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Mitchell’s WWE Crown Jewel Results & Report! (10/31/19)

A rematch nine years in the making comes to Crown Jewel!



WWE Crown Jewel 2019

WWE returns to be part of #RiyadhSeason!

Crown Jewel looks to make history this year! Along with the Universal title, World title and US title, Saudi Arabia will have its first-ever women’s match!



  • Kickoff Show – WWE United States Championship #1 Contender 20-Man Battle Royal: Humberto Carrillo wins and will challenge AJ Styles for the title later on.
  • Kickoff Show – WWE 24/7 Championship Side Quest: Sunil Singh w/ Samir VS R-Truth; Truth wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE World Championship: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS Cain Velasquez w/ Rey Mysterio; Lesnar wins and retains the WWE World Championship.
  • World Cup Tag Team Turmoil: The OC win and are crowned the Best Tag Team in the World.
  • Mansoor VS Cesaro; Mansoor wins.
  • Braun Strowman VS Tyson Fury; Fury wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hallway Havoc: Samir Singh wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles w/ The OC VS Humberto Carrillo; Styles wins and retains the WWE United States Championship.
  • Lacey Evans VS Natalya; Natalya wins Saudi Arabia’s first ever women’s match.
  • 10-Man Tag: Team Hogan VS Team Flair; Team Hogan wins.
  • WWE Universal Championship Falls Count Anywhere: Seth Rollins VS The Fiend Bray Wyatt; Wyatt wins and becomes the new WWE Universal Champion.


It’s the Crown Jewel Kickoff Show!

Join Charly Caruso, Booker T, David Otunga and Scott Stanford are in the WWE Headquarters Studio as they talk about all the history and excitement going into this event.


Byron Saxton interviews Ric Flair!

The Nature Boy fist bumps Byron as Byron asks about leading Team Flair against long-time rival Hulk Hogan’s own team. Hogan is more than a rival, he is a nemesis! Crown Jewel will see Corbin, Orton, Nakamura, Lashley and McIntyre, five of the greatest athletes today, representing Flair, “we will make history!” That’s what they do every day! Saudi Arabia will witness the greatest event in sports entertainment in 2019! And after today, Flair and his teams will be limousine riding and jet flying all the way back to the States as Flair celebrates beating Hogan! “We prevail, we brag, and we limousine ride and jet fly!” WOO~! Nature Boy is all fired up, but will his team be the ones making history?


Kickoff Show – WWE United States Championship #1 Contender 20-Man Battle Royal!

AJ Styles may be running wild on Raw alongside The OC, but this battle royal could see a SmackDown superstar challenging him for the title. Who will be the one to rise above and challenge The Phenomenal One?

R-Truth gets a great ovation as he makes his way out. However, he’ll have to wait until after this match if he wants the WWE 24/7 Championship. Buddy Murphy also gets a great amount of cheers, as it seems Saudi Arabia knows about the Best Kept Secret. Erick Rowan gets a different reaction, but he’ll surely look to rebound after being nearly crushed by Seth Rollins last Monday. And El Idolo es solo, but he’s more than confident in his chances. He joins the field, full of other stars like Sin Cara, Apollo Crews and THE Brian Kendrick. The bell rings and it is a chaotic brawl right away!

Titus O’Neil goes after Almas while Luke Harper uppercuts Kendrick. Apollo works on Murphy while Shelton Benjamin brawls with Tony Nese. The premier Athlete holds onto ropes while Titus is after Truth! Harper and Rowan work together on Kendrick but he’s a stubborn one. Sin Cara goes after Almas, his long time rival. Fans cheer for Harper as he ROCKS Eric Young with an uppercut. Murphy goes after Humberto Carrillo, an old 205 Live rival. Rowan lifts up Maverick and tosses him out, Rowan ELIMINATES Rowan! But a whole group goes after the Big Redwood! Rowan holds on and rocks each of them with rights. Slater tries his best, but Rowan yanks him out and ELIMINATES Slater! Nese tries now, and rocks Rowan with a dropkick! But Rowan holds on to come back and yank Nese up and out! Rowan ELIMINATES Nese! That’s three eliminations in a row!

AJ Styles watches backstage as the brawling all continues. Murphy lifts Carrillo and Titus helps out. Rowan gets mobbed but Harper helps him out and ELIMINATES Kendrick! And ELIMINATES Eric Young! Murphy CHOPS Carrillo but Almas CHOPS Murphy! Almas goes after Sin Cara again while Harper goes after Akira Tozawa. Harper throws Tozawa but he hangs onto the ropes! Harper drags him up but Tozawa holds on. Titus clotheslines and ELIMINATES Mojo Rawley! Fans bark along with Titus. Almas scoops and tosses Sin Cara, Almas ELIMINATES Sin Cara! The field is thinning out as R-Truth fights off the Singh Brothers. Apollo ELIMINATES Titus with a toss! Tozawa is pumped for his friend, but now Almas is stomping Apollo down.

Crown Jewel goes picture in picture as Almas goes after Truth. Truth holds on so Almas throws forearms. Harper comes running through them, and then he grinds boots into Tozawa. Rowan goes after No Way Jose on the other end, then trades with Harper. Rowan hoists Tozawa up but Tozawa holds on tight! Tozawa avoids elimination so Rowan stomps him down. Almas keeps on Truth while Murphy and Carrillo continue to fight back and forth. Crown Jewel returns to single picture as Harper and Rowan stare down. Is the friendship breaking down? Jose staggers in, wanting them to party instead! Fans get behind the fiesta, and is Harper getting into it? No he just disco discus clotheslines Jose! And then Rowan ELIMINATES Jose!

But Rowan and Harper are back to arguing, but Tozawa taps Rowan on the back. Tozawa wants a fight! But he’s talking to the wrong titans… Rowan scoops Tozawa and puts him on the top rope! Harper SUPERKICKS and ELIMINATES Tozawa! Now he and Rowan are even. AJ Styles still watches as Rowan grinds boots into Sunil Singh. Samir can’t help his brother, he has to watch the WWE 24/7 Championship. Carrillo baits Benjamin in and tosses him out! Carrillo ELIMINATES Benjamin! Rowan back drops and ELIMINATES Apollo Crews! Murphy runs in at Rowan but is put on the apron. He turns around into the Iron Claw, but breaks free to knee trigger! Murphy climbs up but Rowan shoves him down and ELIMINATES him! Almas ELIMINATES Truth, but Carrillo ELIMINATES Truth! Our final five are Rowan, Harper, Carrillo, Cedric Alexander, and yes, Sunil Singh!

But Carrillo turns around into Rowan’s Iron Claw! IRON CLAW SLAM! Sunil whips but Alexander reverses to ELIMINATE Sunil! Rowan clobbers Alexander and we have our final four! Fans still love Harper as he clobbers Alexander. The super heavyweights are beating down the Cruiserweights with boots and knees in the corners. Harper and Rowan work together on Alexander, but he fights back. They stomp Alexander down, but Carrillo slowly gets up. Rowan clobbers Carrillo and Harper hauls Alexander to a corner. Harper and Rowan focus on Alexander but he fires back with forearm and an enziguri! Only to get a BOOT! Rowan tosses and ELIMINATES Alexander! The WWE 24/7 Champion and his brother use the title as a consolation prize, but R-Truth is lurking! Truth throws Samir aside and rolls Sunil!! Cover, Truth wins the 24/7 Championship!!

Winner on the side: R-Truth, by pinfall; NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

At least Truth can celebrate getting his baby back! He hurries away, but then the chase is on again! ALl those eliminated have returned for a second chance at a title! Truth makes a whole lap around the ring before getting away again!

But now, the final three are Carrillo, Harper and Rowan… Harper and Rowan stare each other down, but Carrillo dropkicks them into each other! Carrillo dodges Rowan but not Harper’s BOOT! Rowan hauls Carrillo up into a corner and Harper throws an uppercut. The titans work together, Rowan whips Harper in to elbow Carrillo, and he feeds Carrillo to Rowan’s BODY CHECK! Rowan and Harper continue to disagree, but Harper tosses Carrillo. Carrillo survives, Rowan ELIMINATES Harper! Carrillo ELIMINATES Rowan and wins!!

Winner: Humberto Carrillo; will face AJ Styles for the United States Championship later tonight

AJ Styles likes the moxie from the young Ultimo Ninja. Will Styles like it better when he beats Carrillo a second time in a week?


Byron Saxton interviews The New Day!

Big E comes kicking in with Kofi Kingston, watch your chin! Xavier Woods went down with injury, but how will they rebound? Brother Woods was cut down in his prime, running so fast but pulled up and hurt tore his Achilles. Woods told him, “No, Big E, no cry.” But adversity is another word for opportunity! The Power of Positivity is always on, and while they miss Woods, Kofi and Big E will hold it down against all the teams to win that World Cup! And they’ll take that to SmackDown just tomorrow night, to beat the Revival and once again become the 7-time, W, W, E, World, Tag, Team CHAMPIONS~! Because New! Day Rocks! Byron gets into it, too! But who will be the new Best Tag Team in the World?


Paul Heyman sees the cameras outside Brock Lesnar’s locker room.

And doesn’t take kindly to them. He shoos the cameras away so that he and The Beast can go through final preparations. Will the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion be ready for the rematch he’s wanted for nine years?


History is not given, it is forged.

By those who seize the moment. By leaders, trailblazers and legends. “Well let me tell you something, brother!” History is made as legends lead ten of the greatest superstars today to add on to their legacies. History is made when the worlds of boxing, MMA and pro-wrestling collide in two truly heavyweight matches. History is made when a champion must fight his fears in a match that can go anywhere. And history is made when walls are broken down, and women are wrestling in Saudi Arabia! Where will you be when history is made?


WWE World Championship: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS Cain Velasquez w/ Rey Mysterio!

Here is a piece of that history already! The Beast waits for no one, as he and his Advocate head to the ring to have it out with “The Godfather” to open the show! Will Lesnar stay the world champion? Or will history repeat itself, right down to a scar left on Lesnar’s face?

The introductions are made, with Saudi Arabia echoing Heyman’s words. The belt is raised, and this rematch of fight-sport icons begins!

Fans chant “Suplex City!” as Lesnar and Cain circle. They approach, and Cain tests Lesnar with a quick kick. Lesnar stays up but Cain gets him with another. Lesnar goes for a leg but ends up in a corner with Cain. The ref calls for the break but Lesnar keeps throwing knees. Cain works through the guard, getting shots where he can. The two break and circle again. Fans duel as Cain tests Lesnar with more kicks. Cain has Lesnar in a corner with hands but Lesnar grapples. Cain still gets his shots in with hands and knees, but Lesnar turns things around. The ref seems to be rather lax to give Cain a chance, and Cain gets Lsenar down with a roundhouse! Cain rains rights but Lesnar uses a leg guard, to get the KIMURA!! Cain endures, flails, but he taps?! Lesnar wins!?

Winner: Brock Lesnar, by submission; still WWE World Champion

But the Beast refuses to let go, he wants to torture Cain! Rey gets in with a chair and SMACKS Lesnar! That only angers Lesnar! Lesnar hits Rey and hauls him up to toss him out! Lesnar then takes the chair Rey brought in to SMACK Cain! And SMACK him again! And again! Lesnar is seething as he hauls Cain up to the fireman’s carry, and hits an F5 on the chair!! But Rey is back with another chair and he SMACKS Lesnar more! He keeps firing off on Lesnar, he won’t give Lesnar an opening! Chair shot to the face! And the back! Rey is wearing that chair out on Lesnar! Lesnar runs away and Heyman keeps him from wanting revenge. The Beast has the belt and his payback on Cain, but what will the King of Lucha Libre do to get the rest of his own revenge?


The tag team champions of both brands speak.

Fighting up from noting to becoming the #TopGuys, it has all lead to this. The most important tag team match in history, this is Dash Wilder’s and Scott Dawson’s time to prove they are the “most precise one-two punch.” No Flips, Just Fists. The Viking Nation travels wherever the Raiders go. And tonight, all will witness the battlefield that is Crown Jewel. Their arrival is everyone else’s fall. The Raid is here! Will either of the tag team champions be standing at the end of tonight’s Tag Team Turmoil?


World Cup Tag Team Turmoil!

The largest tag team turmoil match in the history of wrestling will see nine teams compete for the right to be the BEST Tag Team in the World! Will the winner be from Raw or from SmackDown? Will they be the champions or a dark horse no one expects?

The first match-up is…

Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler VS Lucha House Party!

The GLORIOUS Show-Offs are specifically taking on Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado. Teams sort out and Lince starts against Ziggler, and the bell rings to official start the tag team turmoil!

Lince and Ziggler tie up and Ziggler powers Lince to a corner. Ziggler lets up to pie face Lince, so Lince CHOPS back! Lince whips but Ziggler reverses, only for Lince to go up and over. Lince speed sup, slides under and huricanranas Ziggler to a corner! Fans rally with “Lucha! Lucha!” but Ziggler elbows then dropkicks Lince down! Ziggler tags in Roode and Roode stomps Lince Pennywise down. But Lince jawbreakers back! And CHOPS to a whip. Roode reverses but gets the Golden Rewind! Tag to Metalik, who gets a boost, for a splash! Then Lince becomes a human weapon, wheelbarrow suplex splash! Cover, TWO! Metalik tags Lince as he wrenches Roode. Lince climbs to drop an ax handle. Roode hits back and grimaces as he shoves Lince back. Lince fights out of the Roode-Dolph corner but gets a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Roode hits Metalik out of anger before he stomps Lince down.

Tag to Ziggler, and Roode suplexes to throw Lince down. Ziggler adds the Famouser! Cover but Metailk breaks it! Ziggler drags Lince away for a chinlock, tearing at the mask! The fans rally up as Lince endures. Lince fights his way up and reaches, but Ziggler pulls him away by the mask! Tag to Roode, and Roode-Dolph mug Lince in their corner. Roode drags Lince up, suplexes him down and covers, TWO! Roode drags Lince away to tag Ziggler, and then he stomps Lince’s arm. Ziggler has Lince in the open corner for haymakers. Ziggler hoists Lince up top and climbs up to join him. Lince fights back and punches Ziggler down! Lince leaps for a crossbody! But he bounces off the cover!

Ziggler and Lince crawl as fans fire up, tag to Roode! Roode grabs Lince but Lince kicks him away, hot tag to Metalik! Metalik springboards in, things speed up, Roode avoids the handspring but not the CHOP. Metalik runs in, is put up top but he comes back with a headscissors! Roode flounders into kicks from Metailk, who then runs the ropes to hit a missile dropkick! Cover, but Ziggler breaks it! Lince leaps and huricanranas Ziggler away! Fans already feel “This is Awesome!” as Roode shoves Lince down into a SUPERKICK! Metalik rolls Roode, TWO, but Metalik enziguris! Roode distracts the ref, Ziggler SUPERKICKS Metalik mid-handspring! GLORIOUS DDT from Roode! Cover, Roode & Dolph ELIMINATE Lucha House Party! But right away it’s the Major Brothers!

Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler VS Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder!

Ryder and Hawkins run in, dodge Roode-Dolph and hit back with a clothesline and a Rough Ryder! The Major Bros clothesline Ziggler out and Hawkins gives Roode a neckbreaker! Tag to Ryder who hops up fast, Hawkins fireman’s carries for the SUPER rolling neckbreaker Samoan drop! Cover, Ziggler breaks it! Ziggler throws Hawkins out now and SUPERKICKS him! SUPERKIKC for Ryder, GLORIOUS ZIGZAG! Cover, Roode-Dolph ELIMINATE the Major Bros! But now they face Tucker and Otis!

Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler VS Heavy Machinery!

They’re COMIIIIIIN’~! The literally biggest team in this turmoil match get in the ring and fans are fired up for Otis. But it is Tucker Knight starting with Ziggler, and Tucker gets the leg. He rolls Ziggler to a cover, TWO, but Tucker holds on. Ziggler elbows out and leaps, but into Tucker’s catapult! Ziggler gets buckles then flounders off. Tucker leaps for a crossbody! Fans cheer for the uncanny agility as Tucker runs in. But Roode saves Ziggler from the splash! Roode tags in and goes after Tucker with buckle bumps and CHOPS. Roode fires off more CHOPS, then grinds Tucker’s face on the ropes. The ref reprimands Roode but Ziggler gets a cheap shot in! Tucker hits back with big hands, but Roode dropkicks Tucker down.

Tag to Ziggler and he mugs Tucker in the corner. Fans are rallying for Otis as Ziggler snapmares Tucker. Ziggler drops the elbow, covers, TWO! Ziggler keeps on Tucker with a grounded armlock, but fans continue to rally up for Heavy Machinery. Tucker fights his way up and reaches, but Ziggler keeps him away with a pull of the hair. Tag to Roode, and Roode stomps Tucker down. Roode tosses Tucker out hard to then taunt Otis. Ziggler gets more cheap shots on Tucker, and then Roode goes out to CHOP Tucker against barriers. Roode puts Tucker in, covers, TWO! Roode keeps on Tucker and tags in Ziggler. Ziggler stomps Tucker down then taunts the fans cheering for Otis. But Tucker fights back with big haymakers! Ziggler kicks low and tags Roode.

Ziggler whips Roode for Roode to whip Ziggler, Ziggler only gets post! Tucker lariats Roode down! Fans rally up and Tucker heads for Otis! Hot tag brings in Dozer! Fans love Otis as he rallies and flapjacks Ziggler! Off comes the shirt! Roode kicks but Otis just jiggles with it. Otis powers up from more kicks, and then lifts Roode up for a Fall Away Slam! “Oh yeah~!” Otis bulldozes Roode-Dolph in the corner! They’re both down, and Otis pumps up! Fans cheer as Otis hits the Caterpillar! But Ziggler denies the elbow, and fans boo. Roode-Dolph wants a time-out, but Tucker wipes out Ziggler! Roode gets up, but Otis drags him in! Otis runs in but gets boots. Roode hops up, but leaps into Otis’ arms! Tucker tags in, COMPACTOR! Cover, Heavy Machinery ELIMINATES Roode-Dolph! But now it’s a New Day, yes it is!

Heavy Machinery VS The New Day!

The Power of Positivity has the fans all fired up with flapjacks flying in! Big E goes at Tucker, but Tucker avoids the Big Ending. However, Big E wrangles Tucker in, wanting the cobra twist. Tucker almost gets it himself, so Big E shoves him away. Tucker rams Big E with his shoulder, but Big E wobbles and wavers! Big E bends back, back, back, and then applauds! Tucker gets upset with Big E having fun and whips him to a corner. Big E reverses but Tucker goes up and over, and then shows off his agility! Fans cheer for that, too. Things speed up again, and both men wipe each other out with clotheslines! Fans still feel “This is Awesome!” as Big E and Tucker tag to Otis and Kofi!

Kofi springboards to ax handle Otis, but Otis stays up. Kofi chops away but Otis just jiggles. Kofi dropkicks, but then leaps into the spin-cycle scoop slam! Otis runs corner to corner and squashes Kofi in the corner. Kofi is down and fans pump up with Otis. Now we get the Caterpillar ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Kofi survives but Otis tags Tucker in. Otis has Kofi for the Hoss Toss, but Kofi counters with a DDT! Kofi spins Otis for Trouble in Paradise! Out goes Dozer, and Big E is back. Kofi tags Big E but Tucker elbows back. Tucker catches Big E’s arms for an overhead suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for both teams as Tucker hops up and leaps! But Tucker flops on the mat! Big E tags Kofi, scoops Tucker, and Kofi leaps in, MIDNIGHT HOUR! Cover, the New Day ELIMINATES Heavy Machinery! But there’s no resting yet, here come Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas!

The New Day VS The B-Team!

Will “B” truly stand for Best Tag Team in the World?

Big E and Kofi are ready as Axel and Dallas get in the ring. Axel starts with Big E but Big E throws big body shots. Big E whips but Axel boots. Axel clobbers Big E from behind then rains down rights! Axel tags Dallas, and then drops an elbow on Big E. Dallas drops knee after knee on Big E, covers, TWO! Dallas keeps Big E down with a chinlock but fans rally up. Big E powers up and fights back but Dallas knees low. Tag to Axel and the B-Team mug Big E in the corner. But Big E powers Axel off the DDT, and then throws Dallas out! Kofi climbs to TRUST FALL! Big E scoops Axel, for the BIG ENDING! Cover, The New Day ELIMINATES The B-Team! But now, #SayYeah! The #TopGuys are here, and we get a SmackDown Tag Team Championship preview!

The New Day VS The Revival!

Dash and Dawson are grinning, confident they’ll show up the New Day even before their title match. Tensions rise but the ref keeps the peace until teams sort out. Kofi and Dawson start and tie up. They go around and Dawson puts Kofi in a corner. The ref counts and Dawson gets a cheap shot in. Dawson stomps and punches but the ref backs him off. Dawson pulls Kofi by his hair to tag in Dash. The Revival double headbutt Kofi down! Dash throws uppercuts and CHOPS on Kofi, then bump him off other buckles. Dash whips Kofi corner to corner, then runs in to monkey flip! But Kofi lands on his feet! To dropkick Dash back! And dropkick Dawson down! Dash headlocks but Kofi powers out to leap, into a powerslam! Cover, TWO! Dash tags Dawson and Dawson drops a leg, drops an elbow, and drops a headbutt! Dawson brings Kofi up, back suplex drops Kofi! Cover, TWO!

Fans boo the Revival as Dawson drags Kofi up by his hair. Dash tags in, Dawson snapmares and Dash is the human weapon, assisted leg drop! Cover, TWO! Fans still rally as Kofi endures the high armlock. Dash leans on Kofi but fans rally up. Kofi fights his way up and punches Dash back. Big E reaches for Kofi but Dash wrangles Kofi away. Kofi arm-drags and then hits SOS! Both Kofi and Dash are down but fans rally up. Tag to Dawson, and he intercepts Kofi to put him back in the Revival’s corner. But Kofi fights out with fury, until Dawson kicks low. Dawson whips Kofi to a corner, Kofi leaps up to missile dropkick back! Kofi crawls but Dash hits Big E down! Dawson corner clotheslines Kofi, then tags Dash. Torture rack knee drop attack! Cover, TWO!! The Revival can’t believe it!

Fans rally up for Kofi as Dash and Dawson sneer. Dash drags Kofi up and tags in Dawson. The Revival hit an assisted suplex, but Big E rams Dash! Kofi rolls Dawson, The New Day ELIMINATES The Revival! This could be what happens tomorrow night! But Dawson is a sore loser and he clobbers Big E out of the ring! Dash throws Big E into steel steps while Dawson throws hands on Kofi! The Revival beat Kofi down as fans boo, Kofi gets the SHATTER MACHINE! And this leaves the New Day vulnerable to… THE OC!

The New Day VS The OC!

The Good Brothers, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, hurry down to the ring to pick the bones! They drag Kofi up, MAGIC- No! Kofi kicks Anderson then tosses Gallows out! Double stomps take down The Machine Gun! Big E returns and fans rally up, but Gallows trips him up to YAKUZA Kick! Anderson hits the Shotgun! Tag to Gallows, and the OC drag Kofi back up. NOW Magic Killer!! Cover, The OC ELIMINATES The New Day! A huge assist to the Revival, but now… the RAID!

The OC VS The Viking Raiders!

The Raw Tag Team Champions are the last team left! Will Erik & Ivar add the World Cup to their long list of accolades? Or will the Best Tag Team in the World be #JustTooSweet?

And the brawl is on the moment these four meet! Erik gut wrenches to gut bust Anderson, then TOSS him at Gallows! Erik throws body shots on Gallows to then whip, but Gallows reverses. Erik goes up and over to come back with a knee! But Gallows knees back to then uppercut and throw Erik out. Erik skins the cat but Anderson runsi n. Erik elbows Anderson and then Gallows, but Anderson chop blocks! Gallows dropkicks Erik down, and the OC throw up the Too Sweet. Gallows fetches Erik into the ring and brings him up for clubbing forearms. Gallows snap suplexes Erik down and covers, TWO! Gallows keeps on Erik with a chinlock, digging his fingers into the beard. Fans rally up and Erik fights his way up to break free and ROCK Gallows with a right!

Erik and Gallows crawl to their corners, hot tags to Anderson and Ivar! The Warbeard rallies, sidewalk slam to splash! Gallwos runs in but gets heavy hands! Gallows whips but runs into the seated senton! Ivar cartwheels to dodge Anderson and come back with the clothesline! Tag to Erik and Ivar scoop slams Anderson. Ivar is the human weapon, scoop slam senton! Erik dead lifts Anderson up but Gallows knocks Ivar off the top. Anderson throws Erik into the post! Tag to Gallows, and Gallows drags Erik out. Back suplex neckbreaker combo! Cover, TWO!! Erik survives but Anderson tags back in. The OC want it again, but Ivar disrupts Magic Killer! Gallows YAKUZA Kicks Ivar, and Anderson chop blocks Erik again! Magic Killer!! Cover, The OC win!!

Winners: The OC, Gallows pinning; The Best Tag Team in the World

Not only that, but they’ve pinned the Raw Tag Team Champions! Will Gallows and Anderson rise back up and make the OC golden?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio.

The King of Lucha is disappointed to be sure, but after going after Lesnar, what was the message? Lesnar gets props for surviving Cain Velasquez, but Lesnar hasn’t destroyed Mysterio. Lesnar will pay for what he did to Dominick, if it’s the last thing Mysterio does. Mysterio uses Spanish to give a Paul Heyman style “spoiler”: He’s coming for revenge.


Mansoor VS Cesaro!

The hometown hero returns! Mansoor won the historic 50-Man Battle Royal, but now he must see if he can do things 1v1. Will the Swiss Cyborg ruin the inspirational superstar’s newest homecoming?

The bell rings and the fans are of course fired up for their hero. Mansoor wants to shake Cesaro’s hand, but Cesaro slaps it away. Fans boo but Mansoor and Cesaro tie up. Cesaro powers Mansoor to a corner, and gives a sharp shove. Mansoor shoves back! The two tie up again, Cesaro wrenches to a wristlock, then shifts to a hammerlock. Mansoor slips out and reverses to then get a headlock. But Cesaro blocks the takedown and has the wristlock back. Mansoor rolls and bends back, to then hop over and wrench to an arm-drag! Mansoor smiles and the fans go wild! Cesaro and Mansoor tie up again, and Cesaro headlocks. Mansoor powers out but Cesaro runs him over! Cesaro runs, Mansoor leaps up, but into a scoop! Mansoor slips out, but Cesaro bucks him off. Mansoor springs up, O’Conner rolls to a standing moonsault! Cover, ONE, but Mansoor arm-drags to an armlock!

Cesaro grows frustrated as he endures the hold. Cesaro powers up and puts Mansoor on the ropes. The ref counts and Cesaro lets up, to hit low! Cesaro knees Mansoor then whips as fans duel. Mansoor sunset flips, kips up and dropkicks Cesaro out of the ring! Cesaro flounders but is frustrated. Cesaro turns around to get a dropkick! Mansoor builds speed to DIVE, into a European Uppercut! Fans are stunned to see Mansoor wipe out! Cesaro drags Mansoor up to whip him into barriers! Mansoor writhes as fans boo. Cesaro drags Mansoor up and into the ring to then climb up top. Mansoor staggers up, into Cesaro’s flying ax handles! Cover, TWO, but Cesaro chinlocks. Fans rally as Mansoor endures. Mansoor powers up and powers Cesaro to the corner!

Cesaro whips back but Mansoor stops himself. Mansoor boots then hops up, but Cesaro yanks him down! Mansoor hits buckles and then the mat! Cesaro covers, TWO! Mansoor checks his nose but nothing’s bloody yet. Cesaro brings Mansoor up to knock him down with a EuroUpper! Cover, TWO, but Cesaro has the chinlock again. Fans rally as Mansoor fights his way up. Mansoor fights back with body shots but Cesaro shoves him, to get the sleeper on the rebound. Fans still rally and Mansoor fights free again, only to get another shove. But Mansoor was ready, and he gets Cesaro in a sleeper! But Cesaro shifts to back suplex! Cover, TWO! Cesaro climbs up now, leaps, but into Mansoor’s dropkick! Fans cheer while both men are down, “This is Awesome!”

Mansoor finds Cesaro and gives him a jawbreaker! And a CHOP! And another CHOP! And another! Cesaro reels Mansoor in, but Mansoor lands on his feet out of the back suplex to enziguri! Mansoor runs, tilt-o-whirl headscissors! Cesaro ends up outside the ring, and Mansoor fires himself up. Mansoor runs and FLIES! Direct hit takes out Cesaro! Mansoor puts Cesaro in then climbs up top, big crossbody! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro survives and Mansoor is shocked, but he has a wild look in his eyes. Mansoor runs in, BIG tornado DDT! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro still lives and Mansoor is shocked again! Mansoor drags Cesaro up but Cesaro shoves him at the ref! And then gets a throat chop! Roll up, with tights! TWO!! Mansoor escapes, elbows back, then hops up. Mansoor dodges Cesaro to come back with a kick! And a slingshot neckbreaker! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!

Mansoor was so close, but also too close to the ropes. Mansoor drags Cesaro away and then climbs up top. Cesaro gets up to trip him up! Mansoor hits the buckle, and then Cesaro climbs up. Cesaro dead lifts to a SUPER GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Mansoor lives and now Cesaro can’t believe it! Fans still feel “This is Awesome!” as Cesaro brings Mansoor in. But Mansoor counters to a jackknife! TWO, Mansoor runs, into a POP-UP UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO, but into a CROSSFACE! Mansoor endures being cranked back hard, but Cesaro thrashes harder. Mansoor rolls it over, TWO! Cesaro runs into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!?! Cesaro survives and Mansoor is stunned.

But Mansoor won’t be denied, he heads to the corner again. Mansoor climbs, but Cesaro has him again. Mansoor kicks Cesaro away but Cesaro JABS hard! Cesaro clubs away furiously, then sits Mansoor up. Cesaro throws a BIG EuroUpper, then climbs up to join Mansoor. Another gut wrench, but Mansoor counters to a sunset flip powerbomb!! Mansoor has a wild look in his eyes as Cesaro is back down. Mansoor hurries up top again, for a MOONSAULT! Cover, Mansoor wins!!

Winner: Mansoor, by pinfall

The hometown hero does it again! The Swiss Cyborg was no easy opponent, but Mansoor found a way to win! Will Mansoor make even more memorable moments in his growing WWE career?

Greg Hamilton interviews Mansoor in the ring.

This was his first singles match in his home country, what does a victory like this mean? Fans are all cheering, and Mansoor is a bit overwhelmed. “When I woke up this morning, I looked myself in the mirror and I said, ‘This is my most important match.'” This was the most important match of Mansoor’s life. He admits he was scared and nervous. But then he stepped into the arena, in front of all the fans, in front of his family, and he remembered, “Anything is possible.” This was the most important victory of his life, but Mansoor can’t wait for “what WE do next!” Mansoor speaks to Riyadh in Arabic to assure them, he is here for them! Mansoor says that they dreamed of a Saudi Superstar in WWE, and here he is! Mansoor is ready to carry the dreams of a people on his shoulders. How high can Mansoor go with his nation behind him?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

The WWE Universal Champion’s match is Falls Count Anywhere, and it cannot be stopped until there is a winner. With that said, “is this the night you end the rivalry?” Rollins says this ends tonight! The Fiend has brought out the worst in Rollins, from Hell in a Cell to burning the Firefly Fun House. The scariest part is that a little bit of Rollins that enjoys this. Rollins has had people play mind games with him, but something about this is different. It is unsettling. But what Rollins wants us to remember, that no matter what happens, Rollins didn’t pick the fight. Bray Wyatt picked the fight! Rollins didn’t start this but he is not afraid to end this! Rollins walks in the champion, and will do whatever it takes to walk out! What lengths will Rollins go to, to #BurnItDown?


Braun Strowman VS Tyson Fury!

The Monster Among Men was just trying to poke some fun at boxing’s undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion, but things escalated to an all out brawl! And now, we have this match of super sized stars in Saudi Arabia! Will Fury #GetTheseHands? Or will he #KnockBraunOut?

Strowman sees all the pageantry behind Fury’s entrance, but wonders where he is. Fury rises from the floor! The Gypsy King has the fans all fired up, but it’s time to get serious. The two come face to face but the ref wants them to go to their corners. The introductions are made, and the bell rings for this truly massive match!

Strowman and Fury circle, and they tie up. Strowman pushes Fury away but then they tie up again. Strowman puts Fury in a corner but the ref calls for a break. Strowman gives it, to then give a shove. Fury is mad but he and Strowman circle again. They tie up and Strowman powers Fury to the ropes. Fury slips free and gives some body shots! Strowman manages to shrug them off and he ties up with Fury again. Strowman wrenches to a wristlock, but Fury rolls and manages to kip-up to a headlock! Strowman powers out, bumps shoulders, but then BOOTS Fury down! Fans roar with Strowman as he looms over Fury. Strowman hauls Fury up to club him back down, and stomp him down! Fury gets up but Strowman is on him with a headbutt! Fans duel as Strowman throws hands on Fury now, and more headbutts!

Fury wobbles but Strowman knees low. Strowman rams shoulders into Fury’s ribs, then runs corner to corner, but only gets post! Fury catches his breath while Strowman tumbles out. Strowman heads up but Fury kicks him back out. Fury then goes out to fetch Strowman, but Strowman rams him into the apron! Strowman DECKS Fury with a right! Strowman decides to take a lap! Fury stands, but Strowman comes around, but Fury dropkicks him down! Fury roars and fans fire up with him! Fury dares Strowman to get up, and he puts Strowman in the ring. Fury gets in and stalks Strwoman. Strowman dodges to scoop! But Fury fights out and drop toeholds Strowman into ropes! Strowman gets up to get a BOOT from Fury! Cover, TWO!! Fury couldn’t figure out the leg hook and that may have cost him.

Fans rally up both ways as Fury stands up. Fury drags Strowman up but Strowman powers him to a corner! Both men start throwing hands and Strowman clubs Fury down! Strowman brings Fury up to CLUB him down again! But Fury invokes his inner Deadman as he sits up! Strowman stomps Fury back down, then waits for Fury to get up. Strowman runs in again, but gets another boot! Fury catches his breath while Strowman staggers. Fury leaps into Strowman’s arms, and a World’s Strongest Slam! Strowman shouts out Mark Henry and Fury feels all 385 pounds. Strowman sees Fury is outside, and it’s time for another lap! Strowman runs around the way to run Fury over! Fans cheer as they want “One More Time!” Strowman obliges, and runs Fury over again! Strowman puts Fury in the ring at 7, and fans are fired up! Strowman gets in the ring now but Fury ROCKS him with that right!! Strowman falls in a heap as the ring count begins again! The count passes 5 but Strowman wobbles at 7! And at 9! Strowman is down, Fury wins!!

Winner: Tyson Fury, by count out

In a very boxing way, the Gypsy King gets one over on the Monster Among Men! But The Monster Among Men still gives Fury a MONSTER SLAM! “I told you, this is MY ring, you piece of crap!” But Fury does get up! Is this the last we’ve seen of these two giants colliding in the ring?


The WWE 24/7 Championship chase is still going on backstage!

No Way Jose, Heath Slater, Eric Young and THE Brian Kendrick are among those hunting down R-Truth! But Truth ditches them all as he sneaks out of a side room. Truth turns around to see Samir! And Sunil! How many Singhs are there? Truth wants themt o know, the one thing about being the 48/7 7/11 24/7 European Television Champion is that you always need to have an escape plan. See ya! But Truth forgot he closed the door behind him! He bounces off and hits the floor, Samir covers! Samir wins!!

Winner: Samir Singh, by pinfall; NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

The Bollywood Boys have both held the title now! Truth can’t believe it, the Singh family just gets bigger and bigger. But will Truth get his baby back before leaving for the States?


WWE United States Championship: AJ Styles w/ The OC VS Humberto Carrillo!

Ultimo Ninja survived 19 other superstars to challenge the Phenomenal One here and now! But the Good Brothers overcame eight other teams to become the BEST Tag Team in the World! Will Styles keep the momentum going? Or will Carrillo shock the world and get his first title in WWE this very day?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this phenomenal rematch from Raw begins!

Styles throws forearms and punches and stomps on Carrillo already! Fans rally and duel as Carrillo gets up and hits back! Styles rocks and CHOPS Carrillo to the corner, then bumps him off buckles. Styles throws more forearms then bumps Carrillo on more buckles. Styles CHOPS but Carrillo hits back. Styles kicks Carrillo hard, and Styles tells the Carrillo fans to “shut up.” Carrillo fires back but Styles CHOPS him again. Styles whips but Carrillo holds ropes. Carrillo dodges and then comes back to springboard arm-drag! Styles is up but Carrillo headscissors him down! Carrillo kicks hard then uses the ropes again, shows off a little and arm-drags Styles again! Then dropkicks him out! Carrillo builds speed, but Styles gets clear. They go around the way and Styles baits Carrillo into the USHIGOROSHI!

Fans rally and duel again as Styles catches his breath. Styles drags Carrillo up into a chinlock and squeezes tight. Carrillo endures and fans rally up. Carrillo fights up and fights out, but Styles counters to a backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Styles keeps his cool as fans continue to rally. Styles says “SUCK IT” to the Carrillo fans, but Carrillo hits back. Styles knees low and is getting annoyed with the upstart. He brings Carrillo up to snapmare and put on a chinlock. Fans rally up again as Carrillo endures. Carrillo fights his way up and out again, but Styles swings. Carrillo dodges, handsprings and back elbows Styles down! The OC coach Styles up but Carrillo runs in, another springboard but Styles throws him down! Cover, TWO! Styles drags Carrillo up and suplexes, to a BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Carrillo survives and Styles is growing frustrated.

Styles puts the chinlock back on as fans duel. Carrillo feeds off the energy and fights, but Styles holds tight. Carrillo keeps trying, and gets free, and starts trading haymakers with Styles. Styles kicks, swings, misses, and Carrillo jawbreakers! Handspring arm-drag! Fans fire up with Carrillo, somersault moonsault! Cover, TWO! Carrillo grows frustrated now, but fans still rally. Carrillo drags Styles up but Styles trips him, to catapult at the corner! But Carrillo hops up and leaps for a big crossbody! Cover, TWO!! Carrillo grits his teeth while Styles is sputtering. Carrillo brings Styles up but Styles throat chops! Styles tosses Carrillo out but Carrillo holds on. After all, he just went through a battle royal. Carrillo slingshots, but into a fireman’s carry! Styles Ushigoroshis, but Carrillo handsprings through! To enziguri! But Styles PELES in return! Both men are down but fans are rallying up, “This is Awesome!”

Carrillo goes to the apron but Styles follows. Styles brings Carrillo up, but Carrillo resists the suplex. Carrillo body shots and BOOTS! Styles stays up, and tosses Carrillo back in. Carrillo hops over to ROCK Styles, then leaps to dropkick him down! Carrillo runs and FLIES! Direct hit takes out Styles! Carrillo grits his teeth as he drags Styles up and in. Cover, TWO!! Carrillo doesn’t let that deter him, as he puts Styles on the top rope. Carrillo climbs to join Styles, and then stands up on the very top, SUPER STEINER denied! But Carrillo fights out of the Clash, only for Styles to sunset flip! TWO and Carrillo has Styles, TWO! The Phenomenal Blitz fires off! Cover, TWO!! The OC are growing worried as Carrillo survives. Styles catches his breath then drags Carrillo up. Styles wants the Clash, but Carrillo grabs ropes while upside-down! Carrillo skins the cat and trades forearms with Styles.

Carrillo springboards, but into a waistlock! Carrillo escapes the back suplex but his leg jams. He still dodges the boot, but Styles trips Carrillo up with that leg. Carrillo still kicks Styles into buckles with the good leg, but Styles comes back to roll him! CALF CRUSHER! Carrillo endures the leg hold like he did on Monday, but Styles really cranks back! Carrillo reaches and gets the ropebreak! Styles lets up and stalks a hobbling Carrillo. Styles has the leg, but Carrillo knees back! Carrillo swings a kick but hits the enziguri on the return! Carrillo drags Styles to a drop zone and climbs up, to MOONSAULT! Styles dodges, Carrillo rolls through but that leg bothers him. Styles runs in, but Carrillo puts him on the apron. Styles forearms back, and then takes aim! Springboard, Phenomenal Forearm hits! Cover, Styles wins!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall; still WWE United States Champion

The Phenomenal wins again, and the OC is rolling! Will these three together become the Best TRIO in the World?


Backstage interview with Hulk Hogan!

The Immortal One says, “Let me tell you something, brother!” No wait, that’s not quite right. “Let me tell you something, Double B!” Beautiful Byron Saxton, the Hulkster is super pumped up to be in Riyadh! After 35 years of Flair flapping his gums, Hogan will put it to rest. Flair has never beat Hogan before, and Flair’s team won’t beat Hogan’s now! Hogan’s team has been clangin’ and bangin’, training day and night. “We’re ready for total destruction!” So the last question Hogan has is, what’s Flair going to do when Team Hogan runs wild on Team Flair, brother?


Lacey Evans VS Natalya!

History is being made by the Sassy Southern Bell and Queen of Harts! This the first-ever women’s wrestling match in the country, and fans are excited for this progress! But who gets the even bigger honor of being the first woman to win a match in Riyadh?

The bell rings, and Natty shakes hands with Lacey. They then circle and tie up, and Lacey headlocks. Natty powers out but Lacey runs her over with a shoulder. Lacey pretends to be surprised, but then things speed up. Lacey blocks the hip toss but so does Natty. Natty arm-drags Lacey and fans are dueling. Fans rally up as Natty and Lacey tie up. Natty wrenches to a wristlock, but Lacey cartwheels and reverses! Natty rolls and handsprings to wrench back, then roll Lacey up, TWO! Lacey has to give Natty a hand for that one, and they shake hands again. They tie up, Lacey headlocks and throws Natty but avoids a takedown. “This is Awesome!” as the two tie up again. Lacey headlocks and gets the takeover, but Natty headscissors. Lacey pops out to a jackknife, TWO as Natty bridges. Natty spins to a headlock takeover of her own, but Lacey headscissors. Natty kips up and out and fans are cheering this great technical exchange!

The two go again, Lacey elbows out of the waistlock, but misses in the corner. Natty picks Lacey up but Lacey lands on her feet out of the rebound to arm-drag Natty! Natty is up fast and trips Lacey again, and wants the Sharpshooter! Lacey kicks her away, but Natty runs and dares Lacey to chase her. Lacey does and Natty sends her out! Fans cheer as Natty fetches Lacey, but Lacey chop blocks Natty! Lacey swings to dropkick and wreck Natty! Lacey drags Natty in for the cover, TWO! Fans are loving this display of “Women’s Wrestling!” and Lacey has Natty in a seated cobra clutch. Natty endures as Lacey thrashes her about. Natty works her way up but Lacey whips her to a corner. Natty puts Lacey on the apron but walks into a kick. Lacey sweeps the legs to slingshot elbow drop! Cover, TWO!

Lacey goes back to the cobra clutch but fans rally up. Natty endures and stands, but Lacey reels her out to drive her down. Lacey drops knees on the arm, and again! Lacey puts the cobra twist on, but fans rally up. Natty fights her way up but into Lacey’s swinging neckbreaker! Lacey rolls back but her splash gets knees! Natty catches her breath and kicks Lacey back. Natty whips but Lacey reverses. Lacey misses in the corner, and Natty gets that rebound sit-down! Natty steps on Lacey to basement dropkick! And then, the Sharpshooter! But Lacey powers out to roll Natty, TWO! Lacey headlocks and suplexes Natty hard! Lacey drags Natty to a drop zone and goes to the corner. She hops up, then again, Sassiest Moonsault Ever! Cover, TWO!! Natty survives and Lacey is furious!

Lacey drags Natty up again for another suplex, then makes sure Natty is in the drop zone. Lacey wants one more, but Natty springs up to yank her off! Natty catches her breath but hits the DISCUS! And then, and truly, the SHARPSHOOTER! Fans are fired up as Lacey endures and reaches, but Natty drags her away! Natty sits deep, Lacey TAPS, Natty wins!!

Winner: Natalya, by submission

And the Harts make history again! Natalya wins in this truly historic moment! Saudi Arabia is happy to see this moment, especially as Natty helps Lacey up. There is still respect and sportsmanship here, and that’s an even greater thing!


10-Man Tag: Team Hogan VS Team Flair!

The Big Dog leads the Beacon of Light, Shorty G, the King of Flight and the Bulgarian Brute into battle against The Viper, the King of Strong Style, the King of the Ring, the Scottish Terminator and the Rocky Mountain Machine! With each team of five representing a living legend, who is victorious over the other on this historic night?

The teams sort out as tension mounts between all ten. Nakamura and Chad Gable start, but Nakamura toys with Shorty G. Nakamura kicks quick and low. He fires off strikes, but Gable catches one to get around to a waistlock and slam! Nakamura switches but Gable does, too. The two fight for control, and Nakamura triangle holds, but Gable rolls to an ankle lock! Nakamura powers out but runs into a belly2belly suplex! Gable keeps throwing Nakamura then covers, TWO! Gable drags Nakamura up to whip but Nakamura knees low. Gable ducks one kick but not the second! Tag to Corbin, and the Lone Wolf gets to pick on Gable again. Corbin whips Gable corner to corner but Gable goes up and over. Gable dodges and tags Ali to arm-drag Corbin! Ali dropkicks Corbin and again!

Ali runs, but into the grip! Corbin puts Ali in a corner but gets a roundhouse back! Ali somersaults for the facebuster! Cover, ONE, and Corbin backs away to his corner. Corbin tags in Lashley, and Rusev wants in! Ali obliges and suddenly Lashley wants out! Rusev goes after Lashley but the ref keeps him away as Lashley is in the corner. Tag to McIntyre and fans boo as Lashley runs from Rusev. Rusev and McIntyre circle and tie up and they start brawling! Rusev gets the edge but McIntyre kicks low and clubs hard! McIntyre whips, Rusev throws McIntyre back and corner splashes! Rusev whips corner to corner but runs into McIntyre’s elbow. McIntyre runs but Ruesv dodges to hit the windmill kick! Cover, TWO, and Rusev glares at Lashley. Rusev wrenches McIntyre and yanks on the arm, then tags to Ali. Ali climbs up and Ali double stomps the arm. Ali goes after the arm but McIntyre breaks free to CHOP Ali down!

Corbin tags in and drags Ali up to whip. Ali kicks back and then runs in, but into a scoop. Ali slips out to shove Corbin but Corbin puts him on the Ali. Ali hits back but Corbin shoves him off! Ali hits barriers on the way down! Team Hogan coaches Ali up but Corbin comes around to fetch Ali. Corbin puts Ali in and brings Ali over to tag in Lashley. Lashley and Corbin mug Ali but fans rally up. Lashley lifts Ali for a sidewalk slam! Lashley wraps Ali up in a chinlock and grinds him down. Lashley taunts Rusev and the ref has to keep Rusev back. Ali fights his way up and throws hands, then runs, into Lashley’s lariat! Cover, TWO! Lashley throws Ali out hard then flexes at Rusev. The ref has to hold Rusev back again, that allows Orton to get his shots in on Ali! Lashley tags out to Nakamura, and Nakamura goes around to get Ali into the ring.

Nakamura taunts Team Hogan as he bumps Ali off buckles. Nakamura gives Ali Bad Vibrations! Fans boo as Nakamura walks it off and dares Team Hogan to “C’MON!” But Ail boots, only to get turned sideways for a ROUNDHOUSE! Sliding German! Ali is down, Nakamura covers, TWO! Nakamura tags in McIntyre, and they mug Ali in the Flair corner. McIntyre puts Ali in an open corner to CHOP! McIntyre tosses Ali across the way! And then he dares Ali to stand. Ali does, but he goes up and over, only for McIntyre to pull hair. McIntyre back suplexes but Ali slips out to boot back. Ali leaps, tornado DDT! Both men are down and their teams are rallying for them! McIntyre keeps Ali away for only a moment, hot tag to Ricochet! Ricochet kicks McIntyre and throws forearms! Ricochet runs, throws more forearms, then dodges to tilt-o-whirl headscissors!

Ricochet kips up, runs in, shoulder tackles, and avoids Nakamura’s sweep. Ricochet kicks Nakamura, forearms McIntyre, then springboard clothespins! LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ricochet hurries up to the top rope but Corbin creeps close. Ricochet hops down, but then McIntyre lifts Ricochet up with one hand, and turns him around for the inverted Alabama lift. Corbin gets a BIG right hand in first, and then the inverted Alabama Slam! Tag to Orton, and fans cheer finally getting to see The Viper in action! Orton stomps Ricochet around, then does his iconic pose. Orton CHOPS Ricochet in the corner, then snapmares Ricochet for more stomps. Orton grinds his boot into Ricochet’s stomach with every stomp, and then he goes after the legs. Tag to Lashley, and Flair smiles as Orton whips Ricochet to a corner.

Lashley runs in to ram his shoulder into Ricochet’s stomach! Lashley then brings Ricochet up to suplex and hold him there for a count of 15! Cover, TWO! Rusev wants at Lashley badly but Lashley uses that to taunt him more. Lashley puts Ricochet in the corner and tags Corbin. Corbin drags Ricochet up and throws a big right hand! Corbin drags Ricochet up to ram in elbows over and over into the shoulder. Corbin then half nelsons and chinbars to grind Riocchet down. Fans rally up for Ricochet as he fights his way up. Ricochet fights out with body shots but Corbin powers him to a corner. Ricochet goes up and over and hits Corbinab ck! Springboard, but into the choke grip, but Ricochet pops up to a sunset flip! TWO, Corbin slides out then in to clobber Shorty G and Ali, and then still LARIAT Ricochet! Fans boo but Flair gives a “WOO~” as McIntyre tags in.

McIntyre stomps Ricochet then dead lift suplexes him! Cover, TWO! McIntyre stomps Ricochet more then tags in Lashley. Lashley and McIntyre mug Ricochet, then Lashley cheap shots Rusev! But Ricochet fights out, dropkick-flip to enziguri! Orton tags in and has Ricochet by his super suit! But Ricochet escapes the back suplex, misses the enziguri but not the mule kick! Fans rally up as Ricochet crawls, hot tags to Corbin and Roman Reigns! The Big Dog rallies on all of Team Flair! Leaping lariats for McIntyre and Corbni, and a big uppercut for Lashley! Roman has targets on the outside, Drive-By Dropkick for Orton! Orton even hits post on the way out! Drive-By for Lashley! But Corbin grabs Roman, only to get a hotshot! Roman throws uppercuts and then point-blank lariats in the corner! He gets all 10, and then runs to BOOT Corbin down! Roman shouts out to Hogan, leg drop, brother!

But Roman isn’t done there, he locks ‘n’ loads from the corner! Nakamura gets up to get an uppercut, and Corbin runs into an elbow. McIntyre gets an uppercut, but Orton tags in. Orton has Roman, but no RKO yet! SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, but McIntyre and Corbin break it! Ali somersaults in, but into a CHOKE SLAM! Ankle lock for Corbin, KINSHASA for Shorty G! Ricochet springboards in, to a CLAYMORE! Team Flair has regrouped and they surround Roman. But Rusev finally gets in, to clotheslines McIntyre out! And club Corbin! And toss Nakamura! Lashley doesn’t realize, and now he’s alone with Rusev! They brawl it out, and the fans are behind Rusev! Rusev gets an edge, but Lashley tosses him out. Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES Lashley! Team Flair is gathered, Roman runs to FLY! The Big Dog bowls everyone over!!

Roman puts Orton in and takes aim from the corner. The fans join in the “OOAAH~!” Roman runs in, to a kick! Roman rebounds, into an RKO!! Cover, TWO!?! Roman survives the three most dangerous letters in pro-wrestling!? Flair and Orton are furious, but fans are loving this! Orton looms over Roman, and decides to bring out an even more vicious move. But Shorty G anchors Orton’s feet in the corner! Orton swipes at him, and the ref keeps Gable back. Ali turns Orton around, RKO! No, wait! Ali braced himself! Ricochet standing shooting stars onto Orton! And then, the high-fliers FLY out onto Corbin and Nakamura! Gable CANNONBALLS onto McIntyre! Rusev MACHKA KICKS Lashley! Roman SPEARS Orton!! Cover, Team Hogan wins!!

Winners: Team Hogan, Roman Reigns pinning

The Hulkster couldn’t be prouder of his team! Hogan wins over Flair again, thanks to his fab five! Will this lead each man of the winning team to even bigger and better things?


WWE Universal Championship Falls Count Anywhere: Seth Rollins VS The Fiend Bray Wyatt!

Hell in a Cell was a horror movie come to life, but just like a horror movie, it wasn’t enough to stop the nightmares. The Architect did his best to literally burn down Firefly Fun House, but even that didn’t stop Bray Wyatt. What will it take to end this horror story when this match cannot be stopped for any reason, other than a winner being named?

The lights go down, and when they come back up, red light bathes the arena, just as it did for Hell in a Cell. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this sequel to the nightmare begins!

Fans chant “Yowie Wowie!” and the bell rings! Fiend throat chops Rollins then fires off haymakers and headbutts! Rollins swipes but misses wide, and now The Fiend dribbles Rollins off buckles! Fiend whips and headbutts Rollins down and fans are still chanting. The Fiend takes off his jacket and keeps on Rollins with uppercuts. Fiend chokes Rollins on ropes but Rollins gets free. The Fiend won’t leave him alone, and is laughing as he throws hands at the ropes. He whips Rollins but Rollins dodges to Slingblade! But the Fiend is up, only to run into a boot! Rollins hits a BLOCKBUSTER! Then springboards for a flying knee! Fiend staggers, into a SUPERKICK! Rollins runs but misses the stomp. Rollins rocks Fiend with a forearm, but things speed up, Fiend body checks Rollins down! Fans still cheer and Fiend laughs again.

The Fiend wags his fingers at “naughty Rollins” as he drags Rollins to the apron. Fiend clobbers Rollins but Rollins gets hobbling around the way. Fiend attacks Rollins and tosses him into the crowd! The red light follows them as they go to the crowd. Fiend bounces Rollins off a platform, then hops up to throw Rollins at a pillar. Rollins blocks and rams The Fiend into that same pillar! Rollins crawls to The Fiend and hammers away. Fiend goes back to ringside and Rollins hops up on the barriers to LEAP! But Fiend gets under, only to turn around into a SUPERKICK! CURB STOMP to the floor! But just like Hell in a Cell, The Fiend is up again! Rollins runs in, to an urenage onto the apron! The Fiend sits back to relax while Rollins writhes. Fans continue to chant as The Fiend rams Rollins into barriers.

The camera men move aside as The Fiend brings Rollins to the announce desk. The Fiend bounces Rollins off the one desk, then tosses him to the floor. Rollins rises, but dodges The Fiend! The Fiend busts through the barriers into the front row!! Rollins doesn’t cover, he looks for something he can use! Rollins has a TABLE! Fans love seeing tables. Rollins sets the table up on the outside, but takes aim at The Fiend. Rollins DIVES and hits him once, but then runs and DIVES again! The Fiend stays up so Rollins uses the announce desk cover to SMACK The Fiend down! The Fiend is down but Rollins won’t bother covering. Rollins goes back to his table to get a second table! Rollins stacks this second table on top of the first! Rollins grabs a chair and JAMS it into The Fiend’s ribs. Then he SMACKS the Fiend on the back! And then another chair shot while The Fiend’s down!

Rollins gives The Fiend more chair shots as fans rally up. Rollins finds the sledgehammer! Rollins puts the hammer aside for the moment, to stand up the chair. He puts The Fiend’s head on the chair and then has the hammer in hand! Fans anticipate what’s coming, but so does The Fiend! MANDIBLE CLAW! Rollins uses the hammer to fight free and SMASH The Fiend in the head! But the Fiend hits back to throw Rollins over the announce desk! The Fiend seems to be enjoying himself as he clears off this second desk. Rollins sits up but the Fiend creeps close. The Fiend throws hands, then gives Rollins the NECK SNAP! Fans rally as The Fiend stands tall on the desk. Rollins sputters but The Fiend stomps and kicks him while he’s down. The Fiend gives Rollins another throat chop to keep him down.

The Fiend is on one desk, runs over, and sentons! But Rollins dodges and The Fiend crashes through! Rollins hurries to a cover, ONE?!? Rollins is in shock! Rollins focuses as he grabs the chair again. Rollins jams the chair into The Fiend’s ribs, and then SMACKS him again! And again! The Fiend staggers about as he gets another chair shot to the back! Rollins has The Fiend on the desk, and decides to copy Shane O’Mac here as he climbs up top. But the Fiend is up fast! The Fiend shoves Rollins down through the table tower!! The fans lose their minds as Rollins is in the wreckage of his own making! “This is Awesome!” but far from over as The Fiend smiles at what just happened. The Fiend goes around to find Rollins and stomp away!

But then The Fiend has an even more “amusing” idea. He rips up floor mats to expose the steel grating underneath! Fans sing, “Fiend’s gonna kill~ you~!” Fiend walks over and sees Rollins barely rising up. The Fiend takes Rollins over to the exposed steel, for SISTER- No! Rollins slips out and PELES! The Fiend stays up, so Rollins grabs steel steps! Rollins RAMS The Fiend, and again! And a third time! The Fiend wobbles, Rollins lines it up, CURB STOMP ONTO STEEL!! Cover, TWO!?! Rollins is shocked again, and hurries to find anything else that can help him. Rollins finds a new chair and he SMACKS The Fiend! And again! The Fiend tumbles out into the crowd again, but Rollins hurries up onto the barrier. Rollins leaps to SMASH The Fiend again! The Fiend falls back onto that platform, and Rollins climbs up to follow.

Rollins runs in, into SISTER ABIGAIL! Rollins flops off the platform, into a shadowy void! The Fiend finds him, covers, TWO!! Rollins still lives, but The Fiend is having too much fun to be angry. The Fiend rains down rights then drags him up. The Fiend throws Rollins over to ringside as fans again declare, “This is Awesome!” Rollins hurries up the ramp but The Fiend chases him down. They brawl up and up, The Fiend stomps Rollins down. Rollins keeps trying but The Fiend keeps knocking him back down each time. They continue up the ramp, further and further. The Fiend toys with Rollins, then drags him up towards the stage. The Fiend crossface forearms Rollins, and they reach the stage. Rollins flails but The Fiend keeps hitting him. The Fiend has Rollins at the edge of the stage! Rollins fights out for dear life, so The Fiend throws him aside. Rollins mule kicks and CURB STOMPS! But again, The Fiend springs up!

The Fiend gets a SUPERKICK, and another SUPERKICK! Rollins SUPERKICKS again, and tries again, FOURTH Curb Stomp! But then a FIFTH! This is turning into Hell in a Cell all over again as Rollins hits a SIXTH! The Fiend is still moving, rolling, rising. Rollins runs back in, for a SEVENTH! Fans boo and jeer, they’re ending up by the other edge of the stage. Rollins stomps and fans chant, “Burn It Down!” Rollins wants and gets an EIGHTH Curb Stomp! But the Fiend still rises! Rollins SUPERKICKS him again, and they teeter near an edge. Another SUPERKICK, and then another! The Fiend FALLS INTO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT! There are sparks and small explosions, and the crew hurries to extinguish the flames!

Rollins tries to get close but more sparks and explosions go off! Rollins is blinded by something, but THE FIEND RISES!! MANDIBLE CLAW!! The Fiend smothers Rollins against the trunks, and then sets him up, for SISTER ABIGAIL!! Cover, THE FIEND WINS!!

Winner: The Fiend Bray Wyatt, by pinfall; NEW WWE Universal Champion

UNBELIEVABLE! The Fiend survives things no normal man should have, and on top of it all, is victorious!! The Architect has been slain, and now the nightmare reigns. The lights go out, but when they come back on, The Fiend holds up the Universal Championship! What does this mean for ALL of the WWE?!



My Thoughts:

Y’know what, for the usual forced build, the same general distaste fans have for this WWE Saudi Arabia deal and any other arguments can be made against Crown Jewel, this second Crown Jewel ever was a really great event! For one, you can’t knock the crowd, they loved everything. The 20-Man Battle Royal was pretty fun, and while it seems like Cedric Alexander is being buried or dropped off the big stories, he at least got to be part of the final four. Fans really love Harper, even in Saudi Arabia, but it was almost too obvious from Raw last Monday that it would be Humberto Carrillo. At least they gave us a great way to Carrillo getting the better of Rowan and Harper. Carrillo had a really good match with AJ Styles, but it just seemed obvious the status quo would be maintained here. But speaking of that, it was pretty great we got the 24/7 Championship being hot potato’d again. At least then the status quo isn’t really kept, as Truth gets another reign and now Samir gets to hold the title.

I did not expect Lesnar VS Velasquez to open, but that does seem to be a trend with Lesnar lately. I also didn’t expect such a poor match, I thought they were going to stretch that for a few more minutes. But no, it was Lesnar squashing Velasquez. I suppose it gives that MMA feeling of how fights can end so fast, but that tends to come off dumb for pro-wrestling. Mysterio going after Lesnar and eventually running him off was great, but it does bring in the question of how Mysterio is supposed to get at Lesnar if they’re on separate brands. Survivor Series is cross-branded, so perhaps Mysterio gets his shot there. Of course, we have the shocker of the night with Rollins VS Fiend to factor in here, too. One of those top titles has to be going over to Raw, but after that honestly really great rematch to Hell in a Cell, Rollins can’t win that title back. The Fiend is basically unstoppable, so SmackDown should keep (and recolor) the Universal Championship. Raw can get Lesnar back and have him take on Mysterio. Just not sure if Mysterio wins.

That Tag Team Turmoil was alright, but I feel like the order of the teams could’ve worked out a little different. The Viking Raiders coming out last, I almost thought they were winning for sure. But in the end, the last team was always going to have the best advantage on paper, and they obviously wanted Revival and New Day to have their encounter to preview tomorrow night’s SmackDown Tag Team Championship match, so it just ended up being Raiders VS OC. I therefore did not expect The OC to win, but that was such a great choice. I was sure the AOP were going to go after the Raw Tag Team Championships, but maybe they also have to deal with The OC. That would make for some great stuff either way, and some unpredictability in the tag title scene is for the best.

However, for predictability in the Mansoor VS Cesaro match, that was actually a great match. Taking out the location and the fans being that strongly behind Mansoor, Mansoor still gives a great performance. When he sprang up out of the somersault, along with springing out of his own roll-up was great athleticism, that is something you can’t fake. Mansoor gets a great moment for himself and the people, I’m just surprised NXT hasn’t tried a little more with him since Super Showdown. The historic women’s match was pretty solid, and it was great to hear the fans get behind it so strongly. It made sense to have the Face win, because in the end, this is about the history and the progress made.

Fury VS Strowman could’ve been a bit smoother but it’s not like Fury had that long to train. But it was pretty clever to have this decided by the ring out count. We knew Fury would win so that he could stay undefeated in reality and kayfabe, but then Strowman gets the last move out of frustration. I don’t know if we will get a rematch, not really sure I want a rematch, but it wasn’t a complete mess. Team Hogan VS Team Flair was a lot of fun, certainly at the start and end. There was a lot of great stuff, and the story of Rusev and Lashley was clearly a major motivator in a lot of it, it was good that they got the little moment they had. Something in the middle dragged, but it makes a lot of sense for Roman to be the one to get the pin for the team. I was a little surprised this wasn’t the main event, but ending on the shocking win from The Fiend was definitely the way to go for the final moment of the show.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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