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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 3.20.2025

Coming off a Sacrifice with a few moving pieces and mixed reception we get to see how iMPACT follows it up!



We’re coming off Sacrifice with a couple really good matches (Tessa vs Lei & Mustafa vs Santana), some solid story implications with Nic Nemeth’s heel turn, Elegance Clique winning the Knockouts tags and having Meta-Four members show up to make a claim, and Mustafa adding really great heat at the end of his match with beer spot.

So while not everything was great wrestling, things were pretty logical. Now let’s see what we get moving forward.


  • Northern Armoury w/Eric Young vs The Rascalz: Rascalz win via Feed Em to the Lions – ** 1/4
  • Mustafa Ali vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Count Out – ***
  • Rosemary & Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee: Lei wins via Thunderstruck – **
  • The System w/Lish vs Guitar Guys (Elijah & Joe Hendry): Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – ** 3/4



Oh God, Masha comes out to talk. She has literally zero aura speaking English. Yes she needs to cut promos to get better, but hot damn is she a charisma vacuum. Thankfully Tessa cuts her off and gets a resoundingly negative crowd reaction but she looks like a complete snack in the casual black and glitter covered outfit. Tessa makes her claim, but it’s just a distraction and Jacy Jayne blindsides Masha. I do like this concept of using Tessa’s legit heat to steer into her being a heel gateway for NXT female wrestlers to attack. 

Santino comes out, scolds Jacy a little and says next week is Masha vs Jacy. He then runs down Tessa and bans her from ringside next week during their match. 

Northern Armoury w/Eric Young vs The Rascalz

We know I don’t find the Armoury jabronis interesting, so I refuse to learn their names as they’ll never amount to anything. 

Wentz and Trey get early tandem offense against Jabroni with hair, a few quick tags, PK kicks, Dropkicks, the loser children need to take short cuts and distract the referee poorly just to get an advantage. Very basic tandem offense from Jabronis with Arm Wringers into stomps and a near fall that means nothing. Bald dork has Wentz in a Rear Naked, but Wentz breaks out of it and pulls off the Back Handspring Knee Lift so he finally tags out, Trey comes in hot, Missile Dropkick kills bald, hair gets knocked off the apron, Rascalz go for a tandem spot but more cornball heel distraction tactics, it back fires on the loser squad, Rascalz with some locomotion corner offense. Mayu Launcher into a Spinebuster from Trey, Feed Em to the Lions and the Rascalz win with ease.

Post-Match, Armoury and EY surround Rascalz, but Ace runs down with a chair to make the save. 

Fir$t Cla$$ Penthouse, KC and AJ playing with the crowd who hates them. AJ calls the crowd “muy pobre”and Chavo walks out to a huge pop, then Frankie Kazarian even pops out. Oh Frankie is still bitter about 2012 when him and Daniels lost the tag titles to Chavo and Hernandez. Turns into a Trios Match next week, Chavo, Octagon & Laredo vs Kaz & First Class. 

Mustafa Ali vs Mike Santana

Santana charges immediately, Ali slides out but Santana dives after him and connects! The bell hasn’t even rung yet and Santana is sending Ali spilling over tables and equipment. Santana keeps beating his ass, asks the crowd “Should I kill this puto?” gets a big pop, Ali tries to slip the Brainbuster but Santana stays one step ahead. Santana thinks he’s the Rock and tells Ali his soul belongs to him, and Ali tries to run away into the ring, Santana catches him, the bell finally rings, and Ali manages a Frankensteiner for space, Santana powders and Ali connects with a Dropkick on the bad arm. Ali continues his first bits of offense just wrapping the bad arm against the ring post, throws Santana back in, Outside In Rolling Neckbreaker and then a Key Lock on the bad arm. Ali is slowly things down masterfully since he did eat a fast beating for the first few minutes.

The crowd fires Santana, he manages to Arm Drag out, connects with a Round Kick, looks for the Rolling Neckbreaker again but Santana catches him on his shoulders, Spicolli Driver. A few move counters from both, Ali tries a Victory Roll but Santana holds on and turns it into the Rolling Buck Fifty for a two count! Santana goes to the top rope for the Frog Splash, Ali powders, walks to commentary says he already won and he’s the addiction that Santana will never beat, and walks out into the crowd and allows himself to be counted out.

Clever wrinkle to set up a rubber match.

RYAN NEMETH TIME! OUR LITTLE BROTHER! Nic lost his voice or smoked a pack of Marlboro Reds before the show. A pretty stock standard heel promo claiming that the Nemeths were the reason for the TNA buzz a year ago and the Hardys show up late to take all the credit. Leon Slater also has zero aura and no speaking ability, but referring to Ryan as Nic’s “Bug Eyed Brother” was a little funny. Nic versus Leon is hinted at for next week but a brawl starts anyway and Nic Superkicks Leon after Leon takes out Ryan. 

Rosemary & Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee

Xia calls out Savannah to start the match, a few overhand chops gives her some steam early, but she tries to charge, eats a Back Elbow, Savannah tags in Rosemary, and Rosemary barks at her to get some aggression out. Headscissors, into Broken Wings into a Snap DDT for two. Xia tags in Lei, Rosemary decides to tag out immediately, so Lei is trying to chip down the tree, but she catches a Round Kick and lands a Sitout Chokebomb for a near fall. Savannah puts her on the shoulders, Lei fights it off, but gets caught in the Samoan Drop anyway for another near fall. Savannah tags out in the heel corner but chokes Lei a little to get the referee’s attention so Rosemary puts her in the Upside Down, and then continues to isolate Lei. Splash in the corner into an Exploder Suplex for yet another two. A few Vader Hammers into a Sleeper Hold from Rosemary. The crowd tries to ramp up Lei, but Rosemary cuts off the comeback attempt, looks for a Heel Hook, but Lei kicks her off, gets stopped but eats an Enzuigiri.

Simultaneous tag and Xia is taking it to Savannah. Xia and Lei have some nice Tandem strikes, only two. Savannah grabs Xia, Rosemary tries to mist Xia, but Xia ducks and the mist hits Savannah. Lei knocks out Rosemary, attempts the TKO on Savannah but doesn’t get all of it, and apparently the Thunderstruck has been changed to a Spinning Heel Kick…and I hate it. Okay match with a bad finish.

ASH and Heather come out for their celebration with cake, nice dresses and bootleg Chippendales. But Meta-Four interrupts, thankfully. Jakara Snackson in the house! Spitfire also comes out, and I’m never mad at Dani. OH, Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley also. Business picked up…or something went up…yeah…this is good entertainment. And there was something for everyone with the Chippendales early and then 4 women’s teams. 

The System w/Lish vs Guitar Guys (Elijah & Joe Hendry)

Well at least they didn’t bring up Hendry 32 times during the show and still end on him. I’ve loved the gimmick since Day 1, but overdoing it is bad for anyone.

Myers and Hendry start, Myers tries to mouth off but Hendry pops him with a Slap, Scoop Slam, Arm Wringer, tags out to Elijah and Myers scatters to tag out. Elijah with a few Lariats and the Rope Walk with Elijah. Hendry and Elijah clear the ring as we go to commercial. When we get back I’m gonna guess the System will have magically won back the momentum through heel commercial tactics.

Holy wow! Hendry has Eddie in the Stalling Suplex and lands it! Somehow the heels weren’t winning, but Eddie does kick out at one. So Hendry tags out, Elijah a few Arm Wringers into a Double Duck Jumping Lariat. But now Lish mouths off and Eddie connects on a Sliding Dropkick. So they delayed the heel team taking over for right out of the break. Look at that, changing it up. Eddie throws Elijah into the steps, rolls him in, tags out and Myers goes for the Sleeper Hold slow down heel thing, then hits a Dropkick into choking him with his boot. Eddie tags in, choke on the ropes, Lish gets involved in the choke too, and System is staying in control. Quick tags galore have Elijah gasping for air and Hendry is getting frustrated.

Elijah finally manages something to tag out, Hendry hits the Sack of Shit Kip Up on Eddie, Myers tries a Crossbody but he’s caught into Sack of Shit and Kip Up, the turn around and now calling for the Standing Ovation. But Eddie takes out Elijah, Rolling Forearm from Eddie into a Spear from Myers for a near fall. Myers looks for Roster Cut, but Elijah picks the ankle, Hendry fights off Myers, but Eddie catches him. They want System Overload, but Hendry gets out of the Backpack Stunner, catches Myers with the goozle and Elijah keeps Eddie out of the picture. Standing Ovation and we’re done!


Overall Score: 5.5/10

Full transparency, this was an easy watch. It didn’t feel like two hours, but it also didn’t really accomplish much. A very empty calories show with a bunch of set up for next week. I will say I totally loved the Ali and Santana match and finish. Ali forcing an unsatisfying finish can’t have Santana feeling good about the “win”, and I love how he’s saying he’s the one addiction that Santana can’t beat. So if Ali gets re-routed to a different feud or two and Santana starts acting like an addict going through withdrawal and NEEDS a rubber match at Slammiversary, I think that would be great to acknowledge Ali’s intelligence, plays in the addiction thing without being overly insulting since it’s focusing on a metaphorical addiction and not making light of something more realistic.

So regardless, a very inoffensive show. Jacy Jayne, Meta-Four and Gigi Dolin & Tatum Paxley showing up makes the Knockouts Tag feel less pathetic. And of course, Chavo was fine, the Dom mention was hilarious and Kaz being so petty he still hates Chavo because of 2012 is a level of petty I wish I still had in me.

Tolerable show, but nothing really worth the two hours.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (3/21/25)

Venerdì Sera SmackDown!



SmackDown’s in Italy and that’s no bologna!

SmackDown’s in Italy and that’s no bologna! Well, they are in Bologna, Italy, and Seth Rollins is looking to crash CM Punk talking with Roman Reigns! Will the Visionary #BurnItDown?


  • Damian Priest & Jimmy Uso VS Drew McIntyre & Shinsuke Nakamura; Priest & Jimmy win.
  • WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Jacob Fatu VS Braun Strowman; Braun wins, by disqualification, and will challenge LA Knight for the title.
  • Zelina Vega VS Piper Niven w/ The Green Administration; Piper wins.
  • Jade Cargill VS Liv Morgan w/ Raquel Rodriguez; Liv wins.
  • The Street Profits VS Los Garza w/ Santos Escobar; win.


Randy Orton is here!

Bologna fires up and sing along with Voices as The Viper makes his way to the ring. The fans especially cheer when Orton does his signature pose on the corner! Orton grabs the mic as the fans keep singing. The music stops, the fans cheer, and they cheer on “RANDY! RANDY!” Orton goes to speak, but KEVIN OWENS is here! The fans boo but Kevin says he knows what Orton wants to do, but hear him out first. Kevin has something important to tell Orton, so please listen. Kevin was wrong. The fans tell Kevin off but Kevin says they heard him right: he was wrong. Kevin was wrong for attacking Orton and hitting him with a piledriver, he did not deserve that.

Cody Rhodes deserved everything Kevin did to him. Sami Zayn deserved everything Kevin did to him. But not Randy. Look, Randy, you picked Cody over Kevin and that angered Kevin. That angered Kevin to the point of doing something he regrets. And if anyone can relate to letting their anger make them do stupid things they regret, it’s Orton. Orton’s spoken on it! He talked about his anger making him do things he wished he hadn’t, and that’s the same for Kevin. They’re just human. Kevin wants Randy to understand, he means it. Kevin can forgive Orton for picking Cody if Orton can forgive Kevin for what he did. Then they can put all of this in the past where it belongs.

Speaking of leaving things in the past, does Orton wanna know why Kevin pulled Carmelo Hayes out of the ring last week? It was because Kevin was trying to save and protect Orton from himself! Because Orton surely doesn’t want to go back to the man he was, who used to kick people in the head. No one wants to see that! That’s not who Orton is anymore! Orton has grown, and he has changed for the better. But what they should do now is look to the future, and that future is WrestleMania! Kevin thinks he and Orton should become WWE Tag Team Champions! Think about it? They were so close just a few months ago! They should’ve been champions, but they let stuff get between them.

So Kevin wants them to get past that and go for the titles! The fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” but Kevin tells them to shut their stupid faces. Orton, don’t listen to these idiots. Kevin asks what Orton says to his idea. The fans tell Kevin off again, but Orton says this is what he says. What he should do is run up the aisle and beat Kevin’s ass all over the arena! But… What Kevin said is intriguing. Orton has never heard Kevin admit that he was wrong. Orton wants to think about it for a minute. Hmm… Nope, scratch that. Take that halfhearted apology and shove it! The fans cheer, and Orton says Kevin can say whatever he has to in order to sleep at night.

Kevin can say this guy deserves this, that guy deserves that, but the only thing anyone deserves is Kevin having Orton kick him so hard that Orton gets a pat on the back from Roberto Baggio! The fans cheer that! Orton says Kevin used to be #FightOwensFight, but now he’s all “B*tch Owens B*tch.” The fans cheer that, too! Orton says Kevin regrets dropping Orton on his head with that piledriver and that he was saving Orton from himself. Well it’s a good thing Kevin dropped Orton on his head! Because now, Orton hears voices in his head! They counsel him, they understand! And does Kevin wanna know what those voices are saying now?

The voices say that whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But not for Kevin, because in Vegas, at WrestleMania, Orton kicks Kevin’s head clean off his shoulders! The Viper is ready to strike, will he have far more than just an RKO in store for The Prizefighter?


Damian Priest & Jimmy Uso VS Drew McIntyre & Shinsuke Nakamura!

The Punisher teams up with #BigJim team up in a rather crisscrossed grudge match. Will Priest & Jimmy make McIntyre pay for his cheap shots and cheap tricks? Or will The Scottish Warrior & The King of Strong Style stand side by side as sinister manslayers?

SmackDown returns as Nakamura makes his entrance, followed by McIntyre’s. Priest doesn’t even wait, he just runs back up the ram to go after McIntyre! The fans fire up as these two brawl, #OnSight! Priest ROCKS Drew, Drew hits back, and Nakamura joins in! They mug Priest, but Jimmy FLIES! Direct hit on Drew and Nakamura! T he fans fire up and Priest helps Jimmy stand. They drag Drew up and into the ring, the bell sounds, and the fans fire up. Jimmy is the legal man but Drew still swipes at Priest. The ref keeps these two apart, Drew says up Priest’s, but turns around into haymakers from Jimmy! The fans fire up as Jimmy then mule kicks Drew!

Jimmy pops, locks ‘n’ UPPERCUTS! Jimmy gets the fans to shout, “UCE! OH!” but Drew takes a swing! Jimmy dodges and CHOPS in return! And CHOPS! And then whips corner to corner, runs in, and SPLASHES into Drew’s arms! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! The fans fire up as Drew finally puts his kilt aside. Drew taunts Priest, then stalks Jimmy. Drew has Jimmy on the ropes and CHOKES him! Drew stops as the ref counts, only to get the legs. ROPE GUILLOTINE! Jimmy sputters, Drew taunts Priest, and then Drew drags Jimmy up. Jimmy JAWBREAKERS free, Drew staggers back and Nakamura tags in.

Jimmy dodges Drew, ROCKS Nakamura, then UPPERCUTS Drew! Jimmy runs but Nakamura trips him! Nakamura drags Jimmy out, SMACKS him off the desk, then runs up to DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Jimmy flops onto the desk! T he fans fire up as Nakamura CHOKES Jimmy, and SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Nakamura puts Jimmy in the ring, but drags him out along the apron. Nakamura runs up to KNEE LIFT! Jimmy sputters, Nakamura storms in, and Nakamura stalks Jimmy to the corner. Nakamura CLUBS Jimmy, puts him up top, and then backs up to run in, TOP SHELF KNEE! Jimmy flops back down, Nakamura pushes him to a cover, TWO! Nakamura stays focused as he drags Jimmy up with a facelock. Nakamura puts Jimmy in the corner, tags Drew, and then Nakamura gives Jimmy BAD VIBRATIONS! Drew adds a stomp, then he CHOPS Jimmy down! Jimmy sputters, Drew drags him around, and Drew stomps Jimmy’s hand!

Drew clamps on with a chicken wing and chinbar! Jimmy endures, reaches out, and fights to his feet. Drew throws him down by his hair! Drew then sucker punches Priest! Drew deadlift suplexes Jimmy! Jimmy writhes while Drew seethes, and Drew mockingly tells Jimmy to go tag out. Drew stands Jimmy up, but Jimmy counter punches! And CHOPS! CHOPS! CHOPS! Jimmy runs, but Drew CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Jimmy shakes his head, he’s tougher than that. Drew drags Jimmy into a top wristlock and he leans on the hold. Jimmy endures, fights up, and reaches out. Drew keeps him from Priset, KNEES low, then he sucker punches Priest again!

Drew taunts Priest, but turns around into a SAMOAN DROP! SmackDown returns to single picture while both men are down! The fans rally up while Drew crawls, tag to Nakamura! Nakamura drags Jimmy up, but Jimmy kicks! Nakamura blocks, but Jimmy hits the DRAGON WHIP! Jimmy rises up, hot tag to Priest! Priest BLASTS Drew, then dodges Nakamura to ELBOW! And FLAPJACK! Priest runs corner to corner to ELBOW Nakamura, then runs to CLOBBER him! The fans fire up and Priest brings Nakamura up for a knuckle lock> The fans rally for Priest as he goes up the corner, and gives us some OLD SCHOOL CROSSBODY!

The fans fire up and Priest powers up his arm! Priest runs, but Nakamura BOOTS the lariat, then WHEEL KICKS! Nakamura aims from a corner, “YAO~!” But Priest LARIATS Nakamura down first! Cover, Drew breaks it! Drew drags Priest up to POST him! Jimmy steps in and SUPERKICKS Drew! Drew bails out, Jimmy WRECKS him with a dropkick! But Nakamura KINSHASAS Jimmy off the apron! But Priest then grabs Nakamura, SOUTH OF HEAVEN! Cover, Priest & Jimmy win!

Winners: Damian Priest & Jimmy Uso, by pinfall

It was a fast ‘n’ furious finish, but Drew doesn’t let it end here! He CLOBBERS Priest! Drew rains down fists, and reminds Priest that every time he sees Priest, he’ll- Priest grabs Drew by the neck! Drew breaks free to HEADBUTT Priest, then he DRIBBLES Priest off the mat! Drew rains down furious fists while the fans boo, but then Drew stomps Priest as he lets off. Priest slowly rises, Drew gives us the countdown! “THREE! TWO! ONE!” CLAYMORE against the ropes!! Priest flops down in a daze and Drew tells him that he still blames Priest for having nothing. Every time Priest gets up, Drew will put him down until Priest stays down.

Drew slithers away, his rage never ending. Will nothing stop the Scottish Terminator from terrorizing Priest?


LA Knight finds Braun Strowman backstage.

The Monster of All Monsters is warming up for his match, and The Mega Star says #OneBigSOB is getting one big pump on. And Knight thinks about Braun VS Fatu, Braun better smack Fatu back to factory settings. And here’s the thing, these guys work with numbers, so Knight will be keeping his eyes on that match. Knight turns to go but Braun has him hold on. Braun will say, if there’s one thing he can’t wait for, it’s to #GetTheseHands on Fatu tonight. But you know why? Because Nick Aldis told him a bit ago, that the winner will get their shot at the US Championship. And as Braun sees it, winning that title punches his ticket to WrestleMania.

Knight says oh yeah? Braun says yeah. Knight says YEAH, and heads out. Will Knight have to fight Braun or the Samoan Werewolf on this Road to WrestleMania 41?


Charlotte Flair and Tiffany Stratton have video interview.

Joe Tessitore welcomes the 2025 Women’s Royal Rumble winner and the WWE Women’s Champion and thanks them both for taking this time. To start with Tiffany, we saw last week that there is a fire in her we haven’t seen before. What is the mindset just four weeks away from WrestleMania? Tiffany starts to speak, but Charlotte speaks up to say The Queen should speak first. And she couldn’t agree more, Tiffany finally looks like a star. Charlotte had a hard time trying to buy into the hype, but Charlotte always brings out the best in others. Tiffany speaks up now, saying Charlotte couldn’t see it?

Charlotte condescendingly says, “There she is!” Tiff is just like day one: Pick me! Pick me! Charlotte says she chose Tiff because Charlotte pities her. Tiff came out with a sob story about the comparisons to Charlotte, but Tiff’s the only one delusional enough to make those comparisons. Newsflash: Everyone is compared to Charlotte. Tiff is not special. Tiff feels special, being the one with the title on her shoulder. Charlotte points out Tiff got it via a cash-in. Oh, well, Tiff still earned it, and has proven worthy of it week after week. Oh, really? Earned because of a cash-in? Delusional, just as Charlotte said.

Here’s the thing: WrestleMania 41 will be the pinnacle of Tiff, while Charlotte gets to shine her light on some undeserving girl who, just because she’s blonde and can do flips, thinks she compares to Charlotte. No, Tiff has not earned that. Wow, delusional? Does Charlotte forget how at the start of Tiff’s career, Charlotte was actually one of her biggest supporters? Charlotte told Tiff she’d be a star, and Tiff looked up to Charlotte. But then they were in the ring together, and Tiff saw the real Charlotte. Charlotte couldn’t even look Tiff in the face because Charlotte knows Tiff is the woman to take her throne.

Charlotte mockingly says she’s tearing up. Yes, Tiff, Charlotte said Tiff was a star in the making. But what? Did Tiff expect Charlotte to come to the ring, give her a high-five, a big hug, and say, “Yes! We can do this, girl!” No, Charlotte is the only woman in the locker room that tells the truth. She is not here for friends, she is here for competition. Tiff says this is what Charlotte does! She finds the hottest ticket and throws water on it. It worked in the past but it won’t work on Tiff. Charlotte says Tiff’s not even the hottest ticket on SmackDown! Let alone this entire company. But tell Charlotte, what does she do?

Tiff says she just said, Charlotte finds the hottest new thing, pours water on it. The thing is, Tiff, you have never been across from Charlotte, only underneath her, struggling to catch your breath. Tiff says the only one struggling is Charlotte keeping up with the fans that don’t even want her back. Charlotte says the fans are either wooing or booing, take your pick. Tiff has her entire career to beat Charlotte’s accolades and- And Tiff will lucky to even have a job at Charlotte’s age. Tiff says this year, WrestleMania, she cements what she already knows: The WWE Universe does not bow to Charlotte, they run on #TiffyTime. See you at Mania.

The Princess has stepped to the Queen, but who will be on the throne atop the WWE Women’s Division?


WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Jacob Fatu VS Braun Strowman!

As if this match wasn’t one to watch before, now there are championship stakes on the line! Will the Samoan Werewolf #GetTheseHands? Or will he bring down #OneBigSOB to go after LA Knight?

SmackDown returns as Braun makes his entrance. The bell rings and the fans rally. Braun and Jacob circle, and then Braun RAMS Jacob into a corner! Braun fires hands, then HEADBUTTS! Braun runs corner to corner, Jacob dodges and Jacob ROCKS Braun! Jacob RAMS into Braun again and again, stops as the ref counts, and the fans fire up. Jacob runs corner to corner, but Braun CLOBBERS him! The fans fire up again as Jacob flounders to a corner. Braun runs up, but Jacob BOOTS him back! Jacob runs up, but Braun BACKDROPS him away! The fans fire up while Jacob tumbles. Braun runs up to LARIAT Jacob up and out!

The fans cheer as Braun paces, and then Braun goes out after Jacob. Braun puts Jacob back in, storms back into the ring, and he stomps Jacob. The fans rally and sing, Braun whips corner to corner hard, and Jacob falls in a heap! Braun enjoys the singing, and he runs in at the corner to SPLASH! Jacob falls in a heap again, then bails out. Braun says it’s time and the fans cheer! Braun is on the tracks, STROWMAN EXPRESS is sent over the desk! Braun tumbles, Jacob goes to the apron, and Jacob aims, to FLYING LARIAT! Down goes Braun at the Hydration Station! The fans fire up and Jacob grins while SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Jacob looms over Braun, drags him up, and SMACKS him off the desk! Jacob refreshes the ring count, then stalks Braun. Jacob HEADBUTTS Braun, brings him around, and SMACKS him off the steel steps! Braun staggers away, Jacob storms over, and Braun UPPERCUTS! Braun brings Jacob around to send into the other steel steps! Jacob tumbles to the floor and the fans rally up. Braun stalks Jacob, stomps him against the barrier, then refreshes the ring count. Braun conducts the Bologna choir here, then goes back out after Jacob. Braun shoves Jacob into the ring, but Jacob KICKS Braun in the ropes!

Jacob fireman’s carries!? Braun fights free, runs, but Jacob dropkicks the legs out! Jacob keeps moving, and he LARIATS Braun down! The fans rally more while Braun writhes. Jacob soaks up the cheers, then he stalks Braun. Jacob CLUBS Braun, eggs him on, then twists Braun with the neck wrench. Braun endures, fights around, but Jacob puts on the pressure. Braun powers up, rises to his feet, and he pries Jacob’s hands away! SmackDown returns to single picture, and Jacob fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT on Braun! Jacob storms up on Braun but Braun CHOPS! Braun runs, into a SUPERKICK!

Jacob fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP! The fans fire up as Jacob adds a SENTON! Cover, TWO! Braun stays in this and the fans rally up again. Jacob stalks Braun, goes to the corner, and he runs corner to corner, HIP ATTACK! Braun sputters, Jacob geeks out and the fans fire up! Braun rises up!? Jacob runs in and SPLASHES, then he tells Braun he’s done! Jacob goes corner to corner again, but Braun runs to LARIAT! The fans fire up while both men are down! Braun rises, but so does Jacob! Braun ROCKS Jacob, ROCKS him again, then LARIATS! And LARIATS! The fans fire up and Braun stands Jacob up, for a CLUB to the chest!

The fans fire up more as Braun rips his shirt away! Jacob falls out of the ring while the shirt is a free souvenir to a fan! Braun then gets on track, STROWMAN EXPRESS sends Jacob onto the desk! The fans fire up while Braun catches his breath. Braun storms around to bring Jacob up and into the ring. Braun slides in, but Jacob runs up! Braun dodges and SPINEBUSTERS! The fans fire up with Braun, but then TAMA TONGA is here! Braun TOSSES Tama! Braun scoops Tama, but SOLO SIKOA ATTACKS!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by disqualification (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE US Championship)

The fans boo and even Jacob is upset. Solo & Tama hand Braun the win! That means Braun is going to face Knight! But Solo and Tama keep beating up on Braun, and Jacob joins in. But Braun gets up to CLOBBER Solo, TOSS Tama, only for Jacob to BODY CHECK Braun! But here comes LA KNIGHT! The Mega Star runs out here, he DECKS Tama, then he jumps into the ring! Knight dodges Solo to fire off JABS on Jacob and Solo! Tama CLOBBERS Knight, then he fires hands! The fans boo while Jacob runs in, but Knight dodges! Jacob POSTS himself! Knight HOTSHOTS Tama, and Braun CLOBBERS Solo!

Braun ROCKS Jacob, then Knight LARIATS Jacob up and out! The official announcement is now made, it will be Knight VS Braun for the US Championship in the UK! It’s London calling next Friday, will the Knight still be the champion?


Backstage interview with Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez.

Cathy Kelley is with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, and last week, these two interrupted the interview with Jade Cargill, and got themselves into this match tonight. But now that we know it was Naomi who attacked Jade, why do Liv & Raquel keep bothering Jade? Because, Cathy, if you were paying attention, you’d know Jade allowed everyone to still think it was Liv & Raquel who attacked her. Meanwhile, Jade had all the time in the world to update her Instagram, yet not enough to clear Liv’s name. So this is personal now.

Probably like how it was personal when Liv & Raquel beat Jade’s former friends, Bianca Belair & Naomi, to become the first-ever, history-making, record-breaking and GREATEST Women’s Tag Team Champions of all time! But she will say, she is impressed with what Naomi did. Too bad she didn’t finish the job. Tonight, Liv will do that for her. #WatchMe. Liv & Raquel leave, but will they survive the storm that’s headed their way?


Jacob is furious backstage!

He kicks and throws random stuff, but Solo tells him to calm down. Calm down?! Jacob CHUCKS a trash can and asks calm down about what?! Is this better?! He CHUCKS boxes, but Solo wants Jacob to listen. From what he and Tama saw, it looked like- LIKE WHAT?! What’d Solo “see?” Solo says they were just trying to help! Help who? Help yourself, Solo?! That match wasn’t nobody’s business, and it damn sure wasn’t Solo’s business! When Jacob is taking care of his, Solo better watch himself. Jacob storms off, Solo looks to Tama, and Tama stays silent. Is Solo only tearing down his own Bloodline?


Zelina Vega VS Piper Niven w/ The Green Administration!

La Muneca, the inaugural Queen of the Ring, wants to reign once again, and that starts with going after the Women’s United States Championship. But to get to Chelsea Green, Zelina has to make it through the Head of Security! Will Piper shut down the opposition? Or will we be seeing Vega heading for Vegas?

SmackDown returns and Zelina makes her entrance, an all new song, tron and gear to show this is her next chapter. The bell rings and Chelsea already talks trash on Zelina. The fans rally, Zelina and Piper step to each other, and Piper easily bumps Zelina back. Zelina laughs and SLAPS Piper back! Piper grabs Zelina, TOSSES her to a corner, then runs up. Zelina dodges, runs, dodges again, but Piper scoops! Zelina slips free, waistlocks, and they go to ropes. Piper bucks the O’Conner Roll, but Zelina avoids the elbow drop! BASEMENT KICK! Zelina fires up, runs and tilt-o-whirls, to then RANA Piper into the corner!

Zelina runs up, kicks low, then reels Piper in! Zelina hops on but Piper pops out of Code Red! Zelina whips but Piper blocks with ease! Piper then CLOBBERS Zelina with a shoulder tackle. Piper drags Zelina up, CLOBBERS her again, and then drags her back up. Piper CLOBBERS Zelina a third time, and she salutes her champion. Piper drags Zelina but Zelina spins to TWEAK the arm! Piper staggers, Zelina UP KICKS her! Zelina hurries to run the ropes, but Piper TOSSES her out! Zelina gets up to KICK Piper’s leg! Piper staggers, Zelina hops on, SLEEPER! Piper endures, reaches out, but Zelina squeezes tight!

Piper THROWS Zelina down into the drop zone! Piper stomps Zelina, then goes up the corner. The fans rally, and Zelina YANKS Piper down! Zelina fires hands, the fans fire up, and Zelina climbs up the corner. Zelina rains down fists and fans count all the way to sette (seven in Italian) before Piper DUMPS Zelina to the apron! But Zelina GAMANGIRIS back! Chelsea & Alba shout at Zelina, Zelina shouts back and storms into the ring, but Piper is there to URENAGE! The fans are torn while Zelina flounders, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Piper has Zelina in a COBRA CLUTCH! Zelina endures, even as Piper thrashes her around. The fans rally, Zelina pries at the hold, but Piper ripcords, only for Zelina to duck under and roll her up! TWO, and Piper CLOBBERS Zelina! Piper frowns as she looms over Zelina. Piper drags Zelina up, whips her into the corner, and then Zelina falls in a heap. Piper paces, then storms back up to stand Zelina up. Piper THROWS Zelina into the neighboring corner, then she storms back up. Piper drags Zelina up to TOSS her into another corner! Piper soaks up the heat, Chelsea reprimands the fans, but Piper drags Zelina to a cover, TWO!

Zelina stays in this but Piper stalks her. Piper drags Zelina right up into the COBRA CLUTCH! Zelina endures, the fans rally, and Chelsea gets annoyed. Piper ripcords and HEADBUTTS Zelina down! Piper soaks up more heat, then she stalks Zelina. Piper drags Zelina up, whips her to a corner hard and Zelina falls in a heap! Zelina crawls, Piper tells the fans to go to Naples, then she rains down fists on Zelina! Piper YANKS Zelina right up into a scoop, but Zelina fires elbows! Piper puts Zelina in a corner, but Zelina BOOTS back! Zelina goes up, but Piper SMACKS her first! Piper then military presses for the- SLEEPER! Zelina gets Piper again!

The fans fire up while Piper endures! Chelsea is upset, Piper reaches out, but Zelina holds on tight! Piper RAMS Zelina into a corner, is free of the sleeper, then she runs back in. Zelina slips around to crucifix for an IRON OCTOPUS! Chelsea panics while Piper endures! Zelina then slips into a sunset flip, TWO! Piper stays in this but Zelina SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Zelina hurries to get Piper up, but Piper grabs Zelina by the hair! Zelina ELBOWS free and Piper goes to a corner! Zelina runs in and METEORA! The fans fire up as Zelina kicks Piper out. Zelina goes up, up, and METEORA! Cover, TWO!

Piper stays in this and Zelina isn’t sure what she has to do! Zelina waits on Piper to rise up, and then she hops back on! CODE- NO, Piper slips free again! Piper runs, but Zelina drop toeholds Piper onto ropes! Zelina dials it up, but Piper gets up, so Zelina tilt-o-whirls to DDT! Cover, TWO!! Piper survives, Chelsea shouts at Zelina, but Zelina DECKS Chelsea! So much for having her Secret Her-vice out here! Zelina redials and 619 on Piper! But Alba storms up! Zelina KICKS Alba, but Piper CROSSBODIES!! Cover, Piper wins!

Winner: Piper Niven, by pinfall

Despite what the card says, Zelina was basically up against three opponents tonight. Will anyone ever get a fair fight against the Green Administration?


Backstage interview with Jade Cargill.

Cathy apologizes for last week because of Liv & Raquel, but tonight, Jade faces Liv 1v1. Is Jade feeling ready for Liv being this is Jade’s first match back? Jade says, “How do I feel? You was right there, you could see exactly how I feel. Liv tried it that night. And since she wants to try and disrespect me and run her mouth, I’ma show her. And when I’m done with her… Naomi, all eyes on you. So I know you’re watching right now, and this is just a little preview of what I’ma do to you.” Will the storm be fiercer than ever before?


The darkness is looming.

The smoke is back, and is that a glimpse of dice? The number 4 is back, but what does it mean?


Jade Cargill VS Liv Morgan w/ Raquel Rodriguez!

The whodunnit may have been solved, but the problem still remains that Jade left everyone wondering, pointing fingers and making accusations. But while Jade had her reasons, will she also shut Liv up about her bad reputation being further tainted? Or will it be Judgment Day’s night here in Bologna?

The bell rings and Liv runs up, into a BOOT! Jade dusts her boot off while Liv flounders of the ring. Raquel helps Liv stand, but Jade storms out after them both! Raquel tells Jade to watch herself, but Jade still storms up on Ricky Desperado. Liv runs up, but Jade SMACKS her first! Jade THROWS Liv into barriers, THROWS her into the ring, then flexes. The fans cheer, and Jade storms in after Liv. Liv kicks low, runs, OBLI- NO, Jade stops that to scoop Liv! Liv slips free, but Jade ducks the enzigiri! Liv avoids the boot, but Jade stops the Code Breaker! Jade tosses Liv, scoops her, and FALL AWAY SLAMS! Then kips up!

The fans fire up and Jade revels in it. Liv says they should just go. Raquel & Liv hurry away but Jade chases them up the ramp! The fans fire up as Jade CLOBBERS Liv! Raquel doesn’t even realize it, and Jade drags Liv back to ringside! Liv fights back, Jade SMACKS her again, then puts her in the ring. The fans cheer, Jade stalks Liv to a corner, and she runs up, only for Liv to dodge! Jade hits buckles, Liv back body blocks! Liv comes back, SHINING- NO, Jade catches Liv to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO! Liv survives but Jade is rather amused. Jade drags Liv up and clamps onto the arms, but Raquel says to leave Liv alone!

Jade shoves Liv down to storm up on Raquel. Raquel gets away, and Liv runs up! BACKSTABBER! Jade tumbles, Liv hurries to get her up, and Liv POSTS Jade! Jade flops to the apron then the floor, the fans fire up, and Liv smiles as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Liv has Jade down with a chinlock. Jade endures, fights around, and fights up to her feet. Jade fires body shots, but Liv jumps on for the SLEEPER! Liv brings Jade down, but Jade fights around! The fans rally as Liv squeezes tight, body scissors wrapped on. Jade still fights, still rises, and she RAMS Liv into a corner! And again, and again, and again! Liv lets go, Jade runs back up, but Liv BOOTS her! Liv reels Jade into a facelock, and manages a snap suplexes! That’s Una Amiga, and Liv hits Dos Amigas! The fans are torn as Liv brings Jade up for THREE AMIGAS! Liv gives some Latina Heat and the fans fire up!

Liv runs to ENZIGIRI! Jade flounders to ropes, Liv runs in, but Jade again denies Oblivion to hit a GERMAN SUPLEX! Liv flops out of the ring and the fans rally up again. “This is Awesome!” as Jade kips up again! Jade then CLOBBERS Liv! And CLBOBERS her again! And then FLAPJACKS, to SUPERKICK! Liv ends up in a corner, Jade runs in and ELBOWS her! The fans fire up as Jade goes again, ELBOW! Jade says one more, and she catches Liv to SPINEBUSTER her! The fans fire up as Jade smiles and grabs an arm. Fans cheer “MAMMA MIA!” as Jade RIPCORDS Liv into a fireman’s carry! F5!!

Jade kips up a third time and the fans fire up again! Jade finally covers, TWO! Liv survives, Jade showing off a little too much. Jade decides to just finish this, and she chicken wings Liv. But NAOMI is here! The Glow has a caution tape based outfit, a very clever reference, and Jade runs at her! Naomi gets away, and INTO OBLIV- BACKBREAKER!! Jade still refuses to let that happen, but now Raquel distracts the ref! Naomi CLOBBERS Jade with a title belt!! Jade is down, the fans boo, but Naomi hides! Liv rises, and runs INTO OBLIVION! Cover, Liv wins!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall

A huge assist from Naomi, and now Naomi picks the bones! Naomi rains down fists on Jade, the fans boo, but nothing is stopping Naomi from beating Jade down! Naomi stops just to talk smack, and then she SLAPS Jade! Naomi grabs Jade’s wrists to sit her up, and STOMP her down! Naomi then puts Jade in the ropes for the HEATSEEKER! Jade flounders, stands up on the apron, and Naomi BLASTS her down! Jade hits the desk then flops to the floor! Naomi shows her dark side, will Jade have no choice but to #FeelTheGlow?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

Cathy catches Drew on his way out and brings up his pattern of attack on blindsiding Damian Priest. Where does this end? Drew says he didn’t start this, but he will end it. He explained things so simply last week that even a five-year-old could understand all the problems Drew has with Priest. Every time Drew got screwed over the past year, Priest was there like a vulture to pick the bones. In fact, Priest would probably brag how, “I beat Drew McIntyre in a tag team voice!” Drew mocks Priest’s voice, and says that what Drew would love for anyone, but especially Priest, though he’s probably not capable of it…

Drew would love for someone to verbally explain to him how he’s wrong. Drew tells the truth. Try to poke holes in his logic, but you can’t. But to Priest’s credit, he is as tough as he is stupid. Priest will surely pick himself up like he does every time, but Drew will put him back down. You know where to find him next week, in the land of the first and only British WWE World Champion. See you in London, mate. Arrivederci! Drew reaches the parking lot, only to cross paths with Seth Rollins. Rollins smirks, then continues on to gorilla position. The fans already sing for The Visionary, will Rollins have his face-to-face-to-face with Roman Reigns and CM Punk?


The Street Profits are here!

Bologna fires up for the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions, Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins, who have a new theme song to go with their newest reign. Ford & Dawkins get the mics as the fans chant, “You Deserve It!” Ford tells Bologna, he’s heard they’re very generous and beautiful. But he’s got some news for you: For the first time in FOUR YEARS, the Profits are the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions! The fans cheer, and Dawkins gets everyone to join in on “HEY! HEY! HEY!” Dawkins says, “I mean… It’s about damn time. SIUUU~!” The fans join in on that, too, and Dawkins smiles.

But real talk, for the past four years, a lot of doubts have been creeping in. The Profits were questioning each other. But them holding these titles right here… “You Deserve It!” Dawkins says the Profits holding the titles now made it all worth it. Ford knows they’re celebrating, but to be serious for one second… For the past four years, the fact that no matter what happens, peaks and valleys, highs and lows, he can always count on his brother. The fans cheer that and the Profits do the secret handshake. But wait! Legado Del Fantasmo comes out here. The fans boo as Santos Escobar leads Los Garza to the ring to ruin the fun.

Santos says, “Signore e signori <ladies and gentlemen,>” it is an honor to be here in Italy. And this, what a moment. The Profits finally capture gold again. Beautiful. Too bad it will end abruptly! His familia, these two handsome, chiseled Latinos are pissed! They are angry just like the fans, but they are ready to take those titles off- “YES BOY~!” Pretty Deadly joins in now! Kit Wilson & Elton Prince have the mics, fans join in on “YES BOY~!” Kit tells Santos that he can run his mouth all night long, but what he’s forgetting is that a few weeks ago, Pretty Deadly earned the right to call themselves the #1 contenders.

The fans cheer, and Elton says what Legado needs to do is step aside. Santos shouts they will NOT step aside! Pretty Deadly says so scary~! Santos says the Profits chose to believe Pretty Deadly’s pathetic gossip, that is why they’re in this mess. By the way, Profits, Santos offered them the chance to apologize and you didn’t, so now this is personal! So Pretty Deadly should STAY OUT OF IT! Ford tells Santos, “Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa.” The fans cheer, and he tells to listen here, “mi amore.” Pretty Deadly have their title shots. But y’know what? Legado looks feisty tonight, wanting to get in a fight, right here in Bologna!

The fans like where this is going, and Ford says how about he says something they can all understand: Tonight, let’s get it on, chicos! Because the Profits are up, and #WeWantTheSmoke! Santos & Los Garza are fired up, but will the Profits get caught in a trap game? Or will they use Angel & Berto as tune-ups for facing Pretty Deadly?

The Street Profits VS Los Garza w/ Santos Escobar!


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Mitchell’s WWE Evolve Results & Report! (3/19/25)




Will Big Body Javi have his breakthrough?

The Consigliere had a sit-down with Javier Bernal, and wants to see if Big Body Javi can Evolve into someone that can back up his words with actions.


  • Brinley Reece VS Masyn Holiday; Brin wins.
  • The Coffey Brothers VS Jordan Oasis & Sam Holloway; The Coffey Brothers win.
  • Chantel Monroe VS Layla Diggs; Chantel wins.
  • Kali Armstrong VS Haze Jameson; Kali wins.
  • Drako Knox & Tate Wilder VS Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe; Dupont & Igwe win.
  • Luca Crusifino VS Javier Bernal; Luca wins.


Brinley Reece VS Masyn Holiday!

While #Brinergy is still at maximum, she wants us to understand there is so much more to her than meets the eye. Will Brin win and truly Evolve? Or will she have to take time off after this Holiday?

The bell rings and the two circle. Brin and Masyn tie up, Masyn powers Brin back, but Brin powers Masyn back to ropes. The ref counts, Brin lets go, but Masyn wrenches her back. Brin rolls, but Masyn throws her down! Masyn steps over, cranks the arm, but Brin endures. The fans rally and duel as Brin fights around. Brin stands, rolls, handsprings, and wrenches to WRING Masyn out! The fans fire up, Brin dodges Masyn to headlock, wrench then YANK the arm! And YANK! And YANK! Masyn whips Brin away, but Brin runs Masyn over! Things keep moving, Brin handsprings over Masyn to arm-drag her away!

Masyn goes to a corner, Brin runs up to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Brin drags Masyn up, but Masyn fireman’s carries! But Brin slips free, shoves Masyn, but Masyn blocks the hip toss to THROW Brin away! Masyn stomps away on Brin, then drags her up to KNEE her low! Masyn stomps Brin, digs her boot in, then whips Brin to the corner. Brin bounces off buckles, Masyn scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Masyn is frustrated but she clamps on a body scissors squeeze. Brin endures, reaches out, and the fans rally up. Brin pushes back to a cover, TWO! Masyn lets Brin free, Brin SPLASHES for a cover, TWO!

Brin ELBOWS Masyn away, then dodges a lariat! Brin CLOBBERS Masyn! And CLOBBERS her again! Brin scoops and SLAMS Masyn, then runs to HANDSPRING LARIAT! The fans fire up and Brin says she should’ve been the headliner! Brin fireman’s carries Masyn for a REECES PIECES! Cover, Brie wins!

Winner: Brinley Reece, by pinfall

A great fight leads to sweet victory for Brinley, and there is definitely strength to go with that energy! Chuey Martinez is there at ringside to congratulate Brin. He says what up, she says what up! Congrats on the first win in Evolve! How is she feeling? She’s feeling great! That is the Brin Active Mindset! Sure thing, but before she goes, what did she mean there, shouting about, “It should’ve been me.” Well, Brin doesn’t really remember saying that, but the match speaks for itself. Brin flexes and kisses the bicep, but is her ego saying one thing while her heart says another?


Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont are in the VIP Section.

Pete Rosenberg checks in with Ty & Ty and asks how they’re liking Evolve. Oh, Pete thought they were just going to sit around and watch everyone else get their shot? They were taught by Wes Lee that there’s no glory in sitting around and waiting their turn. They’re going to take what is theirs! They’re chasing checks and championships! That’s not a mantra, that’s a way of life! Someone better step up and catch a beat down, because you don’t want them to come looking. Pete thanks them for their time, will Ty & Ty make this their time?


The Coffey Brothers VS Jordan Oasis & Sam Holloway!

Joe & Mark see Ty & Ty watching and dare Ty & Ty to leave the VIP Section and get that fight they want. Security keeps that from happening, so Joe & Mark will just have to settle for the “fresh meat” here in Evolve. Will Gallus make every level their Kingdom?

Evolve returns from break and we learn about The Global Nomad’s journey, having been trained by Rikishi, and about “Hard Way” Holloway turning being bullied into being a bully. Will these two mismatched partners find a way to make it work? The teams sort out and Sam insists on starting. He and Joe circle, feel things out, and tie up. They’re in a deadlock, then break, then they tie up again. Sam headlocks but Joe fires body shots. Joe powers up and out, Sam RAMS Joe, but Joe says he’s still standing! Sam fires a forearm, Joe fires back, so Sam CHOPS! Joe fires another forearm, Sam fires back, and the shots keep going!

Joe bobs ‘n’ weaves, HEADBUTTS then wrenches an arm. Tag to Markus and he CLUBS an arm! Mark wrenches, RAMS Sam, then wrenches again. Mark RAMS Sam, dodges a lariat to UPPERCUT, and then wrenches. Sam fires a HAYMAKER, then a BOOT! Sam tags Jordan and tells him to get after Mark. Jordan steps up but Mark arm-drags! Jordan turns that right into a headlock, but Mark fights up and powers out. They RAM each other, Mark headlocks, but Jordan powers up. Mark holds on tight, Jordan fights out the second time, and he FLYING FOREARMS! Mark fires up, he and Jordan start firing forearms of their own!

The fans fire up as the shots keep going! Jordan ROCKS Mark, but Mark likes it! Mark fires a flurry, then he whips. Sam sneaks a tag, Jordan reverses the whip, but Mark dodges Jordan, only for Sam to slingshot SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans fire up but Jordan had no idea Sam tagged in! Sam stomps away on Mark, then he sucker punches Joe! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Mark fires hands! Sam ROCKS and KNEES and CLUBS Mark down! Sam snarls, stalks Mark, and he scoops Mark for a SLAM! Cover, TWO! Sam snarls but the fans rally up. Sam clamps onto Mark with a chinlock and he grinds Mark down.

Mark endures, fights up, and he JAWBREAKERS free! But Sam CLUBS Mark! Sam whips Mark to the corner, tags Jordan in, and he tells Jordan to get at it again. Jordan and Mark trade forearms like they did before, but Jordan keeps Mark from Joe. Mark switches, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Jordan puts Mark on the ropes, to then run and CANNONBALL! But then Sam tags back in! Jordan asks what Sam’s problem is, then shoves him! The fans cheer Jordan as he tags himself back in! Jordan and Sam argue, but then Mark runs up! Mark sends Jordan into Sam! Jordan bucks the O’Conner, but the GAMANGIRI hits!

The fans fire up as Mark stirs, then kips up! Hot tag to Joseph! The Iron King rallies on Jordan with forearms, then whips. Jordan reverses, but Joe CLOBBERS Jordan! Joe runs to CLOBBER Jordan again! Joe then ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING SHOULDER! Jordan goes to a corner, Joe runs up, but Jordan dodges! Joe ELBOWS Jordan away, goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, Sam breaks it! Mark gets in and he TOSSES Sam out, but then Sam drags Mark out! Sam POSTS Mark, but here comes Wolfgang! The third man of Gallus tells Sam to know his place, and Joe tells Wolfgang to calm it down.

Jordan storms up on Joe, Joe DECKS Jordan! The ref has Joe hold on, and he checks Jordan. Jordan is OUT! Gallus wins!!

Winners: The Coffey Brothers, by knockout

The Iron King has iron in those fists, and Sam couldn’t do anything to stop that knockout punch! Not that Sam cares, he leaves Jordan behind. Jack Cartwheel & Cappuccino Jones come out here to help Jordan to the back, will the Global Nomad do better with a better partner?


Chantel Monroe VS Layla Diggs!

Two more great athletes emerge as bright stars in the WWE Universe, but only one can shine with a win. Will The Debutante crown herself the showstopper? Or can Layla dig deep and bring out that inner confidence and strength?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Chantel powers Layla to a corner, then pats her on the head. The ref has her back off but Chantel runs back in, only for Layla to dodge and then hit a headlock takeover! The fans cheer, Chantel headscissors, but Layla kips free. Chantel knees low, headlocks, but Layla powers out. Chantel runs Layla over, fixes her hair, then things speed up. Layla stays low, then hurdles over, but Chantel throws her down! Chantel stomps away on Layla, then SLAMS Layla’s arm off the mat! Layla goes to ropes, Chantel whips, but Layla sunset flips! TWO, and both women hurry up!

Layla whips, Chantel reverses, but Layla handsprings up and out! Layla RAMS into Chantel, slingshots up an dover, and mocks the diva attitude before she LEG LARIATS! Layla then scoops and SPINNING POWERSLAMS, into a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally for Layla and she whips Chantel to a corner. Layla runs in but Chantel dodges, and Chantel comes back to CHOP BLOCK a leg! Layla crawls to a corner, Chantel storms up and grabs that leg. Chantel puts the leg in the ropes, pulls on the leg, but the ref reprimands. Chantel stops, then ROCKS Layla before she JUMP STOMPS the leg!

Layla writhes and clutches the knee, but Chantel snarls as she storms up. Chantel pushes Layla down, then handspring KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO! Layla stays in this but Chantel grabs a leg. Chantel turns Layla over, HALF CRAB! Layla endures, crawls forward, but Chantel drags her back! Layla rolls Chantel up, TWO! Chantel stands, into the LEG LARIAT! Layla powers through the pain and brings Chantel back up. But Chantel wrenches and ROCKS Layla! And dropkicks the leg out! Layla falls back to a corner, Chantel runs in, but Layla ELBOWS her away! Layla goes up the corner, but Chantel runs up again!

Chantel grabs the leg, Layla kicks her away, and then with one leg, FLYING SUNSET FLIP! But Chantel sits on the cover, AND WINS!

Winner: Chantel Monroe, by pinfall

The Debutante’s debut is a success! Her game plan of working over Layla’s legs brought her this victory, will this diva soon take over Evolve?


Kali Armstrong interrupts the show!

She takes Robert Stone’s headset to cut right into video packages! She is not waiting around anymore, she wants a fight! And she’ll take whatever match she wants! Why? Because she’s different! Will Kali strong arm her way into being the top woman of Evolve?

Kali Armstrong VS Haze Jameson!

The video package Kali interrupted was for none other than the wild child party girl, who simply wanted to share her inspirations in life and wrestling: Ke$ha and Dennis Rodman! But will Jameson leave Kali in a haze? Or will it be crystal clear that Armstrong will not be denied?

The bell rings and Haze welcomes Kali to the ring. But Kali RAMS Haze into a corner, rains down fists, then argues with the ref. Kali hauls Haze up to whip and scoop, POWERSLAM! The fans are torn but Kali is all fired up. Kali tells Haze this is just business, then she runs to CLOBBER her! The #KaliConnection! Cover, Kali wins!

Winner: Kali Armstrong, by pinfall

The powerhouse brings out that track ‘n’ field speed to run right through her competition! Kali says she stands on everything she says, and she said she is different! Straight like that! Will Kali make her way to the top and get herself some gold?


Pete Rosenberg is on stage.

He welcomes us back to Evolve, and notes that we have all been wondering the past seven days: What was on the note from Wendy Choo? At this point, Pete invites Kylie Rae out on stage. Smiley Kylie is here and the fans cheer! Pete wants to get right to it, and he asks Kylie herself: What’d the note say? Kylie understands everyone’s curiosity, but she wants to preface this with how she doesn’t really know Wendy Choo, and isn’t so sure she wants to now. Respectfully! Cuz she kinda scares Kylie. And honestly, there are a lot of other talented women Kylie wants to focus on, so she doesn’t have time for mind games. Kylie TOSSES the note and the teddy bear it came with!

But now WENDY is on the tron! Is she watching? Where is she watching from? Zara Zakher comes out to check on Kylie, and she spooks Kylie into almost swinging on her! Kylie calms down, apologizes, and they talk about how to handle this. Zara & Kylie get out of here, but there is still a big question on our minds: What does Wendy want with Kylie?


Drako Knox & Tate Wilder VS Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe!

Where Knox is from, the lottery is a way out of the same old cycle. So for Drako, this opportunity in the WWE is his lottery ticket. The difference is, he has a hand in his own destiny. As for the fifth generation rancher, he is no stranger to getting down and dirty. Both men are ready to throw down, can they cowboy up? Or will Ty & Ty leave these country boys lost on the Wes Side?

The teams sort out and Knox starts against Dupont. They tie up, Dupont powers Knox back to a corner, but lets off as the ref counts. The two tie up again, Knox puts Dupont in the corner, and he lets off as the ref counts. Dupont sucker punches him! Dupont headlocks, Knox powers up and out, but Dupont runs him over! Dupont scoops, Knox slips free and fires forearms! Knox headlocks, Dupont powers up and out, but Knox ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans fire up, Knox headlocks Dupont and brings him over. Tag to Wilder, he and Knox double whip, then Knox drops down for Wilder to DROPKICK Dupont!

The fans fire up and Knox high-tens with Wilder. Igwe tags in, runs up on Wilder, but Wilder gets around to waistlock. Igwe throws Wilder off, but Wilder goes for a leg. Igwe CLUBS Wilder, SMASHES him with a knee, then fireman’s carries. Igwe DROPS Wilder, only for Wilder to land on his feet! Wilder shoves Igwe, dodges, and springboards to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Wilder runs up on Igwe but Igwe kicks low! Igwe scoops and aims, LAWN DART off the corner! Tag to Dupont, and Igwe feeds Wilder to an UPPERCUT! Wilder tumbles out, Dupont pursues, and Dupont talks trash. Wilder fires body shots but Dupont ROCKS him!

Dupont puts Wilder in, tags Igwe, and Ty & Ty mug Tate! Tate eggs them on!? Igwe CHOPS and kicks, then Dupont FULL NELSON SLAMS! Igwe covers, TWO! Wait, what’re Swipe Right doing walking out here? And they have Zayda Steel by their side? Zayda sneaks that note Kylie threw away into her pocket, is she interested in what Wendy Choo’s up to? Igwe drops a knee, Wilder goes to a corner, and Robert Stone tries to get any attention from Swipe Right as they and Zayda go to the VIP Section. Igwe whips Wilder corner to corner, runs up and UPPERCUTS! Igwe whips Wilder back the other way for another UPPERCUT!

Igwe swaggers, whips Wilder corner to corner, but Wilder goes up and over with a BIG backflip! Wilder stumbles, Igwe waistlocks, but Wilder switches to go to ropes! O’Conner Roll, TWO! But hot tag to Knox! The fans fire up as Knox dodges Igwe, ROCKS Dupton, then DECKS Igwe! Knox scoops and SLAMS Igwe, then runs to KNEE Dupont at the ropes! Knox runs, Igwe dodges, the knee hits buckles! Igwe calls his shot, and he BOOTS Knox down! Tag to Dupton, and they hit the HEART STOPPER PLEX!! Cover, Ty & Ty win!

Winners: Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe, by pinfall

A big win for the Wes Side, and they dust off their Timbs. Will Ty & Ty use those boots to stomp out everyone and head for titles?

As Wilder & Knox are on their way out, Swipe Right gets at them! There’s arguing and swiping, but the bouncer keeps things from getting out of hand. Oh hey, there’s a bouncer now. But will Smokes & Baylor get their chance to show off in that ring?


Oro Mensah is in the VIP Section.

Swipe Right has left, so The Main Man gets to hang out in celebration of his main event win last week.


Luca Crusifino VS Javier Bernal!

After the first-ever Evolve Faceoff, The Consigliere wants to see Big Body Javi finally grow up and live up to his potential. Javi is ready to prove he is ready, but will he fail to Evolve in this main event?

The bell rings, the two tie up, and Luca hits a headlock takeover. Javi headscissors, Luca kips free, but now Javi headlocks. Javi uses the corner for a tornado takeover! Luca headscissors, Javi kips free, and the two reset. Javi offers a handshake, Luca accepts, and the two go again. They tie up, Luca wrenches and wristlocks, but Javi rolls. Luca wrangles Javi, steps over to LA MAGISTROL, TWO! Javi goes for an arm but Luca wrenches through. Javi whips, Luca reverses, but Javi grabs ropes. Luca runs up, but Javi DUMPS him to the apron! Javi runs up, but Luca slingshots to SHOULDER TACKLE!

The fans cheer Luca while Javi goes to a corner. Luca runs up, LARIATS, and then he whips Javi back into the corner. Javi goes up, FLYING ARM-DRAGS, then gets moving! Javi ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirls to RANA! Luca tumbles out, the fans cheer Javi, and Javi builds speed, to WRECK Luca with a dropkick! Javi drags Luca up, puts him in the ring, but Luca slips right back out to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Javi writhes, Luca CLUBS Javi in the chest, and then Luca RAMS Javi into the apron! The ring count climbs, but Luca refreshes it so he can put Javi back on the apron. GUILLOTINE LEG DROP!

The fans rally while Javi sputters. Luca storms up to STOMP Javi right on the leg! Javi clutches his knee, Luca stomps him more, and the Legal Eagle knows how to pick apart an opponent. Luca whips Javi corner to corner hard, and then whips him back the other way. But Javi dodges to roll Luca! TWO, and Luca DROPKCIKS Javi down! Cover, TWO! Javi shows that toughness, but Luca clamps on with a facelock. The fans rally, Javi fights up, and he BACKDROPS free! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Luca rises, he is after Javi, but Javi fires forearms! Luca fires back, but Javi fires a flurry!

Javi whips, Luca reverses, but Javi CLOBBERS Luca! And CLOBBERS him again! And BOOTS, to a SNAP GERMAN! Luca flounders around, Javi goes up, up, and FLYING DDT! Cover, TWO! Luca shows his own toughness and Javi is beside himself! Javi rises, runs and goes up, up, and- CODE BREAKER COUNTER! Javi staggers, Luca roars, and then Luca scoops! CASE CLOSED!! Cover, Luca wins!

Winner: Luca Crusifino, by pinfall

Big Body Javi put up a fight, but Luca’s fisherman brainbuster gets the job done. Will the D’Angelo Family soon be running Evolve on top of NXT? What will it take for Javi to finally break through to that next level? Luca says that anyone who thinks they can handle The Consigliere should come out here and say something. So KEANU CARVER walks out here! But then, so does Harlem Lewis! The big titans argued with each other last week, Luca welcomes them both, but Evolve has to wrap for the week. Who will really be the alpha male of the purple ‘n’ black?

My Thoughts:

Another really good episode for Evolve, and I appreciate they’re getting some strong stories going already. This thing with Wendy Choo and Kylie Rae is fun, and if Zara is helping watch Kylie’s back, I wonder if someone joins Wendy’s side. As Brin teased last week, she’s trying out this new side to her personality where she has attitude and even some selfishness, it’ll be interesting to see where that goes. Good character work already from quite a few of the new people, such as Sam Holloway and Jordan Oasis having that dysfunction. That helped give Gallus a win that was a bit better than just a squash, and I think Cartwheel & Cappuccino are next.

Good debut for both Chantel and Layla, and I like that even as early as episode three, someone is interrupting how the show is supposed to go. Kali getting that win off Haze was good stuff. Good promo from Ty & Ty before a good win over Knox & Wilder. And very good main event from Luca and Javi, though rather short in some respects. Luca being confronted by Keanu and Harlem is some good stuff. Feels like Luca is making a case (no pun intended) for himself being in the eventual WWE Evolve Championship scene.

My Score: 8.7/10

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