Ring Of Honor Coverage
Matt’s Recap & Reviews: Ring of Honor TV (10/28/19)
Ring of Honor Television on FITE TV: Episode #423

Ring of Honor Television on FITE TV: Episode #423
“Since 2002 we have created excellence together.”– Jay Lethal
Showing the ending of Death Before Dishonor between Angelina Love and Kelly Klein, with Love using the Botox Injection to get the win and the Women of Honor Championship. Ian Riccobani tells us The Allure has captured the championship and will defend it tonight in a triple threat match against Sumie Sakai and Jenny Rose. We are introduced to our first match of the night featuring a “Vegas Wild Card” match with all the participants chosen at random.
1) Jay Briscoe vs Joe Hendry vs Silas Young vs Cheeseburger vs Marty Scurll vs Jeff Cobb vs Josh Woods vs Brian Johnson vs Rhett Titus
Death Before Dishonor Fallout Tour
Las Vegas, Nevada
Starts off with Kenny King and Cheeseburger. King drives Cheeseburger into the corner and asks for a test of strength, but Cheeseburger reverses, King with double arm drags and gets a wristlock maintaining control. Cheeserburger tries to escape with a side headlock and gets dropped hard off the mat with a shoulderblock. Misdirection from Cheeseburger off the ropes, shoulder block gets two! Hard powerslam by Kenny King gets two! King allows Cheeseburger to roll into the corner and tag in Rhett Titus.
The former tag team champions tie up as Johnson tags Kenny King and begins barking at King that he’s the legal man and to get out of the ring. Johnson tags in Josh Woods as Johnson and King argue on the apron. Titus and Woods lock up. Cravate into a head takeover, Woods with a rolling pin gets one. Woods transitions into a full nelson and they exchange standing switches. Silas Young tags Rhett Titus as Silas Young and his protege square off. Fans start to change “Hug it out”, Young refuses as they tie up. Woods with an inside legsweep into a lateral press. He rolls Silas Young inside out and turns it into a banana split roll up as we fade to a commercial..
Back with Joe Hendry in the ring, driving Brian Johnson into the corner and Hendry tags in Rhett Titus. Titus with a power slam and a tag to Cheeseburger. Titus body slams Cheeseburger onto Johnson for a pin and a kickout. Burger tags Silas Young who stomps Johnson in the corner and tags Titus back in. Big splash by Titus gets a two count. Johnson with a back elbow ito a springboard shoulder. Johnson tags in Jeff Cobb who throws Titus over his head! Jeff Cobb lifts both Cheeseburger and Silas Young in his arms before dispatching both. He tosses Cheeseburger like a rag doll. Cobb destroying all four of his opponents. Titus flips onto the top rope, caught by Cobb in a stalling falcon arrow. Standing moonsault gets two by Cobb! Cobb tags in Kenny King who slaps Rhett Titus across the face and trash talks him. King heads outside the ring as Titus takes chase, back in, Johnson with a hard lariat that drops Titus and Johnson demands King tag him in. King fakes him out and back on the attack. Snap suplex! King backs into Woods who tags in. Woods crushes Rhett Titus! Knee in the corner! Pin and One count only. Brian Johnson slaps Woods back and tags in. Brian Johnson tells the crowd to shut up as Johnson attacks Titus as a couple fans chant “Last Place” at Johnson as he works over Rhett Titus.
Shenanigans occur as Johnson refuses to tag any of the men in his corner as Cheeseburger gets a hot tag. Cartwheel into a superkick and a Fuji Special! King attacks Cheeseburger, Hendry drops King with knee facebuster, Woods in and sends Hendry out, Titus drops Woods, Johnson launches off the top rope onto Titus and Silas Young with a backbreaker across the knee into a clothesline! Cobb and Hendry standing face to face. Titus ad Cheeseburger attack Cobb! Cobb with double pumphandles to King and Cheeseburger as Hendry drops two men with a double fallaway slam as they square off again. Running double clotheslines and both men are down. Everyone’s down! On the outside, Cobb and Hendry crash into each other as the crowd explodes. Silas Young and Josh Woods in the ring, Brian Johnson drags Woods outside, Cheeseburger drops Brian Johnson! Kenny King with an Arn Anderson Spinebuster to Burger! Titus with a Caporeia Kick to Burger! King tries a suplex but Titus blocks, Young and Woods drop the All Night Express from behind and Woods school boys Silas Young for the win in 15:00 shown.
* Jay Briscoe and Marty Scurll were shown on the screen as participants in the match, where as Kenny King and Rhett Titus were not, yet the latter were in the match. Odd.
Winner: Josh Woods (and his teammates who I couldn’t keep straight at all? Was this a tag match? Was it a Scramble? No rules were discussed, the pre-match advertisement didn’t have the correct participants shown, action was wild and tags were random)
Grade: *
Thoughts: I was going to give this two stars for having a decent length for an opener, one of the longest matches I’ve reviewed for Ring of Honor TV, but I need to take a whole star off for how confusing this whole thing was. I’m not surprised, this match is the epitome of Ring of Honor Television wrapped up into one highlight.
We are back with highlights of The Kingdom against The Bouncers in a Barroom Brawl at Death Before Dishonor as The Bruiser and Milonas were bleeding. Also shown was Marselgia throwing darts into Beer’s back. Everyone was bleeding as Milonas and Bruiser picked up the win. Backstage, Bruiser and Milonas celebrated with crimson masks, as Beer City Bruiser asked who’s next because they just proved they could fight.
2) The Bouncers (Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser) Vs Slice Boogey & Chris Bey
Boogie pie faces Bruiser to start as trash talks him. Bruiser is in great shape from when I’ve seen him before as Bruiser crushes Boogie as the crowd chanting “Beer Beer Beer” as Milonas and Bey get tagged in. Bey on the attack but Milonas sends him into the corner. Milonas tries a charge but Bey with a kick to the face. He tries to jump off the top, but Milonas drops him with a clothesline! Chris Bey gets crushed under Milonas who tags in Bruiser. Bey with forearms, missed a swing, Bruiser dazes Bey with dizzying punches and bites Bey’s forehead! Bruiser argues with the referee that he didn’t bite him, because he ain’t go no teeth.
On the outside, Boogie drops Bruiser with a clothesline. Bruiser rolls back in and Bey with a shining wizard! Tries a pin but Bruiser kicks out before one! Tag to Boogie who drops an elbow on Bruiser but kicks out. Bey tags back in, standing moonsault gets one only! Bey tags in Boogie. Hard spinebuster on Bey! Bruiser sends Boogie down and tags in Milonas who buries Boogie in the corner, runnuing body splash to both his opponents! Crossbody by Milonas onto Bey! Double team as Milonas with the diving guillotine legdrop, reminiscent of The Decapitation Device with a legdrop instead of an elbow, for the win at 4:30.
Winners: The Bouncers
Grade: *
Thoughts: Athletic squash as Boogie and Bey looked decent in a couple minutes of action. The Bouncers deserve more recognition for their explosive team work. I think they will be ROH Tag Team Champions before long. They are one of, if not the top contending team in the company right now. (I need to say this, and it might not be popular, but Brian Milonas needs to lose some weight. That’s not healthy to be carrying around that much weight. As I mentioned in the beginning of the match, Bruiser looks to be in the best condition I’ve ever seen him in this company in years, he’s still heavy, but he’s lost a ton of weight. He looks healthy and bulky, not balloon huge. Milonas looks really big. I hope he decides to give his body the benefit of the doubt before his heart gives out on him and we lose another wrestler young. Please Brian, please do yourself a favor.)
After a commercial, we are back with Rhett Titus, Silas Young, Cheeseburger, and Joe Hendry backstage. Titus says “We learned some things here in Las Vegas, 1) Cheeseburger is the greatest 2) I Believe in Joe Hendry (#IBelieveInJoeHendry), 3) Kenny King is going to get his ass whooped, and 4) I guess the student is better than the teacher, as he turns his attention to Silas who says his teammates didn’t have his back! Hendry breaks them up and tries to cheer them up by handing out autographs as Silas storms away.
Backstage after Death Before Dishonor, Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham are discussing their electric match. Lethal has an ice pack on his elbow, telling Gresham he also broke his elbow, and asks Gresham if they’ve hashed things out. Lethal apologizes if he upset him and apologizes for his constructive criticism. He says Gresham is the best technical wrestler in the world, and if they’re going to team he needs to start listening to his partner. Lethal asks what next, Gresham says he thinks the tag division needs a team like them. (Insert Simon Miller’s “Nobody Talks Like That!”)
Back with Ian Riccobani and Quinn McKay who plugs Rush vs Jeff Cobb at Honor United which can be found on Honor Club! Riccobani tells us that Gresham is a former Top Prospect Tournament competitor, but right now we will see highlights of the 2019 Finals match between Austin Gunn and Dak Draper. Literal highlight package of the entire match. Dak Draper picked up the win as Gunn stares into the lights as Draper celebrates.
Backstage, Dak Draper said at the beginning if the tournament he said he didn’t have to work hard to win the tournament and then remarked that was a lie. He’s been waking up every morning five days a week to train and says he pushes himself harder than anyone does. He’s big, he’s strong, he’s tall, but he’s strongest asset is his mind. He says his mind is the general and his body is the army. He says it doesn’t matter who the TV Champion is, he’s got him in his sights.
After a break, highlights of Rush winning the ROH World Championship, as Riccobani tells us about Rush against Jeff Cobb! He tells us about ROH The Experience, ROH Unauthorized, ROH Survival of the Fittest, and Final Battle all coming up for whoever the champion is. Quinn McKay says Rush is one of the hardest hitting and toughest champions of all time, as she wants Brian Zane to tell us his Top 5 Toughest ROH Champions Of All Time.
Brian Zane introduces him and says success is defined by win and losses, but also tenacity. 5) Austin Aries, the greatest man who ever lived, snapped Samoa Joe’s undefeated streak and won the title in 2004, then five years later became the first ever two time ROH World Champion in 2009, 4) Mr.Wrestling Kevin Steen, he says Steen has always flew in the face of authority but always backed it up. He defeated El Generico in one of the greatest ladder matches of all time, and also caused a riot when he spat in the face of Jay Lethals parents, 3) Samoa Joe, The Samoan Submission Machine, when you think of dominance you think of Samoa Joe. Joe was the first to defend the championship internationally, making it the ROH World Championship, and reigned for 21 months, the longest of all time, 2) Brian Danielson, the man once called The American Dragon was a founding father of the company, winning the championship in 2005, and holds the record for most successful defenses over 400 days, he wrestled the end of his reign with a major shoulder injury, and 1) Nigel McGuiness. No one felt for so long, in so much pain as much as Nigel, he held the belt longer than anyone else for a 545 day reign, withstanding a torn bicep (which ultimately ended his career), a concussion, a broken nose, and more while holding his own against the best wrestlers in the world. Dalton Castle walks up to Brian Zane and complains he’s not on the list even though he broke his back and then won the championship and defended the championship for six months, asking if that’s not tough?! He says he swims in the ocean and he’s not afraid to swim with sharks. Castle says he’s the top 5 toughest champion of all time!
3) ROH Women Of Honor Champion Angelina Love (w/ Mandy Leon) vs Sumie Sakai vs Jenny Rose
ROH Women of Honor Championship
Triple Threat
This is a television exclusive match. Jenny Rose out first, Sakai next, followed by the champion, Angelina Love. We are told Sakai was the first ever Women of Honor champion, and she trained Jenny Rose. Cabana says Love will do anything to retain the championship.
Bell sounds as we have under 10 minutes left in the show.
All three women stand across from each other. The challengers attack Love early. Double team attacks on the champion in the corner, double suplex! Double clothesline and the champion rolls to the outside. Jenny Rose turns it against Sakai inside and tries to suplex her but Sakai blocks. Rose reverses into a spinning side suplex for two. Off the ropes, Rose crushes Sakai, and Sakai tries again but Love trips her and gets in the ring. Running crossbody by Love on Rose. Sakai trips Love ad drags her outside, dropping her with a forearm! Inside, Jenny Rose with a Fishermans Suplex for two! Fade to a break…
Jenny Rose has a half crab locked in tight on Sakai, as Love drops Rose with a bulldog, Love locks in the Koji Clutch on Sumie Sakai in the middle of the ring! Nowhere to go! Sakai refuses to give up and swings her legs to the ropes. Sakai looks unconscious and Love breaks after four count. Love with a Lou Thesz Press to Rose on the outside, Rose trips Love into the apron, inside, Rose chops Love in the corner, and Love throws Rose outside and targets Sakai again. Sakai with a Fishermans Buister! Hooks the leg! Two count only! Love reverses Smash Mouth into a bridge pin for two! Love sends Sakai outside into Jenny Rose! Jenny Rose rolls inside with a jawbreaker to the champion! Rose with a boot to the throat! Rose targets on Sakai who is rolling in the ring. Both women brawling as they both take down Love. Rose with a short Spear for two and a half! Victory roll by Sumie Sakai for two! Rose with a lariat, hooks the legs, two and a half! Uranagi by Rose! Love dives in to break the count! Love with the Botox Injection! Sukai breaks the pin! Sukai hooks Love in the Smash Mouth again as Mandy Rose distracts Sakai on the apron and she chases Rose. Turns around into a Botox Injection for the win at 8:45 shown.
Winner AND STILL ROH Women of Honor Champion: Angelina Love
Grade: **1/2
Thoughts: For a match that ran under 10 minutes there was some fun stuff in here between three talented women. I wasn’t expecting much, but they delivered. Jenny Rose looked like a future star, and Sukai can just go, and at her age that’s truly amazing. Sukai being “distracted” by Mandy Rose on the apron was stupid, why not hit your move and THEN attack Rose? It’s as old as time in wrestling and it doesn’t get any less illogical. Another complaint I have is, Sakai didn’t sell either submission hold AT ALL. The announcers kept playing it like she was exhausted. Not believable, at all.
Overall Show Grade: 5/10
Maybe one of these days we will get a show worth watching. Few major complaints this week, but overall, the planning and production of these shows are mindbogglingly bad. Who makes these episodes for television? They surely can’t all go through the same person or team. There’s so much confusing direction that it can’t be possible; it’s embarrassingly unprofessional. Does this company know they are satire wrestling right now? Even in TNA’s worst moments, they weren’t this bad. I will replace whoever is in charge of producing these shows, and I’ll do it for half the salary and I promise you, I’ll make a relevant program that makes sense.
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Diamante wants to work with Athena?
The ROH Women’s World Champion has Billie Starkz, but it seems Diamante wants to change that. Will she make herself Minion Numero Uno?
- Dark Panther VS Okumura; Panther wins.
- Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Willie Mack VS Johnny TV & MXM Collection; Dustin, Sammy & Mack win.
- Athena & Diamante VS Jordan Blu & Mazzerati; Athena & Diamante win.
- The Dark Order VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling; The Premier Athletes win.
- Queen Aminata VS Viva Van; Aminata wins.
- Six Man Tag: Atlantis Jr, Fuego & Titan VS Barbaro Cavernario, Rugido & Volador Jr; Atlantis, Fuego & Titan win.
Athena talks with Diamante.
The Fallen Goddess tells the Cuban Diamond, “Tonight is going to be very, very crucial to you joining MIT. I just don’t take people barging their way into my group, my prestigious academy.” Billie Starkz walks in and says hi to “Boss” Athena and “Di,” but Athena ignores her to continue explaining that this is Diamante’s initiation. This is a test to see if- Billie pokes Athena in the shoulder and Athena asks, “Yes?” Billie says hi, and Athena says cool. Anyway, this is going to test if Diamante has what it takes to be part of the Forever Champion’s MIT. Diamante says sure. Billie keeps wanting Athena’s attention and Athena asks what she wants.
Billie motions as if to say she’s expecting something, and Athena says, “What? You want me to say, ‘Hi, Billie. You’ve been doing so great. You’ve been busy, busy being a busy bee meddling in everyone’s business.’ Tonight, it’s not about you. We’ve been there, we’ve done that. And it’s time that we bring something… new to MIT.” Billie says that’s great. Athena says tonight, they don’t need Billie. She can go meddle in someone else’s business. Athena & Diamante leave and Billie is shocked that she’s being left out. Is Minion 400,237 & 3/4ths being further demoted?
A sneak preview of AEW Stories: Komander.
“I was born for something. I feel I am destined for something. I have a purpose in life. I have a purpose in wrestling. And now, to have this great opportunity at Final Battle, for the ROH World Television Champion, what a moment it would be to achieve this, to achieve this mission. To achieve this feat for all my people, for the people who believe in me. This will be a big step in my career. Something that will mark the great story of Komander in AEW.” Watch the full documentary of Komander’s rise on AEW’s official YouTube channel.
Six Man Tag: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Willie Mack VS Johnny TV & MXM Collection!
The Sons of Texas are getting a bit tired of Mansoor & Mason Madden obsessing over the ROH World Tag Team Championships, but they have to go one more round with them and their new pal. But they’re not clowning around, because they’re bringing the Chocolate Juggalo along! Will Mack help The Natural & The Spanish God shine? Or will they not be #TVReady?
The trios sort out and Mack starts against Johnny. The fans rally, Johnny and Mack circle, and they keep the Code of Honor. They circle and tie up, and Mack powers Johnny back. But Johnny puts Mack in a corner to fire body shots! Johnny whips, Mack reverses, and Mack runs up, only for Johnny to slip outside, slide under, then go back out to GAMANGIRI! Mack staggers, Johnny springboards, but Mack gets under! Johnny rolls through, Mack ducks ‘n’ dodges then LEG LARIATS! The fans fire up and Mack brings Johnny over. Tag to Sammy, Mack wrenches Johnny for Sammy to CHOP Johnny down!
Sammy brings Johnny up and CHOPS him against ropes! Sammy whips, hurdles, then backflips over to DROPKICK Johnny! Sammy kips up so smooth, then he brings Johnny back up. But Johnny blocks the chop to spin Sammy around and DECK him! The fans boo but Johnny points to Mansoor. Mason goes nuts rallying for Mansoor as Johnny tags him in. Johnny & Mansoor reel Sammy in for a DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX, but Sammy lands out! Sammy ducks the double lariat, ELBOWS Johnny away, then BOOTS Mansoor! QUEBRADA! Direct hit on both men, and Sammy brings Mansoor over to tag Dustin!
The fans fire up as the Sons of Texas whip the Iron Chic! Atomic drop! Then DOUBLE RHODES UPPERCUT! The fans cheer, Dustin brings Mansoor up to whip, but Mansoor reverses. Mansoor blocks the boot, but not the UPPERCUT! Mansoor distracts the ref and that lets Mason CLOBBER Dustin from the apron! The ref is busy with Sammy & Mack so he missed that, and fans boo as Mansoor stomps away. Tag to Mason, he CHOKES Dustin on the ropes, and the ref counts. Mason stops at 4 to talk trash on Mack. Then Mason UPPERCUTS Dustin, and drops an ELBOW! Mason drags Dustin up to whip him into the corner.
Tag to Mansoor and Mason sends him in for a LARIAT! Mason comes back to ELBOW! Feed to the atomic drop, then Mansoor dropkicks the legs out! Mason runs up, WRECKS IN EFFECT! The fans boo that booty but Mason sits Dustin up. MXM pinball Dustin between the hips! The fans boo, Dustin flops over, and Mansoor tags Johnny. Mansoor sits Dustin up for Johnny to ROCK with a right hand! Johnny KICKS Dustin, ROCKS him again, then tags Mason. The fans rally but MXM TV mugs Dustin with hands from all sides! Tag to Mansoor, he feeds Dustin to Mason’s scoop! CATWALK LEG DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO!
Dustin survives but Mansoor keeps him down with an armlock and chinbar. The fans rally, Dustin fights up, and Dustin reaches out, only for Dustin to CLUB him! Mansoor whips Dustin to the corner, but Dustin BLASTS Mason & Johnny! He dodges Mansoor, and he SNAP POWERSLAMS! The fans fire up while Dustin and Mansoor are down! Dustin crawls, so does Mansoor, and hot tags to Johnny and Sammy! The fans fire up as Sammy goes up, CROSSBODY for Mansoor & Johnny! The fans fire up again and Sammy TOSSES Mansoor out. Sammy then PLANCHAS onto Johnny! Sammy is feeling it as he goes back into the ring.
Sammy builds speed and he FOSBURY FLOPS onto Mansoor! Sammy high-fives the front row, then he slides back inside. Sammy dodges Johnny to CUTTER! Cover, Mason breaks it! Mason TOSSES Sammy out, then he fires up! Mack steps in and fires body shots! Mack LARIATS Mason up and out! Mansoor is back, but Mack stops the superkick to FLIP him, and STUNN ER! The fans fire up but Johnny gives Mack a FLYING CHUCK! Dustin runs in and hits a DESTROYER! Mansoor returns, but Dustin Manhattan drops him! And then atomic drops! And now Mansoor is in the corner! The fans fire up as Dustin opens Mansoor up!
The ref reprimands, but Sammy distracts Dustin for the SHATTERED DREAMS! But a LEG LARIAT from Mason takes Dustin out! Sammy springboards in, but into Mason’s hand! Mack saves Sammy from the choke slam and ROUNDHOUSES Mason! Sammy goes up for a FLYING CUTTER!! Mack puts Mason in place for the “WOOP WOOP!” STANDING MOONSAULT! But a SHINING WIZARD from Johnny takes out Mack! Sammy JUMP KNEES Johnny! Then the torture rack for GO TO HOSPITAL! Cover, Mack & Sons of Texas win!
Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara & Willie Mack, by pinfall
A great win for this trio, but MXM attacks! The fans boo as Mansoor & Mason are sore losers as they beat down Sammy and Mack! They get Mack up to give him a DOUBLE SUPLEX, then put him in the drop zone! STARSHIP PAIN! Johnny covers, MXM count, and MXM TV “wins!” They once again STEAL a belt! It’s one of the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship belts! The delusion returns, does MXM TV really think of themselves as the champions? Will Dustin have to call in The Von Erichs to settle this?
Taya Valkyrie & Lady Frost went to CMLL!
The CMLL Women’s Tag Team Championships have laid vacant, but Mrs. TV and the Coolest Wrestler You Know made it through the tournament of six matches in just a week! Taya finally made her CMLL debut despite wrestling in and out of Mexico for 13 YEARS. This is where La Wera Loca was born! Frost herself has a second home in Mexico after her three years wrestling here, and they gelled well. They did not win the titles, but are more than ready to try again. Will Taya & Frost prove themselves worthy of gold in the near future?
Athena & Diamante VS Jordan Blu & Mazzerati!
As the Minion Overlord said earlier tonight, this is the audition for the Cuban Diamond into Minions In Training. Will Diamante pass with flying colors? Or will the #BlueMazzerati run them off the road?
The teams sort out and Diamante starts against Mazzerati. The bell rings, the two tie up, and Diamante waistlocks to then shove, dodge, and run Mazzerati over. Things keep moving, Diamante jumps over the dropdown to then tilt-o-whirl and RANA! Mazzerati tumbles to a corner, Diamante runs to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The fans cheer, Athena likes what she sees, and Diamante TOSSES Mazzerati away. Diamante eggs Blu on so Blu tags in. Diamante swats Blu’s lariat to then UPPERCUT and LARIAT! Diamante flexes while she looms over Blu. Blu reaches out, but Diamante drags her away from Mazzerati.
Diamante CLUBS Blu, teases Mazzerati by holding Blu out to her, but then she drags Blu away to rain down forearms! Diamante checks with Athena, Athena likes what she sees, but she also wants Diamante to keep on Blu. Diamante drags Blu from Mazzerati again to rain down more forearms! Diamante again wants validation, but Blu scrambles away! Hot tag to Mazzerati! Fans fire up as Mazzerati fires off forearms! Boxing elbows and a cravat, but Diamante blocks the knee to GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans chant for Athena but Diamante gives Mazzerati a CUBAN TWIST first! Cover, but Blu steps in!
Diamante storms up on Blu ROCK her! And then HOTSHOT NECKBREAKER int he ropes! Diamante runs side to side to WRECK Blu with a dropkick! Diamante tags Athena in and the fans cheer. Diamante brings Mazzerati around for the champ, and feeds Mazzerati to the KNOCKOUT SHOT! Cover, Athena & Diamante win!
Winners: Athena & Diamante, by pinfall
Dominant indeed as Diamante does 99% of the work yet lets Athena take all the credit! Does this make Diamante the perfect Minion?
AEW shares The Learning Tree’s message from Dynamite.
Chris Jericho says, “Last Sunday on Collision, I had Gravity’s mask taken from me. Or should I say, taken from us. But that’s okay, because I think it’s time for all the masks to be removed. It’s time to discuss some ugly truths that need to be addressed. Like the fact that you two (Big Bill & Bryan Keith) have been under the branches of The Learning Tree for far too long without using the wisdom that I’ve bestowed upon you. I need to ask you why I have to keep telling you time and time again to prove yourselves, I’m sick of asking! You need to think if it’s worthy for you to still be with Chris Jericho.
“If you think that, then it’s time for you to make some drastic changes, and go prove yourselves to me! Once again, for the last time, PROVE IT!” Bill & Keith quietly walk off, and Jericho turns his attention back to the camera. Bandido got his brother’s mask back, congrats. But it isn’t Gravity’s mask that Jericho wants, it’s Bandido’s! Jericho wants Bandido to feel the disgrace and humiliation that his brother did when Jericho tore that mask off in front of their family! And why would Bandido put up the mask? Jericho knows Bandido wants to be ROH World Champion again, so how about this? Title VS Mask for Dynasty!
Bandido, is it worth risking the humiliation? Is it risking the disgrace? Is it worth making your mother cry again when you lose the mask? Is it worth it? Jericho thinks so. See you at Dynasty. The Nueve is ready to risk it all, but will he be the one to lose it all in just 10 days?
The Dark Order VS The Premier Athletes w/ Mark Sterling!
While Evil Uno & Alex Reynolds could not get Preston Vance to see what he’s become, the former Number 10 did have a painfully true observation about how the Numbers have dwindled. But can Uno & Reynolds prove there is still strength in the Numbers? Or is the Dark Order all but done?
And of course “Smart” Mark has to cut Bobby Cruise off. “Everybody knows that this is Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese! The Premier Athletes are very excited to be at The Theater in the Virgin Hotel. Which is ironic, because we’re also in a theater full of virgins! But that’s okay, because some day, you will get your chance. We believe in you!” Wait a minute, Preston & The Frat House are watching from the crowd. If they’re to be believed, none of them fit that description. But Sterling says tonight is everyone’s chance to be part of this winning team! (They have almost no wins, though…) When Sterling says, “Athletes!” you say “Rule!” and NOTHING ELSE!
“Hands in, boys. Ohh… Athletes!” “SUCK!” The Frat House also joined in on that, and Jacked Jameson can’t believe The Premier Athletes are that stupid to fall for that again. Finally, Uno & Reynolds make their entrance, and the Frat House talk trash on them, too. The Code of Honor is kept, but then The Athletes kick low! The bell rings, Daivari bumps Uno off buckles while Nese does the same with Reynolds. The Athletes rain down fists, then climb up to shout, “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Vegas has spoken, and then The Dark Order YANK The Athletes down! Daivari & Nese hit buckles on the way down, and Dark Order coordinates.
Uno & Reynolds run corner to corner, Uno ELBOWS Nese while Reynolds LARIATS Daivari! The Dark Order goes again, ELBOW for Daivari and LARIAT for Nese! They want a third time, but the Athletes dodge! Nese & Daivari run in, but now Dark Order dodges, and they get that third round of ELBOW and LARIAT in! The fans fire up for the JAWBREAKER into the BACKBREAKER into the DDT! Cover, TWO! Nese is tougher than that and The Frat House talk all kinds of trash. Nese ROCKS Reynolds from the apron, but Reynolds BOOTS him down! The fans rally and Reynolds builds speed, only for Daivari to trip him up!
Reynolds BOOTS Daivari, but Nese LARIATS Reynolds out! Sterling cheers, the ref is busy keeping Uno back, so Sterling & The Athletes all stomp away on Reynolds! The Athletes get away with all that, then Nese puts Reynolds in. Cover, TWO! Reynolds stays in this but Nese stands Reynolds up to bump him off buckles. Tag to Daivari, but Reynolds fires back! The Athletes mug Reynolds, the ref counts, and “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!” Still not learning their lesson… Daivari drags Reynolds up and bumps him off buckles. Daivari CHOPS, then whips corner to corner hard! Tag to Nese, and the mugging continues.
The ref counts, Daivari pushes Reynolds down at 4, then Nese scuffs Reynolds. Nese eggs Reynolds on, the fans rally up, and Nese mocks them. But Reynolds CHOPS! Nese keeps Reynolds from Uno, but Reynold ROCKS Nese! Nese keeps Reynolds back, then slips around to BLAST Uno! The fans boo, but Reynolds BACKDROPS Nese! Nese tags Daivari, he runs in but into a BOOT! Reynolds goes up, but Daivari SHOVES him down hard! Reynolds clutches his leg, Daivari distracts the ref, and that lets Nese attack Uno and Sterling stomp Reynolds! The fans boo, The Frat House is having fun either way, and the Athletes get away again.
Daivari stands Reynolds up to CHOP! “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!” Wait, did Frat House say “RULE” this time? Where do their allegiances lie? Or are they just drunk? Daivari drags Reynolds over, tags Nese, and Nese stomps away on Reynolds. Tag to Daivari, the Athletes stomp Reynolds more, but Reynolds CHOPS back! Daivari KNEES and CLUBS low, then holds Reynolds up. Nese runs up but Reynolds BOOTS him! Reynolds fights back but gets mugged all over again! The Athletes DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX, but Reynolds lands out! Hot tag to Uno! Uno dodges Daivari, BOOTS Nese, then he fires off CHOPS on them both!
The Athletes mug Uno, double whip, but Uno ducks to feint the lariats, and he DOUBLE DDTS! The fans fire up and Uno feeds off that energy! Uno tags in Reynolds, and The Dark Order has Daivari up! Spin and SUPERKICK, into a Gory Especial and GORY BOMB CODE BREAKER! Cover, Nese breaks it! Uno runs up to swing on Nese, but Nese dodges to mule kick, knee lift, and SUPERKICK! Reynolds runs up, Nese throat chops him! Nese has Reynolds for forearms, then the BULLDOG HOTSHOT PLANCHA! Down goes Uno! Nese drags Uno up to whip him into steel steps! The fans rally as Daivari storms up on Reynolds.
Daivari fires a forearm, but Reynolds fires back! They go back and forth, faster and faster, but then Daivari knees low! Daivari whips, Reynolds reverses and sends Daivari to the apron! Reynolds avoids the shoulder to GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP! Daivari falls, Nese hurries to his side, but Reynolds DIVES onto them both! The fans fire up, but then The Frat House throw their drinks at Reynolds! Reynolds is furious but Vance mockingly says, “My bad.” Nese runs up, but Reynolds THROWS him at the Frat House! The fans fire up as Reynolds hits a strike! Sterling complains, but Reynolds chases him off! Reynolds goes to the ring and brings Daivari up.
Daivari throat chops! Daivari wrenches, hammerlocks, but Reynolds ducks the lariat to kick low! Sterling gets on the apron, the ref stops him, but Daivari takes a swing on Reynolds! Reynolds ducks again, and he rolls Daivari up! But the ref isn’t there to count! Reynolds would’ve won this twice over by now! And now The Frat House sneaks up to ringside! Vance slides in and SPINEBUSTERS Reynolds! Daivari goes up, CARPET RIDE SPLASH! Cover, Premier Athletes win!!
Winners: The Premier Athletes, by pinfall
It took a huge assist from Vance, but the Athletes finally won! They still suck, but will The Dark Order change targets and tear down The Frat House?
ROH hears from Paul Walter Hauser.
In an interview with TMZ, PWH spoke on the highly inappropriate behavior of QT Marshall during the Revolution Zero Hour. QT didn’t just throw his drink on PWH, he threw an alcoholic drink on PWH, who is in a sobriety program and has been sober for three years. And from what PWH understands, QT doesn’t even drink alcohol himself, so QT went the extra mile just to insult PWH! PWH says that is messed up. But if QT wants a fight, well, who cares if he’s a trained wrestler and PWH isn’t? PWH will still kick QT’s ass!
Backstage interview with QT Marshall.
Renee Paquette talks with the man in question and brings up the issue QT has with PWH. She was there when QT threw that drink on PWH, and QT claims that’s not what happened. She explains about how PWH has been three years sober and QT threw alcohol on him. Now PWH wants to fight QT! QT says none of that happened. Paul Walter Hauser is a fan, QT was being nice to a fan. QT gave PWH a chance to lock up, they did, and what does PWH do? He puts QT in a headlock! QT has six screws in his neck. Worse than that, PWH was trying to embarrass QT. But this is Hollywood, and when you try to embarrass someone, you get something thrown at you.
The fact the cup had alcohol in it is not QT’s problem, he was taking that drink to throw it out. But if you ask QT, PWH owes him the apology. He wants a match? PWH wants to step into the ring with QT Marshall? Stop whining to TMZ and the Hollywood Reporter. Just come here to QT’s world, look him in the eye, and ask him! If PWH shows QT the respect he deserves, there’s a chance PWH gets what he’s looking for. QT thanks Renee and heads out, but will QT’s massive ego be his DOOM?
The Premier Athletes regroup backstage.
They’re all pumped from finally winning, and put hands in! “ATHLETES! RULE!” Sterling tells them that was a huge win over Dark Order, just like he said they’d get! They’ve been one of, if not THE, best tag team in ROH all year! Daivari says, “All year? All year? Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese have been one of the best damn tag teams in this industry for EIGHT years! Every promoter knows it, all the boys in the back know it, every single fan knows it! That’s why WE are the most consistent guys in all of ROH!” Nese says it is inevitable! They will be the future ROH World Tag Team Champions, because Athletes Rule!
Los Titanes del Aire also visited Mexico!
Komander thanks CMLL and Arena Mexico for the warm welcome as they made their desire, long-awaited debut against international superstars like Mistico & Mascara Dorada. The Titans stood tall, going back and forth with those icons, and the people received them in a great way. The fans chanted for them, there were even AEW fans there, and it doesn’t matter if they win or lose. They’re two young men who are living the childhood dream! They’re so happy that their families were there to witness this journey. The world will soon know the names of Los Titanes del Aire!
Six Man Tag: Atlantis Jr, Fuego & Titan VS Barbaro Cavernario, Rugido & Volador Jr!
The Lucha de Honor crossover continues as we get another instant classic trios match! But will the second generation star, The Fire, and El Inmortal be a force to be reckoned with? Or will the Caveman and Los Depredadores be their own winning combination?
The trios stare down and the fans cheer for “LUCHA LIBRE!” The bell rings, Rugido BOOTS Titan! Atlantis SUPERKICKS Rugido! Volador BOOTS Atlantis! Fuego runs to LEAPING ARM-DRAG Volador! Barbaro CLOBBERS Fuego! Fuego kips up, Barbaro runs, but Fuego goes Matrix! And then Fuego stands to do his dance! The fans cheer, Fuego RAMS Barbaro, then “OLE~!” Fuego runs, and he LEAPING ARM-DRAGS Barbaro! Volador returns to whip Fuego, but Titan is there to put Fuego on the apron. Lucha rules makes Titan legal now and things speed up between him and Volador. Titan ducks ‘n’ dodges then fakes Volador out!
Titan sweeps the leg and basement dropkicks! Rugido runs up but into a strike fest! Titan runs, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Rugido runs, Titan sweeps the legs while he slides out! Atlantis slingshots in, wrenches Rugido, and whips him to a corner. Rugido goes up but Atlantis KICKS him out of the air! Atlantis then somersaults to CUTTER! Barbaro y Volador run in, Atlantis ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA Volador! Then he runs, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS Barbaro! The fans fire up for Atlantis, Fuego joins in, and they high-ten. Titan joins in and high-fives them, then the team lets Fuego be legal as Rugido steps back in.
Fuego does his dance, trips Rugido, then runs. Rugido drops down, Volador trips Fuego, and Rugido basement DROPKICKS! Rugido CLOBBERS Titan, DECKS Atlantis, and Volador joins in as they stomp Titan. Barbaro gets Titan up to SMACK him to a corner! Barbaro LARIATS Titan, sits him down, and then he gets some stomps in. Titan fights back, but Volador grabs the arms. Rugido ROUNDHOUSES Titan down! Barbaro y Los Depredadores get Titan up, whip him to a corner, then Barbaro runs up to CHOP! Barbaro puts Titan up for Volador to GAMANGIRI, then Volador y Barbaro YANK Titan down! Rugido adds a basement DROPKICK!
Titan bails out, Atlantis is in, but Barbaro DROPKICKS him down! Rugido CLAWS at the mask! The ref reprimands, the fans rally up, but the mugging continues! Barbaro HEADBUTTS Atlantis, then he and Volador whip Atlantis to the corner. Barbaro runs up and LARIATS! Rugido LARIATS! Then they feed Atlantis to a SUPERKICK! Barbaro covers, TWO! Atlantis stays in this, the fans rally up, but Barbaro drags Atlantis up again. Barbaro whips, Los Depredadores DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! They sit Atlantis up, Barbaro runs, and he SHOTGUNS Atlantis down! Atlantis falls out, the fans boo, but Fuego hurries in!
Fuego circles with Barbaro but Rugido CLUBS Fuego on the back! Rugido scoops and SLAMS Fuego, Barbaro soaks up the heat, and Los Depredadores stand Fuego up. Barbaro CHOPS Fuego against the ropes! The fans “WOO~!” but then they boo. Rugido CHOPS Fuego, his team talk on what to do next, but Atlantis tags in! Volador kicks low, Rugido kicks Atlantis down! They double whip, then they TRIPLE BOOT Altantis out! Titan returns, but he’s wary of who to go after. Rugido grabs Titan’s leg, Barbaro CLUBS him, and then Volador holds that leg out for Barbaro to KICK! Titan falls and flounders away, the ref reprimands Volador’s team.
Fuego storms in but Volador kicks him down. Los Depredadores double whip, then bypass and DOUBLE HIP TOSS Fuego to Barbaro for a POWERBOMB POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Fuego survives, but Barbaro clamps on with a GROUND COBRA TWIST! Fuego endures as Barbaro thrashes him around. Barbaro CLUBS away on Fuego’s chest, then fires elbows in! Barbaro lets Fuego go to stand over him. Barbaro lets Fuego tag Atlantis? Atlantis and Barbaro circle, the fans rally up, but then Rugido KICKS Atlantis down from behind! The fans boo as Los Depredadores just keep bullying their opponents! Barbaro CHOPS Atlantis to the corner!
Barbaro soaks up the heat, Los Depredadores mug Atlantis, and Rugido BITES at Atlantis’ mask! Barbaro puts Atlantis in the corner and climbs up, to SPIT in his face! And then he BITES Atlantis’ chin! Barbaro CHOPS Atlantis, Los Depredadores stomp him down, and the fans boo as they dig their boots in! Atlantis flails, grabs at Rugido’s boot, but Rugido lets off so Barbaro can whip corner to corner. Barbaro sends both Depredadores in, but Atlantis goes up and over them both to scopo and BACKBREAKER Barbaro! Rugido BOOTS Atlantis, Titan y Fuego get in to DOUBLE DROPKICK him! They fire off kick after KICK on Volador!
The fans fire up, Fuego gives Titan the boost up top, tightrope and DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Titan y Fuego run, but Barbaro DOUBLE LARIATS! Atlantis MISSILE DROPKICKS Barbaro! The fans fire up as Atlantis builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit and Barbaro hits barriers! Los Depredadores run in, but Titan y Fuego stereo wheelbarrow and victory roll! Stereo covers, TWO!! Los Depredadores escape in time, and the fans fire up! Volador goes after Titan, whips him corner to corner, but Titan goes up, over, and handsprings away! But Volador SUPERKICKS Titan down! Fuego MISSILE DROPKICKS!
Rugido runs to FLYING ELBOW! Rugido whips Titan, Titan reverses, then he goes Matrix to CALF KICK! Everyone is down and the fans fire up again! A standing count starts, Titan sits up at 3, and he finds Volador at 5. Both men crawl as we hit 6, then 7! Titan throws a forearm! Volador fires back! Titan fires another, and he fires up! Volador fires up to ROCK Titan! Titan ROCKS Volador! The fans fire up with both men, and the forearms keep going! It’s fast ‘n’ furious, then Titan fires a strike fest! SOBAT and Titan runs! But Volador bypasses, only for Titan to duck ‘n’ dodge and RANA! Volador bails out, Titan DIVES! Direct hit into the barriers!
Fuego and Rugido speed up, Fuego arm-drags, then he runs up. Rugido DUMPS Fuego out, builds speed, but Fuego jumps over the slide and QUEBRADAS! Direct hit and now Atlantis runs in at Barbaro! They RAM shoulders, then fire CHOP after CHOP! The fans fire up and both men fire up with them! Atlantis CHOPS, Barbaro eggs him on, so Atlantis CHOPS! Barbaro falls but he gets right back up! Barbaro wants more, so Atlantis winds up and CHOPS! Barbaro sputters, Atlantis whips him to a corner. Barbaro goes up and over, rolls back and returns, but into a BOOT! Barbaro does the worm?! He fires up, but Alantis runs in!
Barbaro hits a SPINEBUSTER, then he stomps away! Barbaro pumps up with his caveman dance, and he runs, IMPLODER- BOOTS! Atlantis hits back, then runs, DESTROYER!! Barbaro is in the drop zone, Atlantis goes up! FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Team Atlantis wins!
Winners: Atlantis Jr, Fuego & Titan, by pinfall
The former ROH World Television Champion takes down the Caveman in a fiery finish! Will these stars of CMLL continue to shine even as the crossover comes to a close?
My Thoughts:
A very good episode for ROH, but not as much happened as I’d hoped. Good promo from Athena, Diamante & Billie, but I feel like they didn’t do enough to really give us how Billie feels about all this. It is clear that Athena still belittles Billie, perhaps being passive aggressive about how Billie went for the TBS Championship before her. Athena & Diamante of course won their match, but it was a good touch that Diamante basically won a 2v1 handicap match and let Athena have the pin. This will surely head for Billie VS Diamante to see who is truly number one minion, but maybe also get us closer to Athena VS Billie 3, the final time. After all, Supercard of Honor isn’t until May now, so they have time to build that blowoff.
Good stuff from Dark Panther VS Okumura and Aminata VS Viva Van, but the results were somewhat given. Good promos from the AEW/ROH stars who visited CMLL, and Komander is certainly becoming a top name in ROH. Mack & Sons of Texas VS MXM TV was a very good match, but I should’ve known MXM would steal a belt again. I suppose it’s fine that they’re after the Six Man Tag titles now, as we’ll get a chance to see The Von Erichs on screen again. Unless The Von Erichs are gonna start touring with AEW/ROH now, MXM TV really should just win those titles and finally get the Six Man Tag Division going again. The Von Erich legacy is great, but this reign has only been because of that legacy, not because Marshall & Ross are top tier guys.
Good stuff in the Dark Order VS Premier Athletes match, even with The Frat House getting involved. It works for story as now Dark Order and Frat House can feud, and the Premier Athletes did have a good promo being way too confident after just one win. Pretty good stuff in this building of a Paul Walter-Hauser VS QT Marshall story, and I wonder if they get this built by Dynasty so that we aren’t waiting forever since that Revolution segment. And even then, I feel like PWH might only win because QT has so many enemies that they help PWH win. And then another great Six Man Tag featuring CMLL stars, but nothing much better than what we’ve got the last five episodes.
My Score: 8.7/10
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Who will be the star of Honor Club?
The crossover continues as Komander defends his ROH World Television Championship against CMLL’s Dark Panther! Will the Commander of the Skies still be golden?
- Six Man Tag: Mistico, Neón & Fuego VS Hechicero, Rugido & Volador Jr; Mistico, Neon & Fuego win.
- La Catalina VS Viva Van; Catalina wins.
- Dralistico & The Beast Mortos VS Eli Theseus & Gabriel Aeros; Dralistico & Mortos win.
- ROH World Television Championship #1 Contender’s Match: AR Fox VS Kevin Knight; Time Limit Draw.
- Satnam Singh VS Sid Ellington; Satnam wins.
- Top Flight w/ Leila Grey VS QT Marshall & Aaron Solo; Top Flight wins.
- ROH World Television Championship: Komander VS Dark Panther; Komander wins and retains the title.
Six Man Tag: Mistico, Neón & Fuego VS Hechicero, Rugido & Volador Jr!
The CMLL stars continue to shine on Honor Club as the MLW World Middleweight Champion brings along the Human Asteroid and The Fire to take on the Alchemist y Los Depredadores! Which stars will shine brightest in the skies of Sacramento?
The fans cheer on “LUCHA! LUCHA!” and the trios sort out. Hechicero steps up to Neon, and the fans rally for “LUCHA LIBRE!” already. The bell rings, Hechi and Neon circle. They feel things out, but then Hechi uses his “magic” to distract Neon. Hechi trips Neon, hits a spinning toehold, then he turns Neon over. Neon drags Hechi down to cover, ONE, but Neon then has a lock around the shoulder. Hechi wrenches out while the fans rally behind him. Hechi hits the “Granby Roll” and has a leg. Hechi tries for a Paradise Lock but Neon drags him back into a cover, TWO! Neon keeps Hechi hooked into a ghost pin, TWO!
Hechi keeps Neon hooked now, ghost pin, ONE, but into a GROUND OCTOPUS! Neon endures, powers through, STRETCH MUFFLER! Hechi endures now, rolls, but Neon grabs the legs! Hechi trips Neon, whips, but Neon reverses. Neon hurdles but Hechi snatches him out of the air! The fans fire up for this display of lucha technical wrestling! Hechi hooks legs, SLAPS Neon on the back, and gets the arms for the ROMERO SPECIAL! Neon endures, rises up, and he slips free to turn things around onto Hechi! ROMERO SPECIAL! The fans fire up, but Neon can’t keep Hechi up as long, so he headstands into the CATTLE MUTILATION!
Neon moves around, Hechi trips Neon by a leg, but Neon lifts Hechi, then springs up! Hechi torture racks, swings, but Neon ARM-DRAGS! Hechi bails out, but Neon fakes him out with the handspring! Lucha rules dictate that Hechi’s team can send another. Neon tags Mistico, so Volador steps in. The fans fire up for Mistico as he and Volador circle. Volador offers a handshake, vows he’s honest, but Mistico storms up. Volador backs up into Mistico’s corner, but Rugido attacks from behind! Volador sucker punches Neon & Fuego while Rugido stomps away on Mistico! The fans boo these rudos, but they get Mistico up to double whip.
Hechi is there to drop down, then Volador & Rugido DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! Hechi storms up, he has the legs, INVERTED MONKEY FLIP into a DOUBLE KICK! The fans are torn, but Fuego storms in. Fuego isn’t sure who to watch for, and that gets him attacked from behind! The rudos whip Fuego to a corner, then Rugido LARIATS! Hechi step-up KNEES, then he feeds Fuego to Volador’s SUPERKICK! Neon steps in but Rugido blocks a kick. Volador KICKS Neon in the leg! They double whip Neon, then bypass, for a FLAPJACK DOUBLE KICK! Rugido drags Neon up, and OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES! Cover, Mistico breaks it!
Mistico goes after Rugido’s mask, but Hechi CHOP BLOCKS Mistico! The fans boo, but then Hechi twists a leg! Volador joins in so they can split the wishbone! And crisscross! And split again! Rugido basement dropkicks! The fans are torn but plenty chant for “Rudos! Rudos!” Hechi & Rugido mug Mistico, then Hechi CHOPS! The fans rally and duel, so Hechi & Rugido double whip. Volador drops down, Hechi & Rugido bypass Mistico, but Mistico goes up to springboard and DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Down go Hechi & Rugido, Mistico gets up to RANA Volador! Fuego springboards in and FLYING ARM-DRAGS Hechi! Neon springboards in and FLYING RANAS Rugido!
The fans fire up as now the technicos are in control! They all build speed, and they all DIVE! Triple topes hit their targets, but they’re not done! They reset and TRIPLE DIVE again! All the rudos are down around ringside and the fans are fired up! Mistico, Neon & Fuego fall back, Rugido storms in. Fuego and Rugido circle, but Fuego shows off with handsprings, and then some swiveling hips! Fuego headlocks, Rugido powers out then hurdles. Fuego leaps over, comes back, shoves and hurdles again. Fuego rolls back, goes up and arm-drags Rugido out! Volador runs in, Fuego dodges the dropkick! Hechi DROPKICKS Fuego!
The fans fire up for Hechi, and Hechi sucker punches Mistico! Hechi & Volador double whip but Fuego RANAS Volador! And he avoids Hechi’s senton! Fuego goes Matrix to dodge, and he gives some Latino Heat! Fuego RAMS, spins, OLE! Then he gets moving, but Hechi BACKDROPS, only for Fuego to arm-drag Hechi out! Fuego builds speed, but he fakes Hechi out to shimmy and shake! Neon tags in, he shows off some flips, and Rugido is back. Things speed up again and Neon handsprings. Then he ducks Rugido, mule kicks, then goes up the ropes to FLYING RANA again! Rugido bails out, Neon dodges Volador!
Neon goes up and up and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Volador is out, Hechi is in, and Hechi whips Neon away. Hechi runs, misses and only gets buckles! Neon goes up, Hechi puts him up top, but Neon BOOTS him! Neon jumps to the other side of the corner to FLYING RANA! Then he handsprings to fake Hechi out! The fans fire up, Mistico tags in, and he steps to Rugido. Mistico dodges Rugido, mule kicks and front kicks, then whips. Rugido reverses, Mistico slams on the brakes to shove Rugido back. Then he ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Volador & Hechi both get in, but Hechi dodges, handsprings, then ducks lariats!
Mistico uses Volador as a platform to RANA Hechi! Volador whips Mistico but Mistico puts Volador on the apron. Mistico GAMANGIRIS Volador, runs, but Hechi puts him on the apron! Mistico GAMANGIRIS, goes up, and FLYING RANAS! Volador is back, but Mistico blocks the chop to SLAP Volador! Then he goes up, up and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Hechi and Mistico stare down, circle, and speed up! Mistico dodges, tilt-o-whirl ARM-DRAGS, and then he summons his amigos! Fuego y Neon DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO! Rugido rushes in as Volador & Hechi go down! Things speed up again, Mistico slides, slips free of a scoop, and keeps moving!
Mistico tilt-o-whirls for LA MYSTICA!! Rugido TAPS, Mistico’s team wins!
Winners: Mistico, Neon & Fuego, by pinfall
It was fast ‘n’ furious, but Mistico’s team was victorious! Will anyone ever replace him as perhaps the greatest luchador ever?
ROH World Television Championship #1 Contender’s Match: AR Fox VS Kevin Knight!
While Komander defends the title tonight against Dark Panther, another golden opportunity is being lined up tonight, and between two great high-fliers! Will Honor Club soon be the Whole Fox’n Show? Or will The Jet show he’s too fly to be stopped?
The fans rally already for Fox, and the Code of Honor is upheld. The fans cheer, the bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Fox wrenches and wristlocks, Knight rolls, handsprings, and wrenches, then he wrangles Fox down. Knight drops a KNEE on the arm, then dusts himself off. The fans boo, they’re more Team Fox around here. Knight and Fox reset, Knight offers a handshake, but he trips Fox up! Things speed up, Fox hurdles, Knight leaps over! Fox trips Knight, Knight BOOTS him away, and both men kip up! DOUBLE SHOULDERS knock both men down, but they kip right up again! They both go for an arm-drag, and they have to lean back to stay up!
Both men stand back up, Fox dodges, but then dropkicks cancel out! Both men handspring up and the fans fire up! The fans rally behind Fox, Knight offers a handshake again, but Fox is wary. He takes it, but then Knight whips! Fox reverses, runs up, and A-LIST LARIATS! Fox fires up and the fans cheer as he skins the cat and DROPKICKS! Knight bails out, the fans rally up, and Fox builds speed. Fox FLIES and down goes Knight! The fans fire up and Fox rises again. Fox high-fives some fans, then brings Knight up. Fox SMACKS Knight off barriers, then whips him hard into steel steps! Knight staggers, but he comes back to kick Fox!
Knight sends Fox at barriers but Fox stops himself. Fox BOOTS Knight, goes up, and Fox walks the barriers to CANNONBALL! Down goes Knight and the fans fire up for Fox! Fox drags Knight up, puts him in, but Knight builds speed! Knight WRECKS Fox with a dropkick, then PLANCHAS! Down goes Fox and fans are a bit torn. Knight drags Fox up, puts him in the ring, and then scoops to SLAM! Knight blows kisses to the fans before the BIG SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fox sputters but Knight stomps Fox around. The fans rally, Knight stomps Fox to ropes, then brings Fox around. Knight snapmares Fox and runs, basement SHOULDER TACKLE!
The fans boo but Knight smiles and soaks up the heat. Cover, TWO! Fox stays in this but Knight clamps on with a chinlock. Fox flails but Knight still traps his arms! The fans rally, Fox fights up, but Knight clubs him! Fox rolls Knight, TWO! Fox is in a corner, Knight runs up, but Fox puts him on the apron! Knight ROCKS Fox, but Fox DROPKICKS the legs out! Knight is stuck on ropes, so Fox runs up to SLINGSHOT DDT! Both men are down and the fans rally up again. Fox and Knight slowly rise up, and Fox ROCKS Knight with haymaker after haymaker! Fox whips, Knight reverses, but Fox goes Matrix! Then he PELES!
The fans fire up with Fox while Knight goes to a corner. Fox runs in, BIG back elbow! Fox then snapmares and rolls with Knight, CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Knight survives but the fans argue, “That was Three!” Fox drags Knight up and the fans rally. Fox tucks the arms, but Knight spins free! Fox ROCKS Knight, Knight roars and runs up, but into an ENZIGIRI! Fox runs, but into a DROPKICK! Knight then fireman’s carries, F5!! Cover, TWO!! Fox survives and Knight can’t believe it! The fans rally even harder for Fox as Knight takes aim. Knight tells Fox to get up, and Fox does rise up. Knight runs in, but the DDT is stopped!
The fans fire up again and Fox runs up! Knight BOOTS Fox and goes outside. Fox GAMANGIRIS back! Both men go up the corner, and Fox has Knight. Knight CLUBS Fox, Fox ENZIGIRIS Knight! Fox then ENZIGIRIS again! Fox brings Knight off the corner with the ICONOCLASM, then steps over for the RIPCORD CUTTER! Fox goes up top now, and he aims for the SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO?!? Knight survives and shocks Fox! The fans argue again “That was Three!” but the count was the count. Fox drags Knight up, fireman’s carries, but Knight sunset flips! TWO, and Fox stacks! TWO and Knight sunset flips! TWO and both men stand!
Fox kicks, we get a one minute warning! Fox whips Knight to a corner, Knight BOOTS Fox away! Knight springboards, FLYING LARIAT into a CROSSFACE!!! Fox has Knight caught in the center of the ring! Knight flails, reaches out, kicks around, rolls and has the cover, TWO!! Fox still has the CROSSFACE! Then he grabs the other arm, STRAITJACKET CROSSFACE!! Knight uses his legs to turn into the ROPEBREAK! Fox lets go to drag Knight to a cover, TIME’S UP!?!?
Time Limit Draw
Fox can’t believe it! The fans are also disappointed, they want a definitive winner! What does this mean for the title opportunity?
The Outrunners are here!
The fans in Omaha fire up as Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd are accompanied by Durango, all in preparation for the Omaha Mavericks taking on St. John’s! Truth has the mic to introduce himself and Turbo. “And if you’re anything like me, and I know I am, you’re absolutely jacked to the gills, ready to see St. John’s get smacked by the Omaha Mavericks in just a few short hours!” The fans do fire up for that! “Tell ’em, Turb!” Turbo says he’s got just one question for Omaha: How the H E double hell are ya feeling tonight? The fans fire up again, and Turbo says they’re feeling good, The Outrunners are feeling good, and Durango is feeling good!
And they are just a few hours away from Omaha Mavericks taking the Red Storm by storm! It’s time! Let’s go, Mavericks! But wait, wait, wait, The Infantry come out and say this is all lies! And you know that’s true because Cap Don’t Cap! The fans boo, Carlie Bravo tells them to shut up, and Shawn Dean says his favorite coach is Rick Pitino, and he would NEVER lose to a team from Omaha! Carlie says everyone knows that the Omaha Mavericks will get their asses kicked, just like The Outrunners did at Revolution! Yeah they did! Now get outta here, dweebs! By the way, Huskers suck! They STINK! The fans boo as all of Nebraska is insulted with that one!
The Outrunners sulk off, and now Dean & Carlie make fun of Durango! He’s in the wrong hood, homie! Aren’t the Bulls in Chicago? Dean doesn’t know about bulls, but he sees a lot of FAT COWS in the crowd! The fans boo, but wait! The Outrunners come back with trash cans! The fans fire up as Durango throws up the bull’s horns! Durango points behind them, The Infantry turns around, and they get CANNED! The fans fire up as Truth & Turbo SMACK The Infantry down! Dean & Carlie are in retreat, and now per Mavericks tradition, the can is set on the ground… Truth winds up, “Turbo Floyd! YOU SONOVA B*TCH!”
The Outrunners shake hands, and DOUBLE ELBOW DROP the trash can! Will Omaha overcome St. Mary’s? Or will the bull’s eye not survive the eye of the Red Storm?
ROH World Television Championship: Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Dark Panther!
The crossover of ROH and CMLL has been increible, and this main event could be the best finale this series could ask for! But will the reign that started with Final Battle reach its final night? Or can Komander stay golden against the proverbial black sheep of the Panther Familia?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and it’s time to see who is the estrella del espectáculo!
The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” The two circle, feel things out, and then Panther waistlocks to SLAM Komander! Panther floats to the facelock, Komander rolls free and wrenches, but Panther rolls and trips Komander. Cover, ONE, and the two stand up. The fans cheer the standoff, then the two reset. Fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” even more, and the two go again. They knuckle lock, but then Panther trips Komander to a toehold. Komander fights around, endures as Panther twists the ankle, but then Panther stands Komander up to snapmare. Komander handsprings through!
Panther trips Komander, stands him back up and clinches for a judo throw, only for Komander to flip through! Komander wrenches and arm-drags, then he trips Panther! Cover, ONE! Panther sweeps, stands Komander up again and arm-drags. Komander comes right back to headlock, but Panther powers up and out. Komander stops himself to gator roll Panther! Panther wrenches out, whips Komander to a corner, then runs in. Komander dodges, comes back, Arabian Press but Panther denies the arm-drag! Komander dodges, tiger feints and tilt-o-whirls to arm-drag! The fans are fired up, and things just keep moving!
Komander runs, rolls to go up Panther, but Panther stops the Destroyer! Panther BACKDROPS, but Komander sunsets flips! TWO!! Panther escapes with nanoseconds to spare, and the fans rally up again. Panther and Komander reset, and Panther gives it up to Komander. Panther offers a handshake but Komander is wary of it. Komander still takes the handshake, but Panther kicks low! The fans boo while Panther knuckle locks, but Komander CHOPS! And KICKS! And KICKS again! Komander goes up, up, jumps around and around, but Panther YANKS him back down! Panther hammerlocks but Komander reaches back to go up, FLYING MARE!
The fans fire up as things get going again! Komander sunset flips, Panther rolls through, and Panther basement DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Komander is tougher than that, but Panther grabs an arm for the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Komander endures as Panther bends the fingers! Abrahantes coaches Komander and the fans rally up, but Panther stands on the arm so he can STOMP it! The fans boo but Panther soaks up that heat. Komander goes to a corner, Panther stomps him, and then Panther drags Komander up. Panther wrenches the arm, wraps it around the ropes, but stops as the ref counts. Panther argues the count but the ref says the count is fair.
Panther KICKS the ropes to jam up Komander’s arm! The fans boo but Panther drags Komander to center. Panther kneels on Komander for a cover, TWO! Panther drags Komander up by the wrists to kick him in the ribs! Komander stomps Panther’s feet in return! The fans fire up, Komander fires kicks to the legs, then Komander runs. But Panther LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Komander is still in this but Panther stays calm. Panther puts Komander in a corner, whips corner to corner, then runs in, but Komander dodges! Panther POSTS himself and falls to the outside! The fans fire up, Komander goes corner to corner, ESCALARA- NO, Panther snatches Komander!
Panther has Komander on the top rope, and CHOPS him into the Tree of Woe! Panther sits Komander up to CHOP him down! Komander falls off the corner, Panther storms in and BELL CLAPS! Cover, ONE! Another cover, TWO! Panther stalks Komander, the fans rally up, and Panther stands Komander up to wrench and REVERSE Gory Especial! Komander endures being stretched as Panther marches around! Panther stomps around to add more pressure, but Komander gets his arms free! Komander activates the core to sit up, and he rains down fists! But Panther SLAMS Komander down face first!
Panther hooks the legs, mockingly claps to get the fans going. Panther grabs the arms, and he pulls Komander into the ROMERO SPECIAL! Abrahantes coaches Komander as he endures, and the fans rally up! Komander frees his arms, rises up, but Panther BOOTS him away! Komander flounders to the ropes, staggers around, and Panther BOOTS him! Panther CHOPS Komander, Komander staggers, and the fans boo. Panther runs, but Komander DUMPS him out! The fans fire up, Komander builds speed, and Komander slides! Panther ducks the dropkick, pops Komander up to the apron, but Komander mule kicks Panther away!
Komander then lines up the shot, goes up the ropes, TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT! The fans are thunderous as Panther falls! Komander drags Panther up and into the ring, then hurries up the corner. The fans rally as Panther is in the drop zone. Komander runs corner to corner, goes up and up and MOONSAULTS, but into BOOTS! The fans boo as Panther turns things back around, and then Panther runs corner to corner. LARIAT, and then a snapmare! Komander sits up, Panther goes up and up and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Komander flounders away, Panther pursues, and Panther covers, ROPEBREAK!! The fans fire up as Komander survives!
Panther waits on Komander to stand up, then RAMS him out of the ring! Panther builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit as Panther’s head rams right into Komander’s! Panther gets Komander back up and into the ring, then covers, TWO!! Komander survives again but Panther does not let up. Panther brings Komander up to fire hands, but Komander KICKS! Panther KICKS, BOOTS, and runs, but Komander DUMPS Panther back out! Komander hurries to a corner, climbs up, and the fans are thunderous as Komander tightrope walks! SALUTE AND MOONSAULT! Direct hit and the fans fire up again!
Komander puts Panther in, goes back up, tightrope for the CIELITO LINDO!! Cover, KOMANDER WINS!
Winner: Komander, by pinfall (still ROH World Television Champion)
The Commander keeps his gold, and Panther finally shows him proper respect by helping Komander put it on. The fans cheer this great moment between great luchadores. But now the question is, who is next?
My Thoughts:
A very good ROH continue and maybe end the crossover with CMLL. Not sure, they never did say how many weeks there’d be of this. Great Six Man Tag to open, and it made sense for the Faces to win with Mistico on the team. Very good showing for Viva Van in her loss to Catalina, and another good showing for The Parea even in losing to Dralistico & Mortos. Top Flight VS Solo & QT was pretty wild, too, but of course Top Flight wins to build the momentum towards both tag title and trios title contention.
Satnam of course gets a win, but I’m not sure what much he’ll do without Jay Lethal as a teammate. Also a shame AAA made Satnam & Jinder Mahal give up their tag titles. They claimed Satnam & Jinder were inactive as champs but uh, isn’t it AAA’s job to schedule this stuff? And I’m a little surprised there wasn’t even so much as social media posts being featured on how Billie did against Mone last night. That’s stuff they could easily edit in later, and it’d help water the seeds of Mone VS Athena for All In: Texas.
Great match from Fox VS Knight, but I’m rather disappointed they didn’t address how the time limit draw affects who is challenging for the TV title. Komander VS Panther was a great main event, but I figured Komander would win being on ROH TV. I suppose Fox VS Knight being a draw, and then Blake Christian having built a great win streak on his own all adds some intrigue as to who faces Komander next. Perhaps Blake, Fox and Knight all face off in a Triple Threat? Or since Komander won in a Survival of the Fittest, we get another one of those with him, the three I named, and any two others they want to throw in.
My Score: 8.8/10
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