We’re on the back side of Wrestlemania, and we give our review of the two day event. Do we expect this format to continue for future...
So much gold this Talking Smack!
This is Talking SMAC(K), Saturday Morning All Chairshot, where we are getting Adam’s thoughts on Wrestlemania Today’s Host: DPP (@itsmedpp) & Adam Chudy (@AMChewie26) Wrestlemania 37...
Will Retro take down The Premier?
E3 is all virtual this year…will you tune in for the festivities? We give our thoughts on the pluses and minuses of an all virtual event....
SmackDown is up, and WE! WANT! THE SMOKE!!
It's a little more than halfway through April! You know what that means...
Kyle, Karl, and Rance are BACK to talk about the unfortunate tragedy that is Black Thursday in the WWE! The Chairshot brings you a brand...
The 3 Man Weave crew is back again to deliver some analysis on the latest news and notes from the NFL and NBA.
AJ fills in to cover his first Impact full show in a hot minute! How does he feel about the product? How is everything building towards...
PiW breaks down the week of WrestleMania that has come and gone. In addition, we discuss Jazz' retirement and All Japan Champion Carnival.
Patrick and Dave staying fairly current with the movie review this week! New Mutants was almost a Chinese Democracy level of dragged out from planning until...
The Gallus boys are back!
HPW has an answer for Her Grace!
RAWAfterMAnia vs. NXTAfterMania, who delivered more? Plus the Good, Bad, and Ugly of WrestleMania and WHERE IS BOB'S DAMN PYRO???
It was the Takeover match that held the most promise. Where did it go wrong?