Are you ready for TWO HOURS on USA!?
Chris King shares his insight on Monday night's Raw Premiere while breaking down two topics that completely stood out among the rest: Brock Lesnar, and Lana...
Miranda is back and has to play referee for Patrick and Greg as they fight it out on the latest edition of The Greg DeMarco Show!
AEW Dynamite premiers in Wednesday, and Steve Cook has the Top 5 Reactions...BEFORE IT HAPPENS!
It's the biggest week in wrestling history as Smackdown moves to FOX And AEW debuts on TV, and Rob Bonnette has some words of advice to...
It's is the season premiere of RAW! How will the superstars of RAW start off the new season? Come hell, highwater, and stubborn computers, Tiffany's got...
It's a new stage, new announce crew, and a new B Show as Raw enters into a whole new era! See what the crew things on...
It's the epic Raw Season Premiere!
Liz checks in with your look at wrestling history for September 30th, including Candice Michelle's birthday, Triple H vs. The British Bulldog, and more!
Greg DeMarco joins the podcast this week as DPP is on assignment. PC Tunney and Greg talk CM Punk’s backstage screen testing for a potential WWE...
Bradley Jay chimes in on the most recent edition of WWE NXT. NXT gave us exactly what we wanted. Is that really a good thing?
A preview of the biggest week in professional wrestling's modern history, and plea to all promotions to make us want to pick sides
This single event has brought more excitement, more publicity and more hope, to the industry than anything in recent memory.
With WWE Hell In A Cell 2019 looming next Sunday night, Eric Ames takes a look back at a Hell In A Cell from yesteryear, featuring...
Matt Davis is back with another edition of the Chairshot Brainbuster, and this time he is looking at the impact of a single decision: AJ Styles...
The Outsider's Edge presents The I Told You So Episode - Smackdown on FOX, AEW TV, Kylie Rae, New Season Premieres, and more!