Did Raw deliver a good follow-up to the third Saudi Arabia event?
Two big New Japan shows, King of Gate and...erhm...Super Showdown? Okay nothing made the list from that last show. Right?
The busy week that was in NOAH! The first Misawa memorial show and thoughts on the KENTA situation!
Does WWE need a frontman?
NJPW's second biggest show of the year! A few former WWE names and five championship matches should bring some excitement! Let's see how the show played...
Take a look back at Takeover XXV, just over a week later.
Minoru Suzuki is one of the most feared men in New Japan Pro Wrestling. He’s vicious, merciless, and remorseless, and he wants Jericho and Moxley.
What six things stood out to Bradley Jay?
It's time for the second WWE Super ShowDown. Was WWE hotter than the desert?
WWE has brought us the 24/7 Championship. A golden goose, a blessing of wholesome fun...but now where else can the shenanigans go down? Steve Cook gives...
They say home is where the heart is. If that is indeed the case, then I think the newly-reborn Jon Moxley has found his way home,...
Elisa Marie's predictions for WWE Super ShowDown!
Heather Jeanine continues her look at St. Louis Anarchy as she digs into one of the men most closely associated with the product: Gary Jay. There...
Last week's polarizing holiday Raw should make this an interesting week going into Super Showdown!
Jon Moxley has been providing some talking points for the IWC. Rob goes over the newest bit of information about the sufferin succotash line.
Puroresu, and wrestling in general lost a great wrestler earlier this week. Mathew Sarpraicone gives us some highlight matches of his career. RIP Atsushi Aoki.