the stage. Pearce then introduces the opponent, the Scottish Warrior, Drew McIntyre! The fans boo as McIntyre makes his way out. McIntyre stares Punk down before going to the steel steps. McIntyre touches the chain link, then steps into the ring. Security forms a wall between the two men, but Punk and McIntyre still stare down. Pearce says they have their time to speak, “Any last words?” McIntyre says he’ll go first. The fans chant “C M PUNK! C M PUNK!” McIntyre asks if we wonder why he’s wearing a black suit.

McIntyre says this is out of respect. Not for Punk, because he has less than zero respect for Punk. It is out of respect for Punk’s wife. Because after this Saturday, she’ll have to feed Punk, bathe Punk, might even divorce him. And also, this is a tuxedo. Because for the rest of the world, it’ll be a celebration that Punk’s not coming back this time! Punk’s been back less than a year, injured for four months of it, and he’ll be gone all thanks to McIntyre! McIntyre says if Punk doesn’t wanna talk, then he can talk all day. The fans have been watching and listening these 10 MONTHS, and even after all the evidence, they still chant his name! “C M PUNK! C M PUNK!”

McIntyre says brings up last Tuesday, Roxanne Perez the NXT Women’s Champion, saying how she looked up to Punk, got into wrestling because of him, and then spent a few days with him. That’s when she realized how awful Punk is! The people need to open their eyes, look in a mirror, and realize who the idiots are around here! The fans boo, but McIntyre says he sees Punk’s hate burning in him. Punk may have nothing to say, and McIntyre is glad. Once upon a time, McIntyre wasn’t even a blip on Punk’s radar and yet Punk hated him, so McIntyre hates Punk. Punk taught McIntyre how to hate!

There was a time in McIntyre’s life when there was no room for hate, only love. Punk taught McIntyre that hate is a powerful weapon when used correctly, but dangerous if you hold onto it for too long. So that is why lucky for McIntyre, Saturday, Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood, that hate will die with Punk! The fans boo but McIntyre drops the mic. McIntyre turns to leave, chuckling to himself, but now Punk grabs a mic! “Throughout my entire career, people have called me a lot of things. Best in the World. Second City Saint. Voice of the Voiceless. Tonight, I am voiceless, because I have nothing to say to a piece of garbage like you.”

Except that Punk is filled with so much rage when he looks at McIntyre, he can’t go home. Punk’s been living out of a hotel for four WEEKS, so that he doesn’t subject his wife to the man this has all turned him into! McIntyre, “you SOB,” has turned Punk into the boogeyman that the critics called him, but that is who Punk needs to be Saturday to send Mcintyre home to Scotland, in a box! Punk wants McIntyre to remember and never forget that he prayed for all of this, and it happened.

And Saturday, when McIntyre is locked in the Cell with Punk, and Punk has taken everything from McIntyre, and he is gripped with panic, crawling and begging, he will look up as Punk wipes the blood from McIntyre’s eyes so McIntyre can see. It isn’t God or the Devil he’s praying to. McIntyre will be praying to C M PUNK!! Punk drops the mic, the ultimatums have been issued, but who follows through to tear the other to shreds at Bad Blood?


Backstage interview with Braun Strowman.

Cathy Kelley is with The Monster of All Monsters as we are moments away from Last Monster Standing. After the damage induced and endured, is Braun feeling trepidatious going into this match? Braun says he doesn’t even know what “trepidatious” means, but he is not nervous. Braun will remind us all why he IS the Monster of All Monsters when he is the Last Monster Standing. Then any insight to- Wait, The Miz steps in. Miz asks Cathy to give him a moment with Braun. Cathy moves aside and Braun asks what’s up.

Miz says that last week, he had his match with Bronson, and Bruan interrupted. But wait, R-Truth is back! They’re both surprised to see him, and he isn’t sure why. Well, it’s because Truth took FIVE Tsunami splashes from Bronson Reed. Oh? Truth doesn’t remember that. Well, okay… But Braun has his massive match, he can talk with Miz later. He has problems that Miz & Truth started that he’ll go finish. Braun heads out, Truth wishes Andre good luck, and Miz asks what Truth is doing here. Truth says he works here. Yeah, but, why didn’t he call Miz and tell him he was coming? Truth doesn’t know.

But what Truth does know is that he’s been watching Raw, and he doesn’t like how Kross has been picking on Miz. Miz defends Kross isn’t picking on him but Truth says Kross sure has. But look. Truth texted Pearce, and he got Awesome Truth a match. He did? Yep! It’s them versus Aeop. Aeop? Y’know, they got the wizard and the witch with them. Oh no, does he mean A O P? Huh? AOP, Authors of Pain! Oh, is that how you say it? What books have they written? Truth, they’re a tag team! Yeah, but The Awesome Truth is back, and that’s the truth! Truth hugs Miz, Miz says it is good to have him back. But are they both going to need time off after facing Akam & Rezar?


Backstage interview with Sami Zayn.

Cathy Kelley is with the Underdog from the Underground, and says after weeks of rejections from Gunther, what will it take to get that World Heavyweight Championship match? Sami says the rejection isn’t what hurts, it is the disrespect. Though, you think Sami would be used to it because from when his career started all the way to main eventing WrestleMania, there have been doubters and haters who say he doesn’t belong or isn’t good enough. You think it wouldn’t bother him, but it does. And anyone who says it really doesn’t are either lying to you or lying to themselves, and Sami isn’t interested in doing either.

So Gunther saying he wont’ give Sami this shot because he’s not on the level, that hits a sore spot. But Sami won’t lose sleep over it, either, because he knows how good he is, and he knows he is good enough to be THE World Heavyweight Champion! Sami tells Gunther to watch this, because you can keep running your mouth, running away, ducking and dodging Sami, but Sami doesn’t go away that easy. Sami is coming and he won’t stop until he gets that chance. Sami thanks Cathy for the time, and heads out. What will it take for Sami to have his moment?


Six Man Tag: Judgment Day VS The LWO!

While The Prince is off handling some kind of business, his boys are looking to handle business here tonight! Can Dirty Dom, The Irish Ace & Caribbean Cool burn down Dragon Lee, Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde? Or will things only get worse for Judgment Day this close to Bad Blood?

Raw returns as The LWO makes their entrance. The teams sort out and JD starts against Cruz. They circle, Tie up, and JD headlocks. Cruz powers up and out but JD runs him over! Things get moving, and Cruz arm-drags, arm-drags, but then JD avoids one! But then Cruz avoids an elbow drop! Cruz whips JD to a corner, runs up, and he blocks a boot! Cruz puts JD in the ropes to then jump out and GAMANGIRI! Cruz then goes up to CROSSBODY! Tag to Wilde, but JD RAMS him into the corner! JD RAMS into Wilde again and again, then tags Carlito. Judgment Day double whip but Wilde crisscrosses them up!

Wilde sends Carlito into JD, then hits a NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO! Dom runs up, Wilde dodges to SUPERKICK! Wilde goes to the corner, and then all three members climb up! Dragon SPALSHES Dom! Cruz SWANTONS JD! Wilde 450 SPLASHES Carlito! TWO!! Judgment Day survives that aerial assault, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Dom ROCKS Wilde, then sucker punches Cruz! Dom flexes on Dragon, but Wilde blocks a kick! Wilde spins Dom to DDT! The fans fire up while both men crawl, hot tags to JD and Dragon! The fans fire up as the Boy Wonder dodges JD, BLASTS Carlito, then BOOTS JD! Dragon RANAS JD, but Dom runs up! Dragon dodges to SNAP GERMAN! Then V-TRIGGER to JD! Carlito knees low, whips Dragon, but Dragon dodges! Carlito hits buckles, Dragon hits a JUMP KIJCK, leg sweep, COMBINACION CABRON! The fans fire up as Dragon has targets in the corners! JD ELBOWS Dragon! JD goes up, but Dragon SHOVES JD!

JD keeps from falling off the corner, that leg is at risk, but Dragon drags JD into a Tree of Woe. Dom runs up, Dragon drop toeholds him into JD! Then he drop toeholds Carlito into Dom! The fans fire up as Dragon has all three men stacked! Tag to Cruz, Cruz goes up, to go COAST2COAST!! The fans fire up and Cruz drags JD to a cover, TWO!! JD survives, and Dom drags him to safety. Tag to Wilde, and he builds speed, to get he BOOST from Dragon & Cruz to take out Judgment Day! But then Cruz & Dragon build speed to DIVE onto Carlito & Dom! Wilde puts JD in, but Liv distracts! The fans boo, and FINN IS HERE!?

Finn SHOVES Wilde off the corner! Then JD hits DEVLINSIDE!! Cover, Judgment Day wins!!

Winners: The Judgment Day, by pinfall

The Prince’s call was a fake-out to take everyone off guard! Will Finn have an even sneakier plan in store for Damian Priest at Bad Blood?


Raw returns and Judgment Day is still celebrating in the ring.

They’re all huddled up, talking out something, and then they get the mics. Finn says, “Damian, I heard what you said last week. That you’re gonna rip out my heart? Amigo, you of all people should know, I don’t have a heart! And at Bad Blood, I’m gonna prove to the world that it was you that needed us! It was YOU that needed ME! And that The Judgment Day never needed Damian Priest.” The fans boo, but Liv takes a turn. She says she’ll prove she is a homewrecking, manstealing, heartbreaking, title taking, GREATEST Women’s World champion of all time! And Rhea, at Bad Blood, Daddy Dom will-

UH OH! Here comes Mami! Rhea has a mic of her own, and she tells Liv, “I was with Dom for a very lon gtime, so I know all about his dirty little secrets. Fella,s if you could please bring the shark cage for dramatic effect. One of them secrets, Dom, is that you are extremely–and when I say ‘extremely’, I mean extremely–claustraphobic. So at Bad Blood, when you’re locked inside this shark cage, crying, soiling yourself, cleaning yourself up with your brand new merch, you’re gonna have the best seat in the house to watch your little girflriend realize that when she’s in tehre all alone, that she is just not as good as ME!”

The fans fire up, and Rhea says Dom will watch her win back the title she never lost! But as for tonight, they’re done talking. PRIEST IS HERE! He CHUCKS Carlito, DECKS JD, and then TOSSS Finn to a corner! Priest fires off, Dom & Liv slip away, but Rhea runs up! HEADBUTT for Liv! BOOT for Dom! Rhea throws Dom into barriers! Rhea drags Dom back up, and brings him to the stage! Finn fights back against Priest, but Rhea THROWS Dom at the cage! And again! Liv runs up, but Rhea dares her to try something! Liv runs away instead! Rhea grins, and she goes back for Dom! Rhea kicks Dom, CLUBS her, and then opens the cage!

The fans fire up but Dom begs for mercy. Rhea says nope, get in there! Rhea pushes the door, Dom holds it open, but Liv CLOBBERS Rhea! Rhea fights Liv off, but Dom escapes the cage! Liv and Rhea scrap, but Rhea throws her shoe at Liv! Priest RAMS Finn into a corner! Priest ROCKS Carlito, choke grips JD, but then Finn SLINGBLADES! And then a SHOTGUN! Priest hits buckles, but he still BLASTS Carlito! Finn gets Priest with the EYE OF THE HURRICANE! The fans boo as Finn & JD beat Priest down! Dom returns, the Judgment Day stands Priest up for another SHOTGUN! Priest flounders and Finn goes up!

The fans boo as Finn hits a COUP DE GRACE!! But he’s not done! Finn goes back up, Judgment Day holds Priest down, COUP DE GRACE!! But Finn goes up again!? COUP DE GRACE!!! Judgment Day stands over Priest, will Finn make sure the Punisher never walks again? As for Rhea and Liv, will we finally get a fair fight as Dom dangles overhead?


Sheamus speaks.

The Fella looks at his shillelagh, and says the only thing worse than getting cracked with a cricket bat… is getting hit by a man who he used to call a brother. A man who was his friend. A man Sheamus basically created, and a man he still calls “Butch.” These past few weeks, Sheamus thought he’d knocked some sense into “The Loserweight,” but that sense was lost. Pete Dunne’s gone too far and he is about to find himself on the wrong side of Fight Night. Sheamus knows what Dunne is capable of. He’s vicious, and dangerous. But if he wants to play rough, let’s play rough. One final banger!

So bring the bat, bring the shrug, and whatever you want, because they’ll settle this like they would back across the pond, in a match Sheamus created: The Donnybrook! So what do you say, Butch? The Celtic Warrior has called out his former brawling brute, who will win the brutal battle?


WWE mourns the loss of Pete Rose.


Damage CTRL speaks.

Iyo Sky says last week, she and Kairi Sane beat The Unholy Union. That adds to the list of teams they’ve taken down on their way back to the top. Bianca Belair said next time, she would be ready, but neither her nor Jade Cargill are ready for DMG CTRL. Kairi brings up that Jade says they stand on business, but DMG CTRL doesn’t plan on letting those two stand at all. DMG CTRL plans on making them fall! DMG CTRL challenges The StrongEST Duo for the tag titles, and DMG CTRL vows to take over WWE again. Iyo says they haven’t been the same since losing the titles, so the only way to transform DMG CTRL is to get those belts back!

DMG CTRL is still the most dominant force in the history of the Women’s Division! Iyo is in Bianca’s head already, and now she’ll be living rent free forever when she & Kairi take those titles back! The Evil Genius & The Pirate Princess have issued their challenge and their warning, will Bianca & Jade accept one while ignoring the other?


Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Chad Gable w/ American Made!

While Woods went after Rey over misunderstandings, there’s no twisting this one. Kofi wants to shut the obnoxious Olympian over his disrespect of The New Day’s struggles. Will the Power of Positivity prevail? Or will Gable give Kofi a loss that’s 100% American Made?

Raw returns and The New Day makes their entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Gable lunges in to then lift and SLAM Kofi, then he waistlocks to gator roll Kofi around! Kofi avoids the bridging cover once, but not twice, TWO! Gable hits a headlock takeover, but Kofi headscissors. Gable kips free, Kofi headlocks for the takeover but Gable headscissors. Kofi kips free, but Gable runs him over! The fans boo but Gable and team soak it up. Gable runs, Kofi hurdles, but then Gable catches him to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Kofi lands out!? Gable runs up, and he MONKEY FLIPS! Kofi lands out again!

The fans fire up and Kofi DROPKICKS Gable down! Kofi then runs to IMPLODER SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Gable bails out and American Made is there. The fans rally for Kofi and he builds speed, but Gable CLOBBERS him in the ropes! Gable then drags Kofi out, GERMAN SUPLEX to the floor! American Made stands tall, and Gable has a bloody cut already, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Gable hits a DIVING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO! Kofi stays in this and Gable grows frustrated. The fans rally, Woods is also a bit frustrated, but Gable puts Kofi in a corner. Gable CHOPS Kofi, whips corner to corner, but Kofi goes up and up to MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up and so does Woods! Kofi and Gable rise, and “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” echoes out. Gable stands, but into DOUBLE CHOPS! And DOUBLE COHPS! And then a DROPKICK! Kofi runs to then leap, but Gable catches him! EXPLODER! Gable watches Kofi go to a corner, then waits on him. Kofi stands, into CHAOS TH- NO! Kofi victory rolls! TWO!

Gable has the O’Conner, TWO! Gable has the Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Kofi swings around, crucifix takedown, ghost pin! TWO! Roll-up, TWO! Gable has Kofi, TWO! Kofi has the jackknife, TWO as Gable manages to bridge!! Gable spins Kofi around, and around, and then Gory Especials! DOMINATOR!! Cover, TWO!! Kofi survives Gable’s impressive show of power, and “This is Awesome!” Kofi goes to a corner, Gable runs corner to corner, but Kofi SWING KICKS him! Gable staggers, Kofi climbs, and Kofi AX HANDLE- NO, Gable ducks it to pick the leg! ANKLE LOCK!! Kofi rolls to the cover, TWO!!

Gable storms up, TROUBLE IN- NO! Gable blocks to have the ANKLE LOCK!! American Made is all fire dup, but Kofi rolls to send Gable into buckles! Gable comes back, but into the SOS!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Gable saves himself, then drags himself outside! Kofi is stunned but Woods coaches him up. Kofi hurries out after Gable, and he runs to LEAP off the steps! Kofi TRUST FALLS Gable and the Creed Brothers down! The fans fire up, Kofi puts Gable in, but Julius takes a swing! Woods CLOBBERS Julius! Kofi hurries into the ring, but Gable kicks low! Ivy is on the apron, but Kofi dodges Gable! Woods trips Gabler, but Kofi was also spinning!

The fans are torn as Woods messes up Kofi’s timing! Gable waistlocks Kofi, to CHAOS THEORY!! Bridging cover, GABLE WINS!!

Winner: Chad Gable, by pinfall

Woods is beside himself! He thought he was doing the right thing given American Made was trying to cheat, but he just screws over his best friend! Woods apologizes, but how can he make this up to Kofi? Will Woods winning the Intercontinental Championship be some semblance of redemption?


Backstage interview with Bronson Reed.

Jackie Redmond notes that Seth Rollins being at the Baltimore Ravens game is a good sign he’s on the mend from the brutal attack committed by her guest at this time, BIG Bronson Reed. And does this potential return affect Bronson’s attention going into this Last Monster Standing main event? Bronson says no. In fact, congrats to Rollins! Bronson hopes Rollins comes back, because Bronson took MONTHS from his career, and next time, he’ll take YEARS. And apologies to Braun in advance for exposing him for the man that he is. Because BRONSON is the Last Monster Standing! The Colossal Aussie is ready, but will the rest of the world not?


Pearce does one last talk with his people.

He knows there’s no telling what will happen, but security is ready to step up if something goes wrong. He also needs the referees and medics to be ready at a moment’s notice. And now Gunther walks by. Der Ring General seems to have something to say, after the break.


The Wyatt Sick6 send another message.

“WE SEE YOUR INTENT. ANGER FESTERING INTO RAGE. DO NOT GO DOWN THIS PATH. IT ENDS IN YOUR DEMISE. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. YOU KNOW BETTER. DO NOT FORCE OUR HAND. HEED OUR ADMONITION.” QR code. And then a doll…. Who is this message for? Will they even know it’s for them? Or is it already too late?


Gunther heads to the ring.

The fans boo as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion walks out, fresh from a brutal battle with Ilja Dragunov last Saturday in Columbus, Georgia. The bad news from that is Ilja Dragunov is now injured with a torn ACL, which will require surgery and be gone anywhere from six to nine months. As for Gunther, he grabs himself a mic and while fans boo, Gunther says life as World Heavyweight Champion has been fantastic. He loves every aspect of being THE World Heavyweight Champion! Being the top guy, the money, the luxuries, the amenities. But there’s one thing he just hates about his life, and that is the insult of dealing with Sami Zayn every week!

Gunther could not ask for anyone more annoying than Sami. Sami comes out week after week- And he does so now! Sami has a mic to tell Gunther, “If you find it so annoying dealing with me every single week, there’s a very, very easy way to put an end to all of this once and for all. And all you’ve gotta do… is give me what I keep asking for, and put your Heavyweight Championship on the line one-on-one! But you won’t do it, will you? You won’t do it! And I know why. And deep down, Gunther, I think you do, too. So why don’t you just tell me, right here to my face, tell me in front of everyone, tell me right now why you won’t do it. Admit it!”

The fans cheer Sami but Gunther says, “I tried to tell you, I tried to beat it into you. You’re just not on my level.” The fans boo but Sami says if he isn’t on Gunther’s level, why is he the one that won at WrestleMania? The fans cheer that! Sami says Gunther thinks he’s so much better, but Sami’s the one who did it! Gunther beat everyone else! Future Hall of Famers, former world champions, everyone that stepped to Gunther got knocked down, except Sami! Sami pinned Gunther!! Gunther thinks he’s so much better, and that is why it drives him crazy. Gunther knows that if it was Sami VS Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship, Gunther is scared it’ll happen again.

Gunther does his best not to get flustered, but the fans rally behind Sami. They tell Gunther, “You’re A Coward!” Gunther tells Sami that Sami is right. Gunther is afraid. But not of Sami! Gunther is afraid for his own reputation. After all those legendary things Gunther did with the Intercontinental Championship, losing to the better man would’ve been no problem. But losing to SAMI has been the biggest embarrassment of his career! Gunther was so busy embarrassing Sami in front of his own family, that eventually it is what Sami did to Gunther.

Gunther was so confident he’d win, he flew his whole family over. But Gunther didn’t parade them around like Sami does just to gain sympathy. But once it was all done, Gunther went to the back and had to look his father in the eye. Gunther’s father asked him, which Gunther first says in German, then translates: “Son, I flew all the way from Austria to Philadelphia, just to watch you lose to that bum, Sami Zayn!?” So yeah, Gunther doesn’t expect Sami to understand. Sami’s family is used to seeing Sami fail. His family doesn’t expect anything anymore. But Gunther’s family excepts everything from him! He is the golden goose! He is SPECIAL!

And, Gunther is something Sami will never be: World Heavyweight Champion. The fans boo but Sami says Gunther’s right about one thing. Sami’s family has seen him lose, get knocked down many, many times. So what does Sami do? He picks himself back up and keeps moving forward! Now what did Gunther do when he came up short? He CRUMBLED! After Sami beat Gunther, did Gunther ever ask for a rematch? Nope. Did he ask Pearce? Nope! He tucked tail, and he hid! Gunther disappeared off TV for MONTHS! Gunther didn’t show his face here because he couldn’t show his face here! And all because Daddy made Gunther feel like a loser!

Well now, Gunther is showing his dad that his son is also a coward! Gunther CLOBBERS Sami! Gunther is furious and he stomps away on Sami! The fans boo but Gunther takes off his jacket. Gunther drags Sami up, puts him in a corner and shouts in his face! Gunther then winds up, but Sami fights back! The fans fire up, Gunther shoves Sami, but Sami clinches! Gunther fights the lift, but Sami tries and tries, then hits the CORNER EXPLODER! The fans fire up and Sami goes corner to corner! But Gunther catches Sami into a SLEEPER! Sami fades, but Gunther then spins Sami around, hoists him up, GENERAL BOMB!!

Sami sputters while fans boo. Gunther says if Sami wants the title shot so bad, then he’s got it! The fans cheer, because at least Sami gets what he wants! But after this beating, will that title match be absolute violence? Or will it be just the chance Sami needs to climb the mountaintop?


The Awesome Truth VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

R-Truth is back, and back to his old ways of getting Miz into some deep… water. But can Truth & Miz survive a run in with Akam & Rezar? Or will this be the Final Chapter for the former tag team champions?

Raw returns and AOP makes their entrance. Truth & Miz get fans to cheer them and boo AOP, but then the teams sort out. Truth starts against Rezar, and he fires off shots at the bell! Rezar shoves truth, but Truth ducks ‘n’ dodges to shoulder tackle! Rezar stays up, so Truth keeps moving! Truth throws more shoulders, but Rezar runs up! Truth gets around, to SPIN OUT BOMB! The fans fire up and Truth says “You Can’t See Me!” Shoutout to Cena with the FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Truth fireman’s carries, but that’s a lot of beef! Rezar hoists Truth up to DOMINATOR! Rezar talks trash but fans boo.

Kross keeps talking to Miz, being that little devil on his shoulder, but Rezar stomps Truth. Tag to Akam, and the AOP mugs Truth. The fans rally for Truth, but Akam drags Truth up. Akam tags Rezar back in, and the AOP mugs Truth some more. The ref reprimands but Rezar covers, TWO! The Albanian Psycho HAMMERS Truth, tags the Punjabi Powerhouse, but Truth slips free of the back suplex! Turth DUMPS Rezar, CALF KICKS Akam, and the fans fire up as he crawls! Hot tag to Miz! Miz fires up… to BOOT TRUTH!?!? The fans boo but Kross is laughing like it’s the funniest thing ever! Kross brought out Miz’s villain side, and Miz is leaving Truth!!

Truth is stunned, more from the betrayal than the shot, but Akam drags him up! Tag to Rezar, WHAT A RUSH!! Cover, AOP wins!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, by pinfall

The fans still boo Miz, but Final Testament stands tall as they truly ended a tag team! Will the AOP be in line for those World Tag Team Champions by any means necessary?


Backstage interview with Imperium.

Cathy Kelley is with Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser, and she says that it seems Sami got under Gunther’s skin. What Sami said got Gunther to give him that world title match, which now happens next week. Gunther repeats, “Under my skin? Yeah, it-” But then Bron Breakker walks in. Bron eyes the world title, then says sorry. Just wanted to see it for himself. Gunther chuckles and tells Kaiser, “He really is a badass.” Bron says yeah, that’s right. And you’ll see sooner than you think. Bron leaves, Gunther and Kaiser don’t seem to take him seriously. But if Gunther doesn’t take Sami seriously, will he lose another title to the Underdog from the Underground?


Last Monster Standing: Bronson Reed VS Braun Strowman!

These human kaiju have been battling across these United States, but it all comes down to this! They’ve broken a car, a commentary desk, and even parts of the backstage area, will anything be left intact as we determine who is THE Last Monster Standing?

The bell rings and Braun CLOBBERS Bronson! Then he whips Bronson, but Bronson ducks ‘n ‘dodges and CLOBBERS Bruan! Braun bails out, but Bronson goes out the side. Bronson runs up but Braun sends him into steel steps! The steps go flying but Bronson is down! The ref counts, but Braun pulls the steps apart. Bronson stands at 5 of 10, so Braun RAMS him with the steps! Bronson stays up, so Braun RAMS him again! Bronson leans on the commentary desk to stay up, so Braun puts the steps down. Braun drags Bronson up to the top of the steps, to CHOKE SLAM him through the desk!!

The fans are thunderous already as a standing count starts. Bronson stirs at 4 of 10, pushes himself up at 5, and stands at 6! Bronson says it’ll take more than that, and Braun says there’s more where that came from! The monsters are gearing up, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Bronson SAMOAN DROPS Braun in the ring! The count starts but Braun stirs at 2. We also see a bunch of chairs gathered together outside the ring. Bronson waits on the apron, and Braun drags himself up with ropes to stand at 6. So Bronson reels him in! Braun fights the suplex while the fans already freak out! Braun HEADBUTTS Bronson, runs, and he DECKS Bronson! Bronson falls onto the chairs!! The chairs are all bent up from that impact and the fans again lose their minds! Braun leans on ropes to stay standing, and Bronson stirs. Bronson clears the chairs out, he crawls to the ramp, and manages to stand at 6.

Braun storms up behind Bronson, and he CLUBS Bronson on the back! These behemoths go up the ramp and to the stage, and Braun whips. Bronson reverses to send Braun into the LED boards! Bronson finds a chair, brings it over, but Braun ROCKS him first! Braun grabs the chair to SMACK Bronson! And SMACK him again! They go around to the tech area! Braun SMACKS Bronson on the road cases! Braun then climbs up, hauls Bronson up, but Bronson CLAWS Braun’s face! Bronson then fireman’s carries, to DEATH VALLEY DRIVER down through spare tables!!! The fans lose their minds again and the ref checks both men.

The count is on both men as they’re down in the wreckage. Bronson stirs at 4, rises at 5, and he stalks Braun. Braun sits up at 6, but he stands at 8! Braun stalks Bronson, and CLOBBERS him over barriers! The fans fire up while Braun catches his breath. The count is on Bronson, he stirs at 3. Braun climbs over barriers to stalk Bronson, and Bronson stands at 6. Braun whips Bronson into steel steps, and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once more and Bronson runs up to CLOBBER Braun through barriers! The fans fire up, and Bronson pushes the pieces of barrier around. Braun is still down at 5 of 10, and then 7. Braun pushes himself up at 8, so Bronson runs in again! Bronson CLOBBERS Braun through MORE barriers!! The front row is just barely safe from that impact and the fans lose their minds again! Bronson staggers up, Braun crawls, and now producers hurry out here to check on fans while also working on the barrier. Bronson drags Braun up and into the ring, and security helps with the barriers. Bronson says bet, and he goes up a corner!

Bronson aims to TSUNAMI!! Braun sputters, but with no ref to count, Bronson shouts at him! The ref wants to make sure the front row of fans is alright first, so Bronson says fine, and he goes up again! TSUNAMI!! The fans are torn but Bronson has to shout at the ref to get his attention. Bronson storms in, CLOBBERS security, and tosses them into the ring! Bronson drags the ref over, but now Pearce gets mad! Pearce tells Bronson to not disrespect officials, but now Bronson grabs Pearce! Security has to stop Bronson, but BRAUN is up top?!? ONE BIG CROSSBODY!! The fans are going nuts as Braun bowls down a dozen men!!

The ref recovers, and he sees both monsters are down. “This is Awesome!” as the count begins. Bronson is already up at 3?! Braun sputters, his own dive taking the most out of him. Braun rises at 6, then drags himself up to stand at 8! The fans fire up as now Braun rips his shirt away! Braun storms up on Bronson, pushes him into the ring, tells the ref to watch this time, and he climbs back up! The fans are thunderous, but Braun’s big lungs need more air. Bronson CHUCKS a chair at Braun!! Braun wobbles up top, and Bronson climbs! The fans anticipate what’s coming, and so does Braun, so he fires body shots!

Bronson CLUBS away on Braun in return, then roars! Bronson hauls Braun up to the very top, SUPER DUPER PLEX!! And the ring falls apart!! Braun, Bronson, all the security guards and even the ref are down on the floor, but Evansville is giving a standing ovation! But someone still has to stand to win! The ref sits back up, and he counts! Bronson stirs at 3, but who is this coming out? SETH ROLLINS?!? The Visionary aims at Bronson, CURB STOMP on the steel steps!!! Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins just got his revenge, and Braun stands first!! BRAUN WINS!!

Winner: Braun Strowman

Bronson talked trash and he just found out what happens! But now that Rollins IS back, is he going to make Bronson regret ever targeting him?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Raw as the go-home to Bad Blood, though it felt a bit talkier than usual. I suppose that’s because they also needed to hype up next week’s big episode, which will only be two hours because of the deal made with NBC/USA Network and all that. For one, good opening promo from Jey, especially since he got to have that moment with his son before his entrance. Given that, I believe Jey’s pauses were about being emotionally overwhelmed by this moment, which is totally understandable. He and Bron have a good moment together, and it was a very subtle way of them both officially moving on from that feud.

Good interweaving of New Day’s story into the Intercontinental Championship scene at this point. Great matches of Woods VS Rey and Kofi VS Gable, and with very clever “controversial” endings. Woods accidentally snatching Rey’s mask to get his win was so good, and what great timing with Woods tripping Gable when he didn’t have to. Jey VS Woods is going to be really good because maybe more and more of this Heel behavior comes out, which Kofi will take offense to, and that alone is why Woods loses to give Jey a solid first defense.

Great promos from Sami and Gunther, with them both using the other’s family as a point of weakness. Gunther losing his cool and giving Sami’s match from there was a good detail. The only thing is, Bron having his interaction with Gunther tonight almost gives away Sami isn’t winning next week. As great as it would be for Sami to finally have a top title, hard to say it happens here if they’re teasing Bron VS Gunther. And great promo from Sheamus to set up what I was hoping for in the Donnybrook. For just being two hours, next week’s Raw is going to be big just off that and the two title matches.

Also a good promo from DMG CTRL to call out Bianca & Jade, that’ll be a really good match, but hopefully the previous cases of bad timing will be fixed. Maybe it’s that Kairi just keeps wanting to do Joshi Strong Style and that’s not what Bianca or Jade are ready for. Good stuff from Lyra with PFC and then KC Squared, and I do appreciate the meaner attitudes from Kayden & Katana. Not that they have to suddenly be just as rough and tumble as PFC or DMG CTRL, but as The New Day has over the years, there’s a time to be positive and fun and there’s a time to kick ass. And with Unholy Union getting on their cases and PFC still needing comeuppance, it’s time to kick ass.

Very good stuff with Judgment Day, and clever move with Finn’s phone call lowering our guard. But between the Six Man Tag win and Finn standing tall over Priest, Priest is definitely winning that match. Though that would likely mean Rhea doesn’t beat Liv for the title, because there’s still a way to cheat even with Dom stuck in the shark cage. Also Dom took some wild bumps tonight but I’m sure he’s fine. I can’t be sure what either result really means, as I don’t think this feud ends just yet. Maybe Rhea has no choice but to let someone else challenge Liv after this, but Rhea could still find an outside way of helping that person since Liv always has Dom helping her.

Very good promos from McIntyre and Punk tonight to cap off the build to their Hell in a Cell blowoff. Though, I will say that while Punk said he has nothing to say to “garbage” McIntyre, he obviously did. Kind of that trope of “I’m speechless” but then the person keeps talking anyway. Good stuff, didn’t really change the math, and the math has been pretty dead even for a few weeks. McIntyre won at SummerSlam, Punk won at Bash in Berlin, this could really go either way depending on who they want moving up to the world championship as we head for Crown Jewel, Survivor Series, and so on.

I still like the idea of McIntyre losing and being so pissed that he has to be sent to SmackDown. McIntyre then becomes a fresh challenger to the US and WWE Championships, mostly the US because that’s the title McIntyre hasn’t held yet. And then great stuff in this larger (pun kinda intended) story of Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman. It seems Truth returning to encourage “Andre the Giant” and getting Miz in a match with other giants like AOP was the last straw. I didn’t think Miz would turn on Truth during the match, but I suppose that saves time of Awesome Truth losing, then Miz making it seem like he’s consoling Truth only to turn on him.

Kross broke up this team easier than he has New Day, but it was a good detail for him to be watching New Day from afar. I suppose we can get Truth VS Miz from here, and chances are Kross goes for another target. Bronson VS Braun was awesome stuff, and everyone could just feel that this was going to be the newest “ring breaking superplex” spot akin to Lesnar VS Big Show, Big Show VS Mark Henry, and Big Show VS Braun Strowman. Bronson getting in on that is a great honor, and then what a great moment for Rollins to return. Rollins costs Bronson, that’s their feud going forward, and who knows what Braun does aside from maybe help Truth against Miz for what Miz did tonight.

My Score: 9/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (10/4/24)

The Elite are on a Rampage!



The Scapegoat & The Young Bucks have been called out!

Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party want title shots against The Elite, so Christopher Daniels created this preview for Rampage in Pittsburgh!


  • Six Man Tag: The Elite VS Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party; Shibata & Private Party win.
  • Kamille w/ Mercedes Mone VS Zoey Lynn; Kamille wins.
  • Queen Aminata VS Harley Cameron; Aminata wins.
  • Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly VS “Big Bill” Morrissey & Bryan Keith; Cassidy & Kyle win.


Six Man Tag: The Elite VS Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party!

Jack Perry has accepted The Wrestler’s challenge for the AEW TNT Championship, while Matthew & Nicholas were considering the challenge for the AEW World Tag Team Championships. But will Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy make the EVPs accept by beating them now like they did roughly five years ago? Or will The Scapegoat & The Bucks show us why they are THE Elite?

The teams sort out and while fans sing, “OH~ Cry Me a River~!” Shibata is calling out Perry. Perry says alright, fine, and he steps up! The fans cheer, the bell rings, and the two circle. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and then clinch. Shibata throws Perry down to then have a lateral press. Perry moves around, Shibata has the top mount, and Shibata toys with Perry a bit before he shifts into the ARMBAR! Perry fights around, clasps hands, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts but Shibata lets off quickly. Shibata storms up but Perry is in the ropes. The ref has Shibata stand back, but then Perry pie faces Shibata!

The ref reprimands, but Perry eggs Shibata on. Perry then bails out, but Shibata pursues! Perry slides in, tags Nick, and Perry TACKLES Shibata as he slides in! Nick stomps away on Shibata, he and Perry double whip. Shibata TACKLES Perry! The fans fire up but Nick stomps Shibata. Shibata still punches Perry, but then he notices the kicks. Shibata storms upon Nick but Perry CLUBS Shibata down! Perry CHOKES Shibata, the fans boo, but Perry lets off. Nick drags Shibata up, but Shibata ROCKS Nick! Nick falls back, and Shibata tags Quen. They mug Perry, then Quen whips. Nick reverses but Quen RANAS!

The fans fire up with Quen, and he SOBATS! Tag to Zay, they double whip to atomic drop, ENZIGIRI, but Matt runs in! Quen drop toeholds, Zay Camel Clutches, and Quen leapfrogs to DOUBLE STOMP! Matt goes rolling, Nick runs up, but into a DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Zay covers, but Perry stomps it! Perry sucker punches Shibata then soaks up heat. Zay is frustrated but Shibata runs in to BOOT Perry! Zay LARIATS Nick up and out, then Private Party DOUBLE PLANCHA! Down go The Bucks and the fans fire up! Private Party puts Nick in and then Zay fires off in a corner. Zay rains down fists, fans count all the way to TEN!

Stokely Hathaway is watching, but Perry distracts Zay. Zay tells him to back off, then he fires “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” on Nick! Zay says “SUCK IT!” then runs, but Matt trips him up! Matt drags Zay out but Zay ROCKS Matt! Zay ROCKS Perry, but Nick PENALTY KICKS Zay down! The ref reprimands The Elite, but Perry goes around to CLUB Shibata! Matt does the same to Quen, and then Perry whips Shibata hard into railing! Matt Nick puts Zay back in, brings him up, and he tags Matt. The Buck smug Zay while Perry mugs Quen, and Perry drapes Quen from the apron. Matt does the same with Zay in the ropes!

Nick climbs up, The Elite coordinate, DRAPING SWANTON BOMB AND DDT TO THE FLOOR! The fans boo but Nick says “The, Elite. The the Elite.” The fans boo more, but Rampage goes picture in picture.

Perry soaks up heat, Nick stands Zay up and bumps him off buckles. Matt tags in, he drags Zay up and scoops to BACKBREAKER! Tag to Nick, he SLINGSHOT LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO! Zay stays in this but Nick tags Perry. Perry slingshot SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Perry stalks Zay, kicks him around, slaps him around, but Zay fires back! Zay has Perry in a corner as he fires shots, but Perry CLAWS Zay’s eyes! Perry snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Perry keeps Zay down and wrenches his arm. Tag to Matt and Matt CLUBS the arm. Rampage returns to single picture as Matt snapmares Zay into a chinlock.

The fans rally as Zay endures, and Zay fights up. Zay fires body shots, but Matt DECKS him! Matt BLASTS Quen, too! Tag to Nick, and The Bucks drag Zay up to double whip. Zay ducks the double lariats, but the Bucks double hip toss, only for Zay to rebound off ropes! DOUBLE ARM-DRAGS! The fans fire up but Perry runs in! Zay TOSSES Perry to the apron, ELBOWS him down, then BOOTS Matt! Nick runs up, Zay dodges! Nick hits buckles, but Perry YANKS Shibata down! No hot tag for Zay! The fans boo but Perry sends Shibata into steel steps! Nick SHINING WIZARDS Zay, GAMANGIRIS, ROCKS, and feeds to Matt! ASSISTED SLICED BREAD!

Nick runs in, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!! Zay survives and the fans fire up! Nick drags Zay up, tags Perry, and Perry drags Zay up to reel him in. Perry heads for the corner, but Zay RANAS Perry into the DOUBLE GAMANGIRI! The Bucks panic, Nick tags in, but Matt drags Zay up. But Zay fights free to facelock Matt. Nick still springboards in, so Zay catches him! COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO! The fans fire up as Zay rises up, and he hurries to hot tag Quen! Quen fires hands on The Bucks, DECKS Nick then DECKS Matt! SPLASH for Nick in a corner, then a NECKBREAKER! Matt BOOTS back, but runs into a SNAP POWERSLAM!

Cover, but Quen moves as Nick runs up! Nick’s ELBOW DROP hits Matt! Quen then runs up, DOUBLE RANA for The Bucks! The fans fire up as The Bucks bail out and regroup by the ramp. Quen goes up and up and SUPER CANNONBALLS! The Bucks go down, and Quen hurries to put Nick in! Springboard, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Nick stays in this but Quen stays on him. Quen steps on Nick, goes to the corner, and he climbs up. But Perry hurries to trip Quen up! The fans boo but Nick climbs. Nick drags Quen up, for the SUPER DUPER FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Quen survives and the fans fire up!

Nick tags Perry, and Perry storms over to Quen. Perry suplexes, but Quen slips free! Quen shoves Perry, ducks the Comebacker and PELES! Tag to Shibata! The fans go wild as Shibata fires forearms on Perry! Shibata runs, but Perry DROPKICKS him down! Perry roars, runs, but Shibata BOOTS him! Shibata whips Perry into a corner, fires forearms, then calls to Private Party. Shibata whips Perry to a corner, sends Quen in, and Quen hits a forearm SMASH! Quen sets up, Zay runs up, PARTY IN MOTION! Zay feeds Perry to a BOOT from Shibata! Cover, TWO! Perry survives but Shibata does not let off!

Shibata snapmares Perry, runs, and PENALTY- NO, Nick trips Shibata up! Zay DIVES onto Nick! Perry waistlocks, Shibata switches, O’Conner! TWO, but PENALTY KICK on the rebound!! Cover, Matt breaks it! Shibata DECKS Matt, and he storms over to Perry. The fans fire up, Shibata fires off on Perry, and Quen tags in. But then Nick YANKS Quen down! Th eBucks DOUBLE SEUPERKICK Shibata! DOUBLE SUPERKICK for Zay! Quen ducks kicks, but he misses his! TRIPLE SUPERKICKS as Perry joins in!! The Bucks hurry to their corner, Perry tags Matt. Matt hauls Quen up, Nick climbs up! Matt puts Quen on ropes, DOUBLE STOMP POWERBOMB COMBO!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans cannot believe it but Quen survives! Tag back to Perry and he takes aim, SACRIFIC- PARTY DETROYER!! Zay counters, and then Shibata HYDRAULIC DROPKICKS Perry!! Shibata puts Perry up, Zay GAMANGIRIS! Quen runs up, GIN & JUICE!!! Cover, THE BUCKS BREAK IT!! The fans boo but The Bucks mug Shibata. The Bucks TOSS Shibata, then drag Perry to safety. Matt tags Perry, and he storms up on Quen. Matt whips Quen, Quen goes to the apron! Zay runs up, Matt whips him! Private Party hits the SILLY- NO, Matt NORTHERN LIGHTS free! Quen leaps, but Matt add shim to a DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS!

Matt rolls through, Nick joins in, E V P TRIGGER!!! Zay is done, but the Bucks haul Quen up! T K- NO, Zay trips Nick!! Quen victory rolls Matt, PRIVATE PARTY WINS!!

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata & Private Party, by pinfall

Five years later and it’s another shocker! Perry taunts Shibata with the TNT Championship, but The Bucks do give applause to Private Party. Will The Elite have to be much more careful if they want to keep their gold?


BREAKING NEWS for Collision!

Private Party may have won tonight, but they still need to earn their title shot! They’ll be in a Triple Threat against Top Flight’s Darius & Dante Martin and The House of Black’s Malakai Black & Buddy Murphy! The winners will be the NEW #1 contenders, who will get to live the WrestleDream against The Bucks? Plus, other rising tag teams are in action as the Grrrizzled Young Veterans take on The Outrunners! Will Zack Gibson & James Drake make everyone understand they are SSSSOON to be recognized as AEW’s top guys? Or will the Youngest Men Alive show ’em that they ain’t seen nothing yet?

Then, while Wheeler Yuta is preparing to team with Bryan Danielson against former friends in Claudio Castagnoli & Pac, he is going to have a 1v1 match with BEEF! Will Anthony Henry’s second cousin through marriage just be an appetizer before the main course on Dynamite? Darby Allin may have made an Open Challenge for WrestleDream, he has a Collision with Johnny TV! Will Darby show us all how relentless he is? Or will he find he’s just not #TVReady? If you thought last week’s Lucha Libre Triple Threat was something, this week is a Fatal 4 Way of Hologram, Komander, Action Andretti and Nick Wayne!

Plus, Willow Nightingale is targeting Mariah May and the AEW Women’s World Championship, but she takes on The Infantry’s Trish Adora first. Will The Babe with the Power use The AfroPunk as a tune-up for the title match? Lastly, while The Conglomeration is in action against The Learning Tree’s Branches here tonight, they’ll have to turn right back around to face The Premier Athletes, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari. Will this whole weekend be Freshly Squeezed?


Backstage interview with Kris Statlander.

Renee Paquette is with The Galaxy’s Greatest and notes we haven’t seen Kris in action since her win at All Out. What does she have her sights set on next? Kris says we could all sense that Chicago Street Fight was the end of an era for her. She has been in a group, she has had a manager, and with the anniversary of Dynamite just passing, let’s bring it back to how she started in AEW: on her own. Kris is stronger, more independent, she’s like, a “Born Again Kristen.” We all saw that she is the toughest, the strongest, and- Kamille steps in. The Brickhouse asks if that’s right. Biggest? Toughest? Strongest? Her match is next.

Kamille pushes past Kris, and Mercedes Mone follows. The CEO tells Kris, “You better watch, b*tch.” Mone laughs, did she just put herself on Kris’ radar?


Backstage interview with Harley Cameron.

Renee is now with the wacky Aussie and says while she’s in a match tonight with Queen Aminata, does Harley have an update on Saraya after that vicious match with Jamie Hayter? Harley says Saraya is currently incapacitated. No further questions. But what about her match with- NO further questions! Then what about…? Oh, yes, yes, her match. She should say something on that. Harley tells Aminata, “You are in a lot of trouble. RAWR!” That’ll do, right? Sure… Harley heads out, will she take out her frustrations on Aminata tonight? Or is she going to end up “incapacitated” alongside Saraya?


Kamille w/ Mercedes Mone VS Zoey Lynn!

The Brickhouse is The CEO’s big investment, and insurance policy. Will the former NWA World Women’s Champion remind us why she is a former NWA World Women’s Champion? Or can Zoey bring her down with some Angel Dust?

The bell rings and Kamille SPEARS Zoey!! The fans boo but Mone says Kamille has arrived! Kamille drags Zoey up, dragon sleepers, and TWISTING NECKBREAKER! Cover, Kamille wins!

Winner: Kamille, by pinfall

Mone raises Kamille’s hand as they both stand over Zoey Lynn. Between The CEO and The Brickhouse, will no one stop them from taking over AEW?


Backstage interview with Anna Jay.

Renee is now with The Queenslayer, and says she had a tremendous showing in her return to AEW last week. It got a lot of people’s attention, but especially Will Ospreay. Anna says yes, Ospreay tweeted out a compliment on how great she has improved, from footwork to pacing, so she thanks Ospreay for that. He’s not too bad himself. Having one of the greatest wrestlers alive today see your hard work paying off is one of the best feelings ever. So if Ospreay sees it, then you know the AEW Women’s Division is seeing it. So if you don’t take her word for it, and if you don’t take Ospreay’s word for it, just do her a favor and try her.


Deonna Purrazzo & Taya Valkyrie speak.

The Virtuosa says, “This thing of ours operates according to a code. That those who want respect give respect.” La Wera Loca says, “It’s simple, elegant.” Deonna has shown Taya generosity, and Taya accepted it. Despite early missteps, Deonna remains committed to this thing of theirs, because Taya has earned Deonna’s respect by owning the misstep. Taya says there is much to learn for “I” to become “We.” Deonna says that is what is missing in a place like AEW. These two must teach AEW that they are all bound together by the code. Those that want respect must give respect. And those who refuse get it beaten into them!


Queen Aminata VS Harley Cameron!

The One True African Woman may have Serena Deeb in her sights, and the wacky Aussie may have Jamie Hayter on her mind, they both must focus on who is in the ring with them. Will Aminata prove to the Professor that she doesn’t need the lessons? Or can Harley show Hayter that she’s not the only one who hits hard?

The bell rings, the two circle, and Harley KNEES low! Harley headlocks, Aminata powers up and out, then waistlocks. Harley fights the lift, throws elbows, then runs. Aminata gets around to waistlock and SLAM! The fans fire up while Harley hobbles up. Aminata and Harley circle again, Harley gets around to waistlock, but Aminata wrenches out. Aminata wristlocks, brings Harley down, then steps over to twerk attack! Aminata wrenches more, but Harley kicks low! And KICKS again! And ENZIGIRIS! Aminata wobbles, Harley brings Aminata in and, uh, wait, aren’t The Iron Savages the ones who take us to Tiddy City?

Harley runs, but Aminata ROCKS her! Amianta snapmares Harley, runs, and PENALTY KICKS! The fans fire up while Aminata smiles, and she stalks Harley to a corner. Aminata runs around the world to BOOT WASH! Aminata reminds us she is the one and only, and Rampage goes picture in picture.

Aminata pushes Harley around, brings her up, but Harley bails out. Harley says timeout, but Aminata goes out after her. Aminata storms up but Harley KNEES her low, then THROWS her by her hair! Harley CHOKES Aminata on the outside, but Aminata kicks her away. The ref reprimands but Harley grins. Harley storms up on Aminata, SMACKS her off the apron, and then soaks up heat. Harley puts Aminata in the ring, continues to play coy, then storms up to HIP DROP Aminata. Cover, TWO! Harley is annoyed but Aminata fires body shots. Harley CLUBS Aminata down, then clamps on a chinlock.

Harley grinds Aminata down, but Aminata endures. Aminata fights up, fights back, but Harley knees low again! Harley bumps Aminata off buckles, stomps a mudhole in, but steps off as the ref counts. Harley bumps Aminata off more buckles, then grinds her boot in. The ref counts, Harley steps back, and she drags Aminata up. Harley brings Aminata around to throw her down by her hair! Cover, TWO! Aminata stays in this, but Rampage goes to break.

Rampage returns and Harley ELBOWS Aminata in the shoulder! And ELBOWS her again! Harley LICKS Aminata, then runs to SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Harley overcommitted on that deep leg hook, and Amianta survives for it. Harley runs in, but Aminata puts her on the apron! Harley ROUNDHOUSES, puts Aminata in ropes, and AX KICKS her down! The fans boo but Harley aims, to then run and- NO, Aminata blocks the kick to trip Harley up! Harley hits the apron hard, and Aminata brings her around. DOUBLE CHOP! The fans fire up and Aminata puts Harley in the ring. Aminata storms up but Harley fires forearms!

Aminata ROCKS Harley! And DOUBLE CHOPS! Harley falls, jumps back up, but Aminata wrenches and snap suplexes! And LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Harley survives but Aminata stays cool. Aminata runs in again, but Harley avoids the boot wash! Harley RAMS into Aminata again and again, but the ref counts. Harley lets off, huffs ‘n’ puffs, then runs in. Aminata goes up and over, comes back, and she catches Harley’s crossbody! The fans cheer as Amianta swings, but Harley sunset flips through! High stack, TWO! Aminat ais up, she dodges Harley, and scoops again! Harley tilt-o-whirls but Aminata powers her to a BACKBREAKER!

The fans fire up, QUEEN’S CROWN!! Cover, Aminata wins!

Winner: Queen Aminata, by pinfall

The former #BrainDrain gives Aminata a great win, but then Serena Deeb attacks from behind!! The Professor is pissed, and she SLAMS Amianta’s leg on the apron! Serena grins as she grabs the leg and pulls it against ropes in a HALF CRAB! Aminata taps, but here comes Britt Baker! The Doctor is returning the favor from Wednesday, but Serena bails! The Professor got her shots on Aminata, but will the walls start closing in?


Backstage interview with The Acclaimed.

Renee is now with Max Caster, Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn, and Caster is still sporting the remade jacket. With that, let’s talk MXM Collection. It is hard to keep track of what is going on, but Billy speaks up. He doesn’t mean to correct her, but he is “Hans!” Hans Gunn! But MXM, how stupid are you to not know it was Billy? It was Billy all along! So stupid, trying to embarrass The Best Wrestler Alive, try to embarrass The Acclaimed, with a makeover on Caster’s jacket. Y’know what? Caster likes the lace, how it makes his arms look bigger. And this heart cutout makes his muscles look popping! He looks as handsome as ever!

Bowens says that’s right! Before, they were gonna cut that thing up. But no, MXM just embarrassed themselves. Acclaimed said to nut up or shut up, and they sure shut up MXM real quick. Just like they will do if they get in the ring. Because once The Acclaimed is done with MXM, they will get the makeover of a lifetime. WHY? Because EVERYONE Loves The Acclaimed! When and where will Platinum Max & The Scissor King cut down the Sultan of Suave and the Mahogany Hunk?


BREAKING NEWS for WrestleDream!

After Konosuke Takeshita attacked Will Ospreay and Ricochet on Wednesday, it seems the only way to settle this International Championship scenario is with a TRIPLE THREAT! Will The Alpha finally have gold in AEW? Will the Aerial Assassin finally be done with The Don Callis Family? Or are they both overlooking The One & Only?


Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly VS “Big Bill” Morrissey & Bryan Keith!

The Conglomeration has been very busy this week. They were here Wednesday to confront The Learning Tree, and we now have Mark Briscoe VS Chris Jericho for the ROH World Championship at WrestleDream. But speaking of, Jericho is joining commentary to watch his guys, The Redwood & The Bad Apple. Will Freshly Squeezed & The Violent Artist prune these Branches? Or will they be made to respect Chris Jericho?

The teams sort out and Cassidy starts against Bill. The fans rally as Cassidy and Bill stare down, and Bill mocks the hands in pockets. The fans boo, but Bill says show him how it’s done then. Cassidy puts his hands near pockets, but Bill runs up! Cassidy dodges, sunset flips, but Bill stays standing. Cassidy stops trying, and Bill YANKS Cassidy up! Bill whips, Cassidy stops by holding ropes, and then Casidy bails out. Cassidy shakes his head, knowing his limits against a man as big as Bill. Bill mockingly holds the ropes open and calls to Cassidy like a puppy dog. Cassidy steps up, but then rolls into the ring.

The fans cheer as Cassidy lounges on the mat. Bill storms up but then Cassidy rolls back out of the ring. The fans cheer more while Bill gets annoyed. Bill storms out, Cassidy slides in! Bill steps back in, Cassidy ducks ‘n’ dodges and tags Kyle! Kyle runs up but Bill RAMS him! Kyle drops out of the ring and the fans cheer. Bill is annoyed as he watches Kyle & Cassidy coordinate. They go up, Bill runs up, but The Conglomeration drops back. Bill is getting mad, but The Conglomeration high-five and the fans cheer. Keith says don’t worry, Bill, just cool down. Keith and Bill talk strategy while Kyle finally returns.

Bill tags Keith and the fans rally up. Keith and Kyle circle, but Keith takes a swing on Cassidy! Cassidy avoids it, and Kyel waistlocks to then wrangle Keith. Kyle floats all over, slaps Keith around, then eggs him on. The fans cheer, but Keith frowns. Keith SLAPS Kyel! Kyle storms up, Keith bails out, and the chase is on. Bill is lurking, but Kyel dodges him! BOOT for Keith! But Bill has Kyle with the guzel! CHOKE- NO, Cassidy DROPKICKS Bill! Bill lets Kyle go but he also stays up. Bill frowns, but Kyle BOOTS him, then Kyle FLYING KNEES Keith! Cassidy DIVES and he sends Bill into railing! Kyle pushes Keith into Bill, and then KICKS!

Cassidy “kicks,” Kyle KICKS, and repeat as Rampage goes pictur ein pnicture!

The KICKS and kicks keep going, then it’s just all KICKS as Cassidy gets serious! The Conglomeration puts Keith in, DOUBLE KICK Bill, then Kyle hurries into the ring. Kyle fires knees into Keith, then tags Cassidy. They whip Keith, kitchen sink knee, and basement dropkick! Kyle runs to KNEE DROP, Cassidy runs up, to cover! TWO! Cassidy checks and yes, it was a two count, so Cassidy gives thumbs up. Cassidy brings Keith up, ROCKS him, and tags in Kyle. Kyle climbs up and rains down fists! Kyle goes all the way to TEN, then tags Cassidy back in. Cassidy climbs up, and he rains down fists! Well, just one really. Snapmare, cover, TWO!

Cassidy keeps Keith from Bill with a facelock, then a snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Keith stays in this, but Cassidy storms up on him in a corner. Cassidy fires hands, then bumps Keith off buckles. Tag to Kyle and Kyle fires forearms., Keith CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Kyle hits a double leg takedown! Then some ground ‘n’ pound! And then ARMBAR! Keith has the ROPEBREAK! Kyle lets go quickly, and he whips Keith into the corner. Tag to Cassidy, and The Conglomeration stomps away! Then Cassidy runs to basement dropkick in the corner! Cover, TWO! Cassidy scoops Keith to SLAM him!

Cassidy tags Kyle, Kyle goes up the corner, and he FLYING KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO! Kyle ties the legs up, sits Keith up, FIGURE FOUR COBRA TWIST CMBO! Cassidy scoots in for a photo op, but Keith endures being twisted up. Kyle makes it a cradle, TWO! Kyle brings Keith around, but Keith fires forearms! Kyle fires a strike fest, then sweeps the leg! Kyle paces around, we get a great shot coming through one of the Pittsburgh University halls, and Rampage returns to single picture. Kyle tags Cassidy, they mug Keith but Keith fights back! Keith suplexes Cassidy, but gets STUN DOG MILLIONAIRE!

Kyle steps up to AX & SMASH! Kyle clinches Keith, Cassidy takes aim, but Bill runs up! Cassidy dodges Bill, Keith breaks free of Kyle, and Cassidy runs at Keith! Keith ducks the Orange Punch to send Cassidy back at Bill for a HAYMAKER! Keith hits an EXPLODER on Cassidy, but Kyle grabs a leg! ANKLE LOCK!! Jericho shouts to roll out, Keith does roll, and Kyle is sent into a HAYMAKER! Keith waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Tag to Bill and the fans are torn. Bill runs to SPLASH Kyle, then he SPLASHES Cassidy! And repeat! Bill then BOOTS Kyle down! Cassidy  ducks ‘n’ dodges, but runs into the BIG BOSS MAN SLAM!!

The fans fire up with Bill and he tags back to Keith. Keith covers Cassidy, TWO! Keith rains down fists on Cassidy, Bill goes after Kyle! Bill CLUBS away on Kyle, then sends him into Keith’s KILLER KNEE! Keith reels Cassidy in, underhooks, and TIGER KNEE STRIKE!! Cover, TWO!! Cassidy survives and Keith is frustrated. Cassidy flounders to a corner, Keith tells fans to shut up, and he runs in, to GAMANGIRI! Keith hoists Cassidy up top, ROCKS him, then ROCKS him again. Keith drags Cassidy around, goes up the corner, but Cassidy fights with elbows! Cassidy sends Keith tumbling down! Bill runs in, but only gets buckles!

Cassidy runs, tilt-o-whirls on Bill, but Bill stops the DDT! Kyle slips in, and he dropkicks Bill’s leg! Bill drops to a knee, but he still holds Cassidy up! So Kyle runs in again and push-starts a DDT!! Then a PENALTY KICK!! Bill falls, Keith returns! Keith DECKS Kyle! But Cassidy tilt-o-whirl DDTS Keith! Cover, TWO!! Keith survives and Jericho is relieved. Cassidy drags Keith up, tags Kyle, and The Conglomeration sets up! But Keith fights out of the suplex, RISING HEADBUTTS Cassidy, and he ENZIGIRIS Kyle! Keith then goes up, has Cassidy, SUPER EXPLODER!! Keith roars, but Kyle PENALTY KICKS again!

Keith roars as he rises, and the forearms start flying! The fans fire up as these two go back and forth! Kyle KICKS! Keith CHOPS! Kyle KICKS! Keith CHOPS but Kyle blocks! Kyle kicks but Keith blocks! But then Kyle rolls through to have the ANKLE LOCK!! Jericho panics and leaves commentary! Jericho is on the apron distracting the ref, right as Keith is tapping! Keith crawls to ropes, but here comes Rocky Romero! Azucar YANKS Jericho down and sends him into steel steps! But Bill BOOTS Rocky! Kyle FLYING KNEES Bill! Cassidy runs to DIVE! Down goes Bill at the ramp and hard! Conglomeration hurry to get Keith!

ORANGE ANNIHILATION!! Cover, Conglomeration wins!

Winners: Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy, by pinfall

The numbers game didn’t go how Jericho wanted, and his team is on the losing end! Will this be the same for when The Learning Tree takes on The Sussex County Chicken in Tacoma, Washington? Or will The Ocho still become The Nueve?

Meanwhile, Kyle & Cassidy only have 24 hours to rest, because they have a Collision with The Premier Athletes tomorrow night! Will Pittsburgh be Freshly Squeezed all weekend long?

My Thoughts:

A great Rampage here, which is interesting as there’s word Rampage is going to be shut down for whatever show AEW puts on Fox Sports 1. Honestly, they should’ve been trying hard the whole time with Rampage but whatever. Kamille probably had the shortest squash match in AEW yet, but it was to make a point after she and Mone got in Kris’s face. Kris’s promo was still rather Heel like, but it’s a bit surprising that she and Stokely Hathaway have just parted ways with no real pomp or circumstance. And pitting her against Kamille and Mone would be quite the way to turn her back to Face. Not that Kris’s attitude needs to change, she’d just be Face by default with those two.

Very good promo from Deonna & Taya, this maybe should’ve been given to us a bit sooner, but it also doesn’t really add much to the story. Good promo from Anna Jay, can’t wait to see what’s next for her. Good promo from Harley to segue into her match, which was a great match. Like Anna Jay, Harley is really improving, but Aminata still gets a great win. But of course Serena attacks Aminata, and then of course Britt Baker saves Aminata. I feel like we could get a tag match of Britt & Aminata VS Serena and who knows, but it’d be a great opportunity for any Heel to get on TV, maybe have someone actually take Serena up on teaching them things.

Great opening Six Man Tag tonight, definitely higher quality than what they usually put on Rampage. And it was rather surprising Shibata & Private Party took the win here, if only because they also announced that Triple Threat #1 Contenders match during it. I kinda though that news undercut what was going on in the match, regardless of who won. But given the feud between House of Black and Top Flight, I feel like Private Party wins out and they get the tag title match. As it stands, it doesn’t feel like Shibata or Private Party win the titles at WrestleDream, mostly because The Elite might cheat, but it’d be so great if Private Party finally won the big one.

And great main event here, even if this feud of Conglomeration and #JerichoVortex is going a little longer than needed. I really hope Jericho VS Briscoe for the ROH World Championship is the blowoff, and hopefully with Briscoe retaining. Not sure what that would mean for either team, but if it’s what we’ve all been hoping, i.e. Jericho mistreating Bill and Bill turning on Jericho, that’d be nice. Bill can maybe get himself going on a title story, too, using even just one win over Jericho as the springboard towards the TNT or Continental Championships.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (10/4/24)

Who rises to the top?



The gold hangs in the balance!

On the night before Bad Blood, The Bloodline defends their WWE Tag Team Championships against DIY AND The Street Profits in a Ladder Match Triple Threat!


  • Carmelo Hayes VS AJ Styles; Melo wins, by referee stoppage.
  • Dumpster Match: Chelsea Green VS Mia Yim; Mia wins.
  • Naomi VS Tiffany Stratton; Naomi wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championships Triple Threat Ladder Match: The Bloodline VS The Street Profits VS #DIY; The Bloodline wins and retains the titles.


Nashville’s own HARDY is here!

The country music star is in the ring, and he welcomes Nashville to Friday Night SmackDown. Give a warm welcome back to the Phenomenal One, AJ STYLES! The fans fire up as Styles makes his return to SmackDown after four months since Clash at the Castle! Styles high-fives fans as he goes to the ring, with a new song to boot. The fans cheer on Styles while he grabs a mic, and that energy pumps him right up! Styles soaks it in a little longer, then says, “I have missed you guys so much. And it’s only fitting that I’m here in Nashville, Tennessee tonight. This is where it all started for AJ Styles.

“And over the past couple months, I’ve done a lot of things that I regret. Things I may not be forgiven for. But I’m not here to talk about the past. I’m talking about tonight, and rebuilding the legacy of AJ Styles.” The fans fire up for that! Styles knows there are guys who don’t like him, and he doesn’t blame ’em. But they’re also guys who need to be reminded that this is still The House That AJ Styles Built! Wait, Carmelo Hayes makes his way out! Melo tells Styles that after everything Styles has done, it’s no surprise there isn’t a long line of guys to welcome him back. But that’s okay, because Melo has taken it upon himself to do that.

Melo goes to the ring while fans boo, but Melo says he doesn’t need to reintroduce himself. Styles knows who this is. This is H1M, Carmelo Hayes, the man who beat Andrade three times, and the one who’s been holding it down while Styles has been gone. The fans boo but Melo says believe it or not, he’s actually a huge fan of Styles. He loves old timers like Styles! And Melo is sure Styles is going to announce the giant Legends contract he just signed, which he deserves. But if we’re talking things deserved, lets’ talk about Melo for a minute. The fans boo more but Melo says a guy like him, who deserves to be US Champion, not LA Knight and not Andrade.

Styles says if it’s okay with Melo, here’s some friendly advice. Styles has been in the ring with Knight, and Knight is relentless. The fans cheer “YEAH!” and Styles says Knight came to Styles’ house. “YEAH!” Styles and Knight had a match at WrestleMania. “YEAH!” Melo stops Styles there and says he doesn’t need advice. Melo doesn’t take advice… from quitters. The fans boo but Styles says okay, he earned that one. But Melo thinks he’s that good? He is. If he were that good, if Melo was H1M, wouldn’t he be US Champion by now? Melo says if Styles was still so phenomenal, then he’d be WWE Champion now.

The fans chant “He’s Not Him!” and Melo gets annoyed. Styles says how about this. Melo is in gear, Styles is in gear, they’re in the ring, this is Nashville, so why don’t they fight right here and right now? The fans like that idea! Melo puts his sunglasses and says, “Nah, I’m good.” Melo goes to leave, but here comes Knight! The fans fire up as The Mega Star stands on stage, mic in hand, and says, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” Knight says ain’t this a familiar sight! Someone wants to fight Melo, and what’s he do? He wants to run away! But Styles, Knight won’t pretend like they’re friends. They’ve been through it all!

And to be honest, the last time we saw Styles, he was misleading Knight, misleading the world, saying that he was gonna retire, then he made a liar of himself! So Knight has nothing to say to Styles. But look at this. Knight sees Melo, saying he deserves this, he’s H1M! Well yeah, he’s him! As in the guy getting stomped out here tonight! The only question is, there are two options. First: Knight can basically go down there, punch Melo in the mouth four or five times, head out to Broadway, have some drinks and a good night. Or: Styles, well, it seems like he made a challenge to Melo, Melo wasn’t ready to take it, so Knight can go make Melo take it.

So if Melo can beat AJ Styles right here and now, Knight will make a case to Aldis that Melo can get the shot he so thinks he deserves at the US Championship! But regardless, the chances are, Melo gets stomped out, Knight still goes out to have a sip, and when it’s all said and done, tell you what? Everybody’s still saying “L A KNIGHT! YEAH!” Now let’s get a referee to get this done! The Mega Star is calling the shots, but will Melo end up winning that title shot? The ref is here so we’re about to see!


A search is on.

The sirens are blaring and the engines are revving, but just who are we looking for? “Coming Soon…”


Carmelo Hayes VS AJ Styles!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. Melo and Styles circle, tie up, and Melo throws Styles aside. Melo eggs Styles on but the fans boo. Knight watches from ringside as Styles and Melo reset. They tie up, Styles clinches for a BACKBREAKER! Melo goes to ropes, Styles fires hands and CHOPS! Styles CHOPS Melo again, then whips Melo. Melo reverses to kick and CLUB Styles, then KICK him again! Melo fires hands, then facelocks. Melo puts Styles in a corner to CHOP! Melo pie faces Styles, CHOPS again, but Styles turns things around to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! The fans fire up and Melo drops to his knees.

Styles whips Melo, Melo reverses to ELBOW him! The fans rally for Styles as he reverses a whip. Styles hurdles, drops, and DROPKICKS! Melo checks his teeth and bails out of the ring. Styles storms up to ropes but the ref has him stay back. Melo rises, Styles eggs him on, and Melo takes his time going to the apron. Styles storms up but Melo slips away again. The fans boo but Melo says he does this on his time. Melo steps in, then kicks low! Melo CLUBS Styles, taunts the fans, then whips. Styles holds ropes, ELBOWS back, then goes up to QUEBRADA! Melo gets under, comes back, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Melo grins as he drags Styles up and reels him in. Melo snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Styles stays in this but Melo drags him up to TOSS him out! The fans boo but Melo paces. Styles rises up, Melo soaks heat from a corner, but Styles is on the apron. Melo storms over, ROCKS Styles, then DECKS him! Styles goes to the floor, Melo slips out and brings him up. Melo RAMS Styles into the desk! Knight stands up to stare Melo down, the fans rally up, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Melo has Styles down with a HALF CRAB! Styles endures and the fans rally up. Styles crawls over to the ROOPEBREAK! Melo lets off, but then yanks on the leg! Styles kicks Melo away with the good leg, then kicks him again. Styles rises, fires the Phenomenal Blitz, and that LIRAT! The fans fire up as Styles SLIDING FOREARMS! The fans fire up while Styles grits his teeth. Melo goes to a corner, Styles runs in, and hits a LARIAT! Styles brings Melo out to fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! But on the bad leg! Both men are down, but the fans rally up. Styles goes to a corner, the ref says call it!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by referee stoppage

The fans boo, Styles is furious with himself, but injuries can’t be helped. Styles storms off, just barely walking on that leg. But as the announcement is made, Knight gives Melo a B F T! The Mega Star told Melo if he won, he’d talk to Aldis, but Knight is letting Melo know this is about as close as he’s getting to the belt. Will Knight give H1M that title shot just to hit it ‘n’ quit it?


Dumpster Match: Chelsea Green VS Mia Yim!

The Hot Mess said Michin is nothing but trash, but she’s been talking so much trash, she has to be full of it herself. Who will be feeling down in the dumps after this one?

While Chelsea is dressed like a waste management Barbie, Mia is bringing the toys: a trash can full of kendo sticks! The bell rings and Chelsea is already asking Mia to show mercy. Mia does, by throwing her a kendo stick. Now they’re even. Chelsea swings, Mia dodges and she SMACKS away on Chelsea! Then Mia DROPKICKS Chelsea out of the ring! The fans fire up as Mia runs to DIVE! Down goes Chelsea and the fans fire up! Mia pushes Chelsea in the ring, then goes looking for more goodies. Mia brings out a cookie sheet, a chair, and another trash can! And just as fans want, a TABLE! The fans cheer as Mia puts this table in the ring.

Chelsea dives but Mia SAMCKS her with a cookie sheet! Mia puts Chelsea back in, goes up a corner, and then MISSILE DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while Chelsea  tumbles out. Mia hurries, and she fireman’s carries! Chelsea clings to the dumpster, slips free of Mia, then SHOVES Mia into the side! Chelsea SUPERKICKS Mia, then STOMPS her into the side! Mia is down but the fans fire up, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Chelsea has Mia on the apron. Chelsea storms up to ROCK Mia, and ROCKS her again! Mia wobbles, Chelsea runs, but Mia ducks under! Mia ROCKS Chelsea again and again, then steps in, TORNADO DDT! And then a GERMAN SUPLEX! Chelsea flounders around, but Mia wrenches her for EATE- NO! Chelsea holds ropes to stay up! Chelsea hops on, for a DESTROYER!! Even Chelsea is surprised! Chelsea TOSSES Mia into the dumpster! She just has to close it! Mia blocks the lid! The fans fire up as Mia powers out, and SMACKS Chelsea with a trash bag! And again! And again! Hefty, Hefty, Hefty!

Mia SMACKS Chelsea again, then climbs out of the dumpster. Mia SMACKS Chelsea more, pushes her into the ring, and fans still want the table to come into play. Mia looks, finds the cookie sheet, but Chelsea dodges! Chicken wings, turn, but Mia wrenches out! EAT DA FEET! Mia hurries to put the trash can around Chelsea! Payback for what Nia Jax did weeks ago! Mia goes up top, to SUPER SENTON on the can!! The fans are thunderous for Mia compacting the trash! And then Mia goes to the table! The fans fire up as Mia brings that around, puts it across the dumpster, she wants to go hardcore with this one!

The fans are thunderous again, but then here comes Piper! Piper CLOBBERS Mia while wearing a cowgirl hat and a full hazmat clean suit! Piper says yeehaw, then SENTONS! Then she runs up, CANNONBALL into the dumpster! Mia dodges disaster, and she hurries into the ring! Chelsea crawls out of the can, then runs up to BOOT Mia! Mia wobbles, Chelsea goes out to the apron! Chelsea drags Mia up, reels her in, but Mia fights the lift! Mia fires elbows, blocks a kick, and hoists Chelsea up! POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE AND INTO THE DUMPSTER!!  Nashville is going wild as Mia rises up! Mia gets up, out, and CLOSES the lid! Mia wins!!

Winner: Mia Yim

The Head Baddie In Charge just took out the trash! The Hot Mess is gonna need a hot shower, maybe three or four, but she’ll never live down the embarrassment. As for Mia, will she make her way to the top of the Women’s Division no matter who she has to fight, or how she has to fight?


AJ Styles is checked out by medical.

The trainer tests his leg from knee to foot, and while Styles can move the leg, it is very painful. X-rays are going to be needed so Styles will be on his way to a Nashville hospital. Did the Phenomenal One’s comeback get cut short already?


Naomi prepares backstage.

Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill check on sis, and Naomi is ready to go. They know she’s gonna handle Tiffy Business cuz she’s always talking mess. But enough about Tiff, let’s talk about the beautiful titles Bianca & Jade won back. They shine them up, and Jade says after Naomi gets the W, “we” are going to turn it up in ATL! Huh? “We?” Yeah, they ain’t speaking French now. We three that is The Big 3, they ALL get to host Bad Blood! Naomi is all fired up for it! A-Town Stomp! Bayley joins in but that kinda ruins the mood.

The StrongEST Duo heads out, and Bayley says sorry for interrupting. Bayley just wants to go over what they talked about. Bayley will call out Nia and tell her to her face that Bayley wins at Bad Blood. And when Bayley does, Naomi is #1 contender. Bayley better. Bayley promises to bring the title to the after party. They hug it out, Bayley heads for gorilla, but will The Role Model regret calling out The Queen of the Ring?


Bayley heads to the ring!

SmackDown returns and Nashville cheers as the former WWE Women’s Champion gives high-fives on the way out. Bayley gets a mic to say, “In just 24 hours, I have the opportunity to win the WWE Women’s Championship back. So I’m not gonna waste anyone’s time, I’ma get right to it. Nia Jax, I’m calling you out. I’m in your ring, Queen, you can even bring Tiffany. C’mon, I got something to say to your face.” The fans cheer, Bayley says lets go Queen Champ. Is this being on Tiffy Time? But here comes Nia and Tiffany, who is trying to be her own cowgirl Barbie. The two go right to the ring, and grab their own mics.

Nia says if Bayley has something to say, say it straight to her face. The fans boo but Bayley says that’s why she called  Nia out. Because for as long as Bayley has known Nia, Nia has never understood the significance of this title or what it stands for. What it means for the fans, for the people like Bayley who grew up loving the WWE, who grew up wanting nothing more than to hold this title. Bayley grew up watching women like Molly Holly, Victoria, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Trish Stratus, Lita. They all made this title mean they were larger than life, more than human. And that ain’t Nia.

But as much as it pains Bayley to say, there is one thing that those women weren’t. They’ve never had a dominant run like Nia has had. Nia is going on to become one of, if not THE, most dominant women in WWE history. The fans are torn but Nia nods. Bayley says the facts still are, there are two people in the WWE that can take this title from Nia. One is Bayley tomorrow night 1v1 at Bad Blood, which she plans on doing! The other… is Tiffy! The fans cheer that but Tiffy is wary. Bayley says it isn’t because Tiffy’s good enough, it’s the briefcase. The moment Tiffy gets tired of Nia talking down and berating her, Tiffy will smack Nia in the back, cash in, and become the NEW champion! Wham bam, thank you ma’am!

The fans cheer but Tiffy speaks up. Is Bayley saying Tiff isn’t good enough? That the only reason Tiff can win is because of the MITB briefcase? Tiff doesn’t need the briefcase to beat Nia. Nia says, “Um, excuse me?” Tiff realizes she spoke out of turn! She would never! Bayley has Tiff so angry right now! Y’know what, Pam?! Tiff says instead of sitting here and trying to break this duo up, why doesn’t Bayley bow down to the Queen of the Ring? Oh, wow, bow down to Nia? Tiff’s crazy. As much as Bayley doesn’t agree with how Nia conducts herself, Bayley respects how strong and dominant Nis is. Bayley has NO respect for Tiff!

Bayley would rather bow down to a queen than patronize a stupid b*tch!! Tiff gets mad and takes a swing! Bayley dodges and KNEES Tiff down! Nia CLOBBERS Bayley! And then CLOBBERS her again! The fans boo as Nia stands over Bayley, then runs, but Bayley avoids the senton! Bayley storms up on Nia now, and grabs Tiff’s briefcase! Bayley JAMS, CLUBS, and SMACKS Nia! Then RUNNING KNEE! Bayley picks up the belt and the fans cheer as she holds it up. Bayley sets it down on Nia, then leaves. But then Tiff gets up, grabs her briefcase, and stares Bayley down. Bayley says bet, because Tiff starts staring at Nia!

The fans fire up as Tiff thinks about it. The ref is here because Tiff’s match with Naomi is coming up, but is she going to do that? Nia sees Tiff, Tiff hesitates, and fans chant “CASH IT IN!” Tiff hesitates, and here comes Naomi! Will Nashville #FeelTheGlow? Or will it still be #TiffyTime tonight?


Chelsea and Piper regroup backstage.

The Hot Mess has yet to clean up, and Piper has a hard time not gagging from the smell. Pretty Deadly is there, and they almost fall over! What is that smell!? Their eyes are burning! Kit & Elton leave, Piper says don’t listen. A-Town Down Under pass by, and Theory thinks something’s wrong with their cake. Waller says no, mate, it’s Chelsea Green~! Angel & Berto pass by and they gag pretty bad, too. Piper says she’s not, whatever they just said. Aldis sees Chelsea and says sorry about that result, that must stink. Mia did her dirty with that. Sorry, he doesn’t wanna recycle these puns, but can he help her with anything? Other than a shower.

Chelsea is at a loss for words for once, and just storms off. Melo then walks over and tells Aldis he beat Styles “fair and square,” so where’s that deal with Knight? Melo thinks maybe they can fit it on Bad Blood, or even go to WrestleMania. Aldis asks if Melo’s really gonna say that with a straight face. The only thing Aldis cares about right now is checking on Styles. So Melo and Aldis can talk this out next week. Melo smells the lingering stench and wonders if it’s Aldis. Melo leaves, will he get the shot he wants?


Naomi VS Tiffany Stratton!

SmackDown returns and the bell rings. Naomi and Tiff tie right up, go around, and Tiff puts Naomi in a corner. The ref counts, Naomi pushes Tiff, but Tiff SLAPS back! Naomi runs up to THESZ PRESS! Naomi rains down fists, Tiff gets free, but Naomi bumps her off buckles. Naomi brings Tiff to another corner to bump off more buckles. Naomi RAMS into Tiff again and again, then lets off as the ref counts. Naomi HEEL KICKS Tiff, then snapmares so she can SLIDING LARIAT! The fans fire up and Naomi keeps moving. Tiff sits up, into a sliding SLEEPER! Tiff fights up, RAMS Naomi into a corner, and then RAMS her again!

The ref counts, Tiff lets off, then brings Naomi around to whip. Naomi slides under the lariat, taunts with a twerk, then mule kicks! Naomi front kicks, then FACEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Tiff survives but Naomi brings her up. Naomi TOSSES Tiff to the apron, has her in ropes, an d then holds her down for the HEAT- NO, Tiff powers out! Naomi KNEES Tiff back, brings her back in, and snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Tiff is tougher than that but Naomi brings her up. Naomi TOSSES Tiff back out, has her again, but still no Heatseeker! Tiff ROCKS Naomi, HOTSHOTS her, then slingshots to KNEEBOARD! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally while Tiff grows frustrated, and she stalks Naomi to the apron. Naomi ROUNDHOUSES, then runs up, but Tiff LARIATS! Naomi falls to the floor, Tiff goes out after her. Tiff whips, Naomi reverses, but Tiff hops up. Naomi blocks a boot, spins Tiff around and ROCKS her in the back! And KICKS her! Naomi goes up, APRON LEG DROP! Naomi says deuces, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Naomi has Tiff as a backpack, for a BACKPACK STUNNER! Both women are down and the fans rally up. Naomi rises, storms up and ROCKS Tiff! Tiff ROCKS Naomi, Naomi KICKS back! Tiff ROCKS Naomi, Naomi fires a flurry in return! Naomi whips, wrenches, and LEG LARIATS! Tiff staggers up, into a DROPKICK! Naomi keeps moving, goes up and around to SLINGSHOT BULLDOG! Naomi kips up, the fans fire up, and Tiff sits up into the sliding SLAP! Naomi then headscissors to SPIKE Tiff! Cover, TWO! Tiff toughs it out but Naomi keeps cool. Naomi brings Tiff up, but Tiff fights the nelson!

Tiff whips Naomi, Naomi KICKS back! And kicks low! FACE- NO, Tiff handstands out! And basement DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Tiff is frustrated but the fans fire up! Tiff drags Naomi up, puts her in a corner and then on the top rope. Tiff climbs, but Naomi fires hands! Naomi HEADBUTTS Tiff down, then adjusts. CROSSBODY! But Tiff rolls through! Tiff shows off that Tiffy Strength! Fireman’s carry, but Naomi fights free! Naomi goes to a corner, Tiff blocks boots, but not the rebound ENZIGIRI! Tiff is down, Naomi goes up and up, SPLIT-LEG FLOP as Tiff moves! Tiff goes up and up to PRETTIEST MOONSAULT- NO, Naomi moves!

Naomi and Tiff are in corners, Tiff handsprings in, but Naomi ducks in time! Naomi waistlocks, Tiff fights, but Naomi full nelsons! But Tiff arm-drags free, has the cover, TWO! Naomi ghost pins, NAOMI WINS!

Winner: Naomi, by pinfall

Nashville feels the glow, and that means Naomi is rolling! Will Naomi get that promised title match with Bayley? Or will Nia & Tiffany both have different ideas?


The Bloodline walks ‘n’ talks.

Jacob Fatu says, “I LOVE my Tribal Chief! My Tongan brothers, they LOVE our Tribal Chief. Nashville, Tennessee, oh yeah, they LOVE our Tribal Chief. DIY, Street Profits, Cody Rhodes, hell, even Roman Reigns, will LOVE our Tribal Chief. And when you LOVE our Tribal Chief, you learn to RESPECT our Tribal Chief. And when you RESPECT our Tribal Chief, OH LAWD, you will WORSHIP our Tribal Chief. And if you don’t know how to do none of those three, at the end of the day, you will acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief, Solo…!” Solo Sikoa steps up and says to acknowledge him.

With that, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa are sent forward, will they defend not just the tag team championships but the honor of Solo Sikoa’s Bloodline? Or will there be new champions one way or another?


Tiffany returns backstage.

And Nia is there waiting. Nia tells Tiff, “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you’re trying to tease me on when you’re trying to cash-in. Maybe you should focus on Liv Morgan’s Women’s World Championship match tomorrow night, because that’s a cash-in you would actually survive. Or… You can tell me right now that you’ll never betray me.” Tiff stammers, “Of course not, My Queen! After all, like, you are My Queen.” Nia leaves it at that, will Tiff take Nia up on that idea? Or will Tiff wait and see how things go tomorrow?


WWE Tag Team Championships Triple Threat Ladder Match: The Bloodline VS The Street Profits VS #DIY!

SmackDown returns as “WE ARE~, WE ARE~!” Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano make their entrance, followed by Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins. The introductions are made, the belts are already overhead, and we see who will be partying on Broadway in Nashville after this!

The bell rings, and all six men look up at the gold. Then the Profits & DIY stand 4v2 against The Guerrillas of Destiny! The brawl is on and the fans fire up! DIY TOSS Loa, Profits TOSS Tama, and the Guerrillas regroup while the other teams stare down. Ciampa pushes past Dawkins to KNEE Loa! Ford goes out to PENALTY KICK Tama! Gargano SUPERKICKS Loa! Dawkins CLOBBERS Tama! The fans fire up as the Guerrillas are down and SmackDown goes picture in picture.

The other teams go out, and The Profits mug Tama while DIY mugs Loa. Dawkins fires off fast hands on Tama then DECKS him! DIY grab a ladder while Ford uses Tama as a speed bag now. The Profits notice DIY, but so does Loa. Loa goes after them, and he DECKS Ciampa to then HEADBUTT Gargano. Loa SMACKS Gargano off the apron, but Ciampa SMACKS Loa off the apron! Tama fights back against The Profits, but DIY fights back against Loa. Loa shoves back but just gets beat up more. DIY RAMS Loa into the barriers, and Loa dangles over the front row! The Profits mug Tama, and then they coordinate with DIY. They stomp Tama, and Gargano sets up a ladder.

Ciampa helps Gargano steady the ladder at center, and The Profits slide in. Gargano kicks Tama off the apron, Ciampa defends the ladder from Dawkins. The alliance is done now as only one team can win. Gargano bumps Ford off buckles, Ciampa does the same to Dawkins. But Dawkins UPPERCUTS Ciampa down! Ford yanks Gargano from the ladder to DECK him! Dawkins stomps Ciampa, then climbs. Ford is on defense now, but Ciampa gets up to YANK Dawkins down! Ciampa ROCKS Dawkins, BOOTS him, and Gargano YANKS Ford from the ladder! DIY CHOP away on Ford at the ropes!

Gargano SMACKS Ford off the rungs, then Ciampa climbs. Gargano fights off Dawkins but Dawkins DECKS him! Dawkins grabs at Ciampa, drags him down, and Dawkins DECKS Ciampa! Ford sets up another ladder nearby, and SmackDown returns to single picture. Ciampa hurries to climb but so do the Profits. Gargano joins in, the fans fire up, but Tama & Loa return! They climb up and drag the others down! All six men are brawling up there! Gargano CLUBS Tamas, Ciampa CLUBS Loa, but they come right back! The Guerrillas YANK DIY down, then they do the same to The Profits! Loa SMACKS Dawkins off rungs!

Tama folds the ladder to SMACK it off Dawkins! Then he and Loa hold the ladder up, but Ford climbs i8t! It isn’t even set up! The Guerrillas shake Ford loose, but Ford avoids the ladder! But not on the return! Down goes Ford, and Loa BATTERING RAMS Gargano! Loa puts that ladder aside while Tama puts the other in the ropes. Tama has Ciampa’s legs, CATAPULT GUILLOTINE with the ladder! Loa CLUBS away on Dawkins, then suplexes him onto the ladder! Dawkins writhes, Tama slingshot SENTONS! The fans boo but Tama & Loa pace around, daring the other teams to do something. The Guerrillas lift the ladder, and CHUCK it at Ciampa!

Ciampa avoids disaster, but now he has to fight 2v1! The Guerrillas mug Ciampa, and Loa CHOPS Ciampa down. The Guerrillas pick that ladder up again, and they run Ciampa down! The fans boo, but Dawkins FLIES! Dawkins hits ladder to take down the Guerrillas! The fans are fired up, but then Gargano DIVES! Dawkins falls, everyone fights as a cluster, and Ford FLIES! Down goes EVERYONE and the fans are thunderous again! All six men are down at ringside, “This is Awesome!” B-Fab coaches The Profits up, and she helps Ford find his way around. B-Fab says Tez, get the tables! Ford says alright, and he looks around under the ring.

Ford finds a table! The fans fire up, and SmackDown goes back to picture in picture.

Ford sets this table near the Hydration Station, then goes back to the cluster. Ford & Dawkins drag Tama up, Dawkins mule kicks Loa down, but Tama fights back! Tama SMACKS Ford off the table! Then he SMACKS Dawkins off the table! Loa storms up and he BOOTS Dawkins! Tama rains down fists on Ford! Loa goes into the ring, he fights DIY, and he RIDGE HAND CHOPS Ciampa! Loa stomps Ciampa around, Tama stomps Gargano. Loa stands a ladder up in a corner, Tama CHOKES Gargano, but The Profits return! Dawkins fights both Guerrillas, but he gets mugged by the Guerrillas! Ford tries now while Tama TOSSES Gargano.

Ciampa moves ladders around while The Profits DOUBLE LARIAT Loa and themselves out of the ring! Smackdown returns to single picture again as Tama attacks Ciampa! Tama stands the ladder up, climbs, but Ciampa stops him! Gargano joins in, and DIY YANKS Tama down, into SHATTER MACHINE!! The fans fire up and Gargano moves a ladder aside. DIY says- NO, Loa drags Gargano out! The KNEE hits Tama, but Loa SMACKS Ciampa with a ladder! Loa then RAMS Gargano with that ladder! And he RAMS Ciampa! Loa hoists the ladder up, but DIY hit a BOOT SUPERKICK COMBO! Loa drops to his knees, the ladder around his neck!

DIY says here goes! FULL METAL MEET IN THE MIDDLE!! A double-edged move with Ciampa’s knee hitting the ladder, but Gargano hurries to stand a ladder up! The fans fire up as Gargano climbs! But here comes Dawkins! Dawkins yanks Gargano down and DECKS him! Gargano goes to the apron, he GAMANGIRIS in return! SLINGSHOT SILENCER!! PSYCHO KNEE from Ciampa!! Ciampa goes to the ladder! The fans rally as Ciampa climbs with one good leg! But Dawkins is up to drag him back down! Ciampa swings, Dawkins counter punches! And again! Ciampa leans on the ladder, Dawkins hauls him up!

Dawkins electric chair lifts, and Ford goes up the ladder!! SUPER BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!!! The fans are thunderous while those three are all down in the ring! “This is Awesome!” and The Profits rise up! Dawkins positions the ladder just right, climbs up, and is near the top! But Tama SHOVES the ladder over! Dawkins HOTSHOTS off ropes, and Tama is on him! Tama TOSSES Dawkins out, Loa is on him with a HEADBUTT! Tama moves ladders around, Loa sets Dawkins up, Tama RAMS the ladder into Dawkins! Tama says time to end this! Loa hoists Dawkins up near the table, and Tama goes looking for itmes.

Tama brings out a chair! We’re doing a real TLC now! Tama storms up on Dawkins, but B-Fab SNATCHES the chair! The fans cheer, because DIY DOUBLE CHAIR SHOT The Guerrillas! They JAM away on Tama & Loa! The fans fire up as DIY gets some payback on The Bloodline! They put Loa on the table, beat him down, and the fans fire up! Ford goes up and the fans are thunderous! Ford aims at Loa as DIY holds him down, SUPER FROM THE HEAVENS, through the TABLE!! The fans are losing their minds, because now DIY clears the desk! Dawkins says get ’em up! Tama fights against DIY but Dawkins ROCKS him!

The fans fire up as DIY & Dawkins mug Tama! The wreckage is cleared, and we get some Shield references! TRIPLE POWERBOMB through the DESK!!! The fans are electric as Tama & Loa are all down! But then DIY BOOT-SUPERKICK on Dawkins! They DUMP Dawkins into the timekeeper’s area, then hurry to get a ladder in place! Gargano and Ciampa both climb! But Ford is there! Gargano runs up, Ford GAMANGIRIS! Then Ford SPRINGBOARDS onto the ladder! Ford and Ciampa fight, but Dawkins returns! Dawkins climbs up beihnd Ciampa, but Gargano climbs behind Ford!

The fans fire up as Dawkins and Gargano CLUB away on Ciampa and Ford, then clinch! Dawkins SUPER BACK SUPLEXES Ciampa down through a ladder!! But Loa is back!? And he TIPS the ladder to DUMP Ford & Gargano down through the other ladder!! The fans are freaking out, and Loa hurries up the ladder! The fans boo as Tama steadies the ladder for his brother. Loa climbs, reaches up, and he brings the clip down! The Bloodline wins!!

Winners: The Bloodline (still WWE Tag Team Championships)

The Guerrillas of Destiny didn’t even need help from Solo Sikoa or Jacob Fatu, they found a way to survive all on their own! Is this proof that no one will ever stop the dominant tyranny that is The Bloodline?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of SmackDown here to feed right into Bad Blood. Country star Hardy showing up just to introduce Styles was kinda weird, but good promo from Styles, Melo and Knight. Knight’s adlib style kinda stalled for a second but he got to the point that Melo could be facing him next. I would think Styles’ injury tonight was kayfabe to give a reason Styles isn’t right back in a title scene, and it gives Melo that false confidence thinking he deserves a title match. I would hope also that Andrade gets back in the mix. He and Melo are tied 3-3, we need “game 7” before either one goes for the title.

Great stuff in the Dumpster Match, and of course Piper got involved. But even with that and last week with Mia standing tall, she won here and that was a great surprise. Chelsea getting made fun of for the stink by the Heel tag teams of SmackDown was pretty funny, too. Good promo from Naomi with Bianca & Jade to now upgrade the hosting duties to The Big 3. I feel like this move could motivate something happening with a trio from Raw like Pure Fusion Collective or something to set up big stuff for next week, or even a tag title match like with Damage CTRL.

Great promo for Bayley, Nia and Tiffany to tease a Tiffy Turn. As I said before, to be different from SummerSlam, Tiff would have to go through with her cash-in, even if she waits for the match to be over and take advantage of a tired winner. Great win for Naomi over Tiff, great promo after where Nia tells Tiff not to cash-in, which could be all the more reason Tiffany does. And then great promo from Jacob Fatu to hype up not just the tag team main event for Bad Blood but the tag team ladder match here tonight.

That main event was an awesome, PLE worthy ladder match, but we should’ve figured Bloodline wasn’t losing the tag titles just yet. It could be a point of storytelling that, in a parallel to Roman Reigns’ height as champion, the leader of The Bloodline needs his faction more than they need him. Roman was always having The Usos save him, just as Solo is having The Guerrillas of Destiny save him. But The Usos were always able to win their tag matches, just as Tama & Loa did here. That parallel can be thrown at Solo to show he isn’t better than Roman, and that can upset him into losing. For that matter, we might still see Tama & Loa try to help tomorrow night at Bad Blood, proving that point.

My Score: 8.9/10

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