The Elites are back on dry land and have descended on Cleveland! Will everyone be over their hangovers?
The Land is Dynamite!
It's Dark at Sea!
Surf's up, Superbad!
Sail away, maaan~!
Tiffany has your YouTube Takes for All Elite Wrestling this week!
It just hasn’t felt like the Royal Rumble in a long time…and I figured out what was missing. It was the TRI CAST!! Kinny Killa makes...
Carol goes into AEW's staying power and why it's good to have options.
The Chairshot, brings you THE podcast that will absolutely have you questioning everything you thought you knew about professional wrestling, POD is WAR #PiW. Join Christopher...
The Elites are setting sail on the Cruise of Jericho! Will they rock the boat or suffer seasickness?
Tiffany MC checks back in with her look at AEW's YouTube content for the week!
Dip your toes in the Second Wave!
Patrick, Miranda, and Greg pick Royal Rumble match winners, complain about Strap and Last Man Standing Matches, AEW and the new TV deal, and more!
It's Dark at the Beach!
2019 was a big year for numerous mediums of entertainment, and we all do more than just watch wrestling...right? Okay some of us? Well if you...
DPP & PC Tunney take a brief moment to hit a few of the big topics in the world of pro wrestling. The excitement level of...