Andrew brings us more ratings and coverage, this time, the ROH/New Japan hybrid shows for Honor Rising!
Greg DeMarco weighs in on the sure-to-be-controversial New Japan “New Beginning In USA” cards that were recently released. Well hello there! I know it’s been a...
More updates for Ring Of Honor next week in Dallas! As we’ve noted, Ring Of Honor is in the midst of a brief break following last...
Another new match has been added to Ring Of Honor’s Honor Reigns Supreme! With Ring Of Honor returning to action this weekend in Atlanta for Saturday...
Greg DeMarco is back with his next Daily DeMarco, taking a look at ROH Final Battle 2018! How did the show rate? ROH presented Final Battle...
An ROH World Television Title Match has been announced for Final Battle! Exactly four weeks from tonight, Ring Of Honor will present its next big event...
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television, Episode 370 The ROH World Television AND World Tag Team Championships are on the line! Will Jeff Cobb dethrone Punishment Martinez?...
Welcome back to my Wrestling Quickies. The first time I did this about two weeks has been fairly positive since I got to talk about matches...
NJPW returns to the United States for another G1 Special! So many stars and so many titles will be featured in this massive event, from the...
AAW Pro ‘Day Of Defiance’ – May 5th, 2018 – LaSalle, Illinois Fatal 5-Way: Curt Stallion defeated Space Monkey, Bucky, Mike Hartenbower & Hakim Zane Zema...
Pro Wrestling Guerrilla All Star Weekend Night One – 4/20/18 Reseda, California Rey Horus defeated Trevor Lee Ringkampf (WALTER & Timothy Thatcher) defeated Violence Unlimited (Brody...
AAW “Never Say Die” Results 04/13/18 PACO def Pat Monix with the sit out DVD (2:29) After the match AAW Interviewer Sarah Shockey talked with PACO...
Results from Bar Wrestling on 4/18/18, titled “April O’Neil.” Tessa Blanchard over Scorpio Sky via top rope Codebreaker. [13’20] Taya Valkyrie over Katarina Leigh via Road...
Major League Wrestling presented Road to the World Championship on Thursday, February 8, featuring Low Ki, Jeff Cobb, Matt Riddle, and more. Results below courtesy @MrJacobCohen...