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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (10/10/24)

R O H I O!



10/10 makes for the perfect time to defend a title!

Red Velvet and Diamante have had their war of words, but now they will battle over the ROH Women’s World Television Championship!


  • NJPW Strong Openweight Open Challenge: Gabe Kidd VS Anthony Henry w/ BEEF; Gabe wins and retains the title.
  • Brandon Cutler VS Katsuyori Shibata; Shibata wins.
  • Billie Starkz VS Ella Elizabeth; Billie wins.
  • Shane Taylor Promotions VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora; Shane Taylor Promotions win.
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Diamante; Velvet wins by disqualification and retains the title.
  • Lance Archer VS Sam Beale; Archer wins.
  • ROH Rewind – ROH World Championship: Bryan Danielson VS KENTA; Bryan wins and retains the title.
  • ROH World Championship Proving Ground: Mark Briscoe VS Josh Woods w/ The Premier Athletes; Mark wins and denies Woods a title opportunity.


Backstage interview with Billie Starkz.

Lexy Nair is very excited, Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths not so much, about the Athena championship celebration. It will be the greatest moment in life! Lexy runs through the checklist. They got the kittens? Billie says check. They got the choreographed dancers and their routine with the flashing lights? That was Lexy’s job, not Billie’s. Okay, okay, worry about that later. What about the green Skittles? Billie doesn’t think those exist anymore. Lexy says no, they can get them at like CVS or something. Athena stumbles in, clutching a steel chain and looking over her shoulder. She bumps into the others and says hey there!

So, uh, Lexy, Athena got you this. What? Yeah, Athena handcuffs Lexy with one end of the chain, and claims it is a friendship bracelet. See, Athena saw the playback of last week’s episode, and Abadon got a little too close for comfort. Too close to Lexy, that is! They cannot let Abadon take Athena’s precious, beautiful Bestie! Lexy is too important, because she’s planning the party! Billie gets fed up! Lexy’s important, Lexy important, but what about Billie?! Athena tells Billie to calm down! Lexy is a beautiful TV personality, the best one in the world! She’s dainty, fragile, and gorgeous. Billie is a wrestler, a former champion, but also a former MIT Graduate. Billie can defend herself.

But Lexy cannot, so this is for her protection. They cannot allow Lil’ “Abandon All Hope” Abadon get Lexy! Athena cuffs herself with the chain so now she and Lexy are connected. This is them for life! The rest of their life! Forever Champion, Forever Bestie, and the Forever Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths! But most importantly… did they get JaRule? OH, yes, well, funny story. Billie interrupts and says she’s done, bye. Billie storms off, and Lexy says her people are talking with his people. Or, well, Athena’s people, their people, are talking with- Lady Frost walks in, and says this is so funny. Athena is TERRIFIED of Abadon.

N-No! Yes. Seeing Athena like this, it’s hilarious. No, what’s hilarious is that Frost LOST to Athena, yet has the audacity to come up here and get in Athena’s face while she is planning the party to celebrate becoming the longest-reigning champion in ALL of ROH history! And well, maybe Frosty is scared! Lil’ Miss Popsicle couldn’t even last 10 minutes with Athena. Athena did it once, she can do it again. Frost throws off the jacket to show she’s in ring gear. If Athena wants another 10 minutes, then she’s got it. Frost leaves, and Athena realizes she just booked herself for a match. Athena storms off, and ends up dragging Lexy along.

Will The Fallen Goddess just admit she’s afraid of the Living Dead Girl so that she can face her fears? Or will Frost freeze Athena’s reign?


NJPW Strong Openweight Open Challenge: Gabe Kidd VS Anthony Henry w/ BEEF!

The Mad Man of the Bullet Club War Dogs put out the challenge to anyone in ROH who wanted a fight, and it was the Saint of Augusta that accepted. Will this Workhorsemen bring home some gold? Or will he not be #WarReady like Gabe Kidd?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just who is NJPW Strong!

The bell rings and Henry runs up to DROPKICK Gabe! Gabe bails out, Henry pursues, and he runs in around the way! CALF KICK against railing! The fans fire up, as does Beef, and Henry puts Gabe in! Henry climbs, leaps, but Gabe dodges. Gabe kicks low, suplexes, but Henry slips free. Henry waistlocks, Gabe bucks the O’Conner, but Henry dodges Gabe to fire off strikes. Gabe UPPERCUTS, then suplexes! Henry lands out, bobs ‘n’ weaves, them CHOPS! Gabe swings but Henry blocks to spin Gabe, and ROCK him! Gabe CHOPS! Henry PELES! Henry waistlocks to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!

The fans fire up and Beef cheers Henry on. Henry climbs, but Gabe runs up! Henry leaps over, KNEES Gabe, then reels him in. TORNADO- NO, Gabe stops the DDT, puts him on ropes, and SHOVES him down hard! Henry falls to the apron then floor and Beef checks on him. The fans rally for Henry but Gabe storms out after him. Beef backs off but he still cheers Henry. Gabe mocks Beef, whips Henry hard into railing, then talks smack on Beef. The fans rally for Beef but Gabe goes back to Henry. The ring count climbs but Gabe CHOPS Henry! Gabe puts Henry in at 7 of 20, then storms past Beef. Gabe grabs a mic?!

Gabe says, “Oi, listen up! You bunch of smelly little tramps!” Gabe stomps Henry, then says he has a message for all the fans! Gabe stomps away on Henry and says he has a message for all the “boys in the back.” None of them can touch him! Gabe stomps Henry more, and says he is the one! He’s the best! He’s the MADDEST! The fans boo but Gabe puts Henry in a corner. Gabe CHOPS, but Henry pie faces him! Gabe CHOPS again, Henry eggs him on! Gabe CHOPS, then eggs Henry on. Henry KICKS! Gabe seethes, and he CHOPS Henry! The fans chant “USA! USA!” but Gabe eats it up. Henry KCIKS, Gabe CHOPS, repeat!

The fans fire up as they now trade forearms! Henry gets the edge, but Gabe BITES Henry on the forehead! The ref reprimands, Beef protests, but Gabe lets off at 4. Gabe flexes but the fans boo. Gabe says he told us, he’s a MAD MAN! But Henry CHOPS the Mad Man again and again and again! Gabe sits down, Henry KICKS away on him! Henry fires off CHOP after CHOP again, then fires up! The fans are with Henry, but Gabe BITES him again! And UPPERCUTS! Scoop and SLAM! Gabe snarls, goes outside, and he looks for stuff under the ring. Beef puts the skirt down and says, “The hell you think you’re doing?!”

Beef says it’s a championship match, and Henry is his cousin! He wants Gabe to have a fair fight! Gabe DECKS Beef! So Henry DIVES onto Gabe!! Henry puts Gabe in the ring, drags him up, fires off Muay Thai knees, but Gabe pushes him back. Henry BOOTS back, skins the cat, and DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS Gabe while he’s standing! The fans fire up and Henry runs corner to corner! METEORA! TORNADO DDT, float over, and facelock! Suplex, SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Gabe survives, but Beef shouts, “C’MON, COUSIN!” Henry aims, Gabe eggs him on! BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!! Gabe survives and Beef is frustrated for Henry!

Beef says Henry needs to put it to bed! Henry goes to a corner, the fans rally up, and Henry climbs the corner! But Gabe DOUBLE CHOPS him first! Gabe climbs up, fires hands, but Henry fires back! Henry HEADBUTTS, and Gabe drops back! Gabe UPPERCUTS, suplexes, SUPER BRAINBUSTER!! And now, a wrench and SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!??! Gabe is surprised but the fans are all fired up! Beef rallies the fans for Henry, but Gabe reels him in! Henry fights Gabe’s lift, and the forearms fly! Gabe CHOPS, ROCKS, but Henry SLAPS, SLAPS, and SLAPS!! COMEBACKER from Gabe!! Cover, TWO!!

Henry rises, but Gabe gut wrenches! Henry kicks and kicks, but Gabe still PILEDRIVERS!! Cover, Gabe wins!

Winner: Gabe Kidd, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Champion)

Henry put up a fight, but it was not enough to dethrone this War Dog. Will Gabe Kidd be unstoppable no matter where he fights?


Brandon Cutler makes his way to the ring.

“Oh~ Toledooo~. You are all so very welcome for these ROH Wrestling nights, presented to you by our EVPs, Matthew & Nicholas!” The fans boo, but Cutler says you don’t boo the Young Bucks! You should worship the ground they walk on! They are pioneers, trailblazers, and most importantly, the current AEW World Tag Team Champions. And this Saturday at WrestleDream, the entire Elite will successfully defend their titles. So in that spirit, Brandon Cutler is calling out any and all ROH champions, past or present! Anyone who has been or is currently a champion, answer the call! What kind of men do they have in ROH?

IT’S KATSUYORI SHIBATA! The former ROH Pure Champion is in Toledo ahead of facing Jack Perry for the TNT Championship, will Cutler be just a tune-up for The Wrestler?

Brandon Cutler VS Katsuyori Shibata!

Cutler says okay, he knows Shibata wants to get his “grubby mitts” on him, but he should remember about the Code of Honor. Shibata can’t touch Cutler until they shake hands. Isn’t that right, ref? The ref confirms. Shibata shakes hands, but Cutler kicks low! The bell rings and Cutler CLUBS Shibata. Cutler CHOPS, but Shibata doesn’t budge! Cutler CHOPS again, but still nothing! Cutler CHOPS and CHOPS, but Shibata CHOPS! Cutler felt that through his tiger stripe vest, and Shibata CHOPS him again! Cutler ends up in a corner, Shibata opens the vest, and CHOPS bare skin! Cutler sputters, but Shibata CHOPS again!

The fans “WOO~” again and again as Shibata fires off more CHOPS! Cutler scrambles to another corner, but Shibata follows him. Shibata CHOPS again! And again! Cutler drops to his knees, clutching his stinging chest! The fans fire up as Shibata drags Cutler up, waistlocks, but Cutler fights the lift. Cutler grabs ropes, then he ELBOWS Shibata! Cutler goes up and out and springboards in to FLYING FOREARM! Maybe not phenomenal but Cutler is already feeling cocky. Cutler pops ‘n’ locks and DABS before the ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Cutler drags Shibata up, whips, but Shibata reverses!

Shibata runs up, but Cutler slips out! Cutler GAMANGIRIS, then goes up! Shibata gest under the jump, to RUNNING CHOP! Cutler wobbles, Shibata brings him around to whip and BOOT! The fans fire up as Shibata fires forearms in the corner! The ref counts, Shibata lets off to go corner to corner! HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The fans fire up, Shibata brings Cutler up, HALF HATCH! Cutler flounders, Shibata brings him around, but Cutler swings! But into the SLEEPER! Cutler is already red in the face, Shibata sits him down, and runs for the PENALTY KICK! Cover, Shibata wins!

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall

The Young Bucks’ buddy didn’t do so well, and now Shibata is rolling into WrestleDream. Will The Wrestler make The Scapegoat into the sacrifice for AEW’s greater good?


Brian Cage speaks.

“I’m a machine every which way you slice it. I train like a machine, I eat like a machine, I plan, prep and attack like a machine. And I’ve been programmed with only one thing, and that’s tunnel vision on becoming the best professional wrestler on this planet. And with that, becoming one of the best champions this sport has ever seen! And Atlantis Jr, you egg-sucking piece of gutter trash, you don’t even go here! You’re holding something that technically should never have even belonged to you, and that don’t sit right with me. Nuh-uh, not today! Not anymore! Not up in here!

“And at WrestleDream, in Zero Hour, in 48 hours, Brian Cage, ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage, the NEXT ROH TV Champion Brian Cage, is gonna correct that and claim my prize. Who betta?” The Swolverine has spoken, but can he dethrone the second generation CMLL star? Or will Atlantis Jr. be the answer to #WhoBetta?


Shane Taylor Promotions VS The Infantry w/ Trish Adora!

Big Bad Shaney T. wants his team to take over ROH, so he and #TAIGASTYLE are stepping into tag team competition. Will they be one step closer to total domination? Or can Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo march up the ranks?

The teams sort out and Shane himself starts against Bravo. Bravo fires Toledo up, “OORAH~!” “OORAH~!” Shane and Bravo circle, tie up, and Shane powers Bravo into a corner. The ref counts the break, Shane lets off but he’s in Bravo’s face. Bravo pushes Shane, the two reset and circle again. The fans rally, the two tie up again, and Bravo wrenches an arm. Bravo headlocks, but Shane powers up and out. Shane RUNS Bravo over, then taunts him. Shane says this is The Land! HE runs this! But Bravo kips up, brushes himself off, then dodges to ROCK Shane! Bravo talks some smack, but Shane grabs him by the neck!

Shane shoves Bravo, then pops him up, but Bravo slips away to DROPKICK! Bravo RAMS Shane into the corner, Dean ENZIGIRIS, then tags in. The Infantry double whips but Shane blocks! And he blocks again! Bravo fires off hands! Dean joins in, the fans fire up and Infantry double whips. They DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE, and the fans fire up! Dean fires hands on Shane to keep him on the ropes, literally. Dean whips, Shane reverses to JAB! Dean drops to a knee, Shane brings him around, and Shane TOSSES Dean to the corner. Tag to Lee and Lee drags Dean up to run up, but Dean arm-drags! And arm-drags again!

Dean grinds the armlock, but Shane barks at Adora so Bravo storms up to bark back. The ref tells them both to stop, and this arguing keeps Bravo from taking the tag! Lee wrenches and WRINGS Dean out! Shane taunts Bravo over it, and Lee drags Dean up. Lee fires knees into Dean, then whips him into the STP corner. Lee runs up to LARIAT, then he tags Shane. Shane CHOPS Dean, and then he mock, “OORAH!” Dean ROCKS him for it! But then Shane DECKS Dean for it! Shane and Bravo argue again, and Lee sneaks a CHOKE. Shane storms over to dig boots into Dean. The ref counts, Shane lets off, and Lee sneaks some hair pulling!

Shane runs up on Bravo, Bravo steps back and says they aren’t playing that. But Lee is pulling Dean back, which Adora points out. Shane runs up to KNEE Dean down! Shane scoops Dean to SLAM him, then he lines up a LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Shane makes sure Bravo understands it was that close. Bravo and Shane keep talking trash, but Adora rallies Toledo. Shane puts Dean in the corner, tags Lee, but Dean fires hands on everyone! Shane ROCKS Dean, Lee steps in for Shane to whip. But Dean BOOTS Lee away! Shane runs up but Dean DUMPS him out! The fans fire up, Dean dodges Lee to hot tag Bravo!

The fans fire up as Bad News & Tattoos rallies on Taiga Style! Bravo eggs Lee on, then dodges Lee! Bravo blocks a kick, slips around, JUMPING NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up with Bravo, and he brings Lee around. Bravo whips, Lee reverses, but Bravo ducks the boot, for the CARLIE CROSSOVER! Cover, TWO!! Lee stays in this but Bravo stays focused. Bravo pounds the mat, the fans rally up, and Bravo clinches. But Shane storms in to CLOBBER Bravo! Dean storms in to ROCK Shane! The Infantry regroup, dodge Shane, and they fire off Cap & Bucky Combo! DOUBLE ROLLING ELBOW! They kick Shane out, and then Bravo kicks Lee.

Dean kicks Lee, Bravo hits a DDT! The fans fire up as Bravo puts Lee in the drop zone, but Shane anchors Dean! Bravo BOOTS Shane, but Lee shoves Bravo into Dean! O’Conner BRIDGE, STP wins!

Winner: Shane Taylor Promotions, by pinfall

Bravo can’t believe it! Two matches in a row, they have lost! They got outmaneuvered here against Shane Taylor Promotions, and now they’re falling down the ranks! Will Dean & Bravo just have to go back to the drawing board to figure out a way to win? Shane tells them one day, they will understand. Will he and Lee show that when they rumble with the tag team champions?


The Dark Order speaks.

Evil Uno says, “Finally! Finally! Dark Order is on a roll! Evil Uno, big singles win. John Silver, big singles win. Alex Reynolds, John Silver, big tag team win. Well it’s time for Dark Order to get back to their bread ‘n’ butter, the Trios Division! Because that is when-” The Iron Savages interrupt! Jacked Jameson says hold on, Dark Order, hold on. They were just passing by, sippin’ sauce, and were about to hit the gym to work off those double chunk chocolate cookies, and they couldn’t help but overhear Dark Order talking about the tag win over Jameson & Beefcake Boulder. Congratulations! Jameson’s first ROH match, and they weren’t ready!

Bulk Bronson was not cleared, it was a last minute change, and yet they went out there! If Bronson was 100% and they were all ready, Dark Order would’ve lost! Boulder says damn well that in 2v2, anything could happen, it doesn’t mean anything! And in 3v3, you got NO shot! Bronson almost chokes on sauce, but he says he has an idea! Okay, buddy, breathe. Bronson says next time, Dark Order VS Iron Savages, it’ll be a TRIOS MATCH! Then they and the whole world finds out that The Iron Savages are “The t*ts!” Sip on that, chumps! Silver says if they want their asses kicked, he’ll go ahead and kick all their asses!

Uno has Silver stand down, and Reynolds says Iron Savages wanna come in here with the fun and games, fine. But Dark Order has been where they’ve been, and it got them nowhere! “Playtime’s over, boys! Dark Order’s war ready. And the next time we step in the ring, we’re gonna kick your ass!” Boulder says his ass is too big to be kicked, so sip on THAT! The Savages head out, and this is getting tense. Who wins this big Six Man Tag to then chase down Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs?


ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Diamante!

Past battles in the ring and their war of words these past few weeks have led to this! The Chef is looking to cook, will she serve another L? Or will the Cuban Diamond finally have some gold in ROH?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who gets served!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and then Velvet ducks a sucker punch! Velvet wrenches, wristlocks and wrangles Diamante! diamante kips up but Velvet wrangles her again! Velvet drops a leg on the arm, and has a short arm scissor! Diamante endures, fights around, pushes Velvet to a stack, TWO!! Velvet gets free in time, but Diamante arm-drags! And arm-drags again! Diamante runs up, but Velvet avoids the arm-drag that time, then Oklahoma Cradles! Cover, TWO! Velvet bypasses Diamante to CALF KICK! Cover, TWO! Velvet stays on Diamante with a top wristlock, and Diamante endures as Velvet twists.

The fans rally and Velvet steps over, this is almost a Shankly Gates! Diamante endures, fights around, and fires knees. Diamante whips Velvet into buckles, then runs her side to side to bump off buckles! Then Diamante bumps Velvet off more buckles! Velvet stops the full lap, ELBOWS back, and runs up to LEG SCISSOR CRADLE! TWO, and the fans rally up. Diamante goes to a corner, Velvet fires body shots! Velvet stomps a mudhole, lets off as the ref counts, but then she digs her boot in! Velvet does the splits, blows a kiss, and lets off as the ref counts again. Velvet runs up, but Diamante sends her into buckles!

Diamante CHOPS Velvet, ROCKS her, then CHOPS again! Diamante fires off forearms, then UPPERCUTS! The fans rally and Diamante goes corner to corner, but Velvet BOOTS her! Velvet climbs up, but Diamante YANKS her down! Velvet hits buckles then the mat! The fans are torn but Diamante stomps Velvet. Diamante stomps away in the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and she stands Velvet up. Diamante grinds Velvet’s face off the ropes! Diamante bumps Velvet off buckles, the fans rally up, and Diamante TOSSES Velvet away! Diamante runs in to SPLASH at the corner! Then a whip the other way, but Velvet dodges this time!

Velvet runs up, but into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Velvet crashes into buckles, and Diamante runs in, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Velvet survives but Diamante stays focused. Diamante turns Velvet over, reels her into the waistlock, and the fans rally up. Velvet fights, reaches out, and has the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Diamante CLUBS Velvet as she lets off. Diamante brings Velvet around, puts her through ropes, then avoids the counter shoulder! Diamante turns Velvet for a HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Velvet survives again and the fans rally up. Diamante is frustrated but she CLUBS away on Velvet.

Diamante drags Velvet around, the fans rally more, and Diamante CLUBS away on Velvet with crossface forearms! Diamante then reels Velvet in, for a SAIDO! Velvet flounders, Diamante taunts her, and then hits another SAIDO! Velvet sputters, but Diamante drags her back up. Diamante SAID- NO! CROSSBODY COUNTER! Cover, TWO! Diamante CLOBBERS Velvet! Cover, TWO! Velvet is still in this and the fans rally again. Diamante clamps on a full nelson and she leans on the hold! Velvet endures, the fans rally, but Diamante thrashes Velvet around! Diamante stands Velvet up to ragdoll her more!

Velvet is fading, so Diamante TOSSES her! Diamante fires up, runs corner to corner, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK again!! Cover, TWO!! Velvet still lives! The fans rally up while Diamante is shocked! Diamante drags Velvet up but Velvet fires hands. Diamante knees low, whips, but Velvet wheelbarrows. Diamante stops that to GERMAN SUPLEX! Velvet flounders, Diamante fireman’s carries, and DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Velvet is showing some serious grit, but Diamante won’t stop here. Diamante suplexes, but Velvet cradle counters! TWO!!! Diamante escapes, and she LARIATS Velvet back down!

Velvet flounders away to the apron, but Diamante runs up, BASEBALL SLIDE DROPKICK! Diamante doesn’t let off, she goes out to THROW Velvet into railing! The fans rally up, “One More Time!” and Diamante hauls Velvet up. Diamante whips Velvet into more railing! The ref reprimands but Diamante drags Velvet up again. Diamante runs with Velvet, to POST her! Velvet sputters but the ring count is 7 of 20. Diamante stands Velvet up, to CHOP her! And then whip again, but Velvet reverses! Only for Diamante to reverse again! Velvet hits steel steps! Diamante refreshes the ring count at 12, and she lines up a shot!

Diamante runs up, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK against steps! The ring count starts again, but Diamante grabs the belt? Diamante admires the red leather Velvet put on it, and the ref tells Diamante to stay back. Put the belt back! Velvet sits up, Diamante taunts Velvet, but Velvet fires hands! The fans fire up, Diamante pushes back, and she ROCKS Velvet! Diamante lines up a shot!? BELT SHOT!!!

Winner: Red Velvet, by disqualification (still ROH Women’s World Television Champion)

Diamante has just snapped! She LASHES away on Velvet! But why? She would’ve won that belt! Instead, she uses it to brutalize Velvet! The ref tells her to stop, and Diamante snaps back to reality. Diamante realizes she cost herself, will she ever get another chance like this?


The Infantry regroups backstage.

Carlie Bravo “ain’t gonna hold you,” he feels something is off. Shawn Dean tells Bravo about the game plan. What was going on? All the studying! Everything they’re doing! They can’t have this! But they’re feeling off! But then in steps Shane Taylor Promotions! Shane asks what Bravo means by “off?” How many times do they have to keep going through this?! How many times do they have to get their asses kicked until they get it?! Infantry is one of the most impressive tag teams he’s ever seen, and yet they keep going this over and over.

Shane has seen them beat world champions. Shane has seem them beat the best tag teams ROH has to offer! And it’s gotten The Infantry NOWHERE. They are dead set on proving to these people that they can wrestle. But Shane needs them to show the people that they can RUMBLE. And for the last time, Shane will ask them both, or rather, all three of them, when are they going to stop being “good soldiers?” And specifically to Miss Adora, Shane hasn’t forgotten their conversation, either. And he is a man of their word.

STP heads out, Bravo asks what that means, but Adora says it’s nothing. But Dean says Shane is saying something. Can The Infantry refocus and finally have their moment?


ROH Rewind – ROH World Championship: Bryan Danielson VS KENTA!

It was September 6th, 2006, New York City at Glory By Honor 5 when The American Dragon defended this title against a then rising star in Pro-Wrestling Noah. Tonight, we relive this match in honor of Bryan Danielson’s AEW World Championship defense this Saturday at WrestleDream. Did Bryan hold onto this gold in the Big Apple? Or did Kenta make him #GoToSleep?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this instant classic begins!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the fans applaud, and the bell rings. The fans duel between Bryan and Kenta as they circle. They tie up, Kenta puts Bryan on the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Kenta tries a kick but Bryan ducks it! Bryan and Kenta reset, tie up again, and are in a deadlock. Kenta powers Bryan to ropes, the ref calls the break, and Kenta lets off, to SLAP! The fans are torn but the ref reprimands. Bryan slaps himself to get fired up, and they reset again. They tie up, and Bryan puts Kenta on ropes now. The ref counts, Bryan lets go, but he SLAPS back! Kenta brushes that off as the two reset again.

The two knuckle lock, tie up, and they go forehead to forehead. They move around, Kenta waistlocks, but Bryan pries the hold open. Bryan wrenches the arm and he powers Kenta to a corner! The ref counts but Bryan KNEES Kenta down! The ref reprimands but Bryan backs off to wait on Kenta. Kenta stands up, the two circle, and Kenta kicks low! Kenta puts Bryan on ropes, to KICK! Bryan feels that one, and he clutches his bad shoulder as he bails out. Kenta is taking advantage of past damage, and Bryan paces around. Bryan steps back in, he ties up with Kenta again, but Kenta puts him back on ropes, for another KICK!

Bryan fights through the pain to fire palm strikes and a HEADBUTT! The fans fire up and Bryan brings Kenta around, for a KNEE! Snapmare, and KICK! Kenta stands right up, to snapmare and KICK Bryan! Bryan writhes, Kenta storms up on him, but Bryan keeps his distance. They circle, feel things out, and Kenta KICKS the bad arm! Kenta CLUBS Bryan, but Bryan headlocks! Bryan grinds Kenta down and the fans fire up. Kenta fights, but Bryan hits the takeover. Kenta headscissors, and he pushes up for pressure. Bryan endures, bridges, and moves around. Bryan headstands, and the fans cheer as he turns Kenta over to tie up the legs!

Bryan pushes to have the legs locked up, and he goes for the headlock. Kenta fights as he’s stuck in the modified Angelito Stretch, but then Bryan bends him back! Kenta endures, moves around, and has a ROPEBREAK! Bryan lets go, but then he stomps Kenta! The fans fire up as Bryan wrenches, wristlocks, and grinds Kenta again. Kenta KICKS Bryan’s leg, KICKS the arm, then wrenches with a wristlock. Bryan endures, fights up, and he powers Kenta back to whip. Bryan hurdles, drops down, then DROPKICKS! The fans fire up as Kenta bails out! Bryan aims, PLANCHAS< but Kenta dodges! Kenta KICKS the bad arm again!

Kenta stalks Bryan to railing, KICKS him, KICKS him again, then wrenches the bad arm into a hammerlock. Kenta runs Bryan all the way into railing! Bryan slumps down in the corner, the fans rally for him, but Kenta stomps him! Kenta drags Bryan up, puts him in the ring, and stomps him right on the bad arm! Bryan writhes but Kenta drags him up into another corner. Kenta wraps the arm around ropes and pulls! The ref reprimands, Kenta stops at 4, but then pulls the arm again! The ref counts more, Kenta stops at 4 again, and then KICKS the arm! And KICKS! Kenta brings Bryan around, clamps onto the arm, and he pulls on it!

Bryan endures, even as Kenta digs an elbow in. Bryan rolls but Kenta just makes it a top wristlock. Bryan headscissors, Kenta moves around, and pops free to have the headlock, then the armlock! Kenta grinds with a double wristlock, but Bryan shifts to get a ghost pin! TWO, and Kenta keeps the arm. Kenta drops knees right on the elbow, and does it again, and again! Kenta digs his knee in, but the fans rally as Bryan endures. Bryan fights up, Kenta snapmares him back down, and drops more knees on that elbow! Kenta goes to the apron, to slingshot and scuff Bryan! The fans are torn, but Bryan goes for legs!

Bryan trips Kenta, Kenta scrambles around, and he has the KIMURA!! Bryan endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kenta lets go at 4, and Bryan clutches his arm. Kenta storms back over to Bryan, but Bryan PALM STRIKES! And again, and again, and again! Then the HEADBUTT! Bryan runs, sunset flips, but Kenta stays up! Kenta SLAPS Bryan right in the face!! The fans are thunderous while Kenta paces. Kenta now covers, TWO! So it’s right to the top wristlock! Fans let Bryan know, “You Got B*tch Slapped!” Kenta pushes on the arm but Bryan endures. Bryan slips around the back, and he wants a chinlock!

Kenta blocks, pushes Bryan right off the mount and has the arm again. Bryan reaches out with a foot, ROPEBREAK! Kenta lets go, but he stands Bryan up to KICK! And KICK! Bryan sits down in the corner, the ref has Kenta step back. Kenta stands Bryan up, whips him corner to corner, but Bryan goes up, under, and KNEES low! Then cravat, for a CRAVAT PLEX! The fans fire up as Bryan busts out moves he’s learned from his ROH peers! Bryan drags Kenta up as the fans duel, and Bryan brings Kenta over. Bryan bumps Kenta off buckles, then he KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! This was long before the Yes Movement so they’re just KICKS!

Bryan then JUMP SOBATS! Kenta falls over, but Bryan stands him up to reel him in. Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs and suplexes high! Cover, but the ref sees that’s a forearm to the throat! Bryan stops, scrapes laces off Kenta’s face. and then he grinds Kenta’s face on ropes! The ref reprimands and counts, Bryan pushes Kenta down, and Bryan storms around. Bryan grabs Kenta’s leg, turns him over, and he hooks up the legs. The fans rally up as Bryan reaches for arms. Kenta resists, but Bryan powers Kenta into it! Bryan nods as the fans fire up, and it’s up, up, but Bryan’s arm won’t let him lift, so he just STOMPS the knees!

Bryan tells the fans there was no “F up.” Bryan NEVER F’s up! The fans cheer, and Bryan has the leg for a spinning toehold! And another! And another! Bryan then ties up the legs, the fans “WOO~!” and it’s a FIGURE FOUR! Kenta endures, tells everyone, “NO!” but Bryan drags him around. Bryan reaches out, and he’s sneaky with using the ropes for a chin-up! Kenta protests, the ref looks, but Bryan lets go of the ropes! Bryan waits, and he does it again! Another chin-up! Kenta points, the ref looks, but he misses it! Bryan denies using ropes, but Kenta powers things into turning over! Bryan turns it back over, but Kenta has the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Bryan claims he needs help getting free, but the ref counts again. Bryan finally breaks the hold and the ref reprimands for messing around. Bryan says he has ’til 5! Bryan then puts Kenta under ropes, GUILLOTINE CATAPULT! The ref reprimands again but Bryan smirks. The fans rally up and duel some more as Bryan storms up to Kenta in a corner. Bryan winds up to CHOP! Bryan whips, Kenta reverses, but Bryan BOOTS back! Kenta ELBOWS in return, blocks a kick, and KICKS the hamstring! Then a snap suplex! Both men are down, the fans rally up, and Kenta brings Bryan up.

Kenta whips, then runs to DROPKICK Bryan down! Kenta drags Bryan back up to KICK, KICK, KICK, and SOBAT! Kenta keeps moving, he goes up and out and springboards in, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Bryan stays in this and he brings Bryan up. Kenta hooks a leg but Bryan fights the suplex! Kenta goes for the arm, shifts to a double underhook, BUTTERFLY PLEX! Cover, TWO, into the ARMBAR! Bryan endures, flails around, reaches out, and Kenta pulls on the arm as hard as he can! The fans rally, Bryan fights around, ROPEBREAK! Kenta lets go at 4, and he stomps Bryan around.

Kenta drags Bryan up, whips corner to corner, but Bryan goes up and over! Then Bryan slides under, roll into the HALF CRAB!! The fans fire up as Bryan already sits deep on that hold! Kenta powers up, crawls his way over, but Bryan drags him back! Bryan knees on Kenta while pulling on the leg! Kenta powers around, even as Bryan twists and turns the leg! Kenta still fights forward, to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, but Kenta stands to ENZIGIRI! Bryan wobbles, Kenta kicks him, and fireman’s carries! But Bryan slips free to ROLLING ELBOW! Bryan runs up to forearm SMASH! Bryan fires up and the fans are with him!

Bryan puts Kenta up top, SLAPS him, then climbs up after him. Bryan brings Kenta to the very top, and the fans fire up for the SUPER DUPER PLEX! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Bryan crawls over, covers, TWO! But Bryan clamps on, CROSSFACE CHICKEN WING! Kenta fights up, reaches out, but Bryan drops back to have the body scissors! Kenta flails, reaches out, crawls with his legs, and he fights to the ROPEBREAK! Bryan holds until 4, and the fans rally up again. Bryan drags Kenta up, scoops him, and SLAMS him! Bryan snarls, and he points to a corner. Bryan climbs up, even with the one good arm.

Kenta is still down as Bryan reaches the top. Bryan aims, leaps, DIVING HEADBUTT into BOOTS! Kenta saves himself there, and he goes to the apron. Kenta springboards, but into a DROPKICK! Bryan returns the favor and both men are down again! The fans rally as hard as they can while we have a standing count. Kenta sits up at 4 of 10, rises at 5, and Bryan follows. Kenta fires a forearm, Bryan fires a SLAP, repeat! They go back and forth, and now Kenta SLAPS while Bryan JABS! Kenta runs to BOOT! Bryan rebounds to HEADBUTT! Kenta BOOTS, Bryan HEADBUTTS! And then HEADBUTTS! And then GERMAN SUPLEXES!

But Kenta is up! FISHERMAN BUSTER! But Bryan is up! ROLLING ELBOW! Kenta DISCUS LARIATS!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous again! Another standing count starts, “This is Awesome!” as Kenta and Bryan stir. Both men drag themselves up with ropes to stand at 6 of 10! Kenta runs up, and he LARIATS Bryan out! Kenta then rolls out after him, and Kenta whips. Bryan reverses, but Kenta stops himself! Kenta comes back, into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX to the floor! The fans fire up again, and Bryan drags himself up with the apron skirt. Bryan rolls in, leaving Kenta to the count.

Kenta rises now, and he uses the skirt, too. Kenta’s cornermen coach him on, but Bryan runs up to WRECK him with a dropkick! Kenta goes up and over railing and into the front row! The fans hurry to move aside, and Bryan aims! SPRINGBOARD FLYING KNEE into the crowd!! The fans are losing their minds for “R O H! R O H!” Bryan drags himself up from the mess of chairs, the fans cheering him on. Bryan drags Kenta up, and Bryan dumps Kenta back to ringside. Bryan raises his fist and the fans fire up! Bryan then puts Kenta in the ring, climbs a corner, and he MISSILE DROPKICKS! Kenta lands hard, but Bryan kips up!

The fans are thunderous, Bryan aims and swings, but into a takedown! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Kenta pushes on the arm, Bryan fights with his legs, and Bryan has the ROPEBREAK!! The ref counts and Kenta lets go in frustration. Kenta drags Bryan up, waistlocks, back suplex! Bryan lands out, BOOTS back, and goes up, to leap into a CUTTER! And then FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Bryan endures, even as Kenta pushes back! Bryan still fights, still reaches out, and the fans fire up more as he finds the ROPEBREAK!! Kenta lets go again, the frustration growing, but the fans are loving this! Kenta drags Bryan up again, and has chicken wings!

Bryan fights, so Kenta fires fast hands! But Bryan blocks the uraken to REGAL PLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!! Kenta survives and the fans rally up again! Bryan huffs ‘n’ puffs and feeds off that dueling energy. Bryan THROWS the shoulder tape away! Bryan hauls Kenta up, puts him on the top rope backwards, and then climbs up after him! Bryan goes back to the very top, for a SUPER DUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Both men are down but Bryan manages to crawl over! Cover, TWO!! But Bryan hooks the arms! CATTLE MUTILATION!! Kenta endures, but he can’t find the ropes! Kenta moves around, but he finds the ROPEBREAK!!

Bryan lets go at 4, reminding us he has ’til 5! The fans are dueling as hard as they can, but Bryan rises up. Bryan stands Kenta up, reels him in, SNAP HALF HATCH! Bryan storms around, goes up a corner, but Kenta jumps right up!? Bryan blocks what Kenta’s after, to SUPER GOURD BUSTER! And then, Bryan leaps, but into a fireman’s carry! GO TO SLEEP!! Kenta has to crawl to the cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Bryan saves himself by a literal foot and Kenta cannot believe it! The first time anyone survived a GTS, “This is Awesome!” Kenta rises, and he KICKS the bad arm! And KICKS! Kenta runs to BLINDSIDE BUSAIKU KNEE!

Bryan is on ropes, Kenta runs up to BLINDSIDE KNEE again! Bryan staggers, Kenta roars and runs, and runs, but Bryan dodges! O’Conner BRIDGE, TWO!?!? Kenta escapes and the fans are going nuts! Bryan runs, but into a DROPKICK! The fans rally as hard as they can and Kenta says time to end it! Fireman’s carry, but Bryan slips free! Crucifix takedown, TWO! But into HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!! Bryan is making Kenta into a ragdoll! The ref checks on Kenta, but Kenta comes back to life!! But then Bryan wrangles him back into CATTLE MUTILATION, only for Kenta to roll! Cover, TWO!! Bryan still has the arms!

Bryan hits a TIGER PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! But into CATTLE MUTILATION!!! Kenta is reaching for ropes even now, so Bryan shifts, to HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOW!! And then, CATTLE MUTILATION!!!! Kenta is stuck this time! Kenta TAPS, Bryan wins!!!

Winner: Bryan Danielson, by submission (still ROH World Champion)

The Manhattan Center erupts in cheers as The American Dragon manages to bring down Kenta! The fans chant “BEST IN THE WORLD!” but Bryan shows respect by pointing to Kenta. The fans chant, “Thank You, Kenta!” and Bryan offers the Code of Honor. Kenta takes it, the two bow to each other, and the fans cheer the show of respect. This is just one example of how hard Bryan can and will fight, but will he make this match look easy in comparison to how he fights Jon Moxley this Saturday?


ROH World Championship Proving Ground: Mark Briscoe VS Josh Woods w/ The Premier Athletes!

Moving from past to present, The Sussex County Chicken is now going to defend the ROH World Championship at WrestleDream against Chris Jericho. However, before then, he meets The Technical Beast on the Proving Ground. And as such, “Smart” Mark Sterling takes over introductions to say that The Premier Athletes are getting sick and tired of saying they suck. “Lemme tell you who sucks! The people of Toledo suck! The Conglomeration sucks! Orange Cassidy sucks! Kyle O’Reilly sucks! Ishii sucks! And Mark Briscoe SUCKS!” The fans boo Sterling but he says here is one last chance to make this right.

When they say “Athletes,” you all say, “Rule.” Hands in, boys. Ohh… “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Sterling is again furious but he’s clearly not smart enough to see he always sets his team up for that one. But now, “Reach for the sky, boys!” Mark makes his way to the ring, and while Cassidy & Kyle conquered Nese & Daivari, time to see if the Chicken can conquer the Beast. WAIT, Woods attacks first, no waiting on Code of Honor or anything! The bell rings, Woods fires off knees, then he TOSSES Mark out! The fans boo but we’re on the clock, 10 minutes or less wins Woods a title shot! Woods ROCKS Mark, then SWINGS him into railing!

The fans boo as hard as they can, but Woods puts Mark back in the ring. Woods soaks up the heat, but he has to avoid a backhand! Woods says he’s too smart, but then Mark gets him with a REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUT! The fans fire up as Mark builds speed, and Mark WRECKS Woods with that “spicy dropkick.” Mark RKF UPPERCUTS again! And then CHOPS! Mark tosses a chair into the ring, fires off hands on Woods, and then Mark gets in the ring. The fans fire up as Mark sets the chair up. Mark builds speed, Sterling freaks out, but the Chicken FLIES! Down goes Woods and the fans high-five with Briscoe!

Mark Briscoe gives a young fan his Conglomeration T-shirt, but now Sterling barks at him! Briscoe backs Sterling off, the fans cheer on “DEM BOYS! DEM BOYS!” Mark stands Woods up to ROCK him! Mark puts Woods in, storms up and ROCKS him! Woods ROCKS Mark back! The forearms fly, then Mark ducks one to CHOP! Mark ROCKS Woods, CHOPS him, then ROCKS him again. Mark whips, Woods reverses, but Mark CLOBBERS him! Woods goes to a corner, Mark runs up to LARIAT! Mark reels Woods in to EXPLODER! Cover, ONE!! Mark is surprised by that, but he runs up to RKF UPPERCUT!

Mark fireman’s carries, but Woods CLAWS eyes! Woods waistlocks, goes to the corner, CHAOS- NO, Mark fights the suplex and breaks the waistlock to PELE! Fireman’s carry, and ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! The fans fire up and Mark climbs! FROGGY- NO! ARMBAR!! Woods has Mark caught! Mark fights around, even bites at Woods’ leg! Mark has the ROPEBREAK! Woods lets go to argue with the ref, but that just lets Sterling PULL on Mark’s arm! The fans boo, but Sterling lets go before he gets caught. Woods drags Mark back in, and he stomps away on the bad arm! Woods says, “Athletes!” Toledo says, “SUCKS!”

Woods fires more shots on Mark, then hammerlocks the arm to scoop and SLAM! Mark writhes, Woods covers, TWO! Woods is annoyed but he grabs the bad arm to turn Mark over. Woods digs his knee into the shoulder, pulls on the arm, but the fans chant it themselves, “ATHLETES SUCK! ATHLETES SUCK!” Mark fights, has the ROPEBREAK, and Woods lets go at 4. Woods stands Mark up to ROCK him! And UPPERCUT the arm! Woods hammerlocks the arm again, scoops again, but Mark slips free! Mark fires forearms and elbows, then kicks, kicks and kicks! Mark puts Woods in a corner with those kicks!

Woods shoves Mark back, runs up, but into a drop toehold! Mark gets moving, he goes up a corner, and he MISSILE DROPKICKS! Woods tumbles away to the corner! The fans fire up, Mark runs in, SHOTGUN BOOT! Woods staggers, Mark fires up again, and the fans rally behind him. But Woods FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS Mark on ropes! Woods puts Mark in a corner to fire knee after knee! Woods puts Mark up, then climbs up. Woods UPPERCUTS the bad arm, UPPERCUTS it again, and then SUPER ARM-DRAGS! Cover, TWO!! Mark gets free, but the ARMBAR is back! Mark hurries to stack! TWO!!

Woods lets Mark go in time, but Mark kicks low! Underhooks, lift, and- NO, the bad arm stops Mark! Woods runs up to SHINING WIZARD! Knuckle lock, straight arm lever, and Woods has Mark back up top! Hammerlock, clinch, but Mark BITES Woods! Mark fires forearms, then HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Mark shouts and HEADBUTTS again! Woods falls, Sterling freaks out, FROGGY-BOW!! Cover, Mark wins!!

Winner: Mark Briscoe, by pinfall (denies Josh Woods a title match)

Woods kicks out at 3.1 but that’s not soon enough! But with all this damage Woods did to the Chicken’s wing, will it be that much easier for Chris Jericho to go from Ocho to Nueve? Or will nothing stop the legacy of The Briscoes in ROH?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode coming in at an hour and 50, and while it’s only the second week, maybe they’re going to keep padding time with retro matches. That’s not so bad in some ways, I am certainly someone who wasn’t watching those early days of ROH, mostly because I had no idea. Bryan VS Kenta was awesome stuff, and definitely works to hype up Bryan’s match at WrestleDream as well as the ROH World Championship. Briscoe VS Woods was really good, especially for a Proving Grounds match with the 10 minute time limit. But I figured Briscoe would win that, it gives him momentum going into WrestleDream and facing Chris Jericho.

Great stuff with the ROH Women’s World Championship story. Good promo from Athena, Lexy and Billie to add to Athena’s denial about her fear of Abadon. And then Frost calling Athena out for a match was also good. I have a feeling Athena and Lexy are going to be chained together even then, adding a somewhat comedic element to the match. At the same time, I could see a way the chain helps Athena cheat a win, hard to say. Billie got a good match out of Ella Elizabeth, that win definitely keeps Billie going in the rankings as again, this has to be leading to Athena VS Billie for the title at Final Battle or something.

Great ROH Women’s World Television Championship match, until that confusing and disappointing ending. I don’t know what anyone was thinking with that but it wasn’t good. Diamante may be the aggressive Heel, but she’s not going to go into a blind rage where she doesn’t realize the ref is watching her hold the belt. They should’ve tried a ref bump and cheap shot that the ref still ends up seeing. For one, “getting caught red handed” is a pun they could easily use to sell the moment via commentary.

Pretty funny set up into the squash match for Shibata, but between this and the Six Man Tag win last week, Jack Perry is definitely finding some underhanded way of retaining the title. Archer got to have fun squashing a rather well-liked Toledo indie wrestler, I just hope that with the “trade” to the Don Callis Family, Archer actually gets himself a championship. Brian Cage had a good promo to call out Atlantis Jr, and honestly, why not have him win? Zero Hours don’t always have things “important” in them, so a title change for the ROH TV title would work. And then maybe Cage can defend that title week in and week out on ROH TV.

Great opening title match with Gabe Kidd and Anthony Henry. Gabe of course retained, but the real shame is that Henry legitimately hurt his arm in that match. The Workhorsemen just can’t catch a break, you gotta feel for Henry and JD Drake. And who knows what happens with Beef now. He’s a great personality and the fans clearly love him, but much of his story was relying on The Workhorsemen. So unless JD Drake really is ready to come back and he can take over the story from this point, Beef’s going solo. And speaking of beef, Iron Savages and Dark Order look to settle their beef in a Six Man Tag. I’m torn because Dark Order already had their program with Dustin & The Sons of Texas, but they also just got back on a roll. They got booked into a corner and can’t seem to get out.

And very good stuff in The Infantry’s story. Great tag match with Shane Taylor Promotions, and really good promo backstage with them, too. Shane & Lee get a strong win to move up the ranks, maybe start after the ROH World Tag Team Championships, but there might even be a faction upgrade if Infantry start to see things Shane’s way. A Heel turn was already teased when Infantry disrespected The Outrunners, but joining up with STP so that Dean & Bravo can be the tag team guys and Shane targets the singles titles would be something cool to see.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/15/24)

Spooky season begins!



Who will get to wreak Halloween Havoc with the champ?

Tonight, Ethan Page, Wes Lee and Je’Von Evans battle in a Triple Threat to become #1 contender to Trick Williams’ NXT Championship! Who gets to spin the wheel and make the deal with Tricky Two-Time Two Time?


  • Ridge Holland VS Riley Osborne; wins.
  • Gentlemen’s Duel: Lexis King VS Oro Mensah; wins.
  • Nikkita Lyons VS Lola Vice; wins.
  • Stephanie Vaquer VS Wren Sinclair; wins.
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Ethan Page VS Wes Lee VS Je’Von Evans; wins and will challenge Trick Williams for the title at Halloween Havoc.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KVIA2 CW (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of NXT will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s NJPW King of Pro-Wrestling Results & Report! (10/14/24)

Who reigns supreme?



Will Ryogoku Kokugikan be tranquilo?

Zack Sabre Jr. has always been innovative, but tonight, he really changes things up! He uses his G1 Climax Right to Challenge TONIGHT instead of at WrestleKingdom! Will The Front Man become the King of Pro-Wrestling?


  • Hiromu Takahashi VS Mistico; Hiromu wins.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS Intergalactic Jet Setters; Intergalactic Jet Setters win and become the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
  • IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls VS Bad Luck Fale & Caveman Ugg; Shane & Mikey win and retain the titles.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Ryohei Oiwa; Takagi wins and retains the title.
  • NJPW World Television Championship Triple Threat: Jeff Cobb VS Yota Tsuji VS Ren Narita; Narita wins and becomes the new NJPW World Television Champion.
  • Six Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & El Phantasmo VS House of Torture; Tanahashi, Shota & ELP win.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: DOUKI VS SHO; Douki wins and retains the title.
  • IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship: David Finlay VS Hirooki Goto; Finlay wins and retains the title.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Tetsuya Naito VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins and becomes the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.


Hiromu Takahashi VS Mistico!

The Ticking Timebomb wants to prove he can be more than just The Best of the Super Juniors, which is why he challenged The Prince of Silver & Gold to this rematch! The dual MLW Middleweight & NWA World Historic Middleweight Champion won in Arena Mexico, but will Hiromu redeem himself in Ryogoku Kokugikan? Or will it just be a repeat performance to open the show?

Before the match, Mistico is given a special plaque in honor of his 20 year career in wrestling. The fans applaud and Mistico takes a bow. But then, will his celebrating here be short lived? Meanwhile, Hiromu brings out a model of the new LIJ branded rice cooker now on sale, will Mistico let him cook? Wait, Hiromu opens it up and reveal! He has a Mistico mask! Mistico takes those back and the fans cheer. The bell rings and the two circle. Mistico offers a handshake, Hiromu takes it, and fans cheer the sportsmanship. The two tie up, Hiromu waistlocks, SLAMS, but Mistico flips over, kips up and arm-drags!

Hiromu sweeps the legs but Mistico reaches up to headscissor! Both men stand, Mistico dodges to arm-drag again! Hiromu sweeps again, covers, ONE! Mistico sweeps but Hiromu throws him away! The fans fire up as the two reset. Mistico runs up, RANAS, and Hiromu tumbles out! The fans rally up as Mistico builds speed! But Hiromu runs in, bypasses Mistico, but Mistico dodges to jump and RANA again! Hiromu is back outside, and Mistico builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Hiromu hits railing! Both men are down as the airhorn goes off, and the fans rally up. Mistico brings Hiromu up, puts him in, and the fans rally again.

Mistico aims from the apron to springboard, but Hiromu moves! Mistico rolls through, Hiromu fireman’s carries, GUTBUSTER DROP! Hiromu ties the legs up in a FIGURE FOUR KNEEBAR! Mistico flails, reaches out, and crawls over to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Hiromu lets go. Hiromu stands Mistico up, but Mistico CHOPS! The fans cheer, and Mistico knuckle locks. But Hiromu blocks the kick to DRAGON SCREW! And back to the FIGURE FOUR KNEEBAR! Mistico endures, reaches out, and again has the ROPEBREAK! Hiromu drops into the GRAPEVINE! The ref reprimands, Hiromu lets go, and Mistico bails out.

The fans rally while Hiromu waits on Mistico. Mistico fires himself up, but Hiromu runs out there. Mistico slides in, and now he eggs Hiromu on. Hiromu runs in, but into a knuckle lock! Mistico kicks low then goes up, up and FLYING ARM-DRAG! The fans fire up, and Mistico runs in, only to be put on the apron. Mistico GAMANGIRIS, then springboards, FLYING RANA! Hiromu bails out, the fans fire up, and Mistico builds speed to TORNILLO! Down goes Hiromu and the fans fire up again! Yeah that airhorn isn’t annoying at all… Mistico rises, he brings Hiromu into the ring, and covers, TWO! The fans cheer as Hiromu stays in this.

Mistico stays calm and he brings Hiromu up. Mistico ROCKS Hiromu, whips him corner to corner, but Hiromu reverses to LARIAT! Hiromu keeps moving but Mistico LARIATS! Mistico rolls back, dodges Hiromu, and SUPER- NO, Hiromu blocks the kick to SUPERKICK back! Hiromu runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Mistico runs up, Hiromu sidesteps and SNAP GERMANS! The fans fire up while both men are down! Hiromu storms over to Mistico, puts him on the top rope, and he CHOPS! Mistico wobbles, but he fires forearms in return! Mistico then slips under Hiromu, and GAMANGIRIS! Hiromu wobbles up top, but Mistico climbs!

Mistico goes to the very top, and he brings Hiromu up, for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Mistico covers, TWO! Hiromu stays in this and the fans rally again. Mistico brings Hiromu up, but ducks a lariat! Mistico comes back for a DESTROYER!! Hiromu staggers around, Mistico builds speed, tilt-o-whirl, but Hiromu stops La Mystica! Pump handle, HIROMU-CHAN CRADLE! TWO!! Mistico gets free of the still technically unnamed hold! Then he dodges Hiromu to springboard CROSSBODY! Another dodge, another tilt-o-whirl, LA MYSTICA! But Hiromu rolls through it!?

Hiromu fireman’s carries to KNEE CRUSHER! And then, FIGURE FOUR KNEEBAR!! Mistico bridges but Hiromu uses that to turn him! The fans rally as Hiromu steps over! It’s a modified Cloverleaf now! Mistico TAPS! Hiromu wins!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by submission

An incredible victory for The Ticking Timebomb! He and Mistico are now 1-1-1, but this submission victory feels extra sweet! When and where will we see these two settle their score? And the way they’re talking about it, will it be Hair VS Mask?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Clark Connors & “Drilla” Dan Moloney VS Intergalactic Jet Setters!

These rival teams meet again as 100 Proof & 44 Caliber must defend their gold against Kushida & Kevin Knight! Will the War Dogs take another bite out of these time travelers? Or will Kushida & Knight successfully bring us back to the past when they had these last?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who takes us back to the future!

The teams sort out, and Drilla SHOTGUNS Knight! Connors UPPERCUTS Kushida, Drilla stomps Knight, and the bell rings as Connors TOSSES Kushida out. Drilla goes out after Kushida to CHOP! Connors CLUBS Knight, ROCKS him, then whips. Knight goes up and over, bobs ‘n’ weaves, and he fires fast hands! Knight whips, hurdles, then bypasses. Connors redirects but Knight dodges to DROPKICK! The fans fire up but Drilla knees Knight. Drilla knees Kushida, too, then runs, but the Jet Setters bypass to drop toehold and SPLASH! The fans cheer and Knight says “Macha Tsuyoi~! <Very Strong!>”

The fans rally as Jet Setters double wrench and double whip Connors. Then they both run, slide, and trip Connors. They YANK Connors into the post and pull on the legs! Drilla fights the Jet Setters off, CHOPS Kushida, then CHOPS Knight! Connors goes after Kushida, and he looks under the ring! Drilla has fans clear out, and then he TOSSES Knight over railing, to bowl over the chairs! Connors JAMS Kushida with a chair, then SMACKS him with it! The fans boo but the War Dogs soak up the heat. Connors makes Kushida take a seat, CHOPS him, and Drilla drags Knight up just to ROCK him with a right.

Connors & Drilla aim at Kushida, then Connors runs in. But Kushida catches Connors to a COMPLETE SHOT off the chair! Knight is up, he knocks Drilla aside, and Kushida makes Connors take a seat. Knight runs in, goes up to the apron, and then leaps, DOUBLE STOMP on Connors and the chair! The fans fire up while Jet Setters stand tall. Kushida stomps Drilla, Knight RAMS Drilla into railing, and then Knight puts Connors in the ring. Kushida brings Connors up in an Electric Chair! Knight aims, but Drilla slides in! Drilla GERMAN SUPLEXES Knight! Connors slips down to GERMAN SUPLEX Kushida!

The Jet Setters stagger to their feet, Drilla GORES Kushida while Connors SPEARS Knight! The fans fire up, and the War Dogs have Kushida isolated. Connors stalks Kushida, drags him up, and CHOPS him in a corner. Kushida gets in Connors’ face, so Connors CHOPS again! Connors snapmares Kushida, mockingly checks a watch, and JUMP ELBOW DROPS! Cover, TWO! Kushida toughs it out and the fans rally up. Kushida fires body shots, but Connors UPPERCUTS! Connors bumps Kushida off Drilla’s boot, then tags him in. Drilla looms over Kushida, drags him up, and CHOPS! Kushida grits his teeth and gets in Drilla’s face!

Drilla CHOPS again, and then CLAWS Kushida’s face! Drilla knocks Knight off the apron, but Kushida hip tosses! But then no Knight to tag! Drilla drags Kushida away, anchors his leg, then CLAWS Kushida’s back! Drilla turns Kushida over, stands on his neck, and pulls on his head! The ref reprimands, Kushida fights free, and the fans rally up. Drilla stalks Kushida, but Kushida KICKS a leg! And KICKS it again! Kushida runs, but Connors steps in to SNAP POWERSLAM! Drilla BLASTS Knight off the apron! The War Dogs load up and take aim, BANG! DOUBLE- NO Kushida moves and sends Drilla into Connors!

Kushida whips Drilla, then Kushida and Connors both drop down. Drilla rebounds, Connors and Kushida drop again. Kushida then sends Drilla back into Connors! Kushida rolls and rolls, hot tag to Knight! Knight springboards to DOUBLE FLYING LARIAT! The fans fire up as Knight rallies on the War Dogs! But they stop his Satellite DDT! So Knight shifts, DOUBLE DDT! The fans fire up as Knight kips up and flexes! Knight aims at Connors in a corner, but Connors avoids the splash! Drilla runs up, but Knight puts him o the apron! Knight DUMPS Connors out, then PELES Drilla! The War Dogs regroup, but the Jet Setters coordinate!

The Jet Setters run to WRECK the War Dogs with dropkicks! The fans fire up while the War Dogs tumble over railing! Kushida goes out after them, sets them up, and Knight SUPER SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODIES!! Direct hit on everyone, including some Young Lions! The fans are thunderous as the Jet truly flies! Knight tosses Drilla back to ringside, then into the ring. Kushida is ready, and the two run, SPLASH ENZIGIRI COMBO in the corner! Kushida then tags in and he brings Drilla around. Kushida turns Drilla, Knight slips off the top, but he recovers and CROSSBODIES into the NECKBREAKER anyhow! Cover, Connors breaks it!

The fans rally, Kushida Electric Chair Lifts Connors! Knight jumps, DROPKICK CHAIR DROP! The fans fire up as Kushida says one more! Knight also says, “Moikai! <One more time!>” But Drilla sends Kushida into Knight! Then he SPINEBUSTERS Kushida! Drilla tells Kushida off, goes to the apron before Knight can take off, and he blocks a superkick to SUPERKICK! Knight wobbles, Drilla slashes his throat! Drilla reels Knight in, but Knight fights back! BACKDROP onto the apron! Connors runs up, Knight has him, and Kushida runs in! Connors dodges, the handspring kick hits Knight! Then JEEP FLIPPER sends Kushida flying!

Connors runs up on Knight, Drilla coordinates, HIGH LOW SPEAR on the apron! And we’re only 10 minutes into this! The fans rally up but The War Dogs stalk Kushida. They both slash their throats, ready to end this, but the fans rally for Kushida. Drilla brings Kushida up, but Kushida slips free! Kushida has the arm, puts Drilla in a corner, but Connors runs up. Kushida ELBOWS Connors away, SHOTEIS Drilla, then puts Drilla up top. But Drilla slips under! POWERBOMB NECKBREAKER COMBO! Drilla gets moving, GORE on Kushida! Connors runs, runs, and SPEARS!! Then they aim from the corners! DOUBLE SPEAR COMBO!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans are thunderous as Kushida survives! But the War Dogs just have sadistic smiles on their faces. They reload, and Connors climbs a corner. Drilla drags Kushida up, but Kushida jumps on for a HOVERBOARD! Drilla TOSSES Kushida away, but Knight tags in! Knight lurks under the apron while Drilla drags Kushida over. Drilla goes to suplex but Kushida fights it! Knight leap frogs Drilla to BLAST Connors off the corner! Kushida backslides Drilla, Knight adds the jackknife! Cover, JET SETTERS WIN!!!

Winners: Intergalactic Jet Setters, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

The War Dogs get caught off guard, and they lose the belts to the underdogs! Kushida & Knight turned back the clock, but will their future be brighter than ever now?


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls VS Bad Luck Fale & Caveman Ugg!

TMDK and Bullet Club Rogue Army have been battling so much in NJPW Tamashii that it’s spilled over into the main line! But will Hysterical Haste & Mad Mikey prove that no matter where they fight, The Mighty Don’t Kneel? Or will The Underboss and his Cro-Magnon cohort conquer them in Ryogoku?

The introductions are made, the IWGP belts are raised, and we see how they do it Down Under!

The teams sort out, but the Rogue Army attacks! Fale is after Mikey, Shane fights off Ugg, and the bell rings. Ugg JUMP KICKS Shane down! Fale corners Mikey while Ugg runs to SPLASH! Big air from Ugg, and Fale runs up to SPLASH Mikey! Feed to Ugg for the gut wrench and SWINGING SLAM! Fale storms up on Shane, Shane fights back, but Fale BODY BLOWS! Fale whips Shane to a corner, SPLASHES, and then sets him up for Ugg’s TWISTING LARIAT! Fale runs to drop the BIG ELBOW! Cover, Mikey breaks it! The fans fire up, but Ugg TOSSES Mikey out! Ugg storms around, Fale sends Mikey into railing!

Ugg goes looking under the ring, and he brings out a table! Ugg sets the table up while Fale sends Mikey into more railing! Fale then brings Mikey over to the table! Fale puts Mikey on the table, Ugg kicks Shane away, and Ugg aims from the apron! CAVEMAN SPLASH through the table!! The fans are thunderous as the Rogue Army has crushed one of The Mighty! Fale scoops and SLAMS Shane, then steps on his back! Fale uses Shane as a surfboard! Fale steps away, Shane writhes, and Ugg tags in. Ugg stalks Shane, drags him up, and brings him around, but Shane CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ugg winds up to CHOP and CLUB Shane!

Ugg stomps Shane, roars and storms around, and the fans rally up. Ugg runs to BOOT Shane into a corner! The fans fire up as Shane flops back down! Ugg drags Shane over, tags Fale in, and Fale throws another BODY BLOW! Fale whips Shane corner to corner, runs in, but Shane BOOTS him! Fale huffs ‘n’ puffs, but Shane BOOTS again! Shane goes up, reels Fale in, and TORNADO DDTS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Shane crawls, reaches out, but there’s no Mikey! Fale tags Ugg and Ugg runs in, but Shane dodges! Shane BOOTS Ugg, BOOTS him again, and KICKS him! Shane reels Ugg in, but Ugg fights the lift!

Ugg CLUBS away on Shane, runs, and catches Shane’s hurdle! FALL AWAY SLAM! The fans fire up and Ugg powers up in the corner. Ugg runs up at Shane, but Shane DROPKICKS his twisting lariat down! Shane aims now, and he runs up, PENALTY KICK! Mikey rises! Shane tags him in! The fans fire up as Mikey fires forearms and CHOPS on Ugg! Ugg ducks a shot, waistlocks, but Mikey throws elbows. Ugg ducks an elbow but Mikey uses that to DDT! Fans fire up as Ugg gets spiked! Mikey WRECKS Fale with a dropkick, and Fale wipes out the timekeeper! SLIDING LARIAT from Mikey to Ugg! Cover, TWO!

Ugg is tough but Mikey keeps on him! Ugg fights the saido with elbows, but Mikey shoves him. Mikey LARIATS, but Ugg stays up! Mikey LARIATS again, but Ugg shakes his head. Ugg ducks the next lariat, waistlocks and- NO, Mikey fights the German Suplex with elbows! Ugg rebounds, into a MIKEY BOMB! Cover, Fale breaks it! Shane ROCKS Fale! Shane fires off, but Fale choke grips! Shane breaks free, ducks the haymaker, and CALF KICKS! Fale staggers, Mikey LARIATS! TMDK reels Fale in, DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! The fans fire up again, and Mikey storms up on Ugg. Ugg CHOPS, CHOPS, and LARIATS!

Ugg CHOPS, CHOPS and LARIATS, but Shane catches him! URENAGE BOMB COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Ugg survives and the fans fire up again! TMDK vow to end it now, and the fans rally again. TMDK double gorilla press, for THUNDER VALLEY!! Cover, TMDK wins!

Winners: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls, by pinfall (still IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

Fale & Ugg were big, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall! Shane & Mikey keep these belts, and they also still have the NJPW Strong Tag Team Championships. Will TMDK still be the Undisputed Tag Team Champions through the year?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Great-O-Khan & Henare have appeared! Well, the KOPW Champion really should be here for King of Pro-Wrestling, and Khan grabs a mic as he and Henare step into the ring. Khan tells TMDK, “Congratulations on the win. You two peasants were able to take care of two big gladiators. You should be proud of yourself, so I’ll give you an even greater honor. It’s coming up to tag league season, so let’s make sure myself and Henare fire up the tag team division.” Henare takes the mic to translate some of that into English, letting TMDK know that this is tag team season!

That means with World Tag League on the horizon, the United Empire plans on becoming IWGP Tag Team Champions! Put ’em up if you got the balls! Shane grabs a mic and says yeah, baby, about time challengers stepped up! TMDK will defend these belts every time! Shane vows TMDK will walk into World Tag League as champions, and walk out THE World Tag League champions, because they are The Mighty, and The Mighty Don’t Kneel! Shane & Mikey have accepted the challenge, but will they make it past The Dominator & Face of Fury? Or will The United Empire only grow stronger?


NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Ryohei Oiwa!

The battle of Los Ingobernables de Japon VS TMDK isn’t just in the main event! The Rampaging Dragon gladly welcomed the challenge from “The Mullet,” but also promised to send him flying back to Pro-Wrestling Noah. Will Takagi be a man of his word? Or will Oiwa get a grip on this title on the first try?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Oiwa’s expedition paid off!

The bell rings and Oiwa DROPKICKS Takagi! Oiwa wrenches, hammerlocks, and RAMS Takagi into buckles, then whips him corner to corner! Oiwa whips to YANK the arm, then he clamps on with a top wristlock! Takagi fights but Oiwa makes it SHANKLY GATES! Takagi reaches back for a ROPEBREAK with his foot! The ref counts, Oiwa lets off fast, and the fans cheer. Oiwa goes back to Takagi’s arm and grinds the shoulder. Takagi fires forearms, then whips Oiwa away. ELBOW! JAB! YUKON feint to DDT! The fans fire up while Oiwa writhes, and Takagi eggs him on. Takagi RAMS Oiwa, then runs up to ropes to LARIAT Oiwa up and out!

Oiwa staggers into railing, then slumps over. Takagi goes out, drags Oiwa up, and brings him around to whip hard into railing! Oiwa falls back and the fans fire up more as Takagi storms over. Takagi drops a knee on Oiwa’s face, then stands him back up. Takagi fireman’s carries Oiwa, to SNAKE EYES off the apron! The fans fire up with Takagi, and Takagi looms over Oiwa. The ring count starts, Takagi puts Oiwa in, and the fans applaud. Takagi drags Oiwa up to suplex high and hard! Oiwa writhes and the fans rally up. Takagi clamps onto Oiwa for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Takagi scuffs Oiwa, but Oiwa rises up.

Oiwa fires a forearm, but Takagi shakes his head. Oiwa fires another, and another, but Takagi ROCKS him back! Oiwa DOUBLE CHOPS! The fans cheer, Oiwa whips, but Takagi reverses. Oiwa blasts through the double chops to CLOBBER Takagi! The fans fire up with Oiwa, and he drags Takagi up in a gut wrench. Takagi CLUBS Oiwa, then ELBOWS! JABS! But Oiwa LARIATS! And LARIATS again! Oiwa whips and LARIATS again! Cover, TWO! Takagi is tougher than that but Oiwa paces around. Oiwa goes to a corner, climbs up, and DIVING SPLASHES! Cover, TWO! Takagi stays in this but Oiwa stays focused.

Oiwa stalks Takagi, and clamps on a SLEEPER! Takagi endures, RAMS Oiwa into buckles, and is free. Oiwa runs up, into an ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! The fans fire up while Takagi catches his breath. Oiwa goes back to a corner, and Takagi runs up. Takagi blocks a boot, LARIATS, and he hoists Oiwa up top! The fans cheer as Takagi climbs, HEADBUTTS, and then SUPER DUPER PLEXES! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Takagi crawls his way over to Oiwa, sits him up, and runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Oiwa shows his own toughness, but the fans rally up. Takagi says, “TOKI GA KITA! <The time has come!>”

The fans fire up, Takagi drags Oiwa up and pump handles, but Oiwa fights the lift. Takagi knees low, HEADBUTTS, then runs, into a ROLLING ELBOW! Oiwa roars and runs, but Takagi LARIATS at ropes! Takagi runs, but Oiwa steps up, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Takagi stays up, takes another swing, but Oiwa gets around! GERMAN SUPLEX! Takagi springs right up! PUMPING BOMBER!! But Oiwa’s right up!? LEG HOOK SAIDO!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Oiwa rises as the fans rally, and he storms up behind Takagi. SLEEPER! Takagi endures, fights free, and CLUBS Oiwa on the back!

Oiwa fires a forearm! And a ROLLING- NO, Takagi knees low, pump handle and MADE IN JAPAN! Cover, TWO!! Oiwa survives and the fans are thunderous again! Takagi rises, and he rallies the fans with, “OI! OI! OI!” Takagi drags Oiwa up, LARIATS, but Oiwa stays up! Takagi fires boxing elbows, but Oiwa roars! Takagi JABS, HEADBUTTS, but OIwa gets around! GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover! TWO!! Takagi escapes but Oiwa powers up! Oiwa has the SLEEPER! Takagi is fading, so Oiwa spins, THE GRIP is blocked! Takagi blocks another lariat, but Oiwa still hits THE GRIP!! The fans are thunderous as Oiwa powers up again!

Oiwa has the gut wrench, for the DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and the fans are thunderous again! Oiwa shakes off the frustration to rise up at the ropes. Oiwa storms back to Takagi, hauls him right up, for a SLEEPER! Then THE GRIP but Takagi ducks! Takagi runs, to PUMPING BOMBER TAKEDOWN! Cover, TWO!! Oiwa survives, but Takagi runs up again. Oiwa ducks the lariat to DROPKICK! Takagi goes to ropes, Oiwa brings him around, THE GRIP into a clinch! Takagi powers up to SAIDO!! Oiwa flounders to his feet, into PUMPING BOMBER!! Takagi then hauls Oiwa up, for a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!!

Oiwa survives and the fans are thunderous again. Takagi waits on Oiwa, builds speed, then PUMPING BOMBERS!! But Takagi isn’t done, he hauls Oiwa up into the LAST OF THE DRAGON!! Cover, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (still NEVER Openweight Champion)

Oiwa put on a fight worthy of the NEVER Division, but not enough to take the title. He did win Takagi’s respect, but what will it take for him to reach the next level? As for Takagi, will he be eyeing the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship next? Or will someone step in his way first?


NJPW World Television Championship Triple Threat: Jeff Cobb VS Yota Tsuji VS Ren Narita!

History is already being made tonight as this is the first three man match for this title! However, the time limit does NOT change! Will someone win this in 15 minutes or less? Or will this still be the Imperial Unit Show?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if someone can beat the odds in time!

The bell rings, we’re on the clock, and Narita uses ropes as a defense. Cobb and Yota stare down, but then they come to an agreement. They go after Narita in the corner and mug him! Cobb then shoves Yota aside so he can CLUB away on Ren. Yota pushes Cobb aside so he can CLUB away on Ren! The two stay cool to keep the truce, and Cobb CHOPS Ren. Yota CHOPS Ren, and Ren staggers away to a corner. Cobb puts some stank on his CHOP! Ren staggers around more but Yota grins as he CHOPS again! Yota and Cobb seem to be using Ren to one-up each other. But then they double whip, and double shoulder tackle!

Yota runs to SPLASH onto Ren! Cobb GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULTS! Ren flounders out of the ring, and now the big men RAM! And RAM! And fire forearms! The fans rally as the shots go faster and faster. Cobb gets the edge, then whips, but Yota RAMS him! Cobb rebounds to RAM Yota, but Yota comes back! Cobb RUNS Yota over! The fans fire up and Cobb storms over to Yota. Cobb whips, Yota tilt-o-whirls and arm-drags! The fans fire up and Yota brings Cobb up. Cobb’s a bit too hefty to scoop, and he scoops Yota. But Yota slips free, and he scoops Cobb after all! Yota SLAMS Cobb down and the fans fire up! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally more, dueling between Yota and Cobb, and no one for Ren. Yota runs, but Ren trips Yota! Ren yanks Yota out, throws him into railing, and fans boo as Ren dropkicks Cobb’s legs! Ren SMASHES Cobb’s knee off the mat! Ren puts the leg on ropes to HIP DROP the knee! The fans rally for Cobb as Ren stomps away on the leg. Then Ren steps through for a KNEEBAR! Cobb endures, grabs at Ren, and Yota storms in to stomp Ren! Ren lets go of Cobb, and Yota brings Ren up to ROCK him with a forearm. Yota kicks low, reels Ren in, and suplexes. Ren slips free, spins Yota around, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!

Yota has the ROPEBREAK right away, the ref reprimands and counts, but Ren holds until 4. Ren stomps Yota down, drags him up, and then runs, but Yota dodges! Ren BOOTS Cobb off the apron, runs up on Yota, but Yota dodges to DIVE onto Cobb! Cobb is sent over railing and into the front row! Ren storms out after Yota to bring him around to whip. Yota hits railing hard, and a camera loses its feed! Ren brings Yota into the crowd to BOWL him into chairs! The fans have to get outta the way, and we can see Cobb flop back to ringside. Ren brings Yota into the ring, stomps him around, then brings him up to wrench an arm.

Ren whips Yota corner to corner, runs up, but Yota dodges! Ren hits buckles, Cobb runs in to UPPERCUT Ren! Yota kicks Cobb, runs, and RAN- NO! Cobb brings Yota up to fireman’s carry, then TOSS away! The fans fire up, and Cobb runs up to DROPKICK! Yota ends up in a corner while the fans rally. Cobb sees Ren in the other corner, and he grits his teeth as he runs in at Yota. Yota dodges Cobb to SPLASH Ren! Yota runs corner to corner but Cobb blocks the monkey flip! Cobb puts Yota up top, blocks a boot, and CHOPS! Ren runs up but Cobb catches him! Cobb fireman’s carries Ren, then he adds on Yota!

The fans fire up as Cobb hits a DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP! Cobb snarls and the fans rally behind him. Cobb drags Ren up, scoops him, but Yota runs up! Cobb BACKDROPS Yota away, then pops Ren up to GOURD BUSTER him onto Yota! But Ren uses that to cover! Cobb breaks it in time! Ren throws a bit of a fit after failing to snake that one. Cobb runs, but Ren ducks the lariat! Yota SUPERKICKS Cobb, Ren rolls Cobb up! Yota CURB STOMPS Ren! Double cover, TWO!! Ren bails out of the ring and Cobb sits up. Yota fires up, runs, but Cobb hits an URENAGE! FALLING HAMMER! GACHIMUCHI FLOP!

Yota kicks Cobb, reels him in, but Cobb suplexes first! Yota slips free, clinches Cobb, and hits the BACKBREAKER, FLATLINER, and- NO! Cobb powers up to keep the stomp away! So Yota KICKS and basement DROPKICKS him! Yota fireman’s carries Cobb for the 70 CROSS! Cover, TWO!! Cobb stays in this and the clock is ticking! The fans rally up, Yota nods, and he grins as he stands over Cobb. Yota roars, takes aim from a corner, but Ren is there! Ren pulls Yota’s hair to bring him into a HANGING SLEEPER! The ref counts, the fans boo, and Ren lets go at 4. Ren goes up, HELL’S GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP! Cover, Cobb breaks it!

We pass 10 minutes, time is on Cobb’s side. But Ren drop toeholds into a KNEEBAR! Ren has the grapevine, but Cobb finds the ROPEBREAK! Ren lets go in frustration, and he brings Cobb up. Ren brings Cobb in, but Yota hits MAROON CRUSH!! Cover, Ren breaks it! Ren kicks Yota, for the DOUBLECROSS- NO! Yota handstands out! Ren blocks the knee, but not the HEADBUTT! The fans fire up with Yota, and Cobb rises, to scoop and TOUR OF- NO, Yota slips free! Yota runs, to GENE TRIGGER! Cobb flops over, Yota aims from a corner! GENE- TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cover, REN YANKS THE REF OUT!

The fans boo as the Souled Out Son of Strong Style stops Cobb from winning! And then he LOW- NO! Cobb blocks the shot to fire off forearms! Cobb loads up, and ROCKS Ren! Then ripcord and TOUR- NO, Ren slips free! Three minute warning and Ren has his pushup bar! Cobb storms up, PUSHUP BAR HEADSHOT!! The fans boo but Ren reels Cobb in! DOUBLECROSSER!! The ref is back, Ren covers, REN WINS!

Winner: Ren Narita, by pinfall (NEW NJPW World Television Champion)

Ren has the last laugh, because he just stole the show from Cobb! Will this title sink to new lows now that it Souled Out?


The Young Bucks have a video message?!

Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, the AEW World Tag Team Champions, turn around to look at the camera. They tell NJPW that at WrestleDynasty, The Young Bucks are coming back! They pat their titles, and we can consider that a major challenge to any team that wants it! Who will step up to The Elite? Will The Bucks still be bringing the gold when they return to Japan?


Six Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & El Phantasmo w/ Jado VS The House of Torture!

To celebrate 25 YEARS of The Ace, he is teaming up with The Roughneck & Headbanga to take on their common enemies in Evil, Yujiro Takahashi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru! Will The King of Darkness finally be humbled? Or will he ruin Tanahashi’s anniversary by proving Everything is Evil?

Not only are Tanahashi, Shota & ELP making their way through from the crowd, they’re dressed as gladiators ready to battle! Will they strike down Evil, Yujiro & Kanemaru down in the coliseum that is Ryogoku?

The trios sort out and the fans of course cheer for Tanahashi. The House of Torture puts one out, and then they attack! Evil of course goes after Tanahashi, and he throws President Ace out while Tokyo Pimp is after Shota and Heel Master is after ELP. The bell rings, Kanemaru puts ELP back in, and CLUBS him on the back. Kanemaru whips, ELP reverses, then hurdles, drops and DROPKICKS! ELP kips up, he blocks Yujiro’s kick, and he looks to Tanahashi. Tanahashi explains the mechanics of the move, and ELP hits a DRAGON SCREW! The fans cheer, and ELP kips up again! ELP thanks Tanahashi, and then calls for boots.

Tanahashi and Shota put their boots up, and the fans rally as ELP brings Kanemaru up. But Kanemaru turns things around to whip ELP at the blue corner. Surprise! The blue buckle pad disappears! ELP hits bare buckles and the Bullet Club Special strikes again! The ref reprimands Evil but Evil doesn’t care. The fans boo as Kanemaru intercepts Shota and whips him into steel buckles! Tanahashi kicks Kanemaru, fires off forearms, but Evil attacks Tanahashi! Evil & Kanemaru mug Tanahashi, then whip him into the bare buckles! The fans boo but The House soaks up all that heat. Kanemaru CHOKES ELP at the ropes, even as Jado protests.

Kanemaru tags Yujiro, and Yujiro drags ELP up to bring him around and TOSS out of the ring. Evil is there so that he and Dick can mug ELP! The fans boo but Yujiro keeps the ref from seeing that. Evil puts ELP in for Yujiro to cover, TWO! The fans rally but Yujiro covers again, TWO! A third cover, TWO! The fans rally and ELP scrambles away. Yujiro is annoyed but he storms up on ELP. Yujiro brings ELP over, bumps him off Kanemaru’s boot, then tags Kanemaru back in. Kanemaru stomps ELP and kicks him around. ELP just gets mad! ELP stands up, Kanemaru kicks again, and then Kanemaru runs.

Kanemaru dodges ELP, and he dropkicks ELP’s legs out! ELP gets spiked from it! Kanemaru covers, TWO! ELP stays in this and the fans rally up. Kanemaru drags ELP up and ELP fights back! He ROCKS Kanemaru, ROCKS him again, then CHOPS! ELP whips Kanemaru to a corner, runs up, but into a BOOT! Kanemaru runs up to tilt-o-whirl, but ELP stops the DDT to suplex high and hard! Both men are down, the fans rally up, and Evil tags in! Evil BLASTS Tanahashi to deny him the tag! Evil & Kanemaru haul ELP up, double back suplex, but ELP lands out! ELP ELBOWS Yujiro, goes up and over Kanemaru, then under Evil!

But Evil grabs a leg! ELP BOOTS Evil into Kanemaru! Hot tag to Shota! Shota DECKS Evil, arm-drags Kanemaru then dropkicks legs out! Yujiro kicks and whips but Shota ducks ‘n’ dodges! Shota dropkicks Yujiro’s legs out, then he WRECKS Dick! The fans fire up with Shota and he brings Evil up. Shota whips corner to corner, runs corner to corner, then UPPERCUTS! Shota reels Evil in, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Shota isn’t quite perfect but he brings Evil up. Shota clinches but Evil fires elbows! Evil whips, Shota reverses, but Evil avoids the dropkick! Shota stands, and Evil whips him into bare buckles!

Evil LARIATS Shota, fireman’s carries him, but Shota slips free. Evil kicks and whips, but Shota reverses to clinch and EXPLODER! The fans fire up while both men are down! Shota and Evil crawl, hot tags to Yujiro and Tanahashi! The fans fire up for Tanahashi as he fires off fast hands on Yujiro. Tanahashi whips, Yujiro reverses but Tanahashi CLOBBERS him with flying forearms! Tanahashi fires up and fires off more shots on Yujiro. The fans rally even harder as Tanahashi scoops and SLAMS Yujiro. Tanahashi goes up, and fans fire up for the SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Yujiro stays in this but Tanahashi stays focused.

“GO ACE!” echoes out as Tanahashi powers up. Tanahashi runs but Yujiro distracts the ref, and Dick SMACKS Tanahashi with the buckle pad! Kanemaru BLASTS Shota, Evil rolls in and The House brings Tanahashi up. They double whip him to a neutral corner to ELBOW, BOOT, and snapmare. Kanemaru distracts the ref so Dick can climb! The fans boo but the DICK CHOP still lands! Yujiro covers, but ELP & Shota break it! The House TOSS ELP & Shota back out, and Dick distracts the ref now! Yujiro has his pimp cane! But Tanahashi blocks! Yujiro kicks low, but Shota snatches the cane! Shota BOOTS Yujiro, then ROCKS him!

Shota tosses the cane to Evil, and then shouts to the ref! The ref sees Evil with the can and Evil has to defend his partial innocence! Shota then DROPKICKS Evil down! ELP is back, he BOOTS Kanemaru while Shota DECKS Dick! Then Shota & ELP DOUBLE PLANCHA! Down goes The House! The fans fire up as Tanahashi aims at Yujiro! SLINGBLADE! Yujiro is down so Tanahashi goes up! The fans fire up for the HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, Team Ace wins!

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & El Phantasmo, by pinfall

A quarter of a century for the Once in a Century Talent, and it is punctuated by victory! ELP & Shota bow down to Tanahashi, “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!” Tanahashi says okay, okay. He fist bumps with these young, rising stars, and then asks for a mic. The fans cheer on Tanahashi, and he tells everyone welcome from the President of NJPW, Hiroshi Tanahashi. And in a flash, 25 years has gone by. And for 25 years, you’ve all given me your love, support, maybe a few boos. But for all that passion and support, thank you very much. It is great to be here, he wants to be fighting in front of you all forever. He wants to keep fighting forever, but…

Tanahashi takes a deep breath here as he considers his words. Hiroshi Tanahashi is within sight of his finish line. January 4th, 2026… That will be his final day! Yes, he never gets tired, he never feels down, and he never quits. But with that in mind, he will be giving everything he has for one final year! A bittersweet way to go into the 25th year, but then Dick & Evil attack!! The fans boo as Evil & Dick slap Tanahashi around. But ELP gets in to SUDDEN DEATH Dick! ELP stomps away on Evil, but then Ren Narita runs up to CLOBBER ELP with the pushup bar! The fans boo but The House just keeps beating up on President Ace!

Evil grabs the mic now, and even as fans tell The House to go home, Evil tells them to shut up. Evil tells Tanahashi that he won’t even get his last year! It isn’t his place to say when he’s done! Why not just retire now? Evil says HE will decide when Tanahashi is done, because NJPW is his company! Understand that? Then remember it! The King of Darkness wants to trump The Ace by any means necessary, but will he make sure Darkness Falls on the final chapter of Tanahashi’s in-ring career?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: DOUKI VS SHO!

Japones Del Mal has had just about enough with The Murder Machine, so this rematch is to end it once and for all! Will Douki finally get some respect on the name? Or will Sho just find a new way to steal the win?

Wait, Sho is CHOKING Douki on the ramp! The ref reprimands but Sho shoves Douki’s robe at him. Sho grabs at the belt but Douki won’t let go! Sho stomps Douki and makes him let go! Sho then stomps the belt!? The ref reprimands and tells Sho to back off. Sho leaves Douki behind to talk trash, and then Sho fetches a chair! The ref tells Sho to stand down, and he takes the chair. Sho even hands the belt to the ref, but then sends a Young Lion into the ref! The fans boo as Sho throws another Young Lion onto the pile! Sho then grabs the chair and grins as he storms up on Douki! HEADSHOT with the chair!

The fans boo but Sho laughs more. Sho drags Douki up, tucks the arms, and hits a STRAITJACKET PILEDRIVER to the floor! The fans boo as hard as they can but it doesn’t matter to Sho. Sho puts Douki in the ring, and grins as he stalks him. Sho is armed with his “Torture Tool,” and he looms over Douki. Sho sits Douki up, and UNMASKS him! Cameras are respectful enough to angle things away, but then they notice something curious about Douki’s face. Sho grins as he winds up, but Douki has face paint! He is ONI DOUKI! Douki blocks the wrench attack, and SPITS RED MIST! Douki has the wrench now, and he CLOBBERS Sho!

The fans fire up for this madman Douki, and he drags Sho around! Wheelbarrow and full nelson! The bell rings, SUPLEX DE LA LUNA, and a roll through! DOUBLE SUPLEX DE LA LUNA! Bridging cover, DOUKI WINS!

Winner: Douki, by pinfall (still IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion)

Sho tried to humiliate Douki, but he’s the one that looks the fool! This will go down as Douki’s fastest and most dominant win, but we also learn there is something hiding behind that mask. Douki puts his mask back on and calms down. Will everyone learn to respect Douki now? WAIT! Kanemaru is back!? WHISKEY MASK! The House of Torture just doesn’t know when to quit! Kanemaru grabs a chair, takes aim, and he CHOP BLOCKS Douki with it! Kanemaru stomps away on Douki, then holds up the belt. The fans boo as Kanemaru takes aim, but here comes WATO! Master Wato ROUNDHOUSES Kanemaru! Wrench and hook, MOUSE TRAP!

The fans are thunderous as The Way of the Grandmaster has made his way back to NJPW! Wato saves Douki, but then he picks up the title. Wato stares Kanemaru down, then grabs a mic. Wato says, “Everyone, and Douki, it has been awhile. I’m back, I’m healthy, and… I’m challenging you for this IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship.” Wato hands the belt back, Douki nods, and the two stare down. When and where will these two reignite their rivalry?


IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship: David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Hirooki Goto w/ YOSHI-HASHI!

The Rebel literally committed Overkill when facing “Headhunter” Yoshi-Hashi, so now the Fierce Warrior looks to avenge his friend! Will Goto add this title to his impressive list of accolades? Or will NJPW still need The Rebel?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who wants it more!

The bell rings and the fans rally for “GO-TO-O! GO-TO-O!” The two circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Goto uses size to push Finlay back but Finlay turns it around. Finlay has Goto on ropes and the ref calls the break. Finlay lets off slowly, but Goto ROCKS Finlay before he can sucker punch! Goto fires forearms, Finlay fires back, and the fans rally as these two go back and forth. Goto ROCKS Finlay again and again, but Finlay BITES Goto on the forehead! The ref counts, Finlay lets off to whip corner to corner, but Goto reverses. Finlay boucnes off buckles into a hip toss! The fans fire up and Goto runs in to LARIAT at the corner!

Goto snapmares Finlay, and he climbs up! The fans rally, but Finlay BLASTS Goto to the floor! Gedo is happy but the fans are torn. Finlay goes out to taunt Goto’s kids! “Say bye-bye to Daddy!” But Goto CHOPS and CHOPS! Finlay shoves Goto into railing! Goto slumps down, the fans and his kids cheer him on, but Finlay SMOTHERS Goto! The ref counts, Finlay backs off, and he SPITS at the fans! Finlay flips them off as they boo, and then he specifically flips off Goto’s kids! The fans boo more but Finlay drags Goto up. Finlay puts Goto in the ring, then he rains down fists on Goto! The ref reprimands about closed fists, but Finlay pushes him away.

Finlay soaks up more heat by flipping everyone off from the corner. Finlay then rains down open palm strikes, just to make a point to the ref. Finlay paces while the fans rally for “GO-TO-O! GO-TO-O!” Finlay pretends he can’t hear them, then goes back for Goto. Finlay stands Goto up, suplexes and TOSSES Goto away! Finlay gives mocking thumbs up to the kids, then covers, TWO! The fans applaud but Finlay just smirks. Finlay drags Goto up, but Goto CHOPS, and CHOPS! Finlay throat chops! Finlay whips, Goto reverses, but Finlay BOOTS from the corner. Finlay runs, Goto follows, and DOUBLE LARIATS collide!

Finlay staggers back, and Goto LARIATS Finlay up and out! Finlay stumbles into the railing, right in front of the kids! The fans fire up while Goto rests in the ring. Goto rolls out and drags Finlay up, but Finlay RAMS Goto into railing! And maybe a cameraman! Finlay storms over to the apron, to pull the skirt away! Finlay goes under the ring to bring out half a dozen chairs! Finlay puts all those chairs down, right in front of Goto’s kids! The fans boo but Finlay says the kids better watch this! Finlay drags Goto over, reels him in, but Goto fights the bomb! The fans fire up as Goto BACKDROPS Finlay on the chair pile!

The fans fire up while Finlay writhes and Goto stands! Goto roars, and he drags Finlay up to POST him! Goto fires forearms on Finlay against the post, but lets off as the ref counts. Goto opens the gate and he gets some space. The fans fire up as Goto runs back in, to MURAMASA against the post! The fans fire up while Finlay flops over! Gedo panics but Hashi and the fans cheer Goto on. Goto drags Finlay up, brings him around, and puts him in the ring. The fans applaud, Goto storms in, but Finlay bails out the side. The fans boo, but Goto hops back out. Finlay lifts Goto to a fireman’s carry! And he LAWN DARTS him! But Goto blocks the post!

Finlay runs up, but Goto matadors him into the railing! The fans fire up and Goto brings Finlay up, to then hoist him onto the railing! And he flips Finlay over! The fans fire up for DRAPING SHOTO to the floor! The ref reprimands but Goto gives thumbs up to the kids. Goto’s daughter applauds and his son nods, and Goto drags Finlay back up. Goto puts Finlay in the ring, and the fans fire up as he climbs! Goto aims, for the ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives all that and Gedo is relieved, but Goto drags Finlay back up. Goto fireman’s carries, but Finlay flails free. Finlay then clinches, IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER!

Both men are down on the mat and the fans rally up. Gedo coaches Finlay and Finlay crawls around. Finlay finds Goto, heads that way, and Goto clutches his back as he sits up. Finlay grabs Goto by the hair, but Goto fires a forearm! Finlay fires one back! Goto fires another forearm, but Finlay fires back! The two rise up, and Goto ROCKS Finlay with a forearm! Finlay ROCKS Goto in return! Goto growls and comes back to ROCK Finlay! Finlay ROCKS Goto, the forearms go faster and faster, back and forth! Finlay gets the edge, then winds up to ROCK Goto! Finlay kicks, Goto deflects but Finlay ROLLING ELBOWS!

Finlay wobbles but he still looms over Goto. Finlay drags Goto up to ROLLING- NO, Goto catches him, spins him, URA GTR! Goto runs, into a LARIAT! Both men are down again and the fans rally up! Gedo coaches Finlay to end this, and Finlay brings Goto up, Canadian Rack! CANADIAN HAMMER! Cover, TWO! Goto stays in this and the fans fire up! Finlay is annoyed but Gedo is amused. Finlay points to Goto’s kids and then makes Goto look at them. Finlay CLUBS Goto with a crossface forearm! Gedo says he loves it! Finlay sits Goto up again, and CLUBS him back down! Finlay keeps staring down the kids, as he gives another crossface forearm!

Finlay says one more, just for the kids! The fans rally for Goto but Finlay CLUBS him again and again, and again! Finlay slashes his throat, drags Goto up, and BUCKLE BOMBS! But Goto’s right up to LARIAT!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Goto and Finlay stir, and Goto crawls around. Finlay goes to a corner, drags himself up, and he takes aim. Goto rises, Finlay runs in, but Goto blocks the boot! Goto spins Finlay into a SLEEPER! Finlay snapmares but Goto rolls with him! Goto has the sleeper in tighter! Finlay fights up, and he RAMS Goto into buckles! Goto comes back with a BACKPACK SLEEPER!

The fans rally as Goto squeezes tight! But Finlay turns around, and he climbs the corner! So Goto lets go to TRIP Finlay! Then fireman’s carry, and USHIGOROSHI! The fans fire up while Finlay writhes, clutching his neck! Goto snarls, and he takes aim, to BUZZSAW! Finlay flounders, stands up, fireman’s carry for G T W!! Cover, TWO!!! Finlay survives and Gedo is relieved, but Goto won’t let up! Goto drags Finlay up and dragon sleepers, but Finlay fights from below! So Goto grabs that arm, brings it down, but Finlay still fights! Goto HEADBUTTS him! Finlay sputters, we 15 minutes, but Goto has determination in his eyes!

Goto suplexes, for SHOTEN KAI!! The fans are thunderous and Goto roars! Goto brings Finlay back up, but Gedo gets on the apron! Finlay spins things around INTO OBLIVION! Hashi YANKS Gedo down now, but Gedo clings to the ropes! Finlay grabs his shillelagh! The fans boo as Finlay CRACKS Goto with the shillelagh!! Cover, TWO?!?! Goto survives and shocks Finlay! The fans are electric, but Finlay gets Goto up! POWERBOMB!! High stack, TWO!?!?! Goto survives again the fans are electric for the Fierce Warrior! Finlay slashes his throat again, and waves bye to the kids. OVER- NO! Goto slips out, to G T- NO, Finlay backslides!

Finlay suplexes, for OVERKILL!!! Cover, Finlay wins!!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (still IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion)

The Rebel needed his Blacksmith and his weapon of choice to screw over Goto, but a win is still a win in his book! Finlay mocks the tears of Goto’s daughter, but Hashi guards Goto from the scumbags. Goto consoles his kids, telling them that even in losing, it is alright. However, The Fierce Warrior has yet to reach the highest of heights in NJPW, how much harder must he fight to make it there? And as for Finlay, he just flips everyone off as his way of celebrating. Then he gets a mic to shout, “AND STILL~ IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion~!” He says he can’t hear anyone booing him.

Many men have tried to take this title from Finlay, and every single one of them has failed! But Finlay says his revenge tour is far from over. In fact, there is someone out there who does have a victory over The Rebel, the Savage King, the Boss Dog, and he wants his lick back, b*tch! Finlay says the fans don’t even know what he’s saying so shut up. So please, welcome Finlay’s next challenger, YUYA UEMURA! Finlay starts a Yuya chant but we all know Yuya is hurt. Finlay mocks Yuya that he is afraid of losing to Finlay. Wait, who is that now? It’s TAICHI! The Holy Emperor will not stand for his friend being mocked!

Finlay says right, the guy who couldn’t even make it into this year’s G1! The fans rally for Taichi, and Finlay asks if he has something to say. Finlay drops the mic at Taichi’s feet, and Taichi picks it up. Taichi tells Finlay that he damn well knows Yuya isn’t 100%. Yuya isn’t here, but Taichi is! And sure, Taichi didn’t make it into the G1, and he feels a lot of ways about that. But there are a lot of people that still believe in Taichi! And there is still a lot of pride in Taichi! Taichi will challenge Finlay for that title instead! The fans cheer Taichi on, but then Finlay takes a swing! Only for Taichi to dodge and hit the DANGEROUS SAIDO!

The fans cheer as Gedo freaks out! Taichi holds up the Global Championship as he tells everyone, he will take this title all the way to Tokyo Dome! Will the Holy Emperor put down this Rebel Dog for his arrogance?


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Tetsuya Naito VS Zack Sabre Jr w/ TMDK!

It’s the moment of truth! While the Uncontrollable Charisma could not win the G1 Climax, TMDK’s Front Man practically dominated that tournament! But then, Zack thought to himself, why wait for WrestleKingdom? He wants his title shot now! Will his G1 gamble pay off? Or will NJPW stay tranquilo?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and one way or another, the return of King of Pro-Wrestling has a historic ending!

As always, Naito takes his time with his special entrance attire. The bell rings and the fans fire up already! Red Shoes assesses the crowd, and it seems rather even, maybe 60-40 in ZSJ’s favor. ZSJ and Naito circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. ZSJ rolls back, wrenches, and wrangles Naito to the mat. Naito moves as ZSJ twists the wrist, and Naito stands to drop toehold. Naito headlocks but ZSJ pops out the back, and has a cradle, ONE! ZSJ floats to have the arm again, but Naito trips him. Naito drops into a toehold, but ZSJ turns over and reaches back to chinlock. Naito slips out the back to hammerlock and he rolls ZSJ, ONE!

ZSJ shifts around, has one arm, then the other, chicken wing cradle! TWO, and the fans cheer this opening exchange. Naito and ZSJ reset, and the fans rally up as the two circle. ZSJ and Naito feel out another knuckle lock, and Naito slips around to waistlock. ZSJ resists the lift, wrenches free, and he double wristlocks to then wrangle Naito into headscissors. ZSJ pushes up to put on the pressure, but Naito moves around. Naito pushes up to pop free, and now he has ZSJ in a butterfly deathlock! But ZSJ sits up to drag Naito down with a facelock! ZSJ floats back to the headscissors, and again pushes up for the squeeze!

The fans rally as Naito endures, and ZSJ drags him away from ropes. ZSJ keeps on the squeeze, but Naito moves around again. Naito pops free, to have a HEEL HOOK! ZSJ endures, and is a bit amused that Naito is trying to play the technical game. ZSJ has Naito’s legs, and he laces his way into a FIGURE FOUR! Naito turns things over but ZSJ uses that to DEATHLOCK CALF KILLER! Naito endures, even as ZSJ twists his foot and ankle! They turn over again, Naito hooks ZSJ’s leg, but ZSJ grabs Naito’s wrists! They’re in a bit of a pickle, but ZSJ slips through to have an ARMBAR! Naito stacks, ZSJ lets go, but now Naito has the short arm scissor!

ZSJ shifts and slips free, and the fans cheer this newest exchange. Naito stays cool, and he resets with ZSJ again. The fans rally up again, and the “ZAKU! ZAKU!” is certainly outdoing the “NA-I-TO!” here. The two tie up, are in a deadlock at center, but Naito finds a point of leverage. ZSJ turns around to put Naito on ropes, but then Naito turns things back around. ZSJ turns things around again, Red Shoes counts the ropebreak, and ZSJ lets off slowly. But Naito SPITS at him! The fans are torn, but ZSJ runs up! Naito dodges, rolls him up, but ZSJ rolls through! ZSJ runs up again, but Naito avoids the Penalty Kick!

ZSJ comes back, Naito ducks the roundhouse and clinches ZSJ into a corner. Red Shoes calls the break, and Naito slowly lets off. Naito pats ZSJ on the shoulders, rolls back to tranquilo, but ZSJ is on him for an ARMBAR! Naito scrambles to the ROPEBREAK, and ZSJ lets go. The fans cheer while Naito regrets being nonchalant. ZSJ wrenches and whips Naito, but Naito holds ropes. Naito then DUMPS ZSJ out, and sweeps the leg! ZSJ falls on the apron, and Naito DROPKICKS him to the floor! The fans cheer as Naito goes out to fetch ZSJ. Naito brings ZSJ up to SMACK him off the apron, and RAM him into railing!

ZSJ slumps down but Naito drags him up, to SMACK off the apron, and throw back into railing! ZSJ flops over but Naito drags him up again. Naito puts ZSJ on the apron, then uses a cravat for a neck wrench. Red Shoes reprimands so Naito lets go. Naito hops up onto the apron, turns ZSJ, but ZSJ fights free. ZSJ steps in side, and catches Naito’s shoulder tackle, for a NECK TWIST! A new take on one of ZSJ’s signatures, and he paces while Naito flops on the mat. Naito writhes, but ZSJ walks back over. ZSJ drags Naito around by a leg, then steps through for an INDIAN DEATHLOCK! ZSJ pushes on the knees, then stands up to mock the LIJ fist!

ZSJ bridges back on the hold! Then he sits up to reel Naito in, adding a headscissor and armlock to the hold! Naito still manages to reach out and ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while ZSJ lets go of the hold. ZSJ paces, then brings Naito up. ZSJ UPPERCUTS him, then UPPERCUTS again! Naito goes to ropes but ZSJ brings him around to UPPERCUT again! Naito falls over, the fans rally and duel, and we pass 10 minutes. ZSJ clamps on a cravat for a neck wrench, but Naito fires body shots. ZSJ RAMS Naito, snapmares and NECK- NO, Naito manages to victory roll! But then Naito NECK TWISTS ZSJ! Fans cheer while both men are down again.

ZSJ and Naito stir, the dueling gets stronger, and Naito brings ZSJ up. Naito ROCKS, kicks, and CLUBS ZSJ before he whips and arm-drags! Then he ELBOWS ZSJ down to basement DROPKICK! ZSJ goes to a corner but Naito is on him. Naito whips corner to corner, runs in to ELBOW, then he puts ZSJ in ropes. DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Naito stands ZSJ up, turns him, and holds him, before the NECKBREAKER! Naito covers, TWO! ZSJ is still in this but Naito keeps cool. Naito drags ZSJ up, snapmares and hooks him up, LEG HOOK NELSON! ZSJ endures as Naito puts on the pressure, and ZSJ still fights around.

ZSJ pries at the hold but Naito puts on more pressure. ZSJ powers up but Naito thrashes him! ZSJ kicks and kicks and kicks his way to the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts but Naito claims he needs help. Naito reprimands and counts, and Naito lets ZSJ go free. ZSJ rolls to the apron, but Naito storms over to bring him up. Naito brings ZSJ up, but ZSJ wrenches free! HANGING ARMBAR! Red Shoes reprimands while Naito endures. Red Shoes counts and ZSJ lets go at 4. Naito falls back, but ZSJ is on him with a cravat and snapmare. Then NECK TWIST! Naito clutches his shoulder but ZSJ is right back on him, with a basement DROPKICK!

ZSJ takes a moment to catch his breath, and he clamps on with a headscissor squeeze again! Naito pries at the hold but ZSJ shifts to make it a TRIANGLE HOLD! ZSJ even grabs Naito’s other arm for a wristlock, and he pulls back. Naito endures so ZSJ shifts right to an ARMBAR! Naito has the ROPEBREAK, and ZSJ lets go. We pass 15 minutes, and ZSJ is in control. ZSJ stands Naito up to UPPERCUT! And UPPERCUT! And UPPERCUT again! Naito SPITS back, and fires the heavy elbows! ZSJ drops to his knees, but then wrenches to PELE the arm! Naito comes back to ENZIGIRI! ZSJ comes back to UPPERCUT!

ZSJ whips, Naito reverses and TORNADO DDTS! ZSJ tumbles all the way to a corner while the fans fire up! TMDK coaches ZSJ while the fans rally again. Naito crawls his way over to ZSJ, drags him up, and then hoists him up top. Naito climbs up after ZSJ, to SUPER STEINER! The fans fire up while both men are down, but Naito rises. Naito watches ZSJ, runs up, but ZSJ BOOTS first! And UPPERCUTS! ZSJ runs, into a headlock takeover, and PLUMA BLANCA! ZSJ fights the modified Koji Klutch, but Naito thrashes him around! ZSJ still works on the escape, using his own long legs to pry at the leg scissor.

Naito fights that method of escape, so ZSJ tries to headscissor Naito. Naito shrugs that off, so ZSJ returns to hooking his leg on Naito’s foot! ZSJ pries but Naito thrashes! ZSJ again kicks his way forward, to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Red Shoes counts, and Naito lets go of ZSJ. Both men are down, catching their breath, and the fans rally up. Naito drags ZSJ up, and fires those heavy back elbows! ZSJ drops to his knees again, but Naito just fires more elbows! ZSJ staggers away to the corner, so Naito goes over there to join him. Naito drags ZSJ up, reels him in, ESPERANZA! ZSJ flounders and Naito aims from the corner again.

Naito runs up, but avoids the boot! Tilt-o-whirl DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up again! Naito is a bit surprised, but ZSJ is still dazed as we hit 20 minutes. Naito wrenches, but ZSJ jumps into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Then omoplata! Then JIM BREAKS! Naito fights but ZSJ still drags him into CLARKY CAT! ZSJ grabs at a leg, then shifts around! ZSJ pulls way back on that arm! Naito endures, even as ZSJ CRANKS the arm back! The fans are dueling as hard as they can as Naito endures! ZSJ grabs a leg, he has the CLARKY CAT, BAD BALLOON REMIX! Naito endures but he only has one free leg!

ZSJ shifts around again, OG CLARK CAT, but with the deep leg scissor! Naito reaches out, ROPEBREAK!! Naito survives by a literal foot and ZSJ is beside himself. ZSJ looks to TMDK, he isn’t sure what he has to do. The fans duel again, and it seems Naito is gaining to make this an even 50-50 split! ZSJ drags Naito up, reels him in, scoops, but Naito fights it to scoop! VALENTIA!! Naito hurries to wrench, tilt-o-whirl, but ZSJ slips out of Destino! GOTCH STYLE PILEDRIVER!!! A shoutout to Suzuki!! ZSJ reaches up as if victorious already, but then he wags his finger. ZSJ knows he has to do more to finish Naito!

ZSJ sits Naito up, runs up, and PENALTY KICKS! ZSJ fires up, the fans are with him, and ZSJ scoops! ZACK- DESTINO!?!? Naito covers, TWO!!! ZSJ survives that sudden turn around!! Naito brings ZSJ up, wrenches and tilt-o-whirls, but ZSJ pops free! ZSJ fires an UPPERCUT, Naito backslides, ZSJ rolls through, TORANDO CRADLE! TWO!!! ZSJ escapes again but Naito runs up, ROLLING KICK! ZSJ wobbles, Naito tries again, but ZSJ LARIATS!! The fans are electric again as ZSJ hauls Naito up! ZACK DRIVER!!! Cover, ONE?!?!? Naito will not go easy into that good night! So ZSJ scoops, SABRE DRIVER!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?

ZSJ shakes his head, he will not be denied! ZSJ drags Naito up again, fisherman and AOI SHODOU ZSJ DRIVER!!! Cover, ZSJ WINS!!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)

Ryogoku erupts and TMDK leaps into the ring! The Front Man did it! He went from G1 Climax Champion to THE champion!! Naito fought as hard as he could to, as he put it, defend NJPW from a rogue upstart who would just use this place as a stepping stone. Naito could not see it through, and he has been dethroned. What is he to do if he wants to return to the Tokyo Dome now?

As for Zack, he celebrates with his guys a little more, before Red Shoes brings him the World Heavyweight Championship. ZSJ stands with belt and trophy as Red Shoes raises his hand in victory! The fans cheer, and Fujita helps fasten the belt onto ZSJ. ZSJ asks for the mic, the mic is brought, and in Japanese, ZSJ says, “Naito-san. Don’t worry. I did win this belt from you, but I’m committed to staying here in NJPW.” The fans cheer that, and even Naito smiles. ZSJ then says, “Naito-san. Muchas gracias, senor.” Naito replies back, “De nada, cabron.” The fans applaud Naito as he heads out, his WrestleKingdom path now unknown.

The fans now cheer on “ZAKU! ZAKU!” and he says, “Ryogoku, I know it sounds lame to repeat myself, but uh, I WON!” The fans cheer that! ZSJ says he really does love this venue. Oh, Sanada is spotted walking in! Nice suit, too. ZSJ notices him, and says long time no see. ZSJ welcomes Sanada into the ring as Sanada grabs himself a mic. Sanada tells ZSJ in English, “Today’s match was so amazing.” ZSJ answers back, “Arigato gozaimashita.” ZSJ even notes Sanada’s looking good. Sanada continues in English, “As for me, it’s last chance to become champion in this year.” The fans like where this is going.

Sanada goes to Japanese to say that in less than a week, October 20th, in London, Royal Quest 4, Sanada has a singles match with ZSJ. So then, would ZSJ be willing to put his title on the line? ZSJ double checks, this Sunday? Sanada uses English to say, “I think next week.” ZSJ in Japanese says, “Yeah, let’s do it.” The fans cheer ZSJ’s no hesitation! They shake hands and these two rivals are adding a golden chapter to the story! ZSJ even adds Sanada’s English was really good. But before Sanada even steps out, here comes Shota! The fans are a bit torn on The Roughneck thinking he can be out here now.

Shota grabs a mic, and he waits out the booing, but ZSJ tells the fans it’s fine, relax. Shota says Tanahashi announced his coming retirement, but Shota’s not waiting around. “Even if I struggle, I will represent NJPW’s Hontai Unit!” maybe this is why fans are torn on him… Shota continues to say, “I’m going after what I want. Zack, allow me to challenge for that belt!” ZSJ tells Shota he gets it. But he’s already busy this week. ZSJ admits Shota is a worthy challenger, he just needs time to think on it. Wait, now someone else is coming out, and ZSJ says hold on just a minute! But it’s Shingo Takagi!

The fans aren’t sure what to make of this! ZSJ keeps saying everyone needs to hold on, but Takagi says YOU hold on, Zack! ZSJ jokes this is turning into a variety show, but Takagi still steps into the ring. Takagi asks where Shota and Sanada were for Destruction in Kobe! Takagi then tells ZSJ congratulations. ZSJ flatly thanks him for it. Takagi says when they were in the G1, they went 1-1. So how about they settle this with the title on the line? ZSJ admits, that is true. Shota points out that if we’re talking the G1, then Shota also has a win over ZSJ, and even over Takagi. Takagi just replies back, “Hah?! What’re you talking about? I tend to forget details which don’t serve my purpose.”

The fans cheer that, but Shota wants to ask how Takagi has a claim here. Takagi says of course he does! Right, Zack? ZSJ has everyone hold on here. ZSJ only just became champion! He is tired, and this is annoying. ZSJ says he’s got “Sana-yan” first. Sanada first, then we’ll worry about the rest. Just give him some time to think about it, okay? Until then, get out of his ring, please. The fans cheer that! Sanada also applauds that decision, starts exiting, and the others follow suit. ZSJ says, “Until next time. Quickly, please. Sana-yan, stop dragging your feet.” ZSJ then jokes speaking Japanese is hard, and Takagi’s accent throws him off.

But now that he has the ring to himself, ZSJ tells the crowd that the “Summer of Zack” is over. Because the ERA OF ZACK is just beginning! The fans cheer that! But sorry, this isn’t just about him. From now on, NJPW belongs to TMDK! TMDK joins ZSJ in the ring as ZSJ says, “Because TMDK is Mighty, and The Mighty Don’t Kneel! THANK YOU!” The fans cheer, TMDK puts up their banner, and as the official announcement of Zack as the 11th IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is made, the golden streamers fly! The Front Man is finally the man, will he make this the mightiest reign of all time?

My Thoughts:

An awesome event for NJPW here! This was the first King of Pro-Wrestling event in five years, just going by the thumbnails I have (and haven’t) made. And they made it feel as big as WrestleKingdom, or I suppose a parallel to WWE SummerSlam. No match was something I could skip because it was all important. I didn’t see Hiromu VS Mistico in Arena Mexico but I bet it was just as good as this one. Great win for Hiromu, especially as he’s added a submission to his arsenal. Hiromu VS Mistico 4 with potentially Hair VS Mask, that is going to be awesome again, but I feel like Mistico will win and Hiromu will have to cut his hair. It is getting pretty wild, though, so this could be his excuse.

Great stuff in the Junior Heavyweight Tag title match, though there was the one little botch. It happens when you go fast like these guys do. Jet Setters winning was actually a bit of a surprise, but something about that makes sense given Connors & Drilla had these belts for a little over eight months. Jet Setters will be the champs going into Super Junior Tag League, which is only 10 days away, so they’ll have to really put up fight after fight. Same for Connors & Drilla to earn their rematch, assuming they don’t just go for it at Royal Quest. Great Heavyweight Tag title match, and Ugg is surprisingly athletic, but I figured TMDK would retain.

Great NEVER Openweight Championship match, but of course Takagi retains. Oiwa is doing great already, but he has time to get to a championship. The Triple Threat for the NJPW World TV title was great stuff, definitely unique even for this title division, but how could we not know Narita would cheat? The House of Torture has a championship after failing to get the NEVER Six Man belts, and you can bet The House will find all new ways to help Narita retain, even if it’s just about running out the clock. And then a surprising yet rather lackluster message from The Bucks. They obviously want to put it in our minds that they will battle the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions for WrestleDynasty, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Going back to The House of Torture, they of course lost to Tanahashi and team, but what surprising news that Tanahashi is going to retire at WrestleKingdom 2026. I mean, this day was coming, but you never think it’ll be that close. Evil obviously thinks he’ll cut things short, maybe he and Tanahashi work towards a match for WrestleKingdom 19. Tanahashi can win big at WK19, and then spend the entire year considering who will be his final opponent, so that he can put them over at WK20 and retire from in-ring competition and just be President Tanahashi.

Great stuff from Douki and Sho in that it was mostly Sho’s attack, and then he unleashes this meaner, spookier side of Douki. Douki wins and easily gets rid of Sho, and then they make us think Kanemaru is going to get the next title match, but surprise! Wato is back! Wato VS Douki will be great stuff, but obviously too early to call. Finlay VS Goto was great, but again, should’ve figured Finlay would need to cheat this one. Finlay pulls the typical Heel move of calling out someone that can’t fight him, but good on them to have Taichi step up. Finlay VS Taichi will be great, too, but I’m thinking Finlay finds a way to cheat that match like he did here.

And naturally, awesome stuff from ZSJ and Naito. ZSJ busts out a brand new finishing piledriver, I just kinda threw that name together myself, it certainly won’t be what it’s really called, but great story in the match from start to finish. A great honor for ZSJ to pull off the G1 and world title win, especially with how NJPW is changing things up. I really liked that this also allowed many contenders to speak up since this is an unprecedented situation. I also figured ZSJ would bring the world title home to London for Royal Quest, and I like that they’re giving him his first title defense with it.

But given the choices were Sanada, Shota and Takagi, seems a shame if Sanada’s gonna eat the loss already. Fans seem to be souring on Shota just a bit. I’m not privy to how the Japan Internet Wrestling Community feels, but I can understand if there’s a combination of him being named a Musketeer too soon, being pushed a little too fast, and then as he put it, he’s going to be the de facto Hontai leader with Tanahashi stepping away. American fans have seen it a lot with the likes of “Super” John Cena and early Roman Reigns, so it’s interesting to see it happen in other places. That said, ZSJ is surely going to retain at Royal Quest, and maybe we see Shota and Takagi fight it out to determine who goes next, probably staking a claim for Power Struggle in November.

My Score: 9.3/10

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