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Dragon Gate Gate of Destiny Results & Review (11/4/2018)



Welcome back to Dragon Gate! We return to cover one of their biggest shows of the year, Gate of Destiny.

The card contains some big title matches, along with PAC’s first singles match since his return to the company last month. Now the real question is can they deliver?

Well, we’re about to find out as we…dive right in.

Tag Team Match
K-ness & Mondai Ryu vs. Shachihoko BOY & Stalker Ichikawa

Review: We got our opening match with K-ness and Mondai Ryu tagging up for this one to take on Shachihoko BOY and Stalker Ichikawa. Our opening bouts usually there to please the crowd but could they also entertain them while giving us something good? Which of these two will win?

It was a match…it existed. It was about three minutes and it was pretty much Stalker screwing around in the ring with K-ness and Mondai slapped him around and pulled off his ears from his mask, the monsters. Shachihoko really didn’t do much in this match, nor Mondai for that matter since it was only K-ness really that did the majority of the work here for the match. K-ness would Sunset Flip Shachihoko for a two count and would have his legs on his body to roll him around the ring in that same position until he pinned him that way again and gets the three count. I just wasn’t a fan of this match and nothing really happened in it at all, it just happened just for the sake of a match existing.

Rating: Vince Russo and a half


Six Man Tag Team Match
Natural Vibes (Punch Tominaga & YASSHI) & Hyo Watanabe vs. Don Fujii, Gamma & Ryo Saito

Review: Our next match is a six-man tag match with two members of Natural Vibes, Punch Tominaga and Brother YASSHI teaming up with Hyo Watanabe as they take on the team of Don Fujii, Gamma, and Ryo Saito. Good to see Don and Ryo still being a tag team here and they could possibly go for the Triangle Gate Championships again if they want to. Which of these teams will win?

Well, I can at least say that this was a better match than the previous one I saw but at the same time, this one was just average itself. Natural Vibes teaming up with Hyo was a weird combination in itself and it just seemed like they didn’t flow well together whereas Don, Gamma, and Ryo would pair off a bit better than the other team since they have teamed up before and know what they’re doing together. Again, the match was a basic tag match for what you see when a unit teams up with one random person and you get some nice sequences from some of the people in the match like with Gamma and Hyo going back and forth into the match and makes me hope we could get a one on one match with these two since it could be solid if done right. Don would hit Hyo with a Chokeslam to get him down as Gamma goes to the top rope to hit a Corkscrew Moonsault almost missing Hyo and pins him for the victory.

Rating: Tony Schiavone and a half


Eight Man Tag Team Match
Daga & R.E.D. (Eita, KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Yasushi Kanda) vs. Tribe Vanguard (Kagetora, U-T & Yosuke Santa Maria) & Kota Minoura

Review: We now have an eight-man tag match with R.E.D members, Eita, KAZMA SAKAMOTO, and Yasushi Kanda along with non-member, Daga as they take three members of Tribe Vanguard, Kagetora, U-T, and Yosuke Santa Maria along with non-member, Kota Minoura. R.E.D has been establishing dominance with Eita leading the charge and now looks to take out Tribe Vanguard in the process. Can R.E.D keep the momentum going or will Tribe Vanguard take it?

Least we were able to get a solid eight-man tag match in the mix almost at the end of our halfway point. R.E.D does what they do best when they start attacking their opponents before the bell would ring to get the opening advantage in the match to make themselves look strong. Tribe Vanguard worked well together in this match with Kagetora and Yosuke still being probably the more underrated people on the roster while U-T is slowly rising up in the ranks with his ability to show us what he can do. From what I can see with Kota, he’s still a bit green since he’s new but he also does have a ton of potential to do really well for himself. Daga is someone new to me and is actually his first time in Dragon Gate and is a freelancer from Mexico, but he was pretty impressive in his Dragon Gate debut and looked like he fitted in with R.E.D well also. Yusuke, U-T, and Kota would all hit Eita with a Missile Dropkick to get him down until Kanda and KAZMA would stop Kota from trying to pin their leader. Kota would try to do a flash pin to KAZMA for a kick out and KAZMA would hit a Pop-up Powerbomb onto Kota until Tribe Vanguard broke it up and R.E.D throws them all outside. Daga would hit a Gutbuster onto Kota and picks him up for Eita to hit the Superkick onto him and gets the win for R.E.D.

Rating: Eric Bischoff and a quarter


Open The Triangle Gate Title Three Way Elimination Match
Natural Vibes (Genki Horiguchi, Kzy & Susumu Yokosuka) (c) vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Shun Skywalker & Yuki Yoshioka vs. MaxiMuM (Jason Lee, Kaito Ishida & Naruki Doi)

Review: We have our first title match of the night with Natural Vibes defending their Open the Triangle Gate Championships in a Three-Way Elimination Match as they defend against MaxiMuM members, Jason Lee, Kaito Ishida, and Naruki Doi along with the team of Masaaki Mochizuki, Shun Skywalker, and Yuki Yoshioka. Natural Vibes has a good chance of being eliminated to losing the titles, but they could also have a chance to beat both teams and retain. Will Natural Vibes retain or will one of the two teams take the titles?

So for this elimination match, it looks like once a member loses the match that the whole team would be eliminated instead of just having to beat all three members to eliminate them and that might be better this way honestly, and it appears as though that all three men can be in the match instead of just two people starting and tagging in whoever. These are the types of matches that just make me wanna love Dragon Gate with their nonstop action, entertaining Lucha style mixed in, and just mixing it up with some wrestling to go with it. There was one spot where one person would wrap their legs around his neck for a chokehold and it would keep going until Jason Lee was the last one to make the bridge and Kzy would try to get into the mix until Mochizuki takes him down and it looked like he wanted to do it himself but he goes over to the front end to deliver the longest Boston Crab I’ve seen in quite some time and it wouldn’t last long since Jason Lee was right by the rope and grabs it right away. Yuki would start showing some spark in the match with his back and forth action with Kaito with trying to roll each other up or hit each other and it would come to an end when Kaito hits the Tiger Suplex on Yuki to eliminate Mochizuki Dojo making it now Natural Vibes and MaxiMuM.

Naruki and Kzy start going at it right away and Naruki doesn’t hold up against him as he hits him with a DDT and runs towards Kzy for him to catch him by surprise with the Skayde Schoolboy for the surprise pin and Naruki kicked out of it and hits his Bakatare Sliding Kick to knock Kzy out and Jason Lee quickly picks him up for a German Suplex Hold as Susumu broke the count! Kaito and Kzy are in the ring now and he hits Kzy with the Tiger Suplex and it looks like we have new champions, but Kzy kicked out of it! Kaito got Kzy back up to try and finish him but Kzy would hit him with some elbows before he hits his Running Elbow Smash to get the win and Kaito kicks out as well! Kzy quickly picked him up to hit the Impact and Natural Vibes retains the titles! This is Natural Vibes fifth successful title defense and they said that if they retain it one more time, they’ll hold the record for most title defenses with this belt and their next title match is on November 18th, so let’s see if they can break the record.

Rating: Bruce Prichard and a quarter


Singles Match
Flamita vs. PAC

Review: We now have a special singles match with PAC having his first singles match in Dragon Gate since his return as he takes on Flamita in what people have considered as one of their dream matches for the fans. PAC has been doing well in the tag matches that I’ve seen when he came back but now the real test is to see how he can do by himself now as he takes on this Luchador. Will PAC win his return match or will Flamita derail him?

For something that was titled a dream match, this was very underwhelming. You’re probably asking me how can this be bad since you have PAC and Flamita in the mix? Well, it’s quite simple really that it was just slow and dragged out quite a lot at the beginning of the match. I don’t mind matches going at a slow pace since I enjoy technical wrestling and could watch that anytime, but it was more of PAC just really dragging it out in the match and made nothing about it exciting except just hitting Flamita and maybe have R.E.D attack Flamita once when the referee wasn’t looking. I get PAC is the heel in the match and to get the heat behind him but he just didn’t really do anything at all and some fans will feel blue balled by this match. And before you actually do the whole he’s a heel thing as an excuse, he did a lot more as a heel in WWE than he has in Dragon Gate for his current run right now so I don’t wanna hear that.

Flamita, on the other hand, did try to make the match good as best he could but it, unfortunately, wasn’t enough either to make it exciting and he didn’t get a lot of offense in this match either. He does take the spot of the night though when PAC threw him up in the air for a pop-up and Flamita caught him with a DDT on the way down and PAC sold that beautifully, so I will give him credit for that one at least. The match would try to pick up in the last couple of minutes of it but it’s really hard to get invested into this match fully when nothing has been standing out from the beginning of the match. Flamita would have PAC up for a Musclebuster and he slams him down in a Codebreaker style which looked great and goes to the top rope to hit the Phoenix Splash but PAC rolled out of the way. PAC would quickly go up to the top rope now he hits the Black Arrow (still think it should be called R.E.D Arrow) and gets the win over Flamita. So how did PAC do in his first singles match back? It was honestly disappointing, to say the least, and hope he works on it in the next one he does.

Rating: Tony Schiavone and three quarters


Open The Brave Gate Title Match
Dragon Kid (c) vs. Bandido

Review: It’s time for our second title match with Dragon Kid defending the Open the Brave Gate Championship against someone else that’s not Eita, but instead it’s Bandido. This was one match I really wanted to see in Dragon Gate and now it looks like we can finally have it and for a title no less. Will Dragon Kid retain or will Bandido take it?

So after finally getting our little dream match here, did it live up to the hype? While this one was already better than PAC/Flamita, I thought this match was a slight letdown as well. Not that it was a bad match or anything since it was still solid, but also felt like they could’ve done so much more at the same time and made it a bit underwhelming. The match would start off strong with the lucha style we expected from them, but also felt a little bit slow too and would lose a little momentum when Bandido messed up a Diving Moonsault to the outside and hits one of the ring crew by accident while Kid tried to catch him. After that, they would do some moves here and there to make it stand out but it’s a little too far in between that it felt a bit hard for it to be wowed unless it was near the end. Bandido though did do very well in the match I thought and was always impressive to see and really does fit in well with Dragon Gate if he ever does decide to wrestle there full-time and could potentially be a big star.

There was one move Bandido did that really made him stand out since it’s actually the first time I’ve seen it, but it was Dragon Kid bent over while holding onto the ropes (hot) and Bandido looks to do what appears to be a Forward Flip Springboard Suplex and it looks awesome but Kid still kicked out of it. After that, Bandido would do a Flipping Fallaway Slam off the top rope and Kid kicked out again before Kid would start to get momentum now and hits the Bible for a two count. Kid would now hit a Frankensteiner for another two count and would go to the top rope to hit the Dragonrana and gets the pin to retain the title. Eita would come out after the match and it looks like he wants to have one final match against Dragon Kid for the title. If it’ll give us one final match and let them move on after this, then let them have it.

Rating: Eric Bischoff and a quarter


Open The Twin Gate Title Match
Tribe Vanguard (BxB Hulk & YAMATO) (c) vs. R.E.D. (Big R Shimizu & Takashi Yoshida)

Review: We have our next title match with the Open the Twin Gate Championships being on the line as BxB Hulk, and YAMATO defend the belts against R.E.D members, Big R Shimizu, and Takashi Yoshida. R.E.D were able to beat Tribe Vanguard earlier in the show during the eight-man tag match and with PAC beating Flamita, R.E.D looks to be in pretty good shape to maybe have a clean sweep if they win. Will R.E.D keep at it or will Tribe Vanguard retain?

I’m sure a lot of people know by now that I’m not a big fan of Takashi Yoshida and Big R Shimizu but I will say that they do make a decent heavyweight tag team while it’s no BigBen, it’ll pass at least. They both play to their strengths in the match with their power to try and dominate their opponent and this will move Ben-K to a more solo run, then I’m fine with those two staying as a tag team. YAMATO and Hulk are still quite the team and slowly becoming my favorite set of current champions since CIMA & Dragon Kid, just the chemistry these two share in the ring just make it work out for them and I hope this reign lasts a little bit longer.

I actually really liked this match, I thought it was nicely done with both teams playing to what they know best with Takashi and Big R just overpower their opponents while YAMATO and Hulk just use their wrestling experience to match them. If I did have to take one thing away from the match would be the odd pacing here and there in the match to throw it off a little off, but it’s a minor one and still a really good match to see. Big R and Takashi would just manhandle Hulk with just their power as Big R hits the Splash off the top without doing that stupid timber looking version or it and Takashi hits a Diving Elbow Drop as YAMATO broke the count. Hulk would try to hit the First Flash onto Big R but he caught him in time for the Shot-put Slam and Takashi went for the Cyber Bomb and YAMATO broke the count. YAMATO fights off Takashi and gets him in a Sleeper but Takashi would get to the ropes to break the hold and spits green mist into his eyes as he now picks him up to hit the Fire Thunder Driver as we could have new champions and Hulk now breaks the pin. Takashi would slam YAMATO onto the ropes and as he ran to the other side, YAMATO would catch with a Frankensteiner and gets the surprise victory over R.E.D to retain the titles!

Rating: Eric Bischoff and three quarters


Open The Dream Gate Title Match
Masato Yoshino (c) vs. Ben-K

Review: We have our main event with the Open the Dream Gate Championship on the line now with Masato Yoshino defending the title against Ben-K. The last time Ben-K had a match for the title was around March 4th against Masaaki Mochizuki and he lost, but now he has a second chance to go for the title with his new home in R.E.D. Will Masato be able to retain the title once again or will we have a new champion crowned?

It’s about time that Ben-K goes back to wearing his shogun type gear instead of those generic trunks when he joined R.E.D, he now looks like the Ben-K I know and love, now he just needs to win that belt. I don’t get why we didn’t get these types of title defenses earlier in Masato’s run because this was probably the best defense in his reign next to his previous one against Naruki Doi in September. During the beginning of the match, it looked like Ben would have the opening with how he would be able to throw him around but Masato would use his quickness when he needed to in the match to make Ben hit a Clothesline against the turnbuckle post and give Masato the opening he needed to work on his arm to try and aim for a submission victory like his previous title defenses. I mean it when I say that Ben-K is on another level and I’ve been saying that for months as I think he really could be the ace of that company should they ever decide to actually pull the trigger on that decision because that man can work with a lot of people in different styles while also bringing his A-game during these matches.

I really enjoyed the story of the match with Masato working on Ben’s arm to try for submission victory while Ben would use his strength to try and weaken Masato down for when he needs to hit his power moves near the end to put him away. I also love how fairly even it was between the two while the face and heel getting a respectable amount of shine/heat during the match without affecting the other. I liked the Jumping Slingblade Masato did to Ben while he was on the second rope, it looked unique and did it pretty flawlessly. Masato would attempt to hit the Torbellino and Ben would catch him for the Bubba Bomb and gets a two count. Masato would hit the Torbellino this time around and would quickly turn it into the Sol Naciente to try and make him tap out but Ben would use his power to lift him up and spin him around to slam him into the mat and break the hold. Ben is really selling the arm now and would hit the Spear onto Masato for a two count and he would finally hit the Ben-K Bomb as we could have a new champion, but no as Masato kicked out. The two start to brawl with Masato falling down to the mat, but Masato would get a burst of energy to hit Ben with a Lariat and hits two Torbellino’s in a row before applying the Sol Naciente on him once again. Ben was struggling in the hold this time and tried to fight it off until Masato kicked his leg in to make him collapse as he tapped out to make Masato retain the title!

After the match, it would seem that PAC is the next one to challenge Masato sometime in December. And I have one question for this one, why? I still think Ben-K getting the belt is the better way to go since he’s a great worker and has worked for it and PAC gets one right away just seems off. I had a feeling PAC would get a title match sooner or later like maybe win the King of Gate in 2019, but this feels a bit too early for me and would’ve saved it for a better date. Their booking is weird and I don’t know how this one will go.

Rating: Bruce Prichard and a half


Overall: I thought the show was a little weak with the undercard and the two dream matches being let down, but the tag title matches and the main event were what saved the show to make it slightly passable. We now got Pac and Masato fighting off in his next title defense and it’ll be an interesting month, to say the least.

Favorite Match: Masato Yoshino vs. Ben-K

Least Favorite Match: K-ness & Mondai Ryu vs. Shachihoko BOY & Stalker Ichikawa

Score: 7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (3/4/25)




The Don and The Chair Man!

Tony D’Angelo defends his North American Championship against Shawn Spears, but this is really about whose “family” is on top of NXT!


  • Sol Ruca & ZARIA VS Chelsea Green & Piper Niven; win.
  • Kelani Jordan VS Jaida Parker; wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo VS Shawn Spears; wins and


[Due to the scheduling choices of KVIA2 CW (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of NXT will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

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SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (3/3/25)

We march onward to WrestleMania!



There’s gold in the KeyBank Center!

While Elimination Chamber was one to remember, Raw is putting up THREE championship matches to heat up the Road to WrestleMania!


  • GUNTHER VS Otis w/ The Alpha Academy; Gunther wins.
  • WWE Women’s Intercontinental Championship: Lyra Valkyria VS Ivy Nile; Lyra wins and retains the title.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championships: The War Raiders VS The Creed Brothers; The War Raiders win and retain the titles.
  • WWE Women’s World Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Iyo Sky; Iyo wins and becomes the new WWE Women’s World Champion.


CM Punk arrives backstage.

And he is pissed! There’s many reasons why, so he storms right from the parking spot to gorilla and makes his entrance! Buffalo, New York fires up and sings along with Cult of Personality as Punk goes right to ringside. Punk snatches a mic, clears off the desk, shoves over the Hydration Station, and he says, “Let’s start this show off with a bang!” The fans like that! Punk says this will be fun not for us but for him! HE might get cancelled off Netflix! Where to start!? Consider this his State of the Union Address far into the Road to WrestleMania, an event some people think he has exhausted all avenues of main eventing!

Punk says, “Allow me to address my enemies. And since my name is C M Punk, that means everyone!” Who start with? Who’s his first target? What name do the fans want? Sounds like a big mix of names, but Pat McAfee brings up The Rock. “The Rock? The Final Boss? Listen up, Dwayne, you bald fraud! You think because you’re on the board of directors, you’re immune from criticism? You don’t know who you’re dealing with! You’re dealing with The Best in the World! Middle aged and crazy, walked back into the WWE after 10 years, and literally marched through Hell to receive opportunities at the big dance.

“And you, Mr. Midlife Crisis, decide to just walk in when you like it and hide behind the fact that you think you’re a bigger star than everybody here. I would love to say this to your face, but you have not graced with your presence to do your BS, to hit your arm, to pretend that you care about this business that gives you goosebumps. I have never been so delusional, I have never been so desperate, to wear a fake title!” The fans are thunderous for Punk now as he says he has never been so desperate to proclaim himself The People’s Champion! He doesn’t deserve it, he earns it! And he has never been so desperate to sell his soul.

That brings Punk to John Cena! You can’t see me? Well now we can all see through Cena! Cena STOLE something from Punk at Elimination Chamber! A match that after 20 YEARS of Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, Punk gave Cena the benefit of the doubt! Cena didn’t qualify, and what he did int he past secured his future. You won’t fool Punk twice. Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, for 20 years, and now we all know what Punk has known all along: Cena’s been selling these kids BS! The fans fire up again, and Punk paces. “Who gave up in the Elimination Chamber? It wasn’t me! You’ll never see CM Punk give up on his dreams of main eventing WrestleMania!

“Ironically, Mr. Don’t Quit, Mr. Don’t Give up, you gave up on yourself! You gave up on all of these people. You gave up on all of those kids! The jokes on you, I’m gonna see you down the road. And I’m gonna get my hands on both of you bald frauds. And when I do, you’re gonna make a wish that I never did. And now, the man of the hour. The person who currently has all my undivided attention: Little Brother Seth Rollins! Becky Lynch, you better come get your man. Because if I do before you do, I’m gonna put him in a wheelchair! Seth Rollins, self-professed-” WAIT! Rollins is here! So Punk goes from desk to ramp!

The fans fire up as Punk and Rollins brawl on stage! The hands fly, Rollins goes for a leg and he gets Punk down! Refs and producers rush out there already but the fans boo! “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” Punk throws off his jacket, slips free, but Rollins TACKLES him first! They scrap on the stage, get back up, and they brawl down the ramp! They go to ringside, Adam Pearce sends reinforcements, but Rollins and Punk just DECK guard after guard! They both grab each other by the hair, go into the barriers, but refs and producers get in there again. Rollins and Punk go to the ring! They scrap on the mat while fans go nuts!

It is a swarm in the ring and Rollins bails out the side. Rollins THROWS guard after guard, DECKS a few, and Punk rushes up again! The fans are thunderous as this almost spills over barriers! Punk and Rollins are separated again, but they still want after each other! “This is Awesome!” as Rollins again gest loose! He leaps over the desk as a shortcut! They brawl on the desk, then the floor! Michael Cole & Pat McAfee have to watch out, but Buffalo again says, “This is Awesome!” Adam Pearce shouts at both Punk and Rollins to stop this, but Rollins claws his way free! Rollins jumps at Punk and it’s another scrap on the desk!

One more time, these two are separated, and Rollins throws bottles of Prime as he’s dragged away! Punk is ushered out through the crowd but Buffalo is loving this! Raw goes to break so this can all calm down, will either of these two let the other even make it out of Buffalo?


Judgment Day is in the clubhouse.

Liv & Raquel are still talking about what happened in the Women’s Elimination Chamber, but mostly Bianca’s braid lashing Liv and leaving quite the mark. Dom check son Finn but Finn just sulks. Dom says that was the past. What matters is Liv & Raquel are the greatest team ever! Liv says that is just the start of it. Because Liv has beaten Rhea, she has beaten Iyo and she can do it all again. But enough about her. Raquel, it is time one of them went for the Women’s Intercontinental Championship. Raquel says that is a good idea. She’ll keep an eye on Lyra VS Ivy later on. Liv asks if Finn is okay, and Finn says yeah, all good. He’s just happy for the new champs.

Granted, Liv lost in the Chamber, but like Dom said, the past is the past. But he can’t move past Dom & Carlito getting embarrassed by Bron Breakker. Wait, they got embarrassed? Finn had a chair and yet he still backed down. But maybe if they had another member… Finn says Judgment Day is fine! No new members, no more blame game. But maybe Finn needs to deal with Bron tonight. Liv says Finn has that in hand. Good luck. Thanks, Sis. See you boy slater. Finn heads out, but Dom asks what was up with Jade at Chamber. Liv says no idea, but she is staying out of it. After all, she and Raquel never had anything to do with it!

But again, tonight will be about Liv & Raquel. Dom says of course, he always believed in Liv. But will Judgment Day (not) stand tall as we roll down the Road to WrestleMania?


GUNTHER VS Otis w/ The Alpha Academy!

After Der Ring General made an example out of Akira Tozawa and then punked out the tree trunk, Otis is going to make sure this bully doesn’t get away with it! Will Otis be the wrecking ball that knocks Gunther off his high horse? Or will he be a large appetizer for the World Heavyweight Champion?

As he enters, Gunther has a mic, and while Buffalo boos, Gunther says, “Before I embarrass you, big boy, let me explain some things to you. I mean, first… I know you’re strong. Strong as an ox, actually. And some, call you a freak of nature. But to me, you’re just a freak. To me, you belong in the same category as Jey Uso: a people pleaser that makes a clown out of himself trying to entertain a degenerate audience. And it does not belong in my sacred ring. And you really believe they cheer you because they like you? What you don’t understand is, they pity you! I mean, c’mon, let’s be honest for one moment. Have you looked yourself in the mirror this morning?

“Because I did. And what I saw is me wearing the World Heavyweight Championship as a belt, while you can’t find a belt that fits.” The fans boo Gunther shaming Otis over his size. Gunther steps into the ring as the fans cheer Otis on, but Gunther says the sad thing is, Otis could be great, if he had self-respect. But Gunther will teach Otis about respect right now! Just like Jey Uso at WrestleMania… BOOT! The fans boo, the bell rings and the ref reprimands, but Gunther stomps Otis around. Gunther taunts Otis, Tozawa & Maxxine coach Otis, and Otis CLUBS Gunther! Otis fires hands from all sides and the fans fire up!

Otis CLUBS away on Gunther in a corner, but Gunther kicks low! Gunther headlocks, Otis powers up and out, but Gunther RAMS Otis! Otis stays put! The fans fire up, Gunther kicks low and runs again, to RAM Otis! Otis rebounds, but into another BOOT! Gunther runs and he BOOTS Otis out of the ring! Otis crawls, Maxxine & Tozawa coach him, but Gunther goes out to taunt Otis. Gunther slaps Otis around, calls him a freak, then taunts the fans. Otis scowls, and he grabs Gunther! Otis drags Gunther from the ring and carries him around! FALL AWAY SLAM to the floor! Otis roars, Buffalo is with him, and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Gunther fires KNEES into Otis in the ring. The fans boo but Gunther clamps on a CROSSFACE! Otis endures, fights around, has his arms free, and the fans rally up. Gunther pulls on the facelock, but Otis fights up, Gunther KNEES him low! The fans boo but Gunther snarls. Gunther pie faces Otis, taunts him, and again calls him a freak. The fans rally for Otis and he rises to his feet! Gunther pie faces again, but Otis storms up on him. Gunther scuffs Otis, Otis fires up, but Gunther BOOTS him down! Cover, TWO! Otis stays in this and Gunther frowns. Gunther sits in the corner while he dares Otis to get up.

Otis rises, Gunther clamps on a SLEEPER! Otis slips around to hit a BIG back suplex! The fans fire up while both men are down! Otis gets those hips moving and he rises to his feet! The fans fire up as Otis storms up, but Gunther CHOPS! Otis staggers, but he shakes his head! Gunther CHOPS again, but Otis is pumping and thrusting! Gunther CHOPS, but Otis shakes his head! CHOP! Otis rips his shirt away! YOU SONOVA! Otis CHOPS, Gunther CHOPS, repeat! The fans are loving every CHOP! Otis then blocks one to HEADBUTT! And LARIAT! Otis whips Gunther to a corner, SPLASHES him, then runs in again, only for Gunther to BOOT him!

Gunther runs, but into a scoop! Otis SLAMS Gunther and Buffalo is thunderous! SPLASH in the corner, then Otis ELBOWS Gunther down! The fans are really pumped up, but Gunther stands before the Caterpillar starts up! So Otis scoops and SLAMS, then CATERPILLAR ELBOWS! Just enough of an impact and Otis covers, TWO! Gunther survives, but Otis goes up! VADER FLOP as Gunther moves! SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Gunther hauls Otis up, but Otis BACKDROPS free of the bomb! Gunther goes to a corner, Otis runs in, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Gunther SWATS the lariat, CLUBS and LARIATS, then BOOTS again!

Gunther drags Otis up, then POINT-BLANK LARIATS!! Cover, TWO!?! Otis survives and Gunther is shocked! Buffalo rallies but Gunther hauls Otis up. Gunther reels Otis in, and lifts?! POWERBOMB!! Cover, GUNTHER WINS!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

Otis gave Gunther much more of a fight than he expected, but the result ends up the same. But Gunther isn’t satisfied! SLEEPER!! Tozawa LEAPS onto Gunther!! Gunther stands up, THROWS Tozawa down, then hauls him up! POWERBOMB onto Otis! Then Gunther drags Otis up! But JEY USO is here! The fans are thunderous again as Main Event Jey and his Buffalo Sabers YEET shirt go to the ring! Gunther BOOTS Jey down, Gunther rains down fists, but Jey turns things around! Then Jey gets up to SPEAR! Gunther flounders, Jey picks up the title, and the fans fire up again! Could this be how it looks at the end of-

OH NO! Austin Theory & Grayson Waller attack Jey! They beat Jey down for how he got them last week! The fans boo but we get the DOUBLE- NO, Jey dodges and Theory almost hits Waller! Jey SUPERKICKS Theory, then fires off haymakers on Waller! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey ROCKS Waller, then SPEARS Him down!! GUNTHER CLAMPS ON THE SLEEPER!! Gunther takes advantage and he squeezes the air out of Jey’s body! The fans boo but Jey is down on the mat, and he’s fading out! Gunther leaves Jey down on the mat, and he picks up the world title to stand over him. Is this how it will look at the end of WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

Cathy Kelley is with the Phenomenal One, and wants to bring up his opinion on this. He has a lot of history with both John Cena and Cody Rhodes, what does he make of the ending to Elimination Chamber? “Wow. I didn’t see that coming. John Cena, selling out?” Karrion Kross suddenly wraps his arms around Styles’ shoulders and says it’s not that surprising, if you think about it. Styles pries free of Kross and Kross says Styles is a legend, too. He knows how frustrating it is when the new generation doesn’t give the proper respect. And where does Logan Paul get off talking trash to you?

Styles tells Kross to stop. This song and dance? Really? Styles ain’t John Cena. And maybe the WWE Universe needs a reminder of who Styles is. So tell you what? Next week, Raw in New York, Madison Square Garden, Styles calls out Logan Paul, and we see if he talks all that trash. And as far as Kross goes, if he tries to be the devil on Styles shoulder… God knows Styles’ even ways. Styles heads out, and Kross says that was easy.


WWE Women’s Intercontinental Championship: Lyra Valkyria VS Ivy Nile!

The Morrigan fought Dakota Kai, who beat the Diamond Pitbull in their #1 Contender’s Match. But Ivy is not going to let “Master” Chad Gable down. Will Ivy see to it that the Women’s Intercontinental Championship is American Made? Or will Lyra continue to soar with her #ShinyShiny?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if there’s a change of fortunes!

The bell rings and Lyra SHOTGUNS Ivy down! Lyra stomps away on Ivy in a corner, then brings her up for knee after knee! Ivy falls but Lyra stands her up. Lyra whips Ivy corner to corner, Ivy reverses, but Lyra goes up and over! Lyra then baits Ivy into a HIP TOSS and cover, ONE! Lyra whips Ivy, Ivy blocks a hip toss, but Lyra body blows! Lyra goes up and over, only for Ivy to LARIAT! Ivy huffs ‘n’ puffs while the fans boo, but Ivy rains down fists! Ivy stalks Lyra to ropes, brings her around and whips her to a corner. Ivy then runs up, but Lyra goes up and over, cartwheels and returns! Lyra sweeps the legs, basement dropkicks, then hoists Ivy up!

NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Ivy bails out, Lyra runs and she WRECKS Ivy with a dropkick! Lyra puts Ivy in the ring, then goes up the corner! The fans fire up but Ivy runs up! Lyra BOOTS Ivy, but then Ivy grabs the other leg! SUPER DRAGON SCREW! And then a standard DRAGON SCREW! The ref checks Lyra, Ivy taunts her, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Ivy has Lyra by the leg in a HALF CRAB! The fans rally for Lyra as she endures, but Ivy DRIVES the knee into the mat! Ivy then grabs the leg again, but Lyra stands out of the smash! Roll up, TWO! Ivy goes for the leg, but Lyra blocks and backslides, TWO! Ivy kicks the bad leg! Ivy RAMS Lyra into a corner, then puts her up top. Ivy then runs up, but Lyra BOOTS her! Lyra leaps, CROSSBODY! Ivy rolls through and deadlifts Lyra! The Female Titan pops Lyra up, but Lyra slips free to scoop and POWERBOMB! But Lyra can’t make the cover! The fans rally as Lyra hobbles and eggs Ivy on! Ivy stands, into a LARIAT!

Lyra LARIATS, SOBATS, KNEES, and KICKS, but Ivy blocks! Lyra ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up and Lyra hurries to bring Ivy around. TORNADO- NO! Ivy stops the DDT and suplexes Lyra up and over! Cover, TWO! Ivy is stunned but the fans fire up! Ivy hauls Lyra up to scoop, but Lyra cradle counters! TWO, and both women hurry up! Ivy BOOTS Lyra, then whips her to ropes. Lyra reverses, wrenches, spins Ivy, and hits a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Lyra then drags Ivy up to a fireman’s carry! NIGHTWING- NO, the bad leg gives out! Ivy CLOBBERS Lyra from behind! Ivy then grabs that leg, SHIN BREAKER!

Ivy hoists Lyra up again, SIT OUT BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! But into an ANKLE LOCK!! Lyra endures as Ivy uses what Gable’s taught her! The fans rally as Lyra crawls her way forward! Ivy leans on the leg, but Lyra still fights! Ivy twists that foot, pushes on the knee, but Lyra scrambles to the ROPEBREAK!! The ref counts, Ivy lets go, and Lyra clutches her knee. Ivy drags Lyra back, drags her up, and has the leg again! SHIN- NO, SUNSET FLIP! TWO!! Ivy escapes, goes after Lyra again, but Lyra reaches out! Ivy still GERMAN SUPLEXES! Lyra flounders to a corner, Ivy runs in, but Lyra ducks! Ivy gets stuck on the ropes! Lyra hits a BACK2BACKBREAKER!!

Lyra hurries, fireman’s carries, and hits NIGHTWING!! Cover, Lyra wins!!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Intercontinental Champion)

One good leg was all Lyra needed to end this! Will Master Gable be displeased? Or can The Creed Bothers still complete the mission?


Seth Rollins is ushered out of the building.

Jackie Redmond hurries to get a comment on what went down between him and CM Punk out there, but then Rollins spots Punk! THE FIGHT IS ON AGAIN!! Security gets in there, Adam Pearce shouts at them to stop! Punk and Rollins want to end this in the worst way possible, but what will that look like in the ring?


Raw returns and…

Adam Pearce is personally escorting Rollins out of the building, reprimanding him about putting the show in a bad position, and putting Pearce in a bad position. Rollins sarcastically snaps back that OH~, Pearce is in a bad spot? What’s he even talking about? This is the easiest thing to do! This is the easiest part of Pearce’s job. Punk put himself in a bad position at the Royal Rumble, Rollins made sure Punk wouldn’t make it to Mania through the Chamber! And if Pearce doesn’t do something about it, Rollins will do to Punk like he did Roman, and he will guarantee Punk never makes it to Mania AT ALL!

This is NOT a difficult thing. Rollins or Punk, this is the hill he’ll die on. Then he’s going to fight until the last? Yes! Rollins will finish it! Fine! Then finish it! Next week, Madison Square Garden, CM Punk VS Seth Rollins, INSIDE A STEEL CAGE! Now get on your bus, because Pearce doesn’t want to see Rollins again until next week. Rollins grins, Pearce has guards positioned outside the bus, but will there be anything of Rollins and Punk left after they fight in MSG?


Ludwig Kaiser is in the ring.

Buffalo boos as The Impeccable German has a mic. He says after last week, he is especially demanding ALL their gratitude for him, Ludwig Kaiser! They boo, and he says exactly. Last week, he took back what was always his to begin with: he took back all the attention. The attention Penta had, and the attention Ludwig has deserved for a long time. Yeah, go ahead, boo all you want! But if you were honest with yourselves, you’d know Ludwig is the future World Heavyweight Champion, whether you like it or not! And as for Penta… If Penta really thinks that they still have unfinished business, maybe reconsider.

Because what John Cena did to Cody Rhodes on Saturday will be nothing compared to what Ludwig is prepared to do to Penta. They call Penta the man with no fear, but believe Ludwig when he tells you, you will know what fear feels like. But then the lights go down! PENTA IS HERE! The fans fire up as Penta gets his pyro, then swaggers down to the ring. But then Penta rushes in and dodges Ludwig, for a RANA! Ludwig staggers up, throws a lariat, but Penta dodges to SUPERKICK! Penta pump handles, but Ludwig slips free! The fans boo but Ludwig ROCKS Penta! Ludwig comes back, but gets another SUPERKICK!

Penta runs to SLING-DOG! The fans fire up, but Ludwig TOSSES Penta! Penta skins the cat, and he RANAS Ludwig up and out! The fans are thunderous, but Ludwig gets up again! Penta triangle jump LARIATS! Ludwig falls, Penta says, “CERO! MIEDO!” And he FLIES! Down goes Ludwig at the ramp! Ludwig thought he could get the better of Penta but he was sadly mistaken! Will Penta be the one standing tall


Backstage interview with Bianca Belair.

Cathy Kelley is with The EST, and firstly, congratulations on winning the Elimination Chamber. But to say that day was an emotional roller coaster is an understatement. First, Jade Cargill’s return where she goes after Naomi, the one superstar Bianca trusted most of all. How is Bianca processing this? Did she talk to either of them? Bianca says out of respect to both of them, she first needs to talk to both of then, because it is all very confusing. Things were bittersweet on Saturday because Bianca feels guilty. Guilty because just as sad as she is about what happened with Jade and Naomi, she is equally as proud about what she accomplished.

Tonight, Bianca just wants to focus on finding out who she challenges at WrestleMania. Iyo Sky is one of the best, she and Bianca have battled it out over the past few years. Then Rhea Ripley is one of the most dominant women in the WWE, and both have been racing to the mountaintop. But no matter who it is, Bianca knows they will remember why you can’t spell WrestleMania without E S T! Bianca heads out, and we see Maxxine and Natalya in the background. What could the Alpha Queen and the Queen of Harts be discussing?


Chad Gable searches in Mexico.

He asks around for the man Dominik Mysterio told him about, but no one wants to talk about “that guy.” Gable walks down the road, turns a corner, and he spots someone. They ask if he’s Chad Gable. Do they know him? They were waiting for Gable. Wait, this is the guy? This is the one who will help Gable beat luchadores? The man tells Gable that he cannot fight what he doesn’t understand. Gable must himself become lucha libre. Well, he’s come too far to give up now. What’s he gotta do? The man presents Gable with a box. But he also wants some money. Gable gives over bill after bill, all Benjamin Franklins.

The man gives Gable the box, and says he will now wield power beyond his understanding. Gable opens the box, and is in awe! Gable takes the item out, but it cuts away! What could it be? And will it be worth the price he paid?


WWE World Tag Team Championships: The War Raiders VS The Creed Brothers!

Erik & Ivar gave Julius & Brutus a shot already, but then the Creeds took the low road by clobbering them with their belts. Luckily for the Creeds, Erik & Ivar want to keep fighting! Will the raid continue on down the Road to WrestleMania? Or will these titles soon be American Made?

The introductions are made, the belts are played, and we see who runs the tag division!

The teams sort out and Erik starts against Julius. They tie up, break, then tie up again. They go around the ropes, around and around again, then Julius waistlocks. Erik powers Julius back, but Julius avoids the elbow! Erik headlocks, the two clinch in the corner, and then Julius shoves Erik. Erik shoves back, they tie up and roll on the mat! They get up, Julius puts Erik in the corner, and Brutus tags in! The Creeds mug Erik, and Brutus snarls. The fans boo but Brutus tags Julius back in. They stomp away on Erik, talk trash, then drag Erik to a cover, ONE! Erik is tougher than that, but Julius puts Erik in the corner.

Tag to Brutus, he clinches Erik, but Erik scoops and SLAMS! Tag to Ivar and he LARIATS! And LAIRATS! Julius gets in but then backs off. Brutus CLOBBERS Ivar from behind! Brutus CLUBS Ivar, tags Julius, and the Creeds double whip. Ivar BREAKS the double lariat, then handsprings to DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! The fans fire up with Ivar, and Ivar tags Erik. They get Julius up, then Erik sends Ivar in for a SPLASH! Feed to Erik’s FOREARM! Brutus is up, but Ivar scoops and SLAMS him! Erik says UP, and he scoops Ivar, to SLAM him onto Brutus! The fans fire up as the War Raiders high-forearm.

Erik then tags Ivar in and they go after Julius. Julius knees Ivar low, whips him, but Ivar reverses! Ivar UPPERCUTS Julius, pushes him out, then goes up the corner! Julius DROPKICKS Ivar to the floor! Brutus tags in and the Creeds get Ivar up! They RAM Ivar into steel steps! The Creeds tell Gable that they’re gonna bring these belts home! Ivar is down, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Brutus tags back in. The Creeds mug Ivar, then DOUBLE SUPLEX, and they hold Ivar up! Then the SLAM at TEN! Cover, TWO!! Ivar survives and the fans rally up. Ivar ROCKS Brutus, ELBOWS Julius, repeat, then he SEATED SENTONS Brutus! Julius tags back in, and he hurries to get Ivar’s legs! Ivar KICKS Julius away, hot tag to Erik! Erik rallies on Julius with forearm after forearm, then he wrenches and clinches! EXPLODER! Brutus is back, Erik dodges, then he SPINEBUSTERS Brutus! Erik whips Julius to a corner, Julius goes up and over then rolls, but into a SHOTGUN KNEE from Erik!

The fans fire up with Erik and “WAR! WAR! WAR!” Erik runs at Julius, ACE TEN MAOU! Tag to Ivar, they get Julius up, whip and POP-UP, to THOR’S HAMMER! Cover, TWO!! Julius survives but Ivar tags Erik back in. They get Julius up one more time, DOUBLE- NO, Julius slips free, and he JUMP KNEES Erik! Then he POSTS Ivar! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY for Erik! Tag to Brutus and he goes up! OLYMPIC SLAM from Julius, 450 SPLASH from Brutus! Cover, TWO!?! Erik survives, but BRUTUS SMASH! Brutus tags Julius in, then Julius stands Erik up. Fireman’s carry, but Erik fights free!

Erik goes to his corner,. ELBOWS Julius away, then goes up. Julius ROCKS Erik, CHOPS him, then positions him just right. Erik fights back, ROCKS Julius, then DECKS him! Ivar sneaks the tag, Julius goes up after Erik! Julius kicks Ivar away, then SUPER DUPER PLEXES Erik! Brutus is up top, MOONSAULT but Erik moves! Ivar gets in and he has Brutus in his sights! Ivar goes up to VIKING MOONSAULT FLOP!! Julius goes up top now, and he SHOOTING STAR PRESSES!! Cover, TWO!??! Ivar survives and the Creeds are furious! Buffalo fires up, “This is Awesome!” as Julius drags Ivar up.

Julius says Ivar is just a stupid idiot, but Ivar BOOTS him! Tag to Erik, he roars and runs in, but Julius dodges! ROLLING SPINEBUSTER! Tag to Brutus and he goes up! The straps come down, Julius lifts Erik up! Electric Chair Lift, and the BRUTUS BALL misses as Erik slips free! Erik TOSSES Julius out, Ivar SPLASHES Julius against the apron! Erik tags Ivar in, they get Brutus up, POP-UP, and then the WAR MACHINE!! Cover, War Raiders win!

Winners: The War Raiders, by pinfall (still WWE World Tag Team Champions)

Another hard fought battle, but another hard fought victory for Erik & Ivar! Happy Birthday to the War Beard, Ivar, will any team be able to stop the raid at this point?


The LWO speaks.

Joaquin Wilde says, “Well done, New Day. Last week, you stomped on our pride, you bruised our bodies…” Cruz Del Toro says, “But you can’t take our hearts. And you can’t take our spirits.” Dragon Lee says, “And you won’t take our fire. New Day tried to put my brothers down last week. But they couldn’t get the job done. And here we are, stronger than ever.” Rey Mysterio steps in and says they should’ve finished what they started. They got cocky, went on a vacation, and so they should enjoy it while they can. Because next week, Rey & Dragon give New Day the worst Monday of their lives! They will face LWO in a TORNADO TAG MATCH!

You know what that means, don’t you? No tags, no disqualifications! Just four men throwing down! And let Rey just say how proud he is of his group, how proud he is of his Latinos, and how proud he is to say this in his language: New Day pare madre! NEW DAY SUCKS! The King of Lucha has returned, will he and the Boy Wonder humble Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods once and for all?


Finn Balor is in the ring.

The Prince interrupts Bron Breakker’s crowd-side interview with Jackie Redmond as he gets the mic. Finn tells Bron, “The only reason you’re still Intercontinental Champion is because the Judgment Day have allowed you to remain Intercontinental Champion.” The fans boo that, but Bron says the reason he is still champion is because he’s a DOG! The fans bark for that. Bron says the last time he checked, he embarrassed ALL of the Judgment Day! Finn says oh, embarrassed Judgment Day? This is Finn Balor, he chews up rookies like Bron in this business because Finn is untouchable! UNTOUCHABLE! Finn could take that title any time he likes!

Now, Bron is clearly just a little bit smarter than he looks, up there hiding behind Jackie, because he knows the first time he steps into the ring with Finn, there won’t be dogs barking. They’d just be watching Finn put Bron down! Bron storms off the set and goes to ringside! The fans fire up and bark again, and Finn says okay then, let’s go! Bron reaches the ring, but Carlito runs up! Bron KICKS and TOSSES Carlito! The trap didn’t quite work, but here comes Dom! Dom leaps, into Bron’s arms! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Bron glares at Finn, the fans bark, but Finn gets Bron with a SLINGBLADE first!

Finn rains down fists on Bron, the fans boo, but Bron gets loose. Finn trips Bron to STOMP him down! Finn gets fired up, but Bron gets him by the neck! Military press! Bron then turns it to a BREAKKER SLAM! Bron rips his shirt away, then builds up speed! Dom saves Finn by getting him out of the ring! The fans boo but Bron keeps his eyes on the Judgment Day. Wait, Dom & Finn are on the ramp, so that leaves… Carlito at ringside! Bron grins, then runs to SPEAR Carlito!! Caribbean Cool just got crushed, will it only be a matter of time before Finn feels the same?


Jey Uso checks with The Alpha Academy backstage.

They thank Jey for making the save. Jey says he’s got “Big Daddy.” They shake hands, then move on. Cathy Kelley walks in and says it was very noble of Jey to help The Alpha Academy, but we are still weeks away from his world title match with Gunther. Does that throw Jey off his game at all? Jey takes a moment, and says yeah, a little bit. A little bit. But what he’s going through in his life, it’s the wrong time to be playing games with him. That’s all he hears all week! “He can’t do it!” Every week that goes by, Gunther has Jey doubting himself! But look! Backed against the wall, Jey suffocating, but nobody gonna pick him up but himself!

Gunther, you said it was gonna be ten weeks of Hell! But Jey walks through the valley of the shadow of death and fears no evil! Jey is telling you now, Uce, at WrestleMania, he is crashing out! He hopes Gunther can pray. Gunther tried to put Jey to sleep tonight, but he woke up a damn beast! Four letters, one word! UH UH… YEET!! Jey storms out into the literal cold of night without a shirt, will nothing put out that fire inside him now?


Bianca Belair goes to ringside.

The EST did say earlier tonight that she’s going to enjoy watching this Women’s World Championship match. One way or another, we learn who will defend that title against her! Will it be Mami and her brutality? Or will the Evil Genius of the Sky book a ticket to Las Vegas?

WWE Women’s World Championship: Rhea Ripley VS Iyo Sky!

Raw returns and Iyo makes her entrance, followed by Rhea’s. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who meets Bianca for WrESTleMania!

The bell rings and the fans are thunderous already as Rhea and Iyo stare down. They circle, tie up, and Iyo waistlocks. Rhea switches, SLAMS, and keeps on Iyo with a lift. Iyo fights and headlocks, but Rhea powers up and out. Rhea then follows Iyo to RUN her over! And basement DROPKICK! Cover, ONE!! Iyo shakes out the stars but Rhea drags her up. Rhea back suplexes, but Iyo lands out! Iyo rolls Rhea up, ONE!! Rhea ROCKS Iyo! Iyo sputters, Rhea whips her, but Iyo slips around again. Sunset flip, TWO, and both women hurry to their feet. Iyo ducks a boot, comes back, but Rhea says no to the rana!

Rhea drags Iyo up, swings her around, but Iyo victory rolls! TWO! Iyo runs back up to ROUNDHOUSE Rhea down! Rhea flounders, Iyo watches her go to ropes, and the fans are dueling. Iyo builds speed, but Rhea slips out before the 619 comes in! Rhea trips Iyo, drags her out, and she SWINGS Iyo into the apron! And then the other way! And then Rhea brings Iyo up into a suplex to the floor! Iyo writhes, Rhea grins, and Bianca applauds while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Rhea MISSILE DROPKICKS Iyo down! Cover, TWO! Iyo survives and Rhea is annoyed, but the fans continue to rally up. Rhea rises, looms over Iyo, and she deadlifts Iyo. Iyo grabs ropes, fires elbows, then she switches with Rhea. Rhea fights but Iyo ducks an elbow! Iyo knuckle locks, straitjackets, and BACKSTABBERS! Bianca watches closely as Rhea and Iyo both rise up. Iyo roars, and she SHOTEIS! Iyo kicks a leg out, then she DROPKICKS Rhea down! Rhea flounders, Iyo whips her to a corner. Rhea reverses, Iyo goes up and out! Iyo blocks a shot to ROCK Rhea! Iyo climbs, leaps, MISSILE DROPKICK!

Iyo kips up, Buffalo fires up, and Iyo takes aim! SHINKANSEN MISSES! Rhea kicks Iyo low, stomps a foot, then SMASHES Iyo before the short arm LARIAT! And then another LARIAT! Rhea reels Iyo in, ripcords and mule kicks! Then an atomic- NO, Iyo victory rolls for STOMP 182! The fans fire up, Iyo covers, TWO! Rhea is tougher than that, and the fans rally while both women are down. The fans rally up more as both women rise. Iyo ROCKS Rhea! Rhea ROCKS Iyo! The forearms go back and forth, then faster and faster! The fans duel, and then Rhea ROCKS Iyo with a haymaker! But Iyo ducks the roundhouse!

Iyo grabs an arm, wrangles Rhea, but Rhea powers up and scoops! Iyo slips free, shoves Rhea, and then victory- NO, Rhea stops the roll this time! WHEELBARROW FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Rhea is growing frustrated, and she thinks on what else to try. Rhea grabs the legs, ties them up, and has Iyo in the PRISM TRAP! But Iyo rolls and sends Rhea out to the apron! Iyo storms up, but Rhea RAMS into her! Rhea drags Iyo out to the apron, suplexes, but Iyo fights that! Iyo WRINGS Rhea’s arm into the apron! Iyo catches her breath, pushes Rhea in the ring, then rises up. Iyo springboards, but Rhea gets under!

Iyo keeps moving, but Rhea BOOTS her inside-out! Cover, TWO! Iyo survives and Rhea is beside herself! Rhea says not this time! Rhea drags Iyo up, pump handles, and RIP- DDT!! Iyo turns things around on Rhea and the fans fire up! Rhea sputters to a corner, Iyo runs in to BOOT WASH! Rhea flops down and Iyo climbs up! The fans cheer, and Iyo salutes Kairi with the InSANE ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Rhea survives but Iyo clamps on with an ASUKA LOCK!!! Rhea flails as she endures the chicken wing crossface! Iyo holds on tight, but Rhea fights around to get to her feet! Rhea RAMS Iyo into a corner! Iyo holds on, then she sends Rhea into buckles!

Iyo gets on track again, SHINKANSEN! Rhea is down, Iyo steps on her as she goes to the corner! Up, up, and OVER- NO, Rhea trips Iyo before she can take flight! Rhea climbs up, hoists Iyo to the very top, and h its a SUPER BACK SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Iyo survives again and Rhea is shocked! “This is Awesome!” but Rhea is furious! Rhea says this is it! PRISM TRAP!! Iyo endures, reaches out, but Rhea SWINGS her away from ropes! Iyo tries for the other side, and she rolls to POST Rhea! Rhea flops out of the ring, the fans rally up again, and Rhea goes to the apron. Iyo runs in to FLYING SUNSET FLIP BARRIER BOMB!!

Iyo puts Rhea in, hurries up the corner, and OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Rhea survives by a literal foot, and even Bianca is stunned! The fans fire up as Rhea bails out, and she hobbles her way to the commentary table. Iyo fires up and DIVES! Direct hit on Rhea! Iyo then goes to the apron, for an- NO, Rhea stops the Asai Moonsault to Electric Chair SLAM off the apron! Then ELECTRIC CHAIR SLAM on the desk!! Bianca and Buffalo cheer while the ring count begins. Rhea and Iyo stir on the floor at 4 of 10, and Rhea rolls in at 5. Iyo stirs at 6, Bianca coaches her, and Iyo rises at 8! Iyo slides in at 9!

Rhea is in disbelief, and she also glares at Bianca for cheering on her opponent. Rhea storms out to ask Bianca what she’s even doing out here. Is Bianca afraid to face Rhea? Bianca says she ain’t scared, but Rhea SHOVES Bianca down! Bianca shoves Rhea back! The ref tells them to break it up! This is a title match, do NOT mess this one up! Bianca backs off, Rhea goes back to the ring, and Rhea goes to Iyo. Rhea says Bianca’s gonna pay for this. Bianca says she’s just here to watch. Rhea drags Iyo up the corner, then pump handles her! Rhea tells Bianca, “See you at Mania!” SUPER DUPER- RANA!!! Iyo turns things around again!!

Iyo goes up, up, and OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, IYO WINS!?!?

Winner: Iyo Sky, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s World Champion)

Bianca smiles, then shrugs. Did The EST really mean to affect the outcome? Either way, Rhea still hasn’t beaten Iyo 1v1, and now we have quite the change of plans for WrestleMania! Iyo gets the pyro as she has her moment, but will her reign only be the 47 days until WrestleMania? Or can the Evil Genius come up with winning strategy for Vegas?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw here to follow that awesome Elimination Chamber, but it still could’ve been better. Yes, John Cena’s Heel Turn was very shocking, but did we need multiple segments of recapping and fan reaction for it? Get it all done in one. Though on the flipside, I do like how we got multiple segments with CM Punk and Seth Rollins. Punk had a great Pipebomb 2025 promo that of course segued into a wild brawl at ringside with Rollins, which then also became a brawl backstage. Rollins VS Punk in a Steel Cage for Madison Square Garden is some great stuff, but I feel like even that isn’t definitive enough. Especially when Kevin VS Sami had the “Unsanctioned” match.

They are making the MSG show pretty big since NXT will also be there next week for Roadblock. New Day VS Rey & Dragon in a Tornado Tag is going to be great stuff, and very good promo from the LWO to set that up. Very good promo from Ludwig that turned into a brawl with Penta, and I’m sure we’ll get a great rematch from them, too. Kross egging on Styles to call out Logan Paul is certainly an interesting move, and I fear Kross is going to cost Styles a match against Logan.

American Made sure had a rough night. We finally get Chad Gable’s vignette for his lucha journey, and it didn’t quite deliver. We just get him meeting a guy who we don’t even see his face, and then he has to pay roughly $500 just to get the power of lucha instead of going on a training montage. Though, maybe on some level that works in character because Gable just wants to win, he doesn’t care about what’s right or fair. Lyra VS Ivy and War Raiders VS Creed Brothers were both great matches, but it seems a shame that neither title changed hands. Maybe Gable returns and oddly doesn’t care since he got what he wanted and can now avenge himself against luchadores.

Judgment Day had a similarly tough night. Liv literally still has the mark from Bianca whipping her with the braid, and apparently just expects her and Raquel will pull of a Two Woman Power Trip. Finn still insists on no new members, but I feel like they’re gonna need one since Bron took down him, Dom and Carlito. Bron VS Finn will be a great Intercontinental Championship match, but I would hope we get an even bigger match for WrestleMania. Alpha Academy had a rough night, too, but Otis looked awesome against Gunther tonight. That 75 ranking should be higher for Otis, but maybe most of that power level is put in his strength stat.

Jey of course made another save, and naturally brawled with ATDU a second so that Gunther could stand tall. Jey still has a good promo to turn things around, and it feels more and more like Jey should win the title. Good promo from Bianca, and I suppose she would avoid talking about Jade beating up Naomi. I feel like there’s the tiniest chance she conspired with Naomi to take out Jade and we’ll learn that information down the line, but maybe Bianca just doesn’t want to talk about either Jade or Naomi behind their backs. Rhea VS Iyo was a great main event, and that was a legitimately surprising move to have Iyo win. Bianca being a factor, Rhea could demand a rematch, and I feel like we’re really close to a Triple Threat of Rhea, Iyo & Bianca.

My Score: 8.7/10

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