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Chris’ IMPACT! Wrestling vs. The UK Results & Report (9/9/18)




Join Chris Pinheiro for this morning’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling vs. The UK on!


  • Rich Swann defeated Trevor Lee and Matt Sydal – pinfall on Lee, roll up
  • Adam “Flex” Maxted & Robbie X defeat Jake McCluskey & Lucas Steel – pinfall Robbie X pinned Jake McCluskey, standing shooting star press
  • Su Yung defeated “Stunning” Lana Austin – pinfall, Panic Switch
  • Impact World Tag Team Titles: LAX(c) defeated Jody Fleisch & Jonny Storm – pinfall, Street Sweeper
  • Joe Hendry defeated Eli Drake – pinfall, roll up
  • Eddie Edwards & Justin Sysum defeated Moose & Nathan Cruz – pinfall, Cruz pinned Cruz after a 450 Splash
  • Barbed Wire Bat Death Match: Sami Callihan defeated Jimmy Havoc – pinfall, piledriver on thumbtacks

Play By Play

Welcome to IMPACT! Wrestling vs The UK, live from MediaCon 2018 and only on!

Sonjay Dutt and Andy Boy Simmons are on commentary from Manchester, England, and they run down the card to start.

Both men joke that they’re more of a color commentator, and theres audio and video issues to start, hopefully nothing that keeps happening throughout the show.

Match One, X-Division Triple Threat Match: Trevor Lee vs. Rich Swann vs. Matt Sydal

I’m going to keep up with this the best I can, but it’s going to get crazy!! On top of the fast action, Twitch keeps playing ads about every minute, so I hope that doesn’t interfere too much (but it will)

Smoke has filled the arena from Sydal’s entrance, making for an interesting visual with the lighting…

All three men jaw with each other to start. Swann starts dancing, Sydal starts with kicks to everyone. Swann of Sedan’s back and hits a hurricanrana on Lee. Dropkick to Sydal sends him to the outside. Corner punches from Swann to Sydal, big right to Lee knocks him off the apron, Sydal rolls Swann up for 2. Snapmare to a kick from Sydal to Swann, pin for 2 and a Twitch ad…

Sydal with a submission on Swann, hits a vertical suplex on Lee as well, and then Lee breaks up the submission. Lee pins Swann for 2. Hard buckle whip and Lee pins Swann for 2. Lee in full control of Swann, stomping his fingers and short forearms to the back. Sedan goes for a tilt a whirl, Swann reverses into a head scissor take down. Swann hits a flipping topei con hilo to both men on the floor.

Sydal goes under the ring and hits Swann with a chair in view of nobody. Back in and Lee hits a back breaker on Sydal for 2. Punch and kick exchange, and Sydal takes control with a head kick. Sydal hits a spinning neck breaker on Lee but the pin was broken up but Swann. Swann with a rana on Sydal, then an enziguri to Lee in the corner. Followed by one on the top rope, and a hurricanrana off the top gets a 2 count. Sedan in and throws Swann to the floor. Lee drops Sydal into the turnbuckle.

Lee with a big slam on Sydal, Swann then hits a super kick, rolls him up and a Twitch ad plays… really bad timing there!!

Apparently, that roll up got the 1-2-3. Nice of Twitch to let the pinfall play…

Your Winner: Rich Swann

Swann then flips off the crowd after the win and taunts them all on his way out to cheers

Video package for Bound For Glory plays.

Match Two: Lucas Steel & Jake McCluskey vs. Robbie X & Adam “Flex” Maxted

Twitch ad ends and we are brought into the action. Robbie X and Steel start it off (at least what I saw). Collar and Elbow, Steel pushes X into the corner and beals him out. X tags in Maxted. Corner punches from Maxted, Steel misses the clothesline, two flying shoulder tackles and Steel is still on his feet. Maxed with a shoulder tackle off the top finally knocks him down, Steel tags in Jake. Maxed tags in X, runs back and forth, spring board cutter caught, then a step up rana by X. Knee to Jake in the corner, X over the top and a dropkick. X tags in Maxted, delayed suplex to Jake.

X back in, double team on Jake with a arm drag take over. X with a hand spring double boots to Steel, and Maxted launches Robbie X over the top rope onto their opponents. X rolls Jake back in, kick to Steel, second one is caught and X eats the ring apron. McCluskey then dropkicks Maxted to the floor. Another drop kick in the ring as Steel handles X on the outside. Jake stomps away at X then tags in Steel.

Steel chokes X on the floor, big right hand, slams X into the corner. Big slam on X and Steel is in full control. In the corner, Steel tags Jake, Robbie tries to fight out, cannot make the tag. Steel hits flatliner and Jake with a  basement drop kick for two. McCluskey whips X across, charges in and eats an elbow. Comes back with a kick and a sliding German suplex. Jake springboards back in and hits a dropkick off the second rope as we go to another Twitch ad….

X with a jawbreaker, still can’t make the tag. Enziguri to Steel, X finally take Maxted. Big splash in the corner, floats over and a drop kick to both opponents. Spine buster on Jake, springboard drop kick on Steel. Cover on Steel broken up by Jake. Jake puts Maxted in the corner, tags himself in.

Big duplex sees Maxted land on his feet and X joins him. X Factor by Jake on Robbie X gets 2. Jake pulls X to the corner and goes up top moonsault eats boots, X hits a death valley driver and a shining wizard before Steel hits X with a Pop Up Jones. Maxed in and exchanging punches with Steel, followed by a press slam. Steel goes for a power bomb, Maxted floats out. Maxed hits blockbuster off the second rope.

X with kicks to McCluskey, handspring cutter met by a super kick in mid air. McCluskey gives X to Steel, goes for a powebomb, rants out, Maxted with a springboard sligblade on Steel, X with a springboard cutter to Jake, a standing shooting star and pins McCluskey for the 1-2-3!

Great match, not much selling, but they were quick, big moves were big and powerful, and all four guys looked really good.

Your winners: Adam “Flex” Maxted & Robbie X

GWN App video package

Match Three: “Stunning” Lana Austin vs. Su Yung

Crowd 100% behind the hometown girl, Lana Austin. Su screams to start and Lana backs off into the corner. Lana goes for a roll up for 2, backslide for 2 again. Big European uppercut and a butt attack before Twitch shows another commercial….

Austin is now in the corner, hits a cross body for 2, Yung retreats to the outside. Basement drop kick by Austin, and now they fight to the outside. Chops and forearms against the guardrail, referee not even counting them out…

Su reverses a whip and Austin runs into the guardrail. Young then scares off the referee before hitting a duplex on the floor. Austin laded head first on Su with this move, but Yung then rolls her back in the ring.

Cover only gets one. Lana fights back, Su throws her down. Snapmares Austin across the ring, then back again. Young chokes Austin in the corner then sets Lana on the top rope, hanging her down in the tree of whoa. Rapid dire kicks to the back, Su runs corner to corner, Lana pulls up, Su hits a hanging neck breaker from the top rope and Austin rolls to the floor.

Su grabs a chair, and again scares the referee away. Sets up the chair and slams Lana’s face into it before sitting her on the chair and hitting a palm strike. Su rolls in to break up the count, takes off the dress, and hits a rolling dive onto Austin on the chair from the apron.

Su rolls Austin back in and covers her for 2. Su kicks away at her left thigh, then tries for a submission but is kicked off. Clotheslines from Austin and a knee to the gut as we go back to commercial… (these are getting annoying)

We come back and both women are down. On their knees, both women start exchanging hands. Su is the first to be knocked down. Su goes off the ropes, Lana hits two kicks and a headbutt called The Manchester Kiss. Goes for the Killswitch, Su gets outs, and she hits a rolling elbow for two. Su spider crawls up the turnbuckles and slams Austin into the second buckle for two.

Su now puts on the bloody glove. Lana with another huge headbutt. DDT reversed, Panic Switch reversed, Austin hits a DDT and Su rolls to the floor. Su then throws the chair in and as the referee was distracted, Su spits the mist into Lana’s eyes! Panic Switch hits and 1-2-3

Your winner: Su Yung (pin fall)

Another good back and forth match, both women looked strong, both women did really well

Su then walks up the ramp with the chair and Austin’s face is covered in mist.

Video package for Bound For Glory weekend plays. The Tag Team Championship match is up next!

Match four, IMPACT World Tag Team Championship: Jody Fleisch & Jonny Storm vs. LAX [Santana & Ortiz](c)

Storm and Fleish extend their hands, LAX shake and then attack from behind. Chops against the ropes to Storm, now a double team irish whip, he floats out and Fleish hits a spear. Storm hits a springboard Total Elimination. Flesh fakes a dive, Storm does a twisting con hilo to the outside on LAX.

Fleisch with a snap make, tags in Storm, double drop kick gets two on Santana. Springboard Lolita, then Storm walks the ropes into a lucha arm drag, followed by a rana, tag to Fleisch. Santana floats over, heads to the corner, Ortiz tags himself in, and a big arm drag controls Storm. Single leg trip, Ortiz runs the ropes, rolls Fleisch, off the ropes, Fleisch cartwheels outs, moonsault lands on his feel, enziguri by Ortiz, then a reverse rana by Fleisch.

Clothesline by Ortiz, and Fleisch rolls outside. LAX both off the ropes, topeis on both sides take out both men on the floor. Santana throw Fleish back into the ring, chokes him in the middle of the ring. Neck breaker gets a two count, second pin also gets two. Santana tags in, double stomp off the top.Snap duplex by Ortiz gets two, followed by a snap mare into a headlock.

Fleisch fights out, off the ropes, eats a back elbow from Santana, Ortiz tags in. Dropkick connects and a shimmy from Ortiz. LAX hits a double team power bomb, Santana locks Fleisch in a Boston crab. Santana tags in Ortiz who puts Fleisch on the top rope. Fleisch shoves him off, goes for a shooting star press, lands on his feet, and then hits a Spanish Fly on Santana. Ortiz knocks Storm off the apron, isolating Fleisch. Double team whip, and Fleisch hits a double sunset codebreaker on LAX. That was sloppy. Storm tagged in, hits a cross body on both. Hurricanrana on Ortiz for two, moves so Santana hits Ortiz, and Fleisch hits a shooting star for two.

Ortiz hits a thumb to the eye and tags in Santana. LAX hits double back drop and Santana goes for a moonsault of Ortiz’s back, Fleisch gets the knees up. Fleisch hits a moonsault off the top rope to LAX on the floor!!! The first sainted fecal matter chat breaks out followed by a this is awesome!!

Jonny sets Santana on top, hits a Spanish Fly, then a Jody hits standing shooting star for two. Jonny Storm then throws Fleish off the top rope into a moonsault on Santana who kicks out at two!!! Santana fighting off both men, hits a double enzeguri. Flesh goes for a reverse rana, Santana walks to the ropes, Fleish turns it into a tarantula, then everyone adds into the submission, but their in the ropes and have to break. Flesh hits a super kick on Ortiz.

Dropkicks for everyone and everyone is down. This is awesome chant again. Springboard DDT by Fleisch is blocked, but then hits a slam on Santana. Storm then leaps into a powerbomb by Storm onto Santana called The British Airways for two. Santana springboards off Ortiz and hits a sexton on Fleisch in the corner. Street Sweeper hit by LAX for the 1-2-3

Your winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: LAX (pin fall)

Storm brings the belts into the ring and looks to be trying to steal them. Storm and Fleisch then put the belts around the waists of LAX, who then get on one knee and extend their hands. Fleisch and Storm shake and then raise the hands of LAX

Chris Jericho cruise video package

Match five: Eli Drake vs Joe Hendry

Eli with the mic before Hendry comes out. Welcomes everyone to the Church of E-Li-Drake. Eli has the fans in the palm of his hands, they’re cheering him and booing Hendry. Says Hendry has a first class ticket on the Gravy Train, and THAT is just a fact of life.

Henry comes out, also with a mic. Henry begs for cheers, and they boo him some more. Henry said after he arrived, Eli’s catch phrase changed from “Dummy…Yeah” to “I don’t want Joe Hendry to make any more videos about me”

Henry said people want to hear a song from JOE HEN-DRY to which people boo again. He begins singing anyway, about Eli becoming Hendry’s bitch.

Drake goes for a clothesline and the action is underway. Shoulder tackle knocks down Drake, running the ropes and a knee from Hendry takes him down again. Eli pulls Joe out, and is then slammed in to the apron. Big chop, Eli then slams Joe into the guardrail. Referee again being lenient and Eli rolls Hendry in. misses the elbow. Henry same Sli into the second buckle, then Eli with a shoulder tackle in the corner. Henry misses a Stinger Splash and Eli hits a neckbreaker.

Stomps and punches by Eli before he chokes Joe on the second rope, then dumps him to the outside. Eli follows him with a double axe handle to the back. Henry with a right and a chop before Eli rakes the eyes. Elbowby Eli on the apron the Hendry as the referee finally starts to count. Back in Eli hits another elbow and stands over Joe.

Swinging neck breaker gets a two. Eli mugs for the camera, but gets caught with upercuts by Hendry. Eli floats out of the supplies into a neck breaker and gets two.

Two quick slams by Eli and he hits a leaping elbow for 2. Into a headlock. Fans chant for Joe to tap. Eli with a huge clothesline then punches as Joe attempts to stand back up.  back elbow and a neck breaker from Hendry, floats over in the corner and hits a DDT on Drake for 2.

Henry picks the ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring. Eli rolls out ad Hendry eats the buckle. Henry hits fallaway slam but again gets two. Eli hits a jaw breaker, goes for a Gravy Train, reversed by Hendry into a roll up for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Joe Hendry (pin fall)

Bound For Glory video package

Match six: Nathan Cruz & Moose vs. Justin Sysum & Eddie Edwards

Moose has new entrance music, a rap song with no more “Moose” chant.

Edwards puts his kendo stick in the corner and then applies chapstick for some reason…

Moose goes to start  so Edwards tags in  and Moose retreats. Eddie and Crus will officially start. Chain wrestling to start. Eddie goes to kick Moose again, who backs off. Eddie chant. Headlock by Cruz, shoved off and hits a shoulder block. Eddie hits an overhead belly to belly and makes snow angels in the ring. Tags in Sysum. System hits a springboard cross body off the second rope for two. Moose tags himself in.

Sysum dodges, but then gets thrown into the corner. floats over, goes for the cross body and Moose catches him. Lands on his feet and hits a tilt a whirl head scissor. Dropkick after Moose kips up knocks him back down. Eddie gets tagged in, Moose takes off and tags out.

Eddie gets whipped across, Moose gabs his ankles, and Cruz hits a high knee to take over. Eddie whipped into the buckle and Moose tags in, choking Eddie in the corner. Mounted punches, then he bites Eddie. Moose digs his hand into his trunks and goes to chop Eddie who ducks and hits chops. Moose hits a big drop kick and tags out. Cruz and Moose work him over in the corner as Sysum tries to help.

Sysum snaps Eddie down and locks on a headlock. Fans chant Eddie again. Eddie bites him to escape, tags in Sysum, Cruz tags Moose. System hits an uppercut, and gets whipped into the corner. Sunning clothesline by Sysum, Moose escapes after, Sysum floats over and hits an exploder duplex. Cruz comes in and gets tossed out. Moose whips Sysum toward his corner and Cruz hits a clothesline from the apron. Double team work on Sysum now in the corner, Cruz hits a big back suplex for two.

Cruz with  hard whip to the corner on Sysum and tags in Moose. Huge chop by Moose. Eddie on the apron has his kendo stick. Moose whips Sysum to a corner, but eats a boot when he charges. Dropkicks Sysum off the top rope to the floor, and goes out after him, then throws Sysum back in, only for Sysum to hit a piscatto over the top to the floor. Cruz prevents the tag, then Moose pulls Edwards off the apron. Cruz and Moose double team Sysum in the ring. Cruz legal again, and Sysum is in the bad corner. Trying to fight out, Cruz catches the feet and slams him down for two.

Eddie ripped a turnbuckle pad off, as Moose looks for a suplex, Blocked three times by Sysum before Moose hits a chop. Sysum suplexes Moose, Cruz cuts off the tag. Sysum evades and tags in Eddie. Back elbows all around, followed by chops. Eddie then hits a topi suicida on Moose that takes out the guardrail!!!

Back inside, Eddie hits a gordbuster and hits a big double chop on Cruz for two. Eddie charges Crus in the corner and eats a gordbuster. Cruz then picks him up, Eddie floats behind and eats an elbow. Crus charges Eddie, cuts off by Sysum with a spear!! Eddie hits a Tiger Driver and Moose pulls the referee out of the ring, breaking up the pin.

Moose hits the Go To Hell out of the corner, Cruz follows with a diving headbutt for just 2!! Moose tagged back in, talking trash to Eddie. Eddie has lost it and feels no pain from Moose’s punches. Eddie tears his shirt, begging for a chop. They exchange chops, Moose removes his glove, but eats a big chop from Eddie, Superkick, and another, followed by a headbutt from Moose. Eddie hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Moose, but cannot make the cover!!

Both men tag their partners, and its a slugfest. Cruz eats buckle, Sysum follows with a clothesline, then an exploder duplex. Calls for the 450 Splash and Moose takes him down. Boston Knee Party takes down Moose and goes and gets the kendo stick. Eddie brings the stick in, the referee is distracted by Sysum. Moose moves out of the ring and Eddie hits Cruz with the stick. 450 Splash from Sysum for the 1-2-3

Your winners: Eddie Edwards & Justin Sysum (pin fall)

Chris Jericho Cruise video package

Blund For Glory video package

Neither of these have audio, we head the announcers agreeing to get some water, then we hear the ring announcer telling the audience that this can get bloody and violent, and if anyone is going to get offended, it would be best to leave now.

Match seven, Barbed Wire Bat Death Match: Jimmy Havoc vs Sami Callihan

The fans explode for Jimmy Havoc when he emerges from the back.

Loud reaction for Sami as well, but mixed cheers and boos. Fans chant O-V-E with Sami.

In this match, the bat is sitting on the top of the ramp, first man to get it can do whatever he wants with it. There are also other weapons in the corners of the ring, including bags of mystery stuff.

Stare down to start. Jimmy’s Gonna Kill You chant. Jimmy flips off Sami, then a big slap. Tilt a whirl head scissor take over by Havoc, then Sami dumps him on the apron, gets clotheslined down. Sami goes for a baseball slide, no one home, Havoc hits a basement drop kick and gets a staple gun. He staple guns Sami’s throat. Now a staple gun to the butt. Sami gets the gun and throws it, Havoc then slams him into the barricade. Sami gets revenge and controls Havoc. Spits on his hand and chops the post.

Sami ducks a chop, Jimmy stops, slaps the back of his head and pokes the eyes. Havoc hits Sami with a chair over the head. Havoc runs around the ring, stops at Sami and thumbs his eyes when he uncovers. Another chairshot and Jimmy throws a chair at Sami. Sami gets a drink from a fan and eats a slap from Sami, who begins throwing chairs at Havoc.

On the apron, Samie picks up Havoc who hits him with a chop. They exchange standing front kicks, Havoc then goes for a piedriver, reversed, and Sami grabs the eyes. Sami then hits a piledriver on Havoc on the ring apron!

Sami shoves the referee and spits on him. Throws Havoc back in the ring, followed by a chair. Now Sami has the staple gun and he goes for Havoc’s face. Knee to Havoc’c gutHavoc goes for a sunset flip and Sami reverses by stapling Havoc’s head.

Sami gets a bag and pulls out a magazine which he staples to Havoc’s shoulder blade. Havoc is bleeding. Staples another magazine to the other shoulder. Another page to the chest. Another bag stapled to his face. Havoc is calling for Sami to bring it. Sami rips the pages off of Havoc. Havoc rips the pages off his face, but gets kicked in the balls.

Sami pulls out a drill bit and starts hitting Havoc in the head with it. Sami then drives the bit into Havoc’s open wound. Sami now starts heading for the bat and gets it with no opposition and brings it back to the ring. Havoc flips Sami off agin, and grabs Sami’s finger. Havoc uses the paper to give Sami a paper cut in-between his fingers and under his arm. Havoc then gives him a paper cut in the mouth. Havoc then grabs Sami’s tongue and gives him another paper cut. Havoc the gets a lemon and starts squirting juice into Sami’s open paper cuts. No, you didn’t read that wrong. A lemon.

Sami grabs the bat and hits Jimmy in the gut, then rakes the right arm with it, drawing blood. Sami grabs the lemons, and squeezes the juice into the cuts on Havoc’s arm. Havoc then grabs the staple gun and staples the cuts closed. Havoc sets a chair up in the center of the ring, picks Sami up on his shoulders, and plants him on the top turnbuckle. Sami fights back, shoving Havoc off. European uppercut by Havoc and he hits a Death Valley Driver onto the chair, and a pump kick gets two.

Sami flips off Havoc, who hits a second DVD onto the chairs for two again! Havoc grabs a bag and dumps thumbtacks onto the chair. The he takes the barbed wire off the bat, and wraps it around his left arm. Sami reverses a rip cord clothesline and knocks Havoc onto the thumbtack chair three times. Havoc, with the barbed wire wrapped hand grabs Sami’s testicles.

Havoc rakes the face of Sami with the wire, then eats a drop toe hold onto the chair with the thumbtacks. Sami dumps them off the chair and throws it out. Sami begins to take off Havoc’s shoes and socks, picks up Havoc, goes to set him on the tacks, Havoc rolls him up for two. Right hand from Havoc, rip cord blocked, then hits a rip cord clothesline out of the corner, onto the thumbtacks for two. Havoc goes for a top rope stomp, but lands, bare feet first onto the thumbtacks. Second saintly fecal matter chant tonight. Sami then hits a piledriver onto the thumbtacks for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Sami Callihan

Sami leaves Havoc alone in the ring, who gets a major ovation from this crowd, who grabs a beer from a fan as he limps back to the locker room.


Twitter: @OldSkewlPantz

Instagram: turnbuckletopics

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Andrew’s TNA Genesis Results & Match Ratings: 1.19.25

Does TNA Believe in Joe Hendry more than Mokuba Nemeth believes in his big brother?



Hot off the heels of the TNA and WWE working relationship announcement, the Kickoff show already has the first sprinkle of NXT talent with Ashante “Thee” Adonis coming out after Ariana Grace tries to take all of the credit for the partnership. Jake something runs over Ashante, but it’s a good quick nod on free YouTube. Oh it also looks like the ring announcer is McKenzie Mitchel again. I did like her first run in TNA in what was that… like 2016-2018 or 19? She’s got personality, she’s cute and a solid announcer, so nice to see her back.

I’m not gonna run down any predictions on who I think will win, because honestly, I just feel like Hendry needs to win today or it’s been an entire waste of momentum. So lets get to the main show!


  • X Division Championship: Moose (c) vs Ace Austin: Moose retains via Lights Out – *** 1/4
  • The System vs Maniac Marines: Marines win via K.I.A. – ***
  • Knockouts Tag Titles: Elegance Clique (Heather & Ash) w/Personal Concierge vs Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c): Spitfire retain via Pressure Drop – **
  • Jordynne Grace vs Tessa Blanchard: Tessa wins via Magnum – ****
  • I Quit Match: Josh Alexander vs Mike Santana: Santana wins! – ***
  • TNA Tag Team Championships: The Hardyz (c) vs The Rascalz: Hardyz retain via Swanton Bomb – *** 1/2
  • Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match: TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Rosemary: Masha wins via Avalanche Requiem – ** 3/4
  • TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Joe Hendry: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – *** 3/4 – TITLE CHANGE!!!!!!!



X Division Championship: Moose (c) vs Ace Austin

As soon as the bell rings, Ace jumps on him, forces him into the corner and stomps on him. Moose tries to fight out but Ace stays relentless. Ace has a counter for everything Moose is trying to counter in the early goings. Even when Moose catches him during the apron Handstand Dodge, Ace still has a counter for his counter. It’s not until a rake to the eyes from Moose that finally gives him a moment to start dictating the pace. A huge Irish Whip on the outside through the barricade is what Ace feels…twice. Ace tries to fight back from Moose continuing the momentum, Ace eats a Pump Kick, but blocks Moose’s attempt at a Suplex and counters with his own Vertical Suplex on Moose! JDC gets in the proximity of Ace so Ace kicks him, which delays his springboard, so Moose catches him and bounces him off the apron like a super ball.

Moose lets the count go, Ace barely gets in at 9, Moose throws him corner to corner, is slowing things down and being very deliberate. Ace starts powering through the pain, catches a Pump Kick, dodges a Spear into the corner and puts together a few strikes, Double Stomp, Triangle Kick, wants The Fold but Moose puts the brakes on there. Ace tries to spring off the ropes but Moose grabs him and hits Go To Hell for two! Fighting Spirit spot, Ace starts winning the trade, a Headbutt from Moose stops Ace, Moose flips him over the ropes to the apron, tries a few more things, Ace looks for a Springboard, Moose catches him but Ace slips it for a Frankensteiner. Moose powders to the opposite apron and Ace hits his Inside Out Headscissors sending Moose crashing to the floor. Alisha and JDC try to help up Moose, and while the referee is distracted JDC posts Ace. Moose goes for the Around the World Lights Out, but Ace moves and Moose kills JDC! Ace hits The Fold on the floor!

Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers run down the ramp, Ace sees them so he hits the Fosbury Flop to take them out. Ace is rolling, he goes for the Triangle Kick but Moose counters with Lights Out! 1-2- KICK OUT? Moose sets up for another Lights Out, Ace sidesteps it for the Cradle, kickout, Uranage, Cradle counter, Art of Finesse from Ace but Lights Out to the Spine from Moose! Moose sets up another and lands the Lights Out to retain!

Post Match the System looks to beat down on Ace, but Maniac Marines music hits and they go after Myers and Edwards. Guess the match is now! 

The System vs Maniac Marines

Steve and Eric beat the hell out of the System members while the referee tries to set the match, it still hasn’t started but we get stereo 10 count punches in the corner, big fists causing Myers and Edwards to powder. This is essentially a Tornado Tag right now because the match hasn’t even started. Okay it eventually starts and Maclin hits the Backbreaker on Edwards and Busaiku Knee on Myers. He looks for a SCUD but Lish grabs the foot which is just enough! Maclin tries to charge anyway but gets caught in the Blue Thunder Bomb and now the match slows down and Eddie is in control.

Maclin absorbs some Chops from Eddie in the corner, no sells a little and fires, Eddie tags out Myers tries to slow things down with a Russian Leg Sweep but Maclin continues to try and rally. Eddie’s back in, shortarm Gowan Lariat into a cocky cover for two. Eddie tries to keep moving but Maclin hits the Vertical Suplex. Maclin is too slow to tag out so Eddie tags out and Myers cuts off Maclin. After a few more quick tags from System members, Maclin finally lands a Lariat to get the simultaneous tag and EY comes in hot. EY does the Flair corner flip, knocks Eddie off the apron, Myers eats a Macho Elbow but only two. Eddie knocks Maclin off the apron, Tandem Tiger Driver for two, EY fights back to level Eddie, Tree of Woe Myers Caught in Crosshairs but Lish gets in the ring! Eddie grabs Eric and distracts the ref, Lish clocks Maclin with either knuckles or a full hand of rings, Spear from Myers is only a two!

System Overload attempt, it’s thwarted by EY, Myers gets crotched in like a Reverse Tree of Woe, so Maclin hits the Caught in the Crosshairs on the back, EY with a Plancha to the outside to take Edwards out and K.I.A. from Maclin means Maniac Marines win!

Knockouts Tag Titles: Elegance Clique (Heather & Ash) w/Personal Concierge vs Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c)

Elegance duo comes out dressed like Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. They do a Go Eagles chant right before the bell rings to a chorus of Boos.

Even though Elegance Clique throws their pompoms and try a cheap shot, Spitfire just plow through them, literally. Quick tags, some assisted moves, Ash gets away from Spitfire, tags in Heather and shoves her forward trying to take them off guard, but they turn around…grab Heather and a long Tandem Stalling Suplex with a Deep Squat for two. Concierge distracts the referee, looks for a low Dive onto Heather but Ash just kicks Dani in the face, and the referee sees nothing. Heather rolls her back in, Kawada Kicks, Forearm Shiver, trip into a Dropkick to the face! Ash hangs Dani off the apron and Heather hits the Double Stomp from the apron to the floor.

Ash starts choking Dani on the ropes, distracts the referee and Heather paintbrushes Dani with pompoms as Ash goes for a series of pinfall attempts. Quick tags, Dani is in their corner, Cartwheel Back Handspring Elbow from Ash into a Seated Dropkick from Heather. Dani has been getting smacked around for the last 4 or 5 minutes. Ash leans on Dani for a while, but Dani gets a head of steam, comes off the ropes and Shotgun Dropkick gives her space. Jody gets a hot tag, she Sack of Shits them both, Vader Hammers in the corner into a Michinoku Driver, which Ash breaks up with a Meteora. Heather and Ash have a nice tandem move for a two count. Jody tries to fight back, but Elegance stops it, blind tag from Dani, Senton takes out both Elegance Clique members and Dani stalks her prey. Snap Suplex two times on Ash, but Heather stops the third and Jody just tosses Heather out of the ring in a rough way. Jody tries her Double Knees German Suplex spot but Ash moves. Dani with the Shinsuke Nakamura Inside Out German, Pressure Drop and Spitfire retains.


Jordynne Grace vs Tessa Blanchard

Grace charges Tessa immediately, and the ref needs to pull her off, but Tessa gets thrown around the ring literally, the crowd is chanting “Fuck You Tessa”, Tessa powders, eats a Dive and then a Jackhammer on the outside! Grace puts Tessa on her shoulders up to the ring, but Tessa finally fights off and flips off the crowd, revels in it for a second, tries the Frankensteiner, but Grace holds on, smashes Tessa into the guardrail twice, looks for the Reverse Bomb on the apron, but Tessa gets out, stomps on Jordynne a few times, hooks Jordynne’s face with the crook of her leg and drives Jordynne’s face into the apron. Unique looking and decent.

Tessa has the correct intensity, pushes into two quick pinfall attempts and starts getting deliberate. Drags Jordynne’s face across the rope, throats Grace, kicks her in the face and Slingshot Elbow is another near fall. Tessa with the Front Facelock, Grace tries to fight out but Tessa holds on and drops her with a Scorpion Death Drop for another near fall. Jordynne fights Tessa off with a few elbows, looks for a Superplex, but Tessa fights off, wants the Avalanche Sunset Bomb, but Jordynne stops it, Tessa kicks Grace’s feet, looks for a Rope Hung Death Drop but Jordynne fights it off and smashes Tessa’s face into the turnbuckles but Tessa hits the Rope Hung Backstabber for two. Tessa looks for Magnum, but Jordynne cuts her off, they fight at the top, Avalanche Sack of Shit! They both sell the exhaustion of the match so far.

They trade blows, two Scoop Slams from Jordynne, Lawn Dart into the Top Turnbuckle! Package Powerbomb for two! Dragon Suplex attempt from Grace, Tessa breaks it, Headlock Takeover, quick counter wrestling, Tiger Destroyer from Tessa! Only for a two count, but still nice. Buzzsaw attempt is shrugged off, Tessa comes off the ropes and eats the Spinebuster from Jordynne for two quick pinfall attempts. Tessa with the Body Scissors and pulls herself up and fights back, Jordynne slaps her around, looks for the Suplex but Tessa slips it and Neckbreaker Counter for a two count! The brawl to the apron, Grace eats a forearm and Tessa hits the Tornillo on Jordynne! They posture on the steps, Tessa wants a move but Jordynne counters her and Spicolli Driver from the stairs to the floor from Jordynne!

More back and forth in the corner, just positioning and counters, it’s like watching chess. Jordynne grabs Tessa for an Avalanche Air Raid Crash, but Tessa fights it and turns it into an Avalanche Crucifix Bomb! After trying a grounded submission Tessa locks in the Octopus, tries to wrench the fingers but Jordynne counters, Rope Assisted German Suplex into a Capture Suplex for 2! Kudome Valentine attempt from Grace but Tessa gets out, Backfist from Jordynne, Tessa bounces off and Cutter gives her a two count! Tessa calls for Magnum, Jordynne dodges it, Tessa rolls through, tries boots but Grace grabs Tessa and hits the around the world Reverse Alabama Slam! Tessa keeps trying to remove Buckle Pads but they’re on good, Tessa reverses out of the Kinikku Buster, hits the Buzzsaw into the partially exposed buckle but Grace grabs the rope. Tessa removes another pad, Bulldog into exposed buckle, Magnum, and Tessa is still sexy.

The turnbuckle pads being on too well made the finish a little flat, but it was a damn good match. There’s also a joke in the match with Tessa coming out wearing Red and Gold (Yellow), so the racism allegations are never going away if she keeps making it easy.

I Quit Match: Josh Alexander vs Mike Santana

There’s intensity but its all just technical tactics to take each other to the ground and grab a limb. But since we just came off of a pretty good match, things can’t start too hot. Every time Santana throws Josh to the outside, Josh scurries back to the ring, he’s playing scared. There’s a “He’s a bitch” chant that pops up. Santana cuts off Josh’s charge with a few well placed boots which sends Josh outside, Tope con Hilo levels the bald man. Santana throws Josh into a guardrail, Yakuza Kicks back to back rock Josh a bit. Fans call for tables and Santana slides one out to a huge pop. Santana sets it up, plays to the crowd, tries a Powerbomb onto the table but Josh slips it and Overhead Belly to Belly sends Santana crashing. A fan can be heard saying “That look like it hurt” to which Santana replies ” It did asshole”. Now Josh is dissecting Santana’s legs to soften him up for the Ankle Lock. Josh goes for the corner spot with the Figure Four around the post after bouncing the knee off the post a few times.

Josh tries to continue but Santana slides out and counters Josh and bounces his face off the post. Josh walks it off a bit as Santana stalks him and then a quick Chop Block has Santana writhing in pain. Josh decides to be a heel and do the Three Amigos instead of the Kurt Angle Germans. Disrespectful bald jerk. Santana gets throated, dropped to the apron on his ass, Low Crossbody but Santana flattens out and Josh goes flying! Santana tries a Dive, but Josh catches him and just drops him spine first on the apron. After a small resilient flurry of slaps from Santana Josh goes for the Germans. Santana brushes off on the third, goes for the Rolling Buck Fifty, gets caught in the Torture Rack, Santana fights off Josh’s shoulders, kicks him into the corner, Senton into the seated Josh. Perches him up top, points at the table, tries something but Josh fights him off, Moonsault from Josh misses and a Death Valley Driver gives both a moment to breathe.

Santana Spin the-BLOCK-ED! Josh sweeps the leg, Ankle Lock and Santana refuses to quit twice but slips the boot ala Eddie Guerrero. Josh pauses a moment, Santana charges and Josh dumps him over the top rope through the table! Santana says he doesn’t quit, Josh looks surprised, so he goes looking for more plywood. He also grabs the bottom set of stairs and throws them into the ring. Scoop Slams Santana into the broken table and continues looking for weapons, like a chair and zip ties. Santana crawls into the ring, Josh steps on the worked on leg and smashes it repeatedly with the chair. Josh goes into Full Mount, rains down strikes, exposes the elbow for Elbow Strikes and tries to soften him up for the zip ties. C4 Spike but Santana raises up like the Undertaker and fires into beating the piss out of Josh. Frankensteiner on Josh into the Frog Splash, Spin the Block! Josh doesn’t quit. Santana grabs the zip ties that Josh introduced, ties the hands behind Josh’s back, Spin the Block 2! Josh doesn’t quit. Santana sets up the steps as a ramp, table in front of Josh in the corner and Cannonballs through the table into Josh! Josh still doesn’t quit off the Jackass stunt. Santana finds a sock filled with quarters and starts beating Josh like it’s a slapjack. Josh still doesn’t quit. Santana tells Josh to bite the curb and is about to Curb Stomp him into the steps and Josh gets scared and quits.

TNA Tag Team Championships: The Hardyz (c) vs The Rascalz

Fraxiom comes out to watch the match, so this nicely sets up a potential early angle between NXT and TNA for the crossover. 

Trey and Matt start, but it’s a slow Headlock basic counters and feint spots. Jeff and Wentz want to play, so this is very Japanese in giving each member a free chance to interact before any cutoffs or tandems. The crowd likes both men, so this is interesting but more Stalemate spots. Jeff manages a Polish Hammer to tag in Matt and go for a quick tandem move and keep Wentz in the Hardy Corner bouncing his face off buckles in Delete fashion. Tag from Jeff for another tandem Rocket Launcher into the bottom rope and Leg Drop from Jeff. Wentz counters the Twist with a Jumping Knee so he manages a tag to Trey and then a few quick striking double team spots. Quick tag to Wentz, Matt comes in to break it up, drops Matt and Wishbone. Quick Tag, MCMG ACS Rush homage. Wentz Dives onto Matt on the outside, Matt catches him into the Side Effect on the floor! Jeff gets the best of Trey after he’s a little distracted. Manhattan Drop from Jeff, into a tag to Matt and then some double team strikes for a near fall. Delete Head Smashes again on Trey.

Vertical Suplex from Matt for another 2. Matt tags out and Hardys look for more Tandem attacks, Plot Twist but Wentz recovers and makes the break! Trey flips out of Jeff’s arms, tags in Wentz, and Wentz cleans house on both Hardys. Corner to corner, tags back in Trey they hit the Saki Kashima assisted Dropkick on each Hardy and then they dump the Hardys at the feet of Fraxiom. FIVE HOLE DIVE FROM RASCALZ! Misses the Hardys and hits Fraxiom! This builds heat for The Rascalz and Fraxiom as Hardys attack the Rascalz while distracted. Poetry in Motion off the stairs from Jeff!

Facebuster from Jeff for two! Wentz hits a Busaiku Knee on Jeff to stop him from hitting Trey, Side Effect drops Wentz, Enzuigiri from Trey drops Matt and all four are down to catch their breath a bit. Original Poetry in Motion on Trey! Twist of Fate from Matt but countered and Matt is thrown into Jeff who’s selling a knee. Superkick into Feed Em to the Lions! Wentz Dives on Matt but Trey can’t quite make a clean pinfall. Jeff eats a Cheeky Nandos and Top Rope Tiger Feint, Twist of Fates for everyone and Jeff re-NO Trey kicks out! Another Twist but eats a Superkick from Wentz, tries the UFO Cutter on Matt but Matt just throws him to the outside. A Twist of Fate from each Hardy Boy, Swanton Bomb and the Hardyz retain!

Thursday’s Live Show will have Fraxiom vs The Rascalz for the NXT Titles! 

Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match: TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Rosemary

Do Rosemary’s shorts have Pokemon Gym Badges on em? Masha goes for the Staple Gun, it almost gets countered immediately, but she gets the first few clicks of the Staple gun, it actually doesn’t backfire, but she lets Rosemary powder and starts grabbing a few weapons. Masha finally decides to attack Rosemary with a cane, but Rosemary turns things around with the green mist. Slamovich gets some of the mist out of her eyes, chases her into the ring and eats a Drop Toehold into a Chair. Rosemary sets up the table, panders to the crowd and Masha launches herself over the top with a Crossbody, into Rosemary and then through the table! Masha finds her old chain she used to make Killer Kelly submissive and starts choking and dragging Rosemary around the ring and then Sabus the chair at Rosemary for emphasis.

Masha tries to hit the front flip Senton onto a seated Rosemary, but Rosemary moves and Masha hits the chair weird. Rosemary beats her with a chair a few times, looks under the ring, gets giddy and finds Janice! Rosemary swings Janice, breaks it, and then uses the two pieces to block the cane Masha had and then pressed the nail portion into Masha’s back! Rosemary is talking to Janice and goes to the back to find tacks that she spills out on the stage. Rosemary wants a Chokeslam into tacks, Masha counters, misses a Lariat and then eats the Spear into the tacks! Barbed Wire board is set up in the ring, Spicolli…nope! Russian Death Device into the Barbed Wire! Masha goes to the top, Footstomp into the barbed wire but only for 2 again! Masha goes to the outside and grabs a ladder.

A trash can lid gets thrown at Rosemary for good measure, Masha ascends the ladder and then Rosemary pushes the ladder and Masha goes crashing through one of two tables set up on the outside. Rough spot, rough looking, but Masha manages to move enough to break the pinfall since its falls count anywhere. Rosemary now goes full Kevin Steen and makes some chair art for a spot, drags Masha into the ring, sets he on the chairs and goes to the top. Masha sits up as Rosemary climbs, counters the momentum and Avalanche Requiem through the chairs! Masha retains.

Cora Jade’s music hits and sets up nicely after Masha was on NXT. 

The Countdown Panel starts off with their main event picks they hinted towards and it’s necessary because they have to clean up the ring. Mark Henry picks Joe Hendry, and he better be correct. Ryan Nemeth interrupts with the “my brootthhheerrr” stuff, and Santino calls him “Fuck Face Guy”. It’s all good stuff, and I’m still a big fan of the Mokuba gimmick, but now they ban Ryan Nemeth. 

TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Joe Hendry

Simple chain wrestling start until Nic has a few words and then snaps off a Dropkick, does his show off Dolph stuff so Hendry runs him over with a Shoulder Block and then a Knee Lift. Hendry tries his Stalling Suplex but Nic slips it into a Rear Naked Choke! Hendry spins Nic around, walks around with the Stalling Suplex before finally dropping Nic. Ryan Nemeth shows up with a ticket, so he’s sitting in the crowd now. Joe gets distracted just enough for Nic to jump up and hit a delayed DDT. After Nic tries to stretch Joe a little, Hendry goes into locomotion Cradles but Nic drops Joe to take a breather. Nic does his single Shot to the Heart Elbow and he’s really embracing the old Dolph Ziggler show off ego. Ziggler looks for a Rude Awakening after more arrogant moments, but Joe tries to fight it off, so Nic just snaps off a Jumping Neckbreaker.

Joe manages to hit a Cutter off the ropes to try and get some energy from the crowd. Strike exchange happens here, Uppercuts from Joe and Fists from Nic. Joe blocks one fist, throws a few of his own together and a Lariat levels Nic. Sack of Shit into the Kip Up! Counters galore from both men before Nic gets caught in the Pop-Up Powerbomb! Attitude Adjustment for just a near fall. You see moments of Nic trying to cheat or find an angle but he hasn’t done anything overtly heelish yet. Joe is rocking him with chops, perches Nic on the top, looks for the Superplex but Nic fights back, Hendry gets pushed off, Crossbody but Hendry rolls through, holds on and gets his Powerbomb countered into a FAMEasser for two! Nic crawls to a corner, looks to climb for something big, Hendry cuts him off, Avalanche Sack of Shit! Kaz walks out with the trophy as both men sell, but JBL comes out of the crowd and Clothesline from Hell on Kaz. JBL punches Ryan in the face as he comes out to say something. Then Tuxedo JBL leaves after doing his job. Standing Ovation from HENDRY! 1-2-NO! Nic kicks out!

The crowd chants “One More Time” and it fires up Hendry, he does the heel turn and goes full Queen Stomp, tries again, but Nic slips it. Superkick into Danger Zone and it’s….HENDRY KICKS OUT! Nic is tuning up the band, Hendry catches Nic, Sack of Shit, Kip Up, big fire, Standing Ovation! JOE HENDRY WINS!


Overall Score: 7/10

Even if the match quality wasn’t bonkers, mostly all the matches did what they needed to do, were fairly good and a good number of NXT talent showed up to make the Live iMPACT! and TNA really feel like something special right now. I’m an unabashed Tessa fan, so I’m giddy she won and Hendry finally getting the title is the latest they could’ve really dragged this out to, but at least it stops him from becoming Tetsuya Nai-Joe.

I’m not gonna be a hypocrite from previous complaints I made with too many champions being babyfaces, because that’s still bad and proves the next few title defenses could prove volatile. However, I of course just enjoy most of the current champions. So while it doesn’t erase the fact it’s bad, it makes it more palatable for me personally. Now if only PCO destroyed the Knockouts Tags instead of a different irrelevant belt.

Also let’s be very clear, anyone that believes the PCO stunt was a legit shoot doesn’t know wrestling. Everything is a work until it isn’t and then it still could be turned into a work. Don’t be gullible and just anticipate something to be worked out of it one way or the other.

Still though, good show with a lot of hype for the Live iMPACT, so Thursday should be fun! See you there!

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 1.16.25

The Go Home for Genesis this Sunday! Let’s see what happens!



So Genesis is Sunday, followed by next week’s Live Episode of iMPACT! Let’s see exactly how we get to Genesis and not to bury the lead, the fact the WWE/TNA partnership was extended for a few years is very big news for TNA. More visibility for a nostalgic brand and the younger NXT wrestlers get more opportunities with potential sprinkles of a big name here or there (yes I only really mean AJ Styles, but that’s what we all want to see one more time).

Let’s get to the show and see if it’s a Go Home worth anything.


  • Trent Seven vs Leon Slater: Slater wins via Swanton 450 – *
  • Fir$t Cla$$ vs Maniac Marines (Eric Young & Steve Maclin): EY wins via Macho Elbow – ** 3/4
  • Laredo Kid vs Jake Something: Jakes wins via Avalanche Something Bomb – **
  • The Hardys vs Ohio Versus Frankenstein (Sami Callihan & PCO): Hardys win via Crouton Bomb – ***



Trent Seven vs Leon Slater

British on British violence! I just appreciate that Trent’s theme is a down tuned remix of Seven Nation Army. 

A little back and forth until Slater hits a Reverse Gamengiri, Trent tries to climb back to the apron after the powder, eats a Shotgun Kick. Trent dodges the dive, and Suplexes Leon down the steps at Center Stage. I feel like Slater over sold the spot, but I suppose using your surroundings is always interesting. Leon slides in at 9.5, Trent gets a little cocky and Leon hits two Flash Cradles for near falls, as Trent is reeling from the quick pinfall attempts he eats another Shotgun Kick for a near fall. Trent sells to the corner, eats a Jumping Bootwash, Leon perches Trent, goes for possibly a Spanish Fly but Trent turns it into an Avalanche Flowsion for two!

Bop and Bang, 7 Star Lariat, Piledriver with flourish and…still a two. Birminghammer attempt but Slater flips out of it, Crucifix pinfall for two, Uppercut by Trent and Birminghammer is hit! But Slater…kicks…out? He sells a Suplex where he slides down steps like death, but eats huge signature and finishing moves and kicks out. The psychology in this match is non-existent. Trent does the Finger Break, Leon sells away, hits another Shotgun Kick and Trent powders. X Plex gets reversed into a DDT from Slater. Trent powders off the Ramp, Leon goes to the entrance way runs and jumps off the ramp, then hits the Swanton 450.

Completely stupid match with spots that make no sense. All sizzle no steak, so dumb my IQ dropped 5 points.

The Elegance Clique have a “Pre-Launch Championship Celebration”. Tom Hannifan hates it, the crowd hates it, and the Personal Concierge uncovers a cardboard cut out with a Knockouts Title around their waists…and they are size accurate. Heather is like a My Size Barbie. Ash gives a very cringey speech where she thanks everyone except Heather, the Concierge passes the mic to Heather, Spitfire interrupts of course, and at least Dani cuts the promo to start so it’s tolerable. Yeah this is painfully bad cringe, as much as I didn’t mind the Ash gimmick to start with, this is lame. The only thing saving the segment is the crowd is hot for the the Elegance Clique getting their stuff ruined. So it was lame, but the crowd was into it and Ash sold the destruction of cardboard cut outs like Spitfire just murdered her puppy. 

Well the first 40 minutes of this show are making me wish for a stroke instead of watching this. So hopefully it picks up somewhere. 

Fir$t Cla$$ vs Maniac Marines (Eric Young & Steve Maclin)

KC flips out of two of EY’s Back Body Drops and does his “First Class” taunt, so EY just slaps him upside the head and tags in Maclin to start beating on Navarro. I do really like KC’s work. He’s like WWE Lio Rush, but likable and talented. Maclin is beating the hell out of KC though, Lariats him out, goes for the SCUD, but AJ low bridges so Maclin crashes to the outside, KC hits the Tope con Hilo with blind tag so AJ is now legal and they start working over Maclin in the corner. Tennessee Whiskey, and there does seem to be a few First Class fans in the crowd.

Navarro is back in for the 305, quick tags though to keep Maclin eating offense. Splash into Big Boot into Assisted Splash while AJ leans on Maclin literally. KC starts picking on kids in the crowd near Judd Normand, he shoves the actor, the actor shoves him back and AJ comes over to mad dog the actor. Maclin takes advantage of the distraction and drops AJ on the way back in with an Olympic Slam, tags in EY and EY comes out hot. KC tags in, EY levels KC and they start messing around in the corner, AJ tries to break it up but eats a Busaiku Knee from Maclin and then a SCUD. EY manages to throw KC off the turnbuckle and then hit the Macho Elbow for the win.

After the match Eddie, Lish and Brian Myers stand at the entrance way to send a message but not cause any real chaos. 

Josh Alexander and his two bitch boys come out to cut a promo on Santana or something. I am about as interested in this as I am in Norwegian Dog Sledding. Josh trying to say Santana is too hurt to go at Genesis when we all know this was filmed the same time like a month ago. You really can’t do doofus attempts a story when you’re promoting the first live episode in nearly a decade or something for next week. At least the match should be good because this build is lame, the jabronis are useless, “Bald Ass Head” is the big insult…sheeeesh. 

Laredo Kid vs Jake Something

Well…someone has to win this match, so there’s that.

Nothing special start until Jake comes off the ropes and runs over Laredo sending him flying over the ropes onto the ramp. Jake panders to the crowd, Laredo tries to get something going but Jake steps on his foot to stop any Lucha things, and mollywops him. Jake runs him corner to corner until Laredo moves, strings a few moves together, tries to fly and then gets knocked out of the sky with a Forearm. Only a two count for Jake, but Laredo is definitely doing his best impression of a pinata so far in the match. Laredo gets a desperation Satellite DDT, misses his big attempt, but Jake misses the Spear in the corner, La Magistral gets a 2, a few bad spots from Laredo where it looks like he missed a Satellite Facebuster and sloppy Essex or Canadian Destroyer. Laredo goes to the top, Jake bear paw slap, goes up top and Avalanche Something Bomb for the win.

The Hardys vs Ohio Versus Frankenstein (Sami Callihan & PCO)

Before the Hardys intro, the 23 thing flashes a few times again. So at least they didn’t forget that.

Sami starts with Jeff and gets in a few early shots and goads Jeff with Hardys taunts, then all four get in, throw hands and we go to commercial. We come back from commercial to Matt Delete Turnbuckling Sami, and then Poetry In Motion the classic way! A few quick tags, but Sami eventually knocks down Matt, tags in PCO, Matt’s moves aren’t very effective, Jeff throws himself in too and they get their asses beat by PCO. PCO tags in Sami, Sami slaps around Matt, drags his face across the ropes, tags PCO back in and uses PCO as a battering ram into Matt’s chest. PCO keeps Matt in their corner, tags back in Sami, some simple tandem work and a short 2 count for Sami. Sami calls PCO back in and they’re formulating a tag move, they try the Double Back Drop, but Matt turns it into a Double DDT instead.

Jeff tries to fight them both off, Sami grabs Jeff, PCO goes for the Lariat, malfunction at the junction, Whisper in the Wind mostly hits PCO so Jeff Splashes Sami. Twist of Hate, Twist of Fate, Swanton Bomb from Jeff and the Hardy Boys win!

Before the obligatory contract signing on the Go Home before a PPV, Jordynne walks over to the announce table with the contract for her match with Tessa. Says she’ll leave it with them so she can’t miss it, but hey, “if she doesn’t show up at Genesis it wouldn’t be the first time”. That’s funny. 

Joe starts the promo saying he has to win, but its on him to take the title from Nic. There’s an intensity, so it’s not all cornball jokes and shenanigans. That’s kinda nice to start with. Nic takes the babyface angle of “you’re not wrong but I don’t think you’re ready yet kid”. Then he plays the JBL clip from Bound for Glory. Nic tries to use the video to clear his name because Ryan got attacked too. Joe is about to poke a hole in the defense but then Hollywood Abyss Mokuba shows up. “MY BROTHER SETO” Ryan interferes, Nic tries to stop the stupidity but Ryan plows through is about to eat a Standing Ovation but Nic Superkicks Joe to save Mokuba. Nic does stand there as the crowd chants “kick your brother”, but Nic doesn’t pull the trigger but you can tell he’s contemplating. 

OH! Sexy Tessy shows up, signs the contract but Jordynne was waiting for her and leaves Tessa laying with a Grace Driver and solid intensity. Okay most of the show was kinda mid but the ending was pretty solid.

Overall Score: 6.25/10

As I said at the very end, most of this show was mid…or mediocre for the older crowd. Indie Spotfest Dumbassery to kick off the show, a few segments that made me question if I was tasting pennies, a decent match with First Class, the stalled push never relevant squad match between Jake and Laredo, and at least the main event match was fun.

The video packages always feel lackluster because the only people really watching TNA currently are hardcore fans. I never really see too many people pull the whole “whoa first TNA episode in 11 years and I decided on the random Go Home instead of the first live episode since 2015”. See, this is why logic matters in booking. WWE gets to have the mentality of “it could be someone’s first time watching it” every week because they the biggest show in town. The name alone will garner random views or transient lapsed fans if they get a whiff of something. However when it comes down to TNA, people are only surprised its still alive.

Even with many questionable hours it wasn’t terrible. It did fine…plus like I just said, there’s opportunity for more random eyes thanks to the WWE merger AND a live episode next week. So the Go Home format won’t change, but hopefully the exposure gives us more congruent storylines.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic POD is WAR

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