Has Twitter drama effected Rollins' overall allure to the IWC?
Fyter Fest, Southern Showdown and two big title matches during the AJPW Dynamite series give us an interesting week. What made the Top 5?
Seth Rollins is standing up for his company. The current Universal champion took to Twitter recently, where he defended WWE, as well as the Superstars. Seth...
It's Rainmaker VS Painmaker in the main event!
Two big New Japan shows, King of Gate and...erhm...Super Showdown? Okay nothing made the list from that last show. Right?
NJPW's second biggest show of the year! A few former WWE names and five championship matches should bring some excitement! Let's see how the show played...
Takeover XXV, the A Block finals of BOSJ and whatever else there was time for! What made the Top 5 Matches this week?
Jon Moxley said he wanted to put himself in uncomfortable situations in order to grow. Who would do that for him in New Japan?
Who is the front runner?
Best of Super Juniors 26 and Money in the Bank are the big things this week. Let's see what matches made the cut, and if there...
Harry keeps chugging away on the back catalog of Progress! He lends his expertise and knowledge to help us learn where some of our favorite UK...
New Japan Cup second round action! The Cup is well known for some upsets, so let's see what we got!
NJPW turns 47 and celebrates in a big way!
Is New Japan's greatest asset for westward expansion...a championship?
Andrew brings us more ratings and coverage, this time, the ROH/New Japan hybrid shows for Honor Rising!
With New Beginning Osaka to start the week, and Elimination Chamber to end, what makes Andrew's cut for Top 5 matches?