The day has finally arrived, it's now time to cover Stardom's 5 Star Grand Prix!
The beautiful flower of Stardom is Mathew's number 2. Fall in love like the rest of us...erm...I mean, read why she's good at wrestling.
Welcome back to Stardom! We bring one of the bigger shows of the month of May, Stardom Gold!
Now we get to find out who wears the pretty dress! Stardom Cinderella tournament time!
Mathew's back in the Stardom groove now that the All Japan tournament is over. Who gets to wear the pretty dress this year?
See the results of the STARDOM Draft before the WWE Draft!
Mathew brings us more Stardom coverage! Let's see who the mystery Oedo Tai member is!
Stardom, the leader in Joshi wrestling, celebrates another year! Mathew brings us a breakdown of their anniversary show! Welcome back as we adventure to Stardom for...
Mathew dives back into Stardom to catch us up with some of the early new year action! Welcome to the second day of Stardom’s New Years...
New Year, New Years Stars Stardom event! Do things start off hot, or are we looking for more of a simmer to the start of the...
It’s been a few months since I’ve done Sendai Girls and it looks like I have some stuff cleared up and it gives me time to...
Welcome back to Stardom and I said this would be the next big show I would cover since I’m taking a break of them for their...
We’ve been through 9 or 10 days (depending on how you want to count the early/late show day), and it’s all come to this. Four competitors...
We’re back with Stardom as Oedo Tai are set to defend their Goddesses of Stardom Championships and we also get the Future of Stardom Championship match...
Now that we took care of the day show, it’s not time to focus on the second show that happened at the very same day where...
Welcome back to Stardom! The last time we covered them, Momo Watanabe won the Wonder of Stardom Championship and Io Shirai is set to leave the...