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Joe’s CMLL Results & Review (9/17/2018)



CMLL Coverage

(Lightning Round) Drone vs Rey Cometa

We start with Cometa working a standing ki lock on Drone trying to fight for position. They pick up the pace pretty quickly and Rey Cometa hits a hurricanrana to the outside. When they get back into the ring, Cometa goes for a spring board attack but is drop kicked in the back. Drone gets Cometa to the outside, he feigns and dive and then feigns to hit a pose and actually goes for a middle rope head butt dive. Drone gets Cometa in the corner and balances himself on the turnbuckle then hits him with a knee attack.

Drone does a sunset flip but Cometa hits a drop kick after rolling out of it. Cometa then goes to the top to hit a leg drop but Drone kicks out. Cometa gets Drone to the outside then hits a big dive. Drone gets to his feet first, and hits a spring board rotating dive to the outside. Hit about 3 rotations. Drone gets Cometa in the ring and goes for a swanton bomb but misses. Cometa then hits a canadian destroyer for the win. It’s weird how spike moves are apparently banned in Mexico but that move isn’t. Perhaps just spike piledrivers. Rey Cometa pins Drone with a canadian destroyer.

Winner: Rey Cometa

Kraneo, El Valiente, and Volcano vs Hechicero, Polvora, and El Felino

Hechicero starts with Valiente and then he attacks Volcano but retreats. Then Volcano and Hechicero squared off. Hechicero left the ring though, and the crowd booed. Valiente and Polvora enter and they start to chain wrestle. Valiente got the best of him and then Felino came in. Everyone squared off and then finally Volcano and Hechicero finally get in and wrestle. Hechicero gets Volcano in an ankle lock but Volcano pushes him off. Volcano knocks Hechicero to the outside and then feigns a dive.

Kaneo gets in there with Felino now. Felino goes to suplex Kraneo but he can’t because well, Kraneo is too fat. The rest of the rudos come in to briefly triple team Kraneo. Hechicero and Volcano brawl on the outside. Polvora hits Valiente with an attack where he’s on his shoulder and slams him face down. First Fall: Polvora pins Valiente with a modified sit out face buster.

Polvora and Hechicero double team Kraneo to start the round. Felino then got Kraneo in a submission for a while while Hechicero and Polvora double team Volcano. Hechicero hit him with a drop kick to the groin in the corner. Valiente is being doubled now while Polvora works over Kraneo. Kraneo counters counters the triple team and helps his team gain momentum. He hits a big splash on two of them. Volcano hits a corner splash on Hechicero and Kraneo hits Felino with a hip attack. Second Fall: Volcano pins Hechicero after a splash in the corner.

Volcano and Polvora start out and Volcano does an acrobatic spot. He’s actually been looking better in the ring as of late. After he gets Polvora out of there Hechicero makes his way in. Volcano hits a power slam on Hechicero and he falls to the outside. Volcano then hits a top rope arm drag on Felino and then hits a pose. Valiente comes in now to face off with Hechicero. Valiente hits an impressive arm drag over the top to the outside of the ring. Felino and Kraneo are in the ring, and Felino chops him a few times.

Kraeno gets him out with a shoulder block and this brings in Polvora and he hits a big spine buster on him, and then he hits a big splash on Hechicero and Polvora. Valiente comes in and gets triple teamed, but counters with a hurricanrana. This breaks down into all six being in the ring. Kraneo and Volcano get Polvora and Felino in a double team leg stretch. Hechicero breaks it up and then gets knocked to the outside and Valiente hits a big dive. Volcano then hits a springboard splash on Polvora for the win. Third Fall: Volcano hits a springboard splash on Polvora.

Winners: Kraneo, El Valiente, and Volcano

Caristico, Angel de Oro, and Niebla Roja vs Shocker, Gran Guerrero, and Rey Bucanero

They start out posturing, one team on the ramp looking at each other. Finally Shocker and Angel de Oro squared off in the ring. They start very slowly doing chain wrestling but at a pretty slow pace. Caristico and Rey Bucanero are up next. The match is frequently being interrupted by people entering to double team. Caristico starts to get doubled on the outside leaving Bucanero in the ring with de Oro. De Oro continues to get work over in the ring. Shocker speared Niebla Roja then submitted him. Shocker then holds de Oro across his knee and then Bucanero hit a leg drop for the pin. First Fall: Rey Bucanero pins Angel de Oro with a leg drop.

Bucanero and Roja are fighting on the ramp while Gran Guerrero and Caristico fight in the ring. Guerrero hits a move on Caristico and this brings Caristico to the outside. Niebla Roja got hit with a triple team attack leading him to the outside. Gran Guerrero starts to rip at Caristico’s mask, and he nearly rips it in half. Not leaving much to the imagination. Caristico fights back and hits a hurricanrana on Gran Guerrero bringing him to the outside, and then hits a big dive. Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja both hit lionsaults on Shocker and Rey Bucanero for the fall. Second Fall: Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja pin Shocker and Rey Bucanero with lionsaults.

Gran Guerrero starts the last fall with Caristico. They start by posturing and posing to the crowd to see who gets cheered more. Caristico wins this one. Niebla Roja and Bucanero come in next and pose but then exchange spots. Shocker accidentally hits Bucanero when Roja ducked. Now Roja and Shocker are brawling on the ramp. Bucanero and Angel de Oro now face off in the ring but Bucanero gets the upper hand on him with a shoulder block.

De Oro starts to make a come back by hitting a big hurricanrana and then a super kick. He feigns a dive and then tags Caristico in but he’s immediately attacked from behind by Gran Guerrero. He reverses Gran’s offense and then hits a flying head scissors take over and then hits a hurricanrana to the outside. Oro and Niebla Roja then get Bucanero and Shocker to the outside and hit dives. Caristico and Gran Guerrero are back in the ring and Gran throws Caristico into the ref and then hits him below the belt. The ref doesn’t see it and counts the pin. Third Fall: Gran Guerrero pins Caristico with a low blow.

Winners: Shocker, Gran Guerrero, and Rey Bucanero

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (2/28/25)

SmackDown arrives in Toronto!



The Hot Mess has landed in Toronto!

As Elimination Chamber looms near, WWE Women’s US Champion, Chelsea Green, is more worried about Nick Aldis has as her mystery opponent!


  • Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven VS ???
  • WWE United States Championship Contender’s Tournament: LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins and advances to the Triple Threat.
  • WWE United States Championship Contender’s Tournament: Andrade VS Solo Sikoa; wins and advances to the Triple Threat.
  • WWE United States Championship Contender’s Tournament: Carmelo Hayes VS Braun Strowman; wins and advances to the Triple Threat.
  • WWE United States Championship Contender’s Triple Threat: ??? VS ??? VS ???; wins and will challenge Shinsuke Nakamura for the title.



About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic POD is WAR

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 2.27.2025

The card looks like a filler episode…let’s find out!



Not completely sure how to feel about this card. It feels like a lot of fodder that probably won’t lead anywhere and just hopes that the Hardys and Oba can carry people’s interest to the end. TNA is continuing the tradition from last year of maybe having one month of decent booking and then looking blind and inept for a while. Like if you look up the definition for “The Blind Leading the Blind”, it shows you a picture of the TNA booking room.

Well let’s see if I hate this episode or if something interesting manifests.


  • Oro Mensah vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Spin the Block – ** 3/4
  • Tessa Blanchard vs Kelsey Heather: Tessa wins via Buzzsaw DDT – ** 1/4
  • KC Navarro w/AJ Francis vs Steve Maclin: Maclin wins via K.I.A. – ***
  • TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: The Elegance Clique w/Personal Concierge vs Spitfire (c): Spitfire retain via Pressure Drop – ** 1/2
  • Mance Warner w/SDL vs Sami Callihan: Mance wins via DQ – N/A
  • Ace Austin vs Frankie Kazarian: Kaz wins via Slingshot Cutter – ** 1/4
  • The Hardys & Oba Femi vs Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/JDC & Lish: The System wis via Lights Out – ***



The System opens the show and the only one getting any real wrestling reaction is Moose gets the ole “Oba’s Gonna Kill You”. The crowd is disinterested in anything the others say, even trying to get themselves over at different points. System isn’t doing themselves any favors either because this is the most cookie cutter heel exposition promo. To add to lack of interest, The System call out The Colons to join them. Colons come out to no reaction and play the “smart heel” angle of “Why fight them when we can just join them”. So for now they’re all friends, but who knows…and Full Sail definitely doesn’t care.

Oh a Spitfire promo that is cringe. I love Dani Luna, but Jody is just Millennial Cringe as a person. Every time she speaks I get both bored and annoyed at the same time.

Oro Mensah vs Mike Santana

Sadly my browser decided to have a heart attack and disconnect after the first 20 minutes and didn’t save the already typed information. So this will be extremely abbreviated because I don’t remember exactly how it played out.

They start off with trading so Wrist Lock Arm Drags and Wringers before a few strikes give Santana the advantage, which is then immediately cut off with Oro hitting a Satellite Arm Drag. Some back and forth where Santana has the advantage, but Oro manages to counter a Back Body Drop by rolling back and Santana immediately pulls off the Rolling Buck Fifty for a two count.

Oro hits a combination of strikes, tries to hook Santana’s head for a cradle but he fights back. He hits Call of Autumn but again only a near fall. Decent back and forth but Santana punctuates things well bouncing Oro off the corner buckles and then laying him out with a Spin the Block.

Tessa Blanchard vs Kelsey Heather

Tessa comes out of the gates hot, just raining down forearms, fast and aggressive. Kelsey manages to catch Tessa with a Spinning Head Scissors and that just annoys Tessa. So a swift kick and Snap Suplex into the bottom buckle keeps the enhancement talent rocked. John Woo drop kick, Running Forearm, Whips her into the opposite corner and charges, Kelsey screams and covers up so Tessa stops and just Slaps Kelsey for good measure. A few Cradles from Kelsey gave her a moment of effort, but a Cutter into the Buzzsaw DDT and Tessa wins.

KC Navarro w/AJ Francis vs Steve Maclin

Rope run start and it’s a lot of KC dodging, misdirection and leaping over Steve. Maclin gives him a look after KC poses and acts arrogant after the one flip counter, KC sortuv apologizes and then Maclin just lights him up. No Fun Maclin beats on KC, throws him into the center of the ring and lays him out with a Sliding Lariat. KC powders, so AJ starts distracting Maclin with words, KC Stun Guns Maclin and takes the referee’s attention so AJ gets in some cheapshots and then drops him face first on the apron. AJ tries to throw in KC for the easy win, but Maclin kicks out at one.

A little more offense and a Double Stomp from KC but only a one count again. The Northern Armoury stalks down the ramp so both KC and AJ are a little distracted but KC maintains his control after a few strikes and Slingblade. But two Lariats and a Thesz Press has KC reeling, Olympic Slam gets Maclin a two count. KC manages to kick Maclin’s legs out from under him while trying to set up, KC nails the Frog Splash, but Maclin kicks out at two. 305 from KC, another Frog Splash misses, Satellite DDT attempt but Maclin holds on, smirks and kisses KC Navarro on the forehead before Deep Sixing him! Tree of Woe, Caught in the Crosshairs, K.I.A. and Steve wins.

TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: The Elegance Clique w/Personal Concierge vs Spitfire (c)

Ash and Jody start, and its…I don’t know. Posturing, a weird looking Headlock Takeover from Jody. Just…ugh, and not because of Ash. Jody tries a Rollup but only gets a one and Ash immediately tags out. Heather looks a little deer in headlights, but charges and immediately gets smashed into the Spitfire corner and they start teaming up and isolating the my size Barbie. Sliding Lariat, Fun Splash, just really quick tandem offense keeps Heather on the receiving end. Concierge distracts the ref and Jody, so Ash and Heather take advantage of the situation with Heather hitting the Codebreaker and now the Clique are isolating Jody.

Jody manages to catch Heather’s foot, kick her back, make space and simultaneous tags to Dani and Ash. Dani brutalizes Ash, throws her all around, Ash starts crawling towards Heather and Dani snaps off a great Snap German before she gets to her corner twice. Takes too long for the third and Heather manages to pull her forward into the ropes. Tandem Backstabber/Double Stomp from Elegance but Jody breaks it up. Dani manages to tag out, Jody nearly hits Pop Shove It on Heather, but she slips it, tags out but Ash hits an immediate Michinoku Driver.

Dani has really great aggression in this match, Ash tags out but Spitfire manage to crash Ash to the floor, Heather is surprised and Dani just hits the Outside IN Rope Assisted German Suplex. Heather looks out of it (purely selling), they hit the Pressure Drop and retain so now the heels need to be the Personal Concierges. Heather slowly rolls to the apron to cry with Ash that they now have to work for Spitfire.

Mance Warner w/SDL vs Sami Callihan

Warner charges at the bell, Sami sidesteps and hits a Stunner sending Mance to powder. Sami grabs a chair, starts hitting him with the chair and the match is thrown out.

This is stupid, why even say there’s gonna be a match to DQ it in 30 seconds and just do a brawl with another pull apart. You can build to a No DQ match without booking the card into a corner. 

Ace Austin vs Frankie Kazarian

Ace starts quick, grounded Enzuigiri, a few quick strikes, a pop over the rope, Ace tries to outsmart Kaz but not jumping into the Cutter, but when he does Springboard Kaz just lays on the ropes to cause Ace to crash. Kaz takes full control of the situation, some simple offense into the Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop. Kaz even does the Shawn Michaels pose since Ace likes to to it. Ace fires a little with a flurry of cradles but a Wrestler’s Bridge gets Kaz out of the locomotion Cradles. Kaz tries a quick cheapshot to the leg, but Ace doesn’t stop coming forward. Click Click Boom, the Seated Lariat into 10 Count Lariats in the corner followed by the Triangle Kick sending Kaz retreating to the floor. Ace wants the Fosbury Flop but Kaz hides towards Tyson, Tyriek and Wes Lee who are at commentary.

Ace is of course somewhat distracted but laying in kicks until his temper gets the best of him and he mouths off to the heel trio. Kaz tries to take advantage, but Ace dodges and sees Wes out of the corner of his eye so he gets distracted again, Kaz Slingshots him in for the Slingshot Cutter and that’s all she wrote. Kaz wins and the NXT Trio start beating on Ace until The Rascalz run down with chairs in hand.

The Hardys & Oba Femi vs Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/JDC & Lish

Moose calls Oba out, looks like he wants to start off but tags out in expected heel fashion. Eddie gets tagged in and tries to shove Oba but Oba gets annoyed and throws Eddie around, Myers comes in just to eat a Double Clothesline as the Hardys then run in to lay em out over the ropes.

We come back from commercial to a Poetry in Motion and Lish get on the apron to distract the referee so let the System take some short cuts and a few quick tags but Myers is the legal on now. Isolating Jeff, Eddie gets tagged in and distracts the ref so Lish can choke Hardy from outside but Jeff hits the Jawbreaker for space. Eddie tags out to Moose, Moose tries to clear the enemy apron but only gets Oba, a Twist of Hate from Jeff  gets the time needed to tag in Matt! Matt hits the Delete Head Smashes, Tornado DDT, Side Effect…and Eddie breaks up the pin. Eddie tries to Dive on Oba but Oba catches him and Chokeslams him into the apron. Plot Twist on Moose in the ring! 1-2-Myers barely makes the save by shoving Jeff into the ref. Signature spam momentit comes down to Oba and Moose. Oba eats a Carbon Foot Print from Moose and stays standing, hits a Backbreaker to drop Moose, the Colons interfere enough for Moose to hit the Spear on Oba! Matt also eats a Spear after cracking Matt with a bejeweled ring fist and then Lights Out from Moose, The System wins!

Post-Match Elijah and Hendry run out to stop the post match beatdown. Santino Marella comes out with Sacrifice announcements. Jeff vs Moose for the X Division Title in a Ladder Match. Then a 10 man, the remnants of The System vs Matt Hardy and Joe Hendry’s choice of 3 extra dudes. 


Overall Score: 4/10

This whole show dragged, the crowd was dead for most of the show, the predictable things happened and most of the stuff was very low influence. Tessa having her first match back on iMPACT in like 4 years was irrelevant, the backstage segment with her and Lei Ying Lee wasn’t bad though. The System isn’t really getting any reactions which is embarrassing when even NXT has tried to frame them decently, and the Full Sail crowd doesn’t care. The Elegances are comedy so their stuff is fine, and they’re actually somewhat enjoyable…but Spitfire…mainly Jody, is freakin useless. Mance and Sami has been directionless with no heat. Mustafa’s cabinet has some potential but already getting pitted against Santana feels like a byproduct of a bad main event/upper mid card scene.

I nearly fell asleep a few times with how boring this damn show was. It wasn’t insanely offensive, but it was sooooo…boring. Dreamer’s era of booking makes me long for the Russo years because at least the stories were interesting even if they were inane and edgy just for the sake of it. God…I didn’t think anything would make me look fondly upon Russo booking. Eww…I feel dirty…I’m going to sleep now.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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