AEW Coverage
Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (7/6/22)
Big fights tonight on Dynamite!

The Maniac takes on a monster!
The AEW TNT Championship in a Street Fight, and the Interim World Championship in a battle of badasses, what a way to follow Blood & Guts!
- AEW TNT Championship Street Fight: Scorpio Sky w/ Dan Lambert VS Wardlow; Wardlow wins and becomes the new AEW TNT Champion.
- Swerve in Our Glory VS The Butcher & The Blade w/ The Bunny; Swerve in Our Glory wins.
- Penta Oscuro w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Rush; Rush wins.
- 8 Man Tag: The Acclaimed & Gunn Club VS Fuego Del Sol & Ruffin’ It; The Acclaimed & Gunn Club win.
- Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm VS Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir; Thunder & Storm win.
- Interim AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley VS Brody King; Moxley wins and retains the interim title.
AEW TNT Championship Street Fight: Scorpio Sky w/ American Top Team VS Wardlow!
The Closer is finally 100%, and he’s ready to go all out just to prove he IS the Face of TNT! But will he be able to hold onto “Genie” when there’s nothing holding the Maestro of Mayhem back? Or will Scorpio win this war?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who Mr. Brodie Lee smiles down upon in a battle for this title.
Scorpio and Wardlow circle, Scorpio fires off testing punches and kicks, but Wardlow TOSSES him to a corner! Wardlow rushes in but Scorpio dodges to fire off body shots. Wardlow choke grips Scorpio and backs him down, but Scorpio fights free. Scorpio fires off knees and a KICK, then runs, only to get run over! Fans fire up with Wardlow as he stalks Scorpio. Wardlow whips Scorpio but Scorpio reverses, only for Wardlow to block and reverse! But Scorpio LOW BLOWS right on the rebound! No disqualifications but that’s just dirty! Scorpio runs, but into a clinch! And OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!
Wardlow seethes and he storms up and Scorpio to TOSS him across the way! Wardlow storms up on Scorpio in the corner to then TOSS him back the other way! Wardlow soaks up the cheers from the fans but Scorpio bails out. Wardlow takes a moment to catch his breath after Scorpio’s low blow, and then Wardlow goes out to fetch Scorpio. Dan Lambert suddenly grows a pair and smacks Wardlow on the back. Wardlow scowls at Lambert but Lambert shrinks behind his wall of MMA fighters. Wardlow dares one of them to bring it, but then Scorpio RAMS Wardlow into the steel steps! Wardlow tumbles over, then American Top Team swarms him!
The trained fighters all stomp Wardlow like goons but Scorpio has them clear out. Scorpio says he’s got this, and he stalks Wardlow back into the ring as Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Wardlow gets up in a corner but Scorpio KICKS him in the leg. Wardlow shoves Scorpio away and goes to another corner but Scorpio rams into him. Wardlow clubs Scorpio but Scorpio knees low, snapmares Wardlow down and clamps on a chinlock. Wardlow endures the grind and fans rally up. Scorpio leans all his weight but Wardlow fights up and RAMS Scorpio into a corner! And again! And again! Wardlow backs off to run in, but Scorpio sends him into buckles! Scorpio fires off haymakers until Wardlow sits down, then Scorpio flexes. Ethan Page is fired up for his tag partner, but Wardlow gets up to CLOBBER Scorpio!
Wardlow shakes out the arms as he gets back up and he CLOBBERS Scorpio again. Wardlow is getting mad now, and he CLUBS Scorpio on the back. Wardlow puts Scorpio in a corner, RAMS into him, and then uppercuts! Scorpio sits down and Ethan talks trash but Wardlow gives it back. Wardlow stands Scorpio up to RAM into him again. Scorpio claws Wardlow’s eyes! Scorpio kicks Wardlow’s leg and has him in a corner for more haymakers. Scorpio whips corner to corner but Wardlow reverses. Wardlow runs in but Scorpio dodges, Wardlow hits POST! Dynamite returns to single picture as Scorpio climbs up to rain down fists on Wardlow!
American Top Team coach Scorpio on and he bumps Wardlow off buckles. Fans cuss out Lambert as Scorpio drags Wardlow to the top. Wardlow resists the superplex and shoves Scorpio down! Wardlow adjusts, and SWANTON BOMBS! Fans are thunderous for Wardlow as he looms over Scorpio. Wardlow says it’s time, and he drags Scorpio up and reels him in! Lambert sends his men in, but Wardlow CLOBBERS and BOOTS and DECKS and CLOBBERS and CLOBBERS and TOSSES them all out! Wardlow hauls one up to trophy lift and TOSS onto the pile! Fans fire up but Scorpio has the belt! Wardlow turns around into a BELT SHOT!! Cover, TWO!!
No one can believe Wardlow survives the screw job! Lambert tells Scorpio to keep after him, and Scorpio pretends the straps are down. Scorpio reels Wardlow into a fireman’s carry, but Wardlow slips off and shoves Scorpio into Lambert! Down goes the fat head and now Wardlow hits a SPINEBUSTER on Scorpio! The straps actually come down, and fans are thunderous again! Wardlow drags Scorpio up, reels him in, points to the belt, and hits a POWERBOMB! Wardlow grins and fans are thunderous for just the first verse! The second one is going to be the same, a POWERBOMB! And then a third POWERBOMB!! Cover, Wardlow wins!!
Winner: Wardlow, by pinfall (NEW AEW TNT Champion)
The Men of the Year and American Top Team could not withstand the War Dog, the War Machine, the War Hammer, THIS IS WARD~LOW!! The confetti flies and Wardlow holds the belt up high, will the new champion blaze a path of destruction through the roster?
Jon Moxley speaks.
“A lot of people have tried to make a name off of me. A lot of people have lost a lot of money betting against me. And tonight, those people are licking their lips. They’re watching me and waiting for me to be caught off guard, and hope that one day, somebody’s gonna come along and surprise me and put a beating on me that I never recover from. They think tonight, Brody King is gonna surprise me, they think he’s gonna catch me off guard, they think I don’t know exactly what kind of monster I’m dealing with in Brody King. But maybe y’all forgot exactly what kind of monster you’re dealing with in me.
“Ten days ago, I took a man I deeply respect and admire in Hiroshi Tanahashi, and I beat his face in. A few days after that, I was carving dudes’ faces up like hamburger in a steel cage! For fun! Blood & Guts is like golfing on a Sunday for me. And then a few days after that, I signed on the dotted line to defend the AEW World Championship against Brody King. Yeah, I know exactly who Brody King is. Y’all think I didn’t do my homework? I’ve seen him in NJPW, I’ve seen him in ROH, I know his friends, I know his enemies. Only one question left: How big is his heart? Does he have a monster sized heart beating in that chest?
“We’re gonna find out because he’s gonna be swimming in the deep waters with the biggest shark in this game, the AEW World Champion, Jon Moxley. When you step into the ring with anybody from the Blackpool Combat Club, we find your limits and we push them. We find out just how bad you want it! Being made for the BCC, being world champion, it ain’t for everybody. But it’s what I do every day. Step up or get stepped on.” The Maniac gives his ultimatum, how will the House of Black’s hulking beast respond?
Mark Sterling and Tony Nese speak.
Smart Mark asks if the camera is rolling. It is, and it seems Sterling wants us to see them get a very big signature on their petition. Keith Lee is walking up, and Sterling says this is “The People Against Swerve Strickland” to remove Swerve from the roster. Swerve is untrustworthy, he stabs people in the back, just like Keith! Sterling thinks Keith should sign it. Keith says greetings to Mr. Sterling and Mr. Nese. And yes, he has trust issues with Swerve, but they are still a tag team, and they are still winning. Unlike Nese and Sterling. Keith heads out and Nese tries to figure out what Keith meant by that. But will Swerve only prove Sterling right tonight?
Christian Cage & Luchasaurus are here.
Captain Charisma and his brainwashed behemoth are in Rochester, New York, and fans boo because of how they’ve both betrayed Jungle Boy. Christian has a mic to say, “Here we are, on the heels of Blood & Guts, and I am the Cage that everybody is talking about. Now, you ignorant pieces of crap think that you deserve to know the reason why I turned my back, and said and did the things that I did to Jungle Boy and his family, are now demanding answers, wanting to know why Luchasaurus decided to remain aligned with me.” Fans boo but that is technically true, we do want to know why.
But wait! MATT HARDY is here! And he has a mic to tell Christian, “You are unreal. You’re like the Michael Jordan of being an asshole. Every time I don’t think you can top yourself again, you somehow do.” Hardy will be honest, JB was his friend. Hardy got to know JB well these last few months. JB trusted and respected Christian, and Christian screwed him over! No one, let alone JB, deserved what Christian did. Hardy gets up at the ring but Christian wants to get this straight. “You’re going to sit here and pretend you’re suddenly buddy-buddy with Jungle Boy, like you know him the way that I know him? Or the way that Luchasaurus knows him?
“Here’s the thing, Matt. You’re starting to make your brother sound like the sober one.” No one can believe Christian went there! The fans double down on calling Christian an A-Hole. Hardy sees what’s going on here with Luchasaurus now. Hardy and Christian have been at this a long time, and in the last few years, Christian is just using Luchasaurus to make as much money as he can. But Hardy can’t be a hypocrite, he did the same. He took advantage of Private Party, Butcher & Blade, and he used them. But he hates himself for that and regrets that time so badly. And in a twist of fate, his last month has been upside-down, it’s been a mess.
Hardy says maybe he deserves that, it’s karma coming to get him. But right now, Hardy won’t let another be taken advantage of. Not Luchasaurus or anyone else. Christian says no, Hardy is here because of his ego! We all know Matt Hardy is a clout chaser, which is why he can’t stand when his name isn’t in the headlines for more than two seconds. Right? He’ll use everyone around him! His kids, his wife, his father-in-law, his dog Sparky, his Aunt Jenny, a dilapidated boat, a lawnmower, and hell, he’ll even turn a blind eye to his own brother’s issues just to ride his coattails for one last run!
Hardy says Christian is delusional, but Christian says Hardy is here under the guise of caring for Jungle Boy, when the fact is, Hardy realized that Christian is the most influential star in AEW and Hardy needs to be near him. That is embarrassing, Matt, it really is. But what’s even worse, Matt’s screw-up brother isn’t the most embarrassing part of his family, MATT is! Hardy wans to throw down but Luchasaurus steps in his way. And Christian cheap shots Hardy! Hardy chokes Christian but Luchasaurus HEADBUTTS Hardy out of the ring! Luchasaurus goes out and RAMS Hardy into the steel steps!
Christian tells Luchasaurus to finish Hardy, but Hardy fires forearms back! Luchasaurus UPPERCUTS Hardy, digs his head into the post, and then BOOTS him against the steel! But this isn’t enough, Christian has Luchasaurus clear the timekeeper’s table! Luchasaurus then choke grips to CHOKE SLAM Hardy through the table!! Christian then sits by Hardy to say, “There you are. Your name is in the headlines. Enjoy your relevance.” Christian leaves with Luchasaurus, will they continue to stoop to new lows in order to rise up the ranks?
AEW has the aftermath of Blood & Guts.
A bloody Matt Menard says that the only reason the others agreed to such as match is because of Chris Jericho. And if the Jericho Appreciation Society got anything out of that night, it’s that they stole the privilege of seeing Eddie Kingston make Jericho tap! Menard was the one who gave up when Claudio Castagnoli had the Sharpshooter on, sparing Jericho from Eddie’s stretch plum. William Regal says that after 39 years in this business, he has never ever witnessed such horror as Blood & Guts. Ortiz says he wants more! More blood, more guts, just MORE! Regal says that is what the Blackpool Combat Club is all about.
Claudio says you can call him The Mailman now, because he always delivers! Menard says if you want big money, you gotta do that “big boy sh*t.” Angelo Parker, as bloody as he ended up, vows that the JAS will not stop until Eddie Kingston is in a grave!! Will there be no end to the war of JAS VS BCC? Speaking of…
Tony Schiavone interviews Claudio and Jake Hager backstage.
Not just that, but it’s the parking lot. Schiavone says this may not be the best place for this, but he is here with two giant men who know each other well. They’ve both signed a waive, No Physicality. Hager says that’s right, no physicality here tonight. The 16 THOUSAND people at Forbidden Door cheered Claudio on, and that may have him thinking he’s tough, but deep down inside, he knows he’s not as tough or as hard as Jake Hager. Claudio knows he’s not a world champion like Hager. Claudio was never world champion in ROH or in WWE, and he won’t be one here in AEW. Hager is an UNDEFEATED MMA pro-fighter, and it is about time he got some respect.
Claudio tells Hager that everyone who says, “I want my respect,” doesn’t deserve respect! Claudio beat Zack Sabre Jr, one of the best technical wrestlers, in his first match here. And then Claudio went on to lead his team to victory against Hager’s team- Oh, sorry, Hager just carries the bags for Jericho, right? But while Hager got his arm wrapped, Claudio got his raised, and it’ll happen again next week when they go 1v1. Hager may be undefeated in MMA, but Claudio is undefeated in AEW, where rankings matter. And next week, Claudio is going to go 3-0! Will the Swiss Cyborg dismantle Rock Hard Hager when they meet man to man once again?
Swerve in Our Glory VS The Butcher & The Blade w/ The Bunny!
Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland are still trying to smooth things out, but they at least have common enemies to focus on tonight. Will their Limitless House still stand? Or will the mercenaries help stick that knife in Keith’s back for Swerve?
The teams sort out and Blade steps against Keith. Fans rally up for Keith but Blade talks trash as he conducts the singing. “OH~ BASK IN HIS GLORY~!” Blade SLAPS Keith, but Keith HEADBUTTS Blade! Butcher tags in and fans fire up to see him tie up with Keith. They are in a deadlock, break, and go again. Keith powers Butcher to a corner, Butcher goes up the corner, but Keith TOSSES him away! Keith stalks Butcher but Butcher bails out to get a chair! Blade wants Butcher to calm down but Swerve is backing Keith up. Butcher cools off and puts the chair down to get in the ring. Butcher tags Blade and Keith tags Swerve.
Fans rally as Swerve and Blade go around. Blade wants a leg but Swerve counters with a chinbar. “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” Swerve headlocks but Blade pries free. Blade headlocks, Swerve powers out and things speed up. Swerve hurdles but not high enough and he basically hip drops onto Blade’s head! Blade drags himself up the ropes, Swerve storms up but Blade throws elbows. Blade runs, but he fakes Swerve out then dodges. Swerve trips Blade to headlock, but Blade pulls hair. the ref reprimands, Blade waistlocks but Swerve tags in Keith! Keith pulls Swerve and Blade into the corner, Swerve switches to O’Conner Roll, and Keith CLOBBERS Blade!
Swerve steps in to basement SHOTGUN Blade, then Keith hauls Blade up. Keith bumps Blade off buckles, tags Swerve back in, and Swerve holds Blade in for the GRIZZLY MAGNUM! Swerve then stalks Blade as he staggers, but Blade JAWBREAKERS back! Blade runs in but Swerve TOSSES him out. Swerve goes out, Blade staggers, but Butcher is lurking. Bunny gets in the way and Swerve hesitates. Butcher CLOBBERS Keith off the apron, then runs at Swerve! Swerve holds the ropes down and Butcher takes a tumble! Swerve aims at Blade but Blade sweeps the legs! Swerve crashes down and Bunny laughs at his pain while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Blade drags Swerve up to turn him for a NECKBREAKER to the floor! Swerve crawls away but Butcher and Blade drag him up. Blade puts Swerve in the ring, drags him over and tags in Butcher. The mercs mug Swerve, Butcher HEADBUTTS him, and then CHOPS Swerve in the corner. Butcher digs his forearms into Swerve at the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and Butcher whips Swerve hard into the corner! Swerve falls and Blade tags in to drag Swerve into ropes. Blade CHOKES Swerve, lets off as the ref counts, but Bunny CHOKES Swerve now! The ref misses that but Keith protests. Bunny frolics while Blade drags Swerve up.
Butcher tags in and the mercs hit a LEG DROP SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Butcher sits Swerve up to KNEE him in the back again and again! Butcher CLUBS Swerve, Swerve kicks and CHOPS back. Butcher CHOPS Swerve, Swerve kicks back but Butcher throws haymakers and CHOPS! Tag to Blade and they mug Swerve in the corner. Blade digs his boots in but the ref counts. Bunny mocks Swerve and Butcher CLUBS Swerve against the apron. Butcher shoves Swerve in for Blade to drag him. Butcher tags in, the mercs mug Swerve more, and then Butcher puts Swerve up on the top rope.
Butcher climbs up after Swerve as Dynamite returns to single picture. Swerve resists the superplex and wrenches an arm! Swerve bends and BITES fingers, but the ref reprimands. Swerve ROCKS Butcher with forearms, then DECKS him off the ropes! Swerve adjusts, leaps, and FALLING UPPERCUTS! Both men are down, fans rally up, and Swerve crawls to hot tag Keith! Keith rallies on Blade, ROCKS Butcher, and then SPLASHES in the corner. SPLASH for Blade, too! Butcher runs in but Keith SWATS him! Then Keith TOSSES Blade at Butcher! Both men fall over and fans fire up with Keith!
Keith stalks Blade, ROCKS him to the corner, and he tags Swerve. Swerve goes up, Keith brings Blade out but Butcher goes after Keith! The ref reprimands, Butcher fires off forearms but Swerve slingshots and somersaults to COMPLETE SHOT on Butcher! Keith fireman’s carries Butcher for a pop-up, ROLLING ELBOW SCREW HIGH KICK COMBO! Keith runs while Swerve staggers over to Blade, Blade pulls Swerve into the way! Keith POUNCES Swerve!! Keith freak out but turns around into a STUNNER! Butcher LARIATS Keith! Swerve BOOTS Butcher, hops up, but Butcher TOSSES him into a KNEE from Blade!
And then Butcher runs to LARIAT Swerve!! Cover, Keith breaks it just in time!! Bunny freaks out and the New York fans wanted their guys to win that one! Blade & Butcher focus on Keith but Keith fires off hands on them! That’s still 2v1, but Keith powers up! DOUBLE LARIATS collide, but then Blade KNEES Keith! Swerve gives Butcher a HOUSE CALL! Blade RAMS Swerve into a corner and puts him up top! But Keith SPLASHES Blade into Swerve’s knees! Keith keeps Swerve up and they fist bump. Pop-up and SWERVE BOMB!! Cover, Swerve & Keith win!!
Winners: Swerve in Our Glory, by pinfall
Somehow, someway, Keith & Swerve pull it out! But Team Taz barges out to say this is really starting to piss them off! Will Hobbs says the fans can feel it. “You think we’re going to allow you two to still come out here and disrespect us? What you have in front of you is two grown ass men, trick ass bitch!” Ricky Starks has Hobbs hold the FTW Championship so he can have the mic. They’ve been playing real nice right now, because they could’ve ended Keith’s & Swerve’s careers online and on the mic. If you don’t believe them, ask their former teammate!
But if Swerve & Keith wanna act like they’re somebody, when every time they’ve stood in the ring against Team Taz, every time they try to get on the mic against them, Team Taz has proven there are levels to this, and Swerve & Keith are NOT on their level! They are levels below them! Starks says that just because of where they came from, Swerve & Keith think they can get a shot at them! Well if you want to talk about it, Starks will beat their asses right now! But if we’re talking about who the best tag team is, then- “SUPERKICK! PARTAAAY~!” The AEW World Tag Team Champions, the YOUNG BUCKS, are here!
Matt Jackson has the music cut, and he says Starks may as well have just been in the back to cue up their music for them. That was pretty sweet. And gentlemen, sorry to interrupt- Or, no, the Bucks don’t have to apologize for anything, they started this damn company! But hey, great match from Keith & Swerve, they have been killing it. All the teams in the back have been killing it, this whole AEW Tag Division is on fire! “Everyone is eating well. But let us not forget who set the damn table in the first place.” Nick takes the mic to say no disrespect here, because these two teams are very good.
In fact, at Double or Nothing, Team Taz and Swerve in Our Glory “had one hell of a match. It was four and a half stars, that’s unbelievable. But that’s an off-night for the Young Bucks!” And they couldn’t even get the job done, Jurassic Express won. But then look who beat Jurassic Express a few weeks later. “Read it and mother effin’ weep it! WE did!” Now there is a proposal here. How about it’s Triple or Nothing? Next week, a TRIPLE THREAT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH…! Team Taz, Swerve in Our Glory, and though the fans chant for FTR, Nick says, “We’re better than them, and you guys know that, come on.”
But the point is, it will be Team Taz VS Swerve in Our Glory VS “The best damn tag team of all time…! THE YOUNG BUCKS!” Another big opportunity for the #AbsolutePowerhouses in Hobbs & Starks, as well as the Limitless House of Keith & Swerve! Will this Triple Threat finally be a chance for one of those teams to shine with gold? Or are Matt & Nick just taking out two birds with one stone?
The House of Black speaks.
Malakai says, “I envy you, Jon. I envy you for the decisions that you made, and the violence that you inflicted on yourself. We didn’t get the luxury of your decisions. No, our violence is by design. But what I truly envy is the experience that you’re about to have. You think you know pain? You think you know anger? You think you know violence? No, you don’t. But I’ll make sure that Brody King will eave his mark on you. Because the House will make sure that anything that you experience tonight goes far beyond the physical realm of pain. I envy you, Jon.” Just how much brutality will Brody King unleash upon Jon Moxley?
Eddie Kingston is here!
The Mad King goes to the ring where Tony Schiavone is waiting. Schiavone reminds us that a week ago, it was Blood & Guts, and we all saw what happened. But there is still a name on Eddie’s hit list and that is Chris Jericho. Eddie says that before we get to that, please, hold the mic up like a professional, thank you. Eddie says before getting to Jericho, he congratulates Wardlow on tonight’s win. And two, congratulations to everyone that was on the winning team of Blood & Guts, even Claudio. See? Eddie’s a nice guy, he’s maturing. Pbbt. But anyway, here’s the real deal why he’s out here.
“Chris Jericho. You made me a liar. I didn’t taste your blood, you didn’t bleed. SO, I’m gonna get you again, and I’m gonna make you bleed, and I’m gonna taste your blood!” But Chris Jericho, as well as Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti, shout at Eddie via the titantron. They want him to pay attention. Eddie wants to taste Jericho’s blood? Eddie wants to get crazy? You’ll see how crazy Jericho can get. The camera pans over and Tay has been beating up Ruby Soho! There’s an open car door, and Tay has Soho stagger into the gap, to SLAM the door on Soho’s arm!! Soho drops to the floor, clutching her arm!
“Watch yourself Kingston, or this will happen to you!” The JAS rushes off before security rushes in. They call for a medic, has the JAS just broken Soho’s arm just to get at Eddie?
The Dark Order is here!
Fans cheer as Negative One leads the way for Evil Uno, Preston Vance, Alex Reynolds, John Silver & Anna Jay to the ring here in Rochester. Fans cheer for “BRODIE! BRODIE!” to honor Negative One’s father, and Silver has the mic to say, “The Dark Order is in Rochester! And Rochester is Dark Order Country!” Uno takes the mic to say that is why it is very important they’re here today. They have very important news for everyone, and everyone here should here it because they have followed the Dark Order since the beginning, and they made the Dark Order what it is today. Uno wants to personally thank all the fans for showing up and supporting them.
And that is why it is so important that Uno gets to say this. “The six of us… Are here to stay!” Fans cheer as Uno says Dark Order is forever! A new chapter begins, and that begins with a proclamation, and he knows just who should say it. Negative One is given the mic! Fans cheer but then QT Marshall comes out to ruin everything. He doesn’t know how long AEW has to put up with the “charity case” for. Until he’s 18 or something? Fans boo but QT says he gets it. Negative One’s dad was from right here in Rochester. “But you ain’t your father! Your father’s a legend in AEW! He beat me within five minutes in his first match ever here.”
Uno has to hold Negative One back as QT continues to say that Negative One takes after his MOM! QT says that he didn’t bring his friends out here. So Negative One can get his friends out of here to face QT man to man! Or else QT will go to his private locker room and grab each and every one of his action figures to rip their heads off! But wait, here comes HANGMAN PAGE! The Cowboy is still a friend of the Dark Order, and that means he is a friend of Negative One! QT freaks out, but then turns around for Uno to ROCK him with a forearm! Hangman ROCKS QT back, and then they both toss QT into the ring!
Fans fire up as Vance whips QT into a corner for Silver to GAMANGIRI! Silver feeds QT to Reynolds’ ROLLING ELBOW! ENZIGURI! STUNNER! GERMAN SUPLEX! QT flounders from the Beaver Boy Blitz, but then he’s fed to the DISCUS from Vance! Brodie would be proud of that one! Uno has Brodie Jr. tell ’em! “QT, QT, QT. I would pin you right now, but y’know what? I’m gonna wait until I’m 19.” Negative One makes a promise about a decade in the making, will he follow in his father’s footsteps and whoop QT’s ass in his AEW debut?
Good ol’ JR joins commentary!
Jim Ross lends his analysis to the second hour, and it’s going to be a slobber knocker!
Penta Oscuro w/ Alex Abrahantes & Rey Fenix VS Rush w/ La Faccion Ingobernale!
Death Triangle is looking for revenge on #LFI, and that begins with the clash of #CeroMiedo and El Toro Blanco! Will Penta look to bury the White Bull under the cover of night? Or will Rush go on a stampede and start towards the top of AEW?
The bell rings and fans rally behind Penta. Rush rushes in but Penta dodges to CHOP! Rush CHOPS and it’s a CHOP fight already! Fast and furious, back and forth, CHOP after CHOP after CHOP! Penta spins to CHOP, then he runs, but Rush follows to CHOP! Penta jumps up but Rush denies the rana. Penta still fires off fists, then hooks the arms,. Rush slips out to throw a body shot, and he suplexes, only for Penta to cradle counter! TWO, and Penta SUPERKICKS Rush down! Rush bails out but Penta builds speed as fans rally. Penta slides but Rush dodges to waistlock. Penta switches but Rush elbows out hard!
Rush whips but Penta stops from hitting steps. Penta elbows Rush back, then whips him at the steps. Rush stops himself, but Penta goes up and FLYING ARM-DRAGS! Fans fire up while Jose fans Rush off. Penta stands Rush up to CHOP again. Penta gets back in the ring, “CERO! MIEDO!” Penta builds speed but Rush gets in to DECK Penta! Rush mocks Cero Miedo and then he soaks up the heat. Rush stands on Penta’s head, drags him up and throws body shots. Rush whips corner to corner and clotheslines, then he whips the other way for a SPALSH! And then a snapmare and basement dropkick! Rush does push-ups just to show off before the cover, TWO!
Rush is annoyed but he drags Penta up. Fans rally but Rush is after the mask! The ref reprimands, but Penta KICKS Rush! Penta runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges to SLINGBLADE! And then another SLINGBLADE! Fans fire up and Rush flounders out. Penta builds speed again to FLY! Direct hit on Rush at the ramp and fans fire up with Penta again! Jose storms over with his tablet of doom, but Alex snatches that away and SPEARS Jose! Alex fires off hands but Jose hits back, and then Fenix and Andrade El Idolo get involved and the ref tries to restore peace while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Fenix and Andrade get Jose and Alex to separate, but then Alex rushes back in! They brawl up the ramp, which is fine because the ref is EJECTING them! Andrade is confused but Fenix tells Alex to keep after Jose! The sidekicks fight all the way backstage while Penta puts Rush in the ring. Penta climbs up a corner while fans fire up, then leaps, but into Rush’s anti-air dropkick! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Rush is upset but the ropes are the ropes. Rush drags Penta up to wrap on a chinlock, but again Penta gets to the ropes. Rush drags Penta away and turns him from the ropes while leaning on the hold. Penta still endures as Rush grinds him down.
Rush drags Penta up to put him on the top rope backwards, then he climbs up behind him. Rush is after the mask again! Penta resists, so Rush drops him into the Tree of Woe! Rush then BUZZSAWS Penta out of the Tree! Rush dusts off his hands and takes a bow as he soaks up the heat. Rush then goes back for Penta to kick and stomp him in the corner. Rush digs his boots in, the ref counts and Rush lets off. The ref reprimands but Rush paces while Andrade talks some trash. Rush drags Penta up, brings him to center and throws a heavy body shot. Rush chinlocks, then digs at the mask! The ref counts but Rush lets off.
Penta throws body shots but Rush KNEES Penta down! Dynamite returns to single picture as fans rally for Penta. Rush brings Penta up but Penta CHOPS again. Rush CHOPS, Penta CHOPS, Rush eggs Penta on! Penta throws forearms but Rush gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Penta dodges the haymaker to hit a BACKSTABBER! Penta then runs in, into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Rush is annoyed but Andrade says to keep on him. Rush whips Penta but Penta goes up and over to hit another BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Rush survives and gets to a corner but fans rally up. Penta stomps Rush down but lets off as the ref counts.
Penta pie faces Rush and eggs him on before throwing haymakers. Rush gets mad and choke grips Penta, but Penta CHOPS! Rush CHOPS, Penta CHOPS, they keep going! Penta fires forearms, runs, but Rush HEADBUTTS! Penta wobbles, but he HEADBUTTS back! DOUBLE HEADBUTTS!! Penta’s mask almost comes off from that, but he SUPERKICKS! JUMP KNEE from Rush!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! A standing count starts, Penta and Rush stir. Penta gets to a corner, Rush goes to the opposite. Rush runs in but Penta dodges! Rush hits buckles and Penta CHOPS him! And CHOPS!
Rush turns things around to CHOP, CHOP, but Penta CHOPS and CHOPS! Rush CHOPS, CHOPS, sweeps the legs then stomps away! The ref counts, Rush stops at 4, and then he goes out to the apron. Rush slashes his throat, climbs up top, but Penta ROCKS Rush! Rush HEADBUTTS Penta away, then adjusts to leap and missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Penta is still in this but Rush wants to end it! Rush drags Penta to a drop zone and then goes up the corner. Fans boo but Penta SUPER SENTONS! Cover, TWO!! Penta survives, but Rush hurries to ROCK him with a forearm! Penta sits in a corner, Rush runs corner to corner, but into a SOMERSAULT STUNNER!
SUPERKICK! Penta reels Rush in, “CERO! MIEDO!” Tuck and FEAR FACTOR!! Cover, but Andrade puts the foot on the ropes! The ref sees the ropebreak but Fenix points out it was Andrade! Too late to make a difference now, Rush is still in this. Penta goes back to Rush while the ref is reprimanding Andrade, and Rush LOW BLOWS Penta!! AND snatches the mask!! Insult to injury before the cradle, RUSH WINS!
Winner: Rush, by pinfall
The White Bull pulled off some major bull, that’s for sure! But will both Lucha Brothers get their revenge on Rush & Andrade soon enough?
Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh speak.
They’re all very happy, and Sonjay says they’re celebrating already because “Samoa Joe decided to crawl out of that hole that he’s been hiding in.” It is official for July 23rd, Death Before Dishonor, and the ultimate celebration begins when Sonjay’s best friend in this entire world, Jay Lethal, pins Samoa Joe to become the NEW ROH World TV Champion! And Lethal says he will tell us God’s honest truth, “I know that this is not going to be an easy fight.” Samoa Joe is one tough champion. But that’s why Lethal isn’t taking him lightly. But they are taking his championship. They all share a laugh, and Singh adds that Lethal will be the new champion! Will Lethal be able to back up all those words? Or will the Samoan Submission Specialist make Lethal suffer?
Tony Nese & Mark Sterling are still looking for signatures.
They go to the Best Friends, Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta & Orange Cassidy, saying they’re the last signatures the petition needs to remove Swerve Strickland from AEW. After all, Swerve backstabbed Cassidy during the Royal Rampage. Cassidy says he never reads anything without his lawyer present. He has a lawyer? Yes, it’s DANHAUSEN! He has the paperwork right here. Nese says forget asking, he is going to make Cassidy sign. Chuck & Trent step up to push Nese back but Sterling has everyone just hold on a second. There is money to be made here. Nese VS Cassidy for Rampage! Wait, Danhausen has a better idea! Cassidy VS Nese on Rampage! That’s the same idea!
But anyway, if Nese wins, Cassidy has to sign the petition. Danhausen says objection sustained, and Cassidy says he will allow it. Overruled. What? No, Sterling’s the real lawyer, HE allows things! Hearsay! Sterling grumbles and storms off with Nese, but the deal is struck. Will Cassidy win and strike down this frivolous lawsuit?
8 Man Tag: The Acclaimed & Gunn Club VS Fuego Del Sol & Ruffin’ It!
It’s rather surprising that Max Caster, Anthony Bowens and the Ass B- er, Austin & Colten Gunn, are agreeing to team up again after the heated argument that happened last time. But will they be able to let cooler heads prevail and get another win for the team? And of course, Caster has a rap! “Acclaimed & The Gunns-” GASP! Austin snatches the mic from Caster?! Caster is upset but Bowens keeps him from going after Austin. No disses this week, will the Acclaimed Gunn Club hold it together?
The bell rings and Fuego starts against Austin. Austin turns around into a kick and facelock! TORNADO- NO, Austin FLAPJACKS Fuego away. Tag to Colten and he CLOBBERS Fuego! Colten is fired up but fans taunt the “ASS~ BOYS!” as he stomps Fuego in the corner. Bowens tags in and he drags Fuego out to CLUB away on him. “EVERYONE LOVES THE ACCLAIMED!” Bowens then DECKS Bear Boulder, ELBOWS Ruff and DECKS Bear Bronson! Fuego kicks Bowens and TORNADO DDTS!! Fans fire up as Fuego crawls, and Bronson is back! Hot tags to Austin and Bronson! Bronson rallies on the Gunn Club, and even Caster!
Bronson breaks through the line to DOUBLE LARIAT the Gunn Club! Fans fire up with Bronson and he clotheslines Colten out! Austin staggers into choke grip, SIT OUT SPINEBSUTER! Cover, Caster breaks it! Ruff goes after Caster but Caster TOSSES him! Austin crawls, tag to Bowens! Bowens ELBOWS Bronson, CHOPS him and SUPERKICKS him! Bronson wobbles but Bowens hits a LEAP FROG FAMOUSER! They’re doing Daddy Ass proud as Bowens tags Caster. Caster goes up, but then Austin tags in!? MIC DROP, and then Austin snipes the cover! Acclaimed Gunn Club still wins!
Winners: The Acclaimed & Gunn Club, by pinfall
Billy is upset that his boys aren’t getting along with his sons again, and Bowens shoves Austin! Austin and Colten CLOBBER The Acclaimed! Billy gets in, and he throws Austin away! And the same to Colten! Billy keeps telling them to cut it out, but then he CLOBBERS Caster! The Ass Man sides with his Ass Boys and Bowens doesn’t understand. What happened to scissor fingers? Billy kicks him low for a FAMOUSER! The Gunn Family sticks together, but will they finally get up to the top where they want to be?
Miro speaks.
“Malakai Black… We are different kind of men. You collect the weak, I dispose of them. You stab their backs, while I break them. Don’t you understand? You, a man who preys on the flawed, have enraged a man who is flawless! I, who rattles the gates of Heaven, will destroy the gates of Hell! So go ahead and buy yourself a bag of coins, because when I’m done with you, the House of Black will have many eyes to cover. Because the Redeemer is coming, enraged!!” Will Miro’s wrath wreak havoc on Malakai and his entire house?
Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm VS Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir!
La Mera Mera and the Lightning From Down Under are forces of nature to be sure, but the Native Beast & The Problem have brought their umbrellas. Will these Vicious Vixens be safe from the #ThunderStorm? Or will they still be blown away by the AEW Women’s World Champion and the #1 contender?
The teams sort out and Shafir storms up on Storm to BOOT her down! Nyla gets after Rosa and throws her out while Shafir fires off knee son Storm! The ref reprimands but Shafir whips Storm to ropes. Storm tilt-o-whirls to RANA Shafir! Storm drop toeholds, then runs to basement dropkick! Storm whips Shafir into the corner, where Rosa adds a BOOT! Rosa tags in, fires off body shots on Shafir, then tags Storm back in. Storm stomps Shafir, EuroUppers, then tags Rosa. Rosa runs to DECK Nyla, then she comes back to elbow Shafir! Rosa whips Storm in to uppercut Shafir, then Storm sets up as a step! LA MERA MERA IN MOTION!
Fans fire up and Rosa brings Shafir around to cover, TWO! Rosa keeps on Shafir with a facelock and Storm tags in. They double suplex Shafir, then Storm covers, TWO! Storm keeps on Shafir with a facelock and grinds her down. Fans rally, Shafir endures, and Shafir fights up but Storm bumps her off buckles. Tag to Rosa and Rosa snapmares Shafir for a KICK to the back! Cover, ONE! Shafir grits her teeth but Rosa clamps onto her with a chinlock. Shafir slips out, wrenches an arm to a double wristlock, but Rosa has a leg to trip Shafir to a cradle! ONE, Rosa powers Shafir to a lateral press, ONE!
Rosa keeps on Shafir with the facelock but Shafir fights up. Storm tags in, she stomps Shafir down, and Storm brings Shafir up to CHOP! Storm snapmares and HIP ATTACKS Shafir, then tags Rosa. Rosa CHOPS Shafir, then CHOPS her! Then GRIZZLY MAGNUMS! Tag to Storm and she brings Shafir out. Shafir throws body shots and KICKS the leg! Shafir DECKS Storm, then DECKS Rosa! Storm ROCKS Shafir back with forearms then runs, but the ref is busy keeping Rosa out of the ring, so he misses Nyla SMACK Storm with the umbrella! Nyla shrugs and Shafir fireman’s carries for a WASTELAND SLAM!
Tag to Nyla and Nyla stomps Storm while Dynamite goes picture in picture. Nyla drags Storm up to snap suplex, then roll through to a GOURDBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Nyla keeps Storm from Rosa, drags her around and Shafir tags in. They mug Storm, Shafir CLUBS Storm down, then has her on ropes. Shafir chicken wings the arms, drags Storm around, and she taunts Rosa. Storm fights but Shafir spins her for a SAYANAGI! Shafir taunts Rosa more while she paces between her and Storm. Shafir drags Storm up to tag in Nyla and they mug Storm more. Storm hits back, brawls with Nyla, but Nyla throws Storm down by her hair!
Nyla stomps Storm at the ropes and then drags her away. Tag to Shafir, they continue to mug Storm, and then Nyla gives Shafir a boost for the SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Shafir snarls while fans rally up. Shafir grabs Storm’s hand to bend the fingers and drag her to the corner. Tag to Nyla and she gets Storm’s legs to drop an elbow on the knee. Nyla runs to SPLASH down! Cover, TWO! Rosa rallies the fans but Nyla drags Storm up. Nyla scoops and SLAMS Storm, then drags her up again for another scoop. Storm slips off and RAMS Nyla into a corner! Dynamite returns to single picture as Storm O’Conner Rolls Nyla back!
Nyla rolls through but Storm is on her with a SLEEPER! Storm becomes a backpack but Nyla THROWS her off! Storm crawls, fans rally, hot tag to Rosa! Fans fire up as Rosa goes up top and leaps, CROSSBODY! She bounces off Nyla to then HIP ATTACK Shafir! Rosa CHOPS and forearms over and over and fans fire up! Rosa roars and ROCKS Nyla again! Rosa whips but Nyla blocks by holding ropes! Rosa keeps trying but Nyla swings on her. Rosa dodges, drop toeholds Nyla to ropes, and then stomps away! The ref counts, Rosa runs side to side to DROPKICK! Rosa says una mas, and she runs again, to DROPKICK!
Nyla flounders but fans fire up with Rosa. Still one more, but Nyla reels Rosa into an URENAGE! Tag to Shafir and she hurries after Rosa. Rosa kicks at Shafir but Shafir cartwheels through to get an arm. Shafir pump handles Rosa and hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, Storm breaks it! Nyla BOOTS Storm and reels her in but Storm SATELLITE DDTS! Storm ducks the roundhouse to GERMAN SUPLEX Shafir! Fans fire up as Storm fires up and hits the HIP ATTACK in the corner! Storm goes up for Rosa to drag Shafir out. Rosa scoops Shafir, Storm is ready on the corner, THUNDERSTORM DRIVER!! Cover, Thunder & Storm win!!
Winners: Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm, by pinfall
And with that, #ThunderStorm wins! Will we see these two continue on as a team? What about the chances of them clashing for the AEW Women’s World Championship once again?
Tony Schiavone is backstage with The Baddies.
Jade Cargill, the still undefeated TBS Champion, tells Tony to “cut the sh*t,” then she asks Stokely Hathaway, “What the hell was that last week?” He says hold on, listen! If a wrestling company can have an Interim World Champion, then they can have an Interim Baddie! Leila Grey walks in and offers a handshake to Jade. Jade refuses, but what about Kiera Hogan? Nope, still rejected. Stokely knows the world wants to know what exactly he said to Leila last week, and he’ll tell us! $1100, because that is what it cost to get Leila to step up.
Stokely knows his math, and he knows 3v2 is better than 2v2. “And it takes a special type of finesse to get someone to go from wanting to beat your ass, to saving your ass.” And you know what they say, “Trust the process.” Stokely goes to put his arm around Leila but she shrugs that off. Jade says if Leila fails to deliver, then that’s Stokely’s ass. Jade and Kiera head out, but Stokely asks if Leila trusts him while offering a fist bump. She doesn’t respond, but he says they’ll talk later. Will Leila prove she can be a true Baddie through and through?
Tony Schiavone now interviews Daniel Garcia.
Garcia requested this time to call out Wheeler Yuta. “Hey, Yuta, last week on Dark, I put my foot on your neck and I held your title above my head, and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it. Last week at Blood & Guts, I spent an hour with you in the ring. I felt all that you could give me, you had my blood on your hands. But I’ve determined that you don’t strike an ounce of fear into my heart whatsoever. You’re not scaring nobody with that fake tough guy act, let me tell you.” And at Death Before Dishonor, don’t be scared, Yuta. Give Garcia that shot for the ROH Pure Championship, and whether he’s a pro-wrestler or a sports entertainer, you damn sure will call him the best.
FTR speaks.
Cash Wheeler says, “So we call ourselves ‘7 Star FTR,’ the living legends. We are the current AAA, IWGP and ROH Tag Team Champions, and I can stand here before you and comfortably say that no match has ever taken more out of us than when we won these at ROH Supercard of Honor.” But uh, we’re just a few weeks away from Death Before Dishonor and the PPV return of ROH. And despite the fact that they beat the Briscoes for the ROH titles, despite the fact that they’re on the run of a lifetime, there are still some people who doubt they’re the best in the world, and that doesn’t sit right with them.
Dax Harwood says, “That’s the beauty of professional wrestling. You can think whatever you want, believe whatever you want, but you can also be wrong. If ROH wants to sell a PPV, they gotta put on the rematch of the decade. So I’m telling you right now, Briscoes VS FTR II, one last time to prove who is the absolute best tag team on this planet! Briscoes, if you want to be a king, you got to kill a king. And we ain’t dead yet.” #TopGuys out. FTR is calling out Jay & Mark Briscoe, will Death Before Dishonor 2022 be one for the ages?
Interim AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley VS Brody King!
The Best in the World is away, but the Maniac vows to prove he is the rightful owner of that title. But will he be able to remind everyone that he’s also the scariest monster in wrestling today? Or will the House of Black soon shine in the shadows with gold on the mantle?
The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and even if this is for the interim title, this fight is going to be legit!
Fans are thunderous already as Moxley and Brody stare down. They slowly circle, tie up, and Brody puts Mox in a corner. The ref counts, Brody lets off to CHOP, and Moxley staggers away to the opposite corner. Fans fire up as Brody watches Moxley get back up. Moxley gets in Brody’s face, and right up in there! Brody and Moxley talk some smack and then Moxley fires forearms and CHOPS! Brody ROCKS Moxley, eggs him on, and Moxley throws a forearm back, only for Brody to ROCK Moxley again! Moxley rebounds but Brody throws him out. Brody then pursues, CLUBS Moxley to the timekeeper’s area, then CLUBS him again.
Brody whips Moxley into railing! Fans fire up, Brody stands Moxley up to CHOP him, and the ring count climbs. Brody ROCKS Moxley, follows him around the way, and then runs in, only to be sent into steel steps! Fans fire up and Moxley brings Brody up to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP into the railing! Moxley refreshes the ring count, headlocks Brody and brings him around the way, then throws knees. Moxley even fishhooks Brody and brings him around, only for Brody to back drop him onto the ramp! Moxley writhes and Brody shakes out the stars. Brody drags Moxley up to whip him into the timekeeper’s area! Moxley tumbles with the table while the ring count climbs!
Brody storms up to Moxley to CHOP him against railing! Brody then puts Moxley back in the ring at 6 of 10, only for Moxley to dropkick the legs out! Moxley throws knees, gets the leg and DRAGON SCREWS! Moxley steps through to have a FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Fans “WOO~!” while Brody endures. Brody clubs Moxley’s legs, pries at the hold, but Moxley keeps the hold on. Brody keeps clubbing, but Moxley lets off. Moxley shoots in to get the leg but Brody CLUBS him. Moxley trips Brody to drop an elbow on the leg, and then another. Brody clamps on with a chinlock to keep Moxley down but Moxley fights free.
Moxley turns Brody over as fans rally, and Moxley hooks the leg. DEATH LOCK SNAPPER! Brody clutches his leg and gets to ropes but Moxley is after him. Moxley stands Brody up but the forearms start flying again. Fans rally as the forearms go back and forth, Moxley gets boxing elbows going, but runs into a BOSS MAN SLAM! Cover, TWO! Moxley survives and Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Brody shakes out the bad leg while Moxley crawls to the apron. Brody storms over that way, BLASTS Moxley off the apron and Moxley crashes into the railing! Brody goes out after Moxley and drags him up to scoop and SLAM on the floor! Moxley writhes but Brody KICKS him in the back. Brody paces around, drags Moxley up, and CHOPS him again! Moxley gets into the ring but Brody pursues. Brody clamps onto Moxley with a neck wrench, and even digs his forearms in. Moxley endures, Brody shifts to a cobra twist and he CLUBS away on Moxley’s chest! Cover, TWO! Brody keeps cool and he kicks Moxley against ropes.
Brody scrapes Moxley, CHOKES him against the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Fans rally, Brody throws forearms but Moxley CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Brody just CHOPS Moxley right off his feet! Moxley flops over onto his face but Brody stands him back up to CHOP again. Moxley staggers around and falls into a corner, but Brody storms right up after him. Brody drags Moxley up, CHOPS him again, and Moxley is frozen in place! Brody CHOPS him again, and CHOPS him again! Moxley falls down and Brody eggs the fans on as Dynamite returns to single picture. Fans boo as Brody eggs Moxley on, then fireman’s carries.
Moxley fights with elbows, Brody starts to drop, but then Brody stands back up! The elbows keep coming, Brody powers up again, and he runs for a corner! Moxley slips off, Brody hits buckles, and Moxley gets to the opposite corner. Brody runs corner to corner, to CANNONBALL into buckles! Moxley avoids disaster and Brody crashes ‘n’ burns! Fans fire up and the standing count starts while both men are down. Moxley and Brody stir, and Moxley runs in to clothesline! Moxley hoists Brody up, CHOPS him, CHOPS again, then climbs up after him. Moxley CLUBS and CLAWS Brody’s back, but Brody throws body shots.
Moxley BITES Brody’s forehead! Then SUPERPLEX!! Fans fire up as Moxley puts on the SLEEPER! Brody fights up to fight off the Bully Choke and he snapmares free. Moxley shoots around to full nelson and DRAGON SLEEPER! Cover, TWO!! Brody is still in this but Moxley shouts out Bryan Danielson with DRAGON STOMPS! Moxley then drags Brody up, reels him in, but Brody fights the lift. Moxley ROCKS Brody, Brody ROCKS Moxley, but Moxley ROLLING ELBOWS! Brody stays up, Moxley runs to LARIAT! Brody still stays up! Brody swings, Moxley dodges, but then the LEFT LARIAT takes Moxley down!
Brody drags Moxley up into a PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally for Moxley but Brody clamps on with a SLEEPER! Is he going to put Moxley out like he did Darby Allin? Moxley RAMS Brody into buckles, but Brody holds on! Brody climbs the corner, HANGING SLEEPER!! The ref counts, Brody lets Moxley go and Moxley flops down! Brody goes corner to corner to CANNONBALL!! Cover, TWO!! Moxley barely gets out of that, but Brody scoops! Moxley slips out to CLUB Brody but Brody throws a back elbow! Brody runs, but Moxley follows to forearm Brody at the ropes! Moxley runs but Brody follows, only to miss in the corner! Roll-up, TWO!!
Moxley hurries to wrench and reel Brody in, PARADIGM SHIFT!! But Moxley has to push Brody over, so Moxley rains down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Brody withstands those so Moxley goes for the Bully Choke! Brody stands up, it’s a BACKPACK SLEEPER! Brody is fading, but he drops back, BACKPACK SENTON! But Moxley rises to SLEEPER HOLD! Brody moves around but ends up in the BULLY CHOKE!! Brody is fading, the ref calls it! Moxley wins!!
Winner: Jon Moxley, by submission (still Interim AEW World Champion)
It was a fight to be sure, but Moxley holds onto the title! Who will step up to him next while we await CM Punk’s return? As for Brody King, fans cheer his valiant effort, and Malakai Black walks out. Malakai looks Brody in the eye, and pats him on the back. But then DARBY ALLIN AND STING appear?! The #RelentlessIcons show Brody King respect! Darby says Brody kicked his ass last week, and it doesn’t matter what anyone says! Brody EARNED his spot here. Darby offers a handshake, but Brody leaves Darby hanging. The House of Black doesn’t do anything for respect, but will they take on Darby & Sting for supremacy in AEW?
My Thoughts:
A great episode for Dynamite, but they sure stretched that first hour. Only two of the six matches happened before Jim Ross joined commentary at the halfway point, and I would’ve liked if they’d tried to split things up a bit more evenly. But even with that, we got a great opener with the TNT Championship. It was obvious the Street Fight would bring out a bunch of American Top Team scrubs for Wardlow to throw around like nothing and then he wins the title. This is still great for Wardlow, but maybe it would’ve been more powerful if he’d won this title sooner, or if it was just Scorpio VS Wardlow 1v1 in a real epic match, not a Heel using all his resources to protect himself.
So apparently Mark Sterling, having been fired by Jade Cargill and not having MJF around, has resorted to filing frivolous lawsuits as his gimmick. It’s pretty funny, though, as he fails to convince Faces to side with him, a Heel. The promo with Best Friends and Danhausen was really funny with Danhausen just spouting legal terminology. Nese VS Cassidy will surely go Cassidy’s way so he can keep building momentum towards a title. Pac defends his All-Atlantic Championship at Rev-Pro’s event this weekend, but I’m pretty sure Pac retains, and then maybe we can get Pac VS Cassidy for this title at All Out.
That’s made even more likely by how Miro is going after Malakai Black. Miro had a very good promo as always, and he’s going to have an awesome match with Malakai. We got quite the promo segment with Christian, Luchasaurus and Matt Hardy. Hardy’s line about the “Michael Jordan of A-Holes” was really good, and of course Christian stoops to bringing up what happened with Jeff Hardy. A bit cheap, but of course Luchasaurus demolishes Matt Hardy. Sounds like this is setting up a tag match where Jungle Boy joins Matt Hardy to take on Christian & Luchasaurus, and we’ll see if JB can turn Luchasaurus back to the light side or if Luchasaurus stays Heel. Honestly, Luchasaurus could probably benefit most from his Heel turn.
We got a good Blood & Guts aftermath promo where a few different guys got to say their piece, and of course we’re getting more Eddie VS Jericho. Tay Conti hurting Ruby Soho could be a way to give us a Mixed Tag before the final blow-off. And adding Claudio VS Hager to things, that match is going to be great, and I would think Claudio wins to stay hot in AEW. We got a very good tag match out of Keith & Swerve VS Butcher & Blade, and I did like that they at least teased the “accidental attack misunderstanding.” Swerve totally understood the Pounce was an accident, and they finished off Butcher & Blade. Hobbs & Starks had a very fired up promo, and the Bucks had a good on to set up another Triple Threat for the titles. I would think the Bucks win that, just as Jurassic Express did.
FTR had a good promo to call out the Briscoes, and you can bet that match will be added to the Death Before Dishonor card. That will be a great match, and FTR will win so they can move on to face Young Bucks at All Out. Garcia had a good promo to call out Yuta, their ROH Pure Championship match will be great stuff, and that could probably go either way. I think Joe VS Lethal for the ROH World TV Championship could go either way, too, because Lethal has Singh and Sonjay on his side to overbook that match. Maybe after DBD, Tony Khan and other executives find a way to put on an ROH TV show, but no idea if I’ll be able to cover it if it happens.
We got a very fun segment out of The Dark Order and QT Marshall. Great to see Hangman join up with Dark Order again, and though not delivered with quite the stank it should have, Negative One at least got through his line about sparing QT more humiliation until he’s an adult. It would be amazing if 10 years from now, we do see Negative One/Brodie Lee Jr. face an old man QT and win in five minutes like his father. And moreover, it was good that Evil Uno assured us that the members of Dark Order we have left are going to stay in AEW one way or another. It’s a shame the faction ran out of steam like it did, but maybe they can rebuild.
We got a pretty good tag match out of #ThunderStorm VS Nyla & Marina, and of course the Faces win. Rosa and Storm can easily have another title match as part of the July themed episodes, like Fyter Fest or Fight for the Fallen. Stretching this to All Out in September would just seem odd to me, so maybe someone comes out of another story primed to face Rosa. Jade not accepting Leila Grey is a natural move for their story, but who knows where it goes from here. Leila could prove herself worthy, because I don’t see Stokely being fired by Jade so soon, and then we could have that Six Woman Tag I expected but Leila in for Red Velvet.
We got a pretty good 8 Man Tag, with the dysfunction finally adding something to the match. The Gunn Club turning on The Acclaimed was quite the surprise, though, but I had a feeling Billy was going to find a reason to be proud of his sons. And this could be the Face turn for The Acclaimed, and that is going to be great because fans love them. Penta VS Rush was awesome stuff, especially with how Alex and Jose got in on it. A Six Man Tag of La Faccion Ingobernable VS Death Triangle where Jose and Alex are the third men would be pretty fun.
And of course, we got an awesome main event out of Moxley and Brody. Moxley was of course retaining, but we all know Brody is badass, and it was cool for Darby to show him respect. Even with Miro coming for Malakai, we need to get House of Black VS Darby & Sting first. Miro could even go after Malakai after the match, regardless of who wins. I don’t know if it has to be a full Face turn for Miro, but he will come off the Face against Malakai since fans still love Miro. As for Mox, the possibilities really are endless for who he can face for the Interim title at All Out. Personally, whether or not Joe wins against Lethal at DBD, give me some Mox VS Joe!
My Score: 8.9/10
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Who wins this three-on-three?
March Madness is in full effect, and Collision is ready to Slam Dunk Sunday! But will the Death Riders’ reign of terror continue? Or can AR Fox & Top Flight finally dethrone them?
- AEW World Trios Championships: The Death Riders VS AR Fox & Top Flight; The Death Riders win and retain the titles.
- Bandido VS Johnny TV; Bandido wins.
- Harley Cameron VS Aminah Belmont; Harley wins.
- Los Titanes del Aire VS La Faccion Ingobernable; Los Titanes win.
AEW World Trios Championships: The Death Riders VS AR Fox & Top Flight!
Jon Moxley survived another title defense thanks to Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta & Pac, but now they must defend their own titles. Not only that, but it is against the three men that won that $300,000 Rampage Holiday Bash battle royal back in 2022. Will the Death Riders continue their reign of terror? Or will these high-fliers really cash in here tonight?
The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and it is time to slam, if you wanna jam!
The trios sort out, and The Decoder starts against Darius Martin. The fans rally up as the bell rings. Yuta and Darius circle, tie up, and Yuta wrenches to a hammerlock. Darius reaches back to headlock, then he chinbars into a cravat. Yuta spins through to trip Darius and has a toehold. Darius endures while fans rally. Darius turns over, reels Yuta in and headlocks back. Yuta brings Darius to his knees, then waistlocks. Darius switches and SLAMS Yuta, then floats to turn Yuta over for a cover. ONE, and Darius avoids a leg sweep to headlock. Yuta powers up and out, Darius goes up and over, then Darius arm-drags Yuta!
Yuta gets up, Darius DROPKICKS him, and Omaha cheers. The fans cheer, Darius CHOPS, then he tags in Dante. Darius whips, Yuta reverses, but Darius rolls off Yuta’s back. Darius SOBATS, Dante sweeps, and Darius DOUBLE STOMPS! Dante covers, ONE, but Dante wrenches to wristlock. Yuta pulls hair to put Dante in the corner, and Claudio tags in. The Swiss Cyborg stomps Dante, the fans boo, but Claudio waistlocks. Dante switches and hops on for a SLEEPER! Claudio powers up and out, but Dante sunset flips! Claudio flails to stay up, and he drags Dante right up to his feet! Dante dodges, and he fires forearms!
Dante fires more shots but Claudio shoves him away. Dante dodges, ROCKS Claudio, but Claudio returns to CLOBBER Dante! The fans are torn but Pac applauds. Claudio fires body shots, then UPPERCUTS. Claudio pie faces Dante, whips corner to corner hard, then runs up, but into a BOOT! Claudio just comes back, blocks a boot, but not the ENZIGIRI! Dante goes up and up and RANA! Not the cleanest but Claudio still tumbles out. Claudio hurries back in, tag to Pac. Pac RAMS Dante, then slingshots up and over. Pac keeps moving, but Dante CLOBBERS him! Tag to Fox and he LARIATS Pac! And goes Matrix to then PELE!
The fans fire up for Fox and he has Pac. Fox whips, Pac reverses, but Fox stops himself. Yuta runs up but Fox TOSSES him! Pac runs up, Fox puts him on the apron and sweeps the legs. Pac is on the apron, Fox builds speed, just to slingshot STOMP Pac on the apron! Then he CANNONBALLS Yuta! But Claudio runs up to BOOT Fox down! The fans boo, Top Flight protests, but Claudio deadlifts Fox into the ring! Pac storms in and stomps Fox around. Pac drags Fox up, bumps him off buckles hard, then tags Claudio. They mug Fox, Claudio ROCKS Fox, and then drags Fox up. Fox tries to power forward but Claudio keeps him back!
Claudio powers Fox back, he tags Yuta in, and they mug Fox more. Yuta stands Fox up to reel him in, and he snap suplexes! Cover, ONE!! Fox stays in this but Yuta stays on him. Fox JAWBREAKERS free, goes Matrix again, hot tag to Darius! Darius CLOBBERS Yuta, BLASTS Pac, then BOOTS Yuta! Darius keeps moving, HOTSHOT BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBO! Then Darius GAMANGIRIS Yuta, steps in and COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Claudio breaks it! Dante CANNONBALLS Claudio! Pac TOSSES Dante out, the ref reprimands him, but that lets Yuta CLAW Darius’ eyes! The fans boo but Yuta hits a PAIN THRILLER! Cover, TWO!
Yuta is annoyed but he keeps Darius down with a wristlock, and mockingly claps hands, while Collision goes picture in picture.
Yuta drags Darius up, bumps him off buckles, then tags Pac. Pac stomps Darius down, kicks him around, then kicks Darius in the side! Pac stays between Darius and his team, taunts him, but Darius fires body shots. Darius UPPERCUTS, but Pac KICKS him down! Pac taunts the fans, then brings him up. Pac tags Yuta back in, Yuta CHOPS Darius, then Yuta snapmares Darius for a KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Yuta clamps onto Darius with a chinlock to keep him down. Darius fights up, fires body shots, and he ROCKS Yuta! Slam Dunk Sunday returns to single picture as Darius runs, but into a DROPKICK!
Yuta tags Pac, then holds Darius down for Pac to drop a leg, brother! Pac looms over Darius, then drags Darius up to DECK him! Pac stomps Darius, CHOKES him on the ropes, but steps off as the ref counts. Claudio gets a cheap shot in! Fox protests but nothing can be done as Pac stands Darius up. Tag to Claudio and the mugging continues. The fans rally for “A R FOX! A R FOX!” Darius fires body shots and a CHOP! Claudio brushes that off, but Darius CHOPS again! And again! Claudio still eggs Darius on, Darius CHOPS! Claudio UPPERCUTS into a hook! Darius tries but Claudio fights the backslide! Claudio spins around, shoves Darius, POP-UP DROPKICK!
Darius and Claudio are both down and the fans fire up! Darius crawls, as does Claudio, but then Claudio grabs a leg. Claudio drags Darius bac, but Darius BOOTS free! Hot tags to Yuta and Dante! Dante rallies on Yuta with forearm after forearm! Dante whips, Yuta reverse, Dante goes out, up, around, and then GAMANGIRISR! Dante springboards to avoid Pac and CROSSBODY Yuta in one move! Dante FLIPS up and over Yuta, then sends Pac into him! Dante SHOTGUNS Pac in the back to send him out, and the fans fire up! Dante builds speed to go up, up, then tags Fox before he CANNONBALLS!
The fans fire up, but here comes Claudio! Dante dodges, Fox PENALTY KICKS! Then Fox goes up the corner to MOONSAULT! Down goes Claudio and the fans fire up again! Fox puts Yuta in, then climbs the corner, for a SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Yuta survives but Fox hurries to go back up a corner! But Claudio anchors Fox, but Top Flight YANKS Claudio down! Fox adjusts, but Yuta trips him up now! The fans boo, the ref reprimands Yuta, but then Pac DOUBLE LOW BLOWS Top Flight!! Claudio DOUBLE LARIATS Top Flight, and the Death Riders regroup. The ref reprimands, but the Death Riders don’t listen as they surround Fox.
Omaha is thunderous for Fox as he fights back, 3v1! But Claudio! blocks a kick, and the mugging is on! The ref reprimands, Claudio stands Fox up, and he sends Yuta in, ELBOW! Claudio UPPERCUTS! Pac ELBOWS! Yuta ELBOWS! Repeat! The fans boo as the cycle of violence continues! Then Pac hits a TOMBSTONE!! ROCKET LAUNCHER! Cover, Death Riders win!
Winners: The Death Riders, by pinfall (still AEW World Trios Champions)
Chaos reigns as The Death Riders screwed over their old rivals. Fox & Top Flight regroup and the fans cheer, but THE CRU attacks! Action Andretti & Lio Rush grin as they CLOBBER Darius! They talk trash, and then Dante gets up, only for Action to LARIAT him down! But where’d Fox go? Wait, now Lio & Action undo their chain necklaces, so they can CHOKE Top Flight with them!! The fans boo, more refs rush out here, but The Cru has already choked out Darius & Dante! Will this be the end of this animosity? Or have Lio & Action only put themselves back on Top Flight’s radar?
Dynamite returns to Boston, but it won’t be Big Business. It’ll be a Spring Breakthru! Get your tickets now so you don’t miss out!
Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.
Lexy Nair brings up the intense match Adam Cole and Daniel Garcia had, going to Hell and back, all for the TNT Championship. It unfortunately ended in a time limit draw, and some would say a tie is worse than a loss. Cole says he certainly feels that way. He feels sick to his stomach, physically beat up, and the worst part is, he had Garcia beat. “Daniel Garcia, I had you beat for that TNT Championship. The time limit is what saved you. And lemme tell you, the next time we do face each other, there will be no outside interference, there will be no time limit. It will be Adam Cole VS Daniel Garcia, for the TNT Championship, and trust me when I tell you, you’re looking at the next champ!”
Kyle O’Reilly says wow. And speaking of rematches, it has been about a week since their match with FTR. And what’s really bugging him isn’t the loss, it’s the lack of respect. Kyle & Roddy showed a lot of respect. They held out their hands, and what’d FTR do? FTR left Kyle wondering if they really are everything they say they are: The best tag team on Earth that’s ever existed in the time-space continuum! Kyle thinks they’re just insecure. Roddy shouts, “KYYYLE~! No. No, we are not gonna do that. That loss matters. We didn’t go through what we went through to get back together, to lose to the supposed best tag team on the planet.”
Roddy wants FTR to hear this. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The third time’s not gonna happen, fellas.” Cole says, “And that is Undisputed.” When and where will we see these epic trilogies happen?
Backstage interview with Kazuchika Okada.
Slam Dunk Sunday returns as Lexy is now with The Rainmaker. We’re not even a quarter into 2025 and Okada has gotten some very significant wins defending the AEW Continental Championship. Okada says yes, at Grand Slam: Australia, he beat Buddy Matthews. At Revolution, he beat Brody King. He put those dogs down. What does that mean? Okada says he means, he put those b*tches to sleep! Is The Rainmaker saying the Hounds of Hell are no more? Or will they come barking back and take a bite out of his belt?
Bandido VS Johnny TV!
The Most Wanted wants his revenge on Chris Jericho, but he was first challenged by the Guru of Greatness for this “big ratings” showdown. Will Bandido mute Johnny and head for The Nueve? Or will he find he’s not #TVReady?
Johnny disrespects Bandido during his entrance by throwing his big studded jacket at him! The fans boo, Johnny grins, but Bandido fires off forearms! The bell rings, Johnny pushes Bandido back, then wrangles him. Johnny rolls Bandido, ONE, but Johnny floats to rain down fists and stomps! Johnny gets his sunglasses off, the fans boo, but Johnny says he is TV Ready. Johnny taunts “cabron” Bandido, then KICKS him in the back. Johnny eggs Bandido on, “How’s my foot taste?” Johnny drags Bandido up for a NECKBREAKER! The fans boo as Johnny shows off the abs. Johnny KICKS Bandido, drags him back up, then fires body shots.
Johnny whips, Bandido ducks ‘n’ dodges, then he CLOBBERS Johnny! The fans fire up as Bandido keeps moving, another big forearm! And another big forearm! Bandido fires up, the fans are with him, and he runs in at the corner. Bandido jumps up to MONKEY FLIP! Johnny flops hard on his face! Johnny gets up in a huff, but runs into a military press! With ONE HAND! Bandido then THROWS Johnny down! Omaha rallies more while Johnny bails out, and Collision goes to single picture.
Bandido build speed, but Johnny slides in and LARIATS! Johnny mocks the clapping, then covers, TWO! Bandido is tougher than that, but Johnny drags him right up. Johnny reels Bandido in, MOONLIGHT DRIVE! Cover, TWO! Bandido is still tougher than that, but Johnny clamps on a dragon sleeper. Bandido endures, even as Johnny hooks a leg and twists him. Bandido fights around, reaches out, but Johnny drags him back! Johnny keeps on the stretch plum style hold, but Bandido still endures. Bandido fights up, fires knees, but Johnny CLUBS Bandido! Johnny INVERTED SUPLEXES, but Bandido lands on the apron!
Bandido blocks a shot, slingshots, but Johnny SHOVES him down! Bandido hits the floor and Johnny goes out after him. Johnny storms up on Bandido, stands him up, and whips him into steel steps! Bandido falls in a heap, Johnny stalks him and taunts him, but Collision goes to break.
Slam Dunk Sunday returns, Johnny runs in at the corner but Bandido BOOTS him away! Bandido then UPPERCUTS, goes up, but Johnny throws him down! Bandido rolls to his feet, runs back in, but Johnny dodges. Johnny runs back in, but Bandido SHOTGUNS him down! The fans fire up, Bandido covers, TWO! Johnny survives that shot but Bandido stays focused. The fans rally, Bandido paces, and Bandido drags Johnny up. Bandido gut wrenches to a Canadian Rack, that then becomes a torture rack! X KNEE! Johnny staggers to the ropes, Bandido says BANG! Bandido runs in, BLACKJACK 21 PLEX!! Bridging cover, Bandido wins!
Winner: Bandido, by pinfall
The Most Wanted was most certainly #TVReady! But he’s not done, as he grabs a mic to call out Jericho! “Come here, and bring my little brother, Gravity’s mask, RIGHT NOOOW!” Bandido waits, and here comes The Learning Tree! The ROH World Champion has “Big Bill” & Bryan Keith behind him, and he is holding onto Gravity’s mask. The fans boo, but Jericho smiles as he holds the mask up. The Learning Tree goes to the ring, and Jericho also has a mic. Jericho steps and says, “You know, Bandido. I wish I could tell you it doesn’t have to be this way, but I think we both know that it does.
“Because even after a generational career, one of the greatest in pro-wrestling history, I still have to remind you, everybody here watching tonight, everybody at home, who’s been fortunate enough to witness the brilliance of the Jericho Era… That you can only take me for granted for so long! That you can only take from me so much until I start taking back.” Jericho can be quite generous, and he can also be very dangerous. Bandido can just ask his family. The fans boo, but Jericho says Bandido’s terrified sister, his disgraced brother, and his weeping mother…! And Jericho is sorry he made Bandido’s mother cry, he really is.
But he had to teach Bandido a lesson! That’s what happens when you try and take the ROH World Championship from Chris Jericho! You understand him? Do you?! The fans boo, but Jericho says if Bandido wants the mask back, he can’t have it. Because Jericho wants Bandido to remember the humiliation that he felt when Jericho took this mask right off his brother. And the only thing worse than taking a luchador’s mask… is putting that mask on! Jericho goes to put Gravity’s mask on! The fans boo as Jericho wears it as his own! His big head doesn’t even fit in it! The fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Jericho tells them to shut up!
Jericho, muffled as his voice is now, tells Bandido that Bandido should just stand there and cry like his mother! Bandido DECKS Jericho instead! But now Bill runs up! Bandido dodges, BOOTS Keith, then dodges again! Bandido goes up, up, but into Bill’s big hand! SKYSCRAPER- NO, Bandido slips free, then dodges Keith! Bandido SNATCHES the mask off Jericho, and gets away clean! The fans fire up as Bandido gets his moral victory! But will he and Jericho go one more round for THE victory?
Megan Bayne speaks.
“I’ve watched others fight for what they believe is theirs: Titles, fame, glory. But none of them possess true power. They worship at the feet of champions, but even those champions don’t understand what it is to be chosen by the heavens. I have arrived here as the embodiment of fate. And when they bow before me, when they worship at my feet, they’ll finally know that the All Elite Goddess has arrived. I am The Megasus, and this is my kingdom now.”
Toni Storm speaks.
“Who died and made you God? Who came down from the mountains and bestowed your power upon my people? Megan Bayne, have you heard the mythology of the one they call Timeless? Hercules doesn’t have my thighs, I have an Oedipal Complex with myself, I can summon the Kraken from my ass, and Pegasus ain’t got s*it on me! I saw my reflection, and my reflection saw me, and we made love until the sun came up. And at Dynasty, I will cut off the head of the mighty Megasus, and I will hold it aloft for the whole world to see, and I will say… ‘By GAWD I’m good.'” Luther applauds in the background, will Toni Storm slay this female titan?
Harley Cameron VS Aminah Belmont!
Though she was rather coy about her- er, Harley-gram’s budding romance with The Beast Mortos, the wild Aussie is getting back in action. Will the Phoenix Princess #FEELTHEWRATH on Slam Dunk Sunday?
The bell rings and the fans rally for Harley. Harley and Aminah tie up, Harley headlocks, but Aminah powers up and out. Aminah drops down, Harley rolls over then bypasses Aminah to LARIAT! The fans cheer, Harley runs and KNEES Aminah low. Then a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! The fans fire up again and Harley stands Aminah up. Aminah throat chops, then straitjackets for the NECKBREAKER! Harley flounders to a corner, Aminah mocks the fans, then she runs in, but into an ELBOW! Harley runs up, ducks the lariat and ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up for Harley, she ducks Aminah’s roundhouse to pump handle!
Harley lifts for the PUMP HANDLE SAIDO! The fans fire up with Harley, “FEEL THE WRATH!” And then she dragon sleepers, for HER FINISHING MOVE! Cover, Harley wins!
Winner: Harley Cameron, by pinfall
Aminah certainly did #FEELTHEWRATH, and Harley goes right to commentary for our main event! Will Harley have a good time watching Komander & Hologram officially debut as a team? Or will Dralistico y Mortos make everything tranquilo?
Backstage interview with Don Callis.
Lexy is with cruddy Callis and brings up all that is going on within the Family. We have not seen Kyle Fletcher since the brutal cage match at Revolution, and- Callis stops Lexy there. He says we all know what she’s up to here. She is passive aggressively getting Callis all worked up about the cage match, but here’s the thing. When you have Kyle Fletcher, just 26 years old, and already the future of pro-wrestling, “you have the luxury of putting nights like Revolution in the rearview mirror. What I’ve got planned for Kyle Fletcher, what we’ve got planned, is gonna dwarf anything that your little brain could possibly fathom!”
But one thing she said is right: Everyone wants to see Kyle! So tonight is a little treat. Ladies and gentlemen… The Protostar, the future of wrestling, and the New God of Pro-Wrestling, Kyle BAH GAWD Fletcher! Yes, Kyle indeed steps into frame, and he says there has been a lot of talk and rumors that he was in some hospital bed, licking his wounds, but he is here to set the story straight. Yes, the cage match, the entire rivalry with Ospreay, has changed Kyle. But one thing that has not changed is the fact that he is destined to be the greatest of all time!
So he will be at Dynamite this Wednesday, and he’ll make it very apparent what is next for The Family, and for The Protostar, Kyle Fletcher. Say his full name, baby! Callis and Kyle hug it out, are maybe feeling a little too good, but just what is next for the DCF in AEW?
BREAKING NEWS for Dynamite!
Tony Khan has decided what’s next for Kyle: Brody King! Will the King of Death prove the Hounds of Hell are not done yet? Or will The Protostar use him as a stepping stone to the top? Then, it is some big meaty men slapping meat as “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs takes on Mark Davis. Will Hobbs finally get past the Don Callis Family with this? Plus, after Megan Bayne and Toni Storm each said their piece tonight, we’re getting a tag team match! Megan again teams with Penelope Ford against the reunited #ThunderStorm! Can La Mera Mera get her own revenge while helping Timeless Toni tune up for Dynasty?
And Kenny Omega not only returns, he is back in action against Blake Christian! Will the Best Bout Machine use the Vanilla Babyface as an appetizer for that big International Championship Triple Threat at Dynasty? And last but not least, after Dax Harwood left Cope hanging last week, Tony Schiavone will interview #RatedFTR to get to the bottom of this divide. All this when AEW arrives in St. Paul, Minnesota!
Los Titanes del Aire VS La Faccion Ingobernable!
This one has been a long time coming. Hologram was put on the shelf because of Dralistico, Mortos y Rush, but he was able to reboot, rebuild and refresh in time to help Komander fight back. Can the Titans of the Air fly high over LFI? Or will Dralistico y Mortos stampede over them like rampaging bulls?
The teams sort out, the ref has to keep them back, and then Dralistico starts against Hologram. Harley claims to have no idea who “Harley-gram” really is, but whoever she is, she has a fantastic chest. Wait, Mortos CLOBBERS Komander! The fans boo, but Hologram dodges, and Mortos CLOBBERS Darlistico! Hologram fires hands, Mortos headlocks, but Hologram goes up the ropes! Hologram then flips free, SOBATS, and whips. Hologram ducks under then hurdles over Mortos. Mortos leaps over, runs back up, ARABIAN PRESS and a roll! The fans fire up, Hologram dodges Mortos to then tilt-o-whirl and DEJA VU-
NO, Mortos stops the ride to chicken wing Hologram! But Hologram victory rolls through, TWO! Mortos has it, TWO! Both men stand, Hologram rolls Mortos but Mortos powers through to a cover, ONE! They both stand, Mortos HEADBUTTS Hologram down! The fans fire up, then Mortos runs to sunset flip! Hologram rolls through, Komander tags in, and Komander springboards to SPLASH! Komander bounces off the cover, comes back and tilt-o-whirl RANAAS! Mortos flounders away, Dralistico tags in. Mortos BOOTS Komander, Dralistico springboards but Komander dodges. Komander shoves, then he pops Dralistico up, but Dralistico DROPKICKS!
Dralistico runs back in, ducks ‘n ‘dodges to SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans fire up and Harley says this is “Luchamazing!” Dralistico fires up, runs up, but Komander blocks! Komander kicks Dralistico again and again, then goes up the corner! DOUBLE BOUNCE ARABIAN PRESS ARM-DRAG! The fans fire up as Komander then KICKS, SOBATS, and winds up. Komander runs to jump, spin, and wheelbarrow for the arm-drag! Komander fires up, the fans fire up, but Harley says she has to go now? Harley needs to call her friend. Harley says she forgot, but she’s gotta go, she’ll be back. Harley hops off commentary, who is she going to call?
Komander puts Dralistico on the apron but Dralistico mule kicks Hologram! Dralistico dodges Komander’s tiger feint kick, and Komander ends up on the apron. Mortos runs up, but Komander GAMANGIRIS! Dralistico is there to FLYING RANA Komander to the floor! Mortos TOPE TORNILLOS! Down goes Hologram and the fans fire up! Fans lose their minds, Harley scampers off, and Collision goes picture in picture.
Mortos drags Hologram up, SMACKS him back down, and Dralistico sends Komander into railing! Then Dralistico drags Komander up, RAILING BACKBREAKER! Dralistico shoves Komander back into the ring, then sits him up to go after the mask! The ref reprimands, Dralistico stops, and Dralistico argues with the ref. Dralistico then drags Komander up, brings him around, and whips him to ropes. Dralistico ELBOWS Komander down, tags in Mortos, and Mortos fires up. Mortos NECK TWISTS Komander! Cover, TWO! Komander stays in this, but Mortos clamps onto him again. Mortos YANKS Komander up with his mask to then SLAM him down!
Mortos stands Komander back up to SMACK him down! Komander goes to ropes, Mortos storms up, and Mortos wrenches Komander to tag in Dralistico. Komander tires to fight back but LFI still mugs him. Dralistico CHOPS Komander, then says uno mas! But then Dralistico DECKS Komander! Komander rises up, and Darlistico KICKS the leg out! Dralistico dusts himself off, puts up the ingobernable fist, then looms over Komander. Abrahantes coaches Komander, but Dralistico has him in a modified Half Crab! Komander endures, Dralistico lets go, and the fans rally up. Dralistico stands Komander up, whips him to the corner, then runs up to SPLASH!
Dralistico sits Komander down, goes side to side, and SUPERKICKS! Dralistico taunts Hologram, then soaks up the heat. But wait! “Harley-gram” is here! And suspiciously wearing gear just like Harley’s. Dralistico TOSSES Hologram in just for fun, then stands him up to CHOP! Dralistico runs at Komander in the other corner, but Komander breaks free! Slam Dunk Sunday returns to single picture as Dralistico hits buckles! Hologram runs in and LARIATS! Komander SUPERKICKS! Komander feeds Dralistico to Hologram’s SPANISH FLY! Hologram then helps Komander go up, up, and PHOENIX SPLASH! Cover, Mortos breaks it!
The fans rally, Dralistico and Komander crawl. “This is Awesome!” as we get hot tags to Mortos and Hologram! Hologram dodges Mortos, SOBATS, and KICKS! And HEEL KICKS! Mortos wobbles, Hologram goes up the ropes to QUEBRADA, but into Mortos’ Alabama Lift! Hologram powers through to DESTROYER!! Mortos staggers around, flops out of the ring, and Hologram builds speed! Hologram DIVES, direct hit on Mortos and they go all the way to the ramp! The fans are thunderous and Hologram hurries to get Mortos in the ring. Fans hope these teams “FIGHT FOREVER!” but Komander goes up, CIELITO LINDO!
Hologram is back in, he hooks Mortos up and rolls, GHOST PIN! Dralistico barrels in and breaks it! The fans rally, Harley-gram joins in with Abrahantes, and we get hot tags to Komander and Dralistico! Komander goes up, Dralistico ROCKS him first! Dralistico climbs up after Komander, fires shots, but Komander fires back! They go back and forth, even with CHOPS! Dralistico fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then brings Komander up! SUPER- NO, Komander slips free and ENZIGIRIS! The fans fire up again as Komander roars! Komander runs and goes up, up, and SUPER POISON-RANAS!! The fans are thunderous again, but Mortos scoops Komander!
Mortos hits the BEAST BREAKER!! Then he runs to FLYING ELBOW! Hologram runs in and goes up, then up to POISON-RANA! But Dralistico FLYING CRUCIFIX DRIVERS!! Komander is back to fire hands with Dralistico, and we get DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES!! Both men fall, but Komander falls onto Dralistico! Cover, TWO!! Dralistico survives and Omaha is electric! Abrahantes & Harley-gram get that energy building, and Komander has Dralistico. The fans cheer on “A E DUB!” as the forearms fly! Dralistico CHOPS, but Komander CHOPS! The CHOPS go back and forth, but Dralistico SOBATS!
Dralistico CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS, then he runs, but Komander follows! Dralistico dodges, springboards, and FLYING DESTROYERS!!! Komander staggers then falls, Dralistico hurries to cover, HOLOGRAM BREAKS IT! The fans are thunderous again as Dralistico runs to SCREW HIGH KICK! Dralistico whips, Hologram reverses, but Dralistico slides out! And he grabs Abrahantes as a hostage! Hologram still DIVES! Direct hit on Dralistico, and a scary landing for Hologram! Mortos storms over to TOSS Abrahantes away! But then he locks eyes with Harley-gram. Harley-gram pets Mortos’ mane, but Dralistico tells Mortos to focus!
Komander runs the tightrope! SALUTE MOONSAULT!! Direct hit on LFI and Omaha is thunderous again! Komander puts Dralistico in, Hologram is back up! Torture rack for the PORTAL BOMB!! And then CIELITO LINDO!! Cover, TITANES WIN!!
Winners: Los Titanes del Aire, by pinfall
A powerful first match as a true duo, and LFI is in retreat! Will Komander & Hologram start to take over AEW? Will “Harley-gram” be along for the ride?
My Thoughts:
A great second part to Slam Dunk Weekend, and again I like just one hour Collision. As they did last night, the title match opened, and it was great stuff. But of course Death Riders retained, a random special episode was not where they’d lose the titles. Plus, The Cru went after Top Flight to restart their rivalry. Very good promo from Okada to talk down to the Hounds, and very good promo from Kyle & Callis to talk themselves up. Kyle VS Brody will be great stuff, but I feel like Okada and Brody can circle back around to a rematch for Dynasty. It’s mostly that Brody won’t take kindly to Okada calling him and Buddy “b*tches” again.
Great match from Bandido VS Johnny, and a very good promo segment with The Learning Tree. Bandido getting the mask back was good stuff, and I bet we’ll get one more ROH World Championship match between Bandido and Jericho. I would hope this time Bandido wins and we can start moving towards a Learning Tree fallout with Bill turning on Jericho. Supercard of Honor isn’t until May, maybe we can build up other names from within the ROH roster to start challenging for the top title. And very good promo from The Undisputed Kingdom to hype up both the eventual Garcia VS Cole 3 and FTR VS Kyle & Roddy 3 matches. Those might even be at Dynasty.
And of course we got story tie-ins of Harley with LFI. Harley got a good win over Aminah, and she of course played a part in Los Titanes winning over LFI. Rush needs to return to have a talk with Mortos, and of course this “Beauty & The Beast Mortos” story is going to keep on going until Harley-gram is exposed as Harley.
My Score: 8.8/10
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Is Collision Undisputed?
March Madness is in full effect, and Collision is ready to Slam Dunk Saturday! But will Daniel Garcia still be AEW TNT Champion? Or will the Face of TNT be Adam Cole BAYBAY?
- AEW TNT Championship: Daniel Garcia VS Adam Cole; Time Limit Draw, Garcia retains the title.
- Best Wrestler Alive Open Challenge: Max Caster VS Hook; Hook wins.
- Julia Hart VS Queen Aminata; Hart wins.
- Six Man Tag: “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, Mark Briscoe & Rocky Romero VS The Don Callis Family; The Callis Family wins.
AEW TNT Championship: Daniel Garcia VS Adam Cole!
No time to waste, we’re jumping right to the action! Red Death and the Panama City Playboy had their previous match rudely interrupted, but now there is a ringside ban on EVERYBODY! Will Garcia prove he’s still the Face of TNT? Or will the title become Undisputed?
No introductions, the belt is raised, and it’s time to see who gets dunked on!
The bell rings and the fans rally up. Garcia and Cole hear the dueling from Omaha, and they step up. Cole offers a handshake, Garcia takes it, and the fans cheer. The two circle, tie up, and Cole wrenches to a wristlock. Garcia wrenches to wristlock in return, but Cole turns that back onto Garcia. Garcia reaches out, rolls, rolls, and rolls! Cole lets him free and Garcia wags a finger. The fans rally up as Garcia puts up the dukes, and does his dance! Cole smirks and circles with Garcia again. They feel things out, knuckle lock, then Cole wrenches and hammerlocks. Garcia reaches back to headlock, then shifts around to grind the hold.
The fans rally, Cole powers up but can’t power out as Garcia holds tight! Cole fights up and powers out the second try, but Garcia runs him over! Things keep moving, Garcia rolls over the dropdown but Cole arm-drags. Then Cole avoids Garcia’s arm-drag, to say, “ADAM COLE, BAYBAY!” The fans fire up, and Garcia smirks. Garcia and Cole reset, circle, and the fans fire up more. The two tie up, Garcia waistlocks, but Cole switches. Garcia headlocks again, then wrenches right away. Garcia waistlocks again, Cole pries at the hold, then switches. Garcia slips through to have an arm, for an ELBOW BREAKER!
The fans rally, Garcia keeps hold of Cole’s arm to then hammerlock. Cole switches that onto Garcia, then headlocks. Garcia powers up and out, but Cole runs him over! Cole brushes himself off, but Garcia grabs a leg! Cole hops around as he and Garcia stare down. Garcia throws the leg down but Cole headlocks. Cole hits a takeover, but Garcia headscissors. Cole kips free, the two tie up, and they fight for control. Garcia headlocks for a takeover, Cole headscissors, but Garcia kips free. Garcia stands tall and he stares Cole down. The fans cheer, Cole gets to his feet, and the two reset. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Garcia waistlocks.
Cole switches, Garcia switches back, but Cole grabs the ROPEBREAK! Garcia and Cole clinch as the ref counts. Garcia gives as scuff, but Cole pie faces him back! They tie up, go along the ropes now, in and out of a corner, then end up in another clinch. The ref counts, Garcia and Cole slowly let off, but then Garcia avoids a cheap shot to CHOP! The fans fire up and “WOO~!” then Garcia whips. Cole reverses, Garcia SHOTGUNS him down! The fans fire up with Garcia and he runs in at the corner. Garcia LARIATS, then he climbs up. Garcia rains down fists, the fans count along, but Cole pops out at 7 to SHOVE Garcia to the floor!
The fans rally up while Garcia flounders. Cole waits a moment while the ring count starts. Garcia hobbles, Cole storms out after him, and Cole sends Garcia into the steel steps! Garcia falls in a heap and clutches his knee. Cole hurries to get Garcia up, to send him back into the steps! Garcia crashes and burns and takes a tumble! Cole refreshes the count, fetches Garcia, and he puts Garcia in the ring. Cole grabs the bad leg to stomp the hamstring, then stomps it again. Garcia scrambles away to ropes, but Cole stands on the bad leg against those ropes! The ref counts, the fans are torn, but Cole steps off at 4.
Cole drags Garcia to center for a STANDING KNEEBAR! Garcia endures, even as Cole tells him to just give up. Garcia reaches out, and he has the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, the ref counts, and Cole lets go. Cole backs off for Garcia to stand, and Cole kicks the leg out! SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Not quite The Boom so Garcia survives, but Cole is right back on him. Cole has the leg, DDTS the foot, and Garcia scrambles away to more ropes. Cole stalks Garcia, drags him up, and bumps him off buckles. Cole stomps Garcia, then stand shim up. Garcia fires haymakers! Cole kicks the leg out!
Cole bumps Garcia off buckles again, puts the leg around the ropes, and pulls! The ref counts, Cole stops at 4, and Garcia slumps down. Cole runs to DROPKICK the bad leg! Garcia flounders away, clutches that leg, but he refuses to give up. Cole grabs the leg, steps through, but Garcia cradle counters! TWO, and both men stand! Cole blocks a kick, CLUBS the leg, then hits a BACKSTABBER! Garcia writhes, Cole covers him, TWO! Garcia toughs it out, and Collision goes picture in picture.
Cole is frustrated but he stays calm as he stands back up. Cole goes to a corner, waits on Garcia, then he goes up the ropes. Garcia hobbles but then falls, that bad leg a little too beat up for what Cole wants. Cole hops down to ROCK Garcia, then he goes back up the ropes. Garcia rises, and he UPPERCUTS Cole! Garcia ROCKS Cole, climbs up to get him, but Cole slips under! Cole SUPERKICKS the legs out! Garcia falls to the mat, Cole goes outside the ring, and Cole drags Garcia into the corner. Cole SLAMS the bad leg into the post! And then SLAMS it again! Garcia writhes in pain as Slam Dunk Saturday returns to single picture.
Speaking of, Cole SLAMS the leg into the post again! Cole ROCKS Garcia, then storms back into the ring. The fans rally up, Garcia crawls, and Cole talks some smack. The fans rally for “D G! WOOP WOOP!” Cole fires forearms, but Garcia refuses to back down. Garcia ROCKS Cole, Cole ROCKS Garcia! Garcia stands to ROCK Cole again! Cole fires a flurry, then eggs Garcia on. Garcia fires a flurry in return! The fans fire up but then Cole rains down fists! Garcia clamps onto Cole’s neck! Cole breaks free but Garcia CHOPS! Cole BOOTS! Cole then dodges a lariat to ENZIGIRI! Cole reels Garcia in, suplexes, but Garcia fights that to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT!
The fans fire up while both men are down! Garcia drags himself up with the ropes, the fans rally, and Garcia dodges Cole to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT again! Garcia drags Cole up again, but Cole suplexes! Garcia slips free, TOSSES Cole out, then he has Cole in the ropes! DRAPING TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives but the fans rally and duel again. Garcia drags Cole up, but the bad leg won’t let him lift! Cole fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Garcia stays in this and Cole grows frustrated again. Cole grabs the bad leg, drags Garcia around, and then steps through. Garcia BOOTS Cole right out of the ring!
Cole gets back on the apron, but Garcia runs up to GAMANGIRI! Both men tumble up and out to the floor! The fans rally up, Garcia drags himself up, and the fans help him stand! Garcia smacks his leg into working, and he SHOTGUNS Cole into the barriers! The fans fire up and Garcia drags Cole back up. Garcia puts Cole in the ring, reels him in, but Cole suplexes for a GHOSTBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Garcia survives again and Cole is further frustrated. The fans rally up, Cole goes to the corner, and he waits on Garcia. Garcia rises, Cole aims, but Garcia UPPERCUTS again! Garcia then twists Cole’s foot as he positions Cole just right.
We hit the five minute warning as Garcia climbs. Garcia tries to go to the very top, but the bad leg gives up! He falls back, and Cole jumps in for the PANAMA SUNRISE!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Garcia survives and the fans fire up again! Cole brushes that off to go back up the corner. Omaha duels even harder now as Garcia rises. Cole reloads, but Garcia tumbles out of the ring! Whether he meant to or not, Garcia avoided the game ender. Wait! Cole just goes to the apron now! PANAMA- NO, Garcia dodges, and then KNEES low! Garcia reels Cole in, but the bad leg still prevents the lift! Cole runs in, but Garcia gets around! GERMAN SUPLEX to the floor!
Garcia puts Cole in, beats his leg into working, and he powers up! The fans fire up, but Cole resists the lift! Garcia powers through the pain to PILEDRIVER!! Cover, TWO!?! Cole survives and Garcia is beside himself! Garcia falls back, “This is Awesome!” and Cole goes back to a corner. Garcia hobbles, runs back in, but he can’t even make it! Cole hurries back up, PANAMA SUNRISE!! Cover, TWO!?!? Garcia survives, but Cole just goes to the FIGURE FOUR!! The fans are thunderous as Garcia endures, shouts in pain, and flails around! Garcia claws at the hold, but then he backstrokes towards ropes!
Cole puts on the pressure, Garcia bites his finger to ignore his leg pain, and he gets the ROPEBREAK!! Cole lets go in frustration while the fans fire up again. Cole drags Garcia back to center, but Garcia drags Cole down for a cradle! TWO, but Garcia has Cole’s legs! DRAGON TAMER!! Cole endures as Garcia sits deep, but Cole fights around! The fans fire up as Cole finds the ROPEBREAK! Garcia lets go, more because he couldn’t last much longer himself. Fans hope these two “FIGHT FOREVER!” but we know the time is running out. Garcia stalks Cole to the apron, brings him up to throw hands! Cole fires forearms in return!
The fans rally as these two go back and forth, forearm for forearm! We have ONE MINUTE LEFT! Garcia reels Cole in, but Cole fights the lift! Cole CLUBS away on the legs, then SUPERKICKS the legs out! Cole reels Garcia in, APRON DESTROYER!!! But Garcia flops to the floor! Cole hurries to get Garcia up and back in! Cole hurries to bring the kneepad down, but Garcia grabs that leg! Cole CLUBS away on Garcia! Cole runs, BUT TIME’S UP!!
Time Limit Draw; Garcia retains the title
Omaha can’t believe it! The 20 minutes are up, and Garcia survives to keep the title! But was Garcia saved by the bell? Or is Cole just not TNT Championship material?
AEW returns to New Jersey by hitting up Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall! ROH Supercard of Honor on Friday, May 2nd, and AEW Collision live on Saturday, May 3rd! Ticket presale begins next Thursday, March 27th, then open to everyone on Monday, March 31st! Don’t miss out on all the elite action!
Best Wrestler Alive Open Challenge: Max Caster VS ???
Slam Dunk Saturday returns and Platinum Max is already in the ring. He has the mic to tell Omaha, “You are looking live at the Best Wrestler Alive!” The fans boo that claim given Caster is 0-5 at his own challenge. But Caster still says everyone knows that Caster is a very busy man. He has a packed schedule, unlike his former tag team partner… The fans chant, “We Want Bowens!” but Caster says he has some news for us: Bowens ain’t here, and he ain’t coming back, cuz Caster ran his ass outta AEW! The fans boo more, but Caster says surely there are a lot of Maximaniacs here today, so time to give them what they want, and that is to chant his name!
Okay, here goes! “Let’s Go, Max! You’re the Best Wrestler Alive! Let’s Go, Max! You’re the Best Wrestler Alive!” The fans boo that stupid chant, so Caster says it’s four on the floor. But anyway, let’s get to business! Who can survive the Best Wrestler Alive? The man to answer is… HOOK! Will the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil make sure Caster finally learns his lesson?
The bell rings and the fans sing, “Hook is gonna kill~ you!” Caster says before they start, he knows Hook has a lot to say, so he should get it off his chest. Then Caster throws the mic at Hook! Caster attacks in that distraction, then CLUBS away on Hook! The fans boo, Caster whips but Hook reverses! Caster goes up and over, keeps moving, then ducks ‘n’ dodges. Caster cartwheels, cheers himself on, but then Hook trips Caster up! The fans cheer, and Hook clamps on REDRUM!! Caster TAPS, Hook wins!
Winner: Hook, by submission
Well, now it’s 0-6. Will Caster ever realize he’s not the Best Wrestler Alive?
Backstage interview with Queen Aminata.
Lexy Nair is with the One True African Queen, and notes that we are moments away from the tiebreaker with Julia Hart. They are 1-1, but Aminata won the previous match, so how does that momentum have her feeling? Aminata says she is- interrupted by Serena Deeb. Deeb says that was a fantastic win against Julia. What has she been telling Aminata? Listen to Deeb and you win! And tonight, it’s the rematch, and lucky for Aminata, Deeb came prepared. She has another playbook. This is 1000 holds, something Deeb has worked on for 20 years. It is everything Aminata needs to know to beat Julia, or anyone for that matter.
Deeb says it is all in this book. She hasn’t lied to Aminata yet, has she? Aminata tells The Professor thanks, but no thanks. Aminata is confident she can win this third match on her own. Aminata heads out and Deeb says well, we’ll see about that. What is Deeb about to do to test Aminata? Or will having one more match with the Princess of the Black Throne more than enough?
Julia Hart VS Queen Aminata!
The bell rings and Aminata circles with Hart. They tie up, Aminata waistlocks, then lifts, but Hart goes for a victory roll. Aminata stuffs that into a cover of her own, TWO!! Hart gets free, gets up, and gets around Aminata to crucifix takedown, TWO! Hart rolls Aminata, TWO! The two get up, run up, and Hart gets around to backslide! TWO, but Hart reels Aminata in for a cradle, TWO! The fans cheer this ongoing exchange, and then Hart waistlocks. Aminata bucks the O’Conner to then kick low! Aminata wags her finger, then reels Hart in. The fans duel, Aminata snap suplexes, and Hart tumbles to the corner.
Aminata storms over, drags Hart up, and brings her to the apron. Aminata clinches, and APRON SIDE EFFECTS! The fans fire up and Aminata grins. Aminata tosses her hair while Collision goes picture in picture.
Aminata CHOPS Hart on the chest, then taunts the Hart fans. Aminata brings Hart around to run and THROW her into the barriers! Hart falls in a heap, but Aminata makes her take a seat. Aminata refreshes the ring count, then runs at Hart, HIP ATTACK against railing! Aminata puts Hart in, then covers, TWO! Aminata doesn’t sweat it as she brings Hart around and clamps on with a chinlock. Hart endures, even as Aminata squeezes tight. Hart fights up, but Aminata wrangles her right back down. Aminata then shifts into a CROSSFACE! Hart endures, Aminata twists Hart’s nose, but the ref reprimands so Aminata stops.
Aminata fishhooks the nose! The ref counts, Aminata stops, but Hart powers her way through to a cover! TWO, Aminata lets Hart go, and then runs up to DROPKICK Hart down! Hart sputters, Aminata crawls over to have a cocky cover, TWO! Hart stays in this, but Collision goes to break.
Slam Dunk Saturday returns and Hart wrenches Aminata for an STO! The fans fire up as Hart STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Aminata survives, Hart frowns, and Hart rises up. Hart waits on Aminata, then runs Around the World to LARIAT! Hart then goes side to side to ELBOW! Hart brings Aminata out to snapmare, but Aminata stands up. Hart runs in, Aminata lifts Hart up, tucks her, and runs for the AIR RAID CRASH! Cover, TWO!! Hart survives and Aminata is shocked! Hart has a bloody nose again, but Aminata KICKS her in the side! Aminata puts Hart in the drop zone, then climbs up.
Aminata reaches the top, but Hart trips her up! Hart ROCKS Aminata, climbs again, but Aminata fires body shots! Hart and Aminata brawl up top, and then Hart grabs Aminata for a SPIDER SUPERPLEX! The fans fire up as Hart hangs there like a bat, then sits up to adjust position! MOONSAULT- NO, Aminata dodges! Hart rolls through to stand back up, but into the QUEEN’S CROWN HEADBUTT!! Cover, TWO?!?! Hart survives losing her head and Aminata’s about to lose her mind! Aminata drags Hart up and around as the fans rally. Aminata fires Kawada Kicks, then whips. Hart grabs ropes to stop, and she KICKS Aminata!
Hart runs, but Aminata ROCKS her! Hart sits back, Aminata says “OFF WITH HER HEAD!” Aminata runs, but Hart avoids the boot! Aminata falls back, Hart hurries to high stack, HART WINS!!
Winner: Julia Hart, by pinfall
The tiebreaker goes to Julia, and Aminata is stunned! If the Hart Always Wins, will she make her way back to a championship? Will Aminata decide to take Deeb up on her teachings now?
Backstage interview with Harley Cameron.
Lexy is with the wild Aussie and brings up that tomorrow night, Slam Dunk Sunday, we see Harley get back in action! Plus, Komander & Hologram will take on Dralistico & Beast Mortos. Mortos has had some rather intriguing interactions with “Harley-gram.” Harley says, “Oh, Lexy, Lexy, Lexy. Lucha Libre is a fascinating and amazing world. And I’m sure tomorrow’s match will be fantastic. And y’know what? Tomorrow night, yes, I do have a match, but! I will also stick around and be on commentary for that match. So I don’t really see the point of us discussing the romantic capabilities of a beast, y’know?”
Lexy says yeah, but uh, isn’t “Harley-gram” just Harley? NO, FEEL THE WRATH! Harley runs off, but will Harley be able to focus on her match with Mortos around? Will Mortos be able to focus on his match with Harley around?
Six Man Tag: “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs, Mark Briscoe & Rocky Romero VS The Don Callis Family!
While the Book of Hobbs is stuck on a chapter involving the Don Callis Family, he has decided to conglomerate with the Sussex County Chicken & Azucar! Will Briscoe & Rocky help Hobbs get through the “writer’s block?” Or will Konosuke Takeshita, Brian Cage & Lance Archer make sure #EverybodyDies?
The trios sort out and Briscoe starts against Konosuke. Don Callis is on commentary and Schiavone is sure he is not in a good mood over his guy, Mark Davis, missing out on the International Championship. Callis focuses instead on the Six Man Tag, and his “three physical freaks” of the Callis Family. Briscoe and Konosuke tie up, Briscoe headlocks, and Omaha rallies for #DemBoys. Konosuke powers up and out, Briscoe RAMS him, but Konosuke comes back to run Briscoe over! Things keep moving, Konosuke bypasses Briscoe but Briscoe slides under. Briscoe springs up to hit the crane stance! Callis says that is disrespectful!
Konosuke blocks the crane kick, spins Briscoe around, and back suplexes, only for Briscoe to land out. Konosuke kicks low, whips Briscoe to a corner, but Briscoe goes up and out. Briscoe eggs Konosuke on, then counters the punch with a REDNECK KUNG-FU UPPERCUT! Briscoe climbs, aims, and leaps, but Konosuke BODY BLOWS the ax handle down! The fans boo but Konosuke stands Briscoe up. Konosuke whips Briscoe to the Callis corner, but Briscoe BOOTS Archer down! The fans fire up but Cage grabs Briscoe. Konosuke runs up, but Briscoe slips free, so Konosuke DECKS Cage! The fans fire up and Briscoe kicks low.
Briscoe whips, Konosuke reverses, Hobbs sneaks the tag. Briscoe DIVES onto Cage! Archer BOOTS Briscoe, but Rocky FLYING KNEES Archer! Hobbs runs in to CLOBBER Konosuke! And CLOBBERS him again! The fans fire up and Hobbs smirks. Hobbs stands Konosuke up to scoop him, and then he tags in Rocky. Rocky climbs, Hobbs POWERSLAMS Konosuke down for Rocky to DIVING DOUBLE STOMP! Konosuke sputters while Rocky gives some Azucar Heat. Rocky runs to DIVE, but Cage catches him! And hands him off to Konosuke! APRON POWERBOMB! Cage CLOBBERS Briscoe, Archer whips Hobbs into railing!
The fans boo, the Callis Family soaks up that heat, and Collision goes picture in picture.
The ring count starts, Archer talks smack tot he camera that we can’t hear, but Konosuke puts Rocky in the ring. Cover, TWO! Rocky survives but Konosuke drags him up. Konosuke bumps Rocky off buckles, tags Cage, and they stomp away. The ref counts, Konosuke stops but Cage digs his boots in. The ref counts more, Cage stops at 4, then Cage stands Rocky up. Cage CHOPS Rocky, tags Archer, and Archer drags Rocky up. Archer bumps Rocky off buckles, then fires forearm after forearm! Archer runs corner to corner and back again to ELBOW Rocky! Archer takes a page out of Rocky’s book, TWO-EVER ELBOW!
Archer keeps it going, THREE-EVER! Archer lets Rocky flop down, nothing lasts forever. Tag to Konosuke, and he stands between Rocky and his corner. Konosuke DECKS Rocky, then stalks him to ropes. Konosuke CHOKES Rocky, the ref counts, and Konosuke lets go of the ropes. The ref says that’s not the problem, he has to step off of Rocky! Konosuke does step off, then he brings Rocky up to whip to ropes. Konosuke ELBOWS Rocky down, covers, TWO! Rocky stays in this but Konosuke tags Cage. They mug Rocky, then Cage brings Rocky around to scoop and SLAM! Cage runs to drop a leg, brother! Cover, TWO!
Cage hauls Rocky up to TOSS him out! Cage taunts Briscoe, but this lets Archer and Callis to get their shots in! Callis grins, Briscoe & Hobbs protest, but nothing can be done now. Callis high-fives Archer and Cage puts Rocky back in. Cage tags Archer, Archer storms up on Rocky, and Archer puts him in a corner. Archer runs corner to corner, but Rocky dodges! Archer hits buckles, staggers around, and he tags to Konosuke. Konosuke drops an ELBOW on Rocky! Konosuke looms over Rocky, CLUBS him, and then brings him around. Konosuke whips Rocky hard into buckles and Rocky falls to the mat. Konosuke looms as Slam Dunk Saturday returns to single picture.
Konosuke taunts Rocky, the fans rally up, and Konosuke slaps Rocky around. Rocky rises to fire a forearm! Konosuke just shakes his head. Rocky fires another forearm, and another, but Konosuke SMACKS Rocky! Rocky roars and fires a flurry! The fans fire up but Konosuke fires boxing elbows! Then a ROLLING- UPPERCUT from Rocky! The fans fire up as both men wobble! Rocky dodges a lariat, goes up the ropes, FLYING TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up again! Rocky and Konosuke crawl as Callis admits, that was a great sequence. Hot tag to Briscoe! The fans fire up as Briscoe rallies with forearms and CHOPS!
Cage ducks a shot to waistlock, but Briscoe BOOTS Konosuke down! Briscoe then breaks free to PELE Cage! The fans fire up with Briscoe, but Konosuke kicks low. Konosuke whips, Briscoe flips through the backdrop! The fans fire up again, and Briscoe wrenches to kick and FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, Cage breaks it! Archer BLASTS Hobbs & Rocky! The fans boo but Cage ripcords and ROCKS Briscoe! Archer ROCKS Briscoe, Cage JUMP KNEES, and Archer HEADBUTTS! Konosuke ALPHA ELBOWS and down goes Briscoe! Cover, TWO! Briscoe survives but Konosuke tags Archer. Archer & Cage storm in, they get Briscoe up.
Archer BLASTS Hobbs off the apron again while Cage lifts Briscoe. Briscoe fights free and UPPERCUTS! CHOP for Archer! Cage runs up, Briscoe ducks, the LARIAT hits Archer! Hot tag to Hobbs! The fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” as Cage dodges, but runs into a POWERSLAM! Archer runs up to RAM Hobbs! Hobbs rebounds to LARIAT Archer! The fans fire up and Hobbs LARIATS in a corner! Then LARIAT for Cage! Then back for Archer! Back to Cage! The straps come down and Omaha is really hot! But Konosuke winds up! Hobbs dodges the elbow to SPINEBUSTER! But Cage runs up, DOUBLE LARIATS hit!
The DOUBLE LARIATS continue to collide but neither man falls! “MEAT!” echoes out with every shot! Cage BOOTS the lariat away, mule kicks then KICKS! But Hobbs swings! Cage gest around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Rocky tags in and goes up, CROSSBODY, but Cage catches him! Cage pops Rocky up, Rocky slips free and ENZIGIRIS! Cage staggers, into a SPINEBUSTER! Konosuke DECKS Rocky! And he KICKS Hobbs to then ROCK Hobbs! And then BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Briscoe and Konosuke fire forearms back and forth, then Briscoe fires a flurry! Briscoe runs, into a BOOT! Konosuke runs, into an EXPLODER!
Archer runs in, Briscoe dodges the boot, but Archer breaks the clothesline to CLOBBER Briscoe! Rocky runs in, tilt-o-whirls, but into the BLACK- NO!! Rocky slips free to have the SLEEPER! Archer THROWS Rocky down! And then runs in, only for Rocky to dodge! Rocky dropkicks the legs out, then kicks. Archer blocks, ducks the enzigiri, but not the REWIND HEEL! Roll up, TWO! Archer is up, Rocky dodges to springboard, but into a HAYMAKER! Archer hauls Rocky up, Cage is there, MURDER BOMB!! DISCUS LARIAT for Briscoe! Tag to Konosuke, he hauls Rocky up, RAGING FIRE!! Cover, Don Callis Family wins!
Winners: The Don Callis family, by pinfall
Omaha was served up some meat and chicken with sugar on top, but the Don Callis Family ate it all! Will this win help Konosuke head back for a title opportunity in time for Dynasty? Will Hobbs at least be allowed to move on from the Don Callis Family?
My Thoughts:
A great Collision here for just the first half of the Slam Dunk Weekend, as recorded Wednesday night after Dynamite. I kinda like Collision being just one hour, but obviously they’ll go back to two hours on one night next week. Opening with the TNT Championship was quite the surprise, but that did help it go the full 20 minutes, which was a particularly clever move here. Garcia keeps the title but Cole was very close, so maybe we get a third match where they extend or completely do away with the time limit to get a definitive winner. And at that point, I would think Adam Cole wins to finally have a singles title in AEW.
Good stuff in Caster again losing his own Open Challenge. Good win for Hook as it’s been a minute since he’s had a singles match. With Caster harping on Bowens being absent, this really needs to culminate with Bowens answering the challenge, winning that first time, but then Caster wanting a rematch. Then that match will be awesome stuff, but still ultimately won by Bowens to get it in Caster’s head that he can’t just say he’s the Best Wrestler Alive and put it on a piece of paper. Then we can see Caster take his character in another direction, maybe do some soul searching. Or more likely, just double down and be even more insufferable.
Very good match for Hart VS Aminata 3, hard to say if it was that much better than the previous, but Hart winning makes sense with Aminata VS Deeb still needing to happen. A shame the Aminata-Deeb feud had to build in the background of the Aminata-Hart feud, but it’s not like they could do more on a week to week basis. Unless… Well, snark aside, Aminata will surely take Deeb up on at least that Pure Rules match for a first-time-ever in the Women’s Division, and I would love for a Women’s Pure Championship to be created in time for Supercard of Honor. It actually works out that Supercard had to be pushed back to avoid clashing with WrestleMania, because the pacing of the Women’s Division definitely can/will go all the way to May.
Very good promo from Harley to not just hype up Slam Dunk Sunday, but to also poke fun at how she is so obviously Harley-gram, and that there is some, uh, animal magnetism between her and Mortos. And Schiavone said that Komander & Hologram VS Mortos & Dralistico will be the main event, so you can bet there will be shenanigans involving Mortos and Harley/Harley-gram.
My Score: 8.8/10
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)
TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)
SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5
Classic POD is WAR
Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!
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