Miranda and Greg sit down to tackle the serious #SpeakingOut topic, then have fun with Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler, The Undertaker's retirement, and more!
It's a GOLDEN Monday Night Raw!
The Empress battles the Irresistible Force AGAIN!
The GREATEST Wrestling Match EVER?
The Thirteen | 10 brand is back with some WWE Backlash 2020 predictions!
Cook shows us the betting lines for Backlash this weekend!
The Peep Show returns!
The Queen VS The Empress, ROUND SIX!
After a little pandemic lethargy; King finds inspiration in the recent events of Raw!
My look at the WWE Raw YouTube viewership for the May 25th 2020 broadcast!
Drew McIntyre is a VIP!
Greg DeMarco's look at the WWE Raw YouTube viewership for the May 18th 2020 broadcast!
Drew McIntyre "welcomes" King Corbin!
Mishal is here with his takeaways from Sunday's WWE Money In The Bank pay-per-view effort!
The Man comes around!
Money in the Bank Die Hard style! Who gets Hans Gruber'd? Do we even care?!?