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Andrew’s TNA Sacrifice Results & Match Ratings: 3.14.2025

Do the Elegance Clique finally win the damn Knockouts Tags?!



Well even though the build has been…I’ll be nice and say mixed. We should get a few decent matches and hopefully some stuff to build off of moving forward toward WrestleMania Weekend. Love her or hate her, Tessa versus Lei should be a great match. I think we all expect Santana vs Ali to be the best match, but Tessa and Lei could put on one hell of a banger too.

Honestly the only real thing I hope happens is the Spitfire loses the damn titles. They’re boring, and I love Dani Luna, but Jody is worthless and in a tag division with only 2 teams, you can’t have the second team lose all the time. Plus Iceman has been the best thing keeping this marginally entertaining. So let’s get one title change at least.

With KC Navarro getting the pinfall win on the Countdown it’s already starting off well for my liking. Let’s see if it keeps going.


  • Street Fight: Sami Callihan vs Mance Warner w/SDL: Mance wins via Knee Strike – **
  • Tessa Blanchard vs Lei Ying Lee: Tessa wins via Magnum – *** 3/4
  • Lucha Rules Trios: Rascalz & Ace Austin vs Wes Lee, Tyriek & Tyson: Wentz wins via Spiral Tap – *** 1/4
  • Steve Maclin vs Frankie Kazarian: Maclin wins via K.I.A. – ** 3/4
  • 3 on 2 Handicap Match: TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Spitfire (c) vs Elegance Clique & Personal Concierge: Ash wins via Avalanche Curb Stomp by Elegance – ** 1/4 – TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Mike Santana vs Mustafa Ali w/Cabinet: Ali wins via Dirty Victory Roll – **** 1/4
  • TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Cora Jade: Masha retains via Requiem – ***
  • X Division Championship Ladder Match: Jeff Hardy vs Moose (c): Moose retains via Lights Out through Table – *** 1/2
  • Steel Cage Match 5v5: Matt Hardy, Joe Hendry, Elijah, Nic Nemeth & Leon Slater vs The System: Matt Hardy wins via Twist of Fate – ***



Street Fight: Sami Callihan vs Mance Warner w/SDL

So this was a clever bleed. Callihan and Mance started to brawl during the YouTube Countdown and started their match out of impromptu, “well they’re here” logic. We only got a few minutes of trash can and chair spots on the outside before it walked over to the main show where the brutality picked up. Sami drives Mance’s head into the corner stuck trash can, cookie sheets get traded from both guys, they fight over the staple gun spot and Sami takes one in the face with a smile but grabs the staple gun himself and staples Mance in the balls, then staples his tongue to the top buckle. Mance manages to turn things around, SDL hands Mance a screwdriver, but Sami blocks the Screwdriver spot with a Stunner for a near fall. As they move to the ropes, SDL does her best Mr. Fuji impression and hits Sami in the eyes with the powder! Mance hits a running knee strike and finishes the match.

My feed had a small heart attack so the abbreviated recap is because technology is just not being friendly today.

Tessa Blanchard vs Lei Ying Lee

Tessa starts off with aggression driving Lei into the corner, stomping her and Whipping her to the other corner. Calls back to the hesitation Slap from last night but this time Lei just gets pissed off. She hits successive slaps herself, drives Tessa into the far corner, Running High Knee into the 10 Count Down Strike and Northern Lights Suplex. Lei looks to continue, Tessa begs off to stall Lei and she throws Lei out of the ring. Tessa happy with her work doesn’t move so Lei pops up and drags Tessa out. The run around starts, Lei is chasing and gets caught, Tessa throats her on the middle rope and then bounces her face off the post before soaking in the hatred.

A few near falls keep Tessa very much in control, a big right hand knocks Lei on her ass again. Tessa starts kicking her mockingly and then drags Lei’s face across the top rope before eventually tossing her to the outside. Tessa goes to the corner to flip off the crowd and agitate all of El Paso so Lei starts to recover and Tessa goes after her to bring her back in for more punishment. Lei grabs the rope to block Tessa, Tessa right hand, Whip, Lei with the Sunset attempt but a version of Garvin Stomps into a Low Dropkick gives another near fall to Tessa. Lei is getting worked over hard as Tessa holds her down with the Headlock. The crowd starts chant “Let’s Go Lee”, so that’s nice to hear them react well and try to rally Lei instead of just hate Tessa.

Jumping Knee from Lei, a flurry of Thrust Kicks and Round Kicks, Lei hits a Fisherman’s Suplex, Tessa leans against the ropes so Lei hits a dropkick. Lei puts Tessa in the Torture Rack, TKO! But it’s only for two! Lei wants to pull a Shinsuke Nakamura and hit the Vertical Suplex inside out, but Tessa blocks, drops Lei and Slingshot Tornillo into the near fall. Tessa gets frustrated and gets a little careless so Lei hooks the leg for a Calf Killer variation, but Tessa gets to the ropes. A little jockeying for position in the corner, AVALANCHE CORKSCREW BRAINBUSTER from Lei Ying Lee! 1-2….2.9. Tessa slips the Death Valley Driver position with the rake to the face, hits a Cutter and Tessa looks for Magnum, Lei eats it and Tessa wins!

Lucha Rules Trios: Rascalz & Ace Austin vs Wes Lee, Tyriek & Tyson

Heel just rotate tagging out instead of locking up just to stall and be dicks, even though it’s Lucha rules. Eventually Ace and Wes lock up and go outside so Tyson and Trey jump in, so they do remember it’s Lucha Rules. Tyson and Trey spill out, Tyriek and Wentz go back and forth with Wentz hitting a Corkscrew Crossbody. All three of the NXT Heels are on the outside, so TNA team Dives. Rascalz get caught by Tyriek and Tyson and slammed into the apron. Wes gets hit by Ace, and Ace tries to fight off the two bigger men but the numbers catch up and Wes sneak attacks and drives his face into the steps. Little bit of tandem offense from the NXT crew, isolating Ace and not really giving him a chance to beath. Wes hits a quick strike combo, Dropkick to the seated Ace, looks for the running Shooting Star, but misses.

Ace powders to try and get the Rascalz to jump in but Wes Superkicks both of them and tells Wes to get the hell back in. That’s a clever way to show getting around the Lucha Rules. Tyriek and Tyson start to smother Ace, they seat him on the ropes but a timely Double Dropkick gives him space, Wes tries to hold him back, but Ace tags out and both Rascalz come in, ABC combination, Mayu Iwatani Assisted Missile, FEED EM TO THE LIONS! But Wes actually kicks out! Rascalz look for Hot Fire Flame but Wentz gets pull out of the ring so Trey moonsaults onto his face.

Heels hit an Execution Double Stomp, Double Chokeslam, and…Trey actually kicks out! Trey manages a Meteora on Tyriek, but Tyson hits the Pop Up Powerslam, Wentz with the Back Handspring Knee, Wes hits the Running Meteora, Ace and Wes fight to the outside. Ace dodges, Wes joins Ace on the acrobatics, Trey slides from the ring to the outside for the Tornado DDT to the floor after Wes and Ace kick the taste out of Tyson and Tyriek’s mouths.

They surround Wes in the ring, Wes mouths off, Lightning Spiral + Fold combination, Trey and Ace take out Tyson and Tyriek, SPIRAL TAP from Wentz! Rascalz & Ace win!

Steve Maclin vs Frankie Kazarian

EY comes out to commentary so that’s a wrinkle for this overall story.

Collar and Elbow tie up into Back Elbow from Maclin and Kaz powders. Maclin gives Kaz space, Kaz takes a shortcut to come back in, strings a few moves together into a Guillotine Leg Drop. Kaz looks to continue but Maclin shrugs him off, clocks Kaz, Olympic Slam into Tree of Woe and Caught in the Crosshairs for only two! Kaz powders to dodge the K.I.A. and when Maclin looks to follow, Stun Gun from Kaz into a Slingshot DDT for a near fall. Kaz looks for a Chicken Wing, Maclin blocks, looks for a K.I.A. again, but Kaz counters by wrestling Maclin down, Kaz locks in a Double Wrist Grapevine Submission but Maclin manages to get a foot free and kick Kaz in the face to break the submission. Kaz powders and eats a SCUD. Maclin heads to the top, Kaz cuts him off, looks for Fade to Black, but Maclin slips it. Busaiku Knee attempt misses, Kaz wants another Chicken Wing but Maclin spins out and lands a short range Busaiku for the near fall.

Positioning in the corner, Kaz counters the Back Body Drop, Kaz tries the Chicken Wing again but Maclin uses the corner to flip himself back over to turn it into a pinfall to counter. More positioning and Kaz locks in the Chicken Wing. Maclin crawls to the ropes, Kaz still doesn’t break, so Maclin and Kaz spill out, Kaz doesn’t let go, the refs break it up. Referees are paying attention to Maclin, so Kaz goes to the commentary table to slip on Brass Knuckles, but EY sees him stops him from using them, and because Maclin and the ref are distracted EY hits Kaz with the knuckles and rolls him in. Maclin hits the K.I.A for the win!

3 on 2 Handicap Match: TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Spitfire (c) vs Elegance Clique & Personal Concierge

Ash and Heather come out in Mariachi outfits, the Concierge is in short trunks and a bow tie. It’s so dumb it makes these awful belts tolerable. It’s like Dragon Gate’s Owari Gate belt. Just a joke and should be treats as such.

Ash and Dani start, and we get comedy early since Ash takes a small advantage, all three get in some quick tags and offense, Concierge hits the Axe Handle from…the Bottom Rope. He then goes for a Wristlock, Dani just glares at him and Concierge gets scared and tags in Heather. Heather than proceeds to take all of the bumps. She gets Suplexed, double teamed twice and is the bump girl which is perfect for Ash’s persona. They distract Dani when she perches so Heather kicks her off the buckles, Ash laughs, Concierge starts doing a little Disco Inferno/Dancing Baby dance, and the crowd hates it. More quick tags, Concierge goes in now, gets a few shots in and more dances, Dani powers out of the corner and the Elegance girls distract the ref so Concierge can tag out.

Lots of goofy quick tags, but Heather and Ash hit a Rocket Launcher/Lung Blower tandem move for two. So there’s a few decent moves and moments sprinkled within the cringe. Dani finally Suplexes Heather into tomorrow, simultaneous tags and Jody starts taking out both Elegance women. Concierge jumps on Jody’s back to stop the onslaught but he gets shrugged off. Jody throws both women out of the ring, hits a Dive, and looks tot ry and finish the match with Ash. Airplane Spin Blue Thunder Bomb but Concierge breaks it up, starts dancing again and Jody looms over him. Spitfire hits the Pressure Drop on Concierge, Heather drags out Dani, Ash Chop Block on Jody, Avalanche Curb Stomp by Elegance! THEY WIN! THEY DID IT!

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson’s music hits and we finally have a new team to challenge for the belts. But the match was funny, and this was also necessary where there’s only been two Knockouts Tag Teams in the company for the last 4 or 5 months. 

Mike Santana vs Mustafa Ali w/Cabinet

Santana comes out in the full Eddie Guerrero swag. Lowrider, I’m Your Papi t-shirt, huge pop in El Paso. 

Ali avoids the lock up for the first few minutes but Santana catches him by the hair, tries to throw him in the corner, but Ali continues to be slippery. Chain wrestling start that finally stops when Ali tries the Leap Frog, but Santana catches him with the Death Valley Driver. Three Amigos next, but after two Ali goes for a Small Package counter to stop the Amigos. Ali wants the Satellite DDT next, but Santana holds on, and executes the Three Amigos this time. Tope con Hilo into the Guerrero kneeling pose. Santana throws Ali through the corner post area, Ali tries to slow things down but eats a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Santana then gets bounced off the apron and Ali hits a 450 Polish Hammer on Santana’s arm when he’s bracing himself on the apron to get up.

Great Hands throw Santana back into the ring, Ali gets the near fall. Ali throws Santana into the corner, Santana tries to counter but Ali slips through the ropes, Gamengiri into the Outside In Rolling Neckbreaker for another near fall. Santana tries to fight back up, Ali bounces off the ropes and Satellite Takedown into a Crossface! Santana barely gets to the ropes, but it’s not over yet. Santana looks for a second to catch his breath on the apron but Ali hits a Sliding Dropkick to send Santana flying. Ali then goes for another Suicida, but Santana catches him with a Cutter on the floor!

10 Count begins, both get up and slide in at 9.5. Fighting Spirit spot of trading strikes on the way back up to their feet. Santana gets the advantage, throws Ali into the corners, a few Hip Attacks, Ali looks for a few counters but counters everywhere. Spin the Block is blocked, Santana hits the Gamengiri, Rolling Buck Fifty is countered with a German Suplex but Santana no sells, and eats another High Angle German. Ali wants the 450, but misses and runs through, Satellite DDT for only two! Ali scolds the crowd and looks for the 450 again and hits nothing but mat. Santana tries to charge, eats a Superkick, another charge Gamengiri. Ali looks for the Rolling Neckbreaker as Santana thinks Rolling Buck Fifty to catch him and counter! Santana hits the Frog Splash, 1-2-KICK!

Great Hands actually get involved but Santana takes them out, Ali tries to take advantage but he catches Ali into a Powerbomb. Tasha mouths off, Great Hands distract the ref, Slap from Tasha and Victory Roll with the ropes from Ali, referee doesn’t see the rope hold, so Ali wins!

TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Cora Jade

Cora kicks Masha in the back during the introductions but Masha just gets pissed off, Lariats Cora a few times, Hair Snapmares into the PK between the Shoulder Blades, and Cora is getting rocked. Cora powders, Masha looks for a dive, but Cora just walks away to dodge and Masha puts the brakes on. Cora runs away, slides back in, does the old “grab the ring drapes to distract the ref” so she can poke the eyes of Masha and take a few short strikes and short cuts into a Springboard Stomp for a near fall.

A few more stomps and a Crossbody against the ropes keeps everything going well for Cora Jade. Cora with a Snap Suplex, a few more strikes as Masha tries to fight back up to her feet, but Cora is keeping pretty good control until things go bad for Cora in the corner. Sunset from Masha, into the pull into Snake Eyes, and then a Slam from Masha. Masha goes for a Short Rolling Suplex back into the corner, a few more head kicks and then a Capo Kick for…only two. A little silly to have so many strikes go at her head when she’s coming of a concussion…but she seems alright so far. Cora snaps off a Destroyer on the apron and Masha doesn’t look like she’ll beat the 10 count so Cora is forced to go collect her. Jaded gets hit! Too close to the ropes though and Masha gets her foot on the ropes.

Cora grabs her, but Masha Jacknife cover for two. Cora keeps mouthing off, so we get the strike spot cause of course we do. Cora hits the ropes for a big strike but eats a Sambo Kick into Requiem and it’s over.

X Division Championship Ladder Match: Jeff Hardy vs Moose (c)

Bell rings, both men jaw in the middle and then scramble to opposite sides for a ladder, Moose has issues getting the ladder in but Jeff doesn’t. So that’s a good story immediately since Jeff is well known for ladder matches. Moose being a little out of his depth early is a good way to frame the early going. Jeff hits a few quick kicks and shots, Moose wants to use his power but Jeff says no, and snaps off a Suplex of his own. Jeff wants a Twist of Hate, but Moose shoves him into the steps to save himself from eating more offense. Moose finds a chair, sets it up an Body Drop on the Apron first, then Moose leans a Ladder against the apron, uses the chair as a brace and looks for a Jacknife Powerbomb, but Jeff shoots the double, Low Dropkick to the abdomen, and Jeff looks for…a specially painted Hardy ladder!

Jeff hits Moose a few times with the painted ladder, then sets it up, climbs and Moose grabs a chair to stop Hardy. Moose is very determined to find his own ladder and set up some Erector Set shenanigans. I had a Steel Tec as a kid, and I guess Moose did too. One more chairshot for good measure, and the Jacknife through the creation finally happens! Instead of breaking the ladder, the rung of the painted ladder it was positioned on is what breaks!

Moose babyfaces himself to the crowd and grabs a table. The crowd starts chanting for Moose because everyone loves tables apparently. Propped up in the corner, Nero gonna die, or no! He counters the Jacknife with the Back Body Drop and throws himself at Moose on the outside to stop the weapon art. Jeff crawls back in, crawls up the side that Moose braced with the other ladder, Moose follows and a Cutter off the ladder because Moose looked like he knew it wasn’t stable enough for the entire planned spot. A slow stumble to the ropes for Jeff to set something up, but Moose crotches him and chucks a Ladder out and it hits the cameraman! Moose throws the other ladder and it nearly hits Alisha! Superplex from the top for Moose, Twist of Fate from Hardy and Moose No Sells to hits Lights Out! Everybody Down like it’s Smackdown vs Raw.

Back and forth in the ring, Jeff is laying against the ropes, Moose charges and Jeff deposits Moose over the top onto the first ladder creation spot! Jeff now finds a table as the peasants rejoice! Hardy does the Forearm shots and Sabu’s a chair at Moose while putting him on the table. Jeff tries to rip off his shirt but it’s made of the same stuff that Lex Luger shirt was made of, so he just Swantons and connects! Jeff Sabu’s another chair, finds a new ladder and looks to set things up. The ladder is up, Jeff is climbing but Lish comes into the ring with Kendra! She starts lighting up Jeff, but Jeff hits a Twist of Hate on Lish! Moose makes it back in and Spears Jeff through Chekov’s table!

Ladder is set up in the middle, Moose climbs and…MOOSE WINS!

KC and AJ comes out for a new segment and it’s a little reminiscent of Virgil and Ted DiBiase doing the 100 dollar challenge. They’re killing time for the setting up of the ring, and running down children in the crowd and what not. Octagon and Laredo try to come out for a babyface Spanish flop but that flops slightly. When Octagon and Laredo aren’t over in El Paso, there’s a problem. 

Steel Cage Match 5v5: Matt Hardy, Joe Hendry, Elijah, Nic Nemeth & Leon Slater vs The System

So it’s WarGames style rules of the match not starting until everyone is in, and Elijah comes in on a horse and sings a song for about 8 minutes before starting with Eddie. If it weren’t for the bad microphone, it was pretty good. Elias gets most of his stuff in on Eddie, Rope Walk, a few clubbing blows, and Eddie starts turning it around with Chops and Eye Pokes. Elijah levels Eddie until Myers comes in second. Typical numbers advantage stuff, System Overload gets hit right as the Countdown is happening and Nic Nemeth hits the cage in a 2 on 1 situation since Elijah ate a System Overload. Nic takes it to them both, hits a Rude Awakening/DDT combination move. Elijah recovers enough to start helping out and then Orlando Colon is next in! Orlando hits the ring and immediately starts Suplexing Nic, and then Backstabber off the Back Body Drop slip, so The System is well in control right now.

Leon Slater hits the cage next and there’s some moves on the top rope with Eddie and a Frakensteiner gets a decent pop out of the crowd. Eddie Colon is next, and he cuts off Leon immediately by Sweeping the Leg, tosses Leon into the Cage, then moves on to Elijah and lights him up with a Missile Dropkick. Matt Hardy is next to last, because of course you save Hendry for the final pop. Matt connects with a Side Effect once he slides in and the face squad all hit Delete Face Smashes into the four corners. Leon and Matt pull of a Plot Twist on Orlando Colon and Dango is the last System member and he brings a chair. Dango with the Jacknife Powerbomb into the cage on Leon. Myers starts laying people out with the chair and then we believe in Joe Hendry!

Myers blocks the door from Hendry while perches on the ropes, so Hendry pops him back and then a few heavy Lariats take control, Sack of Shit for Eddie Colon, Dango Crossbody is caught, Sack of Shit for him, Hendry perches Eddie, and Avalanche Sack of Shit with Kip Up on Eddie. Hendry hits the turn, and Myers Low Blows him as The System swarm like Hyenas. Superkick Party and Shatter Machine from The System for a near fall on Hendry. Nic breaks it up, but gets bounced off the cage and eats a Blue Thunder Bomb for his effort. MOKUBA RUNS OUT to support! Leon tries to fight back but gets crotched on the top rope, Tower of Doom spot looming? Oh they’re putting him on the top of the cage. Super Doom? Leon fights it off, Dango and Eddie crotch themselves while falling, Leon hits the Swanton 450 off the top of the cage into a mass of humanity.

Signature and Finisher spams, Danger Zone, Standing Ovation, Hendry sets up a chair for Elijah to hit a Flying Knee, crotches Dango on the back of the chair, Twist of Fate, Chair Necklace Twist of Fate! Babyfaces win…fairly clean and anti-climactically.

As they’re celebrating, everyone leaves the cage except Nic and Matt Hardy. Ryan gets in the cage, locks the door and Nic hits Danger Zone on Matt! The Kaiba Boys are on the same page!

Overall Score: 6.75/10

So let’s lead with the good stuff. Elegance Consortium winning the titles is perfect, the Knockouts Tags are a joke, so giving it to a group that is at least entertaining makes it less painful. Ali and Santana was a great match, that will hopefully just build and get better since it ended with cheating. Tessa and Lei were great, as many times as I’ve questioned Lei’s moveset with most of the Knockouts, her and Tessa have a great chemistry. I want to see more of it. They both looked great and Tessa winning is the logical move given everything that comes with her, but I don’t want to see Lei slip down the rankings too much. She is money. Get the belt off of Charisma Vacuum Masha and get some women who can wrestle a stiffer style. The main event, while the match itself was flat as a pancake on the highway, the finish at least paid off the Mokuba gimmick. I’ve said it a few times, Nic was either gonna kick Ryan’s head off or turn heel with him, and we got the heel portion, which is kinda nice since we don’t have many well positioned heels in TNA. Too damn many babyfaces with no credible long term threats.

As for the bad, nothing was really bad. If my stream didn’t have a heart attack the Callihan match could’ve been better than I rated it, but I just have generally been down on Sami’s work since he’s come back. He feels directionless and whatever Mance is currently doing is not as entertaining as his MLW or GCW persona. So hopefully something gets moving with those two, because they’re both too good to be hamstrung by doofus angle direction.

Now let’s get Dani in the singles division, let’s see Nemeths vs Hardys after the Hardys take the NXT Tag titles off of Fraxiom. I think that could be fun if Hardy become Double Champs for a day or two but drop the TNA to the Nemeths because they just don’t have the tanks for two high caliber tag teams or something. Also it should be interesting where the Maclin and EY stuff actually pays off.

Oh and I totally forgot KC’s Blessing in Disguise was a Destino. Let him win more often. That’s a great move, he does it well and that kid is smooth as butter. Push KC Navarro and not Leon Slater because he has no charisma or aura. Too damn many people in TNA have zero aura. Why do you think Hendry is over as hell? Some people think he’s corny or don’t think he’s a good wrestler, but bro can talk his ass off. People want to be entertained more than they want to see a Corkscrew 960 through a glass table, off the backboard, nothing but net.

Decent show, just a little lacking. But the Ali vs Santana & Lei vs Tessa matches are worth a watch.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (3/14/25)

SmackDown en Espana!



It’s an international edition of SmackDown, and MizTV!

With WWE starting a European tour, SmackDown lands in Barcelona, Spain, and the Hollywood A-Lister invites the American Nightmare onto the Most Must-See Talk Show in WWE, MizTV! What will the Undisputed WWE Champion have to say about his next challenge, John Cena?


  • Six Man Tag: Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga VS LA Knight, Jimmy Uso & Braun Strowman; Knight, Jimmy & Braun win.
  • Charlotte Flair VS B-Fab; Charlotte wins.
  • Damian Priest VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Priest wins, by disqualification.
  • Randy Orton VS Carmelo Hayes; Orton wins.
  • GUNTHER VS Axiom; Gunther wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championships: #DIY VS The Street Profits; The Profits win and become the new WWE Tag Team Champions.


LA Knight is here!

Barcelona is all fired up for the NEW WWE United States Champion, “YEAH!” The Mega Star takes a moment to hear all the cheers, then goes right to the ring to stand on the corner. The fans only get louder for “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” Knight gets the mic, the fans cheer, and they even sing for “L A~, L A, L A, L A~!” Knight finally says, “YEAH!” The fans echo “YEAH!” so Knight says “YEAH!” “YEAH!” “LEMME TALK TO YA! Right now, you, me, everybody… Los todos… Right now, we’re making history.” “YEAH!” “You talking about the first SmackDown right here in Barcelona.” The fans cheer that!

The fans sing again, “L A~, L A, L A, L A~!” And think about that: the first SmackDown in Spain, and bah gawd, Knight is the US Champion, but BAH GAWD, he’s also worldwide! The fans cheer that, “You Deserve It!” Knight says while he appreciates that, he wants to get right down to business. It was way too long that he stood here without this championship. But finally, bah gawd, it’s back in the hands it should be, with everybody saying, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” But then Jimmy Uso makes his way out here?! #BigJim has a mic of his own as he goes right to the ring, the fans cheer him on.

Jimmy says, “Once again, the US Championship is back with the Mega Star. I’m not out here to congratulate you, Uce, I’m out here to tell you… I’m desperate. Desperate. You see, my Road to WrestleMania is running short, Uce. Getting tired of these speedbumps. Tired of the detours popping up. And I figured it out: The only way to start my Road to WrestleMania is to challenge you, right here in Barcelona, for the US title!” The fans like the sound of that! But wait! SOLO SIKOA makes his way out here! And not only does he have Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga behind him, he has a mic in hand!

The fans boo but Solo says if there’s anybody that deserves a US title shot… That man should definitely be… Jacob Fatu! The fans cheer that! A couple weeks ago, Knight stole the pin, that’s why the title did not come home to the family. And oh, “Big brother Jimmy,” how you doing? Good to see you. Why don’t you step aside, since you’re the failure of the family. Jimmy says, “Failure? Uce, the biggest failure I’ve ever done was trust you as my little brother. Hey, not only that, bigger than that is you losing the ula fala to the OTC, Roman Reigns!” The fans cheer that, and they chant for the OTC.

Solo & Jacob step to the apron, but Jimmy & Knight storm up so they fall back. Tama jumps in from behind, VENOM DDT! Then they mug Knight 3v1! The fans boo but HERE COMES BRAUN! The Monster of All Monsters runs down the ramp, CLOBBERS Tama, then he gets in the ring to UPPERCUT Jacob! And he DECKS Solo! Braun stomps away on Solo, the fans fire up, and then Knight CLOBBERS Tama! Jimmy SUPERKICKS Solo! Knight ROCKS Jacob, Jimmy SUPERKICKS Jacob, and then Braun LARIATS Jacob up and out! The fans fire up as Knight, Jimmy & Braun stand together, but here comes Nick Aldis!

Aldis says he likes where this is going. He likes that everyone is looking for a fight, and likes that it is three and three. So Barcelona, what do you say to a Six Man Tag? And that starts right now! The fans are thunderous already, but will Solo’s Bloodline survive the Mega Star, #BigJim AND #OneBigSOB?

Six Man Tag: Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga VS LA Knight, Jimmy Uso & Braun Strowman!

SmackDown returns and Knight ROCKS Tama! Tama backs off, Solo tags in, so Knight tags in #BigJim. The fans fire up but Solo kicks Jimmy low. Solo bumps Jimmy off buckles, fires hands, then sits Jimmy down. The fans boo Solo but Solo tells them to shut up. Solo whips, Jimmy goes up and over to UPPERCUT! And CHOP! And CHOP! CHOP! Then Jimmy climbs to rain down fists! The fans count all the way to OCHO before Tama runs up! Jimmy CLOBBERS Tama, BLASTS Jacob for good measure, then UPPERCUTS Solo! Solo catches Jimmy to an URENAGE! The fans boo but Solo roars. Solo then stalks Jimmy to ropes.

Solo CHOKES Jimmy on the ropes, the ref counts, and Solo backs off. Tama sucker punches Jimmy! The fans boo but then Solo tags in Jimmy. The fans do cheer Jacob as he SENTONS onto Jimmy! Jacob is geeked up already, and he drags Jimmy over. Tag to Tama and Tama slingshot SENTONS! Fans join in on “YEHYEHYEHYEH!” and then Tama tags Solo back in. The fans boo as Tama and Solo mug Jimmy. Solo looms over Jimmy, taunts his brother and watches him go to a corner. The fans rally, Solo runs corner to corner, and HIP ATTACKS! Jimmy sputters, Solo fires up, but the fans boo again. Solo looms over Jimmy and talks trash.

Solo CLUBS Jimmy down, tags Jacob in, and Jacob clamps onto Jimmy. The fans rally for Jimmy as he endures the claws in his shoulders. Jimmy fights up, JAWBREAKERS free, and Jacob wobbles. Jacob blocks a kick, but not the DRAGON WHIP! Jimmy crawls while the fans rally up. Jacob gets in Jimmy’s way, but Jimmy leaps past to hot tag Knight! Knight LARIATS Jacob and fires off haymakers, “YEAH!” Jacob whips Knight to a corner, then runs up, but Knight dodges! JUMPING NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Knight scoops, but Jacob slips free! Jacob shoves, scoops, but Knight slips free! Kick and DDT! Cover, ONE!?!

Jacob SUPERKICKS Knight, then runs up to LARIAT! Knight falls and goes to a corner. Jacob talks trash, the fans are torn, but Jacob HEADBUTTS Knight! Jacob runs corner to corner but Knight dodges! Jacob hits buckles and falls back! Knight goes up, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” BOX JUMP ELBOW DROP! The fans fire up and Knight waits on Jacob, but Solo distracts him and the ref! The ref says to stand down, but Tama gets a cheap shot in! Jacob BODY CHECKS Knight! Braun protests but Knight is down, and SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Jacob snarls, then he tags in Tama. They mug Knight, Tama SPLASHES, then Tama rains down fists! Tama looms over Knight, drags him up and bumps him off buckles before firing fast hands! Tama slithers and goes corner to corner, to STINGER SPLASH! Knight falls and Tama stomps him! Tag to Solo and Solo swaggers over. Solo stomps Knight’s hand, mocks Knight spelling it out, but Knight fires haymakers! Knight backs Solo up, whips, but Solo reverses! Knight crashes hard into buckles and Solo is all geeked up now! Solo goes to Knight, talks trash on him, then brings him up to whip him and ELBOW him! Cover, TWO!

Knight stays in this but Solo stays on him. Solo drags Knight up to wrench and tag Tama. They mug Knight, Tama fires body shots and has Knight against the ropes. Tama snapmares Knight, runs, and SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Knight crawls but Tama drags him back. Tag to Jacob and Jacob FALLING HEADBUTTS! And FALLING HEADBUTTS! And FALLING HEADBUTTS again! Jacob stays between Knight and his corner as he drops another FALLING HEADBUTT! Jacob then puts Knight in a corner, runs corner to corner, and HIP ATTACKS! Jacob is all geeked out again, and he tags Solo in.

Solo rains down fists in the corner as SmackDown returns to single picture. The fans rally for Knight but Solo soaks up the heat. Solo runs in, but Knight dodges the hip attack! Solo hobbles from hitting buckles, and he hurries to drag Knight up. Back suplex, but Knight lands out, and he hits as BIG back suplex! Both men are down and Barcelona fires up! Solo and Knight crawl, hot tag to Tama! Tama drags Knight back, Knight BOOTS him away! Hot tag to Braun! Braun rallies on Tama, on Jacob, and then TOSSES Solo out! Braun BOOTS Tama out of the ring, and the fans are thunderous! Braun gets the Strowman Express on track!

Braun CLOBBERS Solo, CLOBBERS Jacob, and CLOBBERS Tama! The fans are thunderous as Knight then WRECKS Solo with a dropkick! And Jimmy DIVES onto Jacob! Jacob is sent over the desk! Braun puts Tama in the ring, runs and SPLASHES in a corner! Then a scoop and MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, Braun’s team wins!

Winner: LA Knight, Jimmy Uso & Braun Strowman, by pinfall

But then Solo SAMOAN SPIKES Braun! But Knight SMACKS Solo off steel steps! And he LARIATS Solo over barriers! Knight is after Solo in the crowd, but Jacob sees Braun and Jimmy are prime for the picking! SUPERKICK on Jimmy! Then a BODY CHECK on Braun! The Samoan Werewolf HEADBUTTS Braun again and again! Then he goes to the corner, BEST MOONSAULT EVER! But Jacob isn’t done, he goes up again for another BEST MOONSAULT EVER! #AllGasNoBrakes, and the fans are fired up for Jacob as he goes back up! A third BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Jacob & Tama regroup, but what about Solo?

Wait, Jacob sees Braun get out of the ring! Jacob runs back down and CLOBBERS Braun through barriers!! The fans lose their minds as the Samoan Werewolf may have just demolished the Monster of All Monsters! Will Jacob be the one to take that United States Championship for his own, just as Solo said?


Exclusive sit-down interview with Jade Cargill.

Cathy Kelley met with The Storm before the show began, and Cathy thanks her for taking this interview, her first since the nearly career ending attack at the hands of a former friend in Naomi. How have these last few months been for her? And where is she physically and emotionally? Physically, she’s okay, she’s ready to go. After Elimination Chamber and SmackDown, seeing Naomi cry about all of her struggles as if she is the victim… “How pathetic, thinking that I needed to use anyone to get to where I’m going. As if I needed a handout. Naomi thought she could dictate what I deserve. How is that working out for her right now?”

Cathy says there is clearly a lot of emotions going on right now. Not to harp on Naomi, but everyone wants to know, how did Jade know it was Naomi? And why didn’t Jade alert anyone to that fact sooner? Jade takes a breath, and then says all she can recall from that night is being hit from the back and being thrown onto a car. Then as everything grew dark, seeing Naomi running away… That was her big sis, her best friend. They were The Big 3. Naomi didn’t just attack Jade physically. She attacked Jade’s integrity, her loyalty, her heart. How can you trust anyone after that? And then to see Bianca tag with Naomi as if nothing ever happened…

Jade knew then she’d have to take things into her own hands. But she will admit, Naomi get one thing right: She should’ve pushed Jade harder. Wait, Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez are interrupting as they pass by. Cathy asks them to please be considerate but Liv says she doesn’t care. Jade tells them this is not the time. Liv says remember this the next time something happens, because she and Raquel got blamed for it all! Jade says Liv better be thankful she’s holding those titles, because Jade is back, and she promises Liv & Raquel will lose them and never get them back! Oh, is that what Jade thinks? Hilarious.

Well, since Jade is a joke to Liv, Jade doesn’t need a title to take down that ass! See you next week! Liv says fine. Just don’t get thrown onto a car between now and then. Judgment Day laughs their way out, Jade storms off, will Liv & Raquel quickly regret stirring up the Storm?


B-Fab walks ‘n’ talks.

“Barcelona~! <I love the vibe, I love the ambiance, and I love all the love for the WWE.> And for Charlotte, for your sake, I hope you haven’t slept on me. Because I know you’ve accomplished a lot here in the WWE. But like I said, I’m here to build my own legacy. And if my legacy has to start with you, that’s perfect for me. And you know why? Because that’s just how it B. No se nos pronto, adios.” B-Fab is fabulous in any language, but will she pull off an upset that’s universal?

Charlotte Flair VS B-Fab!

SmackDown returns and The Queen of Flair makes her entrance. The bell rings and the fans rally as the two stare down. Charlotte stretches with the ropes, then circles with B-Fab. Charlotte smiles as she and B-Fab tie up, and they go around. Charlotte puts B-Fab in the corner, lets off with a pat on the shoulder, and the fans sing for Charlotte. Charlotte and B-Fab reset, tie up again, and they’re in a deadlock. But then Charlotte powers B-Fab back to then arm-drag her away! B-Fab gets up but Charlotte runs her over! Charlotte flexes, the fans are torn, but Charlotte brings B-Fab up. Charlotte CHOPS, the fans “WOO~,” and Charlotte CHOPS again!

Charlotte CHOPS B-Fab to ropes, then brings her around to the ropes. B-Fab dodges the chop to wrench and HOOK KICK! Charlotte staggers away, B-Fab runs up and LARIATS! B-Fab hurries to hook Charlotte up, BOOKEND! Cover, ONE!! Charlotte is tougher than that, and she bails out, but B-Fab eggs her on while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Charlotte drags B-Fab up to snapmare and headscissor! Charlotte hits the HEADSCISSOR DRILLER! She sticks out her tongue to taunt everyone, then she THROWS B-Fab around with the headscissors again and again! Then Charlotte kips up and stands tall. The fans are torn, but Charlotte drags B-Fab to a drop zone. Fans taunt Charlotte with “TIFFY TIME!” and then B-Fab BOOTS her into the buckles! Charlotte is a little dazed, but she storms back up on B-Fab. Charlotte pie faces B-Fab, shoves her around, but B-Fab gets mad! B-Fab blocks a slap to fire haymakers! The fans fire up as B-Fab ROCKS Charlotte again and again!

B-Fab whips Charlotte to a corner, then RAMS into her! B-Fab reels Charlotte in to snap suplex! Charlotte flounders away, the fans fire up for B-Fab, and she runs in, HOOK KICK! B-Fab fires up, the fans are with her, and she whips corner to corner. Charlotte goes up and out, BOOTS B-Fab away, then storms in as fans “WOO~!” But B-Fab BOOTS Charlotte! Cover, TWO! Charlotte survives and B-Fab be frustrated. But B-Fab drags Charlotte up, waistlocks, but Charlotte fights the lift. Charlotte goes to the ropes to buck the O’Conner, and then she SUPERKICKS!? Charlotte brings that outta nowhere, tot hen hit NATURAL SELECTION!

Charlotte says, “Bow down, baby!” Charlotte grabs B-Fab’s legs, steps through, FIGURE FOUR, into the FIGURE EIGHT! B-Fab endures, but she can’t get away, she TAPS! Charlotte wins!

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by submission

But Charlotte holds onto the hold! The ref reprimands, other refs come out here to tell Charlotte to stop, but “It’s Tiffy Time!” The fans cheer as the WWE Women’s Champion rushes out here! She and Charlotte scrap on the mat and Barcelona is fired up for Tiffy Time! Security hurries out here but the fans boo! The fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” Tiff and Charlotte are separated, but then Charlotte throws hands on the guards! She gest free to CLOBBER Tiffy! They scrap inside the scrum of guards, and again these two are separated! The fans sing some Seven Nation Army as Charlotte storms up again!

Tiff drops down, and she drags Charlotte out of the ring! Tiff and Charlotte scrap again, producers are now in the mix, and these two are separated again. Fans are on Team Tiffy here, and she gets loose to LEAP off the steel steps! Down goes Charlotte! Charlotte is now in retreat, but then she gets on the announce desk! FLYING AX HANDLE onto Tiffany! The fans fire up as Charlotte rains down elbows! “This is Awesome!” as Charlotte and Tiff are separated again. Tiff stands tall in the ring, but then she goes up top! Tiffy SUPER SWANTONS onto everyone!! That’s like a strike in bowling! And then Tiff rains down more strikes on Charlotte’s head!

Security pulls these two part yet again, and both women are seething! Tiff and Charlotte are two sides of the same coin, but who will win the jackpot in Las Vegas?


Drew McIntyre speaks.

“For the longest time, I was so focused on the individuals right in front of me. Then I realized, somebody was benefitting from every single time I got screwed. April 7th, 2024, WrestleMania 40, Drew McIntyre defeats Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship. A moment four years in the making, a moment absolutely perfect, ’til it wasn’t. I was assaulted from behind, Damian Priest cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase, robbing me of my moment. But it doesn’t end there, does it? No, June 15th, Clash at the Castle, my home country, a moment more perfect than perfect until it wasn’t once again.

“Screwed once again, and that vulture picked the bones once again. Fast-forward one month, time to fight fire with fire. MITB, I win the MITB contract. I cash in, and I get screwed once again, and that parasite, that leech, Priest is there to capitalize. Even when you lost the title, you didn’t know how to succeed unless it was off my back. Which brings us to the Royal Rumble. My back was turned, eliminated thanks to Priest. Then Elimination Chamber, my last chance at the title, I Claymore John Cena, I’m about to pin the man who won the match, and Priest, you can’t help yourself, you steal it from behind, so I dropped your arse!

“You want my attention? You’ve got it. This isn’t about the world championships, you took that from me. Twice. This is about putting you down for good, so you can never take anything from me again.” The Scottish Terminator has a new target, will he destroy the Archer of Infamy? Or will that name live forever?


The Miz is here!

The Hollywood A-Lister goes to the ring, ready to host the first-ever international episode of his talk show from here in Barcelona! What will he ask his special guest, Cody Rhodes? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Miz has a mic in hand and a smirk on his face. WAIT! Tiff and Charlotte are back on stage brawling! Miz starts to say hello until he notices that, and then refs, security and producers rush back out! They do everything they can to keep these two apart, but it just isn’t enough! Charlotte KICKS low, then THROWS Tiff into road cases! Tiff is down, so the security all focuses on Charlotte. Wait, Tiff got up on TOP of the stage!? SUPER SWANTON again!! The fans lose their minds as Tiff is the last blonde standing! She even adds stomps on her way out! “This is Awesome!” and Miz agrees! What a way to start MizTV!

So with that being said, Miz says his introduction in Espanol as he welcomes us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, MizTV! His guest tonight should have taken Miz’s advice and taken The Rock’s offer. Instead, he got beat up by two great rappers: Travis Scott & John Cena. The fans boo those names, but Miz says this man will face John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania, just like Miz. But not like Miz, this man will not beat John Cena. The fans boo more but Miz says ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the “self-proclaimed” quarterback of the WWE, The American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes! The fans fire up and sing Cody’s song, “WHOA~ OH~!”

Cody gets his pyro, continues down the ramp and high-fives fans before joining Miz in the ring. Miz has the music stop before the second “Whoa” and Miz says he has no time for the singalong. It is time to ask the hard-hitting questions! He already got interrupted by Tiffy Time, so he- Cody kicks Miz low! And hits the RHODES UPPERCUT! And then a CROSS RHODES!! The fans fire up as Cody shuts Miz up and makes this CodyTV! The jacket comes off, Cody shows off his “Barcelona Nightmare” shirt, and says he doesn’t wanna talk to The Miz! He doesn’t wanna talk to anyone unless their name is JOHN CENA!

The fans fire up and Cody says if “you can find it worth your time to join us, John, on the Road to WrestleMania next Monday, just know, I’ll be there, too!” The fans fire up as Cody leaves it at that. We have three days to wait, will Cody and Cena bring the house down in Brussels, Belgium?


Nick Aldis talks with Shinsuke Nakamura.

The SmackDown General Manager reprimands the King of Strong Style for everything that happened last week, Nakamura misting a referee. It’s a good thing Charles Robinson is such a good guy, or this would be a real problem. Nakamura says he just wants his rematch. Nakamura is lucky he’s not suspended! Damian Priest walks over, and he asks where Drew is. Aldis says he doesn’t know, but he was told Drew left the building. Do with that what you will. Priest says of course. Not only is Drew a jackass, he’s also a smart one. Nakamura grumbles in Japanese and Priest asks if he has something to say.

Nakamura mouths off in Japanese but Priest has no idea what that means. But Priest will tell Nakamura something in a language everyone understands. Priest uses Espanol to tell Nakamura that he’s a jackass, and that he’s looking for a fight. Aldis admits he doesn’t really know what either guy said, but he gets what’s going on. If they want a fight, that he can do. Priest says that’s perfect. The Archer of Infamy wants the Scottish Warrior, but will he make an example of this sinister samurai?


A force of nature is on the horizon.

Fire, thunder, lighting, wind… Who is it that will rise from the ashes?


Damian Priest VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

SmackDown returns as Priest revels in the cheers of Barcelona. The King of Strong Style makes his entrance, some fans sing along with the song, and the bell rings. The fans are torn as Priest and Nakamura circle. They tie up, Priest’s height advantage gives him leverage and he puts Nakamura in a corner. The ref counts, Priest lets off, and Nakamura slips away. The fans continue to rally as the two circle again. Nakamura waistlocks, Priest pries free to wrench, but Nakamura cartwheels, wrenches, and hammerlocks. Priest reaches back to headlock, but Nakamura pulls hair. Nakamura puts Priest in the corner, and then fires knees!

The fans rally and duel while Nakamura gives Priest BAD VIBRATIONS! Nakamura then kicks, kicks, but Priest catches the foot! Priest puts Nakamura in the corner for fast hands! The fans fire up, the ref counts, but Priest ROCKS Nakamura! Priest whips corner to corner, then he FLAPJACKS Nakamura down! The fans fire up and Priest runs to LARIAT Nakamura up and out! The fans fire up for Priest more while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Nakamura hits the SLIDING GERMAN! The fans fire up, Nakamura covers, TWO! Nakamura clamps onto Priest with a chinlock and chicken wing, and the fans rally up. Priest fights up, fires body shots, but Nakamura kicks low! Priest blocks the next kick but not the ENZIGIRI! The fans rally as Nakamura aims from a corner. Nakamura goes up, to FLYING- NO, Priest catches him for a FLATLINER! Both men are down and the fans fire up again. Priest rises, as does Nakamura, and the fans sing. Priest fires counter punches on Nakamura, then KICKS, KICKS, and ROLLING ELBOWS!

Priest winds up to DECK Nakamura! The fans fire up again and Priest aims from a corner. Priest runs up to ELBOW in the corner! And then a BROKEN ARROW! Nakamura bails out, the fans rally for “EL CAMPEON! EL CAMPEON!” Priest goes out and CLOBBERS Nakamura onto the desk! Priest drags Nakamura back into the ring, then drags him up. Priest knuckle locks, climbs up, and he goes Old School for a CROSSBODY! The fans fire up and Priest powers up the arm! Nakamura slowly rises, Priest winds up, and he runs to COMEBACK- NO, Nakamura ducks, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Priest clasps hands fast but Nakamura CLUBS the grip apart!

Nakamura has the ARMBAR but Priest high stacks! TWO, and Nakamura fires a strike fest! Priest JUMP KICKS! Priest then ducks a kick to COMEBACKER LARIAT! The fans are thunderous as Priest brings down the straps! Priest aims at Nakamura, but DREW MCINTYRE is here! Drew taunts Priest, Nakamura rolls Priest up! TWO, Priest ducks a roundhouse but not the WHEEL KICK! And then “YAO~!” KINSHA- SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! But CLAYMORE! Drew is all after Priest!

Winner: Damian Priest, by disqualification

The Scottish Terminator gives Priest the win, but now he throws off his jacket! Drew stands Priest up, but Priest fires hands in return! Drew shoves Priest, but Priest grabs Drew by the neck! Drew CLAWS Priest’s face! The thumbs get Priest in the eyes, and Nakamura KINSHASAS Priest down!! Scottish Warrior and Japanese King of Strong Style stand tall, and Drew just smirks. Nakamura leaves, and Drew rains down fists on Priest! The fans taunt Drew with chants of “C M PUNK!” but Drew has moved past him as he TOSSES Priest! Drew drags Priest up and THROWS him into barriers! And then he runs Priest into more barriers!

This isn’t over, as Drew grabs the steel steps! Drew hoists those over his head, then runs up to RAM Priest down! The ref tells Drew to stop it, the fans sing for “OH~ Drew McIntyre~!” and the Scottish Terminator leaves, having done the damage. But then Priest rises up?! Drew is surprised himself, but he’s also furious! He pushes past the ref to get in and CLAYMORE!! Another shot and Priest is down! Drew tells Priest, “On sight, is it? I took only one opportunity! You screwed me this whole year, took advantage of every one of my moments! I have nothing now but making your life a living Hell!” Then Drew STOMPS Priest’s head!!

Priest writhes in agony while Drew finally leaves. Will this only be the beginning of the punishment for The Punisher?


Backstage interview with #DIY.

Cathy is with the WWE Tag Team Champions, Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa. They have a massive defense against the Street Profits tonight, but what makes them so sure that they’re going to walk out of Barcelona still the champions? Ciampa answers that with a question: Why is SmackDown the greatest tag team division in all of wrestling right now? Because DIY is on top! All the other teams are trying to rise up to their level, Profits included. The Profits are the way they are thanks to DIY. DIY made them better, but The Profits are just not good enough. Second place is the story of the Profits.

They want the smoke? More like “We want to choke!” And tonight, Barcelona finds out what WWE already knows: The BTTITW is DIY! And one more question: How do you say, “Moment of silence,” in Espanol? Motor City Machine Gun steps in and Alex Shelley says nobody cares about DIY’s dumbass “moments of silence.” Just like Gargano didn’t care about 20 years of friendship just to secure the titles. Well the joke’s on DIY now, because the entire division is after them. You thought MCMG forgot about what DIY did to win the titles? Hell no! So just remember this: When you’re done with The Profits, there’s unfinished business here.

So go get ’em, guys! Good luck! Bye. MCMG sarcastically see DIY off, but will Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins get the better of Johnny Wrestling & The Sicilian Psycho?


Backstage interview with Chelsea Green.

Well, Cathy is first with the “Secret Her-vice,” Piper Niven & Alba Fyre. Piper asks if Cathy has credentials. Chelsea says Cathy’s all clear. The Women’s US Champion steps in and Cathy brings up the Street Fight with Mia Yim and almost lost, if not for the newest member of her security detail. Chelsea stops Cathy there. Has she seen the injustice Chelsea has faced as our first-ever and most dangerous Women’s US Champion? She has been thrown into matches by Nicholas, she put her body in harm’s way against women like Michin no less, and so she did what any great leader would do when she has her back against the law: she brought out a secret weapon.

And now, the Green Administration is in full force! But then in steps Zelina Vega. Wow, Green Administration? Y’know what sounds better to her? #AndNEW Women’s US Champion, Zelina Vega! Piper steps up and says, “Hold up, Habanero. If you want to get to Chelsea, you’re gonna have to go through us.” Zelina says that’s fine by her, “Susia Squad.” Next week, Zelina VS Piper, and then Chelsea and her title are all Zelina’s. Bye~! La Muneca heads out, Piper & Alba already talk strategy. What won’t the Secret Her-vice do to protect the Hot Mess?


Randy Orton VS Carmelo Hayes!

The Viper has Barcelona singing along with Voices as he prepares to humble #H1M for his comments last week. If #MeloDon’tMiss, then will he not miss taking an RKO outta nowhere?

The bell rings and Melo says give it up for Randy Orton. The fans do cheer for Orton, and Melo wants a handshake with the living legend. Orton says hold on, hold on. Only if Melo means it. Melo says he does, so Orton reaches out, but then Melo slicks back his hair. Orton really should’ve known that was coming, he was mentored by the Dirtiest Player in the Game. Orton laughs it off at least. But then Melo shoves Orton! So Orton UPPERCUTS Melo! And bumps him off buckles! And then off more buckles! Orton then climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count along all the way to NUEVE, and Orton hops down to POST Melo! “OLE~!”

The fans cheer while Melo bails out, and Orton gives him a DESK BACK SUPLEX! Melo writhes, the fans cheer for vintage Randy Orton, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Melo has Orton in a headlock. Orton fires body shots, but Melo kicks low. The fans boo but Melo reels Orton in. Melo suplexes, but Orton blocks that! Orton suplexes, Melo slips free, and Melo CHOP BLOCKS! Then he SUPERKICKS! Orton falls, Melo covers, TWO! Melo is frustrated but the fans rally behind Orton. Melo drags Orton into a chinlock but Orton endures. Orton fights up, but Melo thrashes him and leans on the hold. Melo drops back into body scissors and he squeezes tight! Orton endures, the fans rally again, and Orton sits up. Orton fights to his feet, but Melo knees low!

Orton CLUBS Melo, CLUBS him, but Melo mule kicks! Melo whips, Orton bounces off buckles, and Orton LARIATS! The fans fire up as Orton huffs ‘n’ puffs and LARIATS again! Then he dodges Melo to SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up and Orton is feeling it now! Melo goes to the apron, Orton storms over, and Orton drags Melo in through the ropes! DRAPING- NO, Melo slips through, gets around, but Orton bucks the O’Conner! Melo ducks ‘n’ dodges, FADEAWAY JUMPER into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives that sudden slam dunk, and he goes back to the apron. Orton has Melo in the ropes again! DRAPING DDT!

The fans fire up for Orton and he hears the voices! But Melo hears them, too, and he bails out! The fans boo but Orton just stalks Melo at the apron again. Orton drags Melo up, but Melo HOTSHOTS Orton! Orton staggers, drops to his knees, and Melo grins. Melo hurries up a corner, takes aim, NOTHING BUT- NO, Orton moves! But Melo kicks the legs out! Melo keeps moving, FADE AWAY JUMPER DDT! Cover, TWO!! Orton survives getting dunked on this time, but Melo vows to end this. The fans rally with “SI SE PUEDES!” for Orton while Melo climbs. Melo lines up the shot, but Orton ROCKS him first!

Melo and Orton brawl, Melo HEADBUTTS, but Orton fires haymaker after haymaker! The fans rally, Orton climbs, and Orton brings Melo up, SUPERPLEX! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Orton rises, the fans rally behind him, and he hears those voices again! Melo stirs, Orton waits, R K- NO! Melo powers out to FIRST- NO, no First 48! But Melo stops the RKO again to FIRST 48! But Orton just RKOS anyhow!! Cover, Orton wins!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall

Melo hit most of his shots tonight, but Orton hit the game winner! But then Orton does help #H1M to his feet, and he offers a handshake. Melo pie-faces Orton! So RKO again!! Orton says he was showing respect, so how dare Melo disrespect him back. The fans want that one more time, so Orton lines up a different shot! KEVIN OWENS drags Melo to safety! So Orton just goes after Kevin! The fans fire up as Orton catches Kevin and fires hands! The Prizefighter staggers around, but then he POSTS Orton! Kevin runs away into the night, and Orton is seething. Will Kevin get an RKO all his own soon enough?


Solo’s Bloodline regroups backstage.

Solo says that’s what he’s talking about! Jacob took Braun out, Braun is not on his level! Tama says you know what time it is! Run the play! YEAH! Jacob tells Braun, “Let’s keep it 100! Dawg, you really thought you could get with me? Huh!? You really think you can touch this? Man, HELL NAW! Ey, lemme double back on this again. Remember, live from coast to coast, live from post to post, Braun, I’m about to dog walk yo ass! Next week, Braun, you and me, we about to run this thing back! YADADA MEAN!? FATUUU~!” Solo likes that! Will nothing stop the Samoan Werewolf and the Monster of All Monsters from destroying everything around them?


A darkness is looming.

Smoke in the darkness, footsteps echoing closer. The number 4. Is that a clue to how many are coming? Or just how long we have left?


Gunther is here!

Der Ring General is here in Barcelona, but what does he have to say about his looming World Heavyweight Championship defense? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Gunther has the mic. “The Road to WrestleMania in Europe starts tonight, here in Barcelona.” The fans cheer, and Gunther says, “As the greatest European wrestler of all time, I just had to be here. Just one regret: I wish we would be in Madrid instead.” Barcelona boos, but Gunther smirks. Gunther says the real reason he is here is to prove a point. All of you love Jey Uso. But that’s because he is wasting his time dancing around amongst you all, waving his hands like an idiot, just to entertain you. But once this bell rings, there is no substance! It doesn’t mean a damn thing!

So Gunther heard that there is a kid backstage. The best wrestler to come out of Spain? One of the most promising talent in the WWE. The fans here all love him, but Gunther is going to prove right now that it doesn’t mean a damn thing! The fans boo again, so Gunther says ladies and gentlemen, here is your national hero, AXIOM! Fans fire up as El Nino Anonimo makes his return to his home country! Will the Undeniable Truth take a big leap from being NXT Tag Team Champion to being one of the very few to pin Der Ring General?


The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally up, Axiom and Gunther feel things out, and then Axiom gets around to waistlock. Gunther moves around, facelocks, but Axiom slips free to facelock back. They go to a corner, the fans rally for Axiom as he avoids a chop! Axiom KCIKS, then backs off. They go again, knuckle lock, and Axiom waistlocks. Gunther THROWS Axiom away, and the two reset again. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and then Axiom goes for a leg. Gunther avoids that so Axiom KICKS and KICKS! Gunther puts Axiom in a corner, Axiom dodges the chop again to CHOP! Gunther puts Axiom back in, Axiom dodges again to CHOP!

The fans fire up as Axiom draws the proverbial line in the sand! Barcelona is thunderous as Gunther gets frustrated. Gunther and Axiom circle. The fans chant “SI SE PUEDUES!” as the two tie up, but then Gunther scoops Axiom and puts him on ropes. Gunther winds up, but Axiom catches him to the HANGING ARMBAR! The ref counts, Axiom lets go at 4, and Gunther staggers away. Axiom get sup and he BOOTS from the corner! Gunther eggs Axiom on so Axiom BOOTS! And BOOTS! Axiom runs up, but then Gunther CHOPS him down! That one shot has just turned the tide, and the fans boo while SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Gunther looms over Axiom, stands him up, and CHOPS him again. Axiom goes to ropes, tries to shake that off, but Gunther snapmares him into a chinlock. Axiom slips out to facelock! Gunther scoops and SLAMS Axiom! Axiom writhes and Gunther paces. Gunther talks trash on the fans, then goes to Axiom, Axiom CHOPS him! And ROCKS him! And CHOPS again! Axiom fires off in the corner, but Gunther CHOPS him down again! Gunther stomps Axiom, taunts him, then KICKS him! And KICKS! And KICKS! Gunther eggs Axiom on, so Axiom gets up to ROCK, CHOP, and repeat! Axiom KICKS, and KICKS, and KICKS!

Gunther shoves Axiom down, and has the legs for a BOSTON CRAB! Axiom endures as Gunther sits deep on the hold! Gunther shifts to an STF! Axiom endures, Gunther throws down an elbow, and then has a CRAVAT CROSSFACE! Axiom endures being bent, so Gunther shifts to bring him up. Axiom wrenches free, but Gunther CHOPS him back down! Gunther looms over Axiom, then KNEES him in the side! Gunther KNEES Axiom again, has him in the corner, then drags Axiom up. Gunther ROCKS Axiom, and Axiom flops against the ropes. Gunther kicks Axiom, digs his boots in, then lets off as the ref counts.

Axiom flops out of the ring, Gunther drags him back up, and CHOPS! Axiom sputters, SmackDown returns to single picture, but the fans rally for Axiom. Gunther goes after the mask! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Axiom gets the leg to DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Axiom DROPKICKS the leg, then goes up a corner! MISSILE DROPKICK! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! Axiom and Gunther rise as the fans chant “SI SE PUEDES!” Axiom gets up to CHOP, ROCK, and repeat! Gunther CHOPS again! And then he reels Axiom in for a POWER- NO, Axiom slips free to fire off fast hands and an ENZIGIRI!

Axiom runs, Gunther blocks a kick and powers his way to a scoop! He holds Axiom up, but Axiom kicks it into a cradle! TWO!! V-TRIGGER! Gunther staggers around, Axiom takes aim, but Gunther SHOTGUNS first!! Then the GENERAL BOMB! High stack, TWO?!?! Axiom survives and the fans are thunderous again! Gunther is furious, but he drags Axiom to a corner and goes up top. But Axiom GAMANGIRIS! Axiom then climbs up after Gunther, clinches, but Gunther shoves him away. Axiom comes back to GAMANGIRI again! Axiom wants another try, and he goes up for a SUPER- NO, Gunther stops the steiner!

Gunther hoists Axiom up, but Axiom SUPER DUPER STEINERS!! The fans are electric for the GOLDEN RATIO!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Gunther survives Axiom’s best shot and everyone is shocked! The fans argue that was tres, but Axiom drags Gunther around. Axiom ROCKS, KICKS, KICKS, but then Gunther CHOPS! Gunther is still on his knees so Axiom KICKS, KICKS, and KICKS! Gunther CHOPS but Axiom blocks! Axiom wrangles Gunther into a FUJIWARA! And then he wants the other arm! Gunther powers up, lifts Axiom, POWERBOMB! And then a LARIAT! And then another GENERAL BOMB!! High stack, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

Axiom brought out that NXT UK Heritage Cup winning power for this one, but it wasn’t enough to stop the most dominant NXT UK Champion, historically dominant Intercontinental Champion, and right now most dominant World Heavyweight Champion today! But Gunther isn’t done, either! He clamps on a SLEEPER!! He wants to make Axiom pay for pushing him this far! The fans boo, the refs rush out here, and now fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Gunther lets go once Axiom is OUT! Gunther holds up his World Heavyweight Championship, but will the reign of terror end when he finally has it out with Main Event Jey?


“Ladies and gentlemen…”

SmackDown returns as Paul Heyman is already in the ring and giving his introductions. And tonight, he will hype us up on two things. And don’t worry, much like the career prospects of a certain Architect, Visionary, Revolutionary, Heyman will keep this short and sweet. Today, all over the world, it is officially Roman Reigns Day! That is because today is the release of the WWE 2K25 video game. And he is sure everyone tonight will go home and play the game, and surely everyone at home will play the game. But please, wait until SmackDown is over, we like to keep our ratings high, especially during Heyman’s segments.

Heyman says item number two: Apparently, there are some people who have a problem with the fact that it is Roman Reigns Day, or that Roman Reigns is on the cover of 2K25. One of those people, when it comes to being Heyman’s friend, is the Best in the World, C M PUNK! The fans chant that name, but Heyman says unfortunately, it is not CM Punk Day, it is Roman Reigns Day, and it sure as hell ain’t, nor will it ever be, Seth Freakin’ Rollins Day! The fans are a bit torn there, and plenty sing “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” Heyman says with asl due respect, he hates that freakin’ song.

Now if anyone has a problem with how Heyman hates that song, or that it is Roman Reigns Day, or that Roman Reigns is on the cover of 2K25, then you can just say it straight to the face of Your Tribal Chief in Bologna, Italy! Because next week, in Italy, Roman Reigns will be there! The fans boo, they wanted OTC now! Heyman says don’t boo. Just buy a ticket on some cheapo airline, fly to Italy next week, and there you go. But next week, when Roman Reigns appears LIVE on SmackDown, you can say anything you want straight to his face. That is not a prediction, that’s a spoiler! Mic drop and Heyman heads out, will someone say something to Roman next week?


The Street Profits talk backstage.

They secret handshake and lock in. Angelo Dawkins is fired up as he says, “Let’s go!” But then Legado Del Fantasma walks over with mocking applause. Dawkins asks if there’s a problem. Santos Escobar says no, no problema. What makes them think Legado has a problem with the Profits? They just want to wish The Profits luck and say they hope The Profits win. Because when The Profits do, Legado would love nothing more than to take the titles off of them. So like Santos said, good luck out there. Angel mocks the secret handshake, Montez Ford mocks the laughter, and then Ford shouts to Barcelona!

“You already know what it is! AYE YAYAYAYAY~! It’s your illustrious Street Profits, and for the last four years, I find it funny, Dawks. That’s all we’ve been hearing: Noise. That’s all it is, noise, noise, noise! But guess what? Tonight, we put all the critics to sleep and we wake everybody else up! Talk to ’em, Dawks!” Dawkins tells DIY that tonight, it’s not the time for talking. Tonight, they walk out the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions! Because the Street Profits are up, and WE WANT THE SMOKE!! The Profits certainly bring the heat, will they get that smoke when they burn DIY down? Or will Gargano & Ciampa stay golden in Barcelona?


Gunther finds Jimmy Uso backstage.

Der Ring General sits with #BigJim, and tells him that he has wanted to talk with him. They have a lot in common. See, Gunther has a younger brother, and Jimmy… Well, Jimmy and Jey are twins, but Jimmy is clearly the more mature one. So Gunther wanted to talk with Jimmy. Did he see the match Gunther just had? He did. That guy and Gunther, just like Jey, left it all out there. But in the end, Gunther choked him out and left him laying like a wet towel. So if Jey doesn’t step back from his decision to face Gunther at WrestleMania, well, Gunther will have to do the same to him. Jimmy, Gunther will have to hurt Jey.

So as the more mature brother, can he talk with Jey and help him make the right decision? Jimmy tells Gunther that honestly, he has this all backwards. Yeah, the disrespect, running up on Jimmy, telling him to tell Jey this and that. Check this out, Uce. At WrestleMania, Der Ring General drops rank, Uce! And he drops the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to the Main Event! Yeah, in Sin City, we YEETING! Gunther says he is sorry, seems he was mistaken about Jimmy’s maturity. Gunther tried. He really did. Gunther’s latest attempt to stop what’s coming has failed, is Gunther scared of what Jey has in store for him?


WWE Tag Team Championships: #DIY VS The Street Profits!

SmackDown returns as DIY makes their entrance to join the Profits in the ring. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is really the Best Tag Team In The World!

The teams sort out and Dawkins starts against Ciampa. They feel things out, tie up, and Dawkins powers Ciampa to the ropes. The ref counts, Ciampa kicks low then headlocks. Dawkins powers up and out, then RUNS Ciampa over! Cover, ONE, but Dawkins puts Ciampa in a corner for fast hands! The fans cheer and Dawkins ROCKS Ciampa! Dawkins brings Ciampa over, tags Ford, and they whip Ciampa to DROPKICK him down! Then back suplex SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! Ciampa bails out and regroups with Gargano. Ford tags Dawkins and Dawkins goes around the outside, but Gargano takes the HAYMAKER!

Dawkins rolls into the ring, but Ciampa stomps away on him! The ref counts as Ciampa has Dawkins on the ropes, but Ciampa shifts to raining down fists! Ciampa lets off to tag Gargano, and Gargano sends Ciampa in, only for Dawkins to ELBOW him down! Gargano runs up, Dawkins puts him on the apron, but Gargano RAMS into Dawkins! Gargano slingshots, but Dawkins stops the One Final Beat to BACKDROP Gargano away! Hot tag to Ford, and he goes up to CROSSBODY! Big air, and then Ford DECKS Ciampa! Ford ducks ‘n’ dodges and redirects Gargano to LARIAT! The fans fire up and we see Pretty Deadly watching.

Ford runs up on Gargano, Gargano puts him on the apron, but Ford ROCKS Gargano! Ford avoids Ciampa’s sweep to PENALTY KICK! But Gargano BLASTS Ford off the apron! Ford hits barriers, Gargano seethes, and SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Gargano checks his teeth, then he tags Ciampa. Ciampa stomps away on Ford against the barriers, then he drags Ford up to put him in the ring. Ciampa drags Ford up, suplexes him to hang him out to dry, and Ford slumps to the apron. Ciampa KNEES Ford down! DIY soak up the heat, Ciampa tags Gargano, and Gargano brings Ford up. Gargano ROCKS Ford, then SMACKS him off the apron! Gargano pushes Ford into the ring, stands over him, and he taunts Dawkins. “SUCK IT!” The ref keeps Dawkins back, but this lets DIY mug Ford! Gargano soaks up the heat, then stomps away on Ford in the corner.

Tag to Dawkins, he CHOPS Ford, then he drags Ford up. Ciampa bumps Ford off buckles, CHOPS him, then puts him up top. Ciampa climbs up after Ford, but Ford fights with forearms! Ford knocks Ciampa down, then adjusts, but Ciampa distracts the ref, allowing Gargano to trip Ford up! Ciampa then hurries back up, Alabama Lift and the tuck, for a SUPER AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO! Ford survives and DIY grows frustrated. Dawkins coaches Ford up, but Ciampa stays between the Profits. Ciampa drags Ford up, brings him around, and SmackDown returns to single picture. Ford is a ragdoll, though, so Ciampa CHOPS him!

Ciampa underhooks, but now Ford fights the lift! Ford powers up to BACKDROP Ciampa! The fans fire up but Gargano tags in! Ford dodges, Gargano hits buckles! Tag back to Ciampa, he anchors a foot! Ford BOOTS Ciampa away, then hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins LARIATS Ciampa, LARIATS again, then whips! Ciampa reverses, but Dawkins hurdles and FLYING ELBOWS! Gargano runs up, but into a FLAPJACK! Dawkins fires up, the fans are with him, CYCLONE SPLASH, and PELE! Then the SILENCER! Cover, TWO! Ciampa survives but Dawkins keeps his focus. Dawkins scoops Ciampa and tags Ford.

Ciampa slips free, he dodges Dawkins to ROCK Ford! And ELBOW Dawkins! And ROCK Ford! But Dawkins POUNCES Ciampa into the BACK SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives and Ford seethes. The fans fire up, Ford puts Ciampa in the drop zone, then he climbs up. 450 SPLASH onto knees! Ciampa turns things around on Ford, then he tags Gargano before he BLASTS Dawkins! Ford runs up, Ciampa dodges, and DIY hits SHATTER MACHINE!! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! The fans fire up again, “This is Awesome!” Ciampa storms up on Dawkins, ducks a haymaker to ELBOW him! But Dawkins PELES!

Gargano SUPERKICKS Dawkins! Ford kicks, Gargano blocks and flips Ford! Ford lands out to ENZIGIRI! Gargano BUZZSAWS then runs, but into a JUMP KNEE! Both men are down, the fans fire up, and Dawkins tags in! Dawkins aims at Ciampa, runs up, and POUNCES Ciampa over barriers! But Gargano DIVES onto Dawkins! Gargano puts Dawkins in, slingshots into a SILENCER!! Dawkins snipes that spear, then he Electric Chair Lifts! Tag to Ford, Ford climbs up, and the fans fire up, only for Gargano to throw hands! Gargano leans back and Ford leaps over! Ford comes back to SUPERKICK Gargano!

Ford SUPERKICKS Ciampa off the apron, Dawkins brings Gargano back up while Ford FLIES! Down goes Ciampa, and Ford is back up top! The Profits hit the BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, CIAMPA BREAKS IT! The fans are thunderous as this one continues! Ciampa drags Gargano to the DIY corner, “This is Awesome!” as Dawkins TOSSES Ciampa! Dawkins goes out, tags back in, and then Ford PLANCHAS into a KNEE from Ciampa! Dawkins goes up, has to fight off Ciampa, then aims at Gargano! SWANTON FLOP as Gargano moves! Hot tag to Ciampa, and Ciampa KNEES Dawkins! Ciampa underhooks, SUPERKICK FAIRY TAIL ENDING!! Cover, TWO?!?!

The fans are thunderous as Dawkins survives, and DIY cannot believe it! Gargano says they can end this! Ciampa tags Gargano back in, they take the corners, MEET IN THE- NO, Dawkins dodges and that SUPERKICK hits Ciampa! Dawkins hits a SKY HIGH on Gargano, and tag to Ford! FROM THE HEAVENS!!! Cover, PROFITS WIN!!!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall (NEW WWE Tag Team Champions)

The Profits didn’t pull off a miracle, they were justified all along! Pyro goes off for the celebration, but this is where the real work begins! Will Ford & Dawkins be ready for Pretty Deadly, Legado, and whoever else wants their shot at the gold?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown for the start of the Euro Tour, and certainly some intrigue has been added. We get two mysterious video packages, and the first is obviously for Rey Fenix now that he’s out of AEW. The other one is more than likely Malakai Black returning as Aleister Black, but the number is an interesting detail. We have five weeks until Mania, not 4, unless Aleister returns just before Mania. It could also mean he is bringing a group or joining a group. We’ll just have to wait and see if next week, we get a new video that has a 3 or keeps the 4.

Very good interview promo from Jade that was “interrupted” by Liv & Raquel, and Liv is almost too good at being obnoxious, I really wanna see Jade throw her around the ring next week. Very good promo from Drew McIntyre to justify, in his mind, how Priest is also to blame for stuff. Priest wanting after Drew in return was good stuff, as was his match with Nakamura. Drew disqualifying the match was a good choice, it keeps Nakamura strong, and then Nakamura and Drew each getting shots on Priest is interesting stuff. Word is, Nakamura could be on his way out, not sure what that’ll mean for his role during this homestretch to WrestleMania.

Very good opening with LA Knight to essentially plant seeds for big US Championship stuff. Jimmy, Jacob, Braun, a few others, that’s a good field already. Great win for the Faces that then gets turned around because of Jacob just being a monster. Good promo from Jacob and the rogue Bloodline later, and while everyone loves LA Knight, the fans are also coming around on Jacob, we could get a great US Championship reign out of Jacob. Good promo from Heyman but it just seemed like a cheap plug for the game that is all Roman Reigns & Bloodline themed this year. At least we know Roman is returning to SmackDown next week.

Very good promo from B-Fab, and very good showing against Charlotte even in losing. Though I think Charlotte was audible enough in calling spots with her, that is a bit rough. But what a great brawl between Charlotte and Tiff to add some heat on this match. After all, everyone loves a brawl! And great stuff with Miz TV not being Miz TV but more time for the brawl, and then Cody just hitting him with a Cross Rhodes. Cody’s promo was also good because yeah, what more is there to say until Cena is on TV? I do like Cody basically daring Cena to finally show up, to make it as both arrogant and cowardly if Cena doesn’t show.

Great match from Orton and Melo, and Melo got a great showing in the loss. Kevin Owens saving Melo from a punt is a nice touch, and of course Orton goes after him. Kevin gets away to extend this out, I’m sure Orton will have his own moment calling out Kevin like Cody did Cena. I wonder if Miz will try and restart the Melo Don’t Miz stuff given they both had a rough night. Great promo from Gunther to poke fun at Barcelona and Jey Uso, and then an awesome moment all around with Gunther and Axiom giving us that match. Axiom looks great even in defeat, so while Fraxiom has been an excellent team, I hope Axiom gets his chance to be a real singles title contender.

Gunther and Jimmy had a good promo for Jimmy to throw it in Gunther’s face that Jey is coming with that fire. I almost thought Gunther was going to give Jimmy a chop just for mouthing off, but maybe that’s later. Good promo from Zelina Vega and “The Green Administration” to set up Zelina VS Piper, and I wonder if Mia Yim helps Zelina get her wins just to stick it to Chelsea. Zelina VS Chelsea surely happens, or at least we get a big WWE Women’s US Championship match with Chelsea, Zelina, and maybe a couple others from NXT since NXT is such a loaded Women’s Division, and we’re getting Chelsea VS Sol this Tuesday.

And very good stuff from all the tag teams on SmackDown, such as rivals putting both DIY and Profits on notice. Pretty Deadly gets their shot first, though, so I feel like in Legado will have to wait a minute first. But an awesome tag match from DIY and Profits, and a great moment for Profits to win these titles not just because it is on SmackDown, not just because they were in Spain in front of a PLE kind of crowd, but because it has been a long time since they were champions and they definitely deserved this moment.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/14/25)

The second round continues!



Will the New Japan Cup stay tranquilo?

Another big night for the New Japan Cup as we have BIG men colliding! Can Boltin Oleg slay the Rampaging Dragon, Shingo Takagi?


  • 8 Man Tag: Hirooki Goto, Hiroshi Tanahashi, YOSHI-HASHI & Katsuya Murashima VS Yuji Nagata, Satoshi Kojima, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano; Nagata, Kojima, Ishii & Yano win.
  • Six Man Tag: Hontai VS The United Empire; Hontai wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; War Dogs win, by disqualification.
  • David Finlay & Gedo VS EVIL & Dick Togo; changed to…
  • 12 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture; House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Just4Guys VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
  • 2025 New Japan Cup Second Round: TJP VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Moloney wins and advances.
  • 2025 New Japan Cup Second Round: Boltin Oleg VS Shingo Takagi; Takagi wins and advances.
  • 2025 New Japan Cup Second Round: Tetsuya Naito VS Jeff Cobb; Cobb wins and advances.


8 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture!

Gabe Kidd and the boys owe Ren Narita, Yujiro Takahashi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Sho the beating of a lifetime. Not only did the House screw over the War Dogs in the tag match, they made sure the Mad Man lost in the tournament, by a count out! Will tonight be the night the House gets torn down? Or will they just have more tricks up their sleeves?

GABE ATTACKS FIRST! He goes right after Ren during the House’s entrance, and then Chase, Fale & Sanada go after the rest! The fans fire up as the brawl is on all over ringside! Gabe sends Ren into the wall, then back into the wall! Ren tumbles away, Fale is after Yujiro at ringside, and Sanada chases Sho through the crowd! Gabe rains down fists on Ren, then drags him up to bring him around the back. Ren is sent into the merch area! Sho runs away from Sanada, Yujiro turns things around on Fale, hard to tell where Chase and Kanemaru went. But Yujiro grabs a chair! Yujiro JAMS Fale up, but Gabe BOWLS Ren into chairs!

Sanada keeps chasing Sho down but Sho plays hide ‘n’ seek. Gabe drags Ren up, has more fans clear out, and then BOWS Ren into those seats! Sanada spots Sho and the chase is back on! Kanemaru attacks Gabe, but Gabe UPPERCUTS him! Fale sends Yujiro into commentary! Gabe has Ren in a headlock, and then whips him into the POST! Ren tumbles away again but Gabe keeps after him. Yujiro kicks Fale, Gabe puts Ren in the ring, and finally we get the bell! The fans fire up as Gabe storms up on Ren, smothers him in the corner, then fires forearm after forearm! The fans fire up but the ref counts. Gabe lets off to run corner to corner!

But then EVIL & DICK grab Gabe in the corner! They CHOKE Gabe!! The ref sees them and calls the match!

Winners: Bullet Club War Dogs, by disqualification

The King of Darkness hands Gabe the win, but that’s not what this is about anymore! Here comes Finlay & Gedo! There’s no waiting, time for their match now!

David Finlay & Gedo VS EVIL & Dick Togo!

The Rebel CLOBBERS Evil, stomps him out of the ring, and the fans bark it up! The House of Torture regroups on the outside while Finlay & Gedo storm around the ring. Gabe gets back up, the other War Dogs join them in the ring, and then Gabe gets a mic. “Oi, did you forget where we are? Did you little pussies forget where we are?! This is OSAKA! This is War Dog Country!” Gabe barks, Osaka barks with him, and Gabe says, “Did you think we were gonna let you escape? Narita, you little pr*ck! You think I’m gonna let you escape? NO! Roku ni, roku ni! Iku zo, konayarou!!” AKA, TWELVE Man Tag, ya jerks!

And so The House of Torture and the War Dogs brawl again! And yes, it IS a 12 Man Tag, as made official right now! The Bullet Club Civil War has truly begun, but who will walk away the winners?

12 Man Tag: Bullet Club War Dogs VS House of Torture!

The bell rings, Finlay and Evil CLAW at each other’s eyes, Gabe is still after Ren, but Evil sends Finlay into railing! Finlay falls over, Evil rips the railing away, and Evil aims for chairs! Finlay fights back and BOWLS Evil into the chairs! Sanada keeps chasing Sho like before, and Finlay rains down fists on Evil! Osaka barks even more, but the ref wants this to be in the ring! Kanemaru saves Evil from Finlay, Gabe keeps after Ren with a chair! Gabe JAMS Ren up, then SMACKS him down! Dick DECKS Gedo! Gabe sends Ren into the wall! Gabe fires haymakers, but Ren CLAWS Gabe’s face! Ren sends Gabe into the wall now!

Evil goes to ringside, he gathers chairs. Ren and Gabe brawl into a back hallway! Evil JAMS Gedo up with a chair! The House soaks up the heat while they bring Gedo up and into the ring. Dick stomps Gedo, the fans boo, but Dick CLUBS Gedo down. The blue buckle pad is taken away while Dick CLAWS Gedo’s eyes! The ref reprimands but he’s also busy with all the brawling on the outside. Dick snapmares Gedo, wrenches and whips, and Gedo hits bare buckles! Then Kanemaru tags in so he and Dick can split the wishbone! Kanemaru KNEES Gedo in the back, ELBOWS him in the head, then drags him up for another ELBOW!

Gedo falls to his knees but Kanemaru CLUBS him down! Evil talks trash while Kanemaru drags Gedo up. Kanemaru puts Gedo in the corner, distracts the ref by pointing to the War Dogs, but Evil CHOKES Gedo with a shirt! The fans boo but the House gets away with it all. Yujiro tags in, and he bumps Gedo off the bare buckles! Gedo staggers and falls back, Yujiro covers, TWO! Gedo is tougher than that and the fans cheer. Yujiro drags Gedo up and RAMS him into the bare buckles! Sho tags in, he stomps Gedo, then drags him up. Sho pulls Gedo’s beard, then CLUBS it! Sho wrenches and whips Gedo back into bare buckles!

Tag to Dick and he taunts Gedo. Dick sits Gedo up to throw hands and talk trash. Gedo swings back but Dick dodges. So Gedo BODY BLOWS! And then he CLAWS Dick’s face! Dick CLAWS Gedo in return! Dick JABS, JABS, and winds up, but Gedo pokes Dick in the eyes! Then Gedo UPPERCUTS! Both men fall and the fans fire up! Dick and Gedo crawl, hot tag to Evil, and the whole House BLASTS the War Dogs! Sanada protests, but he wasn’t even on the apron! The House whips Gedo to a corner, then Kanemaru runs in and ELBOWS! Sho adds a forearm SMASH! Yujiro BOOTS Gedo, Evil LARIATS, then they snapmare Gedo.

Kanemaru distracts the ref, Yujiro & Evil set Gedo up and Dick climbs up! The fans boo but the War Dogs make the save! No Dick Chop tonight! Finlay CLAWS Evil’s eyes, whips him into a corner and UPPERCUTS! Finlay LARIATS again and again and again, and fans bark all the way to TEN! Finlay then hits a GOURD BUSTER! Gedo SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO! Finlay brings Evil up, but Sho has the “Torture Tool!” Finlay shoves Evil down to go after Sho, but Dick LOW BLOWS Finlay! And he LOW BLOWS Gedo! The fans boo but Sho keeps the ref distracted! MAGIC KILLER on Gedo! Evil covers, House of Torture wins!

Winners: The House of Torture, by pinfall

And yet, Sanada still does nothing. He just watched the whole time as Evil cheated the War Dogs out of another win. Is he so Cold Blooded that none of this matters to him? Can the War Dogs win with everyone so out of sorts?


2025 New Japan Cup Second Round: TJP VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney!

The Public Enemy got a first round bye, and ends up meeting a rival from the Junior Heavyweight Division. Will TJP be able to conquer this War Dog for the United Empire? Or will he be shot down by 44 Caliber?

Though introduced as “Captain” and “Public Enemy,” TJP is clearly invoking just a bit of the Aswang with the mask and face paint. The bell rings and TJP runs up to SHOTGUN Drilla down! Drilla bails out, TJP PLANCHAS, and down goes Drilla again! The fans fire up and TJP brings Drilla around, to RAM into railing! TJP then whips Drilla into more railing! Drilla falls to the floor, the fans clap for “T! J P! T! J P!” TJP puts Drilla in the ring, and hits a HALF HATCH! Bridging cover, ONE! Drilla goes to a corner, TJP digs his boot in, and the fans rally for the scrubbing! TJP then runs side to side, but Drilla gets up to RAM him!

Drilla RAMS TJP in the corner again and again, then picks him up just to THROW him! The fans bark for Drilla while TJP goes to a corner. Drilla storms up, but TJP CHOSP! Drilla CHOPS and ROCKS TJP on repeat! Drilla whips corner to corner and follows TJP to stay close, so that he can whip corner to corner again. Drilla still follows, and then whips TJP corner to corner hard! TJP tumbles up and out of the ring! The fans fire up while TJP flops down! Drilla goes out after TJP as the ring count begins. Drilla drags TJP up, and whips him into railing! TJP drops to his knees, we’re at 10 of 20, and Drilla leaves TJP behind.

Drilla waits as TJP crawls, but we’re already at 15! TJP rises but leans against the apron at 17. TJP stands at 18 and crawls in at 19! Only for Drilla to scoop and SLAM him! Cover, TWO! TJP is tougher than that and the fans rally up. Drilla stays calm and he drags TJP back up. Drilla CHOPS TJP to a corner, then CHOKES him as he says he’s gonna end TJP! Drilla CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS! Drilla then snapmares TJP to KICK him in the back! The fans rally while Drilla paces around TJP. Drilla stands on TJP’s hand, then kicks him and stomps him! TJP glares defiantly as Drilla gives more stomps, and TJP CHOPS!

TJP stands, but Drilla SLAPS! TJP SLAPS, Drilla KNEES low! Drilla runs, but into a RANA! The fans fire up while Drilla bails out. TJP builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and the fans fire up! The ring count starts as TJP stands, and he makes his way over to Drilla. TJP drags Drilla up, puts him in the ring at 7, and the fans cheer. The fans rally behind “T! J P! T! J P!” TJP stands Drilla up, but Drilla fires a forearm! Forearms go back and forth, then Drilla fires himself up with barking! Drilla fires more shots, but TJP ducks the discus to fire a strike fest! TJP runs, but Drilla ROCKS him! TJP runs, but Drilla catches him for a suplex!

But TJP’s right up! TJP fires a forearm, Drilla fires back, and the fans rally as the shots go back and forth. TJP fires a flurry, but Drilla blocks the kick! Drilla ripcords TJP, but TJP blocks backhand, and the lariat! TJP SOBATS, but Drilla DECKS TJP! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Drilla is frustrated but the fans rally again. Drilla goes to a corner, TJP goes to another. Drilla runs up, but TJP goes up, only to get caught! DRILLA- NO, TJP slips free, shoves Drilla away, then runs up, TORNADO DDT! Drilla staggers up, but he gets running! GORE!! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives and the fans fire up again.

TJP and Drilla stir as the fans rally. Drilla roars and the fans fire up again. Drilla drags TJP up but TJP blocks the lift. Drilla stomps TJP, but then TJP flips over to victory roll! TWO, and Drilla kicks! TJP blocks to spin and fireman’s carries! DETON- NO, Drilla stops that, but TJP ducks the backhand! TJP runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! The fans fire up again and Drilla hauls TJP up! DRILLA- NO, TJP slips free again, and has the IRON OCTOPUS! Drilla endures but he drops to a knee! TJP pulls on the arm, but Drilla fights back to his feet! Drilla reaches out and falls into the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and TJP lets Drilla go.

Drilla goes to the apron, TJP follows him out there, and TJP brings Drilla up. TJP looks to the floor and reels Drilla in! Drilla fights the suplex, fires body shots, and then he reels TJP in! TJP fights the lift, so Drilla ELBOWS him! Drilla goes up, in, and gets running, but TJP avoids the shoulder to KNEE Drilla down! TJP then climbs, for a FLYING FOREARM! The fans fire up for “T! J P! T! J P!” once again. TJP goes to a corner, Drilla goes to the other. TJP runs in, ELBOWS Drilla down, then gives him some face scrubbing! The fans rally and TJP goes side to side, for the WASH! Drilla is down so TJP climbs up!

The fans cheer as TJP reaches the top, but Drilla springs up after him! Drilla is on the very top, but TJP fires body shots! Drilla ends up in the Tree of Woe! TJP gives him WOE STOMPS!! Drilla falls out of the Tree, TJP takes aim, and he SHOTGUNS Drilla down! Cover, TWO! The fans rally while TJP thinks on what else he must do. TJP goes back to a corner while Drilla flounders. TJP storms up on Drilla, brings him up, and dragon sleepers! EYE OF- NO, Drilla ducks to back suplex! TJP lands out, ducks a backhand, but Drilla catches him to spin and BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! GORE!! Drilla covers again, TWO!!!

The fans fire up as TJP survives again! The barking returns as Drilla rises up. Drilla roars, then he drags TJP up. TJP again escapes Drilla Killa and arm-drags Drilla away! Drilla BOOTS TJP, runs, but into a SUPERKICK! TJP runs, but he fakes Drilla out! Drilla still SUPERKICKS back! Drilla runs, TJP hurdles and DOUBLE STOMPS! TJP then suplexes, for a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Drilla survives and the fans rally up again. Drilla crawls to a corner, TJP runs up and DROPKICKS him down! TJP hurries up the corner, for the MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TWO?! But into an ANKLE LOCK, that TJP steps over, for the PINOY STRETCH!!

Drilla endures, fights around, reaches out, and he claws at the mat! But TJP drags him back, reels him in, and goes back to the IRON OCTOPUS! Drilla flails, resists, but TJP still hooks the arm! Drilla powers out, ripcords and CHOPS! Then Drilla barks and runs, but TJP fireman’s carries! DETONATION KICK! TJP isn’t done there, and the fans rally for “T! J P! T! J P!” ONE BY- NO, Drilla catches and throws TJP, then hauls him up! DRILLA KILLA!! Cover, DRILLA WINS!!

Winner: “Drilla” Moloney, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

The Captain tried so hard, but Drilla found a way to hit his target! Will there be nothing to stop this War Dog from taking that Cup?


2025 New Japan Cup Second Round: Boltin Oleg VS Shingo Takagi!

As if getting through big Bad Luck Fale wasn’t a challenge, the Kazakhstan Juggernaut now runs into a Rampaging Dragon! Can Boltin put Takagi behind BARS? Or will Takagi soon soar to the third round?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, feel things out, then grapple. They break, reset, and feel out another clinch. Boltin facelocks but Takagi slips free and uses a leg guard. Boltin just grabs the legs, then goes for the head. Takagi slips away again, but Boltin waistlocks and they end up on ropes. The fans cheer as Red Shoes calls the break. Boltin lets off and the fans cheer again. Takagi and Boltin reset, feel things out, then tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. They’re in a deadlock, but Boltin headlocks. Takagi powers up and out, but Boltin RAMS him! Takagi rebounds and RAMS Boltin!

Both men stay up, so Takagi says go again. They both run, and they both RAM shoulders! Takagi staggers back a step, but he comes back. Boltin RAMS him again, and again! Takagi steadies himself while the fans fire up. Takagi comes back to fire forearm after forearm, but Boltin ROCKS Takagi with one! Takagi JABS, JABS, JABS, then CHOPS! Boltin CHOPS! Boltin whips Takagi to a corner, runs up, but Takagi dodges, and HIP TOSSES! The fans fire up, Takagi gets moving, and he RAMS Boltin! Boltin runs through the CHOP to then CLOBBER Takagi! The fans fire up and Boltin runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

The fans cheer and Boltin gut wrenches Takagi! Takagi fights his way to the ROPEBREAK! Boltin lets go, Takagi bails out, and the fans applaud. Takagi takes a moment to catch his breath, then has Boltin back up a bit. Boltin waits on Takagi, and Takagi slowly steps up to the apron. Takagi watches Boltin closely as he steps back inside. Boltin runs up, but Takagi HOTSHOTS him! Takagi then drags Boltin out to whip him hard into railing! Takagi then whips Boltin again, but Boltin reverses. Takagi stops himself, then he gets out of the way! Boltin crashes into railing, and tumbles over! The fans fire up with Boltin right at their feet!

Takagi goes out to stomp Boltin, then he drags him back to ringside. Takagi RAMS Boltin into the apron, then snap suplexes him to the floor! The fans rally and duel a bit while Boltin writhes. Takagi looms near as the ring count starts. Takagi brings Boltin up, puts him in, and the fans applaud. Takagi then slingshots to KNEE DROP! Takagi stands on Boltin at the ropes, but Red Shoes reprimands. Takagi steps off, drags Boltin back up, and he KNEES Boltin against the ropes! And KNEES him again! Boltin falls over, but Takagi SLAMS Boltin’s arm off the mat! And SLAMS it again! And then Takagi SENTONS! Cover, TWO!

Takagi keeps on Boltin with an ARMBAR! Boltin hurries to clasp hands, and he fights around. Takagi pulls on the arm, but Boltin scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, Red Shoes counts, and Takagi lets go. Takagi kicks Boltin around, eggs him on, then brings him up. Boltin fires a body shot, Takagi fires a forearm! Takagi CLUBS the bad arm, but Boltin DROPKICKS! The fans fire up as Boltin rises again. Boltin stands Takagi up but Takagi fires KNEE after KNEE! Takagi whips, but Boltin reverses to FLAPJACK! Both men are down and the fans cheer again. Boltin rises and he gut wrenches Takagi!

Takagi fights the lift by having a gut wrench on Boltin! But Boltin powers up to SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE, and then THROW! Boltin even kips up! The fans fire up as Boltin watches Takagi go to a corner. Boltin shakes out the bad arm while Takagi rises. Boltin runs in, and he SPLASHES! Boltin scoops and SLAMS Takagi into the drop zone, then he goes up, up, and VADER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Takagi stays in this but Boltin fires back up! The fans rally, Boltin drags Takagi up, but Takagi fights the fireman’s carry! Boltin powers through again, but Takagi slips free! Takagi shoves Boltin to a corner and LARIATS!

The fans fire up and Takagi JABS! CHOPS! JABS! CHOPS! Repeat! Takagi JABS, JABS, and CHOPS! The fans cheer but then Boltin ROCKS Takagi! Takagi ELBOWS, JABS, and feints the lariat to DDT! Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Takagi rises, stalks Boltin, and brings Boltin up. Takagi suplexes but Boltin blocks! Takagi decides to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT instead! Takagi watches Boltin and the fans rally up again. Boltin stands, Takagi runs in, LARIAT in the corner! Boltin falls to his knees and Takagi roars! The fans fire up and Takagi stands Boltin for HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then a JAB!

Takagi hoists Boltin up top, fires a ridge hand chop again and again, then climbs the corner. Takagi goes to the very top, for a SUPER DUPER PLEX! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Takagi crawls to a cover, TWO!! Boltin survives that fall but Takagi looks to the camera. The fans rally for “BO-RU-TIN! BO-RU-TIN!” but the “TA-KA-GI! TA-KA-GI!” emerges! As such, Takagi says, “TOKI GA KITA! <THE TIME HAS COME!>” The fans fire up, Boltin rises, and Takagi runs, but Boltin CHOPS! The fans rally as Takagi is stinging, but he keeps going! Only for Boltin to CHOP again! Boltin then CHOPS, but Takagi blocks!

Takagi UPPERCUTS and CLUBS the bad arm, then CLUBS it again! Takagi wrenches the arm, for an ELBOW- NO, Boltin gets a SLEEPER on Takagi! The fans fire up as Takagi endures, reaches out, fights forward, but Boltin turns him from the ropes! Takagi slips out the back to hammerlock! Boltin ELBOWS free, runs, but Takagi follows to LARIAT! Takagi runs, but Boltin catches his crossbody! And pops him up for a SAMOAN DROP! The fans fire up as both men are down, but Boltin rises up already. Boltin fires up, fireman’s carries again, KAMI- NO, Takagi fights that, so Boltin hits a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!

The fans fire up again as Takagi stays in this. Boltin stays focused and he brings Takagi up again. Takagi fireman’s carries, but Takagi fires elbows! Takagi is free, he waistlocks, then goes for a nelson! Boltin fights that off on one side, fights it off on the other, then fights off the full nelson! But Takagi waistlocks, then HALF ‘N’ HALF SUPLEXES! SLIDING FOREARM! Boltin sputters but Takagi storms over! Takagi stands Boltin up, but Boltin DROPKICKS again! Only for Takagi to come back and SLIDING LARIAT! Takagi stands Boltin up, pump handles, MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO?!? Boltin survives and the fans fire up again!

Both men are down and the fans duel, “TA-KA-GI!” “BO-RU-TIN!” Both men slowly rise, and Takagi gives Boltin junkyard dog headbutts. Takagi stands Boltin up to LARIAT! Boltin wobbles, but Takagi fires boxing elbows! Takagi ROCKS Boltin, but Boltin ROCKS Takagi! Takagi JABS, HEADBUTTS, and LARIATS! Takagi brings Boltin up, but Boltin fireman’s carries! KAMIKAZE!! Cover, TWO?!? The fans are thunderous as Takagi survives! Boltin roars, and he brings Takagi back up! Fireman’s carry, but Takagi flails! So Boltin gives him an F- DDT!! Takagi turns that around and both men are down again!

The fans rally harder as both men crawl to corners. Takagi headbutts the buckles to fire up! Takagi then runs corner to corner, but Boltin meets him! DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Both men stagger, but they run back up, DOUBLE LARIATS collide again! Takagi drops to his knees, Boltin fires up, and Boltin runs, but Takagi dodges! PUMPING BOMBER TAKEDOWN! Cover, TWO!! Boltin is still in this, so Takagi rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Takagi stands Boltin up, but Boltin tries to fireman’s carry! Takagi fires more elbows, but Boltin powers through! KAMI- CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Takagi hurries to run, PUMPING BOMBER!!! Cover, TWO?!!?

The fans are thunderous again as Boltin survives another heavy shot! Takagi grows frustrated, but the fans duel as hard as they can! Takagi roars and brings Boltin back up. Pump handle, torture rack, and LAST FALCON DRIVER!! Cover, Takagi wins!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

It was a brutal battle worthy of the Cup, but that slight adjustment gave Takagi the edge! And now he is on a collision course for a rematch with Drilla! Will Takagi get even with the War Dog from the New Beginning? Or will he again be shot down by 44 Caliber?


2025 New Japan Cup Second Round: Tetsuya Naito VS Jeff Cobb!

The Uncontrollable Charisma kept up with the Prince of Pace in the opening round, but now he runs into the Imperial Unit! Takagi made it through, will the leader of Los Ingobernables de Japon join him? Or will Naito take a rather tranquilo Tour of the Islands instead?

Naito takes even more time with his elaborate entrance attire than usual, but Cobb stays calm, as we’ve all seen this before. The pants are put aside, the bell rings, and the fans rally up. Cobb and Naito stare down, then slowly circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Cobb waistlocks. Cobb wrangles Naito the mat, floats all over, then deadlifts with a waistlock, just to THROW Naito aside! The fans applaud but Naito stays calm. Cobb mocks the LIJ fist, then circles with Naito again. Naito headlocks, Cobb endures the grind, and he powers up to lift Naito! Cobb then powers out, they RAM shoulders, and then things speed up.

Naito fakes out the hurdle, then kicks Cobb out of the ring. Naito runs but Cobb is back to arm-drag! The fans fire up while Cobb builds speed, but then Naito trips Cobb up! Not even a chance to mock the tranquilo! Naito then gets in, builds speed, and rolls to tranquilo! The fans cheer as Naito shows how it’s done. Cobb runs back in, but Naito dropkicks his legs out! Cobb tumbles to the outside, Naito hurries out after him, and Naito kicks the legs. Naito whips Cobb, Cobb stops short of the railing, and Cobb kicks Naito. Cobb whips to swing Naito around, and then he sends Naito into railing! Naito tumbles up and over!

The fans rally while Naito writhes, and Cobb casually goes out to fetch him. Cobb brings Naito up, CLUBS him on the back, and Naito leans against railing. Cobb brings Naito around, puppets him into doing the LIJ fist, then he CLUBS Naito down. Naito leans against the timekeeper’s table, but Cobb tells Red Shoes he’s on the way. Cobb puts Naito in the ring and the fans applaud. Cobb shouts out O-Khan on commentary, “You like that?” And “oops,” Cobb steps on Naito! Cobb “apologizes,” then drags Naito up. Cobb ROCKS Naito, Naito ROCKS Cobb, and Naito fires more forearms. Cobb throat chops in return!

Cobb runs, but Naito ELBOWS him! And then arm- NO, Cobb stops the arm-drag to then RAM Naito into a corner! Cobb runs corner to corner and he RAMS into Naito again! Naito staggers and falls while the fans rally up. Cobb cocky covers, TWO! Naito still clutches his stomach but he’s still in this. Cobb stands Naito up to CLUB him down! Cobb then steps on Naito and stands on him! Cobb hangs ten and mocks the LIJ fist while the fans cheer. Cobb takes his time stepping off Naito’s back, and can’t believe this is one half of the IWGP Tag Team Champions. Cobb drags Naito up, then whips him to a corner.

Cobb runs up, for the JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! COMBINATION COBB-RON! The fans cheer as the “Cobby Cat” stands over Naito. Cobb then tells Naito, “ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Cobb raises his fist, is he the one? Naito fires body shots, Cobb doesn’t budge, and then Cobb CHOPS Naito! Cobb THROWS Naito down by his hair, then says “You Can’t See Me!” GACHIMUCHI FLOP as Naito moves! The fans rally up as Cobb’s references are starting to backfire. Naito runs up to ELBOW Cobb, then atomic drop! Naito runs, ELBOWS Cobb down, then keeps moving to basement DROPKICK! The fans cheer, Naito whips Cobb to a corner.

Naito runs up, but Cobb dodges the OG Combination Cabron! Cobb hauls Naito up, but Naito fights free! Naito kicks and TORNADO DDTS! The fans fire up and Naito crawls over to cover. TWO, but Naito clamps on with a cravat! Cobb endures the neck wrench and fights up. Cobb fights to his feet, throws body shots, but Naito throws the heavy elbows! Cobb kneels, Naito brings him back up, and he fires more heavy elbows! Cobb staggers and goes to ropes while the fans rally. Naito storms up, puts Cobb on the top rope, then climbs up, only for Cobb to throw body shots! Cobb brings Naito into a clinch, and he suplexes!

The fans fire up, but Naito fights that to be back on the ropes. Naito fires body shots, then climbs to the very top again! SUPER STEIN- NO!! Cobb stops the steiner and he shouts F that! Cobb hauls Naito up, but Naito still SUPER STEINERS! The fans fire up while both men are down, but Naito crawls after Cobb. Naito pushes Cobb to a corner, then climbs up. Naito reels Cobb in, ESPERANZA! The fans cheer as Cobb is down and Naito rises. Naito watches Cobb stagger to his feet, then runs up, CORRIENDO- NO, Cobb blocks Destino to TOMBSTONE! But he holds on, pops Naito around, and has him for an ATHLETIC PLEX!

The fans fire up as Cobb then FALLING HAMMERS! Cover, TWO! GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Naito survives and Cobb is furious! The fans fire up as Cobb stands Naito up, reels him in, and TOUR OF- DESTINO!! Both men are down again and the fans are thunderous! Naito and Cobb slowly rise again, and Naito aims from a corner. Cobb is dazed, Naito runs in and CORRIENDO- NO, Cobb slips free, but Naito fires kicks! Cobb scoops, Naito slips free, and he kicks again! TORNADO CRADLE! TWO!! CORRIENDO SHIKI CRADLE! TWO!! Naito ELBOWS, ENZIGIRIS, and then wrenches!

Tilt-o-whirl and DESTI- NO!! Cobb stops it again for a TOUR OF THE ISLAND!! But Cobb can’t cover! The fans rally up while both men are down again! Cobb and Naito stir as the fans rally harder, and Cobb growls as he stalks Naito. Cobb brings Naito around to wrench, but Naito ELBOWS free! And ROLLING KICKS! Naito runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Cobb LARIATS Naito down! Cobb powers up, reels Naito in, ATHLETIC PLEX again! Cover, ONE?!?! Naito shows some grit, but Cobb swings! Naito dodges, but Cobb SUPERKICKS! Wrench and RIPCORD TOUR OF THE ISLAND!! Cover, COBB WINS!!

Winner: Jeff Cobb, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Naito’s Destino was denied again and again, he is NOT moving on in the New Japan Cup! Will he just have to worry how now, Jeff Cobb has a golden ticket to the tag titles in his back pocket?

As for Cobb himself, he grabs the mic while Naito is still down in the ring. Cobb asks the Young Boys/Young Lions, “Get his ass out the ring!” The Young Lions do as told, and they usher Naito out. Cobb then asks Osaka, “Who thought Naito was gonna beat Jeff Cobb, huh? If you believed the internet that Naito was gonna beat me today, well UH-UH! So I’ll make this short and sweet to Shota, you bald b*tch! Tomorrow, you have a date with destiny! And I’m gonna make it short and sweet so myself and the Great-O-Khan go sell some sweet new United Empire goods.” Then Cobb mocks the LIJ roll call!

“Sai go wa, TJP! Jakob Austin Young! Francesco Akira! Callum Newman! Henare! Great-O-Khan! Jeff Cobb!” The fans cheer, and Khan applauds. Cobb finishes up with, “I don’t know Spanish, I’m gonna skip that part. All that’s left is UNITED EMPIIIRE~!” The fans applaud as clearly, the Imperial Unit still has time on the clock. Will he make the most of it and take that New Japan Cup for his own?

My Thoughts:

A great night for the New Japan Cup here, because we got some really good stuff on top of just the tournament matches. Great stuff with the Bullet Club Civil War story with us actually having just one big 12 Man Tag after all was said and done. But as such, the House of Torture of course won because Sanada was inactive. Like, you could even say him just stalking Sho and not running up on him is a hint that he’s just going to join the House of Torture. Then good stuff in TMDK VS Just4Guys with ZSJ and Taichi interacting ahead of their tournament match tomorrow. That is going to be great stuff.

TJP VS Moloney was really good, but I’m rather surprised TJP didn’t win. I guess TJP’s story is going to be that he really isn’t as capable of a leader as Will Ospreay and that the United Empire could be on the brink of falling apart. But that aside, Moloney winning so we can get a rematch of Moloney VS Takagi is fitting. Takagi VS Oleg was great stuff, and a great showing from Oleg in the loss. Naito VS Cobb was really good, too, and Cobb had a point in his promo. The word just went out that maybe Cobb is going to the WWE, and that’s why we thought Cobb was going to lose. Cobb did deserve this win, no matter what his contract status is.

Now, this doesn’t stop Cobb from going to the WWE in the future, we saw Jonah Rock return to the WWE as Bronson Reed after his G1 Climax run. Also, Cobb has been dropping many WWE references, even some rather strong ones tonight. It’d be so wild if Cobb got in on the Bloodline story as one of the “rogues” alongside Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga. Makes me wonder what’s going on with Hikuleo. But Cobb can certainly still make a run at the Cup and the tag titles in the near future.

My Score: 8.9/10

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